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Αθήνα / Athens

Lot. 8276 Starting Price: 280 € STUART J., REVETT N., “Les Antiquites D Athenes”, Paris, Firmin didot, Volume II: 1812. Folio, complete with 49 plates, presenting magni cent views of Athenian antiquities. Stuart and Revett’s visit to Athens was made in 1751 at the instigation of the Society of Dilettanti. Stuart was responsible for the measured drawings, Revett for the topographical views. eir work is considered as the rst accurate survey of the classical buildings of Athens, through the in uence of which the Greek style was established in English architecture. e current volume presentσ accurately the Athenian architecture and the monuments of Acropolis (Parthenon, Erechtheion, Odeon of Herodes Atticus, Propylaea & Monument of rasyllus / Ακρόπολη, Παρθενώνας, Οδείο Ηρώδου του Αττικού, Ερέχθειο, Προπύλαια, Χορηγικό Μνημείο Θρασύλλου”. Contemporary binding: leather spine and marbled thick boards. External rubbing, internal occasional spotting. Blackmer 1617.
Lot. 8277 Starting Price: 65 € WORDSWORTH Christopher. “Athens and Attica: Notes of a Tour. ird edition, revised”, London: John Murray, 1855. 8vo, pp. xviii, [1], 251, [2]. ird edition, thoroughly revised by Christopher Wordsworth, who rst published it in 1836. e engravings of this edition are the work of George Scharf and not the same as those of the previous editions, which were done by Cockerell. With a wood-engraved frontispiece and two plates, a folding map, two folding plans and a folding inscription and 7 wood engravings in the text. Original brown blind-stamped cloth. External rubbing, folding map & plans teared along joints.

Lot. 8278 Starting Price: 100 € WORDSWORTH Christopher, “Athens and Attica: Notes of a Tour”, ird edition, revised. London, John Murray, 1855. 8vo, pp. xviii [i] 1-251 [1]. Wood-engraved frontispiece & two plates, a folding map, two folding plans and a folding inscription. Numerous wood engravings in the text. ird edition, thoroughly revised by Christopher Wordsworth, who rst published it in 1836. e engravings of this edition are the work of George Scharf and not the same as those of the previous editions, which were done by Cockerell. e engravings list includes the woodcuts set inside the text. Contemporary full leather, title on red morocco on spine, spine with decorations in gilt. On front cover in gilt “King Edward’s Free Grammar School Birmingham 1861”. Ex libris label on front end-paper. Restoration of inner joints, short tear covered with tape on folding map, tear covered with tape also on the other folding plate. Clean and spotless inside.
Lot. 8279 Starting Price: 70 € DE MOUY Charles, “Lettres Athéniennes / Dessins de Hubert Clerget et Greavures sur Bois de Farlet”, Librairie Plon, Paris, 1887. In 12mo, p. [iv]+iii+[i]+326p.+[1]; 8 wood engraved plates; An early Athenian travelogue from the French Ambassador to Greece (1880-1886). Half leather bound (spine and corners), carton marbled boards, title & decorations in gilt on spine. Marbled endpapers. Spotting on title page & throughout.