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Αιγαίο - Ιόνιο / Aegean - Ionian islands
Lot. 8496 Starting Price: 220 € THEVET Andre, [Κολοσσός της Ρόδου / Colossus of Rhodes], 1575. A rare bird’s eye view of Rhodes city and Colossus, woodcut dim. 16X13,5cm, with descriptive text in French. Few brown spots and short marginal tears, otherwise very ne. André evet was a Franciscan monk who traveled extensively in Europe. While in Italy, he became acquainted with the cardinal of Lorraine, who nanced his journey to the East in 1549, visiting Greece and the Aegean islands. A er traveling to South America, evet was named Cosmographer to the King and Chaplain to Catherine de Medici and started to work on a universal multi-volume geographical encyclopedia, “Cosmographie universelle”, which was nally published in 1575. Zacharakis Annex 3517a Lot. 8497 Starting Price: 120 € DAPPER Olfert, “Nisari / Le Simie / Carchi e Limonia / Piscopia”, 1703. Quadruplicate copper plate map of Nisyros (Νίσυρος), Symi (Σύμη), Halki & Alimia (Χάλκη & Αλιμιά) and Tilos (Τήλος - Επισκοπή). Four engraved maps on a single plate (34 x 26,5 cm) printed on a double-page sheet with full margins (45 x 37.5 cm), from Dapper’s “Description exacte des Isles de l’Archipel...”, French edition of 1703. Two marginal tears repaired, otherwise Very ne condition. Zacharakis 1299.


Lot. 8498 Starting Price: 300 € ORTELIUS Abraham, “Archipelagi Insula Rum Aliquot Descrip. / Candia Insula / Metelino / Cerigo / Scarpanto / Niscia / Santorini / Milo / Stalimene / Negroponte / Rodus / Scio”, 1592-1595. is is THE 2nd VERY RARE STATE of the map printed between 1592 and 1595, characterized by the enrichment of contemporary place-names and the addition of small islands near the Cretan coasts. e more common rst state was issued in 1584 and re-published therea er until 1612. Stunning copper plate map of presenting Crete along with 10 islands of the Grecian Archipelago: Lesvos, Kithira, Karpathos, Naxos, Santorini, Milos, Lemnos, Euboea, Rhodes & Chios (Κρήτη, Λέσβος, Κύθηρα, Κάρπαθος, Νάξος, Σαντορίνη, Μήλος, Λήμνος, Εύβοια, Ρόδος και Χίος). Crete is depicted more accurately, comparing to the Ptolemaic model followed until then, updated and based on the work map of Calapodas. e relief of the mainland is presented pictorially, while it is enriched with 16th century place-names. Uncoloured (as issued), ne dark impression. One marginal tear covered with self-adhesive tape otherwise very ne. Zacharakis 2497, Zacharakis “One Hundred Landmarks…”, No.26. Rare.
Lot. 8499 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Stalimine”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the island of east of Lemnos (ΛΗΜΝΟΣ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2674. Lot. 8500 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “S. Strati”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the island of east of Agios Efstratios (Άγιος Ευστράτιος). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2678. Lot. 8501 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Maure, Oviaro, Forino, Martese”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the small Turkish islands North of Tenedos island. Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2671.

Lot. 8503 Starting Price: 55 € [ΧΙΟΣ] DAPPER Olfert, ”EYLANT SCIO uyt Peccatio”, 1688. Χάρτης της Χίου από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Χαλκογραφία 16,5 x 13,5 εκ, σε φύλλο με κείμενο στα Ολλανδικά. Zacharakis 1320. Lot. 8504 Starting Price: 55 € [ΛΕΣΒΟΣ] DAPPER Olfert, ”METELIN”, 1688. Χάρτης της Λέσβου από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Χαλκογραφία 16,5 x 13,5 εκ, σε φύλλο με κείμενο στα Ολλανδικά. Zacharakis 1305. Lot. 8505 Starting Price: 55 € DAPPER Olfert, ”De klip van KALOIERO”, 1688. Άποψη της βραχονησίδας Καλόγερος, με το μοναστήρι στην κορυφή, στο κεντρικό Αιγαίο, από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Χαλκογραφία 16 x 13 εκ σε φύλλο με κείμενο στα ολλανδικά.

Lot. 8506 Starting Price: 400 € Hogenberg F., “Chios Maris Aegaei eiusdem nominis Insulae Civitas”, 1588. Dim. 46x34cm. Probably the rst realistic depiction of Chios town from the “Civitates Orbis Terrarum…”. Engraving depicting in a birds-eye view the town, port and surrounding landscape. e town is represented as divided into the strongly forti ed Byzantine castle and the town itself. Decorative title cartouche. Handcoloured. Strong impression in extremely ne condition. Zacharakis 1638a.

Lot. 8507 Starting Price: 55 € [ΣΑΜΟΣ - ΧΙΟΣ] DAPPER Olfert, ”SAMOS / SIO”, 1688. Χάρτης της Σάμου και της Χίου από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Χαλκογραφία 26,5 x 17,5 εκ, σε φύλλο χωρίς κείμενο. Zacharakis 1304. Lot. 8508 Starting Price: 55 € [ΑΣΤΥΠΑΛΑΙΑ - ΙΚΑΡΙΑ] DAPPER Olfert, ”STAMPALIA / NICARIA”, 1688. Χάρτης της Αστυπάλαιας και της Ικαρίας από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Χαλκογραφία 26,5 x 17,5 εκ, σε φύλλο χωρίς κείμενο. Zacharakis 1303. Lot. 8509 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Isole Gildrome”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the islands east of Skopelos and Alonessos. Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2682.

Lot. 8510 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Isole Sphegie”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Jura, Kyra Panagia and surrounding small islands (Γιούρα, Κυρά Παναγιά). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso, very light spotting. Zacharakis 2679.

Lot. 8512 Starting Price: 150 € [ΙΟΣ, ΑΜΟΡΓΟΣ, ΠΑΡΟΣ - ΑΝΤΙΠΑΡΟΣ] BORDONE B. “Nio - Cardiaci”, “Amurgo” & “Pario - Antipario” 1528-1560, three woodcut maps of Ios, Amorgos, Paros & Antiparos on one sheet from “Libro de tutte lIsole del Mundo”. Maps dim. 14x8.5cm. Excellent condition. Zacharakis 501,502,503
Lot. 8514 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “SERPHINO”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting the island of east of Serifos (ΣΕΡΙΦΟΣ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2659. Lot. 8511 Starting Price: 55 € DAPPER Olfert, ”SCHIROS”, 1688. Χάρτης του νησιού Σκύρου. Χαλκογραφία 17,5 x 13 εκ σε φύλλο με κείμενο στα ολλανδικά. Zacharakis 1310.

Lot. 8513 Starting Price: 160 € [ΑΜΟΡΓΟΣ / AMORGOS] ROSACCIO Giuseppe, “MURGO”, from the rst edition of “Viaggio da Venetia, a Costantinopoli…”, 1598. Rare map of Amorgos. Topography and settlements depicted pictorially. e plate was later used with minor modi cations by Lasor A. Varea in 1713. Rosaccio (1530-1620), a skilled 16th century Venetian physician and geographer prepared several geographical works during his lifetime. One of his famous works is “Viaggio di Venetia a Constantinopoli”, where he combined the tradition of printed isolaria with that of pilgrims’ chronicles. Zacharakis 2959
Lot. 8515 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Isole Cidalie”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Donousa and the islands east of Naxos (Δονούσα ). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2666.

Lot. 8516 Starting Price: 120 € PIACENZA F., “Isole Leleadi”, 1688. Rare map from Piacenzas isolario “L’Egeo rediviso...”, 1688 (one and only edition), presenting Keros and the islands of Koufonisia (Κέρος και Κουφονήσια). Map dim. 18.5x14cm on sheet with full margins. Show through of text from verso. Zacharakis 2650. Lot. 8517 Starting Price: 55 € [ΤΗΝΟΣ] DAPPER Olfert, ”TINO”, 1688. Χάρτης της Τήνου και άποψη του Ξώμπουργκου νησιών Άνδρος και Ψαρά από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Δύο (2) χαλκογραφίες 17,5 x 13,5 εκ έκαστη, σε φύλλο χωρίς κείμενο. Zacharakis 1312. Lot. 8518 Starting Price: 80 € [ΑΜΟΡΓΟΣ / AMORGOS] Lasor, A. Varea (or R. Savonarola) “MURGO” from “Universis terrarium orbis...”, 1713. Copper engraved map of Amorgos (17.5x10cm), on sheet dim.35x23cm. e plate is taken from Rosaccio’s” Viaggi a Costantinopoli” [1598], with modi cation of the plate number on the upper le corner. Topography and settlements depicted pictorially. Paper sunning. Zacharakis 1872.

Lot. 8519 Starting Price: 100 € [ΜΗΛΟΣ – ΑΝΤΙΜΗΛΟΣ - ΚΙΜΩΛΟΣ] BRITISH ADMIRALTY, “ e Islands of MILO ANTI-MILO, KIMOLO and POLINO surveyed by the right Hon/ble Lord John Browne under the direction of Captain omas Graves H.M.S. Volage 1849 / J & C Walker sculp.”. First printed in 1851, the current with corrections up to June 1878. Map of Milos, Antimilos and Kimolos islands of Cyclades / Aegean based on the scienti c hydrographic survey carried out by Captain omas Graves & Lord John Browne for the British Admiralty in 1849. Dimensions 67 x 51 cm. Printed in four thick linen backed paper sheets, folded in thick percaline boards with title in gilt “MILO”. Lot. 8520 Starting Price: 45 € [ΠΑΡΟΣ] British Admiralty, “Archipelago Paros I. Port Trio by commander Graves H.M.S. Bacon”, 1847. First edition of the early British sea chart a er the survey conducted in 1835 by Commander omas Graves in H.M.S. Beacon. Λιμενοδείκτηςτου ΝΑ τμήματος της Πάρου, με το Δρυονήσι, Μακρονήσι και πόρτο Τρίο. Πρώτη έκδοση του Βρετανικού Ναυαρχείου, βασισμένες στις έρευνες του omas Graves το 1835. Διαστ. 29 x 23 εκ. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση.

Lot. 8521 Starting Price: 55 € [Άνδρος - Ψαρά] DAPPER Olfert, ”ANDRO / SARA”, 1688. Χάρτης των νησιών Άνδρος και Ψαρά από το έργο του Ο. Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee”, 1688. Χαλκογραφίες 17,5 x 13,5 εκ έκαστη, σε φύλλο χωρίς κείμενο. Zacharakis 1313. Lot. 8522 Starting Price: 180 € [Κέρκυρα / Corfu] THEVET Andre, [Isle & forteresses de Corphou], 1575. A rare early birds eye view of Corfu from the sea, woodcut dim. 16,5X13,5cm on sheet dim. 35,5 x 24 cm, with descriptive text in French. Few brown spots and short marginal tears, otherwise very ne. André evet was a Franciscan monk who traveled extensively in Europe. While in Italy, he became acquainted with the cardinal of Lorraine, who nanced his journey to the East in 1549, visiting Greece and the Aegean islands. A er traveling to South America, evet was named Cosmographer to the King and Chaplain to Catherine de Medici and started to work on a universal multivolume geographical encyclopedia, “Cosmographie universelle”, which was nally published in 1575.

Lot. 8523 Starting Price: 40 € LOSCHGE Leonhard, “Fortezza di S. Maura”, 1687. Rare plan of the forti cations of Le ada (Λευκάδα), issued is Loschge’s “Neue vermehrte Beschreibung…”, Nurnberg, 1687. Dim. 12 x 7 cm. Zacharakis Annex 2101b. Lot. 8524 Starting Price: 35 € BOUTTATS G., “Forteresse de S. Maura”, c.1690. Small map depicting the forti cations of Le ada island (Λευκάδα), dim. 15.5 x 10 cm. Zacharakis 668. Lot. 8525 Starting Price: 55 € [ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ] DAPPER Olfert, “Het Eylant SANTE”, 1688. Χάρτης της Ζακύνθου από το έργο του Dapper, “Naukeurige Beschryving Van Morea, Eertijts Peloponnesus…”, Amsterdam, 1688. Χαλκογραφία 16,5x13εκ σε φύλλο με κείμενο στα ολλανδικά. Zacharakis 1289

Lot. 8526 Starting Price: 70 € [ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ] Carte Geographique de l’ile de Corfou, e Greek Graphic Arts Cy LTD “G. ASPIOTIS Brothers”, Κέρκυρα, π.1920. Χρωμολιθόγραφος χάρτης της Κέκυρας, διαστ. 65x53cm., σε κλίμακα 1:1.000.000. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση.