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Θρησκευτικοί - Ιστορικοί / Sacred Geography
Lot. 8527 Starting Price: 500 € ORTELIUS A., “ARGONAUTICA / Illustrissimo Principi Carolo Comiti Arenbergio, Baroni Septimontii, Domino Miravartii, Equiti Aurei Velleris, etc.”, 1601-1624. A stunning Ortelius’ map of the journeys of Jason and the Argonauts, tracing the path of the Argo, based on the geography of Apollonius of Rhodes’ Argonautica. Various tribes & nations as well as mythical elements such as the Symplegades, the mosters Scylla and Charybdis or the islands of Circe & Calypso are noted within the map. ree inset maps of Europe with reference to the Argonauts journey to the land of the Hyperboreans, of Iolcos in essaly, and the Propontis. Decorative strapwork cartouches with the design in title cartouche depicting the Golden Fleece hung on a tree. Full handcolouring. One brown spot on right, light foxing & tape along the edges of the margins on verso. Zacharakis 2509.

Lot. 8528 Starting Price: 180 € JANSSONIUS J., “Geographia Sacra”, c.1610. Double-page engraved map of the Biblical world, depicting in details the Holy Land, with inset map of the world in the lower centre and a strapwork cartouche to the le and right. Partly handcoloured. Dim. 48x36cm, on sheet with full hand-colouring. No text on verso. Lot. 8530 Starting Price: 180 € Pierre Du Val, “Pyrrhi Regis Epirotarum Expeditiones, Per Macedoniam Italium Sciliam, et Peloponesum ex Plutarcho... Amstelodami apud P. Mortier. Cum Privilegio.”, 1705. is du Val’s variant map of the expeditions of Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, was printed only once in “Atlas Antiquus, sacer, ecclesiasticus et profanus” by Le Clerc, pub. By P. Mortier, 1705. Map dim.43 x 30cm, outline hand-colouring. Active volcanoes in Sicily presented pictorially. Framed. Zacharakis 3572.

Lot. 8531 Starting Price: 30 € BROWNE Christopher, “ e Expedition of Agesilaus King of Sparta according to Xenophon”, 1712. Οι στρατιωτικές επιχειρήσεις του βασιλιά της Σπάρτης Αγησίλαου. Copper plate map dim. 23.5 x 13.5 cm, full hand-colouring. Zacharakis 733.

Lot. 8532 Starting Price: 1200 € DELISLE Guillaume, “Carte des Pays du Levant parcourus par Mr. Paul Lucas dressee sur ses memoires et sur quelques autres, par G. De l’Isle…”, from “Voyage du Sieur Paul Lucas… dans la Grece, l’ Asie Mineure, la Macedoine…”, Paris, 1712. is map comes from the rarest of Paul Lucas’s travels, the second voyage to the East (1705-1708), made at the request of Louis XIV, and it was during this voyage that he travelled through the Archipelago. e map was prepared by Delisle from Lucas’s notes, and his route is indicated by double dotted lines on the map. Map dim. 34.5 x 26.5 cm. Reference Navari L., “ e Cartography of the Medeterranean...”, 1999; Zacharakis 2113. Extremely Rare.

Lot. 8533 Starting Price: 45 € BOURNE E., “PATRIARCHATI ORIENTALES”, 1800. Copper engraved map from “Atlas Classica…”, rst printed in London in 1796, with full original hand colouring (dated 1800). Fine condition. Map dim. 29 x 24 cm. Zacharakis 659.