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Αρχαίος Κόσμος / Ancient World
Εικονογραφημένες εκδόσεις / Illustrated editions
Lot. 8838 Starting Price: 50 € ΑΡΙΣΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ ΛΥΣΙΣΤΡΑΤΗ. «ARISTOPHANE. Lysistrata traduction nouvelle, avec une introduction et des notes de Ch. Zevort ornée de plus de 100 gravures par Notor» Paris, Charpentier et Fasquelle, 1898. 8vo, 179 pp. Nice half morocco binding with corners and guilt back. Original illustrated so covers present but creased. Ex-libris of the French author “J.P.A Morange”. Lot. 8839 Starting Price: 150 € ΑΙΣΩΠΟΣ, “ESOPE en belle humeurs ou fables d’ Esope mise en Vaudevilles”, Paris, Batilliot ls, s.d. (1801?). 32mo, pp. 60, [1]. Double page coloured frontispiece and 62 full page engravings each for every fable. Contemporary red cover. Rare not found in NUC, Gumuchian, Osborn cat. Cohen-DeRicci attributes this to Pierre Blanchard (1727-1836), but Quèrard and RLIN records attribute the “Constitution en Vaudevilles” to François Marchant (1761-1799). Engraving on wood by Jean Baptiste Hüet the elder (1745-1811) or Jean Baptiste Hüet the younger (b. 1772).

Lot. 8840 Starting Price: 600 €

[ΑΙΣΩΠΟΣ] HERNANDEZ Mateo (ill.), “ESOPE Fables choisies”, Paris, Philippe Gonin, 1934. Folio, 91 loose leaves in cream wrappers, in slip cover. First edition. Rare edition of a total issue of only 89 copies and 15 copies for the collaborators printed on velin a la forme paper. is is ONE OF THE 15 copies numbered and signed by Gonin. Complete with 21 full-page lithographs by the Spanish sculptor, specialising in animals subjects Mateo Hernandez. Text in French by E. Chambry. External wear of the case, inside in Very Fine condition. Rare copy not in Monod, Carteret, Le Trésor du bibliophile, IV, p. 151.

Lot. 8841 Starting Price: 350 € Pierre de TARTAS, IMBLOT Abel (ill.), “ESOPE QUELQUES FABLES”, Pierre de Tartas 1957. 4to, pp. 87 with 20 fullpage lithographs, some in double page. Limited edition in a total of 257 pieces. e current numbered “XIV”. Although this numbering refers to copies with two suites and printed in paper “A La Main”, the current copy is printed in BFK Rives paper and includes two extra full-page engravings printed in “Japon” paper. In original slipcase and paper case. Monod I, 4352. Lot. 8842 Starting Price: 200 € [ΠΙΝΔΑΡΟΣ] Hans ERNI “PINDARE Olympiques”, Lausanne, André Gonin 1944. In-4°, 165 pp. Fine edition printed in 250 numbered copies, current “No. 48”, on verge de Marin paper with 10 full-page copper engravings by the Swiss graphic designer, painter, illustrator, engraver and sculptor Hans ERNI (1909-2015), printed by Reynold Disteli in Geneva. Texts in French by Aimé Puech (1860-1940). In a folding printed jacquete, velum back and cloth slipcase. Giroud no 6, 1966, not in Monod.

Lot. 8843 Starting Price: 400 € [ΔΑΦΝΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΧΛΟΗ], TOUCHAGUES Louis (ill.), «Daphnis Et Chloé. Illustrations de Louis Touchagues», Paris, Éditions du Bélier, 1945. COMPLETE in two (2) Volumes. 4to, pp. 116 + 109. Original drawing on the rst blank page with manuscript dedication of Louis Touchargues. With 85 colour illustrations of which 18 full-page and 2 frontispieces by Louis Touchagues. Original slipcovers and slipcase. Uncut, wear only along the edges of the slipcase and the slipcovers. Monod 7255, Carteret IV, p. 244.

Lot. 8844 Starting Price: 200 € BALLIVET Suzanne (ill.), “Daphnis et Chloé. Compositions lithographiques originales de Suzanne Ballivet”, Monte Carlo, Editions du Livre, 1946. 4to, pp. 198. One of the copies printed in Grand Velin Renage paper, numbered “491”. Richly illustrated with a frontispiece, 16 full-page and 31 in text lithographs by Ballivet, printed by Mourlot Freres. Translated into French by Paul-Louis Courier. in original chemise & slipcase. Light external wear, inside in Very Fine condition. Monod I, 7256.

Lot. 8845 Starting Price: 100 € “THEOCRITE. Les Idylles. Mises en français par André Berry et Edgar Vales”, Paris, Union Bibliophile de France, 1946. Limited edition, numbered copy “886”. Large 4to, 163 pp. illustrated with 47 drawings of Paul Belmondo. In original slip case decorated with a relief pattern. Light external wear, inside in Very Fine condition.

Lot. 8846 Starting Price: 350 € ΑΝΑΚΡΕΟΝΤΑ Ωδές, Belleau Remy (trnsl.), DECARIS Albert (ill.), “ANACREON ODES, traduites en Francais par Remy Belleau & Illustres par Albert Decaris / ΑΝΑΚΡΕΟΝΤΟΣ ΤΗΙΟΥ ΤΑ ΜΕΛΗ”, Paris, Henri Javal, 1950. Limited edition, one of the 120 copies numbered “118”. Folio, 212, [10]. untrimmed pages, with text in French (pp.1-136) and then in Greek (pp.139-212). With engraved cover, vignette on title page, frontispiece, 20 full-page plates, ornaments and engraved initials by Albert Decaris. Printed on BFK Rives paper and with Garamond typefaces. In original slipcase and paper case. Πaper case and slip case worn along edges, inside in Very Fine condition. Monod 238.

Lot. 8847 Starting Price: 120 € [ΓΑΛΗΝΟΣ] CHIEZE Jean (ill.), «GALIEN. Epitome en quatre parties», Union Latine d’Editions, Paris, 1962. Complete in four (4) Volumes in-4to, printed on paper “Arches”. Illustrated by Jean Chieze with 31 wood full-page engravings. Original blind stamped and gilt leather binding in slip-cases. Light wear on the backs. MONOD I, 5079.

Lot. 8848 Starting Price: 250 € PTOLEMAEUS / ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΣ, PICART LE DOUX Jean (ill.), «TETRABIBLOS», Paris, Club du Livre, Philippe Lebaud, 1972. Folio, pp.206 with 20 full-page colour lithographs by Jean PICART LE DOUX. Limited edition, numbered copy “98”, one of the 225 printed on “Rives” paper and signed by the artist. Editor’s full leather binding with copper medallion on the cover, cloth and leather jacket, in a case. Untrimmed edges, light wear on spine.
Lot. 8849 Starting Price: 160 €

FENELON François de Salignac de La Mothe, “Les aventures de Télémaque, Fils d’Ulysse”. Collection of 6 editions, 7 Volumes in total, exceptionally illustrated with numerous full-page engravings. Analytically included the editions: Leyde, chez Wetstein, 1783. 12mo, pp. xl, 448. 10 of 11 full-page engravings, including a frontispiece. Contemporary full leather with external wear. Leyde, chez Wetstein, 1787. 12mo, pp. xxxii, 448. Complete: Folding map and 10 full-page engravings, including a frontispiece. Contemporary full leather with light edge-wear. Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1807. 12mo, pp. xxiv, 402. 10 of 12 full-page engravings, including a frontispiece. Contemporary full leather with heavy external wear, inside in ne condition. Book-label Prize book of the College Royal de Henri IV, dated in 1830. Paris, Noyers, 1813. Complete: In two (2) volumes including 25 full-page plates. 12mo, pp.310 + 358. Contemporary leather binding. Restorated, external wear internal spotting. Buxelles, Froment et Cie, 1834. Complete: 6 full-page plates, including a frontispiece. 12mo, pp.372. Contemporary binding, external edge-wear, light spotting inside. Unknown edition, missing the title page, c.1820. 12mo, pp. xxx, 468. Text in French, including 13 full-page engravings, of which one frontispiece. Contemporary full leather with external wear.
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