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Lot. 9010 Starting Price: 60 € ΣΜΥΡΝΗ / SMYRNA. Αλμπουμίνα - Πανοραμική άποψη της παραλίας Σμύρνης στα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα. Διαστ. 28x22,5cm, επικολλημένη σε χαρτόνι. Διακρίνεται το ξενοδοχείο Grand Hotel d’Egypte, τα γραφεία της εφημερίδας ”Ανατολικός Αστήρ” και το καφενείο “Έφεσσος”. Καλή κατάσταση. Lot. 9011 Starting Price: 60 € [Αγιά-Σοφιά Κωνσταντινούπολη] GULMEZ Freres, Scarce albumen photograph of Hagia Sophia temple, Constantinople, with title and number in negative “272. Ste Sophie. Galerie situee au-dessus de l’Autel. Gulmez freres”. Dim. 26.5 x 21cm.


Lot. 9012 Starting Price: 60 € IRANIAN Mihran, Scarce albumen photograph from Scutari cemetery Constantinople, by the famous Armenian photographer Mihran Iranian, with title and number in negative “Grande cimetiere turc a Scutari 62. M. Iranian”. Dim. 24.5 x 18cm.

Lot. 9014 Starting Price: 80 € [CORDOBA] Two (2) early photographs c.1880: LINARES Abelardo García, albumen photo (22.8 x 16cm) with title in negative “No.326 Cordoba. Interior de la Mesquita. Linares F. Granada” LAURENT Jean, albumen photo (23.5 x 30.5cm) with title in negative “CORDOBA – 2157 bis – Puerta del Mihrab e Santuario de la Mezquita. J. Laurent y Cia Madrid” with blind-stamped photographer’s cachet on lower right corner. Strong crease and short tear on lower part including the title. Lot. 9015 Starting Price: 100 € [GRANADA] LINARES Abelardo García, GRANADA. Two (2) early c.1880 albumen photographs 22.5 x 28.5cm each bearing the following titles and numbering in negative: “Num.209 Granada, Alhambra – Babuchero de Salon de Embajadores. Linares fotografo, Granada” & “Num.217 Granada, Alhambra – Azulejos de la Sala de las dos Hermanas. Linares fotografo, Granada”. One with creased corner and the other with small part of lower right corner missing.