The Mortar & Pestle Summer 2021

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ASSISTANT DEAN, PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS & ASSOCIATE CLINICAL PROFESSOR Reflecting on my professional journey to date, I have been influenced,

pharmacy team week after week. The questions were tough but clearly

mentored and coached by so many inspiring women. When I think

delivered with the aim of developing us into exceptional members of

about how I want to give back, in who I am and how I lead, and as

their pharmacy team. It was like a parent’s ‘tough love.’ It not only

advice for those searching for their ‘how’ or ‘what’s next,’ a few key

helped me grow but laid the foundation for how I teach, in the classroom

things come to mind.

and in practice, and with whom I continue to surround myself. This

First, keep your eyes open for unexpected opportunities and embrace

ensures that I keep learning and growing in all aspects of my work,

the possibilities that they may bring. I didn’t know that as a first year

taking the opportunities that both challenge and ultimately energize me

pharmacy student looking to complete some internship hours that

as I fulfil my professional purpose in life.

walking into a tiny independent pharmacy in my community would

Third, be true to who you are—being able to name my purpose and

have such an impact on my career. Behind the counter was a formidable

the values that support that purpose is what enables me to find joy in

mother-daughter duo who were pushing the boundaries of practice

even the most difficult work and to search for that next opportunity.

before it was trendy to do so. They kept people at the centre of their

John Izzo and Jeff Vanderwielen’s work, The Purpose Revolution, says,

practice and did whatever it took to serve them, regularly completing

“When you come to the end of a day and really feel it mattered that you

home visits—wicker basket of prescriptions in hand—with the intention

got up in the morning and that you contributed, what is it that gives you

of not just delivery or assessment of effectiveness and safety, but to

that feeling? If you were missing from your team or organization, what

connect with isolated patients. The first ever pharmacist-conducted

would people really miss? What is the way you uniquely contribute?”

injection also happened in that little pharmacy—and look at us now!

For me, it is, and has long been, to help shape pharmacists better

Second, surround yourself with people who both support you

prepared to deliver exceptional care and to do so with people at the

and challenge you. I had the privilege of completing my residency

centre of that purpose. In overseeing the professional programs, I lead

in a hospital setting that felt like family and pushed me beyond what

from the heart. I truly care about the work we are doing and about the

I thought was possible. Expectations were high—patient loads,

people I am doing it with and for.

therapeutic discussions, and resident-led continuing education for the



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