Andrea Quartara architectural portfolio | 2016

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undergraduate projects

research [in]forming form _genoa | ITA fusta robòtica _barcelona | SPA aquaponic pavilion _barcelona | SPA

design workshop Home*for a while _genoa | ITA GOA public library _genoa | ITA San Bernardo Chapel _capenardo (ge) | ITA riciclab _vesima | ITA

brief CV andreaquartara

20,000 blocks _ gĂśteborg | SVE formafterform symposium _genoa | ITA emergentaGE workshops _genoa | ITA urban data driven analysis _genoa | ITA


the chrysalis gaud:i EuropeanStudentCompetition t o k i o replayc e n t e r _akihabara tokyo | JPN archmedium


Personal detail Male | 26.05.1989 | Italian 46, Via Armando Diaz, 17021 Alassio (SV) Italy 44, Via Giovanni Torti, 16153 Genova (GE) Italy


Language Italian mother tongue English fluent in both written and spoken certificate Trinity College London, Graded Examinations in Spoken English, Grade 10, C1.1 CEF Spanish basic language proficiency certificate SpeakEasy, Barcelona, B 1.2


Educational training Ph.D. in Architecture and Design January 2014 - March 2017 (expected) UNIGE University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, DSA Department of Science for Architecture, Stradone S. Agostino, 37 16123 Genoa GE (Italy) State certification exam, Licensed Architect sez.A January 2014 II session 2013 M.Arch degree, LM-4 class 110/110 with honors 25th July 2013 UNIGE University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, DSA Department of Science for Architecture, Stradone S. Agostino, 37 16123 Genoa GE (Italy) [In]forming form. Generation and mutations of an urban algorithm

Andrea Q UA RTA R A brief CV

High-school Socio-psycho-pedagogical 100 cum laude 2002/2007 Centro Scolastico Diocesano, Redemptoris Mater, Via Trieste, 35 17031 Albenga, SV (Italy)


Research smartgeometry 2016 4th - 9th April 2016 The Chalmers University of Technology, Sven Hultins Gata 8, 41258 Göteborg (Sweden) 20,000 Blocks Above the Ground cluster participants Open Thesis Fabrication 5.0 September 2015 - March 2016 Institute of advanced architecture of Catalonia (IaaC), Pujades 102 baixos, Poble Nou, 08005 Barcelona (Spain) Teamwork: design and robotically fabrication of Fusta Robòtica Pavilion and of the performative Aquaponic Pavilion (wooden strucutres)

FormafterForm On the relentless emergence of new (architectural) forms 22nd September 2014 ICAR 65, University of Genoa, Polytechnic School,

Personal skills and interest Good relational, comunicational and cooperational skills. My hobbies are rally, MTB, soccer, video making and editing, photography


3D printing days Think Design Make April 2015 - ongoing InfoLab, UNIGE, Polytechnic School, DSA Department of Science for Architecture, Stradone S. Agostino, 37 16123 Genova GE (Italy) Conference lecturer and co-tutor during the trainer session and the workshop days.

informed•objecthood, Grasshopper and Maya for [3D]printing, Genova Workshop Series 2014 May 2014 - October 2014 EmergentaGE, University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, DSA Department of Science for Architecture, Stradone S. Agostino, 37 16123 Genoa GE (Italy) Workshop organizing and co-tutoring


3rd ECAADE Regional International Workshop 14th-15th May 2015 POLIMI Polytechnic School, Department of Design, Bovisa, Via Durando, 10 20158 Milano MI (Italy) Poster speaker during the Simposium (Conference Session), speaker during the workshop session Complex shape, simple technologies. Algorithmic modeling and 3D printing (roundtable)

DSA Department of Science for Architecture, Stradone S. Agostino, 37 16123 Genoa GE (Italy) Conference organizing and scientific committee of FormafterForm: international symposium. Poster speaker with G. Dini of [in]forming form. Generation and mutations of an urban algorithm master thesis.

Software skills Good level Autodesk: AutoCAD David Rutten: Grasshopper&plug-ins Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere, Acrobat Office: Word, PowerPoint Medium level McNeel: Rhinoceros Luxion: KeyShot Sketchup + Vray Basic level Autodesk: Revit Adobe: Flash


[in]forming form Generation and mutations of an urban algorithm

project location year/semester project type professor team

genova | ITA summer 2013 urban / residence / public arch G. Galli / arch A. Giachetta G. Dini

The core of our Master Thesis is the relationship between information and the mutation of architectural form, in consequence of variation of data input. It is a research that aims to investigate changes in architectural design processes caused by the introduction of computers, mainly focusing on computer-based form generation, simulation and evaluation. We divide our code in five different and connected part. In our workflow, simulation strategy is before the fact: we design a path where simulation is integrated during the multiple generative process. This first phase of project deal with a programmed disposition on the Erzelli’s plot area of some macro-functional particles. Particles can change their reciprocal position according to attractors/repulsors spring forces. For each of the five fitted areas, we elaborate cluster of particles, interconnected each other by functional rules. Starting from these point’s clouds, we found multiple possible volume configuration for each programmatic area; this is obtained by implementing the 3D metaball algorithm. Applying evolutionary principles to parametric design and problem solving, we search for many goals at once, producing a range of optimized trade-off solutions. This genetic evolution produce 10 generation of 100 entity each one, so our stream of relation and rules produce 1000 different solutions. The genetic algorithm repeat in loop selection-variationtransition-evaluation.


118 440k 408k


average altitude mq

plot area

Erzelli hill lat 44.38 N long 8.85 E


residential zoning

University view

[in]forming form

Particles spread

Octopus diagram




Software 3D

Data input



Output data


Graphical algorithm editor

Design data


communicate and exchange information

Urban points

Local Optimizations Geometries


View points Climate



Kangaroo Simulations


Environmental plug-in



Weaverbird Topological mesh editor

Multi-goal GA


Functional auto-organization

Programmatic relations

Analysis and optimization


Functional clusters

Fitness 3 Analysis of points of view; to maximize

Mutation field

range of potential particles’s rotation or traslation

Fitness 2 Summer solar radiation to minimize 21st Jun - 20th Sept Fitness 1 Winter solar radiation to maximize 21st Dec - 20th Mar

[in]forming form

Companies - inner view

Companies - section

Companies view

[in]forming form


fusta robòtica pavilion

project location barcelona | SPA year October 2015 project type pavilion faculty A. Markopoulou, A. Dubor, S. Brandi, D. Stanojevic, M. Kuptsova team A. Figliola, M. Siripurapu, J. W. Jun, J. Alcover Llubia, Y. Haddad, M. M. Najafi, F. S. Shakir, N. Shalaby Fusta Robòtica is a research project realized as part of the Open Thesis Fabrication 2015. It is an experimental project that proposes to overcome the challenges of building with Catalan wood – structurally unsound and highly deformable – through the application of parametric design and robotic fabrication processes. For the first time in Spain, robotic technology is applied to the design and installation of a 1:1 scale prototype entirely made of timber, achieving a parametrically controlled structural system. Catalan wood has the virtue of being a low-impact, Zero Kilometre material, however due to its tendency to warp while drying, it is solely used for palettes. To overcome the limits of the material, green wood has been used to construct a redundant structure, capable of absorbing the deformations produced when drying. The design solution is based on incorporating thin pieces, as well as several diverse typologies of joints and triangulations, implemented through digital computation. The fabrication is done with a robotic arm, allowing to automate the assembly process.

Steps of the design evolution

Robotic fabrication loop sequence: pick, cut, place

Rough material

fusta robòtica


aquaponic pavilion

project location barcelona | SPA year March 2016 project type pavilion faculty A. Markopoulou, A. Dubor, S. Brandi, D. Stanojevic, M. Kuptsova team A. Figliola, M. Siripurapu, J. W. Jun, J. Alcover Llubia, Y. Haddad, M. M. Najafi, F. S. Shakir, N. Shalaby This Pavilion is the prototype of a new form of urban agriculture based on aquaponics: a symbiotic system where breeding fishes is combined with the soilless cultivation of plants. The design of the pavilion has been optimized in order to maximize the solar exposition of the plants, both on the surface and on the interior of the pavilion. The pavilion is divided into three major components: aquaponic system, silicon skin and the wooden structure. Each perform a primary function and form the frame work for the other component to function. The first phase of construction consisted in the robotic fabrication of the structure out of 1680 sticks of wood during 60 hours of robotic fabrication. The fabrication protocol of this pavilion is a developed on the previous OTF Pavilion Fusta Robotica. This cocoonshape hidden in between a misleading undifferentiated amount of wooden slats manifold structural purposes and functional ones. The sticks are distinguished in main trusses, structural stiffeners, plants supports, skin holders, furniture supports and platform beams.

Redwood of Flanders n° of sticks 377 n° linear meters 1583,4 size 45x45x4200 mm 1


Cut pattern A [m] 1



waste 2% 1


Cut pattern B 1

0,6 0,6

waste 0%

Self-responding skin Cut pattern C



0,6 0,6

waste 0%

Main trusses, structural stiffeners, plants supports, skin holders, furniture supports

52 hours | 7 days robotic production manual nailing


15 hours | 2 days manual assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6

Simmetry plane

Floor plywood 25 mm thickness; 40 m2

≈117000 code lines 3 sections typologies 12 sections 30 pieces ≈2.524 nails

Floor beams

aquaponic pavilion

3D cut rotation up to 90°

KR150 L130

FEEDER for sticks (45x45) n°558 600 mm (l1) n°863 1000 mm (l2) n°244 1500 mm (l3)

E01 - CIRCULAR SAW Ø blade 210÷260 mm E01 - DRILL holes up to 150 mm

interlocking placement

PLATFORM 4200x1900 mm area of work 3600x1900 mm

IaaC | Kuka Robot Room

aquaponic pavilion


Reach here

20,000 blocks

Start here Gameplay goal

project location year project type faculty team

barcelona | SPA April 2016 pavilion A. Savov, B. Buckton M. Emmanuelli, U. Montnemery

Can gameplay be used to guide nonexpert groups in creating architecture? This is the starting point for the sg16 exploration. Players build structures in a virtual world based on the rules of generation with the game Minecraft. These structures are exported and structurally analyzed using Rhino/Grasshopper and then fed to a UR 10 robot arm which constructs physical, scaleddown models. HOW HIGH turns the players of 20,000 Blocks Above the Ground into residential architects. To win the game build 5 houses. The trick is though, you need to build the needed infrastructure and public spaces to be able to create a house.

Gameplay possible outcome

Deformation analysis

Robotic setup at smartgeometry 2016


20,000 blocks


formafterform On the relentless emergence of new (architectural) forms

organization year type team

Fracshell Mario Sassone, Politecnico di Torino

ICAR 65 September 2014 symposium K. Perini, G. Porcile

Architectural design has always been connected to geometry; modern technologies, especially the tools of digital design, definitely modified how the form itself is conceived. Even though architecture is experiencing significant changes in design methods and approaches, the relationship between shape and material remains a key factor: computer aided design allows a new definition of this relationship. 3D digital models and parametric processes make possible to produce impressive virtual forms and showy renderings and, in some cases, to build them. To avoid the initial fascination, we need to consider the technological upheaval of digital tools as a starting point to upset architectural design method. We need to maintain a two-way relationship between material and form during all the phases of the design process to avoid disappointments coming from misleading expectations. For these reasons it seems interesting to investigate the relations between form, design and optimization.

Brickshell (double layer brick pattern) Mario Sassone, Politecnico di Torino

Concrete and topology optimization Nik Nikolov, Lehigh University The work here serves as an example of how topology optimization may lead to the development of new structural shapes for fiber-reinforced concrete. More importantly, topology optimization allows for direct correlation between structural performance and aesthetic/formal characteristics.

Form after Form - talk


emergentaGE adaptiveSkin

organization year project type teacher

EmergentaGE 2012 workshop A. Erioli, A. Graziano

The adaptiveSkin workshop aims to manage and develop the relationship between information and geometry working on envelope systems. The discretization of the surfaces (paneling), modeling the geometry through information (with data from environmental analysis or from any type of database), the extraction and the management of information requires understanding of data structures in order to construct a process, from design to construction. The three-day basic workshop has dealt with basic components of the plug-in. Attractors, deformed grids, repetitive three-dimensional structures, threedimensional components, tessellation, waffles and ribs structures.

Starting surface and ribs divisions.



emergentaGE informed•objecthood

organization year project type team

EmergentaGE 2014 - ongoing workshop T. Casucci, A. Aicardi, A. Anselmo, G. Glorialanza, G Pala

The informed•objechood workshops aim to experiment the possibilities improved by parametric software in architecture. Furthermore, during the software-based workshops the partecipants produce their design with a 3Drag printer so we prototype several models. The couple of workshops expand the abilities of attendees with Rhino+Grasshopper© and Maya. Main topics are: grid distortion, curled surfaces, fields of distortion; creation of polygonal and NURBS primitives, mesh editing, soft modification tool, lattice, wrap and wire. I co-tutored the Genoa Workshop Series 2014 of EmergentaGE.

GH - surface and 3D printing

Maya towers and 3D printing



GOA group colouree parametric urban network

office project location year project type project leader team

GOA genova | ITA 2014 - ongoing urban network arch N. Pisani A. Anselmo, M. Benatti, G. Dini

Colouree develops parametric integrated Urban Models for Smart Cities, to allow municipalities, urban designers, and architects to produce efficient and evidence-based policy scenarios and to increase social and urban performances. Colouree services are conceived to help public managers and private developers to achieve: efficient vision driving, impact forecasting, understand relationships in real time, Smart Cities performances, decision taking, financing backing. Parametric models that Colouree develops can then be used to experiment different access scenarios, loading conditions and sustainability criteria, ranging from traditional purely analytic to design-based generative procedures. In the end our models can be used in many different orders, with a variety of feedback loops, depending on the scenario task used, included citizens and stakeholders participative processes.

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undergraduate projects

Home*for a while V design workshop

laboratory V design lab project location genova | ITA year 2012 project type housing professor arch A. Magliocco team F. Antonucci, G. Dini, G. Glorialanza The proposal is located on the plot of an AMT garage (public transport of Genoa). It is a new little residential and it includes the design of all structures of urban amenities. It is a total-wood design (in particular the bearing structures are X-lam made). To support the project choices, structural and bioclimatic analysis were carefully designed.

Street vision

Home*for a while

Home*for a while

Plan type

Section type

Home*for a while

undergraduate projects

GOA public library IV design workshop

laboratory IV design lab project location genova | ITA year 2011 project type public professor arch M. Lecis team E. Balossino, G. Bresolin, G. Dini, A. Zampichelli The new library volumes are articulated starting from the remark of some meaningful elements in the surrounding tissue: alignments, heights and ancient city walls. Real purpose of the project is the “disegno dei luoghi” through the construction of an object which enhance the surrounding urban landscape. The “paths” leads the passer to discover the particularities of the Porto Antico. The library stands on the area of Mandraccio and constitutes a limen port. The total volume of the library shows three blocks of different heights. Each of the three volumes has a specific function. The entrance block is rotated and forms a “hinge” between the different orientations of the port and the medieval fabric of the city. The higher volume is the core of the library: it’s the reading space, lighted with natural light from above.

GOA public library

Functional exploded

GOA public library

undergraduate projects

SanBernardo Chapel Restoration workshop

laboratory Restoration workshop project location genova | ITA year 2012 project type restoration professor arch S. Musso team E. Balossino, G. Bresoilin, G. Dini, L. Falcitano, A. Zampichelli The restoration project foresees a change of use of the San Bernardo’s Chapel, in Capenardo. After a preliminary understanding, through inspections and surveys of historical records, we point out the areas of intervention. Outdoor: structural consolidation of walls and the apse, re-roofing, scaling rising damp and capillary rise, access point study. Interior: cleaning the painting on the ceiling, resurfacing, reconstruction of the electrical system and any air conditioning system. Study for new furniture.

Project vision

San Bernardo Chapel

Section after intervention

Structural hypothesis

Renovation sequence simulation

San Bernardo Chapel

undergraduate projects

RICICLAB Fabrication workshop

laboratory RICICLAB project location vesima | ITA year 2012 project type reuse / public / self construction professor R. Raiteri, F. Novi, A. Giachetta team A. Anselmo, C. Ardu, F. Avanzini, C. Carraro, D. Chiesa, A. Oddino, M. Pongiglione, F. Robbiano, J. Tedeschi, D. Traverso The project aimed to the requalification of Genova Vesima’s waterfront promenade. This zero budget intervention was realized in collaboration with the municipality. We designed a rest area on the waterfront of Vesima using mainly recycled wood. After the 1 to 1 mockup, we built on site a flooring system, seatings and shading elements. Web Video

On site construction


undergraduate projects

the chrysalis gaud:i EuropeanStudentCompetition

competition project location year project type team

gaud:i imperia | ITA 2012 public G. Dini

With the awareness of the need for an architecture that today can only be sustainable, born the chrysalis, a public market characterized by its modular configuration. As a butterfly born from the chrysalis, from the architecture born a structure that isn’t only a building, but also a network of experiences. In our market hall, all is market: the size of the economic exchanges gives way to the relational ones.

the crysalis

the crysalis

undergraduate projects

To ki o Re p l a y Center ARCHmedium

competition ARCHMedium project location tokyo | JPN year 2012 project type public team G. Dini, L. Falcitano, F. Garrone TRC

The TRC is a building located in Akihabara, the district headquarters of the Japanese otaku people. It provides an internal breakdown in public, semi-public and private: starting from the auditorium, through the various shops and multifunctional spaces you get to the floors where there are karaoke rooms and video games. They are cells, suggested by the voronoi division of the volume.


Contacts andreaquartara[at]

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