Alexis Salinas Mark

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alexis salinas mark 04 | 07 | 1991 lima . perĂş


00 51 1 981 142 258

av. pezet 981 . san isidro lima . perĂş

table of contents

urbanregen . plain of amancaes rímac . lima . perú p 01

expoLIMA . convention center

surquillo * miraflores . lima . perú p 03

FREE! huaycán . social housing on a slope huaycán . lima . perú p 05

venice arsenal restoration venice . italy p 07

vertical hood lima . perú p 11


exterior publicity and urban landscape . la marina avenue p 13

drawn shadow . workshop

chiclayo . perú p 15

others p 17

urbanregen . plain of amancaes rímac . lima . perú

In the district of Rímac lie the remains of what used to be the Plains of Amancaes, an open public space for cultural and traditional events. While the city continued to grow and engulf the remaining open public space, a plot that remains from the Plain of Amancaes refuses to disappear. Under these complex dynamics of an emerging city, cultural heritage and boiling urban environment is where a project that seeks to integrate contemporary and traditional dynamics emerges. In order to address the issue of satisfying unanswered necessities, the project becomes an urban condenser in which it adapts existing urban dynamics, potentiates them and supplies with missing ones; everything under the scope of an open public space that integrates the diverse manifestations of itself. In this boiling urban environment which is constantly changing and growing, the project becomes adaptive in time, it evolves with its surroundings as it proposes and not imposes.

a shopping mall... In Lima (Perú), the most used and active public spaces are the shopping malls along with large open parks. It is in these public-private spaces in which the essence of the plaza and market have found a new form of manifestation. Insecurity and mercantilist policies are a pair of reasons under which the public space has mutated into the mall. Without the virtues of a truly free and open public space, the shopping mall solves certain key issues like security in exchange of true freedom. These conditioning forces led to the question: Is it possible to reconfigure the typology of the shopping mall and morph it into a truly open public space which merges with the urban fabric?

... and a gas station On the other hand, the gas stations which belong to the world of cars, buses and trucks represents the other icon of contemporary public space in Lima. In a highly motorized city, the car finds its own ‘public space’. The project embraces this factor and integrates it with the pedestrian realm. It also proposes a gradual transformation into an ultimately sustainable use in a future in which new modes of transportation become available.

an ‘explosive’ combination This urban hybrid doesn’t end there. The evolving surroundings demand that the available constructed space is flexible. Yesterday it was a shop, today it’s a restaurant and tomorrow it’s a coworking office. In response to this demand, the shopping mall becomes a condensation of flexible and changing spaces. This state of constant fluctuation generates a variable and active urban node. All these served and serving spaces are integrated via an uninterrupted public space which becomes sunken plazas, elevated plazas, passages, parks, plains, nodes, stairs, slopes and diverse in-betweens.

left. urban analysis existing program and dynamics right. general plan flexible and adaptive modules 01


expoLIMA . convention center

right. park + building an urban promenade continues from street level onto the building

surquillo * miraflores . lima . perĂş

The city of Lima has the biggest demand for large international events in Latin America, nevertheless, it has a huge deficit of spaces for conventions. Most conventions and events are carried out in the same and few centers in which the demand is high enough to make them unavailable for rent.

access on each level of the promenade there is a public access. the circulation core is located towards the back, at the highest part of the building

program uses are placed in order from most public to most private

spatial the relations between spaces are given by the folding concrete slab that creates the great structural ceiling The touristic district of Miraflores present the largest concentration of hotels, hostels and airbnb locations in the city of Lima (PerĂş). It is also a central and wellconnected district at an urban scale, metropolitan buses and highways cross it all around. Miraflores also has the largest concentration of public space and positive urban policies regarding it. Nevertheless, past an expressway that marks the limit of the district, the neighboring district of Surquillo presents a different panorama. The amount of hotels and public spaces decreases to zero in exchange for a condensed commercial and residential fabric. The expressway creates a strong and deep rapture in the continuity of both districts and the city. Merging both constraining factors, the project seeks to suture both districts, positioning itself over the express road generating a continuity between a Miraflores park and the district of Surquillo. This gesture creates a flowing elevated plaza that develops the building and has its origin on a park, marking a new node of attraction. The building contains diverse rooms for conventions and multiple uses, a restaurant towards the elevated plazas and shops towards the street level.


structure the structure is made of a selfsupporting folding concrete slab that supports itself on the sides of the building


FREE! huaycán . social housing on a slope huaycán . lima . perú

Huaycán is a self-organized social housing scheme developed in the 80s. It focused on laying an urban grid that would permit people to self-develop in an organized manner, in response to extreme social housing needs of the time. The project had relative success but since then has become obsolete due to the continued urban growth unto the slopes surrounding the original plan.

It also contemplates the possibility of expansion within its own limits, generating terraces and extensions like dormitories and studios. These aspects makes the module independent and at the same time dependent. It is able to interlock with other modules according to the necessities and relationships between users.

On these unplanned and emergent areas is where new types of planning tools need to be introduced. Also, the development of social housing on slopes requires the introduction of new variables into the equation of common regarded ones. This project focuses on the freedom of choice in the constructive aspect and the implications this has over the decisions and possibilities of growth based on real necessities.

The shared structure of some columns and trusses allows to save money and benefits sharing neighbors in the mutual expansion using these common structures. The ground floors of different modules may be used as communal centers, offering diverse services on required immediate necessities, from kindergartens to productive workshops. These spaces are the sub-nucleus of a group of interlocked modules. When joining a bigger amount of interlocked modules a communal space of bigger scale appears that represents the heart of this ‘neighborhood’.

Free Huaycán proposes a general scheme under which the user may develop and evolve their own buildings based on a module of easy construction with possibilities of being assembled, dissembled, moved and recycled. The scheme contemplates the necessary aspects in which it may expand in harmony without affecting neighboring structures.

The diverse possibilities of assembly that these modules offer doesn’t fixate a grid on the slope, it creates a system of relationships that may adapt to changing context. The relationship between modules, interlock of modules and neighborhoods makes the urban fabric dynamically organized around the territory, based on organic growth and slope.



venice arsenal restoration

group project with Graziano Camelia, Jessica Ceccarelli & Camila Fagnani

venice . italy What used to be the Arsenal of the Republic of Venice, old economic and military power, is now a historic site in which abandoned spaces are reclaimed by nature and time. These abandoned areas of the arsenal become urban black holes, places with no access and no relation with the exterior. When the Republic of Venice was the naval and economic superpower of its time, the arsenal was a treasure which remained sealed of the exterior, a top secret facility which contained military knowledge and produced one ship per day at its peak. Today, just the history and the buildings remain, but the uses have long disappeared. With this in mind, the proposal for the Galeazze (hangars) area of the arsenal seeks to restore activity in these spaces, introducing new functions that synergize with the contemporary character of the city. The project recovers three abandoned hangars and introduces new functions while empowering existing ones. The existing rowing club and historic regatta museum are maintained and rearranged while new uses like a greenhouse, restaurant and multiple use spaces are implemented. The scope under which the restoration is taken place maintains a critical distance between the old and the new, differentiating clearly between them.

acces 3 types: pedestrian, boat and public transport (vaporetto)

distribution central corridor between 3 hangars and 2 volumes

program greenhouse, multiple use space, museum, rowing club and restaurant right. arsenal perimeter of the arsenal and location of project 07

top. right. new entry a punctual hole in the wall creates a simple and elegant entry in an otherwise disconnected wall low. right. restaurant under the dock restaurant in which the products arrive via boat and flow into the pier


right. under the dock pier, restaurant and lookout. the volume integrates earth and water 09


vertical hood lima . perĂş

The city of Lima continues with its vertical densification. Huge amounts of residential buildings get built every year, changing medium to low scale buildings into high density ones. Public space starts to disappear and is invaded by cars. Pedestrians are hold captive on the small sidewalks between the roads and huge buildings. The neighborhood life disappears alongside the use of the street. In this current and possible dystopian situation, Avenida Brasil becomes the frame for the project. Extreme and unplanned vertical growth starts to leave out public space in the urban fabric. Houses between tall buildings remain as the only survivors of medium to low scale neighborhood life. How can a vertical city reconcile with the basic human needs of public space and interactions?


right. the vertical hood vertical public spaces for the neighborhood

With this and more questions in mind, public space becomes the protagonist of a new type of building. A building that seeks to restore the urban ecosystem in which the street life was the main actor. This building articulates via streets and plazas diverse programs for the community, generating a continuity between the street level and the top floor. The interior creates an urban landscape where you discover diverse programs and relations between them. It evokes the act of walking through a neighborhood, activating the street and creating relationships.


exterior publicity and urban landscape . la marina avenue

Publicity has been a phenomenon directly intertwined with the city. In older times, posters and pamphlets on city walls used to cover the desired transmission of messages. Today, urban mobility and cities have evolved, requiring a different manifestation of publicity. Exterior publicity, as an urban phenomenon, has changed drastically over its life, adapting to the urban logics of its time. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been observed with the architect urbanistic eyes that it requires. We are constantly exposed to its effects without thinking beyond the message it transmits. The physical manifestation of exterior publicity generates direct relations with the urban landscape, it becomes a new element in the composition of these landscapes, having positive and negative effects. This new element that has found a new form of manifestation must become part of the urban planning and considerations. This element generates different relationships, potentialities or negative side-effects in the urban landscape that are studied in the investigation. Under this scope, La Marina Avenue, the avenue with the presence of the most publicity elements in the city of Lima becomes the case study. The length of the avenue presents diverse spotlights in which urban landscape and exterior publicity have relations. Thus, this investigation seeks to discover these hidden but obvious relations between both, how they mutually affect, what dictates the appearance and form, and discover positive or negative effects. It seeks to unveil the constant phenomenon which we are exposed in cities, looking it as an analyst and not as a consumer.

“The air we breathe is composed by oxygen, nitrogen… and publicity” R. Guerín


drawn shadow . workshop chiclayo

Under the Chiclayo sun, different groups of students were given the task to design and build in 3 days small 2.26 x 2.26 exterior lounge modules. Using local techniques and materials and whatever recycled materials to be found, the task was completed. Available materials were cane, wood and plaster. These were used to create the structure by constructing a typical frame of columns and beams. The walls were made using a framework of cane and plaster. The main focus of the design was to create a play of light and shadow while making a comfortable space to sit in. This was achieved by sewing dried plants to the roof that would cast its shadow on the white plaster hand put walls.



master plan . la punta . callao . lima . perĂş workshop limapolis 2015

right. park 12 . pachacamac integration of slides and climbing walls into sloped park 19


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