2020 2023 CHEN Y I X UA N
暒冔䜄 ҁ ս த
Alchemy is an ancient study that is regarded as the art of transmuting base metals into gold. When I begin to explore the d e p t h s o f m y i n n e r s e l f, I d i s c o v e r the potential and abilities that I possess, as well as the fears and inadequacies that often envelop me in negative emotions and even control me. H o w e v e r, t h e e s s e n c e o f a l c h e m y lies in transformation - transforming negative thinking, transforming dissatisfaction with the present, and transforming those shortcomings that lead us into the abyss. It becomes a space for progress and a learning opportunit y, t r a n s f o r m i n g i n t ro s p e c t i o n i n t o exploration and progress into overcoming, ultimately reaching t h e p i n n a c l e of s e l f- i m p ro v e m e n t .
ዳຏ ıīŖýīŖŐ
ᶰ ᘢ ᇏ ēýī ¡ĕ śÛī
ㅛ㳰屴 Professional certifications
Personal resume
Areas of Expertise
Curation & Prodution experience
Professional skills
࠷൪̻ qŌıĢýôŖ ʼnŌıùśôŖĕıī
ᢐघ⊇Аघ ᯝघ֎ᰅ љ ⡕Фա䯅࣒ڥ ㆎ㚙ӟ䛂їЉգٶ漞㇍ङ ыͫவㆎ惐ٶ㩌ङ䖚䀖澞 圧ंա䯅࣒ङл⥺ղ䛂ӟ ӀૠնۅՃһ沾ङ⡦ͫؠ Ӈڍѵਙյ愄䟗ս澞
Using the mascots of Tiger and R a b b i t a s i m a g e r y, p re s e n t d i f f e r ent scenarios that people of different age groups may face during t h e L u n a r N e w Ye a r . Through the interaction of the mascots, present interesting and relatable content, which can be extended to peripheral products.
K xYᯆ۾ښ᪱ K xY ųÛĥĥ ùýôÛĥŐ
ᢐघʷṼ⊏ᢐ᪺̿ḏḏ ¡ý Û Ō ı Ď Ŗ ē ý ~ ĕ ď ý Ō ~ ē ý Ī ý ≲ < ŝ ī Ę Ģ ĕ ã ó ì ó ì
嶿朼朼ͧ ю ٵ燦 燫 㻝 ͧ 惾 ⛻ ފள З ࣏ ͧ
ٴ㨺䐗㙁䐗㘭ࣩ࣏ࡕͧ惐ޫٵ族ࠠם ؞ъ椘ڰ棡棡ࣩͧ伐ԔЬܔ䔥䔥ͧஂٮ䇽ર澞 POϫ H¡ H¡ 狣狨 _KGXY URJ ZNOY _KGX OY YZORR G NOMN YINUUR YZ[JKTZ Usually carefree life, every day during the Chinese New Year is surrounded by The family is well fed, and the red envelopes are also very satisfying.
АघʷṼ⊏ᖆॽ҂А ¡ý Û Ō ı Ď Ŗ ē ý t Û ó ó ĕ Ŗ ~ ē ý Ī ý ≲ J Ę ī Ɓ ē î ī ď ù ì ı Ŗ ť
㐛 Ӱ ⠥ ͧюٵ燨燩㻝ͧ䲰ؓػ㳰З澞
惐ٵ㨺ㅞ㧎嫠㛑֙Ҷࣩݱ昘㚴澝宎⭆ ۀӰࢎڭ㘭澝俐㐛澞 `NÂTM J¡U Zº 狥狦 _KGXY URJ OY OT YZGHRK KSVRU_SKTZ
Caring and asking relatives in all directions during the Chinese New Year Feel anxious and tense.
ᦷᜧΉ৴Ӳ ē Û ŌÛ ô Ŗ ý Ō q ý ŌŐ ı ī Û ĥ ĕ Ɓ Û Ŗ ĕ ı ī
ㅚ৸֛㚇惐ࣩٵ՞䱷䖙 䀄ͧ佖՟㎈ூΆΐΎΊ㶗 寉ͧ孙嬴Ӟҿ⛻㓬У৸ ㅞࣧͧ▕јיҪࣩૼֹҪ ॹձ䛁৸Уט嫶孙ؓ澞
In response to the various situations of the Chinese New Year, combined with humorous KUSO slogans, the character dialogues are designed with personality, and the appearance settings of the characters are presented with multiple modeling elemets.
जᏅ≰≰ ´ÛʼnʼnĕīýŐŐ≰≰
≰≰ף xŖıʼn ÛŐģĕīď≰≰
ݛẫ≰≰ xı 7śĥĥ≰≰
qýŌʼnýŖśÛĥ ôÛĥýīùÛŌ ⊛ùýŐģ ôÛĥýīùÛŌ⊼
јࠠޤଜ溟䷠ݺ䎰ޤѠО桅ͧ ㅚ৸⛻㓬孙ؓ壝Ҵ䖙䀄㖊З澞 Ta k i n g t h e m o n t h l y k e y f e s t i v a l s a s t h e t h e m e of the month,the character personalitysetting is integrated intothe situation.
ʷṼघರ ~ēýĪý ÛĥýīùÛŌ
՛ႚҖӅ ~Û ĕ ų Û ī 8 ś Ī ó Û ĥ ĥ
ଜؓݰ兴㸭㴔ㅞ㧎Օ䍙ъࣩ㘍څ厠ॳणͧ јՕ寉Ռ垹ձ䛁嫠ӣ㎈ூࣩ慺ࠨݧԖڤઊ澞 R e d e f i n e b e t e l n u t ' s a t t i t u d e a n d s p i r i t t o w a r d s Ta i w a n e s e , P r e s e n t a f r i e n d l y a n d h u m o r o u s r u r a l c u l t u r a l i m a g e w i t h Ta i w a n e s e s l o g a n s .
ႚ ᩱՐ ՛ ҖỐ ӅᔏዤӪᥣ१ ~Û ē ÛĕīųďÛýī Ŗ 8 ēś ýĪ ʼnó ÛÛ ô ĥģĥ Û ď ĕ ī ď Ő Ŗ Ź ĥ ý ı Ď Ŗ ē ý ď ś Ī ó ı Ÿ
qŌıĢýôŖ ĥĕīģ≲
࠷൪ᯉᕑ≲ ē Ŗ Ŗ ʼn Ő ≲ ⊇⊇ ų ų ų ≰ ó ý ē Û ī ô ý ≰ ī ý Ŗ ⊇ ď Û ĥ ĥ ý ŌŹ⊇ ⇬⇱ ⇰ ⇬ ⇴⇲ ⇰ ⇫ ⇴⊇ ~Û ĕ ų Û ī ď ś Ī ó Û ĥ ĥ
Ꭳٵो YŌďÛīĕƁÛŖĕıī ʼnŌıĪıŖĕıī
آէ ʵ η ՠєड߈ۉ䤙㫣 < ś î J ė Ü ī ⌴ 8 ś ĕ Ŗ Û Ō ĥ ś ó ô ē ĕ ýŲý Ī ý ī Ŗ q Ō ý Ő ý ī Ŗ Û Ŗ ĕ ı ī
ᇉ ᖃ ᖃ η ՠєड߈ۉ䤙㫣 Jĕť ŋėī ĪĕÜī ĪĕÜī
֨悤✫⦥ڼङЍउ ы✰偃ީੴ՟䱷曪з۱ҍ㤿ͫ 㿥䂫֨ैڼङࣿࡴИͫޣؠڮଛעਘ۩澞 Ѹ䠞҂刴ӱ▲৯࠱澝▲㑋厣ࣁ࣌ ҂ީի߄䱷䐘ࡣઈ֖ङ;۟ە ީ昘㧠孄㚇ङͫ ▲䱷⚵ਘ⡦ࢋڶ垰ङ߰ ە
In this rush world People are always disturbed by various chores, Immersed in the busyness of life, it's easy to lose yourself. But when you hear an old song, an old photo Do you have emotions you can't describe? It's about memory, A tenderness that comes from deep within..
ᵮ੦׆է௧ 8þ ìĕ ĥğ Ģė óãĕ
ቈֹ̻ >ĥĥśŐŖŌÛŖĕıī ųıŌģŐ
⌴ౡߝ࠾⌴ݘ ¿ʼnŌĕīď ďĕŌĥ
⌴զ݂⌴ &īŐýĪóĥý
¹ ıŲ ĕ ý ⊽ ¹ Û ī Ŗ ŌÛ
燭燭燫 燮燧燥燫燭燦燪燦燥 G燥燮燧燥燫燭燦燪燦燥&MSOR IUS