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Health Insurance
Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program
Need help applying for Medicare? Have questions about existing coverage? Need help signing up for a MyMedicare account? Make an appointment by phone or website 1(800) 434-0222 or (707) 444-3000 www.a1aa.org
Medicare Pre-Enrollment Checklist
6 months before you turn 65
Start exploring Medicare coverage options
3 months before you turn 65
Enroll in Original Medicare Arrange for Medicare coverage to help ll the gaps in Original Medicare
Your 65th birthday month
Medicare starts on the rst day of your birth month unless you are still working
3 months after you turn 65
You should be enrolled in Original Medicare by now Be sure to have drug coverage in place
“The production of this document was supported, in part, by grant number CFDA 93.924 from the US Administration for Community Living (ACL), DHHS, Washington, DC. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their ndings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent o cial Administration of Community Living policy. ” Its contents are solely the responsibility of A1AA/HICAP and do not necessarily represent the o cial views of ACL.”
National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF)
251 18th St., Suite 630, Arlington, VA 22202
(800) 231-4222
nof.org Information and resources dedicated to preventing and treating osteoporosis and broken bones.
Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF)
200 SE 1st St., Suite 800, Miami, FL 33461
(800) 473-4636
parkinson.org Mission is to improve the quality of Parkinson’s care through research, education and outreach. Provides up-todate information about Parkinson’s disease, emotional support, and referrals to health professionals and community resources.
PrepareTM For Your Care
P.O. Box 276567, Sacramento, CA 95827
(877) 622-6298
prepareforyourcare.org/ PREPARE is a step-by-step program with video stories to help you have a voice in your medical care; talk with your doctors; give family and friends a peace of mind and fill out an advance directive form.
Western Neuropathy Association
P.O. Box 276567, Sacramento, CA 95827
(877) 622-6298
pnhelp.org Telephone support and resources.
HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program) Area 1 Agency on Aging (800) 434-0222 (707) 444-3000
(707) 442-3763
a1aa.org Help with questions or problems regarding Medicare, Medicare prescription drug plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) and long-term care insurance. Counseling sites include Arcata, Crescent City, Eureka, Fortuna, McKinleyville, Redway and Willow Creek. Call for an appointment.
Del Norte
1765 Northcrest Dr., Crescent City, CA 95531 dmhc.ca.gov Provides information about options for obtaining health care coverage. Help Center representatives provide assistance for resolving problems with health and dental plans.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
90 7th St., Suite 5-300, San Francisco, CA 94103
(800) 633-4227 TTY/TDD: (877) 486-2048
333 J St., Eureka, CA 95501
California Department of Managed Health Care
980 9th St., Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814 cms.gov Information on Medicare, Medicare claim information, Medicare Advantage, Medicare prescription drug plans and publications. Signing up for online “My Medicare” allows beneficiaries to manage and track personal health activities, coverage and claims.
CONFUSED BY MEDICARE? CONFUSED BY MEDICARE? (888) 466-2219 TTY/TDD: (877) 688-9891 We Can Help! We Can Help!
CONFUSED BY MEDICARE? We Can Help! Are you just becoming Medicare Are you just becoming Medicare
Are you just becoming eligible or currently on a Medicare plan but unsure if it’s right for you? eligible or currently on a Medicare plan but unsure if it’s right for you? eligible or currently on a Medicare plan but unsure if it’s right for you?
Call for a FREE consultation with Polly who knows the options specific to our area. Call for a FREE consultation with Polly who knows the options speci c to our area. Call for a FREE consultation with Polly who knows the options speci c to our area.
Lic. #OK30196Lic. #OK30196