A message from the fair president
WA message from the President We’re honored to have you as a guest of the greatest oldest Fair in the state, the Eastern NM State Fair. We are proud to now serve 24 counties in the great state of New Mexico. The exciting Fair week begins on Monday, October 5 with the largest parade in all of New Mexico. This year we will honor all First Responders as our Grand Marshall. Join us in showing them and thanking them for all they do. After the parade cruise on out to the fairgrounds and fill you day with wonderful food, an outstanding carnival with gyrating rides, free entertainment, both national and local in flavor. We have scheduled hourly events every night at our entertainment stage, Bob Crosby Arena and daily Junior Livestock Shows. There’s truly something for everyone – educational booths, a commercial building over flowing with wheeling and dealing businesses displaying their latest products and an arts and crafts build-
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
ing filled with outstanding talent. Of course, you won’t want to miss the culmination of the youth’s year long, hard work with the Junior Livestock Sale that begins at 9 a.m., Saturday October 10. The best-of-the-best will sell their animals to the highest bidder – it’s a rollin’, good time! A great big thank you the City of Roswell as they provide police and firefighters to make sure you are in completely safe environment as you enjoy your time with us. Safety is paramount to us and we suggest you follow some simple steps for everyone’s safety. First, take a picture on your cellphone of your child in case you get separated. Go over safety rules with them upon arriving at the fair. Show them safe places to go in case they get separated from you. The fair office, the police command post, the security office or one of the two locations the fire department has on grounds. Second, place a note with your cellphone number in the pocket of their clothing then we can make immediate contact with
you. More than likely you will never need these safety rules but it’s better to be safe. I would like to thank the many volunteers that help put on this event, without you it would not be possible. A big shout out goes to our board members, office personnel in the main office, the Junior Livestock office ladies, and our grounds manager and his staffgreat teamwork! Most of all the Eastern NM State Fair would like to say thank you for coming and being a part of this year’s Fair. Without your support we would not be able to continue this great tradition. Our theme this year is “93 years – Celebrate What’s Great!” Be sure to check out our website, enmsf.com, for further information and the schedule for the week long Fair. Come join us as we cherish our history and celebrate what’s great!
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Larry Hobson President
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This year’s grand marshals are indeed special Eastern New Mexico State Fair is celebrating its 93rd year with the parade as our first event. Our motto for the year is “Celebrate What’s Great.” So while selecting the grand marshal for the Parade, the decision was an easy one. We are pleased to announce that our community’s first responders will be honored as our grand marshals. As first responders, they put their lives on the line every time they come to the assistance of our citizens. Many times we take them for granted until there is a need and chances are every one of us, at some point in time, will have that need. Our Fair has grown to include 24 counties — just think how many first responders are needed to cover that many counties? We are very grateful for each and every first responder. A special thanks goes to the state and local police, sheriff’s office, fire department, mounted patrol, volunteer fire departments and our military. It takes special people to serve in these capacities. We know it isn’t a perfect world, but without these brave people, where would we be? We invite each and every one of them to join us at the fair this coming Monday and enjoy all the fair has to offer. Come to the Fair and “Celebrate What’s Great!” Larry Hobson President
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
93 Years: Down Home Country Fair
long and proud history. Although we count 93 years from the first Chaves County Cotton Carnival in 1932, the roots of the fair began many years before that with the Southeastern New Mexico and Pecos Valley Fair Association. The purpose of the fair was to exhibit agricultural and orchard products. The fairs of 1893 and 1893 were an opportunity for local residents to show how productive the Pecos Valley could be. Even local farmers were surprised at the array of crops represented at the fair. The highlight of the event however was the Alfalfa Palace. This architectural phenomenon was constructed of bales of sweet-smelling alfalfa and resembled a castle Welcome to an event 93 complete with battlements. The years in the making! The Eastern Alfalfa Palace was more than an New Mexico State Fair has a amazing structure as it also housed the local exhibits. Covered pens
Enjoy the Eastern New Mexico State Fair Please excuse our appearance while we’re remodeling.
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EastE astErn Ern nEw MExico Exico statE tat Fair
were adjacent to the palace and housed the livestock. It is noted that as the wind began to blow, the Palace had to be evacuated and one lady reluctant to leave was carried out by a concerned gentleman. It was later discovered that the “lady” was actually a dummy of Martha Washington from one of the displays. The gentleman in question was considered no less heroic upon this revelation. Those early days of communi-
ty gathering would slowly evolve into the Eastern New Mexico State Fair that we enjoy today. The first parade to open a fair was held in 1900. This first parade created a new name for the fair. There was such a wondrous display of floral decorations that the fair became known as the “Flower Fair”. Today’s parade boasts over a hundred floats and entries representing businesses, schools, teams, clubs, and more. In the
cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s grEat E ! Eat
93 Years: Down Home Country Fair
early fair days children from local schools were given three days off so that they and their families may enjoy the fair. Today, the opening day of the fair is knows as “Fair Day” and many children and their families attend to celebrate the commencement of fair week. The tradition of gathering every year to show off crops and wares has continued since the 1890’s with few exceptions. Although there was a lapse during World War I the fair continued in 1932 when the Cotton Carnival came into being. A noted addition to the fair began this year when a Cotton King was crowned in grand style on the Courthouse lawn. In 1933 a poll of fair visitors indicated that along with local residents, 25 states were represented amongst the fairgoers. Top on the entertainSome Fun Facts: ment roster was a community sing •There were once two parades held during fair: the opening day along in which 2,000 school chilparade and the “Old-Timers Parade” dren participated, the crowning of •In the 1890s children under 15 were invited to enter a burro race, Miss Alfalfa and Miss Apple, and of course the mock battle between the winner received $10.00 the New Mexico National Guard •The Chaves County Cotton Carnival is rumored to have acquired and cadets of NMMI. this name because fair officials ‘wanted each word of the title to begin By 1931 the Cotton Carnival with the letter C! was so successful that it became •At the time of the first “Alfalfa Fair” a business lot in town could known as the Eastern New Mexico be bought for between $100 and $500. State Fair and soon outgrew its facility in the National Guard •In 1933 one hundred Mescalero Apache Native Americans lived on Armory and surrounding tents the fairgrounds in teepees exhibiting baskets and beadwork. near North Main and 11th Street. •Fruit was the main crop in the Pecos Valley before cotton and To accommodate such a grand alfalfa took over. In 1937 a devastating frost ended most of the comevent the fair board purchased mercial fruit crops. land southeast of the city limits. •In 1939 the fair hosted Tidwell Shows. The truck hauling the perThe 27th annual fair became the forming elephant broke down in Lubbock. first fair to be held on the current fairgrounds in the year of 1949. County Cotton Carnival to the experiences of the midway, there Thus the current Eastern New largest event of its kind in the state. current day Eastern New Mexico Mexico State Fair was born. We have had the home economic State Fair, one thing has remained is something for everyone at the Over the years we have witskills of farmer’s wives grace the the same: the focus of the fair is Eastern New Mexico State Fair. nessed the evolution of local cowboys competing in calf-rop- displays and we have played host community. Whether gathering to Come be a part of history in ing events to a full Professional to entrepreneurs from all over the compare crop techniques, to supthe making as we look forward to Bullriding Tour. We have seen the globe. From the time of the Alfalfa port the youth of 4-H and FFA, or Junior Livestock sale become the Palace-style fairs to the Chaves to delight in the sights, tastes, and the next 87 years and beyond. Eastern New Mexico State Fair Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT! 7
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“Celebrate What’s Great!” 8
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
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Enjoy the 2015 Eastern New Mexico State Fair
“Celebrate What’s Great”
EastE astErn Ern nEw MExico Exico statE tat Fair
cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s grEat E ! Eat
Fair Queen Stephanie Miller, 23, is this year’s have been in the ranching communiEastern New Mexico State Fair ty in New Mexico as well as South Queen. Dakota where her family helped operate an Elk Ranch in Timberlake, Stephanie was born in Albuquerque South Dakota. Rodeo is a passion of and has lived all across New Mexico, Stephanie’s; she competes in barrel including Taos, Santa Fe, Dexter and racing and breakaway roping. Las Cruces. She is the only child of Stephanie says her year as the 2015 Fiona Jolly and Danny Miller. She is Eastern New Mexico State Fair an alumni member for both 4-H and Queen was an amazing experience FFA. Stephanie has both state and that gained life long friends in the American FFA degrees. She is currently majoring in Range Science at rodeo and fair community. “I traveled as far North to Taos all New Mexico State University. Having an internship with the the way down to Southern New MexNRCS in Hill City, Kansas, she ico in Las Cruces,” she said. “Far plans on graduating and joining the and wide in New Mexico was my NRCS (Natural Resource Conserva- playground this past year and I can’t tion Service) as a range management thank everyone enough to those who specialist. Stephanie and her family have helped me along the way!”
Public Service Announcement Child Safety at the fair – We are asking that all parents please help us keep your children safe during your family experience at the Eastern NM State Fair. Please before entering the fairgrounds take a current picture of your child on your phone. If for any reason you become separated from your child we will have a current picture that will make it easier for everyone to help locate them. Also tag them with something, write their name, parent’s name and phone number somewhere on the child, so when they are located the parents can be called ASAP.
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Hispanic heritage a fair highlight
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Hispanic Heritage is marking Ano Cinco this year as part of the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. While a Hispanic flavor will permeate throughout Oct. 5-10 fair, the central piece for the Hispanic Heritage aspect will occur Oct. 8 during Noche de Fiesta. Noche de Fiesta, loosely translated from night of the holiday, will feature local bands and the key draw of Los Consentidos. Los Consentidos is a five-man band out of Chihuahua, Mexico, that specializes in Norteno music from the early ‘90s with a heavy flavor of saxophone and accordion. There is no separate charge from the general fair admission for musical performances during Noche de Fiesta, and celebrants of Hispanic Heritage are encouraged to “dance under the stars,” said Sergio Jimenez. The Hispanic heritage theme and Noche de Fiesta are both intended to put Roswell’s large Hispanic population “in touch with their roots,” said Jimenez, who has coordinated the Lodgers-tax-funded event for five years. “It makes them feel a little bit more at home. People moved here reaching for that American dream and they’ve reached it, but many have never been back home so this helps them celebrate that culture and heritage,” Jimenez said. In addition to older Hispanics, the festival also over the years has reached out to the younger generation who have enthusiastically supported the events, Jimenez said. In years past, Hispanic Heritage Night was held on a Sunday, but the celebration slowly died about 10 years ago. Jimenez and others resumed it and focused on a Thursday night gala, even though it’s not on a weekend day. “We’ve seen a lot of support from the people and they’re grateful it’s back,” Jimenez said, “especially the younger generation.” Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
The bands and associated musical entertainment will run from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Oct. 8 at the concert venue, with Los Consentidos taking the stage at 7 p.m. Other entertainment groups listed to perform are Robot, Lady Houdini and Sukuma Avery Magician. Not only music and dance, but Noche de Fiesta also will include food vendors offering traditional Mexican-food favorite dishes, Jimenez said. “We celebrate the whole Hispanic heritage, not just the Mexican heritage. We try to have a taste of everything Hispanic,” Jimenez said. Reporter Jeff Jackson can be contacted at 575-622-7710, ext. 311, or reporter02@ rdrnews.com.
ROSWELL FINE ARTS LEAGUE & THE GALLERY The Roswell Fine Arts League meets the Second Monday of each month at the Roswell Adult Center 807 North Missouri at 7:00 PM
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EastE astErn Ern nEw MExico Exico statE tat Fair
Mama Tucker’s Donuts ~ Cookies Cakes ~ Sandwiches 3109 N. Main Roswell, NM 575-625-1475 Enjoy the Eastern New Mexico State Fair cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s grEat E ! Eat
Friday October 2, 2015 8:00-11:00 a.m. 4-H Inside Exhibits will be accepted NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED 12:00-8:00 p.m. Dairy Goats on grounds Preregistration for Flower Show Design Entries Due
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Monday September 7, 2015
4-H Inside Exhibit Computer Disk & Summary Sheets from all Counties Due at Chaves County Extension Office Friday September 15, 2015 Parade entries due September 21-25, 2015 Receive Mail-in Entries for Arts & Crafts Sunday September 27 Receive the following: Arts & Crafts, Preserved Food, Fine Arts & Photography. This does not include bakes goods which will be accepted Saturday October 3rd from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Monday September 28, 2015 All Junior Livestock Entries Due. This includes Swine, Sheep, Steers, Dairy Heifers, Rabbits, Poultry, Goats, & Breeding Heifers Natural Fibers and Wool Lead Entries Due Wednesday September 30, 2015 Queen Entries Due
Saturday October 3, 2015 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Baked Goods Accepted 10:00 a.m. DAIRY GOAT SHOW 2:00 p.m. All Dairy Goats Removed From Grounds 6:30 p.m. Fair Queen Orientation/Get Acquainted Party Sunday October 4, 2015 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ALL LIVESTOCK MUST BE BROUGHT TO FAIRGROUNDS This includes all animals – NO EXCEPTIONS 9:00 a.m. Queen Contest: Personal Interviews 12:00 p.m. Queen Contest: Luncheon, Speech, Modeling, Impromptu questions 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Flower Show Entries (Horticulture Only) Accepted 4:00 p.m. Queen Contest: Horsemanship, Queen Coronation will occur approximately one hour following horsemanship.
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EastE astErn Ern n
E Exico
statE tat Fair
Always FREE Delivery & Setup cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s
2:00-4:00 p.m. Accept Farm & Garden 5:00 p.m. Rabbit Meat Pens will be Judged 5:30 p.m. Measure and pregnancy test dairy heifers 7:00 p.m. Informal Livestock Meeting/ Show Ring 8:00 p.m. Weight declarations for meat goats due in Jr. Livestock office 9:00 p.m. All individual, educational, extension club, FFA, 4-H, FHA booths and FFA Ag mechanics must be in place
October 6, 2015 8:00 a.m. MARKET SWINE SHOW 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. SPECIAL NEEDS DAY ENMSF hosts organizations working with people with special needs. Groups should sign up with the fair office prior to September 24th. 12:00 p.m. Gates Open 12:00 p.m.-Close Flower Show 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 5:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Carnival Open
Monday October 5, 2015 9:00 a.m. Market Swine Weight Declarations DUE in Livestock Office, Market Lamb Weight Declarations DUE in Livestock Office, Steer Weight Declarations DUE in Livestock Office. 9:00 a.m. RABBIT SHOW 10:00 a.m. Parade begins 12:00 p.m. GATES OPEN 12:00p.m-10:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open Monday, October 5, 2015 12:00 p.m.-Close Flower Show 6:00 p.m. MEAT GOAT SHOW Carnival will open upon set-up and inspection.
Wednesday October 7, 2015 SENIORS DAY Admission and Parking free for our senior guests 55+ all day! 8:00 a.m. MARKET LAMB SHOW All 4-H & FFA Birds MUST be in place to be judged 9:00 a.m. 4-H & FFA BIRDS JUDGED 12:00 p.m. GATES OPEN 12:00 p.m.-Close Flower Show 4:00 p.m-10:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 5:00 p.m. DAIRY HEIFER SHOW 6:30 p.m. Parade Trophies Awarded 5:00-11:00 p.m. Carnival Open
Thursday October 8, 2015 8:00a.m.
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Breeding heifer show Steer show to immediately follow heifer show. All junior livestock pulls due in Jr. livestock office one hour after steer show 8:30-10:30 a.m. Flower Show (Horticulture Only, NOT Container Grown Plants) Entries Released 9:30-10:30 Flower Show Design Entries Accepted 12:00 p.m. GATES OPEN 4:00p.m-10:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 5:00-11:00 p.m. Carnival Open Friday October 9, 2015 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CHILDREN’S DAY ENMSF hosts schools, child cares, and other organizations working with young children. Groups should sign up with the fair office prior to September 24th. 1:00 p.m. Wool Lead animals due on grounds 2:00 p.m. Natural Fibers and Wool Lead Orientation *Bring Garment* 4:00 p.m. BARN YARD JUDGING 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 5:00 p.m. Natural Fibers & Wool Lead 5:00-11:00 p.m. Carnival Open 6:00 p.m. Chisum Challenge Ranch Rodeo
Saturday October 10, 2015 JR. LIVESTOCK RELEASE TIMES WILL BE POSTED FOR ALL ANIMALS AND FFA MECHANICS 8:00 a.m. Buyers Breakfast 9:00 a.m. JR. LIVESTOCK SALE BEGINS 12:00 p.m. GATES & CARNIVAL OPEN 12:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 6:00 p.m. Chisum Challenge Ranch Rodeo Sunday October 11, 2015 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Farm & Garden Entries Released Monday October 12, 2015 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. All inside exhibit booths must be emptied and cleaned out 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Flower Show Design and Container Grown entries released 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 4-H exhibits released 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Release Arts & Crafts
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
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EastE astErn Ern nEw MExico Exico statE tat Fair
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cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s grEat E ! Eat
ENM State Fair safety tips from RPD in finding lost children.
Officers of the Roswell Police Department and New Mexico State Po-
lice will be present at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair to help ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable experience.
All officers will be enforcing any violation of the law, but are also there
to help in case children are separated from their parents or guardians.
RPD suggests that parents and children stay in close contact with each
other. If a child does become separated from their parent or guardian, the
child should go to the Roswell Police Department’s Command Post or the Roswell Fire Department’s Command Post.
Parents can also report their child as missing at these locations.
The Roswell Police Department has some tips for parents to help make their visit to the fair a safe one for their children. One easy tip is to take a picture of your child, with your smart phone or digital camera, showing the Clothing that they are wearing to the event. This serves as a memory jogger for the parents and it can be shown to police officers if needed. Officers will be patrolling the fairgrounds and are always ready to help
Police officers will be spread throughout the fairgrounds and can also
be contacted by lost children or their parents.
Children should be reminded they should never go anywhere with a
Sometimes children take off on their own with an older sibling or friend
in charge. Setting a return time and a meeting place can also help in such cases.
Brents Eyewear
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Check out model trains at fair
Junior Livestock Show ends with live animal sale
This year’s 93rd annual Eastern New Mexico State Fair will host a Junior Livestock Show beginning Monday and wrapping up with a live animal sale on Saturday. The show will be held at the east side of the fairgrounds with events and competitions all through the week. Junior Livestock Sales Chairman Cherri Snyder would like everyone to know they are currently in the process of building a new office building and sales ring. “We would like to ask the public to Courtesy Photo have patience with us this year but Peter Kelly of the Pecos Valley Society of Model Trainmen checks out one of the models. next year we will have a new facility like an adventure. This year a ski reRecord Staff Reporter for everyone to enjoy,” Snyder statStop by the Easter New Mexico Fair sort and Christmas village has been ed. Grounds and see the model trains. added. For more information on the Included in the show are entries With Two layouts to view and sever- model trains call the president James from 24 of the 32 counties in the State of New Mexico. This year there al trains running down the tracks it’s Hetzler at 575-749-8620.
are approximately 1,500 entries from around 500 out-of-town families that will stay all week in Roswell for the festivities. “This is one of the biggest events in the City of Roswell,” according to Snyder. Age groups range from 8 years of age and in the third grade to a maximum of 19 years of age. Entrants must be either a 4-H or FFA member in good standing. During the shows the participants will be awarded various ribbons and trophies. “4-H and FFA is one of the greatest programs we have today. It teaches children responsibility, respect and leadership. It is a program that parents and children have to work together to reach a common goal,” Snyder related. “Our country needs
COMMUNITY CLEANUP...TOSS NO MAS! October 17th thru November 14th KEEP ROSWELL BEAUTIFUL Get your group together to help us clean up Roswell and put litter where it belongs!
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Registration and supply pickup will be at the Spring River Park and Zoo (Upper Parking Lot) Saturday, October 17th from 7am - 12pm. For supplies, please call Rita at 575-626-6563. Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
this now more than ever.” The different classes of animals are Market Steer Show, Breeding Heifer Show, Market Swine Show, Market Lamb Show, Dairy Heifer Show, Meat Goat Show, Rabbit Show and Chicken Show. “On Saturday morning, we will have a Premium Junior Livestock Sale consisting of 109 animals,” Snyder said. There will be 20 steers, 32 lambs, 30 swine, two Broiler Pen of Chickens, one Best Fancy Bird Chicken, four Rabbits, 14 Dairy Heifers and six Goats available for sale. Farmers Country Market will furnish a Buyers Breakfast starting at 8 a.m. with the sale starting at 9. “Please come out and support these kids that have worked on their projects all year for this reward on Saturday, Oct. 10,” Snyder added. Admission to the fair is free Tuesday through Friday until 4 p.m. After 4, tickets for adults are $7, children ages 6 through 12 is $3 and children 5 and under are free. Special discounts for seniors, military and veterans will be honored. More information can be found at the fair’s website, enmsf.com. “The show times will be listed in the paper and the public is invited to come watch,” Snyder said. Editorial assistant Misty Choy can be contact at 575622-7710, ext. 307, or obituaries@rdrnews.com.
Bronc riding promises wild rides
A fair just isn’t quite a fair without a rodeo, says Chisum Challenge organizer Kyle “Smiley” Wooton. The sixth annual Chisum Challenge Open Ranch Bronc Riding competition, showcasing the bronc riding skills of cowboys from several states, will take place at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair on Friday and Saturday. About 40 bronc riders from New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, Texas and Wyoming will compete in this year’s bronc riding competition, Wooton said. “That’s usually our best event, mainly because it’s during the fair,” Wooton said. “We kind of have a captured crowd a little bit. To me, it’s just not fair time unless you have something at the arena. You have to have some bucking horses to go along with cotton candy and the Ferris wheel. You’ve got to have pigs and chickens and steers also. You’ve got to have some bucking horses to
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
go along with all of that.” Zach Seymour, of McLean, Texas, was last year’s bronc riding winner. Devyn Sisneros, of Santa Rosa, won second place. Kyle Goss, of Weed, won third. Participants are real-life cowboys, not rodeo professionals, Wooton emphasized. The real-life skills of ranchers will also be on display Friday and Saturday during the wildcow milking, trailer loading and stray gathering competitions at the arena of the Eastern New Mexico State Fairgrounds in Roswell. Fifteen four-man teams will compete Friday in ranch chores during the Chisum Challenge Open Ranch Rodeo. The top five ranch rodeo teams from Friday will come back Saturday for the short round to compete for money and prizes. The ranch rodeo stock is provided by Speedy Hutchinson of Corona. Lewis Cattle Co. of Fort Sumner was the overall winner of stray gathering in 2014.
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Blackwater Ranch of Roswell and Duncan placed second. D&S Cattle Co. won the wild-cow milking competition in 2014. Blackwater Ranch won the trailer loading and calf tie-down competition in 2014. New events this year are the 4-H calf scramble for 4-H students 9 to 13 year old, and the children’s calf scramble. “These kids catch a calf and then put a halter on the calf and lead it to circle or a line, and then they’ll receive about like $500 to help them toward their 4-H project in the coming year,” Wooton said. “It’s a sponsorship, fundraiser type of deal to help them the next coming year with their 4-H projects.” The 4-H calf scramble will be Friday. The rodeo starts at 6 p.m. both Friday and Saturday. On Friday and Saturday, there will be a calf scramble for younger children. “Then we’ll half the calf scramble for the little kids where they get the ribbons off their tail for a $5 bill or whatever they do,” Wooton said. The Chisum Challenge is sponsored by the Chaves County Rodeo Association, in partnership with the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. All proceeds from the Chisum Challenge go to the Chaves County Rodeo Association program, whose motto is “Promoting the
Bill Moffitt Photo
Spectators watch the action at the 2014 Chisum Challenge Open Ranch Rodeo at the Eastern New Mexico State Fairgrounds. The crowd favorite bronc riding competition will take place Oct. 9 and 10 at the fairgrounds’ arena. The rodeo begins each day at 6 p.m. Western Way of Life.” The rodeo association’s scholarship program donates money to students across New Mexico, most of them local. “In 2015, we gave $26,000 in
scholarships,” Wooton said. “Come ers of where we live.” on out. We always to try to have a good event for them over in the arena for the fair. I just can’t stress enough where the proceeds go to educate this youth, the future lead-
Roswell Antiques Mall Elena Ornelas Roswell Antiques Owner
208 N. Main Roswell, NM 88201 575-622-4484 Monday-Saturday 10-5:30pm Sunday 1-4 EastE astErn Ern nEw MExico Exico statE tat Fair
cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s grEat E ! Eat
Amateur plant growers showcased at Flower Show Eastern New Mexico State Fair, Home Garden Club of Roswell, and Morning Garden Club of Roswell are co-sponsors of a Standard Flower Show to be held from Monday through Saturday at the Fair Arts and Crafts Building. There are four Divisions: Horticulture, Design, Youth and Educational. The Show is open to any amateur grower or arranger. No entry fees are charged. Ribbons will be awarded in each class and subdivision of each class. The complete schedule can be found at www.enmsf.com under Fair Book, Flower Show. Youth Division entries use the same schedule as adult entries, but will be judged separately: Junior (pre-school through sixth grade); Intermediate (seventh through ninth); High School (10th through 12th). The purpose of the show is to provide a venue for amateur growers to showcase and display the beautiful flowers, trees, shrubs they have grown in their yards and flower gardens. The Horticulture Show runs from Monday to Wednesday, and the Design Show from Thursday to Saturday.
received at the Fair Arts and Crafts Building from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. These entries (excepting Container-Grown Plants) will be released from 8:30 to 10:30 am. on Thursday. Design entries will be received Horticulture categories at the Fair Arts and Crafts include: Building from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. • Section 1: Bulbs, corms and on Thursday. Design entries and tubers container-grown plants will be • Section 2: Annuals released from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on • Section 3: Perennials Monday. • Section 4: Roses • Section 6: Vines, shrubs and trees Everyone is encouraged to come • Section 7: Container-grown and enter the show. Volunteers from both garden clubs will be on plants • Section 8: Seeds, pods, foliage hand to help fill out entry cards, etc. For more information, call and succulents Horticultural entries will be 625-9182 or 622-7709. 24 Eastern New Mexico State Fair Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
2015 fairboard Larry Hobson
Calder Ezzel
Curtis Allen
Scott Babek
Mark Steen
Phil Brewer
Cody Burson
James Duffey
Jay Eldridge
Travis Hicks
Cheri Snyder
Andy Vaz
Jerry Wagoner
Craig Walker
Mike Gonzales
Not pictured: Hugh Baker, Cari Crist, Alton Munson, Jared Hembree, Kevin Robinson & Chad Barbe
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
at S th ee e Ya Fa ir ! Official Sponsor of the NFL
EastE astErn Ern nEw MExico Exico statE tat Fair
cEl ElE lEbrating Ebrating 93 YEars Ears oF what’s grEat E ! Eat
Lovelace offers same-day and next-day appointments at two convenient locations. Call to schedule and appointment today. PROVIDERS: Linda Jones, CFNP Family Medicine
Marilyn Nishitani, NP Family Medicine
Lovelace Health Care Center 1113 N. Main St. Roswell, NM 88201 575.627.4200
Evan Nelson, M.D. Family Medicine
Cindy Sam, CFNP Family Medicine
Lovelace Specialty Clinic 311 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 1 Roswell, NM 88201 575.625.3400
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
Glenn Vogelsang, M.D. Family Medicine
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!
Children’s Day and Special Needs Day build memories The fair can be fun for families or work for those running it, but regardless of whether it’s a job to time to play, the fair offers the opportunity to educate children. Nearly 1200 school-aged children will arrive at the fair grounds and go on tours to see exhibits and the animals, and learn how FFA and 4H kids raise those animals, said tour coordinator Cheryl Butterfield. “I wanted kids to have more of an educational experience,” she said, explaining the reason she helped organize the concept. On Tuesday, the day will be specifically for special needs students. These children will have the chance to visit the fair in a way that allows them to really see everything instead of being stuck behind a mass of adults when an event happens.
Last year there were roughly 850 people on Special Needs Day, including parents, teacher and students, Butterfield said. She said the best part for the students is the aspect of a smaller crowd since the tour takes place during the school day. Following Special Needs Day will be Children’s Day on Friday. Having more than 1,000 people on Children’s Day last year, Butterfield expects another large crowd. The age of the students will depend on specifics of the schools, but most of the students are second through fourth-graders. They will, however, also often times have kindergartners, sixth-graders and even ninth-graders. For the last ten years Butterfield has been doing agricultural education at the fair, and she said the schools
in Roswell have been great to work with. They are helpful and easy to coordinate with, whereas with the State Fair she did everything on her own. Her favorite part however, besides having good teamwork within the schools, is seeing high school students educate the younger children. “It’s fun to show the education part itself, but seeing kids lead these large groups of people (is inspiring,)” Butterfield said. She trained the FFA and 4H teenagers, but they lead the groups on their own as they try to share information on the animals. Butterfield liked the education element so much she actually recently became a teacher, so now her educating leadership will spread to classrooms, but it all started and will continue at the fair.
Wednesday October 7th, all day Free admission and parking at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair will be available to Roswell senior citizens during Senior Day. Senior Day at the fair has been an Eastern New Mexico tradition for more than a decade, and Roswell Adult Center Supervisor Shelia McKnight says it has been a popular one. “Last year, we may have had as many as 200 seniors take advantage of this event,” she said. “It’s been well-attended event where the older population can enjoy themselves.” Anyone 50 years of age or older is eligible to take advantage of Senior Day benefits. In addition to the free admission and parking, seniors will have opportunity to browse the many booths and exhibits.
“The pace at the fair is a little slower in the afternoon,” said McKnight. “Seniors who attend during Senior Day don’t have to worry about large crowds or night traffic. For those on walkers, it’s a great option. It’s a very safe environment.” A wide variety of vendors will be displaying their services in booths in the commercial building, located on the south end of the fairgrounds. “Many of the booths will be health-related,” said McKnight. “Seniors will also be able to obtain blood pressure checks and sugar screenings, and they can find out more about health care services that are available to them in our community.” For seniors who have a Medicaid or a Medicare card, flu shots will be provided on-site. Coupons will be provided by a
number of Roswell restaurants, offering discounts on meals. “We are also going to have Bingo which will begin at 2 p.m. in the front part of the commercial building,” said McKnight, adding that prizes will be given away to Bingo winners. No cash will be awarded. Senior Olympics, an organization featuring sporting events ranging from track and field to archery, will have a booth promoting their events. The Roswell Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) will also be on hand to explain how seniors can assist others by volunteering at institutions such as hospitals, or any other organization in need of volunteers. The J.O.Y. Center will be on hand to distribute information beneficial to seniors including free services such as Meals on Wheels or free trans-
Fair takes an easier pace on Senior Day
Eastern New Mexico State Fair
portation to medical appointments. “The booths in the commercial building and the arts and crafts exhibits have always been popular with our senior adults,” McKnight said. “We will also have tours into the livestock area for those interested.” McKnight said that in the past seniors have been very appreciative of the day because so many of them are on a fixed income. “It also give them the opportunity to socialize with other seniors they meet on Senior Day,” she said. Jerry Holm is a media arts teacher at Goddard High School where he teaches classes on digital photography, digital manipulation, media production and video editing.
Celebrating 93 Years of What’s GREAT!