2016 fair tab 10 02

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Message from the state fair president W

Larry Hobson State Fair President


e’re honored to have you as a guest of the greatest, oldest fair in the state, the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. We are proud to now serve 33 counties in the great state of New Mexico. The exciting fair week begins on Monday, Oct. 3, with the largest parade in all of New Mexico. This year we will honor the late Phil Brewer as our grand marshal. Brewer served for many years on the fair board of directors. He was involved in the various agricultural activities associated with the fair. Brewer died last November at the age of 60. After the parade, cruise on out to the fairgrounds and fill your day with wonderful food, an outstanding carnival with gyrating rides, free entertainment, both national and local in flavor. We have scheduled hourly events every night at our entertainment stage, Bob Crosby Arena and daily Junior Livestock Shows. There’s truly something for everyone — educational booths, a com-

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

mercial building overflowing with wheeling and dealing businesses displaying their latest products, and an arts and crafts building filled with outstanding talent. Of course, you won’t want to miss the culmination of the youth’s year long, hard work with the Junior Livestock Sale that begins at 9 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 8. The best-of-the-best will sell their animals to the highest bidder – it’s a rollin’, good time! A great big thank you to the city of Roswell as they provide police and firefighters to make sure you are in a completely safe environment as you enjoy your time with us. Safety is paramount to us and we suggest you follow some simple steps for everyone’s safety. First, take a picture on your cellphone of your child in case you get separated. Go over safety rules with them upon arriving at the fair. Show them safe places to go in case they get separated from you: the fair office, the police command post, the security office

or one of the two locations the fire department has on grounds. Second, place a note with your cellphone number in the pocket of their clothing, then we can make immediate contact with you. More than likely, you will never need these safety rules, but it’s better to be safe. I would like to thank the many volunteers that help put on this event, without you it would not be possible. A big shout out goes to our board members, office personnel in the main office, the Junior Livestock office ladies, and our grounds manager and his staff — great teamwork! Most of all, the ENM State Fair would like to say thank you for coming and being a part of this year’s fair. Without your support, we would not be able to continue this great tradition. Our theme this year is “94 years — Not JESTERnother Fair!” Be sure to check out our website, enmsf.com, for further information and the schedule for the weeklong fair.

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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Enjoy the Eastern New Mexico State Fair

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”




Come check out the model trains

File Photo Peter Kelly of the Pecos Valley Society of Model Trainmen checks out one of the models.

Stop by the Eastern New Mexico Fair Grounds and see the model trains. With two layouts to view and several trains running down the tracks, it’s like an adventure.


This year, a ski resort and Christmas village has been added. For more information on the model trains, call President James Hetzler at 575-749-8620.

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair Queen

Jessica Leibold

Hi, my name is Jessica Leibold and I am your 2016 Eastern NM State Fair Queen. I am currently enrolled at NMSU, majoring in chemical engineering. I am from the small town of Corona, and lived on a ranch through my high school years. I compete nationally in reining and train with Patrick Flaherty from Scottsdale, Arizona. I hope to go further in my queening career and eventually start my new chapter in life as a Chemical Engineer. Hope to see everyone at the fair!

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


A down-home country fair 94 years in the making


elcome to an event 94 years in the making! The Eastern New Mexico State Fair has a long and proud history. Although we count 94 years from the first Chaves County Cotton Carnival in 1932, the roots of the fair began many years before that with the Southeastern New Mexico and Pecos Valley Fair Association. The purpose of the fair was to exhibit agricultural and orchard products. The fair of 1893 was an opportunity for local residents to show how productive the Pecos Valley could be. Even local farmers were surprised at the array

of crops represented at the fair. The highlight of the event however was the Alfalfa Palace. This architectural phenomenon was constructed of bales of sweet-smelling alfalfa and resembled a castle complete with battlements. The Alfalfa Palace was more than an amazing structure as it also housed the local exhibits. Covered pens were adjacent to the palace and housed the livestock. It is noted that as the wind began to blow, the Palace had to be evacuated and one lady reluctant to leave was carried out by a concerned gentleman. It was later discovered that the “lady” was actually a dummy of Martha Washington from one of the displays. The gentleman in question was considered no less heroic upon this revelation. Those early days of community gathering would slowly evolve into the Eastern New Mexico State Fair that we enjoy today. The first parade to open a fair was held in 1900. This first parade created a new name for the fair. There was such a wondrous display of floral decorations that the fair became known as the “Flower Fair.” Today’s parade boasts over 100 floats and entries representing businesses, schools, teams, clubs and more. In the early fair days children from local schools were given three days off so that they and their families may enjoy the fair. Today, the opening day of the fair is known as “Fair Day” and many children and their families attend to celebrate the commencement of fair week. The tradition of gathering every year to show off crops and wares has continued since the 1890s with few exceptions. Although there was a lapse during World War I the fair continued in 1932 when the Cotton Carnival came into being. A noted

Enjoy the 2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

“Not JESTERnother Fair”

See COUNTRY, Page 7


2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

Country Continued from Page 6

addition to the fair began this year when a Cotton King was crowned in grand style on the courthouse lawn. In 1933 a poll of fair visitors indicated that along with local residents, 25 states were represented amongst the fairgoers. Top on the entertainment roster was a community sing-along in which 2,000 school children participated, the crowning of Miss Alfalfa and Miss Apple, and of course the mock battle between the New Mexico National Guard and cadets of NMMI. By 1931, the Cotton Carnival was so successful that it became known as the Eastern New Mexico State Fair and soon outgrew its facility in the National Guard Armory and surrounding tents near North Main and 11th Street. To accommodate such a grand event, the fair board purchased land southeast of the city limits. The 27th annual fair became the first fair to be held on the current fairgrounds in the year of 1949. Thus the current Eastern New Mexico State Fair was born. Over the years we have witnessed the evolution of local cowboys competing in calf-roping events to a full Professional Bullriding Tour. We have seen the Junior Livestock sale become the largest event of its kind in the state. We have had the home economic skills of farmer’s wives grace the displays and we have played host to entrepreneurs from all over the globe. From the time of the Alfalfa Palace-style fairs to the Chaves County Cotton Carnival to the current day Eastern New Mexico State Fair, one thing has remained the same: the focus of the fair is community. Whether gathering to compare crop techniques, to support the youth of 4-H and FFA, or to delight

Some fun fair facts

in the sights, tastes, and experiences of the midway, there is something for everyone at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. Come be a part of history in the making as we look forward to the next 87 years and beyond.

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

• There were once two parades held during fair: the opening day parade and the “Old-Timers Parade.” • In the 1890s children under 15 were invited to enter a burro race, the winner received $10. • The Chaves County Cotton Carnival is rumored to have acquired this name because fair officials ‘wanted each word of the title to begin with the letter C! • At the time of the first “Alfalfa Fair” a business lot in town could be bought for between $100 and $500. • In 1933, 100 Mescalero Apache Native Americans lived on the fairgrounds in teepees exhibiting baskets and beadwork. • Fruit was the main crop in the Pecos Valley before cotton and alfalfa took over. In 1937 a devastating frost ended most of the commercial fruit crops. • In 1939 the fair hosted Tidwell Shows. The truck hauling the performing elephant broke down in Lubbock.

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”





2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

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Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”



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Welcome to the Eastern New Mexico State Fair

“Not JESTERnother Fair”

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair



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Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

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Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

Chisum Challenge Rodeo brings 15 teams to this year’s fair By Bethany Freudenthal Roswell Daily Record


bout 15 teams of four will be competing this year at the seventh annual Chisum Challenge Rodeo at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. The ranch rodeo will take place Friday and Saturday night in the arena on the fairgrounds. “We’ll be having three events, wild cow milking, stray gathering and the trailer loading event, and they’re all events that need to be done on the ranches,” said Benny Wooten. On Friday night, members of the 4-H Club who are between the ages of nine and 13 will have the opportunity to participate in the rodeo during the 4-H Calf Scramble. Participants who sign up during the fair will be given a halter, and are tasked with catching and haltering a calve. Once they have haltered their calf, they must lead it

to a chalk-drawn square in the middle of the arena. “They have to put the halter on that calf, and they have to lead it to that square in the center of the arena, and they’re not super gentle calves either, so it’s pretty good watching them, and they lead them to the center of the arena, and if they get their calves into the square, then they’re given $500 for their projects next year, their 4-H project,” Wooten said. Named after John Chisum, one of the first ranchers in the area, the two and a half-hour rodeo will also feature a calf scramble for kids 12 and under. “Any of the kids can come out of the stands, and come into the arena if they want to come, and we’ll turn out some little calves that have some ribbons on their tail, and when they’re, (the kids), are all lined up and ready,

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

we’ll turn those calves out, and those kids get to chase those calves around in the arena, and if they get the ribbon off the tail, we’ll give them a prize,” Wooten said. There will be about 10 calves that have ribbons tied to their tails, but every kid who participates will get a lollipop. The youngest children will also be able to participate in the Calf Scramble with parents by their side. State fairs, according to Wooten, always had some kind of rodeo event to showcase the skills of cowboys and cowgirls in the surrounding area. “A lot of times the fairs, they kind of built up around rodeos that they were having. Not necessarily this one, but over the history of time, there’s a lot of fairs that have a rodeo associated with them, but it’s a place that showcases the cowboy and cowgirl skills in the area,” Wooten said.

This family oriented event is hosted by the Chaves County Rodeo Association, whose purpose is to promote the western way of life. One way they help promote ranching is through scholarships. “Applications are available at all the high schools, and they (the kids), make an application there, and then we have a scholarship committee that reviews them, and we give some scholarships to some of the teens that come to these ranch rodeos that we have during the year,” Wooten said. In 2015, the scholarship fund donated $26,000 to students in Chaves County, and so far this year, they have given out $21,000 in scholarships. In Chaves County, there have been rodeos since the 1800s, according to Wooten, probably even in the same location as the rodeo at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair.

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


20 16

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, September 16, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Baked Goods Accepted 10:00 a.m. DAIRY GOAT SHOW

Parade entries due

2:00 p.m. All Dairy Goats Removed From Grounds

September 23-25, 2016

6:30 p.m. Fair Queen Orientation/Get Acquainted Party

9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friday 23 and Saturday 24 1-6 p.m. Sunday 25 Receive the following: Arts & Crafts, Preserved Food, Fine Arts & Photography. This does not include bakes goods which will be accepted Saturday October 1 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday, October 2, 2016

7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ALL LIVESTOCK MUST BE BROUGHT TO FAIRGROUNDS This includes all animals – NO EXCEPTIONS 9:00 a.m. Queen Contest: Personal Interviews

All Junior Livestock Entries Due. This includes Swine, Sheep, Steers, Dairy Heifers, Rabbits, Poultry, Goats, & Breeding Heifers Natural Fibers and Wool Lead Entries Due

12:00 p.m. Queen Contest: Luncheon, Speech, Modeling, Impromptu questions

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

4:00 p.m. Queen Contest: Horsemanship, Queen Coronation will occur approximately one hour following horsemanship.

Queen Entries Due

Friday, September 30, 2016 8:00-11:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Flower Show Entries (Horticulture Only) Accepted

2:00-4:00 p.m. Accept Farm & Garden

4-H Inside Exhibits will be accepted NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED

5:00 p.m. Rabbit Meat Pens will be Judged

12:00-8:00 p.m. Dairy Goats on grounds Preregistration for Flower Show Design Entries Due

5:30 p.m. Measure and pregnancy test dairy heifers


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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Always FREE Delivery & Setup Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

7:00 p.m. Informal Livestock Meeting/Show Ring 8:00 p.m. Weight declarations for meat goats due in Jr. Livestock office 9:00 p.m. All individual, educational, extension club, FFA, 4-H, FHA booths and FFA Ag mechanics must be in place

Monday October 3, 2016

Carnival open upon inspections 9:00 a.m. Market Swine Weight Declarations DUE in Livestock Office, Market Lamb Weight Declarations DUE in Livestock Office, Steer Weight Declarations DUE in Livestock Office

5:00 p.m. Carnival Open

Wednesday October 5, 2016

8:00 a.m. MARKET LAMB SHOW All 4-H & FFA Birds MUST be in place to be judged 9:00 a.m. 4-H & FFA BIRDS JUDGED 12:00 p.m.-Close Flower Show 4:00 P.M. GATES OPEN 4:00 p.m-10:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 5:00 p.m. Carnival Opens DAIRY HEIFER SHOW

10:00 a.m. Parade begins

7:00 p.m. Kane Brown with opening act by Walker McGuire

12:00 p.m.-Close Flower Show 6:00 p.m. MEAT GOAT SHOW 8:00 p.m. Jake Worthington

Tuesday October 4, 2016

8:00 a.m. MARKET SWINE SHOW 12:00 p.m.-Close Flower Show

Thursday October 6, 2016

5:00 p.m. Carnival Open 6:00 p.m. Doe Boi Conscious Pikasso the Kid Lexy 3M Crew

Friday October 7, 2016

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Wool Lead animals due on grounds

4:00 p.m. BARN YARD JUDGING 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 5:00 p.m. Natural Fibers & Wool Lead

SENIORS DAY Admission and Parking free for our senior guests 55+ all day! 8:00a.m. Breeding heifer show Steer show to immediately follow heifer show. All junior livestock pulls due in Jr. livestock office one hour after steer show 8:30-10:30 a.m. Flower Show (Horticulture Only, NOT Container Grown Plants) Entries Released

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

4:00p.m-10:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open

2:00 p.m. Natural Fibers and Wool Lead Orientation *Bring Garment*

6:30 p.m. Parade Trophies Awarded

12:00p.m-10:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open

9:30-10:30 Flower Show Design Entries Accepted 12:00 p.m. GATES OPEN

9:00 a.m. RABBIT SHOW

12:00 p.m. GATES OPEN

4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open

5:00 p.m. Carnival Open 6:00 p.m. Konzentido de Afid Ferrer Los Rebeldes del Norte Grupo Estilo Chihuahua Chisum Challenge Ranch Rodeo

Saturday October 8, 2016

8:00 a.m. Buyers Breakfast 9:00 a.m. JR. LIVESTOCK SALE BEGINS 12:00 p.m. GATES & CARNIVAL OPEN 12:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Commercial Building Open 6:00 p.m. Chisum Challenge Ranch Rodeo Battle of the Bands The Studio Company Dancers DON’T MISS OUR DAILY SHOWS: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK AND GET TIMES COWBOY KENNY STEELE RODEO MOTORCYCLE SHOW THE MAGIC OF RAFAEL & KATIA BOB STEELE BEAR SHOW

Sunday October 9, 2016

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Farm & Garden Entries Released

Monday October 10, 2016

9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. All inside exhibit booths must be emptied and cleaned out 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Flower Show Design and Container Grown entries released

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 4-H exhibits released 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Release Arts & Crafts


Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


State fair safety tips from Roswell Police Department The Roswell Police Department has some tips for parents to help make their visit to the fair a safe one for their children. One easy tip is to take a picture of your child, with your smartphone or digital camera, showing the clothing that they are wearing to the event. This serves as a memory jogger for the par-

ents and it can be shown to police officers if needed. Officers will be patrolling the fairgrounds and are always ready to help in finding lost children. Officers of the Roswell Police Department and New Mexico State Police will be present at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair to help ensure that everyone has a safe,



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enjoyable experience. All officers will be enforcing any violation of the law, but are also there to help in case children are separated from their parents or guardians. RPD suggests that parents and children stay in close contact with each other. If a child does become separated from their parent or guardian, the child should go to the Roswell Police Department’s Command Post or the Roswell Fire Department’s Command Post. Parents can also report their child as missing at these locations. Police officers will be spread throughout the fair-

grounds and can also be contacted by lost children or their parents. Children should be reminded they should never go anywhere with a stranger.

Sometimes children take off on their own with an older sibling or friend in charge. Setting a return time can also be helpful.

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10 AM - 11 PM

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”













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1309 S.E. MAIN, Roswell • 575-622-3180 2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair


Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”



2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

6 1


2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


4-H-FFA Junior Livestock show teaches kids responsibility


he Junior Livestock show must be either a 4-H or FFA memat the 94th annual East- ber in good standing. Throughout ern New Mexico State Fair the week, the participants will be begins Monday and ends Sat- awarded various ribbons and trourday with a live animal sale. phies, but the true rewards are the Entries from 19 of the 33 counties skills they acquire and refine and in New Mexico will be represented at the work-ethic instilled in them. this year’s fair. Of the 1,352 entries, 405 “It teaches the kids responsibility are from Chaves County, while out- and respect,” Snyder said. “It’s also of-towners will bring 947, along with a family event. They go out every their families for the weeklong event day and work with the animals as a on the east side of the fairgrounds. family. It also teaches them that they “We have opened up to the whole have to give things up sometimes, state of New Mexiwhich is a part of life.” co,” said Cherri SnyWhile the young anider, sales committee They go out every mal raisers will have to chairman and secre- day and work with part with their prized tary of the fair board. during the the animals as a livestock “Many families come sale Saturday, they family. It also and stay all week. will also learn the valAnd by the time our teaches them that ue of a dollar earned fair comes along, as the top animals they have to they’ve already been fetch the best prices. give things up to two or three and “On Saturday mornsometimes, which they are tired of fair ing, we will have a food, so they’re goPremium Junior Liveis a part of life. ing to town and eatstock Sale consisting ing at restaurants. It of 1,352 animals,” said brings a lot of revenue to the city.” Joy Wagner, junior livestock entries Age groups range from 8 years of manager. “There will be 312 market age and in the third grade to a max- swine, 295 market lambs, 257 rabimum of 19 years of age. Entrants bits, 211 poultry, 123 meat goats,


2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

82 dairy heifers, 46 steers, 17 breeding heifers and seven dairy goats. Farmers Country Market will furnish a Buyers Breakfast starting at 8 a.m. with the sale starting at 9. Snyder said while the livestock show and sale is one of the most im-

portant parts of the fair, city slickers can take part too with judged skills such as sewing and baking. “Kids from town can get involved and it’s good for them,” Snyder said. “I learned sewing in 4H and I can sew now. It’s a great skill to have.” Admission to the fair is free Tuesday through Friday until 4 p.m. After 4, tickets for adults are $7, children ages 6 through 12 are $3 and children 5 and under get in free. Special discounts for seniors, military and veterans will be honored. Admission on Wednesday, when rising pop-country artist Kane Brown is scheduled to perform at 7 p.m., will be $10 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and free for kids under five. No special prices or discounts will be honored that day. More information can be found at the fair’s website, enmsf.com.

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair


Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

309 North Virginia Ave. Roswell, NM 88201


Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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Monday-Saturday 10-5:30pm Sunday 1-4pm Enjoy the Eastern New Mexico State Fair

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Enjoy the Eastern New Mexico State Fair

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

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Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


Mardi Gras theme at this year’s Flower Show

By Lisa Dunlap

Roswell Daily Record


he Mardi Gras theme of this year’s Eastern New Mexico State Fair will take a colorful turn in what has become a popular annual exhibit, the Flower Show. The design division of the flower show will judge entrants on their use of flowers, fruits, foliage, plants and seeds to make arrangements that play off the carnival theme. Open for entries only from amateur growers and arrangers, the Flower Show has grown a lot over the years, said Sue Ferguson, the 2016 Flower Show superintendent. She said it used to draw only a handful of exhibitors. But, for the past 10 to 12 years, more than 300 entries have been displayed. Ferguson is a member of the local Morning Garden Club, which is sponsoring the exhibit along with the Home Garden Club of Roswell. The Flower Show will be open to the public from Oct. 3 through Oct. 8 in the Art Building of the fairgrounds. Entrants typically come from throughout the county as well as from surrounding counties, Ferguson said. Some of them will be arriving with their plants as early as Oct. 2. This year, organizers hope to see even more participation by younger people, said Ferguson, although she added that youth participation has been increasing over the years and quite a few daycare students participated last year. “We are expecting more youth exhibits,” she said, “because the


File Photo

Award-winning flowers from a previous State Fair show.

Morning Garden Club is sponsoring a youth club.” Pre-schoolers to 12th graders are eligible to participate, according to the fair booklet. The “Standard Flower Show,” as it is officially called by the National Garden Club Inc., will permit exhibits in four major divisions, horticulture, design, youth and education (which is non-competitive and invitational only). Nine different sections are included in the horticulture section, everything from shrubs to roses. Within those sections, many different classes of plants and flowers are permitted. The design division has five different classes: one where natural plant materials are used to

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

create a distinctive line pattern to communicate the “Magic of Mardi Gras,” a category featuring a “multi-rhythmic” or “Bourbon Street”-inspired design, a category for an underwater or “Canal Street” design, one with a miniature or “Fat Tuesday” design and a section for a Mardi Gras mask arrangement. “I think people really like to look at them,” said Ferguson, “and this year they are going to be colorful to go with theme.” Ferguson added that the container plants, which can include such things as cacti, hanging baskets and terrariums, are also popular exhibits. Three days of judging will occur for the various divisions, sections

and classes. The judges are accredited by the National Garden Club, with most coming from outside Roswell, Ferguson said. “Each specimen is just judged on its own merits,” said Ferguson. “They aren’t compared to other entries.” Because the exhibit is free to entrants and visitors, and because the plants and arrangements are not sold, winners receive ribbons rather than cash prizes. More information about the times for the Flower Show exhibit or rules for entries is available by looking under the “Fairbook” menu of the fair website or by calling Ferguson, 575-625-9182, or co-superintendent Peggy Voigt, 575-622-7709.

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


Free admission, parking on Senior Day, Special Needs Day

A day specifically intended for children with special needs will be held Tuesday at the 94th annual Eastern New Mexico State Fair, with a day for seniors on Thursday. Hundreds of parents, teachers and students have attended Special Needs Day in recent years, giving them the opportunity to learn about agriculture and raising livestock. The special needs children will be able to see exhibits of the animals, and learn how FFA and 4-H students raise the animals. Tours take place during the school day when the crowds are much smaller, giving the children the chance to visit the fair in a way that allows them to really see everything, instead of being stuck behind a mass of adults when an event happens. A day for senior citizens will be held Thursday.

Roswell senior citizens will be offered free admission and free parking all day on Senior Day. Anyone 55 or older is eligible to take advantage of Senior Day benefits. Senior Day at the fair has been a tradition at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair for more than a decade, giving seniors an opportunity to socialize with other seniors. In addition to the free admission and parking, seniors will have the opportunity to browse the many booths and exhibits, during the slower pace of the afternoon. A wide variety of vendors will be displaying their services in booths in the commercial building, on the south end of the fairgrounds. Many of the booths will be health-related, providing seniors with information about health care services available in the community.

Special Needs Day Tuesday, Oct. 4

Senior Day Thursday, Oct. 6

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”


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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

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2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”



2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”

2016 FAIRBOARD Larry Hobson

Calder Ezzel

Curtis Allen

Scott Babek

Mark Steen

Cody Burson

James Duffey

Jay Eldridge

Travis Hicks

Cheri Snyder

Andy Vaz

Jerry Wagoner



Craig Walker Director





Mike Gonzales Jonathan Dudley Director




Chad Barbe Director





Jared Hembree Adriann Ragsdale Director


Not pictured: Hugh Baker ~ Cari Crist Kevin Robinson

2016 Eastern New Mexico State Fair

Celebrating 94 Years of “Not JESTERnother Fair!”



1505 & 1515 W. Second St.


Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm • Saturdays 9:00am – 2:00pm Closed Sundays

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