Sunday, March 20, 2016
2016 House
Worship Directory
2016 House
Worship Directory
Journey through Holy Week with ecumenical worship opportunities. Midday luncheon and worship services: All luncheons begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by service. Monday, March 21—St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 505 N. Pennsylvania Avenue Preacher LaVonne Johnson-Holt, ELCA Tuesday, March 22—First Presbyterian Church 400 W. Third Street Preacher Tina Cross, UMC Wednesday, March 23—First United Methodist Church 200 N. Pennsylvania Avenue Preacher Aaron Colyer, SBC Thursday, March 24—First Baptist Church 500 N. Pennsylvania Avenue Preacher Laird Cross, UMC Good Friday: “Seven Last Words of Christ.” Noon to three p.m., Friday, March 25 First United Methodist Church, 200 N. Pennsylvania Avenue You are welcome to stay for all or part of the service Reflections on Jesus’ words from the cross shared by The Reverends Laird Cross, Tina Cross, LaVonne Johnson-Holt, Kent Leydens, Dale Plummer, Larry Sydow, Bob Williams. Holy Saturday: The Great Vigil of the Resurrection of Our Lord. 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 26 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 2911 N. Main Street Check each church’s website for information regarding other Holy Week and Easter worship opportunities.
All are invited to these services designed to journey through death into life, through darkness into light. We gather to worship together as members of the Body of Christ—many members, One Body.
Sponsored by First Presbyterian Church, First United Methodist Church, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Did you know?
2016 House
Holy Thursday, which falls on the Thursday before Easter Sunday, commemorates The Last Supper of Jesus Christ. During The Last Supper, Jesus, who Christians believe is the Son of God, established the sacrament of Holy Communion. The Last Supper was the final meal Jesus enjoyed with his disciples in Jerusalem, and it was during The Last Supper when Jesus predicted one of those disciples would ultimately betray him. Holy Thursday is sometimes referred to as “Maundy Thursday,” a reference to the religious rite of maundy, which is the washing of the feet. The Last Supper and the rite of maundy are connected because it was during The Last Supper that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Though The Last Supper, during which Jesus gave his disciples bread, telling them it was his body, and wine, telling them it was his blood, is celebrated at every Mass as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Holy Thursday Mass places even greater emphasis on this significant event.
Worship Directory
M L uSi e P S C O JubiLee At
Tabernacle of David Broadcast LIVE on Internet TV’s bloodbought TV Network Doors open at 6:00pm Music begins at 7:00pm On air at 8:00pm
424 East 5th at Shartell
FrEE AdmiSSion “I want you to know how much I enjoy your Saturday program, Gospel Music Jubilee when you are at the Tabernacle singing those old songs of faith! You bring sunshine and warmth, May God richly bless you in the year ahead!! Bloodbought Television is fresh breath of Jesus air!!!!!!” -Lyn Hansen (Alabama)
“I really appreciate the diversity of the shows on Bloodbought television. I especially enjoy worshiping The Lord with the Gospel Music Jubilee singers. They are such an outstanding group, from their passion as they minister in song to their sound, look & stage presence.” - Linda Stillwell (South Carolina) “I never give up, I have a strong faith in our Lord God Almighty in heaven. He is a true God, and true to his word. Believe,trust, hope and have faith in Him. Bloodbought Television & Ministry have conveyed that to me in a mighty way. Love all the programming. Love the Multi-Denominational message. Love the fact that they teach only one way to heaven (Jesus). Hey and the Gospel singing broadcast on Sunday evenings...LOVE IT!!!!” - Charles John (Texas)
www.24-7christian.org/gospel.music.jubilee www.facebook.com/gospel.music.jubilee.roswell
2016 House
Worship Directory
The meaning of Good Friday Good Friday is a Christian holiday that is celebrated every year on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday. Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary, the location outside of Jerusalem’s walls where the crucifixion took place. Though Good Friday is considered a holiday and is a legal holiday in many countries across the globe, the commemoration is not characterized by the festive atmosphere many holidays inspire. In fact, in the fourth century, the Apostolic Constitutions described Good Friday as a day of mourning and prayer. In addition, many Christians fast on Good Friday, eating only one full meal and two smaller
meals that do not add up to a full meal. Christians believe that commemorating the death of Christ helps to remind them of the sacrifices that Christ made and the human sin that contributed to his death. The observance of Good Friday has existed for centuries. According to Catholic Online, the Catholic Church does not celebrate Mass on Good
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Friday, though church services held on Good Friday correspond to the divisions of a traditional Mass. These services include the Liturgy of the Word, during which the Passion of Jesus Christ is read; the intercessory prayers for all people, including non-Christians; the Veneration of the Cross, during which the crucifix is unveiled to the congregation; and the Holy Communion. During these services, the church organ and bells are silent. Good Friday is one of the holiest days of the year for Christians across the globe. This year Good Friday is celebrated on March 25.
St. Andrew’S epiScopAl church 505 N. Pennsylvania • Roswell, NM 88201 • 575-622-1353
We invite you to come and worship the Lord with our parish family during Holy Week, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. SeRvice DateS aND tiMeS: Sunday, March 20 Palm Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 am
Thursday, March 24 Maundy Thursday Foot Washing, Holy Supper And Stripping of the Altar. 5:30pm
Monday, March 21 Lenten reflection and lunch 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday, March 26 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 7:00pm At St. Mark’s Lutheran
Friday, March 25 Good Friday Stations of the Cross at Noon Good Friday service 7:00 pm
Easter Sunday March 27 9:00 am Holy Eucharist 11:00 am Holy Eucharist
St. Andrew’s, “Where Families come to Pray!”
Sunday, March 20, 2016
2016 House
Worship Directory
The meaning behind Easter symbols
Easter Sunday is one of the most meaningful days on the Christian calendar. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe died by crucifixion as a sacrifice to atonement. Many symbols are associated with Easter, and understanding these symbols can help Christians and non-Christians alike gain a stronger grasp of this deeply meaningful Christian day of worship. · Lamb: According to CatholicCulture. org, the lamb represents Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The lamb can be connected to Jewish Passover, a Jewish holiday that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. During the celebration of Passover, each Jewish family killed a lamb as a sacrifice. Christians commonly refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God who God sacrificed so
Christians’ sins could be forgiven. · Easter eggs: While Easter eggs may seem like a secular symbol of Easter, their connection to Easter dates back many centuries. CatholicCulture.org notes that the early Christians saw the egg as symbolic of the tomb out of which Christ emerged when he was resurrected. Early Christians even painted Easter eggs, much like parents do with their children today, and even had them blessed and gave them as gifts. Historians believe King Edward I of England, who ruled from 1272 to 1307, dyed boiled eggs and gave them to members of his royal household on Easter. · Clothing: New clothing is another symbol of Easter that traces its origins back further than many Christians may realize. It’s customary for present-day Christians to don their Sunday best when attending Easter
Sunday Mass, and the tradition of looking sharp on Easter can be traced to the early Christians, who would wear new white robes for baptisms during Easter services. Eventually, all Easter celebrants began to wear new clothes during Easter services. · Palm fronds: Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, taking place one week before Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a young donkey into Jerusalem, where the townspeople threw palms in front of him in homage. That practice was a customary sign of respect in Jerusalem, and today Christians believe the palm is a sign of peace. Palms continue to be distributed to the faithful during Palm Sunday Mass.
Country Club Road
Church of Christ
700 West Country Club Road, Roswell | 575-622-1350 Finally a CHURCH with a MESSAGE I can UNDERSTAND and PEOPLE I can RELATE TO. What is your Worship like? Devoted would describe it. From the welcome to the final prayer, our worship is devoted to God and His message of salvation through Jesus Christ. What is available for Families? There is an active youth group for every age from Pre-K through High School. Middle and High school have their own class rooms with a teeming schedule of activities. We have a program called Journey Land that is geared towards the 1st-6th Grades. It’s awesome! We also have a staffed nursery for all services.
When should I Show Up? Glad you asked! Sunday morning worship is at 10 A.M. at our place. We have Small Groups that meet throughout the day on Sundays. We also have a Wednesday night devotional and class at 7 P.M. What if I have a Communication Barrier? Do you speak Spanish? Great, we have Spanish classes! Do you need an ASL interpreter? Perfect, we currently interpret for the deaf. Any barrier we can overcome.
Come Grow with Us in Worship, Fellowship, & Service.
2016 House
Worship Directory
Sunday, March 20, 2016
St. Peter Catholic Church 805 S. Main 575-622-5092
Fr. Charlie Martinez, OFM
www.calvaryroswell.com office@calvaryroswell.com
Holy THursday Mass of the lord’s supper 7:00 PM
2901 West. 4th St. (575) 623-8072
Good Friday Stations of the Cross 3:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 PM
Sunday Worship 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Prayer Meeting Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
Holy saTurday Easter Vigil 8:00PM
Bible Study Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
EasTEr sunday MassEs 8:00 AM 11:00 aM
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose trust is the Lord. For he is like a tree planted by waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will to fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church–ELCA 2911 N. Main Roswell, NM 88201 575-623-0519
Pastor LaVonne Johnson-Holt
We are: * A growing congregation with a big heart. * We are a mainline denomination that serves global needs. We believe: * God desires a relationship with every human being. * Grace through Jesus Christ is God’s free gift to all of us. Therefore: * We have a traditional worship focused on the Word of God and the sacraments with communion every Sunday. * Both men and women have prime leadership roles in worship and programs. * Service to the community is at the forefront of our activities. * We are creatively restructuring our ministry, outreach and growth. * We invite you to worship. COME and SEE! (John
bible study 9:00 a.m. (begins April 3)
WORsHiP WitH COMMuNiON 10:15 a.m. * Nursery Available FellOWsHiP Refreshments following worship
GOOd FRidAy seRviCe stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. HOly sAtuRdAy ecumenical easter vigil 7:00 p.m. eAsteR suNdAy bReAKFAst 8:45 a.m.
CelebRAtiON OF tHe ResuRReCtiON OF OuR lORd Jesus CHRist 10:15 a.m.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
2016 House
Worship Directory