3 minute read
Liberty Coating Solutions solves concrete durability problems locally
By cLArke condé rosweLL dAiLy record
Liberty Coating Solutions has only been operating for a short time, but these Roswell native’s business is booming, not only because of their unique product but because of their dedication to customer service.
The Roswell Daily Record’s Clarke Condé sat down with the owners of Liberty Coating Solutions, Justin and Ashley Owen, to find out a bit about how their coating works and what is involved with the process. The following is an edited version of that conversation.
When did you open Liberty Coating Solutions?
June of 2020.
Tell me about this product and what it does.
It is a polyurea with a polyaspartic topcoat. It’s good for any kind of concrete services — pool deck, patio, garage floor, shops, sidewalks, driveways — any kind of concrete, we can coat.
How does it differ from concrete?
We can add anything to the top coat portion of it. The polyurea grabs onto the concrete, dives down into the concrete and acts like a concrete stain. It can dive down as far as half an inch into the concrete. So, that’s the base layer. Then we put on the flake, which is for aesthetics, just purely for color. We have 16 standard colors and then any kind of custom colors. You can get as fancy as you want — gold, silver, glitter, alien green — we just got a shipment of lime green.

Do you do the concrete installation?
No. So we don’t do concrete installs. We typically fix old concrete floors. Something that’s weathered like a patio that’s been painted a million times with regular paint. It just chips off.
You can do the patch and seal?
Justin: You can kind of see this floor right here [he says, pointing to a concrete floor]. This floor has been prepped. This used to have a stain with some kind of sealer on it. We remove all that, opened the pores of the concrete back up and then we fix the cracks.
Tell me about the warranty.
Penntek [the company that manufactures the product Liberty Coating Solutions uses] offers a 15-year warranty against chipping, peeling or delaminating off the concrete. So, any kind of just sloughing off the concrete, that’s covered in the warranty, although we’ve not seen it happen. That’s why we sought out this product. The UV stability is because we do a lot of outdoor work for outdoor spaces, hard spaces, the pool decks, the patios. The UV stability is 100% UV stable. That’s also covered for the lifetime of the product, so it won’t yellow or fade, whereas epoxies, you have to be really careful using them outside. You need a very high-grade sealer and most folks don’t know that.
Even in full sun?
Yes sir.
15 years of full Roswell sun?
Yes sir.
How long a process is this?
The guys install typically 700 to 1000 square feet in one day, start to finish. You can walk on it six to eight hours later because of the drying time. The actual polyurea dries really quickly, almost instantaneous. It’s a three-step process. We prep the concrete and put down the base coat with the flake. We have 30 minutes to get that color in there. Then they come back from lunch and put that top coat on. Their top coat dries in six to eight hours at 70 degrees.
The next morning you’re good to go? The next morning you’re good to go.
When can you drive on it?
We recommend 24 to 48 hours before vehicles, but you’re walking on it the next morning. You can start moving your golf clubs back in, your ice chest and everything.
How far out are you scheduled?
We are in high demand. We are booking in July right now. We do pool decks in fall, winter and spring, trying to avoid downtime for folks that want to utilize their pool. Pools take a little bit longer, but the standard two-car garage, we’re in and out in one day.

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