Roswell Daily Record
TVScreens FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 2015
‘Parks’ parked
Charles A. Shannon, RPh (575)622-6571 A/ Cozzen's Tax Service B/ Primm Drugs PROFESSIONAL COMPOUNDING 2 x 2.5"
700 N. Union Ave. Roswell, NM 88201
Fax (575)623-3801 1-800-377-9881
FREE Miracle Ear 2 x 2.5"
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Valid with the purchase of Miracle-EarÂŽ ME-1 Solution (2 aids). BluetoothÂŽ is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Valid at participating Miracle-Ear locations only. Not valid with any other discount or offer. Does not apply to prior purchases. OFFER EXPIRES 1/31/15
Amy Poehler stars in “Parks and Recreation�
109 East 5th 575-622-2877
Pioneer Bank 2 x 2.5"
Wishing you a Happy New Year... May the joy of the season make all your wishes come true. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.ÂŽ
CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY. State Farm Brooks Thompson, Agent 102 E Linda Vista Blvd Roswell, NM 88201 Bus: 575-622-3276
Michael3J x McKee 3" Ins Agcy Inc Michael McKee, Agent 1007 W McGaffey Street Roswell, NM 88203 Bus: 575-622-1668
Herb Atkinson Insurance Agency Herb W Atkinson, Agent 110 W Country Club Rd Roswell, NM 88201 Bus: 575-622-0010
Savings Throughout the Store!
t "SDIFSZ Santa shops at Zia. So should You! t &NFSHFODZ 'PPE
t / .BJO t 3PTXFMM /.
ESPN2 (27)
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
ESPNC (302)
7 AM
Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s (32) C h a r m e d Say Yes-Dress (33) S a y Y e s - D r e s s Paid Program M Paid Program (29)
T W Th F (35) (36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (43) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
M T W Th F
Paid Program Paid Program
8 AM
Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Peg + Cat News 13 on KASA News 13 on KASA The Daily Buzz Ken. Copeland America's Court Paid Program S u p re m e Ju s ti c e G o o d Mo rn i ng A m eri c a Today Show CBS This Morning Light of the Southwest F C S I : C ri m e/Tu Th L a w & O : S V U S p o r t s C en t e r
T W 5:00 SportsCenter Th S p o r t s C en t e r F M Mike & Mike T W Th F
Despierta America Esmond e Tech. World News KRQE News 13 This Minute This Minute Paid Program Justice for All Action 7 News 5:00 E y e w i t n e s s N ew s 4 T o d a y Un nuevo dia (10) K R Q E N e w s 1 3 T h i s M o r n i ng News/M MattStav (12) V a r i o u s (24) V a r i o u s M S p o r t s C en t e r (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Various S p o r t s C en t e r
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM Super WHY! 2 KASA S tyle Loves Ray Judge Faith Live! With Kell y Today Show II Decisiones The Doctors Various Various S p o r t s C en t e r
9:30 Daniel Tiger Loves Ray Judge Faith and Michael
10 AM
Como dice el dicho Sid the Science Kid Various The Queen Latifah Show Community Community Cops : Reloaded Cops : Reloaded Th e View Today Show III
Flor salvaje Various
ESPN First Take
Let's Make a Deal Various V ariou s Various S p o r t s C en t e r
His & Hers
Frasier Frasier Charmed Various I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It
Frasier Frasier Supernatural Hoarding: Buried Alive I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It
F M o th e r /FF ras ie r Mother/FFrasier Su pernatural F Half-Ton Kille r/M My 600-lb Life I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Almost) Got Away With It
Met Your Mother Met Mother Supernatural What Not to Wear I (Almost) Got Away With It I (Al most) Got Away With It
Secrets of Secret So cieties F B I : C r i m i n a l P u r s u it Paid Program M o v i e / Face Off W Troy/Th Haven F T re e h o u s eM a s te rs/A Animal Cops Paid Program Paid Program
P o t C op s F B I : C r i m i n a l P u r s u it Paid Program Movie/ Face Off Movie/ Haven F T r e e h ./M P ar ol ee s /Tu-Th P aro l e Paid Program Paid Program
P o t C op s G a n g W a rs 1/2 cont'd next Paid Program M o v i e / Face Off Th Haven F T re e h o u s e /P Pit Bull Parole Paid Program Paid Program
Naked and Afraid G ang Wars: Oakland Pt. 2 of 2 Paid Program Various F Movie/Tu Face Off M o v i e / Haven F T r e e h o u s e M as t e r s / T h e H a u n t e d Paid Program Paid Program
11 AM
Teresa Various Various The Wendy Williams Show Rules of Eng Rules of Eng Paternity Court Divorce Court The Meredith Vieira Show Good Day NM Be Millionaire India: una historia de amor The Price Is Right Various Various F C S I /M W N C I S/Tu Th S V U S p o r t s C en t e r
ESPN First Take Highly Question SportsNation ESPN First Take Golf Grey's Anatomy B o n e s / W S u p e r n a tu r a l What Not to Wear A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le Fast N' Loud: Demo lition Theater
Naked and Afraid Under Siege Paid Program Various Various Various Various M o v i e / Face Off Th M o v i e The Crocod ile Hunter F T re e h o u s eM a s te rs/TT h e H a u n t e d Paid Program Coyotes Paid Program Hockey NHL S u n s Po s t Halls of Fame Basket. NBA Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program S u n s Po s t F i s h i ng / J oh n n y Hockey NHL Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Various Various Various Various V ari o u s Various Various F l i p F l op H .H u n t/M L o v e / L i s t Ho u s e H u n te rs V a ri o u s Tu Barg ain Hunt Married, Child Movie F M o v i e / M M o v i e / W M ov i e / Th M ov i e F u nn i e s t H o m e V i deo s C l e v e l a nd S h o w Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Kard ashians /Tu K ourtney & Khloé Kard ashians/Tu K ourtney & Khloé Kard ash/ Re d C arp e t/ Ko u rtn ey F W Th Kard ash/Tu Kourtney E! News / M Red Carpet Various F Tu Sex & City Clevela./M KingH King of the Hill Teen Titans Go! F Knig hts /TT e e n T . P o k ém o n : X Y Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Gumball A m a z i n g G u mb a l l Lo o n e y T u n es Lo o n e y T u n es Tom & Jerry F e rb /M A u s ti n F e rb /M A u s ti n T h e O c to n a u ts T h e O c to n a u ts C h ug g in g to n Mickey M. F The 7D/JJak e F Jak e /M M o u s e F M o u s e /SSo fia 1st Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins F Sofia1st/M Mouse Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program <+++ W a n t e d (Act, '08) Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy. <++ T h e R e c r u i t (Thril, '03) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. <++ P re d ato rs (Sci-Fi, '10) Topher Grace, Adrien Brody. <+++ T h e H u r t L o c k e r (Thril, '09) Anthony Mackie, Jeremy Renner. <+++ T h e H u r t L o c k e r (Thril, '09) Anthony Mackie, Jeremy Renner. <++ M a c h e te (‘10) Danny Trejo. Buffy the Vampire Slayer <++ R o c k y B a l b o a (Dra, '06) Burt Young, Sylvester Stallone. <++ M a x P a y n e (‘08) <++ M a x P a y n e (Act, '08) Mila Kunis, Mark Wahlberg. <+++ C o l o m b i a n a (Act, '11) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. Bounty Hunter Movie B o u n ty H u n te r M-W D og B.H . Storage/ C.Minds F Storage Wars Various F Storage War F S. Wars /M-W C S I F Storage Wars S. Wars / C S I F Storage Wars Paid Program <++ T e e n W o l f (Com, '85) Lorie Griffin, Michael J. Fox. <++ T r e m o r s (Hor, '90) Fred Ward, Kevin Bacon. <++ T h e S c h oo l o f R o c k (‘03) <++ D e a th W i s h I II (Act, '85) Deborah Raffin, Charles Bronson. <++ U-57 1 (War, '00) Bill Paxton, Matthew McConaughey. Movie <++ A P e r f e c t G e t a w a y (Thril, '09) Timothy Olyphant, Steve Zahn. : 1 5 <++ T h e S u m o f A l l F e a r s (Act, '02) Morgan Freeman, Ben Affleck. S to o g e /SS t o og e <+++ Wind talkers (War, '02) Adam Beach, Nicolas Cage. <++ G o d z i l l a (‘98) Matthew Broderick. <++ Bad C o mp any (Act, '02) Anthony Hopkins, Chris Rock. <++ V an tag e P o int (Act, '08) Sigourney Weaver, Dennis Quaid. Movie Various Th S o l d ! Various Th S o l d ! Various Sec.Time/ Sold! V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P aw n S tars Movie Movie <++ I ' l l B e S e e i n g Y o u (‘44) Ginger Rogers. S w o r d O f V i l l o n < T o o M u ch , T o o So o n (Bio, '58) Errol Flynn, Dorothy Malone. Movie :45 < Synanon 4 : <++++ T h e G re a t Z i e g f e l d <+++ T h e B i g C i ty (‘37) Spencer Tracy. <++ T h e E m p e ro r's C a n d l es ti c k s (‘37) <++++ T h e G oo d E a r t h (Dra, '37) Luise Rainer, Paul Muni. Movie <+++ D o u b l e W ed d i n g (‘37) William Powell. <+ L o v e i s a H e a d a c h e (‘39) Franchot Tone. <+++ T h re e L o v es H a s N a n c y :45 <+++ T h e S h in i n g H o u r (‘38) Joan Crawford. 5 : 4 5 <++ B i k i n i B e a c h (‘64) Frankie Avalon. <++ M rs . B ro w n , Y o u 'v e G o t a L o v e l y D a u g h te r :15 <+++ H o l d O n ! (‘66) Peter Noone. : 4 5 <++ G e t Y o u r s e l f a C o l l e g e G i r l (‘64) Movie < H e re C o m e s K e l l y (‘43) : 4 5 < H o t R h y t h m ('44) Robert Lowery, Dona Drake. : 1 5 < L e a v e I t t o t h e I r i s h (‘44) James Dunn. < S h a d o w o f S us p i ci o n (‘44) Movie Tabatha's Salon Takeover Friends/ Lovers Thicker Than Water Thicker Than Wa ter Thicker Than Water Beverly Hills Beverly Hills T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘12 Australian Open I T F Melbourne, Australia F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs 2006 Rose Bowl Texas vs. USC NCAA Pasadena, Calif. F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs 2010 BCS National Championship Game Texas vs. Alabama N C A A Pasadena, Calif. T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘11 Australian Open I T F Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘01 Australian Open I T F T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘01 Australian Open I T F T e n n i s ‘88 Australian Open I T F 5 : 3 0 T e n n is C l a s s i c s ‘05 Australian Open IT F Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 1995 Australian Open I TF Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘03 Australian Open I T F Melbourne, Australia 5 : 0 0 T e n n is I T F T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘10 Australian Open I T F Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 1993 Australian Open I TF Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s ‘93 Australian Open I T F 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Steve Harvey Stev e H a rv ey F M o v i e /FF a m . F e ud V a rio u s Fresh Prince Fresh Prince 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Th Throwb ackThursd ay V id e os 5:00 AMTV / Mo v i e F M 16 an d P re g n ant/Tu-Th A M T V M 16 P re g n a n t F 16 P re g n a n t M 16 and Pregnant Lo p e z/M P r e g n a n t G e o r g e L o p e z WifeKid/ Pregnant M y W ife & Kid s M o th e r/M Mother Various Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Rab b i d sI n v Odd Parents Sp o ng e Bob PAW Patrol PAW Patrol WlyKzm Wallykazam! M o ns te rM ac h . Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland Gangland C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Ink Master Ink Master Bar Rescue Bar Rescue <++ Tran s p o rter 3 (Act, '08) Natalya Rudakova, Jason Statham. Paid Program Paid Program A . G ri f f i t h S h o w A . G r i f f i t h S h o w A . G r i f f i t h S h o w A . G r i f f i t h S h o w H o g an 's H e ro e s H o g a n H e ro Hogan's Heroes H o g a n 's H e ro e s G u n sm o k e 4:00 VH1 + Music Various M M o b W i v es V a ri o u s M Love Hip-Hop Various M Movie
5 : 0 0 T e n n is C l a s s i cs 2009 Australian Open I T F Site: Melbourne Park Melbourne, Australia
Friday, January 9, 2015
ESPN2 (27)
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
ESPNC (302)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)
M T W Th F M T W Th F (29) (32) (33)
M T W Th F (35) (36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (43) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
M T W Th F
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
Hoy Sit Fit/ Living Various The 700 Club The Middle The Middle Law & Order: S.V.U. The Chew Eyewitness News 4 at Midday W Th D u eñ o s de l p a rai s o KRQE News Bold-Beautiful N e w s /M S a l . Various F C S I /M W N C I S/Tu Th SVU S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l Live
La rosa de Guadalupe Curious George Clifford Forensic Files Forensic Files Friends Friends Bridezillas General Hospital Days of Our Lives Suelta la sopa The Young and the Restless Various Various F Tu Th L aw&O: SV U/M W N C I S NFL Insiders C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l Liv e NFL Insiders
Quiero Amarte Cat in th e Hat Arthur Ju dg e M ath is C ougar Town Coug ar Town The Real Steve Harvey The Rachael Ray Show Lo mejor de caso cerrado T h e T al k Light of the Southwest F Tu Th Law&O: SV U/M W N C I S NFL Live C o l l e g e G am ed ay NFL Live
El gordo y la fl aca Martha Speaks Odd Squad Hot Bench Hot Bench T h e B i l l C u n n i ng h am S h o w The Jerry Springer Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show T h e I n s id e r I n s id e E d i t i o n Al rojo vivo Dr. Phil
11:00 ESPN First Take 11:30 SportNat Olbermann
SportsNation NFL Insiders SportsNation
Highly Question You Herd ME NFL Live Highly You Herd ME Q u e s t i o n ab l e
Olbermann Around Horn Olbermann
ESPN First Take
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
4 PM
Primer impacto WordGirl News America Th e P eop le's C ou rt Raising Hope Hot/ Cleve. The Steve Wilkos Show The Dr. Oz Show J u dg e J ud y J u dg e J ud y Caso cerrado Caso cerrado KRQE News 13 KRQE News 13 V arious Various F Tu Th Law&O: SV U/M W N C I S F Tu Th Law&Ord er: SV U / M W N C I S Around Horn I n te rru p ti o n S p o r t s C en t e r C h amp i o ns h i p D ri v e Around the Pardon the S p o r t s C en t e r Horn Interruption Outside Lines Around the Horn I n te rru p ti o n S p o r t s C en t e r Outside the Around the Horn Lines
5 PM New Mexico Various Name Game M o d e r n F am i l y Maury Action 7 News News 4 @ 5 Noticias @ 5 E v e n i n g N e ws Various Various
Noticiero Univ. Nightly Business Name Game M o d e r n F am i l y
World News NBC News Noticiero KRQE News 13 Various F Tu M o d e rn N B A C o u n td wn
Basketb all Mich./Ohio St. N C A A S n o op & S o n N B A C o u n td wn Basketball NCAA NFL Live
Pardon the Interruption
Basketb all Ok. St./Kan. N C A A Basketb all UNC/N.C. St. N C A A 11:00 Golf Basketball NCAA Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Wife Sw./ Hoarders / Runway Various F Tu W Wife Sw./M Hoarders/Th Runway V ario u s B o n e s / W S u p e r n a tu r a l B o n e s / W S u p e r n a tu r a l B o n e s / W S u p e r n a tu r a l Castle / W Supernatural Castle / W Supernatural F J u s ti c e /M Tu Th C as tl e /W Su pe r. Various Say Yes/ Addict. Various Various V ario u s Various Various SayYes/ Addict. V arious Say Yes/ Addict. Various F Say Yes-Dress A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Highway to Sell Highway to Sell S treet Outlaws S treet Outlaws 1/2 cont'd next Street Outlaws Pt. 2 of 2 Street Outlaws Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Barrett-Jackson Naked and Afraid Dual Survival Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Dixie Mafia M o on s h in e r s M o on s h in e r s M o on s h in e r s A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le F Wo rs tC o o ks / C up c a k e W a r s F Wo rs tC o o ks / C hop p ed W.Cooks/P Pioneer B a re f o o t C o n t. F W .C o o k s /C Ch e f 30 M i n s M e a l F W .C o o k s /G Giad a G iad a at Home W.Cooks/B Barefoot B a re f o o t C o n t. M o v i e/ Face Off W M ov i e M o v i e / Face Off Th M o v i e M o v i e/ Face Off W M ov i e M M o v i e / Tu F a c e Of f Various W M ov i e M M o v i e / Tu F ac e Off F T re e h o u s e / Mo ns ters I n s i d e Me F T re e h o u s e / Swamp Wars F T r e e h o u s e M as t e r s / G a t o r B o y s F T r e e h o u s e / To B e A n n o un c e d F T r e e h o u s e / To B e A n n o un c e d F W T r e e h ./M Y u k o n/Tu Th TBA 1 1 : 3 0 H o c k e y Winnipeg Jets at Arizona Coyotes N H L L u m b e r j a c k I n s id e N A U NMSU Sports Basketb all Arizona State vs. Oregon State N C A A Running S p o rts M on e y 1 1 : 3 0 B a s k e t b a l l Phoenix vs Memphis N B A Basketb all California vs. UCLA N C A A Match Play X te rra A d v e n tu re s D e s t i n at i o n P o l . P o k e r W P T Caribbean Basketb all Arizona vs. Oregon State NC AA Sports Unlimited UFC Unleashed B o x i n g Golden Boy Las Vegas, Nev. 1 1 : 3 0 H o c k e y San Jose vs Arizona N H L Basketb all Cleveland Cavaliers at Phoenix Suns NBA Phoenix, Ariz. Match Play The Game 365 Spotlight Basketb all N.D./Ga.T. N C A A Basketb all Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech NCA A P o k e r W P T Caribbean Piece of Game Destination Xterra Adventures UFC Unleashed Ultimate Insider Various F l i p F l o p / B a rg a i n V a r i o u s F l i p F l o p / B a rg a i n V a r i o u s F l i p F l o p / B a rg a in V a r i o u s F l i p F l op Various F lip F lo p / B a rg a in V a r i o u s F F a m .G/A AmerD F F a m .G/A AmerD King of Queens King of Queens F riends Friend s Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Various Tu Th S e xC i ty V ario u s Tu Th S ex & City E! News Tom & Jerry Tom & Jerry Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Gumball Gumball Various Various Various T e e n T it a n s G o ! T e e n T i t a n s G o ! T e e n T i t a n s G o ! Sofia the First Various M o us e/ ToyStory Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins Various Various Various Various Various Various 1 0 : 3 0 <++ T h e R e cr u i t (‘03) Two and Half Two and Half Met Mother Met Mother How I Met Your How I Met How I Met Your How I Met Your Two and Half Two and Half Mother Your Mother Mother Mother 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ T h e H u r t L o c k e r <++ M a c h e te (Act, '10) Robert De Niro, Danny Trejo. Met Mother Met Mother 1 1 : 0 0 <++ M a c h e te (‘10) <+++ Un s top p ab l e (Act, '11) Chris Pine, Denzel Washington. Anger Manage Anger Manage 1 1 : 0 0 <++ M a x P ay n e (‘08) <+++ Co l o mbi an a (Act, '11) Michael Vartan, Zoe Saldana. Anger Manage Anger Manage Two and Half Two and Half <++ T h e R e c r u i t (Thril, '03) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. Met Mother Anger M. Two and Half Movie Various S. Wars / Du ck D . V a r i o u s F S h i p p i ng W ars V ario u s Ship War/ Duck D. V a rio u s Various Various W i l d T r ./ D o n n i e V a r i o u s Various 1 1 : 0 0 <++ T h e S c ho o l o f R o c k (‘03) Jack Black. <+++ In s i d io u s (Hor, '10) Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson. <++ F an ta s t i c 4 : R i s e o f t h e S i l v er S u r f e r (‘07) Jessica Alba. 1 1 : 3 0 <+++ D i e H a r d I I : D i e H a r d e r (‘90) Bruce Willis. <+++ B r a v e h e a r t (Act, '95) Sophie Marceau, Mel Gibson. <+++ W e W e r e S o l d i e r s (War, '02) Madeleine Stowe, Mel Gibson. <++ G o d z i l l a (Sci-Fi, '98) Hank Azaria, Matthew Broderick. 1 0 : 3 0 <++ G o d z i l l a (‘98) Matthew Broderick. <++ O u t f o r J u s ti c e (Cri, '91) William Forsythe, Steven Seagal. <++ U n d e r Si eg e (Act, '92) Tommy Lee Jones, Steven Seagal. 1 1 : 3 0 <++ A V P R : A l i e n s v s . P r e d a t o r - R e q u i e m <+ O n D e a d l y G ro u n d (Act, '94) Michael Caine, Steven Seagal. <++ Hard to Kill (Act, '90) Kelly Le Brock, Steven Seagal. Various Th P a w n S ta rs V a rio u s Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious M Th P aw n S tar 1 1 : 4 5 < S y n a n on (‘65) Eartha Kitt, Chuck Connors. <++ P ard n e rs <+++ G oo d b y e , M y L a d y (‘56) Brandon De Wilde. :45 <++ A l l F a l l D o w n (Dra, '62) Eva Marie Saint, Warren Beatty. Movie <+++ D ra m a ti c S c h o o l (‘38) Luise Rainer. <+++ T h e G r e a t W a l t z (‘38) Luise Rainer. : 4 5 <+++ T h e T o y W i f e (Dra, '38) Melvyn Douglas, Robert Young. Luise Rainer : 1 5 <+++ I t ' s a W o n d e r f u l W o r l d (‘39) Claudette Colbert. <+ L a d y o f t h e T r o p i c s (‘39) Robert Taylor. : 4 5 <++++ P r i de a n d P r e j u d i c e (Dra, '40) Laurence Olivier, Greer Garson. : 1 5 <+++ S k i P a r t y (Mus, '65) Dwayne Hickman, Frankie Avalon. <++ W h e n t h e B oy s M e e t t h e G i r l s (‘65) : 4 5 <++ H o o t e n ann y H o o t (Mus, '63) Ruta Lee, Peter Breck. MGM Parade 1 1 : 4 5 < W h a t a W o m a n ! (‘43) <+ F a s h io n Mo d e l (‘45) : 1 5 <++ B e l o w t h e D e a d l i n e (‘36) Cecilia Parker. < F a c e o f M a rb l e (‘46) : 4 5 <+++ M r . H e x (‘46) Leo Gorcery, Huntz Hall. 11:30 Beverly Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
T o B e A n n o u n ce d T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘12 Australian Open I T F Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 2012 Australian Open I TF Site: Melbourne Park Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s ‘12 Australian Open I T F F o o tb a l l ‘11 BCS National Championship Game Aub./Ore. NC AA F o o tb a l l ‘12 BCS National Championship Game Ala./LSU N C AA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c ‘13 BCS National Championship N.D./Ala. N C A A 1 1 : 0 0 T e n n is I T F T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 1988 Australian Open I TF Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 1988 Australian Open I TF Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s ‘05 Australian Open I T F T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 2003 Australian Open I TF Site: Melbourne Park Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s ‘08 Australian Open I T F 1 1 : 0 0 T e n n is I T F T e n n i s C l a ss i c s ‘08 Australian Open IIT F Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s C l a ss i c s 1994 Australian Open I TF Melbourne, Australia T e n n i s ‘97 Australian Open I T F The Game F M o v i e /G Game Movie F Movie MTuTh Fresh P. F re s h P ri n c e Fresh Prince The Game F M o v i e /G Game Th C M T Mu s i c Various M Redneck Fam. Various M Redneck Fam. Redneck M Redneck Red n eck / The Hunt M Redneck Fam. F M o v i e / Reb a Reb a WifeKid/ Pregnant WifeKid/ WifeKid F re s h P ./ F re sh P . F re s h P ./ F re sh P . F re s h P ./ F re sh P . F re s h P ri n c e Various F RWS M Catfish/Th Ridicu. V arious C a t f i s h / R i d i c u . Rid i c u . / P re g n an t Bu b b l e G up p i es Bu b b l e G up p i es D o ra& F r. F P A W/D Dora&Fr. PAW Patrol Wallykazam! S p o ng e Bob Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Odd Parents iCarly Witch Way Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Cops Cops Cops Bu s te d o n th e J ob ! W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os Cops Cops Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Movie <++++ C ran k (Act, '06) Amy Smart, Dwight Yoakam. <++ C r a n k 2 : H i g h V o l t a g e (Act, '09) Amy Smart, Jason Statham. <+ S a f e (Act, '12) Catherine Chan, Jason Statham. Bonanza Bonanza Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ran ger Walker, Texas Ranger F F a b Li f e/Tu H i n d s i g h t/W So ro rity F Fab. Life /Tu W L o v e H i p -Ho p Various Movie/ MobWives M o v i e / Behind Th H i n d s ig h t L o v e H i p / Behind Th Bye Felicia! M Tu LoveHip Th T . I . a n d T i n y
Friday, January 9, 2015
Cover Story
Parting ways NBC’s political comedy ‘Parks and Recreation’ zips through final season By Jacqui Wiens TV Media
any critically acclaimed television series fail to capture the audiences — and highly coveted ratings — that their premise might promise. Shows such as Fox’s “Firefly” and NBC’s “Freaks and Geeks” acquired devoted fan bases but failed to get renewed for second seasons. Another NBC fare, “30 Rock,” won six Golden Globes and 16 Primetime Emmys over its seven-season run, but it never broke the nine million viewer mark. In later seasons, the show averaged fewer than five million viewers. Another fantastic, hilarious and criminally under-
rated comedy series on NBC is coming to an end in 2015, and this time it’s the residents of Pawnee, Ind., who are saying goodbye. Tune in for the season premiere of the seventh and final season of “Parks and Recreation” when it casts its final ballots starting Tuesday, Jan. 13, on NBC. Initially conceptualized as a spinoff of another NBC mockumentary, “The Office,” “Parks and Recreation” took on a life of its own once Amy Poehler (“Saturday Night Live”) was cast in the leading role. The show follows Poehler’s character, Leslie Knope, as she works in the parks department of the fictional Pawnee as a mid-level bureaucrat who loves her town. The
spinoff idea was eventually abandoned, but various relics of the inspiration remain, such as the workplace setting and filming techniques. In season 1, “Parks and Recreation” suffered from harsh feedback. In particular, critics felt that Leslie missed the energetic and optimistic mark and came off as too ditzy and high strung. This may have been one of the unintentional bits that transferred from “The Office,” as the boss from that series, Michael Scott (Steve Carell, “The 40-Year-Old Virgin,” 2005), often advanced the plot through his socially oblivious or completely obtuse behavior. “Parks and Recreation” took the criticism to heart and found its stride in its second season. With a reworked and more intelligent lead, as well as more fleshed out supporting characters, the show won over the critics. Despite its success, audiences weren’t swayed, and average viewership dropped by 1.5 million viewers between the six-episode first season and the 24-episode second season. The fact that a show with such low audience numbers has survived so long on a major network speaks to the changing landscape of television
viewing. For “Parks and Recreation” specifically, research indicates that 37 percent of viewers between 18 and 49 (a demographic advertisers are keenly interested in) watched the show through digital methods, which don’t feature into the all-important Nielson ratings. Additionally, Nielson ratings primarily account for audiences watching the show on the first night it airs, but DVRs and digital streams have made it easier for viewers to watch throughout the week, which doesn’t boost the show’s numbers. The small-town government mockumentary has spawned a sizeable following on the Internet, with Ron Swanson, played by Nick Offerman (“Sin City,” 2005), becoming a phenomenon. The macho, mustachioed libertarian in charge of Pawnee’s park’s department has a “Pyramid of Greatness,” which contains what he considers to be important life aspects and has inspired many “memes” online. (A meme is usually an image that is copied, often with subtle changes,
and spread quickly on the Internet.) At the very top is “Honor: if you need it defined, you don’t have it.” Other tidbits include “Crying: Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon” and “Buffets: Whenever available. Choose quantity over quality.” The upcoming final season of “Parks and Recreation” will be the shortest since season 1, which only had six episodes. NBC experimented with a few different lengths before settling on 22 episodes for the past three seasons, but has only ordered 13 episodes for season 7. The final run will seem even shorter, though, as NBC will be airing two episodes each week beginning Tuesday, Jan. 13, and wrapping up Tuesday, Feb. 24. Whether you’ve been faithfully following Pawnee’s politics or you’ve been giving it a miss, this will be the last chance to see this talented cast bring small-town government to the small screen. Don’t blink, or you might miss the condensed final season premiering Tuesday, Jan. 13, on NBC.
The cast of “Parks and Recreation”
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BUY ONE PAIR GET ONE Across the street from
107 W. 6th St.
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Friday, January 9, 2015
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
PBS NewsHour
Market to Market
WashinCharlie gton Week Rose: The (N) Week (N)
Family Feud
Glee Rachel comes home Glee "Homecoming" The News 13 to Lima to figure out gang returns to McKinley on KASA what to do now. (N) for Homecoming. (N)
The Big Bang Theory
Hart of Dixie "Kablang" Whose Line M a s te rs o f How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Brick has a blast from his I s I t Illusion Your Your Half Men Half Men past knock at his door. Anyway? "Blindfold" M o th e r Mother
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory TMZ Live!
Bones The team reexamines the case of a death row inmate.
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
New Mexico P e rfo rm a n c e s "American Voices With Renee Fleming" Artists get mentoring sessions with iconic singers. (N)
11 PM
Hasta el fin del mundo
WealthTrack (N)
La Malquerida
Mi corazón es Tuyo
(4) F e u d
News 13 on KASA
Last Man St Cristela Shark Tank An app that 20/20 "Helen "Veronica" introduces singles to Potts" (N) (N) friends of friends. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Eyewitness Eyewitness Grimm "Chupacabra" A Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative News 4 at traveler brings a legend features and stories. 6:30 to Portland. Caso cerrado Jeopardy!
Wheel of Fortune
Los miserables
The S i m p so n s
Noticiero La Que No Podia Amar Uni: Noct. Masterpiece Classic "Downton Abbey, Season Five" :35 News
13 on KASA
:05 Anger Management
Tierra de reyes
Action 7 News Live
Noticias T e l e m u nd o Un d erco v er Bo s s The Hawaii Five-0 Kono and Blue Bloods "Baggage" KRQE News founder of Phenix Salons Chin are taken hostage A group of veterans are 13 Inc., goes undercover. (N) while undercover. (N) responsible for a robbery.
Friday Best Bets
:45 Access Hollywood
Tierra de reyes
Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Late David Letterman S h o w Penn & Teller (N)
Mission : All About Update Sondra Light of the Southwest Best of Week Update BAS Walking Yohanan KRPV (12) M 25 Us News Baras News Presents Salamanca Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern < Indiana Jones and th e Temple of USA (24) F a m i l y D o o m ++ (‘84) Harrison Ford. Family Family Family "The Help" Family Family Family Family NBA Basketb all Cleveland Cavaliers at Golden State Warriors (L) SportsCenter ESPN (26) NBA Basketb all Chicago Bulls at Washington Wizards (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r NBA Basket. ESPN2 (27) E:60 Profile E:60 Profile B o xin g Friday Night Fights (L) Celeb Wife "Tracey Celebrity Wife Swap Celeb Wife Swap "Joe Big Women: Big Love Celeb Wife "Tracey Celebrity Wife Swap LIFE (29) Gold/ Carnie Wilson" "Laila Ali/ Angie Stone" Piscopo/ Barry Williams" "Potatoes and Cheese" Gold/ Carnie Wilson" "Laila Ali/ Angie Stone" Cold Justice "Still of the Wake Up "Kevin: 40Cold Justice "Still of the Wake Up "Kevin: 40Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 "Ha'awe TNT (32) Night (Pocatello, ID)" Year-Old Momma's Boy" Night (Pocatello, ID)" Year-Old Momma's Boy" "Wahine'inoloa" Make Loa" Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes to the D ress Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to the D ress Say Yes to Say Yes to TLC (33) t h e D r e s s the Dress Dress (N) Dress (N) "Kelly and Roger" (N) the Dress the Dress "Kelly and Roger" the Dress the Dress GoldRushDirt "Grandpa G o l d R u s h "Ship of A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le G o l d R u s h "Ship of A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le GoldRushDirt "Grandpa DISC (34) Schnabel's Visit" (N) Fools" (N) "Return to the Wild" (N) Fools" "Return to the Wild" Schnabel's Visit" W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a D i n e r s , Diners, Dr. Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Drive-Ins "Guy's FOOD (35) "Timer's Up" Drive-Ins "Big Flavor" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Hometown Tour" WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in < P i ran h a + (‘10) Richard Dreyfuss, Elisabeth Shue. < M e g a P i ran h a (2010, Sci-Fi) Tiffany, Barry SYFY (36) long-running rivalries. (N) An underwater tremor sets man-eating fish free. Williams, Paul Logan. Giant piranhas attack Florida. T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) T re e h o us e "Bird Nest" T re e h o us e M a s te rs Tre e h o us e M a s te rs ANPL (37) T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) Treeh. "Bird Nest" (N) S u n s P re - NBA Basketb all Phoenix Suns at San Antonio Spurs Site: AT&T S u n s Po s t S u n s Po s t F i g h t S p o rts K n o c kou ts ! W P T Poker Ladies Night FSN (38) G a m e (L) Center -- San Antonio, Texas (L) (L) (L) L o v e I t o r L i s t I t , T o o "A L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Disaster H o u s e House House House Love It or List It, Too House House HGTV (39) House Divided" Renovation" (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters "Disaster Renovation" Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang < B a d T e a c h e r ++ (‘11) Cameron Diaz. An < B a d T e a c h e r ++ (‘11) Cameron Diaz. An TBS (40) T h e o r y educator teaches her class unconventionally. educator teaches her class unconventionally. Theory Theory Theory S o u p (N) The Soup E! News (N) Divas "Her Highness" T h e S o up T h e S o up E! (43) < E v a n A l m i g h t y ++ (‘07) Steve Carell. Uncle/TTeenT. Teen Titan Steven Adv.Time Regular King of Hill King of Hill Clevelan d Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad TOON (49) Gumball : 2 5 J e s s i e /: 5 0 < 1 6 W i s h e s (‘10) Kendall Cross. Dog Blog Jessie Girl Phineas Wander I Didn'tDoIt Liv Maddie DISN (51) J e s s ie < X -M e n : F i rs t C l a s s +++ (2011, Action) Michael Fassbender, Jennifer < H a n c o c k ++ (‘08, Act) Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman, Will < H a n c o c k FX (53) Lawrence, James McAvoy. The Mutants help the government stop a dictator. Smith. An alcoholic superhero meets a public relations person. ++ Criminal Minds Criminal Minds "There's Criminal Minds "Hope" Criminal Minds "SelfCriminal Minds Criminal Minds "There's A&E (54) "Epilogue" No Place Like Home" Fulfilling Prophecy" "Epilogue" No Place Like Home" < C a s i n o R o y a l e +++ (2006, Action) Judi Dench, Eva Green, Daniel Craig. < T o m bs to n e +++ (1993, Western) Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn, Kurt Russell. AMC (55) James Bond is tasked with taking down a corrupt banker. Wyatt Earp comes out of retirement to fight outlaws. American Pickers "Dial F American Pickers "If Amer. Pickers "Legend :05 American Pickers American Pickers "Dial F American Pickers "If HIST (56) for Fitz" You Talk Nice to Me" of the Lost Indian" "The Possum Trot" for Fitz" You Talk Nice to Me" < M u rd e r b y D e ath +++ (‘76, Myst) :45 < T h e C he a p D e t e c t i v e +++ A detective < P laza Suite +++ (‘71) Neil Simon. < TCM (57) David Niven, Peter Falk, Peter Sellers. takes on hoodlums and mysterious women. Relationships happen in a suite at the Plaza in NYC. California... < Ba b y Ma ma ++ (‘08) Tina Fey. A woman hires < B a b y M a m a ++ (‘08) Tina Fey. A woman hires T o B e A n n o u n ce d BRAVO (61) an obnoxious surrogate to carry her baby. an obnoxious surrogate to carry her baby. Nine for IX "Pat Xo" Nine for IX "Branded" N ine for IX "No Limits" ESPNC (302) 5:00 I T F Ten n is C l a s sic s I T F Tennis Classics 2013 Australian Open 5 : 3 0 < G u n H i l l ++ (‘11) Michael < Fre ela nc ers (2012, Action) Forest Whitaker, 50 Cent, Robert < Lo ttery Ticket + (‘10) Ice Cube, Bow Wow. A BET Aronov, Shanti Ashanti, Larenz Tate. De Niro. A new cop seeks revenge on those who killed his father. man tries to hold onto a winning lottery ticket. 5:00 < S m o ke y a n d t h e B a n d i t < S m o k e y a n d t h e B a n d i t I I ++ (‘80) Burt Reynolds. C M T Ultim ate Kicko ff P arty (L) Kickoff CMT 4:40 Challen. : 2 5 R i d i c u . R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R id i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s MTV Nicky H.Danger Thunder Thunder WitchWay Max iCarly "iPsycho" Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK Cops Jail Cops C o ps "Bad C o ps C o ps "High C o ps C o ps Bellator MMA Bellator MMA SPIKE Girls" Crimes" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends Loves Ray Loves Ray TVLAND Hindsight "Pilot" < M acGru b e r ++ (‘10) Kristen Wiig, Will Forte. Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e "SNL in the '90s" Hindsight "Pilot" VH1
Friday, January 9, 2015
(50) (8815)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :35 New Mexico News 4 at Gameday /:45 J i m m y 10 p.m. Fallon
Señora acero
:35 TMZ
Bones "The Girl in the Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of the King of the The Fridge" A girl is found in Hill Hill Cleveland a refrigerator. "Pigmalion" S h o w
(8) N e w s 4
10 PM
La Gata
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(25) (8819)
Jane Lynch stars in “Glee”
Cold Justice (32)
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108)
6:00 p.m.
In this season premiere, Kelly Siegler and Yolanda McClary investigate the case of a young woman who was found stabbed to death in her own bedroom. The investigators face a tough challenge as they sort through several possible suspects.
(245) (138) (280) (183)
Glee (4)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
7:00 p.m.
It’s the beginning of the end for the McKinley High crew in this season premiere. This season, disgraced TV actress Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) returns to Lima to find Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) has banished the arts at McKinley.
(229) (112) (247) (139)
Gold Rush (34)
(236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
7:00 p.m.
Parker and his grandfather set out in search of a new Klondike claim in this new episode. Meanwhile, Tony’s dredge crew runs out of bolts, grinding the operation to a halt, and Todd’s crew experiences a financial loss when they throw out pay dirt.
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (35)
7:00 p.m.
Sit back, relax and enjoy a Fridaynight marathon of this series featuring Guy Fieri’s culinary road trips. In this episode, he whisks viewers to a number of international establishments, including a combination Jamaican/ Chinese joint in Florida.
7 AM
8 AM
10 AM
11 AM
Prog. pagado Prog. pagado M i ck e y M o u se M i c k e y M o u se Ha n d y M a n n y Pocoyo Jung le Book Backyardigans Prog. pagado Prog. pagado La rosa de Guadalupe W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood W o o d wo rk 1/2 C o o k 's C o un try T e s t K i tc h e n C h ri s tin a C o o ks J a z z y V e g . M o to rw e e k (N) G a r d e n H o m e V . G a r d e n (N) Paint This Joy of Painting KRQE News 13 Xploration Outer Space Earth 2050 Ani mal Scie nce W ee kend Marketplace C o o l es t E a r t h On the Spot Paid Program Paid Program Callin g Dr. Pol Calling Dr. Pol Calling Dr. Pol Dog Whisperer Dog Whisperer Dog Wh isperer Dog Whisperer Expedition Wild Expedition Wild Rock the Park Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Hollywood An. Exploration Winning Edge Live Life & Win! Jack Hanna Think Big Into the Wild Bounty Hunter Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning Wild Countd. Ocean Myst. Sea Rescue W ildlife Docs Outback Born to Explore 5 : 0 0 T o d a y (N) Eyewitness News 4 Weekend N o o d l e Do od l e A s t r o b l a s t The Chica Show Tree Fu Tom LazyTown Poppy Cat EP L S o c c e r Tottenham Hotspur at Crystal Palace (L) P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs Noodle Show chica LazyTown Pro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Super Latina Operacion Repo Criss Angel < African Cats Dr. Chris Vet Innova tion Recipe Rehab A l l i n W i t h L a i l a G a m e C h a n g e rs T o B e A n n o u n ce d (10) 5 : 0 0 C B S T h i s M o r n in g S a t u r d a y K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g L u c k y D o g Davey & Goliath Dr. Wonder Retro News Kin g d om War Creation Acquire the Fire Joe McGee Doug Stringer Dollars & Sense HaYesod (12) 5 : 0 0 L i g h t o f t h e S o u t h C h ris l e y K n o w s < Raid e rs o f th e Lo s t Ark ++++ (‘81) Karen Allen, Denholm Elliott, Harrison Ford. < I n d i a n a J on e s a nd th e T e m p l e o f D oo m ++ (‘84) Harrison Ford. (24) P a i d P r o g r a m S p o r t s C en t e r N F L C o un t d o w n "Postseason" (L) N C A A B as ketb all Ohio State vs. Indiana (L) (26) S p o r t s C en t e r NFL MatchUp NFL Live S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A B ask etb all Cincinnati vs. Connecticut (L) NCAA Footb al l (27) 5 : 0 0 3 0 f o r 3 0 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s < T o B e A n n o u n ce d (29) P a i d P r o g r a m Law & Ord e r "Bottomless" Law & Ord e r "Driven" L aw & Ord e r "Political Animal" Law & Ord e r "Quit Claim" < G r a n T o r i n o +++ (32) L a w & O r d e r "Misbegotten" Paid Program Che aps kates Che aps kates C he apskate s Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates (33) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program O u tlaw s "Down From Chi-Town" O u t l a w s "Shut Your Death Trap" G o l d R u s h "Grandpa John" G o l d R u s h "Ship of Fools" M o on s h in e r s (34) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program S an d w i c h Kin g BBQ A d d i c ti o n Be s t T h i n g Best Thing I Ate Farm Rules P i o n e e r W om a n P i o n e e r (N) S. Kitchen (35) P a i d P r o g r a m Twilight Zone < L o c k o u t ++ (‘12, Act) Maggie Grace, Peter Stormare, Guy Pearce. < S k y l i n e ++ (‘10) Donald Faison, Scottie Thompson, Eric Balfour. < S t a r T re k : N e m e s i s +++ (36) T w i l i g h t Z o n e T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d (37) A m e r i c a ' s C u t e s t "Howl-o-ween" T o B e A n n o u n ce d S u n s Po s t Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program G o l f (N) D e s t i n a t i o n (N) M a tc h P l a y N C A A B as ketb all Texas vs. Iowa State (L) (38) P a i d P r o g r a m Yard C ras h e rs Yard C ras h e rs Yard C ras h e rs F lip I t Win I t "Rebuilding the Past" F l i p I t to W i n I t Flip It to Win It Flip It to Win It (39) Y a r d C r a s h e r s < D i a ry o f a M a d B l a c k W o m a n ++ (‘05) Steve Harris, Shemar Moore, Kimberly Elise. (40) K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s < I C a n D o B a d A l l b y M y s e l f + (‘09) Taraji P. Henson, Adam Rodriguez, Tyler Perry. The Soup The Soup E ! N e w s W e e k e n d (N) < E v a n A l m i g h t y ++ (‘07) Morgan Freeman, Steve Carell. Kourtney & Khloé (43) T o t a l D i v a s "Her Highness" T e e n T i t a n s G o ! P o k ém o n : X Y Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! T een Titans Go! Gumball Gumball (49) C l e v e l a n d S h o w K i n g o f t h e H i l l L e g e n d s C h i m a T e e n T i t a n s G o ! S o n i c B o o m P h i n e as Ferb Mickey M. Mickey M. J a k e N e v e r L a n d Do c M c S t u f f i n s T h e 7 D (N) Sofia the First Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally (51) P h i n e a s F e r b Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ellen Bu f f y V am p i re "Hell's Bells" Anger Manage Anger Manage Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half (53) P a i d P r o g r a m B o u n ty H u n te r C ri m i n a l M i n d s "Dorado Falls" C .M i n ds "From Childhood's Hour" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Open Season" C ri m . M i n d s "Elephant's Memory" St o r a ge Wa r s Storage Wars (54) B o u n t y H u n t e r The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman < T h e B i g C o un t r y +++ (1958, Western) Jean Simmons, Charlton Heston, Gregory Peck. A captain is forced into a battle over water rights. (55) T h e R i f l e m a n Bo o k o f Secrets "Area 51" B o o k o f Secrets "The Mafia" Bo o k o f Secrets "The FBI" Bo o k o f Secrets "Scientology" Secrets "Secret Underground" (56) B o o k o f S e c r e t s "Hells Angels" : 1 5 < T h e L a s t o f t h e M o h i c a n s ++ (‘36) Randolph Scott. (57) 5 : 1 5 < K n u t e R o c k n e : A l l A m e r ... < B r o t h e r R a t + (‘38) Wayne Morris, Priscilla Lane. < C a r r y o n R e g a r d l e s s ++ (‘60) Sidney James. Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce B e v e r l y "Livin' La Vida Housewife" Beverly Hills "Star Sighting" Beverly Hill s "Medford, 90210" (61) T o p C h e f "For Julia and Jacques" G i r l f r i e n d s ' G u i d e t o D i v o r c e S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry "Terry Bradshaw" R e e l C l a s s i c s "On the Mat" Reel Classics (302) S p o rts C en tu ry 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration RealHusband RealHusb and RealHusband RealHusband RealHusband RealHusband 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Hot 20 Countdo wn R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d ic u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u lo u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss F a n ta s y F a c to ry F a n tas y F a c to ry < B i l l y M a d i s o n ++ 5:55 Mother Met Mother Fresh Prince Fresh Prince F a i r l y O d d P a r e n ts Odd Parents Odd Parents S p o ng e Bob Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob SanjayCraig Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bar Re s . "Jon vs. the Hurricane" Bar Rescue The Nanny The Nanny Hot/ Cleve. The Exes 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 4:00 VH1 + Music V H 1 T o p 20 V i d e o s 1/2 (N) V H 1 T o p 20 V i d e o s Pt. 2 of 2 (N) < A L e a g u e o f T h e i r O w n +++ (1992, Comedy/Drama) Tom Hanks, Madonna, Geena Davis.
12 PM
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
Hotel todo incluido Sabadazo Como dice el dicho Dallas Show Noticiero: FDS Oil Painting Quilt in a Day Quilting Arts Fons & Porter C re a ti v e L i v i n g M a rth a 's S c h o o l H o m e tim e (N) T h i s O l d H o us e A s k - O l d H o u s e W e l c o m e S t u d io S e w i n g N a n c y F i t 2 S t i t c h Paid Program N F L C h a m p . C h a s e "The Season" N F L P r e - g a m e S h o w (L) N F L F o o tb a l l NFC Divisional (L) NFL Post-game Paid Program Paid Program Friends Friends C o ug a r T o w n C o ug a r T o w n < T h e H a p p e n in g ++ (‘08) Zooey Deschanel, Mark Wahlberg. Glee KRQE Special N C A A B aske tb al l North Texas vs. Rice (L) Paid Program Winter Preview Paid Program Paid Program H o m e o wn e r Paid Program World of X Games ESPN Sports Saturday ESPN Sports Saturday Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News World News 10:30 Soccer Goal Zone TBA N F L P r e G a m e N F L F o o tb a l l AFC Divisional To Be Announced at New England Patriots Site: Gillette Stadium -- Foxborough, Mass. (L) 1 1 : 3 0 < A f r i c a n C a t s (2011, Documentary) < H o t e l f o r D o g s (‘09) Jake T. Austin, Lisa Kudrow, Emma Roberts. Ritmo deportivo Noticiero O p e racio n Rep o < T h e S p y N e x t D o o r Jackie Chan. NCAA Special N C A A B a sk etb al l Kentucky vs. Texas A&M (L) Paid Program Paid Program E v e n i n g N e ws T h e N F L T o d a y (10) 1 1 : 0 0 T o B e A n n o u n c e d Walking All About Us Sondra Bar as Light of the Southwest Best of Week Ha Yesod Rock/Manusc. BAS Presents Day Discovery (12) U p d a t e N e w s : 3 5 < I nd i a n a J o n e s a n d t h e L a s t C r u s a d e ++++ (‘89) Sean Connery, Harrison Ford. : 2 0 < I nd i a n a J o n e s a n d t h e K i n g d om o f t h e C r y s t a l S k u l l ++ (‘08) Karen Allen, Harrison Ford. (24) M o v i e H.S . B aske tb al l (L) Basketball 30 fo r 30 Sh o rts S p o r t s C en t e r (26) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Louisville vs. North Carolina (L) N C A A Bas ketb all Baylor vs. TCU (L) N C A A B as ketb all Virginia vs. Notre Dame (L) (27) 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A F o o t b a l l Division I Tournament NDS/Ill.St. (L) < T h e C h ok i n g G am e (Drama) Peri Gilpin, Freya Tingley. < N a n n y C a m (2014, Drama) Cam Gigandet, India Eisley, Laura Allen. (29) < T h e S u r r o g a t e (‘13) Amy Scott, Cameron Mathison. < I n g l ou ri o us B a s te rd s +++ (‘09) Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth, Brad Pitt. Jewish-American soldiers target a movie theater. < A m e r i c a n G a n g s t e r +++ (32) 1 1 : 0 0 < G r a n T o r i n o +++ (‘08) Clint Eastwood. B ig Hoard s "Dale and Jessica" 10 Big g e s t H o ard s "Bennie" 10 Big g e s t H o ard s "Jahn" 10 Big g e s t H o ard s "Chip" 10 Big g e s t H o ard s "Renee" (33) 1 0 B i g g e s t H o a r d s "Michelle" M o on s h in e rs "Moonshine River" B u s h P eo p l e "Breaking Free" Alaskan "Return to the Wild" M y th B u s te rs "Bullet Baloney" M y th "*DO* Try This at Home" (34) M o o n s h in e r s "Shine Jacked" W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a Be at Bob b y Flay Beat Bob b y Flay Res taurant "Fitness: Impossible" D i n e r s . . . D i v e s Diners...Dives Bes t. Ev er. "Pizza" (35) T h e K i t c h e n < T e r m i n a t o r 2 : J u d g e m e n t D a y +++ (‘91) Arnold Schwarzenegger. (36) 1 1 : 0 0 < S t a r T r e k : N e m e s i s +++ Patrick Stewart. < S t a r T r e k V I : T h e U n d i s c o v e r e d C o u n tr y +++ (‘91) William Shatner. T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T re e h o us e "Scottish Sky Garden" (37) T o B e A n n o u n ce d W P T P o k e r Ladies Night Lumberjack N C A A B asketb al l Southern Utah vs. Northern Arizona (L) F i v e M i n u tes Coyotes N H L H o c k e y Ottawa vs Arizona (L) (38) B i g 1 2 P ro p e rty B ro s . "Chris and Mike" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Aven and Phillip" (39) P r o p e r t y B r o s . "Kathryn and Eric" P r o p e r t y B r o s . "Maria and Dave" P r o p e r t y B r o s . "Sandy and Susy" P r o p e r t y "Beatriz and Brandon" Friends Friends Friends Friends Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray (40) < M a d e a G o e s t o J a i l + (‘09) Derek Luke, Tyler Perry. Ko u rtn ey "A House Divided" Kourtney & Khloé < E v a n A l m i g h t y ++ (‘07) Morgan Freeman, Steve Carell. (43) K o u r t n e y & K h l o é "Riding Dirty" K o u r t n e y & K h l o é Clarence Clarence Clarence Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa Gumball Gumball Teen Tita n s G o ! (49) G u m b a l l (51) A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y < X -M e n O ri g i n s : W o l v e ri n e ++ (2009, Action) Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, Hugh Jackman. < X -M e n : F i rs t C l a s s +++ (‘11) Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. (53) T w o a n d H a l f Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Wild Transport Wild Transport Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (54) S t o r a g e W a r s < C a s i n o R o y a l e +++ (2006, Action) Judi Dench, Eva Green, Daniel Craig. (55) < T o m b s t o n e +++ (1993, Western) Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn, Kurt Russell. O a k I s l . "Return to the Money Pit" O a k I s l . "The Eight-Pointed Star" O a k I s l a n d "The Breakthrough" O a k I s l a n d "The 90-Foot Stone" (56) B o o k o f S e c r e t s "Secret Prisons" O a k I s l a n d "Once In, Forever In" < B i g J a k e ++ (‘71) Richard Boone, Patrick Wayne, John Wayne. < T h e R e i v e r s ++ (‘69) Mitch Vogel, Sharon Farrell, Steve McQueen. (57) < T h u n d e r R o a d +++ (‘59) Gene Barry, Robert Mitchum. V an d e rR "New Girl, Old Grudges" V an d e rpu mp R. "Mind the Jax" V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s (61) B e v e r l y H i l l s "Breaking Branches" B e v e r l y H i l l s "Winning and Dining" V a n d e r p u m p R . "Kiss and Tell" : 1 5 R e e l C l a s s i c s "Wild in the Streets" S E C S t o r i e d "Going Big" N i n e f o r I X "The Diplomat" 30/30 "This Is What They Want" (302) 1 1 : 3 0 R e e l C l a s s i c s "Steep" RealHusband RealHusband < G u n H i l l ++ (‘11, Act) Michael Aronov, Shanti Ashanti, Larenz Tate. < F r e e l a n c e r s (2012, Action) Forest Whitaker, 50 Cent, Robert De Niro. Movie 10:00 Hot 20 Countdown CMT Ultimate Kicko ff Party < S m o k e y a n d t h e B a n d i t +++ (‘77, Com) Jackie Gleason, Sally Field, Burt Reynolds. < S m o k e y a n d t h e B a n d i t I I ++ 1 1 : 0 0 < B i l l y M a d i s o n ++ The Real World: Skeletons The Cha lleng e: Battle of the Exes 2 < J a c k a s s P re s e n t s : B a d G r a n d p a . 5 (‘14) Marilynn Allain. Fantasy Factory Breadwinners Rab b i d sI n v Power Rangers Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob i C arl y "iParty With Victorious" iCarly Bar Rescue B a r R e s c u e "Jon of the Dead" B a r R e s c u e "Crappy Cantina" F ra m e w o rk "Rock the Boat" C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud H i n d s i g h t "Pilot" M o b W i v es M o b W i v es "Storm A-Brewin'" M o b W i v es "RATalie" < M a c G ru b e r ++ (‘10, Act) Kristen Wiig, Ryan Phillippe, Will Forte.
S (41)
(143) (327)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D (41)
(143) (327)
Friday, January 9, 2015
Durm iendo con mi jefe
Report America's (3) F ro m S a n ta Heartlan d Fe
Family (4) F e u d
Family Feud
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
S á b a d o g ig a n t e Lawrence Welk Show opens with A Pretty Girl with the Lennon Sisters.
T o M a n o r N e i g hb o r Au s tin C ity Lim its Born "The "The Green "Spoon/ White Denim" Scout Hut" Door" (N)
Sleepy Hollow
News 13 on KASA
BBang "The Big Bang Theory Expedition" "Pilot"
C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty T h e M i dd l e The Middle M o d e rn "Twenty "Life Skills" Family Years"
The Pinkertons
< W h a t e v e r I t T a k e s ++ (2000, Comedy) Marla
(5) Monopolar
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
10 PM
Noticiero Denver Show Univision N o v a An inside look at the technology behind drones.
11 PM Estrellados
High S c h o o l/:15 School
Modern Family
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men
Family Guy Family Guy Futurama
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Paid Program
Galavant "Pilot"
Galavant "Joust Friends"
Eyewitness Eyewitness Grimm News 4
(8) N e w s 4
5:00 < The Spy Next (9) D o o r (‘10) Jackie Chan.
C arter Howard Stark is framed for unleashing a deadly weapon.
Horror) Juliana Guill, Jessica Lowndes.
Exploring With the
Friday, January 9, 2015
House Calls Creation Proclaims Law & Order: S.V.U . "Jersey Breakdown"
Action 7 News Live
V i d e os a s o mb ro so s 48 Hours
(10) (12) S c h o l a rs
The Office
White Collar
C as tl e "Target" Castle and Beckett expose a kidnapping plot.
E ye wit n e s s Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e Jim Carrey hosts News 4 at the show for the third time. 10 p.m. Operacion 12 corazones Titulares T e l e m u nd o Rep o KRQE News :35 The Clos er :35 13 Unsealed: Alien Files
First Fruits Biblical Shepherd's Heart of Zion Israel Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Modern Modern Modern < Raid e rs o f th e Lo s t Ark ++++ USA (24) "Amaro's One-Eighty" (‘81) Karen Allen, Harrison Ford. "Betrayal's Climax" F a m "iSpy" "The Feud" Family Studio Studio S p o r t s C en t e r N F L P r i m e T i m e (L) S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN (26) NBA C o as t to C o as t (L) NBA 30 for 30 ESPN2 (27) N C A A Basketb all Iowa State vs. West Virginia (L) Basketb all 30/30 "When the Garden Was Eden" S p o r t s C en t e r < S u g ar D ad d i e s (‘15) Taylor Gildersleeve. A < A W i f e ' s N i g h t m a r e (2014, Drama) A woman is < S u g ar D ad d i e s (‘15) Taylor Gildersleeve. A LIFE (29) struggling student it introduced to 'Sugar Daddies.' suspicious of her newfound step-daughter. struggling student it introduced to 'Sugar Daddies.' 5 : 0 0 < A m e r i c a n G a n g s t e r +++ A detective Transporter: The Series Transporter: The Series The Librarians "And the < American Gangster TNT (32) works to bring down a heroin kingpin. "Euphro" "Euphro" Fables of Doom" +++ Sex Sent Me to the E.R.: Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. All About Sex E.R.: Extra Dose Sex Sent Me to the E.R. The E.R. TLC (33) Ex tra Do s e "Have a Ball" "Mile High Mishap" "Cut It Off!" Sex "Study Buddies" "Mile High Mishap" M y th B u s te rs "Star Wars: M y th B u s te rs "The Street Outlaws "Shut M y th B u s te rs "The Street Outlaws S treet Outlaws "Down DISC (34) Revenge of the Myth" Simpsons Special" (N) Your Death Trap" Simpsons Special" From Chi-Town" G u y ' s G a m e "Family C h op p ed "Four Fathers" Diners, Dr. Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, FOOD (35) Style: Kids' Choice" "Timeless" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins 4:00 < Terminator 2: < I n d ep e nd e n ce D a y +++ (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Will < Stargate +++ (‘94) James Spader, Kurt Russell. SYFY (36) Judg emen t Day +++ Smith. A group of people battle against alien invaders. A military team travels through a mysterious portal. P re p os tero u s P e ts P i t B u l l P a ro l e e s (N) P re p os tero u s P e ts Pit Bulls and Parolees T re e h o us e M a s te rs ANPL (37) T re e h o us e M a s te rs 5 : 0 0 N H L H o c k e y Ottawa Senators at C o y o te s (L) C o y o te s (L) C o un td o wn H . S . F o o tb a l l Semper Fidelis All-American East vs. West FSN (38) Arizona Coyotes (L) P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Kristi P ro p e rty B ro th e rs House Hunters House House Property Brothers House Hunters HGTV (39) and Jay" "Samira and Shawn" R e n o v a tio n (N) Hunters Hunters "Samira and Shawn" Renovation Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Ground C o ug ar < T h e F a m i l y M a n ++ (‘01) Téa Leoni, Nicolas TBS (40) T h e o r y Cage. A money broker experiences an alternate life. Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Floor Town < O c e a n ' s T w e l v e ++ (‘04) George Clooney. E! (43) < O c e a n ' s T w e l v e ++ (‘04) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Brad Pitt, George Clooney. Divas "Her Highness" Sit Down King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Family Guy Black Dy TOON (49) Teen Ti tan T ee n Tita n < Sh rek +++ (‘01) Mike Myers. Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally DISN (51) Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin / Al l y Au s t i n/ A l l y A u sti n / Al ly Je s s i e M & M "Sex M i k e & Mike & Mike & Mike & 3:30 < X< L o o p e r ++++ (‘12, Action) Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Joseph M i k e & FX (53) M e n : F i r... Gordon Levitt. A killer realizes that his next victim is himself. Molly and Death" Mo ll y Molly Molly Molly Duck Duck Duck W a h l b u r - D o n n i e L o v es J e n n y Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck WahlburA&E (54) D y n a s ty Dynasty Dynasty gers "The Wedding" Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty gers < T h e B o u r n e S up r e m a c y +++ (‘04) Franka Potente, Matt < T h e D e p a r t e d +++ (2006, Thriller) Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio. AMC (55) Damon. A former assassin is framed for a botched CIA mission. Two men work undercover to get evidence on Costello. T h e C u r s e o f O a k I s la n d C u r s e / O a k Is l a n d "The T h e C u r s e o f O a k I s la n d :05 C u r s e o f O a k I s la n d T h e C u r s e o f O a k I s la n d C u r s e / O a k Is l a n d "The HIST (56) "Seven Must Dye" Trail of the Templars" "X Marks the Spot" "A Dangerous Dive" "Seven Must Dye" Trail of the Templars" < M e tro p o lis ++++ (‘26, Fant) Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich, :45 < M i n i s try o f F e a r +++ (‘44) Ray Milland. An < T h e B l u e G a r d e n i a + (‘53) TCM (57) Brigette Helm. A city of the future is threatened by a scientist. innocent man is drawn into espionage. Raymond Burr, Anne Baxter. V an d e rR "Bachelorette B ra v o F i rs t L o o k s (N) T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d BRAVO (61) Beach Party" 30 for 30 Nin e fo r I X "Pat Xo" N i n e f o r I X "Branded" N i n e f o r I X "No Limits" ESPNC (302) T h e L o s t S o n o f H a v a n a 5 : 3 0 < B o y z ' N t h e H o o d ++++ A single father < C R U ++ (‘14) Ashanna Bri, Jermaine Crawford. < B o y z ' N t h e H o o d ++++ Laurence Fishburne. BET tries to raise his son with values. Childhood friends reunite 18 years after an accident. A single father tries to raise his son with values. 5:00 < Sm o key an d th e Ban d i t I I The Dukes of Hazzard :45 T h e D u k es o f H a z z a r d The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard CMT R. Dy rd ek R. Dy rd ek R. Dy rd ek Rid iculous Rid iculous Rid iculous < Billy Madison ++ (‘95) Adam Sandler. < Haro ld & Ku m ar Go ... MTV Nicky Nicky Thunder Thunder H.Danger H.Danger H.Danger Nicky (N) 100 Things to do Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps "On Cops Jail: Las C o ps C o ps C o ps "Liar, SPIKE Thin Ice" Vegas Liar #6" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends Loves Ray Loves Ray TVLAND Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e "SNL in the '90s" H i n d s i g h t "Pilot" < T h e R o o m m a te ++ (‘11) Minka Kelly. M o b W i v es "RATalie" VH1 KRPV
Saturday Best Bets
(50) (8815)
Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative features and stories.
M F L F ú tbo l Cruz Azul at Pachuca Site: Estadio Hidalgo -- Pachuca, Mexico (L) N F L F o o tb a l l AFC Divisional (L)
< Altitude (2010,
Sokoloff, James Franco, Shane West. A geek tries to win over a popular girl.
Natu re Wolves, boar and bears live in France's mountains.
News 13 on KASA
High S c h o o l/:45 School
Light of the Southwest Best of Week
(25) (8819)
Chris Vance stars in “Transporter: The Series”
Lucky Dog (27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138)
8:00 a.m.
Biscuit the French bulldog mix doesn’t have much hope of being adopted. With a crippling skin condition that requires a lot of upkeep, the pooch’s future is grim until he’s rescued at the last minute and given another shot at life.
(280) (183)
Sea Rescue
(278) (182)
(231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139)
Expedition Wild
(236) (114) (296) (176)
10:00 a.m.
“ABC News’” Matt Gutman brings viewers spectacular stories of marine animal rescue and rehabilitation. Dedicated veterinarians, animal care experts, animal science researchers and government authorities provide expert insight.
10:30 a.m.
(256) (132)
Wildlife expert Casey Anderson invites viewers to tag along with some of his animal pals as he tours North America’s wildest places in this series. Learn about the complexity of the natural world as Anderson enjoys an action-packed odyssey.
(273) (129)
Transporter: The Series
(291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120)
(143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
8:00 p.m.
When it appears that fake medicines have resulted in the deaths of children, Inspector Tarconi (François Berléand) arrives in a rural villa to arrest a counterfeiter. The drama stars Chris Vance as a professional courier driver who’ll deliver anything.
Cooking thisweek FRIDAY 5:00 p.m.
A second ‘Startup’: Restaurant investors return for a second season By Andrew Warren TV Media ometimes, you can have the greatest, the most original and the most exciting business idea in the world. The trick, though, is finding the cold, hard cash to turn that idea into reality. That’s the premise behind ABC’s huge hit “Shark Tank,” in which small business owners and entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a panel of wealthy investors, hoping to secure enough cash to take their dreams up to the big leagues. It’s also the premise behind “Restaurant Startup.” Its first season was a refreshing change in the culinary TV landscape, and with its second season premiering Tuesday, Jan. 13, on CNBC, a lot more restaurant entrepreneurs are about to become very happy. Each episode of “Restaurant Startup” finds two teams pitching their restaurant concepts to a pair of investors, hoping to score the cash to start up their businesses. These investors aren’t just two wealthy guys with money to blow, though; they know the restaurant business inside and out, and they’re sure not going to be giving their moolah to businesses that they don’t believe in. And just who are these investors? Well, Joe Bastianich probably won’t need much of an introduction. The
(35) Worst Cooks in America
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
*Valid 1 per person. Must present this coupon. Expires Jan. 31, 2015
5:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
5:30 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman (35) Chopped (35) Chopped (35) Chopped
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY 5:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman
7:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
7:30 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
5:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
6:00 p.m.
(35) Mystery Diners
7:00 p.m.
(35) Mystery Diners
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (35) Best. Ever.
(35) Worst Cooks in America
8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
9:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games
5:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
5:30 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
(35) Worst Cooks in America
5:30 p.m.
(35) Chopped
6:00 p.m.
(35) Chopped
6:30 p.m.
(35) Chopped
7:00 p.m.
Roswell Daily Record: Food Jan 9, 2015 to Jan 15, 2015
(35) Barefoot Contessa (35) Barefoot Contessa
(35) The Pioneer Woman (35) Daphne Dishes
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.
FARMERS COUNTRY MARKET Del Norte - Plains Park - 2nd & Garden
For Week of Jan. 12 - Jan. 15 Lunch Breakfast
With eal. a dinner m .m. p 8 5 p.m. — rday tu a S to Monday
7:00 p.m.
(35) Chopped
A/Peppers B/Laurab Cafe 2 x 3"
9:30 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
* EE DRseINofK ONE FR a the purch
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Best. Ever.
Tim Love and Joe Bastianich as seen in “Restaurant Startup” successful restaurateur has been a fix- and given 36 hours to launch a popture in “MasterChef” and “Masup restaurant in Los Angeles. They terChef Junior” from the very beginwon’t just be cooking up food durning, and fans of those shows know ing this test period. They’ll need to that he’s a tough critic to please. come up with a full business plan At his side in “Restaurant Startand a branding campaign before fiup” is Texas chef Tim Love. The own- nally opening their doors and server of several restaurants, he’s no ing hungry diners who are always stranger to the TV spotlight, either: more than happy to give feedback he’s been a frequent guest on ABC’s — both good and bad. “Good Morning America” and In the end, though, it’s up to the NBC’s “Today Show.” With a pair of wealthy investors to decide who teams each pitching their restaurant has the better concept for a restauconcept in each episode, Bastianich rant. Like any investors, they’re ultiand Love need a way to determine mately in it for profit, which means which idea is truly worth their inthat only one of the teams will win vestment. What better way to find the cash infusion it needs to make that out than with a proof of conits dream a reality. cept? Following their pitch, each Season 2 of “Restaurant Startup” business team is handed $7,500 premieres Tuesday, Jan. 13, on CNBC.
9:00 p.m.
(35) Worst Cooks in America
8:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
B/Nifty '50s 1 x 2"
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Layaway Lay L ayaw aya ay away ay Available A vvai va aiila lab la ble le le
Morning Sausage Roll, Juice 1/2C, Applesauce 1/2C
Deli Sandwich, Lettuce/Tomato, Baby Carrots, Seasonal Fruit
Tony’s Sausage Bk Pizza, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2 C
Tony’s Sausage Bk Pizza,
Juice 1/2C, Farmers Country Market Applesauce 1/2C 2 x 4"
Mini Breakfast Tacos, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2 C
Frito Pie, Corn, Pineapple
Snack n Waffel, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2 C
Chicken Fajitas, Beans, Peaches
Breakfast Breaks, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2 C
Spaghetti, Green Beans, Sliced Apples
All meals are served with your choice of regular, low fat or chocolate milk. Menu subject to change.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Television Crossword ACROSS 1 An ‘eft’ is the terrestrial stage of what creature? 5 Athletic honoree [acronym] 8 English actress Ms. Lanchester (b.1902 - d.1986) 12 Without _ __ (Penniless) 13 Slangy one-eighty turn, variantly 14 Shape 15 Mr. Howard (Star of the new show at 8 Down) 17 Egg on 18 Series of 1982 to 1986 starring David Hasselhoff: 2 wds. 20 Harmonica or banjo or piano, e.g. 22 2015, for one 23 Lake __ (Resort spot) 24 “You Light Up My Life” songstress Ms. Boone 28 Pou __ (Vantage point) 29 Battery size 30 1st Greek letter 33 Gloria’s portrayer on “All in the Family” 35 Supermodel Carol, and surnamesakes 38 Kitchen floor squares 39 “Saturday Night Live” alum who plays Detective Jake Peralta on FOX police comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”: 2 wds.
43 “Batman” star Burt 44 Mr. Smith (Actor who played Red Forman, the dad on “That ‘70s Show”) 47 “Zip-_-__-Doo-Dah” 48 Baseball pitcher’s stat. 49 Haywire 50 Be tired, do this 51 “Portlandia” cable channel 52 Boxing periods, briefly DOWN 1 Larry’s father on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” 2 ‘Legal’ suffix 3 Do-It-Yourselfer’s milieu 4 Seek help or advice from: 2 wds. 5 Sprouty bean 6 French skincare brand since 1931 7 Actress, Holly Robinson __ 8 New series on FOX described as ‘television’s first Hip Hop drama’ 9 God 10 Gin flavoring 11 Destination on an env. 16 Republic of Ireland 19 “Totally awesome!” 20 “__ _ sign!” (There’s meaning!) 21 ‘N’ of NHL, briefly 25 Fairytale princess attire: 2 wds. 26 Actor Christian 27 Happy shouts!
31 Ms. Panettiere of ABC’s “Nashville” 32 Mr. Pacino’s 33 Leave in, in proofreading 34 Military conflict in the skies: 2 wds. 36 “Star Trek” star George who played Sulu 37 Blue cartoon creature on ‘80s TV 39 Not at one’s desk 40 Goose egg 41 Mr. Carey of “The Price Is Right” 42 Bric-a-__ 45 Sequence, for short 46 Actress Ms. Cannon, et al.
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Friday, January 9, 2015
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7 AM
8 AM
10 AM
11 AM
Prog. pagado Misa Catolica Hotel todo incluido Al punto Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a F ú tb o l C en tral /:50 M F L F ú tbo l (L) Getting Away S e c o nd O p i n i on A n t i q u e "Phoenix (Hour Three)" Classic Gosp el Joy of Music Joy of Music S a c re d J o u rn e y s "Jerusalem" G l o b e T r e k k e r "Myanmar" Paid Program C a th o l i c M a s s L e g a c y C h u rc h B e l i ev e r C e n te r F o x N e w s Su n d a y Joel Osteen H o m e S h o w c a se N F L P r e - g a m e S h o w (L) N F L F o o tb a l l NFC Divisional (L) Paid Program Catholic Mass Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Th e C on n e c ti o n P aid P ro g ram Paid P ro g ram Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass Paid Program T ro b ad ou r LatiNat ion American Latino Paid Program Paid Program Raw Travel OK! TV Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning This Week Hollywood Teen Kids News Race Week Paid Program O n th e M o n e y T h i s O l d H o us e S u n d a y T od a y (N) New Mexico NM True TV M e e t t h e P r e s s (N) New Mexico Paid Program USSA Freestyle Skiing P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs Noodle Show chica O p e rac i o n Re p o EP L F ú tb o l Southampton at Manchester United (L) P ro g . p ag ado LazyTown F a c e th e N a ti o n P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program NCAA Basket. (10) K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g C B S S u n d a y M o r n in g Walking Doug Stringer I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Day Discovery Rock/Manus c. HaYesod M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a (12) 5 : 0 0 L i g h t o f t h e S o u t h N C I S "The Immortals" N C I S "Eye Spy" N C I S "An Eye for an Eye" N C I S "See No Evil" N C I S "Forced Entry" (24) P a i d P r o g r a m S p o r t s C en t e r N F L C o un t d o w n "Postseason" (L) P BA B o w l i n g World Championship (26) S p o r t s C en t e r Sp o rts Rep o rt. C o l i n ' s F o o t b a l l S h o w (L) S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A B ask etb all Ken./S.C. (L) (27) O u t s i d e L i n e s Paid Program Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s < H i d d e n A w a y (‘13) Sean Patrick Flanery, Elisabeth Rohm. < T h e G o od S i s t e r Sonya Walger. (29) A m a z i n g F a c t s D a v i d J e r e m i a h J o e l O s t e e n Law & Ord e r "Angelgrove" Law & Ord e r "Burn Card" Law & Ord e r "Bogeyman" < C l a s h o f th e T i ta n s ++ (‘10) Liam Neeson, Sam Worthington. (32) L a w & O r d e r "Submission" Paid Program Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-D ress Dateline NBC (33) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program Dirty Jo b s "Scrapple Maker" Dirty Jo b s "Cricket Farmer" Dirty Jo b s "Date Palm Pollenator" Dirty Jo b s "Rum Distiller" A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le (34) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program Rachael Ray's Week in a Day Barefoot Cont. Heartland Table P ioneer Woman S. Kitchen South Heart G i a d a (N) (35) P a i d P r o g r a m < I n d ep e nd e n ce D a y -s a s te r (‘13) Tom Everett Scott, Ryan Merriman. < B l a s t V e g a s (‘13) Barry Bostwick, Michael Steger, Frankie Muniz. < S t a r g a t e +++ (‘94) James Spader, Kurt Russell. (36) T w i l i g h t Z o n e T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d (37) T o B e A n n o u n ce d Coyotes Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program F i s h i ng (N) N C A A B as ketb all UAB vs. Florida International (L) (38) P a i d P r o g r a m Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters (39) F i x e r U p p e r Friends Friends < M a n o f th e Y e a r ++ (‘06, Com) Christopher Walken, Laura Linney, Robin Williams. < T h e F a m i l y M a n ++ (‘01) Téa Leoni, Don Cheadle, Nicolas Cage. (40) F r i e n d s T r u e S t o r y "Life After Reality" T otal D ivas "Daddy's Little Girl" Divas "The Divas Are Taking Over" Tot al Div as "Her Highness" Kourtney & Khloé (43) T r u e S t o r y "Life After Reality" Samurai Jack LegendsChima Sonic Boom P o k ém o n : X Y Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Gumball Gumball Gumball Clarence (49) I G P X Mickey M. Jake Never Land Doc McStuffins The 7D Sofia the First Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally (51) A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y M i c k e y M . Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bu f f y V am p i re "Normal Again" Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother < X -M e n O ri g i n s : W o l v e ri n e ++ (53) P a i d P r o g r a m C ri m . M i n d s "Elephant's Memory" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Bloodline" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Valhalla" Wahlburgers Do n n i e L o v es J . "The Wedding" W i l d T ra n s p o rt (54) C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Open Season" M a d M e n "The Fog" < C u j o ++ (‘83, Hor) Danny Pintauro, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Dee Wallace. < D e a th W i s h I I I ++ (‘85) Deborah Raffin, Charles Bronson. (55) M a d M e n "The Arrangements" T h e H u n t "One Shot" T h e H u n t "Close Encounters" T h e H u n t "Ambushed" T h e H u n t "Death Charge" T h e H u n t "In the Crosshairs" (56) T h e H u n t "Night Stalker" < T h e M a l t e s e F a l c o n ++++ (‘41) Mary Astor, Humphrey Bogart. (57) 4 : 0 0 < M a y t i m e < W i n g s o f t h e M o rn i n g +++ (‘37) Henry Fonda. < A n n a K a r e n i n a ++++ (‘35) Fredric March, Greta Garbo. Friends/ Lovers The Millionaire Matchmaker M i l l i o n a i r e "Chilli and Jeff Ogden" T h e M i l l i o n a i r e M a t c h m a k e r The Millionaire Matchmaker T h i c k e r / W a t e r "Act Like a Sister" (61) 5 : 3 0 T h i c k e r S p o rts C en tu ry B a ttl e L i n e s S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry "Don Shula" S p o rts C en tu ry "Reggie White" R e e l C l a s s i c s "On the Mat" Reel Classics (302) S p o rts C en tu ry 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration B o b b y J on e s G os p e l (N) L i f t E v e r y V o i c e Li f t V o i c e (N) 5:00 CMT Music CMT M usic CMT Ultimate Kicko ff Party Hot 20 Countdo wn < H o n e y ++ (2003, Drama) Lil' Romeo, Mekhi Phifer, Jessica Alba. Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness G i rl C o d e Girl Code 5:55 Mother Met Mother Fresh Prince Fresh Prince P e ng u i ns Odd Parents P .R. M e g a f o r c e S p o ng e B ob Henry Danger NickyRickyDicky SpongeBob Spong eBob Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Powernation Powernation Powernation Powernation Golden Girls Golden Girls The Year: 2014 Family Feud Family Feud F am i l y F e u d Family Feud Soul Man Soul Man V i d e o C o un td o wn 1/2 cont'd next V H 1 T o p 20 V i d e o s Pt. 2 of 2 H i n d s i g h t "Pilot" 100 G reates t So n g s "Hour 1" 100 G reates t So n g s "Hour 2" 1 00 G reates t So n g s "Hour 3"
12 PM
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
1 0 : 5 0 M F L F ú t b o l (L)
S (41)
(143) (327)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
4 PM
5 PM
Durm iendo con mi jefe El Chavo Animado La rosa de Guadalupe C o mo d i c e e l d i c h o Perspectiva Noticiero: FDS New Mexico I n F o cu s All Aboard Closer to Truth Well Read Healthy Body R e l i g i o n N . (N) C l a s s i c G o sp e l N e w s h ou r. (N) M c L a u g h (N) 1 1 : 0 0 N F L Fo o t b a l l NFC Divisional (L) NFL Post-game TBA Paid Program Paid Program Sp o rts Leg . "Cities of Champions" P ai d P ro g ram Paid Program T h e F i r s t F a m i l y M r . B o x O f f i c e < S u m m e r C a tc h ++ (‘01) Jessica Biel, Freddie Prinze Jr. Blue Bloods Raising Hope Raising Hope Glee < K i n g d om o f H e a v e n +++ (2005, Action) Liam Neeson, Jeremy Irons, Orlando Bloom. P a i d P ro g ra m < S w e e t N o v e mb e r ++ (2000, Romance) Keanu Reeves, Jason Isaacs, Charlize Theron. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program X te rra C h am p i o n sh ip "2014" T h e T a s t e "Latin" Entertainment Tonight Weekend Action 7 News World News PGA Tour P G A G o l f Tournament of Champions Site: Plantation Course -- Kapalua, Hawaii T o B e A n n o u n ce d AM Marketing News 4 G o l d e n G l ob e s A rriv a l S p e c i a l (L) Enfoque < L a S i r e n i t a (1989, Animated) < L a L a g u n a A z u l (‘80) Christopher Atkins, Brooke Shields. Noticiero Op e rac i o n R e p o V i d e os a s o m . Movie T h e N F L T o d a y N F L F o o tb a l l AFC Divisional To Be Announced at Denver Broncos Site: Sports Authority Field at Mile High -- Denver, Colo. (L) (10) 1 1 : 3 0 N C A A B a s k e tb a l l Duke vs. North Carolina State (L) Mani Erfan Sondra Baras Y.Salamanca Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. R.Booker (12) B i b l i c a l I s r a e l N C I S "The Voyeur's Web" N C I S "Bait" N C I S "Murder 2.0" N C I S "The Inside Man" N C I S "Kill Screen" (24) N C I S "Red Cell" C o l l e g e G am ed ay "Featured" Road to P layoff Road to P layoff Road to P layoff Road to P layoff C h amp i o ns h i p D ri v e C o l l e g e G am ed ay "Featured" (26) 1 1 : 0 0 P B A B o w l i n g E S P N U F i l m R o o m (N) C o l l e g e G a m ed a y ESPN Films ESPN Films (27) 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . Ken./S.C. (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Maryland vs. Minnesota (L) < T h e G o od M o t h e r +++ (‘88) Liam Neeson, Diane Keaton. < S u g a r D a d d i e s (2015, Drama) Peter Strauss, Taylor Gildersleeve. < 2 7 D re s s e s ++ (29) 1 1 : 0 0 < T h e G o o d S is t e r < T h e D a r k K n i g h t R i s e s +++ (‘12, Action) Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway. Batman returns to protect Gotham. (32) < S p i d e r - M a n ++ (2002, Action) Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, Tobey Maguire. D a t e l i n e N B C "Fatal Attraction" Dat e li n e N B C Da tel i n e "Mystery in Mustang" S i s t e r W i v e s (N) (33) D a t e l i n e N B C "The Plot Thickens" D a t e l i n e N B C "In an Instant" Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier A l a s k a / L a s t "The Ties That Bind" A l a s k a : T h e L a s t F ro n ti e r A l a s k a "Journey to Perl Island" (34) A l a s k a : T h e L a s t F r o n t i e r Brunch Bobby D a p h n e (N) Farm Rules The Kitchen Diners...Dives Diners...Dives Diners...Dives Diners...Dives Diners...Dives Diners...Dives (35) B i g B i t e (N) < T e r m i n a t o r 2 : J u d g e m e n t D a y +++ (‘91) Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Arnold Schwarzenegger. < I n d ep e nd e n ce D a y +++ (‘96) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. (36) 1 0 : 3 0 < S t a r g a t e +++ T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d W o o ds L a w "Passing the Torch" (37) T o B e A n n o u n ce d X terra (N) D e s t i n a t i o n (N) S p o tl i g h t S u n s P re -G a m e N B A B aske tb al l Phoenix Suns at Memphis Grizzlies (L) (38) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Kansas vs. Kansas State (L) (39) H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s < Y e s M a n ++ (‘08) Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, Jim Carrey. < M e e t t h e F o c k e r s ++ (2004, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro. The Big Bang Big Bang Theory (40) M o v i e Kourtney & Khloé C o un td o wn to th e R e d C arp et "The 2015 Golden Globe Awards" (N) L i v e F ro m th e R e d C a rp e t "The 2015 Golden Globe Awards" (N) (43) K o u r t n e y "A House Divided" Clarence Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Ti tans Go! Uncle Grandpa Uncle Gra nd p a G umb a ll Gumball Gumball < S h r e k +++ (49) C l a r e n c e (51) A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y A u s t i n a n d A l l y < T h e I n c r e d ib l e H ul k ++ (2008, Action) Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, Edward Norton. < L o o p e r ++++ (‘12) Joseph Gordon Levitt. (53) 1 1 : 0 0 < X - M e n O r i g in s : W o l v e r i n e ++ (‘09) Hugh Jackman. Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storag e Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (54) W i l d T r a n s p o r t S t o r a g e W a r s < T h e D e p a r t e d +++ (‘06) Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio. Two men work undercover to get evidence on Costello. (55) < T h e B o u r n e S u p r e m a c y +++ (‘04, Susp) Franka Potente, Brian Cox, Matt Damon. A x M e n "Logged and Loaded" A x M e n "Falling Fast" A x M e n "Failure to Communicate" A x M e n Ax M e n "Hire Wire Act" (56) T h e H u n t "Blood on the Trail" < A n n i e H a l l ++++ (‘77) Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Woody Allen. < W u t h e r i n g H e i g h ts ++++ (‘39) Merle Oberon, Laurence Olivier. (57) < T h e T h o m as C r o w n A f f a i r +++ (‘68) Steve McQueen. H o u s e w i ve s A tl . "Friend or Faux" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta Ho u s e w i ve s A tl . "Nice to Metria" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta Atla n ta S o c i a l (N) (61) A t l a n t a "Bury the Ratchet" : 1 5 R e e l C l a s s i c s "Wild in the Streets" S E C S t o r i e d "Going Big" N i n e f o r I X "The Diplomat" 30/30 "This Is What They Want" (302) 1 1 : 3 0 R e e l C l a s s i c s "Steep" < J u m p in g th e B ro om ++ (2011, Comedy) Laz Alonso, Angela Bassett, Paula Patton. < A c t L i k e Y o u L o v e M e (‘13, Rom) Christian Keyes, Denyce Lawton, Essence Atkins. Movie 10:00 Hot 20 Countdown B ro k e n S k u l l C h a l l en The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard F a n ta s y F a c to ry F a n ta s y F a c to ry < B a rb e rs h o p ++ (‘02, Com) Cedric the Entertainer, Eve, Ice Cube. < S c a ry M o v i e 3 ++ (‘03) Jenny McCarthy, Charlie Sheen, Anna Faris. < N o t o r i o u s ++ Jamal Woolard. N i n j a T u r t l e s (N) N i n j a T u r t l e s SanjayCraig Breadwinners H . D a n g e r "The Danger Begins" Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger Henry Danger Ba r Res. "Mystique or Murder?" B a r R e s c u e "Hostile Takeover" B a r R e s c u e "The Lost Episode" F ra m e w o rk "Rock the Boat" B a r R e s c u e "Bug Bite" Bar Rescue Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls 100 G reates t So n g s "Hour 4" 100 G reates t So n g s "Hour 5" H i n d s i g h t "Pilot" M o b W i v es "RATalie" F e l i c i a ! "Tamara and Kathleen" L o v e H i p -Ho p "You're Cancelled" (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D (41)
(143) (327)
Friday, January 9, 2015
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
Sal y pimienta Sorté, Ursula Prats, Cantinflas. Jewel in the Crown "Crossing the River" A man is Masterpiece Classic T h e Q u e e n ' s G a r d en A "Downton Abbey, Season remarkable hidden royal (3) arrested when a woman from England arrives. Five" (N) treasure in London. (N) (2)
Aqui y Ahora
Mulaney (4) "Worlds
The Big
< El b arren d ero +++ (1982, Comedy) María
The S i m p so n s
S i m p so n s Brooklyn Family Guy Bob Burger News 13 "Bart's New "Payback" "Our Idiot "Speakeasy on KASA Friend" (N) (N) Brian" (N) Rider" (N)
The Big Bang Theory
< Eu ro trip ++ (2004, Comedy) Jessica Boehrs,
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
News 13 on KASA
10 PM
La Familia Noticiero P. Luche Univision A.Experience Witness the emergence of LeRoy Robert Ripley's empire. Anger Management
11 PM
Whatever It (19) Takes ++
Tras la Verdad G o l d R u s h Renowned as the richest gold strike in North American.
Anger Management
Extra Weekend
How I Met How I Met Rules of Your Your EngageMother Mother ment
Rules of Engagement
Michelle Trachtenberg, Scott Mechlowicz. A teenager travels of Germany to find his tutor.
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Bu rn No tice Michael and Fiona are hired by a (50) (8815) widowed woman.
America's Funniest
Galavant Galavant "Two Balls" "Comedy (N) Gold" (N)
R es ur. "True Beliver" The R e v e n ge David finally Action 7 return of Preacher James decides to settle his debt News Live brings a new energy. (N) to Victoria. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Entertainment Tonight Weekend
(5) B a n g
Lobo C o a c h es Show
(7) H o m e V i d eo s (N)
The 72n d Annual Golden Glob e Awards The biggest stars from film and (8) television are awarded. (L)
60 Minutes
Suelta la sopa M ad am Elizabeth pushes Good Wife Alicia and C S I : C ri m e The team to prosecute a Bahraini Frank Prady square off in investigates a homicide diplomat. (N) a crucial debate. (N) at a convention. (N)
Shepherd's Heart
5 : 3 0 < C re pú s c u lo l a s a g a : A m a n e c e r (‘11, Adv) (9) Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart.
Eyewitness :35 I ns i d e News 4 at Edition 10 p.m. Weekend
Byron Allen
Operacion < Pistol Whi ppe d (‘08) Titulares T e l e m u nd o Rep o Steven Seagal. KRQE News :35 The Clos er :35 13 Unsealed: Alien Files
Friday, January 9, 2015
Light of the Southwest
:05 Entertainers With
Zola Levitt Update Day of Dollars & Ministries News Discovery Sense N C I S "The Tell" N C I S "Under the Radar" N C I S "Caught on Tape" < Faster ++++ (‘10) Dwayne Johnson. An exUSA (24) convict sets out to find his brothers' killers. NFL PrimeTime (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p e c i a l S p o r t s C en t e r NFL PrimeTime Sp o r ts C en t. ESPN (26) SportsCenter C h amp "Countdown to Kickoff" (L) C h amp (N) ESPN2 (27) C h amp i o ns h i p D ri v e "Countdown to Kickoff" (L) 5 : 0 0 < 2 7 D r e s s e s ++ < T h e B u c k e t L i s t +++ (‘07) Jack Nicholson. Two < 2 7 D re s s e s ++ (‘08) Katherine Heigl. A woman < T h e B u c k e t L i s t +++ LIFE (29) (‘08) Katherine Heigl. men escape a hospital to take a road trip. is trapped in the role of perennial bridesmaid. (‘07) Jack Nicholson. The Librarians "And the The Librarians "And the The Librarians "And the The Librarians "And the < The Librarian: Retu rn to K ing Solomon's Mines TNT (32) Rule of Three" Heart of Darkness" Rule of Three" Heart of Darkness" A librarian searches for King Solomon's mines. Sister W "The Hardest Sister Wives "A Family My Husb and's Not Gay Sister Wives "A Family My Husband's Not Gay Sister Wives "Keep Your TLC (33) Parts of Love" (N) Meltdown" (N) (N) Meltdown" Hands to Yourself" Alaska: Exp . "Claims, Alaska/Frontier "A Hunt Alaskan Bush Peop le Alaska/Frontier "A Hunt Alaskan Bush Peop le Alaska: Kilchers "Before DISC (34) Cans and Cabins" (N) Above the Clouds" (N) "Breaking Free" (N) Above the Clouds" "Breaking Free" the Freeze" Best. Ever. "Pizza" Wo rs tC o oks "It Just Guy's Game "Family Guy's Game "Family Wo rs tC o oks "Prepping C u tth ro at Kitch en "Tiki FOOD (35) Keeps Getting Worse" Style: Kids' Choice" Style: Sibling Rivalry" (N) for Success" (N) Torch-Ure" (N) 4 : 0 0 < I nd e p en d en ce < T h e W o l f m a n ++ (‘10) Benicio Del Toro, Emily < Battled o g s (‘12) Craig Sheffer, Dennis Haysbert. < R e d : W e r ew ol f SYFY (36) Day +++ Will Smith. Blunt. A nobleman is bitten by a werewolf. A werewolf virus threatens the world. H u n te r ++ Felicia Day. Rocky Mt. Hunters Finding Bigfoot (N) Rocky Mt. Hunters F inding Bigfoot North Woods Law ANPL (37) North Woods Law 4:00 NBA S u n s Po s t S u n s Po s t The Game WP T Poker UF C Un leas h ed (N) Celebrity Sports WPT Poker FSN (38) B a s k e t b . (L) (L) (L) 365 (N) I n v i tatio n a l (N) Beachfront Beachfront Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life House House Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life HGTV (39) Barg ain (N) Barg ain (N) Life (N) Life (N) (N) (N) Hunters Hunters Life Life Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang < M e e t t h e F o c k e r s ++ (‘04) Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro. A man < Y e s M a n TBS (40) T h e o r y introduces his eccentric family to the in-laws. ++ Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Total Divas (N) Kourtney & Khloé E! Af ter P ar ty (N) Total Divas Kourtney & Khloé E! (43) Divas "Her Highness" Teen Titan Steven Adv.Time Regular Sit Down King of Hill King of Hill Bob Burger Bob Burger Family Guy TOON (49) 5:00 < Sh rek +++ DISN (51) Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin / Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Au stin/ Ally Austin/ Ally 4 : 3 0 < L o o pe r ++++ < T a k e n +++ (‘08) Liam Neeson. A retired < T a k e n 2 ++ (‘12) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. < T a k e n 2 ++ (‘12) FX (53) Joseph Gordon Levitt. agent's daughter is kidnapped by traffickers. A retired CIA agent and his wife are taken hostage. Liam Neeson. Storage Storage Storage Storage Wild Wild Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage A&E (54) W a r s Wars Wars Wars Transport Transport Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars < Braveheart +++ (1995, Action) Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan, Mel Gibson. A 13th century < Die Hard II: Die H ard er +++ (‘90) Bruce Willis. AMC (55) Scotsman rebels against England. A detective battles terrorists at an airport. Ax Men "The Log and Ax Men "Swamp Man :05 Alaska Off-Road :05 Down E. Dicker. Ax Men "The Log and Ax Men "Swamp Man HIST (56) Winding Road" Boogie" (N) War. "Tough as Hell" (N) "Dickering Daze" Winding Road" Boogie" < Here C o m e s M r. Jo rd an ++++ A dead man < Do wn to Earth +++ (‘47) Rita Hayworth. The < O l i v e r T w i s t (‘22) Lon Chaney, Jackie Coogan. A TCM (57) needs to find a new body for his spirit. goddess of the dance comes to Earth. young orphan attempts to survive his harsh life. Housewives Atlanta Thicker Than Water Housewives Atlanta WatchWhat Fashion Housewives Atlanta Thicker Than Water BRAVO (61) "Puerto Read-co!" (N) "Pregnant Pause" (N) "Puerto Read-co!" (N) Queens (N) "Puerto Read-co!" "Pregnant Pause" 30 for 30 Nin e fo r I X "Pat Xo" N in e fo r I X "Branded" N ine for I X "No Limits" ESPNC (302) The Lost Son of Havana 5 : 3 0 < B e i n g M a r y J a n e (‘13, Drama) < J u m p in g th e B ro om ++ (2011, Comedy) Laz Alonso, Angela Bassett, Paula < O b s e ss ed ++ (2009, Thriller) Idris BET Lisa Vidal, B.J. Britt, Gabrielle Union. Patton. Two families spend the weekend on Martha's Vineyard. Elba, Ali Larter, Beyoncé Knowles. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Bro k e n S k u l l C h al l en (N) Broken Skull Challen UltimateKickoffParty CMT 5 : 0 0 < N o t o r i o us ++ (‘08) Jamal Woolard. < S c a ry M o v i e 3 ++ (‘03) Anna Faris. < B a rb e rs h o p ++ (‘02) Ice Cube. MTV SpongeB ob SpongeB ob Thunder Thunder H.Danger Nicky Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK Bar Rescue "Schmuck Bar Rescue "To Protect Bar Rescue "El Bar Rescue "Swinging Bar Rescue "A Dash of Bar Rescue "Spoiled Brat SPIKE Dynasty" and to (Over) Serve" Moronte!!" From the Rafters" Bitters" Party" G. Girls G. Girls Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens :05 Friends :35 Friends :25 Hot In TVLAND LoveHip "A Lie for a Lie" < The Brothers ++ (‘01) Morris Chestnut. < P o e t i c J u s t i c e ++ (‘93) Tupac Shakur, Janet Jackson. LoveHip VH1 KRPV
All About Us N C I S "Canary"
Top Chef Estrellas
Access Hollywood Weekend
Sunday Best Bets
(25) (8819)
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler co-host The 72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards
Tournament of Champions (8)
12:30 p.m.
(252) (108)
Some of the world’s best golfers enjoy the beauty of Hawaii as they compete in the third round of the Tournament of Champions on the Plantation Course in Kapalua. Featuring a first prize of more than $1 million, the event has been around since 1953.
(245) (138)
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144)
(280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139)
The 72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards
(236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
6:00 p.m.
John’s (John Mulaney) work and home lives collide when Jane (Nasim Pedrad) becomes Lou’s (Martin Short) personal trainer. While Jane and Lou spend more and more time together, Motif (Seaton Smith) seeks advice from Oscar (Elliott Gould).
6:00 p.m.
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler bring viewers the glitz and glamour of Hollywood as they co-host this year’s ceremony. Drawing some of Tinseltown’s biggest stars, the prestigious awards recognize outstanding achievement in both film and television.
The Librarians (32)
6:00 p.m.
When high school students get competitive and start undercutting each other with witchcraft, the Librarians must stop them before disaster strikes. Based on the hit made-for-television film franchise, this adventure series stars Rebecca Romijn.
Monday Best Bets
Piers Morgan, Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump from “The Celebrity Apprentice”
Kiss the Girls (54)
1:00 p.m.
A forensic psychologist (Morgan Freeman) learns that his niece (Gina Ravera) has been kidnapped by a serial killer. He enlists the help of a doctor (Ashley Judd) in a race against the clock to find the girl before she meets the same fate as other victims.
The Celebrity Apprentice (8)
7:00 p.m.
With one celebrity down and several more to go, Donald Trump puts the rest of the contestants to the test. Stars from the entertainment and sports world are challenged to raise money for charities of their choice in this unique reality TV series.
The Big Bang Theory (10)
7:00 p.m.
In a rebroadcast of the season 8 premiere, Leonard (Johnny Galecki) and Amy (Mayim Bialik) head to Arizona to pick up Sheldon (Jim Parsons). At the same time, Penny (Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting) lands an interview at Bernadette’s (Melissa Rauch) company.
Major Crimes (32)
7:00 p.m.
Billy Burke and Tuc Watkins guest star in this special two-part episode. When Phillip Stroh (Burke) serves as his own attorney, a judge (Watkins) helps him review his legal files.
7 PM
La Gata
Mi corazón es Tuyo
PBS NewsHour
The Big (5) B a n g
10 PM
La Malquerida
11 PM
Family Feud
Sleepy Hollow
:35 News
:05 Anger Management
The Big Bang Theory
Jan e th e V irg in Jane is accidentally artificially inseminated.
News 13 on KASA
News 13 on KASA
The S i m p so n s
13 on KASA
Jan e th e V irg in "Chapter How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Two" Jane struggles with Y o u r Your Half Men Half Men the pregnancy. Mother Mother
The Bachelor (N)
C as tl e "P.I" Castle Action 7 obtains a P.I. license. (N) News Live
Action 7 News Live
Caso cerrado
Los miserables
Tierra de reyes
Señora acero (SF)
The Big Bang Theory
Mike & Molly (N)
NCIS: LA The team investigates the murder of a navy contractor.
Dr. Will iam Dr. R ichard Update Booker News WWE Monday Night Raw
Day of Discovery
Light of the Southwest
Wheel of Fortune
Reba :45 Reba Catfish: The TV Show Nicky H.Danger Cops Jail
Reba Catfish: The TV Show Thunder Thunder Cops C o ps "Lazy Sleepy Eye" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p (N) So ro rity Sis ters (N)
:35 Access Hollywood
(50) (8815)
Tierra de reyes (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Talk David Letterman Ozzy Osbourne :35
House Call Mani Erfan Rocks/M- Yohanan anuscripts Salamanca : 0 5 C h r i s l e y : 3 5 C h r i s l e y : 0 5 N C IS : L o s A n g e le s : 0 5 N C IS : L o s A n g e le s (24) Kn o w s B est K n o w s B est "Honor" "Greed" F. Bowl /:10 Sp o rts Cen t. SportsCenter (26) F b a l l P l a y o f f N C A A F oo tb a l l CFP National Championship Game Site: AT&T Stadium (L) ESPN First Take First Take (27) 4:00 Sp o rtC N C A A F oo tb a l l CFP National Championship Game Site: AT&T Stadium (L) Hoarders "Roy/ Loretta" Hoarders "Andrew/ Little Women: LA "Baby Little Women: LA Hoarders "Roy/ Loretta" Hoarders "Andrew/ (29) Shania" on Board" "Mama Drama" Shania" Major Crimes "Internal Major Crimes "Special Major Crimes "Special Major Crimes "Special Major Crimes "Special Law & Ord er "Reality (32) Affairs" Master" 1/2 (N) Master" Pt. 2 of 2 (N) Master" 1/2 cont'd next Master" Pt. 2 of 2 Bites" My Weight Is Killing Me My 600-lb Life: Where New Body, New Styl e My 600-lb Life: Where New Body, New Style My Weight Is Killing Me (33) "Fat Free" Are They Now? Are They Now? "Fat Free" Street Outlaws "Shut Street Outlaws "Ova for Fas t N' L o u d "Misfit in Street Outlaws "Ova for F a s t N' L o u d "Misfit in Street Outlaws: Full (34) Your Death Trap" (N) Murder Nova?" (N) the Making" (N) Murder Nova?" the Making" "Shut Your Death Trap" The Pioneer Daphne Guy's Game "Family Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Drive-Ins and Best. Ever. "BBQ" (N) (35) W o m a n Dishes Style: Kids' Choice" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Dives "BBQ Legends" 5:00 < R e s i d en t E v i l : < Resident E vil: Aft erlife +++ Milla Jovovich. A < C ap ti v i ty ++ (‘07) Elisha Cuthbert. A young < Wrong Turn 5: (36) Ex tin c tio n ++ woman helps survivors get to a safe haven. model is tortured and fights to keep her mind. Bloodlines Doug Bradley. Y u k o n "Going for Broke" A la sk a B a ttle o n B ay Y u k o n M en Yu kon "Going for Broke" Alaska Bat tle on Ba y (37) Y u k o n M en NCAA Basketb all Arizona vs. Oregon State UF C 145 Jon Jones takes on Rashad Evans. K n o c k o u ts ! "Roy Jones, (38) Sharmba Mitchell" (N) Love It or List It L o v e I t o r L i s t I t (N) House House Love It or List It Love It or List It House House (39) "Bachelor Pad" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) "Blended Family" Hunters Hunters Family Guy "Road to the American American Big Bang Big Bang C o n a n (N) C o ug ar Conan C o ug a r (40) North Pole" Dad Dad Theory Theory Town Town Fashion Police (N) Fashion Police E! News (N) Fashion Police E! News (43) E ! N e w s Uncle/TTeenT. Teen Titan Steven Adv.Time Regular King of Hill King of Hill Clevelan d Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad (49) G u m b a l l Girl Dog Blog Jessie I Didn'tDoIt Austin/ Ally Jessie (51) I D i d n ' t D o I t I D i d n ' t D o I t A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y L i v M a d d i e G i r l Mike & Mike & Mike & Two and a Two and a Two and a Two and a < Taken 2 ++ (‘12) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. Mike & (53) H a l f M e n Molly Molly Molly Half Men Half Men Half Men A retired CIA agent and his wife are taken hostage. Molly Wahlbur- < Deep Impact +++ (‘98) Elijah Wood. A meteor < D e e p I m p a c t +++ (1998, Action) Morgan Freeman, Robert D o n n i e L o v es J e n n y (54) Duvall, Elijah Wood. A meteor is on a collision course with Earth. "The Wedding" gers is on a collision course with Earth. Breaking Bad "Thirty: 0 5 B r e a k i n g B a d "Open : 1 0 B r e a k i n g B a d :10 Breaking Bad :15 Breaking Bad :20 Breaking Bad (55) Eight Snub" House" "Bullet Points" "Shotgun" "Cornered" "Thirty-Eight Snub" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars :05 Pawn P aw n S t a r s P a w n S t a r s P a w n S tars P aw n Star s P aw n Sta rs (56) "All In" Stars "All In" < R o m a n H o l i d a y ++++ (‘53) Audrey Hepburn. :15 < Lig h t in th e P iazza ++ Olivia De Havilland. :15 < R o m e A d v en tu re +++ (‘62) Troy Donahue. (57) A princess escapes palace life to visit Rome. A woman falls for an Italian man while on vacation. A rebellious teacher moves to Rome and finds love. 4 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d V a n d e rpu mp R u l e s F rL o v e rs "In Love with Watch What Happens T o B e A n n o u n ce d (61) "Tears Over Miami" (N) my Best Friend" (P) (N) Live (N) On e/One I T F Tennis Classics 2003 Australian Open (302) 4:00 N C A A Fo o tb a l l C l a s s i c s ‘13 BCS National Championship Notre Dame vs. Alabama < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d (12) M c D o n a l d
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
State of Af fairs Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show "Ghosts" Jack Dawkins is News 4 at Sta rrin g J im my Fa ll o n kidnapped. (N) 10 p.m. Noticias T e l e m u nd o S c o rp i o n The team must KRQE News recover a plane's stealth 13 technology.
:35 TMZ
Law&O: SV U "Paternity" S V U "Fight" Two Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of the King of Hill The A family's nanny is found brothers are suspected of "Prehistoric Hill "Megalo Cleveland gruesomely murdered. killing a young girl. Ice Man" Dale" Show Entertai nment Tonigh t
Antiques Roadshow Tiffany inkwell; Joseph Kleitsch painting.
Eyewitness Eyewitness Th e C el eb ri ty A p p ren tic e "A Family Affair" The News 4 at teams create an ad for Cosmo Body Magazine. (N) 6:30
Antiques Roadshow Tiffany inkwell; Joseph Kleitsch painting.
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
9 PM
La Que No Podia Amar
TMZ Live!
Action 7
Noticiero Uni: Noct. Steves' "The Best of Israel"
(7) N e w s L i v e
8 PM
Hasta el fin del mundo
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
New Mexico Antique Items appraised I n d ep e nd e n t L e n s "Evolution of a include an 1877 Tlingit Criminal" Darius faces the people bowl and ladle. affected by his actions. (N)
(4) F e u d
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124)
Raising Raising Catfish: The TV Show WitchWay Max (N) C o ps C o ps
Redneck Island Catfish: The TV Show Full House Full House C o ps C o ps
Redneck Island RWS "Sneek Peek" (N) Full House Full House C o ps C o ps
Redneck Island Eye C and y (SP) (N) Fresh P. Fresh P. C o ps C o ps
(327) (166)
Queens Queens Love and Hip-Hop
Queens Queens Sorority Sisters
Friends Friends Love and Hip-Hop
Loves Ray Loves Ray Sorority Sisters
(304) (106)
(331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168)
(335) (162)
Friday, January 9, 2015
7 PM
8 PM
PBS NewsHour
Genealogy Roadsh ow American Experience Y o u S h ou l d C re ativ e "New Orleans: Cabildo" North Carolina is home to K n o w Living (N) the largest Klans'. (N)
Masterchef Junior
Family Feud
New Girl
The Mindy News 13 Project on KASA
New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. F ro n tl i n e 'Putin's Way', reveals how it's led to autocratic rule. (N)
La Que No Podia Amar
The S i m p so n s
:05 Anger Management
:35 News
13 on KASA
:35 TMZ
To Be To Be C arter Secrets from A n n o un c e d A n n o un c e d Jarvis' past put Agent Carter in jeopardy. (N)
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Forever A murder victim Actio n 7 is linked to Jo's late News Live husband. (N)
Action 7 News Live
C hi c a g o F ire Severide and Dawson investigate Shay's death. (N)
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
Caso cerrado
Los miserables
Tierra de reyes
N C I S "The Enemy Within" (N)
N C I S : L o s A n g e l es
Du eñ os d el p arais o (P) (N) ..I n te re s t Control begins to question the methods of Samaritan. (N)
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Wheel of Fortune
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness Eyewitness Parks and Parks/Rec Marry Me About a News 4 at Rec "2017" "Ron and "Spoil Me" Boy (N) 6:30 (SP) (N) Jammy" (N)
:35 Access Hollywood
Tierra de reyes
Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Talk David Letterman Seth Green
Joe McGee HaYesod
Update Mission : Light of the Southwest Exploring With the M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a News M25 Scholars Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Family Victims Un it "Abuse" Victims Un it "Pixies" 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Missouri vs. Kentucky (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N B A C o a s t t o C o a s t Basketball The Experts NBA NFL Live Football Dance Moms (N) Danc e Moms "Abby Got Child Geniu s "Please Dance Moms "Abby Got Dance Moms Da nce Moms "Abby Got Served" (N) Drink Some Water" (N) Served" Served" < A l i c e i n W o n d e r l a n d +++ Johnny Depp. Alice :15 < A l i c e i n W o n d e r l a n d +++ (‘10) Anne Hathaway, Johnny C S I : N Y "Cold Reveal" CSI: NY returns to a magical world to face the Red Queen. Depp. Alice returns to a magical world to face the Red Queen. Kate Plus Eight Kate Plus Eight Big Fat Fabulous Li. "A Kate P lus Eig h t My Big Fat Fabulous Kate P lus Eig h t "Update "Sextuplets Turn 10" Fat Girl Dancing" (P) (N) Life "A Fat Girl Dancing" With the 8" M o on s h in e r s M o on s h in e rs (N) Big Giant Sword s (P) (N) M o on s h in e rs Big Giant Swords M o on s h in e r s
The Pioneer S. Kitch en C h op p ed "Crunch Time" C h op p ed "Make a C h op p ed "Ready, Set, C h op p ed "Dread and C h op p ed "Money Saver" FOOD (35) Woman "Guy Food" Splash!" Escargot!" Breakfast" (N) Face Off "One Knight Face Off "Return of the Tro y: Stree t M ag ic (P) Face Off "Return of the Tro y: Stree t M ag ic < R o c k M o n s te r + (‘08) SYFY (36) Only" Champions" (SP) (N) (N) Champions" Jon Polito. North Woods Law Rocky Mt. Hunters North Woods Law North Woods Law Rocky Mt. Hunters ANPL (37) North Woods Law Spotlight S u n s P re - NBA Basketb all Cleveland Cavaliers at Phoenix Suns Site: U.S. S u n s Po s t S u n s Po s t Ultim ate K n o c k o u ts ! "Roy Jones, FSN (38) Game (L) Airways Center -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) I n s id e r (N) Sharmba Mitchell" F ix er "Home Builders F i x e r Up p e r (N) House House Fixer Upper Fixer Upper House House HGTV (39) Seek Fixer Upper" Hunters H u n te rs (N) Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Ground C o ug ar C o n a n (N) Ground Conan C o ug a r TBS (40) T h e o r y Theory Theory Theory F l o o r (N) Town (N) Floor Town Divas "Her Highness" Total Divas E! News (N) Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City E! (43) F a s h i o n P o l i c e Uncle/TTeenT. Teen Titan Steven Adv.Time Regular King of Hill King of Hill Clevelan d Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad TOON (49) Gumball Jessie Liv Maddie Girl < Secret of the Win gs I Didn'tDoIt Austin/ Ally Jessie DISN (51) Dog B log Dog Blog Jessie Two and a Two and a Mike & Mike & M & M "Sex Mike & < S w e e t H o m e A l a b a m a ++ Reese Witherspoon. < S w e e t H o m e FX (53) H a l f M e n A designer's ex-husband refuses to divorce her. Alabama ++ Half Men Molly Molly and Death" Molly Storage Storage Storage Storage Wild Wild Wild Wild Storage Storage Storage Storage A&E (54) W a r s Wars Wars (N) Wars (N) T ra n s p . (N) T ra n s p . (N) T ra n s p o rt T ra n s p o rt Wars Wars Wars Wars < Un d e r Sieg e ++ (‘92) Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey, Steven < Ou t fo r Ju s tice ++ (‘91, Cri) William Forsythe, < G o d z i l l a ++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank AMC (55) Seagal. A former Navy SEAL fights for control of a battleship. Jerry Orbach, Steven Seagal. A cop seeks revenge. Azaria, Jean Reno, Matthew Broderick. The Curse of Oak Island The Curse of Oak Island :05 Aliens "Mysteries of :05 Ancient Aliens T h e C u r s e o f O a k I s la n d T h e C u r s e o f O a k I s la n d HIST (56) "A Dangerous Dive" "The Big Reveal" (N) the Sphinx" "Aliens Among Us" "A Dangerous Dive" "The Big Reveal" < T h i s P ro pe rty i s C o n d em n ed ++ (‘66) Natalie < Barefo o t in th e P ark +++ (‘67) Robert < I n s i de D a i s y C l o ve r ++ (‘65) Robert Redford, TCM (57) Wood. A woman falls for a stranger. Redford. A bride creates an amusing situation. Natalie Wood. A beach bunny soars to stardom. 4 : 0 0 T o B e A n n o u n ce d B e v e r l y H i l l s "Live and G u i d e "Rule #67: Don't Watch What Happens T o B e A n n o u n ce d BRAVO (61) Learn" (N) Kill the Princess" (N) Live (N) I T F Tennis Classics 1995 Australian Open I T F Tennis Classics 2005 Australian Open ESPNC (302) 5:00 I T F Tennis Classics 2005 Australian Open HollywoHollywoHollywoHollywo< T o B e A n n o u n ce d HollywoHollywoBET odHusband odHusband odHusband odHusband odHusband odHusband Reba :45 Reba Reba Raising Raising < S m o k e y a n d t h e B a n d i t +++ (‘77) Jackie Gleason, Burt Reynolds. CMT Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Eye Candy Real World Skeletons RealWordSkeleton (N) MTV Nicky H.Danger Thunder Thunder WitchWay Max (N) News (N) Full House Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK I n k M a s te r "Fighting I n k M a s te r "Tag Team I n k M a s te r "Karma's a I n k M a s te r "Fight to the F ra m e w o rk "Rock the Framework SPIKE Dirty" Tatt" Bitch" Finish" Boat" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends The Exes Hot/ Cleve. TVLAND Love and Hip-Hop Bye Felicia! (N) S uave (N) Bye Felicia! < B.A.P .S ++ (‘97) Halle Berry, Natalie Desselle. S u a v e S a y s VH1
Friday, January 9, 2015
Tuesday Best Bets
Charlie Rose (N)
(50) (8815)
(8) N e w s 4
Law & Ord er: C .I. "Three Law:C I "Rispetto" A Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of the King of the The in One" A body is found partying fashion designer Hill "Ho Hill "Boxing Cleveland in a basement. is suspected of murder. Yeah!" Luanne" Show
Action 7
ESPN (26) ESPN2 (27)
11 PM
TMZ Live!
(7) N e w s L i v e
News 13 on KASA
Flash "Flash vs. Arrow" Arro w "The Brave and How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Oliver, Felicity and Diggle the Bold" Oliver finds the Y o u r Your Half Men Half Men come to Central City. boomerang killer. 2/2 Mother Mother
La Malquerida
10 PM
BBang "The The Big Bang Saturation" Theory
(5) Cushion
Mi corazón es Tuyo
(4) F e u d
9 PM
La Gata
Hasta el fin del mundo
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Hayley Atwell as Agent Carter in “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
Parks and Recreation (25) (8819)
7:00 p.m.
(252) (108)
Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) and her Pawnee cohorts kick off the final season with back-to-back new episodes. The critically acclaimed series features an ensemble cast of eccentric characters who strive to make their small town a better place to live.
(245) (138)
Face Off
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144)
(280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
7:00 p.m.
In a new twist, former champions Rayce Bird, Anthony Kosar and Laura Tyler return to mentor three teams in this season premiere. The award-winning competition series follows talented special effects make-up artists vying for a shot at $100,000 and more.
(229) (112) (247) (139)
The Curse of Oak Island
(236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
7:00 p.m.
History Channel caps off a daylong marathon of this series with the season 2 finale. Find out what brothers Rick and Marty Lagina have discovered so far in their quest to find treasure on the legendary Oak Island in the North Atlantic.
Marvel’s Agent Carter (7)
8:00 p.m.
In 1946, Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) risks being targeted as a traitor as she works to clear Howard Stark’s (Dominic Cooper) name. Atwell first appeared as Agent Carter in the hit feature film “Marvel’s Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011).
Wednesday Best Bets
Shemar Moore stars in “Criminal Minds”
Little Women: LA
7:00 p.m.
Christy and Briana are suspicious of Terra’s motives and friendships with other women. Elsewhere, Traci is envious of Elena’s burlesque performance and has trust issues with her husband. Cameras follow little women with big personalities in this series.
Duck Dynasty (54)
7:30 p.m.
Math homework adds up to trouble for the guys when Willie tries to help Sadie by getting the guys to create a real-life version of a math problem. As a result, Jase and Willie rekindle an old argument about outrunning a truck.
Modern Family (7)
8:00 p.m.
Members of the Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker clan rely on each other for support as they face the trials and tribulations of family life in the modern age. The critically acclaimed series has won the Outstanding Comedy Emmy a record five consecutive times.
Criminal Minds (10)
8:00 p.m.
Fugitives don’t stand a chance with the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit on the case in this new episode. Led by founding member David Rossi (Joe Mantegna), the BAU members race to stop dangerous criminals in their tracks before it's too late.
La Gata
Mi corazón es Tuyo
Hasta el fin del mundo
PBS NewsHour
Nature A look at how dog breeds became so different.
N o v a Scientists are preparing for the next great discovery. (N)
American Idol (N)
(4) F e u d
Family Feud
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
La Malquerida
New Mexico W e a p o n s Hitler's heavily Healthy protected command Body, complex is explored. (N) Health
Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House
News 13 on KASA
:35 News
News 13 on KASA
The Simpsons
13 on KASA
La Que No Podia Amar
:05 Anger Management
BBang "The BBang "The Arro w "The Climb" Flash "The Man in the How I Met How I Met Two and Two and a Seinfeld Monster Laurel's father delivers a Yellow Suit" Barry and Your Your Half "Yay, Half Men Decoupling" Isolation" touching gift. Joe celebrate Christmas. M o th e r Mother No Polyps" TMZ Live!
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
The Middle The "A Quarry G o l d b e rg s Story" (N) (N)
Forever Henry tries to find out who his anonymous caller is.
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
C h i c ag o P .D . Lindsay has Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show her first case with the News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon task force. (N) 10 p.m.
Caso cerrado
Tierra de reyes
Dueños del paraiso
Wheel of Fortune
Los miserables
Noticias Telemundo The Mentalist A murder C ri m . M i n d s JJ confronts Stalker The TAU must KRQE News investigation becomes old demons from her determine who is stalking 13 personal for Lisbon. (N) abduction and torture. the mayor. (N)
:35 Access Hollywood
(50) (8815)
Tierra de reyes (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Talk David Letterman Nick Cannon :35
Mani Erfan House Call Update Dollars & Light of the Southwest HaYesod Mission: JeanDr. William News Sense M25 Claude McDonald N C I S "Detour" N C I S "Anonymous Was a N C I S "Once a Crook" N C I S: L o s A ng e les "War NC I S: L o s An g e les "The N C I S : L os A ng e les "Exit USA (24) Woman" Cries" Watchers" Strategy" NBA Basketb all Los Angeles Clippers at Portland Trail Blazers (L) SportsCenter ESPN (26) NBA Basketb all Atlanta Hawks at Boston Celtics (L) NCAA Basketb all San Diego State vs. Wyoming (L) Basketb all NBA ESPN2 (27) 5:00 NCAA Basketb . (L) NCAA Basketb all UCLA vs. USC (L) Little Women: LA Little Women: LA "Baby B ig W o m e n "Supersize Little Women: LA "Baby Little Women: LA Little Women: LA "Baby LIFE (29) "Mama Drama" Bump" (N) Your Love Life" (N) Bump" "Mama Drama" Bump" Grimm "Danse Macabre" Grimm "The Three Bad Grimm "Let Your Hair Grimm "Game Ogre" Sup ernatural "Meet the Sup ernatural "Hello TNT (32) Wolves" Down" New Boss" Cruel World" My 600-lb Life: Where My 600-lb Life: Where Addiction Addiction My 600-lb Life: Where My Strange My Strange My 600-lb Life: Where TLC (33) A r e T h e y N o w ? Are They Now? (N) (N) Are They Now? Addiction Addiction Are They Now? 5 : 0 0 N a k e d a n d A f r a i d D u a l S u r v i v a l "Biggest Dude/ Screwed "NoDual Survival "Biggest Du d e, Yo u 're Screwed Naked and Afraid DISC (34) "Double Jeopardy" Blow-Outs" (N) Sleep Nightmare" (N) Blow-Outs" "No-Sleep Nightmare" "Double Jeopardy" The Pioneer Southern at Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Restaurant: Impossible FOOD (35) W o m a n Heart Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Diners Diners Diners Diners "Revved Up" (N) 4:30 < Blade: Trinity < T h e S c o rp i o n K i n g ++ A warrior tries to save < T h e S p i r i t ++ (‘08) Gabriel Macht, Jaime King. < A l m i g h t y T h o r (‘11) SYFY (36) +++ Wesley Snipes. his land from an evil king. A man returns from death to become the Spirit. Patricia Velasquez. Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters ANPL (37) T re e h o u s e M a s te rs 5:00 NCAA Basketball NCAA Basketb all Florida State vs. Pittsburgh (L) Celebrity Sports K n o c k o u ts ! "Roy Jones, W P T Poker FSN (38) N.D./Ga.T. (L) Invitational Sharmba Mitchell" Property Brothers P ro p e rty B ro th e rs (N) House House Property Brothers Property Brothers House House HGTV (39) "Sandra and Kyle" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs "Franklin and Heather" Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang C o n a n (N) Cougar Conan Cougar TBS (40) T h e o r y Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Town Town E! News (N) Sex & City Sex & City Kourtney & Khloé E! (43) < Hairspray ++ (‘07) John Travolta, Nikki Blonsky. F a s h i o n P o l i c e Uncle/TTeenT. Teen Titan Steven Adv.Time Regular King of Hill King of Hill Clevelan d Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad TOON (49) Gumball Jessie I Didn'tDoIt I Didn'tDoIt Liv Maddie Girl < T he Li ttl e Ra s cal s ++ I Didn'tDoIt Austin/ Ally Jessie DISN (51) J es sie Mike & Mike & Mike & Mike & < Battles h ip ++ (2012, Sci-Fi) Alexander Skarsgard, Rhianna, Taylor Kitsch. A H S : F r e a k S h o w "Show FX (53) M o l l y Molly Molly Molly Stoppers" (N) A lone Naval Fleet battles an alien armada for Earth. Duck Duck Duck Duck Wahlbur- Donnie Donnie Loves Jenny Duck Duck Duck Duck A&E (54) D y n a s ty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty (N) g e rs (N) L o v e s J . (N) "The Wedding" Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty < Hard to Kill ++ (‘90) Steven Seagal. A detective < O n D e a d l y G ro u n d + (1994, Action) Michael Caine, Joan < AVPR: Aliens vs. Predator AMC (55) wishes to avenge the death of his family. Chen, Steven Seagal. An oil-rig firefighter is targeted for death. Req u iem ++ (‘07) John Ortiz. American Pickers American Pickers (N) :05 Down East : 0 5 A m e r . P i c k e r s "The A m e r i c a n P i c k e r s American Pickers (N) HIST (56) "Everything Must Go" Dickering (N) Return of Hobo Jack" "Everything Must Go" < L a d y F r o m S h a n g h a i ++++ (‘48) :45 < A R a i s i n i n th e S u n ++++ (‘61) Sidney Poitier, Claudia < G u n m a n 's W a l k + (‘58) Katherine Grant, James TCM (57) Rita Hayworth, Orson Welles. McNeil. An African woman hopes to improve her family's life. Darren. A hot-headed cowboy is given a wide berth. 4:00 To Be Announced T o p C h e f "Sous Your Watch What Happens To Be Announced BRAVO (61) Daddy" (N) Live (N) Jim Rome Up Close I T F Tennis Classics 2011 Australian Open ESPNC (302) 5:00 I T F Tenn is C lass ic s I T F Tennis Classics 1996 Australian Open < To Be Announced Hollywo< To Be Announced < To Be Announced BET odHusband Reba : 4 5 R e b a "Core Focus" R e b a Raising Raising < T h e F u g i t i v e +++ (‘93, Thril) Sela Ward, Tommy Lee Jones, Harrison Ford. CMT Pregnant P re g n a n t "Courtney" 16 an d P re g n an t "Alex" Real World Skeletons Snooki and JWoww Snooki and JWoww (N) MTV Nicky H.Danger Thunder Thunder WitchWay Max (N) Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK Bar Rescue "Scary Bar Rescue "Spoiled Brat Bar Rescue Bar Rescue "Irish Eyes Bar Rescue "A Dash of Fra m ew o rk SPIKE Mary's" Party" Aren't Smiling" Bitters" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot In (N) T he Exes Queens Queens Friends Friends Hot/ Cleve. The Exes TVLAND M o b W i v e s "RATalie" M o b W i v e s (N) H i n d s i g h t (N) Mob Wives Hindsight Mob Wives VH1 KRPV
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Law&O: SV U A young girl is found in an alley sexually assaulted. (N)
Jeopardy! (10)
Black-ish (N)
Eyewitness Eyewitness The Mysteries of Laura News 4 at "The Mystery of the 6:30 Fateful Fire" (N)
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
Modern "The Big Guns" (N)
:35 TMZ
Walking Dead "Clear" The Walking Dead Rick Family Guy F amily Guy South Park KingH "The King of th e The Rick leads an expedition and the Governor meet to ExterminHill "Vision C level and to get more weapons. make a peace treaty. ator" Quest" Show Entertainment Tonight
Charlie Rose (N)
(5) Terminator
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
Friday, January 9, 2015
7 PM
8 PM
La Gata
Mi corazón es Tuyo
Hasta el fin del mundo
PBS NewsHour
F ro n tl i n e 'Putin's Way', reveals how it's led to autocratic rule.
S o n g o f t h e M ou n t ai n s
Family Feud
American Idol (N)
T o B e A n n o u n ce d
The Big Bang Theory
The World Dog Awards Appreciating man's best friend. (P) (N)
(4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory TMZ Live!
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
The Taste "Bring the Heat"
9 PM
10 PM
La Malquerida
11 PM
New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. W i l d P h o to Red Green Jubilee Performances A d v e n tu re s S h o w "The from the International Water Park" Bluegrass Fan Fest.
La Que No Podia Amar
News 13 on KASA
:05 Anger Management
News 13 on KASA
Th eSi mp s - :35 N e w s o n s "Penny 13 o n Wiseguys" KASA
With M u rd er "He Has a Actio n 7 Wife" A mother is on trial News Live for killing her nanny.
Bad Judge "Lockdown" (N)
Caso cerrado
Los miserables
Tierra de reyes
The Big Bang Theory
Two and a The Elementary "Seed Half Men M cC arth ys Money" (N) (N)
Wheel of Fortune
M o m (N)
A to Z (N)
Action 7 News Live
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Dr. Rik
(12) W ad g e
Friday, January 9, 2015
Thursday Best Bets
:35 TMZ
:35 Access Hollywood
(50) (8815)
Tierra de reyes (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Talk David Letterman Kristin Chenoweth :35
Rocks/M- Update First Fruits Light of the Southwest Joe McGee Matt Staver Called Out Biblical anuscripts News of Zion Law&Jus Israel Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Modern Modern Modern Modern Law & Order: Special USA (24) "Acceptable Loss" "Manhattan Vigil" "Vanity's Bonfire" Family Family Family Family Victims Un it "Ridicule" S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN (26) 5:00 NCAA Basketb . (L) NCAA Basketb all (L) Basketb all S n o op S on NFL Live N F L F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s ESPN2 (27) 5:00 NCAA Basketb . (L) NCAA Basketb all (L) Project Runway: All Runway "Sketching with Big Women: Big Love B i g W om e n "Supersize Project Runway: All Project Runway LIFE (29) Stars "Making a Splash" Sharks" (N) "Potatoes and Cheese" Your Love Life" Stars "Making a Splash" "Sketching with Sharks" NBA Basketb all Oklahoma City Thunder at Houston Rockets Site: NBA Basketb all Cleveland Cavaliers at Los Angeles Lakers Site: I n s id e th e N B A TNT (32) Toyota Center -- Houston, Texas (L) Staples Center -- Los Angeles, Calif. (L) 48 Ho u rs "Hollywood 48 Ho u rs "Death in the 48 Ho u rs "Relentless" 48 Ho u rs "Death in the 48 Ho u rs "Relentless" 48 Ho u rs "Hollywood TLC (33) Secrets" Parsonage" Parsonage" Secrets" Alaska/Frontier "Journey Alaska/Frontier "Claims, Alaska/Frontier "A Hunt Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last DISC (34) to Perl Island" Cans and Cabins" Above the Clouds" Frontier Frontier Frontier Wo rs tC o oks "It Just C h op p ed "Class Acts" C h op p ed "Fig Out" C h op p ed "Viewers' C h op p ed C an ad a "Kat- Beat Bob b y Beat Bob b y FOOD (35) Keeps Getting Worse" Choice Ingredients" A-What?" (N) Flay (N) Flay WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in < I , R o b o t ++ (2004, Sci-Fi) Bridget Moynahan, Alan Tudyk, Helix "Pilot" Helix SYFY (36) long-running rivalries. (N) Will Smith. A robot is suspected in the death of a scientist. "Vector" Alaska Bat tle on Ba y (N) Wild West Alaska Battle "The Big Gamble" F o o l 's G o ld F o o l 's G o ld ANPL (37) Fool's Gold Fool's Gold Wild West Alaska (N) Five Coyotes NHL Hockey Calgary Flames at Arizona Coyotes Site: C o yo tes (L) C o yo tes (L) NCAA Basketb all Cal State - B. vs NM FSN (38) M i n u te s P re g am e (L) Arena -- Glendale, Ariz. (L) State Women's Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab House House House House Rehab Rehab House House HGTV (39) Addict Addict Addict (N) Addict H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs Hunters Addict Addict Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang C o n a n (N) C o ug ar Conan C o ug a r TBS (40) Theory Theory Theory Town Town Kourtney & Khloé Kourtney & Khloé E! News (N) Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City Sex & City E! (43) Ko u rtn ey & Kh lo é Un cle (N) TeenT. (N) Steven (N) A d v e n t. (N) Reg u lar (N) King of Hill King of Hill Clevelan d C leveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad TOON (49) Gumball Dog Blog Liv Maddie Girl < Up ++++ (‘09) Edward Asner. :45 Mickey Austin/ Ally Jessie DISN (51) Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Dog Blog Archer (N) Archer "The 5 : 3 0 < B a t t l e s h i p ++ (‘12) Alexander Skarsgard, Taylor Kitsch. < M e n i n B l a c k 3 +++ (‘12) Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, FX (53) A lone Naval Fleet battles an alien armada for Earth. Will Smith. Agent J travels back in time to save Agent K's life. Holdout" Wahlbur- Donnie C ri ti c s ' C h o i c e M o v . "20th Annual" Michael C ri ti c s ' C h o i c e M o v . "20th Annual" Michael Critics' Choice Mov. A&E (54) g e rs Loves J. Strahan hosts from the Hollywood Palladium. Strahan hosts from the Hollywood Palladium. "20th Annual" < T h e B o u r n e S up r e m a c y +++ (‘04) Franka Potente, Matt < Kill Bi ll Vol. 2 ++ (2004, Action) David Carradine, Daryl Hannah, Uma < Die Hard AMC (55) Damon. A former assassin is framed for a botched CIA mission. Thurman. An assassin continues her quest for vengeance. II: Die Ha ... P aw n S tars P aw n "Old P aw n "RC/ P aw n S tars :05 :35 :05 Pawn P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn "Old P aw n S tars P aw n S tars HIST (56) Man Corey" DC" (N) (N) Stars Man Corey" "RC/ DC" P aw n og . P aw n og . < T h e G r e a t T r a i n R o b b e r y +++ Sean Connery. < W h i s p e r i ng S m i t h +++ (‘48) : 4 5 < C o l o r a d o T e r r i t o r y ++ (‘49) Joel McCrea. A < M a n o f TCM (57) A criminal plans to steal gold from a moving train. Robert Preston, Alan Ladd. fugitive and his lover attempt to rob a bank. the West 4 : 0 0 T o B e A n n o u n ce d The Millionaire Watch What Happens T o B e A n n o u n ce d BRAVO (61) Matchmaker (N) Live (N) Up Close J i m R o m e I T F Tennis Classics 2009 Australian Open ESPNC (302) 5:00 I T F Ten n is C l a s sic s I T F Tennis Classics 1992 Australian Open < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Hollywo< T o B e A n n o u n ce d BET odHusband Reba : 4 5 R e b a "Surprise" Reba Raising Raising Party Down South 2 P arty Down South 2 (N) Redneck Island (N) CMT Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Rid icu lo u s Rid icu lo u s Rid icu lo u s R. Dy rd ek R. Dy rd ek R. Dy rd ek R. Dy rd ek Dyrd ek (N) Rid icu. (N) MTV Nicky H.Danger Thunder Thunder WitchWay Max Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK 4 : 3 0 < S a f e + (‘12) < Tran s p o rter 3 ++ (‘08) Natalya Rudakova, François Berléand, < 300 +++ (2006, Epic) Lena Headey, Dominic West, Gerard SPIKE Jason Statham. Jason Statham. A driver is forced to transport a kidnap victim. Butler. Three hundred soldiers fight off the Persian army. Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends Loves Ray Loves Ray TVLAND LoveHip "A Lie for a Lie" L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p M o b W i v es Hindsight < A L e a g u e o f T h e i r O w n +++ Geena Davis. VH1 KRPV
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
P a ren th o od "Let's Go Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show Home" Zeek and Camilla News 4 at Sta rrin g J i m m y Fa ll o n find old photos. (N) 10 p.m. Dueños del paraiso
Charlie Rose (N)
How I Met How I Met Two and a Two 1/2... Seinfeld Your Your Half Men "Palmdale, Mother Mother Ech"
Eyewitness Eyewitness Big Loser Bob returns News 4 at with his Comeback 6:30 Canyon player. (N)
(8) N e w s 4
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
The Mentalist The team The Mentalist The team Family Guy F amily Guy South Park King of Hill King of Hill The deals with a violent crime investigates the murder "The "Luanne "Queasy Cleveland in their office. of a wealthy jeweller. Succubus" Virgin 2.0" Rider" Show
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114)
Jon Michael Hill stars in “Elementary”
The Taste (7)
7:00 p.m.
Anthony Bourdain, Nigella Lawson, Ludo Lefebvre and Marcus Samuelsson mentor culinary competitors in this delicious series. Featuring a mix of professionals and home cooks, the show puts contestants to the ultimate test in the kitchen.
Project Runway: All Stars (29)
(296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
7:00 p.m.
In this new episode of the all-star edition, the designers must use underwater marine life as inspiration. Find out which designer doubles the budget by swimming with the sharks. Alyssa Milano hosts this fashion competition series.
9:00 p.m.
Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) uses his keen powers of observation to piece together another puzzling mystery. This modern-day take on the classic Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tale follows the famed detective as he cracks seemingly impossible cases.
Chopped Canada (35)
10:00 p.m.
In this new edition, the chefs are thrown for a loop when they open their box to find an unusual Middle Eastern ingredient in the appetizer round. The chefs who make it to the entrée round must find a way to pair monkfish with cocktail onions.
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Neeson, Dan Stevens, Boyd Holbrook, Sebastian Roché, Brian “Astro” Bradley, David Harbour, Adam David Thompson, Luciano Acuna Jr., Maurice Compte, Patrick McDade. 2014. 114 min. Crime.
Friday, January 9, 2015