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Friday, May 30, 2014
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ESPN (26)
ESPN2 (27)
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
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M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Despierta America La rosa de Guadalupe Hoy E s m o nd e T e c h . BBC News Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Peg + Cat Super WHY! Daniel Tiger Sid the Science Kid Various Various Various OK! TV America Now 2 KASA This Morning 2 KASA S tyle The Queen Latifah Show The Wendy Williams Show 'Til Death 'Til Death The Daily Buzz Roseanne Roseanne C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty 30 Rock 30 Rock Paid Program Justice for All K.Copeland America's Court Paid Program S u p re m e J u s t i c e J u d g e A l e x Judge Alex Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Paternity Court Divorce Court Action 7 News F Good Morning America / Good Morning America F Live!/LLiv e! The View Bethenny 5:00 Eyewitness News 4 Today Today Show Today Show II Today Sh ow III GoodDay Be Millionaire Un nuevo dia Decisiones La Prepago / W La promesa Escrito en las estrellas KRQE News 13 This Morning CBS This Morning The Doctors Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Various News/M MattStav L i g h t o f th e S o u th w e s t Various Various Various V ariou s Various Various Various F C S I : C ri m e/Tu W Law & O .:S V U Various Various F Th N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU F Th N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU 5 : 3 0 S o c c e r ‘13 World Cup Qualifier Mex./USA F IF A Soccer Classics 1998 World Cup England vs. Argentina F I F A Saint-Etienne, France Soccer Classics ‘98 World Cup France vs. Brazil FI F A Paris, France 5 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘84 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘85 Playoffs Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics NBA Bask. C lassics ‘87 Playoffs Boston Celtics vs. Los Angeles Lakers NBA B. C las. ‘88 Playoffs N B A 5 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘91 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘92 Playoffs Portland Trail Blazers vs. Chicago Bulls NBA Bask. C lassics ‘93 Playoffs Chicago Bulls vs. Phoenix Suns N B A B. C las. ‘96 Playoffs Sea./Chi. NBA 5 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘93 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘93 Playoffs Phoenix Suns vs. Chicago Bulls N B A Bask. C lassics ‘03 Playoffs New Jersey Nets vs. San Antonio Spurs NBA B. C las. ‘04 Playoffs N B A 5 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘08 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘10 Playoffs Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics NBA Bask. C lassics ‘10 Playoffs Boston Celtics vs. Los Angeles Lakers NBA B. C las. ‘11 Playoffs Dal./Mia. NBA S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5:30 SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r
T e n n i s French Open IT F Site: Stade Roland Garros Paris, France
ESPN First Take ESPN First Take
Numbers Never Lie Numbers Never Lie
4:00 Mike & Mike
T e n n i s French Open IT F Site: Stade Roland Garros Paris, France 4:00 Mike & Mike T e n n i s French Open IT F Site: Stade Roland Garros Paris, France Rob Dyrdek’s F. V a rio u s Ridicu./ Awkward. V a rio u s Ridicu./ Awkward. (28) Rob Dyrdek’s F. W G ra c e/ Reb a F Frasier/W WGrace F Frasier/W WGrace F Frasier/W WGrace F Frasier/W W G r ace (29) V a r i o u s Supernatural Supernatural (32) C h a r m e d Th Qu in ts b y F M Tu H o a r d i n g /W T BA/Th Kate F O b e s e a n d /TT o B e A n n o un c e d (33) V a r i o u s Paid Program Cash Cab Cash Cab Disappeared M Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T
Various Ridicu. F F ra s i e r/C C h ris F F ra s i e r/C Chris Supernatural Various Various Wicked Attraction T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Ridicu./ Awkward. F M o th e r/C C h ris ti n e F M o th e r/C Chris Bones Various F Say Yes/ Dress Sins and Secrets T o B e A n n o u n ce d
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M T W Th F M T W Th F
Paid Program Various Movie/ ST:TNG The Crocod ile Hunter P o k e r W P T Montreal, Que. UFC Unleashed Car Warriors 4:00 Bull Ride D u m b es t S tu f f 5:30 P o ke r W P T Ul tim a te I n s i d e r Various Various We There Yet? The Browns 5:00 C M T Mu s i c 4:00 VH1 + Music T h e K a rd a s h i a n s M-W K ard ash Paid Program Paid Program FullHous e Full House Clevela./ RickMort Kin g H F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb Paid Program Paid Program
Paid Program G h o s t/ W i t n e s s Tu S ta r T re k : N G F T r e e h ./M Dir t Job /Tu-Th V i k i ng Paid Program Post-game D-Backs Live Paid Program
Paid Program Various Movie/ ST:TNG F T r e e h ./M Dir t Job /Tu-Th A . C o p s Paid Program Paid Program
P ai d P ro g ra m Movie Various Paid Program
Paid Program Paid Program Various Various House of Payne Full House C M T M us i c /W CM T M u s i c A w a rd G o s s ip T a b l e F SexCity/K Kardash SexCity/ Kardash A. Griff ith Show Griffith/ Gri ffith Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper LooneyT./G Gumball F Johnny/G Gumball L i t t l e E i n s t e i n s T h e O c t o n a u ts Paid Program Paid Program
Paid Program Various Tu S T :T NG F M o v i e /W Gh o s t M o v i e / ST :T NG Tu A. Airport F T r e e h ./M Dir ty Jobs /Tu-Th Pit Bulls Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
T e n n i s French Open IT F ESPN First Take
Various Various F Mother/H H.Wives F M e t M o th e r Bones Various F Say Yes/ Dress Dual Survival T o B e A n n o u n ce d
ESPN First Take
Various Various Movie Tu Star Trek: NG F T r e e h ./M Dir t Job /Tu-Th Pit Bulls Paid Program Paid Program
Various Various Various Various H o u s e H/M L o v e L i s t H o u s e H u n te rs V a rio u s MyPlace Fresh Prince F r e s h P ri n c e Fresh Prince The Office The Office C l e v e l a nd S h o w Ameri can Dad Ame ri can D ad W Video of th e Year Tu C MT Music Awards Video of the Year Special V id e o / Re d C a rp e M M u s i c A V i d e o B i g M o rn i n g B u z z L i v e Various Various Th M a rryi n g Various Movie F SexCity/K Kardash SexCity/ Kardash F SexCity/K Kardash S e x C ity F SexCity /K Kard ash SexCity/ Kardash F SexCity/K Kardash SexCity/ Kardash Griffith/ Gunsmk. A. G riff ith S h o w G u n sm o k e F :4 0 G u n s m k . G u n s m o k e Gu n sm o ke F Sponge/P Parents F Sponge/P Parents S p o ng e Bob PAW Patrol F P A W /U Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Dora Explorer Dora Explorer F Johnny/A Ad v en t . B e y S h o g u n P o k ém o n : B W T e e n T i t a F Gumball / Movie F Gumball F R e g u l a r S h o w F Regular/G Garfield C h u g g in g t o n Mickey M. Jake Never Land Mickey M. Mickey M. Doc McStuffin s Sofia the First Mickey M. <++ T h e H a p p en in g (Adv, '08) Zooey Deschanel, Mark Wahlberg. <++ T a k e r s (Act, '10) Matt Dillon, Chris Brown. Buffy the Vampire Slayer <+++ S a l t (Act, '10) Liev Schreiber, Angelina Jolie. <+++ W a n t e d (‘08) <++ A r e W e T h e r e Y e t ? (Com, '05) Nia Long, Ice Cube. <+ I L o v e Y ou , B e t h C o op e r (Com, '09) Paul Rust, Hayden Panettiere. Engine.Test <+ I L o v e Y ou , B e t h C o op e r (‘09) Paul Rust, Hayden Panettiere. <++ P o s t G ra d (Com, '09) Zach Gilford, Alexis Bledel. <++ T h e M um m y : T o m b o f th e D ra g o n E m p e ro r (‘08) Maria Bello, Brendan Fraser. <++ K n o w i n g (‘09) Nicolas Cage. Paid Program B o u n ty H u n te r Tu-Th B o u n ty F The First 48 / Criminal Minds F The First 48 / Criminal Minds F First 48/M Longmire/Tu-Th CSI F F irs t 48 /M L o n g m i re /Tu-Th C S I F First 48/M Longmire/Tu-Th C.Minds Paid Program <+++ S p a c e C o wb o y s (Sci-Fi, '00) Tommy Lee Jones, Clint Eastwood. <++ M i s s i on : I m po s s ib l e I I I (‘06) Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tom Cruise. <+++ S e ra p h im Fal l s (West, '06) Pierce Brosnan, Liam Neeson. <+++ J a w s 2 (Hor, '78) Lorraine Gary, Roy Scheider. S to o g e /SS t o og e <+ B e h i nd E n e m y L i n e s I I : A x i s o f E v i l (‘06) Nicholas Gonzalez. <+++ X 2: X -M e n Un ited (Sci-Fi, '03) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. <++ J a w s : T h e R e v e n g e (Hor, '87) Lance Guest, Lorraine Gary. <++ A l i e n v s . P r e d a t o r (Hor, '04) Raoul Bova, Sanaa Lathan. <++ T h e S c o r p i on K i n g (‘02) <++ T h e S c o r p i on K i n g (Act, '02) Kelly Hu, The Rock. <+++ P u l p F i c t i o n (Cri, '94) Uma Thurman, John Travolta. Various M Restoration Various M Restoration Various Th P a w n S ta rs V a rio u s Re s to re / P aw n V a r i o u s Restore/ Pawn Various Th P aw n S tars 4 : 3 0 <++++ M e t ro p o l i s (‘26) : 1 5 <++++ Fu ry (Rom, '36) Sylvia Sydney, Spencer Tracy. <+++ S c a r l e t S t r e e t (Dra, '45) Joan Bennett, Edward G. Robinson. <+++ C l a s h B y N i g h t (‘52) < T h e D a u g h t e r o f R o s i e O ' G r a d y (‘50) Gordon MacRae, June Haver. <++ B r e w s t e r ' s M i l l i o n s (‘45) June Havoc. <++ S in g Y o u r Worr i e s A wa y : 4 5 <++ F ou r J a c k s a n d a J i l l (‘41) Ray Bolger. 5 : 1 5 <+++ M o n On c l e D ' A m e r i q u e (‘80) <+++ T h e G r e a t R a c e (Com, '65) Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis. : 1 5 <+++ B e a c h h e a d (War, '54) Frank Lovejoy, Tony Curtis. <++ F a s t a n d L o os e (‘39) Robert Montgomery. <+++ A M aj o r i t y o f O n e (Com, '61) Ray Danton, Alec Guinness. <++++ A u n ti e Mam e (Com, '58) Forrest Tucker, Rosalind Russell. 5 : 1 5 <+++ T h e A c t r e s s (‘53) <+++ K i s s M e K ate (Mus, '53) Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson. <+++ Jup i ter's Darlin g (‘54) Esther Williams. : 4 5 <+++ M a n y R i v e r s t o C r o s s (‘55) 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Family Matters FamMat WifeKid/ :10 WifeKid W ifeKid Girlfriend Movie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland Gangland W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os Cops Movie Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Gangland < T o B e A n n o u n ce d W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k T h e Re a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es 5:30 Take Over Tabatha Takes Over The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar Tabatha Takes Over The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar Listin g New York
S (41)
W Th F (35)
D (41)
Friday, May 30, 2014
ESPN (26)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
11:00 Hoy
Cachito de Cielo L a m u j e r d e l V e n d av a l El gordo y la fl aca Primer impacto Sit Fit/ Living Various C u r i o us G e o r g e C l i f f o r d /Th S i d CatHat/Th George Arth u r Martha Speaks Wild Kratts WordGirl News America The 700 Club C o l d C as e F i l e s Th e P eop le's C ou rt Judge Mathis Law & Order: Special Victims Unit That '70s Show That '70s Show Friends Friends The Middle The Middle T h e B i l l C u n n i ng h am S h o w Rules of Engage. Rules of Eng Paternity Court Divorce C ourt Bridezillas The Test The Jerry Springer Show The Steve Wilkos Show The Chew General Hospital Katie F E.DeGeneres /E E.De Generes The Dr. Oz Show Eyewitness News 4 at Midday Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Show T h e I n s id e r I n s id e E d i t i o n J u dg e J ud y J u dg e J ud y El señor de los cielos Lo mejor de caso cerrado Suelta la sopa Caso cerrado Al rojo vivo KRQE News Bold-Beautiful The Young and the Restless T h e T al k Dr. Phil KRQE News 13 KRQE News 13 N e w s /M S a l . Various Various Various Light of the Southwest Various Various F Th N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU F Th N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU F Th N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU F Th NCIS/M NCIS: LA/Tu W SVU F Th N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU Soccer Classics ‘02 World Cup Mexico vs. United States F I F A Soccer Classics 2006 World Cup France vs. Italy F I F A Site: Olympia Stadion Berlin, Germany 1 1 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘88 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘89 Playoffs Detroit Pistons vs. Los Angeles Lakers NBA Bask. C lassics ‘90 Playoffs Detroit vs Portland NBA 1 1 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘96 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘97 Playoffs Utah Jazz vs. Chicago Bulls NBA Chicago, Ill. Bask. C lassics ‘98 Playoffs Chicago Bulls vs. Utah Jazz NBA 1 1 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘04 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘05 Playoffs Detroit Pistons vs. San Antonio Spurs NBA Bask. C lassics ‘06 Playoffs Miami Heat vs. Dallas Mavericks NBA 1 1 : 0 0 B . C l a s . ‘11 Playoffs N B A Bask. C lassics ‘12 Playoffs Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Miami Heat NBA Bask. C lassics ‘13 Playoffs San Antonio Spurs vs. Miami Heat NBA S p o r t s C en t e r Outside the NFL Insiders NFL Live Around the Pardon the S p o r t s C en t e r Lines Horn Interruption
SportsNation SportsNation ESPN2 1 1 : 0 0 T e nn i s French Open I T F Site: Stade Roland Garros Paris, France (27) 11:00 ESPN First Take SportsNation Numbers Never Lie Various Various Various MTV (28) V a rio u s Grey's Anatomy LIFE (29) G r e y ' s A n a t o m y Bones TNT (32) B o n e s 19 Kids V a rio u s B i g D a y/ CakeB. M Tu C a k e B o s s TLC (33) F Say Yes/1 A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le M Dual Survival T o B e A n n o u n ce d T T o B e A n n o u n ce d DISC (34)
ESPN First Take
Highly Question Highly Question ESP N F C P re s s P ass C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l P re s s P ass Highly Question Highly Question C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l P re s s P ass Various Various W. Swap/M M o th e r R e b a Castle Various M Honey Boo A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various V ario u s F W. Swap /R Reba Reba C as tl e F Big Day/M Tu T iar as /W TBA A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le T o B e A n n o u n ce d
S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l Around the Horn
New Mexico Noticiero Univ. Various Nightly Business Steve Harvey M o d e r n F am i l y M o d e r n F am i l y Maury Action 7 News World News News 4 @ 5 NBC News Noticias @ 5 Noticiero E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 1 3 Various Various F N C I S /M Th NCIS: LA /Tu W SVU S o c c e r ‘10 World Cup F I F A Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Boxing Classics W h o 's N u mb e r 1? T e n n i s ‘99 French Open I T F N B A C o u n td wn Baseball T. I n s id e
Softball NCAA I n s id e S p o r t s C en t e r Basketb all L.A./Atl. WNBA Around the Horn Interruption Baseball MLB 30 for 30 Various Various Various Tu A wkward. Various F Rockers/Tu Reba V a rio u s F Rockers/Tu Reba Castle Castle F Big Day/M M y B ig F a t/Tu W T B A Various A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le Naked and Afraid T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F (59)
M T W Th F M T W Th F
Cupcake/ G. Eats M Un w rap p e d Southern/P Pioneer B a re f o o t Various T e n D o l l a r D i n . F F o o d /C Chef 30Mins F F o o d /K Kelsey Ess. Giad a at Home F F o o d /B Barefoot Barefoot Cont. F Movie/W Ghost M o v i e / ST :T NG M o v i e Tu S tar Trek: NG F Movie/W Ghost M o v i e / ST:T NG W M ov i e Movie F Movie M o v i e/ ST:TNG W M ov i e Tu W il Wheaton F Treehous/M Dirt Job/Tu-Th Pit Boss V a rio u s Tu-Th S w a m p ' d ! T r e e h o us/ Dirt Jo b / Gato rBo y F T re e h o u s e /N No rth W o o ds L a w F T re e h o u s e / R i v e r M o ns te rs Various Paid Program Baseb all Cincinnati Reds at Arizona Diamondbacks M LB Phoenix, Ariz. L u m b e rj a c k I n s id e N A U NMSU Sports Golf America Golf Destination Swing Clinic 18 Holes Halls of Fame The Game 365 West Coast Customs Hard Charge P o k e r W P T Montreal, Que. Paid Program F i s h i ng / J oh n n y Golf Life Golf America 18 Holes Swing Clinic Golf Destination P o k e r Five Diamond Classic W P T C o u rts i d e Jo n es F u tu re I g n i ted D i a m o n db a c k s Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at Colorado Rockies ML B Golf Life 18 Holes Playing Golf Destination Swing Clinic The Game 365 D-Backs Live Big 12 ACC All-Access Piece of Hard Charge Destination Pol. Hall of Fame Various MyPlace Various MyPlace Various MyPlace/ House Various MyPlace Various MyPlace/ House Various F Tu Th H o u s e H Am e ric a n Da d Kin g of Q uee ns Ki ng of Q uee ns F rie nds F ri e n d s Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld S e i n fe l d Seinfeld F Seinf’ld /FF a m .G F Dukes/W In. Fame/Th MusAward V ario u s W Reba W Reba W Reb a/Th P arty W R e b a Various M Makeov’r/W Reba V a rio u s M a k e o v ’r/ Re b a V a rio u s Various Movie/ TI Tiny Various W Atlanta Various Marrying Various Marrying Various Marrying F M Tu L o v e a n d /Th Greates t ‘ 00s SexCity/ Kardash SexCity/ Kardash F SexCity/K Kardash SexCity/ Kardash SexCity/ Kardash SexCity/ Kardash F SexCity/K Kardash S e x C ity F SexCity /K K a r d a s h Sex C it y / Ka rd ash F E ! N e w s / E ! N e w s Bonanza Bonanza Walker, Texas Ranger Wal ker, Texas Ranger Various Various Various Various Bu b b l e G up p i es Bu b b l e G up p i es P A W P atro l PAW Patrol F WalyKzm!/D Dora W al yKzm ! S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob F Rab b i d s /SS po ng e O d d P are n ts Parents/SSanjayCr F Parents/R Rabbids Drama I./LLooneyT. Drama I./LLooneyT. Advent./TTomJerry Advent./TTomJerry T o m / Je rry T a l e s V a ri o u s F Gumball/JJohnny G u m b all F Reg u lar/G G u m b a l l Regular/G Gumball Drama A./A Advent. Drama A./A Advent. Doc McStuffins Sheriff Callie Mickey M. L i t t l e E i n s t e i n s L i t t l e E i n s t e i n s T h e O c to n a u t s V a r i o u s Various Various Various Various Various Movie <++ T h e G r e e n H or n e t (Act, '11) Jay Chou, Seth Rogen. Two and Half T w o a n d H a l f <++ A u s t i n P o w e rs : T h e S p y W h o S h ag g ed M e (‘99) Mike Myers. 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ W a n t e d (‘08) James McAvoy. <++ M r. a n d M rs . S m i th (Act, '05) Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt. Met Mother Met Mother Two and a Half Men <++ P o s t G ra d (Com, '09) Zach Gilford, Alexis Bledel. <++ F o rg e tti n g S arah M a rs h a l l (Com, '08) Mila Kunis, Jason Segel. <++ K n o w i n g (Sci-Fi, '09) Chandler Canterbury, Nicolas Cage. <++ T h e M um m y : T o m b o f th e D ra g o n E m p e ro r (‘08) Maria Bello, Brendan Fraser. Anger Manage 1 0 : 3 0 <++ K n o w i ng (‘09) <++ M a n o f th e H o u s e (‘05) Tommy Lee Jones. Two and Half T w o a n d H a l f <+++ T h e B ou n ty H u n te r (Act, '10) Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston. F First 48/M Longmire/Tu-Th C.Minds Th e F irs t 48 / M Lo n g m ire The First 48 / M Longmire The First 48 / M Longmire Various Tu S to ra g e W a rs V a rio u s S . W a rs / D u c k D y 1 0 : <++ M i ss i o n : Im p os s i b l e II I <+++ T h e G r e e n M i l e (Dra, '99) David Morse, Tom Hanks. <++ T h e M a t r i x (‘99) <+++ T h e D a y A f t e r T o m o r r o w (Act, '04) Jake Gyllenhaal, Dennis Quaid. <+++ X 2: X -M e n Un ited (Sci-Fi, '03) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. Movie Movie <++ H o l l o w M a n (Susp, '00) Elisabeth Shue, Kevin Bacon. <++ L a r a C ro f t T o m b R a i d e r : T h e C ra d l e o f L i f e (‘03) Gerard Butler, Angelina Jolie. <+++ 300 1 1 : 0 0 <++ T h e S c or p i o n K i n g <++ Th e Sco rp i on Kin g 2: Ris e o f a W arrio r (Act, '08) Tom Wu, Michael Copon. <++ V o l c an o (Act, '97) Anne Heche, Tommy Lee Jones. <++ T h e C o r e (Sci-Fi, '03) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank. <+++ A ng e l s a n d D e m o n s (Myst, '09) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks. Various SecSlang/ Pawn Various SecSlang/ Pawn Various SecSlang/ Pawn Various Tu Th P a w n Various Tu Th P a w n S ta r V a riou s Tu Th P aw n S tar 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ C l a s h B y N i g h t <+ T h e B l u e G a r d en i a (‘53) Anne Baxter. : 4 5 <+++ M o on f l ee t (‘55) Stewart Granger. : 1 5 <+++ W h i l e t h e C i t y S l e e p s (‘56) James Craig, Dana Andrews. <++ S o n o f L a s s i e (‘45) Donald Crisp, Nigel Bruce. :45 <++ K e e p Y o u r P o w d e r D r y (‘45) Laraine Day. <++ T i l l t h e C l o u d s R o l l B y (Mus, '46) June Allyson, Van Heflin. <+++ S e x a nd t h e S i n g l e G i r l (Com, '64) Natalie Wood, Tony Curtis. <+++ No t With M y Wife , Yo u D o n 't ! (‘66) Virna Lisi, Tony Curtis. :15 <+++ D o n 't M a k e W a v e s (‘67) Claudia Cardinale, Tony Curtis. Movie <+++ T h e T r ou b le W i t h A n g e l s (‘66) Hayley Mills, Rosalind Russell. <+++ No Tim e for C o m e d y (‘40) : 1 5 <++ T h e F em in i n e T o u ch (Rom, '41) Don Ameche, Rosalind Russell. Movie <+++ D i a n e (Rom, '56) Marisa Pavan, Lana Turner. <+++ T r i b u t e t o a B a d M a n (‘56) : 1 5 <++ G u n G lo r y (West, '57) Rhonda Fleming, Stewart Granger. Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Movie F M o v i e / M M o v i e / Tu M o v i e / W M ov i e Th M o v i e V a rio u s M ov i e s W M ov i e Gangland Gangland Gangland Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops 11:30 < T o B e A n n ou n c e d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master 11:00 < T o B e A n n ou n c e d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d C o ps C o ps T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es <+++ Titan i c (Dra, '97) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio. T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es 11:30 Million Ladies/ Lon. T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Married to Medicine Kandi's Wedding Million Dollar Listin g New York Ladies of London T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Kandi's Wedding T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Kandi's Wedding Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar Listin g New York Untying Knot Ladies of London T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Married to Medicine MarriedMed
Friday, May 30, 2014
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Cover Story
Anchor’s aweigh Big stars grace the small screen in NBC’s ‘Crossbones’ By Shona Dustan TV Media
elevision is the trendy place to be these days. Many major film stars have been diving into cable television shows for years now — Steve Buscemi in HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire,” Claire Danes in Showtime’s “Homeland” and Elijah Wood in FX’s “Wilfred,” to name just a few — and recently, the trend has begun to spill over onto network television in a big way. From Robin Williams (“The Crazy Ones”) and Kevin Bacon (“The Following”) to Kate Hudson (“Glee”) and Gillian Anderson (“Crisis”), so many stars are tackling television that it seems the trend won’t be slowing down any time soon. John Malkovich is set to be the next huge film star to launch a new television show, and he’s taking on a role unlike any he’s ever attempted before. The movie star plays the legendary pirate Blackbeard in the new period action/drama, “Crossbones,” premiering Friday, May 30, on NBC. Pirates have never had much of a place on television — network prime time is usually reserved for doctors, crime-fighters and lawyers — but NBC is confident that this new program will find a dedicated viewership, and it definitely has the star power to pull it off. Malkovich has one of the most rec-
ognizable faces in Hollywood. His first major film was 1984’s “Places in the Heart,” alongside Sally Field (“Norma Rae,” 1979), a role that earned him an Oscar nomination. He quickly followed up this success with a turn in the Oscar-winning, heart-wrenching drama “The Killing Fields” (1984), and his career has snowballed from there. He starred in even more Oscar winners — “Empire of the Sun” (1987), “Dangerous Liaisons” (1988) and “In the Line of Fire” (1993), for example — as well as many blockbusters such as “Con Air” (1997), “Rounders” (1998) and “Burn After Reading” (2008). Not one to let convention stand in the way of his art, Malkovich also starred as an exaggerated version of himself in Charlie Kaufman’s existential comedy, “Being John Malkovich” (1999), which was also nominated for Academy Awards. He’s no stranger to television, either. Malkovich starred in two French miniseries in 2002, “Napoléon” and “Les misérables,” for which he was lauded for both his grasp of the French language and his acting abilities. “Crossbones” will mark Malkovich’s first foray into American television, though, a challenge he relishes. It should come as no surprise that Malkovich is willing to jump into the world of network television — it’s a world he has yet to conquer, and Malk-
Brent's Eyewear 2x3.5"
ovich is always up for a challenge. In “Crossbones,” he’ll be portraying Edward Teach, better known as the legendary pirate Blackbeard, and audiences can expect the general strangeness that Malkovich is known for to shine through in his portrayal. Though the network has been tight-lipped about the series thus far, a few key details about the program have been released. There will be only 10 episodes of the program, and so far it’s unclear whether the show could come back for another season or if this is all we’ll get. Speculation was similarly rampant when fellow film star Kevin Bacon launched his own TV program on Fox a few years back. Only 15 episodes of “The Following” were ordered for season 1, but after the immense success of the show, it’s now officially been renewed for a third. It’s hard to say whether the fate of “Crossbones” will depend on ratings, but audiences can expect a thrilling ride with lots of action and intrigue packed into these (first?) 10 episodes. Next, the show will be set on the Bahamian island of New Providence, a shantytown of sorts and a haven to marauders and the like. This was the stomping grounds of the real-life Blackbeard as well, so it looks like showrunners are set on making the series align with real events. Also, the show will not revolve around Blackbeard exclusively. This is good news for viewers since Malkovich’s eccentric style and depth of character is best displayed when he’s sharing the screen with other talented actors. One such talented actor is Richard Coyle (“Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,” 2010), who plays Tom Lowe, a skilled and shrewd assassin who goes undercover in New Providence in order to take out old Blackbeard. As Lowe gets closer to the pirate, however, he discovers that his plans may be more difficult to execute than he initially thought. What unfolds is an elaborate game of chess, each player moving their pieces around the board attempting to trap the other to some degree. The longer Lowe remains in New Providence, the more complicated his feelings about his mission become. Though these two actors could po-
A scene from “Crossbones”
Elite Medical 2 x 2"
tentially lift this show to soaring heights, it’s the great minds behind the series that deserve most of the credit thus far, specifically writer Neil Cross. Cross is a phenomenal television writer and has penned some of Britain’s most celebrated series. He got his start writing for BBC’s “Spooks” (known as “MI-5” on this side of the pond), wrote for “The Fixer” and “Doctor Who” and went on to create and write the critically acclaimed series “Luther.” Not only did he write the screenplays for
“Luther,” he also wrote several novels that accompany the series. Cross has a soaring imagination, an appreciation for history and a keen eye for detail — traits that should lend themselves nicely to the creation of “Crossbones.” NBC has brought some fantastic talent to the table for its newest adventure, and “Crossbones” promises to deliver action, drama and stellar writing and performances. Catch the premiere episode airing Friday, May 30, on NBC. Friday, May 30, 2014
Mentir Para Vivir
PBS NewsHour
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Great Perform. Renee Fleming returns to one of her signature roles.
24 "3:00 pm - 4:00 pm" Gan g Related "Sangre The terrorist reveals her Por Sangre" demands.
Family Feud
WashinCharlie gton Week Rose: The (N) Week (N)
BBang "The BBang "The W h os e L in e Whose Line Hart of Dixie Zoe plans Rhinitis "Lauren I s I t "Kevin to move to New York Alternative" Revelation" Cohan" McHale" City.
(5) Closure
S i m p so n s (6) "Homeraz-
zi" Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Cleveland "Buried Pleasure"
M o n k Monk wonders why a billionaire would mug a couple.
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Shark Tank A mobile W h a t W o u l d Y o u Do ? fitness company for kids.
(26) (27) (28)
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BRAVO (61)
New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. T o B e A n n o u n ce d
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e
American Dad
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
Caso cerrado
La impostora
En otra piel
El señor de los cielos
Un d er Bo s s "Donatos" The Donatos Pizza boss goes undercover.
Hawaii Five-0 McGarrett Blue Bloods Jamie's helps Grover investigate conduct is called into his missing friend. question after a death.
:35 Access Hollywood
Friday Best Bets
(50) (8815)
En otra piel (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show :35
Biblical Update Shepherd's Heart Light of the Southwest Update BAS Walking Yohanan Israel News News Presents Salamanca Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Playing < J u n o ++++ (‘07) Michael Cera, Ellen Page. A pregnant young woman considers adoption. Family Family Family Family Family Family Family House 5:00 F IF A Soccer 30 fo r 30 "Broke" Nin e for IX "Unguarded" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" Nine for IX 5 : 3 0 C ou n t N B A B a s k e t b a l l Playoffs Indiana Pacers at Miami Heat (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5:00 NCAA Softball NCAA NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) Olbermann Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NBA < B ri n g I t O n : I n I t to W i n I t ++ Ashley Benson. R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s < T a k e M e H o m e T o n ... Off Their Off Their Wife Swap "Kuncaitis/ Little Women: LA "The True Tori "Stay or Go" Off Their Off Their Wife Swap "Kuncaitis/ Rockers (N) Rockers (N) Zdazinsky" 'M' Word" Rockers Rockers Zdazinsky" < T h e L i n c o l n L a w y e r ++ (‘11) Matthew McConaughey. A < T h e S c o r e ++ (2001, Thriller) Edward Norton, Marlon Brando, < M y s ti c R i v e r +++ lawyer conducts business from the back of his car. Robert De Niro. A thief has one last heist before his retirement. (‘03) Sean Penn. Say Yes to the D ress: Say Yes to the D ress I F o un d th e I F o un d th e Say Yes to th e D res s : I F o un d th e I F o un d th e Say Yes to th e D res s : The Big Day "Amanda" "Sheena" (N) Gown (N) Gown (N) The Big Day "Sheena" G o w n Gown The Big Day "Amanda" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid C h ro m e Und e rg ro und Naked and Afraid Chrome Underground Naked and Afraid "Road Rage" (N) "Road Rage" Food Network Star Diners...D- Diners, Dr. Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners...D- Diners, "America Picks a Star" ives "BBQ" "Burgers" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins ives (N) Drive-Ins WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in C o n ti nu u m "Minute of Wil C o n ti nu u m "Minute of Wil Hero es o f C o sp lay "Stan Silence" (N) Wheaton Silence" Wheaton Lee's Comikaze" long-running rivalries. (N) Limits (N) Limits (N) T re e h o us e M a s te rs T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) Tree house Ma sters Treehous e Ma s ters No Limits No Limits Playing Diamond- Diamond- MLB Baseb all Cincinnati Reds at Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -Post-game Post-game Sports Hall T h ro u gh backs b ac k s (L) Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) of Fame Water "Skillken, SS Island Island House House House House Island Island House House Yankee, Green Cay" (N) H u n te rs Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters < W e d d i ng C ras h e rs +++ (‘05) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson. < W e d d i ng C ras h e rs +++ (‘05) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson. Deal With < L a n d o f It Two womanizers sneak into weddings for flings. Two womanizers sneak into weddings for flings. the Lost Makeover Reb a Reba Reba Reba Reba '70s Sh o w '70s Sh o w < Wild Hogs ++ (‘07) John Travolta. < H o n e y 2 (2011, Comedy) Randy Wayne, Katerina Graham. Hit the Floor Marrying La La's Full Hollywood Exes Atlanta E! News Fashion Police (N) Fashion "Spring Fever" C . Lately E! News C. Lately Fashion "Spring Fever" Hot/ Cleve. Hot/ Cleve. Tribute/Don Rickles Queens :35 Q u e e ns :10 Q u e e ns :50 Q u e e ns :25 Loves Ray S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Sa m & C a t Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Full House Full House Full House Full House Adv.Time Adv.Time TeenTita Gumball Adv.Time Regular King of Hill King of Hill Cl eveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad DogBlog :45 Dog Blog : 1 0 J e ss i e : 3 5 J e s s i e D o g B l o g Austin/ Ally < The Muppets ++ Jason Segel. :50 Mickey Austin/ Ally Jessie Two and a Two and a M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r < Star T rek +++ (2009, Sci-Fi) Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Chris Pine. A Romulan seeks vengeance for the death of his planet. Half Men Half Men Mother Mother Mother Mother Th e F irs t 48 "Blood F irs t 48 "A Date With Th e F irs t 48 "Bound and F irs t 48 "Abandoned in Th e F irs t 48 "Blood F irs t 48 "A Date With Feud" Death/ Paid in Blood" Burned" the Bayou" Feud" Death/ Paid in Blood" 5 : 0 0 < T h e M a t r i x ++ (‘99) Keanu Reeves. A man < T h e M a t r i x R e l o a d e d ++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence < The Matrix learns his world is a computer-created illusion. Fishburne, Keanu Reeves. An army of machines is sent to kill humankind. Revolutions ++ American Pickers "Pinch Pickers "Bonnie, Clyde American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers "Pinch Pickers "Bonnie, Clyde Picker" and The King" "Sweet Homes Alabama" "Frank's Pacemaker" Picker" and The King" < N e w s f ro n t ++ (‘78) Wendy Hughes, Bill Hunter. < S u n d a y T o o F a r A w a y +++ (‘75) :45 < C h ant of Jimmy Blacksmith +++ (‘78) Tommy Lewis. A Two brothers face political changes in Australia. John Ewart, Jack Thompson. Native American is brought up by a Methodist pastor. 4 : 3 0 < D y s f u n c t i o n al 106 & P ark (N) < Wh at's Lo v e Go t to Do With I t? +++ (‘93) Laurence Fishburne, Jenny Comic View Comic View F ri e n d s Stacey Dash. Lewis, Angela Bassett. A look at the rocky marriage of Tina and Ike Turner. Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops < W a l k i n g T a l l +++ Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. :35 < L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n +++ A soldier sets out to clean up his hometown. (‘09) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. < P e a r l H a r b o r ++ (2001, War) Kate Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck. < P e a r l H a r b o r ++ (2001, War) Kate Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck. A love triangle unravels during the attack in 1941. A love triangle unravels during the attack in 1941.
Friday, May 30, 2014
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
C ro s sb on e s The Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show Longitude Chronometer is News 4 at Sta rring J im my Fa ll o n stolen by a pirate. (N) 10 p.m. Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Dish Nation
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "Meet the "Death" Hill Hill Quagmires"
Eyewitness Eyewitness Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative News 4 at features and stories. 6:30
Wheel of Fortune
How I Met Met Your Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Seinfeld Your Mother Half Men Half Men "The Muffin "The Mother "The Yips" Tops" Ticket" 2/2
M o n k Adrian Monk has a American chance at romance with a Dad murderer.
(8) N e w s 4
P o rq ue el Amor Manda La Tempestad
(4) F e u d
C o raz o n I nd om ab l e
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Ramon Rodriguez stars in “Gang Related”
Dateline NBC (8)
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
7:00 p.m.
Experienced reporters delve deep into various breaking news stories, taking viewers to interesting and thought-provoking places. NBC presents this Saturday night installment of the long-running, critically acclaimed series.
(245) (138)
Whose Line Is It Anyway?
(280) (183)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
7:30 p.m.
Tune in for another round of fun with some of television’s most spontaneous comedians. Aisha Tyler hosts, funnymen Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles and Wayne Brady bring the laughs as celebrity guest Kevin McHale sits in.
(229) (112)
Gang Related
(247) (139)
(327) (166)
When promising police officer Ryan Lopez’s (Ramon Rodriguez) best friend and partner is killed, he seeks justice and teams up with the Gang Task Force to see it through. Unfortunately, his former gang affiliations make this position difficult.
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8:00 p.m.
Blue Bloods (10)
9:00 p.m.
A gangbanger is killed after being chased by Jamie (Will Estes) in this rebroadcast, and Jamie faces difficult questions. Meanwhile, Baez (Marisa Ramirez) goes undercover in an effort to glean information about Danny’s (Donnie Wahlberg) ex-girlfriend.
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7 AM
8 AM
12 PM
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10 AM
11 AM
C o n ch a C o n ch a Pocoyo Backyardigans Zigby M a y a y M i g ue l D o r a / E x p l o r e r G o , D i e g o , G o ! C o n ch a C o n ch a La hora pico W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood W o o ds m i t h Sh o p C o o k in g 8 0 / 2 0 T e s t K i t c h e n M a rth a 's S c h o o l M a rth a (N) M o to rw e e k (N) G a r d e n H o m e V . G a r d e n (N) Paint This Joy of Painting KRQE News 13 Animal Atlas Animal Rescue DragonflyTV Animal Science Weekend Marketplace Family Style On the Spot Paid Program Paid Program Rescue Heroes Rescue Heroes Sonic X Bolts and Blip Spider-Man Justice League Dragon Ball Z D i g i m o n (N) Y u - G i - O h ! 4/5 Y u - G i - O h (N) Paid Program Paid Program Bloopers Hollywood Career Day Winning Edge Live Life & Win! Eco Comp any T h in k B i g C o o l es t E a rth Bounty Hunter Reliable Nissan Action 7 News More in the Morning Wild Countd. Ocean Myst. Born to Explore Sea Rescue Wildlife Docs Expedition Wild LazyTown Zou Eyewitness News 4 Weekend T h e C h i c a S h o w N o o d l e Do od l e J u s t i n T i m e Tree Fu Tom I T F T en n i s French Open (L) Prog. pagado Prog. pagado Raggs The Jet Plane Noodle LazyTown P ro g. pagado Prog. pagado Super Latina Operac io n Rep o Videos asom. Movie 5 : 0 0 C B S T h i s M o r n in g S a t u r d a y K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g L u c k y D o g Dr. Chris Vet Recip e Rehab Minute Meals All in With L aila Game Changers Paid Program Paid Program 5:00 Light of the South Donkey Ollie Dr. Wonder Retro News KingdomWar Dr. Pendle ton Acquire the Fire Joe McGee Doug Stringer Dollars & Sens e HaYesod Paid Program < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : A t W o r l d 's E n d +++ Johnny Depp. The pirates battle Davy Jones and East India Company. < T h e B o u rn e Ul ti m a tu m +++ (‘07) Julia Stiles. W h o 's #1 "Greatest Knockouts" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? SEC Storied ES P N F i l m s "Roll Tide/ War Eagle" S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r The day's news in the world of sports. NASCAR Coun t 5 : 3 0 T h e F a b F iv e NHRA Drag Rac ing N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g (L) N C A A S o f t b a l l Division I Tournament (L) R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u lo u sn e ss 16 a n d P re g n a n t "Myranda" 16 an d P re g n an t "Arianna" 16 an d P re g n an t "Jordan" 16 an d P re g n an t "Jazmin" C a t f i s h "Cassie and Steve" Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program < N o r a R o b e r t s ' A n g e l s F a l l (‘07) Heather Locklear. < T h e P e r f e c t A s s i sta n t ++ C o l d J u s t i c e "He Said, She Said" C o l d J u s t i c e "Ambush" La w & Ord e r "Bounty" L aw & Ord e r "Patient Zero" Law & Ord e r "Shrunk" < Un k n o w n ++ Liam Neeson. Paid Program Paid Program M y F irs t Ho m e M y F i rs t H o m e M y F i rs t H o m e M y F i rs t Ho m e M y F i rs t H o m e M y F i rs t H o m e F i rs t H o m e (N) F i rs t H o m e (N) T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Paid Program Paid Program Sandwich King Guy's Big Bite Best Thing Best Thing I Ate S. Kitchen P i o n e e r W om a n P i o n e e r (N) F arm Ru les (N) Paid Program Paid Program < D e a d S e a s o n ++ (‘12) Marissa Merrill, James C. Burns, Scott Peat. < W r o n g T u r n 3 : L e f t f o r D e a d + (‘09) Tom Frederic, Declan O'Brien. < R i s e o f th e Z o m b i e s ++ Dogs 101 T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Car Warriors Paid Program Post-game G o l f (N) D e s t i n a t i o n (N) 18 Holes (N) S w i n g C l i n i c (N) Go lf L ife P laying Throug h UEF A S o c c e r Champions League Kitchen Kitchen K i tc h e n (N) K i t c h e n (N) Flip It to Win It F l i p I t W i n I t "Rebuilding The Past" F l i p I t "Welcome to The Jungle" Love It or List It House of Payne The Browns W e T h e re Y e t? K i n g o f Q u e e ns Ki n g o f Q u e e ns < Jo u rn e y to th e C en ter o f th e Ea rth ++ (‘08) Brendan Fraser. < S p i d e r - M a n ++ (‘02) Tobey Maguire. 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. CMT Social Hour 4:00 VH1 + Music VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn < T w o C a n P l a y T h a t G a m e ++ (‘01) Morris Chestnut, Vivica A Fox. < H o n e y 2 (‘11) Katerina Graham. To ta l Divas "Digging a Hole" F a s h i on P o l i c e "Spring Fever" E! News Weekend The Soup Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City :25 The Brady Bunch T h e C os b y S h o w :35 C os b y S h o w :10 C os b y S h o w :50 C os b y S h o w :25 C os b y "Play it Again, Russell" T h e N a n n y :35 The Nanny :10 The Nanny :50 The Nanny :55 F u l l H o us e F u l l H o u s e Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper P e ng u i ns Odd Parents Spong eBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Spong eBob Sp ongeBob SanjayCraig Cleveland Show King of the Hill Johnny Test Tom & Jerry K n i g h t s (N) BeyRaiderz P o k ém o n X Y (N) C la r e n c e Clarence Gumball Gumball Movie F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s M i c k e y M . Sheriff Callie D o c M c S t u f f i n s J a k e N e v e r L a n d S o f i a t h e F i r s t < T h e M u p p e t s ++ (‘11) Amy Adams, Jason Segel. :50 T o y S t o r y Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ellen Bu f f y V am p i re S l aye r "The Pack" B u f f y t h e V a m p i r e S l a y e r "Angel" T w o a n d H a l f Two and Half Two and Half C ri m . M i n d s "A Thousand Words" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Exit Wounds" L o n g m i re "Sound and Fury" L o n g m i re "The Great Spirit" L o n g m i re "Tuscan Red" L o n g m i re "Election Day" The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman < T h e Q u i e t M a n ++++ (1952, Romance) Maureen O'Hara, Barry Fitzgerald, John Wayne. < M a v e ri c k ++ M o un ta i n M e n "Mayhem" M o un ta i n M e n "Lost" M o un ta i n "Miles From Home" M o un ta i n M e n "Surviving Winter" M o un ta i n "Show Me the Money" M o un ta i n M e n "The Final Stand" 4:00 < Hotel < B e r l i n E x p re s s +++ (‘48) Merle Oberon. : 1 5 S . l i g h t (N) < D o c t o r i n t h e H o u s e +++ (‘54) Dirk Bogarde. : 1 5 < H i g h P l a i n s D r i f t e r +++ (‘73) Verna Bloom, Clint Eastwood. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration L o o p ed I n (N) Girlfriends Girlfriends :35 Girlfriends :10 Girlfriends :45 Girlfriends Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program < B i l l y M a d i s o n ++ (‘95) Bradley Whitford, Adam Sandler. Ladies/ Lon. W i v e s N J "Hair-Binger of Doom" H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y Housewives NJ
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM
1 PM
2 PM
4 PM
5 PM
Sabadazo Es el Momento C o mo d i c e e l d ic h o H u m o r c o m ed . N o ti c i e ro : F D S Oil Painting Quilt in a Day Quilting Arts Fons & Porter Joy Bauer's Food Remedies T h i s O l d H o us e A s k - O l d H o u s e W e l c o m e S t u d io S e w i n g N a n c y S e w I t A l l Paid Program Paid Program < M i r a c l e +++ (2004, True Story) Patricia Clarkson, Noah Emmerich, Kurt Russell. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program M L B B a s e b a l l (L) Paid Program Paid Program Friends Reliable Nissan Friends 'Til Death < T h e C u r s e o f In f er n o + (‘97) Janine Turner, Pauly Shore. G l e e "Makeover" Paid Program Paid Program Lati n o T V "Athletes" P aid Program Paid Program < A t F i r s t S i g h t ++ (‘99, Dra) Mira Sorvino, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Race Week Paid Program I n s id e I n d yC a r A u t o R a c i n g Belle Isle Grand Prix Site: Belle Island Park -- Detroit, Mich. (L) Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News ABC News 1 0 : 0 0 I T F T e n n is French Open (L) R u g b y Collegiate Championship (L) T r a c k & F i e l d Prefontaine Classic (L) A M M a rk e ti n g Ex p re s s M ed i a P e t s . T V NBC News 1 1 : 3 0 < K - 1 9 : T h e W i d o w m a k e r (‘02, Dra) Sam Spruell, Peter Stebbings, Harrison Ford. < S h a d o w M a n (‘06, Act) Eva Pope, Steven Seagal. R i t m o d e p o r t i v o O p e r a c i o n R e p o V i d e os a s o mb r o so s Paid Program Paid Program P G A G o l f The Memorial Tournament Site: Muirfield Village Golf Club -- Dublin, Ohio (L) P aid Program Paid Program E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 13 Update News Walking Dr. Rik Wadge Uri H arel Light of the Sout hwest Best of Week HaYesod Rock/M anus c. BAS Presents Day Discovery 10:30 < The Bourne Ultimatum < T h e M e c h a n i c (‘11) Ben Foster, Jason Statham. < F a s t F i v e +++ (2011, Action) Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel. E S P N F i l m s "Charismatic" ESP N "The Dewey Bozella Story" N i n e f o r I X "Runner" N i n e f o r I X "No Limits" E S P N F i l m s "A Race Story" 30 for 30 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Dover Race Site: Dover International Speedway -- Dover, Del. (L) NHRA Drag Rac ing Summernationals S p o r t s C en t e r NCAA Softball NCAA Studio N C A A S o f t b a l l Division I Tournament (L) NCAA Studio N C A A B a s e b a l l Division I Tournament (L) C a t f i s h "Ramona and Paola" C a t f i s h "Aaliyah and Alicia" C a t f i s h "Craig and Zoe" Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Fantasy Factory F antas y Factory 11:00 < The Perfect Assistant < T h e W r o n g W oma n (‘13) Jonathan Bennett, Danica McKellar. < T h e G o od M i s t r e ss (‘14) Kendra Anderson, Annie Heise. < Petals on the Wind 1 1 : 0 0 < U n k n o wn ++ : 1 5 < T h e N e x t T h r ee D a y s +++ (‘10) Elizabeth Banks, Liam Neeson, Russell Crowe. : 4 5 < T h e L i n c o l n L a w y e r ++ (‘11) Marisa Tomei, Matthew McConaughey. Ou trag e "Locked Inside My Car" O u t r a g e o u s 9 1 1 O M G E M T ! "Surprise Attacks" OMG EMT! O M G E M T ! "One Call, Two Many" O M G E M T ! "Private Parts" Street Outlaws Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Alaska: The Last Frontier K i t c h e n "The Grilling Show" (N) D i n e r s , D r i v e - I n s "BBQ Legends" R ewrap p e d Rewrapped S ave My Bakery "Baking Excuses" D i n e r s . . . D i v e s Diners...Dives G u y ' s G a m e "Grocery Grillin'" 1 1 : 0 0 < R i s e o f t h e Z o m b i e s ++ < Z o m b i e A p o c a l y p s e (‘11) Taryn Manning, Ving Rhames. < R e s i d e n t E v i l ++ (‘02) Michelle Rodriguez, Milla Jovovich. < R e s i d e n t E v i l : E x t i n c ti o n ++ T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d M y C a t F ro m H e l l "Evil Kashmir" 11:00 UEFA Soccer Big 12 (N) F . P h e n om s (N) H .S. B a s e b a l l AIA Tournament H.S. B a s e b a l l AIA Tournament P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V ir gins House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters 1 0 : 3 0 < S p i d e r - M a n ++ Friends Friends Friends Friends King of Queens King of Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray H o t 20 C o u n tdo w n "CMT Music Awards Preview" (N) I n . F a m e "Florida Georgia Line" < T h e B i g L e b o w s k i ++++ (‘98) John Goodman, Jeff Bridges. 1 1 : 0 0 < H o n e y 2 (‘11) Katerina Graham. H i t th e F l o o r "Game Changer" La La's Full Atlanta "The Next Chapter" L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p "Leaked" A tlanta "The Results Are In" Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City E! News Weekend T o t a l D i v a s "Red and Gold" : 2 5 T h e N a n n y "Pishke Business" R o s e a n n e Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Friends Friends :05 Friends :45 Friends Brd w nrs (N) SpongeBob Power Rangers SpongeBob Bread win n e rs SanjayCraig Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob 1 1 : 3 0 < S c o ob y D o o! S t a g e F r i g h t Isabella Acres. Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Steven Universe Steven Universe Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa Adventure Time Adventure Time Dog Blog Liv and Maddie Dog Blog Dog Blog Dog Blog L i v a n d M a d d i e Li v a n d M a d d i e G o o d L u c k . . . Good Luck ... Good Luck ... I Didn't Do It I Didn't Do It Two and Half < D e a r J o h n ++ (‘10) Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum. < T h e V o w +++ (‘12) Channing Tatum, Sam Neill, Rachel McAdams. < L o v e a n d O th e r D ru g s ++ (‘10) Jake Gyllenhaal. L o n g m i re "Natural Order" Longmire L o n g m i re "Bad Medicine" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "P911" C ri m . M i n d s "A Rite of Passage" C ri m . M i n d s "A Thousand Words" 1 1 : 3 0 < M a v e r i c k ++ (1994, Western) Jodie Foster, James Garner, Mel Gibson. < T h e M a t r i x ++ (1999, Action) Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Keanu Reeves. Movie M o un ta i n M e n "This Is the End" M o un ta i n M e n "Into the Wild" M o un ta i n "The Night's Watch" M o un ta i n M e n "Winter Strikes" T h e W o r l d W a r s "Trial by Fire" : 1 5 < H e l e n o f T r o y ++ (‘55, History) Rossana Podestà, Brigitte Bardot, Stanley Baker. < W o rl d W i th o u t E n d ++ (‘56) Hugh Marlowe. < F ro m th e E a rth to th e M o o n +++ (‘58) Joseph Cotten. :25 Girlfriends Girlfriends : 3 5 G i r l f r i e n d s : 1 0 G i r l f r i e n d s : 4 5 G i r l f r i e n d s : 2 5 G i r l f r i e n d s "All in a Panic" Girlfriends < W h a t ' s L o v e G o t t o D o W i t h I t? +++ < T h e R u n do w n +++ (‘03) Seann William Scott, Rosario Dawson, Dwayne Johnson. < W a l k i n g T a l l +++ (‘04) Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Cops Cops Jail 1 1 : 3 0 W i v e s N J H o u s e w i ve s N J "Salon, Farewell" H o u s e w i ve s N J "Reunion" Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd next H o u s e w i ve s N J "Reunion" 2/2 < T h e S w i t c h ++ (‘10, Com/Dra) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman.
S (41)
(27) (143) (209)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
3 PM
D (41)
(27) (143) (209)
Friday, May 30, 2014
8 PM
9 PM
5 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l (L)
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory (6)
The Big Bang Theory
Paid Program
The Tim McCarver Show
C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty T h e M i dd l e The Middle M o d e rn "The "Royal "Regrets Legacy" Wedding" Only"
S A F 3 "Texas in a Bottle" < Step Up 2: The Streets ++ (2008, Drama) Robert Hoffman, Adam Sevani, Briana Evigan. A street dancer enrols at an arts school. Action 7
(7) N e w s L i v e
Paid Program
F a mi l y Gu y Fa mi l y G u y W h i t e Co l l ar Neal and "Love Thy "Death Is a Peter go undercover as Trophy" B-tch" wealthy bachelors.
The Blacklist
(24) (25)
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Queens "Affidavit Justice"
Private Practice
Eye witness Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e A sketch comedy News 4 at show with musical and celebrity 10 p.m. guests.
(12) S c h o l a rs
Noticiero Estrellados Univision N o v a "D-Day's Sunken Secrets" One of the largest underwater archaeological sites.
Futurama "Jurassic Bark"
(8) N e w s 4
Exploring With the
Two 1/2... Two and a Seinfeld "Smooth as Ha l f Me n "The a Ken Doll" Seven"
11 PM
Modern Family
Bet Bab y One family S i n g- F a c e O f f Celebrities S i n g- F a ce O f f Celebrities Actio n 7 moves on to try and are transformed into are transformed into News Live break the piggy bank! (N) legendary music icons. legendary music icons.
Ey e wi tn e ss E ye wi tn e ss Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative News 4 at features and stories. 6:30
News 13 News 13 A n i m a t i o n A n i m a t i o n < G h o s t T o w n +++ o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A D o m i n a tio n D o m i n a tio n (‘08, Com) Greg Kinnear, Téa Leoni, Ricky Gervais.
10 PM
S á b a d o g ig a n t e
La V o z Kid s Niños intentan impresionar los artistas. < La C arre ra d e la M u e rte (2008, Action) Joan Allen, Tyrese Gibson, Jason Statham. Jeopardy! Wheel of Mike & Friends T h e M e n t a l i s t "The 48 Ho u rs (N) Fortune Molly Lives "Pros Golden Hammer" (10) and Cons"
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Humor comed. Report The Big Band Years A musical retrospective of the '50s and '60s Part y S o n g s ( M y M u s i c ) Shows from the '50s and '60s that had teens dancing. (3) F ro m S a n ta biggest acts of the era. Fe (2)
La Familia P. Luche
7 PM
Titulares T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
First Fruits Biblical Shepherd's Heart of Zion Israel Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern < T h e M e c h a n i c (‘11) Ben Foster, Jason Statham. A C S I : C r i m e S c e n e "Better hit man trains the son of a former victim. Off Dead" "The Kiss" Family Family Family Family Family ESP N "The Dotted Line" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" N i n e f o r I X "Unguarded" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" Nine for IX 5:00 NCAA Softball NCAA N C A A Softball Division I Tournament (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A Baseb all Division I Tournament (L) Sp o r t s C en t. L o a d e d Baseb all Tonig h t (L) I n s id e R. Dy rd ek R. Dy rd ek Rid iculous Rid iculous Rid i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u lo u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s < Sto m p th e Yard + Columbus Short. 5:00 < Petals on the < T h e S e c r e t S e x L i f e o f a S i n g l e M o m A mother < P e tals o n th e Win d (‘14) Heather Graham. Cathy < T h e S e c r e t S e x L i f e o f W i n d Heather Graham. of two learns to embrace who she wants to be. returns to Foxworth Hall to seek revenge. a S i n g l e M o m (‘14, Dra) NBA TipNBA Basketb all Playoffs San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma City I n s id e t h e N B A < T h e N e x t T h r e e D a y s +++ Russell Crowe. A Off Thunder Western Conference Final Game 6 (L) desperate man decides to break his wife out prison. Sex E.R.: Extra Dose S e x S e n t M e t o t h e E . R . W e S h o u ld H a v e S e x S e n t M e t o t h e E . R . W e S h o u ld H a v e Sex E.R.: Extra Dose "Game Over" "Man In Steel" (N) E l o p e d ! (N) "Man In Steel" Eloped! "Game Over" Alaska: The Last M i n i M o ns te rs Enter the secret world of some very M i n i M o ns te rs Enter the secret world of some very Alaska: The Last Frontier small creatures. (P) small creatures. Frontier I ro n Ch e f "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: U.S.A. Vs. Australia" Part One" 1/5 cont'd next Part Two" 2/5 cont'd next Part Three" 3/5 Part Four" 4/5 Finale" Pt. 5 of 5 5:00 < R e s i d en t E v i l : < T h e C r a z i e s ++ (‘10) Timothy Olyphant. A small < Z o m b i e A p o c a l y ps e (‘11) Ving Rhames. Survivors < R i s e o f th e Z o m b i e s Ex tin ctio n ++ town's water supply is contaminated. of a zombie plague search for a refuge. ++ Mariel Hemingway. M y C a t F ro m H e l l (N) Terro r "Mini Cujo" (N) B a d D o g ! My Cat From Hell T i n y T e rro r "Mini Cujo" Bad Dog ! 4 : 3 0 H . S . B a s e b a l l AIA D i a m o n d - D i a m o n d - ML B Baseb all Cincinnati Reds at Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -Post-game Post-game Tournament b a c k s L i v e b ac k s (L) Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Kristi P ro p e rty B ro th e rs House Hunters House House Property Brothers House Hunters and Jay" "Under Their Own Roof" R e n o v a tio n (N) Hunters Hunters "Under Their Own Roof" R e n o v a tio n Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With < Jo u rn e y to th e C en ter o f th e Ea rth ++ A < Spidergeologist discovers a map to the center of the earth. Ma n ++ Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory It 4 : < T h e B i g L e b o ws k i < W i l d H o g s ++ (‘07) William H. Macy, Martin Lawrence, John Travolta. < K i n d e rg a rte n C o p ++ Arnold Schwarzenegger. Atlanta "New Help" Love and Hip-Hop Hit the Floor Hollywood Exes Marrying Marrying Marrying Marrying Total Divas Divas "Digging a Hole" The Soup C. Lately Sex & City Sex & City Sex and the City The Soup M o v i e :20 Friends Friends Friends Friends F rie n d s 1/2 F ri e n d s 2/2 :35 F ri e n ds :10 F ri e n ds :50 F ri e n ds :25 F ri e n ds S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S am & C at S am & C at Sam & C at Th u nd e r. Hathaway Sam & Cat Awesome Full House Full House A d v .T i m e A d v .T i m e < O p e n S e a so n 3 (‘10) Dana Syder. G umbal l King of Hill King of Hill Ame r. Dad Family Guy Black Dyna Boondocks Jessie Jessie Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Dog Blog Dog Blog Jessie Austin/ Ally I Didn'tDoIt Dog Blog Lab Rats Kickin' It 4 : 3 0 < L o v e a n d O th e r < W h a t ' s Y o u r N u m b e r ? ++ (‘11) Anna Faris. A < H o rri b l e B o s s e s ++ (‘11) Jason Bateman. Three < H o rri b l e B o s s e s ++ D r u g s ++ woman thinks she's already dated her true love. friends conspire to murder their bosses. (‘11) Jason Bateman. Criminal Minds Cr i m i n a l M in d s "Hit" Pt. C ri m i n a l M i n d s "Run" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "The Criminal Minds C r i m i n a l M i n ds "Hit" Pt. "Profiling 101" 1 of 2 cont'd next Pt. 2 of 2 Silencer" "Profiling 101" 1 of 2 cont'd next 5 : 3 0 < T h e D a r k K n i g h t +++ (2008, Action) Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, T U R N "Challenge" < J a w s ++++ (‘75) Roy Scheider. A great white Christian Bale. Batman battles a madman who causes chaos for fun. shark terrorizes a beachtown. The W or l d War s "A Rising Threat" The fighting T h e W o rl d War s "Never Surrender" A new T h e W o rl d War s "A Rising Threat" The fighting stops, but tensions continue to simmer. generation of leaders is called into action. stops, but tensions continue to simmer. < M y F a i r L a d y ++++ (1964, Musical) Stanley Holloway, Rex Harrison, < P ri n c e s s T a m T am ++ (‘35) Albert < Bo rn Yes terd ay ++++ (‘50) Audrey Hepburn. A professor transforms a guttersnipe into a lady. Prejean, Josephine Baker. Broderick Crawford, Judy Holliday. 4 : 3 0 < W h a t ' s L o v e G o t t o D o W i t h < J u s t W ri g h t ++ (2010, Comedy) Common, Paula Patton, Queen Latifah. A < W h y D i d I G e t M a r r i e d ? ++ (‘07) I t? +++ (‘93) Angela Bassett. physical therapist falls for a basketball player. Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps "Liar C o ps "Odd C o ps C o ps C o ps < L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n +++ (‘09) Jamie Foxx. A man avenges his family's murders by killing lawyers. Liar" Arrests 2" < S w e e t H o m e A l a b a m a ++ Reese Witherspoon. < S w e e t H o m e A l a b a m a ++ Reese Witherspoon. < T h e S w i t c h ++ (‘10) Jason Bateman. A woman A designer's ex-husband refuses to divorce her. A designer's ex-husband refuses to divorce her. learns of a switch with her insemination.
Friday, May 30, 2014
House Calls Joe McGee Light of the Southwest Best of Week
Operacion 12 corazones Repo : 3 5 T h e C l os e r The team : 3 5 A l i e n investigate the death of "Human two gang members. Harvest"
Saturday Best Bets
(50) (8815)
(25) (8819)
Melissa Peterman hosts “Bet on Your Baby”
My First Home (33) (27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
10:00 a.m.
TLC presents back-to-back new episodes of this reality real estate series. First-time homebuyers search for their perfect dwelling, but the search doesn’t always go smoothly. A team of realtors helps them choose what’s right for them.
(245) (138)
My Cat From Hell
(280) (183)
6:00 p.m.
(229) (112)
In this new episode, meet Einstein, the perfect cat. He’s only perfect, however, until he sees his nemesis, Izzy, at which point he goes completely insane. Owners Scott and Tiffani hope that someone can help them calm their kitty down.
(247) (139)
Bet on Your Baby
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
Parents try to prove how well they know their little tykes as they play to win money for their child’s future education. Melissa Peterman hosts as toddlers between the ages of two and three-and-a-half years old play.
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
7:00 p.m.
Sing Your Face Off (7)
8:00 p.m.
John Barrowman hosts this new reality series featuring celebrities being trained to perform as various legendary musicians. In this premiere episode, Lisa Rinna, Sebastian Bach, Landry Fields, Jon Lovitz and China Anne McClain are transformed.
Cooking thisweek FRIDAY
(35) Rewrapped
5:00 p.m.
Superstar: ‘Food Network Star’ hits the double digits By Andrew Warren TV Media
(35) Food Network Star
6:00 p.m. (35) Food Network Star 7:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
5:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
5:30 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m.
(35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen (35) Chopped
(35) Chopped
5:00 p.m.
t’s a dream that so many of us had when we were kids: the dream of one day being famous. Whether it was a life as an A-list actor or a legendary rock star that came to life in our daydreams, the glam of fame and fortune was irresistible. It takes a special kind of kid who wants to grow up to be a star on the Food Network, but that’s exactly the dream that a lot of their elders have. “Food Network Star,” the network’s annual search for the next big thing in culinary TV kicks off its 10th season Sunday, June 1, with a tantalizing mix of familiar and new. On the familiar side of things, the three mentors and judges from the past two seasons are returning once again. Celebrity chefs Bobby Flay, Giada De Laurentiis and Alton Brown are all back — although the familiar formula is getting mixed up for the trio. No longer will the team of hopeful chefs be divvied up into three competing teams helmed by the iconic Food Network stars. Instead, the familiar faces will be on hand to mentor all of the contestants and, ultimately, judge who’s got what it takes to be a Food Network star. Another familiar note is the return of “Star Salvation,” an exciting web extra similar to “Top Chef’s” popular “Last Chance Kitchen” that was added to the mix last season. In it, the eliminated chefs duke it out against each other to earn the right
(35) Chopped
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
6:00 p.m.
(35) Chopped (35) Chopped
7:00 p.m.
(35) Chopped (35) Chopped
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman
9:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
(35) Southern at Heart
7:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
5:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
(35) Restaurant Stakeout
6:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Stakeout
8:00 p.m.
THURSDAY 5:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
5:30 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
(35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
(35) The Pioneer Woman
(4) Hell’s Kitchen
(35) Farmhouse Rules
(35) Food Network Star
(4) Masterchef (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Chopped
6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
4501 N. Main Roswell, NM 88202
Movie Hotline (575)623-1010
9:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Roswell Daily Record: Food May 30, 2014 to Jun 5, 2014
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
Ad sponsored by
FARMERS COUNTRY MARKET FREE SUMMER BREAKFAST & LUNCH PROGRAM June 2, 2014 thru July 31, 2014 MEALS WILL NOT BE SERVED JULY Honey Oat Grahams Hamburger, Fries4th , Lettuce & Tomato,
String Juice at the following Pickle Chips,locations, Mustard, Ketchup Meals will beCheese, served dates and times (sites are subject to change):
• Roswell Industrial Air Center, • Spring River Park 1306 E College, Corner of University Blvd and W Wells Farmers Country Market 11:20 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. St 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
2 x 4"
KIDS SHOWS Every Tuesday 9:00 11:00 1:40
8:00 p.m.
(35) Chopped Canada
• Cahoon Park, 400 N. Union Ave., 11:00 a.m. - 1:00.
Allen Theatres 2"MER FREE1SxUM
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
A/ Economy Motors B/ High Chapparal Care 2 x 2"
9:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games 10:00 p.m. (35) Food Network Star
Giada De Laurentiis and Bobby Flay as seen in “Food Network Star” to re-enter the competition. But, nat- be the next Guy Fieri (who, incidentally, got his start after winning the urally, there’s a new twist: the first show’s second season). two contestants in the “Star SalvaWith a dozen contestants hoping tion” kitchen will be fan favorites from previous seasons who’ve been to prove themselves both in the kitchen and on the camera, and the invited back for a second chance at exciting “Star Salvation” keeping stardom. things hot online, season 10 of There’s more to “Food Network “Food Network Star” is shaping up Star” than just the name, too. The to be an out-and-out culinary battle winning chef earns their own show to the finish line. Don’t miss its preon the network, a platform that miere on Sunday, June 1. could potentially catapult them to
8:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
8:00 p.m.
SUNDAY (35) Chopped
7:00 p.m.
(35) Iron Chef America (35) Chopped
9:00 p.m.
• Carpenter Park, 300 E. Buena Vista, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. • Poe Corn Park1306 E College, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
• Yucca Recreation Center, 500 S.
Richardson Ave., breakfast at 8 a.m. and lunch from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
• Boys & Girls Club 201 S. Garden Ave., breakfast only at 8 a.m. Pizza - Tony's
Ranch Dressing Adults may get a meal for $3, correct change Salad, would be appreciated. For more information call 637-3339
Friday, May 30, 2014
Television Crossword ACROSS 1 Choreographer Ms. Michaels 4 Astonished utterance 8 Savannah ‘__’ Davis, Alyssa Milano’s role on ABC’s “Mistresses” 12 Ball 13 Industrial region of Germany 14 Fifty-fifty 15 Don __ (Music producer) 16 Sony co-founder Mr. Morita 17 Newspaper readership, for short 18 “Oh!” in Germany 20 Type of military aircraft maneuver for a special event or holiday 22 Baseball legend Yogi 24 “__ Wolf” (1985) starring Michael J. Fox 25 E.M. Forster novel-turnedmovie, _ __ with a View 26 Won, but just barely 30 “Dancing with the Stars” pro Mr. Chmerkovskiy 31 Ms. Blanchett 32 Single-named rock guitarist 34 Ski run 35 Dana __, CNN journalist 38 Weasel kin 39 “Express Yourself” singer
42 X’s follower, spelled out 43 Soup noodle of Japanese cuisine 44 Latin hymn: “Dies __” 46 Produce Dept. item 49 Mother, in Paris 50 Set of three, as books [abbr.] 51 ‘60s singer, Little __ 52 Positive votes 53 Word segment, briefly 54 Movie critic Mr. Reed DOWN 1 Cut the grass 2 Lyricist Mr. Gershwin 3 __ County (Fictional Wyoming setting of A&E’s “Longmire”) 4 __ Elliot (Celebrity chef on FOX’s “MasterChef”) 5 Diving bird 6 NBC’s “The Night __” 7 Worker, informally 8 The __ __ (Legendary improvisational comedy mecca where many cast members of “Saturday Night Live” got their starts over the years) 9 Tel __, Israel 10 Captain __ (Character in Herman Melville story Billy Budd, Sailor)
11 Price hike [abbr.] 19 NBC’s new pirate series starring John Malkovich 21 “__-haw!” 22 Loud noises 23 ‘Fed’ suffix 27 ABC’s “Suburgatory” star, Ana __ 28 Feminine suffix 29 Cervid 33 Sci-Fi character, __ Solo 34 ABC’s “Extreme Weight Loss” trainer, Chris __ 36 Dithers 37 “I Wanna Marry ‘__’” on FOX 39 Billy of 1965 to 1968 series “Lost in Space” 40 ‘Chick’ suffix 41 “__ the Explorer” 45 Be under the weather 47 “__ Maria” 48 “__ Headroom”
New Mexico Prosthetics 2x3"
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(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)
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(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)
10 AM
11 AM
C o n ch a Misa Catolica La hora pico Al punto Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a F ú tb o l C en tral P a ra s e r a n u n c i a d o Ex p e d i tio ns S e c o nd O p i n i on A n tiq u e "Richmond (Hour Three)" G o s pe l "Down by the Tabernacle" J o y o f M u s i c Joy of Music Happy Steps/ Health Paid Program C a th o l i c M a s s L e g a c y C h u rc h B e l i e v e r C e n te r F o x N e w s Su n d a y Joel Osteen Homebu ilders Paid Program N A S C A R Au t o R a c i n g FedEx 400 (L) Paid Program Catholic Mass E. Stanton Missing An. Exploration Jack Hanna Into the Wild Dog Tales T h e C on n e c t i o n C h r i s t i a n W o r s h i p Hou r Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass Bloopers Trobadou r LatiNat ion American Latino Paid Program Paid Program Raw Travel Game Time Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning This Week Hollywood T e e n K i d s N e w s H o m e o wn e r Paid Program O n th e M o n e y T h i s O l d H o us e S u n d a y T od a y (N) Who Rocks Havas Edge Meet the Press New Mexico E x p re s s M ed i a I T F T en n i s French Open (L) Prog. pagado Prog. pagado Raggs The Jet Plane Noodle LazyTown P ro g. pagado P ro g . p a g a do Prog. pagado V i d e os a s o m . Enfoque Movie K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g C B S S u n d a y M o r n ing F a c e th e N a ti o n P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program Sports Wild 5:00 Light of the Southwest Walking Life Beyond I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Day Discovery Rock/Manus c. HaYesod M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a Paid Program P l a y i n g H o u s e P la y i n g H o u s e L a w & O rd e r: S .V .U . "Slaves" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Damaged" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Careless" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Pure" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's #1 "Greatest Knockouts" W h o 's #1 "Greatest Coaches" 30 for 30 A Race Story S p o r t s C en t e r Outside Lines Sp o rts Rep o rt. S p o r t s C en t e r NCAA Softball Bassmaster Elite Series S p o r t s C en t e r Outside Lines Sports Report. E:60 I n s id e I n s id e I n s id e F I F A So c c e r R i dic u lo u sn ess R id icu l ou sn ess Gi rl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Awkward. Awkward. Faking It Faking It C a tf i s h "Antwane and Tony" The Hour of Power Joel Osteen Paid Program < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Law & Ord e r "Floater" Law & Ord e r "Embedded" La w & Ord e r "Compassion" Law & Ord e r "Ill-Conceived" Law & Ord e r "Darwinian" < L a k e v i e w T e r r a c e ++ Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d D a te l i n e : R e a l M y s t. "Betrayal" Paid Program Paid Program MythBusters D e a d l i e s t C a tc h "Falling Down" M y th B u s te rs MythBusters Deadliest Catch Paid Program Paid Program G i a d a a t H o m e B a r e f o o t C o n t . W e e k i n D a y "Meatlovers' Lane" P i o n e e r W om a n S . K i tc h e n S o u th H e a rt (N) G i a d a (N) 4:00 Paid Program Twilight Zone C o s p l a y "Stan Lee's Comikaze" Wil Wheaton < M y B l o o d y V a l e n ti n e ++ (‘09) Jaime King, Jensen Ackles. < H o s te l : P a r t I I ++ Roger Bart. Un tam e d "Pilot Whale Attack" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d W P T Po k e r Paid Program Post-game Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program F i s h i ng (N) D u m b es t (N) C o u rts i d e Jo n es L o v e / L i s t "The Family Next Door" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t , T o o Lo v e I t/ L i s t I t "Space for Six" Love It or List It, Too L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Sink or Swim" Property Brothers Friends Friends Friends < T h e L i b r a r i a n : Q u e s t f o r t h e S p e a r ++ (‘04) Kelly Hu, Noah Wyle. < T h e L i b ra ri a n : R e tu rn to K i n g S o l o m on 's M i n e s +++ Noah Wyle. M o v i e 5:00 C M T Mu si c CM T M usi c C M T M us ic Aw a rd s VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn V H 1 T o p 20 V i d e o Co u n tdo w n Love and Hip-Hop: Atlanta H i t th e F l o o r "Game Changer" < M e n i n B l a c k +++ (‘97) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. Sex an d th e C ity Sex an d th e C ity Sex an d th e C ity Sex an d th e C ity F as h ion P o lice "Spring Fever" E! News Weekend Sex and the City Sex and th e City Sex and the City Sex and the City : 2 5 3 ' s C o m p a n y "Jack Bares All" 3 ' s C o m p a n y :35 3's Comp. :10 W h o 's B os s ? :50 W h o 's B os s ? :25 W h o 's th e B o s s? W h o 's B o s s? :35 W h o 's B os s ? :10 W h o 's B os s ? :50 C os b y S h o w :55 F u l l H o us e F u l l H o u s e Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper M o ns te rs v s . K u n g F u P a n da P o wer R an gers S po nge Bob Sp ong eB ob Sp ong e Bob Spo nge B ob Spo ng eBob CloneWars Sym-Bionic Joh nny T es t Tom & Jerry T e n k a i K n i g h ts T e n k a i K n i g h ts P o k ém o n : X Y < Tom & Jerry: Robin Hood & His Merry Mouse Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s M i c k e y M . Sheriff Callie Doc McStuffins Jake Never Land Sofia the First LEGO Dog Blog Austin and Ally Liv and Maddie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Ellen Bu f f y V am p . "I Robot, You Jane" < D e a r J o h n ++ (‘10) Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum. < The Vow C ri m . M i n d s "The Perfect Storm" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Psychodrama" < W e W e r e S o l d i e r s +++ (2002, War) Madeleine Stowe, Greg Kinnear, Mel Gibson. < H e l l b o y : S w o rd o f S to rm s +++ Ron Perlman. M a d M e n "Waterloo" TURN "Challenge" < P u l p F i c t i o n +++ (1994, Crime Story) Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, John Travolta. < J a w s ++++ Roy Scheider. M o un ta i n "Three Toes Returns" M o un ta i n M e n "Bloody Sunday" M o un ta i n M e n "No Way Out" M o un ta i n M e n "Disaster Strikes" M o un ta i n M e n "End of the Line" M o un ta i n M e n "Thin Ice" Movie < R o o m f o r O n e Mo re ( T h e E a s y W a y ) +++ : 1 5 < M a d n es s o f t he H e a r t (‘49) Paul Dupuis, Margaret Lockwood. < T h e B a r e f o o t C o nte s s a +++ (‘54) Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel L i f t V o i c e (N) Movie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Powernation Powernation Powernation Powernation 5:30 Atlanta Atlanta "Dropping the Ball" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta Atla n ta "He Said, She Said" Atlanta "Flirting With Disaster" H o u s e w i ve s A tl a n ta "Mexi-Loco" H o u s e w i ve s A tl .
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM
1 PM
2 PM
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5 PM
Para volver a amar Fabrica de Risas El Chavo Cita Con Como dice el dicho Perspectiva Noticiero: FDS Suze Orman 's Financial Solutions for You Rebooting your Brain Heal Yourself Newshour. McLaugh 1 0 : 3 0 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g FedEx 400 Site: Dover International Speedway (L) Paid Program Paid Program O u td o o rsm a n Paid Program Tim McCarver Paid Program Paid Program T h e F i r s t F a m i l y M r . B o x O f f i c e < N o G o o d D e ed ++ (‘03) Milla Jovovich, Samuel L. Jackson. C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Conflicted" 30 Rock 30 Rock Glee "The Break Up" < W e O w n t h e N i g h t ++ (2007, Action) Eva Mendes, Mark Wahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix. P a i d P ro g ra m < D e v i l i n a B l u e D r e s s ++ (‘96) Maury Chaykin, Denzel Washington. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program X Games Austin I n d yC a r A u t o R a c i n g Belle Isle Grand Prix Site: Belle Island Park -- Detroit, Mich. (L) Entertainment Tonight Weekend Action 7 News ABC News 1 1 : 0 0 I T F T e n n is French Open (L) Ru g b y Collegiate Championship (L) AM Marketing Havas Edge Eyewitness NBC News 1 1 : 3 0 < C a s i n o R o y a l e (2006, Action) < R u d o y C u r s i (‘08) Diego Luna, Gael Garcia Bernal. Operacion Repo < Mi Pobre Angelito 4 1 1 : 3 0 G o n eW i l d P G A G o l f The Memorial Tournament Final Round Site: Muirfield Village Golf Club -- Dublin, Ohio (L) P aid Program Paid Program CBS Even. News KRQE News 13 Biblical Israel Mani Erfan Dr. McDonald Y.Salamanca Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. R.Booker Law & Ord e r: SV U "Merchandise" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Wet" Law&O.:SV U "Child's Welfare" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Rescue" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Ballerina" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Bombshell" N i n e f o r I X "No Limits" N i n e f o r I X "Runner" SEC Storied ES P N F i l m s "Roll Tide/ War Eagle" E S P N F i l m s "Charismatic" ES P N "The Dewey Bozella Story" 11:00 NCAA Softball NCAA Studio N C A A S o f t b a l l Division I Tournament (L) S p o r t s C en t e r N B A C o u n td wn 1 1 : 3 0 F IF A S o c c e r International Friendly Turkey vs. United States (L) NHRA Drag Rac ing Summernationals Site: Old Bridge Township Raceway Park -- Englishtown, N.J. B a s e b a l l T o n i g h t (L) C a t f i s h "Lucille and Kidd Cole" < S t o m p t h e Y a r d + (2006, Drama) Meagan Good, Columbus Short. < N o t o r i o u s ++ (2008, Biography) Mohamed Dione, Derek Luke, Jamal Woolard. < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d 1 1 : 0 0 < L a k e v i e w T e r r a c e ++ : 1 5 < D i s t u r b i a ++ (2007, Crime Story) Sarah Roemer, Carrie-Anne Moss, Shia LaBeouf. < C o l l a t e r a l ++ (2004, Thriller) Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tom Cruise. Real Life "The Fugitive" Dateline "Deadly Desire" Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Who did I Marry Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Dual Survival Sand wich King Big Bite (N) T h e K i t c h e n "The Grilling Show" S . K i t c h e n P ioneer Woman I ro n C h e f A m e ri c a C h op p ed "Grill Masters: Part One" C h op p ed 1 1 : 0 0 < H o s t e l : P a r t I I ++ < R e s i d e n t E v i l ++ (‘02) Michelle Rodriguez, Milla Jovovich. < R e s i d e n t E v i l : E x t i n c ti o n ++ (‘07) Oded Fehr, Milla Jovovich. < T h e C r a z i e s ++ T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Ul ti m a te T re e h o u s es Gam e 365 (N) D e s t i n a t i o n (N) D i a m o n db a c k s D i a m o n db a c k s M L B B a s e b a l l Cincinnati Reds at Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) Post-game Hall of Fame Property Brothers P ro p e rty B ro s . "James and David" P ro p e rty B ro s . "High-End Home" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Crista and Sumit" H o u s e H u n te rs Ho u s e H u n te rs Ho u s e H u n te rs Ho u s e H u n te rs 1 1 : 3 0 < T h e L i b r a r i a n : C u r s e o f t h e J u d as C h a l i c e < G h o s t R i d e r ++ (2007, Action) Eva Mendes, Wes Bentley, Nicolas Cage. < D a r e d e v i l ++ (‘03, Fant) Jennifer Garner, Colin Farrell, Ben Affleck. H o t 20 C o u n tdo w n "CMT Music Awards Preview" < N e w i n T o w n + (2009, Comedy) Siobhan Fallon, Renée Zellweger. < M e n i n B l a c k I I ++ (‘02) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. H i t th e F l o o r "Game Changer" Marrying Game La La's Full Hollywood Exes Love and Hip-Hop: Atlanta Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City To tal Div as "Red and Gold" Divas "What Happens in Cabo" : 2 5 C os b y "Off to the Races" T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w :35 C os b y S h o w :10 F ri e n ds 1/2 :50 F ri e n ds 2/2 :20 F ri e n ds :55 Friends Ninja Turtles Ninja Turtles Odd Parents Odd Parents Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Th u nd e rm an s Hau n ted Hath SanjayCraig Breadwinners SpongeBob Spo ng eBob Teen Titans Go! Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Steven Universe Steven Universe Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Jessie I Didn't Do It Jessie Jessie Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Austin an d Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Dog Blog Dog Blog D o g Bl o g 1 1 : 3 0 < T h e V o w +++ (‘12) Rachel McAdams. < S a l t +++ (‘10, Act) Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Angelina Jolie. < W a n t e d +++ (2008, Action) Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy. 1 0 : 3 0 < H e l l b o y : S w o r d o f S t o r... < G o o d f e l l a s +++ (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 1 1 : 0 0 < J a w s ++++ (‘75) Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider. < J a w s 2 +++ (1978, Horror) Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Roy Scheider. < T h e D a y A f t e r T o m o r r o w +++ Dennis Quaid. M o un ta i n M e n "Going for Broke" M o un ta i n M e n "Ticking Clock" M o un ta i n "Settling the Score" M o un ta i n M e n "Judgment Day" M o un ta i n M e n "Meltdown" M o un ta i n M e n "Misty Mountain" : 1 5 < L a u r a ++++ (‘44) Gene Tierney, Clifton Webb. < L e a v e H e r t o H e a v e n +++ (‘45) Cornell Wilde, Gene Tierney. < G r e e n F i r e ++ (‘55) Stewart Granger, George Sanders, Grace Kelly. 1 1 : 3 0 < W h a t M y H u s b a nd D o e sn ' t K n o w (‘11) Clifton Davis. < F a t A l b e r t ++ (2004, Comedy) Kyla Pratt, Marques Houston, Kenan Thompson. < J u s t W ri g h t ++ (‘10) Common, Queen Latifah. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Ba r R e s c u e "Corking the Hole" B a r R e s c u e "Hostile Takeover" I n v es to rs "The Steak Mistake" H u n g ry "Westbound and Ground" 11:30 Atlanta Atlanta "Mess Rehearsal" A tlanta "Final Curtain Call" H o u s e w i ve s A tl . "Reunion Part 1" H o u s e w i ve s A tl . "Reunion Part 2" H o u s e w i ve s A tl a n ta "Reunion Part 3" Pt. 3 of 3
S (41)
(27) (143) (209)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
11:00 Para ser anunciado
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(27) (143) (209)
Friday, May 30, 2014
Aqui y Ahora
Lent at Ephesus: (3) B e n e d i c ti n e s o f M a ry, Queen of Apos tles
American (4) D a d
7 PM
8 PM
Mira quien baila
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 PM
10 PM
Humor comed. Great Performances "The Dave Clark Five: Glad All Billy Joel: A Matte r of Trust - The Over" The Dave Clark Five, rock 'n' roll 'British Bridge to Russia Billy Joel connects invasion.' with the people of Russia.
Bob B "O.T. T he the Outside S i m p so n s Toilet"
Sal y pimienta
< L o v e a n d O th e r D ru g s ++ (2010, Comedy)
Bones "The Past in the
Leverag e The team must C S I : M i a m i Horatio and protect a brilliant the team go after engineer from death. Miami's Russian mob.
Bones A real human skeleton is used as a stage prop.
Th e Bach elo rette (N)
Agents of SHIELD Action 7 Coulson and his team go News Live to war against HYDRA.
Initiation" (6) Present"
America's Funniest
Met Your Anne Hathaway, Judy Greer, Jake Gyllenhaal. A free M o th e r spirit falls for a pharmaceutical salesman. "Glitter"
(7) H o m e V i d eo s
Mother "Blitzgiving"
Paid Program
60 Minutes (10)
(26) (27) (28)
Shepherd's Heart
Elem en tary A man running a Ponzi scheme is found murdered.
The Good Wife A client's The Mentalist Jane arrest may stem from a investigates a murder at leak in the firm. an oil fracking site.
Bu rn No tice Michael investigates a group of Jamaican gangsters.
Action 7 News Live
Entertainment Tonight Weekend
Dr. R ik Light of the Southwest Zola Levitt Update Day of Dollars & Wadge Ministries News Discovery Sense Law & Order: Special < Safe Haven ++ (2013, Drama) David Lyons, Josh Duhamel, < No Strin g s Attach ed +++ (‘11) Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Julianne Hough. A young woman bonds with a widower. Portman. Two people try to have a physical relationship only. Victims Un it "Damaged" ESP N "The Dotted Line" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" N in e for IX "Unguarded" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" Nine for IX 5 : 3 0 C ou n t N B A B a s k e t b a l l Playoffs Miami Heat vs. Indiana Pacers (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r MLB Baseb all Pittsburgh Pirates at Los Angeles Dodgers (L) ESP N Bases Load ed (L) E S P N F C P re s s P a ss I n s id e Baseball Movie Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculo u s Ca tf i s h : T h e T V S h ow < T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(32) Ben Affleck. A career criminal plans his next big heist.
(43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Operacion < Shadow Man (‘06) Repo Eva Pope, Steven Seagal. : 3 5 T h e C l os e r A serial :35 Alien killer returns turning up "Majestic two dead bodies. 12"
< T h e T o w n ++++ (2010, Action) Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm,
< C o llateral ++ (‘04)
Ben Affleck. A career criminal plans his next big heist. Jamie Foxx, Tom Cruise. Retu rn to Am is h "Our Retu rn to Am is h "Home To Be Announced Retu rn to Amish "Home To Be Announced Retu rn to Amish "Our Journey So Far" (N) is Where the Beef is" (N) is Where the Beef is" Journey So Far" Dual Survival Russian Yeti: The Killer Dual Survival T o B e A n n o u n ce d Dual Survival Dual Survival Lives (N) C h op p ed "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: C h op p ed "Grill Masters: Guy's Grocery Gam es Food Network Star Kitchen Casino "Kiss My Part Three" Part Four" Finale" (N) "Hollywood Calling!" (N) Bass" (N) 5 : 0 0 < T h e C r a z i e s ++ < E n d o f t h e W o r l d (‘13) Caroline Cave. The fate of W i l < T h e C r a z i e s ++ (‘10) Timothy Olyphant. A small < T h e (‘10) Timothy Olyphant. the world depends on video store clerks. Wheaton town's water supply is contaminated. Philadelp ... T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) T re e h o us e M a s te rs T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) T re e h o us e M a s te rs Tre e h o us e M a s te rs Tre e h o us e M a ste rs C h amp i o ns Tennis PowerShares Series -- Charlotte, W P T Poker W P T Poker Five Diamond Bull Rid ing H ard C h arg e "Peoria N.C. Classic Championship Women's Division" Caribbean Caribbean Beachfront Beachfront Living Living House House Beachfront Beachfront Living Living Life Life Bargain Bargain Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunters Bargain Bargain Alaska Alaska < Zombieland +++ (‘09) Woody Harrelson. Two < Zo m b iel an d +++ (‘09) Woody Harrelson. Two < D a r e d e v i l ++ (‘03) Jennifer Garner, Ben Affleck. men find a way to survive in a world of zombies. men find a way to survive in a world of zombies. A blind lawyer becomes an acrobatic superhero. < Kin d erg arten C o p ++ (‘90) Arnold Schwarzenegger. < B e v e r l y H i l l s C o p +++ (‘84) Judge Reinhold, Eddie Murphy. < B e v e r l y H i l l s C o p I I < M e n i n B l a c k +++ (‘97) Will Smith. < M e n i n B l a c k I I ++ (‘02) Will Smith. Hit the Floor Love and Hip-Hop Divas "Digging a Hole" Total Divas (N) M e n o f th e S trip (P) (N) Divas "Wedding Mania" M e n o f th e S trip 5:55 F ri e n d s : 2 5 F r i e n d s F r i e n d s :35 Friends :10 Friends :50 Friends :25 Fri ends Friends :40 Friends :15 Friends :55 Friends SpongeBob SpongeBob Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Thunder. Hathaway Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House < O p e n S e a so n 3 (‘10) Dana Syder. Gumball Clarence Clarence King of Hill King of Hill RickMort Bob Burger Bob Burger Family Guy A.N.T. A.N.T. G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e Jessie Jessie I D i d n ' t D o I t D o g B l o g A u s t i n / A l l y G o o d Lu c k D o g B l o g < M r. a n d M rs . S m i th ++ (2005, Action) Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn, Brad < T h i s M e a n s W a r +++ (‘12) Reese Witherspoon. < T h i s M e a n s W a r Pitt. Married assassins become each other's target. A woman dates two CIA agents at the same time. +++ Duck Duck Duck Dy Duck Duck Duck Dy Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dy Duck Dynasty Dynasty "Fowl Play" Dynasty Dynasty "Si-Yonara" Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty "Fowl Play" Dynasty 4:30 < The Day Afte r TURN "Against Thy Halt and Catch Fire : 0 5 H a l t a n d C a t c h F i r e : 1 0 T U R N "Against Thy : 1 0 H a l t a n d C a t c h F i r e T o m o rro w +++ Neighbor" (N) "I/O" (P) (N) "I/O" Neighbor" "I/O" M o un ta i n M e n "Close M o un ta i n M e n "Winter's M o un ta i n M e n "The Big Rig Big Rig M o un ta i n M e n "Close M o un ta i n M e n "Winter's Calls" (N) Wrath" (SP) (N) Darkness" (N) "Red Hot" Bounty Calls" Wrath" < Brin g in g Up Bab y ++++ A scientist gets < I W a s a M a l e W a r B ri d e ++ (‘49) Cary Grant. A < T h e C o ss a c k s (Drama) Renee Adoree, Ernest entangled with a woman and a leopard. captain and a lieutenant fall in love. Torrence, John Gilbert. 4 : 3 0 < J u s t W ri g h t ++ (‘10, Com) < W h y D i d I G e t M a r r i e d ? ++ (2007, Comedy/Drama) Sharon Leal, Janet < Dad d y's Little Gi r ls ++ (‘07) Idris Common, Paula Patton, Queen Latifah. Jackson, Tyler Perry. Three couples question their relationships. Elba, Tasha Smith, Gabrielle Union. Bar Rescue "Grown Bar Rescue "Scoreboard Bar Rescue "Scary Bar Rescue "The Lost H u n g ry I n v es to rs "Tacos Bar Rescue "A Bar Full Some Meatballs!" to Death" Mary's" Episode" (N) and Tantrums" (N) of Bull" Kan d i 's W e d d i ng (P) (N) M arried to M ed icin e H o us ew i ves Game of Fashion Kandi's Wedding Married to Medicine Housewives "Queen of Shade" (N) NJ (N) C ro w n s (N) Queens (N) "Queen of Shade" /NewJersey
Friday, May 30, 2014
Sunday Best Bets
(50) (8815)
:05 Access Hollywood
< T h e T o w n ++++ (2010, Action) Rebecca Hall, Jon Hamm,
Titulares T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Bounty "Reality Check"
America's Got Talen t "Audition" Auditions in New Believe "Revelation" Bo Crisis "Found" The FBI Eyewitness :35 I ns i d e and Tate confront locates the mansion. (N) News 4 at Edition Skouras. (N) 10 p.m. Weekend La V o z Kid s Niños intentan impresionar los artistas. Suelta la sopa
Rules Rules of Seinf. "The Queens "Anniversa- En g ag e men Shower "Dougie ry Chicken" t "Jeff Day" Head" Houser"
(8) York City and Los Angeles. 5:00 < M i P ob re (9) A n g e l i t o 4
11 PM
Noticiero Tras la Verdad Univision F ro n t a n d C e n te r Singer A Crisis of Cyndi Lauper performs Faith songs from her album.
Family Guy Cosmos: A Spacetime News 13 News 13 Extra Weekend O d y s s e y "The World Set o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A Free" (N)
BBang "The The Big Bang Theory
(5) Beta Test
(25) (8819)
Toby Huss stars in “Halt and Catch Fire”
Return to Amish (33)
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138)
TURN (55)
(280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
6:00 p.m.
Most of the original cast of “Breaking Amish” returns in this new spinoff series. Catch up with the young people as they return to their Amish roots and their new lives play out for the cameras. As the series kicks off, Abe and Rebecca are expecting. 7:00 p.m.
In an attempt to flush out rebel conspirators, Simcoe (Samuel Roukin) incites a political witch hunt in a new episode of this historical drama. Meanwhile, General Washington (Ian Kahn) sends Ben (Seth Numrich) on a secret mission.
(229) (112)
Halt and Catch Fire
(247) (139)
(327) (166)
Take a look inside the personal computer revolution of the early 1980s in the series premiere of this cutting-edge series. The new show follows three fictional industry innovators whose work influenced the movement and stars Lee Pace.
(335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
8:00 p.m.
Crisis (8)
9:00 p.m.
In this lead-up to next week’s series finale, Agents Susie Dunn (Rachael Taylor) and Marcus Finley (Lance Gross) continue to unravel the strange and convoluted kidnapping case. As guilt and motive come into focus, the true enemy may not be who he seems.
Monday Best Bets
Lou Diamond Phillips stars in “Longmire”
Swamp People (56)
7:00 p.m.
In this new episode, the swampers must hunt some questionable areas in order to bring in the big money. One team hunts during an electrical storm, risking their lives to catch some monsters, while another team grapples with a clogged canal.
Friends With Better Lives
Action 7
Entertai nment Tonigh t
(26) (27) (28)
8:00 p.m.
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
10 PM
11 PM
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
Dish Nation
How I Me t Two and a Two and a Seinf. "The Seinfeld Your Half Men Half Men Cadillac" "The Big Mother 1/2 Salad"
Law&O.:SV U "Mother" Law & Ord er: S.V .U . A psychiatrist who treats "Loss" The squad faces sex offenders is beaten. off against the DEA.
Amer. Dad American Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "Fart-break Dad "One "Pink Eye" Hill Hill Hotel" Little Word"
(50) (8815)
Th e Bach elo rette (N)
M i s s "Rebuild" Savi makes the most of her second chance. (SP) (N)
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
Caso cerrado
La impostora
Girls "And F ri e n d s Mike & the First Day "Deceivers" Molly of School" (N)
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Wheel of Fortune
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. Nig h t at th e Ri tz F e atu rin g Atteb erry The Travel An tiq u es Rd . Highlights Station (N) Detective from the show's 1997 visit to Phoenix.
Eyewitness Eyewitness Last C omic "Invitational American Ninja Warrior "Dallas Qualifying" The News 4 at 3" The hilarious competition heads to Dallas. (N) 6:30 invitationals continue.
Dr. Will iam Dr. R ichard Update Booker News WWE Monday Night Raw
En otra piel
Day of Discovery
El señor de los cielos Mom
48 Hours
:35 Access Hollywood
En otra piel (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show :35
House Call Mani Erfan Rocks/M- Yohanan anuscripts Salamanca : 0 5 < F a s te r (‘10) Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. An : 0 5 N C IS : L o s A n g e le s ex-convict sets out to find his brothers' killers. "Neighborhood Watch" Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Battle Network Sta rs Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Battle Network Stars Battle Network Stars MLB Baseb all Kansas City Royals at St. Louis Cardinals Site: Busch Stadium (L) SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) Sp o rts C en t. Olbermann (L) Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NBA Olbermann 5:20 Free Agents H o u s e o f F oo d H o u s e o f F oo d T o B e A n n o u n ce d H o u s e o f F oo d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(12) M c D o n a l d
In this season premiere, Sheriff Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) deals with the fallout of Branch’s (Bailey Chase) shooting and Henry’s (Lou Diamond Phillips) arrest. When Branch insists that his assailant was a dead person, the hunt gets complicated.
9 PM
Mentir Para Vivir
(8) N e w s 4
Kirk-ing" (7) N e w s L i v e
24: Live Another Da y
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
BBang "The Whose Line Whose Line B. & Beast Cat and the M o th e r Good Guy I s I t? (N) I s I t? "Kat team work together to "Girls vs. Fluctuation" Graham" clear Vincent's name. (N) Suits"
T h e Si mp s- The
Don’t miss a new installment of this special event series. Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) is on the hunt for the conspirators behind a plot to assassinate the American President on foreign soil. Mary Lynn Rajskub, Kim Raver and Tate Donovan also star.
Masterchef (N)
Family Feud
(6) o n s "Hardly C l e v e l a nd
8:00 p.m.
The Big
M a g i c M o m en ts : T he B e s t o f ' 50s P o p M u s i c Performers include Mel Carter and the Chordettes.
24: Live Another Day
8 PM
PBS NewsHour
(5) B a n g
Will (James Van Der Beek) tries to get his love life back together in the wake of his pending divorce. Living with his best friend and business partner and his wife, Will relies on their group of six best friends to help him through this rough time.
P o rq ue e l A m o r M an d a L a T e m p e s ta d
(4) F e u d
7:30 p.m.
7 PM
C o raz o n I nd om a b l e
Light of the Southwest
NBA Tip-Off
NBA Basketb all Playoffs Oklahoma City Thunder at San Antonio I n sid e th e N B A C as tle "Vampire Castle Spurs Western Conference Final Game 7 Site: AT&T Center (L) Weekend" W e S h o u ld H a v e Sex E.R.: Extra Dose Best Best Sex E.R.: Extra Dose Best Best W e S h o u ld H a v e Eloped! "Game Over" Funeral Funeral "Game Over" Funeral Funeral Eloped! #BikerLive "Lone Star #BikerLive "Rust Belt" V e g as Rat Ro d s "Mack #BikerLive "Rust Belt" V e g as Rat Ro d s "Mack #BikerLive "Lone Star State" (N) Rod" (N) Rod" State" The Pioneer F a rm h o us e Diners, Diners, Guy's Grocery Gam es Rewrapped Un wrap p ed C u tth ro at Kitch en "Vive Mystery Mystery Woman Rules Drive-Ins Drive-Ins (N) Le Sabotage" Diners (N) Diners 4 : 3 0 < M i c h a e l +++ < C o n ta c t +++ (1997, Sci-Fi) Matthew McConaughey, Tom Skerritt, Jodie Foster. An < C o n ta c t +++ (‘97) Matthew (‘96) John Travolta. astronomer receives a message from space. McConaughey, Jodie Foster. F i n d i ng B i g f o o t: X L (N) F i n d i ng B i g f o o t: X L (N) N o Limits No Limits Finding Bigfoot: XL Finding Bigfoot: XL No Limits No Limits W P T Poker Five Diamond UF C Un leas h ed UF C 134 Silvia takes on Okami in mixed martial arts combat. K n o c k o u ts ! "Gatti, Classic Rahman, Golota" (N) Love It or List It Love It or List It House House L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Mother L o v e I t o r L i s t I t House House "Bachelor Pad" "Blended Families" (N) H u n te rs Hunters Daughter Mortgage" "Blended Families" Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Conan Pete Conan Pete Theory Theory Holmes (N) Holmes Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba < R o c k y I I I +++ (‘82) Talia Shire, Sylvester Stallone. C o ps L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p (N) Hit th e Floor (N) Love and Hip-Hop Hit the Floor Love and Hip-Hop Hit the Floor 5:00 News The Soup Men of the Strip Chelsea (N) E! News C. Lately Anna Nicole Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Sam & Cat Witch Way Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Regular Regular Adv.Time Regular Clarence Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Cl eveland C leveland Family Guy Boondocks L i v M a d d i e L i v M a d d i e L i v M a d d i e L i v M a d d ie A u s t i n / A l l y J e s s i e < T i nk e r Be ll +++ Pamela S. Adlon. G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y A . N . T . Louie (N) Two and a < Fo rg e ttin g Sa rah M a rsh a l l ++ (‘08) Mila Kunis, Jason Segel. < W a n d erl u st ++ Jennifer Aniston. A Manhattan Louie (N) couple decide to try living on a commune. Half Men A musician travels to Hawaii to heal from a break up. Criminal Minds "The Criminal Mind "Through L o n g m i re "The White L o n g m i re "The White Criminal Minds "The Criminal Mind "Through Pact" the Looking Glass" Warrior" (N) Warrior" Pact" the Looking Glass" 5 : 3 0 < G e t S m a r t ++ (‘08) Steve Carell. An inept H a l t a n d C a t c h F i r e :05 Halt and Catch Fire :10 < Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life "I/O" spy attempts to stop an evil organization. "I/O" ++ An adventurer races to find Pandora's Box. Swam p Peop le "Swamp Sw am p Peop le "Beasts Restoration Restoration American American Swam p P e op le "Swamp Sw am p P eop le "Beasts Ambush" or Bust" (N) (N) (N) Restoration Restoration Ambush" or Bust" < A Hard Da y's Nig h t ++++ (‘64) :45 < P op G e ar (1965, Documentary) :15 < H a v i n g a W i l d W e e k e n d ++ A model's < H o l d O n ! +++ (‘66) John Lennon, Wilfrid Brambell. Peter Asher, Eric Burdon, Jimmy Savile. romance is turned into a publicity stunt. Peter Noone. 106 & P ark (N) BET Hip Hop Award s "2013 BET Hip Hop Awards" < Ho w to Be a P lay er ++ (‘97) Natalie Desselle, 4:30 < Frat Brothers Darrin Dewitt Henson. Featuring television's number one hip-hop show. Bill Bellamy. A playboy attends a very unusual party. 4:00 < To Be < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d A n n o un c e d O ran g e C o un ty S o c i al T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Ladies of London T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Ladies of London T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es (N) "Choke-Lahoma" (N) "Choke-Lahoma" "Choke-Lahoma"
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, May 30, 2014
Family Feud
Sup ernatural Dean kidnaps Crowley; Kevin sees the King of Hell.
(27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a Seinf. "The Seinfeld M o th e r "No Half Men Half Men Cadillac" "The Pledge (19) Tomorrow" 2/2 Drive"
S i m p so n s
The Cleveland Show
Bones Booth is suspected Bones Booth has been American of killing a rival hockey buried alive by the Grave Dad player. Digger.
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Ex trem e Weig h t Lo s s "Kathie and Josh" A mother Celebrity Wife Swap and son looking to change their lives. (N) "David Justice/ Dweezil Zappa" (SF) (N)
Met Your Mother "Jenkins"
American Dad
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
La impostora
El señor de los cielos
N C I S "Homesick" A N C I S : L o s A n g e l es A mysterious illness strikes former Navy officer's military children. girlfriend is kidnapped.
Wheel of Fortune
Joe McGee HaYesod
Update News Modern Family
BAS Light of the Southwest Presents Modern Modern Modern Playing Modern Modern Modern Family Family Family H o u s e (N) Family Family Family Boxing Classics Boxing Classics Boxing Classics NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 W N B A B a s k e t b . (L) I n s id e F I F A So ccer International Friendly B-H/Mex. (L) Olbermann Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
:35 Access Hollywood
En otra piel
Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show
Exploring With the M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a Scholars Playing Playing N C I S : L o s A n g e l es House House "Overwatch" Boxing Classics Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Olbermann Teen Mom 2 Awkward. T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Rizzoli & Isles "Killer in Rizzoli & Isles "Dance Rizzoli "Somebody's The Mentalist "Ball of Cold Justice "Small Cold Justice "Mother" High Heels" With the Devil" Watching Me" Fire" Town Suicide?" 19 Kids and Counting 19 Kids and To Be The Little Little "Back 19 Kid s an d To Be The Little Little "Back 19 K i d s a n d C o u n ti n g "A Toast to Love" C o un tin g A n n o un c e d Coup le (N) to Business" C o un tin g A n n o un c e d C o up l e to Business" "A Toast to Love" Deadliest Catch: On Deadliest Catch (N) S i b e rian C u t "Russian :10 Deadliest Catch :10 Siberian Cut :15 Deadliest Catch: On Deck "Falling Down" (N) Roulette" (P) (N) "Russian Roulette" Deck "Falling Down" The Pioneer S o u th e rn C h op p ed "Duck for C h op p ed "Unsung C h op p ed "Make No C h op p ed "Take Heart" C h op p ed "There Will Be Woman Kitchen Dinner" Heroes" Mistake" Bloody Marys" (N) Hero es o f C o sp lay "Stan Hero es o f C o sp lay Wheaton Wil Heroes of Cosplay Wil Wil < Rise of the Zombies ++ Mariel Hemingway. Lee's Comikaze" "Ottawa Pop Expo" (N) (N) Wheaton "Ottawa Pop Expo" Wheaton Wheaton Mini Monsters T o B e A n n o u n ce d Search for a Killer Mini Monsters T o B e A n n o u n ce d Search for a Killer Diamond- MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at Colorado Rockies Site: Coors Field -- P o s t-g am e Diamondbacks Live! Post-g ame b ac k s (L) Denver, Colo. (L) (L) Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Pete Conan Pete Theory Theory Theory Theory Holmes (N) Holmes Makeover Reb a Reba Reba Reba Reba < C h e ap e r b y th e D o z e n ++ (‘03) Bonnie Hunt, Steve Martin. C o ps Hit the Floor < M a l i b u 's M os t W a n te d ++ Jamie Kennedy. Love and Hip-Hop Hit the Floor Hollywood Exes Giuliana and Bill (N) E! News Divas "Wedding Mania" C h e l s e a (N) E! News C. Lately K&K Take Miami Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends S p o nge B ob S p ong eB ob Sp o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Sa m & C at W i tch W a y Full House Full House Full House Full Hou se Full House Full House Regular Regular T.Drama Gumb all Uncle Steven King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y J e s s i e < F r e n e m i e s (‘12) Bella Thorne. :40 Good Lk :05 Austin A.N.T. Two and a < W an d e rl u st ++ Jennifer Aniston. A Manhattan < Su p er 8 +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Amanda Michalka, Kyle Chandler, Farg o "The Heap" (N) Half Men couple decide to try living on a commune. Elle Fanning. Kids investigate strange events in their town. Storage Storage Storage Storage S h i p p in g S h i p p in g S h i p p in g S h i p p in g Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars (N) Wars (N) Wars (N) Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars 5 : 3 0 < 300 +++ (‘06) Gerard Butler. Three F re a k s h o w F re a k s h o w Small Town Freakshow Freakshow Small Town < The Scorpion King 2: hundred soldiers fight off the Persian army. Rise of a Warrior ++ (N) (N) Security (N) Security P aw n S tars P aw n Stars Top Gear (N) M o un ta i n M e n "Winter's Wrath" The men must Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Top Gear deal with a brutal early winter. < 200 1: A Sp ace Od ys s e y ++++ (‘68) William Sylvester, Keir :45 < Alien ++++ (1979, Sci-Fi) Tom Skerritt, John Hurt, < Destina tion Moon Dullea. A super-intelligent computer threatens a journey. Sigourney Weaver. A dangerous alien boards a spacecraft. +++ (‘50) John Archer. 4:30 < 35 and Ticking 106 & P ark (N) < I C a n D o B a d A l l b y M y s e l f + (‘09, Com/Dra) Taraji P. Henson, Adam < O b s e ss ed ++ (‘09) ++ (‘11) Tamala Jones. Rodriguez, Tyler Perry. A drunk becomes a parent to three troubled teens. Beyoncé Knowles. Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master
T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es BRAVO (61) "Requiem for a Poodle"
Friday, May 30, 2014
T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es The Peop le's Couch (N) The Real Housewives "Win, Place or Sonja" (N) "Win, Place or Sonja"
The Real Housewives of New York City "Win, Place or Sonja"
(50) (8815)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Caso cerrado
Noticias T e l e m u nd o P . o f I n te re s t The battle KRQE News to bring HR to justice 13 reaches new heights.
Tuesday Best Bets
Dish Nation
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "Stewie "Damien" Hill Hill Kills Lois"
The Night Shift TC faces Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show a personal crisis when a News 4 at Sta rrin g J i m m y Fa ll o n deputy is shot. (N) 10 p.m.
En otra piel
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. O b j e c ts a n d M e mo ry An Charlie Rose (N) exploration of the objects from national tragedies.
Eyewitness Eyewitness America's Got Talen t "Audition" The auditions News 4 at continue around the country. (N) 6:30
(8) N e w s 4
I Wanna Marry Harr y (N) News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
F a m o us i n 12 A family seeks fame in Los Angeles. (N)
Action 7
Mentir Para Vivir
BBang "The The Big Bang Theory
(7) N e w s L i v e
(6) "Gorgeous
30 Days to a Younger Heart With Dr. Healing A.D.D. With Dr. Daniel Steven Masley Metabolic Syndrome Amen ADD or ADHD is a national causes cardiovascular disease. health crisis.
PBS NewsHour
(5) Love Spell
P o rq ue el Amor Manda La Tempestad
(4) F e u d
C o raz o n I nd om ab l e
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(25) (8819)
Chris and Heidi Powell as seen in “Extreme Weight Loss”
Extreme Weight Loss (7) (27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
7:00 p.m.
Meet Katie and Josh, two of the newest contestants featured in this new episode of season 4 of this reality series. People struggling with obesity vie for the grand prize as they undergo an extreme body makeover facilitated by experts.
(245) (138)
(280) (183)
7:00 p.m.
(229) (112)
When children of military families begin to show signs of a mysterious sickness, Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and his experts dig into the case. Abby (Pauley Perrette) and Jimmy (Brian Dietzen) team up with the Naval Research Center to identify the illness.
(247) (139)
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
(265) (118)
In this rebroadcast, Sam (Jared Padalecki) is shocked when Dean (Jensen Ackles) pops the trunk of the car and shows him a kidnapped Crowley (Mark Sheppard). Kevin (Osric Chau) sees the King of Hell and starts to lose it, but the brothers come to his aid.
(254) (130)
The Night Shift
(269) (120)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136)
(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
8:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
A sheriff’s deputy is shot in a new episode of this new drama series. TC (Eoin Macken) fights to save the man, despite struggling with some personal challenges, and even goes over his boss’ head to call in a cardiac specialist.
Wednesday Best Bets
Mary Murphy as seen in “So You Think You Can Dance”
So You Think You Can Dance (4)
7:00 p.m.
The judges are on the lookout once more for America’s most incredible dancer in this new episode. Nigel Lythgoe and Mary Murphy are back to judge the hopefuls and Cat Deeley hosts this eventful auditions episode.
The 100 (5)
8:00 p.m.
As Clarke (Eliza Taylor) and Finn (Thomas McDonell) break free of one dangerous predicament, they find themselves facing a new foe in this new episode. Bellamy (Bob Morley) goes to great lengths to save Jasper (Devon Bostick).
The Goldbergs (7)
8:30 p.m.
Adam (Sean Giambrone) and Barry (Troy Gentile) reach a turning point in their relationship as they fight over the remote in this rebroadcast. Beverly (Wendi McLendon-Covey) gets tired of seeing tons of women with Pops and decides to take action.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (10)
9:00 p.m.
In this rebroadcast, a dead body is found inside a human-sized hamster ball and the CSI team is brought in to investigate. Meanwhile, the team coordinates with a swing shift CSI on another case. Matt Davis guest stars.
7 PM
8 PM
C o raz o n I nd om a b l e
P o rq ue e l A m o r M an d a L a T e m p e s ta d
PBS NewsHour
Nature "Earthflight: Flying High" A behind-the-scenes look at how EARTHFLIGHT was made.
So You Think You Can Danc e A competition to find the best dancer in America. (N)
(4) F e u d
Family Feud
BBang "The The Big Reaction"
Arro w "Identity" The medicine being sent to the hospital is stolen.
Cleveland "Brown Knight"
Law & O: C I "Prisoner" A prison warden claims he was brutalized.
Entertai nment Tonigh t
The Middle Goldberg Modern "The Smell" "The Circle Family of Driving"
(5) Bon Voyage B a n g
(6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
9 PM
New Mexico Suze Orman's Financial Solutions for You Suze discusses finding financial solutions to fit you.
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
La impostora
T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Wheel of Fortune
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
11 PM
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e
Charlie Rose (N)
Dish Nation
Two and a Two 1/2... Seinfeld Seinf. "The Half Men "My Damn "The Friar's Chinese Stalker" Club" Woman"
Law & O: C I Detectives Logan and Barek intercede in a mob war.
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "Lois Kills "Starvin' Hill Hill Stewie" Marvin"
(50) (8815)
The Goldbergs
En otra piel
Mani Erfan House Call Update Dollars & News Sense Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: Special "Undercover" Victims Un it "PTSD" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? NCAA Softball Division I Tournament (L) 5 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l (L) :55 GirlCode :25 GirlCode A r e Y o u T h e O n e ? T o B e A n n o u n ce d
10:30 Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House
The 100 Clarke and Finn M o th e r Mother escape a dangerous "The Perfect "Ten situation. (N) Week" Sessions"
NHL Hockey Stanley Cup Playoffs (L)
Caso cerrado
10 PM
Mentir Para Vivir
American Dad
American Dad
M o ti v e "Overboard" A socialite drowns on a yacht. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Dateline NBC
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
(8) (9)
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
El señor de los cielos
Noticias T e l e m u nd o C .M i n ds "Bully" Blake, C S I A man is found dead KRQE News her father and brother inside a human-sized 13 work together on a case. hamster ball.
Light of the Southwest Law & Order: S.V.U . Modern Modern "Her Negotiation" Family Family W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Olbermann (L) Are You The One? Teen Mom 2
Action 7 News Live
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
:35 Access Hollywood
En otra piel (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show :35
Dr. Rik HaYesod Wadge N C I S : L o s A n g e l es "Lock-Up" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) R.W. Ex-Plosion T o B e A n n o u n ce d
JeanDr. Will iam Claude McDonald NC IS: L os A ngeles "Tin Soldiers" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? S p o r t s C en t e r NBA Olbermann R.W. Ex-Plosion
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
C as tl e "The Mistress C as tl e "Tick, Tick, Tick" C as tl e "Boom!" Hawaii Five-0 "E Cold Justice "Home Cold Justice "Hit and Always Spanks Twice" Malama" Town Hero" Run" Retu rn to Am is h "Our Retu rn to Am is h "Home To Be Announced Retu rn to Amish "Home To Be Announced Retu rn to Amish "Our Journey So Far" is Where the Beef is" is Where the Beef is" Journey So Far" Dual Survival "No Man Dual Survival "Mayan Kod iak "The Proving Dual Survival "Mayan Kod iak "The Proving Dual Survival: Unta med Is an Island" (N) Mayhem" (N) Grounds" (N) Mayhem" Grounds" "No Man Is an Island" The Pioneer Heart "Grill Diners, Diners, R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e R e s t a u r a n t S t a k e o u t Stakeout "Last Vegas R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e Woman And Chill" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Rohrer's Tavern" "The Big... Not So Easy" Stakeout" (N) "Saving Grace" (N) Wil Hero es o f C o sp lay "Stan 5 : 0 0 < P i ran h a + (‘10) < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : A t W o r l d 's E n d +++ (2007, Adventure) Orlando Bloom, Elisabeth Shue. Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp. The pirates battle Davy Jones and East India Company. Wheaton Lee's Comikaze" T re e h o us e M a s te rs T re e h o us e M a s te rs T re e h o us e M a s te rs Tre e h o us e M a s te rs Tre e h o us e M a s te rs Tre e h o us e M a s te rs D-Backs MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at Colorado Rockies Site: Coors Field -- P o s t-g am e Diamondbacks Live! Post-g ame "Pre-Game" Denver, Colo. (L) (L) Property Brothers Property Brothers House House Property Brothers Property Brothers House House "Nancy and Rhonda" "Angie and Tito" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs "Parker and Francesca" "Angie and Tito" Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Deal With Conan Pete Conan Pete Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory It Holmes (N) Holmes 5 : 3 0 < C h e ap e r b y th e D o z e n ++ Steve Martin. C M T A w ard s Red C arp e t C M T M us i c A w ard s (L) MusAward 4:30 Crazy Sexy Cool Hollywood Exes (N) La La (N) Marrying Hollywood Exes La La's Full Marrying Love and Hip-Hop THS "Reality Ex Wives" Divas "Wedding Mania" T h e S o up T h e S o up C h e l s e a (N) E! News C. Lately The Soup K&K Miami Friends Friends Friends Friends H o t I n (N) Jennifer (N) H o t/ C l e v e . J e n n i f e r F . F ri e n d s Friends Hot/ Cleve. Jennifer F. SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Sam & Cat Witch Way Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Regular TomJerry Johnny Test TeenTita Steven Regular King of Hill King of Hill Cl eveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Dog Blog Dog Blog Dog Blog I Didn'tDoIt Austin/ Ally Jessie < I c e A g e +++ (‘02) Ray Romano. G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y A . N . T . Two and a < Su p er 8 +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Amanda Michalka, Kyle Chandler, < Red Tails +++ (‘12) Terrence Howard, Nate Parker, Cuba < Red Tails Gooding Jr.. A squadron of black pilots are called into action. +++ Half Men Elle Fanning. Kids investigate strange events in their town. Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Big Smo/:35 Duck Duck Dy Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty < A n g e l s a n d D e m o n s +++ (2009, Mystery) Ewan McGregor, Ayelet Zurer, Halt an d C atch F ire : 0 5 < V o l c a no ++ (‘97) Tommy Lee Jones. A Tom Hanks. A professor helps prevent an attack on the Vatican. "I/O" volcano erupts under downtown Los Angeles. American Pickers American Pickers (N) American Pickers "The American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Mega-Pick" "When Horses Fly" < S h e ++ (‘65, Adv) Peter Cushing, Christopher < C l a s h o f th e T i tan s +++ (‘81) Laurence Olivier. :15 < F o u r f o r T e x a s + (‘63) Dean Martin, Frank Lee, Usrula Andress. A lost kingdom is discovered. Perseus battles beasts for Andromeda's love. Sinatra. Double-crossing outlaws go straight. 106 & P ark (N) 5 : 0 0 < O b s es s ed ++ < M ad e a's Big H ap p y F am i l y (2011, Drama) Bow Wow, Tyler Perry. Madea T h e M e ss a g e (N) (‘09) Beyoncé Knowles. must force a family to get together. 4:30 < To Be < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < To Be A n n o un c e d A n n o un c e d Million Dollar List "I Million Dollar Listin g Untying the Million Dollar Listin g T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Untying the Million Dollar Listin g Dream of Jeanne" New York (N) K n o t (N) New York "Choke-Lahoma" Knot New York
(245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, May 30, 2014
Big Bang (5) T h e o r y
"Pilot" The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Seinfeld Half Men Half Men "The Bottle "The Deposit" Couch"
Cleveland H o u s e "Last Temptation" H o u s e "Changes" Amer. Dad American "Gone With Masters must make a Cuddy's mother threatens "You Debt Dad the Wind" choice about her career. to sue the hospital. Your Life"
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "Padre De Hill Hill Familia"
(50) (8815)
NBA NBA Basketb all Playoffs (L) C o un td o wn (L)
Action 7 News Live
P o rq ue e l A m o r M an d a L a T e m p e s ta d
9 PM
10 PM
Hell's Kitchen (N)
The Big Bang Theory
Vampire D. "True Lies" The Originals Klaus and M o th e r Damon uses the Sheriff to Rebekah work to unravel "Rabbit or help find his brother. Marcel's empire. Duck"
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Mother "The Bracket"
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Action 7 News Live
Caso cerrado Jeopardy!
Wheel of Fortune
Dr. Rik
(26) (27) (28)
En otra piel
El señor de los cielos
Noticias T e l e m u nd o BBang "The The Millers Two and a Bad Teach Elementary Holmes and KRQE News Cooper "Carol's Half Men "Nix the Fat Watson investigate the 13 Extraction" Surprise" Week" (N) Mafia.
Rocks/Manuscripts N C I S : L o s A n g e l es "Familia" 5 : 0 0 I T F T e n n is C l a s s i c s 4:00 SportsCenter 5:00 30 for 30 :55 Ridicu. :25 Ridicu. Wife Swap
Update First Fruits News of Zion N C I S : L o s A n g e l es "Lange, H." Friday Night Lights X Ga m es A us ti n (L) I n s id e I n s id e R. Dyrdek R. Dyrdek T o B e A n n o u n ce d
C as tl e "Overkill"
C as tl e "A Deadly Game" C as tl e "A Deadly Affair" Hawaii Five-0 "Powa Maka Moana" O u trag e o u s 911 "They Buying Buying O u trag e o u s 911 "They Made My Burger Wrong" Naked Naked Made My Burger Wrong" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(12) W ad g e
La impostora
(33) "Locked Inside My Car"
Outrageous 911
T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Dish Nation
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
:35 Access Hollywood
En otra piel (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show :35
Light of the Southwest
Joe McGee Matt Staver Law&Jus N C I S : L o s A n g e l es Modern Modern Law & Order: Special "Cyber Threat" Family Family Victims Un it "Hate" Frid ay Nig h t L. "I Can't" NCAA Football Classics Alabama vs. Auburn S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Olbermann (L) Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Jerks Jerks R i d i cu l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d ic u l o u s T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Cold Justice "Hiding in Plain Sight" Buying Buying Naked Naked T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Called Out Biblical Israel Law & Order: Special Victims Un it "Ritual" NCAA Football Classics S p o r t s C en t e r NBA Olbermann Ridiculous Jerks T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
Cold Justice "Small (245) (138) Town Tragedy" O u trag e o u s 911 "Locked (280) (183) Inside My Car" T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(35) W o m a n
(231) (110)
(244) (122)
(43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
The Pioneer S o u th e rn Rew rap p e d Rew rap p e d F o od N e tw o rk S tar C h op p ed "Cool, Palm C h op p ed "Showdown at F o od C ou rt Wars Kitchen "Hollywood Calling!" and Perfected" the Oka Corral" (N) 3:30 < Pirates of the < Th e Bo u rn e Ultim atu m +++ (‘07) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. < Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness < M o rl o c k s C arib b ean : At Wo rl d 's ... Bourne dodges agents while in search of his identity. A noble knight goes undercover to save his father. Alaska/Last "Fall Flurry" North Woods Law (N) N orth Woods Law (N) North Woods Law North Woods Law Alaska/Last "Fall Flurry" Diamond- MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at Colorado Rockies Site: Coors Field -- P o s t-g am e Diamondbacks Live! Post-g ame b ac k s (L) Denver, Colo. (L) (L) Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab House House F i x e r Up p e r (N) Rehab Rehab House House Addict Addict Addict Addict H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Addict Addict Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Pete Conan Pete Theory Theory Theory Theory Holmes (N) Holmes 5:30 Party Party Down South Party Down South C M T M us ic Award s P arty Do wn So u th (N) Great Songs "Hour 4" Great Songs "Hour 5" < M a i d i n M a n h a ttan ++ (‘02) Ralph Fiennes, Jennifer Lopez. < S h o w g i rls + Elizabeth Berkley. Men of the Strip The Kardashians C helsea (N) E! News C. Lately Divas "Wedding Mania" BradyB. BradyB. Who'sB? Who'sB? Loves Ray Loves Ray L oves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot/ Cleve. Queens Queens Sp ongeB ob Sp ongeB ob Sp ong eB ob Sp onge Bob Sam & Ca t Hathaway Hathaway Full House Full House Full House Full House Regular Regular Clarence Uncle TeenTita Johnny Test King of Hill King of Hill Cl eveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Austin/ Ally Jessie < P r i n c e s s P r o t e c t io n P r o g r a m :40 Good Lk :10 Austin :35 A.N.T. M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < The Hangov er Part II ++ (‘11) Bradley Cooper. Anger 4: < The < The Hangov er Part II Bounty ... M o th e r Mother Half Men Half Men The guys head to Thailand for Stu's wedding. M a n a g e (N) ++ Bradley Cooper. Th e F irs t 48 "Blood Red/ Th e F irs t 48 "Heartless" Th e F irs t 48 "House of Th e F irs t 48 "Desperate Th e F irs t 48 "Blood Red/ Th e F irs t 48 "Heartless" Deadly Moves" Pain/ Into the Night" Moves" Deadly Moves" < G h o s tbu s te rs +++ (‘84) Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray. < G h o s tbu s te rs I I +++ (‘89) Sigourney Weaver, Dan Aykroyd, Halt an d C atch F ire Scientists open a ghost removal business in New York. Bill Murray. Men save New York from a 16th century spirit. "I/O" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Big Rig Big Rig Top Gear Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars "Pawn U" (N) (N) B o u n ty (N) B o u n ty (N) "Pawn U" < T h e L a s t S u n s e t + (‘61) Neville Brand. A sheriff < T a r n i s h e d A n g e l s + (‘58) Dorothy :45 < B e n d o f th e R i v e r ++ A wagon-train scout < hunts for the criminal who killed a relative. Malone, Robert Stack, Rock Hudson. clashes with his one-time comrade. Wi nc h e s t... 106 & P ark (N) 4:00 < Madea's Big < Life ++ (1999, Comedy) Martin Lawrence, Obba Babatunde, < P h at Girlz ++ (‘06, Com) Jimmy Happy Family Eddie Murphy. Two men are framed for a murder in Mississippi. Jean-Louis, Kendra Johnson, Mo'nique. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Impact Wrestling High-risk athletic entertainment from the ring. 5:30 Medic. Married to Medicine Kan d i 's W e d d i ng To Be T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Million Dollar Listin g "Queen of Shade" A n n o un c e d "Choke-Lahoma" "Choke-Lahoma" New York
Friday, May 30, 2014
Charlie Sheen stars in “Anger Management”
Hell’s Kitchen (4)
(242) (105)
Thursday Best Bets
Charlie Rose (N)
Eyewitness Eyewitness Hwood Game Nigh t Two Un d ateab le Un d ateab le Last C omic "Invitational Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at contestants lead a team "Three's a "The 4" It's the final round of News 4 at Sta rrin g J i m m y Fa ll o n 6:30 of three celebrities. (N) Crowd" (N) Switch" (N) the invitationals. (N) 10 p.m.
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
Family Feud
Gang Related
Mentir Para Vivir
11 PM
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e
8 PM
New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. '50s and '60s Party Songs (My Music) Shows from Ed Sullivan's Rock 'n' Roll Classics "The '60s" the '50s and '60s that had teens dancing. Classic song performances from 1963-1968.
PBS NewsHour
(4) F e u d
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
C o raz o n I nd om a b l e
7 PM
(278) (182)
7:00 p.m.
Chef Gordon Ramsay puts the contestants through extremely tough challenges in this new episode. Each hopes to win the grand prize, so they pull out all the stops in an effort to create the best food possible.
Undateable (8)
8:00 p.m.
(229) (112)
Catch two new episodes of this freshman comedy series. Danny (Chris D’Elia) and Justin’s (Brent Morin) relationship is tested when Nikki (Megan Park) reveals the object of her affection. Briga Heelan guest stars.
(247) (139)
Bad Teacher
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
(265) (118)
The network has cancelled this freshman comedy, so there are only a few new episodes left. Don’t miss this latest installment. Meredith Davis (Ari Graynor) fakes her way into a job as a teacher in order to hit on all the rich, divorced dads.
(254) (130)
Anger Management
(269) (120)
(282) (184) (360) (205)
(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136)
(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
8:30 p.m.
10:30 p.m.
Don’t miss a new episode of this off-the-wall comedy. Charlie (Charlie Sheen) finds his home overrun when he allows five hookers to turn it into a halfway house. Laura Bell Bundy and Shawnee Smith also star.
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Video Releases Robocop In the year 2028, Detroit is home to Alex Murphy (Kinnaman), a loving husband, father and a successful cop. When Alex is seriously injured in the line of duty, mega-company OmniCorp sees an opportunity to rebuild both his career and the company image with a new law enforcement product — a part-man, part-robot police officer. Director. José Padilha. Stars: Joel Kinnaman, Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Gary Oldman, Jay Baruchel, Jackie Earle Haley, Jennifer Ehle. 2014. 117 min. Action.
The Odd Way Home A couple takes a road trip through the Southwest. When Maya (Willis) flees her life in Los Angeles and crosses paths with Duncan (Marquette), a timid man who has yet to experience the world, sparks fly. As a master of direction, Duncan guides Maya as they take a journey filled with love and companionship. Director: Rajeev Nirmalakhandan. Stars: Chris Marquette, Rumer Willis. 2013. 87 min. Drama.
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Friday, May 30, 2014