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5:25 PM

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Roswell Daily Record

TVScreens FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2013

A/Loving's Carpet Cleaning 2 x 2.5"

Grylls thrills Safety and style… ® India Silk Architella Duette®Barnett's Fine Flooring


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Bear Grylls as seen in “Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls”

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Plateau wireless 5 x 3"

Friday, July 5, 2013





5:25 PM

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ESPN (26)

ESPN2 (27)




(10) (12) (24)

Ridicu./ AMTV Old Christine (32) C h a r m e d (33) A B a b y S t o r y M Paid Program (28) (29)

T W Th F

TCM (57)


BRAVO (61)









S p o r t s C en t e r

F M R i d i c u l o u s F Girl.. ./A AMTV F Mind Right F Movie / Frasier Frasier Frasier Supernatural A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story Paid Program I (Almost) Got Away With It T o B e A n n o u n ce d

Various Various Fresh Prince Fresh Prince (41) 5 : 0 0 C M T Mu s i c (42) 4 : 0 0 V H 1 M u s i c (43) F M i l e y C y r u s /Th T h e K a r d a s h i a n s (44) A . G r i f f i t h S h o w A . G r i f f i t h S h o w Full House (48) 6 : 0 0 Y e s , D e a r (49) K i n g o f t h e H i l l K i n g o f t h e H i l l P h i n e a s & F e rb (51) F i s h H o o ks Paid Program M Paid Program (39)


M T W Th F (56)

M T W Th F (59)



S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN First Take

S p o r t s C en t e r




F Girl.. ./A AMTV F Mind Right Frasier Frasier Supernatural TBA/ P re g n a n t Tu-Th P re gn a n t I (Almost) Got Aw ay With It T o B e A n n o u n ce d

F Teen Wolf / AMTV F M o v i e /W WGrace Will & Grace Supernatural Tu-Th F ou r W e d d i ngs F B I : C r i m i n a l P u r s u it T o B e A n n o u n ce d

S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN First Take ESP N F irs t Take (P) ESPN First Take

S p o r t s C en t e r

F Teen Wolf / T o B e A n n o un c e d Will & Grace Will & Grace Bones Tu-Th What Not to Wear Unusual Susp ects T o B e A n n o u n ce d

F Catfish F M o v i e /M Mother Met Mother Bones A Baby Story A Baby Story Au ction Kings Auction Kings T o B e A n n o u n ce d


Tu B l a c k o u t Paid Program

Various Paid Program

Tu B l a c k o u t


Paid Program Paid Program

Various Various House of Payne The Browns CM T M usic

Various Tu B l a c k o u t

Various Various

Various Tu B lackout

Paid Program

Paid Program

Paid Program

Golf Life Paid Program

Golf Destination F i s h i ng / J oh n n y Paid Program Various American Dad

Golf America Baseball MLB Paid Program I n co m e/ M yP l ace American Dad

Various Fresh Prince

Various Fresh Prince

Various Rules of Eng

V ario u s House Hunters F Acc.Jim/R Rules F Ray/A Accord.Jim

House Hunters Loves Ray

Various F Love and/M Tu HitFloor/Th RoyalTot V a rio u s Various W M ov i e S o u p / Kard ash F Wanted/Tu THS V a ri o u s Wanted M B.Burke-C h arvet / Tu-Th E ! News M o v i e Sex and the City A. Griff ith Show A. Griff ith Show A. Griff ith Show A. Griff ith Show A. Griff ith Show A. Griff ith A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Full House Full House Mo nsters v s. Odd Parents S p o ng eB ob Dora Explorer Team Umizoomi T e a m Um i z o o m i P e te r R a bb i t Dora Explorer L o o n e y T u n es Hero 108 B e n 1 0 / B e n 10 B e y b l a d e : M e tal P o k em o n B W NinjaGo N i n ja G o J o h nn y Tes t T o m / Je rry T a l e s T o m & J e rry Movie Chugg./ Octonaut Mouse/O O c to n au t M i c k e y M . F Stuffins/M Mouse Octonaut/JJake F J ak e /M McStuffins Sofia the First Various Various Paid Program Paid Program <+++ S h r e k Fo r e ve r A f t e r (Ani, '10) Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers. <++ A l v i n a n d t h e C h i p m u n ks (Com, '07) David Cross, Jason Lee. <++ L e g i o n (Act, '10) Lucas Black, Paul Bettany. <++ D o o ms d a y (Act, '08) Jeremy Crutchley, Caryn Peterson. <++ D o o ms d a y (Act, '08) Jeremy Crutchley, Caryn Peterson. <+++ T h e S i x th Se n s e ('99) Bruce Willis. <++ B l a c k H a w k D o w n (Act, '01) Eric Bana, Josh Hartnett. <++ H i t m a n ('07) Dougray Scott. <++ H i t m a n (Act, '07) Olga Kurylenko, Dougray Scott. <++ T w i n D r a g o n s (Act, '92) Maggie Cheung, Jackie Chan. B o u n ty/Th B i o F M Bounty F Storage/C C.Minds F Storage Wars F Storage/C C.Minds F Storage Wars F Storage /C CSI F Storage War F Storage /C CSI F Storage Wars F Storage/C C.Minds F Storage Wars Paid Program S to o g e /SS t o og e T h r e e S t o o g es <+++ F ig h t C l ub (Psy, '99) Edward Norton, Brad Pitt. The Walking Dead <++ C od e o f S i l e nc e (Act, '85) Bert Ramsen, Henry Silva. <++ M ar k e d f o r D e a t h (Act, '90) Tom Wright, Steven Seagal. <++++ T h e U s u al S u s p e c t s <+++ E . T . T h e E x t r a - T e r r e s t r i a l (Sci-Fi, '82) Drew Barrymore, Henry Thomas. <++ T h e M e ss e ng e r s ('07) Penelope Ann Miller, Dylan McDermott. <++ S c r e a m <+++ Es cap e F rom New Yo rk ('81) Lee Van Cleef, Kurt Russell. <+++ Bad Boys (Act, '95) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. <++ S . W . A . T . <+++ T h e S e c r e t o f M y S u c c e s s (Com, '87) Helen Slater, Michael J. Fox. <+++ Big (Com, '88) Elizabeth Perkins, Tom Hanks. Various Re s to re / P aw n S t . V a r i o u s Re s to re / P aw n S t . V a r i o u s Re s to re / P aw n S t . V a r i o u s C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Movie <++ T h u nd e r R o c k (Dra, '42) Barbara Mullen, Michael Redgrave. <++++ A S t o l e n L i f e (Dra, '46) Glenn Ford, Bette Davis. <++ S t a n d B y f o r A c t i o n ('43) Robert Taylor. <+ I t's a Bikin i Wo rld ('67) Deborah Walley. <++ P a l m S p r i n g s W e e k e nd ('63) Connie Stevens, Troy Donahue. <++ W h e r e t h e B o y s A r e (Com, '60) George Hamilton, Dolores Hart. M o v i e <++ Terr o r o n a Tr a in ('53) : 1 5 <+++ T h e B i g H e a t (Police, '53) Gloria Grahame, Glenn Ford. < F a s t e s t G u n A l i v e ('56) Russ Tamblyn, Glenn Ford. :45 <++ R a n s om ('56) Donna Reed, Glenn Ford. : 1 5 <++ T h e S ho w ('26) John Gilbert. : 4 5 <+++ A W o m a n o f A f f a i r s (Dra, '28) John Gilbert, Greta Garbo. <+ D e s e r t N i g h t s ('21) : 4 5 < R e d e m p t i o n ('30) Conrad Nagel. 5 : 3 0 <++ R e t u r n t o T r e a s u r e ... <++ T h e B u r n i n g H i l l s ('56) Tab Hunter. : 4 5 <+++ T h e G i r l H e L e f t B e h i n d ('56) Natalie Wood, Tab Hunter. <+ Gu nm an 's Walk ('58) James Darren. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration F M o v i e /M M o es h a M o e sh a The Parkers The Parkers F Movie/FFamMat F am ily M atters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland <++ H u l k ('03) Eric Bana. CSI: Crime Scene Inv estigation <+++ T h e D ep a r t e d ('06) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue <++++ H a l l o w e e n (Hor, '07) Brad Dourif, Malcolm McDowell. DEA DEA The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker T h e M i l l i o n ai r e M a t c h m a k e r The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover T a b a t h a ' s S a l o n T a k eo v e r Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover

M T W Th F M T W Th F Tabatha Takes Over

Tabatha Takes Over











































Paid Program

Th F




Paid Program Paid Program Blackout/ Twilight V ario u s Tu B l a c k o u t (36) V a r i o u s (37) M e e r k a t M a n o r M e e r k a t M a n o r T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program M Paid Program Diamondbacks T Live! W









Despierta America La rosa de Guadalupe Hoy E s m o nd e T e c h . :25 BBC News Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Barney/ Georg e Super WHY! Daniel Tiger Sid the Science Kid Various Various Various Paid Program Paid Program The Wendy Williams Show New Mexico Style The 700 Club The Ricki Lake Show The Jeff Probst Show Paid Program Paid Program The Daily Buzz The Office The Office Bounty Hunter Cops 'Til Death Old Christine Paid Program Justice for All Voice of Victory America's Court Paid Program Divorce Court The Daily Buzz Maury The Jerry Springer Show Action 7 News Good Morning America Live! With Kell y and Michael The View Anderson Live 5:00 E y e w i t n e s s N ew s 4 T o d a y Today Show Today Show II Today Show III Good Day NM Be Millionaire Un nuevo dia Decisiones Amar de nuevo F D a m a/M-W 5 V iu d as /Th M a rid o KRQE News 13 This Morning CBS This Morning The Doctors Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Various News/M MattStav L i g h t o f th e S o u th w e s t Various Various Various V ariou s Various Various F Tu S V U/W M ov i e/Th Bu rn No tice F Tu Law & Ord e r: S. V .U./Th M ... F Tu Law & Ord e r: S. V .U./M M ... F Tu Law & Ord e r: S. V .U./Th... F Tu Law & Ord e r: S. V .U. / M N C I S F Tu Law & Ord e r: S. V .U./M W N ... U.S. Open Official Film B. C las. '76 Harlem Globetrotters S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry Bask. C lassics '12 Playoffs Oklahoma vs Los Angeles NBA Baseball MLB Baseball MLB Firestone Chats One on One T e n n i s C l a ss i c s '73 Wimbledon I T F Wimbledon, England S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry T e n n i s I TF U p C l o s eS p e c . U p C l o s eS p e c . T o p 5 R e a s o n s T o p 5 R e a s o n s S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry Baseb all C lassic Tampa Bay Rays vs. Chicago Cubs ML B Chicago, Ill. Baseb all C lassic Chi.C./St.L. ML B Up Close Up Close Up Close Baseb all C lassic Philadelphia Phillies vs. St. Louis Cardinals M L B Baseb all C lassic Oak./Min. M LB S p o rts C en tu ry Baseb all C lassic '98 World Series San Diego vs N.Y. Yankees M L B Stories of... Stories of... E:60 Baseball MLB T e n n i s Wimbledon I TF Site: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club Wimbledon, England 5:30 SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r

M T W Th F M T W Th F M S p o r t s C en t e r T Mike & Mike W Th F

T W Th F



(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

Tabatha Takes Over

Tabatha Takes Over


Tabatha Takes Over



































Tabatha Takes Over

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

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ESPN (26)

ESPN2 (27)




A&E AMC (55)



BRAVO (61)

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)

M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F (28) (29) (32) (33)

M T W Th F (35) (36) (37)

M T W Th F (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

M T W Th F (54)

M T W Th F (56)

M T W Th F (59)

M T W Th F M T W Th F






D = Direct TV S = Dish Network













11:00 Hoy

C u i d ad o C on E l A n g e l Soy Tu Dueña El gordo y la flaca Primer impacto New Mexico Noticiero Univ. Sit Fit/ Living Various WordWorld Clifford Cat in the Hat Arthur Maya&M. Wild Kratts Electric Company News America Various Nightly Business Th e P eop le's C ou rt Judge Mathis F F e u d /P P.Court F Family Feud The Steve Harvey Show A m e ri c a 's F u n n i e s t H o m e V i d eo s Extra TMZ That '70s Show That '70s Show Loves Ray Scrubs Roseanne Roseanne T h e B i l l C u n n i ng h am S h o w Friends Friends Rules of Eng Rules of Eng The Steve Wilkos Show Divorce Court Judge Alex Trisha The Jerry Springer Show The Steve Wilkos Show Maury The Chew General Hospital Katie The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Dr. Oz Show Action 7 News World News Eyewitness News 4 at Midday Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Show OMG! Insider I n s id e E d i t i o n J u dg e J ud y J u dg e J ud y News 4 @ 5 NBC News F Th 5 V iu d as s u e ltas 12 corazones Lo mejor de caso cerrado Caso cerrado Al rojo vivo 5pm Noticias Noticiero KRQE News Bold-Beautiful The Young and the Restless T h e T al k Dr. Phil KRQE News 13 K R Q E N e w s 1 3 E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 1 3 N e w s /M S a l . Various Various Various Light of the Southwest Various Various Various Various F Tu Law & Ord e r: S V U/M W N C I S F Tu Law & Ord e r: S. V .U./M W N ... F Tu Law & Ord e r: S V U/M W N C I S S V U/ N C I S Th M o v i e F Tu Law & Ord e r: S V U / M W N C I S F Tu S V U/M NCIS: LA /W N C I S Bask. C lassics '12 Playoffs Los Angeles vs Oklahoma NBA T e n n i s C l a ss i c s '03 Wimbledon I T F Wimbledon, England T e n n i s C l a ss i c s '08 Wimbledon I T F Wimbledon, England 1 1 : 3 0 T e n n is C l a s s i cs '78 Wimbledon I T F 30 for 30 S p o rts C en tu ry Up Close T e n n i s C l a ss i c s '78 Wimbledon I T F Wimbledon, England 1 1 : 0 0 B a s e b a l l Chi.C./St.L. M L B Baseb all C lassic Milwaukee Brewers vs. Chicago Cubs ML B Baseb all C lassic Montreal Expos vs. St. Louis Cardinals M LB Boxing Classics 1 1 : 0 0 B a s e b a l l Oak./Min. M L B Baseb all C lassic St. Louis Cardinals vs. New York Yankees M LB Baseb all C lassic Los Angeles Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres M LB 11:00 Baseball MLB Baseb all '78 American League Championship Series N.Y. Y./Bos. M LB Baseb all '03 National League Championship Series Fla./Chi.C. ML B Bay City Blues S p o r t s C en t e r Outside the C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l NFL Live NFL 32 S p o r t s C en t e r NASCAR Coun t. Racing NASCAR Lines Live Around the Pardon the Baseball MLB Horn I n te rru p ti o n S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Baseball MLB S p o r t s C en t e r Auto Racing Subway Firecracker 250 NASC AR Daytona Beach, Fla. SportsNation SportsNation NFL 32 NFL Live Numbers Never Lie Best Mike&Mike Highly SportsNation NFL 32 Around the Horn Pardon the Interruption B e s t M i k e & M i k e Q u e s t i o n ab l e Best Mike&Mike Go l f U.S. Championship C H A M P S Site: Omaha Country Club F Catfish F Catfish F ShowVinn y F ShowVinn y F ShowVinn y F Teen Wolf F Buckwild F Buckwild F Buckwild Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy F Movie Wife Swap Wife Swap F Movie Various DanceMom/ U. Myst./ W. Swap Bones B o n e s / Th Mo v i e Castle Castle Th M o v i e Castle Castle F M TBA/Tu Th L .I s l a n d /W Tiaras Tu Th N o t to Wear/W To ts /Tiara Tu Th F ou r W e d d i ng/W To ts /Tiara Tu Th W edding /W Tots /Tiara Tu-Th T od d l e r s & Tia r a s Tu P re g n an t/W T i a r a s/Th Say Yes The Devils Ride The Devils Ride The Devils Ride Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Deadliest Catch T o B e A n n o u n ce d Various M Un w rap p e d Bare f o o t C o n t. F Basics /B Basics Various T e n D o l l a r D i n . F Ex trem e /C C h e f 30 M i n s M e a l F Ex trem e /G Giada Giad a at Home Extreme/B Barefoot B a re f o o t C o n t. Various Tu B l a c k o u t Various Various F M Th Defiance/Tu Exit/W Witness V a ri o u s Various 7 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d Various M Tu W i l d m a n Paid Program Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks vs. New York Mets M LB Flushing, N.Y. Golf Life Golf Destination Golf America Match Play Stuntbusters West Coast Customs Baseb all Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks M LB Basketb all Phoenix Mercury vs. Minnesota Lynx WNBA C o u rts i d e Jo n es S a l u t e T r o o p s Baseball Uni Match Play Baseb all Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks M LB S o c c e r San Diego Classic Tijuana vs. America M F L Stuntbusters Game Time The Game 365 1 1 : 3 0 B a s e b a l l L.A. Dodgers vs Arizona M L B Basketb all San Antonio Silver Stars vs. Phoenix Mercury WNBA West Coast Customs Hall of Fame Basketb all S.A./Pho. W N B A Boys in the Hall Baseb all Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks M LB Basketb all San Antonio Silver Stars vs. Phoenix Mercury WNBA Destination Pol. Hall of Fame SaluteTroops Various I n co m e / M yP l ace V a r i o u s I n co m e / M yP l ace V a r i o u s Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Wipeout C o ug a r T o w n Friends Friends Friends Friends K i n g -Q u e e ns K i n g o f Q u e e ns Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld 7:00 C M T Mus i c F M Th Kitchen/Tu Singing/W R.Island F M Th Kitchen/Tu Singing/W R.Island Kitch e n / S i n g i n g / R.Island F M Th Kitchen/Tu Singing/W R.Island F M Th Kitchen/Tu Singing/W R.Island Various Various Various Th L a La 's F u l l V ariou s Th L a La's Full V arious Th L a L a 's F u l l V ario u s S ex and t h e C it y S ex a nd t he C it y Kar d as hian s /W T ru e H o l l y w o o d Various Movie M Tu Th e Kar d ash ian s /Th M ... M Tu T h e K a rd a s h i a n s E! News Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 'Til Death 'Til Death Bu b b l e G up p i es Bu b b l e G up p i es S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Rocket Monkeys Ninja Turtles Fairly Odd Parents Odd Parents Kung Fu Panda SanjayCr 11:30 T o mJ e rry L o o n e y T u n es Scooby-Doo? Scooby-Doo? A l m o s t N a k e d S c a re d y S q u i rre l Lo o n e y T u n es J o h nn y T e s t Johnny Test Various Gumball Various Various Various Various Various Various P h i n e a s & F e rb V a r i o u s Various Various F J e s s i e /SS h a k e U V a ri o u s <++ A l v i n a n d t h e C h i p mu n ks : T h e S q u e a k q u e l ('09) Jason Lee. Two and Half 2½Men < G u l l i v e r ' s T r a v e l s (Adv, '10) Emily Blunt, Jack Black. Met Mother Met Mother Movie <+++ T h e S i x th Se n s e (Thril, '99) Haley Joel Osment, Bruce Willis. <++ T h e H a p p en in g (Adv, '08) Zooey Deschanel, Mark Wahlberg. 1 0 : 3 0 <+++ T h e S ix t h S e n s e <++ T h e H a p p en in g (Adv, '08) Zooey Deschanel, Mark Wahlberg. <++ B l a c k H a w k D o w n (Act, '01) Eric Bana, Josh Hartnett. 1 1 : 0 0 <++ H i t m a n ('07) <+++ T ro n : L e g a cy (Act, '10) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. <+++ Sup e rm an Retu rn s (Act, '06) Parker Posey, Kevin Spacey. <+++ Sup e rm an Retu rn s (Act, '06) Parker Posey, Kevin Spacey. Met Mother Met Your Mother Met Mother Met Mother Two and Half F Storage/C C.Minds F Storage Wars F Storage/FFirst 48 F Storage Wars F Storage/FFirst 48 F Storage Wars F Storage/FFirst 48 F S to ra g e W a r V a ri o u s F Tu S to ra g e Various Storage/ Duck Dy 11:00 Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead :35 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :35 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :35 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :40 Dead 1 1 : 0 0 <++++ T he U s u a l S u s p e c t s ('95) <++ T h e N e g o t i a t o r (Act, '98) Kevin Spacey, Samuel L. Jackson. <+++ T h e I t a l i a n J o b ('03) Mark Wahlberg. 1 1 : 3 0 <++ S c r e a m (Hor, '96) Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell. <+++ T h e I t a l i a n J o b (Act, '03) Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg. <+++ D e m o l i t i o n M a n ('93) Sylvester Stallone. 1 1 : 3 0 <++ S . W . A . T . (Act, '03) Colin Farrell, Samuel L. Jackson. CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami <++++ O n e F l e w O v e r t h e C u c k o o ' s N e s t (Dra, '75) Louise Fletcher, Jack Nicholson. <++ G r e a s e (Mus, '78) Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta. <+++ S i g n s Various C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Various C o un tin g Movie <+++ H a n gm e n Al s o D i e (Dra, '43) Walter Brennan, Brian Donlevy. <+++ B l o od o n the M o o n ('48) Walter Brennan. <++ A l o n g t h e G r e a t D i v i d e ('51) Walter Brennan. <++ F o r T h o se W ho T h i n k Y o un g ('64) Pamela Tiffin, James Darren. <++ B i k i n i B e a c h (Com, '64) Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon. <+++ B e a c h B l a n k e t B i n g o ('65) Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon. Movie <+++ T e a ho u s e of th e A u g u s t M o on ('56) Glenn Ford, Eddie Albert. <++ I m i tati o n G e n e ra l ('58) Glenn Ford. : 1 5 <+++ T h e G a z e b o (Com, '59) Debbie Reynolds, Glenn Ford. <++ W a y f o r a S a i l o r ('30) John Gilbert. <+++ Th e P h an t o m o f P ar i s ('31) John Gilbert. <+ Wes t o f Br o ad w ay ('31) El Brendel, John Gilbert. < T h e C a p t a i n H a t e s t h e S e a ('34) Victor McLaglen. : 1 5 <++ L a f a y e t t e E s c a d r i l l e (War, '58) Jody McCrea, Tab Hunter. < T h e G o l d en A r r o w ('64) Tab Hunter. : 4 5 <++ R i d e t h e W i l d S u r f (Com, '64) Shelley Fabares, Fabian. Movie M M o v i e / Tu Mo v i e / W M o v i e / Th M o v ie F Movie The Parkers P ark e rs / F am M a t F a m i l y M a t t e r V a r i o u s M W Th F a m M a t M M o v i e / W Mo v i e / Th M o v i e 1 1 : 0 0 <++ H u l k (Act, '03) Nick Nolte, Eric Bana. <+++ F a n ta s ti c Fo u r (Act, '05) Jessica Alba, Ioan Gruffudd. <++ R e m e m b e r t h e T i t a n s ('00) 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ T h e D e p a r t e d (Thril, '06) Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio. <+++ T h e G r e e n M i l e (Dra, '99) David Morse, Tom Hanks. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Movie <++ T h e L a s t H o u s e o n th e L e f t (Thril, '09) Michael Bowen, Garret Dillahunt. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps DEA DEA DEA Cops Cops Cops Jail Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar Listin g New York Million Dollar List Million Dollar Listin g New York <++ T h e S c o r p i on K i n g ('02) T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Social Tabatha's Salon Takeover The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es The Rachel Zoe Project The Rachel Zoe Project The Rachel Zoe Project Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Tabatha Takes Over Tabatha Takes Over Tabatha Takes Over Tabatha Takes Over Tabatha Takes Over Tabatha Takes Over

Friday, July 5, 2013

















































































5:25 PM

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Cover Story

Bear is back Grylls returns to television with ‘Get Out Alive’ By Shona Dustan TV Media


n the ratings-driven world of television, the programs that excel are often a reflection of our society as a whole. Reality shows are the most obvious example of this principle. These shows claim that their purpose is to find love, to expose truth or maybe to develop talents. But the reality of most reality TV is that their ratings are driven by drama — yelling, crying and even violence can do more for a show’s ratings than the love, truth or talent they claim to promote. These shows are often a sad reflection of humanity’s basest instincts. There is, however, a subgenre of reality television that is not fuelled by the desire to see people at their worst, but the desire to see them rise above. You could call the driving force behind such shows the most basic of all human instincts: survival. These survival shows look at humanity from a different angle — instead of pushing contestants into romances and shouting matches, they test the tenacity of the human body and spirit. The newest show in this vein of reality TV is Bear Grylls’ new project “Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls,” premiering

Monday, July 8, on NBC. The concept of the show is simple: 10 teams of two journey together through the harsh and unforgiving territory of New Zealand’s South Island. Their travels will bring them through all kinds of terrain, including mountains, glaciers, dense forests and freezing cold rivers. Grylls will observe the teams and note their progress, struggles and triumphs, and each week he will choose one team to be eliminated. The last team standing — the team that Grylls believes has shown the most heart and determination — will win $500,000. It’s important to note that “Get out Alive” is not a race. The teams will not be competing directly against each other; they’ll be working together to battle the elements and will be judged on abstract characteristics such as courage, innovation, initiative and heart. Before each leg of the journey, each team will be given a different task, such as heat, shelter, obstacles and food. Grylls described his vision of the show in a statement: “ ‘Get Out Alive’ will be raw, tough and unrelenting, but it will also inspire and teach the essentials that one day may just save your life. The goal is to empower people with the ultimate in both survival and

Brent's Eyewear 2x3.5"


teamwork, and that brings incredible reward ... but first there must be some pain.” Enduring this pain — and reaping the rewards — will be 10 teams of two, all with different relationships and life experiences. Ryan Gwin and Madeline Mitchell of Mobile, Ala., are engaged to be married. After surviving a car wreck in 2008, Madeline was told she’d never walk again. But she did. If her fiancé is half as tenacious as she seems to be, this couple will be well equipped to handle anything Mother Nature throws at them. Similarly, Jeff Powell of Dallas, Texas, was badly injured in a motorcycle accident only four months ago. Having pushed himself to recover, he believes he can do anything he puts his mind to. Hopefully his best friend and teammate, Chris Winter, can keep up. Mother-daughter team Donna and Canden Jackson of Fairhope, Ala., and father-son team Jim and Austin Vach, from Maple Valley, Wash., hope to strengthen their familial bonds during the trek, as do father Andrew and daughter Andrea Larson from Stillman Valley, Ill. Wilson and Robin Sheppard are a married couple from Altadena, Calif., who feel that their ability to work as a team could take them all the way. California resident Alicia Berkwitt is hoping that the experience will allow her to see how her boyfriend, Spencer Hill, reacts under extreme pressure — their future could be in the balance. Esmeralda and Dominic Depierro are a couple who work hard and are in dire need of a vacation. This wilderness may not be the most relaxing place to go, but their communication skills should get a workout. New friends Royce Wadsworth and Kyle Krieger of West Hollywood, Calif., are competing together. Hopefully, the budding relationship will be able to withstand the rocky terrain. Vivacious young friends Erica Franklin and Vanessa Vasquez of Chicago, Ill., are also eyeing the prize. They hope their friendship is strengthened — and their pockets are lined — when the trek is over. As teams are eliminated and the


Bear Grylls in “Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls” for six seasons. The show averaged 1.1 stakes get higher, the adventure will million viewers in its last season and become more and more challenging for these brave folks. Thankfully, they’ll catapulted the survivalist to fame — celebrities such as Jake Gyllenhaal, have an expert on hand to step in if things get too crazy. The harsh realities Ben Stiller and Will Ferrell are big fans, and all made guest appearances on of nature are world-renowned surviv“Man vs. Wild.” In March 2012, it was alist Bear Grylls’ specialty. While servannounced that Discovery and Grylls ing in the British SAS as a combat surwould be parting ways for good. vival instructor, among other things, “Due to a continuing contractual Grylls developed many of the skills for dispute with Bear Grylls, Discovery has which he’s famous today. After surviving and recuperating from a parachut- terminated all current productions with him,” a network spokesperson ing accident that left him with a brotold “The Hollywood Reporter.” Well, ken back, Grylls summited Mount Discovery’s loss is certainly NBC’s gain. Everest at only 23 years old — a feat Tune in and witness the beginning that claims the life of one in 10 mounof what is sure to be an incredible jourtaineers who attempt it. Grylls is best known for helming the ney as “Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls” premieres Monday, July 8, on NBC. Discovery Channel’s “Man vs. Wild”

A/Roswell K-9 Ranch 2x2

Friday, July 5, 2013



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ESPN (26)

ESPN2 (27)




A&E AMC (55)



BRAVO (61)

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)

M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F (28) (29) (32) (33)






D = Direct TV S = Dish Network






M T W T h T o B e A n n o u n ce d F

Various Tu D i n e rs Tu S i n b a d FMTuW Wildman (37) V a r i o u s M B u l l R i d in g Championship P BR T P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star W P T (35) (36)

W T h B o x i n g Fight Sports Knockouts F P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star W P T (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

M T W Th F (54)

M T W Th F (56)

M T W Th F (59)

M T W Th F M T W Th F


Zacatillo, un lugar en tu co.../ Risas Church/ Al punto C a s a R i s a R os a/M Escuel.. M La escuelita Gord o y flaca / M L a h o ra p i c o News/ Nova W News Classic Arts W C l a s s i c A rts S h o wc a s e Dish /M T M Z Cash Cab A c c .J i m/M Paid ThereYet Paid Program F ra s i e r/M P a i d N e w s 13 o n F o x 2 Movie Always Sunny Cops / Paid 'Til Death Always Sunny S c ru bs / H o l l y w d . Bo u n ty/M De ath Comics/M Paid E x c u s ed E x c u s ed Trisha / M Burn Noti ce Kin g H /M C S I Judg e Alex Law:CI/ Troubado M B ro n c o M C as tl e /N News :35 Paid M P ractic e /P Paid Paid Program P ai d /M N e w s ABC News Now ABC World News Now : 0 5 L a t e N i g h t/M : 0 5 E n t e r t a i n e r s D a l y/M L a t i n :35 News 4 : 1 0 T o d a y /M : 1 0 M e et P re s s M P ai d /M Money M Paid F Tu Th D e c i s i o n P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado LateShow Various M N e w s /N N e w s M P ai d /P Paid FaceNtn/U Up M in . M U p t o t h e M i n u t e News / Shepherd Various Light of the Southwest Various Various Various M Graceland Various M Cheers Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent B. C las. '74 Harlem Globetrotters AW A W rest ling AWA Wrestling AWA Wrestling Her Story SEC Storied Kabul Girls Club Emmanuel's Gift 11:00 Wide World of Sports Boxing Classics Boxing Classics Boxing Classics W i d e W o r l d o f S p o rt s Boxing B o x i n g /:45 B ox i n g Boxing S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Baseball MLB S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Baseball MLB Racing /P Poker SportsNation P o k e r '12 World Series P o k e r '12 World Series SportsNation SportsNation P o k e r '12 World Series Baseb all Boston Red Sox vs. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim M LB 11:00 Nine IX Top Ten S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r SportsNation NASCAR Now SportsNation P o k e r '12 World Series SportsNation 11:30 NFL Live Top Ten S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 11:00 M ov i e / M o v i e T o B e A n n o u n ce d / M M o v i e M Ridiculous Various Various M P ai d P ro g ram M P ai d /P Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program F.&Bash/ Mental. M o v i e F Tu W Th C lo s e r F T N T P r e v i e w F Th Leverag e /Tu S ou th ./W V e g as F Th Leverag e / M-W A n g e l Various Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P ai d P rog ram T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Fast N' Loud







I m p a c to /M H u m o r Noticie./M Notice Tu d e sayuno aleg re Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ES.TV /M P ai d Law & Order: Criminal Intent A m e ri c a M o r n i n g A c t i o n 7 N e w s Early Today News 4 Today P ro g ram a p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Early Morn. News KRQE News Various Various Various Paid Program Paid Program

S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r

Better Paid Program Old Christine S h e p h e r d ' s C h ap e l Action 7 News Eyewitness News 4 Today Dame Chocolate KRQE News 13 This Morning Various Various Various Firestone Chats Joe Namath B. C las. '77 Harlem Globetrotters Jim Rome Jim Rome Woodie's World Woodie's World The Way It Was The Way It Was S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r

A M T V /M Rid icu. Paid Program Smallville 19 Kids & Count Paid Program

M Ridiculous Paid Program

A M T V /M Rid icu. Balancing Act Charmed 19 Kids & Count Baby's First Day Paid Program Paid Program

Various Tu D i n e rs Various Diners/ Diners Various Tu D i n e rs Various Tu D i n e rs Various M Movie Tu P ai d P rog ram Tu P aid P rog ram Un iv e rs e / P ai d C ab l e C l ass Paid Program Paid Program Various Catches/ Wildman V a ri o u s Wildman/ Catches V a ri o u s Th W i l d m an O ran g u tan I s l an d Es c ap e to Ed e n Baseb all Milwaukee Brewers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks ML B Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Sports Unlimited Boys in the Hall Baseb all Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks M LB Site: Chase Field Phoenix, Ariz. Baseb all Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks ML B Site: Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Chase Field Phoenix, Ariz.


S (41)

























Mike & Mike

Various Paid Program Big Cat Diary D-Backs Live Paid Program Diamondbacks Live!

M Ridiculous S p ac e s/ B a l a n c e Make Room for P a i d P r o g r am

F I n v e n ti on Paid Program Big Cat Diary Paid Program

Various Ho u s e / Re n o v at e V a r i o u s Various Paid Program Various Various Various V a rio u s M ov i e s M Movie Various Married/ TBSPrev. M arried , C h ild M arried Married, Children Married, Child My Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Cops/M The Hunt C o ps Various Movie M Redneck Island / W D o g & B e th V a rio u s Tu C op s Paid Program Paid Program C M T M us i c Various Tu H o l l y w o o d /W Th T herapy F W Th Music/M Therapy/Tu Love and M I M arried ... /Tu H i t th e F l o o r V H 1 M u s i c Various Tu T h e S o up Various Lately/ W anted Paid Program Paid Program Various Various G. Girls/M Queens Various '70s /M C u rb Various R o s e ./M C u rb Various Various Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Friends/Th Nanny Friends/Th Nanny :05 F ri e n ds :40 Friends :10 G. Lopez :45 G. Lopez :20 G. Lopez :50 G. Lopez :25 My Wife and Kids :55 Wife Kids Yes, Dear Family Guy Family Guy Various Various Various AmerD/M Clevela. Am e rD /M Fam .G F ami ly Guy Various Various Va rious Various Various Various GoodL/Th Stevens GoodL/Th Stevens S h a k e I t Up A.N.T. Farm Life on Deck Movie Wizards Wizards Sui t e/M Suite Life on Deck Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Wilfred Wilfred The Bridge Wilfred Met Mother Met Mother Paid Program 1 1 : 3 0 <+++ S a l t ('10) <++ L e g io n (Act, '10) Lucas Black, Paul Bettany. Paid Program Paid Program 1 1 : 0 0 <++ G ro w n Up s (Com, '10) Kevin James, Adam Sandler. Rescue Me 1 1 : 0 0 T h e B r i d g e (P) <+++ T ro n : L e g a cy (Act, '10) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. Always Sunny 11:30 Wilfred The Bridge The Bridge The Bridge Sons of Anarchy Various Various Various Various Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. In fo-D o cumentary Info-Doc. Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter 11:45 Dead <++ G a l a x y Q u e s t (Com, '99) Sigourney Weaver, Tim Allen. : 4 5 S h o wv i l l e :45 S to o g es Paid Program CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami CSI: Miami <++ T h e M e ss e ng e r s ('07) Penelope Ann Miller, Dylan McDermott. The Killing <++ Wh at's th e Wo rs t Th at C o u ld Happ en ? ('01) Martin Lawrence. :15 S h o wv i l l e :15 S to o g es :35 S to o g es 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ S i g ns ('02) Mel Gibson. <+++ Wo rking Girl (Rom, '88) Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith. Various God,Gun/ Restore V a rio u s Various Info-Doc. I n f o -Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. I n f o D o c/M C l a ss . I n f o -D o c . Various 1 0 : <+++ M i s s i ss ip p i M e rm a i ... < UF O ('56) : 4 5 <++++ T h e Th i n g F rom A n o th e r W o rl d : 1 5 <++++ R e d Ri v e r (West, '48) John Wayne, Walter Brennan. Movie : 4 5 < L a C u c a r a c h a (Com, '59) <+++ T h e Fu g i t i ve (Dra, '47) Dolores del Rio, Henry Fonda. < C atal i n a C ap e r ('67) Del Moore, Tommy Kirk. 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ D e a d R i n g e r (Myst, '64) Karl Malden, Bette Davis. <++++ T h e S e v en Y e a r I t c h ('55) Tom Ewell, Marilyn Monroe. <+++ G i l d a (Susp, '46) Glenn Ford, Rita Hayworth. <++ T h e M a d wo m a n o f C h a i l l o t ('69) Katharine Hepburn. : 1 5 <++ T h e S p an i s h M a i n ('45) Maureen O'Hara, Paul Henreid. Movie <++ B a r d e l y s t h e M a g n i f i c e n t ('26) John Gilbert. Movie : 4 5 <+++ M a d a me X ('37) Gladys George. : 1 5 <++ X t h e Un kn o w n ('56) Edward Chapman, Dean Jagger. <++ G u n B e l t ('53) Tab Hunter, George Montgomery. M o v i e Various W R e a l H u s b a nd W e n d y S h o w/M B E T I n s p i ra ti o n F M o v i e / Tu Mo v i e / W M ov i e / Th M ov i e I n sp irat./ B lackP an Tu-Th V i nd i cat BET I nspi rati on Fight Masters Fight Masters Fight Masters W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os Paid Program Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Entourage Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Nightmare s Tattoo Night. Fight Masters Fight Masters Fight Masters Bellator 360 1000 Ways to Die Ways to Die Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program L.A. Shrinks Tabatha Takes Over WatchWhat Watc hWhat L.A. Shrinks Watch What 11:30 Shrinks Below Deck T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Hap pens Live Tabatha's Salon Takeover 11:30 Beverly WatchWhat WatchWhat Tabatha's Salon Takeover 11:30 Brad The Millionaire Matchmaker Dukes of Melrose Brad World F as h i on Q u e ens Watch What Happens Live The Rachel Zoe Project

Friday, July 5, 2013

D (41)



















































Friday Best Bets








Shark Tank (7)

7:00 p.m.

The Sharks hear from three Pawtucket entrepreneurs who present their fortified, sugar-free nut butters. Two men have come up with an at-home tattoo-removal device and hope the Sharks will want to invest in it. Also, get an update on Surfset.

Undercover Boss (10)

7:00 p.m.

Stephen J. Cloobeck of Diamond Resorts International returns to the show to find out how the acquisition of a new chain of properties is going. By the end of his mission, Cloobech has given out more than $1 million worth of rewards to his team.

Blue Bloods (10)

8:00 p.m.

With a serial killer murdering prostitutes on the loose, Jackie goes undercover as an escort as she and Danny try to catch him. At the same time, Erin makes a potential love connection with a man she meets at an art gallery.

Continuum (36)

8:00 p.m.

A psychiatric program embedded in Kiera’s CMR is activated when she has an emotional breakdown. At the same time, the VPD has a new chief of police. In this sci-fi drama, a time traveller from the future pursues terrorists in present day.


Page 6



Len Cariou in “Blue Bloods”

5:25 PM







D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network









P o rq ue e l A m o r M a n d a Amores Verdaderos

PBS NewsHour

Market to Market


Bones Angie goes undercover as a roller derby skater.

The Following "The Fall" Carroll's true intentions are revealed.

Cult Edie MacDonald is spooked by a pair of figurines.

Cult It is discovered that H ow I M et H ow I M et The Big Kimble's lab has been Your Your Bang ransacked. (N) Mother Mother Theory

(4) F e u d

Family Feud

Two and a The Big Bang Theory

(5) H a l f M e n


WashinNeed to g t o n W e ek K n o w (N) (N)

Que bonito amor

W h a t W o u l d Y o u Do ?


News 13 o n F ox 2

American Dad

Eyewitness Eyewitness Siberia "Pilot" Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative News 4 at Contestants test will to features and stories. 6:30 survive for chance to win.

(8) N e w s 4

Caso cerrado

Dama y Obrero


Un d er Bo s s Stephen J. Cloobech of Diamond Resorts is undercover.


Wheel of Fortune

La patrona





















(26) (27) (28)



















(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

Family Guy Family Guy Baggage










30 Rock


Baggage (50) (8815)

Action 7 News

Action 7 News

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at With Jay Leno 10 p.m.

:35 Access Hollywood

Los 20 Momentos





(25) (8819) :35 The Late Late Show

Update Doorways to Wisdom Light of the Southwest Update Dr. Hollisa Walking Yohanan News News Alewine Salamanca Law & Order: Special Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: Special Law & Order: S.V.U . CSI: Crime Scene Victims Un it "Rescue" "Reparations" "Strange Beauty" Victims Unit "Russian Brides" "Invisible Evidence" Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights Nin e fo r I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" Nine f or I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" 5 : 3 0 N A S C A R R a c i n g Subway Firecracker 250 (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) Boxing Classics Bo xing Friday Night Fights (L) Tyson's Hits "Volume 2" Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NASCAR Racing Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild Buckwild < Freedom Writers < A W a l k t o R e m e m b e r +++ Mandy Moore. A < M y S i s t e r ' s K e e p e r +++ ('09) Abigail Breslin. A < A W a l k t o R e m e m b e r +++ Mandy Moore. A popular male student falls for minister's daughter. young girl tells her story of caring for her sister. popular male student falls for minister's daughter. < Un kn o w n ++ (2011, Mystery) Diane Kruger, January Jones, 72 Ho u rs "American King & Maxwell "King's P ercep tio n "Alienation" < F ractu re Ransom" Liam Neeson. A man discovers that his identity has been stolen. Southwest" ++ Yes to the Yes to the Yes to the Yes to the Randy to the Rescue Yes to the Yes to the Randy to the Rescue Yes to the Yes to the Dress Dress Dress (N) Dress (N) "Savannah" (N) Dress Dress "Savannah" Dress Dress Street Outlaws "Murder Warlocks Rising "The Philly Throttle "Lights Warlocks Rising "The Philly Throttle "Lights Street Outlaws "Murder the Nova" Hard Life" (N) Out" Hard Life" Out" the Nova" Ex trem e C h ef "The Diners, Diners, Restaurant "Whiskey Diners, Diners "You Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners $50,000 Bite" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Creek Steakhouse" Drive-Ins Found 'Em" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Belly Up" WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in C o n ti nu u m "Second Defiance "Past Is C o n ti nu u m "Second Defiance "Past Is Opinion" Prologue" Opinion" Prologue" long-running rivalries. Tanked! Tanked! Treehouse Masters Tanked! Treehouse Masters Tanked! Baseball C o un td o wn D i a m o n db a MLB Baseb all Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- D i a m o n db a D i a m o n db a Sports Hall Un iv ers ity to Opening cks Live! (L) Phoenix, Ariz. (L) cks Live! (L) cks Live! (L) of Fame What? "Greenhouse, Amazing Water Homes House House House House Amazing Water Homes House House Winery, Bank" Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy < Why Did I Get Married? ++ ('07) Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson, Are We Are We Are We Are We Are We There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? Tyler Perry. Three couples question their relationships. Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen 5 : < N a t i o n a l L a m p o o ... < N a t i o n a l L a m p o o n ' s E u r o p e a n V a c a t i o n ++ < N atio n al Lam p o on 's V e g as V ac atio n ++ Saturday Night Live Brooke Burke-Charvet Fashion Police Fashion Police C. Lately E! News C. Lately Fashion Police Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends SpongeBob SpongeBob SanjayCraig SanjayCraig Ninja Turtle Ninja Turtle Ninja Turtle Ninja Turtle Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Gumball Adv.Time Adv.Time Regular Regular Regular Cartoon Planet King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e Shake It Up Dog Blog Jessie J ess ie (N) P h i n e as (N) F i s h H (N) D o g B l o g G o o d Lu c k M e t Y o u r M o th e r "I Two and a Two and a < The Chronicles of Narnia: Th e Voyage of the Dawn Treader < The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ++ Mother Heart NJ" Half Men Half Men ++ ('10) Ben Barnes. The Pevensie children return to Narnia. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars: NY Wars: NY Wars: NY Wars: NY Wars Wars Wars Wars 5:40 Dead :40 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :40 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :40 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d : 4 5 D e a d "Judge, Jury, :45 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :45 Dead "Nebraska" "Triggerfinger" "18 Miles Out" Executioner" "Better Angels" American Pickers American Pickers "You American Pickers "The American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers "You "NASCAR Challenge" Betcha" Royal Risk" "Frank's Gamble" "NASCAR Challenge" Betcha" < Th e 400 Blo w s ++++ ('59) Jean- :45 < A n t o i n e e t < S to l e n K i s s e s ++++ ('68) Claude :15 < Bed and Board +++ ('70) Jacques Tati, Pierre Léaud, Patrick Auffay. C o lette (1962) Jade, Jean-Pierre Léaud. Antoine Doinel. Man marries and has affair. 4: < All < Lo ttery Ticket + (2010, Comedy) Ice Cube, Loretta Devine, Sheards "The Bittersweet The Sheards "Kiki's My Black Is Beautiful Sound of Success" Choice" A b o u t th e... Bow Wow. A man tries to hold onto a winning lottery ticket. 4:30 < Remember the < M e n i n B l a c k +++ ('97) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A < Star Wa rs : Ep is o d e V I : Retu rn o f th e J e d i ++++ ('83) Titans ++ secret organization controls the alien population. Mark Hamill. Luke prepares for a final confrontation with Vader. 5 : 0 0 < T h e S c o r p io n < U n b r e a k a b l e +++ ('00) Samuel L. Jackson, < U n b r e a k a b l e +++ ('00) Samuel L. Jackson, < The Scorpion King King ++ ('02) The Rock. Bruce Willis. A man learns that he may be invincible. Bruce Willis. A man learns that he may be invincible. ++ ('02) The Rock.

(12) I s ra e l (24)

The S i m p so n s

10pm Boxeo T e l e m u nd o Blue Bloods "Lonely Blood s "Whistle Blower" KRQE News :35 Dav id Letterm an Hearts Club" Jackie goes Erin and Danny work to 13 Woody Harrelson, John undercover as an escort. find her informant's killer. Fogerty, Dawes



South Park 30 Rock

Action 7

Shark Tank Three men launch a line of nut butters.


News 13 o n F ox 2

American Dad

Entertai nment Tonigh t


N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Uni: Noct. Masterpiece Mystery! "Inspector Lewis: Intelligent Design" Lewis considers his future on the force.

M o n k Monk gets fired but finds a job as a fact checker.

(7) N e w s


Not. New Mexico The Cleveland Orchestra in Performance

The King of The King of M o n k A citywide Q u e e ns blackout causes three deaths.

(6) Q u e e ns



C o raz o n I nd om a b l e




(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 7

Feature Story

Start spreading the news ‘Storage Wars: New York’ returns July 9 By Kyla Brewer TV Media


ewYork, New York. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, as the old saying goes. One A&E series has certainly made it in the City that Never Sleeps, and it’s returning with its larger-thanlife personalities to heat up summer. An eclectic group of buyers scour the area’s storage units for hidden treasures in the season premiere of “Storage Wars: New York,” airing Tuesday, July 9, on A&E. In a city known for small apartments, the bidders never know what kind of antiques, collectibles or other trendy items they might find in the hopes of making a profit. A spinoff of the original “Storage Wars” set in California and the newer Texas version, the Big Apple franchise has proven to be one of the network’s most successful new nonfiction series. With nearly three million viewers during its debut run back in January, “Storage Wars: New York” topped A&E’s new nonfiction series among the coveted 25 to 54 demographic. It’s just one A&E series that has catapulted its real-life stars to fame. Other series, such as “Duck Dynasty” and the original “Storage Wars,” have been huge hits for the network that once focused on biographies, documentaries and dramas. In this East Coast version of the “Storage Wars” franchise, cameras follow bidders to auctions where the contents of repossessed storage units come up for sale. Auctioneer John Luke allows the potential buyers just a peek inside the units before opening the bidding war. The bidders must have keen eyes to determine what each unit is worth and how much they’re willing

to spend. Sometimes they get lucky and strike gold, finding valuables that can be resold for serious profit. But, there are also times when they lose money on units full of useless junk. Not knowing what they’ll find makes for fun television, like getting an oldfashioned surprise bag on a much grander scale. Of course like so many reality TV series, the real draw isn’t the premise, it’s the people, and “Storage Wars: New York” has its fair share of quirky, entertaining characters. Luke leads the pack as the auctioneer that brings everyone together, and he has plenty of experience in the biz — more than 20 years in fact. His nononsense approach to storage auctions is softened by his warm smile and good-natured ribbing. He acts as a tour guide to New York’s storage unit world.

For the hipsters in the crowd, longtime friends and storage auction partners Candy Olsen and Courtney Wagner (otherwise known as The Flame and The Firecracker) specialize in vintage clothing, which they collect to sell at their unique C&C Pop-Up Shop, a mobile source for fashion. The stylesavvy duo also sell their finds on Etsy. com. Relatively new to the storage unit game, these Brooklyn gals have less money to spend than some of their competitors, but they find other ways to get ahead. Joe Pauletich (aka Joe P) is the veteran of the group, with more than 20 years of experience in the New York storage auction scene. He’s proclaimed himself a “legend” and fans of the show may agree. The shrewd Queens native has a knack for finding highend rooms and craftily outbidding opponents.

The Jewelers Bench 1x3

Chaves County Door & Supply 2x3"

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FARMERS COUNTRY MARKET FREE SUMMER BREAKFAST & LUNCH PROGRAM For school age children. Adults may purchase a tray for $3.00

Through July 31 Hamburger, Fries , Lettuce & Tomato,

Honey Oat Grahams String Juice at will beCheese, served

Pickle Chips,locations, Mustard, Ketchup Meals the following dates and times (sites are subject to change):

Courtney Wagner and Candy Olsen as seen in “Storage Wars: New York”


HAPPY HOUR Nightly 4:30-7:30PM

A/Pepper's Grill & Bar$3.50 Margaritas 3x2" $2.50 All Draft & Well Drinks

Main & 6th Since 1990 623-1700 Friday, July 5, 2013

Known as The Hustler, Bronx born Mike Braiotta talks the talk and walks the walk as he seeks out surefire sellers that will help him make some dough. The family man may have a brain for the business, but he isn’t afraid to have a little fun by busting the other bidders’ chops. Be a part of the “Storage Wars: New York” fun by tuning into A&E Tuesday, July 9.



• Roswell Industrial Air Center, the corner • Spring River Park, 1306 E. College Blvd., 11:20 a.m.- 1 p.m. of University Boulevard and West Wells Farmer's Street, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.Country Market Verde (contact management for 2x4" • Mesa exact location) 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. • Cahoon Park, 400 N. Union Ave., 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. • Yucca Recreation Center, 500 S. • Carpenter Park, 300 E. Buena Vista, Richardson Ave., breakfast at 8 a.m. and lunch from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. • Melendez Park, 1100 S. Garden Ave., 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. • Poe Corn Park, 200 S. Garden Ave., 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.

• Boys & Girls Club 201 S. Garden Ave., breakfast only at 8 a.m.

• Roswell High School, 500 W. Hobbs St., breakfast at 8 a.m. and lunch from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Adults may get a meal for $3, correct change would be appreciated. For more information call 637-3339




5:25 PM

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D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

















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Mercury Media Mercury Media Pocoyo Backyardigans Zigby Maya y Migu el Dora/ Explorer Go, Diego, Go ! Nuevo Mexico Nuevo Mexico La hora pico W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood W o o ds m i th Sh o p C o o k 's C o un try T e s t K i tc h e n Martha's School Julia & Jacques Motorweek Allen Smith V i c t o r y G a r d e n P a i n t T h i s 1/2 Joy of Painting KRQE News 13 Animal Atlas Swap TV DragonflyTV Animal Science Weekend Marketplace Now Eat This! Chatroom Paid Program Paid Program Rescue Hero es Nanoboy Sonic X Sonic X Justice League Justice League Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z Yu-Gi-Oh ! Yu -Gi-Oh (N) Paid Program Paid Program M @d A b ou t T V C are e r D ay Paid Program Paid Program Winning Edge P aid P ro g ram On the Spot Paid Program CloneWars CloneWars Action 7 News More in the Morning W i l d C o un td . Ocean Myst. Born to Explore Sea Rescue Recipe Rehab Food for Th C y c l i n g Tour de France (L) The Chica Show Pajanimals Justin Time Tree Fu Tom LazyTown N o o d l e Do od l e P ro g . pag ado P ro g . pag ado Raggs The Jet Plane The Jet Plane LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Super Latina O p e raci o n Rep o Rev e nt贸 n 5 : 0 0 C B S T h i s M o r n in g S a t u r d a y K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g T h e D o o d l eb op s T h e D o o d l eb op s B u s y t o w n M y s t . B u s y t o w n M y s t . L i b e r t y ' s K i d s Lib erty's Kid s Paid Program Paid Program 5:00 Light of the South Donkey Ollie Dr. Wonder Retro News KingdomWar Dr. Pendleton Acquire the Fire Joe McGee Life Beyond Dr. Alewine Rabbi Rantz Paid Program Law & O rd e r: S .V .U . "Authority" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Impulsive" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Avatar" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Svengali" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Fight" < R u n n i ng th e S a h a ra +++ ('08) Charlie Engle, Matt Damon. Run for Your Life Emmanuel's Gift Wayman Tisdale Breakfast at Wimb l e d o n (L) I T F T en n i s Wimbledon Women's Championship Site: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club -- Wimbledon, England (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r SportsNation Nathan's Hot Dog E ating Contest Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Catfis h Catfish Catfish C atf i s h Mind Right Movie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program TBA < M o th e r a n d C h i ld (2009, Drama) Annette Bening, Kerry Washington, Naomi Watts. P e rcep tio n "Alienation" K i n g & M a x w e l l "King's Ransom" M a j o r C r i m e s "I, Witness" R i z z o l i "In Over Your Head" Law & Ord e r "Life Line" Law & Ord e r "House of Cards" Paid Program Paid Program F o u r H o u se s "..and Two Red Lips" H o u s es "..and a Golden Rhino" H o u s es "..and a Sock Monkey" Four Hou ses Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Paid Program Paid Program F a s tL o u d "Dodge Hodge Podge" F a s t N ' L o u d "Holy Grail Hot Rod" F a s t N ' L o u d Skywire With Nik W allenda O u t l a w s "King of the Street" Paid Program Un wrap 'd "Super Summer Snacks" B e s t T h i n g B e s t T h i n g I A te B B Q A d d i c ti o n P i o n e e r (N) P i o n e e r (N) S. Kitch e n (N) Paid Program Paid Program < T r i a s s i c A t t a c k (2010, Sci-Fi) Kirsty Mitchell, Steven Brand. < T h e L a n d T h a t T i m e F o r g o t + ('09) Thomas C. Howell. P r i m e v a l : N e w W o r l d "Sisiutl" Must Love Cats T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program D-Backs Live Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Golf Life Golf Destination Golf America Going Yard Going Yard Going Yard Going Yard Th e Ultim ate C ras h (N) H o u s e C ra s he rs H o u s e C ra s he rs H o u s e C ra s he rs H o u s e C ra s he rs L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Uninvited Visitors" House of Payne The Browns We There Yet? Accord.Jim Rules of Eng Rules of Eng < W h y D i d I G e t M a r r i e d T o o ? (2010, Comedy) Sharon Leal, Tyler Perry, Janet Jackson. M o v i e 5:00 C M T Mu si c CM T M usi c CMT Social Hour R e d n e c k V id e o s 4:00 VH1 Music V i d e o C o un td o wn "Hour One" (N) V h 1 T o p 20 "Hour Two" (N) < N a t i o n a l L a m p o o n ' s E u r o p e a n V a c a t i o n ++ ('85) Chevy Chase. < National Lampoon's Vacation 5 : 3 0 < T h e W om e n ++ ('08) Annette Bening, Meg Ryan. E! News The Soup Fashion Police The Kardashians Movie Golden Girls Golden Girls The Cosby Show T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e S o u l M a n T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w Yes, Dear Full House Full House Full House Odd Parents Odd Parents S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Odd Parents S p o ng e B ob SanjayCraig K i n g o f t h e H i l l K i n g o f t h e H i l l L o o n e y T u n es L o o n e y T u n es Scan 2 Go Johnny Test B e y b l a d e : M . F . P o k em o n B W Ben 10 NinjaGo Green Lantern Teen Titans Go! F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s M i c k e y M . Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Jake Never Land Sofia the First Good Luck ... Good Lu ck ... Jessie A.N.T. Farm Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program < G u l l i v e r ' s T r a v e l s ('10, Adv) Emily Blunt, Jason Segel, Jack Black. Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother C r i m i n a l M i n d "The Eyes Have It" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "The Performer" F l i p "Brian the Bargain Hunter" F l i p T h i s H o u s e < C o n A i r +++ (1997, Action) John Cusack, John Malkovich, Nicolas Cage. The Rifleman Rawhide Rawhide < B r o k e n A r r o w ++ (1996, Action) Christian Slater, Samantha Mathis, John Travolta. T h e W a l k i n g D e a d "Seed" W i l d W e s t T e c h "Brothel Tech" W i l d W e s t T . "Freak Show Tech" W i l d W e s t T . "Deadwood Tech" Cowboys & Outlaws C o w bo y s O u tla w s "Range War" C o w bo ys "The Real Billy the Kid" 5 : 3 0 < H e r c u l e s , S a m s on & U l y... < T e r r o r o f R o m e A g a i n s t t h e S o n o f H e r c u l e s + : 4 5 < F a l c o n i n S a n F r a n c i s c o ++ Tom Conway. < C h a l l e n g e t o L a s s i e +++ Geraldine Brooks. < The Blob 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Steve Harvey: Don't Trip, He Ain't Thro ugh With Me Yet < I m a g i n e Th a t + Eddie Murphy. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV Trucks! M u s c l eC a r M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k M i l l i o n "Will Haze For Listing" M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g N e w Y o r k B e l o w D e c k "Cool Your Jets"
























(27) (143) (209)






















































D = Direct TV S = Dish Network PM














Sabadazo C o mo d i c e e l d i c h o H u m o r c o m ed . N o tic i e ro : F D S Oil Painting Quilt in a Day Quilting Arts Fons & Porter Creative Living Besh's Table Hometime T h i s O l d H o us e A s k - O l d H o u s e W e l co m e S t u d io S e w i n g N a n c y I t ' s S e w E a s y Be a Star! Paid Program < T h e B u r b s ++ ('89, Comedy) Carrie Fisher, Bruce Dern, Tom Hanks. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program MLB Seletion M L B B as e b a l l (L) That '70s Show Paid Program Old Christine Paid Program 'Til Death Paid Program Criminal Minds Friends The Office Rules of Eng Two and Half Futurama Futurama Bloopers Bloopers < B u l l D u r h a m +++ ('88) Susan Sarandon, Kevin Costner. < S h a n g h a i K n i g h t s ++ ('03) Owen Wilson, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan. Raceweek Paid Program I T F T en n i s Wimbledon Site: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club -- Wimbledon, England Paid Program Backlot Buzz Action 7 News ABC News TBA TBA A M A M o to c ro ss (L) Waters p o rts Red Bull Wake Open AM Marketing TBA Pets.TV NBC News Historias de la Virgen Morena La ruta blanca < C a z a d o re s d e Fo rtu n a s ('07) Dolph Lundgren. Operacion Repo Videos asom. La Voz Kids Paid Program Paid Program P G A G o l f The Greenbrier Classic Site: The Old White Course -- White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. (L) Paid Program Paid Program E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 13 Update News Walking Come Join Uri H arel Light of the Southwest Doorways to Wisdom Jean-Claude R' Itzhak Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Storm" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Alien" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Locum" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Bullseye" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Behave" L aw&O.:SV U "Scorched Earth" 1 1 : 3 0 W T i s d a l e : 4 5 I n t o t h e C o ld : A J o u r n e y o f t h e S o u l E S P N D o c u m en ta ri e s "Renee" S E C S t o r i e d "Lolo Jones" Her Story 7 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is Wimbledon (L) N i n e f o r I X "Venus" B a s e b a l l Home Run Derby S p o r t s C en t e r (L) : 5 5 S o c c e r Messi and Friends (L) N A S C A R N o w (L) A u t o R a c i n g Site: Lime Rock Park -- Lakeville, Conn. (L) NHRA Drag Rac ing Summit Equipment Nationals (L) 11:30 < T o B e A n n ou n c e d Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf < N o t E a s i l y B r o k e n + ('09) Taraji P. Henson, Morris Chestnut. < H o w S te l l a G o t H e r G ro o v e B a c k ++ ('98) Angela Bassett. < D ir ty La u n d ry ++ ('06) Loretta Devine, Rockmund Dunbar. < T h e L o s e r s +++ ('10) Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan. < U n k n o w n ++ (2011, Mystery) Diane Kruger, January Jones, Liam Neeson. C o un td o wn to Green (L) NASCAR Racing Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta Say Yes to the D ress: Atlanta 48 Hours: H ard Evidence O u t l a w s "Murder the Nova" W a rlo c k s R i s i n g "The Hard Life" P h i l l y T h r o t t l e "Lights Out" Deadliest Catch D e a d l i e s t C a t c h "Listing Lover" R i v e r M o n s te rs "Killer Torpedo" B a r e f o o t (N) G i a d a (N) C h op p ed "Big Fish, Small Basket" M y s te ry D i n e rs M y s te ry D i n e rs R e s ta u ran t "White House Edition" S t a k e o u t "Party All the Time" Diners Diners P ri m e v al "Fear of Flying" P ri m e v al "Angry Birds" S i n b a d "Pilot" Sinbad S i n b a d "House of Games" S i n b a d "Old Man of the Sea" 7 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d My Cat From Hell M a tc h P l a y (N) F u tu re P h en o ms C ar Warrio rs West Coast Customs Baseball Uni Game Time Ultim a te I n s i d e r UF C Ultim ate Su b m is s io ns L o v e / L i s t "From the Outside in" H i g h L o w (N) High Low Extreme Homes H o m e s "Sled, Temple, Houseboat" H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs 1 1 : 3 0 < I C a n D o B a d A l l b y M y s e l f + Tyler Perry. L o v e s R a y Friends Friends Friends F ri e n d s King of Queens King of Queens The Big Bang Big Bang Theory 11:30 Redneck Hot 20 Countdo wn Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Movie 1 1 : < N a t i o n a l L a m p o o n ' s V a ... < N a ti o n a l L a m p o on 's C h ri s tm a s V a c a ti o n +++ ('89) Chevy Chase. < N a ti o n a l L a m p o on 's V e g a s V a c a ti o n ++ ('97) Chevy Chase. 40 Grea tes t P ran ks 3 "Hour 1" 1 1 : 3 0 < S u mm e r C a t c h ++ ('01) Freddie Prinze Jr. < M a j o r L e a g u e I I ++ (1994, Comedy) Tom Berenger, Corbin Bernsen, Charlie Sheen. < P a u l B l a r t : M a l l C o p ++ ('09) Keir O'Donnell, Kevin James. Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne 'Til Death 'Til Death 'Til Death 'Til Death 'Til Death 'Til Death Ninja Turtles Monsters vs. M ons ters v s. SanjayCraig P.R. M eg afo rce S p o ng e Bob Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents < T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o m / Je rry T a l e s T o m / Je rry T a l e s J o h nn y T e st J ohnny Tes t J ohnny Test Gumball Gumball Gumball MAD Incredible Crew Adventure Time Ad venture Time Jessie Jessie Jessie A.N.T. Farm Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Jessie Jessie Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half < T h e S i m p so ns M ov i e ++ ('07) Dan Castellaneta. < E a s y A +++ ('10) Amanda Bynes, Penn Badgley, Emma Stone. < T r u e L i e s +++ (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Arnold, Jamie Lee Curtis. < I n d ep e nd e n ce D a y +++ (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith. : 0 5 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d "Sick" : 0 5 D e a d "Walk With Me" : 1 0 W a l k i n g D e a d "Killer Within" W a l k i n g D e a d /: 1 0 W a l k i n g D e a d : 1 5 W a l k i n g D e a d "Hounded" : 1 5 T h e W a l k i n g D e ad C o w bo y s O u t. "The Real McCoy" C o w bo y s O u t. "Frontier Hitman" C o w bo ys "The Real Wyatt Earp" H i l l b i l l y : T h e R e a l S t o r y Pawn Stars Pawn Stars 1 1 : 3 0 < T h e B l o b +++ < C l a s h o f th e T i ta n s +++ ('81) Claire Bloom, Laurence Olivier. : 1 5 < T h os e M a g n i f ic e n t M e n i n T h e i r F l y i n g M a c h i n e s +++ ('65) Sarah Miles, Stuart Whitman. 1 1 : 0 0 < I m a g in e T ha t + ('09) Eddie Murphy. < H u r r i c a n e S e a s o n (2009, Drama) Taraji P. Henson, Bonnie Hunt, Forest Whitaker. < L o t t e r y T i c k e t + ('10, Comedy) Ice Cube, Loretta Devine, Bow Wow. B a r R e s c u e "On the Rocks" Bar Rescue B a r R e s c u e "Swanky Troubles" B a r R e s c u e "Broke Black Sheep" < R e m e m b e r t h e T i t a n s ++ ('00) Will Patton, Denzel Washington. The Millionaire Matchmaker M i l l i o n "Patti Meets Her Mate" The Millionaire Matchmaker M i l l i o n a i r e "Social Edition" Millionaire : 4 5 H o u s e w iv e s /N ew J e r s e y :45 Wives NJ






















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Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

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Lawrence Welk Show "America on the Move" Guy and Ralna perform.


(3) F ro m S a n ta Heartlan d








D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network


S á b a d o g ig a n t e




La Familia P. Luche





Fe 5 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l (L)


Two and a The Big Bang Theory











Hell's Kitchen Chef G o o d w in G a < F o r m o s a Ramsay determines who m e s "Happy Betrayed the two finalists will be. Hour"



The Big Bang Theory



Paid Program

News 13 o n F ox 2

Paid Program


News 13 o n F ox 2

How I Met The Big Your Bang Mother Theory

T h e K i n g o f T h e K i n g o f < Mo n ey T ra i n ++ (1995, Action) Wesley Snipes, F u tu ra m a Jennifer Lopez, Woody Harrelson. Two cops plan to Q u e e ns rob the subway's money train. Paid Program


Keeping Up Served? Ap p e ara- "Camping nces In"


(6) Q u e e ns

Action 7



Humor Noticiero comed. Univision Au s tin C ity Lim its Steve :05 N o v a Humans bond Miller and Preservation with dogs much like their Hall Jazz Band perform. own children.

(5) H a l f M e n

(7) N e w s


0Ho u r "Winding" Aaron 666 P a rk Av e Jane tries 20/20 and Rachel are convinced to crack the meaning of a there's a mole. (N) mysterious word.




Desmadrugados Natu re Chronicles a year in the life of the bald eagle.

Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

C o m ed y . T V

Family Guy Family Guy Star Wa rs: Star Wa rs: T h e C l o ne T h e C l o ne Wars Wars Action 7 News


Private Practice

Ey e wi tn e ss E ye wi tn e ss American Ninja Warrior "Venice Beach Qualifying" Do No Harm "Me Likey" Eye wi tn e ss Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e News 4 at Competitors face the qualifying round in Venice Ian has to pose as Jason News 4 at 6:30 Beach. at a black tie event. (N) 10 p .m .

(8) N e w s 4 (9)

5:30 La Voz Kids

Jeopardy! (10) W e e k e nd

Wheel of Fortune W e e k e nd

< Rata touille (2007, Animated)

NCIS: LA "Crimeleon" The team hunts for a chameleon-like killer.

Brooklyn DA

48 Hours Mystery A dancer's murder in New York is investigated.

Titulares Operacion 12 corazones T e l e m u nd o Rep o KRQE News :35 The Clos er :35 Paid 13 Program

Dr. Rik

Yohanan Shepherd's Heart Light of the Southwest Best of Week First Fruits Biblical Doorways to Wisdom Salamanca of Zion Israel Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special "Blood Brothers" "Double Strands" "Missing Pieces" "True Believers" V i c ti m s Un i t "Authority" V i c ti m s Un i t "Impulsive" N i n e f o r I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" N i n e f o r I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" N i n e f o r I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" 4:55 Soccer SEC "Abby Head On" Baseb all Tonig h t (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) ML L L a c ro s s e Charlotte vs Boston (L) NFL NFL NFL NFL Baseb all Tonig h t (L) P o k e r 2012 World Series Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code < What a Girl Wants < T h e F a m i l y T h a t P r e y s + ('08) Sanaa Lathan, Alfre Woodard. P r e a c h e r s ' W i v e s "Pilot" P ran k M y < T h e F a m i l y T h a t P r e y s + ('08) Alfre Woodard. Mom Two families have to learn to work together. Two families have to learn to work together. 5 : 3 0 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Coke Zero 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Daytona < T h e F a s t a n d th e F u ri o u s ++ ('01) Vin Diesel. 72 Ho u rs "American International Speedway -- Daytona Beach, Fla. (L) An undercover officer infiltrates an L.A. street gang. Southwest" 48 Hours: Evidence 48 H o u rs : E v i d e n c e "The 48 H o u rs : E v i d e n c e 48 Hours: Evidence 48 H o u rs : E v i d e n c e "The 48 H o u rs : E v i d e n c e "Friends for Life" (N) Writing on the Wall" (N) "Murder in the OC" (N) "Friends for Life" Writing on the Wall" "Murder in the OC" River Monsters R i v e r M o n s te rs "Atomic R i v e r M o n s te rs R i v e r M o n s te rs "Atomic R i v e r M o n s te rs River Monsters "Vampires of the Deep" Assassin" "Colombian Slasher" Assassin" "Colombian Slasher" "Vampires of the Deep" I ro n C h e f A m e ri c a "Flay F o od Ne t wor k S tar "4th Diners Diners, R e s ta u ran t: I m p o s s ib l e Restaurant "Moss' Prime R e s ta u ran t: I m p o s s ib l e vs. Voltaggio" of July Live" "Burgers" D ri v e -I n s "Anna Maria's" Rib & Spaghetti House" "Dinner Bell Restaurant" Siberia "Pilot" (P) (N) S i n ba d "Hunted" (N) Primeval: New World < D ra g o n W a rs + ('07) Jason Behr. A reporter < D ra g o n q ue s t ('09) must save L.A. from dragon-like creatures. Marc Singer. "Undone" My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell 4:30 UFC Boys in the D i a m o n d - D i a m o n db a ML B Baseb all Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- D i a m o n db a D i a m o n db a Hall b a c k s L i v e c k s L i v e ! (L) Phoenix, Ariz. (L) c k s L i v e ! (L) c k s L i v e ! (L) L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "City L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "A House House House House L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "A House House Versus Suburbs" Family Divided?" Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Family Divided?" Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang D. Cole's < M e e t t h e B r o w n s ++ ('08) D. Mann. A woman < Ou r Family W ... Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Black Box connects with the family of her father. 5 : 3 0 < A c e V e n t u r a : W h e n N a t u r e ... < F o o tl o os e +++ ('84) Lori Singer, John Lithgow, Kevin Bacon. R e d n e c k I s l a nd (N) Do g & Beth : F an (N) Great Pranks "Hour 2" < M a l i b u 's M os t W a n te d ++ Jamie Kennedy. < W h i t e C h i c k s ++ ('04) Shawn Wayans. H i tF l o o r "Lights Out" < E v e r Af te r: A C i n d er el l a S to ry +++ ('98) Drew Barrymore. F a s h i on P o l i c e The Soup C. Lately The Kardashians Kardash The Exes Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Movie S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S an j ayC rai g P aren ts Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Marvin Big Time R. WendVinn The Nanny The Nanny Adv.Time Regular Regular Regular < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Venture Family Guy Family Guy C leveland G o o d Lu c k D o g B l o g A u s t i n / A l l y A . N . T . G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e Jessie G r a v i t y F a l l s A u s t i n / A l l y F i s h H o o ks J e s s i e Austin/ Ally UF C M i x ed M a rtia l A rts Preliminaries Card TBA -- < The A-Team ++ (2010, Action) Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Liam Neeson. < Star T rek ++ ('09) Las Vegas, Nev. (L) Four war veterans are framed for a crime. Chris Pine. < T h e B o u rn e I de n tity +++ ('02, Action) Franka Potente, Brian L o n g m i re "Tell It Slant" T o B e < T h e B o u rn e I de n tity +++ ('02) Matt Damon. Cox, Matt Damon. An amnesiac tries to piece together his past. A n n o un c e d An amnesiac tries to piece together his past. :20 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d : 2 0 D e a d "The Suicide King" Rick tries : 2 5 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :25 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d < G o d z i l l a ++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Jean Reno, Matthew Broderick. "Mad to Suffer" to rescue a member of his group. "Home" "I Ain't a Judas" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars Pawn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars "Security" "Security" < Key La rg o ++ ('48) Humphrey Bogart. A war < W h a t P r i c e G l o r y ? +++ ('52) Corinne Calvet, < B a d S e e d + ('00) Norman Reedus, Dennis Farina, veteran battles gangsters while on vacation. James Cagney. Two soldiers fight over a girl. Luke Wilson. A man sets out to kill his wife's lover. 4 : < L o t t e r y < P h a t G i r l z ++ ('06, Com) Jimmy Jean-Louis, Kendra Johnson, B E T A w a r d s Includes performances by Chris Brown, Miguel and more. T i... Mo'nique. A plus-size woman struggles to find acceptance. 4: < < M e n i n B l a c k +++ ('97) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A < Star Wa rs : Ep is o d e V I : Retu rn o f th e J e d i ++++ ('83) Harrison Ford, R e m e m b e ... secret organization controls the alien population. Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill. Luke prepares for a final confrontation with Vader. 5 : 4 5 W i v e s : 4 5 W i v e s NJ "Everything : 4 5 W i v e s < S c a ry M o v i e ++ ('00) Cheri Oteri, Shannon < S c a ry M o v i e ++ ('00) Cheri Oteri, Shannon Elizabeth. A bumbling serial killer stalks teenagers. Elizabeth. A bumbling serial killer stalks teenagers. NJ is Coming Up Rosie" NJ

(12) W ad g e









































(26) (27) (28)

(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

Friday, July 5, 2013


Saturday Best Bets

(50) (8815)





Elliot Knight in “Sinbad” (25) (8819)

Independence Day (54)

(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138)

What better way to celebrate America’s independence with this action flick. When the military determines that a number of UFOs are approaching Earth, attempts to communicate with the aliens fail and the human race prepares for battle.

Sinbad (36)

(280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)

3:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

While Taryn concocts something special, a band of warriors ambush Gunnar and Sinbad and Gunnar’s past comes back to haunt him. Elliot Knight stars in this drama about a hero who flees his home on a quest to get rid of a curse.

(229) (112)

666 Park Avenue

(247) (139)


(327) (166)

Jane finds the word “conspirati” mentioned several times in Peter Kramer’s journal and she becomes determined to discover the meaning behind it. Also, the truth about Det. Cooper’s part in the shadowy group finally comes to light.

(335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

8:00 p.m.

Do No Harm (8)

9:00 p.m.

Ian wants to meet with the object of his desire, Olivia. Jason eventually agrees to grant him his wish, but first Ian must pose as Jason at an event honoring Dr. Vanessa Young. However, Ian’s antics at the affair drive Lena into another man’s arms.




5:25 PM

Page 10

Sunset Villa Care Center 1515 So. Sunset Ave. Roswell, New Mexico 88203 (575) 623-7097 “Quality Service with A Smile”

Hollywood Q&A By Adam Thomlison TV Media Q: Why does Wil Wheaton spell his name with only one L? I was thinking maybe it’s short for something other than William. A: The best opportunity we had of finding out why former “Star Trek: The Next Generation” star Wil Wheaton spells his name as he does was sadly cut off in favor of a somewhat meanspirited joke. Born Richard William Wheaton, the actor, best known for playing Wesley Crusher on the second TV version of the “Star Trek” franchise, appeared in a “Trek”-themed episode of the popular game show “The Weakest Link” in 2001. He was asked by the show’s comically cantankerous host, Anne Robinson, why he chose such a “silly” spelling of his name. And he tried to answer. “Leaving one L off the end of my name ...” he began, before she cut him off and replied, “... is pretentious.” And so the mystery continues. That was not the only time he’s taken some ribbing for his spelling choice. In fact, it’s become an in-joke among fans of a more recent series

he’s been featured on, “The Big Bang Theory.” On that show, he plays a scheming and cruel version of himself, and the nemesis of Sheldon, arguably the hit sitcom’s most popular character. In one episode, Sheldon claims to be “the proud owner of, .net and .org.” Warner Bros. supposedly bought them all and left them empty. However, entrepreneurial fans bought the misspellings — putting two Ls in “WillWheatonStinks.” The .org sells “Big Bang” merchandise, and says that it is aware of the misspelling, “but Wil Wheaton doesn’t deserve to have his name spelled correctly.” With that role on “Big Bang” and his popularity as a blogger, Wheaton is experiencing a career resurgence lately, which is a rarity for child stars. Q: Who played the young murder victim in “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”? I remember thinking it was someone famous. A: He wasn’t so famous at the time, but Jude Law put in a gripping performance as the spoiled and violent “kept man” Billy Hanson in the 1997

true-crime drama. It would be hard to say what his true breakout role was, but this would certainly be on the shortlist, alongside a supporting role in another film released that year, “Wilde,” a biography of the great British wit Oscar Wilde. Soon afterward, he was doing leads, albeit in smaller productions, such as the 1998 romcom “Music From Another Room” and the 1999 dark sci-fi picture “eXistenZ.” By the end of 1999, he was certifiably famous, thanks to his role in the smash-hit drama “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” in which he once again played a man of leisure who had a complicated relationship with his eventual killer. He is now, of course, a bona fide superstar whose films have made tens of millions at the box office, which means that he can be a bit more choosy with his roles. He seems to be going through an off-Hollywood phase at the moment, having recently finished work on two films that aren’t likely to be blockbusters.

At Casa Maria Health Care Center and Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites, we have qualified and educated staff to meet your needs. Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites offers 16 private rooms; wireless internet access; concierge services; physical, occupational and speech therapy seven days a week. Our goal at Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites is to keep our patients informed, free of anxiety and concerns. This insures shorter recovery times and long term success. Facility tours are available seven days a week.

Sunset Villa Care Center 2x3"

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1601 S. Main Street Roswell, NM 88203 (575) 623-6008

Our person-centered approach to independence in choices of activities, choice when you eat and wake. We offer physical, occupational and speech therapy to meet your needs.

Janice Stewart, Director Business Development Cell (575) 420-7664 Fax (575) 627-7276

Have a question? Email us at Please include your name and town. Personal replies will not be provided.



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D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
















La Familia P. Luche Como dice el dicho C l á s i c o s d e s áb a d o g i g a n t e H u m o r c o m ed . N o t i c ie r o : F D S D e s a y u n o F D S DesayunoFDS Austin City Limits C l a s s i c A rts S h o w c a s e Dance, music, films, and theatrical performances. 1 1 : 3 0 < F o r mo s a B e t r a y e d James Van Der Beek. We There Yet? Paid Program Paid Program News 13 on Fox 2 Paid Program Paid Program Tim McCarver Paid Program 11:30 Comedy Jack Van Impe Always Sunny Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Criminal Minds Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program < T h e 6 t h D a y ++ ('00) Michael Rapaport, Arnold Schwarzenegger. L a w & O rd e r Leverage Paid Program American Latino Paid Program Paid Program 11:30 Practice The Border Homes HollyScoop Destination.TV Storm Stories H o m e o wn e r Race Week Ron Hazelton G o o d Mo rn i ng A m eri c a S u n d a y A p e x M ed i a After Par ty CARS.TV News 4 @ 10 OMG! Insider Whacked Out TBA TBA TBA Havas Edge Open Hous e Havas Edge Super Latina P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p a g ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado :05 T. McCarver :35 Outdoors :05 KRQE News :35 < T o B e A n n o un c e d :35 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Update News Dr. Alewine Light of the Southwest Best of Week Sh epherd's Heart Dr's B & S House Calls Light of the South WWE A.M. Raw H o u s e "Larger Than Life" H o u s e "Carrot or Stick" Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ESPN Films Her Story B u d G r e e n sp a n "Michelle Kwan" E S P N F i l m s "Charismatic" Paid Program Paid Program 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series S E C S t o r i e d "Abby Head On" N i n e f o r I X "Venus" 1 1 : 0 0 < W h a t a G i r l W a n t s ++ Amanda Bynes. Teen Wolf S h o w V in n y S h o w V in n y S h o w V in n y S h o w V in n y S h o w V in n y Catfish 1 0 : 0 0 < T h e F a m i l y T h a t P r e y s + Alfre Woodard. :35 PrankM'm Old Christine Old Christine Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s < T h e L o s e r s +++ ('10) Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan. La w & Ord e r "Monster" L aw & Ord e r "Aftershock" La w & Ord e r "Turnstile Justice" L aw & Ord e r "Dissonance" 48 Hours: H ard Evidence Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program R i v e r M o n s te rs "Killer Torpedo" P ai d P ro g ram Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P r o g ra m I ro n C h e f US "Flay vs. Voltaggio" R e s ta u ran t: I m p o s s ib l e R e s t. "Dinner Bell Restaurant" I ro n C h e f US "Flay vs. Voltaggio" R e s t a u r a n t "Anna Maria's" Paid Program 11:00 < Dragonquest < M e r l i n a n d t h e W a r o f t h e D ra g o n s (2009, Fantasy) Twilight Zone Twilight Zone Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program My Cat From Hell Un tam e d "Shark Takes Leg" Untamed and Uncut A nimal Plan et Investigates Most Extreme Most Extreme Weird Weird D i a m o n db a c k s W P T P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star H a l l s o f F a m e B o y s i n t h e H a l l M L B B a s e b a l l Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field Paid Program Paid Program H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs L o v e / L i s t "City Versus Suburbs" Paid Program Elbow Room Elbow Room 1 1 : 3 0 < O u r F a m i l y W e d d in g ++ Forest Whitaker. M a r r i e d , C h i l d Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl C o ps C o ps Fat Cops Fat Cops Red n e c k I s l and Red n e c k I s l and Paid Program Paid Program C M T M us i c L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p "A Failed Test" Atlanta "Mistake at the Lake" VH1 Music VH1 Music 11:30 Kardash The Soup Chelsea Lately The Wanted Life Paid Program Paid Program The Kardashians K i n g o f Q u e e ns K i n g o f Q u e e ns T h e S o u l M a n T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w 3's C o m p a n y 3' s Company 3's Company 3's Company Friends :35 Friends :05 Friends :40 Friends :10 G. Lopez :45 G. Lopez :20 G. Lopez :50 G. Lopez :25 My Wife and Kids :55 Wife Kids Yes, Dear B l a c k D y n a m i t e T h e B o o nd o c ks B l e a c h Naruto Soul Eater ThunderC ats Sym-Bionic Eureka 7 Tenchi Muyo Fullmetal Cowboy Bebop Cowboy Beb o p Good Luck ... A.N.T. Farm Shake It Up Good Lu ck ... Shake It Up Austin and Ally A.N.T. Farm < T h e C o l o r o f F ri en d sh i p +++ ('00) Carl Lumbly. : 0 5 L i f e o n D e c k L i f e o n D e c k 1 1 : 0 0 < S t a r T r e k ++ ('09) Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Chris Pine. U n s u p e r v is e d U n s u p e r v is e d Two and Half Two and Half U n s u p e r v is e d U n s u p e r v is e d Two and Half Two and Half Movie L o n g m i re "Tell It Slant" TBA Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. C ri m i n a l M i n d "The Eyes Have It" 1 0 : 3 0 < G o d z i l l a ++ ('98) Matthew Broderick. T h e K i l l i n g "Eminent Domain" C S I : M i a m i "By the Book" ThreeStooges M a d M e n "The Other Woman" Mad Men Pawn Stars Pawn Stars :05 Pawn Stars :35 Pawn Stars Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Heavy Metal : 1 5 < B a b y ('00) Keith Carradine, Farrah Fawcett. : 4 5 < C h i l d r en o f t h e D a m n e d ++ ('64) Alfred Burke, Alan Badel. Curious Alice < R i c h , Y o u n g a n d P re tty +++ ('51) Danielle Darrieux, Jane Powell. 9 : 0 0 B E T A w a r d s < A r e W e T h e r e Y e t ? ++ (2005, Comedy) Nia Long, Jay Mohr, Ice Cube. < K i n g d om C om e ++ ('01) LL Cool J, Whoopi Goldberg. BET Inspiration < T h e G u a r d i a n ++ (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner, Sela Ward, Ashton Kutcher. A swimmer joins the U.S. Coast Guard. Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Paid Program C h e f Ro b l é "Fashionable Foodies" R o b lé "Hoop Dreams Dinner" P aid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program C h e f Ro b l é "Fashionable Foodies" C h e f Ro b l é "Hoop Dreams Dinner"






















(27) (143) (209)






















































Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 11

Sports Zone FRIDAY 6:00 a.m. (26) ITF Tennis Wimbledon Semifinal Live

7:00 a.m. (25) Basketball Classics 1976 Harlem


10:00 a.m. (25) NBA Basketball Classics Oklahoma City

Thunder vs. Los Angeles Lakers 2012 Playoffs Western Conference Semifinal Game 4

12:00 p.m. (25) NBA Basketball Classics Los Angeles

Lakers vs. Oklahoma City Thunder 2012 Playoffs Western Conference Semifinal Game 5 (27) NASCAR Auto Racing Subway Firecracker 250 Nationwide Series Qualifying Live

12:30 p.m. (38) MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks vs.

New York Mets

1:30 p.m. (26) College Football Live Live

2:00 p.m. (25) ITF Tennis Classics 2003 Wimbledon

Women’s Final (26) NFL Live Live

4:00 p.m. (25) ITF Tennis Classics 2008 Wimbledon

Women’s Final

2:00 p.m. (8) Watersports Red Bull Wake Open (26) Baseball Home Run Derby

4:00 p.m. (27) NHRA Drag Racing Summit Equipment

Nationals Qualifying Live

4:30 p.m. (4) MLB All-Star Selection Show Live (32) Countdown to Green Live (38) UFC Ultimate Submissions

4:55 p.m. (26) Soccer Messi and Friends Live

(27) NHRA Drag Racing Summit Equipment


5:55 p.m. (2) CONCACAF Fútbol Mexico vs. Panama

Copa Oro Live

6:00 p.m. (26) MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox vs. Los

Angeles Angels of Anaheim Live

7:00 p.m. (38) PBR Bull Riding Championship

10:00 p.m. (9) Titulares Telemundo

5:00 p.m. (4) MLB Baseball Live

5:30 p.m. (32) NASCAR Auto Racing Coke Zero 400

Sprint Cup Series Live

6:00 p.m. (27) MLL Lacrosse Charlotte Hounds vs. Boston

Cannons Live (53) UFC Mixed Martial Arts Preliminaries Card TBA Live

Diamondbacks Live

8:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

6:30 a.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Home Run Derby

8:00 a.m. (25) ITF Tennis Classics 1973 Wimbledon

Women’s Final

11:30 a.m. (25) ITF Tennis Classics 1978 Wimbledon

9:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m. (26) NASCAR Auto Racing Subway Firecracker


1:30 p.m. (26) College Football Live Live

2:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. (27) Boxing Classics 1990 World Heavyweight

10:00 p.m. (9) Titulares Telemundo (27) Baseball Tonight Live

Title Bout Douglas vs. Tyson


7:00 p.m. (27) Boxing Friday Night Fights Dirrell vs. Brand

7:00 a.m.


7:30 p.m.

(26) ITF Tennis Wimbledon Championship Live

7:30 a.m.

(38) MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona

Diamondbacks Live

9:00 p.m. (27) Mike Tyson’s Greatest Hits

10:00 p.m. (27) Baseball Tonight Live

10:30 p.m. (9) Boxeo

11:00 p.m. (27) NASCAR Now

11:30 p.m. (27) NASCAR Auto Racing Subway Firecracker

250 Nationwide Series

12:00 a.m. (38) Boxing Fight Sports Strum vs. Zbuk

SATURDAY 6:00 a.m. (8) Cycling Tour de France Stage 8 Castres - Ax 3

Domaines Live

7:00 a.m. (26) ITF Tennis Wimbledon Women’s

Championship Live

(27) The Sports Reporters

10:00 a.m. Series Live (60) Xtreme 4x4

10:30 a.m. (27) Baseball Tonight Live

1:00 p.m. (7) ITF Tennis Wimbledon Women’s

Championship (8) AMA Motocross Live (10) PGA Golf The Greenbrier Classic Round 3 Live (27) Auto Racing American LeMans Series Live

Friday, July 5, 2013

4:00 p.m. (25) ITF Tennis Classics 1978 Wimbledon Final

5:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. (25) Basketball Classics 1977 Harlem

(26) Baseball Tonight Live

8:00 p.m.


York Yankees Live

12:00 p.m. (8) FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships (27) Billiards International Challenge of


1:00 p.m. (7) ITF Tennis Wimbledon Men’s Championship (10) PGA Golf The Greenbrier Classic Final

Round Live

(26) MLS Soccer Sporting Kansas City vs.

Chicago Fire Live

(27) Billiards International Challenge of


Diamondbacks Live

2:30 p.m. (8) Surfing Volcom Fiji Pro

3:25 p.m. (2) CONCACAF Fútbol Canada vs. Martinique

Copa Oro Live

4:00 p.m. (27) NHRA Drag Racing Lucas Oil Series

5:00 p.m. (26) Baseball Tonight Live

7:00 p.m. Minnesota Lynx Live

7:30 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1994 Lewis vs. Mccall (38) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs.

Arizona Diamondbacks Live

9:00 p.m. (25) PBA Bowling 2012 World Series

10:00 p.m. (27) Baseball Tonight Live

11:00 p.m. (27) NASCAR Now

11:30 p.m. (27) NFL Live

9:00 a.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Tampa Bay Rays vs.

Chicago Cubs June 3, 2003

11:00 a.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Chicago Cubs vs. St.

Louis Cardinals September 8, 2008

12:30 p.m. (38) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs.

Arizona Diamondbacks

1:30 p.m.


Heavyweight Title Bouts Frazier vs. Foster and Frazier vs. Foreman (27) NASCAR Now

11:30 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1975 Norton vs. Quarry (27) NFL Live

12:00 a.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1966 & 1968 Heavyweight

Bout Frazier vs. Machen and Frazier vs. Mathis

THURSDAY 9:00 a.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics San Diego Padres

(27) NFL Live

9:30 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 2003 Pacquiao vs. Lucero

10:00 p.m. (27) Baseball Tonight Live

11:00 p.m.

vs. New York Yankees 1998 World Series Game 1

11:00 a.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Boston Red Sox vs.

New York Yankees 2003 American League Championship Series Game 7

12:30 p.m.

(25) Wide World of Sports

12:00 a.m. (25) Wide World of Sports (27) NASCAR Now (38) Boxing Fight Sports Knockouts Ruiz, Ruelas,



(38) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs.

Arizona Diamondbacks

1:00 p.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics New York Yankees

vs. Boston Red Sox 1978 American League Championship Series

1:30 p.m. (26) College Football Live Live

6:00 a.m.

2:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m.

(26) NFL Live Live (27) CHAMPS Golf U.S. Championship Round 1

(25) Up Close (25) MLB Baseball Classics Philadelphia Phillies

vs. St. Louis Cardinals September 23, 1983

11:00 a.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Oakland Athletics

vs. Minnesota Twins September 16, 1993

11:30 a.m. (38) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs.

Arizona Diamondbacks

1:00 p.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics St. Louis Cardinals

vs. New York Yankees June 13, 2003

1:30 p.m. (26) College Football Live Live (38) WNBA Basketball San Antonio Silver Stars

vs. Phoenix Mercury Live

2:00 p.m.


2:30 p.m. (38) WNBA Basketball San Antonio Silver Stars

vs. Phoenix Mercury

3:00 p.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Florida Marlins vs.

Chicago Cubs 2003 National League Championship Series Game 6

6:00 p.m. (26) Softball World Cup United States vs. Canada


7:00 p.m. (27) WNBA Basketball Los Angeles Sparks vs.

Tulsa Shock Live

7:30 p.m. (38) MLB Baseball Milwaukee Brewers vs.

Arizona Diamondbacks Live

8:00 p.m.

(26) NFL Live Live

(26) Baseball Tonight Live

10:00 p.m.

(25) MLB Baseball Classics Los Angeles

Dodgers vs. San Diego Padres September 28, 1988

5:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1991 Camacho vs. Haugen (26) MLB Baseball Live (27) NFL Live (38) WNBA Basketball San Antonio Silver Stars

(25) Basketball Classics 1989 Harlem


(27) Baseball Tonight Live

11:00 p.m. (25) Basketball Classics 1973 Harlem


(27) NASCAR Now

11:30 p.m.

vs. Phoenix Mercury

6:00 p.m.

(27) NFL Live

12:00 a.m.

(25) Boxing Classics 1991 Camacho vs. Haugen

6:30 p.m. (27) Soccer Chicago Fire vs. Club America Live

vs. Chicago Cubs September 13, 1998

(26) College Football Live Live

11:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1970 & 1973 World

9:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Milwaukee Brewers

10:30 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1970 Ali vs. Quarry

8:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m.


10:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1974 Frazier vs. Quarry (27) Baseball Tonight Live

(26) Baseball Tonight Live

6:00 p.m. (24) WWE Monday Night Raw (25) Battle of the Network Stars (27) Poker 2012 World Series Main Event

(40) MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles vs. New

11:00 a.m.

6:00 p.m.

(26) MLB Baseball Live (27) NFL Live

(27) Billiards International Challenge of

12:00 p.m. 12:45 p.m.

Minnesota Lynx

Globetrotters (38) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Live

(27) NCAA Baseball Home Run Derby (38) MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona

(25) Into the Cold: A Journey of the Soul

(38) WNBA Basketball Phoenix Mercury vs.

(27) Poker 2012 World Series Main Event

2:00 p.m.

(27) NASCAR Now Live

2:30 p.m.

(7) INDYCAR Auto Racing Insulin 400 IZOD

10:00 a.m. (60) Xtreme 4x4

(26) NFL Live Live

8:00 p.m. (26) Baseball Tonight Live

5:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1994 Lewis vs. Jackson (27) NFL Live

(38) MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona

(27) NFL Yearbook

250 Nationwide Series Live

St. Louis Cardinals September 27, 1998

Women’s Final

12:30 p.m.

Arizona Diamondbacks Live

3:00 p.m. (25) MLB Baseball Classics Montreal Expos vs.

(25) Boxing Classics 2001 Lewis vs. Rahman (27) WNBA Basketball Atlanta Dream vs.

(27) NFL Yearbook

(27) NFL Live


6:00 a.m.

(27) NFL Yearbook

9:00 p.m.

2:30 p.m. (38) MFL Soccer Tijuana vs. America San Diego

(25) Boxing Classics 2000 Lewis vs. Jackson

(25) MLB Baseball Classics Home Run Derby

7:30 p.m. (38) MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers vs.


8:00 p.m. (26) Baseball Tonight Live (27) NFL Yearbook (38) MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona

2:00 p.m. (26) NFL Live Live

7:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1981 Muhammad vs.


(25) Basketball Classics 1974 Harlem


(38) PBR Bull Riding Championship

Roswell Daily Record: Sports Jul 5, 2013 to Jul 11, 2013




5:25 PM

Page 12

Cooking thisweek FRIDAY 3:00 p.m.

‘Superstars’ on screen: Home cooks are headed to the supermarket host. A new series, “Supermarket Superstar,” premieres on the cable network the night of July 22, and it’s bringing to the table the classic recilick on the TV in the evening pe of culinary hopefuls, a panel of and it’s as easy as pie to find a show that promises to help as- experts and a charming celebrity host. piring chefs lift off. Unlike in the aforementioned We lovers of the tastier type of programs, the contestants in “Sutelevision have so many options from which to choose. Bravo’s “Top permarket Superstar” don’t have to show off a wide set of kitchen skills Chef” (a personal favorite of mine) — they just have to make one absogives a group of up-and-coming lutely amazing product that could chefs the opportunity to put their names on the map alongside some change the way Americans eat. Everyone has their own unique dishes of the best culinary masters in the nation. Fox’s “Masterchef” gives av- and recipes, and each hour-long episode will bring three new conteserage home cooks with far above average talent an opportunity to re- tants to the screen, each with their own unique product to pitch. alize their delicious dreams, while What’s at stake? Well money, of NBC’s new kid on the block, “The course. The winner of each episode American Baking Competition,” gives home bakers their own chance will win $10,000 in cash, along with a whopping $100,000 in product to shine. Well, now it’s Lifetime’s turn to development. Ultimately, the three

By Andrew Warren TV Media


cooks with the best products will be given the chance to pitch directly to The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company’s (A&P) CEO, with the winning product earning itself a spot in A&P and affiliated stores nationwide. And they’re not just pitching their products unrefined. There’s a panel of experts on hand who’ll share their experience with the contestants as they refine their recipes for mass production, cook up huge quantities to show that the recipe can be scaled, and even design a professional package that would look right at home on any supermarket shelf. Along the way, they’ll be facing judges, focus groups and their own inexperience as they battle it out to become real supermarket superstars. The ovens fire up on July 22 on Lifetime.

(35) Extreme Chef (41) Hell’s Kitchen

4:00 p.m. (35) Extreme Chef (41) Hell’s Kitchen 5:00 p.m. (35) Extreme Chef (41) Hell’s Kitchen 6:00 p.m. (35) Extreme Chef (41) Hell’s Kitchen 7:00 p.m. (41) Hell’s Kitchen 7:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:00 p.m. (41) Hell’s Kitchen 9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

SATURDAY 4:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Stakeout

5:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

5:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

6:00 p.m. (35) Iron Chef America

7:00 p.m. (35) Food Network Star

8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

SUNDAY 4:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Stakeout 5:00 p.m. (35) Mystery Diners 5:30 p.m. (35) Mystery Diners 6:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 6:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped 8:00 p.m. (35) Food Network Star 9:00 p.m. (35) Cupcake Wars 10:00 p.m. (35) Food Network Star

MONDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef 3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals 4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home 4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home 5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa (41) Hell’s Kitchen 5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa 6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman 6:30 p.m. (35) Bobby Flay’s Barbecue Addiction 7:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

Stacy Keibler hosts “Supermarket Superstar”



8:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

9:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

10:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

TUESDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef

3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals

4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa

5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa

6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman

6:30 p.m. (35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen

7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

8:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

9:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

WEDNESDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef

3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals

4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa

5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa

6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman

6:30 p.m. (35) Sandwich King

7:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

7:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

THURSDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef

3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals

4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa (41) Hell’s Kitchen

5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa

6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman

6:30 p.m. (35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen

7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

8:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

9:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped

Roswell Daily Record: Food Jul 5, 2013 to Jul 11, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 13

Did you know? It’s your choice

Television Crossword ACROSS 1 Lennon-McCartney song title locale 5 Underboss author, Peter __ 9 Andy Capp’s wife in comics 12 “All Dogs __ Heaven: The Series”: 2 wds. 13 __ mater 14 ISP, e.g. 15 Charlie Brown’s expression: 2 wds. 17 Cellular stuff 18 “The Gong Show” host: 2 wds. 20 Greg Evigan TV character, B.J. __ 22 “Wyatt __” (1994) 23 Polite address for a lady 24 1986 Tony-winning Best Play, __ Rappaport: 2 wds. 28 Lifeguarding skill, for short 29 Granny, in Germany 30 “America’s Next Top __” 33 __-drop 34 Fem. opposite 37 Bugs 38 New survival competition series on NBC, “__ with Bear Grylls”: 3

wds. 42 ‘Expert’ suffix 43 “Hollywood __ __” hosted by Jane Lynch, new on NBC 46 Cheney, Gore, Quayle... e.g. 47 Rushes, as a horse 48 Donna’s portrayer on “Beverly Hills, 90210” 49 Suffix with ‘Differ’ 50 Disagreeable sort 51 John Keats creations DOWN 1 Australian boots, just one here 2 Jack of “Barney Miller” 3 “The West Wing” star Ms. Channing 4 Hillary Clinton’s maiden name 5 “I Need to Know” singer Mr. Anthony 6 Comparable 7 Single-celled organism 8 The Beach Boys song: “Surfin’ __” 9 Jamie of “M*A*S*H” 10 Ms. Anderson of “WKRP in Cincinnati” 11 Waves: Spanish 16 Actor Mr. Pearce 19 Circling stat. 20 2900 in ancient Rome

21 25 26 27 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 44

Organized crime boss Odin, for one: 2 wds. Bypass 1981 Tom Cruise movie Mr. Philips of stand-up Enjoys a sitcom “Taxi” star Danny Spot, as on a carpet Short film or TV role Piece of jewelry Donate “SportsCenter” station Quiz Just in case Charlemagne’s domain, for short 45 Shakespearean contraction

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5:25 PM

Page 14


(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)



D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

















(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)


Mercury Media Mercury Media Misa Catolica Mercury Media La hora pico Al punto Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a Smart Travels Seco nd Opinion Antiques R oadshow Classic Gosp el Joy of Music Joy of Music A .E x p e rie n c e "Mount Rushmore" G . T r e k k e r "Food Hour: Vietnam" KRQE News 13 L e g a c y C h u rc h B e l i e v e r C e n te r F o x N e w s Su n d a y Joel Osteen Homebu ilders Paid Program Paid Program < L a k e C i t y +++ Sissy Spacek. Paid Program Paid Program On the Spot Live Life & Win! In Search Big World Missing A n. E x p l o ra ti o n T h e C on n e c ti o n J a c k H a n n a Into the Wild Dog Tales Paid Program Paid Program Mystery Hunters Young Icons Eco Company Think Big Real Green Am. Athlete Sports Stars LatiNation American Latino Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning This Week I n d yC a r A u t o R a c i n g Insulin 400 (L) O n th e M o n e y T h i s O l d H o us e S u n d a y T od a y (N) Who Rocks Chris Matthews Meet the Press New Mexico Paid Program Paid Program P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs Raggs Noodle LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Operacion Repo Enfoque R i t m o d e p o r ti v o Paid Program C a t h o l i c M a s s K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g C B S S u n d a y M o r n ing Face the Nation Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program 5:00 Light of the South Dr. McDonald Life Beyond I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Y .S a l am an ca For the Heart of the City Shepherd's Heart Paid Program N C I S "Jetlag" N C I S "Masquerade" N C I S "Jack Knife" N C I S "Dead Air" N C I S "Enemies Foreign" 30 fo r 30 "Straight Outta L.A." 30 fo r 30 "Run Ricky Run" S E C S t o r i e d "Lolo Jones" E S P N D o c u m en ta ri e s "Renee" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" Breakfast at Wimb l e d o n (L) I T F T en n i s Wimbledon Championship Site: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club -- Wimbledon, England (L) S p o r t s C en t e r O u t s i d e L i n e (N) Sp o rts Rep . (N) S p o r t s C en t e r Baseball T. Billiards Catfish Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code < C l u e l e ss ++ Alicia Silverstone. Paid Program David Jeremiah Joel Osteen Paid Program TBA < S e l e n a +++ (1997, Biography) Edward James Olmos, Jon Seda, Jennifer Lopez. D e v i o u s M a id s "Pilot" Law & Ord e r "Standoff" Law & Ord e r "Return" F r a n k l i n & B a s h "Captain Johnny" F a l l S k y "Search and Recovery" < E d g e o f D a rk n e s s ++ ('10) Ray Winstone, Mel Gibson. Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes to the D ress Say Yes to the D ress Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress B r e a k i n g A m i s h / B ra v e Paid Program Paid Program Deadliest Catch D e a d l i e s t C a t c h "Listing Lover" N a k e d C a s t a w a y "Ed Bares All" P h i l l y T h r o t t l e "Lights Out" W a rlo c k s R i s i n g "The Hard Life" Paid Program Sunny's Summer Eats Giada at Home Barefoot Cont. Pioneer Woman S. Kitchen D i n n e r (N) Big Bite (N) Paid Program Paid Program < I n th e N a m e o f th e K i n g : A D u n g e o n S i e g e T a l e + ('07) Jason Statham. < R e p o M e n ++ (2010, Sci-Fi) Forest Whitaker, Liev Schreiber, Jude Law. Un tam e d "Heroes and Horror" T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program D-Backs Live Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program F i s h i ng / J oh n n y Game Time C o u rts i d e Jo n es Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Elbow Room Property Brothers Love It or List It L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Standing Tall" Friends Friends Friends Friends N a m e I s E a rl 1/2 N a m e I s E a rl 2/2 < L eg al l y B lo n d e ++ ('01) Luke Wilson, Reese Witherspoon. M L B B as e b a l l Bal./N.Y. Y. (L) 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. V H 1 T o p 20 V i d e o s "Hour One" V H 1 T o p 20 V i d e o s "Hour Two" Totally Royal To ts Royal Tots "American Edition" H i t th e F l o o r "Lights Out" < W h i t e C h i c k s ++ < E v e r A f t e r : A C i n d e r e l l a S t o r y +++ ('98) Dougray Scott, Drew Barrymore. < S u m m e r C a tc h ++ ('01) Jessica Biel, Freddie Prinze Jr. < M a j o r L e a g u e I I ++ ('94) Charlie Sheen. 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company 3's Company The Exes The Exes Hot/ Cleve. Hot/ Cleve. Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Yes, Dear Full House Full House Full House Odd Parents Odd Parents P .R . M e g af o rce S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob SanjayCraig Inu Yasha Inu Yasha L o o n e y T u n es Lo o n e y T u n es Dragons Johnny Test B e y b l a d e : M . F . P o k em o n B W Ben 10 NinjaGo Green Lantern Teen T itans Go! F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s M i c k e y M . Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Jake Never Land Sofia the First Good Luck ... Good Lu ck ... Shake It Up Good Luck ... Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Met Mother Met Mother < M a rm a d u k e + ('10) Emma Stone, George Lopez, Owen Wilson. < T h e S i m p so ns M ov i e ++ C r i m i n a l M i n d s "The Performer" T h e G l a d e s "Glade-iators" L o n g m i re "Tell It Slant" < T r u e L i e s +++ (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Arnold, Jamie Lee Curtis. M a d M e n "The Phantom" T h e K i l l i n g "Eminent Domain" < G o d z i l l a ++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Jean Reno, Matthew Broderick. W a l k i n g D e a d "The Suicide King" Secret Slang Secret Slang Secret Slang Secret Slang Secret Slang Secret Slang 1 0 1 I n v e n t i o n s T h a t C h a n g ed t h e W o r l d 101 Fast Fo ods < Y o u n g B e ss + ('53) Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr, Jean Simmons. < D e s e rt S o n g +++ ('52) Gordon MacRae, Kathryn Grayson. < G i d g e t ++ ('59, Com) James Darren, Cliff Robertson, Sandra Dee. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel L i f t V o i c e (N) Lift Every Voice Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Xtreme 4x4 Horsepower TV Trucks! M u s c l eC a r P ri n c e s s es : L I "Intermenschion" H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y B e l o w D e c k "Cool Your Jets" I n t e r i o r T h e r a p y "Design Bully" I n te ri o r "Comedy Is Not Pretty" H . W i v e s "100th Episode Special"























(27) (143) (209)






















































D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
















C o mo d i c e e l d i c h o La rosa de Guadalupe Perspectiva N o tic i e ro : F D S F ú tb o l C en tral :25 C O NC A C A F F ú tb o l Copa Oro Canada vs. Martinique (L) F ú tb o l C en tral The Aviators America Hear t. All Aboard Burt Wolf Closer to Truth Well Read Healthy Body R e l i g i o n N e w s G o s p e l "Nashville Homecoming" I n s . W a s h i ng to n M c L a u g h 1 1 : 0 0 < L a k e C i t y +++ < T h e D i s h a n d t h e S p o on ('11, Drama) Olly Alexander, Greta Gerwig. < T h e C a k e E a t e r s ++ ('07) Aaron Stanford, Kristen Stewart. Paid Program Paid Program That '7 0s Show Paid Program Old Christine Paid Program < B u l l D u r h a m +++ ('88) Susan Sarandon, Kevin Costner. Friends The Office Rules of Eng Loves Ray < T h e P r i n c e ss a n d t h e F r o g +++ ('09) Anika Noni Rose. < S c o o b y D o o ++ ('02) Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze Jr. < Y o u 'v e G o t M a i l ++ ('98) Tom Hanks, Greg Kinnear, Meg Ryan. 1 0 : 0 0 I nd y C a r R a c i n g Insulin 400 I T F T en n i s Wimbledon Site: All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club -- Wimbledon, England Entertainment Tonight Weekend Action 7 News ABC News F I V B B eac h Vo lley b all World Championships Octane Academy S u r f i n g Volcom Fiji Pro AM Marketing Paid Program News 4 NBC News < D i n o s a u ri o ++ ('00) D.B. Sweeney. < I n d ep e nd e n ce D a y +++ (1996, Action) Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith. O p e r a c i o n R e p o < A lvin y la s Ard ill a s 2 ('09, Ani) Paid Program Paid Program P G A G o l f The Greenbrier Classic Site: The Old White Course -- White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. (L) Paid Program Paid Program CBS Even. News KRQE News 13 Biblical Israel Mani Erfan T.Scrivner Dr. R.Booker Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. Alewine N C I S "Enemies Domestic" N C I S "Restless" N C I S "Enemy on the Hill" N C I S "Thirst" N C I S "The Missionary Position" N C I S "Rekindled" 30 fo r 30 "June 17, 1994" 30/30 "Marion Jones Press Pause" 30 fo r 30 "9.79*" S E C S t o r i e d "Lolo Jones" E S P N D o c u m en ta ri e s "Renee" 7 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is Wimbledon (L) M L S S o c c e r Sporting Kansas City vs. Chicago Fire (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) B a s e b a l l T o n i g h t (L) Billiards Billiards N C A A B a s e b a l l Home Run Derby NHRA Drag Rac ing NHRA Drag Rac ing 1 1 : 0 0 < C l u e l es s ++ < 1 3 G o i n g o n 3 0 ++ ('04) Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner. < W h a t a G i r l W a n t s ++ (2003, Family) Colin Firth, Kelly Preston, Amanda Bynes. < C l u e l e ss ++ D e v i o u sM a i d s "Setting the Table" < S o m e on e L i k e Y o u +++ ('01) Greg Kinnear, Ashley Judd. < B l u e L a g o o n : T h e A w a k e n i n g ('12) Denise Richards. < D i r t y D a n c i n g +++ Movie < T h e N e x t T h r e e D a y s +++ ('10, Dra) Elizabeth Banks, Liam Neeson, Russell Crowe. < S h o o te r +++ (2006, Action) Michael Peña, Danny Glover, Mark Wahlberg. < Unknown Breaking Amish/Brave Breaking Am ish/Brave Breaking Amish/Brave Breaking Amish/Brave Breaking Am ish/Brave Breaking Amish/Brave O u t l a w s "King of the Street" O u t l a w s "Murder the Nova" F a s tL o u d "Ramshackle Rambler" F a s t N ' L o u d "Trials of a T-Bird" F a s t N ' L o u d "No Bull Bonneville" F a s tL o u d "Dodge Hodge Podge" S a n d w i c h K i n g B B Q (N) C h e f W a n t e d "Venice Beach Icon" R e s t a u r a n t "It's All Greek to Me" R e s t a u r a n t "The Main Dish" Restaurant Stakeout Mystery Diners Mystery Diners < S ta r T re k : I n s u rre c ti o n ++ ('98) Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart. < O u t l a n d e r ++ (2008, Sci-Fi) Sophia Myles, John Hurt, James Caviezel. < T e r m i n a t o r 3 : R i s e o f t h e M a c h i n e s ++ 7 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Golf Life D e s t i n a t i o n P o l . C o un td o wn D-Backs Live M L B B a s e b a l l Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) D-Backs Live Diamondbacks L o v e / L i s t "Two Storeys Too Many" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t L o v e / L i s t "Ready for Retirement" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Home Harmony" H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n t. (N) H o u s e (N) 1 1 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l Baltimore Orioles vs. New York Yankees (L) < J u s t F ri e n ds ++ ('05) Amy Smart, Ryan Reynolds. : 4 5 < L i f e a s W e K n o w I t ++ ('10, Comedy) Josh Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Katherine Heigl. 7:00 C M T Mu s i c H o t 20 C o u n tdo w n < A c e V e n t u r a : W h e n N a t u r e C a l l s ++ ('95) Jim Carrey. Reba Reba 1 1 : 0 0 < W h i t e C h i c ks ++ < M a l i b u 's M os t W a n te d ++ ('03) Taye Diggs, Jamie Kennedy. Greates t So n g s '00s "Hour 1" Greates t So n g s '00s "Hour 2" Greates t So n g s '00s "Hour 3" 1 0 : 3 0 < M a j o r L e a g u e I I ++ < P a u l B l a r t : M a l l C o p ++ ('09) Keir O'Donnell, Kevin James. K a r d as h i a n s "Enough is Enough" K a r d as h i a n s "Agree to Disagree" T h e K a rd a s h i a n s Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Hot/ Cleve. Golden Gi rls Ninja Turtles M o ns te rs v s . S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Odd Parents O d d P arents SanjayCraig S pongeB ob Sa njayC raig SpongeBob SanjayCraig S p o ng e Bob T o m / Je rry T a l e s T o m / Je rry T a l e s < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Regular Show Regular Show Incredible Crew Adventure Time Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Jessie Jessie Jessie A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Fa rm A.N.T. Farm Dog Blog Jessie Shake It Up 11:00 < T h e S i mp s on s M ov i e < E a s y A +++ ('10) Amanda Bynes, Penn Badgley, Emma Stone. < T h e A - T e a m ++ (2010, Action) Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Liam Neeson. < I n d ep e nd e n ce D a y +++ (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith. Storage NY Storage NY Storage NY Storage NY Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty T h e W a l k i n g D e a d "Home" W a l k i n g D e a d "I Ain't a Judas" T h e W a l k i n g D e a d "Clear" D ead "Arrow on the Doorpost" T h e W a l k i n g D e a d "Prey" D ead "This Sorrowful Life" 11:00 101 Fast Foods 1 0 1 G ad g e t s T h a t C h a n g ed t h e W o r l d M o u n t a i n M e n "Into the Wild" M o un ta i n "The Night's Watch" M o un ta i n M e n "Winter Strikes" < A n A m e r i c a n i n P a r i s ++++ ('51) Leslie Caron, Gene Kelly. < R e b e l W i th o u t a C a u s e ++++ ('55) Natalie Wood, James Dean. < P i c n i c +++ ('55) Kim Novak, Rosalind Russell, William Holden. < K i n g d om C om e ++ ('01) LL Cool J, Whoopi Goldberg. < P h a t G i r l z ++ (2006, Comedy) Jimmy Jean-Louis, Kendra Johnson, Mo'nique. < A r e W e T h e r e Y e t ? ++ ('05) Nia Long, Ice Cube. B a r R e s c u e "Rock N Roaches" B a r R e s c u e "Bad to the Bone" B a r R e s c u e "Beach Bummer" Bar Rescue B a r R e s c u e "Bikini Bust" B ar Res . "Karaoke Katastrophe" 11:00 The Real Housewives H . W i v e s "Wedding Dress Stress" W i v e s N J "A Manzo of Her Word" H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y H o u s e w i ve s N J "Gym Rats" N e w J e r s e y S o c i a l (N)






















(27) (143) (209)






















































Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 15

Family favorites

Video releases

Friday (49)

The Host In the future, extraterrestrials with psychic powers have assimilated mankind by taking over human bodies, erasing their memories and infusing them with new “souls.” When Melanie Stryder, one of the very few unaffected humans, is captured and infused with a soul named “Wanderer,” she struggles to gain control. Director: Andrew Niccol. Stars: Saoirse Ronan, Diane Kruger, Max Irons, Jake Abel, William Hurt. 2013. 125 min. Sci-Fi.

4:00 p.m.

Johnny Test Johnny Test often serves as a test subject for his genius twin sisters in this action-packed cartoon. As a result, he gets cool gadgets to test or is endowed with superpowers. But he’d better save the day before dinner, or risk being grounded.

Saturday (10)

8:00 a.m.

The Doodlebops Colorful characters Deedee, Moe and Rooney enchant viewers with their music-filled antics in this live-action series. Through a mix of music, humor and stories, the three Doodlebops walk preschoolers through various everyday problems kids might face. (8)

10:00 a.m.

Justin Time Justin uses his imagination to travel around the world and throughout history in this animated series. His imaginary friend Squidgy and time traveller Olive join him on his many adventures, which focus on imagination, history and travel.

A scene from “Johnny Test”

Sunday (48)

9:00 a.m.

Power Rangers Megaforce Supernatural guardian Gosei enlists the aid of five teenagers to protect the Earth from the evil Warstar aliens in this series, which marks the 20th anniversary of the “Power Rangers” franchise. Together, the talented teens form the ultimate team.

Tuesday (37)

6:00 p.m.

Swamplands USA Take an educational tour of America’s swamplands in this

documentary. First up, explore the Okefenokee Swamp, a black expanse of water home to alligators and giant salamanders. Later, cameras take viewers to Louisiana’s Atchafalaya Swamp.

Wednesday (48)

11:00 a.m.

Peter Rabbit A new generation meets Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit in this new animated series. The show introduces problem-solving and interpersonal skills as it follows the young Peter, who shares his adventures with best friends Benjamin Bunny and Lily Bobtail.

Admission Portia Nathan, an admissions officer for Princeton University, reluctantly agrees to visit an alternative high school where her former classmate teaches. During her visit, she meets a young prodigy who might be the son she gave up in a secret adoption. With a major promotion on the line, Portia contemplates taking a professional risk to help the boy. Director: Paul Weitz. Stars: Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Gloria Reuben, Wallace Shawn. 2013. 107 min. Comedy. Dead Man Down After ruthless kingpin Alphonse Hoyt kills his wife, Victor infiltrates the criminal underworld and makes his way up the ranks, all the while intent on seeking revenge on the man who destroyed his happy life. But when

the young and mysterious Beatrice appears, Victor learns that he may not be the only one hell bent on revenge. Director: Niels Arden Oplev. Stars: Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Terrence Howard. 2013. 118 min. Action. Spring Breakers Four college students determined to raise money to fund their spring break vacation decide to rob a fastfood restaurant, but are arrested and sent to jail for their crime. When a drug dealer who goes by the name “Alien” offers to bail the girls out of prison in exchange for carrying out his dirty work, best friends Faith, Candy, Brit and Cotty prepare themselves to do just about anything to experience an unforgettable spring break. Director: Harmony Korine. Stars: Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, James Franco. 2012. 94 min. Comedy. The Power of Few Religious conspiracy and urban crime unite as the same 20 minutes of one New Orleans afternoon unfolds from the points of view of five unusual characters whose lives are about to become interconnected through a smuggling operation. Director: Leone Marucci. Stars: Christopher Walken, Christian Slater, Q’orianka Kilcher, Jesse Bradford, Juvenile. 2013. 96 min. Action.

Late Laughs Conan: Conan O’Brien

phone calls. Guys approve because they feel it increases security. And women approve of Obama’s policy because finally a man is listening to them!

Due to the government spy scandal, sales of the classic George Marco Rubio announced a new Orwell book “1984” bill that would require immigrants have skyrocketed. So to learn English to become citizens. the fallout is worse than we thought. Many Americans already say it’s the It’s making Americans read! goodest news they have heard all year! Hispanic Senator Ted Cruz, who is fighting the immigration bill, described himself as Obama-phobic. The Tonight Show: You know you have Obama phobia if Jay Leno you’ll deport immigrants even President Obama said he welcomes though your last name is Cruz. a national debate over our According to a poll, the majority of Americans are OK with the Obama administration listening in on our Friday, July 5, 2013

surveillance policies. He said that’s a debate we wouldn’t have had five years ago. Five years ago? It’s a debate we wouldn’t have had two

weeks ago if they all hadn’t gotten caught! A former technical assistant for the CIA named Edward Snowden leaked the story that the federal government was collecting phone records from Verizon customers. Snowden said, “You’re being watched.” To which NBC executives said, “Finally! We would love to be watched.”

The Late Show: David Letterman Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on Twitter. A politician on Twitter — what could possibly go wrong? This whistleblower is all over TV. His name is Edward Snowden, and he’s


very pleased with himself. He says he doesn’t want to live in a society where the society monitors its people. And then he fled to China. Happy birthday to the president’s daughter Sasha, who is 12 years old. For her birthday, her father gave her Justin Bieber’s phone records.

Late Night: Jimmy Fallon This weekend a police officer in Florida helped a deer that had a bag of Doritos stuck on its head. The officer says he’s happy he could help the deer, while the deer says he’s happy the cop didn’t find his weed.

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Sunday Best Bets


5:25 PM








Gildart Jackson hosts “Whodunnit?”

The Killing (55)

7:00 p.m.

Seward battles against his own mortality. Meanwhile, Sarah and Holder’s efforts are rewarded with a break in the case. Also, Bullet becomes the protector. Mireille Enos reprises her role as Sarah Linden, who is once again on the trail of a murderer.

Bob’s Burgers (4)

7:30 p.m.

The Belcher family worries that a bad review from a food critic could scare customers away. In an attempt to fix things, Bob goes to the critic’s house, but his plan quickly spirals out of control when the kids show up. Kevin Kline guest stars.

Whodunnit? (7)

8:00 p.m.

The mystery deepens as the remaining contestants strive to stay in the game. Mansion steward Butler Giles guides the players, who put their detective skills to the test as they try to solve a series of murders in the hopes of winning the $250,000 prize.

Crossing Lines (8)

9:00 p.m.

After an abandoned car is discovered, Sebastian and the ICC team uncover a shocking secret. It appears that families have been pitted against each other in a fight to the death. The case requires Eva and Tommy to embark on a dangerous undercover mission.


Page 16







D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network



: 5 5 C O NC A C A F F ú tb o l Copa Oro Mexico vs.

(2) Panama Site: Rose Bowl -- Pasadena, Calif. (L)

M o y e r s a n d C om p an y (3)


S i m p . "Dark T he S i m p so n s Done Did It" Court" First Family Mr. Box Office

4:00 < Paid (6) Y o u 'v e G o t P ro g ram Mail ++

America's Funniest (7) H o m e V i d eo s

60 Minutes

















(26) (27) (28)



























(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

Doorways to Wisdom




Paro diando 2



News 13 o n F ox 2

A.Exper. View the story of Mount Rushmore's bizarre creation. News 13 o n F ox 2

30 Rock

How I Met Scrubs Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Ray Romano. Three animals Y o u r set out to get a human baby home. Mother

The Big Bang Theory


C o l d C as e

CSI: Miami

Celebrity Wife Swap "Nia Peeples/ Tiffany" (N)

Burn Notice

Dr. R ik Wadge N C I S "Playing With Fire" N C I S "Up in Smoke"



Humor comed. Am er. Ex p erien ce The story of the disastrous 1881 Greely Expedition. 30 Rock

Paid Program

Always Sunny

Eyewitness :35 I ns i d e News 4 at Edition 10 p.m. W e e k e nd

:05 Access Hollywood

Titulares T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13

< To rq u e + ('04) Ice

Light of the Southwest


Unsealed: Alien Files

Entertainment Tonight W e e k e nd

W e e k e nd

Cube, Martin Henderson. :05 :35 The Unsealed Closer

JeanUpdate For the Heart of the City Claude News N C I S "Till Death Do Us Graceland "Pilot" Warren learns his Graceland "Guadalajara Graceland Part" job is more than just investigating. Dog" "Heat Run" Nin e f or I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" Nin e f or I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" Nine f or I X "Venus" 30 fo r 30 "Unmatched" MLB Baseb all Boston Red Sox vs. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (L) SportsCenter (L) S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 N H R A D r a g R . Summit Equipment Nationals P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series 5 : 3 0 < C l u e l es s ++ G i rl C o d e G i rl C o d e G i rl C o d e < 13 Go in g o n 30 ++ ('04) Jennifer Garner. MTV Special 5:00 < Dirty D ancing Drop Dead Diva Devio us M a id s "Wiping < Dirty Dancing +++ ('87) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Drop Dead Diva "Surrogates" (N) Away the Past" "Surrogates" +++ Patrick Swayze. Swayze. A girl discovers love on vacation. 5 : 3 0 < U n k n o wn ++ ('11) Liam Neeson. A man Falling Skies "Be Silent Falling Skies "Be Silent < Ou tb reak +++ ('95) Dustin Hoffman. Medical discovers that his identity has been stolen. researchers struggle to contain a deadly virus. and Come Out" (N) and Come Out" L o n g I s l a nd M ed i um : L o n g I s l a nd M ed i um o n B r e a k i n g A m i s h : B r a v e L o n g I s l a nd M ed i um o n B r e a k i n g A m i s h : B r a v e L o n g I s l a nd M ed i um : Beyond the Read the Road New World the Road New World Beyond the Read Naked and Afraid "The Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid "The Jungle Curse" "Terror in Tanzania" "Island From Hell" "Terror in Tanzania" "Island From Hell" Jungle Curse" Diners, Diners "You C h op p ed "Heads Up!" Food Network Star "4th Cupcake Wars "Blue Food Network Star F o od C t. "Suck the Shuck Drive-Ins Found 'Em" of July Live" Man Group" "Product Pitch" (N) vs. Po'Boy Station" (N) 4:30 < Terminator 3: < Resident E vil: Aft erlife +++ Milla Jovovich. A < Term in ato r 3: Ris e o f th e M ach in es ++ A robot goes back < R e s i d e n t Rise of the Machines woman helps survivors get to a safe haven. in time to kill a group of teens. Evil: Afte r... Catches Catches Wildman W i l d m an T o p H o o ke r Wildman Wildman T o p H o o ke r Catches Catches West Coast Customs PBR Bull Riding W P T Poker Bay 101 W P T Poker Bay 101 UFC Unleashed B ox in g Fight Sports Championship Shooting Star Shooting Star Des. Star "Sorority Vs. Love It or List It, Too House House House House Love It or List It, Too House House Fraternity" (N) "Not a Simple Fix" (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters "Not a Simple Fix" Hunters Hunters < M o n s te r-in -L a w ++ ('05) Jennifer Lopez. A : 1 5 < M o ns te r-i n -L a w ++ ('05) Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez. A < L i f e a s W e K n o w I t ++ ('10) Josh possessive mother tries to ruin her son's marriage. possessive mother tries to ruin her son's marriage. Duhamel, Josh Lucas, Katherine Heigl. Reba Reba C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps O n th e H u n t (N) On the Hunt Redneck Island Great Songs "Hour 4" Great Songs "Hour 5" Totally Royal Tots Totally Royal Tots HitF lo o r "Lights Out" Love and Hip-Hop The Kardashians The Kardashians Wanted The Kardashians Wanted The Soup C. Lately The Kardashians G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Hot/ Cleve. G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls Queens Queens S a n j a y C r a i g S p o ng e B ob S a n j a y C r a i g S p o ng eB ob S p o ng e B ob S a m & C a t S e e D a d W e n d V i n n < T o B e A n n o u n ce d A d v .T i m e A d v .T i m e < T o B e A n n o u n ce d TeenTita Looney Oblong s King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y A . N . T . Jessie G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y G o o d Lu c k A . N . T . < Star T rek ++ (2009, Sci-Fi) Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Chris Pine. A < T a k e n +++ ('08) Liam Neeson. A retired < T a k e n +++ ('08) Romulan seeks vengeance for the death of his planet. agent's daughter is kidnapped by traffickers. Liam Neeson. Duck Duck Dy Duck Duck Storage Storage Storage Storage Duck Duck Dy Duck Duck Dynasty "Plan Bee" Dynasty Dynasty Wars Wars Wars Wars Dynasty "Plan Bee" Dynasty Dynasty The Walking Dead The Killing "Hope Kills" The Killing "Hope Kills" The Killing "Hope Kills" < Th e Un in v ited ++ ('08) Marguerite Moreau. A woman's house in invaded by evil forces. "Welcome to the Tombs" (N) M o un ta i n M e n "Last M o un ta i n M e n "Three Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers M o un ta i n M e n "Last M o un ta i n M e n "Three Chance" Toes Returns" "World War Hugh" "World War Hugh" Chance" Toes Returns" < T h e I n c r e d ib l e S hr i n k i n g M a n < D e v i l D o l l + ('64) William Night at Movies "The < T h e T h i e f o f B a g d a d +++ ('24) Douglas +++ ('57) April Kent, Grant Williams. Sylvester, Bryant Haliday. Horrors of Stephen King" Fairbanks. A thief tries to win a princess. 4:30 < Are We There T o B e A n n o u n ce d Sun da y B es t Season six kicks off with the theme Sunday Best Yet? ++ ('05) Ice Cube. 'united by faith.' Bar Rescue "Bro's Got to Bar Rescue "In a Pinch" B ar Rescue "Empty Bar Rescue "Meat Bar Rescue "Don't Mess Bar Rescue "Rock N Geaux!" Pockets" Sauna" With Taffer's Wife" (N) Roaches" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f P r i n c e s s es : L o n g I s la n d T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f W a t c h W h a t T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f P r i n c e s s es : New Jersey (N) "Coco Loco" (N) New Jersey (N) New Jersey New Jersey Long Island







(50) (8815)

Law&O.:SV U A rape on campus is hindered by the school board.

Operacion Repo



Action 7 News

C ro s s in g L i n e s Poland families fight each other to the death. (N)


Extra Weekend

Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

Action 7 News


Noticiero (41) Univision Film School "Letting Go"

W h o du nn i t? "Kaboom" C as tl e "Significant (N) Others" A divorce attorney is murdered.

La V o z Kid s Niños intentan impresionar los artistas. Acceso Total "La Voz Kids" Big Brother GoodWife "Going for the The Mentalist The CBI Gold" Eli faces off with investigates the death of the Justice Department. a geologist. Walking


Sal y pimienta

< I c e A g e +++ (2002, Animated) Voices of John

America's Got Talen t Auditions continue in



Bob Burg er F a m .G "12 American "Moody and a Half Dad Foodie" Angry Men"

(8) Chicago and San Antonio. 5:00 < Alvin y las (9) A r d i l l a s 2 ('09, Ani)


Secrets of Althorp A Masterpiece Mystery! "Endeavour: personal tour around the Girl" Learn if Morse’s future on the noble manor. (N) force is in jeopardy. (N)

(4) S h o w "Who Knight







(25) (8819)

(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 17

Soap Opera Update By Andrew Sawyer TV Media For the week of June 24 - 28 The Bold and the Beautiful A mysterious man comes to Hope’s aid and they share a special moment. Liam gets an earful from Bill as to why he should patch things up with Steffy. Katie feels a great amount of guilt about accusing her sister and her husband of sleeping together as she makes preparations for Brooke’s birthday party. Meanwhile, Bill interrogates Brooke about what she’s been hiding from him. Katie eavesdrops on a conversation between her sisters that she wasn’t meant to hear. Taylor snoops about to see what Brooke is up to and finds some interesting information at the hospital. She questions Eric as to whether or not he’s the new man in Brooke’s life and later reveals to him what she’s found out. Brooke’s friends and family begin to arrive at Bill and Katie’s house to celebrate her birthday.

Days of Our Lives Kristen has a hostile encounter with Marlena after her plan for revenge goes off course. As Sami’s case seems bleaker than ever, Will is determined to help his mother and confess everything to Abe. Later, Gabi, Will, Sonny and baby Arianna settle into their new living arrangement. Nick stops by and he and Gabi have a discussion about where they stand. Sonny warns Adrienne that if she makes it a choice, he’ll choose Will over her. Meanwhile, Abigail struggles with her feelings as Chad makes it clear he wants to be with her and Cameron confronts her about the status of their relationship. Nicole comes through for Eric when she figures out a way to save the school project. Jennifer nearly falls to pieces when she learns that JJ has been arrested. EJ gets the ball rolling on his plan to take Stefano down. General Hospital Luke is presented with a diagnosis and, as he comes to terms with his mortality in the face of it, he reaches out to Anna for help. Later, Luke is rushed to hospital when he sudden-

ly collapses. Carly and Shawn get hit with some shocking news. Carly insists that Morgan leave the Quartermaine house. Felix mistakenly lets slip some information to Britt. The paternity of Britt’s baby is finally brought to light. Connie opens up about how she really feels about Sonny. Sam learns from Silas what the next steps are in Danny’s treatment. The Young and the Restless Kevin begins to wonder if something is going on between Chloe and Billy when Abby accuses her of having an affair with him. Meanwhile, Billy desperately tries to convince Victoria that all of his secrecy has been around setting up poker games, but she doesn’t quite believe him. Dylan finds a unique way to ask Chelsea to marry him and, after a little time to think, she says yes. Michael and Lauren follow their therapist’s advice and go out on a date, but Michael suspects Carmine is around when the waiter brings over a bottle of champagne they didn’t order. Leslie learns that Gus left half of his estate to his children and the other half to Rose Turner when she

Daniel Goddard and Christel Khalil star in “The Young and the Restless” finds his will and a photo of Rose in help him through whatever he’s gohis safe deposit box. Avery feels ing through if she’s in the dark. threatened when Sharon reaches Summer worries that Phyllis will out to Nick. She tells Nick she can’t ruin her budding romance with Kyle.


(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)



D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
















Fabrica de Risas Al punto La escuelita VIP La escuelita VIP La hora pico H u m o r c o m ed . N o tic i e ro : F D S T u d e s a y u no a l e g re : 0 5 N o v a "Dogs Decoded" C l a s s i c A rts S h o w c a s e Dance, music, films, and theatrical performances. TMZ Paid Program Animal Rescue Paid Program Paid Program News 13 on Fox 2 Paid Program Paid Program Better < I n th e L i n e o f F i re +++ (1993, Thriller) John Malkovich, Rene Russo, Clint Eastwood. H o l l y w o o d 'Til Death Paid Prog ram Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Old Christine Law & Order Burn Notice CSI: Miami Troubadour, TX Bronco Roads Law & Order: Criminal Intent S h e p h e r d ' s C h ap e l Castle Private Practice ABC World News Now Th i s M o rning Action 7 News Action 7 News :05 Entertainers :05 Latin Life :35 News 4 :10 Meet the Press Paid Program Paid Program E a rly T oday News 4 Today Eyewitness News 4 Today 11:00 < To rq ue P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Dame Chocolate 11:35 Clos er :35 Paid :05 KRQE News :35 Paid :05 Face Nation Up to the Minute Morn. News KRQE News KRQE News 13 This Morning Shepherd 's Heart Light of the Southwest Dr. Alewine Farsi Teaching T.Scrivner Dr. R.Booker Light of World Marvin Wilson 1 1 : 3 0 G r a c e l a n d G r a c e l a n d "Pizza Box" Cheers Law & O rd e r: C .I . "Privilege" Law & Ord e r: C .I . "Ill-Bred" Law & Order: Criminal Intent < F u n n y P eo p l e ++ Her Story S E C S t o r i e d "Lolo Jones" Kabul Girls Club Emmanuel's Gift Paid Program Paid Program B. C las. '77 Harlem Globetrotters S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series M L B B a s e b a l l Boston Red Sox vs. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim M i k e & M i k e (L) 11:00 M TV S p e c i a l < S c o t t P i l g r i m v s . t h e W o r l d ++ ('10, Action) Alison Pill, Mark Webber, Michael Cera. R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss :05 D e v i o us M a i d s :05 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Balancing Act Balancing Act 1 0 : < O u t b r e a k < T h e N e x t T h r e e D a y s +++ ('10, Dra) Elizabeth Banks, Liam Neeson, Russell Crowe. A n g e l "Apocalypse, Nowish" S m a l l v i l l e "Kinetic" C h arm e d "Dream Sorcerer" Breaking Amish/Brave Paid Program Paid Prog ram Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P ro g ram Paid Program 19 Kids & Count 19 Kids & Count Baby's First Day Make Room for F a s tL o u d "Dodge Hodge Podge" P ai d P ro g ram Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P r o g ra m I ro n Ch e f "Symon vs. Mendelsohn" F o od S ta r "Product Pitch" F o od C ou rt W a rs I ro n Ch e f "Symon vs. Mendelsohn" C u p c a k e W a r s "Blue Man Group" P ai d P ro g ram 1 1 : 3 0 < R e s i d en t E v i l : A f t e r l i f e +++ < S ta r T re k : I n s u rre c ti o n ++ ('98) Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart. C a b l e C l a s s Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Catches Catches C a l l o f W i l d m a n C a l l o f W i l d m a n T o p H o o ke r "Walking on Water" Oran g u tan Escape to Eden Big Cat Dia ry Big Cat Dia ry W P T P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star Sp o rts Un lim ited B o y s i n t h e H a l l M L B B a s e b a l l Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field Paid Program Paid Program H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs D e s . S ta r "Sorority Vs. Fraternity" P a i d P ro g ram Homewreckers My First Place White Room 1 0 : 3 0 < L i f e a s W e K n o w I t ++ < L e g a l l y B l o n d e ++ ('01) Luke Wilson, Reese Witherspoon. Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Married, Child Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Dog & Beth: On the Hunt Dog & Beth: On the Hunt Redneck Island Dog & Beth: On the Hunt Paid Program Paid Program C M T M us ic < T h e H o n e y mo o n ers + ('05) Mike Epps, Cedric the Entertainer. T h e r a p y "Love, by the Numbers" I 'm M a rrie d to a . .. VH1 Music Fashion Police The Soup Chelsea Lately Paid Program Paid Program Y o u ng a n d V a n i sh ed King of Queens King of Queens The Exes Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Enthusiasm P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program P a i d P ro g ram Paid Program Friends :35 Friends :05 Friends :40 Friends :10 G. Lopez :45 G. Lopez :20 G. Lopez :50 G. Lopez :25 My Wife and Kids :55 Wife Kids Yes, Dear Family Guy Family Guy LoiterSquad Metalocalypse China,IL Cleveland Show Family Guy Family Guy LoiterSquad Metalocalypse China,IL T h e O b l on g s Jessie Austin and Ally Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Shake It Up A.N.T. Farm Life on Deck < S m a rt H o u s e + ('99) Katey Sagal. :05 Life on Deck Life on Deck 1 1 : 0 0 < T a k e n +++ < L e g i o n ++ (2010, Action) Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Paul Bettany. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter C S I : M i a m i "Sinner Takes All" C S I : M i a m i "Dead Ringer" C S I : M i a m i "Long Gone" C S I : M i a m i "Crowned" Paid Program T r u c k e r s "World War Hugh" : 0 5 T r u c k e r s "World War Hugh" Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. C l a s sroom W e s t "The Battle of the Alamo" Movie : 4 5 < L a C u c a r a c h a (1959, Comedy) < T h e F u g i t i v e +++ ('47) Dolores del Rio, Henry Fonda. < C a ta l i n a C a p e r ('67) Del Moore, Tommy Kirk. 11:00 Sund ay Best BET Inspiration BET Inspiration BET Inspiration B a r R e s c u e "Bad to the Bone" Bar Rescue B a r R e s c u e "Beach Bummer" Bar Rescue B a r R e s c u e "Bikini Bust" Paid Program 11:30 Princesses WatchWhat B e l o w D e c k "Cool Your Jets" Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es

Friday, July 5, 2013






















(27) (143) (209)
























































Monday Best Bets


5:25 PM








Jonathan Buckley in “Siberia”

Raising Hope (4)

7:00 p.m.

Leslie Jordan guest stars as a priest who leads a marriage retreat in this episode, which also features appearances by Melanie Griffith and Wilmer Valderrama. When Jimmy and Sabrina decide to attend, Virginia and Burt lie so they can tag along too.

The Glades (54)

7:00 p.m.

A seemingly ritualistic murder forces Jim to look into the secretive world of gypsies in Florida in this new episode. Meanwhile, he receives an unexpected visitor: his father, Michael, played by special guest star Corbin Bernsen.

Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls (8)

8:00 p.m.

Survivalist Bear Grylls guides 10 teams of two on a gruelling journey through New Zealand’s South Island in this new reality TV series. They’ll face everything from dense forests to freezing rivers in their quest to win the $500,000 prize.

Siberia (8)

9:00 p.m.

Sixteen adventurous contestants arrive in a remote region ready to compete on a reality TV show, but tragedy soon strikes when one of them is injured. This one-hour drama chronicles the contestants’ efforts to survive in an area with a mysterious past.


Page 18








D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network






C o raz o n I nd om a b l e

P o rq ue e l A m o r M a n d a Amores Verdaderos

PBS NewsHour

Antiques Roadshow A painting by Frank Zappa is revisited. (N)


Raising Hope


(4) F e u d

Family Feud

Two and a The Big Bang Theory

Raising Hope

Oh Sit! "7lions"



Que bonito amor

South Park 30 Rock

MindyProje News 13 ct "Mindy's o n F ox 2 Brother"







































(26) (27) (28)

(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

News 13 o n F ox 2

The S i m p so n s

Th e Bach e lo rette (N)

American Dad

Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

Family Guy Family Guy Baggage

Action 7 News

La patrona

El señ or d e los c ielos


How I Met 2 Broke Your Girls Mother

2 Broke Girls

Jonathan Hansen

Light of the Southwest : 0 5 S u i t s "The Strong






30 Rock



:35 Access Hollywood





10pm Decisiones La patrona (25) (8819) T e l e m u nd o KRQE News :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late 13 David Letterman Late Show House Call Mani Erfan Rabbi Mark Yohanan Rantz Salamanca : 0 5 S u i t s "He's Back" : 0 5 S u i t s "Normandy"

Survive" Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Basketball Classics Wrestli. PBA Bowling R i n g s i d e "Rocky Marciano: Undefeated" 5 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l (L) Baseb all Tonig h t (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) S p o r t s C en t e r (L) P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series P o k e r 2012 World Series Sp o rts Natio n Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NASCAR NFL Live ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < M o rn i n g G lo ry ('10) Rachel McAdams. A TV < T o B e A n n o u n ce d producer attempts to revive a morning show. Major Crimes "I, Major Crimes "D.O.A" K i n g & M a x w e l l "Loved Major Crimes "D.O.A" K i n g & M a x w e l l "Loved C o l d C as e "Lover's Witness" (N) Ones" (N) Ones" Lane" C a k e B o s s "Muscles and C a k e B o s s (N) F o u r H o u se s "..and a Cake Boss F o u r H o u se s "..and a C a k e B o s s "Muscles and Marriage" Teapot" (N) Teapot" Marriage" F a s t N ' L o u d "Dodge F a s t N ' L o u d "Dodge Street Outlaws Fast N' Loud Street Outlaws F a s t N ' L o u d "Dodge Hodge Podge" Hodge Podge" Hodge Podge" The Pioneer Barb ecue Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners "L.A. Diners, Woman Addiction Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Eats" (N) Drive-Ins Defiance "Past Is Defiance "Everything Is W a re h o u s e 13 "The Defiance "Everything Is W a re h o u s e 13 "The Primeval: New World Prologue" Broken" (N) Truth Hurts" (N) Broken" Truth Hurts" "Undone" Wildman Wildman Catches Catches T o p H o o ke r Wildman Wildman Catches Catches T o p H o o ke r Boys in the D i a m o n d - D i a m o n db a M LB Baseb all Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase D i a m o n db a D i a m o n db a c k s L i v e ! (L) Hall backs c k s L i v e ! (L) Field -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) c k s L i v e ! (L) Love It or List It L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "One House House Love It or List It L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "One House House "Musician Makeover" Family, Two Roofs" Hunters Hunters "Storage Siege" Family, Two Roofs" Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Black Box Family Guy Conan D. Cole's Conan The Office (N) Black Box Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba RENO 91 1! C o ps C o ps L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p (N) H i t th e F l o o r (N) H ol l yw oo d E x e s (N) Love and Hip-Hop Hit the Floor Hollywood Exes 5:00 News Wanted The Kardashians The Kardashians C. Lately E! News C. Lately The Kardashians Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Q u e e ns SoulMan Hot/ Cleve. S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob D ra k e Victorious Marvin Figure Out Full House Full House Full House Fu ll House The Nanny The Nanny Gumball Adv.Time Adv.Time Regular Regular Adv.Time Regular MAD King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e A.N.T. Austin/ Ally Aus ti n/ A lly Au st in/ A lly < Wizards of Waverly Place: The ... Austin/ Ally T wo a nd a Two an d a < T h e T o u r i s t ++ ('10) Johnny Depp. A woman < Salt +++ ('10, Act) Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Angelina < Salt Jolie. A defector accuses a CIA agent of being a Russian spy. +++ H alf M en Ha lf Men uses an American tourist as a decoy. Duck Duck T h e G l a d e s "Gypsies, L o n g m i re "Sound and L o n g m i re "Sound and Duck Duck T h e G l a d e s "Gypsies, Dynasty Dynasty Tramps and Thieves" (N) Fury" (N) Fury" Dynasty Dynasty Tramps and Thieves" 4:30 < The Italian Job < D e m o l i ti o n M a n +++ (1993, Sci-Fi) Wesley Snipes, Sandra < Scream ++ ('96, Hor) Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Neve +++ Mark Wahlberg. Bullock, Sylvester Stallone. A cryogenically frozen cop is revived. Campbell. A teenage girl becomes the target of a serial killer. American Pickers American Pickers God, Guns God, Guns P awn Stars P awn Stars American Pickers American Pickers "Cowboys and Cobwebs" and Autos and Autos "Cowboys and Cobwebs" To Be Anno.. < Some Like it Hot +++ Two musicians on the TBA/:10 : 1 5 < T h e F o rtu n e Co o k i e +++ ('66) Jack Lemmon, Walter < The TBA/:25 TBA /TTBA run disguise themselves as women. Matthau. A man exaggerates an injury for an insurance scam. Spirit of S ... 5:00 < Getting Played 106 & Park: BET's T op 10 Live < No to rio u s ++ (2008, Biography) Mohamed Dione, Derek Luke, Jamal Rickey ++ Carmen Electra. Woolard. The life and death of Chris Wallace (Notorious B.I.G.). Smiley 2:30 < The Green Mile C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps "Liar, C o ps C o ps C o ps +++ ('99) Tom Hanks. Liar #6" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f L .A . S h rin k s W a tc h W h - T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f L.A. Sh rin k s O ran g e C o un ty Beverly Hills atH ap p e n s O ran g e C o un ty Beverly Hills



:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Dama y Obrero

Dr. Will iam Joe McGee Update News WWE Monday Night Raw


(50) (8815)

M i s s Savi desperately Action 7 tries to make things right N e w s with Harry. (N)

M & M "The Un d e r th e Do m e Princess and "Manhunt" (N) the Troll"


An tiq u es Rd . "Vintage Rochester" A painting by Frank Zappa is revisited.

Caso cerrado Wheel of Fortune


U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e

Siberia Deception and Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show drama mark early trouble News 4 at With Jay Leno Charlie Day (N) in the game. (N) 10 p.m.

(12) M c D o n a l d (24)


Ey ewi t ne ss Eyewit n es s American Ninja Warrior Out Alive Ten teams of News 4 at Qualifying continues in two begin their extreme 6:30 Baltimore Maryland. (N) survival journey. (N)




New Girl "Pepperwood"

(8) N e w s 4 (9)

10:30 Noticiero Uni: Noct. Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions

T h e K i n g o f T h e K i n g o f Law&O.:SV U A Hispanic S V U "Noncompliance" A American Q u e e ns boy shoots an Africanfemale psychiatric Dad American schoolmate. doctoral student is killed. Entertai nment Tonigh t


Not. New Mexico An tiq u es Rd . A collection I n te l i g . Debates whether All Aboard of movie marketing prenatal engineering "Rails to memorabilia from 1920. should be banned. Steel City"

(6) Q u e e ns

Action 7


C arrie "Endgame" Carrie H o w I M e t H o w I M e t T h e B i g tries to cook the perfect Y o u r Your Bang Thanksgiving dinner. Mother Mother Theory

(5) H a l f M e n

(7) N e w s


(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 19














D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network






Que bonito amor

PBS NewsHour

Lewis & Clark: The J ourney of the Corps of Discovery Follow Lewis and Clark’s 19th-century voyage. Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd July 16

Y o u S h ou l d C re ativ e Know Living

So You Think You Can Dance "Top 18 Perform/ 2 Eliminated" (N)

News 13 o n F ox 2

Family Feud

Two and a The Big Bang Theory

(5) H a l f M e n

The King of The King of H o u s e "One Day, One H o u s e Gypsies refuse Q u e e ns Room" Cuddy collects on modern medical House's debt to her. treatment for their son.

Action 7 (7) N e w s

Entertai nment Tonigh t

Ex trem e Weig h t Lo s s "Jami" Jami struggles with self esteem. (N)

Eyewitness Eyewitness Off Their News 4 at Rockers 6:30

(8) N e w s 4















(26) (27) (28)



























(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

Off Their Rockers (SF) (N)

Dama y Obrero


N C I S "Canary" The team Big Brother takes on a renowned hacker.

Wheel of Fortune

American Dad

American Dad


La patrona





N o t . N e w N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. F ro n tl i n e "Two American Families" Charlie Two families struggle to avoid poverty. R o s e (N) (N) The S i m p so n s

South Park 30 Rock

Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

Family Guy Family Guy Baggage

Action 7 News




"#$%!&!#$&'(#)*! +'$&%!#,-$! -&(($./!-,/(0!

30 Rock (2)





"#,!1,!),2!(.2/(3! Pro Steamer !"#$%$&''()$*+,$$ 1x3"


:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at With Jay Leno Matt 10 p.m. Nathanson (N)

:35 Access Hollywood





10pm Decisiones La patrona (25) (8819) T e l e m u nd o NCIS: LA "Red: Part KRQE News :35 David Letterman :35 The Late One" Callen and Sam join 13 Adam Sandler, Joseph Late Show the NCIS: Red team. 1/2 Arthur (N)

Doorways to Wisdom

Update Dr. Hollisa Light of the Southwest Shepherd's Heart M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a News Alewine Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: Special CSI: Crime Scene House Victims Un it "Fat" Victims Un it "Savant" "Unorthodox" Victims Un it "Gone" I nv es ti g a tion "Man Up" Boxing Classics Boxing Boxing Classics L e n n o x L e w is K n o c kou t s B o x i n g AWA Wrestling W i d e W o r l d o f S p o rt s N in e for I X "Pat Xo" N ine for I X "Pat Xo" Baseb all Tonig h t (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsNation WNBA Basketb all Atlanta vs Minnesota (L) NFL Live Baseb all Tonig h t (L) N ine for I X "Pat Xo" ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w T o B e A n n o u n ce d Dance Moms "Dance Danc e Moms "Dance P retty Wickd "Pretty Devi ous M aid s "Wiping Danc e Moms "Dance Da nc e Moms "Dance Moms Chatter" 1/2 Moms Chatter" 2/2 Wicked In-Laws" (N) Away the Past" Moms Chatter" 1/2 Moms Chatter" Pt. 2 of 2 Rizzoli & Isles "In Over Rizzoli & Isles "But I am P ercep tio n "Blindness" Rizzoli & Isles "But I am P ercep tio n "Blindness" The Mentalist Your Head" a Good Girl" a Good Girl" "Redacted" Born Schizophrenic: Bo rn Sch izo p h ren ic (N) M y Teen Is Pregnant B o r n S c h i z o p h r en i c My Teen Is Pregnant Born Schizophrenic: January's Story and So Am I and So Am I January's Story Deadliest Catch "Listing Deadliest Catch Blood & Oil "A Brother's Deadliest Catch Blood & Oil "A Brother's T o B e A n n o u n ce d Lover" Betrayal" (N) Betrayal" The Pioneer S o u th e rn C h op p ed "Make No C h op p ed "I'm Your C h op p ed "Cake Walk?" C h op p ed "The Icing on C h op p ed "Mochi Woman Kitchen Mistake" Huckleberry" the Steak" Obliged" (N) Exit "Sand for Something Exit "If These Walls Exit "To Beam or Not to Blackout Total Exit "To Beam or Not to < Arctic Predator ('10) Velizar Biney, Erbl Ago. or Fall for Anything" Could Talk" Beam" (N) (N) Blackout Beam" Swamplands USA Swamplands USA Wild Appalachia Swamplands USA Swamplands USA Wild Appalachia List: Best of Diamond- D i a m o n db a MLB Baseb all Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase D i a m o n db a Diamondbacks Live! (L) SEC backs Live cks Live! (L) Field -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) cks Live! (L) Property Property Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House Renovate Renovate Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House Virg ins (N) Virg ins (N) Hunters H u n te rs (N) to Ren t to Rent Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan The Office Conan The Office Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory "Broke" Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba On the Hunt On the Hunt C o ps C o ps Hollywood Exes Love and Hip-Hop < B o w f i n g e r ++ ('99) Steve Martin. Hollywood Exes Love and Hip-Hop Will & Ka te < He's Ju s t No t Th at I n to Yo u ++ ('09) Ginnifer Goodwin. C. Lately E! News C. Lately < He's Ju s t No t Th at ... Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Q u e e ns Queens Hot/ Cleve. The Exes S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob D ra k e Victorious Marvin Figure Out Full House Full House Full House Fu ll House The Nanny The Nanny Gumball Regular Regular Regular Johnny Test TeenTita Looney Finn/ Jake King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad A.N.T. A.N.T. G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e A.N.T. Austin/ Ally < Home Alone 3 + ('97) Alex D. Linz. :45 Phi neas G ood Lu ck J es si e Mother Mother Mother M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < G ro w n Up s ++ ('10) Adam Sandler. Good < G ro w n Up s ++ ('10) "Woooo!" "The Fight" "Benefits" M o th e r Half Men Half Men friends reunite after their basketball coach dies. Adam Sandler. Storage Storage S t o r a g e N Y S t o r a g e N Y S h i p p in g S h i p p in g S h i p p in g S h i p p in g Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars (N) (N) Wars (N) Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars: NY Wars: NY 4 : 3 0 < D e m o l i ti o n M a n < S . W . A . T . ++ (2003, Action) Colin Farrell, Michelle Rodriguez, < B a d B o y s +++ (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Téa Leoni, +++ Sylvester Stallone. Samuel L. Jackson. A drug lord attempts to escape police custody. Will Smith. Detectives swap identities to crack a drug case. C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tin g American American American Restoration C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tin g Cars Cars Cars Cars Restoration Restoration Restoration "Jackpot" C ars Cars Cars Cars < N o w , V o y a g e r +++ ('42) Claude Rains, Bette < D e c e p t i o n +++ ('46) Paul Henreid, Claude < D e a d R i n g e r +++ ('64) Bette Davis. Twin Davis. A spinster falls for a married man on a cruise. Rains, Bette Davis. A music teacher has an affair. sisters carry a long-time grudge at each other. 4 : 0 0 < N o t o r i o us ++ 106 & Park: BET's T op 10 Live Th e Gam e Th e Gam e Gam e "Blue The Game The Game The Game The Game ('08) Jamal Woolard. Canvases" (N) Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Tattoo Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares Nightmares T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e M i l l i o n a i r e W a tc h W h - T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f B ev e rl y Beverly Hills Atlanta Matchmaker atHappens Atlanta O ran g e C o un ty Hills

Friday, July 5, 2013



(50) (8815)

Bo d y P ro o f "Breakout" Actio n 7 An inmate escapes from a Ne w s prison transport van.

America's Got Talen t The judges continue with auditions across the country. (N)

Caso cerrado


News 13 o n F ox 2


Hart of Dixie Lavon lets America's Next Top How I Met How I Met The Big his Mayoral duties slip at M o d e l Behind-the-scenes Y o u r Your Bang the worst time. confessions and catfights. M o th e r Mother Theory

(6) Q u e e ns



P o rq ue e l A m o r M a n d a Amores Verdaderos

Family (4) F e u d



C o raz o n I nd om a b l e






!44456.,7/($&-$.5+,8/9!8:,2(!;2.! <$&'(#)!<,-$! 8//$//-$%(=! 45467%869::8$

Tuesday Best Bets

(242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)

Betty White in “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers”

(229) (112)


(247) (139)


(327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118)

7:00 p.m.

The team is hot on the trail of a renowned hacker that could provide them with clues to the mostwanted cyber-terrorist in the world. Focused on agents that investigate crimes relating to the Navy and Marine Corps, this series stars Mark Harmon.

(254) (130)

Betty White’s Off Their Rockers

(269) (120)


(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

7:30 p.m.

Emmy winner Ed Asner guest stars as Betty’s suitor in the season finale. In other pranks, two mischievous seniors offer a runner a celebratory martini after a run, and a man’s dentures fall into someone else’s cup of coffee.



Wednesday Best Bets


5:25 PM







Darlene Pawlukowsky competes in “The American Baking Competition”

Modern Family (7)

8:00 p.m.

Gil Thorpe bursts Phil’s bubble when he shows up at Luke and Manny’s school on career day. Elsewhere, Jay is forced to take shameful measures when Gloria goads him about wanting to be a novelist. Also, Mitch and Cam are on tooth fairy duty.

The American Baking Competition (10)

8:00 p.m.

It’s down to the best of the best as the remaining bakers try to outbake each other in this season finale. The winner of the contest will win a $250,000 grand prize and a publishing contract with Simon & Schuster to publish a cookbook.

The Neighbors (7)

8:30 p.m.

The aliens have their first experience with death when Hidden Hills’ beloved gardener Juan suddenly passes away. Debbie and Marty try to explain that all humans die eventually, but Larry Bird thinks he may be able to solve that problem.

Camp (8)

9:00 p.m.

Single mom Mackenzie Granger struggles to keep Little Otter Family Camp from going under in this new series. As she deals with a love triangle between a fellow camp owner and her handyman, her son trains to be a camp counsellor.


Page 20









D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network





C o raz o n I nd om a b l e

P o rq ue e l A m o r M a n d a Amores Verdaderos

PBS NewsHour

N o v a Experts build and test replicas of Egyptian chariots.


Masterchef "Top 11 Compete/ Top 10 Compete" (N)


(4) F e u d

Family Feud

Two and a The Big Bang Theory

(5) H a l f M e n

Entertai nment Tonigh t

The Middle Tools "Terry M o d e rn by Design" "Career (F) (N) Day"














(26) (27) (28)































(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

News 13 o n F ox 2

News 13 o n F ox 2


American Dad

American Dad

N e i g hb o rs A B C 's th e L o o k o u t "Juan of the Dead"




Not. New Mexico Healthy Body, Health

Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House

The S i m p so n s

South Park 30 Rock


U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e

Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

Family Guy Family Guy Baggage

Action 7 News

Action 7 News




:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Marido en Alquiler

El señor de los cielos


Big Brother

The American Baking Competition (SF) (N)

Update Dollars & News Sense Royal P ains "Pregnant Paws" (N) Boxing Classics

Light of the Southwest





10pm Decisiones Marido en Alquiler (25) (8819) T e l e m u nd o C S I "Exile" The CSIs KRQE News :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late investigate the demise of 13 Dav id Letterm an Salma Late Show a singer's sister. Hayek, Houndmouth (N)

Dr. Rik R' Itzhak Dr. Hollisa Dr. Will iam Wadge Shapira Alewine McDonald N e c e s s a ry R o u g hn es s N C I S "Capitol Offense" Royal P ains "Pregnant Necessary Roughn es s "Snap Out of It" (N) Paws" "Snap Out of It" Boxing Classics Long Way Down The White Shadow Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing 5 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l (L) Baseb all Tonig h t (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) E SP Y Nom . Soccer (L) Nin e f or I X "Pat Xo" Sp o rts Nat. Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NASCAR NFL Live ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T h e A n n a N i c o l e S t o r y ('13) Adam Goldberg, < A b an d on e d and D e c e i v e d ++ ('95) Lori < T h e A n n a N i c o l e S t o r y ('13) Adam Goldberg, Cary Elwes. The story of Anna Nicole Smith. Loughlin. A divorced woman fights for child support. Cary Elwes. The story of Anna Nicole Smith. C as tl e "The Limey" Franklin & Bash "By The C as tl e "Headhunters" Franklin & Bash "By The Falling Skies "Be Silent Mentalist "Strawberries Numbers" (N) Numbers" and Come Out" and Cream" Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras M rs . P erfect (N) Toddlers & Tiaras Mrs. Perfect Toddlers & Tiaras R e p o "We've Got An T o B e A n n o u n ce d R e p o "We've Got An T o B e A n n o u n ce d Emergency Situation" Emergency Situation" The Pioneer Sandwich Diners, Diners R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e M y s t e r y Mystery Woman King Drive-Ins "Belly Up" "County Fare" "Del's" "Windseeker Restaurant" Diners (N) Diners G h o s t H u n te rs "Vintage G h o s t H u n te rs "Hoover Paranormal Witn ess G h o s t H u n te rs "Hoover Paranormal Witn ess < W i tc h v il l e ('10) Luke Goss. Spirits" Damned" (N) "Deliver Us from Evil" Damned" "Deliver Us from Evil" Gator Boys Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Gator Boys Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman 5:00 WNBA Basketball D i a m o n db a MLB Baseb all Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Diamondba Diamondba Ultim ate San Antonio vs Phoenix cks Live! (L) Field -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) cks Live! (L) cks Live! (L) I n s id e r Elbow Elbow P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Luke H o u s e House P ro p e rty B ro s . "Empty P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Luke H o u s e House R o o m (N) R o o m and Courtney" Hunters Hunters Nesters Explore the City" and Courtney" Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan The Office Conan The Office Theory Theory Theory Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba < F o o tl o os e +++ ('84) Lori Singer, John Lithgow, Kevin Bacon. C o ps Therapy "Opening Up" Coup les Therapy Coup les Therapy (N) Hollywood Exes Couples Therapy Totally Royal Tots The Kardashians The Kardashians Th e Soup The Soup C. Lately E! News C. Lately The Soup M o v i e Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Hot/ Cleve. The Exes SoulMan Queens Queens Q u e e ns Hot/ Cleve. The Exes S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob D ra k e Victorious Marvin Figure Out Full House Full House Full House Fu ll House The Nanny The Nanny Gumball Adv.Time Adv.Time Regular Regular NinjaGo Dragons TeenTita King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e A.N.T. Austin/ Ally Jessie Phineas Jessie FishHooks A.N.T. Austin/ Ally 3:30 < Two and a Two and a Two and a Two and a < True Grit +++ ('10, Adv) Matt Damon, Hailee Steinfeld, Jeff The Bridge "Pilot" (P) Half Men Half Men Bridges. A teenage girl sets out to capture her father's killer. (N) Superman ... Half Men Half Men Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty < G r e a s e ++ ('78) Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, < Big +++ (1988, Comedy) Elizabeth Perkins, Robert Loggia, < The Secret of My John Travolta. A girl and boy fall in and out of love in the '50s. Tom Hanks. A boy awakens as a full-grown man. Su c c ess +++ P aw n S tars P aw n S tars Only in America "Larry Top Shot All-Sta rs "The Top Shot All-Sta rs "The Pawn Stars P awn Stars Only in America "Larry Goes Boom" (N) Mile Shot" (N) Mile Shot" Goes Boom" < R e c k l e s s M om e n t ++++ ('49) < T r a d e W i n d s +++ ('38) Joan : 1 5 < A l g i e r s +++ ('38) Hedy Lamarr, Charles < C o m ra d e X +++ Joan Bennett, James Mason. Bennett, Ralph Bellamy, Fredric March. Boyer. A Parisian tourist and a thief fall in love. ('40) Clark Gable. 5 : 0 0 < T h e W a s h + ('01) 1 0 6 & P a r k : B E T ' s T o p 1 0 L i v e BET's top 10 live The Game Hollywo< Y o u G o t S e r v e d ++ ('04) Marques Houston, Doctor Dre. with special guests. odHusband Omarion. Two friends compete in a dance contest. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps F i g h t M as te rs "Fight to F i g h t M a s te rs "Which Bellato r 360 "Top 20 F i g h t M a s te rs "Last Shot Choose" Camp Do You Choose" Knockouts" (N) for Spot" (N) T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f Th e R a c he l Z o e P ro je c t It 's a B ra d , D u k e s o f W a tc h W h - T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R a c h e l Z o e P ro j e c t I t ' s a B ra d , O ran g e C o un ty Brad World Melrose atHappens Beverly Hills Brad World



(50) (8815)

Dama y Obrero

T o B e A n n o u n ce d



Caso cerrado

T o B e A n n o u n ce d



C am p "Pilot" Little Otter Eyewitness :35 T o n ig h t S h o w John :35 Access Family Camp opens for News 4 at Malkovich, Olivia Munn, Hollywood the summer. (P) (N) 10 p.m. Blackberry Smoke (N)

Mani Erfan JeanClaude N C I S "Defiance"


30 Rock

Got Talent The judges continue with auditions across the country. (N)

Wheel of Fortune


Charlie Rose (N)

Eyewitness Eyewitness Got Talent The judges News 4 at visit Chicago where the 6:30 auditions continue.

(8) N e w s 4 (9)

Que bonito amor


Arro w "Trust but Verify" Sup ernatural A discovery How I Met How I Met The B ig Oliver makes a move on leads the boys to a casino Y o u r Your Bang Diggle's mentor. in Colorado. Mother Mother Theory

The King of The King of N u m b 3rs Charlie believes N u m b 3rs The daughter Q u e e ns that a suicide is actually of a mathematician is murder. kidnapped. Action 7



Secrets o f th e Dead "Ultimate Tut" (N)

(6) Q u e e ns

(7) N e w s


(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 21

Best Movies FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. (43) “Bring It On: All or Nothing” ++

(Comedy,2006) Hayden Panettiere, Rihanna. A cheerleader has trouble fitting in after changing schools and joining her former rivals. (2h)

10:00 a.m. (53) “Alvin and the Chipmunks” ++

(Comedy,2007) David Cross, Jason Lee. A frustrated songwriter finds success when he meets three musically inclined chipmunks. (2h)

10:30 a.m. (57) “Stand By for Action” ++

(Adventure,1943) Charles Laughton, Robert Taylor. A Harvard graduate serving on a battleship is faced with the realities of war. (2h)

11:00 a.m. (29) “Orphan” ++ (Horror,2009) Peter

Sarsgaard, Vera Farmiga. A couple adopts a psychotic nine-year-old girl after the death of their baby. (2h30) (60) “Hulk” ++ (Action,2003) Eric Bana, Nick Nolte. An accidental experiment transforms a geneticist into a powerful giant green brute. (3h)

12:00 p.m. (53) “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The

Squeakquel” ++ (Animated,2009) Jason Lee, Zachary Levi. The Chipmunks must win a music competition in order to save the school’s music department. (2h)

4:30 p.m. (57) “Along the Great Divide” ++

(Action,1951) Kirk Douglas, Walter Brennan. A guilt-stricken marshal sets out to prove a murder suspect’s innocence. (1h30) (60) “Remember the Titans” ++ (Drama,2000) Denzel Washington, Will Patton. An African American coach is hired to unify an integrated high school football team. (2h30)

5:00 p.m. (42) “National Lampoon’s Vacation” +++

(Comedy,1983) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A family embark on an all-American summer vacation filled with comical mishaps. (2h) (61) “The Scorpion King” ++ (Action,2002) Kelly Hu, The Rock. In ancient times, a warrior sets out to stop an evil king from taking over the land. (2h)

6:00 p.m. (29) “A Walk to Remember” +++

(Romance,2002) Mandy Moore, Shane West. A popular male student begins to fall for the town minister’s conservative daughter. (2h) (32) “Unknown” ++ (Mystery,2011) Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (2h30) (57) “The 400 Blows” ++++ (Drama,1959) Jean-Pierre Léaud, Patrick Auffay. A misunderstood boy turns to a life of delinquency and ends up in a reformatory. (1h45)

7:00 p.m. (40) “Why Did I Get Married?” ++ (Comedy/

Diane Keaton, Mandy Moore. An overly involved mother puts an ad in a paper to find her daughter a young man. (2h) (59) “Higher Learning” ++ (Drama,1995) Laurence Fishburne, Omar Epps. Follow three students as they deal with the complexities of college life in the 1990s. (2h30)

Drama,2007) Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal. Three couples take a week-long vacation to figure out why they got married. (2h30) (42) “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” ++ (Comedy,1985) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. It’s chaos as usual when a bumbling family wins a European vacation on a game show. (2h) (60) “Men in Black” +++ (Sci-Fi,1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (2h30) (61) “Unbreakable” +++ (Drama,2000) Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson. A man learns he may be invincible after surviving a horrible train accident unscathed. (2h)

2:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.

(60) “Fantastic Four” +++ (Action,2005) Ioan

(29) “My Sister’s Keeper” +++ (Drama,2009)

12:30 p.m. (57) “Hangmen Also Die” +++ (Drama,1943)

Brian Donlevy, Walter Brennan. Citizens are held hostage by Nazis in an attempt to find a Gestapo leader’s assassin. (2h30)

1:30 p.m. (29) “Because I Said So” ++ (Romance,2007)

Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. While doing research on a space station, four people get super powers from cosmic rays. (2h30)

2:30 p.m. (43) “The Women” ++ (Comedy,2008) Annette

Bening, Meg Ryan. A rich woman leans on her friends for support after discovering her husband is cheating. (2h30)

3:00 p.m. (42) “National Lampoon’s Christmas

Vacation” +++ (Comedy,1989) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (2h) (57) “Blood on the Moon” +++ (Romance,1948) Frank Faylen, Walter Brennan. A drifter is drawn into a conflict between his friend and victimized homesteaders. (1h30)

3:30 p.m. (29) “Notting Hill” ++ (Romance,1999) Hugh

Grant, Julia Roberts. The press tests the relationship between a Hollywood star and a London shopkeeper. (2h30)

4:00 p.m. (36) “Land of the Lost” ++ (Adventure,2009)

Anna Friel, Will Ferrell. Three people become trapped in an alternate universe inhabited by dinosaurs. (2h) (59) “All About the Benjamins” ++ (Action,2001) Mike Epps, Ice Cube. A maverick Miami bounty hunter is forced to team up with his nemesis to catch a criminal. (2h30)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Abigail Breslin, Walter Raney. A young girl tells her story of being born to help her sister medically. (2h02) (53) “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” ++ (Adventure,2010) Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes. The Pevensie children encounter dragons and lost warriors as they return to Narnia. (2h30)

8:30 p.m. (57) “Stolen Kisses” ++++ (Comedy,1968)

Claude Jade, Jean-Pierre Léaud. While working as TV repairman, a man who was discharged from the army finds true love. (1h45)

9:00 p.m. (42) “National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation”

++ (Comedy,1997) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy

Chase. The Griswolds go on vacation in Las Vegas when Clark gets a bonus at work. (2h) (61) “Unbreakable” +++ (Drama,2000) Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson. A man learns he may be invincible after surviving a horrible train accident unscathed. (2h)

9:30 p.m. (60) “Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the

Jedi” ++++ (Adventure,1983) Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker battles the monstrous Jabba the Hutt and squares off against Darth Vader. (3h)

10:00 p.m. (29) “A Walk to Remember” +++

(Romance,2002) Mandy Moore, Shane West. A popular male student begins to fall for the town minister’s conservative daughter. (2h)

10:15 p.m. (57) “Bed and Board” +++ (Drama,1970)

Antoine Doinel, Jacques Tati. A married man expecting a child begins a love affair with one of his coworkers. (1h45)

10:30 p.m. (53) “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage

of the Dawn Treader” ++ (Adventure,2010) Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes. The Pevensie children encounter dragons and lost warriors as they return to Narnia. (2h30)

11:00 p.m. (28) “Freedom Writers” +++ (Drama,2007)

Hilary Swank, Patrick Dempsey. A teacher breaks down barriers created by violence as she instructs her troubled students. (2h) (61) “The Scorpion King” ++ (Action,2002) Kelly Hu, The Rock. In ancient times, a warrior sets out to stop an evil king from taking over the land. (2h)

11:30 p.m. (32) “Fracture” ++ (Thriller,2007) Ryan

Gosling, Anthony Hopkins. An engineer and an ambitious district attorney become locked in a deadly battle of wits. (2h30)

SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. (42) “National Lampoon’s European

Vacation” ++ (Comedy,1985) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. It’s chaos as usual when a bumbling family wins a European vacation on a game show. (2h)

9:30 a.m. (54) “Con Air” +++ (Action,1997) John

Cusack, Nicolas Cage. A parolee must stop a group of violent convicts who have taken over a transport plane. (2h30)

10:00 a.m. (57) “Challenge to Lassie” +++

(Adventure,1949) Donald Crisp, Geraldine Brooks. A faithful dog changes the lives of all who know him after his master dies. (1h30)

11:00 a.m. (42) “National Lampoon’s Vacation” +++

(Comedy,1983) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A family embark on an all-American summer vacation filled with comical mishaps. (2h)

11:30 a.m. (43) “Summer Catch” ++ (Romance,2001)

Freddie Prinze Jr, Jessica Biel. A ball player joins a prestigious baseball league and falls in love with a wealthy girl. (2h) (57) “The Blob” +++ (Sci-Fi,1958) Aneta Corseaut, Steve McQueen. Teens find a man covered in a gelatinous substance that survives by feeding on humans. (1h30)

12:00 p.m. (32) “The Losers” +++ (Action,2010) Chris

Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan. A team of CIA black ops works undercover to locate the man who left them for dead. (2h) (54) “True Lies” +++ (Action,1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. A secret agent puts his family at risk when they discover his true identity. (3h)

1:00 p.m. (4) “The Burbs” ++ (Comedy,1989) Carrie

Fisher, Tom Hanks. Townsfolk investigate the disappearance of a neighbor after an odd family comes to town. (2h) (42) “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” +++ (Comedy,1989) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (2h) (57) “Clash of the Titans” +++ (Fantasy,1981) Claire Bloom, Laurence Olivier. Perseus, son of Zeus, must battle a series of mythological beasts for Andromeda’s love. (2h15)


1:30 p.m. (43) “Major League II” ++ (Comedy,1994)

Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger. A former owner buys back a losing baseball team in order to move it to Florida. (2h30)

2:00 p.m. (6) “Bull Durham” +++ (Comedy/

Drama,1988) Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon. A groupie teaches a minor-league baseball pitcher about life, love and lingerie. (2h) (29) “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” ++ (Drama,1998) Angela Bassett, Taye Diggs. A successful stockbroker begins a love affair with a younger man while on vacation. (2h) (32) “Unknown” ++ (Mystery,2011) Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (2h30) (53) “The Simpsons Movie” ++ (Comedy,2007) Voices of Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright. Homer inadvertently dooms the town of Springfield by dumping pig waste in a lake. (2h)

3:00 p.m. (42) “National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation”

++ (Comedy,1997) Beverly D’Angelo, Chevy

Chase. The Griswolds go on vacation in Las Vegas when Clark gets a bonus at work. (2h) (54) “Independence Day” +++ (Sci-Fi,1996) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. (3h)

3:15 p.m. (57) “Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying

Machines” +++ (Comedy,1965) Sarah Miles, Stuart Whitman. Contestants enter a contest in 1910 to become the first person to fly across the Channel. (2h45)

4:00 p.m. (6) “Shanghai Knights” ++ (Adventure,2003)

Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson. In the 1880s, a sheriff and his sidekick travel to England to avenge a father’s death. (2h) (29) “Dirty Laundry” ++ (Comedy,2006) Loretta Devine, Rockmund Dunbar. A successful magazine writer is forced to deal with his family after ten years. (2h) (53) “Easy A” +++ (Comedy,2010) Amanda Bynes, Emma Stone. A student uses a rumor about losing her virginity to raise her social standing. (2h) (60) “Remember the Titans” ++ (Drama,2000) Denzel Washington, Will Patton. An African American coach is hired to unify an integrated high school football team. (2h30)

5:30 p.m. (41) “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls” ++

(Comedy,1995) Ian McNeice, Jim Carrey. An unconventional detective travels to Africa to find a sacred bat that has gone missing. (2h)

6:00 p.m. (43) “Ever After: A Cinderella Story” +++

(Fantasy,1998) Dougray Scott, Drew Barrymore. A strong-willed girl catches the eye of a charming prince and finds true love. (2h30) (54) “The Bourne Identity” +++ (Action,2002) Franka Potente, Matt Damon. An amnesiac tries to piece together his mysterious past while eluding unknown assassins. (2h30) (57) “Key Largo” ++ (Drama,1948) Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall. A war veteran battles the gangsters who have taken over his friend’s hotel. (2h)

6:30 p.m. (59) “Phat Girlz” ++ (Comedy,2006) Mo’nique,

Jimmy Jean-Louis. A plus-size woman struggles to find acceptance as she pursues a career as a designer. (2h30) (60) “Men in Black” +++ (Sci-Fi,1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (2h30)

7:00 p.m. (6) “Money Train” ++ (Action,1995) Woody

Harrelson, Wesley Snipes. Two New York City cops plan to rob the train that collects money from each subway station. (2h) (42) “Malibu’s Most Wanted” ++ (Comedy,2003) Taye Diggs, Jamie Kennedy. The rap-obsessed white son of an election candidate is kidnapped and dropped in the ‘hood. (2h)

7:30 p.m. (41) “Footloose” +++ (Drama,1984) Kevin

Bacon, Lori Singer. When a city kid moves to a town where dancing is outlawed, he decides to change the rules. (2h30)

8:00 p.m. (53) “The A-Team” ++ (Action,2010) Liam

Neeson, Bradley Cooper. Veterans try to clear their names when the military suspects them of committing a crime. (3h) (57) “What Price Glory?” +++ (War,1952) Corinne Calvet, James Cagney. Two WWI soldiers battle for the affections of a French innkeeper’s daughter. (2h) (61) “Scary Movie” ++ (Comedy,2000) Cheri Oteri, Shannon Elizabeth. A year after an accidental murder, teenagers are stalked by a bumbling serial killer. (2h)

9:00 p.m. (42) “White Chicks” ++ (Comedy,2004)

Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans. Two disgraced FBI agents go undercover as white women in an effort to protect heiresses. (2h) (60) “Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi” ++++ (Adventure,1983) Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill. Luke Skywalker battles the monstrous Jabba the Hutt and squares off against Darth Vader. (3h)

9:30 p.m. (40) “Meet the Browns” ++ (Comedy/

Drama,2008) Angela Bassett, D. Mann. A struggling single mother hopes to reconnect with her family at her father’s funeral. (2h)

10:00 p.m. (61) “Scary Movie” ++ (Comedy,2000) Cheri

Oteri, Shannon Elizabeth. A year after an accidental murder, teenagers are stalked by a bumbling serial killer. (2h) (54) “The Bourne Identity” +++ (Action,2002) Franka Potente, Matt Damon. An amnesiac tries to piece together his mysterious past while eluding unknown assassins. (2h30)

10:30 p.m. (55) “Godzilla” ++ (Sci-Fi,1998) Hank Azaria,

Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (3h)

11:00 p.m. (28) “What a Girl Wants” ++ (Family,2003)

Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth. An American teenager’s reunion with her British father threatens his political career. (2h30) (53) “Star Trek” ++ (Sci-Fi,2009) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. A Romulan travels through time for vengeance against Spock for the death of his planet. (3h)

11:30 p.m. (40) “Our Family Wedding” ++

(Comedy,2010) America Ferrera, Forest Whitaker. A young couple’s wedding day is threatened by the antics of their competitive fathers. (2h)

SUNDAY 12:00 p.m. (6) “The Princess and the Frog” +++

(Animated,2009) Voices of Bruno Campos, Anika Noni Rose. An evil voodoo magician turns a young girl and a prince into frogs. (2h) (9) “Dinosaurio” ++ (Animated,2000) Alfre Woodard, D.B. Sweeney. (1h30)

continued on page 23



Thursday Best Bets







The Big Bang Theory (10)

7:00 p.m.

When Amy gets sick, Sheldon does his best to nurse her back to health but she finds ways to take advantage of the situation. At the same time, Wolowitz prepares to bond with his father-in-law, Mr. Rostenkowski, on a fishing trip.

Motive (7)

8:00 p.m.

After a health food guru is found dead in his hot tub, the team investigates. It appears that his death was caused by electrocution with a stun gun. Flynn and Vegas discover that the man wasn’t necessarily as wholesome as he seemed to be.







Hell's Kitchen Chef Hell's Kitchen "Five News 13 Ramsay brings back a Chefs Compete, Part 3 of o n F ox 2 team of previous winners. 3" 3/3 from June 27 (N)

News 13 o n F ox 2

Family Feud

Que bonito amor

Entertai nment Tonigh t

W i p e o u t "The Ex Games" (N)





(26) (27) (28)


















9:00 p.m.









(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

Not. New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. Jubilee Doyle Lawson and his group perform.











Charlie Rose (N)

TheSimp - So u th P ark 30 Ro ck s o ns "Lisa Goes Gaga" Two and a Seinfeld Half Men

Family Guy Family Guy Baggage

M o ti v e A health food Rookie Blue Andy and Action 7 guru is electrocuted in his Gail find a teenage boy in Ne w s hot tub. (N) a car trunk. (N)


U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e

30 Rock


Baggage (50) (8815)

Action 7 News

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live




Caso cerrado

Dama y Obrero

Marido en Alquiler

El señor de los cielos


The Big Bang Theory

Light of the Southwest

Joe McGee Matt Staver Called Out Thurman (27) Law&Jus Scrivner S u m m e r C "Welcome to Bu rn No tice "Exit Plan" Graceland "O-Mouth" (242) (105) Summer Camp" Bay City Blues Basketball Classics Basketball Classics (143) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) SportsCenter (L) (206) (140) N ine f or I X "Pat Xo" Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NASCAR NFLLive (N) (209) (144)

Wheel of Fortune

R' Itzhak Shapira S u m m e r C "Welcome to Summer Camp" (P) (N) The White Shadow Softball World Cup (L) SportsNat. SportsNat. '70s Show '70s Show Wife Swap

10pm T e l e m u nd o Two and a Interest Reese and Finch Elementary Sherlock KRQE News Half Men head to Atlantic City for a consults on the murder of 13 mission. a young man.

Update First Fruits News of Zion Bu rn No tice "Exit Plan" (N) Friday Night Lights

Graceland "O-Mouth" (N) Friday Night Lights Baseb all Tonig h t (L) WNBA Basketb all Los Angeles vs Tusla (L) ' 7 0 s S h o w ' 7 0 s S h o w T o B e A n n o u n ce d Wife Swap Wife Swap

:35 Access Hollywood


Hwood Game Nigh t Two Eyewitness :35 T o n ig h t S h o w J . contestants lead a team News 4 at Leno Helen Mirren, Ben Schwartz, The Olms (N) of three celebrities. (N) 10 p.m.

Dr. Rik


American Dad


The Winner Is Six acts compete for a million dollars. (N)

(12) W ad g e



Eyewitness Eyewitness The Winner Is Six acts News 4 at compete for a million 6:30 dollars.




Vampire D. "Catch Me If B.&Beast "Anniversary" H ow I Met How I M et The Big You Can" Rebekah seeks Cat discovers that her Your Your Bang out Stefan as an ally. mom might still be alive. M o th e r Mother Theory

(8) N e w s 4 (9)

9:30 The Red Green Show

Action 7




F ro n tl i n e "Two American Families" S o n g o f t h e M ou n t ai n s Two families struggle to avoid poverty.

(7) N e w s


When a young man is shot upon entering his apartment, Sherlock Holmes is called in as a consultant. He uses his keen powers of deduction to try to crack the case. Elsewhere, Watson goes out to dinner with her ex-, Ty Morstan.


The King of The King of White Collar "Deadline" White Collar Mozzie American Q u e e ns A journalist's life is needs help to take down Dad threatened. a Detroit mobster.




(6) Q u e e ns


Jane Lynch hosts as contestants rub elbows with celebrities during a fun-filled game night. The debut episode features Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Martin Short, Kristen Bell, Daniel Dae Kim and Alyson Hannigan, who help the contestants play party games.


PBS NewsHour

Two and a The Big Bang Theory


9:00 p.m.

D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network



P o rq ue e l A m o r M a n d a Amores Verdaderos

(5) H a l f M e n




C o raz o n I nd om a b l e

(4) F e u d







Hollywood Game Night

Page 22



Jane Lynch hosts “Hollywood Game Night”

5:25 PM

Titulares y Marido en Alquiler (25) (8819) más :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show

(331) (160)

Say Yes to the Dress

Pretty Wicked Moms Wife Swap Wife Swap "Pretty Wicked In-Laws" < S h o o te r +++ (2006, Action) Michael Peña, Danny Glover, The Hero "Honesty" Franklin & Bash "By The C o l d C as e Mark Wahlberg. A sniper is called back to service. Numbers" "Daniela" Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Say Yes to the Dress

T o B e A n n o u n ce d

T o B e A n n o u n ce d

The Hero "Honesty"

P ro p e rty W a rs "Scott's T o B e A n n o u n ce d P ro p e rty W a rs "Scott's T o B e A n n o u n ce d Leaky Faucet" (N) Leaky Faucet" The Pioneer S o u th e rn C h op p ed "Chewing The C h op p ed "Good Chop, C h op p ed "Untrained, C h op p ed "Teen F o od Co u rt "Suck the Woman Kitchen Caul Fat" Bad Chop?" Undaunted" Invasion" Shuck vs. Po'Boy Station" 5 : 0 0 < S u p e r S h a r k ('11) < S h a r k n a d o (2013, Horror) John Heard, Cassie < 2-Head e d Sh ark Attack ('12) A two-headed < S h a r k n a d o ('13) John John Schneider. Scerbo, Tara Reid. shark attacks a group of college students. Heard, Tara Reid. R i v e r M o ns ters "Face Ripper" M a n-E ati ng Sup er Croc R iver M on sters "Face Ripper" Man-Eating Super Croc Baseball Diamond- D i a m o n db a MLB Baseb all Milwaukee Brewers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field D i a m o n db a D i a m o n db a C o un td o wn University backs cks Live! (L) -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) cks Live! (L) cks Live! (L) to Opening Rehab Rehab Reno Raid ers "Kitchen/ H o u s e House House House Renovation Raiders House House Addict Addict Dining Oasis" (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs Hunters "Kitchen/ Dining Oasis" H u n te rs Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Big Bang Conan Sullivan Conan The Office Theory Theory and Son (N) Theory and Son Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Them Id iots Whirled Tour Ten Years of Funny Hollywood Exes HitFloor "Lights Out" Hit the Floor < 500 D a y s o f S u m m e r +++ Coup les Therapy The Kardashians < P aul Blart : Mall C o p ++ ('09) Kevin James. C. Lately E! News C. Lately The Kardashians Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens G. Girls G. Girls SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Figure Out Big Time R. WendV inn Fu ll House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Gumball Adv.Time Adv.Time Regular Regular Annoying In Crew Regular King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad S h a k e I t U p S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e A.N.T. Austin/ Ally < P h i n e a s & F e rb : A c ro s s th e 2n d ... Do g B log S h a ke I t Up D og B l o g Two and a Anger Anger < Ju s t Go With I t +++ ('11) Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler. A A n g e r Anger Wilfred (N) Wilfred doctor's assistant poses as his soon-to-be ex-wife. Half Men Manage Manage M a n a g e (N) M a n a g e (N) "Suspicion" I n te rv e n ti o n "Megan H" I n te rv e n ti o n "Gina/ Beyond Scare "Oakland Beyond Scared Strai g ht I n te rv e n ti o n "Megan H" I n te rv e n ti o n "Gina/ Kaila" (N) County, MI" (N) "Lake County, FL" Kaila" 5 : 3 0 < S i g ns +++ ('02) Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Showville "Mt. Airy, Small Town Small Town < Signs +++ ('02, Thriller) Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Security Security Culkin, Mel Gibson. Strange events portend disaster. North Carolina" (N) Culkin, Mel Gibson. Strange events portend disaster. P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n S tars S wam p P eop le (N) God, Guns God, Guns P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars (N) (N) and Autos and Autos < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < I t C a m e F ro m O ute r S p a c e +++ < I n v a d e rs F ro m Mars +++ ('53) < Earth vs. ('53) Richard Carlson. Arthur Franz, Helena Carter. th e Flying ... 5:00 < You Got Served 106 & P ark: BET's T o p 10 Liv e BET Award s Includes performances by Chris Brown, Miguel and more. ++ ('04) Omarion. C o ps "In C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Impact Wrestling High-risk athletic entertainment from the ring. Indio, CA" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f T a b a t h a T a k e s O v e r WatchWh- Tabatha Takes Over T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f D u k e s o f Beverly Hills Beverly Hills atHappens Atlanta Melrose


(252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, July 5, 2013



5:25 PM

Page 23

Best Movies (36) “Star Trek: Insurrection” ++ (Sci-Fi,1998)

Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart. Captain Picard leads a rebellion after uncovering a plot against a peaceful planet. (2h) (54) “Independence Day” +++ (Sci-Fi,1996) Bill Pullman, Will Smith. A group of people race against time to try to save the world from alien invaders. (3h) (57) “An American in Paris” ++++ (Musical,1951) Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron. An ex-GI stays in Paris to pursue a career as an artist and to romance women. (2h) (59) “Kingdom Come” ++ (Comedy/ Drama,2001) LL Cool J, Whoopi Goldberg. A houseful of quarrelsome relatives reluctantly gather together for a patriarch’s funeral. (2h)

12:30 p.m. (32) “The Next Three Days” +++

(Drama,2010) Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks. A man decides to break his wife out of jail when he can’t find the evidence to free her. (2h30)

1:00 p.m. (28) “13 Going on 30” ++ (Comedy,2004)

Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo. Thirteen-yearold Jenna wishes away her youth and wakes up as a 30-year-old woman. (2h) (29) “Someone Like You” +++ (Romance,2001) Ashley Judd, Greg Kinnear. A talk-show talent scout writes a sexist column accusing all men of being cheaters. (2h) (42) “Malibu’s Most Wanted” ++ (Comedy,2003) Taye Diggs, Jamie Kennedy. The rap-obsessed white son of an election candidate is kidnapped and dropped in the ‘hood. (2h) (43) “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” ++ (Comedy,2009) Kevin James, Keir O’Donnell. A mall cop, trying to become a police officer, helps protect his mall against criminals. (2h) (53) “Easy A” +++ (Comedy,2010) Amanda Bynes, Emma Stone. A student uses a rumor about losing her virginity to raise her social standing. (2h)

1:30 p.m. (9) “Independence Day” +++ (Action,1996)

Bill Pullman, Will Smith. (3h)

2:00 p.m. (5) “Bull Durham” +++ (Comedy/

Drama,1988) Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon. A groupie teaches a minor-league baseball pitcher about life, love and lingerie. (2h) (6) “Scooby Doo” ++ (Family,2002) Freddie Prinze Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar. Scooby Doo and the gang are brought to an island resort to investigate strange events. (2h) (36) “Outlander” ++ (Sci-Fi,2008) James Caviezel, Sophia Myles. A warrior from a faroff world and his alien foe crash-land in a Viking kingdom. (2h30) (40) “Just Friends” ++ (Comedy,2005) Amy Smart, Ryan Reynolds. A formerly overweight producer competes with an ex-classmate for a girl’s affections. (1h45) (57) “Rebel Without a Cause” ++++ (Drama,1955) James Dean, Natalie Wood. A frustrated teenager’s rebellion against his parents leads to violence and despair. (2h) (59) “Phat Girlz” ++ (Comedy,2006) Mo’nique, Jimmy Jean-Louis. A plus-size woman struggles to find acceptance as she pursues a career as a designer. (2h30)

3:00 p.m. (4) “The Cake Eaters” ++ (Drama,2007) Aaron

Stanford, Kristen Stewart. Two small-town families dealing with loss find their lives becoming intertwined. (2h) (28) “What a Girl Wants” ++ (Family,2003) Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth. An American teenager’s reunion with her British father threatens his political career. (2h30) (32) “Shooter” +++ (Action,2006) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña. A sniper who was abandoned behind enemy lines is called back to service. (2h30) (41) “Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls” ++ (Comedy,1995) Ian McNeice, Jim Carrey. An

Friday, July 5, 2013

unconventional detective travels to Africa to find a sacred bat that has gone missing. (2h) (53) “The A-Team” ++ (Action,2010) Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper. Veterans try to clear their names when the military suspects them of committing a crime. (3h)

3:45 p.m. (40) “Life as We Know It” ++ (Comedy,2010)

Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel. Two single adults become the guardians of a baby when the child’s parents die suddenly. (2h15)

4:00 p.m. (6) “You’ve Got Mail” ++ (Romance,1998)

Meg Ryan, Tom Hanks. Rival bookstore owners are brought together after e-mailing anonymously over the Internet. (2h30) (57) “Picnic” +++ (Romance,1955) Kim Novak, William Holden. A drifter romances his ex-roommate’s fiancée while attracting a schoolteacher. (2h)

4:30 p.m. (36) “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”

++ (Action,2003) Arnold Schwarzenegger,

Nick Stahl. A deadly robot arrives to kill the teens who are destined to save the world from machines. (2h30) (59) “Are We There Yet?” ++ (Comedy,2005) Nia Long, Ice Cube. A playboy, trying to impress his girlfriend, drives her kids from Portland to Vancouver. (2h30)

5:00 p.m. (29) “Dirty Dancing” +++ (Dance,1987)

Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. While on vacation, a girl discovers love and romance with a local dance instructor. (2h)

5:30 p.m. (28) “Clueless” ++ (Comedy,1995) Alicia

Silverstone, Brittany Murphy. A chic Beverly Hills teenager sets out give a ‘make over’ to an unpopular new student. (2h) (32) “Unknown” ++ (Mystery,2011) Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (2h30)

6:00 p.m. (40) “Monster-in-Law” ++ (Comedy,2005)

Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez. A possessive mother is determined to ruin her son’s marriage before it gets started. (2h15) (53) “Star Trek” ++ (Sci-Fi,2009) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto. A Romulan travels through time for vengeance against Spock for the death of his planet. (3h) (57) “The Incredible Shrinking Man” +++ (Sci-Fi,1957) April Kent, Grant Williams. A strange mist causes a man to shrink, turning his life into a battle for survival. (1h30)

7:00 p.m. (5) “Ice Age” +++ (Animated,2002) Voices of

John Leguizamo, Ray Romano. A sloth, a sabre-tooth tiger, and a mammoth set out to return a human infant to his tribe. (2h) (36) “Resident Evil: Afterlife” +++ (Action,2010) Milla Jovovich, Wentworth Miller. A woman helps a group of survivors who want to make their way to a supposedly safe haven. (2h)

8:15 p.m. (40) “Monster-in-Law” ++ (Comedy,2005)

Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez. A possessive mother is determined to ruin her son’s marriage before it gets started. (2h15)

9:00 p.m. (28) “13 Going on 30” ++ (Comedy,2004)

Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo. Thirteen-yearold Jenna wishes away her youth and wakes up as a 30-year-old woman. (2h) (36) “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” ++ (Action,2003) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl. A deadly robot arrives to kill the teens who are destined to save the world from machines. (2h30) (53) “Taken” +++ (Thriller,2008) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. A retired agent does everything he can to get his daughter back from traffickers. (2h)

(29) “Dirty Dancing” +++ (Dance,1987)

Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. While on vacation, a girl discovers love and romance with a local dance instructor. (2h)

10:00 p.m. (32) “Outbreak” +++ (Thriller,1995) Dustin

Hoffman, Rene Russo. Army medical researchers must contain a deadly virulent disease and locate its source. (2h30) (55) “The Uninvited” ++ (Horror,2008) Marguerite Moreau, Brittany Curran. A woman’s fear of empty spaces haunts her when her remote house in invaded by evil forces. (2h) (57) “The Thief of Bagdad” +++ (Fantasy,1924) Anna May Wong, Douglas Fairbanks. A thief must use magic to win the princess he is in love with from an oppressive ruler. (2h45)

10:30 p.m. (40) “Life as We Know It” ++ (Comedy,2010)

Katherine Heigl, Josh Duhamel. Two single adults become the guardians of a baby when the child’s parents die suddenly. (2h30)

11:00 p.m. (53) “Taken” +++ (Thriller,2008) Famke

Janssen, Liam Neeson. A retired agent does everything he can to get his daughter back from traffickers. (2h)

MONDAY 12:00 p.m. (57) “For Those Who Think Young” ++

(Comedy,1964) James Darren, Pamela Tiffin. Students plot to keep their favourite club open when an old man tries to shut it down. (2h) (59) “Blue Hill Avenue” ++ (Crime Story,2001) Allen Payne, William Johnson. Four friends slip into a life of crime while one struggles with his loyalty to a mob boss. (2h30)

12:30 p.m. (53) “The Sixth Sense” +++ (Thriller,1999)

Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment. A child psychologist tries to help a young boy who is haunted by ghosts. (2h30)

1:30 p.m. (55) “The Negotiator” ++ (Action,1998) Kevin

Spacey, Samuel L. Jackson. A police negotiator holds government workers hostage after he is framed for murder. (3h)

2:00 p.m. (57) “Bikini Beach” ++ (Comedy,1964)

Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon. Teen surfers band together to keep a developer from buying a beach to build a resort. (2h)

2:30 p.m. (60) “The Green Mile” +++ (Drama,1999)

David Morse, Tom Hanks. Death row guards form a relationship with an inmate who possesses extraordinary powers. (4h30)

3:00 p.m. (53) “The Happening” ++ (Adventure,2008)

Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel. People start losing their will for self-preservation and a teacher attempts to avoid it. (2h)

4:00 p.m. (29) “Working Girl” +++ (Romance,1988)

Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith. A Wall Street secretary assumes her boss’ persona in order to further her career. (2h) (57) “Beach Blanket Bingo” +++ (Comedy,1965) Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon. A surfer and his friends enter a parachuting competition. (2h)

4:30 p.m. (55) “The Italian Job” +++ (Action,2003)

Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg. Thieves plan the heist of their lives by creating the largest traffic jam in L.A. history. (2h30)

5:00 p.m. (59) “Getting Played” ++ (Romance,2005)

Carmen Electra, Vivica A. Fox. Three women


make a bet to seduce a total stranger, unaware that he knows about their plan. (2h)

7:00 p.m. (53) “The Tourist” ++ (Action,2010) Angelina

Jolie, Johnny Depp. A woman chooses an American tourist to use as a decoy for the police and the mob. (2h) (55) “Demolition Man” +++ (Sci-Fi,1993) Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. A cryogenically frozen cop is revived to bring down his former arch nemesis. (2h31) (57) “Some Like it Hot” +++ (Comedy,1959) Jack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe. Two musicians on the run from gangsters masquerade as members of an all-girl band. (2h15)

8:30 p.m. (59) “Notorious” ++ (Biography,2008) Jamal

Woolard, Mohamed Dione. The life and death of Notorious B.I.G., whose life ended early on his way to the top. (3h)

9:00 p.m. (53) “Salt” +++ (Action,2010) Angelina Jolie,

Liev Schreiber. A CIA agent, accused of being a Russian spy, goes on the run to protect her husband. (2h30)

9:15 p.m. (57) “The Fortune Cookie” +++

(Comedy,1966) Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau. A lawyer convinces his brother-inlaw to exaggerate an injury in an insurance scam. (2h15)

9:30 p.m. (55) “Scream” ++ (Horror,1996) Courteney

Cox, Neve Campbell. A teenage girl becomes the target of a serial killer a year after her mother was murdered. (2h29)

10:00 p.m. (51) “Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie”

+++ (Family,2009) Selena Gomez, David Henrie. Alex accidentally casts a spell that makes it so her parents have never met. (1h30)

TUESDAY 12:00 p.m. (59) “Barbershop 2: Back in Business” ++

(Comedy,2004) Cedric the Entertainer, Ice Cube. Greedy urban developers and a neighboring stylist threaten a man’s barbershop business. (2h30)

12:30 p.m. (57) “Teahouse of the August Moon” +++

(Comedy,1956) Eddie Albert, Glenn Ford. An American army captain is sent to aid a Japanese town after the Second World War. (2h)

1:00 p.m. (51) “Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie”

+++ (Family,2009) Selena Gomez, David Henrie. Alex accidentally casts a spell that makes it so her parents have never met. (2h) (53) “The Happening” ++ (Adventure,2008) Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel. People start losing their will for self-preservation and a teacher attempts to avoid it. (2h)

2:00 p.m. (55) “The Italian Job” +++ (Action,2003)

Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg. Thieves plan the heist of their lives by creating the largest traffic jam in L.A. history. (2h30)

2:30 p.m. (57) “Imitation General” ++ (Comedy,1958)

Glenn Ford, Red Buttons. A sergeant impersonates his deceased general and raises his troop’s morale. (1h45)

3:00 p.m. (53) “Black Hawk Down” ++ (Action,2001)

Eric Bana, Josh Hartnett. An elite team of peacekeepers attempt to kidnap a crime lord’s top lieutenants in Somalia. (3h)

4:00 p.m. (59) “Notorious” ++ (Biography,2008) Jamal

Woolard, Mohamed Dione. The life and death

of Notorious B.I.G., whose life ended early on his way to the top. (3h)

4:15 p.m. (57) “The Gazebo” +++ (Comedy,1959)

Debbie Reynolds, Glenn Ford. A TV writer decides to kill a blackmailer and bury the body underneath a backyard gazebo. (1h45)

4:30 p.m. (55) “Demolition Man” +++ (Sci-Fi,1993)

Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. A cryogenically frozen cop is revived to bring down his former arch nemesis. (2h30)

6:00 p.m. (57) “Now, Voyager” +++ (Drama,1942)

Bette Davis, Claude Rains. While on a cruise, a sheltered spinster falls for a married man and helps his daughter. (2h)

6:30 p.m. (43) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ++

(Comedy,2009) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Men and woman mix their signals and misinterpret the true intentions of the opposite sex. (2h30)

7:00 p.m. (55) “S.W.A.T.” ++ (Action,2003) Colin Farrell,

Samuel L. Jackson. A drug lord offers a large reward to anyone who can break him out of police custody. (2h30)

8:00 p.m. (42) “Bowfinger” ++ (Comedy,1999) Eddie

Murphy, Steve Martin. A Hollywood director films an un-cooperative star in an attempt to get his career back. (2h) (57) “Deception” +++ (Romance,1946) Bette Davis, Paul Henreid. A music teacher has an affair with a former lover while she is involved with a composer. (2h)

9:00 p.m. (53) “Grown Ups” ++ (Comedy,2010) Adam

Sandler, Kevin James. Five good friends and former teammates reunite after their basketball coach passes away. (2h)

9:30 p.m. (55) “Bad Boys” +++ (Action,1995) Martin

Lawrence, Will Smith. Two detectives must switch their identities on an important murder and drug case. (2h30)

10:00 p.m. (57) “Dead Ringer” +++ (Mystery,1964) Bette

Davis, Karl Malden. Twin sisters carry a longtime grudge until one of them decides to settle accounts. (2h)

11:00 p.m. (43) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ++

(Comedy,2009) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Men and woman mix their signals and misinterpret the true intentions of the opposite sex. (2h30) (53) “Grown Ups” ++ (Comedy,2010) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. Five good friends and former teammates reunite after their basketball coach passes away. (2h)

WEDNESDAY 12:00 p.m. (57) “Way for a Sailor” ++ (Romance,1930)

John Gilbert, Wallace Beery. A grungy merchant seaman learns the benefits of personal hygiene after he falls in love. (1h30) (59) “Dead Presidents” ++++ (Suspense,1995) Keith David, Larenz Tate. A distressed Vietnam War veteran turns to crime and begins plotting a major theft. (2h30)

12:30 p.m. (60) “The Last House on the Left” ++

(Thriller,2009) Michael Bowen, Garret Dillahunt. A prison escapee and his crew assault two women then find refuge at the parents’ house. (2h30)

1:00 p.m. (53) “Tron: Legacy” +++ (Action,2010) Jeff

Bridges, Garrett Hedlund. The son of a virtual




5:25 PM

Page 24

(55) “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

++++ (Drama,1975) Jack Nicholson,


Louise Fletcher. A prisoner is sent to an asylum for an evaluation and encounters a motley crew of inmates. (3h)

12:15 p.m. (57) “Lafayette Escadrille” ++ (War,1958)

BLING it on!

Jody McCrea, Tab Hunter. A hotshot young flyer falls for a French prostitute during the First World War. (1h45)

1:00 p.m. (24) “No Strings Attached” ++

(Comedy,2011) Ashton Kutcher, Natalie Portman. A guy and a girl try to maintain a purely physical relationship with no expectations. (2h30) (32) “Bad Boys II” ++ (Action,2003) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith. Narcotics detectives pursue men who are flooding the streets with lethal doses of ecstasy. (2h30)

3:00 p.m. (55) “Grease” ++ (Musical,1978) John Travolta,

Olivia Newton-John. A leather-jacketed boy and a goody-two-shoes girl fall in and out of love in the 1950s. (2h30)

3:30 p.m.

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(24) “Couples Retreat” ++ (Comedy,2009)

Jason Bateman, Vince Vaughn. Four couples vacation on an island and belatedly learn that couples therapy is mandatory. (2h30) (32) “Shooter” +++ (Action,2006) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña. A sniper who was abandoned behind enemy lines is called back to service. (2h30)

3:45 p.m. (57) “Ride the Wild Surf” ++ (Comedy,1964)

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 10.

Best Movies world designer ends up inside one of the world’s his father created. (2h30)

1:30 p.m. (57) “The Phantom of Paris” +++

(Drama,1931) John Gilbert, Leila Hyams. A magician alters his looks in order to prove that he did not kill his fiancée’s father. (1h30)

2:30 p.m. (43) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ++

(Comedy,2009) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Men and woman mix their signals and misinterpret the true intentions of the opposite sex. (2h30)

3:30 p.m. (53) “Superman Returns” +++ (Action,2006)

Kevin Spacey, Parker Posey. Superman returns to Earth and comes face to face with his oldest foe: Lex Luthor. (3h)

6:00 p.m. (55) “Grease” ++ (Musical,1978) John Travolta,

Olivia Newton-John. A leather-jacketed boy and a goody-two-shoes girl fall in and out of love in the 1950s. (2h30) (57) “Reckless Moment” ++++ (Crime Story,1949) James Mason, Joan Bennett. A mother attempts to protect her murderous daughter. (1h30)

7:30 p.m. (57) “Trade Winds” +++ (Classic,1938) Fredric

March, Joan Bennett. A debonair detective travels around world after a beautiful murder suspect. (1h45)

8:00 p.m. (29) “Abandoned and Deceived” ++

(Drama,1995) Gordon Clapp, Lori Loughlin. A divorced woman fights for child support and starts a new organization. (2h02)


8:30 p.m. (53) “True Grit” +++ (Adventure,2010) Jeff

Bridges, Matt Damon. A 14-year-old girl enlists a U.S. marshal to help her capture her father’s killer. (2h30) (55) “Big” +++ (Comedy,1988) Elizabeth Perkins, Tom Hanks. A boy makes a wish at a carnival and awakens the next morning as an adult. (2h30)

9:00 p.m. (41) “Footloose” +++ (Drama,1984) Kevin

Bacon, Lori Singer. When a city kid moves to a town where dancing is outlawed, he decides to change the rules. (2h30)

9:15 p.m. (57) “Algiers” +++ (Crime Story,1938) Charles

Boyer, Hedy Lamarr. A Parisian tourist and a thief fall in love, but their relationship ends in betrayal. (1h45)

10:00 p.m. (59) “You Got Served” ++ (Drama,2004)

Marques Houston, Omarion. Two friends must win their city’s dance contest in order to open a recording studio. (2h)

11:00 p.m. (55) “The Secret of My Success” +++

(Comedy,1987) Helen Slater, Michael J. Fox. A young man assumes another identity to get an executive position in his uncle’s company. (2h30) (57) “Comrade X” +++ (Comedy,1940) Clark Gable, Hedy Lamarr. An American reporter is blackmailed into taking a Russian communist’s daughter to America. (1h45)

THURSDAY 12:00 p.m. (53) “Superman Returns” +++ (Action,2006)

Kevin Spacey, Parker Posey. Superman returns to Earth and comes face to face with his oldest foe: Lex Luthor. (3h30)

Shelley Fabares, Fabian. Three young surfers travel to Hawaii in search of love and the perfect wave. (1h45)

Midway Family Church 2x2”

5:00 p.m. (59) “You Got Served” ++ (Drama,2004)

Marques Houston, Omarion. Two friends must win their city’s dance contest in order to open a recording studio. (2h)

5:30 p.m. (55) “Signs” +++ (Thriller,2002) Joaquin

Phoenix, Mel Gibson. A grieving father must protect his children when strange events portend disaster. (2h30)

7:00 p.m. (32) “Shooter” +++ (Action,2006) Mark

Wahlberg, Michael Peña. A sniper who was abandoned behind enemy lines is called back to service. (2h30) (43) “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” ++ (Comedy,2009) Kevin James, Keir O’Donnell. A mall cop, trying to become a police officer, helps protect his mall against criminals. (2h)

7:30 p.m. (53) “Just Go With It” +++ (Comedy,2011)

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Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston. A plastic surgeon convinces his assistant to pose as his soon-to-be ex-wife. (2h30)

8:30 p.m. (57) “It Came From Outer Space” +++ (Sci-

Fi,1953) Kathleen Hughes, Richard Carlson. An amateur astronomer thinks that the citizens of his town are being abducted by aliens. (1h30)

9:00 p.m. (42) “500 Days of Summer” +++ (Comedy/

Drama,2009) Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel. A greeting card writer falls for a woman who doesn’t believe in love or relationships. (2h)

10:00 p.m.

Aveda Pure Essence Salon 2x3”

(55) “Signs” +++ (Thriller,2002) Joaquin

Phoenix, Mel Gibson. A grieving father must protect his children when strange events portend disaster. (2h30) (57) “Invaders From Mars” +++ (Sci-Fi,1953) Arthur Franz, Helena Carter. A boy realizes that the people of his town are being possessed by aliens. (1h30) Roswell Daily Record: Movies Jul 5, 2013 to Jul 11, 2013


Friday, July 5, 2013

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