Roswell Daily Record
TVScreens FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014
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Friday, October 3, 2014
ESPN2 (27)
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
ESPNC (302)
Th F M Mike & Mike T W Th F
Unsolved Mysteries (32) C h a r m e d / Tu S u p e r n a t u r a l (33) V a r i o u s Paid Program M Paid Program (29)
T W Th F (35) (36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (43) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
Despierta America: Edición Mundial Esmonde Tech. World News Sesame Street KRQE News 13 F News 13 KASA/B Balloon Fiesta This Minute This Minute The Daily Buzz Paid Program Justice for All Ken. Copeland America's Court Action 7 News Good Morning America 5:00 Eyewitness News 4 Today Today Show Un nuevo dia CBS This Morning (10) K R Q E N e w s 1 3 T h i s M o r n i n g News/M MattStav L i g h t o f th e S o u th w e s t (12) V a r i o u s F Tu Law&O.:SV U/Th C S I : C ri m e (24) V a r i o u s SportsCenter M SportsCenter T 5:30 SportsCenter W SportsCenter (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
M T W Th F
Frasier Frasier Supernatural Pregnant F Pregnant Stalked: Someone's Watching I (Almost) Got Away With It Twisted Wicked Attraction Disappeared Paid Program Paid Program Various M Scare Tactics M Movie / W Ghost Hunters The Crocodile Hunter F Dirty Jobs / Animal Cops 4:00 Soccer Halls of Fame Paid Program Paid Program 5 : 0 0 B o x i n g Golden Boy Paid Program Paid Program Sports Unlimited Paid Program Rally World Championship Paid Program 5:00 Soccer UEFA Various Various Various Various Loves Ray Loves Ray Various Movies Various Tu S e x & C i ty Various Movie Clevela. KingH LegendsChima Tenkai Knights Phineas & Ferb Phineas & Ferb 3rd & Bird Little Einsteins Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Dinosaur Train Peg + Cat F News 13 on 2 KASA P a i d P ro g r a m
Various SportsCenter
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Super WHY! 2 KASA Style Loves Ray Supreme Justice Judge Faith Live! With Kelly Today Show II Videos asom. The Doctors Various Various SportsCenter
9:30 Daniel Tiger Love s Ray Judge Faith and Michael
Como dice el dicho Sid the Science Kid Various The Queen Latifah Show Community Community Cops: Reloaded Co ps: Reloaded The View Today Show III
Flor salvaje Various
ESPN First Take
Let's Make a Deal Various V ariou s Various SportsCenter
Numbers Never Lie
Frasier Frasier Supernatural Hoarding: Buried Alive Stalked: Someone's Watching I (Almost) Got Away With It Twisted Wicked Attraction Disappeared Paid Program Various F Dirty Jobs / Pit Bull Parolees Paid Program Paid Program
F ra si e r Frasier Supernatural American Gypsy Wedd Stalked: Someone's Watching I (Almost) Got Away With It Twisted Wicked Attraction Disappeared P ai d P ro g ra m M M o v i e /Tu Z Nation /W G h o s t F Dirty Jobs / Pit Bull Parolees Paid Program Paid Program
Met Your Mother Met Mother F W Th B o n e s /M C as tl e /Tu Su p e r. Four Weddings Stalked: Someone's Watching I (Almost) Got Away With It Twisted Wicked Attraction Disappeared Paid Program Various Various F Dirty Jobs / Pit Bulls and Parolees Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Cosita Linda Various Various The Wendy Williams Show Rules of Eng Rules of Eng Paternity Court Divorce Court The Meredith Vieira Show Good Day NM Be Millionaire Los miserables The Price Is Right Various Various Various SportsCenter
ESPN First Take ESPN First Take ESPN First Take ESPN First Take Grey's Anatomy F W Th B o n e s /M C as tl e /Tu Su p e r. 19 Kids & Count 19 Kids & Count Airplane Repo Highway to Sell Chain Gangs Dual Survival Airplane Repo Various Various M M o v i e /Tu Z Nation /W G h o s t F Dirty Jobs / The Haunted Paid Program Paid Program
Paid Program Piece of Game Paid Program Various Various Various Various H .H u n t/M L o v e / L i s t Ho u s e H u n te rs V a rio u s FlipFlop/ H.Hunter Funniest Home Videos Cleveland Show Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Various M Saved by Bell Various M Saved Bell E! News / M E! News Weekend Various F M Sex & City Pokémon: BW Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Gumball Amazing Gumball F Movie / Movie Gaspard Lisa Chuggington Mickey M. Jake Movie Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Little Einsteins Buffy the Vampire Slayer <++ S t e a l i n g H a r v a r d (Com, '02) Jason Lee, Tom Green. <++ J a c k a n d J i l l (‘11) Ellen <+++ T ra n s f o rm e rs : D a rk o f th e M o o n (Act, '11) Tyrese Gibson, Shia LaBeouf. <++ L e g i o n (Act, '10) Lucas Black, Paul Bettany. <++ I n T i m e (Act, '11) Amanda Seyfried, Justin Timberlake. <++ A m e r i c a ' s S w e e t h e a r t s (Rom, '01) John Cusack, Julia Roberts. <++ Je n n i f e r ' s B o d y (Hor, '09) Amanda Seyfried, Megan Fox. <++ Je n n i f e r ' s B o d y (Hor, '09) Amanda Seyfried, Megan Fox. <+ M i m i c 2 (Hor, '01) Bruno Campos, Alix Koromzay. Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds Criminal Minds F The First 48 / CSI: Miami F The First 48 / CSI: Miami Paid Program T h e T h r e e S t o o g e s / :15 <+++ Apollo 13 (Doc/Dra, '95) Bill Paxton, Tom Hanks. : 1 5 <++ V e r t i c a l L i m i t (Act, '00) Robin Tunney, Chris O'Donnell. <+++ T h e B o n e C o l l e c to r (Thril, '99) Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington. <++ D e j a V u (Act, '06) Jim Caviezel, Denzel Washington. <++ D e a th W i s h I I I (Act, '85) Deborah Raffin, Charles Bronson. <++ U-571 (War, '00) Bill Paxton, Matthew McConaughey. Movie <++ H o l l o w M a n (Susp, '00) Elisabeth Shue, Kevin Bacon. <++ D e e p B l u e S e a (Hor, '99) Samuel L. Jackson, Saffron Burrows. <++ S n a k e s o n a P l a n e (‘06) Samuel L. Jackson, Julianna Margulies. <++ V a n H e l s i n g (Act, '04) Kate Beckinsale, Hugh Jackman. F 1865/M W Th T BA/Tu M a rv e l s M W Th T BA/Tu M o d e rn M a rv e l s V a rio u s Various Various Various Movie <++ T h e C i rc u s C l o w n (‘34) : 4 5 <+ F i x e r D u g a n (‘39) Lee Tracy. <+++ At th e C i rcu s (‘39) Eve Arden. <+++ T h e W a g o n s R o l l a t N i g h t (‘41) Joan Leslie. 5 : 3 0 <+++ F o o l s f o r S c a n d a l <++ T h e G a y B r i d e (‘34) Carole Lombard. <+++ M a d e f o r E a c h O th e r (‘39) Carole Lombard, James Stewart. <++++ T o B e o r N o t T o B e (‘42) Carole Lombard. 5 : 3 0 <+++ T h e L e t t e r (‘40) : 1 5 <++++ T h e M a l t e s e F a l c o n (‘41) Mary Astor, Humphrey Bogart. <+++ T h e O u t l a w (West, '43) Walter Huston, Jane Russell. <++ T h e U n f a i t h f u l (‘47) < T h e D . I . (Dra, '57) Don Dubbins, Jack Webb. Jack Webb: Just the Facts : 4 5 <++ T h e L a s t T i m e I S a w A r c h i e (‘61) Jack Webb. Movie 5 : 1 5 <++ T h r e e o n a C o u c h : 1 5 <+++ S t r i c t l y D i s h o n o r a b l e (Mus, '51) Janet Leigh, Ezio Pinza. M o m e n t s : 4 5 <++ R e c k l e s s (Rom, '35) William Powell, Jean Harlow. Movie Tabatha Takes Over Housewives/NewJersey Housewives/NewJersey Housewives/NewJersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NewJersey The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The People's Couch The People's Couch The People's Couch The Real Housewives of Atlanta I Dream of Nene Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker I Dream of Nene: The Wedding I Dream of Nene: The Wedding 5 : 0 0 F o o t b a l l Vir.T/UNC N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s North Carolina vs. Clemson NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Baylor vs. Texas NCAA Football NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Oklahoma vs. F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s TCU vs. Baylor NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Arizona vs. USC NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c Wash./Cal. NCAA Texas NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Michigan State vs. Purdue NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Oregon vs. UCLA NCAA F o o tb a l l Tex.A&M/Ole Miss NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Northwestern vs. Minnesota NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Washington vs. California NCAA F o o tb a l l Aub./MS St. NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Penn State vs. Michigan NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c Tex./Okl. NCAA 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Stay Together Stay Together Family Feud Family Feud RealHusband RealHusband 5:00 CMT Music CMT Music / M Dukes of Hazzard M The Dukes of Hazzard M The Dukes of Hazzard M The Dukes of Hazzard M D u k e s /Tu F e a r F ./Th T h r o w b a c k SnackOff SnackOff Various M Ridiculous Catfish/ Ridicu. M Ridiculous Catfish/ Ridicu. M Ridiculous Various R i d i c u ./ G i r l C o d e V a r i o u s Rid ic u ./ G i rlC o d e F u l l H o u s e/LL o p e z V a rio u s F Lopez/M Mr.Coop F Lopez/IInst.Mom F Sponge/P Parents S p o n g e B o b SpongeBob P e te r R a b b i t F Um izo o /P PAW F Dora/D D o ra& F r. Bu b b l e G u p p i e s F Guppies/U Umizoo Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland Gangland World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos <++ M e e t t h e P ar e n ts (Com, '00) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. Paid Program Paid Program A. Griffith Show Griffith/F Hillbili Hillbili/ :15 Hillbili Hillbili/ :50 Walker W a l k e r, T e x a s R a n g e r Gunsmoke Bonanza 4:00 VH1 + Music Big Morning Buzz Live GossipTable VH1 + Music Various Tu T I T i n y Various Th M o v i e Various W T.I. and Tiny
Friday, October 3, 2014
ESPN2 (27)
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
ESPNC (302)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)
M T W Th F M T W Th F (29) (32) (33)
M T W Th F (35) (36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (43) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
M T W Th F
Hoy Sit Fit/ Living Various The 700 Club The Middle The Middle Law & Order: S.V.U. The Chew Eyewitness News 4 at Midday F W Th S eñ o ra acero KRQE News Bold-Beautiful N e w s /M S a l . Various Various SportsCenter College Football NFL PrimeTime SportsCenter College Football Live
La rosa de Guadalupe Curious George Clifford Forensic Files Friends Friends Bridezillas General Hospital Days of Our Lives Lo mejor de caso cerrado The Young and the Restless Various Various Various NFL Insiders NFL Insiders NFL Insiders
Mike & Mike
Quiero Amarte Cat in the Hat Arthur Judge Mathis Cougar Town Cougar Town The Real Steve Harvey The Rachael Ray Show Suelta la sopa The Talk Light of the Southwest Various NFL Live
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
El gordo y la flaca Martha Speaks Wild Kratts Hot Bench Hot Bench The Bill Cunningham Show The Jerry Springer Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Insider Inside Edition Caso cerrado Dr. Phil
Primer impacto WordGirl News America The People's Court Raising Hope Hot/ Cleve. The Steve Wilkos Show The Dr. Oz Show Judge Judy Judge Judy Al rojo vivo KRQE News 13 KRQE News 13 Various Various F Tu Th SVU/M NCIS: LA/W NCIS F Tu Th S V U/M NCIS: LA /W N C I S Around the Pardon the SportsCenter Horn Interruption Monday Night Countdown SportsCenter SportsCenter
New Mexico Noticiero Univ. Various Nightly Business Name Game Name Game Modern Family M odern Family Maury Action 7 News World News News 4 @ 5 N BC News Noticias @ 5 Noticiero New s /Th N e w s News/Th NFL Kick Various Various F Tu Th S V U/M NCIS: LA /W N C I S F o o tb a l l L.ville/Syr. NCAA
Hispanic Heritage Month Football C. Football NCAA 11:00 ESPN First Take SportsNation Auto Racing Kansas Lottery 300 NASCAR Auto Racing Hollywood Casino 400 NASCAR Football H.S. SportsCenter College Football Highly You Herd ME Olbermann Outside the SportsCenter Around Horn Interruption Questionable Lines ESPN First Take Around the Horn Interruption NFL Live SportsCenter 1 1 : 0 0 F i r s t T a k e S o c c e r Euro 2016 Qualifier Spain vs. Slovakia U E F A :45 ESPN FC Au to Racin g NASCAR Charlotte, N.C. Racing NASCAR Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy F M Th W. Swap /Tu W C e l e b W i f e F M Th W. Swap /Tu W W i f e S w. V ari ous Wife Sw./ DanceMom/ Runway F W Th B o n e s /M C as tl e /Tu Su p e r. F W Th B o n e s /M C as tl e /Tu Su p e r. F M Th C as tl e /Tu Supe r . /W B o n e s F M Th Castle/Tu Super./W Bones F M Th C as tl e /Tu Sup e rnatural /W... F M Th C as tl e / Tu Sup e rnatural 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s & C o u n t F I Found/M Medium F I Found/M Medium F I Found/SSay Yes F I Found/SSay Yes F I Found/SSay Yes IFound/SSay Yes V a ri o u s Various Various W Outrag. 911 Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice Bering Sea Gold: Under t he Ice Bitchin' Rides Bitchin' Rides Highway to Sell Highway to Sell Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Yukon Men Yukon Men Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Dual Survival Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Highway to Sell Highway to Sell Cupcake/ G. Eats M Un w rap p e d Southern/P Pioneer B a re f o o t C o n t. H .M a d e / M e a l s Mex.Easy/D Dinners Guy’s Game/C C hef 3 0 M i n s F Guy’s Game/G Giada G i a d a a t H o m e V a rio u s Barefoot Cont. Various M M o v i e /Tu Face Off/W G h o s t Various M M o v i e /Tu Face Off/W G h o s t V a rio u s M M o v i e /Tu Face Off/W G h o s t F Dirty Jobs / The Haunted F Dirty Jobs / Swamp Wars F To Be Announced / Gator Boys To Be Announced To Be Announced Tu R u s s i a/W Dirt Jo b /Th M o n s te rs Paid Program Lumberjack Inside NAU NMSU Sports S o c c e r Virginia Tech vs. North Carolina NCAA F i e l d H o c k e y Duke vs. Louisville NCAA F o o tb a l l Oklahoma vs. TCU NCAA S n o w b o a rd Freeride World Tour Rally World Championship F I A P o k e r World Championship W P T Golf Life Golf Dest ination S o c c e r Champions League Galatasaray CC vs. Arsenal UEF A Golf America 18 Holes Swing Clinic Match Play Playing Through Baseball Uni Fishing/ Johnny Piece of Game Football NCAA S n o w b o a rd i n g Freeride World Tour S k i i n g ‘13 Park and Pipe Open Playing Through Match Play Poker WPT P o k e r World Championship W P T F i e l d H o c k e y North Carolina vs. Wake Forest NCAA Hockey Classics NHL Various FlipFlop/ H.Hunter V a rio u s FlipFlop/ H.Hunter V a rio u s FlipFlop/ H.Hunter V a rio u s FlipFlop Various FlipFlop/ H.Hunter V a rio u s FlipFlop/ Rehab F F a m .G/A AmerD F F a m .G/A A m e rD K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s F Seinf’ld/FFriends F Seinf’ld/FFriends S e in f’ld / F ri e n d s V a ri o u s Various Fam.G/ Seinf’ld Fam.G/ Seinf’ld Fam.G/ Seinf’ld S e x C i t y / K a r d as h F M W S e x C i t y S e x C ity/ Kard as h S e x a n d t h e C i t y S e x C ity / K a r d as h M o v i e SexCity/ Kardash F M Tu SexCity V a rio u s Tu S ex & City E! News Tom & Jerry Tom & Jerry Various Various F Gumball/JJohnny F Gumball/JJohnny V ario u s Various F G u m b a l l/A A d v e n t. T.Drama/A Advent. T.Drama/A A d v e n t. G u m b a l l Mickey M. T h e O c to n a u ts F A g . O s o /M Mouse Various Sp. Agent Oso Jake Never Land Various Various Various Various Various Various Two and a Half 1 1 : 0 0 <++ J a c k a n d J i l l (‘11) Two and Half Two and Half Met Mother Met Mother How I Met Your How I Met Met Your Mother Met Mother Met Mother Men Your Mother Mother <++ Battles h i p (Sci-Fi, '12) Alexander Skarsgard, Taylor Kitsch. Anger Manage Two and Half Anger Manage Movie <++ T h e T w i l i g h t S a g a : E c l i p s e (Dra, '10) Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart. <++ S n o w W h i te a n d th e H u n ts m a n (Act, '12) Chris Hemsworth, Kristen Stewart. Met Mother Met Your Mother Anger Manage <++ H e r e a f t e r (Dra, '10) Cécile De France, Matt Damon. Met Mother Met Mother Anger Manage F The First 48 / Criminal Minds F The First 48 / Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 Dead A./ S. Wars M-W S to ra g e W . V a rio u s S . W ars / D u c k D y 1 0 : 1 5 <++ V e r t i c a l L i m i t (‘00) <++ R e p o M e n (Sci-Fi, '10) Forest Whitaker, Jude Law. <++ Ter m i n at o r 3 : R i s e o f t h e M ac h i n es (Act, '03) Nick Stahl, Arnold Schwarzenegger. <++ G r e e n Z o n e (Act, '10) Said Faraj, Yigal Naor. <++ R e p o M e n (Sci-Fi, '10) Forest Whitaker, Jude Law. The Walking Dead 1 1 : 3 0 <++ R e p o M e n (Sci-Fi, '10) Forest Whitaker, Jude Law. <+++ D o n n i e B ra s c o (Cri, '97) Johnny Depp, Al Pacino. The Walking Dead <++ S n a k e s o n a P l a n e (‘06) Samuel L. Jackson, Julianna Margulies. <++ V a n H e l s i n g (Act, '04) Kate Beckinsale, Hugh Jackman. <++ B a d C o m p a n y (Act, '02) Anthony Hopkins, Chris Rock. <++ Eag le Eye (Act, '08) Billy Bob Thornton, Shia LaBeouf. Various Various Various Th P a w n S ta rs V a rio u s Th P a w n S ta rs V a ri o u s Th P a w n S ta rs V a rio u s Tu Th P aw n S tar <+++ T h o u s a n d s C h e e r (Rom, '43) Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson. : 1 5 <++++ O u r V i n e s H a v e T e n d e r G r a p e s (‘45) : 1 5 <+++ 7 F a c e s o f D r . L a o (Fant, '64) Barbara Eden, Tony Randall. Movie <+++ M r. a n d M rs . S m i th (‘41) Robert Montgomery. <+++ N o t h i n g S a c r e d (‘37) Fredric March. <+++ I n N a m e O n l y (Dra, '39) Cary Grant, Carole Lombard. 1 1 : 0 0 <++ T h e U n f a i t h f u l (‘47) <++ W h e r e D a n g e r L i v e s (‘50) Robert Mitchum. <++++ S tran g e rs o n a T ra i n (‘51) : 1 5 <++ A K i s s B e f o r e D y i n g (Myst, '56) Virginia Leith, Robert Wagner. Movie <+ B e y o n d T h e R o c k i e s (‘32) <++ F rei g h t er s o f D es ti n y (‘32) <++ G h o s t V a l l e y (‘32) < S a d d l e B u s t e r (‘32) Tom Keene. :45 <+ D a r e d e v i l D r i v e r s (‘38) Beverly Roberts. 1 1 : 3 0 <+++ M u r d e r , M y S w e e t : 1 5 <++ B l u e s i n t h e N i g h t (‘41) Priscilla Lane. : 4 5 <++ W h i t e C a r g o (Dra, '42) Walter Pidgeon, Hedy Lamarr. <++ T h e L o c k e t (‘47) Robert Mitchum, Laraine Day. Housewives/NewJersey Housewives/NewJersey Housewives/NewJersey Housewives/NewJersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey Housewives/NewJersey The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta 11:30 Nene I Dream of Nene: The Wedding I Dream of Nene: The Wedding Manzo'd Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels The People 's Couch Million Dollar List Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles I Dream of Nene: The Wedding Manzo'd Manzo'd Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck Below Deck 11:00 Football NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Tennessee vs. Florida NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Auburn vs. Louisiana State University NCAA 30 for 30 1 1 : 0 0 F o o t b a l l Wash./Cal. N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Texas A&M vs. Mississippi (Ole Miss) NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Oklahoma vs. Texas NCAA Battle of the Network Stars 11:00 Football NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Oklahoma vs. Texas NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Florida vs. Louisiana State University NCAA Top 5 Reasons Top 5 Reasons 1 1 : 0 0 F o o t b a l l Aub./MS St. N C A A F o o t b a l l C l a s s i c s Michigan vs. Penn State N C A A Who's Number 1? 1 1 : 0 0 F o o t b a l l Tex./Okl. N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Alabama vs. Arkansas NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c s Louisiana State University vs. Florida NCAA Top 5 Reasons Top 5 Reasons F M o v i e /G Game The Game Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Various Movies F Movie Fresh Prince F G a m e/FF re s h P . F G a m e/FF re s h P . M Dukes of H. /Tu F e a r F a c to r F M o v i e /M W Th D u k e s /Tu F e a r F . V a rio u s F My Dysf./M D u k e s /Tu F e a r F . F My Dysf./M D u k e s /Tu F e a r F a c to r V a rio u s W Th R a i s i n g Various G irlC o d e / Rid ic u . V a r i o u s Various Various Various V ario u s Various Various V ariou s Various Various Wallykazam! PAW Patrol Dora&Friends WalyKzm/SSponge F P A W /SS p o n g e V a rio u s Various Sponge F S p o n g e /P Parents Odd Parents F Parents/SSponge S p o n g e B o b Gangland Gangland Gangland Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops World's Wildest Police Videos World's Wildest Police Videos <++ G . I . J o e : T h e R i s e o f C o b r a (Act, '09) Christopher Eccleston, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. <++ Tran s p o rter 3 (‘08) Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Nightmare s Tattoo Night. Ink Master Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops Movie <++ M e e t t h e F o c k e r s (Com, '04) Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro. <++ M e e t t h e P ar e n ts (Com, '00) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller. Bonanza Walker, Texas Ranger Wa lker, Texas Ranger Walker, TR / F :10 Walker, TR Hillbili/F :20 Hillbili Be v . Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Bev. Hillbillies Various Various M TI Tiny/Th S.N.L M Rock Docs /W L o v e / H i p H o p Various F Th T he r a p y/Tu L o v e / H i p H o p V a rio u s N i c k C rtr/ T I T i n y V a ri o u s F Nick Carter
Friday, October 3, 2014
Cover Story
‘Mulaney’ could become ‘‘Seinfeld’ for a new generation’ By Jacqueline Spendlove TV Media
tand-up comic? Check. Oddball pals? Check. Eccentric guy across the hall? Check. Unless you’ve spent the last 20-odd years under a rock, chances are you recognize this premise. Quite soon though, it will be used to describe not just “Seinfeld” — widely considered to be one of the greatest sitcoms of all time — but also “Mulaney,” a new comedy airing on Fox this fall. The series boasts some major players in the comedy world, both onscreen and off, giving it a pronounced leg up towards that relatively rare feat of true sitcom success. The show is a semi-autobiographical look at John Mulaney’s life as a comedian trying to make it in the Big Apple. Mulaney, known for his standup and his work as a writer on “Saturday Night Live,” stars as a fictionalized version of himself, and in case creating and starring in the series isn’t enough to add to his resume, he’s also one of the show’s writers and producers. Abounding with “SNL” alumni, the show premieres Sunday, Oct. 5, on Fox. “Mulaney” inarguably shares a number of similar elements with “the show about nothing,” from the eponymous main character’s profession to the New York City setting to the gal pal who you recognize from “Saturday Night Live.” It does offer a little more
story structure, though, in that there’s actually a plot. Struggling to find his big break in the standup circuit, Johnthe-character scores a writing job with comedy-legend-turned-hambone game show host Lou Cannon, played by none other than real-life comedic giant Martin Short of “SCTV” and “SNL” fame. Lou is monumentally selfcentered, insufferable and, of course, hilarious, adding another vital level of stressful absurdity to John’s chaotic life. Luckily, John’s got a support system in place in the form of his two best friends and roommates, though they themselves are far from being troublefree additions to his life. Nasim Pedrad, a fellow “SNL” departee (and a recent one at that), stars as Jane, a rather rudderless and high-strung personal trainer, while Seaton Smith (“Pancake Mountain”), a fellow comic, stars as Motif ... a fellow comic. Andre (Zack Pearlman, “The Inbetweeners”) frequently makes his presence known, much to the gang’s dismay, as a bearded trust fund baby who’s currently selling pot until his pesky relations die and leave him his not-at-all-earned fortune. Providing a much-needed oasis in this sea of disorder is John and company’s 71-year-old gay neighbor, Oscar, played by the simply wonderful Elliott Gould (“Ocean’s Eleven,” 2001). Oscar, an endearing former radical and true New Yorker, provides John with
Brent's Eyewear 2x3.5"
much-needed advice and mentorship, as well as the occasional escape from the madness of everyday life. “The character is kind of a Yoda to all of us, and Elliott is a Yoda to all of us in the cast,” says Mulaney of his esteemed castmate in the series’ preview special, “An Opening Act.” If the cast is impressive, the team behind the scenes is praise-worthy in and of itself. Lorne Michaels, the show’s executive producer, has become a household name for creating and producing “Saturday Night Live” (you may be seeing a running theme here). Along with having been a driving force behind a long list of film and television comedies, he’s a member of the Order of Canada for lifetime achievement, he’s got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a Peabody Award. In short, he’s one accomplished son of a gun. As for “Mulaney’s” director and Michaels’ fellow executive producer, Andy Ackerman, he was at the helm for almost 90 “Seinfeld” episodes, so it’s safe to say he more or less knows what he’s doing. “If I have any small percent of [Seinfeld’s] success I’d be thrilled,” Ackerman said in a TCA Press Tour panel. Plainly, the comparisons between the two shows are by no means downplayed by the cast and crew. Fox’s chairman of entertainment even said that “Mulaney” has “the makings of a ‘Seinfeld’ for a new generation” during upfronts back in May. When asked during the TCA session about his inspiration for the show, Mulaney joked that he “just watched ‘Seinfeld’ and copied it. They run it all the time, so it was easy.” They say art imitates life, and it’s doing so for Mulaney just as it did for Jerry Seinfeld. “Most of my standup comedy comes from real-life stories that have happened to me,” Mulaney explains in the preview special. “[‘Mulaney’] is not exactly what happened in my life, but it’s kind of how I felt. This show is how it feels to be living in New York with two roommates, working for a very strange boss [and] just how weird and exciting and scary that can be.” As far as the comedy goes, Mulaney’s more than proven himself in that arena already. During his time with “SNL,” he co-created the show’s massively popular “Weekend Update”
Martin Short and John Mulaney star in “Mulaney”
Elite Medical 2 x 2"
character Stefon and was part of the team that took home the Award for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics at the 63rd Emmy Awards. He’s performed his standup in “Live at Gotham,” “Conan,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” and more, and he has a comedy album and standup special produced by Comedy Central under his belt. His castmate Smith calls Mulaney “one of the best comedians in the country” in “An Opening Act.”
“He’s engaging, he’s funny, he’s tightly written. He’s just a magician up there.” John Mulaney’s certainly earned his place in the comedy world, and if his new sitcom takes off as well as the rest of his career has, “Mulaney” will be making us laugh for years to come. With names like Lorne Michaels, Martin Short and Elliott Gould on board, it has the makings of a surefire success. Catch the premiere of “Mulaney” Sunday, Oct. 5, on Fox. Friday, October 3, 2014
7 PM
La Gata
Mi corazón es Tuyo
Hasta el fin del mundo
PBS NewsHour
Market to Market
WashinCharlie gton Week Rose: The (N) Week (N)
Family Feud
Uto p ia (N)
The Big Bang Theory
Whose Line Whose Line America's Next Top I s I t? "Matt I s I t "Misha M o d e l Models test their Barnes" (N) Collins" acting chops. (N)
(4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory TMZ Live! (6)
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Gotham Gordon and Bullock investigate a trafficking ring.
10 PM
La Malquerida
11 PM
New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. Dracula Its radio you can Mystery of Agatha Ch see, complete with actors Learn more about Agatha and music. Christie extraordinary life.
La Que No Podia Amar
News 13 News 13 The o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A S i m p so n s
:35 News
: 0 5 F o o tb a l l : 3 5 A n g e r
13 on 2 KASA
How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Seinfeld Your Your Half Men Half Men "The Phone "The Little Mother Mother Message" Jerry"
A to Z
Action 7 News Live
Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative features and stories.
Reina de Corazones
Lo s m i s e rab l e s
The Amazing Race "When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go" (N)
Hawaii Five-0 The daughter of a Navy Seal is kidnapped. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Noticias :35 Boxeo T e l e m u nd o Blue Bloods Jamie KRQE News :35 D. Lette rm an Simon volunteers to ride with an 13 Amstell and Kandace ostracized officer. (N) Springs visit tonight.
:45 Access Hollywood
Nancy Travis and Tim Allen star in “Last Man Standing”
On the Menu
Señora acero
Friday Best Bets
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :35 New Mexico News 4 at Gameday /:45 J i m m y 10 p.m. Fallon
(12) I s ra e l
Friday, October 3, 2014
Amy's Story A look at a domestic violence homicide in Pennsylvania.
(25) (8819)
(32) :35 Craig
6:00 p.m.
(252) (108)
In this premiere, Ty Pennington and Emeril Lagasse host as four home cooks compete to have their dishes featured on a restaurant menu. The innovative new series gives viewers the opportunity to taste the winning dishes at restaurants across the country.
(245) (138)
Last Man Standing
(280) (183)
F e rg u so n Nick Lachey
Update Shepherd's Heart Light of the Southwest Best of Week Update BAS Walking Yohanan News News Presents Salamanca Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern C S I : C ri m e "Revenge Is CSI: Crime Scene "The USA (24) F a m i l y "Schooled" "Yard Sale" Family Family Family Family Family Best Served Cold" Accused Is Entitled" Scoreboard /:15 NCAA Foo tb a ll Utah State vs. BYU (L) :15 SportsCenter ESPN (26) 5:00 NCAA Football Louisville vs. Syracuse (L) C F L F ootb all Calgary Stampeders at Saskatchewan Roughriders (L) Baseb all Tonig h t (L) ESPN2 (27) 5:00 H.S. Fo otb a ll (L) < S h e M a d e T h em D o I t (‘12) Jenna Dewan-Tatum. < T h e S u r r o g a t e (‘13) Amy Scott, Cameron < S h e M a d e T h em D o I t (‘12) Jenna Dewan-Tatum. LIFE (29) Based on the story of Sarah Pender. Mathison. A married couple hires a young surrogate. Based on the story of Sarah Pender. On the Menu "Chili's" Hawaii Five-0 "Ua Hala" Hawaii On the Menu "Chili's" < Sherlock Holmes +++ (‘09) Jude Law, Robert Downey Jr.. TNT (32) (N) Holmes pursues a criminal known to use black magic. Five-0 19 Kid s an d 19 Kid s an d F o u r W e dd i n gs "...and a F o u r W e dd i n gs "... and F o u r W e dd i n gs "...and a F o u r W e dd i n gs "... and 19 Kid s an d 19 Kid s an d TLC (33) C o un tin g C o un tin g Surprise Bride" (N) a Candy Cake" (N) Surprise Bride" a Candy Cake" C o un tin g C o un tin g Bering Sea Gold: Bering Sea Gold "Are Airp lane Rep o "Flying Bering Sea Gold: Under :05 Airplane Repo :05 Bering Sea Gold: DISC (34) D re d g e d Up (N) We Rich?" (N) Blind" th e I ce "Are We Rich?" "Flying Blind" Dredged Up Guy's Grocery Gam es Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners...D- Diners, FOOD (35) Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins ives (N) Drive-Ins Z Nation "Full Metal Sp artacu s "Beneath the :05 Z Nation "Full Metal :05 < Wro n g Tu rn 5: WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in SYFY (36) long-running rivalries. (N) Zombie" (N) Mask" Bloodlines Doug Bradley. Zombie" Tanked! "Shaq-Sized" Tanked! Ta nked ! "Shaq-Sized" Tanked! Tanked: Unfiltered ANPL (37) Tanked: Unfiltered ACC Gridiron Live! The New College N A S C A R R a c i n g C l a s s i c s A u t o R a c i n g C l a s s i cs Bo xin g Golden Boy Gomez vs. Paredes -- Las Vegas, FSN (38) Football Show 2011 Fresh Fit 500 Nev. L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "21st L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Quirky H o u s e House House House Love It or List It, Too House House HGTV (39) Century Renovation" Beach House" (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs Hunters "Quirky Beach House" Hunters Hunters 4 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l Division Series (L) M L B B a s e b a l l Division Series (L) MLB < Get TBS (40) P o s ts e as o n Smart ++ < S c a ry M o v i e 3 ++ (‘03) Anna Faris. E! (43) S e x & C i t y S e x & C i t y S e x & C i t y S e x & C i t y S e x & C i t y S e x & C i t y E ! N e w s (N) TeenTita TeenTita Clarence Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad TOON (49) Gumball Jessie S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p A . N . T . F a r m < Star Wa rs Reb e ls : ... A u s t i n / A l l y G o o d Lu c k DISN (51) Jessie Two and a < Th at's M y Bo y (‘12, Com) Andy Samberg, Leighton Meester, < 21 Ju m p Street +++ (2012, Action) Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, Jonah Hill. FX (53) H a l f M e n Adam Sandler. A man resurfaces in time for his son's wedding. Cops go back to high school to take down a drug ring. Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds Criminal Minds "52 Criminal Minds Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds A&E (54) Instincts" "Memoriam" Pickup" "Brothers in Arms" Instincts" "Memoriam" < V a n H e l s i n g ++ (2004, Action) Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh, Hugh < V o l c an o ++ (‘97, Act) Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffman, Tommy < Van AMC (55) Jackman. A famed monster hunter battles supernatural creatures. Lee Jones. A volcano erupts under downtown Los Angeles. Helsing American Pickers American Pickers Pickers "Traders of the :05 American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers HIST (56) "Mike's Holy Grail" "Captain Quirk" Lost Parts" "Frank's Gamble" "Mike's Holy Grail" "Captain Quirk" < T h e A f r i c a n Q u e e n ++++ Humphrey Bogart. A < Sahara ++++ (‘43) Bruce Bennett, Humphrey < B e a t t h e D e v i l +++ (‘53) Humphrey Bogart. TCM (57) riverboat captain tries to destroy a gunboat. Bogart. A battalion must fight off Nazis. Adventurers try to get uranium out of East Africa. < P e a r l H a r b o r ++ (2001, War) Kate Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck. < P e a r l H a r b o r ++ (2001, War) Kate Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck. BRAVO (61) A love triangle unravels during the attack in 1941. A love triangle unravels during the attack in 1941. Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts ESPNC (302) Nin e fo r I X Sh o rts 106 & P ark (N) The Real < A r e W e T h e r e Y e t ? ++ (2005, Comedy) Nia Long, Jay Mohr, H o l l y w o Husbands of Hollywoo BET Ice Cube. A man drives his girlfriend's kids to Vancouver. odHusband "The Reunion Special" Reba Reba Reba Reba Raising Raising Raising < D a y s o f T h u n d e r ++ (‘90) Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise. CMT < Final Destination 3 Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous < Final Destination +++ (‘00) Devon Sawa. MTV SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat H.Danger Ninja (N) Ninja Turtle Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. NICK Co ps Jail C o ps Co ps Co ps C o ps Co ps C o ps "On Bellato r M M A Fighters battle for $100,000 and a SPIKE the Run" shot at the title. Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Queens :40 Q ueens :15 Queens :55 Queens TVLAND < Elf +++ (‘03) James Caan, Will Ferrell. Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live VH1 KRPV
Last Man St Last Man St Shark Tank Features "Here's the "War stuffed animals that are Kicker" (N) Games" (N) washcloths. (N)
Caso cerrado
(50) (8815)
Eyewitness Eyewitness Bad Judge News 4 at "Pilot" 6:30
Wheel of Fortune
9 PM
Bones Angela's psychic Bones The remains of an Family Guy F amily Guy South Park King of th e King of th e The reveals the location of 11 agent are discovered in a Hill Hill Cleveland bodies. car trunk. Show
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
8 PM
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
7:00 p.m.
Tim Allen brings his manly man persona Mike Baxter back to prime-time in this highly anticipated season premiere. Nancy Travis co-stars as his loving wife Vanessa, and together the Baxters watch their three daughters grow up and move on.
(229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
Love It or List It, Too (39)
7:00 p.m.
Rob fell in love with Violet and later fell for her townhouse near the beach. However, now that they’re retired, she wants a place where she can entertain in style. Interior design and realty experts try to help them decide whether to renovate or move.
Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (35)
11:00 p.m.
Guy visits some small towns with big flavor in this new episode. He finds sandwiches stuffed with brisket and crispy pork belly at a roadside bar in Parkland. Famed restaurateur Guy Fieri invites viewers along on culinary road trips in this series.
7 AM
8 AM
10 AM
11 AM
Prog. pagado Prog. pagado M i ck e y M o u se M i c k e y M o u se Ha n d y M a n n y Pocoyo Jung le Book Backyardigans Prog. pagado Prog. pagado La rosa de Guadalupe W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood Woodwork Cook's Country Test Kitchen C h ris ti n a C o o ks J a z z y V e g . Motorweek Garden Home V i c t o r y G a r d e n P a i n t T h i s 2/5 Joy of Painting KRQE News 13 Xploration Outer Space Earth 2050 Ani mal Scie nce W ee kend Marketplace C o o l es t E a r t h On the Spot Paid Program Paid Program W h i s p e r (P) (N) D o g W h i sp e re r Dr. P o l (P) (N) C alling Dr. P o l BBarr (P) (N) Brady Barr E xp e d itio n W il d Exp e d itio n Wi ld R o ckP ark (P) (N) Health y (P) (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Hollywood A n . E x p l o r a t i o n W i n n i ng E d g e L i v e L i f e & W i n ! J a c k H an n a Think Big Into the Wild Bounty Hunter Movie Action 7 News More in the Morning Hollywood T e e n K i d s N e w s N C A A F oo tb a l l Ohio State vs. Maryland (L) 5:00 E y e w i tn e s s N ew s 4 Albuquerq ue In tern ational Balloon Fiesta :35 Chica Tree Fu Tom LazyTown Popp y Cat EP L S o c c e r Manchester City at Aston Villa (L) P rog. pagado Prog . pagado The Jet Plane Noodle Show chica LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Super Latina O p e rac i o n Re p o < K i s s o f th e D ra g o n (‘01) Jet Li. I n no v a tio n (N) R ec R e h a b (N) A ll in With (N) C h ang e rs (N) L u c k y D o g (N) Dr. C h ris V e t (N) (10) K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g A l b u q u e r q u e I n t e r n a t i o n a l B a l l o o n F i e s t a Davey & Goliath Dr. Wonder Retro News Kin g d om War Creation Acquire the Fire Joe McGee Doug Stringer Dollars & Sense HaYesod (12) 5 : 0 0 L i g h t o f t h e S o u t h N C I S "Under Covers" N C I S "Boxed In" N C I S "Sandblast" N C I S "Once a Hero" N C I S "Smoked" (24) P a i d P r o g r a m C o l l e g e F o o t b a l l G a m e D a y (L) N C A A F oo tb a l l Texas A&M vs. Mississippi State University (L) (26) S p o r t s C en t e r NFL MatchUp S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A F oo tb a l l Purdue vs. Illinois (L) (27) 5 : 3 0 N F L L i v e Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s < H i d i n g (2012, Drama) Tyler Blackburn, Ana Villafane. (29) A m a z i n g F a c t s D a v i d J e r e m i a h J o e l O s t e e n Law & Ord e r "Thrill" Law & Ord e r "Denial" < S h e r l o c k H o l m e s +++ (‘09, Adv) Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Robert Downey Jr.. Movie (32) L a w & O r d e r "Terminal" Paid Program Little P e o p l e "The Proposal" Little People, Big W orld Little People, Big W orld Little People, Big W orld P eop le "A Roloff Gets Married!" (33) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Highway to Sell (34) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program Sandwich King BBQ Addiction Best Thing Be s t T h i n g I A t e F a r m R u l e s P i o n e e r W om a n P i o n e e r W om a n S . K i tc h e n (N) (35) P a i d P r o g r a m Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics < S w a m p D e v i l ++ (‘08) Cindy Sampson, Nicolas Wright, Bruce Dern. < T a s m a n i a n D e v i l s (‘13) Danica McKellar. (36) 4 : 0 0 P a i d P r o g r a m P it Bu ll P aro lees "Giving Back" P i t Bu l l P aro l e e s "Puppy-Palooza" P i t Bu l l P aro l e e s "Flood Watch" P i t Bu l l P aro l e e s "Can't Give Up" P i t B u l l P a r o l e "Collision Course" (37) C a t s 1 0 1 Golf Life G o l f D e s t i n a t i o n G o l f (N) 18 Holes Swing Clinic Match Play N C A A F oo tb a l l Marshall vs. Old Dominion (L) (38) S p o r t s U n l i m i t e d Flip or Flop (39) H o u s e C r a s h e r s H o u s e C r a s h e r s H o u s e C r a s h e r s H o u s e C r a s h e r s B i g F am i l y R e n o B i g F a m i l y R e n o B i g F a mi l y R e n o B i g F a m i l y R e n o B i g F a m il y R e n o B i g F a m i l y R e n o F l i p o r F l o p < T h e T u x ed o ++ Jackie Chan. (40) K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s K i n g o f Q u e e n s < T h e S p y N e x t D o o r ++ (‘10) Amber Valletta, Jackie Chan. E! News Weekend The Soup The Kardashians K a r d a s h i a n s "Design for Disaster" K a r d as h i a n s (43) S e x a n d t h e C i t y S e x a n d t h e C i t y S e x a n d t h e C i t y T e e n T i t a n s G o ! C h i m a (N) P o k ém o n X Y (N) C l a r e n c e Clarence Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Go! (49) C l e v e l a n d S h o w K i n g o f t h e H i l l L e g e n d s C h i m a K n i g h t s (N) Little Einsteins Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Mickey M. J a k e N e v e r L a n d P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb F i s h H o o ks (51) P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n au t s Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bu f f y "Where the Wild Things Are" A n g e r M a n a g e A n g e r M a n a g e T w o a n d H a l f Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half (53) P a i d P r o g r a m Criminal Minds C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Cradle to Grave" C r i m i n a l M i n d "The Eyes Have It" Dead Ag ain Wahlburgers Wahlburgers (54) C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Coda" The Rifleman The Rifleman Hell on Wheels < R o o s te r C o gb u rn ++ (‘75, Western) Katharine Hepburn, Richard Jordan, John Wayne. < S e ra p h i m F a l l s +++ (55) T h e R i f l e m a n Nost radam u s: 2 012 "500 Years Later" A f te r A rm a g e d d on C o un td o wn to A rm a g e dd o n (56) 5 : 0 0 9 / 1 1 C o n s p i r a c i e s :15 Spotlight < D r . K i l d a r e ' s C r i s i s ++ (‘40) Lew Ayres. < T h e M u mm y ++ (‘59) Peter Cushing. :45 M o v i es (57) < T h e C o b w e b +++ (‘55) Lauren Bacall, Richard Widmark. M i l l . L i s t i n g "English Beat Down" L i s t i n g "Real Estate on Wheels" M i l l i o n L i s t i n g "Royally Sucked" M i l l i o n L i s t i n g "Flagg vs. Serhant" M i l l i o n L i s t i n g "Hard Cold Cash" (61) T o p C h e f D u e l s 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 fo r 30 "9.79*" 30 for 30 30 fo r 30 "Survive and Advance" (302) 3 0 fo r 3 0 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration RealHusband RealHusb and RealHusband RealHusband RealHusband RealHusband 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. CMT Social Hour 5 : 0 0 < J e e p e rs C r e ep e r s ++ R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d ic u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u lo u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn ess R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss :55 G. Lopez George Lopez George Lopez George Lopez Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S an j ayC raig (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor : 2 5 T h e N a n n y "The Producers" T h e N a n n y 2/3 T h e N a n n y 3/3 F a m i l y F e u d Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud 4:00 VH1 + Music VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn < E l f +++ (2003, Comedy) James Caan, Bob Newhart, Will Ferrell. Saturday Night Live
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM
Sabadazo Dallas Show N o tic i e ro : F D S :55 M F L F ú tb o l America vs. Cruz Azul (L) Oil Painting Quilt in a Day Quilting Arts Fons & Porter Creative Living Cooking/Class Hometime This Old House Ask-Old House Welcome Studio Sewing Nancy Fit 2 Stitch Paid Program Paid Program Football Pre N C A A F o o tb a l l Oklahoma vs. TCU (L) Football Extra NCAA Football Paid Program Paid Program Friends Friends Cougar Town Cougar Town < U l t r a v i o l e t ++ (2006, Action) Milla Jovovich, Nick Chinlund. Glee 11:30 < To Be Announced N C A A F o o tb a l l University of New Mexico vs. University of Texas at San Antonio (L) Paid Program N C A A F o o tb a l l Hawaii vs. Rice (L) 10:00 NCAA Football F o o tb a l l S c o re . N C A A F o o tb a l l (L) Post-game Action 7 News Live 1 0 : 3 0 E P L S o c c e r Man. C./A.V. (L) N o t r e D a m e P r e N C A A F o o t b a l l Stanford vs. Notre Dame (L) Pets.TV NM True TV 1 1 : 0 0 < K i s s o f t h e D r a g o n Jet Li. < T e r m i n a t o r : L a s a l v a c i ó n (‘09, Act) Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin, Christian Bale. R i t m o d e p o r t i v o N o t i c i e r o Operacion Repo Yo soy el artista C o l l e g e F o o tb a l l C o l l e g e F o o tb a l l N C A A F o o tb a l l Alabama vs. Mississippi (Ole Miss) (L) KRQE News 13 KRQE News 13 (10) P a i d P r o g r a m Walking Dr. Rik Wadge Uri Harel Light of the Southwest Best of Week HaYe sod Rock/Manusc. BAS Presents Day Discovery (12) U p d a t e N e w s N C I S "Friends and Lovers" N C I S "Iceman" N C I S "Grace Period" N C I S "Brothers in Arms" N C I S "In the Dark" (24) N C I S "Sharif Returns" F o o tb a l l S c o re . N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Kansas Lottery 300 Site: Kansas Speedway -- Kansas City, Kan. (L) F o o tb a l l S c o re . N C A A F o o tb a l l LSU vs Auburn (L) (26) 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A F o o t b a l l (L) Football Score. Football Score. NCAA Football (27) 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A F o o t b a l l Purd./Ill. (L) F o o t b a l l S c o r e . N C A A F o o t b a l l Wisconsin vs. Northwestern (L) < T h e C h e a t i n g P a c t (‘13) Cynthia Gibb, Daniela Bobadilla. (29) < C r a d l e o f L i e s + (‘06) Shannon Sturges, Dylan Neal, Debra Messing. < S o l e C u s t o d y (‘14) Rick Ravanello, Julie Benz. : 1 5 < S a v i n g P r i v a t e R y a n +++ (‘98, War) Matt Damon, Edward Burns, Tom Hanks. A group of soldiers must find and rescue a paratrooper. (32) 1 1 : 4 5 < R o a d t o P e r d i t i o n +++ (‘02) Paul Newman, Tom Hanks. 19 K i d s & C o u n t "The Proposal" 19 Kid s "Duggars and Mothers" 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s "Jill Says Yes to the Dress" (33) 1 9 K i d s "A Toast to Love" Highway to Sell Hig hway to Sell Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (34) H i g h w a y t o S e l l D i n e r s . . . D i v e s "Best of New York" R ewrap p e d Beat Bob b y Flay Restaurant "Drama at Mamma's" D i n e r s . . . D i v e s Diners...Dives G u y ' s G a m e "Free Samples" (35) T h e K i t c h e n (N) < H e l l b o y +++ (2004, Sci-Fi) John Hurt, Selma Blair, Ron Perlman. < R e s i d e n t E v i l : E x ti n c ti o n ++ (‘07) Oded Fehr, Milla Jovovich. < T h e R e a p i n g +++ (36) M o v i e P i t B u l l P . "From the Shadows" (37) P i t B u l l P a r o l e "Out of the Dark" P i t B u l l P a r o l e e s "A New Future" P i t B u l l P a r o l e e s "Almost Perfect" P i t B u l l P a r o l e "Not Meant To Be" P i t B u l l P . "Rescue Resurrection" N C A A F o o tb a l l Kansas vs. West Virginia (L) NCAA Football (38) 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A F o o t b a l l Marshall vs. Old Dominion (L) H a l l s o f F a m e Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop J e n G a r t h P r o j e c t J e n G a r t h P r o j e c t J e n G a r t h P ro j e c t J e n G a r t h P r o j e c t H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s H o u s e H u n t e r s (39) F l i p o r F l o p Cougar Town Cougar Town Friends Friends Friends Friends < R u s h H o u r 3 ++ (‘07) Jackie Chan, Roman Polanski, Chris Tucker. (40) 1 1 : 0 0 < T h e T u x e d o ++ K a r d as h i a n s "Rocking the Cradle" T h e K a r d a s h i a n s E! News Weekend < T h e W o m e n ++ (2008, Comedy) Annette Bening, Eva Mendes, Meg Ryan. (43) 1 1 : 3 0 K a r d a s h Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Adventure Time (49) T e e n T i t a n s G o ! < S c o o b y - D o o : P i r a t e s A h o y ++ Casey Kasem. A.N.T. Farm Wizards Wizards Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Shake It Up Shake It Up Wizards Wizards Wizards of Waverly Place (51) J e s s i e < T h i s M e a n s W a r +++ (2012, Comedy) Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, Reese Witherspoon. < M i s s i o n : I m p o s s i b l e - G h o s t ... (53) < K n i g h t a n d D a y ++ (2010, Action) Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Wahlburgers < To Be Announced C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Coda" Criminal Minds (54) W a h l b u r g e r s < T h e Q u i c k a n d t h e D e a d +++ (‘95) Gene Hackman, Sharon Stone. < T o m b s to n e +++ (‘93) Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn, Kurt Russell. (55) 1 1 : 0 0 < S e r a p h i m F a l l s +++ (‘06) Liam Neeson. Prophets of Doom Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawnography Pawnography (56) 1 1 : 0 0 C o u n t d o w n - A r m a g e d d o n < P e e p i n g T o m +++ (‘60) Anna Massey, Karlheinz Böhm. < L o l i t a +++ (1962, Drama) Sue Lyon, Shelley Winters, James Mason. (57) 1 1 : 4 5 A N i g h t a t t h e M o v i e s B e l o w D "Charter Guest Soulmate" B e l o w D e c k "Bitchy Resting Face" B e l o w D e c k Below Deck Below Deck (61) M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t N i n e I X "Let Them Wear Towels" R e e l C l a s s i c s "Knuckleball!" R e e l C l a s s i c s "Lenny Cooke" (302) 1 1 : 0 0 30 fo r 30 RealHusband RealHusband RealHusband RealHusband H u s b a n d s "The Reunion Special" < T h e L o n g s h o ts + (2008, Comedy/Drama) Keke Palmer, Tasha Smith, Ice Cube. Movie Hot 20 Countdown Reba Broken Skull Challen < D a y s o f T h u n d e r ++ (‘90) Tom Cruise. < F i n a l D e s ti n a ti o n 2 + (‘03) A.J. Cook, Michael Landes, Ali Larter. < F i n a l D e s ti n a ti o n 3 ++ (‘06) Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Happyland Awkward. Faking It Teen Mom 2 Brd w nrs (N) SpongeBob R a n g e rs (N) Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly iCarly Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby S how The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby S how The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Sh ow The Cosby Show Family Feud Family Feud Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Nick Carter Nick Carter C o u p les Th erap y "A Fresh Start"
S (41)
(143) (327)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D (41)
(143) (327)
Friday, October 3, 2014
Hotel todo incluido
Report America's (3) F ro m S a n ta Heartlan d Fe
Sábado gigante Lawrence Welk Show To the "Say It With Music" Lady M a n o r Norma Zimmer performs. Born
Good Neighbors
The Big Theory
The Big Bang Theory
5 : 0 0 N C A A F o o tb a l l Hawaii vs. Rice (L)
Paid Program
Paid Program
P re -g a m e S h o w (L) /:05 N C A A F o o tb a l l Nebraska vs. Michigan State (L)
Eyewitness Eyewitness The Mysteries of Laura News 4 at 6:30
(8) N e w s 4
Jeopardy! (10)
Wheel of Fortune
Exploring With the (12) S c h o l a rs N C I S "Trojan Horse"
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Modern Family
:20 Post-
HollyScoop Action 7 News Live
Saturday Night Live
Scandal (7)
Eyewitness Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e Sarah Silverman's News 4 at first time as host. (N) (4) 10 p.m. Titulares Telemundo KRQE News 13
Operacion 12 corazones Repo : 3 5 C l o s e r The squad :35 investigates a murder in a Un s e a l e d : Alien Files gang party house.
First Fruits Biblical Shepherd's Heart of Zion Israel N C I S "Bury Your Dead" N C I S "Internal Affairs" < The Game Plan +++ A quarterback learns he (24) has an 8-year-old daughter. Scoreboard N C A A F o o tb a l l (L) SportsCent. (26) 5:00 N C A A F o o tb a l l LSU vs Auburn (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCent. Footb. Final (27) 5:30 N C A A F o o tb a l l Miami vs. Georgia Tech (L) < R u n f o r Y o u r L i f e (Drama) Aislyn Watson, Genea < T h e A s s u l t (‘14) Makenzie Vega. A girl is sexually < R u n f o r Y o u r L i f e (Drama) Aislyn Watson, Genea (29) Charpentier, Amy Smart. assaulted and fights for justice. Charpentier, Amy Smart. < L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n +++ (‘09) Jamie Foxx. A < I n g l o u ri o u s B a s te rd s +++ (2009, War) Christoph Waltz, Eli Roth, Brad Pitt. Jewish< (32) man avenges his family's murders by killing lawyers. American soldiers target a movie theater. I n g l o u ri... 19 Kids and 19 Kids and To Be Announced (33) C o u n ti n g Counting Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid: Pop- Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid: Pop- Naked and Afraid (34) Up Edition (N) Up Edition The Great Food Truck C h o p p e d "Wheatgrass Diners, Diners, Halloween Wars Halloween "Twisted Halloween "Swamp (35) R a c e Roots" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Zombie Prom" Nursery Rhymes" Creatures Attack" 5:00 < The Reaping < Dark Hau l (2014, Horror) Rick Ravanello, Evalena < H e l l b o y +++ (2004, Sci-Fi) John Hurt, Selma Blair, Ron < Dark (36) +++ Hilary Swank. Marie, Tom Sizemore. (P) Perlman. A demon grows up to become a hero. Haul P i t Bu l l P aro l e e s (N) P aro l e "Aftershow" (N) P i t Bu l l s an d P aro l e e s Pit Bulls and Parolees (37) P aro l e "Perfect Match" P i t Bu l l s an d P aro l e e s 5 : 3 0 N C A A F o o tb a l l Pittsburgh vs. Virginia (L) F I A Rally World Big 12 Live (L) N C A A F o o tb a l l Kansas (38) Championship vs. West Virginia Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters House House Property Brothers House Hunters (39) "Megan and Greg" "Christine and Mathieu" R e n o v a tio n (N) Hunters Hunters "Christine and Mathieu" R e n o v a tio n Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang < T o w e r H e i s t +++ (‘11) Eddie Murphy. A group < T h e T u x e d o ++ (‘02) (40) T h e o r y of men plan to rob a business man's home. Jackie Chan. Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory < M a i d i n M a n h a ttan ++ (‘02) Jennifer Lopez. < T h e W o m e n ++ (‘08) Meg Ryan. (43) < T h e W e d d i n g P l a n n e r ++ (‘01) Jennifer Lopez. A d v .T i m e < M a rm a d u k e + (‘10) Emma Stone, Owen Wilson. King of Hill King of Hill Amer. D a d A m e r . D a d B o o n d o c k s B o o n d o c k s (49) A d v .T i m e Austin/ Ally Shake It Up Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie Jessie A.N.T. GoodLuck (51) G o o d L u c k J e s s i e 5:00 < Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Mike & Mike & Mike & M & M "Dips M i k e & Mike & Mike & Mike & (53) Ethan Hunt must clear IMF's name after a bombing. M o l l y Molly Molly and Salsa" Mo ll y Molly Molly Molly Criminal Minds Criminal Minds C ri m i n a l M i n d s "Hanley De a d A ga i n Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (54) "Valhalla" "Lauren" Waters" "Valhalla" "Lauren" 4:00 < Tombstone H e l l o n W h e e l s (N) TURN: WA Spies "The Hell on Wheels < T o m b s to n e +++ (‘93) Kurt Russell. Wyatt Earp (55) +++ (‘93) Kurt Russell. comes out of retirement to fight outlaws. Battle of Setauket" Pawnogr- Pawnogr- Pawnogr- Pawnogr- PawnogrPawnogr- Pawnogr- Pawnogr- Pawnogr- Pawnogr- Pawnogr- :05 (56) ap hy Pawnog. aphy aphy aphy aphy aphy aphy aphy aphy aphy aphy < T w e n t i e t h C e n t u r y ++++ (‘34) John < T h e L a d y V an i s h e s ++++ A couple fears an < W i th o u t R e s e rv a ti o n s +++ (‘46) John Wayne, (57) Barrymore. Producer makes girl a star. elderly woman has been kidnapped. Claudette Colbert. A writer meets the perfect man. < G a n g s o f N e w Y o rk +++ (2002, Drama) Daniel Day-Lewis, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo < G a n g s o f N e w Y o rk +++ (‘02) Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo (61) DiCaprio. A young man seeks to avenge his father's murder. DiCaprio. A young man seeks to avenge his father's murder. Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts (302) Nin e fo r I X Sh o rts 5 : 3 0 < A r e W e T h e r e Y e t ? ++ (‘05) Ice Cube. A < S e v e n P o u n d s ++ (2008, Drama) Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Will < T h e J a n k y P ro m o te rs man drives his girlfriend's kids to Vancouver. Smith. A man seeks redemption by helping seven people. (‘09) Ice Cube. 4 : 3 0 < D a y s o f T h u n d e r < R o a d H o u s e ++ (1989, Action) Sam Elliott, Ben Gazzara, Patrick Swayze. O n t h e H u n t (N) Death Valley T e e n M o m G i rl C o d e < Leg ally Blond e ++ (‘01) Reese Witherspoon. < C l u e l e s s ++ (‘95) Alicia Silverstone. Ridiculous Ridiculous Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Nicky Nicky H.Danger Hathaway H.Danger Nicky (N) T h u n d e r (N) A w e s o m e F re s h P . Fresh P. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops
Friday, October 3, 2014
Saturday Best Bets
White Collar
Light of the Southwest Best of Week
Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray T h e r a p y "Death Trap" Couples Therapy Couples Therapy
(50) (8815)
M F L F ú tb o l Chiapas Jaguares at Pachuca Site: Videos asombrosos Estadio Hidalgo -- Pachuca, Mexico (L) NCIS: LA A computer Stalker "Pilot" A stalker 48 H o u rs expert is attacked during with an affinity for fire is online game play. searched for. House Calls Creation Proclaims N C I S "Angel of Death"
Natu re "Penguins: Spy in the Huddle - First Steps"
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld The Office Half Men H a l f Me n "The Apartment"
Family Guy Family Guy Futurama
game Show (L)
5:00 Yo soy el artista
Denver Noticiero Broncos Univision Au s tin C ity Lim its "Celebrates 40 Years" Enjoy memorable moments from past shows.
Community Community The Middle The Middle Modern "Physical "Basic "Valentine's "The Bee" Family Education" Genealogy" Day"
News 13 News 13 A x e C o p /:15 A x e C o p /:45 < T o B e A n n o u n c e d Axe Cop on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Axe Cop
5 : 3 0 N C A A F o o tb a l l (L)
(5) B a n g
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Friends Friends The Exes Queens < N a p o l e o n D y n a m i te ++ (‘04) Jon Heder.
Queens Queens < Two Weeks Notice
(25) (8819)
Kate McKinnon stars in “Saturday Night Live”
Rock the Park (27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114)
11:00 a.m.
Co-hosts Jack Steward and Colton Smith guide viewers on a virtual tour of some of the most beautiful places on Earth. This new series aims to inspire viewers to explore and truly appreciate the country’s national parks.
Trisha’s Southern Kitchen (35)
11:30 a.m.
When Trisha gets together with Glenda, the two friends combine their passions. Their tea party caters to Glenda’s love of theme parties and Trisha’s love of miniature things. One of the highlights is creamy asparagus soup.
(296) (176)
Saturday Night Live
(291) (173)
(248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
9:00 p.m.
The iconic sketch comedy series returns for its milestone 40th season. Employing some of the hottest comedic actors of the day, the show lampoons everything from pop culture to politics. Each week features a celebrity guest hosts and musical acts.
48 Hours (10)
9:00 p.m.
Correspondents explore real-life crimes and headline-making dramas in this hard-hitting series. Skilled broadcast journalists delve into some incredible stories, going into more depth than in a traditional network newscast.
Cooking thisweek 10:30 p.m.
(35) Mystery Diners
7:00 p.m.
Deliciously destructive: ‘Cutthroat Kitchen’ launches superstar tournament for charity By Andrew Warren TV Media
5:00 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics
5:30 p.m.
(35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m.
(35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen (35) Chopped (35) Chopped
4:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Chopped
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Chopped
4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
(35) Beat Bobby Flay
8:30 p.m.
(35) Beat Bobby Flay (35) Chopped
8:00 p.m.
(61) Top Chef Duels
10:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
(35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
(35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
7:30 p.m.
(35) Chopped
8:00 p.m.
(35) Chopped
9:00 p.m.
(35) Food Truck Face-Off
9:30 p.m.
(35) Chopped
10:00 p.m.
Roswell Daily Record: Food Oct 3, 2014 to Oct 9, 2014
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (35) Guy’s Grocery Games (35) Rewrapped
4501 N. Main Roswell, NM 88202 Movie Hotline (575) 623-1010
9:30 p.m.
(61) Top Chef Duels
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
Allen Theatres All Theatres Digital Projection 1Ticket x 2" Sales Online
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
tages that are dredged from the mind of Alton Brown. Of course, despite the sabotage, the backstabbing and the evil cackles coming from Brown, “Cutthroat Kitchen” is all in good fun, and this superstar installment is most certainly for a good cause. They say that you can’t have too much of a good thing, and you can see “Cutthroat Kitchen” is living proof of that when it premieres its “Superstar Sabotage” tournament Wednesday, Oct. 8, on the Food Network.
10:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) The Great Food Truck Race
will duke it out under Alton Brown’s watchful eye as they do whatever it takes to win up to $75,000 — for charity, of course. With 16 famous TV chefs ready to face the heat, there’ll be a lot of familiar faces on the screen. Jeff Mauro (“Sandwich King”), Nadia G (“Bite This With Nadia G”), Anne Burrell (“Secrets of a Restaurant Chef”) and Alex Guarnaschelli (“Iron Chef America”) are just a few of the popular TV personalities who’ve agreed to subject themselves to the diabolical sabo-
9:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Rewrapped
8:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. (35) The Great Food Truck Race 7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped 8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
Alton Brown hosts “Cutthroat Kitchen: Superstar Sabotage”
7:00 p.m.
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
A/ Economy Motors B/ High Chapparal Care 2 x 2"
8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
e all know the old saying: “if at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Typically, it’s meant to inspire us after a failure, to persuade us to pick ourselves up, to dust ourselves off and make another attempt at whatever it was we were trying to do. It may be time to add a new saying to our lexicon: “if at first you do succeed, keep on doing it because clearly you’re doing something right.” I really don’t think that anyone could deny that “Cutthroat Kitchen” has been a big hit for the Food Network. The Alton Brown-hosted culinary competition premiered to great fanfare barely a year ago, and it’s already on its fifth season. That’s one heck of an accomplishment for anything on television, and with new episodes being turned out with such surprising speed, it was really only a matter of time before the stars of the culinary world sat up and took notice. “Cutthroat Kitchen’s” first tournament, “Superstar Sabotage,” launches Wednesday, Oct. 8, on the Food Network, and with some significant money on the line for deserving charities, the stakes are high for the celebrity chefs who will be competing. In a format similar to some of the network’s other competitions, each weekly episode will feature four chefs going head-to-head to out-cook and out-sabotage each other in a race to claim the cash prize for a charity of their choosing. Then, in the fifth and final episode on Wednesday, Nov. 5, the winners of the four previous episodes
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
(35) Mystery Diners
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
Del Norte - Plains Park - 2nd & Garden For Week of Oct. 6 - Oct. 10
Morning Sausage Roll, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C
Golden Burrito, Salad w/Diced Tomatoes, Seasonal Fruit
Snack n Waffle, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C
Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Whole Wheat Roll, Gravy, Mixed Fruit
Breakfast Bun, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C
Frito Pie, Corn, Pineapple
Mini Cinnis, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C
Chicken Fajitas, Beans, Peaches
Empanada, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C
Spaghetti, Bread Stick, Green Beans, Sliced Apples
Farmers Country Market 2 x 4"
Friday, October 3, 2014
Television Crossword ACROSS 1 Mr. Hamm 4 Aperitif, __ Royale 7 Ponder 11 Plastic __ Band (Beatles offshoot) 12 “__ Noon” (1952) starring Gary Cooper 13 Harvard, e.g. 14 NEW! Fall 2014: Legal comedy on NBC starring the actress at 21 Down: 2 wds. 16 Former currency in Italy 17 Program Director on “WKRP in Cincinnati” played by Gary Sandy: 2 wds. 19 Martial Art from Japan 22 Song 23 __-la-la 24 Mr. Hough, “Dancing with the Stars” pro 27 “Rich Girl” by Hall & __ 30 Vacuum cleaner brand 31 Suffering wife in Edith Wharton’s 1911 novel Ethan Frome 32 Cuckoo bird sort 33 Clumps 35 Financial thoroughfare in NYC: 2 wds. 38 NEW! Fall 2014: FOX show described as a ‘10-episode
mystery event series’ 41 To the __ (Fully) 42 “Hero” singer Enrique 46 Violinist, Camilla __ (b.1842 d.1902) 47 TV show’s behind-the-scenes force 48 Hit the hills 49 Oven used in glass-making 50 “__-haw!” 51 “K-__” (2001) starring Kevin Spacey DOWN Task __ _ whim Positive gesture Friendly address for a pal Australian rapper Ms. Azalea “Gone with the Wind” (1939) name 7 NEW! Fall 2014: FOX series about a stand-up comedian 8 Movie studio, __ Pictures 9 iPhone’s voice-activated helper 10 Ms. Green of “Casino Royale” (2006), and namesakes 12 Dog: German 15 Actor, Michael __ White 18 Actor, Paul __ 19 NEW! Fall 2014: NBC’s romantic comedy on which Katey 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sagal is the narrator, “_ __ _” 20 “Dies __”: Latin hymn meaning ‘Day of Wrath’ 21 Portrayer of Dr. Addison Montgomery on “Private Practice” who now stars on the new show at 14 Across: 2 wds. 25 Eternities practically 26 Create a cardigan 28 Thespian; or, one passing a bill 29 “Smooth Operator” singer 34 Piquant 35 Cartoon character, __ _. Coyote 36 Freshly 37 Mil. titles 38 Ra’s al __ (Batman foe) 39 To laugh: French 40 Monster 43 AOL, e.g. 44 Jennifer Lopez’s current album 45 2001 to 2005 drama, “__ Feet Under”
New Mexico Prosthetics 2515 N. Kentucky Roswell NM 88201 2x3" Phone (575) 623-0344 Fax (575) 623-6696
Trained and credentialed staff Personal attention
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Solution on page 4
B/Oasis Computer 1x3" Edward Jones 2 x 2"
Peachtree Village Retirement Community 1301 W. Country Club Rd. Roswell, NM 88201 575-627-8070
Coordinated Home Health 2x3"
Modas Chihuahua 1x3"
• Beautiful Apartments Studio 1&2 Bedroom • Superb Dining • Housekeeping Transportation • Activities Peachtree ••Village Retirement Bus Tours of the Countryside
Community “Home Is Where The Heart Is” Call today for lunch and a tour! 2x3" 575-627-8070
Great food, super neighbors & lots of fun activities! “We have it all for the retiree that wants a new home!”
EVERYTHING INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: Utilities, Cable TV, Internet, 3 Meals a day, transportation, activities, security, covered parking & weekly housekeeping Friday, October 3, 2014
7 AM
8 AM
10 AM
11 AM
Prog. pagado Misa Catolica Para volver a amar Al punto Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a A c ap u l c o "Duelo de Angeles" P e r e g r i n e D a m e S e c o n d O p i n i o n A n t i q u e "Raleigh (Hour One)" G o s pe l "How Great Thou Art" Joy of Music Joy of Music F i n d i ng / R o o ts "Born Champions" G l o b e T r e k k e r Paid Program C a th o l i c M a s s L e g a c y C h u rc h B e l i e v e r C e n te r F o x N e w s Su n d a y Joel Osteen Homebu ilders F o x N F L S un d a y Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program T h e C o n n e c t i o n C h r i s t i a n W o rs h i p H o u r Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass Paid Program T ro b ad ou r LatiNat ion American Latino Paid Program Paid Program Raw Travel OK! TV Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning T h i s W e e k (N) Wild Countd. Ocean Myst. Sea Rescue Wildlife Docs 5:00 E y e w i tn e s s N ew s 4 Albuquerq ue In tern ational Balloon Fiesta M e e t th e P re s s (N) New Mexico This Old Hous e N P G L Fitn ess P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado EP L F ú tb o l Arsenal at Chelsea (L) P rog. pagado Raggs Noodle Show chica LazyTown V ideos asom. Paid Program F a c e th e N a tio n T h e N F L T o d a y (L) N F L F o o tb a l l (L) (10) K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g A l b u q u e r q u e I n t e r n a t i o n a l B a l l o o n F i e s t a Walking Doug Stringer I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Day Discovery Rock/Manus c. HaYesod M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a (12) 5 : 0 0 L i g h t o f t h e S o u t h < B e e M o v i e +++ (‘07) Voices of Renée Zellweger, Jerry Seinfeld. < T h e G a m e P l a n +++ (‘07) Madison Pettis, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Movie (24) P a i d P r o g r a m S p o r t s C en t e r S u n d a y N F L C ou n tdo w n (L) S p rin t C u p Co u n td ow n (L) (26) S p o r t s C en t e r Sp o rts Rep o rt. C o l i n 's N e w F oo tb a l l S h o w (L) S p o r t s C en t e r F a n ta s y F o o tb a l l N ow (L) Streetball City Slam (27) O u t s i d e L i n e s Paid Program Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s < Z o e G o n e (2014, Thriller) < Social Nightmare (29) A m a z i n g F a c t s D a v i d J e r e m i a h J o e l O s t e e n Law & Ord e r "D-Girl" L aw & Ord e r "Turnaround" Law & Ord e r "Showtime" Law & Ord e r "Nullification" < G h o s t R i d e r ++ Nicolas Cage. (32) L a w & O r d e r "Loco Parentis" Paid Program Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Borrowe d Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Borrowed Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress (33) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program A l as k a/ Las t "Spring Has Sprung" A l a s k a / F ro n ti e r "Spring Delicacy" A l a s k a "Parlors and Poop Chutes" A l a s k a : T h e L a s t F r o n t i e r A l a s k a / L a s t "Hunt in the Clouds" (34) P a i d P r o g r a m Paid Program Rach e l Ray 's ... "Prepare Yourself" B a c k t o B a s i c s H e a r t l a n d T a b l e P i o n e e r W om an S . K i tc h e n Barefoot Cont. Giada at Home (35) P a i d P r o g r a m < T h e C u r s ed (‘10) Brad Thornton, Fancesca Cecil, Louis Mandylor. < S te p h e n K i n g 's Ro s e R e d ++ (‘01) Julia Campbell. 1/3 cont'd next < S te p h e n K i n g 's Ro s e R e d ++ (36) 4 : 0 0 P a i d P r o g r a m T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d (37) U n t a m e d "Shark Takes Leg" Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gam e 365 (N) Golf Life FIA Rally F i s h i ng (N) S k i i n g ‘13 Park and Pipe Open (38) D a r t s Premier League B u y i n g / S e l l "Ken and Kimberly" B u y i n g & S e l l i n g "Daniel and Iris" P ro p e rty B ro s . "James and David" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t Fixer Upper (39) B u y i n g / S e l l "Barry and Corrina" Friends Friends < C h a r l i e ' s A n g e l s I I : F u l l T h r o t t l e ++ (‘03) Cameron Diaz. < G e t S m a r t ++ (‘08) Anne Hathaway, Steve Carell. < Tower Heist (40) F r i e n d s E! News Weekend The Soup < M a i d i n M a n h a tta n ++ (‘02) Ralph Fiennes, Jennifer Lopez. T otal Divas "Roadside Rumble" (43) 5 : 0 0 < T h e W o m e n ++ (‘08) Meg Ryan. Samurai Jack L e g e n ds Ch i m a T e n k a i K n i g h t s P o k ém o n : X Y Teen Titans Go! Teen Tita ns Go! Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Go! (49) C l o n e W a r s L i ttle E i n s te i n s T h e O ctonauts M ickey M. Mickey M. J a k e N e v e r L a n d P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb G o o d L u c k . . . Shake It Up (51) P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb C h u g g in g t o n Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bu f f y V am p . "New Moon Rising" M e t M o th e r Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother < T h i s M e a n s W a r +++ (53) P a i d P r o g r a m C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Outfoxed" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "100" < T o B e A n n o u n ce d (54) C r i m i n a l M i n d "The Eyes Have It" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "The Performer" < W e A r e M a r s h a l l ++ (2007, Sport) Anthony Mackie, Matthew Fox, Matthew McConaughey. < T h e B o n e C o l l e c to r +++ (‘99) Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington. (55) H e l l o n W h e e l s Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History Street Gangs: A Sec ret History C rim e "18 Months of Mayhem" (56) 5 : 0 0 S l a v e C a t c h e r s < S c a r f a c e +++ (‘32, Bio) Karen Morley, Ann Dvorak, Paul Muni. < C o o l H a n d L u k e +++ (‘67) George Kennedy, Paul Newman. (57) : 1 5 < G r e e n f o r D a n g e r ++++ (‘46) Trevor Howard, Sally Gray. M i l l i o n a i r e "Jersey in the House" T h e M i l l i o n a i r e M a t c h m a k e r Wives of Melbourne W i v e s "Reunion Part One" (N) H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y (61) H o u s e w i v e s / N e wJ e r s e y B a s s m a s te r "Winning Ways #2" B a s s m a s te r "Delaware River" 30 for 30 30 for 30 Nin e I X "Let Them Wear Towels" (302) 3 0 fo r 3 0 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration B o b b y J on e s G os p e l (N) L if t Vo i c e (N) Lift Every Voice 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d ic u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u lo u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn ess R i d i c u l o u sn e ss G i rl C o d e G i rl C o d e Girl Code Girl Code :55 G. Lopez George Lopez George Lopez George Lopez Odd Parents Odd Parents P o w e r Ran g e rs S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Sp o ng e Bob Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Powernation Powernation Powernation Powernation : 2 5 3 ' s C o m p a n y "Extra, Extra" 3's Company 3's Company Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud F a m i l y F eu d Family Feud Family Feud Family Feud VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn < T w o W e e k s N o t i ce ++ (2002, Comedy) Hugh Grant, Alicia Witt, Sandra Bullock. < N a p o l e o n D y n a mi te ++ (‘04) Jon Heder.
12 PM
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 AM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
11:00 Festival Acapulco
S (41)
(143) (327)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
4 PM
5 PM
Hotel todo incluido Tras la Verdad C h a v o A n im a d C i t a C o n S e m a n a d e e d u c a c io n Perspectiva Noticiero: FDS Cultura I n F o cu s T h e R o o s ev e l ts : A n I n ti m a te H i s to ry "The Fire of Life (1910-1919)" Religion News C lassic Gosp el N e w s h ou r. (N) M c L a u g h I M S A A u t o R a c i n g Petit Le Mans N F L F o o tb a l l (L) Paid Program Paid Program T h e F i r s t F a m i l y M r . B o x O f f i c e < O p e r a t i o n C o nd or ++ (‘91) Carol Do Do Cheng, Jackie Chan. Blue Bloods Raising Hope Raising Hope Glee < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program < T o B e A n n o u n ce d T he Pi n k e rto ns Outback B o r n t o E x p l o r e W h a t W o u l d Y o u Do ? W o rld o f X G am e s (N) STIHL Timbersports Entertainment Tonight Weekend Action 7 News World News 11:00 N P G L F i tn es s F i s h i ng Forrest Wood Cup World of Adventure Sports H o r s e R a c i n g Bourbon Stakes (L) A M M a r k e t i n g N e w s 4 S p e c F o o tb a l l N i g h t i n A m e ri c a (L) Enfoque < L a S i r e n i t a (1989, Animated) < T h e E x p e nd a b l es (‘10, Act) Jason Statham, Jet Li, Sylvester Stallone. N o t i c i e r o Operacion Repo < The Last Airbender : 2 5 N F L F oo t b a l l (L) KRQE News 13 (10) 1 1 : 0 0 N F L F o o t b a l l (L) Mani Erfan Dr. McDonald Y.Salamanca Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. R.Booker (12) B i b l i c a l I s r a e l Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Loss" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Ghost" (24) 1 1 : 3 0 < T h e B a c k - U p P l a n ++ (‘10) Alex O'Loughlin, Jennifer Lopez. < L i t t l e F o c k e r s ++ (‘10) Robert De Niro, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller. S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r (26) N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Hollywood Casino 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Kansas Speedway -- Kansas City, Kan. (L) NHRA Drag Rac ing Nationals P o k e r World Series P o k e r World Series (27) F I B A B a s k e t b a l l World Championship Site: Istanbul Arena -- Istanbul, Turkey (L) < G o n e M i ss i n g (2013, Drama) Lauren Bowles, Daphne Zuniga. < R u n f o r Y o u r L i f e (Dra) Aislyn Watson, Amy Smart. < K i l l e r s +++ Ashton Kutcher. (29) 1 1 : 0 0 < S o c i a l N i g h tm a r e : 1 5 < S p i d e r - M a n ++ (2002, Action) Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, Tobey Maguire. : 4 5 < P r i n c e o f P e r s ia : T h e S a n d s o f T i m e ++ (‘10) Gemma Arterton, Jake Gyllenhaal. (32) 1 1 : 0 0 < G h o s t R i d e r ++ Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes -Dress L .I . M e d i u m "Never Before Seen" (33) S a y Y e s - D r e s s A l a s k a / F ro n ti e r "Call of the Wild" A l a s k a / F ro n ti e r "Circle of Life" A l a s k a / L a s t "Baby Kilcher Arrives" (34) A l a s k a / L a s t "A Prickly Situation" A l a s k a / L a s t "Of Moose and Men" A l a s k a "Marital Maintenance" P i o n e e r W om a n F a rm R u l e s (N) T h e K i t c h e n Ha l l o w e e n W a r s "Zombie Prom" Ha l l ow "Twisted Nursery Rhymes" Ha l l ow "Swamp Creatures Attack" (35) B r u n c h @ . . . (N) G u y ' s B i g B i t e < T h e R e a p i n g +++ (‘07) David Morriessey, Hilary Swank. < H o u s e o f B o n es (36) 1 1 : 0 0 < S t e p h en K i n g ' s R o s e R e d < S t e p h e n K i n g ' s Ro s e R e d ++ (‘01) Julia Campbell. 3/3 T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d O n T h e H un t "Summer Heats Up" (37) 1 0 : 0 0 T o B e A n n o u n c e d S n o w bo a rd Freeride World Tour Baseball Uni F I A Rally World Championship Sp o rts Un lim ited (N) Gam e 365 (N) (38) N C A A V o l l e y b a l l Texas vs. Kansas (L) Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper (39) F i x e r U p p e r : 4 5 < M e n i n B l a c k I I ++ (‘02) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. P o s t P re -G a m e M L B B a s e b a l l Division Series (L) (40) 1 1 : 3 0 < T o w e r H e i s t +++ (‘11) Eddie Murphy. T h e K a r d as h i a n s "Rocking the Cradle" The Kardashians < T h e W e d d in g P l an n e r ++ (‘01) Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Lopez. (43) T o t a l D i v a s "Divas Unchained" Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball T e e n T i t a n s G o ! T e e n T i t a n s G o ! < M a rm a d u k e + Owen Wilson. (49) T e e n T i t a n s G o ! < S c o o b y - D o o ! L e g e n d o f t h e P h a n t o s a u r Austin and Ally Wizards Wizards Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Sh ake It Up Shake It Up Jessie A u s t i n a n d A l l y P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb (51) A . N . T . F a r m < M i s s i on : I m po s s ib l e - G h o s t P ro to c o l (2011, Action) Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Tom Cruise. < T ra n s f o rm e rs : D a rk o f th e M o o n +++ (53) 1 1 : 0 0 < T h i s M e a n s W a r +++ < G o o d f e l l a s +++ (1990, Crime Story) Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta. Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (54) 1 0 : 0 0 < T o B e A n n o u n c e d < D e j a V u ++ (2006, Action) Jim Caviezel, Val Kilmer, Denzel Washington. B reaking Bad "Confessions" : 0 5 B r e a k B a d /: 1 0 B r e a k i n g B a d : 1 5 B r e a k B a d /: 2 0 B r e a k i n g B a d (55) M o v i e J e s s e J a m es ' H i d d e n T re a s u re Fort Knox: Secrets Revealed Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (56) 1 1 : 0 0 C r i m e W a v e 1 8 M o n t h s < F i v e C a m e B a c k ++ (‘39) Chester Morris. < T h e J u ng l e B o o k +++ (‘42) Rosemary DeCamp, Joseph Calleia. < K n i g h ts o f th e R o u n d T a b l e ++ (‘53) Ava Gardner, Robert Taylor. (57) M o v i e H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y H o u s e w i ve s N J "Guilt Trip" H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y W i v e s N J "The Day of Jacqueline" W i v e s N J "Gators and Haters" (61) W i v e s N J "The Family Business" R e e l C l a s s i c s "Knuckleball!" R e e l C l a s s i c s "Lenny Cooke" (302) 3 0 fo r 3 0 "Survive and Advance" < S e v e n P o u nd s ++ (2008, Drama) Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson, Will Smith. < T h e J a n k y P ro m o te rs (2009, Crime Story) Mike Epps, Young Jeezy, Ice Cube. Movie Hot 20 Countdo wn Raising Hope Raising Hope < R o a d H o u s e ++ (‘89) Sam Elliott, Ben Gazzara, Patrick Swayze. Girl Code Girl Code Happyland Awkward. Faking It < T h e D e v i l W e a r s P r a d a +++ (‘06, Com) Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, Meryl Streep. < L e g a l l y B l o n d e ++ Ninja Turtles SpongeBob B a r b i e (N) S p o ng e Bob Odd Parents Odd Parents Henry Danger Henry Danger NickyRickyDicky NickyRickyDicky SpongeBob Spong eBob B a r R e s c u e "Weber's of Lies" B a r R e s c u e "Meat Sauna" B a r R e s c u e "A Bar Full of Bull" Bar Rescue Contractor Contractor Bar Rescue T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h ow The Cosb y Show Family Fe ud Family Feud Movie Nick Carter C o up l e s T h e ra p y T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny T.I. and Tiny Atlanta Exes (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
D (41)
(143) (327)
Friday, October 3, 2014
Aqui y Ahora
Moyers and Islands Without (3) C o mp an y Cars
The (4) S i m p so n s
7 PM
8 PM
Va por ti
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 PM
10 PM
La Familia P. Luche Masterpiece Classic Tom Masterpiece "Inspector Lewis: The Scotland Inveraray Castle and Dudley succumb; and Greater Good" Hathaway gets to work houses the chieftain of Jonas reappears. (N) on his first case as inspector. 1/3 (N) Clan Campbell. (N)
Bob's The Burg ers (N) S i m p so n s (N)
Brooklyn Family Guy Mulaney "Chocolate "The Book "Pilot" (P) Milk" (N) of Joe" (N) (N)
11 PM
Sal y pimienta
Noticiero Tras la Verdad (41) Univision The Rule A look at St. Benedict's Prep, a school in New Jersey.
News 13 News 13 Anger on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Management
Anger Management
Extra Weekend
BBang "The The Big Bang Theory
< T h e D e v i l 's T o m b + (2009, Horror) Taryn
How I Met How I Met Rules of Your EngageManning, Valerie Cruz, Cuba Gooding Jr.. A military Y o u r unit is sent to locate a missing scientist. Mother Mother ment
Rules of Engagement
Seinfeld "The Stranded"
The Good Wife
The Good Wife
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Burn Notice
Action 7 News Live
Entertainment Tonight Weekend
(5) Beta Test
Lobo C o a c h es Show
America's Funniest (7) H o m e V i d eo s (SP) (N)
Once Upon a Time "White Out" (N)
R e s u r. "Echoes" Bellamy R e v e n g e "Disclosure" Action 7 and Sheriff Fred fear that Emily desperately News Live Caleb has returned. (N) searches for Victoria. (N)
: 2 0 N F L F oo tb a l l Cincinnati Bengals at New England Patriots Site: Gillette Stadium --
(8) Foxborough, Mass. (L) 5:00 < The Last (9) A i r b e n d e r Noah Ringer.
Yo soy el artista
60 Minutes
M ad a m A reporter threatens to publish confidential documents.
Shepherd's Heart
: 3 5 E y e w i tn e s s N e ws 4 : 3 5 I ns i d e at 1 0 p.m. Edition Weekend
Suelta la sopa
Titulares T e l e m u nd o The Good Wife Cary's C S I "Buzz Kill" The team KRQE News freedom lies in the hands investigates a shooting at 13 of a pretrial officer. (N) a marijuana shop. (N)
4 : 0 0 < R o a d H o u s e ++ < K i n d e r g a r t e n C o p ++ (‘90) Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Sunday Best Bets
++ (50) (8815)
:05 Access Hollywood
Operacion < Bl i n d ad o (‘09) Matt Repo Dillon, Columbus Short. : 3 5 T h e C l os e r Cases are : 3 5 re-opened when a crime Unsealed: lab is discredited. Alien Files
C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps 5:00 < Legally Blonde < C l u e l e ss ++ (‘95) Alicia Silverstone. < T h e D e v i l W e a r s P r a d a +++ (‘06) Meryl Streep. Awkward. SpongeBob SpongeBob H.Danger Nicky Thunder Hathaway Full House Full House Full House Full House Fresh P. Fresh P. Bar Rescue "Muscle Bar Rescue "Don't Mess Bar Rescue "Scary Bar Rescue "I Smell a Bar Rescue "Bug Bite" C atch a C ontractor Madness" With Taffer's Wife" Mary's" Rat" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Queens Qu eens Queens Qu eens Hip Hop Hollywood Hip Hop Hollywood < New Jack C ity ++ (‘91) Ice-T, Judd Nelson, Wesley Snipes. B eh ind th e M usi c "Nas" Behind
Friday, October 3, 2014
Dr. R ik Light of the Southwest Zola Levitt Update Day of Dollars & Wadge Ministries News Discovery Sense Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Modern Modern < Little F o c kers ++ (24) "Confession" (‘10) Ben Stiller. Victims Un it "Shattered" Victims Un it "Gray" Family Family Family Family P o k e r World Series S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r (26) 5:00 Sp o rtC C h amp (N) P o k e r World Series NHRA Drag Rac ing ESPN FC Baseball T. Racing (27) NHRA Drag Rac ing Nationals Site: Maple Grove Raceway -- Reading, Pa. Witches of East End Witches East "For Whom Witches of East End "Box to the Future" Joanna Witches of East End 5 : 0 0 < K i l l e r s +++ (29) (‘10) Ashton Kutcher. "Box to the Future" (N) the Spell Tolls" (N) attempts to travel back to the present. "Box to the Future" < N a tio n a l T re a s u r e : B o o k o f S e c re ts ++ (‘07) Jon Voight, < N a tio n a l T re a s u r e : B o o k o f S e c re ts ++ (‘07) Jon Voight, < Sp id er-M an ++ (‘02) (32) Nicolas Cage. A treasure hunter tries to clear his family's name. Nicolas Cage. A treasure hunter tries to clear his family's name. Tobey Maguire. Lo ng Island L ong I sland L on g Is land L ong I sland Angels (N) A ng els L on g I sland Lo ng Island A ng els Angels L on g Isla nd L o ng Isla nd (33) M e d ium M ed ium M e d i um (N) M e d i um (N) A m o ng (N) M ed ium M ed ium A m o ng Us A m o ng Us M ed ium M ed ium Alaska/Frontier "Kilcher Alaska/Frontier "A Mild Tethered "My Way or Alaska: The Last Tethered "My Way or Alaska/Frontier "Kilcher (34) Countdown" (N) Winter" (N) the Highway" (N) F ro n ti e r "A Mild Winter" the Highway" Countdown" Halloween Wars T he Grea t Foo d Truck Guy's Grocery Gam es Guy's Grocery Gam es Halloween Wars "The Cutthroat Kitchen (35) "Nightmares" Race "Aisle of Terror" (N) Haunted Farm" (N) "Saboootage" (N) Z Nation "Fracking Z Nation "Philly Feast" 5 : 0 0 < H o u se o f B o n e s < S h u t t e r ++ (‘08) Rachel Taylor, Joshua Jackson. Z N a t i o n "Puppies and (36) (‘09) Charisma Carpenter. Ghosts appear in pictures of a newly married couple. Kittens" Zombies" T o B e A n n o u n ce d Rattlesn (N) Rattles n (N) To Be Announced Rattlesnake Rattlesnake North Woods Law (37) W o o ds L a w (SP) (N) Table Tennis Darts Premier League W P T Poker Seminole W P T Poker World UF C Un leas h ed (N) W P T Poker Seminole (38) Hard Rock Showdown Championship Hard Rock Showdown Hawaii L ife Hawaii L ife Beachfront Beachfront Living Living House House Beachfront Beachfront Living Living (39) Bargain Bargain Alaska Alaska Hunters Hunters Bargain Bargain Alaska Alaska 4 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l Division Series (L) M L B B a s e b a l l Division Series (L) MLB < Men in (40) P o s t s e as o n B l a c k I I Divas "Scared Straight" C an d id "Kris Jenner" The Kardashians (43) Divas "Divas Unchained" Divas "Scared Straight" C an d id "Kris Jenner" TeenTita Clarence Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Bob Burger Bob Burger RickMort Family Guy (49) 5:00 < M a rm a d u k e + SoRandom Shake It Up Austin/ Ally SoRandom Austin/ Ally Shake It Up A.N.T. Jessie Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally (51) G o o d Lu c k A . N . T . 4 : 3 0 < T ra n s f o rm e rs: D a rk o f th e M o o n Alien < Battles h ip ++ (2012, Sci-Fi) Alexander Skarsgard, Rhianna, Taylor Kitsch. T h e S t r a i n "The Master" (53) robots race to uncover a spaceship on the moon. A lone Naval Fleet battles an alien armada for Earth. (SF) (N) Duck Duck Duck C o mm aWahlbur- Wahlbur- Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck C o mm a(54) D y n a s ty Dynasty Dynasty nder gers gers Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty nder Breaking Bad BreakBad /B 5:20 BreakBad Events set in motion Breaking Bad "Felina" :15 4th an d Lo u d : 1 5 G a m e o f A rm s "War (55) BreakBad "Ozymandias" long ago move toward a conclusion. Horses" P aw n S tars P aw n "Lord P aw n "Cold P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars :05 P aw n P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn "Lord P aw n "Cold P aw n S tars (56) of the Ring" Hard Cash" Stars of the Ring" Hard Cash" < T h e R e d S h o es ++++ (‘48, Mus) Anton Walbrook, Marius Life an d Wo rk Jack Legendary < T h e B l o t (‘21) Philip Hubbard. Families from (57) Goring, Moira Shearer. A ballerina is torn between two loves. cinematographer- Jack Cardiff. different backgrounds are drawn together. Ho us ewives NJ "Pack Your Bags and Get Out!" The H o us ew ives NJ "Pack WatchWhat Housewives/NewJers ey "Pack Your Bags and Get Housewives (61) rumor about the twins' family is revealed. (N) Your Bags and Get Out!" (N) Out!" The rumor about the twins' family is revealed. /NewJersey Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts Nine for IX Shorts (302) Nin e fo r I X Sh o rts 5:30 < To B e An noun ced < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d (12)
(25) (8819)
Bob and Linda in “Bob’s Burgers”
Bob’s Burgers (4)
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183)
Fresh off an Emmy win for outstanding animated program, Bob Belcher and his family return in this season premiere. This season, Bob enters a “Best Burger” contest, Linda dyes her hair and Tina sparks up a romance with a ghost.
Mulaney (4)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114)
6:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
John Mulaney stars as an upand-coming comic who lands a job writing for an obnoxious game show host (Martin Short) in this new comedy. At the same time, one of John’s roommates (Seaton Smith) sets out to write a joke with a killer punchline.
Revenge 9:00 p.m.
(296) (176)
(291) (173)
(256) (132)
In this new episode, Emily’s (Emily VanCamp) search for Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) leads her to confront some former friends and even a lifelong enemy. Elsewhere, the fallen Hamptons queen is at the mercy of a dark secret.
(273) (129)
The Strain
(248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120)
(143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
11:00 p.m.
In the season finale, Eph (Corey Stoll) and Fet (Kevin Durand) prepare for an attack that Prof. Setrakian (David Bradley) claims will kill the Master (Robert Maillet). Meanwhile, Gus (Miguel Gómez) uncovers a strange new force.
Monday Best Bets
Daniel Gillies stars in “The Originals”
The Originals (5)
7:00 p.m.
Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) are approached by Klaus (Joseph Morgan) to shore up a revenge plot in this new episode. Meanwhile, Marcel is still struggling to deal with his vampire family’s downfall.
Sleepy Hollow (4)
8:00 p.m.
Abbie (Nicole Beharie) and Ichabod (Tom Mison) search for a mysterious silver coin with a traitorous history and mystical power. At the same time, Captain Frank Irving (Orlando Jones) faces a difficult choice between his family and the greater good.
The Blacklist (8)
9:00 p.m.
Agents Keen (Megan Boone) and Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) work with agent Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marnò) to investigate a black-market operation after a man is found with his heart cut out. Also, Red (James Spader) tries to capitalize on a new opportunity.
NCIS: Los Angeles (10)
9:00 p.m.
The murder of a Navy contractor involved in illegal transactions of confidential data leads the team to believe that one of their own has been compromised. Elsewhere, Hetty (Linda Hunt) is under investigation in Washington, DC.
La Gata
The Big (5) B a n g
Family Feud
TMZ Live!
Action 7
8 PM
Hasta el fin del mundo
Entertai nment Tonigh t
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
:35 News
13 on 2 KASA
:05 Anger Management
How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Your Your Half Men Half Men Mother Mother
Dancing With the Stars (N)
C as tl e "Montreal" (N)
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
Caso cerrado
Reina de Corazones
Lo s m i s e rab l e s
Señora acero
The Big Bang Theory (N)
M o m (N)
S c o rp i o n "A Cyclone" (N)
NCIS: LA The team investigates the murder of a navy contractor. (N)
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Day of Discovery
Light of the Southwest
Dr. Will iam Dr. R ichard Update Booker News WWE Monday Night Raw
(12) M c D o n a l d
(50) (8815)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
:35 Access Hollywood
Los miserables Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35
House Call Mani Erfan Rocks/M- Yohanan anuscripts Salamanca : 0 5 < F a s te r ++++ (‘10) Dwayne Johnson. An ex- : 0 5 N C IS : L o s A n g e le s USA (24) convict sets out to find his brothers' killers. "Lange, H." :20 SportsCenter NFL PrimeTime ESPN (26) :15 N F L Footb a ll Seattle Seahawks at Washington Redskins (L) P o k e r World Series P o k e r World Series Sp o rts C en t. /:15 F. Fi nal Baseb all Tonig h t (L) S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN2 (27) W o rld o f X G am e s < Stalked at 17 (‘12) Jamie Luner, Taylor Spreitler. < Guilty at 17 (‘14) Erin Sanders. Traci lies for a < Stalked a t 17 (‘12) Jamie Luner, Taylor Spreitler. LIFE (29) A young relationship turns ugly and abusive. friend and ends up in serious danger. A young relationship turns ugly and abusive. C as tl e "Disciple" C as tl e "The Good, the Major Crimes "Personal :05 Law & Ord er :05 Law & Order :05 Law & Order TNT (32) Bad and the Baby" Day" "Positive" "Kingmaker" "Hindsight" Breaking Amish "Road Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish "Bright Breaking Amish "Road Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish "Bright TLC (33) Not Taken" Brooklyn "On the Run" Lights, Big Sinners" Not Taken" Brooklyn "On the Run" Lights, Big Sinners" F a s t N' L o u d (N) Fast N' Loud: Highway to Sell "Saved F a s t N ' L o u d : Highway to Sell "Saved Fa s t N ' L o u d DISC (34) Demolition Theater By the Bel Air" (N) Demolition Theater By the Bel Air" Pioneer F a rm h o us e Diners, Diners, Guy's Game "Triple D Rewrapped Rewrapped Mystery Mystery Restaurant "Paradise: FOOD (35) "Bulk Buys" Rules Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Takes on Triple G" (N) Diners (N) Diners (N) Impossible" (N) 5 : 0 0 < S h u t t e r ++ (‘08) < D e a d S t i l l (2014, Horror) Ben Browder, Ray Wise, < M y S o u l to T a k e (‘10) John Magaro. A serial < Dead Still (‘14) Gavin SYFY (36) Joshua Jackson. Gavin Casalegno. (P) killer targets children in his hometown. Casalegno. Rattles n ake (N) No rth Wo o ds Law Gator Boys Rattlesnake Republic No rth Wo o ds Law ANPL (37) Gato r Bo ys NHL Hockey Classics Coyotes NCAA Footb all Knockouts! FSN (38) C am p (N) (N) L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Talk of L o v e I t o r L i s t I t (N) House House Love It or List It Love It or List It House House HGTV (39) the Town" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) "Handyman Husband" Hunters Hunters Conan C o ug a r Post PreMLB Baseb all Division Series (L) MLB TBS (40) G a m e (L) P o s t s e as o n Town < O c e a n ' s E l e v e n +++ (‘01) Brad Pitt, George Clooney. E! News (N) Live E! < T h e W e d d in g P l an n e r ++ E! (43) Live E! TeenTita TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland Amer. Dad China, IL TOON (49) Gumball G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k DISN (51) Shake It Up Shake It Up Shake It Up GoodLu ck Austin/ Ally Shake It Up SoRandom < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Two and a < The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ++ (‘10) Kristen Stewart. A girl < The Twilight Saga: B reaking Dawn Part 1 +++ (‘11) < The FX (53) H a l f M e n must choose between a vampire and a werewolf. Kristen Stewart. Bella's unborn child is a risk to the Wolf Pack. Twilight ... Duck Duck Dy Wahlbrg "A Wahlbur- L o v e P ri s o n "Evelyn and Duck Duck Duck Duck Dy Wahlbrg "A WahlburA&E (54) D y n a s ty "G.I. SI" Cut Above" g e rs Mickey" (N) Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty "G.I. SI" Cut Above" g e rs 5:00 Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead "Tell The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead "TS- Walking AMC (55) "Guts" It to the Frogs" "Vatos" "Wildfire" 19" Dead S w am p P e op l e S w am p P e op l e Big Rig Big Rig Sw am p Pe op le Sw am p P eop le Sw am p P eop le HIST (56) Bounty Bounty T h e C a r t o o n s o f W in s o r M c C a y :45 100th Anniversary of Bray Back to the D rawin g : 1 5 < T h e A d v e n t u re s o f P r i n c e < TCM (57) Achmed ++ (1926, Animated) Gulliver's ... P ro d u c tion s Board Housewives/NewJers ey Hou se w ives NJ "Pack M a n z o 'd W - M a n z o 'd W - WatchWhat H o usew ives NJ "Pack Manzo'dW- Manzo'dW- Below Deck BRAVO (61) "Gators and Haters" Your Bags and Get Out!" ithChildren ithChildren (N) Your Bags and Get Out!" ithChildren ithChildren Battle Network Sta rs Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Boxing Classics Boxing Classics ESPNC (302) Battle o f th e Netwo rk Stars 106 & P ark (N) The Real < New Jack C ity ++ (1991, Crime Story) Ice-T, Judd Nelson, < Slo w Bu rn ++ (2005, Drama) L.L. BET Wesley Snipes. Detectives bring down a drug lord. Cool J, Mekhi Phifer, Ray Liotta. Reba Reba Reba Reba Raising Raising Raising Raising On the Hunt On the Hunt CMT 5:20 Free Agents H o u s e o f F oo d H o u s e o f F oo d T o B e A n n o u n ce d H o u s e o f F oo d MTV iCarly iCarly iC arly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Spong eBob Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House NICK 5 : 0 0 < T r a n s po r t e r 3 ++ (‘08) < T h e E x p e nd a b l es ++ (‘10, Action) Eric Roberts, Steve Austin, < T h e E x p e nd a b l es ++ (‘10) Jet Li. A group of SPIKE Natalya Rudakova, Jason Statham. Jet Li. A group of mercenaries attempt to overthrow a dictator. mercenaries attempt to overthrow a dictator. Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Soul Man The Exes Hot/ Cleve. Frie nds Friends Q ue e ns Que e ns Quee ns Quee ns TVLAND Hip Hop Hollywood (N) TI Tiny (N) T I Tiny (N) H ip Hop Hollywood TI Tiny TI Tiny Hip Hop Hollywood TI Tiny TI Tiny VH1 KRPV
Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of the King of the The "Death Hill Hill Cleveland Lives" Show
The Blacklist A man is found with his heart cut out. (N)
:35 TMZ
Law&O.:SV U "Blood" A S V U "Night" Detectives girl is assaulted and her investigate the rape and attackers steal her car. murder of a woman.
Eyewitness Eyewitness The V o ice "The Blind Auditions, Part 5" The blind News 4 at auditions continue in front of the coaches. 6:30
Wheel of Fortune
La Malquerida
Gotham A vigilante who Sleepy Hollow Ichabod News 13 News 13 The killing corrupt citizens. and Abbie seek out a o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A S i m p so n s (N) mysterious silver coin. (N)
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
New Noticiero La Que No Podia Amar (41) Mexico Uni: Noct. Antique "Knoxville (Hour Antique A 1985 Andrew P O V "The Act of Killing" Explore a horrifying era in Antique "Knoxville (Hour Three)" A third edition of Wyeth watercolour is Indonesian history. (N) Three)" A third edition of Gone with the Wind. (N) valued at $450,000. Gone with the Wind.
BigBang The Originals "Rebirth" Sup ernatural A look "The Pants Klaus plots his revenge. back at 'Supernatural.' Alternative" (SP) (N) (N)
(7) N e w s L i v e
Mi corazón es Tuyo
PBS NewsHour
(4) F e u d
7 PM
(25) (8819)
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
Friday, October 3, 2014
9 PM
MAKERS Showcases the Y o u S h ou l d C re ativ e women of showbiz. (N) K n o w Living
Uto p ia (N)
New Girl The Mindy News 13 News 13 The "Micro" (N) P ro j e c t "I o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A S i m p so n s Slipped" (N)
Family Feud
La Malquerida
Law & O: C I "Identity Crisis" An elder brother kills his younger sibling. Entertai nment Tonigh t
Caso cerrado
(37) (38)
(49) (51)
Selfie "Un- M a n ha ttan Agent SHIELD Coulson Tag My L ov e Sto ry races against Hydra to Heart" (N) (N) get to Donnie Gill. (N)
Wheel of Fortune
Reina de Corazones
Forever "The Art of Action 7 Murder" A woman is News Live found dead at a gala. (N)
:35 News
13 on 2 KASA
:05 Anger Management
Lo s m i s e rab l e s
Action 7 News Live
Señora acero
Joe McGee HaYesod
< I n th e C o o l o f th e D a y +++ (‘62) :45 < Network ++++ (‘76, Dra) Faye Dunaway, Peter Finch,
Below Deck
ESPNC (302) Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. 106 & P ark (N) BET Reba Reba Time's Up Ex and Why SpongeBob iCarly I n k M a s te r "Inking With the Enemy" Fam. Feud Fam. Feud TI Tiny TI Tiny
Friday, October 3, 2014
Tuesday Best Bets
:35 Access Hollywood
Los miserables Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n
(50) (8815)
(25) (8819)
Pauley Perrette stars in “NCIS”
Finding Your Roots (3)
M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a Law & Order: Special Victims Un it "Debt" S p o r t s C en t e r NFL Live DanceMom "Hollywood Here We Come" : 0 5 C S I : N Y "Nothing for Something" 19 Kids and 19 Kids and C o un tin g C o un tin g Y u k o n M en : R e v e a l e d "New Blood" C h op p ed "Salt Pearls of Wisdom" Z Nation "Full Metal Zombie"
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184)
Coyotes Camp House Hunters
House Hunters C o ug a r Town Sex & City Amer. Dad Amer. Dad G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k Sons of Anarchy "Some Strange Eruption" (N) Storage Storage Wars Wars The Walking Dead "Secrets" Top Gear
< F a r F ro m th e M a d d i ng C ro w d +++ An heiress
Ned Beatty. Power struggles lead to an anchorman's downfall. almost loses her chance at happiness. Below Deck (N) T he Peop le's Couch (SP) WatchWhat Below Deck Housewives NJ "Pack Peop le's (N) (N) Your Bags and Get Out!" C o u ch Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Boxing Classics Boxing Classics The Real Hollywo< W h i t e C h i c k s ++ (‘04, Comedy) Marlon Wayans, Jaime King, H u s b a n d s o f H o l l y w o o odHusband Shawn Wayans. Two FBI agents go undercover as white women. "Reunion Special" (N) Reba Reba Raising Raising Raising Raising < T h e R e p l a c e m e n ts ++ (‘00) Keanu Reeves. Ex and Why Time's Up 16 and Preg nant 16 and Pregnant Faking It Awkward. Awkward. Faking It iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Drake Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House I n k M a s te r "Pin Up I n k M a s te r "Head to I n k M a s te r "Geishas I n k M a s te r "Glass on Ink Master Pitfalls" Headache" Gone Wrong" Blast" Fam. Feud Soul Man The Exes Hot/ Cleve. Friends Friends Q ue ens Qu e e ns Qu ee ns Qu ee ns Hip Hop Hollywood < M a l i b u 's M os t W a n te d ++ Jamie Kennedy. Couples Therapy Hip Hop Hollywood
:35 TMZ
Update BAS Light of the Southwest Exploring With the News Presents Scholars Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Law & Order: Special Family "Chirp" Family Family Family Family Family "Flip Flop" Victims Un it "Birthright" E:60 30 fo r 30 "Playing for the Mob" (N) SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r Mike P o k e r World Series P o k e r World Series 30 fo r 30 "Playing for the Mob" Baseb all Tonig h t (L) D a n c e M o m s : A b b y 's DanceMom "Hollywood Kim of Queens "Tooting Kim of Queens "Hannah D a nce Mo ms : A bb y's Studio Rescue Here We Come" (N) Her Own Horn" (N) in a Huff" Studio Rescue Rizzoli & Isles "Just Push Rizzoli & Isles "Food for Rizzoli & Isles : 0 5 C S I : N Y "Identity : 0 5 C S I : N Y "Food for Play" Thought" Crisis" Thought" 19 Kids and 19 Kids and 19 Kids & 19 Kids & Preaching Alabama 19 Kids and 19 Kids and Preaching Alabama C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un t (N) C o un t (N) "Meet the Speegles" (N) C o un tin g C o un tin g "Meet the Speegles" Yukon Men: Revea led Y u k o n M en (N) Ice Lake Rebels "Sink or Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels: Deep "New Blood" (N) Swim" (N) Freeze "Sink or Swim" The Pioneer S o u th e rn C h op p ed "Sweet C h op p ed "Viewers' C h op p ed "Without C h op p ed "G'day, Woman Kitchen Redemption" Choice!" Missing a Beet" Chefs!" Face Off "Teacher's Face Off "Off With Their Living Dead Living Dead Face Off "Off With Their T o w n Town Pets" Heads" (N) (N) (N) Heads" Living Dead Living Dead Wild Russia "Urals" Madagascar Wild Russia "Urals" Madagascar Glory Is The New College Coyotes Coyotes NHL Hockey Classics Coyotes F o o tb a l l Sho w (N) Ours Camp C am p (N) Camp Flip or Flop Flip or Flop JenGarth- JenGarth- House House Flip or Flop Flip or Flop JenGarth- JenGarth(N) P ro j e c t (N) P ro j e c t H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Project Project Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan C o ug a r Conan Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Town Live E! < T h e W e d d in g P l an n e r ++ (‘01) Jennifer Lopez. E! News (N) Live E! E! News Gumball TeenTita TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland Wizards Wizards S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p P h i n e a s Austin / Ally Shake It Up Jessie Mike & Mike & Mike & M & M "Carl < Snow W hite a nd th e Hunts ma n ++ (‘12) Chris Hemsworth, Kristen Molly Molly Molly Has Issues" Stewart. A Huntsman becomes Snow White's mentor and protector. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars The Walking Dead The Walking Dead 4th an d Lo u d (N) 4th and Loud The Walking Dead "Save the Last One" "Cherokee Rose" "Chupacabra" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Top Gear The Hunt Top Gear Pawn Stars Pawn Stars
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
Noticias T e l e m u nd o N C I S "So It Goes" Ducky NCIS: New Or The team ..Interest Finch recruits KRQE News returns home to London investigates the escape of Fusco to stick close to the 13 to help a friend. (N) brig detainees. (N) latest POI. (N)
(57) Peter Finch, Jim Hutton, Jane Fonda.
BRAVO (61)
New Noticiero La Que No Podia Amar Mexico Uni: Noct. F ro n tl i n e New evidence Charlie Rose (N) suggests that a man was wrongly executed.
Law:C I "In Treatment" Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of th e King of th e The The detectives investigate "The Thin Hill Hill Cleveland the world of high finance. White Line" Show
TMZ Live!
Eyewitness Eyewitness T he V oic e "The Best of the Blind Auditions" Carson C h i c ag o F ire Fire trucks News 4 at Daly hosts a special recap of the auditions. (N) collide en route to a 6:30 perilous call. (N)
11 PM
Sup ernatural "Black" How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Dean turns into a demon. Y o u r Your Half Men Half Men (SP) (N) Mother Mother
(8) N e w s 4
BBang "The BBang "The The Flash Barry Allen Wheaton wants to solve his Hypothesis" Recurrence" mother's murder. (N)
Action 7
10 PM
Y ou r R o o ts Ken Burns confronts the reality of his ancestors. (N)
(7) N e w s L i v e
ESPN (26) ESPN2 (27)
PBS NewsHour
8 PM
Hasta el fin del mundo
(5) Infestation
Mi corazón es Tuyo
(4) F e u d
7 PM
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
La Gata
(360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114)
7:00 p.m.
Three iconic storytellers explore their ancestry in this premiere. Ken Burns learns about his family’s link to the Civil War, while Anderson Cooper uncovers his father’s Southern roots and Anna Deavere Smith discovers the story of her great grandfather.
The Flash (5)
7:00 p.m.
Another superhero comes to prime time in this adaptation of the popular comic book series. Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) seeks to unearth the truth behind his mother’s murder, but a freak accident leaves him with super speed.
NCIS 7:00 p.m.
(296) (176)
(291) (173)
(256) (132)
Gibbs (Mark Harmon) guides his team through another investigation in this new episode. The hit drama recently celebrated being named the most-watched drama series in the world at the 54th Annual Monte Carlo Television Festival.
(273) (129)
The People’s Couch
(248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120)
(143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
8:00 p.m.
Cameras turn on television viewers as this unique realty TV series returns for another season. Footage reveals what happens when opinionated TV fans watch the most talked about fall shows. They share their thoughts, whether good, bad or ugly.
Wednesday Best Bets
Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards in “Arrow”
Arrow (5)
7:00 p.m.
Now that the citizens of Starling City appear to be safe, Oliver (Stephen Amell) turns his focus to other endeavors in the season 3 premiere. It’s not long before a new villain named Vertigo (Peter Stormare) shows up, catching the Arrow off guard.
Legends (32)
Stalker 9:00 p.m.
When a stalker breaks into the house of a teenage girl, Beth (Maggie Q) and Jack (Dylan McDermott) investigate. However, it isn’t long before they realize that the girl was not the one being targeted. Also, Perry (Erik Stocklin) visits Beth at work.
American Horror Story: Freak Show (53)
11:00 p.m.
As the popularity of television rises, a struggling sideshow tries to stay in business in this season premiere. However, an opportunity arises for the eccentric purveyor of the freak show when police make a terrifying discovery.
8 PM
BBang "The Arro w "The Calm" Crime The Flash Barry Allen Spaghetti in Starling is at an allwants to solve his Catalyst" time low. (SP) (N) mother's murder.
TMZ Live! (6)
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
C ru el and Unu su al
ESPN (26) ESPN2 (27) LIFE
(49) (51)
:35 News
:05 Anger Management
13 on 2 KASA
11 PM
:35 TMZ
The Walking Dead Rick decides to go back to Atlanta to get the guns.
The Walking Dead Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of the King of the The "Vatos" Rick's mission to "Brian Does Hill Hill Cleveland Atlanta is jeopardized. Hollywood" Show
(50) (8815)
The Middle The "Major Goldbergs Anxiety" (N) (N)
Modern Black-ish Family "The (N) Cold" (N)
Nashville Rayna sets the Actio n 7 wedding date. (N) News Live
Action 7 News Live
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness Eyewitness The Mysteries of Laura Law&O.:SV U A car crash C h i c ag o P .D . A News 4 at Detectives investigate the leads to the arrest of a bystander takes a bullet 6:30 murder of an intern. (N) Hollywood starlet. (N) meant for Halstead. (N)
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
Caso cerrado
Reina de Corazones
Su rv iv o r: San Ju an Del C ri m . M i n d s "Burn" The Stalker A teenage girl Su r: Blo o d v s . Water (N) BAU investigates murders has a stalker break into in the Seattle area. (N) her house. (N)
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Wheel of Fortune
Charlie Rose (N)
How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Your Your Half Men Half Men Mother Mother
(8) N e w s 4
La Que No Podia Amar
Hell's Kitchen The teams Red Band Society True News 13 News 13 The are challenged to pick friendships are revealed. o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A S i m p so n s their proteins. (N) (N)
10:30 Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House
The Big
10 PM
Nature Watch as the N o v a Examine the story chicks grow and head to of the search for Flight the sea. (N) MH370. (N)
(5) B a n g
La Malquerida
New Mexico Healthy "Pancreatic Cancer"
PBS NewsHour
Family Feud
Hasta el fin del mundo
9 PM
Mi corazón es Tuyo
(4) F e u d
7 PM
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
La Gata
7:00 p.m.
In the lead up to the season finale, Martin (Sean Bean) learns Sonya (Amber Valletta) and Aiden (Mason Cook) have been kidnapped after he escapes from the Saudi interrogation. As he tracks them down, he finds a connection between Verax and Arcadia. (10)
Mani Erfan House Call Update Dollars & News Sense N C I S "Alibi" N C I S "Gut Check"
Lo s m i s e rab l e s
Señora acero
:35 Access Hollywood
Los miserables Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35
Light of the Southwest
Dr. Rik HaYesod JeanDr. Will iam Wadge Claude McDonald N C I S "Devil's Triad" N C I S "Identity Crisis" N C I S : L o s A n g e l es N C I S : L o s A n g e l es "Borderline" "Special Delivery" Fi tn ess CrossFit Games Fitn es s CrossFit Games Fitn e ss CrossFit Games SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 30 fo r 30 "Playing for the Mob" SEC Storied "It's Time" NFL Live Baseb all Tonig h t (L) NFL Live Girlfriend Intervention Girlfriend "Ramela, Just < Killing Daddy (‘14) Elizabeth Gillies. A woman < K i l l i n g D a d d y (‘14) Elizabeth Gillies. A woman sets on a path to destroy her broken family. (N) Surviving, Not Thriving" sets on a path to destroy her broken family. 4:00 < Transformers Leg ends "Wilderness of Leg ends "Identity" (SF) Leg ends "Wilderness of :05 Leg end s "Identity" :05 Law & Ord er "Avatar" +++ (‘07) Shia LeBoeuf. Mirrors" (N) (N) Mirrors" Cheapsk- Cheapsk- Cheapsk- Cheapsk- Outrageous Outrageous Cheapsk- Cheapsk- Outrageous Outrageous Outrageous Outrageous ates ates ates (N) ates (N) 911 (N) 911 (N) ates ates 911 911 911 911 Dude, You're Screwed Dude, You're Screwed Dude, You're Screwed Dude, You're Screwed D ude, You're Screwed Dude, You're Screwed The Pioneer Southern at Diners, Diners, Woman Heart Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Ghost Hunters G h o s t "An Officer and an "Phantom Fleet" Apparition" (N) Dirty Jobs Dirt Jo b "Sponge Diver" W P T Poker World Coyotes Coyotes Championship Camp Camp Property Brothers Buying and Selling (N) "Maria and Dave" Post PreMLB Baseb all Division Series (L) Game (L) Live E! Live E! Divas "Scared Straight" Gumball TeenTita TeenTita Steven Jessie Jessie S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k Two and a Mike & Mike & Mike & Half Men Molly Molly Molly Duck Duck C o mm aC o mm aDynasty Dynasty nder nder The Walking Dead :05 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d "Nebraska" "Triggerfinger" American Pickers American Pickers
C u th ro at "Superstar Sabotage: Heat One" (N) G h o s t H u n te rs "Family Plot" Dirt Jo b "Sponge Diver" Coyotes Camp P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Chris Buying and Selling With and Mike" the Property Brothe rs Conan MLB P o s t s e as o n S o u p (N) The Soup E! News (N) Live E! The Soup Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p S o R a n d o m < T o B e A n n o u n ce d M&M < M e n i n B l a c k 3 +++ (‘12) Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, "Surprise" Will Smith. Agent J travels back in time to save Agent K's life. Wahlbur- Ep ic Ink (N) Duck Duck Duck Duck g e rs (N) Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty :05 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d : 0 5 D e a d "Judge, Jury, :10 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d "18 Miles Out" Executioner" "Better Angels" American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers
< A n g e l s i n t h e O u tf i e l d +++ (‘51) Janet Leigh,
< Bye Bye Bird ie ++ (‘63, Mus) Dick Van Dyke,
(57) Paul Douglas. An angel helps a baseball team.
Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Flay Flay G h o s t H u n te rs "Don't Forget About Us" Gato r Bo ys (N) Coyotes NHL Hockey C am p (N) House House H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N)
C h op p ed "Big Hitters" (N) G h o s t "An Officer and an Apparition" Dirty Jobs Classics
Cutthroat Kitchen "Saboootage" < Headless Horseman (‘07) Billy Aaron Brown. Gator Boys Coyotes A Piece of Camp the Game House House Hunters Hunters C o ug a r Town < S c a ry M o v i e 3 ++ Amer. Dad Amer. Dad G o o d Lu c k AHSFreak "Monsters Among Us" (SP) (N) C o mm aC o mm ander nder :10 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d "Beside the Dying Fire" American Pickers
< Holiday Affair +++ (‘49) Janet
:45 < My
Janet Leigh, Ann-Margret. A rock star visits his fan. Leigh, Robert Mitchum. Sister Eile ... Million Listing "There Listing "All Business, No Top Chef Duels "Finale" WatchWhat Top Chef Duels "Finale" Top Chef Duels "Finale" Million BRAVO (61) Goes the Neighborhood" Pleasure" (N) (SF) (N) (N) Dollar List W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? Boxing Classics Boxing Classics ESPNC (302) W h o 's N u mb e r 1? 106 & Park The Real < M e n a c e I I S o c i e ty +++ (‘93, Dra) Larenz Tate, Jada Pinkett < L i k e M i k e ++ (‘02) Jonathan BET Smith, Tyrin Turner. A young street hustler dreams of a better life. Lipnicki, Lil' Bow Wow. Reba Reb a 1/2 Reb a 2/2 Reba Raising Raising Raising Raising < G o o d W i l l H u n t i n g +++ (‘97) Matt Damon. CMT Time's Up Ex and Why Ex and Why Time's Up Faking It Awkward. Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show MTV SpongeBob iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Drake Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House NICK C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Impact Wrestling High-risk athletic entertainment SPIKE from the ring. Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Soul Man The Exes Hot/ Cleve. Frie nds Friends Q ue e ns Que e ns Quee ns Quee ns TVLAND Coup les Therapy Coup les Therapy (N) NickC rtr (N) Coup les Therapy Nick Carter C ouples Therapy Nick Carter Therapy VH1
(25) (8819)
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (273) (129) (143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
Friday, October 3, 2014
7 PM
8 PM
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
La Gata
Mi corazón es Tuyo
Hasta el fin del mundo
PBS NewsHour
1s t C on gress iona l District Debate
S o n g o f t h e M ou n t ai n s Bluegrass band Seldom Scene performs.
Family Feud
Bones The team Gracepoint "Episode investigates the death of Two" The Solano family a radio host. (N) continues to grieve. (N)
News 13 News 13 The o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A S i m p so n s
The Big Bang Theory
The Vampire Diaries Elena gets help dealing with her loss. (N)
How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Your Your Half Men Half Men Mother Mother
(4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory TMZ Live! (6)
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Reig n A lord finds Mary responsible for his son's death. (N)
New Noticiero La Que No Podia Amar Mexico Uni: Noct. Sportslook Red Green Jubilee String band Town Charlie Rose (N) "Undergrou Mountain performs. nd Parking" :35 News
13 on 2 KASA
:05 Anger Management
Caso cerrado 5:30 NFL
(10) T h u rs d a y
(50) (8815)
Grey's Anatomy Owen Scandal An old friend How to Get Awa y With Action 7 encourages Callie to take returns after her daughter M u rd e r "Smile, or Go to News Live on a new project. (N) goes missing. (N) Jail" (N)
Action 7 News Live
Reina de Corazones
Lo s m i s e rab l e s
Señora acero
: 2 5 N F L F oo tb a l l Indianapolis Colts at Houston Texans Site: NRG : 1 5 K R Q E N e w s 1 3
Stadium -- Houston, Texas (L)
"Special Edition"
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Dr. Rik
Rocks/M- Update First Fruits Light of the Southwest anuscripts News of Zion Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Modern Modern Modern Modern "American Tragedy" "Internal Affairs" "En Garde" Family Family Family 5 : 3 0 N C A A Fo o tb a l l BYU vs. Central Florida (L) S p o r t s C en t e r 5: Racing P o k e r World Series : 2 5 F IF A S o c c e r International Friendly (L) SportsNat. Project Runway "Lexus Project Runway (N) Project Runway Lux" C as tl e "The Fast and the C as tl e "The Squab and C as tl e "Still" : 0 5 C S I : N Y "Keep It Furriest" the Quail" Real" Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish "Bright Breaking Amish: Breaking Amish "Bright Brooklyn "On the Run" Lights, Big Sinners" Brooklyn (N) Lights, Big Sinners" Highway to Sell Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud
(12) W ad g e
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
:35 Access Hollywood
Los miserables Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35
(29) (32)
The Pioneer S o u th e rn Kitchen Haven "The Old Switcherroo" 1/2 (N) Raised Wild 5:00 NHL Hockey Classics Rehab Rehab Addict Addict Big Bang Big Bang Theory Theory Un to ld (N) Gumball TeenTita Shake It Up Shake It Up Two and a Two and a Half Men Half Men Th e F irs t 48 "Flight Risk/ Trapped" The Walking Dead "Sick" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars
Joe McGee Matt Staver Law&Jus Law & Order: Special Victims Un it "Hooked" S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Project Runway "Lexus Lux" : 0 5 C S I : N Y "Cavallino Rampante" Breaking Amish: Brooklyn Fast N' Loud
Friday, October 3, 2014
C h op p ed "A Gut Reaction" S p a rtac u s : V e n g e a nce "The Greater Good" (N)
Called Out Biblical Israel Law & Order: S.V.U . "Intoxicated" S p o r t s C en t e r E:60 Project Runway : 0 5 C S I : N Y "Officer
Involved" Breaking Amish "Road Not Taken" Highway to Sell
C h op p ed "Pizza Perfect" F o od T ru c k "Brawl in C h op p ed "Short Order Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Bayfront Park" (N) Cooks" Flay (N) Flay :05 Spartacus: Venge : 1 0 H a v e n "The Old : 1 0 < M o th m an (‘10) Connor Fox, Jewel Staite. A SYFY (36) "Empty Hands" (N) Switcherroo" legendary monster seeks revenge on five friends. M o ns te rs I n s i de M e (N) R a is ed Wi l d M o ns ters I ns i de Me ANPL (37) C o y o tes L i v e P re -G a m e NHL Hockey Winnipeg Jets at Arizona Coyotes Site: C o yo tes (L) C o yo tes Coyotes FSN (38) (L) Arena -- Glendale, Ariz. (L) Camp Camp Rehab Rehab House House Fixer Upper Rehab Rehab House House HGTV (39) Addict (N) Addict H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Addict Addict Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan C o ug a r T Conan C o ug a r TBS (40) Theory Theory Theory Theory "Walls" Town < T h e L a k e H o u s e ++ (‘06) Sandra Bullock. E! News (N) < T h e W e d d in g P l an n e r ++ (‘01) Jennifer Lopez. E! (43) TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland Amer. Dad Family Guy TOON (49) S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p A . N . T . < T o B e A n n o u n ce d G o o d Lu c k DISN (51) Mike & Mike & Mike & M & M "The Mike & M & M "The M & M "The Mike & < The Hangov er Part II FX (53) ++ Bradley Cooper. Molly Molly Molly Dress" Molly Rehearsal" Wedding" Molly Th e F irs t 48 (N) Dead Again "Pilot" (N) Dead Ag ain Th e F irs t 48 "Flight Risk/ Th e F irs t 48 A&E (54) Trapped" The Walking Dead :05 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :05 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d :05 T h e W a l k i n g D ea d : 1 0 D e a d "When the AMC (55) "Walk With Me" "Killer Within" "Say the Word" "Hounded" Dead Come Knocking" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Big Rig Big Rig Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars HIST (56) Bounty Bounty < P o rtrait o f Jen n ie +++ (‘48) : 4 5 < T h e G h os t a n d M rs . M u i r ++++ Natalie : 4 5 < P a n do ra a n d th e F l y i n g D u tc h m a n (‘51) James Mason, TCM (57) Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten. Wood. A widow refuses to leave a haunted house. Nigel Patrick, Ava Gardner. Pandora is an American in Spain. Below Deck Manzo'dW- M a n z o 'd W - New Jersey Social (N) WatchWhat Million Dollar List "All Ho us ewi ves NJ "Pack Manzo'dWBRAVO (61) ithChildren ithChildren (N) Business, No Pleasure" Your Bags and Get Out!" ithChildren Friday Night Lights Boxing Boxing Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Boxing Classics Boxing Classics ESPNC (302) Frid ay Nig h t Lig h ts Husbands of Hollywoo 106 & Park The Real < I 'm I n L o v e w i th a C h u rc h G i rl ++ (2013, Drama) Adrienne Bailon, BET Stephen Baldwin, Ja Rule. A wealthy ex-drug dealer falls for a church girl. "Reunion Special" Reba Reba Reba Reba Raising Raising Raising Raising < D o c H o l l y w o o d ++ (‘91) Michael J. Fox. CMT Tim e's Up Ex an d Wh y Ex an d Wh y Tim e's Up C atfis h : Th e TV Show Catfish: The TV Show C h a l l e n ge F re e A g en ts C h al l e n g e F r e e A g en t s MTV SpongeBob iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Drake Thunder Thunder Inst .Mom See Dad Full House Full House NICK < M e e t t h e F o c k e r s ++ (2004, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Robert < C o up les Retreat ++ (2009, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Kristen Bell, Vince SPIKE De Niro. A man introduces his eccentric family to the in-laws. Vaughn. Vacationing couples are forced into marriage therapy. Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Soul Man The Exes Hot/ Cleve. Friends Friends Q ue ens Qu e e ns Qu ee ns Qu ee ns TVLAND Hip Hop Hollywood Hip Hop Hollywood TI Tiny TI Tiny < T h e L o s t B o y s +++ (‘87) Kiefer Sutherland. Saturday Night Live VH1 (35) W o m a n
Thursday Best Bets
:35 TMZ
(25) (8819)
Lenora Crichlow and Cristin Milioti in “A to Z”
Spartacus: Vengeance (36)
N i g h t (L)
The Mentalist Patrick The Mentalist An Family Guy Family Guy South Park King of the King of the The sets a mentalist trap for a investment baker is found "Lethal Hill Hill Cleveland group of friends. dead inside a locked safe. Weapons" Show
Eyewitness Eyewitness Big Loser "Sidelined" Bad Jud g e A to Z "B Is P a ren th o od Camille and Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at The winning team gets to "Meteor for Big the kids anxiously await News 4 at Sta rrin g J i m m y Fa ll o n 6:30 sideline a player. (N) Shower" (N) Glory" (N) news about Zeek. (N) 10 p.m.
La Malquerida
(8) N e w s 4
ESPN (26) ESPN2 (27) LIFE
7:00 p.m.
(245) (138)
When news spreads of Naevia’s (Cynthia Addai-Robinson) fate, Spartacus (Liam McIntyre) deals with a rift between the gladiators. In an attempt to gain information, Lucretia (Lucy Lawless) spills a secret. Also, an attack threatens the rebels.
(280) (183)
(27) (242) (105) (206) (140) (209) (144) (252) (108)
(5) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (236) (114)
8:00 p.m.
As the kingdom deals with the aftermath of the plague, Mary (Adelaide Kane) faces a vengeful foe. A lord seeks revenge on Mary for the death of his son, which tests the loyalties between Mary, Francis (Toby Regbo) and Catherine (Megan Follows).
A to Z 8:30 p.m.
(296) (176)
(291) (173)
(256) (132)
Stu (Henry Zebrowski) encourages Andrew (Ben Feldman) to keep a date with a co-worker, despite the fact that he had a great night with Zelda (Cristin Milioti). Also, Big Bird (Christina Kirk) urges the employees to test the company’s new dating app.
(273) (129)
(248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120)
(143) (329) (124) (327) (166) (331) (160) (299) (170) (241) (168) (304) (106) (335) (162)
9:00 p.m.
As the family waits for news about Zeek (Craig T. Nelson), Drew (Miles Heizer) supports Amber (Mae Whitman) as she makes a decision about her future. Elsewhere, the pressure mounts for Adam (Peter Krause) when things go awry at the Luncheonette.
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rience and is killed minutes after being thrown into what is ostensibly a suicide mission. He soon finds himself in a time loop, forced to experience the same battle and his death over and over again. With each return to combat, he finds himself a little more proficient. Director: Doug Liman. Stars: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Taylor, Kick Gurry, Dragomir Mrsic, Charlotte Riley, Jonas Armstrong. 2014. 113 min. Sci-fi.
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Friday, October 3, 2014