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TVScreens FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2013
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Friday, November 15, 2013
UNI (2) D e s p i e r t a A m e r i c a KENW (3) E s m o nd e T e c h . B B C N e w s OK! TV KASA (4) America Now 'Til Death KWBQ (5) 'T il Death Justice for All KASY (6) Paid Program KOAT (7) Action 7 New s KOBR (8) 5:00 Eyewitness News 4 Today KTEL (9) U n n u e v o d i a KBIM (10) K R Q E N e w s 13 T h i s M o rn i ng News/M MattStav KRPV (12) V a rio u s USA (24) V a r i o u s M 5:00 F oo tb a l l Ga.T./Clem. N C A A T 5:00 Football NCAA ESPNC W 5:00 F oo tb a l l Pit./Syr. N C A A (25) Th W h o 's N u mb e r 1? F 5:00 Football NCAA M S p o r t s C en t e r T 5:30 SportsCenter ESPN W S p o r t s C en t e r (26)
ESPN2 (27)
(36) (37)
M T W Th F (39)
A&E (54)
TCM (57)
BRAVO (61)
CBS This Morning Light of the Southwest Various Variou s F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Illinois vs. Ohio State N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Michigan vs. Iowa N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Wisconsin vs. Minnesota N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Syracuse vs. Pittsburgh N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Wisconsin vs. Minnesota N C A A S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r
(41) (42)
(48) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (59)
M T W Th F M T W Th F
9 AM
10 AM
La rosa de Guadalupe Peg + Cat Super WHY! Daniel Tiger Sid the Science Kid Various 2 KASA S tyle The Queen Latifah Show Roseanne Roseanne C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty S u p re m e Ju s ti c e J u dg e A l e x Judge Alex Cops Cops Live! With Kell y and Michael The View Today Show II Today S how III Videos asom. Rafael Orozco: El id olo The Doctors Let's Make a Deal Various Various Various V arious Various Various F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Stanford vs. USC N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Arkansas vs. Mississippi State University N CAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Michigan State vs. Northwestern N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Oregon State vs. Washington N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Michigan State vs. Northwestern N C A A S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r
ESPN First Take Numbers Never Lie
11 AM
Hoy Various Various The Wendy Williams Show 30 Rock 30 Rock Paternity Court Divorce Court Bethenny Good Day NM Be Millionaire Bella calamidades The Price Is Right Various Various F Tu Th Law&O.:SV U /M W N C I S F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c Aub./Ga. N C A A F o o tb a l l Mich. St./N.West. N C A A F o o tb a l l Arz. St./UCLA N C A A
F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c Mich./Ia. N C A A S p o r t s C en t e r (206)
Various Various Grey's Anatomy
19 K i d s & C o u n t M Tu 19 Kid s
Various Various (335) Sex and the City Sex and the City
Gunsmoke Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Garfield Show Garfield Show Doc McStuffins Henry Hu/ Mouse Ellen Ellen <++ T h e M a s t e r o f D i s g u i s e <+++ L e a t h e r h e ad s (‘08) Ellen Ellen
Racing NASCAR ESPN First Take
ESPN First Take
A Baby Story Paid Program
A Baby Story A Baby Story I (Al most) Got Away With It T o B e A n n o u n ce d
F Ridicu l ou sn es s F R idi cu l ou sn es s F Ridi c u lou sn es s F Ri di c u lou s Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Hoarding/A Abby & Ab b y & Britt an y I Found/SSomethin I F ou n d Disappeared Wicked Attraction T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Various How I Met Your How I Met Your Mother Mother What Not to Wear T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Paid Program Various Meerkat Manor Golf Destination Football NCAA Paid Program
Various N. Vegas/ Twilight M o v i e Tu N a k e d V eg a s V a r i o u s Tu N a k e d V eg a s M o v i e Tu F a c e O f f Various Tu M o v i e M e e r k a t M a n o r F A n i m a l C o p s / A n im a l C o p s Animal Cops : Detro it Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Boss Golf America Swing Clinic Tee It Up Paid Program Paid Program Match Play V o lleyb all Montana vs. Northern Arizona N C A A Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program S u n s Po s t Paid Program Golf Destination Golf America Swing Clinic Tee It Up Various Various Various V ario u s Various Various Various Buck/ Candice House Hunters House Hunters 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c 4:00 VH1 + Music G o s s ip T a b l e Big Morning Buzz Live Various W C h riss y Various W T.I. and Tiny Saved by the Saved by the Kard ashians /Th M W T h e F Total Divas / M W The Various W The E! News / M E! New s Weekend Bell Bell Drama Queen Kardashians The Kardashians Kardashians Kardashians Paid Program Paid Program Divorced F HappilyDiv. Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke I Love Lucy I Lo v e L u c y A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show 6:00 Yes, Dear Full House See Dad Run See Dad Run Spong eBob SpongeBob Spong eBob PAW Patrol F P A W/U Um i z o o m i F PAW/U Umizoomi Clevela./M AmerD KingH/M Clevela. S c o o b y -D o o? Knights/G G u m b al l B e n 1 0 Various P o k em o n B W Various Movies F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb J e s s i e Dog With a Blog Mickey M. Mickey M. Jake Mickey M. Sofia the First Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ellen Ellen
M T W Th F M D o g th e B ou nty Hu nte r T W Th F (56)
ESPN First Take
T W Th F (35)
8 AM
Sesame Street Dinosaur Train 2 KASA This Morning The Daily Buzz K.Copeland Am erica's Court Paid Program G o o d M o r n i n g A m eri c a Today Show
F Buzzworthy / M 2 0 13 MTV EMA F 201 3 MTV EMA / AMTV Old Christine Old Christine Frasier Frasier
A Baby Story M Paid Program
Th F M Mike & Mike T W Th F
7 AM
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
Longmire Criminal Minds
Longmire Criminal Minds
Longmire CSI : Miami
Longmire CSI: Miami
T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Aa rt i P . / D o w n H . W G h os t M i n e / Th M o v i e F Un tam e d /TT o B e A n n ou n c ed Hockey NHL Halls of Fame Football NCAA Paid Program Football NCAA F i s h i ng / J oh n n y Match Play Basket. NCAA Various M yP la c e / V i rg i n s
Longmire Criminal Minds
Tu A merican M Secrets /Tu Tu American Various Tu Daredevils /Th V a rio u s Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P aw n S tars Daredevils Daredevils Daredevils Pawn Star Movie : 4 5 <+++ T h e S t r a n g e L o v e o f M a r t h a I v e r s (‘46) : 4 5 <+++ D e a d R e c k o n i n g (‘47) Lizabeth Scott, Humphrey Bogart. < P i tf al l (Dra, '48) Lizabeth Scott, Dick Powell. 5 : 3 0 <+++ B a b y F a c e (‘33) <+++ Po s se s se d (‘31) Clark Gable, Joan Crawford. <+++ T h e B r i d e W o r e R e d (Rom, '38) Robert Young, Joan Crawford. <+++ W h a t P r i c e H o l l y w o o d ? (‘32) <++++ Eas t o f E d en (Dra, '55) Julie Harris, James Dean. <++++ L i t t l e W o m e n (Dra, '33) Joan Bennett, Katharine Hepburn. <+++ F a r F ro m the M a d d i ng C ro w d (‘67) Julie Christie. 5 : 3 0 <++ H i g h B a r b a r e e (‘47) : 1 5 <+++ C o mm an d D e c i s i o n (‘48) Walter Pidgeon, Clark Gable. : 1 5 <++ T h e S e l l out (‘51) John Hodiak. : 4 5 < S t r a n g e L a d y i n T o w n (‘55) Greer Garson. < S o u th S e a W o m an (‘53) Burt Lancaster. : 4 5 <++ T e n T a l l M e n (Com, '51) Gilbert Roland, Burt Lancaster. <+++ S h ad o w i n t h e S k y (‘52) Ralph Meeker. <++ G l o r y A l l e y (‘52) 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Family Matters Family Matter Movie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program <+++ In g l ou rio u s Bas terd s (War, '09) Christoph Waltz, Brad Pitt. <++ T h e G u a r d i a n (Dra, '06) Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue T at t oo N i g h t ma r e s T at t o o N i ght. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. <++ P i t c h B l a c k (Thril, '00) Cole Hauser, Vin Diesel. WatchWhat WatchWhat Fashion Queens Fashion Queens Styled to Rock Thicker Than Water T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f M i a m i V ande rpump R ules Vanderpump Rules Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Housewives Atlanta T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a Movie Fashion Queens Fashion Queens Fashion Queens Shahs of Suns et Shahs of Suns et M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g L o s A n g e l es M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g L o s A n g e l es M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g L o s A n g e l es M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t T o B e A n n o u n ce d V an de rpu mp R u le s 4 : 0 0 <++ F un n y P eo p l e (‘09) T o B e A n n o u n ce d Top Ch ef Top Ch ef S h a h s o f S u ns e t S h a h s o f S u ns e t
Friday, November 15, 2013
ESPN (26)
ESPN2 (27)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)
Th F
(43) (44)
TCM (57)
BRAVO (61)
Various Various Grey's Anatomy
: 5 5 S o c c e r International Friendly United States vs. Scotland F I FA
Highly Q u e s t i o n ab l e
Outside the Lines
Various Charmed
F F o u r W e d d in g /N Not to Wear
W e d d in g s
T o B e A n n o u n ce d
T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Charmed
Various M Un w rap p e d W.Cooks/P P io n ee r B a r e f o o t C o n t . Various Tu M o v i e W G h os t M i n e / Th M o v i e (37) F T o B e A n n o u n c ed Lumberjack M 11:30 H o c k e y Phoenix vs Chicago NHL T 11:30 F oo tb a l l Northern Colorado vs. Northern Arizona N C A A W Football NCAA (35)
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
El gordo y la fl aca Martha Speaks Wild Kratts Ju dg e M ath is T h e B i l l C u n n i ng h am S h o w The Jerry Springer Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show OMG! Insider I n s id e E d i t i o n Caso cerrado Dr. Phil
Primer impacto New Mexico Noticiero Univ. WordGirl News America Various Nightly Business Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Steve Harvey Rules of Engage. Rules of Eng M o d e r n F a m i l y M o d e r n F am i l y The Steve Wilkos Show Maury The Dr. Oz Show Action 7 News World News J u dg e J udy J u dg e J ud y News 4 @ 5 NBC News Al rojo vivo Noticias @ 5 Noticiero KRQE News 13 K R Q E N e w s 1 3 E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 1 3 V arious Various Various Various F Tu Th Law&O.:SV U/M W N C I S F Tu Th L aw & Order: SVU /M W N C I S F Tu Th Law&O.:SV U/M W N C I S F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Stanford vs. USC N C A A S p o rts C en tu ry F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs California vs. Stanford N C A A Wrestling Global Supercard F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c ‘00 Big 12 Championship Kan.St./Okl. NC AA Bask. C lassics ‘95 Playoffs Indiana Pacers vs. New York Knicks NBA W h o 's N u mb e r 1? F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Oregon vs. Arizona N C A A Boxing Classics Around the Pardon the S p o r t s C en t e r N B A C o u n td wn Horn I n te rru p ti o n S p o r t s C en t e r M o nd ay N i g h t C o untd o w n S p o r t s C en t e r EA Skills Challenge Basketb all Ind./N.Y. NBA C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l Football NCAA P re s s P ass C. Football Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 400 NA S CA R S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l P re s s P ass Around the Horn Pardon the S p o r t s C en t e r Live Interruption P re s s P ass P re s s P ass Basketb all Puerto Rico Tip-Off Long Beach State vs. Michigan N C A A Basket. 2K Sports Classic N C A A Various Ridicu./ Snooki V ario u s Rid i c u ./ S n o o k i Ridicu./’’70s Show Ridicu./’’70s Show Wife Swap Various Tu A b b y’s C om p e ti ti o n / Th Project Runway: All Stars F M W e d d i ng s /Tu-Th W e d d in g s F F o u r W e d d in gs / T o d d l e rs & T i a ra s V a rio u s Various Gold Rush T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
W Th F
Cachito de Cielo L a m u j e r d e l V e n d av a l Sit Fit/ Living Various C u r i o us G e o r g e C l i f f o r d Cat in the Hat Arthur The 700 Club C o l d C as e F i l e s Th e P eop le's C ou rt That '70s Show That '70s Show Friends Friends The Middle The Middle Paternity Court Divorce Court Brid ezillas The Test The Chew General Hospital Katie Eyewitness News 4 at Midday Days of Our Lives The Rachael Ray Show 11:00 Bella calamidades Suelta la sopa Lo mejor de caso cerrado KRQE News Bold-Beautiful The Young and the Restless T h e T al k N e w s /M S a l . Various Various Various Light of the Southwest F Tu Th Law&O.:SV U/M W N C I S F Tu Th L aw&O.:SV U/M W N C I S F Tu Th Law&O.:SV U/M W N C I S 1 1 : 0 0 F oo tb a l l Aub./Ga. N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Alabama vs. Mississippi State University NCAA 11:00 Football NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Oklahoma vs. Kansas State N C A A F o o tb a l l Arz. St./UCLA NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Iowa vs. Michigan N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Michigan vs. Iowa N C A A 1 1 : 0 0 F oo tb a l l Mich./Ia. N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Kansas vs. Oklahoma N C AA S p o rts C en te r NFL Insiders NFL Live NFL PrimeTime NFL Insiders Best of the NFL S p o rts C en te r NFL Insiders
W e d d in g s M e d i um M 10:00 To B e An nou nc ed T T o B e A n n o u n ce d
1 PM
11:00 Hoy
M T W Th F M T W Th F M 1 1 : 3 0 R a c i n g N A S C AR T S p o r t s C en t e r W Th Numbers Never Lie F
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
(41) (42)
(48) (49) (51)
M T W Th F M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F (59)
M T W Th F M T W Th F
F W .C o o k s /C Ch e f 30 M i n s M e a l F W .C o o k s /G Giada Giada at Home Various Tu-Th Barefoot M M o v i e /W G.Mine /Th Galactic F M o v i e / W Gh o s t M i n e Tu Face Off / W G h os t M i n e / Th V Tu Blue P la ne t: Se a s o f L if e I n s id e N A U NMSU Sports P o k e r Grand Prix de Paris W P T S E C G r i d i r o n L I V E ! The New College Football Show Baseball Uni W e s t C o a s t C u s toms D o d g eb al l Ultimate The Game 365 I c o ns C o a c h i ng Big 12 Sports Unlimited World Extreme Games Ultim a te I n s i d e r Basketb all Navy vs. Virginia N C A A I c o ns C o a c h i ng P o k e r Grand Prix de Paris W P T Wes t C o as t C u s toms P h o en i x S un s Sports 1 1 : 3 0 B a s k e t b a l l C. Southern vs Baylor N C A A World Extreme Games P o k e r Grand Prix de Paris W P T West Coast Customs D o d g eb . SEC Gridiron LIVE! Various M yP la c e / V i rg i n s V a r i o u s M yP l a c e / V i rg i n s V a r i o u s M yP l a c e / V i rg in s V a r i o u s MyPlace Various HouseInt’l/ Virgins V a ri o u s H o u s eI n t’l M :15 Movie Movie Tu M o v i e / W M ov i e MTuTh Makeover F Swamp Makeov’r/ The Hunt F Re b a Various F Reba Various Tu C hilli Wants Various Chilli/ Chrissy Various L o v e H i p/ Chriss y V arious Tu S h o c k in g V a rio u s Tu M o s t S ho c k V a ri o u s Tu C h ris s y Th The Soup E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City Various F Sex and the Various F Sex and the F M o v i e / M W Total Divas / Th V a rio u s The Kardashians City City Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza A. Griff ith Show A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show A. Griffith Show Bu b b l e G up p i es Bu b b l e G up p i es P A W P atro l Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Peter Rabbit Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Fairly Odd Parents Odd Parents SanjayCraig SpongeBob L o o n e y T u n es Tom & Jerry To m/Je rr y Tales T om /Je rr y T ale s C a r t o o n P l a n e t Teen Titans Go! Drama Island Adve nt ur e T i m e F M o v i e /A A d v en t. Ja k e/M M o u s e T h e O c to n a u ts M o v i e Doc McStuffins Various :25 Mickey/ GoodL V a ri o u s Various Various Various Various Various Ellen Ellen <++ T h e M a s k (Com, '94) Cameron Diaz, Jim Carrey. Two and Half T w o a n d H a l f <++ Cr oco di le D und e e in Los A n gel e s (‘01) Paul Hogan. 1 1 : <++ T h e M a s te r o f D i s g u i s e <++ L i t t l e N i c k y (Com, '00) Patricia Arquette, Adam Sandler. <++ T o m c a ts (Com, '01) Shannon Elizabeth, Jerry O'Connell. Met Mother Met Mother 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ L e a t h e r h e a d s (‘08) George Clooney. <++ T o m c a ts (Com, '01) Shannon Elizabeth, Jerry O'Connell. <+++ M ad ag as c ar: Es c ap e 2 A f ri c a (‘08) Ben Stiller. <+++ Rat Race (Com, '01) Whoopi Goldberg, John Cleese. <++ Rad io (Dra, '03) Cuba Gooding Jr., Ed Harris. Anger Manage Two and Half Ellen Ellen <++ P e rfect Stran g er (Thril, '07) Bruce Willis, Halle Berry. <+++ T a k e n (Thril, '08) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. Met Mother Met Mother Longmire Longmire Longmire Longmire Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Beyond Scared Strai ght Beyond Scared Strai ght Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars The First 48 Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The First 48 Various Th P a w n S ta rs V a rio u s Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P awn Stars V arious Th P aw n S tars F W Pickers/Tu Tu Th P aw n Th P aw n S tar Stars <++ E a s y L i v i n g (‘50) Victor Mature, Lucille Ball. <++ T h e C om p a n y S h e K e e p s (‘50) Jane Greer. <+++ T h e R a c k e t (‘51) Robert Mitchum. <+ Ba d f or E ach O th er (Dra, '54) Charlton Heston, : 1 5 <++ C om e t O ve r B r o a d w a y (‘38) Kay Francis. : 4 5 <++++ I 'l l C ry T o m o rro w (Bio, '55) Jo Van Fleet, Susan Hayward. <+++ T h e H a r d W a y (Dra, '42) Dennis Morgan, Ida Lupino. 1 0 : <+++ F a r F ro m th e M a d ... <+ T h e R i s i ng o f th e M o on (‘57) Tyrone Power. < T h e M a n i n t h e A t t i c (‘53) Jack Palance. <+++ G oo db y e , M y F a n c y (Rom, '51) Phil Harris, Walter Brennan. Movie : 4 5 <++ T e ns i o n at T a b l e R o c k (‘56) Dorothy Malone, Richard Egan. <+ M on k e y o n M y B a c k (‘57) Jack Albertson. : 1 5 <++ A l l M i n e t o G i v e (Dra, '57) Cameron Mitchell, Glynis Johns. Movie <++ C od e T w o (‘53) : 4 5 <+++ J e o p a r dy (‘52) Barbara Stanwyck. <+++ The D irt y D o z en (War, '67) Ernest Borgnine, Lee Marvin. MGM Parade F W Th M ov i e M Movie Tu RealHusb and Tu RealHusb and Tu RealHusband W ifeKid Various FamMat FamMat/ Husbands Movie/ Husbands Tu RealHusb and Tu RealHusb and 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ I ng l ou ri o u s B a s te rd s (‘09) Christoph Waltz, Brad Pitt. <+++ B a tm a n B e g i n s (Act, '05) Michael Caine, Christian Bale. : 0 5 <+++ T h e I n c re d i b l e H u l k 1 0 : 0 0 <++ T h e G ua r d i a n (‘06) Ashton Kutcher. <+++ H o s ta g e (Act, '05) Kevin Pollak, Bruce Willis. <+++ L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n (Cri, '09) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Criss Angel: Believe Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Cops Jail Cops Cops Cops Cops <++ C l o v e r f i e l d (‘08) Movie <+++ T h e In c r e d ib l e H u l k (Act, '08) Liv Tyler, Edward Norton. Cops C ops Cops Jail Co ps Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Shahs of Suns et Shahs of Suns et T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a V a n d e r pu mp R u l e s V anderpump Rules Be verly Hills Beverly Hills Social Thicker Than Water Thicker Than Water Beverly Hills Vanderpump Rules T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a Vanderpump Rules Top Ch ef Top Chef Top Chef Beverly Hills Vanderpump Rules Shahs of Sunset Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules V a n d e r p u mp R u l e s Beverly Hills
Friday, November 15, 2013
Various Movie/ G.Mine
Tu Th D i n n e rs Tu M o v i e
Cover Story
Mommy dearest Allison Janney and Anna Faris shine in CBS’ ‘Mom’ By Shona Dustan TV Media
t looks like veteran writer and producer Chuck Lorre has struck comedy gold yet again. CBS’s “Mom” is being hailed as Lorre’s best comedy in years. The halfhour sitcom revolves around the life of waitress, former party girl and recovering alcoholic Christy (Anna Faris) as she tries to repair the damage her wild days have done to her life and to her relationship with her children. The subject matter sounds more dramatic than comedic, but Lorre’s characters are edgy and hilarious, allowing viewers to both empathize with them and laugh at their antics. It’s the must-watch comedy of the season, and a new episode airs Monday, Nov. 18, on CBS. “Mom” is, as the title suggests, about moms — specifically two single moms and a mom-to-be. As Christy tries her best to pull herself together, the arrival of Bonnie (Allison Janney), her mother, further complicates her life. Also a recovering alcoholic hoping to repair her broken family, Bonnie is — to say the least — a free spirit. Just as Bonnie is reinserting herself into Christy’s life, it’s discovered that Violet
(Sadie Calvano), Christy’s teenage daughter, is pregnant. Now three (soon to be four) generations of women predisposed to self-sabotage are living under the same roof and, naturally, a lot of comedy ensues. Great material often draws great talent, and “Mom” is no exception. Leading the cast is Anna Faris, who has had lots of success on the silver screen over the years. Making her debut in 2000’s “Scary Movie,” she went on to star in three more installments of the Scary Movie franchise, as well as “The House Bunny” (2008), “Observe and Report” (2009) and “What’s Your Number?” (2011) to name just a few. She’s spent time on television, too, appearing in memorable guest arcs on both “Friends” and “Entourage,” but “Mom” is her first full-time TV gig. If Faris has concerns, she’s sure to get lots of advice from her husband, Chris Pratt, who’s been starring in rival network NBC’s hit comedy “Parks and Recreation” since 2009. Playing Christy’s mother, Bonnie, is veteran actress Allison Janney. Janney has spent a lot of time on big and small screens alike, most notably playing the sassy, intelligent Press Secretary C.J. Cregg in Aaron Sorkin’s criti-
Brent's Eyewear 2x3.5"
Anna Faris and Allison Janney star in “Mom” ful actors and experienced industry cally acclaimed White House drama professionals, but creator/writer/pro“The West Wing.” Her film credits inducer Lorre is probably the most proclude cult comedy classics “Private Parts” (1997), “Drop Dead Gorgeous” lific of the bunch. A veteran television executive, Lorre has enjoyed a lot of (1999) and “10 Things I Hate About success over the years, writing and You” (1999), as well as serious draproducing some of the small screen’s mas such as “American Beauty” greatest comedies (not to mention the (1999) and “The Hours” (2002). Most “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” recently, she appeared in the sleeper theme song — it’s true!). “Rosehit comedy “The Way Way Back” anne,” “Cybill” and “Dharma & Greg” (2013). Janney embodies the bold, were his biggest hits before the brash and somewhat embittered launch of “Two and a Half Men” in mother and grandmother-to-be per2003, which turned out to be one of fectly, consistently stealing the scene. the most successful comedies of the With these two raucous women leadpast decade. Four years later, Lorre ining the cast, it’s no surprise “Mom” troduced the world to four incurable has become an instant hit. geeks and their gorgeous actressSupporting the leading ladies are a next-door in “The Big Bang Theory,” few faces that should be familiar to another ratings juggernaut, and this television fans. French Stewart — year he’s outdoing himself with who starred as Harry on the ‘90s hit “Mom.” “3rd Rock From the Sun” — plays Most networks have begun to move Rudy, an eccentric chef at the restauaway from the classic multi-camera rant where Christy works. Nate Cordformat that has characterized sitcoms dry of “Harry’s Law,” “Studio 60 on for decades, where sets are static and the Sunset Strip” and popular webseries “Children’s Hospital,” plays res- characters come and go like actors on a stage. They opt instead for the singletaurant manager Gabriel, with whom camera style of “The Office” and Christy has a complicated relation“Modern Family,” also shedding the ship. Though only supporting characters, these seasoned actors make their burden of filming in front of a live studio audience. But not Lorre. Some critpresence felt in every hilarious scene ics argue that Lorre’s multi-camera that’s thrown their way. style proves that he’s stuck in the past The show boasts a cast of success-
or just plain lazy, but his shows’ ratings tell a different story, and CBS has been richly rewarded for sticking with him. Far from being lazy, Lorre has found a way to breathe new life into an old format. He may be using the same methods as he did with “Roseanne” or “Cybill,” but his material has definitely evolved. The dialog and story arcs of “Two and a Half Men,” “The Big Bang Theory” — and now “Mom” — are some of the most risque you’ll find on network television. They push the limits, surprise you, keep you on your toes — his characters, though often a little extreme, afford viewers a comical view of real life, never shying away from the ugly bits. Perhaps it’s the studio audience’s audible reactions that soften the most questionable jokes and allow Lorre to get away with some of his sketchiest bits. Regardless, you can’t argue with numbers, and the ratings figures are most definitely in Lorre’s (and CBS’s) favor. Averaging nearly eight million viewers per episode so far, “Mom” is among the top new comedies of the season. If you’ve missed the first few episodes, you can catch up on, and tune in to CBS Monday, Nov. 18, for a new episode of the season’s most talked-about comedy. Friday, November 15, 2013
Ni contigo... ni sin t i/ Al punto Various Mercury/ Noticie. PBS NewsHour / M :05 Nova Classic Arts Showcase Extra/M Arsenio.. C as h C ab CashCb/M OK! TV T h ere Yet/M Paid Movie The Office King of Queens King of Queens F a m .G/M D oy le N i ss an / P a i d Trisha / M Burn Noti ce M C as tl e /N News :35 Paid M P ractic e /P Paid Paid Program : 0 5 L a t e N i g h t /M : 0 5 E n t e r t a i n e r s L a s t C a l l w ’ D a l y : 3 5 N e w s 4 Muñecas mafia Prog. pagado P ro g . p a g a d o Prog. p agado M Outdoors/P Paid M N e w s /N N e w s M P ai d /P Paid (10) M : 0 5 P a i d Light of the Southwest (12) N e w s / S h e p h e r d V a r i o u s Various (24) V a r i o u s M F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Oregon vs. Arizona N C A A ESPN Films T ESPN Films ESPNC Wrestling Global Supercard W W r e s t l i n g Global Supercard UNI KENW KASA KWBQ KASY KOAT KOBR KTEL KBIM KRPV USA
ESPN (26)
ESPN2 (27)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
DISC (34)
M T W Th F (35) (36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (41) (42)
FX (53)
A&E (54)
TCM (57)
BRAVO (61)
(48) (49) (51)
M T W Th F M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F (59)
M T W Th F M T W Th F
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
Imp acto /M H u m o r Noticie./M Notice Tu d e sayuno aleg re
Dish /M P ai d Paid Program Loves Ray Loves Ray Jerry Springer / M Le verage P ai d /M N e w s ABC News Now : 1 0 T o d a y /M : 1 0 M e et P r e s s P ro g . p a g a do Prog. pagado FaceNtn/U Up M in . M : 3 5 U p t o t h e
Paid Program FTh Nissan/M-W Paid Better A m e ri c a M o r n i n g Early Today Programa pa gado News / News Various Various Paid Program
News 13 KASA M Paid Sunny/M C.Minds A l w a y s S u n n y Maury / M CSI: Miami ABC World News Now M e rcu ry/M M o n e y M Dermawand Prog. pagado Prog. pa g ado Minute Various Various Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Boxing Classics Boxing Classics You Write Better Th an You Play Wrestling Global Supercard Wrestling Global Supercard
W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? S p o r t s C en t e r F o o tb a l l Rutgers vs. Central Florida N C AA S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Football NCAA S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 11:00 SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r Basketb all Houston Rockets vs. Dallas Mavericks NBA Dallas, Texas 11:30 NBA E:60 S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Olbermann 11:00 SportsCenter Top Ten S p o r t s C en t e r NFL Films Football NCAA F o o tb a l l Washington vs. UCLA NCAA S p o r t s C en t e r Football NCAA Football NCAA Basketb all Indiana Pacers vs. New York Knicks NBA F o o tb a l l Northern Illinois vs. Toledo NCAA Various Snooki/ Ke$ha Various F W My Crazy Various F Snooki Various Various Various Various M Paid Program M Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program / Paid Program Various Various Paid Program P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Alaska: The Last Frontier 11:00 M oo n sh i n e rs : O u tla w C u ts 11:00 T o B e A n n ou nc e d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Various Tu D i n e rs , D r. Various Tu D i n e rs , D r. Various Tu D i n e rs , D r. Various Tu D i n e rs , D r. M Movie Tu N a k e d V eg a s W M ov i e Tu T w i l i g h t Z o n e V a r i o u s T w i l i g h t/ P a i d Twilight/ P ai d C ab l e C l ass F TBA/M B i g f o o t/W B l u e P l a n e t Various M LoneStarLeg. Various M Call Wildman WoodsLaw / Bigfoot/ B. P lanet Paid Program Paid Program H o c k e y Colorado Avalanche vs. Phoenix Coyotes NHL Glendale, Ariz. Paid Program Paid Program F o o tb a l l Marshall vs. Tulsa NCAA Basketb all Rice vs. Baylor NCAA Paid Program Paid Program Basketb all Navy vs. Virginia NCAA Basketb all Northern Colorado vs. New Mexico State NC AA Various F M House Various Paid Program Cops : Reloaded Cops : Reloaded Cops : Relo aded Cops : Reloaded Various FatC ops V i d e os/ S w a m p W F a t C o ps LoveHip/ Chrissy R&B/ Blck Ink F LoveHip/W Tiny R& B/ L o v e H i p F W Th + M u s i c Miami M./ Chrissy Tu B lack In k M Best Week Chelsea Lately The Kardashians M Global Various Paid Program / M The Soup Hotties T h e E x e s /M R a y V a r i o u s Various Various Various Various Various Various Friends :35 Friends :05 Friends :40 Friends L o p e z/ I ns t.M o m :45 G. Lopez :20 Christine :50 Christine Family Guy Fam.G/M China IL V a rio u s Various Various V arious AmerD Family Guy Various Various GoodL/Th Hannah GoodL/Th JONAS S h a k e I t Up A.N.T. Farm Life on Deck Movie 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ M o ney b a l l /<+++ R e a l S t e e l <+++ Rat Race (Com, '01) Whoopi Goldberg, John Cleese. 1 1 : 3 0 <++ R i o (Ani, '11) Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg. Louie Louie Paid Program Paid Program 11:00 Sons of Anarchy Rescue Me 11:00 AHSCoven Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Louie American Horror Story: Coven American Horror Story: Coven American Horror Story: Coven Justified InfoInfoDog th e Boun ty Hunter Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Strai ght D o c u m en ta ry G o v e rn o r's W i f e G o v e rn o r's W i f e G o v e rn o r's W i f e G o v e rn o r's W i f e D o c u m en ta ry Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Dog th e Bounty Hunter Amer. Hogger Amer. Hogger Storage Wars Storage Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Various F Pawn Stars Various M W AmerDer/Tu I n f o Civil War Journal InfoHis tor y D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry : 1 5 <++ P T 1 0 9 (Doc/Dra, '63) Robert Culp, Cliff Robertson. : 4 5 < T h e M e t r o - G o l d w y n - M a y e r S t o r y (‘50) <++++ La Strad a (Dra, '54) Giulietta Masina, Anthony Quinn. <++++ Lil i (Mus, '52) Mel Ferrer, Leslie Caron. MGM Parade :15 The Story of Film < R e p e n t a n c e (Com/Dra, '84) Iya Ninidze, Avtandil Makharadze. <+++ T h e Fo un t a i n h e a d (Dra, '49) Patricia Neal, Gary Cooper. <+++ T h e H a s t y H e a r t (Dra, '49) Patricia Neal, Ronald Reagan. 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ F o u r D a y s i n N o v e m b e r (‘64) : 4 5 <++++ T h e Tr a i n (War, '65) Paul Scofield, Burt Lancaster. Various F Th T h e G a m e W e n d y S h o w /M B E T I n s p i ra ti o n M o v i e T o B e A n n o u n ce d Criss Angel: Believe Gam eTrailers Ways to Die Ways to Die Ways to Die Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue <++ T ra i n i n g D a y (Thril, '01) Ethan Hawke, Denzel Washington. Jail Jail Jail Criss Angel: Believe Criss Angel: Believe Criss Angel: Believe Criss Angel: Believe 10:00 Impact Wrestling <++ S c r e a m 4 (Hor, '11) Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell. 11:00 Styled WatchWhat Thicker Than Water Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Thicker Than Water WatchWhat Fashion Queens WatchWhat 11:30 Shahs V a n d erpu mp R ul es 11:30 Styled T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A t l a n t a 11:30 VanderR WatchWhat Beverly Hills
Friday, November 15, 2013
Rosa Guad alup e / M L a h o ra p i co G o rd o /F l a c a/M V o lver amar
Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News News 4 Today Prog. pagado KRQE News Various Paid Program
S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r
Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ES.TV S h e p h e r d ' s C h ap e l Action 7 News Eyewitness News 4 Today Historias de la Virgen Morena KRQE News 13 This Morning Various Various Various F o o tb a l l Mich. St./N.West. NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c Pit./Syr. NCAA Top 5 Reasons Top 5 Reasons F o o tb a l l ‘92 Peach Bowl NCAA S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r
Mike & Mike
A M T V /M M y C ra z y M My C razy Paid Program Paid Program Kennedys’ Home M. 18 K i d s Paid Program Paid Program
Various Paid Program F Up ris in g /II s l an d Coyotes PostGame Paid Program
Tu D i n e rs , D r. Paid Program Escape to Eden Paid Program
AMTV/M GirlCode The Balancing Act B a b y 's F irs t D a y Paid Program
Various Paid Program Big Cat Diary Paid Program
M Girl Code W Th S p a c es /M Tu Balance Act Make Room for P a i d P r o g r am
F Ace of Cakes Paid Program Big Cat Diary Paid Program
S u n s Po s t
Paid Program VH1 + Music Paid Program
Various Paid Program
P ai d P r o g r a m Paid Program : 2 5 W i f e K i d s /Tu : 2 5 I n s t a n t M o m F a m .G /M C h i n a , I L V a rio u s Wizards Wizards Paid Program Paid Program
Various C M T M us i c Saved by the Bell Paid Program :55 Wife Kids Various Sui t e/M :15 F e rb Paid Program
Saved by the Bell Paid Program Yes, Dear Various Life on Deck Paid Program
Paid Program Justified Info -D oc ume n tary Info D o c u m en ta ry
Justified Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter
Dog th e Bounty Hunter
Info-Documentary I n f o F Heavy Metal / M Save Our / M Classroom D o c u m en ta ry His to ry / Tu-Th M o de rn M a rv e l s <++ A g g i e A p p l e b y , M a k e r o f M ... :15 <+ O ne M a n 's Jo u rn e y (‘33) <+++ S ho w P e op le (‘28) Marion Davies. Movie <+++ C yran o d e Berg erac (Dra, '50) Mala Powers, José Ferrer. <+ T h e M ig h t y M c g u r k (‘46) Wallace Beery. Movie <+++ A C h i l d I s W a i t i n g (Dra, '63) Judy Garland, Burt Lancaster. M BET Inspiration Various BET Inspiration 1000 Ways to Die Ways to Die Paid Program Bar Rescue Jail Entourage Criss Angel: Believe 1000 Ways to Die Ways to Die Styled to Rock Styled to Rock T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f M i a m i T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f M i a m i <++ T h e F i g h t i n g T e m p t a t i o n s (‘03) Cuba Gooding Jr.. M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s ti n g L o s A n g e l es M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g L o s A n g e l es <++ F u nn y P e op l e (Com/Dra, '09) Seth Rogen, Adam Sandler.
Friday Best Bets
David Giuntoli and Bree Turner star in “Grimm”
The Carrie Diaries
7:00 p.m.
Carrie’s (AnnaSophia Robb) job is on the line when she interviews New York wunderkind playwright Adam Weaver (guest star Chris Wood) in this new episode. Meanwhile, Carrie and Dorrit (Stefania Owen) discover they have a common enemy.
8:00 p.m.
Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) look into a drowning death that bears the hallmarks of foul play in a new episode of this fantasy series. Meanwhile, Captain Renard (Sasha Roiz) makes a shocking realization.
Haven (36)
8:00 p.m.
Audrey (Emily Rose) faces a difficult choice when she finds herself in a Haven where the Troubles have never existed in this new episode. She must decide whether or not to restore Haven to the way it was or preserve the new reality for her loved ones.
Dracula (8)
9:00 p.m.
Grayson (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) tries to woo Lady Jayne (Victoria Smurfit) in the hopes of compromising her. Also in this new episode, a meeting with an old friend complicates Grayson and VanHelsing’s (Thomas Kretschmann) mission.
7 PM
9 PM
10 PM
P o rq ue e l A m o r M a n d a L a T e m p e s ta d (SF)
PBS NewsHour
Market to Market
Family Feud
Bones "The Fury in the Raising A mysterious News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show Jury" Brennan serves jury Natesville resident keeps o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A duty. (N) appearing. (N)
The Big Bang Theory
C arrie "Borderline" America's Next Top Carrie wants to interview M o d e l The final two Adam Weaver. (N) models battle it out. (N)
The Cleveland Show
M o n k Monk suspects a radio shock jock of murdering his wife.
M o n k Monk joins Disher American on the farm to investigate Dad "Max a murder. Jets"
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Last Man Standing (N)
Shark T. An entrepreneur 20/20 recounts how she got debt-free. (N)
(4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
The N e i g hb o rs (N)
WashinCharlie gton Week Rose: The (N) Week (N)
11 PM
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. Great Performances "Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma!" Oklahoma! is reborn as this film version. (N) Football Friday
How I Met How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Your Your Half Men Half Men "The Mother Mother Caddy" American Dad
Dish Nation
Seinfeld "The Suicide"
Action 7 News Live
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Marido en Alquiler
La Reina Del Sur
Santa Diabla
Un d erco v er Bo s s "Dutch Hawaii Five-0 McGarrett Blue Bloods "Justice Bros. Coffee" (N) and Grover work together Served" (N) to catch a hacker. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Caso cerrado
(12) I s ra e l
(50) (8815)
Dracula Grayson E y e w i t n e s s N e w M e x i c o G a m eday ruthlessly sets out to News 4 at /:45 T o n i gh t S h o w Bill compromise Lady Jayne. 10 p .m . O'Reilly, Guy Fieri (N)
Wheel of Fortune
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the Hill Hill
Grimm Nick and Hank investigate a drowning death. (N)
Mentir Para Vivir
Eyewitness Eyewitness Dateline NBC News 4 at 6:30
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
8 PM
C o raz o n I nd om a b l e
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
:45 Access Hollywood
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late Dav id Letterm an Lady Late Show Antebellum (N) :35
Update D oo rwa y s to W isd om Light of the Southwest Update Dr. Hollisa News News Alewine Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Law & Order: Special USA (24) F a m i l y Family "Egg Drop" Family Family Family Family Family Victims Un it "Entitled" Friday Night Lights 30/30 "Kings Ransom" 30 fo r 30 30/30 "Kings Ransom" ESPNC (25) Frid ay Nig h t Lig h ts NBA Basketb all Minnesota Timberwolves vs. Denver Nuggets NBA Basketb all Detroit Pistons vs. Sacramento Kings Site: Arco ESPN (26) Site: Pepsi Center -- Denver, Colo. (L) Arena -- Sacramento, Calif. (L) C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l Liv e (L) NCAA F oo tb al l Washington vs. UCLA (L) S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN2 (27) KRPV
Yohanan (27) Salamanca Law & Order: S.V.U . (242) (105) "Limitations" 30 for 30 (143) S p o r t s C en t e r (206) (140)
Olbermann (N)
(331) (160)
(280) (183)
BRAVO (61)
Wait 'Til Nex t Yea r (N) Ridiculous Ridiculous < A C o u n try C h ris tm a s S to ry (‘13) Desiree Ross. A girl pursues her dream of becoming a country star. Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Yes to th e Secret P rin ces "Princess Say Yes to Say Yes to Secret P rin ces "Princess Say Yes to Say Yes to the Dress the Dress the Dress Dress (N) Charming" (N) the Dress the Dress Charming" the Dress the Dress G o l d R u s h "In Too G o l d R u s h "Slippery Bering Sea Gold "Dozers G o l d R u s h "Slippery Bering Sea Gold "Dozers G o l d R u s h "In Too Deep" Slope" and Dragons" (P) (N) Slope" and Dragons" Deep" W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a G u y ' s G r o c e r y G a m e s Diners, Diners, Challenge "Thanksgiving Diners, Diners, Dr. Diners, Diners, "The Final Test" "Surf's Up" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Family Feast" Drive-Ins "L.A. Eats" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Haven "The Trouble With Being Human "Of Mice Haven "The Trouble With < The Collector (‘09) WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in long-running rivalries. (N) Troubles" (N) And Wolfmen" Troubles" Josh Stewart. Tanked Unf. "Popcorn Tanked! "Legal Vending Tanked! "Tracy and his Tanked! "Legal Vending Tanked! "Tracy and his Tanked: Unfiltered on the High Sea" Machine" Octopus" Machine" Octopus" "Good Karma" NCAA S u n s P re - NBA Basketb all Brooklyn Nets vs. Phoenix Suns Site: U.S. S u n s Po s t S u n s Po s t NCAA Basketb all University of Texas Basketb . (L) Game (L) Airways Center -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) at El Paso vs. New Mexico State Flip It to Win It Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House House House Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs Hunters Hunters Hunters Reba Reba Reba < F o o tl o os e +++ (‘84) Lori Singer, John Lithgow, Kevin Bacon. S H A l a b a m a (N) Sweet Home Alabama < D a n c e F l i c k + (‘09) Shoshana Bush. Best Week Saturday Night Live Sat. Night "Bruno Mars" S.N.L "Louis C.K. / FUN" Sat. Night After Anna Nicole Fashion Police (N) Hello Ross The Soup Chelsea E! News Chelsea Fashion Police (N) Lately (N) Lately A. Griff ith A. Griff ith Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Queens Queens Queens Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Spong eBob The Legend of Korra (N) Full House Full House Full House Fu ll House "The Test" 5 : 3 0 < F i re h ou s e D og ++ (‘07) Josh Hutcherson. Steven/U Uncle Adv.Time Gumball MAD King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jessie Jessie Good Luck Jessie A.N.T. Jessie A.N.T. J es s i e (N) WanderOver A u s ti n a n d Liv and Austin and Charlie Farm Farm (N) (N)/:15 Ferb Ally Maddie Ally Mother M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < Moneyball +++ (2011, Biography) Robin Wright, Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt. < M o n e y b a l l +++ (‘11) Brad Pitt. "Murtaugh" M o th e r Half Men Half Men Billy Beane's attempt to put together a baseball team. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage NY Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars (N) Wars: NY Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars American Pickers "The American Pickers Bible Secrets Revealed American Pickers American Pickers "The American Pickers Belly Dance" "Haunted Honeyhole" "Urban Cowboys" Belly Dance" "Haunted Honeyhole" < T h e o d o r a G o e s W i l d ++ (‘36) : 4 5 < T w e n t i e t h C en t u r y ++++ (‘34) John < E a s y L i v i n g +++ (1937, Romance) :15 < I t's a Wo n d erfu l Melvyn Douglas, Irene Dunne. Barrymore. Producer makes girl a star. Edward Arnold, Jean Arthur. World +++ 106 & Park: BET's T op 10 Live 4:30 < To Be < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d A n n o un c e d C o ps "Wild C o ps C o ps 5 : 0 5 < T h e I n c r ed i b le H u l k +++ Edward Norton. C o ps Bellato r M M A Fighters battle for $100,000 and a Bruce Banner encounters a monstrous opponent. and Crazy" shot at the title. Styled to Rock "Miley's < Leg ally Blond e ++ (‘01) Reese Witherspoon. A < Leg ally Blond e ++ (‘01) Reese Witherspoon. A Styled to Rock "Miley's sorority girl follows her boyfriend to Harvard. sorority girl follows her boyfriend to Harvard. Sexy Night Out" Sexy Night Out" (N)
(209) (144)
Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Wait 'Til Next Yea r (N) (28) R i d i c u l o u sn e ss < A C o u n try C h ris tm a s S to ry (‘13) Desiree Ross. A < Un d e r th e M is tleto e ++ (‘06) Michael Shanks. (29) girl pursues her dream of becoming a country star. Radio station helps Susan's love life.
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
(252) (108)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Feature Story
NBC post-apocalyptic drama is a hit with viewers By Kyla Brewer TV Media
he notion of an apocalypse has meant different things to different generations. Certainly, living without running water or refrigerators would be tough these days, but imagine the horrors of no Internet — no worldwide communication. In an age when most of us rely on electronics — from smartphones and tablets to good old-fashioned laptops — for just about everything, the loss of technology would hit hard. That’s the premise behind NBC’s “Revolution,” which returns with a new episode on Wednesday, Nov. 20. The show’s freshman season follows one family’s efforts to reunite 15 years after a mysterious worldwide power outage. With no power for anything, North America had been hacked up into a collection of militia-protected states. Season 1 followed an ambitious plan by a group of rebels who wanted to turn the power back on, which they achieved, if only briefly. The show’s debut surprised perhaps even NBC execs with a huge ratings win, capturing the attention of more than 11 million viewers. “Revolution” maintained its momentum throughout the season, earning it the top spot among dramas in its time-slot on NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox. By April 2013, the series had been awarded a Season 2 pickup order for a full 22 episodes (though it was later reduced to 20), a feat only achieved by a handful of other series by that time. When the announcement was made, NBC executive Jennifer Salke singled out “Revolution” and the hit firehouse drama “Chicago Fire” for their performances. “We’re especially pleased to be renewing ‘Revolution’ and ‘Chicago Fire’ — two first-season successes,” said Salke. In the cutthroat world of prime-time television, surviving one season is tough enough. Fans of the show are likely hoping it will survive the sophomore jinx suffered by so many other breakout series that fizzle in Season 2. So far, though, “Revolution” has been living up to its reputation as a hit drama. The heroes of last season have regrouped in the small Texas town of Willoughby, six months after two missiles destroyed Atlanta and Philadelphia during the short-lived, four-minute power restoration that they orFriday, November 15, 2013
chestrated in last season’s finale. Billy Burke (“Twilight,” 2008) has emerged as the ensemble cast’s leading man. He stars as Miles Matheson, the show’s protagonist who spent much of last season trying to make amends for his part in co-founding a deadly and ruthless militia led by Sebastian Monroe (David Lyons, “ER”). Fans of the “Twilight” saga will recognize Burke as Charlie Swan from the 2008 film and its sequels, of course, but he’s well known for his prolific career in television, having appeared in such hits as “24,” “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” “Gilmore Girls” and “The Closer.” Canadian actress Tracy Spiridakos (“Being Human”) co-stars as Miles’ niece, Charlie, a tough, self-reliant young woman who’s grown up in the aftermath of the blackout. The role earned her a best actress Saturn Award nomination for Season 1. Although she’d landed parts on such popular series as “Supernatural” and “Being Human,” the young actress is relatively new to the TV arena, having been awarded the part of Charlie during her first pilot season in Los Angeles. Elizabeth Mitchell plays Charlie’s mother, Rachel, who was believed to be dead at the beginning of last season. As it turns out, Monroe had been keeping her hidden because of her knowledge of and role in the initial blackout. Mitchell’s perhaps best known for a role in another sci-fi/fantasy series — that of Dr. Juliet Burke in ABC’s one-time hit “Lost,” which incidentally was created and produced by “Revolution” producer J.J. Abrams. She also appeared in “ER” and “V” on television and in the holiday movies
“The Santa Clause 2” (2002) and “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2006). Another key player is Zak Orth (“Fringe”) as MIT graduate Aaron Pittman, a former friend of Rachel’s deceased husband, Ben. “Breaking Bad” alum Giancarlo Esposito appears as bad-guy-turned-good-guy Tom Neville, who once worked for Monroe but has now joined with the rebels. Fans of “Breaking Bad” may be happy to know that another alum is set to join “Revolution” this season: Christopher Cousins, who played Ted Beneke in the acclaimed AMC series, has signed on to portray high-ranking Patriot Victor Doyle, a character that clashes with Neville. J.D. Pardo (“Drive”) stars as the Neville’s son and Charlie’s love interest, Jason. It’s no wonder “Revolution” has been such a hit. Along with the talented cast, the show has one of Hollywood’s biggest hitmakers working behind the scenes: Abrams. Well known for his action and sci-fi work, Abrams has been involved in some of the most popular TV series and movies in recent years, including ABC’s “Alias,” Fox’s “Fringe” and CBS’s “Person of Interest,” as well as the current Star Trek movie franchise. He’s even set to direct the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode VII,” slated for 2015. His action experience has already paid off for “Revolution” as the show’s only Emmy win so far has been for outstanding stunt co-ordination. The action-packed series is part of a spate of recent TV shows with postapocalyptic themes. This summer, CBS had a big hit with “Under the Dome,” a story based on a Stephen King tale
about a town that finds itself cut off from the outside world without electricity and modern conveniences because of a mysterious giant dome that envelops the area. Also, AMC’s “The Walking Dead” provides viewers with a look at the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. All of these series explore how people band together to survive when faced with tragedy, and with viewers glued to the tube, it seems the trend is here to stay. Don’t miss “Revolution” Wednesdays on NBC.
The Jewelers Bench 1x3
Chaves County Door & Supply 2x3"
Del Norte - Plains Park - 2nd & Garden For Week of Nov. 18 - Nov. 22
Muffin Yogurt Juice
Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Lettuce/Tomatoes, Fries, Seasonal Fruit
Pancake Sausage on a Stick, Juice
BBQ Dippers, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Gravy, Whole Wheat Roll, Mixed Fruit
Farmer's Country Market 2x4" Teriyaki Chicken, Brown Rice,
Mini Pancakes, Juice
Steamed or Fresh Broccoli & Carrots , Pineapple, Rice Crispy Treat, Fortune Cookie
Flat Bread Breakfast Pizza Juice
Gold Fish Sandwich, Lettuce/Tomato, Pickle Spear, Baby Carrots, Fruit or Juice
Yogurt/Granola Meal, Juice *Elementary Only - Cereal Breaks
Cheesy Nachos, Beans, Fresh Broccoli, Sliced Apples
The cast of “Revolution”
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7 AM
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Prog. pagado Prog. pagado Pocoyo Backyardigans W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood W o o ds m i th Sh o p C o o k 's C o un try KRQE News 13 Animal Atlas Animal Rescue Paid Program Paid Program C h u c k/ F ri e n ds R e s c u e H e ro e s Paid Program Paid Program Bloopers Hollywood Action 7 News More in the Morning 5 : 0 0 S a t u r d a y T o d a y (N) E yewitness News 4 Weekend P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs The Jet Plane 5 : 0 0 C B S T h i s Mo r n in g S a t u r d a y K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g 5:00 Light of the South Donkey Ollie Dr. Wonder Paid Program W h i t e C o l l a r "Master Plan" S p o rts C en tu ry "Jerry West" S p o rts C en tu ry "Bill Walton" S p o r t s C en t e r College Football Game Day 5 : 3 0 N F L K i c k o f f M a t c h U p (N) S p o r t s C en t e r Rid icu lo u sn ess Rid icu lo u sn ess Girl C o d e Girl Code Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
8 AM Zigby Test Kitchen DragonflyTV Sonic X Career Day
9 AM
Maya y Miguel Taste of History Animal Science Bolts and Blip Winning Edge
Dora/ Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Mexican Table Motorweek Weekend Marketplace Spider-Man Justice League Live Life & Win! Eco Comp any Hollywood Teen Kids News The Chica Show Pajanimals The Jet Plane LazyTo w n P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado L u c k y D o g (N) Dr. C h ris V e t (N) R ec R e ha b (N) Minute Meals Retro News KingdomWar Dr. Pendle ton Acquire the Fire N C I S "Worst Nightmare" N C I S "Short Fuse" S p o rts C en tu ry "Casey Stengel" S p o rts C en tu ry "Carlton Fisk"
10 AM
11 AM
Nuevo Mexico La hora pico Victory Garden Paint This Joy of Painting N C A A Ba s ketb al l (L) Dragon Ball Z B-Daman Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh ZEX T h in k B i g C o o l es t E a rth Bounty Hunter Reliable Nissan Race Week Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Justin Time Tree Fu Tom LazyTown Noddy Super Latina Operacion Repo Reventón A l l i n W i t h (N) C h ang e rs (N) Paid Program Paid Program Joe McGee Doug Stringer Dollars & Sens e Fruits of Zion N C I S "Royals and Loyals" N C I S "Dead Air" E SP N "The Dewey Bozella Story" S E C S t o r i e d "Going Big" N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) Girl Code Girl Code The Hook Up The Hook Up The Hook Up My Crazy Awkward Awkward Paid Program Paid Program Off Their Off Their < A D i v a 's C h ri s tm a s C a ro l ++ (2000, Comedy/Drama) John Taylor, Rockers Rockers Kathy Griffin, Vanessa L. Williams. A superstar is visited by ghosts. Paid Program Paid Program H o u s es "..and a Water Tower" F o u r H o u se s "..and a Teapot" H o u s es "..and a Stuffed Peacock" H o u s es "..and a Disco Hot Tub" E x t r e m e C h e a p s k a te s Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program G u y's Big Bite "Thanksgiving" Best Thing Best Thing B B Q A d d i c t i o n P i o n e e r W om a n P i o n e e r (N) S. Kitch e n (N) Paid Program Paid Program Twilight Zone < T ru e B l o o d th i rs t (‘12) Neil Jackson, Ben Lambert, Andrew Lee Potts. < S t a k e L a n d (2010, Horror) Nick Damici, Kelly McGillis, Connor Paolo. M o v i e 5 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d M e e t th e S l o th s M e e t th e S l o th s T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program S u n s Po s t Paid Program Golf Destination Golf America Swing Clinic Tee It Up Match Play N C A A F oo tb a l l West Virginia vs. Kansas (L) P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Expanding the P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "An Eclectic H o u s e C ra s he rs H o u s e C ra s he rs C ra s h e rs "Wine H o u s e C ra s he rs H o u s e C ra s he rs H o u s e C ra s he rs L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Safety Family Fun" Vision" Lover's Kitchen" (N) (N) Concerned Spouse" 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c CMT Social Hour C M T M us ic 4:00 VH1 + Music VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH1 To p 20 Video Countdo wn B e s t W e e k E v e r S a t . N i g h t "Just Game Parodies" Sat. Nig h t Liv e "Louis C.K. / FUN" S at. Nig h t Liv e To ta l Diva s "SummerSlam" Macklemore's Big Surprise E! News Weekend F as h i on P o l i c e The Soup Burning Love K a r d a s h "Paparazzi and Papas" The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Ext. Makeover: Home Ext. Makeover: Home T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w Yes, Dear Full House See Dad Run See Dad Run P enguins O d d P a r e n ts RabbidsInv SpongeBob SpongeBob Spong eBob SpongeBob S a n j a y C r a i g (N) C l e v e l a nd S h o w K i n g o f t h e H i l l L o o n e y T u n es L o o n e y T u n es LegendsChima Tenkai Knig hts BeyShogun P o k em o n B W B e n 1 0 (N) Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Steven Universe F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s H e n r y H u g g l e Mickey M. D o c M c S t u f f i n s J a k e N e v e r L a n d S o f i a t h e Fi r s t WanderOver/FFerb J e s s i e Jessie Dog Blog Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bu f f y "Lies My Parents Told Me" B u f f y V a m pi r e S l a y e r "Dirty Girls" E l l e n Ellen Two and Half Two and Half C ri m . M i n d s "The Apprenticeship" C ri m . M i n d s "Magnificent Light" F l i p "Welcome to the Doll House" F l i p H o u s e "The Uninvited Guest" F l i p p i ng V eg as "Dream House" Governor's Wife Governor's Wife Restoration Restoration American D a r e d e v i l s "Fear A m e r . D a r e d e v i l A m e r i c a n D a r e d e v i l s "Dirt A m e r . D a r e d e v - R e s to ra ti o n R e s to re "Surfing O u t b a c k R e s to re "Planes "Jackpot" "Secret Fan" Daredevils Rides Shotgun" s "Up in Flames" Da r ed ev il s and Destruction" ils "Tough Guy" "Batter Up" the Strip" B u s h m en and Flames" : 1 5 < D e c e p t i o n +++ (‘46) Paul Henreid, Claude Rains, Bette Davis. : 1 5 B e t t e D a v i s < G o l d R u s h M a i s i e + (‘40) Ann Sothern. < S h e ++ (‘65, Adv) Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Usrula Andress. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration TD Jakes Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program < B a tm a n B e g i n s +++ (‘05) Michael Caine, Christian Bale. F a s h i on Q u e e ns F a s h i on Q u e e ns T o p C h e f "Jazz Hands" H o u s e M i a m i "Reunion Part 1" Beverly Hills "Faint Chance" V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s "Branded"
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Nuevo Mexico Garden Home
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5 PM
Sabadazo D a l l a s C o w b o y s N o t i c i e r o : F D S M F L F ú tbo l (L) Oil Painting Quilt in a D ay Quilting Arts Fo ns & P o rter C r e a t i v e L i v i n g C o o k in g /C l a s s H o m e t i m e T h i s O l d H o us e A s k - O l d H o u s e W e l c o m e S t u d io S e w i n g N a n c y S e w I t A l l 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b a l l (L) Bridge Show N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) N C A A F oo tb a l l Ok. St./Tex. (L) Paid Program Paid Program Friends Reliable Nissan Friends 'Til Death < D i a m o n ds ++ (‘99) Dan Aykroyd, Lauren Bacall, Kirk Douglas. G l e e "The Power of Madonna" < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : T h e C u r s e o f t h e B l a c k P e a r l +++ (‘03) Geoffrey Rush, Johnny Depp. < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : D e a d M a n 's C h e s t ++ (‘06) Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightly, Johnny Depp. Race Week Paid Program Football C. N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) Post-game Action 7 News Live Havas Edge B o x i n g Fight Night (L) Tr i a th l o n Ironman AM Marketing Havas Edge Pets.TV NBC News La ruta blanca < B i c h o s : u n a a v e ntu ra e n m i n i a tu ra (1998, Animated) R i tm o d e p o rtiv o O p e ra c i o n R e p o V i d e os a s o mb ro so s Paid Program Paid Program C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) KRQE News 13 KRQE News Update News Walking C ro s so v er Uri H arel Light of the Southwest Doorways to Wisdom Jean-Claude Day Discovery N C I S "Broken Arrow" N C I S "Enemies Foreign" N C I S "Enemies Domestic" N C I S "Ships in the Night" N C I S "Recruited" M o d e r n F am i l y M o d e r n F am i l y S E C S t o r i e d "Croom" SEC Storied S E C S t o r i e d "Abby Head On" S E C S t o r i e d "Lolo Jones" S E C S t o r i e d "40 Minutes of Hell" E S P N F i l m s "Elevate" 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o t b a ll (L) C o l l e g e Fo o tb a l l S co re b o a rd N A S C A R C o un t . N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Ford EcoBoost 300 Site: Homestead Miami Speedway -- Homestead, Fla. (L) : 4 5 F o o tb a l l 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o t b a ll (L) F o o tb a l l S c o re . N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) F o o tb a l l S c o re . N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) < W h a t a G i r l W a n t s ++ (2003, Family) Colin Firth, Kelly Preston, Amanda Bynes. S n o o k i J Wo w w S n o o k i J Wo w w S n o o k i J Wo w w S n o o k i J Wo w w Aw k w a rd :45 Awkward < T w e l v e M e n o f Ch ri s tm a s (‘09) Anna Chlumsky, Aaron Abrams, < T h e R o a d t o C h r i s tm a s + (‘06, Com) Clark Gregg, Barbara Gordon, < T h e C h ri s tm a s H op e (2009, Drama) James Remar, Tori Barban, Kristin Chenoweth. A publicist finds love in a small town in Montana. Jennifer Grey. A bride's wedding plans are derailed by a winter storm. Madeleine Stowe. A social worker takes a child in over the holidays. Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d B a re f o o t C o n t. G i a d a (N) C h op p ed "Cornucopia" Cutthroat Kitchen Res t. "His Way or the Highway" Food's B-day Party D i n e rs ...D i v e s "Best of New York" 11:30 < 30 Days of Night: Dark D ays < D a y b r e a k e r s ++ (‘09) Ethan Hawke, Jay Laga'aia. < B l a d e I I ++ (2002, Action) Kris Kristofferson, Norman Reedus, Wesley Snipes. 10:00 T o B e An nounce d 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o t b a ll West Virginia vs. Kansas (L) N C A A F oo tb a l l TCU vs. Kansas State (L) Own Words Coyotes The High Low The High Low House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters P ro j e c t (N) Project International International Hot 20 Countdo wn Jason Aldean Sweet Home Alabama < F o o tl o os e +++ (‘84) Lori Singer, Kevin Bacon. 1 1 : 3 0 S a t . N i g h t S a t . N i g h t "Jamie Foxx/ Ne-Yo" Black Ink Crew Ch ris s y / J on e s Lo v e a n d H i p -Ho p < D a n c e F l i c k + (‘09) Damon Wayans Jr., Shoshana Bush. K a r d as h "All Signs Point to North" T h e Ka rd as h i a n s T ot a l Di v a s "SummerSlam" E! News Weekend M i s s U n i v e r s e P ag ea n t T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w < T h e B o d y g u a r d ++ (1992, Suspense) Kevin Costner, Gary Kemp, Whitney Houston. Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls N i n j a T u r t l e s (N) Rab b i d sI n v (N) M o ns te rs v s . (N) S p o ng e B ob M e g a (N) S p o ng e Bob SanjayCraig Rab b i d sI n v Odd Parents Odd Parents Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob BeyShogun BeyShogun BeyShogun BeyShogun T e e n T i t a n s G o ! T e e n T i t a n s G o ! S t e v e n U n i v e r s e U n c l e G r a n d p a T o t al Drama Total Drama MAD Adven ture Time A.N.T. Farm Austin and Ally Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Jessie Jessie Je ssie Jessie Two and Half Two and Half < T a k e r s ++ (2010, Action) Matt Dillon, Hayden Christensen, Chris Brown. < S a l t +++ (2010, Action) Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Angelina Jolie. Governor's Wife Governor's Wife Storage NY Storage NY Storage NY Storage NY Storage NY Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars R e s to re "Ridin' R e s to re "Keep R e s to ra ti o n Restoration R e s to re "Pump R e s to re "Pimp R e s to re "Bimbo R e s to ra ti o n R e s to re "Golf R e s to re "Harleys P aw n S tars P aw n S tars "The Route 66" on Trucking" "The Big Bang" "Hot & Salty" and Gun" Chum's Ride" and the Beasts" "Pests and Pins" Ball and Chain" and Horsies" "Over the Top" Chum-Sake" < T h e P ri s o ne r o f Z e n d a +++ (‘52) Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granger. < L a n d o f t h e P h a r a o h s +++ (‘55) Joan Collins, Syd Chaplin. < T h e S p a n i sh M a i n ++ (‘45) Maureen O'Hara, Paul Henreid. F a m i l y M a t t e r s F a m i l y M a t t e r s F a m i l y M a t t e r s F a m i l y M a t t e r s < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d 1 0 : 0 0 < B a t m a n B e g i n s +++ : 0 5 < T h e I n c r ed i b le H u l k +++ (2008, Action) Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, Edward Norton. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Shahs of Suns et Shahs of Suns et T h i c k e r T h a n W a t e r "Family Ties" Atlanta "Bye Bye With the Wind" Atlanta "Girl Code Breakers" Beverly Hills
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Friday, November 15, 2013
La Familia P. Luche
Report America's (3) F ro m S a n ta Heartlan d Fe
7 PM
5 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o tb a l l Oklahoma State vs. Texas (L)
9 PM
The Tim McCarver Show
Au s tin C ity Lim its Jim James plays tunes from his solo album. (N)
C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty T h e M i dd l e The Middle M o d e rn "Heck's "The Play" Family Best Thing"
SA F 3 (N)
< S i g n s +++ (2002, Thriller) Joaquin Phoenix,
Wheel of Fortune Weekend
Dr. Rik
(12) W ad g e
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BRAVO (61)
A x e C o p /:45 < Th e Bu tch er's Wife High +++ (‘91) Demi Moore. School
Family Guy Family Guy White Collar
Queens "Switch Sitters"
Saturday Best Bets
(50) (8815)
Private Practice
Saturday Night Live
Jeff Bridges. Broke Girls Mom A s I t H a p p e n e d Examine 48 Hours "And the the assassination that Big Hole" changed America. (N) Light of the Southwest Best of Week Modern Modern Modern Family Family Family 30/30 "Kings Ransom" 30 fo r 30 :45 SportsCenter
Eyewitness Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e (N) News 4 at 10 p.m. Titulares T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Operacion 12 corazones Repo : 3 5 T h e C l os e r A missing : 3 5 Unsealed: woman is linked to a Alien Files rehab facility.
First Fruits Biblical of Zion Israel Modern Law & Order: Special "Flip Flop" Victims Un it "Obscene" 30/30 "Kings Ransom" S p o r t s C en t e r
Doorways to Wisdom Law & Order: Special Victims Un it "Outcry" 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r
5 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o tb a l l (L)
Football NCAA F ootb a ll (L) Football Scoreboard Final (L) 5:45 Akward T e e n M om 3 Teen Mom 3 < W h a t a G i r l W a n t s ++ (‘03) Colin Firth, Amanda Bynes. < The House Bun ny < T h e T w e l v e T r e e s o f C h r i s t m a s Lindy Booth. A < Dear Santa (‘11) Gina Holden, Amy Acker. A < T h e T w e l v e T r e e s o f C h r i s t m a s Lindy Booth. A woman rallies her community to save the library. young woman finds a little girl's letter to Santa. woman rallies her community to save the library. Untold Stories Untold Stories of the Untold Stories of the Untold Stories Untold Stories of the Untold Stories of the "Chocolate Pudding" E.R. "Rattled" E.R. "Chocolate Pudding" E.R. "Rattled" E.R. T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Guy's Grocery Gam es Restaurant Express Un w rap p e d "Turkey and Cupcake Wars C h op p ed "A Chopped I ro n Ch e f "Thanksgiving: "Surf's Up" "Tantrum in Temecula" Trimmings" "Match.Com" (N) Thanksgiving" Past And Present" < T h e H u l k ++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Eric Bana. An < S i n C i t y +++ (2005, Crime Story) Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, < accident turns a man into a monster when stressed. Mickey Rourke. Revenge and despair abound in a fictional city. Dayb rea... Too Cute! Too Cute! Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Too Cute! Too Cute! "Fuzzy" "Shell Shocked" "Shell Shocked" "Fuzzy" NHL Hockey Tampa Bay Lightning vs. Phoenix Coyotes Site: C o yo tes (L) C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l P os t- Wes t C o as t C u s toms Bull Riding Arena -- Glendale, Ariz. (L) g a m e S h o w (L) Championship L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Quaint L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "A New H o u s e House House House L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "A New H o u s e House Coastal Cottage" Arrival" Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Arrival" Hunters Hunters 4 : 3 0 < F o o tl oo s e +++ Kevin Bacon. < J o e D i r t ++ (‘01) Dennis Miller, Brittany Daniel, David Spade. O ra n g e C o un ty S w am p P aw n (N) < S c a ry M o v i e ++ (‘00) Shannon Elizabeth. < Bad Boys +++ (‘95) Martin Lawrence, Téa Leoni, Will Smith. < S c a ry M o v i e ++ Fashion Police The Soup Chelsea The Kard ashians "Kylie's Global < He's Ju s t No t Th at I n to Yo u ++ (‘09) Ginnifer Goodwin. Lately Sweet 16" Ho tties (N) Mixed signals cause confusion between the sexes. G. Girls G. Girls Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob T h u nd e rHaunted Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Haunted T h u nd e rT h u nd e rInstant Full House mans Hathaways (N) Hath (N) m a n s (N) mans Mom Adv.Time Regular Regular Steven < Dia ry of a W imp y Kid : R od ric k Rules ++ King of Hill Cleveland Family Guy Family Guy Good Luck Dog With a Austin and Austin and Dog With a Dog With a Jessie Austin and Liv and Good Luck Lab Rats Kickin' It Charlie Blog Ally Ally Blog Blog Ally Maddie Charlie < T ra n s f o rm e rs : R e v e n ge o f th e F a l l e n ++ (2009, Action) Megan Fox, Josh < Rea l Steel +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Dakota Goyo, Hugh Duhamel, Shia LaBeouf. The Decepticons try to find an ancient weapon. Jackman. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son. Storage Storage Storage Storage F l i p p i ng V eg as F l i p p i ng V eg as "Frat Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars "Doomsday House" House" Wars Wars Wars Wars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars American Jungle Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars "Welcome to the Jungle" < T h e W o m en ++++ (1939, Comedy) Joan Crawford, Rosalind < O p p os i t e S e x +++ (‘56) Joan Collins, June : 4 5 < S t a g e D o o r ++++ (‘37) Russell, Norma Shearer. A woman's marital problems fuel gossip. Allyson. A group of women deal with relationships. Ginger Rogers, Katharine Hepburn. 4:30 < To Be < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d A n n o un c e d C o ps C o ps "Bad C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Girls 8" "Busted!" Beverly Hills "Faint < Ho w to Lo s e a G u y in 10 Days ++ (‘03) Matthew < Ho w to Lo s e a G u y in 10 Days ++ (‘03) Matthew McConaughey. Two New Yorkers try to further their careers. McConaughey. Two New Yorkers try to further their careers. Chance"
Friday, November 15, 2013
Natu re Explore the difficulties of raising parrots.
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men "The Seven"
< K u n g F u P an d a 2 (2011, Animated) < T ro n : El l e g ad o (2010, Action) Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde,
Jeopardy! (10) W e e k e nd
Football P o s t-g am e Eyewitness Eyewitness Vo i ce "Live Eliminations" The Blacklist News 4 at The votes are in and two 6:30 move on from each team.
Noticiero Denver Broncos Univision : 0 5 N o v a Using modern technology to solve JFK's assassination.
Modern Family
(8) N e w s 4
11 PM
:20 C o l l eg e A c ti o n 7 N e w s L i v e
SNF Pre-game Show (L) /:05 NCAA Football (L) (7)
Rory Culkin, Mel Gibson. Strange events portend disaster.
10 PM
News 13 News 13 Axe Cop o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A (N)/:15 S c h o o l (N)
Dissection" Theory
(5) Agreement B a n g
ESPN2 (27)
Lawrence Welk The Keeping Up Served? band plays 'Sweet and Ap p eara- "Top Hat Lovely' to open the show. nces and Tails"
Yohanan House Calls Joe McGee Salamanca Modern Modern Modern Modern USA (24) F a m i l y Family "Fulgencio" Family ESPNC (25) 5:00 ESP N ESP N Films "Unguarded" 5 : 4 5 N C A A Fo o tb a l l (L) ESPN (26) KRPV
8 PM
S á b a d o g ig a n t e
BBang "The The Big
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
(25) (8819)
Bob Schieffer hosts “As It Happened: John F. Kennedy 50 Years”
Trisha’s Southern Kitchen (27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160)
11:30 a.m.
Looking to celebrate a stress-free Thanksgiving meal, Trisha switches up her traditional feast and invites her friends over in this new episode. Cameras capture the fun as her sister Beth helps her prepare a quick and easy holiday meal.
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2:30 p.m.
Athletes from around the globe gather to compete in a gruelling Ironman triathlon event. Considered to be among the toughest athletic competitions in the world, the Ironman events consist of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike race and 26.2-mile run.
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48 Hours Presents: As It Happened: John F. Kennedy 50 Years
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Sin City
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8:00 p.m.
Bob Shieffer brings viewers back in time to a key moment in American history as he presents a re-telling of the JFK assassination. The premiere special relives the historic day through the eyes of journalists. 9:00 p.m.
Syfy brings viewers this Frank Miller’s film based on the series of graphic novels of the same name. With a star-studded cast that includes Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Rosario Dawson, the movie chronicles life in a violent city.
Sunset Villa Care Center 1515 So. Sunset Ave. Roswell, New Mexico 88203 (575) 623-7097 “Quality Service with A Smile”
Hollywood Q&A By Adam Thomlison TV Media Q: Mike Rowe mentioned during an interview that he was an opera singer. Does he still do any singing? A: Former “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe does still flex his musical muscles now and then, but just for the love of it. It’s not a job or anything. Indeed, he was never looking for a career in opera. The truth is, he says, he was in it for the girls. “I joined the opera to get my union card and meet girls,” he told the “Tampa Bay Times.” “I figured I’d do one show and quit. But the girls were everywhere, and the truth is, the music was really decent.” His musical training doesn’t stop at opera — again, that was a practical decision on his part (the union card got him into show business). He started in his high school choir, and then fell in love with barbershop — he formed a quartet called SemiFourmal (“because there were four of us and we were terribly clever,” he said in an interview on the Barbershop Harmony Society’s official web-
site). It is this kind of singing he still likes to dabble in. He talks in the interview about winning an impromptu competition in 2007 among his old singing-group colleagues in his native Baltimore. His vocal training has clearly served him well. Apart from his long run on Discovery’s “Dirty Jobs,” (which was canceled last year after eight seasons and hundreds of messy career profiles) most of Rowe’s work has been as a narrator. His most recent gig is doing voiceovers on “Airplane Repo,” also on Discovery. He also keeps himself busy running mikeroweWORKS, a foundation dedicated to promoting work in the trades. Q: I heard Vanna White never wears the same dress twice, but she sells them and gives the money to charity. Is that true? A: It is true that she’s worn a different dress in each of her 5,000-plus episodes of “Wheel of Fortune,” but the show leaves it up to the designers, who give them to Vanna White in the first place (in exchange for credit
at the end of the episode), as to whether they want to donate the dresses or get them back. If they choose to donate the dresses, and many designers do, the show passes them on to charities, who do the actual selling. White takes her status as a fashion plate seriously, and says she tries to maintain the give-and-take relationship with designers. “Sometimes designers will let me borrow a dress for a charity or personal appearances,” she told the “San Jose Mercury News.” “Everyone asks me what gown I’m wearing, so it works for both of us.” Dress donations aren’t the only way White has used her glamor for good. She also has her own line of yarns, the proceeds from which are donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. (White is a proud daughter of the south herself, hailing from Myrtle Beach, S.C.)
At Casa Maria Health Care Center and Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites, we have qualified and educated staff to meet your needs. Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites offers 16 private rooms; wireless internet access; concierge services; physical, occupational and speech therapy seven days a week. Our goal at Pecos Valley Rehabilitation Suites is to keep our patients informed, free of anxiety and concerns. This insures shorter recovery times and long term success. Facility tours are available seven days a week.
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Desmadrug ados Como dice el dicho C l á s i c o s d e s áb a d o g i g a n te H u m o r c o m ed . N o ti c i e ro : F D S D e s a y u n o F D S DesayunoFDS Austin City Limits C l a s s i c A rts S h o w c a s e Dance, music, films, and theatrical performances. 1 1 : 0 0 < T h e B u t c h e r' s W i f e Paid Program Paid Program We There Yet? Paid Program News 13 KASA Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tim McCarver Paid Program The Office Jack Van Impe The Office 'Til Death C o m ed y . T V Always Sunny Always Sunny Paid Program P aid Program Paid Program Paid Program < A rm e d a n d D a n ge ro u s ++ (‘86) Eugene Levy, John Candy. W hite Collar Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program 11:30 Practice Red Carpet HollyScoop Homes Destination.TV Storm Stories Storm Stories Race Week H o m e o wn e r Ron Hazelton G o o d Mo r n i ng A m eri c a S u n d a y A p e x M ed i a After Par ty CARS.TV News 4 @ 10 OMG! Insider Whacked Out NLFM Mercury Media Havas Edge Havas Ed g e O p e n H o us e Havas Edge Super Latina P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g. p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado :05 Paid : 3 5 T . M c C a r v e r : 0 5 K R Q E N e w s : 4 0 < W h i t e I r i s h D r i n k e r s (‘10) Geoffrey Wigdor, Nick Thurston. :35 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Update News Dr. Alewine Light of the Southwest Best of Week D r. Brad Young Crossover Dr's B & S House Calls Light of the South WWE A.M. Raw H o u s e "One Day, One Room" H o u s e "Needle in a Haystack" H o u s e "Insensitive" H o u s e "You Don't Want to Know" P ai d P ro g ram E S P N F i l m s "Unguarded" E S P N F i l m s "Right to Play" Y o u W r i t e B e t t e r "The Best of Frank Deford" Paid Program Paid Program S p o rts C en tu ry "Dick Butkus" S p o r t s C en t e r C ol l eg e Fo o tbal l F i nal NFL MatchUp N F L F o o tb a l l NFL MatchUp S p o r t s C en t e r 11:30 F. Final NBA Tonight NCAA Football S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r C o l leg e Fo otb all Final 1 1 : 0 0 < T h e H o us e B u n n y ++ Awkward Awkward Awkward Awkward The Hook Up The Hook Up 2013 MTV Europe Music Awards Ridiculousness Ridiculousness < D e a r S a n t a (2011, Drama) Gina Holden, Emma Duke, Amy Acker. A O l d C h ri s ti n e Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program I n T o u ch W i th D r. C h a rl e s C h ri s tin e "A Fair :05 P ai d Stanley young woman finds a little girl's letter to Santa. to Remember" P ro g ram C h e aps k ates C h e aps k ates Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P r o g r am Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P ai d P r o g r a m D i v i d e d "Against Da Grill" C h o p p ed Iron Chef America D i v i d e d "Against Da Grill" C u p c a k e W a r s "Match.Com" Paid Program 1 1 : 3 0 < D a y b r e a k e r s ++ (‘09) Jay Laga'aia. < 3 0 D a y s o f N i g h t : D a r k D a y s (‘10) Rhys Coiro, Kiele Sanchez. Twilight Zone Paid Program P aid Program Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d Un tam e d "Amazing Attacks" Un tam e d "Daring Rescues" U n tam e d & Un cu t "Reptile Rage" M o s t E x tre m e "Crazy Collectors" W eird Weird N H L H o c k e y Tampa Bay Lightning vs. Phoenix Coyotes Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Coyotes Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs L o v e I t o r L i s t I t , T o o "Quaint Paid Program C o us i n s Un de rc o v e r "New Mom's International Coastal Cottage" Newest Addition" C o ps: Reload ed C o ps: Reload e d C o ps : Rel o ad e d C o ps : Rel o ad e d C o ps : Rel o ad e d C o ps : Rel o ad e d O ran g e C o un ty C h op p e rs Paid Program Paid Program C M T M us i c Movie Love and Hip-Hop C h ris s y / J one s V H 1 + M us ic VH1 + Music Global Hotties Hello Ross Chelsea Lately Burning Love Paid Program Paid Program E! News Weekend Loves Ray Loves Ray That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Friends :35 Friends :05 Friends :40 Friends :10 G. Lopez :45 G. Lopez :20 Christine :50 Christine :25 My Wife and Kids :55 Wife Kids Yes, Dear C l e v e l a nd S h o w T h e B o o nd o c ks B l e a c h Naruto One Piece Soul Eater Sword Art Fooly Cooly CloneWars Fullmetal Ghost in Shelf I GPX Austin and Ally Jessie Austin and Ally Jessie Shake It Up Good Luck ... A u s t i n a n d A l l y < M o to c ro ss e d +++ (‘01) Alana Austin. :15 Phineas Life on Deck S o n s o f A n a rc h y "Huang Wu" Anger Manage Archer A r c h e r 1/2 A r c h e r Pt. 2 of 2 A r c h e r Archer A r c h e r 1/2 A r c h e r Pt. 2 of 2 A r c h e r F l i p V e g as "Doomsday House" F l i p p i ng V eg as "Frat House" Info-Doc. Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Info-Doc. < M i d n i gh t R u n +++ A m e r i c a n J u n g l e "Welcome to the :05 P aw n S tars :35 P a w n S ta rs I n f o InfoInfoInfoInfoInfoM o d e rn M a rv e ls "Balls" Jungle" "Blaze of Glory" D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry Movie < H a tc h e t F o r A H o n e y m o on + (1973, Horror) Dagmar Lassander, Laura Betti, Stephen Forsyth. : 1 5 < T h i s L a n d i s M i n e ++ (‘43) Charles Laughton. 11:00 < To B e Announc ed < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d BET Inspiration C o ps C o ps < T h e G u a r d i a n ++ (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner, Sela Ward, Ashton Kutcher. A swimmer joins the U.S. Coast Guard. Repo Games Paid Program < L i ttl e M i s s S u n sh in e +++ (‘06) Greg Kinnear, Abigail Breslin. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program F as h i on Q u e e ns F as h i on Q u e e ns S tyl e d "Miley's Sexy Night Out"
(27) (143) (209)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Sports Zone FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Illinois vs. Ohio
State 2007
9:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Stanford vs. USC
9:30 a.m. (38) NCAA Volleyball Montana vs. Northern
Arizona Women’s
11:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Auburn vs.
Georgia 1995
11:30 a.m.
(26) NASCAR Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 300
Nationwide Series Live
4:00 p.m. (2) MFL Fútbol Live
4:30 p.m. (27) College Football Scoreboard (4) NCAA Football Oklahoma State vs. Texas
(27) NCAA Football Live
5:45 p.m.
12:55 p.m. (27) FIFA Soccer United States vs. Scotland
International Friendly Live
1:00 p.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Alabama vs.
8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. (27) NCAA Football Live
10:00 p.m. (9) Titulares Telemundo
11:00 p.m. (38) Bull Riding Championship
3:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m. (27) The Sports Reporters
8:00 a.m.
3:30 p.m. (27) College Football Live Live
4:00 p.m. (27) NASCAR Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 400
Sprint Cup Series Qualifying Live
6:00 p.m. (26) NBA Basketball Minnesota Timberwolves
vs. Denver Nuggets Live (27) College Football Live Live (38) NCAA Basketball Ark Pine Bluff vs. Oklahoma State Live
7:00 p.m. (27) NCAA Football Washington vs. UCLA Live (38) NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets vs. Phoenix
Suns Live
8:30 p.m. (26) NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons vs.
(26) Sunday NFL Countdown (38) World Extreme Games Highlights
Dame Live
11:00 a.m. (4) NFL Football Live (6) H.S. Football (10) NFL Football Baltimore Ravens vs. Chicago
Bears Live
12:00 p.m. (8) F1 Auto Racing United States Grand Prix
10:30 p.m. (8) New Mexico Gameday (38) NCAA Basketball University of Texas at El
1:00 p.m. (26) NASCAR Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 400
Sprint Cup Series Live (38) Dodgeball Ultimate
Paso vs. New Mexico State
SATURDAY 6:30 a.m. (27) NFL MatchUp
10:00 a.m. (7) Race Week (26) (27) NCAA Football Live (38) NCAA Football West Virginia vs. Kansas
11:00 a.m. (4) NCAA Basketball Ohio State vs. Marquette
12:00 p.m. (7) Race Week
2:00 p.m. (4) NFL Football Live (38) NCAA Basketball Long Beach State vs.
Kansas State Live
2:30 p.m. (8) ISU Figure Skating Trophée Eric Bompard
3:00 p.m. (10) Courage in Sports Awards (27) NCAA Basketball Michigan vs. Iowa State
5:00 p.m. (8) Football Night in America (27) NCAA Basketball Robert Morris vs.
Kentucky Live (38) NCAA Basketball Georgia vs. Tennessee Women’s Live
12:30 p.m. (8) Boxing Fight Night Card TBA Live
5:30 p.m. (4) The OT Live
1:00 p.m. (7) College Football Countdown Live (10) College Football Today Live (26) (27) College Football Scoreboard
1:30 p.m. (4) (7) (10) (27) NCAA Football Live (38) NCAA Football TCU vs. Kansas State Live
2:30 p.m. (8) Triathlon Ironman
Friday, November 15, 2013
6:00 a.m. (38) NCAA Football
7:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Michigan vs. Iowa
9:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Arkansas vs.
Mississippi State University 2010
11:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Michigan State vs.
Northwestern 2010 (38) Halls of Fame
11:30 a.m. (38) NCAA Football Northern Colorado vs.
12:00 p.m. (26) NFL PrimeTime
1:00 p.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Oklahoma vs.
6:20 p.m. (8) NFL Football Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver
Broncos Live
6:30 p.m. (26) BCS Countdown
7:00 p.m. (26) Poker World Series Final Table (27) This Is Sportscenter (38) WPT Poker Grand Prix de Paris
(38) NCAA Football
12:00 p.m. (26) NFL PrimeTime (25) NCAA Football Classics Iowa vs. Michigan
2:00 p.m. (26) NFL Live
2:30 p.m. (38) Sports Unlimited
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. (38) World Extreme Games Highlights
5:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (26) EA Skills Challenge (38) NCAA Basketball Navy vs. Virginia Live
6:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (26) NCAA Basketball Memphis vs. Oklahoma
State Old Spice Classic (27) NCAA Football Live
7:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (26) Poker World Series
8:00 p.m.
(25) NCAA Football Classics California vs.
Stanford 2011
4:00 p.m.
(25) Wrestling Global Supercard (38) NBA Basketball Phoenix Suns vs.
Sacramento Kings Live
(38) Dodgeball Ultimate
5:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard
(25) Wrestling Global Supercard
5:30 p.m. (38) Big 12 Showcase
6:00 p.m. (24) WWE Monday Night Raw (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (38) NCAA Basketball Rice vs. Baylor Women’s
10:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard
11:00 p.m. (2) FIFA Fútbol Mexico vs. New Zealand Live (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (26) FIFA Soccer New Zealand vs. Mexico World
Cup Qualifier Live
6:25 p.m.
(26) NFL Football New England Patriots vs.
Carolina Panthers
7:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard
(25) NCAA Football Classics Syracuse vs.
Pittsburgh 1999
9:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Oregon State vs.
Washington 2010
9:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard
10:00 p.m.
(25) NCAA Football Classics Arizona State vs.
UCLA 1996
11:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (27) NFL Films Presents (38) NCAA Basketball Rice vs. Baylor Women’s
(38) NCAA Football
1:00 p.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Michigan vs. Iowa
2:00 p.m. (26) NFL Live
3:00 p.m. (25) NBA Basketball Classics Indiana Pacers vs.
New York Knicks 1995 Playoffs Eastern Conference Semifinal Game 1 (27) College Football Live Live (38) WPT Poker Grand Prix de Paris
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Wisconsin vs.
Minnesota 2003
11:30 p.m. (27) NFL Films Presents
12:00 a.m. (27) NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. New
York Knicks
(38) NCAA Basketball Northern Colorado vs.
New Mexico State
THURSDAY 7:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Wisconsin vs.
Minnesota 2005
9:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Michigan State vs.
Northwestern 2006
11:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Michigan vs. Iowa
11:30 a.m. (38) NCAA Basketball Charleston Southern vs.
1:00 p.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Kansas vs.
Oklahoma 2001
1:30 p.m. (38) World Extreme Games Highlights
2:00 p.m. (26) NFL Live
2:30 p.m. (38) WPT Poker Grand Prix de Paris
3:00 p.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Oregon vs.
Arizona 2011
(27) NCAA Basketball Long Beach State vs.
Michigan Puerto Rico Tip-Off Quarter-final Live
4:30 p.m. (38) Dodgeball Ultimate
5:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1986 Tyson vs. Tillis (26) College Football Live (27) NCAA Basketball Connecticut vs. Boston
College 2K Sports Classic Semifinal Live
5:30 p.m. (26) NCAA Football Rutgers vs. Central Florida
6:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1990 Douglas vs. Tyson (32) NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers vs.
Oklahoma City Thunder Live
(26) NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers vs. New
York Knicks
7:00 p.m. (27) NCAA Basketball Indiana vs. Washington
2K Sports Classic Semifinal Live
11:30 a.m.
(27) NASCAR Now (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (26) NFL PrimeTime
11:00 p.m. (38) WPT Poker Grand Prix de Paris
11:00 a.m.
(25) Wrestling Global Supercard
10:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
8:00 p.m. (25) Wrestling Global Supercard (38) NCAA Football
7:30 p.m. (26) NBA Basketball Houston Rockets vs. Dallas
Oklahoma 2000 Big 12 Championship
7:30 p.m.
(27) College Football Live Live
Phoenix Suns Live
(27) College Football Live Live
(26) NFL Live
3:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. (38) NBA Basketball Sacramento Kings vs.
(25) NCAA Football Classics Kansas State vs.
Kansas State 2011
2:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
Northern Arizona
(38) World Extreme Games Highlights
Sacramento Kings Live
UCLA 2005
1:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. (4) Fox NFL Sunday Live (10) The NFL Today Live (38) NCAA Basketball Indiana State vs. Notre
(25) NCAA Football Classics Arizona State vs.
Sprint Cup Series
(7) NCAA Football Live
(25) NCAA Football Classics Stanford vs. USC
(27) NASCAR Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 200
6:00 p.m. (27) NCAA Football Northern Illinois vs. Toledo
11:00 a.m.
11:00 p.m.
Phoenix Coyotes Live
(26) NFL Live
(38) WPT Poker Grand Prix de Paris
(9) Titulares Telemundo
(38) NHL Hockey Tampa Bay Lightning vs.
(27) College Football Scoreboard
Northwestern 1997
10:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Mississippi State University 2011
2:00 p.m.
(27) NASCAR Now (38) Bull Riding Championship
(26) NCAA Football Live
6:05 p.m.
9:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Michigan State vs.
9:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
(27) NASCAR Auto Racing Ford EcoBoost 400
Sprint Cup Series Practice Live (38) NHL Hockey Phoenix Coyotes vs. Chicago Blackhawks
8:00 p.m. (27) NHRA Drag Racing Lucas Oil (38) WPT Poker Grand Prix de Paris
(38) NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche vs.
Phoenix Coyotes Live
8:30 p.m. (32) NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls vs. Denver
Nuggets Live
10:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1986 Tyson vs. Tillis
11:00 p.m. (25) Boxing Classics 1990 Douglas vs. Tyson
12:00 a.m. (25) NCAA Football Classics Oregon vs.
Arizona 2011
(38) NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche vs.
Phoenix Coyotes
Roswell Daily Record: Sports Nov 15, 2013 to Nov 21, 2013
Cooking thisweek FRIDAY 3:00 p.m.
Pull up a stool: The Food Network is headed out for a drink By Andrew Warren TV Media
ood and drink. They go to together like two peas in a pod. Each can enhance your enjoyment of the other — I guess you could say that they feed off of each other. It isn’t too surprising, then, that the Food Network is taking one of its more successful formulas and testing it out in the realm of good drinks. The cleverly named “On the Rocks” premieres the evening of Sunday, Nov. 17, and while its formula may feel familiar, the change in venue may be a kick in the pants. In the vein of the channel’s hit restaurant improvement shows such as Robert Irvine’s “Restaurant: Impossible” or “Restaurant Stakeout,” “On the Rocks” will feature establishments struggling to bring in customers and that are on the brink of financial collapse. These aren’t neighborhood restaurants with a below-par food problem, though. “On the Rocks” is all about bars and nightclubs. With the change in venues, the Food Network obviously couldn’t grab a host from its typical lineup of celebrity chefs and seasoned restaurateurs. Instead, it has snatched up one of the bar world’s golden boys. John Green may not be a household name yet, but with more than 20 years of experience in the nightclub industry, a successful bar consulting company and a career spent serving perfect drinks to A-list celebrities, he most definitely has a reputation with the after-dark crowd.
4:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America
5:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America
9:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
10:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
6:00 p.m.
(35) Worst Cooks in America
7:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games 8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:00 p.m. (35) Challenge 10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef
3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals
4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home
4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home
5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa
5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman
4:00 p.m. (35) Food Network’s 20th Birthday
6:30 p.m. (35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
8:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 6:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games 7:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Express 8:00 p.m. (35) Unwrapped 9:00 p.m. (35) Cupcake Wars 10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
John Green hosts “On the Rocks” During the series’ eight-episode both industries, and hopefully Green run, Green will seek out some of the will be just the man to fix them. most desperate bars in the country. Of course, appearing on shows like The issues he uncovers will sound fa- these doesn’t guarantee success. “Immiliar to us “Restaurant: Impossible” possible’s” Irvine has received his fans: inadequate and inept manageshare of criticism for occasionally igment, flawed and confusing menus, noring local food trends and the paldecaying and weathered decor. ates of established clientele in his They’re issues that seem to pop up in push to modernize ailing eateries, and many of the restaurants he “improves” do end up going out of business or reverting back to their old menus. That said, for an already desperate business on the brink of bankruptcy, an appearance on a hit TV show is ofB/Economy Motors ten exactly the boost that it needs, 2 x 2" even if the changes made aren’t always the perfect fit. With John Green joining the Food Network family, raise your glass for the premiere of “On the Rocks” the evening of Nov. 17.
(35) Worst Cooks in America
9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
3:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Divided 4:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Stakeout 5:00 p.m. (35) Mystery Diners 5:30 p.m. (35) Mystery Diners 6:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 6:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:00 p.m. (35) Iron Chef America 8:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Express 9:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games 10:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Express
MONDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef 3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals 4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home 4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home 5:00 p.m. (35) Food Network’s 20th Birthday Party 6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman 6:30 p.m. (35) Farmhouse Rules 7:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games
(35) Chopped
9:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
WEDNESDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef
3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals
4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home
4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home
5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa
5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Big Bite
7:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
7:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
10:00 p.m. (35) Restaurant Stakeout
THURSDAY 3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef
3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals
4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home
4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home
5:00 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa: Back to
Basics 5:30 p.m. (35) Barefoot Contessa
6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m. (35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
7:00 p.m. (35) Food Court Wars
8:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
9:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
Roswell Daily Record: Food Nov 15, 2013 to Nov 21, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Did you know? It’s your choice
Television Crossword ACROSS 1 Viewer-supported TV network 4 Trophies like Grammys, for short 8 “He & __” (Late ‘60s comedy) 11 Promise to pay 12 Snack 13 Shoe style 15 Irrational suspicion or fear 17 Writer Mr. Wiesel 18 Rocky’s cartoon pal on ‘60s TV 20 Planet for The Coneheads on vintage “Saturday Night Live” 23 Biblical son of Jacob and Zilpah 24 Granny: German 25 __-expressionism (Art movement) 26 Lamp needs 29 Inert gas 32 Kit __ (Chocolate treat) 33 Mr. Linkletter 34 Marketplace of ancient Greece 36 Orchestra section 40 “Pretty Little Liars” spinoff on ABC Family 42 Give off 43 Actress/comedian whose resume includes ‘90s sitcom “Living Single”: 2 wds. 47 Faction 48 International oil gr.
49 Ginger drink 50 __ Na Na 51 Mr. Wilson of CBS comedy “Mike & Molly” 52 Posh auto DOWN 1 Great Expectations character 2 Celeb’s gala event scarf 3 California’s Big __ 4 Void 5 Money, informally [var. sp.] 6 “You can’t make _ __ purse out of...” 7 ‘S’ in playwright monogram GBS 8 Robert Urich ‘80s series, “__: For Hire” 9 Famous wrestler: 2 wds. 10 French writer Mr. Zola (b.1840 - d.1902) 14 Nobleman 16 United Arab Emirates capital, __ Dhabi 19 Collector’s suffix 20 Actor Mr. Lowe 21 ‘It’ will never fly 22 “Dangerous Liaisons” (1988) star John 27 1975 to 1978 detective series 28 Eminem song 30 Association, for short 31 Late-shift periods [abbr.] 34 Ancient Greece’s war god
35 Sports stadium happenings 36 ATM-user’s motion with the card 37 “...good will __ __.” 38 Celebrity chef Mr. DiSpirito 39 Nuptials vow: 2 wds. 41 Hershey’s chocolate/toffee bar 44 Popular dog breed, commonly 45 Furniture wood 46 Stitch Solution on page 10
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(59) (60) (61)
7 AM
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
Mercury Media Misa Catolica Para volver a amar Smart Travels S e c o nd O p i n i o n An ti qu es R d. "Politically Collect" KRQE News 13 Legacy Church Believer Center Paid Program Paid Program E. Stanton Missing Paid Program Paid Program Bloopers Troubadour, TX Action 7 News More in the Morning On th e Money This Old Hous e Sunday Today P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs Raggs Paid Program Catholic Mass KRQE News 13 Sunday Morning 5:00 Light of the South Walking Life Beyond Paid Program C o v e rt A. "There Goes My Gun" S p o rts C en tu ry "Brian Piccolo" S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r O u t s i d e L i n e (N) Sp o rts Rep . (N) C o l i n 's N e w F oo tb a l l S h o w (L) R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d ic u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss Paid Program David Jeremiah Joel Osteen Paid Program
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a Camino a la Copa Joy of Music Joy of Music Secrets of the Dead G . T r e k ke r "Ice Trekking the Alps" Joel Osteen Homebu ilders F o x N F L S un d a y (L) N F L F o o tb a l l (L) Into the Wild Dog Tales T h e C on n ec ti o n P a i d P ro g ram P a i d P ro gra m Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Raw Travel Game Time H.S. Football T h i s W e e k (N) W ild C oun td . Ocean Myst. Born to Explore Sea Rescue Who Rocks Ex p re s s M ed i a M e e t th e P re s s New Mexico Havas Edge F o rm u l a O n e P re -rac e (L) Noodle LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Operacion Repo Enfoque Movie S u n d a y "The Legacy of President John F. Kennedy" F ace th e Natio n T h e N F L T o d a y (L) N F L F o o tb a l l Blt./Chi. (L) I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Day Discovery D.Wisdom Y.Salamanca M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Name" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Angels" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Storm" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Blast" S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry S p o rts C en tu ry "Jim McMahon" ES P N "The Dewey Bozella Story" S E C S t o r i e d "40 Minutes of Hell" Sund ay NFL C ountdown ESPN Radio S p o r t s C en t e r F a n ta s y F o o tb a l l N ow (L) C o l leg e Fo otb all Final R i d i c u lo u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn ess R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss Off Their Off Their < H o l i d a y H i g h S c h o o l R e u n i on (2012, Comedy) Rachel Boston, < H o l l y ' s H o l i d a y (2012, Comedy) Rockers Rockers Marilu Henner, Harry Hamlin. A woman returns home for Christmas. Ryan McPartlin, Claire Coffee. Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-D ress Un d e r Bo s s "American Seafoods" S e a G o l d "Dozers and Dragons" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Barefoot Cont. Giada at Home Pioneer Woman S. Kitchen R a y ' s . . . "Thanksgiving Anytime" Big Bite (N) South Heart N a k e d V e g as N a k e d V e g as < S i n C i t y +++ (‘05, Cri) Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke.
Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Paid Program Paid Program Ru s h "Road from Hell" (P) (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program N . V e g as "Paint the Town, Red" Un tam e d "Elephant Shock" T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Coyotes Paid Program Paid Program World Extreme Games T h e G a m e 3 6 5 F i s h i ng / J oh n n y N C A A Ba s ketb al l Indiana State vs. Notre Dame (L) C o us i n s Un de rc o v e r "Coach's C o us i n s Un de rc o v e r "The Heart of C o us i n s Un de rc o v e r "A Budding P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Townhouse to L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Vegan House" P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Megan and Custom Quarters" the Neighborhood" Chef's Surprise" Dream House" Greg" 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn Best Week Ever Miami Monkey < T h e L a s t B o y S c o u t +++ (1991, Action) Damon Wayans, Chelsea Field, Bruce Willis. Fashion Police < H e ' s J u s t N o t T h a t I n to Y o u ++ (‘09) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. The Life and Death of Anna Nicole T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y Sh ow T h e C os b y S h o w T he E x es The Exes Hot/ Cleve. Hot/ Cleve. < T h e B o d y g u a r d ++ Yes, Dear Full House See Dad Run See Dad Run Kung Fu Panda Fanboy Chum P.R. Megaforce RabbidsInv S p o nge B ob Spong eBob SpongeBob SanjayC raig Inu Yasha Inu Yasha L o o n e y T u n es L o o n e y T u n es Dragons Tenkai Knights BeyShogun P o k em o n B W Ben 10 Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Steven Universe F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s H e n r y H u g g l e Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Jake Never Land Sofia the First LEGO Austin and Ally Shake It Up A.N.T. Farm Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bu f f y V am p i re "Empty Places" B u f f y V a m p i r e S l a y e r "Touched" < Ta k ers ++ (‘10, Act) Matt Dillon, Hayden Christensen, Chris Brown. 5 : 0 0 < M i d n i g h t R un +++ (‘88) Charles Grodin, Robert De Niro. < T h e R e c r u i t ++ (2003, Thriller) Al Pacino, Bridget Moynahan, Colin Farrell. Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars A l a s k a : B i g A m e r i c a "Alaska: A Land of Extremes" Hear compelling A m e r i c a n J u n g l e "Welcome to the Nazi Am erica: A Sec ret His to ry A look at the history of the Nazi C u l t s : D a n g e r o u s De v o t i o n stories about life in Alaska. Jungle" organization. < T i l l t h e C l o u d s R o l l B y ++ (‘46) June Allyson, Van Heflin. : 1 5 < T h e B i g H e a t +++ (‘53) Gloria Grahame, Glenn Ford. < E a s t S i d e , W e s t S i d e ++ (‘49) Van Heflin, Ava Gardner. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Every Voice Lift Every Voice Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bar Rescue Bar Re s c u e "In a Pinch" H o u s e M i a m i "Mrs. Zago" H o u s e M i a m i "Reunion Part 1" Atlanta "Girl Code Breakers" T h i c k e r T h a n W a t e r "Family Ties" Beverly Hills Beverly Hills "Faint Chance"
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
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Al punto G o s pe l "Mountain Homecoming" F o x N e w s Su n d a y An. Exploration Jack Hanna LatiNat ion American Latino
1 PM
(27) (143) (209)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
Fabrica de Risas Fabrica de Risas La hora pico El Chavo C ita Con Como dice el dich o Perspectiva Noticiero: FDS The Aviators America Heart. All Aboard Family Travel Closer to Truth Well Read Healthy Body R e l i g i o n N e w s G o s p e l "Ryman Gospel Reunion" I n s . W a s h i ng to n M c L a u g h 1 1 : 0 0 N F L Fo o t b a l l (L) N F L F o o tb a l l (L) The OT First Family M r . B o x O f f i c e < B ri n g i n g D o w n the H o u s e ++ (‘03) Queen Latifah, Steve Martin. C rim in al M in d s 30 Rock 30 Rock Glee "Home" 11:00 H.S. Football Paid Program Paid Program < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : A t W o r l d 's E n d ++ (‘07, Adv) Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp. Wildlife Docs E x p e d i t i o n W i l d H o m e o wn e r Xterra Ex trem e Weig h t Lo s s "Trina" Entertainment Tonight Weekend Action 7 News ABC News F 1 A u t o R a c i n g United States Grand Prix Site: Circuit of the Americas -- Austin, Texas (L) I S U F ig u re Skatin g Trophée Eric Bompard AM Marketing News 4 Spec Football Night in America 1 1 : 3 0 < E l t r a n s p o r t a d o r 2 +++ < T i t a n i c ++++ (1997, Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Victor Garber, Kate Winslet. O p e ra c i o n R e p o V i d e os a s o m . Movie 1 1 : 0 0 N F L Fo o t b a l l Baltimore Ravens vs. Chicago Bears Site: Soldier Field -- Chicago, Ill. (L) Courage in Sports Awards T o B e A n n o u n ce d KRQE News 13 Biblical Israel Mani Erfan Dr. McDonald Y.Salamanca Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. R.Booker Law&O.:SV U "Noncompliance" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Weak" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Harm" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Sick" L aw & Ord e r: SV U "Brotherhood" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Shattered" S E C S t o r i e d "Lolo Jones" S E C S t o r i e d "Abby Head On" SEC Storied S E C S t o r i e d "Croom" S E C S t o r i e d "Going Big" E S P N F i l m s "Elevate" N A S C A R C o un t d o wn N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Ford EcoBoost 400 Sprint Cup Series Site: Homestead Miami Speedway -- Homestead, Fla. (L) S p o r t s C en t e r ESP N Rad io (L) N C A A B as ke tb al l Michigan vs. Iowa State (L) N C A A Ba s ketb al l R.Mor./Ken. (L) Ridiculousness Ridiculousness G i rl C o d e Girl Code < T h e H o u s e B un n y ++ (‘08) Colin Hanks, Emma Stone, Anna Faris. < C l u e l e ss ++ (‘95) Brittany Murphy, Paul Rudd, Alicia Silverstone. 1 1 : 0 0 < H o l l y ' s H o l i d a y (‘12) Ryan < A C h r i s t m a s P r o p o s a l (2008, Comedy) Tom Arnold, David DeLuise, < D e a r S a n t a (2011, Drama) Gina Holden, Emma Duke, Amy Acker. A < T h e T w e l v e T r e e s o f C h r i s t m a s McPartlin, Claire Coffee. Nicole Eggert. A lawyer rethinks his job and fiancée. young woman finds a little girl's letter to Santa. (‘13) Melanie Brown, Lindy Booth. Un d e rco v e r Bo s s "Pizza Pizza" Undercover Boss Un d e rco v e r Bo s s "Baja Fresh" Un d e r Bo s s "Johnny Rockets" Un d e rco v e r Bo s s "Subway" M e d i um M e d i um T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d A l a s k a / F ro n ti e r "Spring Delicacy" A l a s k a "Parlors and Poop Chutes" P i o n e e r W om a n F a rm R u l e s (N) G u y ' s G r o c e r y G a m e s "Surf's Up" F o od 's B -d a y P a rty D i v i d e d "Against Da Grill" Restaurant Stakeout Mystery Diners Mystery Diners 1 0 : 0 0 < S i n C i t y < B l a d e I I ++ (2002, Action) Kris Kristofferson, Norman Reedus, Wesley Snipes. < T h e H u l k ++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Eric Bana. < T o B e A n n o u n ce d 7 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d B i g f o o t "Return to Boggy Creek" World Extreme Games D o d g eb al l Baseball Uni N C A A Ba s ketb al l Long Beach State vs. Kansas State (L) West Coast Customs N C A A Ba s ketb al l Ga./Ten. (L) P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "James and P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Kate and P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Kari and W h o 's L i v e d i n M y H o u s e ? (N) House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters David" Dave" Boris" International International Hot 20 Countdo wn Reba Reba Reba < J o e D i r t ++ (‘01) Dennis Miller, David Spade. Black Ink Crew Love and Hip-Hop L o v e a n d H i p - Ho p Love and Hip-Hop C h ris s y / J on e s C h ri s s y / J on e s < Bad Boys +++ Will Smith. 9:30 A.Nicole After Anna Nicole < H e 's J u s t N o t T h a t I n to Y o u ++ (‘09) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. T ot a l Diva s "SummerSlam" The Kardashians 1 1 : 0 0 < T h e B o d yg ua r d ++ Whitney Houston. Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Golden Girls Golden Girls Ninja Turtles SpongeBob Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Th u nd e rm a n s Th u nd e rm a n s Haunted Hath Haunted Hath Odd Parents Odd Parents Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob < S c o o b y -D o o ! A b ra c a d a b ra -D o o +++ Cartoon Planet Jo h nny Te s t J o hnny Tes t Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Adventure Time Steven Universe Jessie Jessie A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Dog Blog Dog Blog Dog Blog A.N.T. Farm Dog Blog Jessie Shake It Up 1 0 : 0 0 < T a k e r s < S a l t +++ (2010, Action) Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Angelina Jolie. < T ra n s f o rm e rs : R e v e n ge o f th e F a l l e n ++ (2009, Action) Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Shia LaBeouf. Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 1 1 : 0 0 C u l t s : D a n g e ro u s D e vo t i o n K u K l u x K l a n : A S e c r e t H i s t o r y A chronicle of hate in America. J o n es to w n P a rad i s e L o s t A re-examination of Jonestown. Pawn Stars Pawn Stars "Guns Blazing" < T o B e o r N o t T o B e ++++ (‘42) Jack Benny, Carole Lombard. < U n d e r t h e Y u m Y u m T r e e ++ (‘63) Carol Lynley, Jack Lemmon. < T h e G o od b y e G i r l ++++ (‘77) Marsha Mason, Richard Dreyfuss. TD Jakes TD Jakes < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Bar Res. "Jon vs. the Hurricane" B ar Res. "Jon T, He Don't Like It" B a r R e s c u e "Empty Pockets" B ar Res. "Drunk and Dirty Dolls" B a r R e s c u e "Tears for Beers" Bar Rescue Vanderpump Rules V an d e rpu mp Ru le s "Branded" Shahs of Suns et Shahs of Suns et A t l a n t a "Bye Bye With the Wind" Atlanta Social (N)
(27) (143) (209)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Family favorites
Video releases Paranoia After being fired for insubordination, Adam Cassidy, a young entry-level employee at a powerful corporation, is blackmailed into becoming a corporate spy for his boss, Nicolas Wyatt, who claims his ideas were stolen by his former mentor, Jock Goddard. After infiltrating the company of his boss’s rival, Adam quickly gets to work gathering information for Wyatt. Despite warnings from an FBI agent, Adam digs deeper into Goddard’s company and soon finds himself trapped between two very rich and very powerful men in a dangerous game of corporate espionage. Director: Robert Luketic. Stars: Liam Hemsworth, Gary Oldman, Harrison Ford, Amber Heard. 2013. 106 min. Drama.
The penguins of "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa"
Friday (37)
7:00 p.m.
Tanked! Enjoy back-to-back new episodes of this documentary series. With two challenging salt-water tank builds ahead of them, Wayde de-
cides to put his crew through a team-building boot camp.
Monday (53)
7:00 p.m.
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria
are back in this sequel featuring the voices of Ben Stiller and Chris Rock. When the penguins find the remnants of an airplane, the animals attempt to fly back to New York City. Unfortunately, the plane suffers a crash landing in Africa.
Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine, Rosamund Pike. 2013. 109 min. Comedy. We’re the Millers When small-time drug dealer David Clark is robbed of his money and pot, his supplier sends him to Mexico to pick up a large order of marijuana in exchange for the money and drugs he lost. To increase his chances of getting through customs with the drugs in tow, David hires a stripper and two local teenagers to pose as his family on vacation. Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber. Stars: Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Will Poulter, Ed Helms. 2013. 110 min. Comedy.
Planes A little cropdusting plane with a fear The World’s End of heights has the chance to realize Mourning the loss of his carefree his dream when he qualifies for the youth, 40-year-old Gary King reunites his childhood friends to com- Wings Across the World race, a faplete an epic pub crawl consisting of mous around-the-world aerial race. With the help of Skipper, a veteran 12 pubs and 12 pints of beer that they failed to finish in their teens. Re- fighter, and the support of old and new friends, Dusty Crophopper luctantly, Gary’s friends join him in their hometown of Newton Haven to proves to his competitors that, deaccompany him on his quest. As they spite his size, this underdog is a real contender. attempt to reach the last pub, The World’s End, the men stumble upon Director: Klay Hall. Stars: Carlos Alazraqui, Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad a plot to destroy humanity and unknowingly become the world’s only Garrett, Teri Hatcher, Julia LouisDreyfus, John Cleese. 2013. 91 min. chance for survival. Animated. Director: Edgar Wright. Stars: Simon
Late Laughs Conan: Conan O’Brien President Obama is urging Americans who are having trouble with the Obamacare website to sign up for health care by calling a 1-800 number. The number is 1-800-we-didn’t-think-thisthrough. There’s been a lot of speculation, but now it’s clear that Joe Biden will run for president in 2016. In an effort to appear presidential, today Biden launched a website that doesn’t work. One of the contractors who built the Obamacare website testified before Congress today. You can tell he built the site because any time they would Friday, November 15, 2013
ask a question, he would freeze. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the U.S. would have to regain her trust after the NSA eavesdropped on her cellphone. You know things are bad when we’re being accused of having boundary issues by Germany.
The Tonight Show: Jay Leno The president spoke today on the Obamacare website glitches. He said he’s bringing in “the best and the brightest” to solve the problem. Why didn’t he bring in the best and the brightest in the first place? See, this is typical Washington. They only bring in the best and the brightest as a last resort.
Here’s my favorite part: The president said yesterday that if it’s taking too long you can bypass the website and enroll by mail. Only the federal government could come up with a website that’s slower than sending something by mail.
Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel Things got screwed up with the health-care website. So you can wait for them to get the site fixed or you can enroll in medical school, graduate and then just take care of yourself, which would probably be faster. Former vice-president Al Gore is here tonight to talk some sense into us about climate change. My prediction:
he will fail. Maybe if climate was spelled with a “k” like Kardashian, we would pay attention. It isn’t, so we don’t.
future generations ever done for us?
YouTube has an interesting new way of making money. They are allowing users who have 10,000 subscribers There’s a lot of talk about how global to set up their own paid YouTube warming will be a disaster for future channels. My one complaint about generations. When you think about it, YouTube has always been that it’s it’s hard to care. What have these free.
“Nobody Beats Shorty”
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Sunday Best Bets
Andrew Lincoln stars in “The Walking Dead”
Almost Human (4)
7:00 p.m.
John Kennex (Karl Urban), the only survivor of a devastating police ambush, gets a new android partner in the premiere of this futuristic cop drama. Together, he and his new partner Dorian (Michael Ealy) battle dangerously evolved criminals.
The Walking Dead (55)
7:00 p.m.
In a world of constant threats, the survivors struggle to find their humanity, and a familiar face returns in this new episode. Now in its fourth season, the popular series recently drew more than 16 million viewers for its season premiere.
Revenge (7)
8:00 p.m.
An eager Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) throws Emily (Emily VanCamp) an unforgettable bridal shower in this new episode. At the same time, Emily is forced to resort to desperate measures as Daniel (Josh Bowman) grows more and more distant.
Witches of East End (29)
8:00 p.m.
A familiar face is summoned by the shifter in this new episode. Meanwhile, Ingrid (Rachel Boston) makes a startling discovery, and Wendy (Madchen Amick) turns over a new leaf. A novelist arrives in East End looking to research a new book.
M o y e r s a n d C om p an y (3)
Bob's (4) B u r g e r s
American Dad
BBang "The T he Big (5) Engagement B a n g
Bones (6)
America's Funniest (7) H o m e V i d eo s (N)
7 PM
8 PM
Mira quien baila
9 PM
< Freaky Frid ay ++ (2003, Comedy) Lindsay
Lohan, Mark Harmon, Jamie Lee Curtis. A mother and daughter switch bodies with each other.
ESPN2 (27) MTV
11 PM
L e v e rag e A team must time their heist with a symphony concert.
CSI: Miami
Lobo C o a c h es Show
Once Upon a Time R e v e n g e "Secrecy" Betray al TJ becomes Action 7 "Think Lovely Thoughts" Victoria eagerly throws reckless after a traumatic News Live (N) Emily a bridal shower. (N) event. (N) Eyewitness News 4 at 10 p.m.
< L i m i t l e s s (2011, Mystery) Robert De Niro, Anna
60 Minutes
Doorways to Wisdom
Dog the Bounty Hunter
Burn "Brotherly Love" Michael uses an old alias to save his brother's life.
Action 7 News Live
Entertainment Tonight Weekend
:35 I ns i d e
:05 Access Hollywood
Edition Weekend
Operacion < Con la Frente en Repo Alto: La Venganza : 3 5 T h e C l os e r The death : 3 5 Unsealed: of hip-hop artist is Alien Files investigated.
Dr. R ik Light of the Southwest Zola Levitt Update Day of Dollars & Wadge Ministries News Discovery Sense Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special P s ych "Lassie Jerky" Victims Un it "Burned" Victims Un it "Baggage" "Choreographed" Victims Un it "Taboo" Victims Un it "Cold" 5 : 0 0 E S P N E S P N F i l m s "Unguarded" 30/30 "Kings Ransom" 30 fo r 30 30/30 "Kings Ransom" 30 fo r 30 5:00 BCS P o k e r World Series Final Table Site: Rio Las Vegas SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r Sp o rts C en t. C o un td o wn Hotel & Casino -- Las Vegas, Nev. 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b al l This Is Sports center NHRA Drag Rac ing NASCAR Now (N) ESP N F C P re s s P ass NASCAR Auto Racing Robert M. vs Kentucky (L) "Top 50 Countdown" Ford EcoBoost 200 < Beastly ++ (‘11) Alex Pettyfer. Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Snooki Snooki Awkward Awkward Witches of East End 5:00 < T h e T w e l v e Tre e s W i tc h e s o f E a s t E n d < T h e T w e l v e T r e e s o f C h r i s t m a s Lindy Booth. A W i tc h e s o f E a s t E n d of Christmas "Potentia Noctis" "Unburied" (N) woman rallies her community to save the library. "Potentia Noctis" M e d i um M e d i um Letters to Jackie The White House received letters Letters to Jackie The White House received letters M e d i um M e d i um "Revisited" "FAQ" after the JFK's death. after the JFK's death. "Revisited" "FAQ" Alaska: The Last Alaska: The Last Y u k o n M en "Rite of Alaska: The Last Y u k o n M en "Rite of Alaska "Outhouses, Cow F ro n ti e r (N) F ro n ti e r (P) (N) Spring" Frontier Spring" Bras and Bears, Oh My!" Diners, Diners, I ro n Ch e f "Thanksgiving: Restaurant Exp ress Guy's Grocery Gam es Restaurant Express On the Rocks (N) Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Past And Present" "Tantrum in Temecula" "Feisty Fiesta" (N) "Express: Impossible" (N) < X 2: X -M e n Un ited +++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, < G o d z i l l a ++ (1998, Sci-Fi) Hank Azaria, Jean Reno, Matthew Broderick. Patrick Stewart. An operation is launched to annihilate all mutants. Godzilla enters New York City. Lone Star LoneStar Call of the Call of the Finding Bigfoot Call of th e Call of the Finding Bigfoot Lone Star LoneStar Legend "Buzz Kill" Wildman Wildman Wildman Wildman Legend "Buzz Kill" 5:00 NCAA Basketball W P T Poker Grand Prix de W P T Poker Grand Prix de Bull Rid ing F ig h t Sp o rts : I n 60 WBO W P T Poker Grand Prix de Georgia vs. Tennessee (L) Paris Paris Championship NABO Heavyweight Title Paris C o us i n s "Veteran's P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Matt R e n ovation "Buying a House House P ro p e rty B ro th e rs "Matt R enov atio n "Buying a Vintage Overhaul" (N) and Krysten" House for a Fridge" (N) H u n te rs Hunters and Krysten" House for a Fridge" 4 : 3 0 < J o e D i r t ++ On the Hunt On the Hunt Oran g e C o un ty Swamp Pawn C o ps C o ps 5 : 0 0 < B a d B o y s +++ Will Smith. < Th e L a st B o y S c o u t +++ (‘91) Damon Wayans, Bruce Willis. L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p Chrissy Black Ink The Kard ashians "Kylie's Total Divas Total Divas "Nurse Drama Queen "Welcome Total Divas "Nurse Drama Queen "Welcome Sweet 16" "SummerSlam" Nikki" to Marki-Wood" (N) Nikki" to Marki-Wood" G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G . Girls Queens Queens Queens Queens Friends Friends SpongeB ob SpongeBob Sa m & C at Ha unted T h u nd e rSam & Cat The TeenNick HALO Awards (N) Full House Full House Full House Hathaways mans Uncle Uncle < Diary of a Wimp y Kid : Rod rick Rules ++ Steven TeenTita Amer. Dad C levela nd Family Guy Bob Burger G o o d Lu c k Go od L uc k A u s ti n a n d A u s ti n a n d A u s ti n a n d A u s ti n a n d < Teen Beach Movie (2013, Family) :45 Liv and :15 D o g :45 Wander "Bug Prom" Charlie Ally Ally Ally Ally Maddie With a Blog "The Box" Maia Mitchell, Ross Lynch. < Real Steel +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Dakota Goyo, Hugh < Green Lanter n ++ (‘11) Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Ryan < G r e e n Jackman. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son. Reynolds. A man with a magic ring brings peace to the universe. Lan tern Duck Duck Duck Duck Governor's Governor's Governor's Governor's Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Wife (N) Wife (N) Wife Wife Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Ax Men "Axes and Ax Men "Pain in the Ax" American Jungle "A Bad American American Ax Men "Axes and Ax Men "Pain in the Ax" Allies" (N) Moon Rises" (N) Daredevils Daredevils Allies" L o s t a n d F o un d : A me ri c a n T re a s u re s F ro m th e < J o h nn y E a g e r +++ (‘42) Lana Turner, Robert < J o h nn y A p o l l o +++ (‘40) Tyrone Power. A Taylor. A crook woos a lawyer's daughter. college graduate turns to a life of crime. New Zealand Film Archive < T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Bar Rescue "A Horse SPIKE (60) Walks Into a Bar" Housewives Atlanta "All BRAVO (61) in a Day's Twerk" (N)
Bar Rescue "Corking the Bar Rescue Hole" Thicker Than Water Housewives Atlanta "All "Sibling Biblery" (N) in a Day's Twerk"
Bar Rescue "Don't Judge a Booze by Its Bottle" WatchWhat Fashion (N) Qu eens (N)
Bar Rescue "Empty Bottles, Full Cans" Housewives Atlanta "All in a Day's Twerk"
How I Met How I Met Rules of Rules of Seinf. "The Quee ns Your Your En g ag e men Eng "The Shower "Cheap Mother Mother t "Les-bro" Big Picture" Head" Saks"
Titulares Friel, Bradley Cooper. T e l e m u nd o The Amazing Race "One The Good Wife "Ice, Ice Mentalist The remaining KRQE News Hot Camel" (N) Baby" Florrick/Agos gets Red John List suspects 13 their first new client. (N) are prioritized. (N)
A l m o s t "Pilot" Detective TheSimp - Family Guy News 13 News 13 Extra Weekend John Kennex partners s o ns "Labor (N) on 2 KASA on 2 KASA with an android. (P) (N) Pains" (N)
5 : 3 0 < T h e L a s t A i r b e nd e r (2010, Action) Nicola (9) Peltz, Jackson Rathbone, Noah Ringer.
ESPNC (25)
10 PM
Humor Noticiero Tras la Verdad comed. Univision S co tlan d Ya rd Go M a s te rp . "The Paradise: Scotland Yard Go American Experience "JFK" A look at the behind-the-scenes of the Part 7" A corpse is found behind-the-scenes of the presidency of John F. Kennedy. infamous Scotland Yard. in the river. (N) infamous Scotland Yard.
: 2 0 N F L F oo tb a l l Kansas City Chiefs vs. Denver Broncos Site: Sports Authority Field at Mile
Sal y pimienta
(8) High -- Denver, Colo. (L)
Aqui y Ahora
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
(50) (8815)
(25) (8819)
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124)
Bar Rescue "Hole in (241) (168) None" (N) Shahs "These People Are (273) (129) Not Your Friends"
Friday, November 15, 2013
Soap Opera Update By Andrew Sawyer TV Media For the week of November 4 - 8 The Bold and the Beautiful Bill’s anger at Katie causes him to lose his focus while climbing a mountain in Aspen and he has a near-death experience. Meanwhile, Katie gets an earful from Donna about her treatment of Bill, and later gets called out by Liam on her performance at Spencer Publications. After his close call, Bill has an epiphany about his life and family, and he makes his revised plans for the future known upon his return. Stunned at Bill’s declaration, Katie seeks Brooke for verification. Wyatt and Charlie panic when the Hope for the Future Diamond goes missing. As Rick and Caroline plan their upcoming wedding, Carter goes to see Rick for a favor. Maya is overjoyed when Carter and Rick get her job back as the Hope for the Future spokesmodel, but Caroline is less than thrilled. Days of Our Lives Jennifer suffers emotional turmoil
believing that Daniel slept with Theresa, while JJ deals with a guilty conscience about the lie. After Victor tries unsuccessfully to persuade Brady to call off his wedding to Kristen, he turns to Marlena to help bring Kristen down for good. Meanwhile, Kristen arms herself with a gun to make sure no one ruins her wedding to Brady this time. Later, a stunning reveal stops the ceremony in its tracks and soon chaos rains down on those in attendance. Lucas listens in as Kate plots against Jordan. Nicole talks to Eric about what he thinks she did to him, and later Daniel offers to help her get to the truth about what really happened to the priest that night. Gabi receives exciting news from a modeling agency, but is devastated when Cameron tells her he’s leaving town. General Hospital After an unexpected run-in, Duke makes a shocking discovery that could leave lives hanging in the balance. Sonny prepares to make his next move, but someone is one step ahead of him. Later, Sonny attempts to listen to reason when he discovers a significant betrayal. Meanwhile,
Luke and Tracy have a meaningful conversation about their future once they return home. Scott and Lucy celebrate, but their happiness may have come at too high a price. Kiki desires to help, but her efforts may lead to more trouble than they’re worth. Franco reveals some stunning information to Carly when she makes an important discovery. Later, Franco finds himself put on the spot at the gallery opening. A surprising revelation after a major outburst causes fear and paranoia among some of the citizens of Port Charles. The Young and the Restless Billy tells Victoria he will not rest until he finds the person that ran down his little girl. With plastic found from the headlight of the car, Alex and Kevin narrow down the possibilities of the SUV that hit Delia. Meanwhile, Chelsea meets with Dylan to sign their divorce papers and officially end their short-lived marriage. Chelsea returns to find the police at Adam’s wanting to take a look at his black SUV. When Adam agrees, the police conclude that his vehicle looks fine. Jack bumps into Hilary and urges her to stay in town to earn the forgiveness
Kirsten Storms stars in “General Hospital” tor and Nikki begin to worry about of those she hurt. Determined to Nick as Sharon grows ever closer to save the Baldwins from Carmine’s him. Victor tells Jill she has no say in murder, Paul runs into a snag when what happens when she objects to he discovers crime scene photos his plans for Newman-Chancellor. missing from the evidence bag. Vic-
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(59) (60) (61)
1 AM
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
2 AM
3 AM
Al punto Como dice el dicho La hora pico Para volver a amar : 0 5 N o v a "Cold Case JFK" C l a s s i c A rts S h o w c a s e Dance, music, films, and theatrical performances. The Arsenio Hall Show OK! TV Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program News 13 KASA Paid Program < W a l l S t r e e t +++ (1987, Drama) Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, Michael Douglas. Loves Ray Criminal Minds Republic of Doyle Bu rn No tice "Bad Breaks" L e v e r a g e "The Future Job" CSI: Miami Castle Private Practice ABC World News Now :05 Entertainers :05 Whack :35 News 4 :10 Meet the Press Mercury Media Dermawand Movie P ro g . p a g a do P ro g . p ag a do P ro g . p a g a do P ro g . p ag a do P ro g . p a g ado P ro g . p a g ado Prog. pagado :05 Paid :35 Outdoors :05 KRQE News :35 Paid :05 Face Nation :35 Up to the Minute Shepherd's Heart Light of the Southwest Dr. Alewine Joe McGee Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Name" L aw & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Angels" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Pique" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Parts" E S P N F i l m s "Unguarded" E S P N F i l m s "Right to Play" Y o u W r i t e B e t t e r "The Best of Frank Deford" S p o r t s C en t e r NCAA Footb all S p o r t s C en t e r 1 1 : 0 0 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Ford EcoBoost 200 T o p T e n (N) S p o r t s C en t e r S c ru b b i ng I n < C l u e l e ss ++ (‘95) Brittany Murphy, Paul Rudd, Alicia Silverstone. Awkward Awkward :05 Witches of East End :05 Paid Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program "Unburied" Program M e d i um M e d i um Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P ro gram A l a s k a "Parlors and Poop Chutes" P ai d P ro g ram Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program R e s t a u r a n t "Outside The Box" R . E x p res s "Express: Impossible" O n t h e R o c k s Re s t a u r a n t "Outside The Box" < S t a r T re k I I : T h e W r a t h o f K h a n ++++ (‘82) Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner. Twilight Zone Twilight Zone Cable Class B i g f o o t "Return to Boggy Creek" L o n e S t a r L e g . LoneStarLeg. Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Finding Bigfoot N C A A F oo tb a l l Marshall vs. Tulsa Paid Program Paid Program H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs C o us i n s Un de rc o v e r "Veteran's Paid Program International Vintage Overhaul" Cops : Reloaded Cops : Reloaded Cops : Reload ed Cops : Reloaded World's Most Amazing Videos World's Most Amazing Videos 1 1 : 3 0 B l a c k I n k 4 0 G r e a t e s t R & B "Hour 1" 40 Grea tes t R&B "Hour 2" Miami Monkey Best Week Ever Chelsea Lately The Soup Global Hotti es Chelsea Lately Paid Program Loves Ray Loves Ray That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show Boston Legal Friends :35 Friends :05 Friends :40 Friends :10 I n s t.M om :45 G. Lopez :20 Christine :50 Christine Family Guy China, IL Aqua TV Show Venture Bros. Superjail/M Metalo. F am ily Gu y Bob's Burgers Family Guy Gravity Falls Shake It Up Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Shake It Up A.N.T. Farm Life on Deck < J u m p in g S h ip 1 1 : 3 0 < G r e e n L a n t e r n ++ (‘11) Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. Louie Louie Paid Program Paid Program Governor's Wife Governor's Wife Governor's Wife Governor's Wife Info-Doc. B o u n ty "The Hunt for Santa" Info-Doc. A m e r i c a n J u n g l e "A Bad Moon :05 American :35 American InfoC i v i l W a r J o u rn a l "Zouaves!" InfoRises" Daredevils Daredevils D o c u m en ta ry D o c u m en ta ry < L a S t r a d a ++++ (‘54) Giulietta Masina, Anthony Quinn. < L i l i ++++ (‘52, Mus) Mel Ferrer, Leslie Caron. MGM Parade TD Jakes BET Inspiration Bar Rescue B a r R e s c u e "Meat Sauna" B a r R e s c u e "Hole in None" Bar Rescue T h i c k e r / W a t e r "Sibling Biblery" W a tc h W h a t F as hion Q ueens P aid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Friday, November 15, 2013
4 AM
5 AM
H u m o r c o m ed .
Noticiero: FDS
Tu de s ay uno a l e gre
Paid Program Paid Program Better Thi s M o rn ing Early Today Prog. pagado Morn. News Day Discovery Covert Affairs Paid Program
Paid Program Paid Program
Paid Program P aid P ro g ram Paid Program ES.TV S h e p h e r d ' s C h ap e l Action 7 News Eyewitness News 4 Today Historias de la Virgen Morena KRQE News 13 This Morning Light of World Marvin Wilson N C I S : L o s A n g e l es N C A A F oo tb a l l Mich. St./N.West. S p o r t s C en t e r
Action 7 News News 4 Today Prog. pagado KRQE News Dr. R.Booker Paid Program S p o r t s C en t e r
M i k e & M i k e (L) My Crazy My Crazy Paid Program Paid Program
Girl Code The Balancing Act 18 Kids 18 Kids Baby's First Day Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program G u y ' s G a m e "Feisty Fiesta" Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Orangutan Escape to Eden Big Cat Dia ry Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Don't Sweat It Property Virgins
Girl Code The Balancing Act Make Room for Paid Program Paid Program Big Cat Dia ry Paid Program Property Virgins "On The House"
Paid Program P ai d P r o g r a m C M T M us i c VH1 + Music Paid Program Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P ai d P r o g r a m : 2 5 W i f e K i d s "Jay Gets Fired" :55 Wife Kids Yes, Dear China, IL Aqua TV Show Venture Bros. Superjail/M Metalo. ++ (‘01) Joey Lawrence. :15 Phineas Life on Deck Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Info-Doc. Info-Doc. Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter C l a s s ro om "How the Earth Was Sav e Ou r His to ry "American Made: Yellowstone" Lighthouses" < S h o w P e op l e +++ (‘28) Marion Davies. < Baby Face BET Inspiration BET Inspiration B a r R e s c u e "Owner Ousted" Paid Program T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f M i a m i T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f M i a m i
(27) (143) (209)
Monday Best Bets
Blake Shelton as seen in “The Voice”
The Voice (8)
7:00 p.m.
The competition reaches a new milestone as the top 10 vocalists perform for judges Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green, Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton in this twohour edition. The performers sing their hearts out in the hopes of capturing America’s vote.
Sleepy Hollow (4)
8:00 p.m.
Lyndie Greenwood guest stars as Jenny Mills, who joins forces with Ichabod (Tom Mison), Abbie (Nicole Beharie) and Capt. Irving (Orlando Jones) to battle the Headless Horseman. Also, Ichabod is surprised by information about the Horseman’s true motive.
Beauty and the Beast (5)
8:00 p.m.
Concerned about Vincent’s (Jay Ryan) safety, Cat (Kristin Kreuk) decides they should spend Thanksgiving with her father (guest star Ted Whittall). As they attempt to get information about Vincent’s missions, true feelings are revealed.
Hostages (10)
9:00 p.m.
Duncan (Dylan McDermott) receives orders to dispose of an insider close to the plot when investigators come close to uncovering the conspiracy to kill the president in this new episode. He gives Ellen (Toni Collette) deadly poison.
PBS NewsHour (3)
Family (4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
Mentir Para Vivir
A l m o s t "Skin" Police Sleepy Ichabod and his investigate a high-profile colleagues face the missing persons case. (N) Headless Horseman. (N)
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
11 PM
The Cleveland Show
Law&O.:SV U A mentally S V U "Deception" A American challenged 22-year-old stepmom is suspected of Dad becomes pregnant. seducing her stepson.
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Dancing With the Stars (N)
Two and a Two 1/2... Seinfeld Half Men "The Mooch "The at the Boo" Jacket"
C as tl e Castle and Beckett Actio n 7 find a familiar face at a News Live scene. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Marido en Alquiler
Santa Diabla
How I Me t Girls "And M & M "Sex M o m (N) Your the Pastry and Death" Mother Porn" (N) (N)
Wheel of Fortune
Dr. Will iam Joe McGee Update News WWE Monday Night Raw
Day of Discovery
Seinfeld "The Subway"
:35 Access Hollywood
F a s tL o u d "Shelby Rent- T o B e A n n o u n ce d F a s t N ' L o u d "Shelby T o B e A n n o u n ce d Fast N' Loud A-Racer Resto" (P) (N) Rent-A-Racer Resto" The Pioneer F a rm h o us e Diners, Diners, Dr. Guy's Grocery Gam es Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners...D- Diners, (35) W o m a n Rules Drive-Ins "L.A. Eats" "Feisty Fiesta" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins ives (N) Drive-Ins < F ri g h t N i g h t +++ (‘11, Com) Colin Farrell, David Tennant, < D r i v e A n g r y (‘11) Amber Heard, Nicolas Cage. A < T h e H i t c h e r ++ (‘07, Hor) Sophia (36) Anton Yelchin. A teenager suspects his neighbor is a vampire. father hunts down the man who killed his daughter. Bush, Zachary Knighton, Sean Bean. 11:00 T o B e A nnou nc ed
Fast N' Loud
(37) (38)
L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Far
(50) (8815)
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 David Letterman :35 The Late Vince Vaughn, Luscious Late Show Jackson (N)
Light of the Southwest
NCAA Footba ll
House Ca ll Mani Erf an Crossover Yohanan Project Salamanca :05 Covert Affairs : 0 5 N C IS : L o s A n g e le s : 0 5 N C IS : L o s A n g e le s "There Goes My Gun" "Blood Brothers" "Hand-to-Hand" Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling 4:30 : 2 5 N F L F oo tb a l l New England Patriots vs. Carolina Panthers Site: Bank of S p o r t s C en t e r NFL PrimeTime C o un td o wn America Stadium -- Charlotte, N.C. S p o rts C en te r F e a tu re d NBA C o as t to C o as t Live look-ins to games across Sp o rts C e- Olbermann (N) NASCAR S p o r t s C en t e r (N) the country. (L) nter N o w (N) Girl Code Girl Code HookUp HookUp True Life Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 < F i n d i ng M rs . C l a us (‘12) Mira Sorvino. Mrs. < M e rry I n -L a w s (‘12) George Wendt. A woman < F i n d i ng M rs . C l a us (‘12) Mira Sorvino. Mrs. Clause heads to Las Vegas to help a little girl. learns that her in-laws are Mr. And Mrs. Claus. Clause heads to Las Vegas to help a little girl. 5 : 3 0 E x t r e m e C h e a p s k a t e s "Victoria" Victoria's boyfriend tries to handle her lifestyle.
NCAA Basketb all Rice vs. Baylor Women's (L)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Caso cerrado
Noticias T e l e m u nd o H os ta ges The plot to kill KRQE News the president starts to 13 unravel. (N)
Dish Nation
American Family Guy South Park King of the King of the Dad "Office Hill Hill Spaceman"
The Blacklist "Anslo Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show Garrick" Donald attempts News 4 at With Jay Leno to protect Red. (N) 10 p.m.
La Reina Del Sur
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. I n d ep e nd e n t L e n s An All Aboard Landscapes An tiq u es Rd . Treasures exciting and dangerous T h ro u gh T that have survived wars form of horse racing. (N) and disasters.
BBang "The Hart of Dixie Zoe worries Beauty and the Bea s t Met Your Mother Bus Pants about Joel and Wade Cat invites Vincent to Mother "Aldrin Utilization" hanging out. (N) Thanksgiving dinner. (N) "Bagpipes" Justice"
(12) M c D o n a l d
Eyewitness Eyewitness T he Vo ice "Live Top 10 Performances" The top 10 News 4 at artists perform in front of the coaches. (N) 6:30
ESPN2 (27)
Family Feud
7 PM
P o rq ue e l Amor Manda Lo Que La Vida Me Rob o (SP) Antiques Rd. Treasures An tiqu e s R o a ds h o w An that have survived wars aristocratic painting by and disasters. (N) Robert Henri is appraised.
(8) N e w s 4
C o raz o n I nd om ab l e
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
F i g h t S p o rts K n o c kou ts !
L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Talk of H o u s e House L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Safely L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Talk of H o u s e House the Town" (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) At Home" the Town" Hunters Hunters Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba < H o o t ++ (‘06) Brie Larson, Logan Lerman. C o ps C o ps Love and Hip-Hop Chrissy Black Ink Crew Love and Hip-Hop Chrissy Black Ink Crew Love and Hip-Hop 5:00 E! Global Keeping Up With the The Kard ashians "Kylie's C h e l s e a E! News Chelsea Drama Queen "Welcome News Hotties Kardashians Sweet 16" Lately Lately to Marki-Wood" A. Griff ith A. Griff ith Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Queens Queens Queens Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray S p ong e B ob S p ong eBob Sp onge B ob S p o ng eBob Sa m & C a t Aw e s o m- Full House Full House Full House Fu ll House Full House Full House e n e s sTV (N) Adv.Time Adv.Time Adv.Time Adv.Time Adv.Time Regular Steven MAD King of Hill Cleveland Bob Burger Amer. Dad Austin and Shake It Up Dog With a Austin and Liv and Jessie Mickey Mouse (N) /:10 < Ratatouille +++ A rat :05 Wander Do g With a Ally Blog Ally Maddie Over Yond Blog who can cook battles an eccentric chef. Two and a Two and a < M ad ag as car: Es cap e 2 Afric a +++ Ben Stiller. < Rio ++ (‘11, Animated) Anne Hathaway, George Lopez, Jesse < Rio ++ Half Men Half Men The animals leave Madagascar and land in Africa. Eisenberg. A domesticated parrot meets the bird of his dreams. Beyond Scared Strai ght Beyond Scared Strai ght Beyond Scared Strai ght Beyond Scared Strai ght Beyond Scared Strai ght Beyond Scared Strai ght "Charlotte County, FL" "Fulton County, GA" "Charlotte County, FL" The Bible "Homeland/ Kingdom" Joshua conquers Bible Secrets Reveal ed Big His to ry Big His to ry The Bible "Homeland/ Kingdom" Joshua conquers Jericho. (N) "Horse" Jericho. < G r e g o r y ' s G i r l +++ (‘81) John Gordon Sinclair, < T h e E l e p h a n t M a n ++++ An ostracized man :15 < Y e e l e n (‘87) Aoua Sangare, Issiaka Kane. A Dee Hepburn. A Scottish teenage boy falls in love. searches for kindness and dignity. young man with magical powers fights his father. < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d HollywoHollywoodHusband odHusband 4: < Law < T ra i n i n g D a y ++ (‘01) Ethan Hawke, Scott Glenn, Denzel < L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n +++ (‘09) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. A G T Abiding C... Washington. A police officer discovers a dark side to his mentor. man avenges his family's murders by killing lawyers. Academy Beverly Hills "Life's a V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s House Miami "Reunion WatchWhat Beverly Hills "Life's a V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s House Witch" (N) "Only the Lonely" (N) Part 2" 2/2 (N) (N) Witch" "Only the Lonely" Miami
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
(39) Out Fantasy Home"
(229) (112)
(327) (166)
BRAVO (61)
(335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, November 15, 2013
C o raz o n I nd om ab l e PBS NewsHour
Family (4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
7 PM
8 PM
P o rq ue e l Amor Manda Lo Que La Vida Me Robo African American "Rise! Lincoln Learn how (1940-1968)" The long Lincoln affected the road to civil rights. (N) Gettysburg Address. (N) Brooklyn New Girl 99 "Old School" (N)
9 PM
Mentir Para Vivir Y o u S h ou l d C re ativ e Know Living
The Mindy :05 News Project 13 on 2 KASA
10 PM
11 PM
F I F A Fú tb o l Mexico vs. New Zealand (L) F ro n tl i n e "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" A look at the man who murdered JFK. (N)
News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA
The Big Bang Theory
iHeartRadio Album Release P arty "Lady Gaga" (N)
Super. "Bad Boys" Dean M o th e r Met Your gets a call from a home "The Rough M o th e r for delinquent boys. (N) Patch" "Swarley"
Two and Two 1/2... Seinf. "The Seinfeld Half "Yay, "Grandma's Chinese "The Pez No Polyps" Pie" Woman" Dispenser"
The Cleveland Show
Bones Brennan is the target of an attempted murder.
Bones A filmmaker's remains are found in a ventilation shaft.
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the Hill Hill
Entertai nment Tonigh t
SHIELD "The Well" The The Agents of are left to pick Goldbergs up the pieces. (N) (N)
Amer. Dad American "For Black Dad Eyes Only"
David Blaine: Real or Mag ic (N)
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
Caso cerrado
Marido en Alquiler
La Reina Del Sur
N C I S "Gut Check" (N)
N C I S : L o s A n g e l es
Wheel of Fortune
Doorways to Wisdom
Zola Levitt Light of the Southwest Ministries Modern Modern Modern Family "Yard Sale" Family Wrestling Poker S p o r t s C en t e r World Series
Santa Diabla
Noticias T e l e m u nd o P e rs o n o f In teres t "The KRQE News Crossing" (N) 13
:35 Access Hollywood
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show
Sheph erd's Heart
M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a
Modern Modern Family Family Wrestling S p o r t s C en t e r
Law & Ord er: S.V.U . "Twenty-Five Acts" Wrestling S p o r t s C en t e r
Olbermann (L)
Law & Order: S.V.U . "Lost Traveler" Wrestling F I F A So ccer World Cup Qualifier (L) S p o r t s C en t e r
(242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144)
(252) (108)
BRAVO (61)
Girl Code HookUp HookUp Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Snooki Snooki Snooki Awkward A b b y's "Meet Abby's Newest Ultimate Dancer" It's Chasing Nashville "No Chasing Nashville A b b y's "Meet Abby's Newest Ultimate Dancer" It's time to choose this year's Ultimate Dancer. Place Like Home" "Surprise Showdown" time to choose this year's Ultimate Dancer. Little P eo p le, Big W o rld Little P eo p le, Big W o rld "Forever Young" Matt Little P eo p le, Big W o rld "Forever Young" Matt Little People, Big W orld "Game On!" (N) convinces Amy that a pre-fab home is the best. (N) convinces Amy that a pre-fab home is the best. "Game On!" M o on s h in e rs "A Shiner M o on s h in e rs "The Law P o rter Porter M o on s h in e rs "The Law P o rter Porter M o on s h in e rs : C u ts "A in Kentucky" (P) (N) Comes Knockin'" Ridge Ridge Comes Knockin'" Ridge Ridge Shiner in Kentucky" The Pioneer S o u th e rn C u tth ro at Kitch en "Tiny C h op p ed "Sunny Side C h op p ed "A Chopped C h op p ed "Belly Dance!" C h op p ed "Cloche Call" Woman Kitchen Tools, Big Problems" Apps" Thanksgiving" (N) Face Off "Naked and Face Off (N) N a ked Veg as (N) Face Off N a k e d V e g as < Rise of the Gargoyles Painted" (‘08) Eric Balfour. Blue Planet: Seas of Life Great Barrie r Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the Blue Planet: Seas of Life Great Barrie r Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the "Open Ocean" largest on our planet. "Open Ocean" largest on our planet. 5:00 NCAA Basketball C o un td o wn S u n s P re - NBA Basketb all Phoenix Suns vs. Sacramento Kings Site: Arco S u n s Po s t Card in als S u n s Po s t Navy vs. Virginia (L) "Tip-Off" Game (L) Arena -- Sacramento, Calif. (L) (L) (L) I n c om e "Blended Family, I n c om e P ro p e rty (N) House House House Hunters I n c om e P ro p e rty House House Expensive Future" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) R enova tion Hunters Hunters Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reb a 1/2 < Die Hard +++ (1988, Action) Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia, Bruce Willis. Black Ink Crew Love and Hip-Hop < D e a th a t a F u n e ral +++ (‘10) Keith David. Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy Total Divas "Nurse Tia and Tamera "Mo' Giuliana and Bill "Is Chelsea E! News Chelsea Giuliana and Bill "Is Nikki" Baby, Mo' Problems" Nonna Getting Botox?" Lately Lately Nonna Getting Botox?" A. Griff ith A. Griff ith Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Queens Queens Queens Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob T h u nd e rHaunted Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House mans Hathaways Regular Regular Adv.Time Gumball TotalDra Gumball Uncle Steven King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck Jessie Austin and Jessie Liv and Jessie A.N.T. Good Luck Shake It Up Good Luck Charlie Charlie Charlie Ally Maddie Farm Charlie Charlie Mother M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < Hall Pass ++ (‘11, Com) Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate, Sons of Anarchy "Aon "The Leap" M o th e r Mother Half Men Half Men Owen Wilson. Two friends are granted permission to have affairs. Rud Persanta" (N) Storage Storage Storage Storage American American Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Texas Wars Texas H o g g e rs (N) H o g g e rs (N) Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Texas Wars Texas C o un tin g C o un tC ars C o un tin g C o un tin g Top Gear American American C o un tin g C o un tC ars C o un tin g C o un tin g Cars "Soap Box" C ars Cars Daredevils Daredevils Cars "Soap Box" C ars Cars < T h e M a l t e s e F a l c o n ++++ (‘41) Humphrey < M i l d re d P i e rc e ++++ (‘45) Ann Blyth, Joan < S o y l e n t G r e e n ++ (‘73) Charlton Heston. A cop Bogart. Sam Spade searches for a priceless statue. Crawford. A divorcée struggles to find success. uncovers a secret about synthetic food. T o B e A n n o u n ce d 106 & Park: BET's T o p 10 Live BET's top 10 live < T o B e A n n o u n ce d HollywoHollywowith special guests. odHusband odHusband Criss Angel: Believe Criss Angel: Believe Criss Angel: Believe Criss Angel: Believe C ri s s A n g e l "Alligator Criss Angel: Believe "Cement Grave" "Bullet Catch" "Blind" "Shaq Levitation" Torture Escape" "Lord of Illusions" (N) Housewives Atlanta "All Shahs "These People Are Shahs of Suns et (N) WatchWhat Shahs of Suns et Housewives Atlanta "All Sh a h s of in a Day's Twerk" Not Your Friends" (N) in a Day's Twerk" Sunset
Friday, November 15, 2013
Tuesday Best Bets
(331) (160)
!44456.,7/($&-$.5+,8/9!8:,2(!;2.! <$&'(#)!<,-$! 8//$//-$%(=! 45467%869::8$
(28) G i r l C o d e
"#,!1,!),2!(.2/(3! Pro Steamer
!"#$%$&''()$*+,$$ 1x3" -./$0$1&22333$
(50) (8815)
"#$%!&!#$&'(#)*! +'$&%!#,-$! -&(($./!-,/(0!
Dish Nation
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness Eyewitness T he B ig ge st L oser Ruben The Voi ce Two C h i c a g o Fi re "No Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at and Dolvett visit Grammy contestants from each Regrets" The firehouse is News 4 at With Jay Leno 6:30 winner David Foster. (N) team are eliminated. (N) tested to the limits. (N) 10 p .m .
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
F ú tb o l C en tral
Family Feud
Update News Modern Modern Modern USA (24) F a m i l y "The Kiss" Family Wrestling ESPNC (25) Wrestling NCAA Basketb all Old Spice Classic ESPN (26) Memphis vs. Oklahoma State NCAA F oo tb a ll (L) ESPN2 (27) KRPV
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
(280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122)
(360) (205)
David Blaine, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul as seen in “David Blaine: Real or Magic”
(229) (112)
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
Blake Gibbons guest stars as Sonny, one of Dean’s (Jensen Ackles) old friends who needs help with a ghost in this new episode. When Sam (Jared Padalecki) asks Dean about an incident from his past, his brother avoids his questions.
(282) (184)
(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118)
David Blaine: Real or Magic (7)
(269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston are among the stars David Blaine wows with his unique brand of magic. The special also follows the renowned illusionist around the world as he astonishes people from all walks of life with his seemingly impossible feats.
Wednesday Best Bets
Charlie McDermott in “The Middle”
Nova (3)
7:00 p.m.
Travel to the edge of space as scientists explore the Earth-space boundary zone in this premiere documentary. The area is home to unusual phenomena, such as the aurora, streaking meteors and mysterious flashes that shoot upwards known as sprites.
The Middle (7)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 8:00 p.m.
When Det. Rollins’ (Kelli Giddish) friend Lena (Amy Seimetz) claims her lover raped her, Rollins helps her pursue the case. A murder and the discovery of a dangerous love triangle forces Rollins to talk about her private life on the stand.
Nashville (7)
9:00 p.m.
Deacon (Charles Esten) blindsides Rayna (Connie Britton) when he accuses her of putting too much pressure on Scarlett (Clare Bowen) in this new episode. Meanwhile, Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) makes a decision about Charlie (Charlie Bewley).
PBS NewsHour (3)
Family (4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Family Feud
7 PM
P o rq ue el A m o r M a n d a (SF) N o v a An exploration of the earth- space boundary zone. (N)
8 PM
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo N o v a Examine if asteroids could be our economic salvation.
T he X F a cto r Judges search the nation for undiscovered talent.
BBang "The Arro w "State V Queen" Thespian A mysterious illness Catalyst" sweeps the city. (N)
9 PM
Mentir Para Vivir C o m e t E n c ou n te r Scientists plan to watch Comet ISON. (N)
T o m o rro w "Limbo" Mother Stephen has fun with his "The newfound powers. (N) Playbook" American Dad
Mother "Atlantic City"
The Cleveland Show
Law & Ord er: C I "Faith" Law & O: C I "Tuxedo A magazine publisher is Hill" A financial scandal mysteriously murdered. is linked to a homicide.
Entertai nment Tonigh t
The Middle BackGame Modern S u p e r F un Nashville Rayna joins "Thanksgi- "Color "ClosetCon N i g h t "The Scarlett on the road for ving V" (N) Barrier" (N) '13" (N) Set Up" (N) her tour. (N)
Eyewitness Eyewitness Revol. "Everyone Says I Law&O.:SV U Rollins tries Dateline NBC News 4 at Love You" Rachel and to help her friend who 6:30 Gene remain strained. (N) was raped. (N)
Caso cerrado
Marido en Alquiler
La Reina Del Sur
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
C .M i n ds Skeletons are unearthed in a Virginia home's backyard. (N)
Wheel of Fortune
10:30 Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House
11 PM
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men "The Doodle"
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
Noticias T e l e m u nd o CSI: Crime Scene KRQE News I n v es ti g a ti o n "Check in 13 and Check Out" (N)
Dish Nation
Seinf. "The Boyfriend" 1/2
(50) (8815)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at With Jay Leno 10 p.m.
Santa Diabla
Charlie Rose
American Family Guy South Park King of the King of the Dad "Spring Hill Hill Break Up"
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
10 PM New Mexico Healthy Body, Health
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
:35 Access Hollywood
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show :35
Mani Erfan JeanUpdate Dollars & Light of the Southwest Dr. Rik R' Itzhak JeanDr. Will iam (27) Claude News Sense Wadge Shapira Claude McDonald White Collar "Master Law & Order: S.V.U . Cheers Modern Modern < G . I . J o e : T h e R i s e o f C o b r a ++ (‘09) Adewale AkinnuoyeUSA (24) F a m i l y (242) (105) Agbaje. An elite military unit battles an evil organization. Plan" "Theater Tricks" Family W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? ESPNC (25) W h o 's N u mb e r 1? (143) 5 : 0 0 N B A B a s k e t b a l l Indiana Pacers NBA Basketb all Houston Rockets vs. Dallas Mavericks Site: S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN (26) vs. New York Knicks (206) (140) American Airlines Center -- Dallas, Texas NCAA F oo tb al l Northern Illinois vs. Toledo (L) S p o r t s C en t e r Olbermann (N) NBA NFL Films ESPN2 (27) (209) (144) T oni gh t (L) Presents KRPV
HookUp M y C r a z y M y C ra z y G i r l C o d e G i r l C o d e (28) G i rl C o d e G i rl C o d e H o o k Up < C razy fo r C h ris tm as +++ A single mom works < C h ris tm a s C ra s h (‘09) Michael Madsen. A (29) as a limo driver on Christmas Eve. divorcing couple crash in their plane but survive.
7:00 p.m.
It’s Thanksgiving, but the holiday isn’t exactly festive for Axl (Charlie McDermott), who must find the perfect moment to tell his parents he’s dropped three classes in this new episode. As it turns out, Sue (Eden Sher) is also hiding something.
C o raz o n I nd om ab l e
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
Cheapsk- C h e ap "The Cheapsk- Cheapsk(33) a t e s O'Briens" ates (N) ates T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d (34)
Guy's Big Bite (35) "Thanksgiving" Paranormal Witness (36) "The Harpy" 11:00 T o B e A n nou nced
Hoarding "My Teeth Are Cheapsk- CheapskLost in the Pile" ates ates T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Diners, D i n e r s , D r . R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e Drive-Ins "L.A. Eats" "Mad Cactus" Paranormal Witness G h o s t M i n e (SF) (N) "The Exorcist" (N)
BRAVO (61)
Ultimate Suns PreFootball Game (L) Property Brothers "Megan and Greg" Reb a 2/2 Reba 5: < Death at a Funeral Keeping Up With the Kardashians A. Griff ith A. Griff ith S p o nge B ob S p ong eB ob
Girl Code
Girl Code
My Crazy
(252) (108) as a limo driver on Christmas Eve. Hoarding "My Teeth Are Cheapsk- C h e ap "The (280) (183) Lost in the Pile" ates O'Briens" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e R e s t a u r a n t S t a k e o u t "Outside The Box" "Tuscan Tumbleweeds" Paranormal Witness Ghost Mine "The Exorcist"
(278) (182)
R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e "Soul Searching" (N) < G o d z i l l a ++ (‘98) Matthew Broderick. T o B e A n n o u n ce d
NBA Basketb all Sacramento Kings vs. Phoenix Suns Site: U.S. S u n s Po s t S u n s Po s t Ultim ate W P T Poker Grand Prix de Airways Center -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) Football Paris P ro p e rty B ro s . "Veronica H o u s e House Property Brothers Property Brothers House House and Andrew" (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) "Stephan and Karina" "Veronica and Andrew" H u n te rs Hunters Reba Reba Reba Reba < O n e F i n e D a y ++ (‘96) Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney. C o ps < Liar Liar ++ (‘97) Maura Tierney, Jim Carrey. Vi ral V ideo s "Hour One" V i ral V ideo s "Hour Two" < I n terv iew With th e ... Total Divas "Nurse The S oup B ur nin g Chelsea E! News Chelsea Th e Soup B urn i ng Nikki" Love Lately Lately Love Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot/ Clev e. The Exes Queens Queens Q u e e ns Queens Friends Friends Sp ong e B ob S po ng e B ob S a m & Ca t Th und erFull House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House mans Regular Steven Adv.Time Gumball Johnny Test TeenTita Annoying TotalDra King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Dog With a Dog With a Good Luck Jessie Austin and Good Luck Liv and < H a n n a h M o n ta n a: T h e M o v i e + Miley is forced J e s s i e to make some of her toughest decisions. Blog Blog Charlie Ally Charlie Maddie American Horror Story: Two and a < Hall Pass ++ (‘11, Com) Jason Sudeikis, Christina Applegate, < Taken +++ (‘08) Liam Neeson. A retired C o v en "The Dead" (N) Half Men Owen Wilson. Two friends are granted permission to have affairs. agent's daughter is kidnapped by traffickers. Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty American Pickers American Pickers (N) American Pickers Bible Secrets Revealed American Pickers American Pickers "Tough Texas" "Cheap Pick" "Tough Texas" < M i s te r 88 0 +++ (‘50) Dorothy : 4 5 < J u d g m e n t a t N u r e m b e r g ++++ (1961, Drama) Montgomery Clift, Marlene < Birdman of Alcatraz McGuire, Burt Lancaster. Dietrich, Spencer Tracy. Four Nazi judges are tried for war crimes. ++++ Burt Lancaster. 106 & Park: BET's T op 10 Live HollywoHollywoHollywoScandal Scandal 4:30 < To Be A n n o un c e d odHusband odHusband odHusband 5 : 0 0 < C l o v e r f i e l d ++ < P i ran h a + (‘10) Richard Dreyfuss, Elisabeth Shue. < S c r e a m 4 ++ (2011, Horror) Courteney Cox, David Arquette, < S h a r k (‘08) Lizzy Caplan. An underwater tremor sets man-eating fish free. Neve Campbell. Sidney Prescott is visited by the Ghostface killer. Nig h t 3D Shahs of Suns et Top Chef "Jazz Hands" T o p Ch ef "Piggin' Out" WatchWhat To p Ch ef "Piggin' Out" T o p Ch e f "Piggin' Out" Styled to (N) (N) Rock
(331) (160)
< C razy for C h ristmas +++ A single mom works
(231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, November 15, 2013
Best Movies FRIDAY 12:00 p.m. (36) “Primal Doubt” ++ (Thriller,2007) Costas
Mandylor, Janine Turner. A neglected wife finds herself caught up in a murder when she starts up an affair. (2h) (57) “Easy Living” ++ (Romance,1950) Lucille Ball, Victor Mature. A football star has trouble dealing with his impending retirement and failing marriage. (1h30)
12:30 p.m. (41) “Shanghai Knights” ++
(Adventure,2003) Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson. In the 1880s, a sheriff and his sidekick travel to England to avenge a father’s death. (3h)
1:00 p.m. (53) “The Mask” ++ (Comedy,1994) Cameron
Diaz, Jim Carrey. A bank clerk finds an ancient mask that turns him into a smoothtalking superhero. (2h)
1:30 p.m. (57) “The Company She Keeps” ++
(Drama,1950) Dennis O’Keefe, Jane Greer. An ex-convict who vows to stay clean gets involved with her parole officer’s boyfriend. (1h30)
2:00 p.m. (60) “Batman Begins” +++ (Action,2005)
Christian Bale, Michael Caine. After studying with a ninja leader, a young Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham to fight crime. (3h05)
2:30 p.m. (55) “Tremors 4: The Legend Begins” ++
(Thriller,2004) Michael Gross, Sara Botsford. In the 1880s, a mining town finds itself overrun by gigantic underground worms. (2h30)
3:00 p.m. (43) “The Lake House” ++ (Romance,2006)
Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock. A doctor in a lake house begins exchanging love letters with the home’s former resident. (2h) (57) “The Racket” +++ (Crime Story,1951) Robert Mitchum, Robert Ryan. A racketeer cannot corrupt a specific police officer, who refuses all attempts at bribery. (1h30)
4:00 p.m. (29) “A Holiday Romance” ++ (Drama,1999)
Andy Griffith, Gerald McRaney. A school administrator falls in love when he meets the school’s new music teacher. (2h) (53) “Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles” ++ (Comedy,2001) Linda Kozlowski, Paul Hogan. Mick Dundee moves to Los Angeles and investigates the mysterious death of a publisher. (2h)
5:00 p.m. (55) “Men in Black” +++ (Sci-Fi,1997)
Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (2h)
5:05 p.m. (60) “The Incredible Hulk” +++
(Action,2008) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. Bruce Banner meets a monstrous opponent while he searches for a cure to banish the Hulk. (2h55)
5:30 p.m. (49) “Firehouse Dog” ++ (Comedy,2007)
Bruce Greenwood, Josh Hutcherson. A boy finds a canine movie star and together they try to save the local fire station. (2h30)
6:00 p.m. (32) “S.W.A.T.” ++ (Action,2003) Colin Farrell,
Samuel L. Jackson. A drug lord offers a large reward to anyone who can break him out of police custody. (2h30) (57) “Theodora Goes Wild” ++ (Comedy,1936) Irene Dunne, Melvyn Douglas. A woman’s two lives as small-town innocent and author of torrid romances collide. (1h45)
7:00 p.m. (55) “I Am Legend” +++ (Sci-Fi,2007) Will
Smith, Alice Braga. The seemingly lone survi-
Friday, November 15, 2013
vor of a plague struggles to survive and find a cure. (2h) (61) “Legally Blonde” ++ (Comedy,2001) Luke Wilson, Reese Witherspoon. When a sorority girl is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to law school. (2h)
7:30 p.m. (41) “Footloose” +++ (Drama,1984) Kevin
Bacon, Lori Singer. When a city kid moves to a town where dancing is outlawed, he decides to change the rules. (2h30)
7:45 p.m. (57) “Twentieth Century” ++++
(Comedy,1934) Carole Lombard, John Barrymore. The story of an egomaniacal Broadway producer who turns an untrained shopgirl into a star. (1h45)
8:00 p.m. (29) “Under the Mistletoe” ++ (Family,2006)
Michael Shanks, Jaime Ray Newman. A local radio station takes over Susan’s love life after an innocent call from her son. (2h02) (53) “Moneyball” +++ (Biography,2011) Brad Pitt, Robin Wright. Billy Beane’s attempt to put together a baseball team using computer generated analysis. (3h)
8:15 p.m. (40) “Monster-in-Law” ++ (Comedy,2005)
Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez. A possessive mother is determined to ruin her son’s marriage before it gets started. (2h15)
8:30 p.m. (32) “Unknown” ++ (Mystery,2011) Liam
Neeson, Diane Kruger. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (2h30)
9:00 p.m. (61) “Legally Blonde” ++ (Comedy,2001)
Luke Wilson, Reese Witherspoon. When a sorority girl is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to law school. (2h)
9:30 p.m. (57) “Easy Living” +++ (Romance,1937)
Edward Arnold, Jean Arthur. An office clerk meets with a Wall Street banker causing rumors of infidelity. (1h45)
10:00 p.m. (55) “Seed of Chucky” ++ (Horror,2004)
Jennifer Tilly, Billy Boyd. Chucky’s son brings his parents back to life, and is shocked by their violent ways. (2h)
11:00 p.m. (32) “Lord of War” +++ (Action,2005)
Nicolas Cage, Bridget Moynahan. An arms dealer struggles with the morality of his work while Interpol chases him down. (2h30) (53) “Moneyball” +++ (Biography,2011) Brad Pitt, Robin Wright. Billy Beane’s attempt to put together a baseball team using computer generated analysis. (3h)
11:15 p.m. (57) “It’s a Wonderful World” +++
(Comedy,1939) Claudette Colbert, James Stewart. An eccentric writer helps a fugitive search for evidence that will prove his innocence. (1h30)
SATURDAY 12:00 p.m. (6) “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of
the Black Pearl” +++ (Adventure,2003) Geoffrey Rush, Johnny Depp. A man teams up with a pirate to save a governor’s daughter from a cursed band of pirates. (3h) (28) “What a Girl Wants” ++ (Family,2003) Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth. An American teenager’s reunion with her British father threatens his political career. (2h30) (32) “The Last Castle” ++ (Action,2001) James Gandolfini, Robert Redford. A celebrated general is sent to a military prison where he challenges an unjust warden. (2h30)
(57) “The Prisoner of Zenda” +++
(Romance,1952) Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granger. A look-alike commoner stands in for a kidnapped king’s coronation and falls in love. (2h)
12:30 p.m. (55) “Space Cowboys” +++ (Sci-Fi,2000)
Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones. One-time hotshot pilots are recruited by NASA to repair a damaged Russian satellite. (3h)
1:00 p.m. (53) “Takers” ++ (Action,2010) Matt Dillon,
Chris Brown. Bank robbers plan their next job as a reckless detective moves closer to arresting them. (2h30)
1:05 p.m. (60) “The Incredible Hulk” +++
(Action,2008) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. Bruce Banner meets a monstrous opponent while he searches for a cure to banish the Hulk. (2h55)
1:30 p.m. (36) “Daybreakers” ++ (Action,2009) Ethan
Hawke, Jay Laga’aia. Vampires plot their survival as they face a dwindling supply of human blood. (2h) (44) “The Bodyguard” ++ (Suspense,1992) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. A singerturned-actress falls in love with her bodyguard while being stalked by a fan. (2h30)
2:00 p.m. (57) “Land of the Pharaohs” +++
(Romance,1955) Syd Chaplin, Joan Collins. A Pharaoh receives a second wife who plans to take all his fortune. (2h)
2:30 p.m. (32) “Unknown” ++ (Mystery,2011) Liam
Neeson, Diane Kruger. After awakening from a coma, a man discovers that his identity was stolen. (2h30)
3:00 p.m. (5) “Diamonds” ++ (Mystery,1999) Dan
Aykroyd, Kirk Douglas. An elderly boxing legend embarks on a journey to find 13 missing diamonds. (2h) (6) “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” ++ (Adventure,2006) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. Jack Sparrow tries to save his soul from Davy Jones and his army of sea-phantoms. (3h)
3:30 p.m. (53) “Salt” +++ (Action,2010) Angelina Jolie,
Liev Schreiber. A CIA agent, accused of being a Russian spy, goes on the run to protect her husband. (2h30) (55) “Red Planet” ++ (Sci-Fi,2000) CarrieAnne Moss, Val Kilmer. When a colonization project goes awry, astronauts are sent to space on a rescue mission. (2h30)
4:00 p.m. (57) “The Spanish Main” ++
(Adventure,1945) Maureen O’Hara, Paul Henreid. Swashbuckling pirates foil a corrupt Spanish governor and rescue his bride-to-be. (2h)
4:30 p.m. (41) “Footloose” +++ (Drama,1984) Kevin
Bacon, Lori Singer. When a city kid moves to a town where dancing is outlawed, he decides to change the rules. (3h)
5:00 p.m. (32) “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of
the Ring” +++ (Fantasy,2001) Ian McKellan, Elijah Wood. A group of mythical beings are brought together in a quest to destroy a ring of power. (3h45)
6:00 p.m. (36) “The Hulk” ++ (Sci-Fi,2003) Eric Bana,
Jennifer Connelly. An accident causes a scientist to become a giant green brute when under excessive stress. (3h) (42) “Scary Movie” ++ (Comedy,2000) Cheri Oteri, Shannon Elizabeth. A year after an accidental murder, teenagers are stalked by a bumbling serial killer. (2h)
(53) “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”
++ (Action,2009) Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox. When the Decepticons search for an ancient weapon, the Autobots have to stop them. (3h) (55) “Ghost Rider” ++ (Action,2007) Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. A stuntman makes a deal with a devil and becomes an indestructible anti-hero. (2h30) (57) “The Women” ++++ (Comedy,1939) Joan Crawford, Norma Shearer. A woman’s marital problems fuel the gossip within a circle of Park Avenue women. (2h30)
6:30 p.m. (43) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ++
(Comedy,2009) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Men and woman mix their signals and misinterpret the true intentions of the opposite sex. (2h30)
7:00 p.m. (6) “Signs” +++ (Thriller,2002) Joaquin
Phoenix, Mel Gibson. A grieving father must protect his children when strange events portend disaster. (2h) (61) “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” ++ (Comedy,2003) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey. Two people try to further their careers by starting a relationship under false pretences. (2h30)
7:30 p.m. (41) “Joe Dirt” ++ (Comedy,2001) David
Spade, Dennis Miller. A man who was abandoned as a child sets out on a quest to locate his birth parents. (2h30)
8:00 p.m. (42) “Bad Boys” +++ (Action,1995) Martin
Lawrence, Will Smith. Two detectives must switch their identities on an important murder and drug case. (2h30) (49) “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” ++ (Comedy,2011) Devon Bostick, Zachary Gordon. After summer vacation, brothers must deal with their parent’s attempts for them to bond. (2h)
8:30 p.m. (28) “What a Girl Wants” ++ (Family,2003)
Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth. An American teenager’s reunion with her British father threatens his political career. (2h30) (57) “Opposite Sex” +++ (Romance,1956) June Allyson, Joan Collins. A group of women deal with their relationships with one another. (2h15)
8:45 p.m. (32) “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”
+++ (Fantasy,2002) Voices of Ian McKellan, Elijah Wood. A fellowship created to destroy a ring of power is fractured, putting the quest at risk. (3h45)
9:00 p.m. (36) “Sin City” +++ (Crime Story,2005)
Jessica Alba, Mickey Rourke. An adaptation of Frank Miller’s stories about revenge and despair in a fictional city. (2h30) (53) “Real Steel” +++ (Sci-Fi,2011) Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son while training a discarded robot. (3h)
9:30 p.m. (61) “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” ++
(Comedy,2003) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey. Two people try to further their careers by starting a relationship under false pretences. (2h30)
10:30 p.m. (42) “Scary Movie” ++ (Comedy,2000) Cheri
Oteri, Shannon Elizabeth. A year after an accidental murder, teenagers are stalked by a bumbling serial killer. (2h) (55) “Underworld” +++ (Fantasy,2003) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman. A beautiful vampire warrior is torn when she falls in love with a werewolf. (2h30)
10:45 p.m. (57) “Stage Door” ++++ (Comedy,1937)
Ginger Rogers, Katharine Hepburn. At a
boarding house for aspiring actresses, everyone wants the leading role in a play. (1h45)
11:00 p.m. (4) “The Butcher’s Wife” +++
(Comedy,1991) Demi Moore, Frances McDormand. A clairvoyant hastily marries a butcher, but soon falls in love with another man. (2h) (28) “The House Bunny” ++ (Comedy,2008) Anna Faris, Colin Hanks. A Playboy Bunny is expelled from the mansion on her 27th birthday and joins a sorority. (2h)
11:30 p.m. (36) “Daybreakers” ++ (Action,2009) Ethan
Hawke, Jay Laga’aia. Vampires plot their survival as they face a dwindling supply of human blood. (2h)
SUNDAY 12:00 p.m. (57) “To Be or Not To Be” ++++
(Comedy,1942) Carole Lombard, Jack Benny. A troupe of squabbling actors joins the Polish underground to dupe the Nazis. (2h)
12:30 p.m. (36) “Blade II” ++ (Action,2002) Kris
Kristofferson, Wesley Snipes. A vampire-human hybrid struggles to save the human race from those bent on destroying it. (2h30) (53) “Salt” +++ (Action,2010) Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber. A CIA agent, accused of being a Russian spy, goes on the run to protect her husband. (2h30)
1:00 p.m. (5) “Bringing Down the House” ++
(Comedy,2003) Queen Latifah, Steve Martin. A conservative man’s life is turned upside down when a prison escapee enters his life. (2h) (9) “Titanic” ++++ (Drama,1997) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio. (3h30) (32) “The Longest Yard” ++ (Comedy,2005) Adam Sandler, Chris Rock. A former football star puts a team of inmates together to play the prison guards. (2h30)
1:30 p.m. (40) “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” ++
(Romance,2009) Jennifer Garner, Matthew McConaughey. A bachelor is haunted by the ghosts of his ex girlfriends and learns to change his ways. (2h) (43) “He’s Just Not That Into You” ++ (Comedy,2009) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Men and woman mix their signals and misinterpret the true intentions of the opposite sex. (2h30)
2:00 p.m. (28) “The House Bunny” ++ (Comedy,2008)
Anna Faris, Colin Hanks. A Playboy Bunny is expelled from the mansion on her 27th birthday and joins a sorority. (2h) (57) “Under the Yum Yum Tree” ++ (Comedy,1963) Carol Lynley, Jack Lemmon. A landlord tries to seduce the pretty tenant who’s living platonically with her boyfriend. (2h)
3:00 p.m. (6) “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s
End” ++ (Adventure,2007) Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom. The pirates battle Davy Jones and the East India Company. (3h) \(53) “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” ++ (Action,2009) Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox. When the Decepticons search for an ancient weapon, the Autobots have to stop them. (3h)
3:30 p.m. (32) “We Were Soldiers” +++ (War,2002)
Madeleine Stowe, Mel Gibson. The story of the first major battle of the Vietnam War, as seen by both sides. (2h30) (40) “Knocked Up” +++ (Comedy,2007) Katherine Heigl, Seth Rogen. Two people try
continued on page 23
Thursday Best Bets
Candice Bergen and Charles Grodin as seen in “The Michael J. Fox Show”
The Vampire Diaries (5)
7:00 p.m.
College girls Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Caroline (Candice Accola) are in the mood to party in this new episode. Unfortunately, Jesse (guest star Kendrick Sampson) interrupts their plans. Also, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) makes a terrifying discovery.
Parks and Recreation (8)
7:00 p.m.
Leslie (Amy Poehler) once again tries to improve the lives of Pawnee residents as she fights to add fluoride to the city’s drinking water. She also plays with the Indianapolis Colts. Reggie Wayne, Andrew Luck and Adam Vinatieri guest star.
White Collar (24)
7:00 p.m.
In an effort to expose a dangerous smuggling ring, Neal (Matt Bomer) and Peter (Tim DeKay) attempt to infiltrate the criminal underworld of Little Odessa. This new episode features guest stars Gregory Korostishevsky and Bridget Regan.
The Michael J. Fox Show (8)
8:30 p.m.
Charles Grodin and Candice Bergen guest star as Mike’s (Michael J. Fox) parents, who come to town to celebrate Thanksgiving. While Mike struggles to have a heart-toheart with his dad, Annie (Betsy Brandt) is left with his overbearing mother.
7 PM
PBS NewsHour
F ro n tl i n e "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" A look at the man who murdered JFK.
The X Factor
(4) F e u d
Family Feud
Mother "The Window"
The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Once Upon a Time in Won de rla nd "Who's Alice?" (N)
Scandal Olivia and the Action 7 team try to handle News Live uncovering the truth. (N)
Marido en Alquiler
The Big Bang Theory (N)
Dr. Rik
The Millers The Crazy "Internet Ones (N) Dating" (N)
West Coast Coyotes C u s tom s P re g am e (L) C o us i n s "Veteran's Vintage Overhaul" Reba Reba 5 : 0 0 < L i a r L i a r ++ Drama Queen "Welcome to Marki-Wood" A. Griff ith A. Griff ith SpongeBob SpongeBob
(49) R e g u l a r (51)
Two and a Elementary Half Men (N)
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Regular Jessie
Two and a Two and a Half Men Half Men Th e F irs t 48 "New Year's Terror/ Deadly Friends" P aw n S tars P aw n "Hair Force One" < P ri m ary (‘60) Hubert Humphrey, Robert Drew. 4:30 < To Be A n n o un c e d C o ps Jail
Beverly Hills "Life's a BRAVO (61) Witch"
:35 Access Hollywood
(50) (8815)
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show :35
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144)
Scru bbing In (331) (160) Project Runway: All Stars "Partners in Crime" (252) (108) Say Yes to Say Yes to (280) (183) the Dress the Dress T o B e A n n o u n ce d (278) (182)
F o od Co u rt "Suck the C h op p ed "On The Line" C h op p ed "Give It Your C h op p ed "Thirsty for Restaurant Divided Shuck vs. Po'Boy Station" All" Victory" "Phamous Phil's" V "Red Rain" V "Serpent's Tooth" < S t a r T re k I V : T h e V o y a g e H o m e +++ (‘86) Leonard Nimoy, < Eyeb o rg s William Shatner. A ship's crew travel back in time to the 1980s. Adrian Paul. North Woods Law "The Woods Law "Mysteries Alaska Gold Diggers North Woods Law "The Woods Law "Mysteries Crime Of The Century" in the Moose State" "The Final Haul" Crime Of The Century" in the Moose State" NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche vs. Phoenix Coyotes Site: C o yo tes (L) C o yo tes (L) Sp o rts F i g h t S p o rts K n o c kou ts ! Arena -- Glendale, Ariz. (L) Watch 101 Rehab Rehab House House House House Rehab Rehab House House Addict Addict H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs Hunters Addict Addict Hunters Hunters Reba Reba Reba Reba < T h e A m e r i c a n P r e s i d e n t ++++ (‘95) Michael Douglas. C o ps I n C on c e rt "You Oughta Know" I n C on c e rt "You Oughta Know" Black Ink Crew Secret Societies of Hollywood Exposing the cults, C h e l s e a E! News Chelsea Total Divas cabals and underground clubs. Lately Lately "SummerSlam" Loves Ray Loves Ray Friends Friends Queens Queens Queens Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray Full House Full House Full House Full House SpongeBob SpongeBob < S c o o b y D o o 2: M o n s te rs Un l e a s h ed ++ A villain plans to take control of the Coolsville. "Air Jesse" Adv.Time Uncle Chima Dragons TeenTita NinjaGo King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e Austin and Good Luck Jessie < 16 Wis h e s (‘10) Kendall Cross. A girl deals with A.N.T. "T-Wrecks" Ally Charlie the effects of birthday wishes. Farm Two and a Anger < Green Lantern ++ (‘11) Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Ryan A n g e r < Green Lan tern ++ Reynolds. A man with a magic ring brings peace to the universe. M a n a g e (N) (‘11) Ryan Reynolds. Half Men Manage Th e F irs t 48 "Broken Scared "Dougherty Beyond Scared Strai g ht Th e F irs t 48 "New Year's Th e F irs t 48 "Broken Alibis/ A Good Woman" County, GA" (N) "St. Clair, IL" Terror/ Deadly Friends" Alibis/ A Good Woman" P aw n "Cold P aw n "The Pawn Stars P awn Stars American Jungle "A Bad P awn Stars P awn "Hair P aw n "Cold P aw n "The Hard Cash" Bachelor" Moon Rises" Force One" Hard Cash" Bachelor" : 1 5 < A d v en tu re s on a N e w F ro n ti e r < C r i s i s (1963, Drama) : 4 5 F a c e s o f < F o u r D a y s i n N o ve m b e r +++ (‘64, Doc) (1961, Documentary) John F. Kennedy. Richard Basehart. The 1963 Kennedy assassination. Nov. 106 & Park: BET's T op 10 Live The Game The Soul The Soul T o B e A n n o u n ce d Man Man C o ps C o ps Co ps C o ps Co ps C o ps Impact Wrestling High-risk athletic entertainment from the ring. (N) Millionaire "Hello Kitty The Millionaire WatchWhat Housewives Atlanta "All Shahs of Suns et Vanderin a One-Horse Town" Matchmaker Social (N) (N) in a Day's Twerk" p u mp Ru l e s
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Santa Diabla
Seinf. "The Boyfriend" 2/2
NCAA Basketb all 2K Sports Classic Indiana vs. Washington Olbermann (N) Olbermann 2K Sports Classic (L) Semifinal Site: Madison Square Garden -- New York City, N.Y. (L) Girl Code Girl Code HookUp HookUp Snooki Snooki Awkward Awkward Scrubbing In Project Runway: All Project Runway: All Million Dollar Shoppers Million Dollar Shoppers Project Runway: All Stars "Keepin' It Classy" Stars "Partners in Crime" Stars "Keepin' It Classy" Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Alaska Gold Diggers
Action 7 News Live
Dish Nation
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the Hill Hill
Light of the Southwest
5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b al l
(37) "The Final Haul"
Called Out Biblical Israel Covert Affairs "Trompe Le Monde" Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r
La Reina Del Sur
Joe McGee Matt Staver Law&Jus Covert Affairs "Trompe White Collar "Out of the White Collar "Ice Le Monde" (P) (N) Frying Pan" Breaker" Friday Night Lights Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r
The Pioneer S o u th e rn (35) W o m a n Kitchen V "Red Sky"
Grey's Anatomy "Somebody That I Used to Know" (N)
11 PM
Parks and Sean Saves M.J.Fox P a ren th o od Election Day Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show Recreation the World "Thanksgi- stirs up emotions News 4 at With Jay Leno (N) (N) ving" (N) amongst the family. (N) 10 p .m .
Caso cerrado Wheel of Fortune
Two and a Two 1/2... Seinfeld Half Men "The Devil's "The Rye" Lube"
Amer. Dad American "The Boring Dad Identity"
(12) W ad g e
Mother "Robin Sparkles"
H o u s e A fitness trainer H o u s e "Painless" A collapses while shooting man's chronic pain an ad. pushes him to the edge.
Eyewitness Eyewitness Parks/Rec News 4 at "Fluoride" 6:30 (N)
10 PM
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. J a m b o re e Appalachian Charlie Rose (N) Flat Foot Dance and other highlights.
The Cleveland Show
(8) N e w s 4
Sportslook The Red Green Show
BBang "The BBang "The The Vampire Diaries Reig n The Queen seeks Benefactor Elena and Caroline decide out the person who Factor" to throw a big party. (N) scared Mary. (N)
9 PM
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(5) Monster
Latin Grammy Awards
ESPN2 (27)
8 PM
Noche de Estrellas
R' Itzhak Update First Fruits Shapira News of Zion Law & Order: S.V.U . White Collar "Ice USA (24) "Poisoned Motive" Breaker" (N) Friday Night "Blinders" ESPNC (25) Boxing Classics 5 : 3 0 N C A A Fo o tb a l l Rutgers vs. Central Florida ESPN (26) KRPV
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Friday, November 15, 2013
Best Movies to build a relationship after their one-night stand results in a pregnancy. (2h30) (55) “Ghost Rider” ++ (Action,2007) Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. A stuntman makes a deal with a devil and becomes an indestructible anti-hero. (2h30)
4:00 p.m. (28) “Clueless” ++ (Comedy,1995) Alicia
Silverstone, Brittany Murphy. A chic Beverly Hills teenager sets out give a ‘make over’ to an unpopular new student. (2h) (57) “The Goodbye Girl” ++++ (Romance,1977) Marsha Mason, Richard Dreyfuss. A divorced mother finds true love when an arrogant actor moves into her apartment. (2h)
4:30 p.m. (41) “Joe Dirt” ++ (Comedy,2001) David
Spade, Dennis Miller. A man who was abandoned as a child sets out on a quest to locate his birth parents. (2h30)
5:00 p.m. (42) “Bad Boys” +++ (Action,1995) Martin
Lawrence, Will Smith. Two detectives must switch their identities on an important murder and drug case. (2h30)
6:00 p.m. (28) “Beastly” ++ (Drama,2011) Vanessa
Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer. A young man is turned into a beast and must find true love in order to change back. (2h) (32) “Gran Torino” +++ (Drama,2008) Clint Eastwood, Christopher Carley. A prejudiced war veteran attempts to reform a wayward young man. (2h30) (53) “Real Steel” +++ (Sci-Fi,2011) Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son while training a discarded robot. (3h) (57) “Johnny Eager” +++ (Romance,1942) Lana Turner, Robert Taylor. A crook romances an attorney’s daughter as part of his plan to exact revenge. (2h)
7:00 p.m. (5) “Freaky Friday” ++ (Comedy,2003) Jamie
Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan. An overworked mother and her daughter adapt to each other’s lives when they switch bodies. (2h) (49) “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” ++ (Comedy,2011) Devon Bostick, Zachary Gordon. After summer vacation, brothers must deal with their parent’s attempts for them to bond. (2h)
7:30 p.m. (42) “The Last Boy Scout” +++
(Action,1991) Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans. A cynical ex-secret agent and a former quarterback team up to solve a murder case. (2h30)
8:00 p.m. (57) “Johnny Apollo” +++ (Crime Story,1940)
Dorothy Lamour, Tyrone Power. A college graduate turns to a life of crime to pay for his father’s release from prison. (2h)
8:30 p.m. (32) “The Next Three Days” +++
(Drama,2010) Russell Crowe, Elizabeth Banks. A man decides to break his wife out of jail when he can’t find the evidence to free her. (2h30)
9:00 p.m. (36) “Godzilla” ++ (Sci-Fi,1998) Hank Azaria,
Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (3h) (53) “Green Lantern” ++ (Action,2011) Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h30)
10:30 p.m. (40) “Knocked Up” +++ (Comedy,2007)
Katherine Heigl, Seth Rogen. Two people try to build a relationship after their one-night stand results in a pregnancy. (2h30)
Friday, November 15, 2013
11:00 p.m. (32) “The Longest Yard” ++ (Comedy,2005)
Adam Sandler, Chris Rock. A former football star puts a team of inmates together to play the prison guards. (2h30)
11:30 p.m. (53) “Green Lantern” ++ (Action,2011) Ryan
Reynolds, Blake Lively. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h30)
MONDAY 12:00 p.m. (36) “Godzilla” ++ (Sci-Fi,1998) Hank Azaria,
Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (3h)
12:15 p.m. (41) “Pure Country” ++ (Drama,1992) George
Strait, Isabel Glasser. A successful country singer returns to his roots to rediscover himself and his music. (2h45) (57) “Comet Over Broadway” ++ (Drama,1938) Ian Hunter, Kay Francis. A woman becomes obsessed with her ambition to become a successful and wealthy actress. (1h30)
1:00 p.m. (51) “Mickey’s Adventures in Wonderland”
+++ (Family,2009) While trying to help
Donald find a present for Daisy, Mickey ends up in a wonderland. (1h) (55) “Christine” +++ (Horror,1983) Alexandra Paul, Keith Gordon. A high school kid’s ‘58 Plymouth Fury is a killing machine with a mind of its own. (2h)
1:30 p.m. (60) “Hostage” +++ (Action,2005) Bruce
Willis, Kevin Pollak. A police negotiator must call on his skills when his own family is taken hostage. (2h30)
1:45 p.m. (57) “I’ll Cry Tomorrow” ++++
(Biography,1955) Jo Van Fleet, Susan Hayward. The biography of Broadway star Lillian Roth and her descent into alcoholism. (2h15)
3:00 p.m. (28) “Beastly” ++ (Drama,2011) Vanessa
Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer. A young man is turned into a beast and must find true love in order to change back. (2h) (36) “X2: X-Men United” +++ (Sci-Fi,2003) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. A diabolical government official launches a secret operation to annihilate all mutants. (3h) (53) “Tomcats” ++ (Comedy,2001) Jerry O’Connell, Shannon Elizabeth. A young cartoonist makes a bet with his friends about who will be the last to marry. (2h) (55) “Hannibal” ++ (Thriller,2001) Sir Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore. A brutal serial killer resurfaces to play cat and mouse with his FBI Agent nemesis. (3h)
4:00 p.m. (57) “The Hard Way” +++ (Drama,1942)
Dennis Morgan, Ida Lupino. A strong-willed woman forces her younger sister to pursue a career in show business. (2h) (60) “Law Abiding Citizen” +++ (Crime Story,2009) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. A man wages a deadly war on the justice system after his family’s murderers are set free. (2h30)
6:00 p.m. (36) “Fright Night” +++ (Comedy,2011)
Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell. A teenager hires a vampire slayer to help him kill his neighbor. (2h30) (55) “Angels and Demons” +++ (Mystery,2009) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks. A professor is called upon to help prevent an attack on the Vatican and solve a murder. (3h01)
(57) “Gregory’s Girl” +++ (Romance,1981)
Dee Hepburn, John Gordon Sinclair. An awkward teenager falls for a girl after she wins a spot on the school soccer team. (2h)
6:30 p.m. (60) “Training Day” ++ (Thriller,2001) Denzel
Washington, Ethan Hawke. A cop’s first day leads him to believe that his mentor may not be what he seems. (2h30)
7:00 p.m. (53) “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” +++
(Animated,2008) Voices of Ben Stiller, Chris Rock. The animals leave Madagascar and land in Africa where Alex meets his family. (2h)
8:00 p.m. (57) “The Elephant Man” ++++
(Biography,1980) Sir Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt. The story of a disfigured and ostracized Englishman’s search for kindness and dignity. (2h15)
9:00 p.m. (41) “Hoot” ++ (Family,2006) Brie Larson,
Logan Lerman. A young man tries to protect a population of endangered owls after his family moves. (2h) (53) “Rio” ++ (Animated,2011) Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg. When a domesticated parrot meets the bird of his dreams, they take off to Rio de Janeiro. (2h30) (60) “Law Abiding Citizen” +++ (Crime Story,2009) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. A man wages a deadly war on the justice system after his family’s murderers are set free. (2h30) (55) “Twister” ++ (Action,1996) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. A team of storm chasers trail tornadoes in hopes of creating an advanced warning system. (2h29)
9:10 p.m. (51) “Ratatouille” +++ (Family,2007) Voices
of Brad Garrett, Patton Oswalt. An ambitious rat with a flare for cooking battles an eccentric chef in a Paris restaurant. (1h55)
10:30 p.m. (36) “The Hitcher” ++ (Horror,2007) Sean
Bean, Sophia Bush. A young couple on a road trip pick up a hitchhiker who turns out to be a sadistic killer. (2h)
11:30 p.m. (53) “Rio” ++ (Animated,2011) Anne
Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg. When a domesticated parrot meets the bird of his dreams, they take off to Rio de Janeiro. (2h30) (55) “Cujo” ++ (Horror,1983) Danny Pintauro, Dee Wallace. A rabid Saint Bernard terrorizes a mother and son who are trapped in their car. (2h)
TUESDAY 12:30 p.m. (55) “Twister” ++ (Action,1996) Helen Hunt,
Bill Paxton. A team of storm chasers trail tornadoes in hopes of creating an advanced warning system. (2h30)
1:00 p.m. (41) “Hoot” ++ (Family,2006) Brie Larson,
Logan Lerman. A young man tries to protect a population of endangered owls after his family moves. (2h)
1:30 p.m. (53) “Tomcats” ++ (Comedy,2001) Jerry
O’Connell, Shannon Elizabeth. A young cartoonist makes a bet with his friends about who will be the last to marry. (2h)
2:00 p.m. (51) “Ratatouille” +++ (Family,2007) Voices
of Brad Garrett, Patton Oswalt. An ambitious rat with a flare for cooking battles an eccentric chef in a Paris restaurant. (2h)
2:30 p.m. (36) “Fright Night” +++ (Comedy,2011)
Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell. A teenager hires
a vampire slayer to help him kill his neighbor. (2h30)
3:00 p.m. (55) “Angels and Demons” +++
(Mystery,2009) Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks. A professor is called upon to help prevent an attack on the Vatican and solve a murder. (3h)
3:30 p.m. (53) “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” +++
(Animated,2008) Voices of Ben Stiller, Chris Rock. The animals leave Madagascar and land in Africa where Alex meets his family. (2h)
4:00 p.m. (57) “Goodbye, My Fancy” +++
(Romance,1951) Phil Harris, Walter Brennan. A congresswoman returns to her old college, mostly to see her former boyfriend. (2h)
6:00 p.m. (55) “Ghost” +++ (Romance,1990) Demi
Moore, Patrick Swayze. A murdered man operates through a medium to protect his girlfriend and avenge his death. (3h01) (57) “The Maltese Falcon” ++++ (Mystery,1941) Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor. Detective Sam Spade gets caught up in the murderous search for a priceless statue. (2h)
8:00 p.m. (42) “Death at a Funeral” +++
(Comedy,2010) Keith David. Aaron’s father’s funeral turns chaotic when his family arrives and secrets are revealed. (2h) (57) “Mildred Pierce” ++++ (Drama,1945) Ann Blyth, Joan Crawford. A woman turns herself into a business tycoon to win her daughter a place in society. (2h)
8:30 p.m. (53) “Hall Pass” ++ (Comedy,2011) Owen
Wilson, Jason Sudeikis. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (2h30)
9:00 p.m. (41) “Die Hard” +++ (Action,1988) Alan
Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife’s business building. (3h) (55) “Coyote Ugly” ++ (Comedy/Drama,2000) Adam Garcia, Piper Perabo. A shy aspiring songwriter comes out of her shell while working at a popular New York bar. (2h14)
10:00 p.m. (57) “Soylent Green” ++ (Sci-Fi,1973)
Charlton Heston, Chuck Connors. In the future, a cop discovers a terrible secret about a synthetic food company. (2h)
11:15 p.m. (55) “Scream” ++ (Horror,1996) Courteney
Cox, Neve Campbell. A teenage girl becomes the target of a serial killer a year after her mother was murdered. (2h30)
WEDNESDAY 12:00 p.m. (53) “Rat Race” +++ (Comedy,2001) John
Cleese, Whoopi Goldberg. Six teams race across the United States in an effort to claim a $2-million prize. (2h30)
12:45 p.m. (57) “Tension at Table Rock” ++
(Western,1956) Dorothy Malone, Richard Egan. A cowboy is ostracized after he kills a famous gunslinger who was perceived as a hero. (1h45)
1:00 p.m. (41) “Die Hard” +++ (Action,1988) Alan
Rickman, Bruce Willis. A cop visiting from New York helps stop some terrorists in his wife’s business building. (3h)
1:45 p.m. (55) “Ghost” +++ (Romance,1990) Demi
Moore, Patrick Swayze. A murdered man
operates through a medium to protect his girlfriend and avenge his death. (3h)
2:30 p.m. (53) “Radio” ++ (Drama,2003) Cuba Gooding
Jr., Ed Harris. A high school coach takes a developmentally challenged man under his wing. (2h30)
4:15 p.m. (57) “All Mine to Give” ++ (Drama,1957)
Cameron Mitchell, Glynis Johns. A brother must find homes for his five orphaned siblings on Christmas Day. (1h45)
4:45 p.m. (55) “Coyote Ugly” ++ (Comedy/Drama,2000)
Adam Garcia, Piper Perabo. A shy aspiring songwriter comes out of her shell while working at a popular New York bar. (2h15)
5:00 p.m. (42) “Death at a Funeral” +++
(Comedy,2010) Keith David. Aaron’s father’s funeral turns chaotic when his family arrives and secrets are revealed. (2h) (60) “Cloverfield” ++ (Thriller,2008) Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas. A record of the final hours during the outbreak of a giant creature in Manhattan. (2h)
6:00 p.m. (29) “Crazy for Christmas” +++
(Drama,2005) Andrea Roth, Howard Hesseman. On Christmas Eve, a single mother finds herself having to chauffeur an eccentric client. (2h) (57) “Mister 880” +++ (Comedy,1950) Burt Lancaster, Dorothy McGuire. neighbors fail to recognize that their neighbor is actually an elusive counterfeiter. (1h45)
6:30 p.m. (53) “Hall Pass” ++ (Comedy,2011) Owen
Wilson, Jason Sudeikis. Two best friends are granted permission by their wives to have extramarital affairs. (2h30)
7:00 p.m. (24) “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” ++
(Action,2009) Christopher Eccleston, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. An elite military unit known as G.I. Joe battle an evil organization. (2h30) (42) “Liar Liar” ++ (Comedy,1997) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. A successful, dishonest lawyer wakes up one day with the curse of only speaking the truth. (2h) (55) “Men in Black” +++ (Sci-Fi,1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (2h01)
7:45 p.m. (57) “Judgment at Nuremberg” ++++
(Drama,1961) Montgomery Clift, Spencer Tracy. An American court in occupied Germany tries four Nazi judges for war crimes. (3h15)
9:00 p.m. (41) “One Fine Day” ++ (Romance,1996)
George Clooney, Michelle Pfeiffer. Two busy single parents get to know each other over the course of a mishap-filled day. (2h30) (53) “Taken” +++ (Thriller,2008) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. A retired agent does everything he can to get his daughter back from traffickers. (2h) (60) “Scream 4” ++ (Horror,2011) Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell. After 10 years, Sidney Prescott is visited by the Ghostface killer. (2h30) (55) “Men in Black” +++ (Sci-Fi,1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (1h59)
10:00 p.m. (29) “Crazy for Christmas” +++
(Drama,2005) Andrea Roth, Howard Hesseman. On Christmas Eve, a single mother finds herself having to chauffeur an eccentric client. (2h)
3:00 p.m.
(42) “Clueless” ++ (Comedy,1995) Alicia
Silverstone, Brittany Murphy. A chic Beverly Hills teenager sets out give a ‘make over’ to an unpopular new student. (2h) (53) “Taken” +++ (Thriller,2008) Famke Janssen, Liam Neeson. A retired agent does everything he can to get his daughter back from traffickers. (2h) (55) “Catwoman” ++ (Action,2004) Benjamin Bratt, Halle Berry. An artist acquires the characteristics of a cat and walks the line between good and evil. (2h) (57) “The Dirty Dozen” +++ (War,1967) Ernest Borgnine, Lee Marvin. An Army Major is assigned to train 12 convicts for a suicide mission during World War II. (2h30)
5:00 p.m. (42) “Liar Liar” ++ (Comedy,1997) Jim
Carrey, Maura Tierney. A successful, dishonest lawyer wakes up one day with the curse of only speaking the truth. (2h) (55) “Men in Black” +++ (Sci-Fi,1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. A cop is recruited by a secret organization to help control Earth’s alien population. (2h)
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7:00 p.m. (55) “X-Men” +++ (Sci-Fi,2000) Famke
Janssen, Hugh Jackman. A man leads a group of mutant heroes against his arch nemesis in order to save the world. (2h31)
8:00 p.m. (48) “Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed”
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 10.
++ (Mystery,2004) Freddie Prinze Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar. The gang investigates a masked villain who plans to take control of Coolsville. (2h) (53) “Green Lantern” ++ (Action,2011) Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h30)
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9:00 p.m. (36) “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home”
The Genuine. The Original.
+++ (Sci-Fi,1986) Leonard Nimoy, William
Best Movies 11:00 p.m. (36) “Godzilla” ++ (Sci-Fi,1998) Hank Azaria,
Matthew Broderick. Godzilla rises from the ocean’s depths and destroys everything in its path, including NYC. (3h) (42) “Interview With the Vampire” ++++ (Horror,1994) Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise. A renegade vampire decides to tell a reporter about his tormented life of bloodlust. (3h) (55) “Catwoman” ++ (Action,2004) Benjamin Bratt, Halle Berry. An artist acquires the characteristics of a cat and walks the line between good and evil. (2h)
THURSDAY 12:30 p.m. (41) “One Fine Day” ++ (Romance,1996)
George Clooney, Michelle Pfeiffer. Two busy
single parents get to know each other over the course of a mishap-filled day. (2h30) (57) “Code Two” ++ (Crime Story,1953) Ralph Meeker, Sally Forrest. Recruits on LA police force face occupational hazards. (1h15) (60) “The Incredible Hulk” +++ (Action,2008) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. Bruce Banner meets a monstrous opponent while he searches for a cure to banish the Hulk. (3h)
1:00 p.m. (53) “Perfect Stranger” ++ (Thriller,2007)
Bruce Willis, Halle Berry. After a beautiful reporter quits her job, she investigates the murder of a friend. (2h) (55) “Reign of Fire” ++ (Action,2002) Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey. Two men battle a brood of ancient dragons that have risen to dominate Earth. (2h)
1:45 p.m. (57) “Jeopardy” +++ (Drama,1952) Barbara
Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan. A suburbanite on a vacation with her husband and son runs into an escaped convict. (1h15)
Shatner. A ship’s crew travel back in time to the 1980 to save Earth from an alien probe. (2h30) (41) “The American President” ++++ (Romance,1995) Annette Bening, Michael Douglas. A widowed president begins dating an environmental lobbyist during an election year. (2h30)
9:30 p.m. (55) “Ghost Rider” ++ (Action,2007) Nicolas
Cage, Eva Mendes. A stuntman makes a deal with a devil and becomes an indestructible anti-hero. (2h29)
10:00 p.m. (57) “Four Days in November” +++
(Documentary,1964) Richard Basehart. A record of the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy and its aftermath. (2h15)
11:00 p.m. (53) “Green Lantern” ++ (Action,2011) Ryan
Reynolds, Blake Lively. When a man finds a magic ring, he joins a group charged with creating interspatial peace. (2h30)
Roswell Daily Record: Movies Nov 15, 2013 to Nov 21, 2013
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200 S. Hemlock • 622-0149 • Roswell, NM 88203
Pro Active Hearing, LLC 214 W. First • Roswell, NM 88203
Serving SENM Roswell, Ruidoso, Artesia, Carlsbad, Lovington, Hobbs
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Sat. by Appointment (575)622-0375 • 1-800-657-7657(In State Only) Fax(575)622-0575 Aveda• Email: Pure Essence Salon Website: 2x3”
Always Free Cleaning & Hearing Evaluation
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Volunteer Friday, November 15, 2013