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Friday, February 14, 2014
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ESPN (26)
ESPN2 (27)
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)
Despierta America E s m o nd e T e c h . BBC News OK! TV America Now 'Til Death 'Til Death Paid Program Justice for All Action 7 News 5:00 Eyewitness News 4 Today Un nuevo dia KRQE News 13 This Morning Various News/M MattStav Various 5 : 0 0 B . C l a s s i c s Ken./Fla. N C A A 5:30 B. Clas. NCAA 5 : 0 0 B a s k . C l a s s i c s Ia./Ind. N C A A 5 : 0 0 R a c i n g IROC XII N A S C A R 5 : 3 0 B . C l a s . Purd./Mich. St. N C A A S p o r t s C en t e r 5:30 SportsCenter S p o r t s C en t e r
M T W Th F M T W Th F M Mike & Mike T W Th F 4:00 Mike & Mike
M Ridiculous M Ridiculous Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s / M M o v i e (32) C h a r m e d F Tu W B a b y S t. (33) V a r i o u s Paid Program M Paid Program (28) (29)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Co mo dice el dicho Sesame Street D i n o s a u r T r a i n P e g C a t/ P e g C a t S u p e r W H Y ! D.Tiger/ D.Tiger S i d th e S c i e n c e K i d V a ri o u s 2 KASA This Morning 2 KASA S tyle The Queen Latifah Show The Daily Buzz Roseanne Roseanne C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty K.Copeland America's Court Paid Program S u p re m e J u s t i c e J u d g e A l e x Judge Alex Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded G o o d Mo rn i ng A m eri c a F Live!/LLive! The View Today Show Today Show II T o d a y/Th S o c h i Decisiones Pablo Escobar: El p atron del mal CBS This Morning The Doctors Let's Make a Deal Light of the Southwest Various Various Various V ariou s Various Various Various Various Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Indiana vs. Purdue N C AA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Maryland vs. Duke NCAA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s North Carolina vs. Florida State NCAA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s North Carolina vs. Florida State NCAA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Clemson vs. North Carolina State NC AA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Syracuse vs. Boston College NCAA Raci n g C l as s i c s '93 Daytona 500 NASCAR Daytona Beach, Fla. Raci n g C l as s i c s '07 Daytona 500 NASCAR Daytona Beach, Fla. Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Wisconsin vs. Iowa N C AA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s 2007 Big 12 Tournament Texas vs. Kansas NCAA S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r
ESPN First Take
Various M Girl Code Frasier Frasier Supernatural Various F Tu 19 K i d s T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Numbers Never Lie
TheOne? M Girl Code F ra s i e r/M M o v i e F ra s i e r Supernatural Various F Tu W P re gn a n t T o B e An n o u n ce d
TheOne? M Girl Code Frasier Frasier Supernatural Various F Tu W Coupon T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Th G i rl C o d e Movie Met Mother F Supernatural / Bones F Tu W N ot-Wear/M B o s s /Th S ta rte r T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Hoy Various Various The Wendy Williams Show 30 Rock 30 Rock Paternity Court Divorce Court F Bethenny / Bethenny Good Day NM Be Millionaire Avenida Brasil The Price Is Right Various Various M NCIS: LA /Tu Th La w&O.:SV U Bask. C lassics N.D./Bos. NCAA Bask. C lassics Bay./Ok. St. NCAA Bask. C lassics Ia./Ind. NCAA Racing '97 Daytona 500 NASCAR Racing '81 Daytona 500 NASCAR S p o r t s C en t e r
(36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F (59)
M T W Th F M T W Th F
Paid Program Various Movie F BeHuman/Tu FactFake/W Witness Meerkat Manor Meerkat Manor F My Cat From Hell / Animal Cops Basketb all Missouri-Kansas City vs. New Mexico State NCAA Basketb all Mississippi (Ole Miss) vs. Georgia NCAA Basketb all Middle Tennessee State vs. Florida Atlantic NCAA Paid Program S u n s Po s t Golf Destination Golf America S u n s Po s t Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Various Various Various Various We There Yet? The Browns House of Payne Fresh Prince 5:00 C M T Musi c CM T M usic 4:00 VH1 + Music Saved by Bell Saved by Bell Various F M Saved Bell Paid Program Paid Program Various V ario u s 5:55 Various Various Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper Clevela./M KingH King of the Hill Gumball Knights /G G u m b al l F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb Henry Hu/ Mouse V a rio u s Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Various Th M o v i e Animal Cops : Houston Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tee It Up Paid Program Various Movie
Paid Program Swing Clinic Paid Program Various Full House
Various BeHuman/ FactFake/ Witness Various Th M o v i e Animal Cops : Houston Pit Bulls and Parolees Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program UEFA Highlights UEFA Pre-Game Various V ario u s House Hunters House Hunters Full House Wipeout Cleveland Show
Various F Th G i rl C o d e G re y 's / M o th e r Tu M e t M o th e r F Supernatural / Bones Various F Tu 19 Kid s T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Various F BeHuman/Tu FactFake/W Witness F Tanked: Unfiltered / Pit Bulls Paid Program Basket. NCAA Match Play Paid Program Paid Program Basket. NCAA F i s h i ng / J oh n n y S o c c e r Europa League UEF A Various Various Movie American Dad
Various M Movie Tu B b all Wives LA / Th S i n g l e L a d i e s V a ri o u s W M ov i e F Societi./M W Ka rd ash /Tu C a nd i d V a rio u s Tu #Ri c h K i d s V a rio u s Tu S e x & C i t y Sex and the City Sex and the City Various Various Various Various Various F Lucy/M BradyB. V a ri o u s F Lucy/M BradyB. Odd Parents S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob PAW Patrol Um i z o o m i/M P A W Um i z o o m i/ P AW Dora Exp lorer Dora Explorer Teen Titans Go! BeyShog P o k em o n B W Various M T e en T i t a n s G o ! M T e e n T i t a n s G o Un c l e / Garfield Garfield/M Uncle F M o u s e /E Ella F Stuffins/M Mouse Mouse/M Stuffins V a rio u s Various S o fi a1s t / S tu f fin s V a r i o u s M o us e /M A u s ti n Buffy the Vampire Slayer <++ B a b y M a m a (Com, '08) Amy Poehler, Tina Fey. <+ M i ss M a rc h ('09) <+++ E n e m y a t t h e G a t e s (War, '01) Joseph Fiennes, Jude Law. <++ B a b y l o n A . D . ('08) Ellen <++ B a b y l o n A . D . (Act, '08) Michelle Yeoh, Vin Diesel. <++ T a k e r s (Act, '10) Matt Dillon, Chris Brown. <++ T a k e r s (Act, '10) Matt Dillon, Chris Brown. <+++ T ro n : L e g a cy ('10) <++ T h e O n e (Act, '01) Delroy Lindo, Jet Li. <++ A rm o re d ('09) Matt Dillon. Buffy the Vampire Slayer B o u n ty H u n te r F B o u n ty H u n te r F First 48/M Bounty/Tu-Th C.Minds F Th e F irs t 48 / Tu-Th C ri m . M i n d s V a ri o u s M Bad Ink Various M Bad Ink Various M Bad Ink Paid Program T h e T h r e e S t o o g es /:15 <++ C u jo ('83) Danny Pintauro, Dee Wallace. :15 <+ T he O m e n (Hor, '06) Liev Schrieber, Julia Stiles. Movie S to o g e /SS t o og e :45 S to o g es : 1 5 <+++ F r o s t / N i x o n (Dra, '08) Michael Sheen, Frank Langella. : 4 5 <++++ T h e Am e r i c a n P r e s i d e n t ('95) Comic Book Comic Book <+++ N a ti o n a l L a m p oo n 's ... <++ A l o n g C am e P o l l y ('04) Ben Stiller. <+++ B r u c e A l m i g h t y ('03) Jim Carrey. <++ T h e B o d y g u ard (Susp, '92) Kevin Costner, Whitney Houston. <+++ T h e B on e C o l l e c t o r ('99) <++ P ri d e an d G l ory (Cri, '08) Colin Farrell, Edward Norton. <++++ C h i ld re n o f M e n (Sci-Fi, '06) Julianne Moore, Clive Owen. Various M P re s i d ./W I mp os s /Th M a rv e l s Various Various Various Th P a w n S ta rs V a rio u s M Th P aw n S tar Movie : 4 5 <+++ O l d M a n a n d t h e S e a ('90) : 1 5 <++++ A S t a r I s B o r n ('37) Janet Gaynor, Fredric March. : 1 5 <++++ D a y s o f W i n e a n d R o s e s ('62) Lee Remick, Jack Lemmon. <+++ G a mb i t (Com, '66) Shirley MacLaine, Michael Caine. < T h i s A b o v e A l l (Dra, '42) <+++ T h e Y ou ng L i o n s (War, '58) Montgomery Clift, Marlon Brando. <++++ T h e U m b r e l l a s o f C h e r b o u r g ('64) : 4 5 <+++ T h e T h o m a s C r o w n A f f a i r ('68) Steve McQueen. <+++ T h e W a y We W e r e ('73) Robert Redford, Barbra Streisand. Movie : 1 5 <++++ O n t h e B e a c h (Dra, '59) Ava Gardner, Gregory Peck. : 4 5 <+++ T h e W es t e r n e r (West, '40) Walter Brennan, Gary Cooper. : 4 5 <+++ T h e B a r e f o o t C o n t e ss a ('54) 5 : 3 0 <+++ M a d am e X ('29) Ruth Chatterton. <+++ Mo g amb o (Act, '53) Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner. <+++ H e a v e n K n o w s , M r . A l l i s o n ('57) Robert Mitchum. Movie 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Movie F FamMatters F Movie M Movie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland Gangland W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os Bar Rescue Bar Rescue DEA DEA Ink Master Ink Master Movie Southern Charm Housewives Bravo's Top 10 WatchWhat The Millionaire Matchmaker T h e M i l l i o n a i r e M at c h m a k e r The Millionaire Matchmaker WatchWhat Fashion Queens Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills 100 Days of Summer 100 Days of Summer 100 Days of Summer 100 Days of Summer Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Bravo's Top 10 Bravo's Top 10 T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l Ho u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T he R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta T o B e A n n o u n ce d Southern Charm Bravo's Top 10 Blood, Sweat and Heels Blood, Sweat an d Heels Blood, Sweat and Heels Millionaire
S (41)
ESPN First Take
T W Th F (35)
D (41)
Friday, February 14, 2014
La rosa de Guadalupe L a m u j e r d e l V e n d av a l Sit Fit/ Living Various Curious George Clifford Cat in the Hat Arthur The 700 Club C o l d C as e F i l e s Th e P eop le's C ou rt That '70s Show That '70s Show Friends Friends The Middle The Middle Paternity Court Divorce Court Bridezillas The Test The Chew General Hospital Katie Eyewitness News 4 at Midday Days..Lives /Th G o o d D a y M e x i c o V a rio u s 1 1 : 0 0 A v e n id a B r a s i l Suelta la sopa Lo mejor de caso cerrado Bold-Beautiful The Young and the Restless T h e T al k (10) K R Q E N e w s Various Various Various Light of the Southwest (12) N e w s /M S a l . F W N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu Th SVU F W N C I S /M NCIS: LA /Tu Th SVU (24) M N C I S : L A /Tu Th L a w & O . : S V U M 11:00 B . C l a s s i c s N.D./Bos. N C A A Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Purdue vs. Indiana N C AA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Florida State vs. North Carolina NCAA T 11:00 B . C l a s . Bay./Ok. St. N C A A ESPNC W 11:00 B a s k . C l a s s i c s Ia./Ind. N C A A Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Texas vs. Iowa State N C A A (25) Raci n g C l as s i c s '99 Daytona 500 NASCAR Daytona Beach, Fla. T h 1 1 : 0 0 R a c i n g N A S C AR Raci n g C l as s i c s '83 Daytona 500 NASCAR Daytona Beach, Fla. F 1 1 : 0 0 R a c i n g N A S C AR Outside Lines NFL Insiders NFL Live M S p o r t s C en t e r Outside Lines NFL Insiders NFL Live T ESPN NFL Live W (26) Outside Lines NFL Insiders NFL Live Th NBA Trade Deadline NFL Live F Highly Highly SportsNation M ESPN First Take Q u e s t i o n ab l e Q u e s t i o n ab l e T ESPN2 UNI KENW KASA KWBQ KASY KOAT KOBR KTEL KBIM KRPV USA
A&E AMC (55)
BRAVO (61)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
11:00 Hoy
W Th F
Various F Th G i rl C o d e (29) G r e y ' s A n a t o m y / M M o v i e (32) F S u p e r n a t u r a l / B o n e s F Little Couple (33) V a r i o u s M T o B e A n n o u n ce d (28)
SportsNation Outside Lines NFL Insiders Various GirlCode/ Pranked Charmed F Supernatural / Bones Various T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Various Disaster/ Pranked C h arm e d / M M ov i e F Supernatural / Castle V ario u s T o B e A n n o u n ce d
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
El gordo y la fl aca Martha Speaks Wild Kratts Judge Mathis T h e B i l l C u n n i ng h am S h o w F Jerry Springer / Jerry Springer F E.DeGeneres /E E.De Generes Th T h e I ns i d e r Th I n s id e E d . Caso cerrado Dr. Phil
Primer impacto WordGirl News America Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Rules of Engage. Rules of Eng The Steve Wilkos Show The Dr. Oz Show J u dg e J ud y Ju dg e J ud y Al rojo vivo KRQE News 13 KRQE News 13 Various Various F W NCIS/M NCIS: LA/Tu Th SVU F Tu Th S V U/M N C I S : L A /W N C I S Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Duke vs. Marietta NCAA Bask. C lassics '12 ACC Tournament Fla. S./UNC NCAA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Iowa vs. Indiana NCAA Bas k e tb al l C l as s i c s Syracuse vs. Boston College NCAA Bask. C lassics 1989 ACC/ Big East Challenge Duke vs. Syracuse NCAA Around the Pardon the S p o r t s C en t e r Horn Interruption
NFL Insiders
ESPNFC Press Around the Horn Pass
Various Disaster Wife Swap F Supernatural / Castle Various T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Pardon the Interruption
SportsNation F Movie Various Wife Swap / M Movie F Supernatural / Castle Various T o B e A n n o u n ce d
New Mexico Noticiero Univ. Various Nightly Business Steve Harvey M o d e r n F am i l y M o d e r n F am i l y F Maury / Maury Action 7 News World News News 4 @ 5 NBC News Noticias @ 5 Noticiero E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 1 3 Various Various F Tu Th S V U/M N C IS : L A /W N C I S Friday Night Lights Battle of the Netwo rk Stars W h o 's N u mb e r 1? Top 5 Reasons Top 5 Reasons Wrestling Global Supercard Basket. NBA Basketb all UNC/Fla. S. NCAA Basketb all Ken./Ole Miss NCAA NBA Countdo wn Basketball NCAA S p o r t s C en t e r Basketb all Md./Duke NCAA Basketb all Tex./Iowa NCAA Basketb all Bos./Syr. N CA A Basketball NCAA Various Various W. Swap / DanceMom/ UnderGun F Supernatural / Castle Various F Borrowed T o B e A n n o u n ce d
T W Th F (35) (36) (37)
M T W Th F (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
M T W Th F (54)
M T W Th F (56)
M T W Th F (59)
M T W Th F M T W Th F
Cupcake/ G. Eats M Un w rap p e d Southern/P Pioneer B a re f o o t C o n t. H .M a d e / M e a l s Mex.Easy/D Dinners F Un wrap /C Chef Unwrap F Un wrap /K Kelsey F Un wrap /G Giada Various Unwrap/ Barefoot Various Th M o v i e F Bitten /Tu Fac tF ake /W P . W i tn e s s V a ri o u s Th M o v i e F Bitten /Tu Face Off /W W i tn e s s V a ri o u s Th M o v i e F Helix /Tu Face Off/W O p . W o r l d F Dirty Jobs / Fatal Attrac tions F Swamp Wars / Infested! Gator Boys F M Big f o o t X L/Tu-Th B i g f o o t F M Big f o o t X L/Tu-Th B i g f o ot T B A/M Du d e , Yo u 're ... 1 1 : 3 0 B a s k e t b a l l Portland St. vs N. Arizona N C A A Lumberjack I n s id e N A U NMSU Sports S n o w M o ti on I n s id e r Raceline C o un td o wn Raci n g C l as s i c s Phoenix, Ariz. Sports Unlimited The Game 365 Halls of Fame S o c c e r AIA Tournament H.S. S o c c e r AIA Tournament H.S. 1 1 : 3 0 B a s k e t b a l l E. Washington vs N. Arizona N C A A S o c c e r AIA Tournament H . S . Playing Match Play World MMA Awards Fan Fest S o c c e r AIA Tournament H.S. P o k e r Legends of Poker W P T Th e Gam e 365 C o un td o wn Raci n g C l as s i c s Phoenix, Ariz. Raceline Diamondbacks 1 1 : 0 0 S o c c e r Europa League U E F A S o c c e r Europa League Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Porto U E F A Big 12 I c o ns ACC All-Access Basketb all North Carolina vs. Virginia NCAA Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various A m e ri c a n D a d C o ug a r T o w n Friends Friends Friends Friends K in g o f Q u e e ns K i n g -Q u e e ns S e i n f e ld Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy 7:00 CMT Music The Dukes of Hazzard Various F M o v i e / Th Mo v i e Redneck Redneck/ Party Various Various Various F T . I . a n d T i n y TI T in y / W iv es L A F T . I . a n d T i n y V a r i o u s Th M o v i e Various W Happy End. Various W Happy End. Sex and the City Sex and the City Various S e x C it y / Rich Kid s V a r i o u s Movie Kardash/ RichKids M #Rich Kid s F M Tu Kard ash/Th B e y o n dC a n d id E! News / M The Kardashians Various F Lucy/M BradyB. V a rio u s F Lucy/M BradyB. V a ri o u s F Lucy/M BradyB. V a r i o u s Various V ar i o u s Various Gilligan's Island Gilligan's Island B u b b l e G up p i es B u b b l e G up p i es P A W P a tro l PAW Patrol Various P . P ig/ P . Rab b i t Sp o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Parents/M Sponge Rabbids/ Sponge SanjayCr/ Sponge LooneyT./M Uncle LooneyT./ Advent. TomJerry/ Advent. TomJerry/ Advent. T o m J e rry TomJerry CodeN./M Johnny C o de N . Various Various Ad v e n t ./ R e g u la r M o v i e S t u f f i n s / Liv / M ad V a r i o u s Various Various M o v i e / L i v / M ad V a r i o u s Various Various Various Various Various Various 1 1 : 0 0 <+ M is s M a r c h ('09) <++ A d v e n tu re l a nd (Com, '09) Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg. Two and Half T w o a n d H a l f <++ All About Steve (Com, '09) Thomas Haden Church, Sandra Bullock. 1 1 : 0 0 <++ B a b y l o n A . D . ('08) <+++ T ra n s f o rmers : D a rk o f th e M o o n (Act, '11) Tyrese Gibson, Shia LaBeouf. Met Mother Met Mother Two and Half 1 0 : 3 0 <++ T a k e r s ('10) <+++ T ro n : L e g a cy (Act, '10) Garrett Hedlund, Jeff Bridges. T w o a n d H a l f T w o a n d H a l f M e n <+++ T h e B ou n ty H u n te r ('10) Jennifer Aniston. 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ T r o n : L e g a c y ('10) Jeff Bridges. <++ T h e O n e (Act, '01) Delroy Lindo, Jet Li. <++ T h e G r e e n H or n e t (Act, '11) Jay Chou, Seth Rogen. 1 1 : 0 0 <++ A r m o r ed ('09) Two and Half Two and Half <++ Rad io (Dra, '03) Cuba Gooding Jr., Ed Harris. <++ K n o w i n g ('09) Nicolas Cage. Various M Bad Ink First 48/M Bad Ink M Bad I n k First 48/M Bad Ink M Bad I n k F irs t 4 8 / Du ck D y M D u c k D y Various Duck Dy/ Storage V a ri o u s Duck Dy/ Storage 1 1 : 4 5 <++ A P e r f e c t G e t a w a y ('09) Timothy Olyphant, Steve Zahn. <+++ T h e G r e e n M i l e (Dra, '99) David Morse, Tom Hanks. 1 0 : 4 5 <++++ T he A m e r i c a n P r e s i d e n t ('95) <+++ D a v e (Com, '93) Sigourney Weaver, Kevin Kline. <+++ B r u c e A l m i g h t y (Com/Dra, '03) Morgan Freeman, Jim Carrey. Movie <++ I n v in c i b l e (Dra, '06) Mark Wahlberg, Greg Kinnear. <++ P e a r l H a r b o r (War, '01) Kate Beckinsale, Ben Affleck. 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ T h e B o n e C o l l e c t o r ('99) <+++ Titan i c (Dra, '97) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio. Movie <+++ Po s e id o n (Dra, '06) Josh Lucas, Kurt Russell. <+++ T h e D ep a r t e d (Thril, '06) Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio. Various M Th P a w n S ta r V a rio u s M Th P a w n S ta r V a rio u s M Th P a w n S ta r V a rio u s M Th P a w n Various M Th P a w n S ta r V a rio u s Tu Th P aw n S tar : 1 5 < B e r k e l e y S q u a r e ('33) Lesile Howard. : 4 5 <+++ T h e H a s t y H e a r t (Dra, '49) Patricia Neal, Ronald Reagan. : 4 5 <+++ T h e H ea r t i s a L o n e l y H u n t e r (Dra, '68) Sondra Locke, Alan Arkin. 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ T h e Y o u ng L i o n s <+++ Jou rn e y to th e C e n ter o f th e Ea rth (Sci-Fi, '59) Pat Boone, James Mason. <++ T h e H i n d en b u r g (Hist, '75) Anne Bancroft, George C. Scott. 1 1 : 3 0 <++++ M ee t M e i n S t . L o u i s ('44) <++++ S c ro o ge (Mus, '70) Alec Guinness, Albert Finney. <++ C h itty C h itty Ban g Ban g (Mus, '68) Sally Ann Howes, Dick Van Dyke. 1 0 : 4 5 <+++ T h e B a r e f o o t C o n t e s s a ('54) <+++ Sweet Bir d o f Yo u th (Dra, '62) Geraldine Page, Paul Newman. <++ P ap e r C h ase (Com/Dra, '73) Timothy Bottoms, John Houseman. 1 1 : 3 0 <+++ L e a v e H e r t o H e a v e n ('45) <+++ M a g n i f i c e n t O b s e s s i o n (Dra, '54) Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson. <+++ S p l en d o r i n t h e G r a s s (Dra, '61) Warren Beatty, Natalie Wood. Tu-Th M ov i e F Movie M Movie W Wife and Kid s W Th W ife Kids Movie/ WifeKid V a rio u s M o v i e / FamM at Th M o v i e Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os < Killer Elite (Act, '11) Clive Owen, Jason Statham. Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Cops Movie DEA DEA <+++ L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n (Cri, '09) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. <++ D e a th S e n te n c e ('07) Kevin Bacon. Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker T h e M i l l i o n ai r e M a t c h m a k e r The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Vanderpu mp Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules Shahs of Suns et S h a h s o f S u ns e t 1/2 cont'd next S h a h s o f S u ns e t Pt. 2 of 2 Shahs of Suns et Shahs of Suns et Shahs of Suns et T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta S h a h s o f S u ns e t Pt. 1 of 2 T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta 11:30 Million T h e M i l l i o n a i r e Ma t c h m ake r The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker <++ Ho w t o L o s e a Gu y i n 1 0 Da ys (Com, '03) Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Cover Story
A whole new late-night Jimmy Fallon is the new host of ‘The Tonight Show’ By Jacqueline Spendlove TV Media
BC’s late-night lineup is about to get a facelift, and this time, it might even stick. After more than 20 years hosting “The Tonight Show,” Jay Leno is finally handing the reins off to “Late Night” host and “Saturday Night Live” alum Jimmy Fallon. Fallon will be moving the iconic show back to New York for the first time in more than four decades since Johnny Carson first took it to California. Fallon makes his “Tonight Show” hosting debut Monday, Feb. 17, on NBC. “The Tonight Show” will air at midnight during Fallon’s first week on the roster, following the Olympics, and will then move into its regular time-slot. Fallon, in turn, is passing his own torch to fellow “SNL” alum Seth Myers, who will step up to host “Late Night” on Fallon’s departure. Fallon’s “Tonight Show” tenure kicks off with a bang with actor Will Smith (“Men in Black,” (1997)) and music giants U2 as his first guests. Though the show will now air from New York, Fallon has revealed that he will take things on the road now and then, including to Los Angeles. Fallon’s past comedic successes have set him up perfectly for his new
position. Prior to taking over “Late Night” from Conan O’Brien in 2009, he was best known for his work on “Saturday Night Live,” on which he was a full cast member from 1999 to 2004. Along with becoming Tina Fey’s “Weekend Update” co-anchor in the 2000 season premiere, Fallon particularly became known for his spot-on impersonations and song parodies – antics that continued to garner him laughs on the “Late Night” stage as well. As far as viewership goes, both Leno and Fallon have remained at the top of the late-night heap. Both shows dominated the 2013 fourth quarter, beating out ABC and CBS in their time periods, and both enjoyed their biggest fourthquarter audiences in the key age group of 18 to 49 since 2010. While “Tonight” brings in more overall viewers, it’s “Late Night” whose audience size is really swelling, up by 16 per cent in total viewers from the previous year’s final quarter, compared to “Tonight’s” nine per cent. With the numbers in mind, the timing is perfect to bring in a fresh face: best to replace Jay while he’s still on top instead of down the road when viewship has dropped off. He hasn’t yet worn out his welcome, but, more than 20 years in, he could have been in danger of doing so soon. Jimmy has less experience (and thank-
fully, a smaller jaw) but he’s also at the top of his game and has the popularity to make him worthy of replacing the big guns. He doesn’t plan to change his style of comedy to match that of his predecessor, either, affirming that his version of “The Tonight Show” will follow the same format as “Late Night.” “It’s more eyeballs watching, but it’s the same show,” he explains on deadline. com. Fallon is known for going beyond a straight interview and showing another side of his celebrity guests by making them act silly and taking them out of the comfort zone of the talk show box. Music is a signature part of his humor, with song parodies and impressions of celebrities that frequently go viral. Neither these nor other key elements of his comedic style are in danger of being left behind when he moves into his new time-slot. That’s not to say that he doesn’t take his predecessor’s wisdom into consideration. The two hosts have kept the lines of communication open since the decision to make the switch was announced, and Fallon has a good deal of respect for the man he’s replacing. “He’s a good guy,” Fallon told “The Globe and Mail.” “He’s really treated me well.” One change he does plan to make based on Leno’s advice is to lengthen his current four-minutes max monologue so that it’s closer to Leno’s, which is generally close to 10. Fallon’s in no danger of lacking love when he steps up as the new host of “The Tonight Show.” Fallon, in turn, is relinquishing his “Late Night” position to fellow “SNL” alum Seth Meyers. Watch Fallon’s “Tonight Show” debut Monday, Feb. 17, on NBC.
Jimmy Fallon as seen in “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”
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American Family Guy South Park King Hill "I King of th e Dad "One "Cartman- Remember Hill "I'm (50) (8815) Little Word" land" Mono" With Cupid"
Action 7
Valen. Charlie Brown
Entertai nment Tonigh t
A Charlie Brown Valentine
Shark Tank One entrepreneur breaks a 'Shark Tank' record.
Action 7 News Live
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Dish Nation
Seinfeld "The Opposite"
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :05 Sochi 14 Ski Jumping News 4 at (M) Individual K-95 Large 10 p.m. Hill, Skeleton (M)
Caso cerrado
La impostora
Un d er Bo s s A hearing Hawaii Five-0 Five-0 impaired employee works investigates the murder with his boss. of a wedding crasher.
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 David Letterman :35 The Late Jennifer Nettles, Michael Late Show Strahan
Wheel of Fortune
La Reina Del Sur
Santa Diabla Hawaii 5-0 "Kupu'eu" Catherine's surveillance job turns deadly.
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Action 7 News Live
Update Doorways to Wisdom Light of the Southwest Update BAS Walking Yohanan News News Presents Salamanca Law & Order: S.V.U . Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern < The B re ak Up ++ ('06) Vince Vaughn. A woman breaks up with her beau to make him miss her. "Valentine's Day" Family Family Family Family "Best Men" Family Friday Night Lights Nin e fo r I X "Unguarded" 30 fo r 30 "Benji" Nin e f or I X "Unguarded" 30 for 30 5:00 NBA Basketball NCAA Basketb all Arizona vs. Arizona State (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r ISKA Karate B o xin g Fight Night (L) Olbermann (L) Olbermann NFL Live < H o n e y ++ ('03) Lil' Romeo, Jessica Alba. R.W. Ex-Plosion Are You The One? Are You The One? < H o n e y ++ < B o n n i e a n d C l y de A thief and a waitress become < B o n n i e a n d C l y de ('13) Holliday Grainger. A thief < B o n n i e a n d C l y de A thief and a waitress become infamous bank robbers. 1/2 cont'd next and a waitress become infamous bank robbers. 2/2 infamous bank robbers. 1/2 cont'd next Cold Justice (N) NBA Basketb all Rising Stars Challenge (L) I n s id e th e APB With Troy Dunn (N) J u s ti c e "He Said, She APB With Said (Vigo County, IN)" T ro y Du n n NBA (L) Say Yes to the D ress: Say Yes to the D ress S o m e th i ng S o m e th i ng Say Yes to th e D res s : S o m e th i ng S o m e th i ng Say Yes to th e D res s : The Big Day "Krystle" "Amanda" (N) Bo rro wed Bo rro wed The Big Day "Amanda" Bo rro wed Bo rro wed The Big Day "Krystle" G o l d R u s h "Rock G o l d R u s h "Man on Sea Gold "The Rescue G o l d R u s h "Man on Bering Sea Gold "The G o l d R u s h "Rock Bottom" Wire" (N) and the Repo" (N) Wire" Rescue and the Repo" Bottom" Unwrapped Unwrapped Diners, Diners, Rachael vs. Guy Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Boardwalk Bites" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in Helix "Survivor Zero" (N) Bitten "Bitten" Helix "Survivor Zero" B eing Human "Pack It Up Pack It In" long-running rivalries. (N) T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) T re e h o us e M a s te rs Ultim a te T re e h o u s es (N) T re e h o us e M a s te rs Ul ti m a te T re e h o u s es T re e h o us e M a s te rs Fan Fest MLB Baseb all C lassics Baltimore Orioles vs. Arizona Diamondbacks August MLB Baseb all C lassics Baltimore Orioles vs. Arizona 12, 2013 Diamondbacks August 13, 2013 RenoReal RenoReal RenoReal RenoReal House House House House Renovation Renovation House House (N) (N) (N) (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Realities Realities Hunters Hunters < T h e H a n g ov e r +++ ('09) Ed Helms. A groom : 1 5 < D u e D a t e ++ ('10) Zach Galifianakis. Two :15 The :45 The :15 < I L o v e Y o u , Man Office Office goes missing in Las Vegas before his wedding. strangers drive a rental car cross-country. +++ ('09) Paul Rudd. Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The Dukes of Hazzard < Mrs . Do u b tfi re +++ ('93) Robin Williams. < C an 't Hard ly W ai t ++ Jennifer Love Hewitt. Best Week Coup les Therapy Coup les Therapy B e s t W e e k M o b W i v es Secrets Secrets F as h ion P o lice (N) Fashion Police C. Lately E! News C. Lately Fashion Police Gilligan Gilligan Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray :35 Ray :10 Q u e e ns :50 Q u e e ns :25 T h e K i n g o f Q u ee n s SpongeB ob Sp ongeBob Mons ter H igh S a m & C a t H a t h a w a y T h u nd e r . Sam & Cat Full House Full House Full House Full House Regular Regular Gumball Gumball Steven/U Uncle Adv.Time TeenTita Annoying King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally GoodLu ck GoodLu ck GoodLu ck GoodLu ck < Fi n d ing N emo +++ :45 Phineas Liv Maddie Austin/ Ally Two and a Two and a M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r < Date Nig h t ++ (2010, Comedy) Steve Carell, Mark Wahlberg, < Date Tina Fey. A married couple is kidnapped while on a dinner date. N i g h t ++ Half Men Half Men Mother Mother Mother Mother F irs t 48 "A Date With The First 48 Th e F irs t 48 "Birthday Th e F irs t 48 "Missing" F irs t 48 "A Date With The First 48 Death/ Paid in Blood" Girl" Death/ Paid in Blood" < F a c e / O f f ++ (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen, John Travolta. A FBI T h e W a l k i n g D e a d < Su rv iv al o f th e Dead ('10) Kenneth Welsh, Alan "After" man trades faces with a convicted criminal. Van Sprang. A group of rogue soldiers seek safety. American Pickers "What American Pickers American Pickers "The American Pickers American Pickers "What American Pickers Happens in Sturgis" "California Gold Mine" King's Ransom" "Mike's Breakdown" Happens in Sturgis" "California Gold Mine" < East of Ed en ++++ ('55) Julie Harris, James : 1 5 < M a rty ++++ ('55) Ernest Borgnine. A shy < L o v e M e o r L e a v e M e +++ ('55) Doris Day. Dean. Two sons compete for their father's love. butcher from the Bronx yearns for romance. Ruth Etting's struggle to escape a gangster. 4:00 < Eve's Bayou 106 & P ark: BET's T o p < A Th in Lin e Betw een Lo v e an d Hate ++ ('96, Comedy) Regina King, Lynn Being Mary Jane "Exposed" +++ Samuel L. Jackson. 10 Liv e (P) (N) Whitfield, Martin Lawrence. An uncouth nightclub owner meets his match. Cops C ops Cops Jail C ops Cops C o ps "Liar C o ps C o ps C o ps "Liar 10 Million Bigfoot "36 Liar #2" Liar #4" Hours of Hell" The Millionaire Millionaire The Millionaire < T h e F a m i l y M a n ++ (2001, Drama) Téa Leoni, Don Cheadle, < Nicolas Cage. A money broker experiences an alternate life. Someth in ... Matchmaker "Workaholics" Matchmaker
Friday, February 14, 2014
Friday Best Bets
Masterpiece Classic Robert and Thomas make a sudden trip.
Eyewitness Eyewitness So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Figure Skating (M) Gold Medal, Alpine Skiing (M) Super News 4 at Combined Gold Medal, Freestyle Skiing (W) Aerials Gold Medal, Skeleton (W) Gold Medal 6:30
(12) I s ra e l
M o n k Monk realizes he M o n k Monk undergoes American fingered the wrong killer hypnotic therapy to treat Dad in a case. his OCD.
The Cleveland Life, Please" S h o w
(8) N e w s 4
How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Your Half Men Half Men "The Mother Secretary"
(7) N e w s L i v e
Wh os e L in e Whose Line The Originals Davina's M o th e r "Shawn Is It? sickness affects the entire "DesperaJohnson" "Maggie Q" French Quarter. tion Day"
S i m p so n s
The Big Bang Theory
(6) "Take My
Bones "The Woman in Enlisted White" Brennan and "Pilot" Booth finally tie the knot.
Family Feud
Raising News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show H o p e "Déjà on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Vu Man"
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e
The Big
Market to Market
(5) B a n g
N o t i c i a s U n i v i s i o n Ne w Mexico Great Performances "National Theatre: 50 Years on Stage" This venerable institution celebrates its 50th. (N)
PBS NewsHour
(4) F e u d
Que Pobres Tan Ricos
P o r S i e m p re M i A mo r
Mentir Para Vivir
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo WashinCharlie gton Week Rose: The (N) Week (N)
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160)
Alex O’Loughlin and Scott Caan star in “Hawaii Five-0”
Bones (4)
7:00 p.m.
Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Booth (David Boreanaz) finally tie the knot in this milestone episode. However, their nuptials hit a snag when a woman’s body is discovered at the time of the rehearsal. Cyndi Lauper, Ryan O’Neal and David Hornsby guest star.
(252) (108) (245) (138)
A Charlie Brown Valentine
(280) (183)
7:30 p.m.
(229) (112)
Romance is in the air but, as usual, Charlie Brown just can’t catch a break as he pines for the little redheaded girl in this animated special. When he tries to call his crush to ask her to the dance, Peppermint Patty answers and he goes with her.
(247) (139)
Hawaii Five-0
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
Kick off two hours of this re-booted series as Five-0 investigates a runaway bride suspected to be the murderer of a wedding crasher. Meanwhile, Danny (Scott Caan) makes a big decision that will affect his relationship with Gabby (Autumn Reeser).
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118)
8:00 p.m.
(254) (130)
(269) (120)
(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
8:00 p.m.
Daniel (Meegwun Fairbrother) makes a startling discovery about his identity in this new episode. Meanwhile, Hatake (Hiroyuki Sanada) rescues Walker (Kyra Zagorsky) from the team of mercenaries.
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(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)
Prog. pagado Prog. pagado Pocoyo Backyardigans Zigby Maya y Miguel Dora/ Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Prog. pagado Prog. pagado La hora pico W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood W o o ds m i th Sh o p S o u th w e s t Test Kitchen Taste of History Mexican Table Motorweek Garden Home Victory Garden Paint This Joy of Painting KRQE News 13 Animal Atlas Animal Rescue DragonflyTV Animal Science Weekend Marketplace Family Style On the Spot Paid Program Paid Program Rescue Heroes Rescue Heroes Sonic X Bolts and Blip Spider-Man J u s ti c e L e a g u e D r a g o n B a l l Z Digimon Fu sion Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh ZEX Paid Program Paid Program Bloopers Hollywood Career Day Winning Edge Live Life & Win! Eco Comp any Think Big Co o l es t E a rth Bounty Hunter Reliable Nissan Action 7 News More in the Morning Wild Co untd. Ocean Myst. Born to Explore Sea Rescue Wildlife Docs Expedition Wild 5 : 0 0 S a t u r d a y T o d a y (N) E yewitness News 4 Weekend T h e C h i c a S h o w N o o d l e Do od l e J u s t i n T i m e Tree Fu Tom LazyTown Noddy P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs Raggs Noodle LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Super Latina O p e rac i o n Re p o < F a c e / O f f ('97) John Travolta. 5 : 0 0 C B S T h i s M o r n in g S a t u r d a y K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g L u c k y D o g Dr. Chris Vet Recipe Rehab Minute Meals A l l i n W i t h L ai l a G a m e C h ang e rs N C A A B aske tb al l Pit./UNC (L) 5:00 Light of the South Donkey Ollie Dr. Wonder Retro News KingdomWar Dr. Pendleton Acquire the Fire Joe McGee Doug Stringer Dollars & Sense HaYesod Paid Program N C I S "Love & War" N C I S "Bounce" N C I S "South by Southwest" So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Ice Hockey (M) Sweden vs. Latvia (L) S p o rts C en tu ry "Hank Aaron" S p o rts C en tu ry "Jim Brown" S p o rts C en tu ry "Dan Marino" S p o rts C en tu ry "Jerry West" 30 fo r 30 "Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau" 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e G am ed ay N C A A B a sk etb al l (L) S p o rts C en te r F e a tu re d E:60 SportsNation S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A B a sketb all (L) Girl Code Girl Code Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Th e Real World Ex-Plosion The Real World Ex-Plosion Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P ro gram Paid Program Paid Program Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s < T h e W i f e H e M e t O n l i n e ('12) Barbara Niven, Cameron Mathison. APB With Troy Dunn D a l l a s "The Last Hurrah" Dallas "Truth and Consequences" Dallas "The Enemy of My Enemy" Law & Ord e r "Driven" < Stomp the Yard + Paid Program Paid Program Lo ttery "Wiccan Millionaire" Lo ttery "Doorman Millionaire" Lo ttery "Island Dreamers" Lo ttery "Janitor Millionaire" Un to ld Sto ries "Cowboy Chaos" Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e An n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Sandwich King Guy's Big Bite Best Thing Best Thing I Ate Brunch Bobby P ione er Woman P ione e r W oman S. K i tche n Paid Program Paid Program < S i n C i t y +++ (2005, Crime Story) Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke. < C h i l d re n o f M en ++++ ('06, Sci-Fi) Julianne Moore, Clive Owen. < T h e A b y s s Cats 101 T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program D e s t i n a t i o n (N) G o l f (N) Swing Clinic Tee It Up Match Play F . P h e n om s (N) H.S. S o c c e r AIA Championship (L) Yard C ras h e rs Yard C ras h e rs C ras h e rs (N) Yard Crashers Property Brothers P ro p erty "Samira and Shawn" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Angie and Tito" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Active in the City" House of Payne The Browns We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Loves Ray < I L o v e Y o u , M a n +++ ('09) Rashida Jones, Paul Rudd. < D u e D a t e ++ 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. CMT Social Hour 4:00 VH1 + Music VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH 1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn B e s t W e e k E v e r < C an 't Hard ly W ai t ++ ('98) Ethan Embry, Jennifer Love Hewitt. M o b W i v es The Soup Fashion Police S e c r e t s F a s h i o n E ! N e w s W e e k e n d (N) Taylor Swift Kard ash "Loving and Letting Go" T h e K a r d as h i a n s "How to Deal" :25 The Exes Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne :55 Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper P e ng ui ns Odd Pare nts S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob SanjayCraig C l e v e l a nd S h o w K i n g o f t h e H i l l L o o n e y T u n es L o o n e y T u n es L e g en d s C h i m a K n i g h t s (N) BeyRaid e rz (N) P o k ém o n X Y (N) B e n 1 0 (N) Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Uncle Grandpa F i s h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s H e n r y H u g g l e Mickey M. D o c M c S tu f f i n s J a k e Nev er Lan d S o fia th e F irs t < F i n d i ng N e mo +++ ('03) Albert Brooks. :45 P hi neas Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program El l e n 2/2 B u f f y V a m p i r e "Tough Love" Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half < A rm o re d ++ C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Perennials" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Zugzwang" F l i p T h i s H o u s e "Suburban Steal" F l i p T h i s H o u s e "Flip 101" F l i p H o u s e "Hurricane Ike Flip" Crazy Hearts: Nashville The Rifleman The Rifleman Rawhide < T h e B i g C o un t r y +++ (1958, Western) Jean Simmons, Charlton Heston, Gregory Peck. A captain is forced into a battle over water rights. T h e A n t i c h r i s t 1/2 cont'd next T h e A n t i c h r i s t "Zero Hour" 2/2 Hitler and the Occult Mysteries of the Freemasons Holy Grail in America < T h e T a l k o f t h e T o w n +++ ('42) Jean Arthur, Cary Grant. < F a t h e r o f t h e B r i d e ++++ ('50) Elizabeth Taylor, Spencer Tracy. < T h e G o od b y e G i r l ++++ ('77) Marsha Mason, Richard Dreyfuss. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters Auction Hunters H o u s e M i a m i "Reunion Part 1" R e a l H o u s e w i v e s "Viva Mexico" H o u s e w i ve s "Pirate Booty Call" W i v e s N J "Scum One, Scum All" B e v e r l y "Palm Springs Breakers" Atlanta "Peaches Divided"
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Sabadazo H u m o r c o m ed . N o tic i e ro : F D S :55 M F L Fú tb o l Puebla F.C. vs. Cruz Azul (L) Oil Painting Quilt in a Day Quilting Arts Fons & Porter C r e a t i v e L i v i n g C o o k in g /C l a s s H o m e t i m e T h i s O l d H o us e A s k - O l d H o u s e W e lc o m e S t u d io S e w i n g N a n c y S e w I t A l l Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Hoops Tip-Off N C A A B a sk etb al l Xavier vs. Marquette (L) Paid Program Paid Program Sports Gone Wild Paid Program Paid Program Friends Reliable Nissan Friends 'Til Death < D u p l e x ++ ('03, Comedy) Drew Barrymore, Eileen Essel, Ben Stiller. G l e e "Rumours" < Ro b o ts ++ ('05) Voices of Robin Williams, Ewan McGregor. Paid Program Paid Program < I m a g i n e Th a t + (2009, Comedy) Thomas Haden Church, Ronny Cox, Eddie Murphy. Paid Program Race Week Paid Program Celebrity Wife Swap ESPN Sports Saturday Paid Program Red Carpet Action 7 News ABC News Pets.TV Havas Edge Hav as Edg e I n s id e r W e e k . Sochi 2014 Winte r Olympics News 4 @ 5 NBC News 1 1 : 0 0 < F a c e / O f f John Travolta. < C a s i d i v a s ++ (2008, Comedy) Maya Zapata, Patricia Llaca, Julio Bracho. R i tm o d e p o rtiv o O p e ra c i o n R e p o V i d e os a s o mb ro so s 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . Pit./UNC (L) P G A G o l f Northern Trust Open Site: Riviera Country Club -- Pacific Palisades, Calif. (L) N C A A M e n (N) P a i d P r o g r a m E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 1 3 Update News Walking Dr. Rik Wadge Uri H arel Light of the Southwes t Best of Week Doorways to Wisd om BAS Presents Day Discovery 10:00 Sochi 14 M o d e rn F am i l y M o d e rn F am i l y M o d e rn F am i l y N C I S "Judgement Day" 1/2 N C I S "Judgement Day" Pt. 2 of 2 N C I S "Endgame" N C I S "Shabbat Shalom" 1/2 1 1 : 3 0 3 0 f o r 3 0 "Big Shot" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" ESPN Films 30 fo r 30 "9.79*" 30 fo r 30 "Bernie and Ernie" N C A A B a sketb all (L) N C A A B a sk etb al l (L) N C A A B a sk etb al l (L) N C A A B a sketb all (L) N C A A B a sk etb al l (L) N C A A B a sk etb al l Georgia State vs. Troy State (L) Are You The One? Are You The One? Are You The One? The Playbook For: Hooking Up and Break Up < T h e R o o m m a te ++ < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < A N a n n y 's R e v e n g e ('12) Jodi Lyn O'Keef, Victoria Pratt. < T a k e n f o r R a n s o m ('13) Tia Carrere, Chazz Palminteri, Teri Polo. 11:00 < Stomp the Yard + < G ri d i ro n G a n g +++ ('06) Xzibit, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. : 1 5 < W a l k i n g T a l l +++ ('04) Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. NBA All S tar Weekend Un to ld Sto ries "Twists & Turns" Un to ld "Headaches and Zombies" Un to ld Sto ries "Frozen!" Un to ld Sto ries "Cows & Stilettos" Un to ld Sto ries "Stuck in a Toilet" Un to ld "Chocolate Pudding" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d K i t c h e n "The Kitchen on Ice" (N) R a c h a e l v s . G u y "Sink Or Swim" M y s te ry D i n e rs M y s te ry D i n e rs R e s ta u ran t "Mumbo Jumbo" Diners... "Guy's Hometown Tour" W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a 1 1 : 3 0 < T h e A b y ss +++ ('89) Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Ed Harris. Divers find alien life while searching for a submarine. < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : A t W o r l d ' s E n d +++ ('07) Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp. T o B e A n n o u n ce d 10:30 Soccer C-USA Show H.S. S o c c e r AIA Tournament (L) I c o ns C o a c h i ng H .S. S o c c e r AIA Tournament (L) UEF A M a g . (N) P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p erty V irg in s P ro p e rty V irg in s P ro p e rty V irg in s P ro p e rty V irg in s P ro p e rty V ir g i n s H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs 1 1 : 0 0 < D u e D a t e ++ Friends Friends Friends Friends King of Queens King of Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot 20 Countdo wn R e d n e c k F a m i l y S w a m p P a w n "Buggin' Out" Swamp Pawn Swamp Pawn 11:30 M o b W i v e s C o u p l e s T h e r a p y Lo v e Hip "The Reunion - Part Two" B e s t W e e k E v e r S a t u r d a y N i g h t L i v e Saturday Night Live S a t . N i g h t "Jon Hamm/ Rihanna" K a r d as h "And All That Jazzzzzzz" K a r d as h "A Surprise Engagement" S p o r t s I l l u s t r a t e d : 5 0 Y e a r s o f B e a u t i f u l E! News Weekend #Rich Kids #Rich Kids Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch :35 BradyB. :10 Gilligan :50 Gilligan :20 Gilligan :55 Gilligan Ninja Turtles R a b b i d sI n v (N) M e g a (N) S p o ng e Bob < J i n x e d (2013, Family) Jay Brazeau, Ciara Bravo. T h u nd e rm a n s T h u nd e rm a n s S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Liv and Maddie I Didn't Do It A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Jessie Jessie Jessie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Austin and Ally 1 1 : 3 0 < A r m o r e d ++ ('09) Jean Reno, Matt Dillon. < E a g l e E y e ++ (2008, Action) Billy Bob Thorton, Michelle Monaghan, Shia LaBeouf. < S t a r T re k ++ (2009, Sci-Fi) Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Chris Pine. C razy Hear ts "All Trucked Up" C raz y "Friends Without Benefits" D o n 't T ru s t Don't Trust Don't Trust Don't Trust Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars < U n f o r g i v e n +++ (1992, Western) Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, Clint Eastwood. < F a c e / O f f ++ (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen, John Travolta. 11:00 Holy Grail in America The Templar C od e : C ru s ad e o f S e c rec y The Dark Ages Pawn Stars Pawn Stars 31 Da ys o f Os car "Best Picture Nominee Marathon" < B u tc h C a s s i d y a nd th e S u n d a n ce K i d +++ ('69) Paul Newman. < F i e l d o f D re a m s +++ ('89) James Earl Jones, Kevin Costner. Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a Moesh a < A T h i n L i n e B e t w e e n L o v e & ... Auction Hunters Thrift Hunters A u c ti o n H u n te rs T h ri f t H u n te rs Auction Hunters Auction Hunters C ops Cops Cops Jail Cops Jail T o p 1 0 "Dinners From Hell" The Millionaire Matchmaker V a n d e r p u m p R u l e s "Reunion" 1/2 Beverly Hills "Trail of Doubts" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta A tl a n ta "Peaches Divided"
S (41)
(27) (143) (209)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
D (41)
(27) (143) (209)
Friday, February 14, 2014
La Familia P. Luche
Report America's (3) F ro m S a n ta Heartlan d Fe
Paid (4) P ro g ram
Paid Program
S á b a d o g ig a n t e Lawrence Welk Features Y o u B e i n g S e r v e d ? 'Bamballino,' 'Singing in S e r v e d ? "Happy the Rain' and more. "Bliss Girl" Returns"
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Humor Noticiero comed. Univision AC Limit "Arcade Fire" :05 N o v a A team of Arcade Fire performs bricklayers try to recreate songs from 'The Suburbs.' The Duomo.
Rake Keegan defends T h e F o l l o w i ng "Family News 13 News 13 Lucas Bros. three Amish men accused Affair" Ryan hunts down o n 2 K A S A o n 2 K A S A /:15 Golan of a hate crime. a dangerous suspect.
Action 7
Paid Program
< Dreamgirls ++ (2006, Musical) Beyoncé Knowles, Eddie Murphy, Jamie
Foxx. Three women struggle to become Broadway music stars.
Ey e wi tn e ss E ye wi tn e ss So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Alpine Skiing (W) Super-G Gold Medal, Short Track Speed News 4 at Skating (M) 1000m Gold Medal, Speed Skating (M) 1500m Gold Medal, Ski Jumping (M) 6:30 Individual K-125 Large Hill Gold Medal
(8) N e w s 4
< Un a Niñ e ra a p ru e b a d e b alas (2005, Family) (9) Lauren Graham, Faith Ford, Vin Diesel.
Jeopardy! (10) W e e k e nd
Wheel of Fortune W e e k e nd
Exploring With the (12) S c h o l a rs N C I S "Shiva" Pt. 2 of 2
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
A x e C o p /:45 < O l d S c h o o l +++ Axe Cop ('03) Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Luke Wilson. Queens "Affair Trade"
Family Guy F amily Guy Wh i t e Co l l ar The team "Padre De goes undercover into the Familia" world of gambling. Action 7 News Live
< Takers (2010, Action) Hayden Christensen, Matt
Titulares Dillon, Chris Brown. T e l e m u nd o I n t e r e s t Reese and Finch < The Whole Gritty City (2014, Docu-Drama) New KRQE News Orleans marching bands prepare for Mardi Gras. (P) 13 meet their match in a tech billionaire.
Private Practice
Eyewitness Sochi 2014 Winte r News 4 at Ol ym p ic s Curling (W) 10 p.m. U.S. vs. Sweden Operacion 12 corazones Repo : 3 5 C l o se r "Flashpoint" A : 3 5 Unsealed: prominent doctor is Alien Files murdered in his office.
First Fruits Biblical Doorways to Wisdom of Zion Israel < I n th e Heat o f th e Nig h t ++++ ('67) Sidney :05 Law & Order: S .V.U. :05 Law & Order: S .V.U. Law & Order: Special Poitier. A detective must work with a racist sheriff. "Raw" "Denial" V i c ti m s Un i t "Outsider" SE C S t o ri e d "Croom" N i n e f o r I X "Unguarded" 30 fo r 30 "Benji" N i n e f o r I X "Unguarded" 30 for 30 C o l l e g e G am ed ay N C A A Basketb all Florida vs. Kentucky (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A Basketb all BYU vs. St. Mary's (L) 30 fo r 30 "Survive and Advance" Basketball NCAA Basketball 5 : 0 0 < T h e R o om m at e Are You The One? Are You The One? R.W. Ex-Plosion R.W. Ex-Plosion Jerks Jerks < T h e G o od M i s t r e ss ('14) Annie Heise. A young < N o n -S to p ('14) Jim O'Heir, Lacey Chabert. A < T h e G o od M i s t r e ss ('14) Annie Heise. A young woman get caught up in a town scandal. woman puts everyone on a plan in danger. woman get caught up in a town scandal. NBA TipNBA Basketb all All-Star Saturday Night (L) NBA Al l S ta r W e e k en d < G ri d i ro n G a n g +++ Offenders have a second Off (L) shot at life because of sports. Un to ld Sto ries "Escaping Un to ld Sto ries "Secrets" Sex Sen t M e to th e E.R. Un to ld Sto ries "Escaping Un to ld Sto ries "Secrets" Sex Sen t M e to th e E.R. Diagnosis" "Valentine's Surprise" Diagnosis" "Valentine's Surprise" My th "Supersonic Ping T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d M y th B u s te r "Supersonic Pong/ Ice Cannon" (N) Ping Pong/ Ice Cannon" W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a W o r s t C o o ks i n A m e r i c a Wo rs tC o oks "Face Your W .C o o ks "Revisit Your Wo rs tC o oks "So Close I "Straight Edge Skills" "Fire And Ice" "Do It Yourself Cooking" Fear of Feeding Others" Past Before the Last" Can Almost Taste It" 3:30 < Pirates of the < T h e L a s t A i r b e n d e r ++ ('10) Noah Ringer. An < X 2: X -M e n Un ited +++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, C arib b e an : At Wo rl d 's ... avatar protects the Water, Earth and Air nations. Patrick Stewart. An operation is launched to annihilate all mutants. T o o C u te ! (N) Pit Bulls and Parolees P i t Bu l l s (N) Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Too Cute! L u m b e rj a c k N C A A Basketb all Eastern Washington vs. Northern D i a m o n d - H.S. S o c c e r AIA Tournament Boys Division I F i g h t S p o rts K n o c kou ts ! Score Arizona Women's (L) backs Championship Property Brothers Property Brothers House House House House Property Brothers House House "Extended Family Fun" "Caitlin and Steve" Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters "Caitlin and Steve" Hunters Hunters BigBang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang K i n g o f N e rd s "Ready, C o ug ar Men at < Z o o l a n d e r ++ ('01) Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller. "Pilot" Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Set, Robot Dodgeball" Town Work 5:30 Swamp T a tto o T i ta n s < R o a d H o u s e ++ ('89) Sam Elliott, Patrick Swayze. S w am p P aw n (N) Redneck C o ps < P ri v ate P arts ++ ('97) Mary McCormack, Howard Stern. < T h e S w i t c h ++ ('10) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman. < P ri v ate P arts ++ < He's Ju s t No t Th at I n to Yo u ++ ('09) Ginnifer Goodwin. #Rich Kids The Soup C. Lately Sports Illustrated: 50 Years of Beautiful 5:55 Gilligan : 2 5 G i l l i g a n L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y : 4 0 Q u e e ns : 1 5 Q u e e ns : 5 5 Q u e e ns S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob H ath away S am & C at S am & C at S am & C at S am , C at Hath away Thunder. Awesome Full House Full House Adv.Time Adv.Time Steven Uncle < S c o o b y D o o 2: M o n s te rs Un l e a s h ed ++ King of Hill King of Hill Family Guy Family Guy A u s t i n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k < G o o d L u c k C h a r l i e , I t ' s C h r i s t m a s ! A u s t i n / A l l y L a b R a t s Kickin' It 4 : 0 0 < S t a r < I ro n M a n 2 +++ ('10) Don Cheadle, Robert Downey Jr.. A < Un d e rwo rld : Awaken in g ++ ('12) Michael Ealy. < Un d e rwo rld : Trek ++ man is pressured to reveal is superhero technology. Humans wage war against Vampire and Lycan clans. Awa ke ni n g ++ Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas Wars Texas < S n a k e s o n a P l a ne ++ Julianna Margulies. An < I A m L e g e n d +++ ('07) Alice Braga, Will Smith. < 28 D ays La ter +++ ('02) Naomie Harris, Cillian assassin tries to take out a witness in a mob trial. A lone plague survivor struggles to find a cure. Murphy. A virus turns humans into angry zombies. P aw n "Hot P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn "Hot P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars and Colt" and Colt" < A l l Q u i e t o n t h e W e s t e r n F r o n t ++++ ('30) Lew Ayres, < T h e B i g H o u s e +++ ('30) Wallace :15 < T h e D i v o r c e e +++ ('30) Chester Morris, Louis Wolheim. Naive German boys have unexpected experiences. Beery, Robert Montgomery. Norma Shearer. A married woman has an affair. 5 : 0 0 < A T h i n L i n e B e t w e e n L o v e a n d H a t e ++ < No to rio u s ++ (2008, Biography) Mohamed Dione, Derek Luke, Jamal < Sugar Hill ++ ('94) An uncouth nightclub owner meets his match. Woolard. The life and death of Chris Wallace (Notorious B.I.G.). Wesley Snipes. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Auction Thrift C o ps C o ps Hunters Hunters < L eg al l y B l on d e ++ ('01) Reese Witherspoon. A < C o yo te Ug ly ++ ('00) Piper Perabo. A shy girl < C o yo te Ug ly ++ ('00) Piper Perabo. A shy girl sorority girl follows her boyfriend to Harvard. blossoms while working at a New York bar. blossoms while working at a New York bar.
Friday, February 14, 2014
House Calls Joe McGee Light of the S outhwest Best of Week
Saturday Best Bets
Natu re Animals build homes for reasons similar to our own.
N C A A Basketb all New Mexico State vs. Chicago State (L)
Futurama Futurama "Viva Mars "Rebirth" Vegas"
S A F 3 "Let It Burn"
(7) N e w s L i v e
C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty T h e M i dd l e The Middle M o d e rn Modern Two and a Two and a Seinfeld "The Bee" "The Break- Family Family Half Men Ha l f M en "The Up" "Yard Sale" "Arrested" Switch"
BBang "The T h e B i g Bang Algorithm" T h eo ry
(5) Friendship
(50) (8815)
(25) (8819)
Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce Knowles and Anika Noni Rose as seen in “Dreamgirls”
Stomp the Yard (27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
11:00 a.m.
After a dance competition turns into a brawl, young D.J. Williams (Columbus Short) is thrown in jail. His desperate mother sends him to a school in Atlanta, where his dancing skills gain him acceptance at a major fraternity.
(245) (138)
Face/ Off
(280) (183)
3:00 p.m.
(229) (112)
John Travolta stars as Sean Archer, an FBI agent who literally trades faces with a convicted criminal in an attempt to find a bomb. This blockbuster action film was the third of John Woo’s Americanmade feature films, and also starred Nicolas Cage.
(247) (139)
Star Trek
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
(265) (118)
In this re-boot of the classic sci-fi franchise, a young Kirk (Chris Pine) is recruited to Star Fleet, where he and his crew battle Nero (Eric Bana), a Romulan out for revenge. The film also stars Zoe Saladana, Simon Pegg and Zachary Quinto as Spock.
(254) (130)
(269) (120)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)
(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136)
(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
An all-star cast brings the Tonywinning musical to the screen in this Oscar-winning film. Set in the 1960s, the movie follows the meteoric rise of three singers. However, the small-town girls soon learn that fame comes at a price.
Cooking thisweek 7:00 p.m.
Tie breaker: ‘Worst Cooks in America’ brings back Burrell and Flay By Andrew Warren TV Media
e all have that person in our lives. You know the one I mean: the dad who chars every cut of meat he lays a hand on until it’s indistinguishable from a hockey puck; the sister who somehow, without explanation, can’t boil a pot of rice without something going horribly awry; the cousin whose palate is so refined that he can barely taste the difference between chocolate and brussels sprouts. And that’s really the charm of “Worst Cooks in America,” whose fifth season is getting fired up on the Food Network on Monday, Feb. 17. As fun as it is to laugh at the antics, the ineptitude and sometimes just the sheer boneheadedness of the culinary recruits on screen, at the end of the day it’s a loving kind of laughter, really no different than what we direct at the kitchen bumblers in our own lives. As in seasons past, the premiere will introduce us to 14 of America’s worst home cooks — as nominated by their “loved ones.” Luckily for them, though, they’re being given the enviable opportunity to learn under two of the best. Over seven episodes, celebrity chefs Anne Burrell and Bobby Flay will whip these dinner dunces into shape at their culinary boot camp. It’s do-or-die for these cooks, too: mess up too much and they’ll be sent packing. It’s a survival-of-the-fittest competition that would have made Charles Darwin proud, but there’s a reason for
(35) Unwrapped
7:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
8:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
(35) Guy’s Grocery Games
9:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
7:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:00 p.m. (35) Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-off 9:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
SATURDAY 6:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America 7:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America 8:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America 9:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America 10:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America
Host Anne Burrell as seen in “Worst Cooks in America” this ruthless cutting of the weakest by one of the best, the pressure seems links: both Burrell and Flay have their like a small price to pay. own reputations on the line. As the Last season was a stunning upset in chefs each teach their chosen team favor of Flay. After three seasons, Burproper knife skills, explain the impor- rell was undefeated, with her chosen tance of seasoning and train these recruits having beaten out those of neophytes’ palates up to par, they’ll chefs Beau MacMillan, Robert Irvine also be eliminating the home cooks and even Bobby Flay. Season 4 saw who just can’t seem to get themselves Flay returning with a vengeance, up to snuff. though, and in the end, Alina BolshakIn the end, the two remaining ova was named the best of the worst cooks — one from team Burrell and and finally gave Burrell a taste of deone from team Flay — will each be feat. preparing a three-course meal for a With Burrell and Flay each holding panel of restaurant critics. Pressure? a win against the other, this season’s You betcha. But with $25,000 at stake recruits are walking into a tiebreaker for the winner, not to mention the inseason. It promises to be heartwarmvaluable experience of being trained ing, funny and exciting TV.
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4501 N. Main Roswell, NM 88202 Movie Hotline (575) 623-1010
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
10:00 p.m. (35) Worst Cooks in America
TUESDAY 6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m. (35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
8:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
9:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
WEDNESDAY 6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m. (35) Sandwich King
7:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
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(35) Unwrapped
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
7:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 6:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped 8:00 p.m. (35) Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-off 9:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games 10:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives
THURSDAY 6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman
6:30 p.m. (35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen
7:00 p.m. (35) Cupcake Wars
8:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
9:00 p.m. (35) Chopped
10:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. (35) The Pioneer Woman 6:30 p.m. (35) Rachael Ray’s 3 in the Bag
(35) Chopped Canada
Roswell Daily Record: Food Feb 14, 2014 to Feb 20, 2014
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Friday, February 14, 2014
Did you know?
Television Crossword ACROSS 1 Transform, like in a Sci-Fi movie 6 Mary Tyler Moore famously tossed hers in the air 9 Decline 12 Event attendee with the microphone 13 Scottish “Gee!” 14 Mr. Fleischer (White House Press Secretary, once) 15 Son on “Bonanza” played by Michael Landon: 2 wds. 17 Hawaiian volcano, Mauna __ 18 Impressionist painter 19 Neither Rep. nor Dem. 20 Ms. Turner of “Northern Exposure” 23 “The Chronicles of __: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” (2005) 25 Whichever 26 Clothesline fastener 27 Coherent 30 Give way 33 Alphabetic trio 34 Speedwagon’s lead-in 35 The __ (Family on “Arrested Development”) 38 Showbiz personality/actor, Charles __ Reilly (b.1931 - d.2007) 41 Husband of “The Talk” co-host Sharon ...his initials-sharers 42 HBO’s “Boardwalk __” 44 “__ Got a Secret”
45 Genre for “Keeping up with the Kardashians”: 2 wds. 49 Modern: German 50 Shooting marble 51 Single-named songstress 52 Aerobics-taking class locale 53 Mos. and mos. 54 Unflappable DOWN 1 Funnyman Mr. Brooks 2 Ancient hereditary title of Japan 3 Something the cashier gives you, for short 4 Laboratory dish 5 Moviedom’s Ms. Mirren 6 Hotel chain with the slogan ‘Go Happy. Go __.’ 7 Flip _ __ (Choose by chance) 8 Kate’s ex-husband Jon Gosselin is on the current season of VH1’s “Couples __” 9 The __ (Family on ‘90s drama “Party of Five”) 10 ‘Rice-_-__, The San Francisco Treat!’ 11 Food Network chef Ms. De Laurentiis 16 Hydrocarbon suffix 20 Flier to Narita Intl. Airport 21 Babylonian sky god 22 _ _ _ __ (The Guggenheim, e.g.) 24 King, in Portugal
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28 Percentage on a charge card [abbr.] 29 Shannen of “Beverly Hills, 90210” 31 British singer Mr. Sayer 32 Wear 35 Comics sound effect for a noise of a spring 36 “Gilligan’s Island” millionairess 37 Besmirch 38 Zero 39 Mr. Dane’s of acting 40 “__ __ Be Me” by The Everly Brothers 43 Canine’s feet 46 Former-NBAer, __ Ming 47 Numerical prefix 48 House feature, Central-__ Solution on page 4
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Bob Maples, Pastor
Faith in God is dangerous. It put Jesus A/United Church on the cross. It may do of Roswell the same1x4" for us. But it won’t end there. There is coming a resurrection so great that we will know by actual experience that it is the only way for us to live. Now, let’s go celebrate!
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(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)
Prog. pagado Misa Catolica Para volver a amar Al punto Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a Tras la Verdad Smart Travels S e c o nd O p i n i on A n t i q u e "Eugene (Hour Three)" G o s pe l "Women of Homecoming" J o y o f M u s i c Joy of Music American Experience G . T r e k k e r "Ice Trekking the Alps" Paid Program C a th o l i c M a s s L e g ac y C h u rc h B e l i e v e r C e n te r F o x N e w s Su n d a y Joel Osteen Homebu ilders Paid Program Paid Program N A S C A R R a c in g Daytona 500 (L) Paid Program Catholic Mass E. Stanton Missing An. Exploration Jack Hanna Into the Wild Dog Tales The Connection P aid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass Bloopers Tro bad ou r LatiNation American Latino Paid Program Paid Program Raw Travel Game Time Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning T h i s W e e k (N) Hollywood T e e n K i d s N e w s H o m e o wn e r Paid Program O n th e M o n e y T h i s O l d H o us e S u n d a y T od a y (N) Who Rocks E x p re s s M ed i a M e e t th e P re s s N e w M ex i c o Havas Edge H a v as Ed g e Brad Francis P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Raggs Raggs Noodle LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Operacion Repo Enfoque < Stuart Little 2 K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g C B S S u n d a y M o r n ing Face the Nation AMA Supercross N C A A B aske tb al l Wisc./Mich. (L) 5:00 Light of the Southwest Walking Life Beyond I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Day Disco v ery Do o rw a y s to W i sd om M i n i s te ri o s N u eva V i d a 5 : 3 0 S o c h i 2 0 1 4 Ice Hockey (M) Russia vs. Slovakia (L) Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Angels" Law & Ord e r: S.V .U . "Mean" So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Ice Hockey (M) Finland vs. Canada (L) S p o rts C en tu ry "Reggie Jackson" S p o rts C en tu ry "Tim Flock" S p o rts C en tu ry "Walter Payton" S p o rts C en tu ry "Richard Petty" 30 fo r 30 "Big Shot" 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r Outside Lines Sp o rts Rep o rt. S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A B a ske tb al l Ken./Ten. (L) 5:30 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r Outside Lines Sp o rts Rep o rt. S p o rts C en te r F e a tu re d NHRA Drag Rac ing N C A A B aske tb al l (L) Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Girl Code Girl Code Amazing Facts David Jeremiah Joel Osteen Paid Program Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s < S e x t i n g i n S u b u r b i a ('11, Dra) Jenn Proske, Ryan Kelley, Liz Vassey. < T h e C h e a t i n g P a c t 5 : 0 0 N B A B a s k e t b a l l All-Star Saturday Night TBA L a w & O r d e r "Illegal" Law & Ord e r "Executioner" Law & Ord e r "Tango" Law & Ord e r "Betrayal" Paid Program Paid Program S a y Y e s / D re s s S a y Y e s / D re s s S a y Y e s / D re s s S a y Y e s / D re s s S a y Y e s / D re s s S a y Y e s / D re s s S a y Y e s / D r e s s S a y Y e s / D re s s 90 D a y "90 Days Isn't Enough" Paid Program Paid Program G o l d R u s h "Man on Wire" Bering Sea Gold T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Paid Program R ay's .. . "The World in a Day" Farm Rules 3 in the B ag Pioneer Woman S. Kitchen G u y ' s B i g B i t e S a n d w i c h (N) Paid Program Paid Program Twilight Zone Twilight Zone < O u t l a n d e r ++ (2008, Sci-Fi) Sophia Myles, John Hurt, James Caviezel. < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : A t W o r l d 's E n d +++ Un tam e d "Pregnant Tiger Rescue" F i n d i ng B i g f o o t: F u rth e r E v i d e n c e B i g f o o t "Return to Boggy Creek" B i g f o o t "Surf's Up, Sasquatch" B i g f o o t "Best Evidence Yet" B i g f o o t "Kung-Fu Bigfoot" Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Th e Gam e 365 F i s h i ng (N) C o u rts id e (N) Halls of Fame N C A A B a s k e t b . Tex.A&M/Ala. (L) House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Property Brothers L o v e / L i s t "A Long Time Coming" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Twin Takeover" Friends Friends Friends Friends < G e t S m a r t ++ ('08) Anne Hathaway, Steve Carell. < D r i l l b i t T a y l o r ++ ('08) Troy Gentile, Nate Hartley, Owen Wilson. 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn B e s t W e e k E v e r < T h e S w i t c h ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman. Coup les Therapy 5 : 0 0 < H e ' s J u s t N o t T h a t I n t o Y o u ++ The Soup Fashion Police E! News Weekend S e c r e t s F a s h i o n K a r d a s h "A Surprise Engagement" #Rich Kid s :25 G o l d en G i r l s Gilligan's Island Gilligan's Island Gilligan 's Island Gilligan's Island Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Yes, Dear Full House Mr. Cooper Mr. Cooper R o b o tM on s te r F a n b o y Ch u m P .R . M e g a f o rce S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e Bob CloneWars Inu Yasha L o o n e y T u n es L o o n e y T u n es Dragons: Riders Tenkai Knights BeyRaiderz P o k ém o n X Y Ben 10 Teen Titans Go! Teen Ti tans Go! Gumball F is h H o o ks P h i n e a s & F e rb T h e O c t o n a u t s H e n r y H u g g l e Mickey M. Doc McStuffins Jake Never Land Sofia the First Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program < A rm o re d ++ ('09, Act) Jean Reno, Laurence Fishburne, Matt Dillon. < E a g l e E y e ++ ('08) Billy Bob Thorton, Shia LaBeouf. C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Zugzwang" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "Magnum Opus" Th e F irs t 48 Th e F irs t 48 "Cold Light of Day" Th e F irs t 48 The First 48 M a d M e n "Signal 30" Mad Men < D a y l i g h t ++ (1996, Action) Amy Brenneman, Viggo Mortensen, Sylvester Stallone. < D e m o l i ti o n M a n +++ ('93) Sylvester Stallone. 5:00 Reagan Decoding the Past Beltway Unbuckled 10 Things 1 0 T h i n g s Y o u D o n 't K n o w A b o u t 1 0 T h i n g s < H e r e C o m e s M r . J o r d a n ++++ ('41) Robert Montgomery. < T h e T h i n M a n ++++ ('34) Myrna Loy. : 4 5 < S t a t e F a i r +++ ('33) Louise Dresser, Will Rogers. < P i c n i c +++ 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration B o b b y J on e s G os p e l (P) (N) L if t V o i ce (P) (N) M o v i e Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Powernation Powernation Powernation < R o b o C o p ++ S h a h s o f S u ns e t "Is This 40?" S o u th e rn Ch a rm H o u s e w i ves T o p 10 "Dinners From Hell" V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s "Reunion" 1/2 B l o o d , S w e a t "Turned Uptown" B l o o d "Papa, Can You Hear Me?"
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
La hora pico Homenaje R. Velasco M e x i c o su e n a "Angeles Azules" El C h av o A n i m ad o Co mo di c e e l d i c h o Perspectiva Noticiero: FDS The Aviators I n F o cu s All Aboard Closer to Truth Well Read Healthy Body R e l i g i o n N e w s G o s p e l "Church in the Wildwood" N e w s h ou r. McLaugh 1 1 : 0 0 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Daytona 500 (L) < M i n o ri ty R e p o rt ++ (2002, Sci-Fi) Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Tom Cruise. Paid Program Paid Program T h e F i r s t F a m i l y M r . B o x O f f i c e < J u s t a K i s s ++ ('02) Kyra Sedgwick, Ron Eldard, Marisa Tomei. C .M i n ds "Children of the Dark" 30 Rock 30 Rock Glee "Prom Queen" < B o l t ++ ('08) Voices of Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman, John Travolta. Paid Program Paid Program < D i r t y D a n c i n g +++ ('87) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Road to Gold Th e Tas te "Good With Beer" Entertainment Tonight Weekend Action 7 News ABC News Entertainers With B yron Allen Access Hollywood Weekend So ch i 2014 Cross-Country Skiing (M) 4x10km Relay Gold Medal, Snowboarding (W) Snowboard Cross Eyewitness NBC News 1 1 : 3 0 < S t u a r t L i t t l e 2 ++ < E l e m b u s t e r o ('85) Vicente Fernández. < C o mo M é x i c o No H a y D o s ++ ('81) Vicente Fernández. O p e r a c i o n R e p o < Red (2010, Action) Bruce Willis. 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b a l l (L) P G A G o l f Northern Trust Open Final Round Site: Riviera Country Club -- Pacific Palisades, Calif. (L) Paid Program CBS Even. News KRQE News 13 Biblical Israel Mani Erfan Dr. McDonald Y.Salamanca Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. R.Booker 10:00 Sochi 14 < T h e B o u rn e U l t i m a t u m +++ ('07, Action) Matt Damon, David Strathaim, Julia Stiles. L a w & O r d e r : S . V .U . "Lowdown" L a w & O r d e r : S . V .U . "Birthright" L a w & O r d e r : S . V .U . "Scavenger" 1 1 : 3 0 3 0 f o r 3 0 "9.79*" ESPN Films 30 fo r 30 "Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau" 30 fo r 30 "Broke" 30 fo r 30 "Bernie and Ernie" 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t . Ken./Ten. (L) P B A B o w l i n g S p o r t S c i e n c e "Newton Awards" S p o r t s C en t e r 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e tb a l l (L) Scoreboard N C A A B asketb all (L) Scoreboard N C A A B a sk etb al l Rutgers vs. Louisville (L) Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Girl Code Are You The One? Are You The One? Are You The One? 11:00 < The Cheating Pact < T h e G o od M i s t r e ss ('14) Kendra Anderson, Annie Heise. < H o p e F l o a ts +++ ('98) Harry Connick Jr., Sandra Bullock. < F o o l 's G o ld ++ Law & Ord e r "Submission" < S h a f t ++ ('00) Vanessa L. Williams, Samuel L. Jackson. < F a s t & F u ri o u s ++ ('09) Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster, Vin Diesel. N B A T i p - O f f (L) E x t r e m e C h e a p s k a te s Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates Cheapskates T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d G i a d a (N) B a re f o o t C o n t. T h e K i tc h e n "The Kitchen on Ice" S . K i tc h e n Pioneer Woman Buy This Buy This D a n g e ro u s G rou n ds (N) Mystery Diners Mystery Diners 1 0 : 3 0 < P i r a t e s o f t h e C a r i b b e a n : A t W o r l d ' s E n d +++ < X 2 : X -M e n U n i t e d +++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart. < T h e L a s t A i r b e n d e r ++ B i g f o o t "Sketching Sasquatch" B i g f o o t "Lonestar Squatch" F i n d i ng B i g f o o t "Big Sky Bigfoot" F i n d i ng B i g f o o t "Bigfoot of Oz" Findi ng Big foot B i g f o o t "South Jersey Sasquatch" 1 1 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b a l l (L) N C A A Ba s ketb all Missouri vs. Auburn (L) Sp o rts Un lim ited (N) The Game 365 UFC Unleashed Ultimate Insider L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Space for Six" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "A New Arrival" L o v e / L i s t "Far Out Fantasy Home" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "House of Walls" H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs < C o p O u t + ('10) Tracy Morgan, Seann William Scott, Bruce Willis. < Z o o l a n d e r ++ ('01, Comedy) Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller. < Y o u , M e a n d D u pre e ++ ('06) Matt Dillon, Owen Wilson. Hot 20 Countdo wn The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard The Dukes of Hazzard M o b W i v es M o b W i v es S i n g l e L a d i e s "Walk the Walk" L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p "Red Alert" L o v e & H i p -Ho p "Put a Ring on It" L o v e H i p -Ho p "All Good Things..." #Rich Kids K a r d as h "Loving and Letting Go" T h e K a r d as h i a n s "How to Deal" K a r d as h "And All That Jazzzzzzz" < He's Ju s t No t Th at I n to Yo u ++ ('09) Jennifer Connelly, Ginnifer Goodwin. Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch The Cosby Show :35 C os b y S h o w :10 C os b y S h o w :50 C os b y S h o w :20 C os b y S h o w :55 C os b y S h o w N i n j a T u r t l e s (N) K u n g Fu P (N) Odd Parents Odd Parents W i n x C l ub "Vortex of Flames" S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob R a b b i d sI n v R a b b i d sI n v < O p e n S e a so n 3 ('10) Dana Syder. Johnny Test Johnny Test Teen Titans Go! Regular Show Regu lar Show Gumball Gumball Un cle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Go o d Lu ck ... "Special Delivery" Go o d Lu ck ... Good Luck ... 1 0 : < E a g l e E y e < S t a r T r e k ++ (2009, Sci-Fi) Zachary Quinto, Eric Bana, Chris Pine. < I ro n M a n 2 +++ (2010, Action) Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Downey Jr.. M o v i e The First 48 Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink W a h l b u rg "Who's Your Favorite?" W a h l b u r g e r s Wahlburgers Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 1 0 : 3 0 < D e m o l i t i o n M a n +++ < P u l p F i c t i o n +++ (1994, Crime Story) Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, John Travolta. < S n a k e s o n a P l a ne ++ ('06) Samuel L. Jackson, Julianna Margulies. 1 1 : 3 0 1 0 T h i n g s 1 0 T h i n g s "The White House" T h e W h i t e H o u s e : B e h i n d C lo s ed D o o r s Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars 1 1 : 3 0 < P i c n i c +++ ('55) William Holden. < T h e L i o n i n W i n t e r ++++ ('68) Katharine Hepburn, Jane Merrow, Peter O'Toole. < C a t o n a H o t T i n R o o f ++++ ('58) Elizabeth Taylor. 1 1 : 3 0 < T h e G oo d L i f e ('12) Richard Gallion, Tangi Miller. < S e v e n t e e n A g a i n + (2000, Family) Mark Taylor, Robert Hooks, Tahj Mowry. < N o t o r i o u s ++ ('08) Jamal Woolard. 1 1 : 3 0 < R o b oC op ++ ('87) Peter Weller, Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith. B a r R e s . "Karaoke Katastrophe" Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue B l o o d "Detox, Dear Detox" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta A tl a n ta "Crunk in the Trunk" T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta A tl a n ta S o c i a l (N)
S (41)
(27) (143) (209)
D = Direct TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
D (41)
(27) (143) (209)
Friday, February 14, 2014
Bob's (4) B u r g e r s
The Big (5) B a n g
American D. "Faking Bad"
Nu es tra Belleza L ati n a (SP)
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Humor Noticiero comed. Univision Moyers and BioCentury Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic "Downton Abbey M u rd e r o n th e H o me F ro n t A serial This Week Robert and Thomas make Season 4: Part Seven" (N) killer is found disguised under the (3) C o mp any a sudden trip. Blitz. (N) (2)
Aqui y Ahora
Th eSi mp s o Bob Burg er Family Guy Amer. Dad News 13 News 13 Extra Weekend n s "The Kid "My Fuzzy "Vestigial "Independ- on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Is All Right" Valentine" Peter" ent Movie"
BBang "The < The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ++ ('10) Skandar Keynes, Ben Cushion Saturation" Barnes. The Pevensie children return to Narnia.
Bones "The Signs in the (6) Silence"
America's Funniest (7) H o m e V i d eo s
Sal y pimienta
Met Your M o th e r "I Heart NJ"
Mother "Intervention"
Tras la Verdad
Rules of Seinfeld Queens Engage. "The Race" "Offensive "Mr. Fix It" Fowl"
< Up ++++ (2009, Animated) Christopher
Action 7 News Live
C as tl e Beckett races Plummer, Delroy Lindo, Edward Asner. A man ties to against time to find a balloons to his house to see the world. stolen toxin.
Bobsleigh Two Man Top Chef Estrellas
Suelta la sopa
60 Minutes
Elem en tary Sherlock's Good Wife "The Next The Mentalist Jane brother Mycroft arrives in Month" Florrick/Agos hopes to finally reveal New York. gets their first new client. Red John's identity.
Doorways to Wisdom
Action 7 News Live
Entertainment Tonight W e e k e nd
Eyewitness Sochi 2014 Winte r News 4 at Olympics 10 p.m. Titulares T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
Operacion < Paranormal Activ ity Repo ('07) Katie Featherston. :35 The Clos er A :35 Unsealed: congresswoman's Alien Files daughter is murdered.
Dr. R ik Light of the Southwest Zola Levitt Update Day of Dollars & Wadge Ministries News Discovery Sense Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Law & Order: S.V.U . Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern "Friending Emily" "Deadly Ambition" "Funny Valentine" Fam "Pilot" Family Family Family Family "The Kiss" SEC Storied "Croom" N in e f or I X "Unguarded" 30 fo r 30 "Benji" Nin e f or I X "Unguarded" 30 for 30 30Shorts 30 for 30 P o k e r 2013 World Series S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r '51 Dons: Pride 30 fo r 30 "You Don't Know Bo" 30Shorts S.Sci. "Newton Awards" ESP N F C P re s s P ass P o k e r 2013 World Series Are You The One? R.W. Ex-Plosion R.W. Ex-Plosion Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 5 : 0 0 < F o o l 's Go l d ++ < F a i l u r e t o L a u n c h ++ Matthew McConaughey. < F o o l 's G o ld ++ ('08) Matthew McConaughey. A < F a i l u r e t o L a u n c h Matthew McConaughey. A slacker's parents set him up so he'll leave home. married couple set out to find a treasure. ++ NBA Basketb all All-Star Game (L) NBA Basketb all All-Star Game < F a s t & F u ri o u s ++ ('09) Vin Diesel. Sister Wives "Tragedy in Sister W "Celebration 90 Da y Fiancé "Didn't Sister W "Celebration 90 Da y Fiancé "Didn't Sister Wives "Tragedy in the Family" Countdown" Expect This..." Countdown" Expect This..." the Family" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(25) (8819)
(35) D ri v e -I n s
(231) (110)
(244) (122)
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Diners, C h op p ed "All-Burger Rachael vs. Guy "Sink Guy's Grocery Gam es C h op p ed "Bacon C u tth ro at Kitch en "Foul Drive-Ins Meal!" Or Swim" "Cart Your Engines" Baskets!" (N) Play" (N) 5:00 < The Last < S k y l i n e ++ ('10) Donald Faison, Eric Balfour. An < Ou tlan d e r ++ (2008, Sci-Fi) Sophia Myles, John Hurt, James < Battle o f Airbender ++ extraterrestrial force threatens the population. Caviezel. An alien warrior crash-lands in a Viking kingdom. L o s A n g e l... Fin ding B igf oo t B igfo o t "1, 2, 3, 4, I Declare a Squatch War" (N) Bigfoot "1, 2, 3, 4, I Declare a Squatch War" Fi n d i ng B ig f o o t W P T Poker Legends of W P T Poker Legends of MLB Baseb all C lassics San Francisco Giants vs. Arizona Diamondbacks August W P T Poker Legends of Poker Poker 31, 2013 Poker Beachfront Beachfront Hawaii L ife Hawaii L ife Island Island House House Hawaii Life Hawaii Life Island Island Barg ain (N) Barg ain (N) (N) (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters < W e d d i ng C ras h e rs +++ ('05) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson. < Y e s M a n ++ ('08) Zooey Deschanel, Jim Carrey. < Y o u , M e a n d D u pre e ++ ('06) Two womanizers sneak into weddings for flings. A man must say yes to every opportunity. Matt Dillon, Owen Wilson. The Dukes of Hazzard Party Down South Party Down South Party Down South Party Down South Party Down South Love and Hip-Hop Love and Hip-Hop < W a i t i n g t o E x h a l e ++ ('95) Whitney Houston. Love/Hip-Hop "Hour 1" 40 Grea . The Kardashians The Kardashians (N) RichKids The Kardashians #Rich Kids C. Lately The Soup The Kardashians 5:55 C os b y :25 Cosby G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls G. Girls The Exes Kirstie Queens Queens SanjayCraig SanjayCraig Hathaway Thunder. Sam & Cat Sam & Cat See Dad (N) I n s t.M om Full House Full House Full House Full House A d v .Tim e Ad v.T ime < S c o o b y D o o 2: M o n s te rs Un l e a s h ed ++ Steven TeenTita King of Hill King of Hill Bob Burger Bob Burger GoodLk "All Fall Down" G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k G o o d L (F) I D i d n 't (N) T BA Jessie Austin/ Ally Dog Blog 5 : 3 0 < T ra n s f o rm e rs: D a rk o f th e M o o n +++ ('11) Tyrese Gibson, Shia < T h o r +++ ('11, Act) Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman, Chris < T h o r LaBeouf. Alien robots race to uncover a spaceship on the moon. Hemsworth. Thor is sent to live one on Earth amongst humans. +++ Duck Dynasty "Aloha, Duck Duck T ru s t "Bait D o n 't T ru s t D o n 't T ru s t D o n 't T ru s t Duck Dynasty "Aloha, Duck Duck Robertsons!" Dynasty Dynasty and Switch" Andrew "Hail Mary" Andrew Robertsons!" Dynasty Dynasty The Walking Dead The Walking Dead The Talking Dead (N) The Walking Dead Comic The Walking Dead The Talking "After" "Inmates" (N) "Inmates" B o o k (N) "Inmates" Dead Ax Men "Who'll Stop the Ax Men "Ax Marks the Sw am p Peop le "Aerial P awn Stars P awn "Bow Ax Men "Who'll Stop the Ax Men "Ax Marks the Reign?" Spot" (N) Assault" Legged" Reign?" Spot" < A P l a c e i n t h e S u n ++++ Montgomery Clift. A :15 < A n A mer ic an i n Pa ris ++++ ('51) Gene : 1 5 < A S t r e e t c a r N a m e d D e s i r e +++ A fading man decides to murder his pregnant girlfriend. Kelly. An ex-GI becomes an artist in Paris. Southern belle tries to build a new life. 4 : 3 0 < N o t o r i o us ++ ('08) Mohamed < S u g a r H i l l ++ (1994, Crime Story) Michael Wright, Theresa Randle, Wesley < H u r r i c a n e S e a s o n ('09) Taraji P. Dione, Jamal Woolard. Snipes. A drug dealer looks for a way out. Henson, Bonnie Hunt, Forest Whitaker. Bar Rescue "Don't Judge Bar Rescue "Barely Bar Rescue "Empty < T h e E x p e nd a b l es ++ ('10, Action) Eric Roberts, Steve Austin, < Ramb o a Booze by Its Bottle" Above Water" Bottles, Full Cans" Jet Li. A group of mercenaries attempt to overthrow a dictator. ++ Housewives Atlanta Blood, Sweat and Heels Housewives Atlanta WatchWhat Fashion Housewives Atlanta Blood, Sweat and Heels "Dropping the Ball" (N) "Louds and Prouds" (N) "Dropping the Ball" (N) Queens (N) "Dropping the Ball" "Louds and Prouds"
Friday, February 14, 2014
Sunday Best Bets
Masterpiece Mystery! A tabloid reporter sets out to expose Sherlock.
Bounty Burn "Army of One" Hunter Michael goes undercover (50) (8815) "Photo Op" with a group of hijackers.
So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Figure Skating Ice Dancing Short Dance, Alpine Skiing (M) Super-G Gold
Leverag e The crew aims C S I : M i a m i "Broken Bones An office Lobo to turn the tables on a Home" The parents of a manager's body is found C o a c h es Show debt collector. babysitter are murdered. in an elevator shaft.
(8) Medal, Snowboarding (W) Snowboard Cross Gold Medal, Speed Skating (W) 1500m Gold Medal, 5 : 0 0 < R e d ('10) Helen (9) Mirren, Bruce Willis.
Rules of Engagement
Andrew Lincoln and Chandler Riggs star in “The Walking Dead”
The Simpsons (4)
(242) (105)
7:00 p.m.
(245) (138)
Lisa is ecstatic when she finally makes a new best friend, Isabel Gutierrez, voiced by “Desperate Housewives” alum, Eva Longoria. When Isabel is outed as the Republican candidate for class representative, Lisa is disappointed.
(280) (183)
(143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
(278) (182)
(282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139)
7:00 p.m.
A grumpy old man becomes determined to live out his dream of seeing South America in this computer-animated movie featuring the voice of Edward Asner. He ties thousands of balloons to his home and takes flight, but soon discovers he isn’t alone.
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
(236) (114)
(265) (118)
When Sherlock’s (Jonny Lee Miller) brother Mycroft (Rhys Ifans) asks Watson (Lucy Liu) and Holmes for help, their investigation leads to some surprising facts. Meanwhile, Sherlock is having a hard time with his brother’s sudden return.
(254) (130)
The Walking Dead
(269) (120)
(304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136)
(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Lead by Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), the group of survivors continues their struggle to find safety and stability in this new episode. Though their search often yields no fruit, the group members try to hold on to their hope.
Monday Best Bets
Aimee Teegarden and Grey Damon as seen in “StarCrossed”
Star-Crossed (5)
7:00 p.m.
In this series premiere -- a futuristic re-telling of the “Romeo and Juliet” tale -- a group of alien students enroll at a human high school, a test of human-alien integration. Aimee Teegarden and Matt Lanter star in this new series.
Being Human (36)
7:00 p.m.
In this new episode, a horrible discovery causes Josh (Sam Huntington) to question everything in his life, including the future he envisioned with Nora (Kristen Hager). Meanwhile, Sally (Meaghan Rath) has news that will alter her life permanently.
2 Broke Girls (10)
7:30 p.m.
After Han (Matthew Moy) sends his mother a photo of a stranger and claims she’s his girlfriend, he begs Caroline (Beth Behrs) and Max (Kat Dennings) for help sustaining the ruse. The girls must find the stranger and convince her to play the part.
Castle (7)
9:00 p.m.
When a teenaged girl is murdered, Castle (Nathan Fillion) heads back to one of his many alma maters to collect evidence. Excited to find that the evidence points to a telekinetic teenager, he and Beckett (Stana Katic) work to uncover the truth.
PBS NewsHour
Antiques Roadshow "Baton Rouge (Hour One)" (N)
A l m o s t "Disrupt" Kennex Following Ryan captures News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show and Dorian investigate a a suspect to learn new on 2 KASA on 2 KASA crime from the future. (N) information. (N)
Family Feud
BBang "The Star Emery Whitehill Beauty and the Beast befriends and Atrian boy "Redemption" (N) named Roman. (N)
(5) "The Pants Codpiece
Alternative" Topology"
S i m p . "How Cleveland Law&O.:SV U "Prodigy" "Cleveland An animal rights activist Was Won" Live!" is found dead in a park.
(6) the Test
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Ro taries The Rotary Snow Plow is used to save a train crew.
(24) (25)
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
C as tl e A girl appears to have been killed with telekinesis. (N)
Action 7 News Live
Action 7 News Live
Antiques Roadshow "Baton Rouge (Hour One)" TMZ
Dish Nation
Seinfeld "The Hamptons"
(50) (8815)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :05 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m. Will Smith, U2 (P) (N)
Caso cerrado
La impostora
La Reina Del Sur
Santa Diabla
How I Met 2 Broke Your Girls Mother
M&M Mom "Molly Unleashed"
Intelligence "Size Matters" (N)
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show
Wheel of Fortune
Dr. Will iam Joe McGee Update News WWE Monday Night Raw
Day of Discovery
Light of the Southwest
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
H o u s e Call Mani Erfan Crossover Yohanan Project Salamanca : 0 5 < T h e D a y A f t e r T o m o r r o w +++ ('04) Dennis Quaid. A < The Day climatologist tries to save his son from an Ice Age. After To ... Battle Network Stars Battle Network Stars Battle Network Stars Battle Network Stars Battle Network Stars Battle Network Stars 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Oklahoma State vs. Baylor (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) 30 f o r 30 30Shorts Olbermann (L) Olbermann Basketball NFL Live Teen Wolf Teen Wolf "Galvanize" Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf Teen Wolf (N) < T h e H o l i d a y +++ (2006, Romance) Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Cameron Biog rap h y "Cameron < T h e H o l i d a y +++ ('06) Cameron Diaz. Two Diaz. Two woman fall for men in their new neighbourhoods. woman fall for men in their new neighbourhoods. Diaz" C as tl e "Kill the C as tl e "Famous Last P ercep tio n "Toxic" :05 Hawaii Five-0 :05 Law & Order : 0 5 D a l l a s "A Call to Messenger" Words" "Huaka'I Kula" "Angelgrove" Arms" Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Honey Boo Honey Boo Cake Boss Cake Boss Honey Boo Honey Boo Cake Boss Cake Boss (N) Boo Boo Boo Boo T o B e A n n o u n ce d Rods N' Wheels The Devils Ride "New Rods N' Wheels The Devils Ride "New T o B e A n n o u n ce d "Corvette Gold" (N) Blood" (N) "Corvette Gold" Blood" The Pioneer 3 in th e Diners, Diners, Guy's Grocery Gam es Diners, Drive-Ins "Super Wo rs tC o oks "Worse Mystery Mystery Woman Bag Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Cart Your Engines" Sandwiches" Than Ever" (P) (N) Diners (N) Diners Bitten "Committed" (N) B eing Human "Cheater Lost Girl "Of All the Gin Bitten "Committed" Being Human "Cheater Lost Girl "Of All the Gin of the Pack" (N) Joints" (N) of the Pack" Joints" Du d e, Yo u 're... (N) Du d e, Yo u 're... (N) Du d e, Yo u 're... (N) Dude, You're Screwed Dude, You're Screwed Dude, You're Screwed H.S. Soccer AIA Tournament Girls Division I H.S. Soccer AIA Tournament Boys Division I K n o c k o u ts ! "Camacho, W P T Poker Legends of Championship Championship Byrd, Mayweather" (N) Poker L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Talk of L o v e I t o r L i s t I t (N) House House L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Double L o v e I t o r L i s t I t House House the Town" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Duty Digs" Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Pete Conan Office "The Theory Theory Theory Holmes Search" Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The Dukes of Hazzard < The Truman Show ++ ('98) Jim Carrey. Basketball Wives: LA (N) S ingle Ladies Basketball Wives: LA Single Ladies Basketball Wives: LA Single Ladies The Kardashians The Kardashians (N) Beyond C and id (N) C h e l s e a (N) The Kard ashians C. Lately Beyond Candid Gilligan Gilligan Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Queens : 3 5 Q u e e ns : 1 0 K i r s t i e :50 The Exes : 2 5 T h e K i n g o f Q u ee n s S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob Brd w n rs < T h e S p on g e B ob Sq u a re P a n ts M ov i e ++ Full House Full House 5 : 3 0 < S p i d e r - M a n ++ ('02) Tobey Maguire. Hall of Game (P) (N) Clarence King of Hill Cleveland Family Guy RickMort Austin/ Ally Dog Blog A.N.T. G o o d Lu c k J e s s i e Liv Maddie Good Luck Charlie I Didn'tDoIt Austin/ Ally A.N.T. Jessie Two and a < The Bounty Hunter +++ ('10) Gerard Butler, Jennifer < Ju s t Go With I t +++ ('11) Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler. A < J u s t G o doctor's assistant poses as his soon-to-be ex-wife. With It Half Men Aniston. A bounty hunter learns that his target is his ex-wife. Duck Duck Duck Duck Bad Ink (N) B a d I nk Do n 't Tru s t T ru s t "Nice Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Andrew (N) Rack" (N) Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty < P e a r l H a r b o r ++ (2001, War) Kate Beckinsale, Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck. < I n v i n c ib l e ++ ('06, Drama) Mark Wahlberg, Elizabeth Banks, < Natio n al A love triangle unravels during the attack in 1941. Greg Kinnear. An average man defies the odds and joins the NFL. Lamp o on'... Swam p Peop le "Aerial Sw am p Peop le "Gator P awn Stars P awn "Cold Sw am p P eop le "Once Sw am p P eop le "Aerial Sw am p P eop le "Gator Assault" Jacked" (N) Hard Cash" Bitten" Assault" Jacked" < G i g o t +++ ('62) Jackie Gleason. A mute < T h e M u s i c M a n ++++ (1962, Musical) Shirley Jones, Buddy :45 < G y p s y +++ ('62, Mus) Natalie Parisian protects a little girl from her mother. Hackett, Robert Preston. Con man sells music instruments. Wood, Karl Malden, Rosalind Russell. 4:30 < To Be 1 0 6 & P a r k : B E T ' s T o p < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Being Mary A n n o un c e d 10 Live Jane < Ramb o ++ ('08) Julie Benz, Sylvester Stallone. A < T h e E x p e nd a b l es ++ ('10, Action) Eric Roberts, Steve Austin, < Bad Boys +++ ('95, Act) Martin Christian aid group recruits John Rambo. Jet Li. A group of mercenaries attempt to overthrow a dictator. Lawrence, Téa Leoni, Will Smith. Beverly Hills "Turning V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s Beverly Hills "Turning W atch Wh - Beverly Hills "Turning V an d e rpu mp Ru l e s Beverly Down the Crown" (N) "Reunion" 2/2 (N) Down the Crown" (N) atH ap p e n s Down the Crown" "Reunion" 2/2 Hills
(12) M c D o n a l d
Eyewitness Eyewitness So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Figure Skating Ice Dancing Gold Medal, Snowboarding (M) News 4 at Snowboard Cross Gold Medal, Freestyle Skiing (M) Aerials Gold Medal, Ski Jumping (M) 6:30 Team K-125 Large Hill Gold Medal
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e
American Family Guy South Park King of Hill King of Hill Dad "The "Towelie" "Unfortu- "Reborn to Worst Stan" nate Son" Be Wild"
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
Noticiero Uni: Noct. I n P u rsu i t of Passion
Mother Met Your Two and a Two and a Seinfeld "Where Mother Half Men Half Men "The FixWere We?" "Baby Talk" Up"
S V U "Counterfeit" A American woman is found raped Dad and killed beside her car. "Haylias"
The Bachelor (N)
New Mexico All Aboard "Illinois Central" 1/2
P o r S i e m p re M i A mo r
(4) F e u d
Que Pobres Tan Ricos
Mentir Para Vivir
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo Antiques Roadshow A 17th-century rhinoceros horn cup is appraised.
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, February 14, 2014
Mentir Para Vivir PBS NewsHour
Family (4) F e u d
Family Feud
P o r S i e m p re M i A mo r
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo A.Experience Explore the American Experience aftermath of building the "The Rise and Fall of Grand Coulee Dam. Penn Station" (N) American Idol "Top 15 Female Singers Perform" The 15 remaining female contestants perform. (N)
Que Pobres Tan Ricos Y o u S h ou l d C re ativ e Know Living
The Vampire Diaries Star Emery Whitehill How I Met Mother Katherine remembers the befriends and Atrian boy Y o u r "Canning night she gave birth. named Roman. Mother Randy"
S i m p s . "No The Show
Bones "Spaceman in a Crater" A man's body is found in a crater.
Entertai nment Tonigh t
Agent SHIELD Secrets The Trophy are revealed as the team Goldbergs Wife rescues Coulson. "Shopping"
(6) Loan Again, C l e v e l a nd
Naturally" Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Bones Glowing bones are American found at an old stone Dad home.
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men "The Contest"
Seinf. "The Seinfeld Chronicles"
American Family Guy South Park King of th e King H "The D. "Virtual Hill Incredible (50) (8815) In-Stanity" Hank"
Killer Molly works with a Actio n 7 retired Texas Ranger to News Live solve crime. (N)
Action 7 News Live
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness :05 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m. (N)
Caso cerrado
La impostora
N C I S "Under the Radar" NCIS: LA "Omni" The The NCIS team must rely team must find who on Twitter for a case. compromised a project.
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show
Wheel of Fortune
Doorways to Wisdom
La Reina Del Sur
Update BAS Light of the Southwest News Presents Law & Order: Special Modern Modern Modern Modern Victims Un it "Pursuit" Family Family Family Family W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Iowa vs. Indiana (L) 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N B A C o a s t t o C o a s t Are You The One? Are You The One? Teen Wolf Dance Moms "Big Danc e Moms "Wingman K im of Q uee ns Trouble in the Big Apple" Down" (N) Rizzoli & Isles "Crazy for Rizzoli & Isles "Cuts Like Rizzoli & Isles "Home You" a Knife" Town Glory" M y 600 -lb Life "Paula's M y 600 -lb Life "James' 900 Pound Man: The Story" Story" (N) Race Against Time T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Santa Diabla
Noticias T e l e m u nd o P e rs o n o f In teres t An KRQE News Internet data broker's life 13 is being dismantled.
Exploring With the Scholars Modern Modern Law & Order: Special Family "Arrested" Victims Un it "Rescue" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r Olbermann (L) Olbermann Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Kim of Queens Da nc e Mo ms "Big Trouble in the Big Apple" : 0 5 T h e M en t a l i s t "Paint : 0 5 T h e M en t a l i s t It Red" "Crimson Casanova" M y 600 -lb Life "James' 900 Pound Man: The Story" Race Against Time T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a Law & Order: Special Victims Un it "Pop" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? S p o r t s C en t e r NBA Basketball Teen Mom 2 (N) Dance Moms "Wingman Down" : 0 5 D a l l a s "Love and Family" M y 600 -lb Life "Paula's Story" T o B e A n n o u n ce d
(35) W o m a n
(231) (110)
(244) (122)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Friday, February 14, 2014
6:00 p.m.
The Vampire Diaries
The Pioneer S o u th e rn C h op p ed "Rattle & Roll" C h op p ed "Saying C h op p ed "Better Saffron C h op p ed "Liver And C h op p ed "Bacon Kitchen Sayonara" Than Sorry" Learn" Baskets!" Face Off "In the Face Off "Cryptic Opposite Worlds Face Off "Cryptic Opposite Worlds < Mongolian Death Worms Shadows" Creatures" (N) "Struggle" (N) Creatures" "Struggle" Russia "Kamchatka" Wild Russia "Caucasus" W ild Russia "Primorye" R ussia "Kamchatka" Wild Russia "Caucasus" W ild Russia "Primorye" D-Backs S u n s P re - NBA Basketb all Phoenix Suns vs. Denver Nuggets Site: Pepsi S u n s Po s t D-Backs S u n s Po s t W P T Poker Legends of Weekly (N) Game (L) Center -- Denver, Colo. (L) (L) Weekly (L) Poker Property Property Property Property House House Scoring the Scoring the Property Property House House Virgins Virgins Virg ins (N) "Win, Win" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs Deal (N) Deal (N) Virgins "Win, Win" H u n te rs Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang C o ug ar Big Bang Conan C o ug a r Conan The Office Theory Theory Theory Theory Town (N) Theory Town "PDA" Makeover Reb a Reba Reba Reba Reba The Dukes of Hazzard < Major Leag ue +++ ('89) Charlie Sheen. Single Ladies Basketball Wives: LA < H o w S te l l a G o t H e r G ro o v e B a c k ++ ('98) Angela Bassett. B a s k e t b al l W i v e s : L A Ladies 5 : 0 0 N e w s < H e ' s J u s t N o t T h a t I n to Y o u ++ ('09) Ginnifer Goodwin. C h e l s e a (N) E! News C. Lately #Rich Kids Movie Gilligan Gilligan Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray The Exes :35 Kirs tie :10 Q u e e ns :50 Q u e e ns :25 T h e K i n g o f Q u ee n s S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Sa m & C a t Full House Full House Full House Full Hous e Full House Full House Regular Regular Gumball Steven Regular Johnny (N) Un cle (N) Adv.Time King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad GravityFalls GravityFalls Jessie Austin/ Ally Dog Blog Liv Maddie < M e e t th e R o b i n s on s +++ :45 Phineas Jessie Austin/ Ally 4:30 < The Boun ty M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < Ris e o f th e P lan et o f th e Ap es ++++ ('11) James Franco. < Rise of Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Genetically modified apes fight for global domination. H u n te r +++ th e P lan ... Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars < Titan ic +++ (1997, Drama) Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Leonardo DiCaprio. Two social opposites fall in love while on < T h e B o n e C o l l e c to r +++ ('99) the Titanic. Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington. C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tC ars American American American American C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tin g C o un tC ars Cars Cars Cars "Quadzilla" Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration C ars Cars Cars "Quadzilla" < B e n - H u r +++ (1959, Epic) Jack Hawkins, Stephen Boyd, Charlton Heston. An enslaved man wants < No rth b y No rth wes t ++++ ('59) Cary Grant. A revenge against a Roman friend. man mistaken for an agent is on the run from spies. 3:30 < To Be 1 0 6 & P a r k : B E T ' s T o p < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Being Mary Jane A n n o un c e d 10 Live 5 : 3 0 < B a d B o y s +++ (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Téa < L a w A b i d i n g C i t i z e n +++ ('09) Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx. A < D e a th S e n te n c e ++ Leoni, Will Smith. Detectives swap identities to crack a drug case. man avenges his family's murders by killing lawyers. ('07) Kevin Bacon. Housewives Atlanta Shahs of Suns et 100 Days Summer "The WatchWhat Shahs of Suns et Housewives Atlanta 100 Days "Dropping the Ball" "Reunion" 1/2 (N) Summer's Over" (SF) (N) (N) "Reunion" 1/2 "Dropping the Ball" of Summer
(280) (183)
Rizzoli & Isles
(245) (138)
Sean Murray stars in “NCIS”
After the murder of a husbandand-wife team of psychiatrists, the detectives have only partial clues to find the murderer in this rebroadcast. Country singer Craig Morgan guest stars as a seminar attendee who offers to help Jane and Maura with their case.
Tuesday Best Bets
Dish Nation
Eyewitness Eyewitness So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Alpine Skiing (W) Giant Slalom Gold Medal, Freestyle Skiing News 4 at (M) Halfpipe Gold Medal, Bobsleigh (W), Short Track Speed Skating (W) 3000m Relay Gold Medal 6:30
(10) (12)
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. F ro n tl i n e Learn how Charlie Rose (N) social media impacts the quest for identity. (N)
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
BBang "The The Big Bang Recurrence" Theory
(5) Wheaton
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
(242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108)
(278) (182)
(282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139)
7:00 p.m.
In this rebroadcast, Stefen (Paul Wesley) spills the truth about Katherine’s (Nina Dobrev) declining health to Caroline (Candice Accola) and Elena (Dobrev). As Katherine faces an uncertain future, she recalls the night in 1490 when she gave birth.
(327) (166)
(335) (162)
(236) (114)
The team uses Twitter of info on the case of a missing Navy lieutenant in this rebroadcast. Meanwhile, McGee (Sean Murray) loses his badge, but doesn’t tell anyone, fearing the trouble he’ll be in.
(304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136)
7:00 p.m.
(265) (118)
Trophy Wife
(254) (130)
(269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
8:30 p.m.
When the Harrison kids come home with lice, Diane (Marcia Gay Harden) jumps in and takes charge, which makes Kate (Malin Akerman) feel left out. Teaming up with Jackie (Michaela Watkins), Kate tries to show Diane up, but their plan backfires.
Wednesday Best Bets
Jorja Fox stars in “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”
The Tomorrow People (5)
8:00 p.m.
Stephen (Robbie Amell) is in a difficult situation when he realizes he can’t help John (Luke Mitchell) without revealing himself to Ultra in this rebroadcast. Later, Stephen enlists the help of his fellow Tomorrow People as he searches for the truth.
Criminal Minds (10)
8:00 p.m.
The BAU heads to Pittsburgh to investigate several murders in this new episode. The team hunts two suspects who are killing as a team; meanwhile, Morgan (Shemar Moore) and Garcia (Kristen Vangsness) discuss Valentine’s Day plans.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (10)
9:00 p.m.
When crime strikes in Las Vegas, the CSI team uses forensic science to crack the case. Now in its 14th season, the popular crime drama has undergone a number of cast changes over the years and now stars television legend Ted Danson.
Children of Men (55)
11:30 p.m.
Clive Owen and Julianne Moore star in this Oscar-nominated film. In the not-so-distant future, the human race has become infertile. A man tries to protect a woman who has miraculously become pregnant.
Mentir Para Vivir PBS NewsHour
Family (4) F e u d
Family Feud
P o r S i e m p re M i A mo r
Lo Que La Vida Me Que Pobres Tan Ricos Robo Nature This little creature N o v a "Mystery of Easter Su p er Skys crap ers "The is a feared animal in the Island" A study of Easter Vertical City" (N) world. (N) Island.
Arro w "Three Ghosts" Oliver is visited by three ghosts.
The Tomo rrow People M e t Y o u r John is in danger and Mother Stephen cannot help him. "Brunch"
The Cleveland Show
Law:C I "Mad Hops" A high school basketball player is missing.
Law & O: C I An exhumed American American man is discovered to have Dad "Surro- Dad been poisoned. Gate"
Entertai nment Tonigh t
T h e M i d d l e S u b u rg a Modern S u p e r F un "War of the to ry "Victor Fam "Farm N i g h t (N) Hecks" Ha" Strong"
(6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
New Mexico Healthy Body, Health
Mother "Natural History"
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Seinfeld "Male (19) Unbonding"
U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Charlie Rose (N)
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men "The Mango"
Dish Nation
Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "It's a Hill Hill Trap!" 1/2
Nashville Juliette Action 7 headlines the Music City News Live Festival.
Action 7 News Live
(50) (8815)
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness Eyewitness So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Figure Skating (W) Short Program, Alpine Skiing (M) Giant News 4 at Slalom Gold Medal, Bobsleigh (W) Gold Medal, Snowboarding (M) Parallel Giant Slalom Gold Medal 6:30
Eyewitness :05 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.
Caso cerrado
La impostora
Hawaii 5-0 "Hookman" Criminal Minds The BAU CSI: Crime Scene A man targets police investigates murders near I n vesti g a ti on "Love for officers for revenge. Pittsburgh. (N) Sale" (N)
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
10:30 Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House
American Idol "Top 15 Male Singers Perform" The News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show 15 remaining male contestants perform. (N) on 2 KASA on 2 KASA
BBang "The The Big Bang Theory
(5) Spaghetti
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Wheel of Fortune
Mani Erfan JeanClaude N C I S "Defiance"
La Reina Del Sur
Update Dollars & News Sense N C I S "Kill Screen"
Light of the Southwest
Santa Diabla
Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13
Dr. Rik HaYesod Wadge P s ych "Office Space"
JeanDr. Will iam Claude McDonald N C I S "One Last Score" P s ych "Last Night Gus" NC I S: Lo s Ang eles "The Bank Job" Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. Top 5 Reas. NBA Basketb all Indiana Pacers vs. Minnesota Timberwolves (L) NBA Basketb all Houston Rockets vs. Los Angeles Lakers (L) S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Washington vs. Oregon (L) NCAA Basketb all New Mexico vs. UNLV (L) Olbermann (L) Parental Parental Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Are You The One? R.W. Ex-Plosion R.W. Ex-Plosion (N) < B l i n d s i d ed (2013, Drama) Michael Keaton, Barry < T h e G o od M o t h e r +++ A mother who has had < B l i n d s i d ed (2013, Drama) Michael Keaton, Barry Sloane, Michelle Monaghan. an affair fights to keep her kids. Sloane, Michelle Monaghan. < C o w b o y s a n d A l i e n s ++ ('11) Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig. < Term in ato r Salv a tio n +++ ('09) Sam Worthington, Christian :05 Dallas "Guilt by Cowboys fight to save the world from aliens in 1873. Bale. A man tries to stop the machines from killing mankind. Association" M y 600 -lb Life "James' Hoarding: Buried Alive Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Hoarding: Buried Alive Sex Sent Me to the E.R. M y 600 -lb Life "James' Story" (N) "Hot in Vegas" "Hot in Vegas" Story" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d The Pioneer Sandwich Diners, Diners, R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e R e s t a u r a n t T a k e o v e r Buy This Buy This R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e Woman King Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Lost In The Woods" "Hillbilly Heaven" (N) Restaurant "Outside The Box" (N) Op po s ite Wo rld s "Live: G h o s t H u n te rs "Dead G h o s t H u n te rs "Family Op po s ite Wo rld s "Live: G h o s t H u n te rs "Dead < 2-Headed Shark Attack ('12) Conflict" (N) Presidents" (N) Plot" Conflict" Presidents" 5 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d T re e h o us e M a s te rs (N) Ul ti m a te T re e h o u s es T o B e A n n o u n ce d T re e h o us e M a s te rs Ultim a te T re e h o u s es P h o en i x S u n s P re - NBA Basketb all Boston Celtics vs. Phoenix Suns Site: U.S. S u n s Po s t S u n s Po s t Leg end Ring Diamond- UF C (N) Suns Game (L) Airways Center -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) backs Property Brothers Buying and Selling House House Property Brothers Buying and Selling House House "Stephan and Karina" "Travis and Carolyn" (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs "Active in the City" "Travis and Carolyn" Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Men at Big Bang Conan M e n / Wo rk C o n a n The Office Theory Theory Theory Theory Work (N) Theory "Hi, Jude" Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The Dukes of Hazzard < Rud y +++ ('93) Ned Beatty, Sean Astin. M o b W i v es < A n g e r M a n a g e me n t ++ ('03) Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler. < G i g l i + ('03) Jennifer Lopez, Christopher Walken, Ben Affleck. The Kardashians The Kardashians Soup (N) T h e S o up C h e l s e a (N) E! News C. Lately The Soup #Rich Kids Gilligan Gilligan Loves Ray Loves Ray The Exes Kirstie The Exes Kirstie Queens Queens The Exes Kirstie S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob Sa m & C a t Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Regular Steven TeenTita Uncle Johnny Test TeenTita Dragons (N) Regular King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad A.N.T. A.N.T. Jessie Austin/ Ally Dog Blog Liv Maddie < P h i n e a s & F e rb : A c ro s s th e 2n d ... Jessie G o o d Lu c k A . N . T . Two and a Two and a < Armored ++ ('09) Jean Reno, Matt Dillon. < Real Steel +++ (2011, Sci-Fi) Evangeline Lilly, Dakota Goyo, Hugh Half Men Half Men Armored truck employees plan to steal millions. Jackman. A robot boxing promoter re-connects with his son. Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dy Wahlbur- Wahlbur- Wahlbur- Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty "Life of Si" g e rs (N) gers gers Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty < T h e D e p a r t e d +++ (2006, Thriller) Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio. < P o s e id o n +++ ('06) Kurt Russell. Passengers < Children Two men work undercover to get evidence on Costello. fight for survival on a sinking ocean liner. of Men American Pickers American Pickers "Lead Pickers "Bonnie, Clyde American Pickers "The American Pickers American Pickers "Lead "California Streaming" of a Lifetime" and The King" Emu Chase" "California Streaming" of a Lifetime" < T o p p e r +++ ('37) Constance Bennett. A < T h e L i f e o f E m i l e Z o l a ++++ ('37) Paul Muni. :15 < T h e A w f u l T r u t h ++++ Cary Grant. Two deceased couple returns to Earth as ghosts. A writer risks his reputation to defend a Jewish man. divorced people ruin each other's romantic plans. 4:00 < To Be 106 & Park: BET's T op The Game The Game Being Mary Jane < T o B e A n n o u n ce d A n n o un c e d 10 Live 4:30 < Death Sentence C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps ++ ('07) Kevin Bacon. T o B e A n n o u n ce d Bravo's Top 10 Bravo's Top 10 WatchWhat Housewives Atlanta Shahs of Suns et WatchWh"Vacations" (N) "Vacations" (N) "Dropping the Ball" "Reunion" Pt. 1 of 2 atHappens
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Friday, February 14, 2014
Noche de Estrellas
Premio Lo Nuestro
PBS NewsHour
F ro n tl i n e Learn how S o n g o f t h e M ou n t ai n s social media impacts the quest for identity.
American Idol The Top 13 finalists will be revealed. (N)
(4) F e u d
The Big (5) B a n g
Theory The (6) S i m p so n s
Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e
Family Feud
BigBang The Originals Marcel is "The Euclid still angered by recent Alternative" events.
D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network
. Sports .
Sportslook The Red Green Show
How I Met Met Your Your Mother Mother "Glitter"
New N o t i c i e r o U n a f a m i l i a c o n s u er t e Mexico Uni: Noct. Jubilee Four young Charlie Rose (N) performers with a unique sound.
Rake "Bigamist" A man News 13 News 13 The Arsenio Hall Show is accused of bigamy. (N) on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Reig n "Fated" Mary learns that someone close to her will die.
Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men "The Pool Guy"
Seinfeld "The Stake Out"
(26) (27) (28)
(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)
BRAVO (61)
Thursday Best Bets
Cleveland H o u s e "The Down Low" H o u s e "Remorse" House American Amer. Dad Family Guy S o u th P a rk King of th e King of Hill "Little Man A drug dealer Mickey treats an attractive D. "Frannie "Season's "It's a "The Entity" Hill "After the (50) (8815) on Campus" mysteriously collapses. executive. 911" Beatings" Trap!" 2/2 Mold Rush" Entertai nment Tonigh t
The Taste "The Finale" (SF) (N)
Scandal "A Door Marked Actio n 7 Exit" It's time to face the News Live consequences.
Action 7 News Live
:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live
Eyewitness Eyewitness So ch i 2014 Win te r Olym p ics Figure Skating (W) Gold Medal, Freestyle Skiing (W) Halfpipe Eyewitness :05 The Tonight Show News 4 at Gold Medal, Freestyle Skiing (M) Ski Cross Gold Medal News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 6:30 10 p.m.
Dish Nation
(8) N e w s 4 (9)
Caso cerrado
La impostora
The Big Bang Theory
Wheel of Fortune
La Reina Del Sur
The Millers The Crazy Ones
Santa Diabla
Noticias T e l e m u nd o Two and a Elementary A billionaire KRQE News Half Men CEO has ties to a 13 murdered young woman.
La Reina Del Sur (25) (8819) Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 The Late David Letterman Late Show
Nigella Lawson hosts “The Taste”
Project Runway: Under the Gunn (29)
Called Out Biblical Israel N C I S : L o s A n g e l es "Chinatown" Wrestling S p o r t s C en t e r Basketball NASCAR Ridicu. (N) Jerks (N) Project Runway: Un der the Gunn I n s id e t h e N B A
(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138)
Honey Boo Honey Boo (280) (183) Boo Boo T o B e A n n o u n ce d
The Pioneer S o u th e rn Cupcake Wars "I Love C h op p ed "Wurst Case C h op p ed "Chocolate C h op p ed "Clams, Lamb, C u th ro at "Melts In Your Woman Kitchen Lucy 60th Anniversary" Scenario" Competition" Thank You, Ma'am" (N) Pot, Not In Your Hand" 4 : 3 0 < S t a r g a t e +++ < T h e L a s t A i r b e n d e r ++ ('10) Noah Ringer. An < Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness < B e y o n d S h e r w ood ('94) Kurt Russell. avatar protects the Water, Earth and Air nations. A noble knight goes undercover to save his father. F o re s t ++ Robin Dunne. Wild West Alaska Wild West Alaska (N) Alaska "Cattle Drive" Wild West Alaska Alaska "Cattle Drive" Wild West Alaska 4 : 3 0 N C A A N C A A B a s k e t b a l l Northern Colorado vs. Northern D - B a c k s A u t o R a c i n g C l a s s i cs A u t o R a c i n g C l a s s i cs UF C C o un td o wn "170: Basketb . (L) Arizona (L) Weekly 2013 Fresh Fit 500 Rousey vs. McMann" Rehab Rehab Rehab Rehab House House House House Rehab Rehab House House Addict Addict Addict (N) Addict (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs H u n te rs (N) Addict Addict Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang King of the Nerds "Trek C o n a n Pete Conan King of the Theory Theory Wars" (N) Holmes Nerds 5:30 Tattoo Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba The Dukes of Hazzard Party Down South P arty Do wn So u th (N) Coup les Therapy Coup les Therapy Mob Wives (SF) (N) Co up les Th erap y M o b W i v es Coup le s Thera py # R i c h K i d s # R i c h K i d s T h e K a rd a s h i a n s The Kardashians C h e l s e a (N) E! News C. Lately The Kardashians Gilligan Gilligan L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y L o v e s R a y :35 Q u e e ns :10 Q u e e ns :50 Q u e e ns :25 T h e K i n g o f Q u ee n s S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob S p o ng e Bob < Ice Age +++ ('02) Ray Romano. Full House Full House Full House Full House Regular Regular JohnnyTest Regular Gumb all Steven TeenTita Johnny Test King of Hill Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Liv Maddie Liv Maddie Jessie Austin/ Ally Do g B log L iv Mad di e < C ars 2 ++ ('11) Larry the Cable Guy. A.N.T. Dog Blog 4 : 3 0 < K n o w i ng ++ M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < Bad Teacher ++ ('11) Cameron Diaz. An < B a d T e a c h e r ++ ('11) ('09) Nicolas Cage. Cameron Diaz. Mother Mother Half Men Half Men educator teaches her class unconventionally. Duck Duck Crazy Hearts: Nashville Crazy Hearts: Nashville Crazy Hearts: Nashville Duck Duck Crazy Hearts: Nashville Dynasty Dynasty (N) Dynasty Dynasty < S h o o te r +++ (2007, Action) Michael Peña, Danny Glover, Mark Wahlberg. < D e m o l i ti o n M a n +++ (1993, Sci-Fi) Wesley Snipes, Sandra < B e h i n d A sniper is called back to service. Bullock, Sylvester Stallone. A cryogenically frozen cop is revived. Enemy L... P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n "The P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn "Case P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars Bachelor" Closed" < O f H u m a n B o n d ag e +++ ('34) < I t H ap p e n e d On e N i g h t ++++ ('34) Claudette < O n e N i g h t o f L o ve ('34, Romance) < T h e B a r r e t t s o f Bette Davis, Leslie Howard. Colbert. A reporter tracks down a runaway heiress. Tullio Carminati, Grace Moore. Wimpole Street +++ 5:00 < To Be 1 0 6 & P a r k : B E T ' s T o p T h e G a m e < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Scandal A n n o un c e d 10 Live C o ps C o ps Jail Co ps Co ps Co ps C ops C o ps "In Impact Wrestling High-risk athletic entertainment Denial #3" from the ring. T o B e A n n o u n ce d Housewives Atlanta Shahs of Suns et WatchWhat < Ho w to Lo s e a G u y in 10 Days ++ ('03) Matthew McConaughey. Two New Yorkers try to further their careers. "Dropping the Ball" "Reunion" Pt. 1 of 2 (N)
Dr. Rik Zola Levitt Update First Fruits Light of the Southwest Joe McGee Matt Staver Wadge Ministries News of Zion Law&Jus Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: S.V.U . N C I S : L o s A n g e l es N C I S : L o s A n g e l es Victims Un it "Infected" Victims Un it "Taboo" "Manipulated" "Predator" "Search and Destroy" Wrestling Friday Night Lights F . N i g h t "Humble Pie" Wrestling Wrestling 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 N C A A B a s k e t b . (L) N C A A B a s k e t b a l l (L) Olbermann (L) Olbermann R. Dyrd ek R. Dyrd ek R. Dyrd ek R. Dy rd ek Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Project Runway: Un der Project Runway: Un der Kim of Queens Dance Moms Project Runway: Un der the Gunn the G unn (N) the Gunn NBA Basketb all Miami Heat vs. Oklahoma City Thunder Site: NBA Basketb all Houston Rockets vs. Golden State Warriors Site: Chesapeake Energy Arena -- Oklahoma City, Okla. (L) The Oracle -- Oakland, Calif. (L) Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Honey Boo Welcome to Myrtle Honey Boo Honey Boo Welcome to Myrtle Boo Boo Boo Boo M a n o r "Unhitched" Boo Boo M a n o r "Unhitched" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d
Friday, February 14, 2014
5:00 p.m.
In a new episode of this fashionforward series, the designers must take their inspiration from dark and sinister creature we call the vampire. Using unconventional materials for their creations, the contestants hope to wow the judges.
The Originals (5)
7:00 p.m.
(360) (205)
Marcel (Charles Michael Davis), angered by the catastrophic failure of the harvest spell, refuses to help when Klaus (Joseph Morgan) discovers a dangerous man from their past is back in New Orleans. Also, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) confronts his sister.
(229) (112)
The Taste
(247) (139)
(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184)
(327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176)
7:00 p.m.
Culinary competitors compete to impress a panel of esteemed judges in this season finale. The remaining hopefuls vie to create the best flavors, which will later be evaluated in a “blind spoon” challenge.
(291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)
Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness (36)
9:00 p.m.
A noble knight goes undercover to save his father from a looming death in this original Syfy movie based on the fantasy role-playing game. Starring Jack Derges, Charlotte Hunter, Anthony Howell and Meagan Good, this film is geared towards gamers.
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Video Releases Hellbenders A diverse group of ministers known as “The Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Saints,” or simply “Hellbenders,” have dedicated their lives to constant blasphemy and debauchery as a way to prepare themselves for their duties of hunting down demons and sending them back to Hell. When a demon is too strong to be driven back to Hell by an ordinary exorcism, these highly trained exorcists invite the demon into possessing their Hell-bound bodies and then commit suicide, dragging the demon back to damnation from whence it came. After a particularly powerful demon, Black Surtr, makes its way into New York City and is determined to open the gates of Hell, the Hellbenders jump into action to save humankind from eternal damnation. Director: J.T. Petty. Stars: Clifton Collins Jr., Clancy Brown, Andre Royo, Robyn Rikoon, Macon Blair, Stephen Gevedon. 2012. 85 min. Comedy. Afternoon Delight Bored with her monotonous everyday life, Rachel, a 30-something, quick-witted, stay-at-home mom decides to visit a strip club in hopes that it will spice up her love life and marriage. After receiving a private dance from a dancer named McKenna, Rachel becomes determined to rescue the stripper and hires McKenna as her new live-in nanny. Director: Jill Soloway. Stars: Kathryn Hahn, Juno Temple, Josh Radnor, Jane Lynch, Jessica St. Clair. 2013. 95 min. Comedy.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 4.
Robyn Rokoon and Clifton Collins Jr. star in “Hellbenders” The Invoking Four friends head to rural Sader Ridge after one of them inherits a home from family she never knew. After arriving to inspect the property, Samantha, the home’s new owner, begins to experience terrifying visions of unspeakable savagery and sinister forces. As the frequency and brutality of Sam’s visions begin to grow, she finds herself plagued by demons from her past that refuse to stay hidden any longer. Director: Jeremy Berg. Stars: Brandon Anthony, Carson Holden, D’Angelo Midili, Trin Miller. 2013. 82 min. Horror.
Copyrite 2x3”
Battle of the Damned After a deadly viral outbreak leaves a large portion of the world’s population in a zombie-like state, private soldier Max Gatling leads a group of mercenaries on a doomed rescue attempt to save the daughter of a rich industrialist. When the rescue attempt fails, Max stays behind to complete the mission on his own and ends up heading a group of survivors and unprogrammed robots against an army of the undead. Director: Christopher Hatton. Stars: Dolph Lundgren, Melanie Zanetti. 2013. 88 min. Action. Friday, February 14, 2014