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Roswell Daily Record

TVScreens FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 2014

A/ Cozzen's Tax Service B/ Primm Drugs 2 x 2.5"

The Paladins and Peter Windhofer in a scene from “The Quest”

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Lawrence Bros. Grocery 5 x 3"

Friday, August 29, 2014




ESPN (26)

ESPN2 (27)




A&E AMC (55)



BRAVO (61)


(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)


(29) (32) (33)

M T W Th F (35) (36) (37)

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M T W Th F (54)

M T W Th F (56)

M T W Th F (59)








D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .









Despierta America: Edici贸n Mundial C o mo d i c e e l d i c h o A m o r e s i n o l v id a b l e s E s m o nd e T e c h . BBC News Sesame Street DinoT/ Peg Cat Various Super WHY! D.T ig e r/ Din o T V a r i o u s Various Various Various OK! TV America Now 2 KASA This Morning 2 KASA S tyle The Queen Latifah Show The Wendy Williams Show 'Til Death 'Til Death The Daily Buzz Roseanne Roseanne C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty 30 Rock 30 Rock Paid Program Justice for All K e n . C o p e l a n d A m e r i c a ' s C o u r t P a i d P ro g r a m S u p r e m e J u s t i c e F Alex /P Paid F Alex /P Paid Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Paternity Court Divorce Court Action 7 News G o o d Mo rn i ng A m eri c a Live! With Kelly and Michael The View Bethenny 5:00 E y e w i t n e s s N ew s 4 T o d a y Today Show Today Show II Today Show III G o o d D a y N M Million../M G ol f Un nuevo dia Decisiones El cartel Fina Estampa KRQE News 13 This Morning CBS This Morning Doctors /M T e n n i s U.S. Open Let's Make a Deal The Price Is Right Various News/M MattStav L i g h t o f th e S o u th w e s t Various Various Various V ariou s Various Various F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law&O.:SV U F M N C I S / Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U 5 : 0 0 F oo t b a l l Ala./Vir. N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Arkansas vs. Alabama NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c '13 BCS National Championship N.D./Ala. NCAA Football NCAA 5 : 0 0 F oo t b a l l Ohio St./UCLA N C A A F o o t b a l l C l a s s i cs Pittsburgh vs. Penn State N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Ohio State vs. Michigan NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i c N.D./Mich. NCAA U.S. Open Official Film P G A C h amp . Racing '79 Indianapolis 500 USAC W i m b l e do n O f f i c i al F i l m s T e n n i s C l a ss i c s '79 U.S. Open I TF New York City, N.Y. Baseball MLB 5:00 Baseball MLB Baseb all C lassic '79 World Series Pittsburgh vs Baltimore M L B Baseb all C lassic '79 World Series Baltimore vs Pittsburgh M L B F o o tb a l l Ohio St./UCLA NCAA U.S. Open Official Film Racing '79 Indianapolis 500 USAC W i m b l e d o n O f f i c i al F i l m s T e n n i s C l a ss i c s '79 U.S. Open I TF New York City, N.Y. Baseball MLB S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F 5:30 SportsCenter Baseb all Phi./Atl. M L B S p o r t s C en t e r T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center Flushing Meadows, N.Y. S p o r t s C en t e r T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F Flushing Meadows, N.Y.

M T W Th F M T W Th F M Mike & Mike T W Th F (28)



Numbers Never Lie S p o r t s C en t e r Drag Racing U.S. National NHRA Indianapolis, Ind. ESPN First Take S p o r t s C en t e r Basketb all World Cup New Zealand vs. United States F I B A S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN First Take S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r ESPN First Take Basketb all World Cup United States vs. Ukraine FI BA Bilbao, Spain S p o r t s C en t e r Ridicu./ Awkward. Ridicu./ Awkward. V a rio u s M Ridiculous M Ridiculous M Ridiculous VMAStyle/ Ridicu. G i rl C o d e Various Gir lC o d e / R id icu . V a r i o u s Gir lC o d e / R id icu . Un s o l v ed M y s te ri e s F ra s i e r/M M o v i e F ra s i e r Frasier Frasier F ra s i e r/M M o v i e F ra s i e r Met Your Mother Met Mother Various Tu M e t M o th e r Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Sup e rnatural / M R i z z o l i & I s l e s F Tu Th B o n e s /M Rizzoli/W Leg e nd s F Tu Th Bones/M Rizzoli/W Legends Various 17 Kids/ 18 Kids CakeB./ TBA W Th C a k e B o ss T w i n s / P re gn a n t Th P re g n an t F W Th F ou r W e d d i ng s F W Th F ou r W e d d i ng /M T B A Various 17 Kids/ 1 8 Kids Paid Program Paid Program I (Almost) Got Away With It Disappeared Wicked Attraction Sins and Secrets Airplane Repo F a t 'N F u ri o u s : R o l l i n g T h un d e r F a t 'N F u ri o u s : R o l l i n g T h un d e r F a t 'N F u ri o u s : R o l l i n g T h un d e r F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd next F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 2 of 2 T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d Hard Time T o B e A n n o u n ce d First Week In Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P ai d P ro g ra m Paid Program Various Various Various Various M Movie/W Ghost F Wizard Wars W Ghos t V a rio u s M ov i e s W G h os t H u n te rs M o v i e / G ho s t F M o v i e / Th Mo v i e Tu M o v i e / W G h os t H u n te rs W Ghos t The Crocod ile Hunter F M D i r t y Jo b s / Tu-Th Animal C. F M D i r t y Jo b s / Tu-Th Pit Bulls F M D i r t y J o b s / Tu-Th Pit Bulls F M D i r t y J o b s / Tu-Th P it Bu lls Dirty Jobs 4:30 Soccer UEFA Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star W P T Paid Program Halls of Fame Diamondbacks Baseb all MLB Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Darts Premier League F o o tb a l l Colorado vs. Colorado State N C AA Paid Program Sports Unlimited Golf Life Golf Destination Swing Clinic 18 Holes Match Play Playing Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various H o u s e H/M F l i p F lo p House/M FlipFlop V a rio u s Various We There Yet? The Browns House of Payne Full House Various Fresh P./ Cougar T F re s h P ri n c e Fresh Prince Movie Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad 5:00 C M T Musi c CM T M usic M George Strait Th T h ro w b a c k Th u rsd a y V i d e o s 4:00 VH1 + Music DateNakd/ Love and/ Therapy Various F Movie/Tu ATL Ex V a rio u s Tu R & B S o n g s Various M Tu Th K ard ash Kard ash/ Divas M Tu Th K ard ash Kard ash/ D ivas M Tu Kard ash Kard ash/ Un to ld M Tu Kard ash F W Th E ! News M Tu Kard as h FoodEnvy/ SexCity V a rio u s Paid Program Paid Program Griffith/M Hillbili Griffith/M Hillbili Hillbili/ :10 Walker Bev . Hi llbil lies Var ious M Hillbillies Hillbili/ Gunsmk. Bonanza/ Hillbili Hillbili/ Bonanza Hillbili/ Bonanza 5:55 F u l l H o us e F u l l H o u s e Mr. Cooper Instant Mom P are n ts / G u p p i e s S p o n g e B o b Sponge/ Dora&Fr. PAW/ Dora&Fr. P AW/M D o ra& F r. V a rio u s Various Various Clevela./M B o b B K i n g H/M B o b B L e g e n ds Ch i m a T e n k a i K n i g h t s P o k 茅m o n : B W J o h nn y T e s t Johnny Test TeenTi tansGo Teen Titans Go! Gumball Gumball F M o v i e / M ov i e P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb F Octonaut/3 3rd & Octonaut/E Einstein F Mouse/G Gaspard F M o u s e /C C h ug g . F Ja k e /M M .M o u s e F Sofia1st/JJake V a r i o u s S t u f f i n s / M o us e F Mouse/SStuffins F Sofia1st/E Einstein Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program <++ A n U n f i n i s h ed L i f e ('05) Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford. <++ F re e d om l a n d (Dra, '06) Julianne Moore, Samuel L. Jackson. Buffy Vampire 1/2 cont'd next Buffy Vampire Slaye r Pt. 2 of 2 <+++ X -M en : F i rs t C l a s s ('11) Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. Buffy the Vampire Slayer <++ E v e r y b o d y ' s F i n e (Dra, '09) Sam Rockwell, Robert De Niro. <++ A n U n f i n i s h ed L i f e ('05) <++ A n U n f i n i s h ed L i f e ('05) Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford. <++ R e i g n o f F i re (Act, '02) Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale. <+++ F re qu e n c y (Sci-Fi, '00) James Caviezel, Dennis Quaid. <+++ S t a r T r e k ('09) Chris Pine. Ellen B o u n ty H u n te r B o u n ty H u n te r B o u n ty H u n te r M Th B o u n ty Various ShipWar/ Wahlbrg V a ri o u s ShipWar Various F Cement Heads Various F Married to Job Paid Program T h r e e S t o o g es <+++ C ad d ysh ack (Com, '80) Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase. <+++ U.S. M ars h als (Act, '98) Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes. S to o g e /SS t o og e <+++ Wind talkers (War, '02) Adam Beach, Nicolas Cage. <+++ Ram bo : F i rs t Blo o d ('82) Sylvester Stallone. <++ T h e C ro w : C i t y o f A n g e l s ('96) Vincent Perez. :45 <++ D e a th W i s h I II (Act, '85) Deborah Raffin, Charles Bronson. : 4 5 <++ E n d o f D a y s ('99) Arnold Schwarzenegger. <+++ Goo d Mo rnin g , V i etn am (War, '87) Forest Whitaker, Robin Williams. <++ U-57 1 (War, '00) Bill Paxton, Matthew McConaughey. <+++ Co n sp i rac y Th eo r y (Act, '97) Julia Roberts, Mel Gibson. <+++ T h e H o r s e W h i s p e r e r ('98) Scarlett Johansson, Robert Redford. F C o n sp i ra c y / T o B e A n n o u n ce d F C o n sp i ra c y F C o n sp i rac y / T o B e A n n o u n ce d F C i tie s /W M e g a Disas ters F C i tie s /TT o B e A n n o u n c e d F Cities of the Underworld <++ Un d e r C ap ri c o rn (Myst, '49) Joseph Cotten, Ingrid Bergman. <++ W a l k S o f t l y , S t r a n g e r ('50) Joseph Cotten. < T h e S t e e l T r a p ('52) Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten. <++ T h e A n g e l Wo r e R e d ('60) <++ T h e G a r d e n o f A l l a h ('36) Charles Boyer. <++++ T h e B i g P a r a d e (Act, '25) Renee Adoree, John Gilbert. : 1 5 < T h e S p i r i t o f t h e B e e h i v e (Dra, '73) Ana Torrent, Teresa Gimpera. <++ R a c h e l a n d t h e S t r a n g e r ('48) <++ F o rc e o f A rm s ('51) William Holden. : 1 5 <++ T h e Mo o n i s B l u e ('53) William Holden, Maggie McNamara. <+++ E x e c u t i v e Su i t e ('54) <++++ Ad am 's Rib (Com, '49) Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy. <++ R h a p s o d y (Rom, '54) Vittorio Gassman, Elizabeth Taylor. <+++ M eet M e in Las V e g as (Rom, '56) Cyd Charisse, Dan Dailey. 5 : 3 0 <++ T h r e e H e a r t s f o r J u l i a <+++ A W o m a n ' s S e c r e t ('49) Maureen O'Hara. <++ T h e D e v i l C om m a n ds ('41) :45 <++ S w e e th e art o f th e C a m p u s ('41) <+++ H i t l e r ' s C h i l d r e n ('43) 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration WifeKid/ Sunday.. W if e and Kids WifeKid/M G o s p e l M y W i f e & K i d s V a rio u s Various Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Gangland Gangland W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os Cops Movie Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Gangland < T o B e A n n o u n ce d W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os W o r l d ' s W i l d e s t P o l ic e V i d e os Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover TBA Jersey Belle Jersey Belle T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Housewives Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don 't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Tardy Don't Be T ardy ... Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Tabatha's Salon Takeover The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The Millionaire Matchmaker The R eal Hous ewiv es of Atlanta T h e R e a l H o u s e w ives of Atl a nta

























ESPN First Take

M T W Th F M T W Th F Tabatha Takes Over






















































Friday, August 29, 2014


ESPN (26)

ESPN2 (27)




A&E AMC (55)



BRAVO (61)

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24)

M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F (28) (29) (32) (33)

M T W Th F (35) (36) (37)

M T W Th F (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

M T W Th F (54)

M T W Th F (56)

M T W Th F (59)

M T W Th F M T W Th F












1 1 : 0 0 A m o r e s i no l v id a b l e s

D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .





Hoy La rosa de Guadalupe El gordo y la fl aca Primer impacto Sit Fit/ Living Various Curious George Clifford Cat in the Hat Arthur Martha Speaks Wild Kratts WordGirl News America The 700 Club C o l d C as e F i l e s Th e P eop le's C ou rt Judge Mathis Law & Order: Special Victims Unit That '70s Show That '70s Show Friends Friends The Middle The Middle T h e B i l l C u n n i ng h am S h o w Rules of Engage. Rules of Eng Paternity Court Divorce C ourt Bridezillas The Test The Jerry Springer Show The Steve Wilkos Show The Chew General Hospital Katie The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Dr. Oz Show Eyewitness News 4 at Midday Days of Our Lives The Rachae l R a y S h o w T h e I n s id e r I n s id e E d i t i o n J u dg e J ud y J u d y/Th News 11:00 Fina Estampa Lo mejor de caso cerrado Suelta la sopa Caso cerrado Al rojo vivo KRQE News Bold-Beautiful The Young and the Restless T h e T al k Dr. Phil KRQE News 13 KRQE News 13 N e w s /M S a l . Various Various Various Light of the Southwest Various Various F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law&O.:SV U F M N C I S / Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U 11:00 Football NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Florida State vs. Clemson NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Clemson vs. Florida State NCAA 1 1 : 0 0 F oo t b a l l N.D./Mich. N C A A F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs 1979 Sugar Bowl Alabama vs. Penn State NCAA Baseb all '79 National League Championship Series Pit./Cin. MLB 1 1 : 3 0 B a s e b a l l C l a s s i c s Philadelphia Phillies vs. Chicago Cubs M L B Baseb all C lassic '79 World Series Pittsburgh vs Baltimore M L B 30 for 30 11:00 Football NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Pittsburgh vs. Penn State NCAA F o o tb a l l C l a s s i cs Ohio State vs. Michigan NCAA 11:00 Baseball MLB Baseb all C lassic '79 World Series Pittsburgh vs Baltimore M L B Baseb all C lassic '79 World Series Baltimore vs Pittsburgh M L B 1 1 : 0 0 T e nn i s U.S. Open I T F Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center Flushing Meadows, N.Y. S p o r t s C en t e r 1 1 : 0 0 B a s e b a l l Philadelphia Phillies at Atlanta Braves M L B Atlanta, Ga. B a s e b a l l Detroit Tigers at Cleveland Indians M L B Site: Progressive Field Cleveland, Ohio 9 : 0 0 T e n n is U.S. Open I T F Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center Flushing Meadows, N.Y. T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center Flushing Meadows, N.Y. S p o r t s C en t e r




New Mexico Noticiero Univ. Various Nightly Business Steve Harvey M o d e r n F am i l y M o d e r n F am i l y Maury Action 7 News News / News News 4 @ 5 News/Th NFL Kick Noticias @ 5 Noticiero E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 1 3 Various Various F M N C I S /Tu-Th Law & Ord e r: SV U 30 for 30 Battle of the Netwo rk Stars


S (41)

















W h o 's N u mb e r 1? B o x i n g C l a ss i c s New York, N.Y. F o o tb a l l BYU vs Connecticut NCAA C o l l e g e Fo o tb a l l C ou n td o wn T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F Baseb all Bos./N.Y. Y. M LB NFL Insiders Fantasy Football T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F

S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l NFL Insiders NFL Live Around Horn I n te rru p ti o n T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F 1 0 : 0 0 D r a g R a c i n g U.S. National N H R A Site: Lucas Oil Raceway Park Indianapolis, Ind. S p o r t s C en t e r 11:30 SportsCenter SportsNation NFL Insiders NFL Live Around Horn Pardon the E:60 I n te rru p ti o n T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l NFL Insiders Basketb all World Cup United States vs. Dominican Republic FIB A T e n n i s U.S. Open I T F 11:30 SportsCenter SportsNation NFL Insiders NFL Live Around Horn Around the Horn Interruption S p o r t s C en t e r Various Gir lC o d e/ R id icu . V a r i o u s Ridicu./ Ridicu. Various Ridicu./ R i d i c u . V a rio u s Various V ario u s Various Various Various Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy / M Movie F Th Wife Swap /Tu W C e l eb W i f e V a rio u s Tu A s i a Various Tu R a i s i n g A s i a V a rio u s F Tu Th Bones/M Rizzoli/W Legends F Tu Th B o n e s /M Ri zzo l i & Isl es ... F Tu Th C as tl e / M R i z z o l i & I s l e s C a s tl e / Rizzoli W M ov i e F Tu Th C as tl e / M R i z z o l i & I s l e s F Tu Th C as tl e / M R i z z o l i & I s l e s Various 17 Kids/ 18 Kids Various Say Yes/ Medium F W Th S ay Yes F W Th S ay Yes Say Yes / Say Yes S ayYes F Say Yes/M Tu TBA F Say Yes to Say Yes/ 40 Child F Say Yes to Airplane Repo Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Go ld Bering Sea Gold Fast N' Loud F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd next F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 2 of 2 F a s t N ' L o u d 1/2 cont'd next F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 2 of 2 F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd next Alaska Marshals Y u k o n M en Y u k o n M en Y u k o n M en Y u k o n M en Y u k o n M en T o B e A n n o u n ce d Highway to Sell F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd next F a s t N ' L o u d Pt. 2 of 2 Fast N' Loud T o B e A n n o u n ce d First Week In Bermuda Triangle Exposed B e rmuda Triangle: New Evidence Alask. Monster 1/2 cont'd next A l a s k a n M o n s te r H un t Pt. 2 of 2 Cupcake M S. Ki tchen Southern/ Pioneer B a re f o o t Various Southern/ Dinners V a rio u s Various Various P i o n e e r/ G i a d a V a rio u s Pioneer/ Barefoot V a rio u s M ov i e s W Ghos t Tu F ace Off W G h os t Various Movie Tu F ace Off F Movie/Tu Face Off M o v i e M M o v i e / Tu Face Off Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs T o B e A n n o u n ce d / M D i r t y J o b s M I c e L a k e R e b e l s M Ice Lake Rebels F Th TBA/M Ice Lake Reb els S o o n e rsFoo tb a l l L o n g ho rn s Baylor Be ars Re d Raid e rs P re A g g i e s P rev i e w N M S U S p o r t s Poker WPT West Coast Customs UF C C o un td o wn 1 1 : 3 0 B a s e b a l l Colorado vs Arizona M L B D i a m o n db a c k s Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Padres M LB Site: Petco Park San Diego, Calif. Post-game Diamondbacks Paid Program Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Padres M LB Golf Life Golf Destination Golf America 18 Holes Swing Clinic Match Play Playing Through F o o tb a l l Fresno State vs. USC NCAA West Coast Customs P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star W P T D e st i n a t i o n Po l . F i s h i ng / J oh n n y S o c c e r Champions League Besiktas vs. Arsenal UEF A The Game 365 West Coast Customs P o k e r Bay 101 Shooting Star W P T Piece of Game Baseball Uni Various Various Various Various V ario u s Various Various Various Various Various Various F lip F lo p / H o u se H Movie A m e r i c a n D a d K i n g o f Q u e e ns K i n g o f Q u e e ns F ri e n d s Friends Friends F ri e n d s Seinfeld Seinfeld F S e i n f ./B BigBang Mom Various F Movie Broken S / Makeov'r/ Red/Vaca Various F Reba F Movie/MTh Broken S/TuW Makeov'r Various F M o v i e /Tu R&B M o v i e / Therapy Tu B e h i n d Mu s i c T h e rap y/ S.N.L Movie/ DateNakd V a rio u s TITiny Various Tu A tl a n ta E x e s V a rio u s F Nicole/Tu ATL Ex Ka rd ash / S e xC i ty Ka rd ash / S e xC i ty Ka rd ash / S e xC i ty Ka rd ash / S e x C i ty V a r i o u s Movie Kardash/ Botched M Kard ash Kardash/ Botched Kardash/ Divas E! News M Kardashians Hillbili/ Bo n an za Hillbili/ :50 Walker M C am e ra/Tu-Th Walker TR Walker, TR / M Candid Camera C am e ra/ Walker/ :10 Walker Various Tu-Th A. Griffith V arious Griffith/ Hil lbili Various P A W/M S p o ng e Dora&Fr./ Parents Sponge/M Parents V a ri o u s Rabbids/ SanjayCr SanjayCr/ Parents M o v i e P aren ts / S p o ng e P aren ts / S p o ng e M o v i e S p o ng e Bob 11:30 M ov i e / M o v i e Various Various Tom & Jerry Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Advent. Advent./Th Gumball Regular/ Gumball M o v i e Gumball Mickey M. Mouse/O Octonaut F Sofia1st/M Mouse V a r i o u s Dog Blog/A Ag.Oso F D o g B l o g /JJ a k e V a rio u s Various Various Various Various Various Movie <++ T h e T o u r i s t (Act, '10) Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp. Met Mother Met Mother Partners Partners Met Mother Met Mother Two and Half 1 0 : 0 0 <+++ X - M en : F i r s t C l a s s M i k e & M o l l y Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly 1 1 : 0 0 <++ A n U n f i n i s h ed L i f e <++ R e i g n o f F i re (Act, '02) Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale. <+++ D e a th a t a F u n e ral (Com, '10) Keith David. Met Mother Met Mother <+++ F re qu e n c y (Sci-Fi, '00) James Caviezel, Dennis Quaid. Anger Manage Anger Manage Two and Half Two and Half Men Two and Half Two and Half Movie 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ S t a r T r e k ('09) Chris Pine. Two and Half Two and Half <++ Battles h i p (Sci-Fi, '12) Alexander Skarsgard, Taylor Kitsch. Met Mother Married/C C .M i n d s F M a r r i e d t o J o b F T h e F i r s t 4 8 / C r i m i n a l M i n d s T h e F i rs t 48 / M C ri m i n a l M i n d s A f te r 48/ C .M i n d s / F irs t 4 8 S. Wars /M C .M i n d s S to rag e W a rs Various S. Wars/ Wahlbrg Movie <++ G e t S m a r t (Com, '08) Anne Hathaway, Steve Carell. <+++ Ju rass ic P ark (Sci-Fi, '93) Laura Dern, Sam Neill. Movie <++ Ram b o : F i rs t Blo o d P art I I ('85) Sylvester Stallone. <+++ R a m b o I I I (Act, '88) Richard Crenna, Sylvester Stallone. <+++ Ram bo : F i rs t Blo o d ('82) 1 0 : 4 5 <++ E n d o f D a y s ('99) <+++ A l i e n s (Sci-Fi, '86) Michael Biehn, Sigourney Weaver. <++ Ter m i n at o r 3 : Ri s e o f t h e M ach in e s ('03) <++ T h e C o r e (Sci-Fi, '03) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank. <+++ A p o l l o 1 3 (Doc/Dra, '95) Bill Paxton, Tom Hanks. 1 0 : <+++ T h e H o r s e W h i s p e r e r <+++ W e W e r e S o l d i e r s (War, '02) Madeleine Stowe, Mel Gibson. <++ H i t m a n (Act, '07) Olga Kurylenko, Dougray Scott. F C i tie s /TT o B e A n n o u n c e d F Cities of the Underworld F C i tie s /TT o B e A n n o u n c e d F Cities of the Underworld F C i tie s /TT o B e A n n o u n c e d F Pickers /M W Th T BA/Tu H o u d i n i 1 1 : 0 0 <++ T h e A ng e l W o r e R e d <+++ G a s l i g h t (Thril, '44) Joseph Cotton, Ingrid Bergman. <++++ T h e M a g n i f i c e n t A m b e r s o n s ('42) : 4 5 <+++ J o u r n e y I n t o F e a r ('42) Joseph Cotten. <+++ S o m e t h i n g W i l d (Dra, '61) Ralph Meeker, Carroll Baker. < M o s t D a n g e ro us G a m e ('32) : 1 5 <++ D e a t h R i d e s a H o r s e ('69) Lee Van Cleef, John Phillip Law. : 1 5 < L a J e t e e ('62) Jean NĂŠgroni. 1 1 : 0 0 <+++ E x e c ut i v e S u i t e < T o w a r d t h e U n kn o w n (Dra, '56) Lloyd Nolan, William Holden. <++++ T h e B r i d g e o n t h e R i v e r K w a i (War, '57) Alec Guinness, William Holden. <++ D ear H ear t (Rom, '64) Glenn Ford, Angela Lansbury. <+++ T w o T i c k e ts t o B r o a d w a y ('51) Janet Leigh, Tony Martin. <+++ T h is C o u ld B e T h e N i g h t ('57) Paul Douglas, Jean Simmons. Movie <+++ S o W e l l R e m e m b e r e d (Dra, '47) Martha Scott, John Mills. < T h e O b s es s i on ('49) Robert Newton. : 1 5 <++ T h e S n ip er (Thril, '52) Arthur Franz, Adolphe Menjou. Various Various Various Various La La / FamilyFi Various Various La La/ Frankie& F La La/Tu Frankie& V a rio u s Various La La/ Frankie& Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland 11:30 < T o B e A n n ou n c e d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master 11:00 < T o B e A n n ou n c e d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d C o ps C o ps 11:30 H.Wives H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y Do n 't Be Tard y Don't Be Tard y Don't Tard y <++ Scary Movie 2 (Com, '01) Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans. Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es o f A tl a n ta T h e S i n g l es P ro j e c t T h e S i n g l es P ro j e c t Below Deck Below Deck R e a l H o u s e w i v e s 2/2 from Aug 26 Below Deck Top Chef Duels Million Dollar List M i l l i o n D o l l a r L i s t i n g L o s A n g e l es H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e r s e y Extreme Guide to Parenting Extreme Guide to Parenting H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es R e a l H o u s e w i v e s 2/2 from Aug 28

Friday, August 29, 2014

D (41)


























































Cover Story

Reality and fantasy collide in an ambitious ‘Quest’ By Jacqui Wiens TV Media


he line between reality and nonreality television has always been a bit blurry. The genre has been plagued with accusations of scripting interactions, coercing their subjects into taking atypical actions and even predetermining the outcomes of various shows. ABC’s recent venture into the reality genre is sending up smoke signals that obscure the line altogether, as “The Quest” takes 12 brave Paladins into the mystical Everealm, where being knighted is more than a formality and where ogres, dragons and dark lords loom menacingly. Step inside the adventure as the Paladins fight to free Everealm when a new episode of “The Quest” airs Thursday, Sept. 4, on ABC. Dragons? In a reality series? It does seem absurd at first glance, but while the contestants — called Paladins — will be interacting with actors, their actions and abilities will determine the eventual “one true hero” who will take on the evil Verlox to save Everealm. “The Quest” is an ambitious series that aims to seamlessly merge our world with a fantastical realm. The imaginary world is inhabited by various species pulled from the pages of fantasy novels, as well as the essential castle full of good humans sheltered from the evils of the outside world. At the start of the series, the heroes

arrive in Everealm and are greeted by the Fates, the mysterious beings who summoned the Paladins from our world to save the magical dimension. The Fates — played by Stephanie Buddenbrock (“Risse im Beton,” 2014), Florence Kasumba (“Tatort”) and Mai Duong Kieu (“Roughtown,” 2014) — reveal that their world is under siege by a dark being known as Verlox (Doug Tait, “Pair of Kings”), and 11 of the 12 kingdoms have already fallen under the might of his onslaught. The heroes venture to the final free kingdom, led by Crio the Dreamer (Jan Hutter, “Joyeux Noel,” 2005), arriving at Castle Sanctum to hear the history of “The Quest” from the Grand Vizier (Marcello De Nardo, “My Best Enemy,” 2011), chief among the queen’s advisers. As the Grand Vizier explained, a similar group of 12 heroes defeated Verlox 1,000 years ago using the Sunspear. Verlox was banished back then, but has since made his way back to Everealm. The new Paladins each received a piece of the Sunspear from the Fates and must now train and compete amongst themselves in order to become the one true hero. The morning after their arrival at Castle Sanctum, the Paladins are sent to the training yard under the watchful eye of Sir Ansgar (Peter Windhofer, “Silk Road,” 2008), head of the Royal Army. Working in teams of three, the champions use their skills and team-

work to take down fake enemies. Bonnie Gordon, one of the Paladins from the winning team, was nominated by her teammates and awarded the Mark of Leadership, the first of the small badges the contestants will wear to indicate they won a challenge. Back on the reality side of this fantasy series, the losing team of three must eliminate one of their members. As with all the future challenges, the competitors receive one last chance to save themselves in the Fates challenge. Christian Sochor triumphed in the inaugural Fates challenge, leaving his teammates Patrick Higgins and Katie Smaluk to the mercy of the other Paladins, each of whom had to choose which fellow hero to save. Patrick garnered the most support from his companions, making Katie return her piece of the Sunspear as she became the first to be eliminated. Following their training session, the Paladins are invited to an audience with the ruler of Sanctum, Queen Ralia (Susanne Gschwendtner, “The Fairy Who Stole Eyes,” 2006). After their conversation is interrupted by an injured soldier, the queen decides danger is close and the heroes need some intense training. The competitors participate in a tournament on horseback, taking on a variety of different combat styles and weapons. In bringing Everealm to life, ABC brought some experienced names on board. Among the various executive producers are Bertram van Munster and Mark Ordesky. Van Munster brings reality experience to the table, having been involved in CBS’s wildly popular series “The Amazing Race,” as well as its various spinoffs, and the unconventional TNT reality series “The Great Escape,” which challenges contestants to escape a carefully constructed course before the other teams.

Ordesky, meanwhile, has been heavily involved in fantasy for years, producing the film adaptation of “Inkheart” (2008) and “The Golden Compass” (2007). He is perhaps best known for his work on the epic “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and brings that fantastical know-how to “The Quest” in his first production role on a television show. “The Quest” is a one-of-a-kind show that challenges the definition of a reality television series. Real people are thrust into unfamiliar territory and swept along by the carefully planned events taking place around them. Will the Paladins be able to take down the evil Verlox before he destroys Castle Sanctum and the last stronghold of the resistance? Find out whose actions

Marcello De Nardo and Susanne Gschwendtner star in “The Quest” will allow them to become the one true hero when a new episode of “The Quest” airs Thursday, Sept. 4, on ABC.

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Family Feud

Masterchef The cooks Bones The remains of News 13 News 13 The receive a little hometown three people are found in on 2 KASA on 2 KASA S i m p so n s encouragement. one urn.

The Big Bang Theory

M a s te rs o f Whose Line Next Top Model The Mother Illusion (N) I s I t contestants tackle a "The Third Anyway? rigorous subway challenge. Wheel"

Met Your Two and a Two 1/2... Seinfeld Seinfeld M o th e r "46 Half Men "Springtime "The Fusilli "The NonMinutes" on a Stick" Jerry" Fat Yogurt"

Monk Sharona's sanity is M o n k Monk is asked to American put to the test. solve a Mafia killing case. Dad

American Dad

Theory TMZ Live! (6)

Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e

Entertai nment Tonigh t

Last Man St Last Man St Shark T. Entrepreneurs "Parenting "Project demonstrate their smart Bud" Mandy" light bulb.
































(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)







BRAVO (61)


Reina de Corazones


CSI: Crime Scene "The Hawaii Five-0 Five-0 Blue Bloods Danny and Fallen" A teenage opens uncovers a possible Baez investigate the fire in a police station. terrorist cell of students. death of a teenage girl.

Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13

Wheel of Fortune

Update News N C I S "In the Dark"

El señor de los cielos

Arsenio Hall Show

Light of the Southwest Best of Week

:35 Access Hollywood

En otra piel Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35

Update BAS Walking Yohanan News Presents Salamanca Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Covert Affairs "Sensitive Law & Order: Special Family Family "Chirp" Family Family Family Euro Man" Victims Un it "Painless" 5:00 30 for 30 30 fo r 30 "Pony Excess" SEC Storied 30 fo r 30 "Youngstown Boys" 5 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o tb a l l BYU vs. Connecticut (L) Scoreboard NCAA Foo tball UNLV vs. Arizona (L) S p o r t s C en t. 5 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is U.S. Open (L) H.S. Fo otba ll De La Salle vs. Jesuit (L) Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous 2014 MTV Video Music Awards No Cameras (N) < T h e U g l y T r u t h ++ ('09) Katherine Heigl. A < Killers +++ ('10) Ashton Kutcher. Newlyweds < T h e U g l y T r u t h ++ ('09) Katherine Heigl. A crude talk show host meddles in his boss' love life. discover that their neighbors are assassins. crude talk show host meddles in his boss' love life. < T h e L a st S a mu r a i ++ (2003, Drama) Ken Watanabe, Billy Connolly, Tom Leg ends "Lords of War" Franklin & Bash "Love is < The Hulk ++ ('03) the Drug" Cruise. An American in Japan embraces the samurai culture. Eric Bana. F o u r W e dd i n gs "... and F o u r W e dd i n gs "... and F o u r W e dd i n gs "Bests F o u r W e dd i n gs "... and F o u r W e dd i n gs "Bests F o u r W e dd i n gs "... and a Go-Kart Race" a Rock Club" (N) and Blunders" (N) a Rock Club" and Blunders" a Go-Kart Race" D re d g e d Up "Under the Berin g Sea Go ld : Un d er Airp lane Rep o "Repo Berin g Sea Go ld : Un d er Airp lane Rep o "Repo Bering Sea Gold Ice: Motherlode" (N) th e I ce "Gold Luck" (N) Rat Race" (N) th e I ce "Gold Luck" Rat Race" C h op p ed Diners, Diners, Dr. Diners, Diners, Diners, Dr. Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Eating USA Drive-Ins "Bar Food" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Porktastic" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Ribfest" WWE Smackdown! WWE superstars do battle in Wizard Wars "Puppy Al m ig h ty Jo h ns o ns "I Defiance: The Lost Ones Defiance: The Lost Ones Love" Can Give You Frigg" (N) "All Things Must Pass" "I Almost Prayed" long-running rivalries. (N) 5 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d R e d w o od K i n g s R e d w o od K i n g s (N) R e d w o od K i n g s R e d w o od K i n g s T o B e A n n o u n ce d Baseball Diamond- Diamond- MLB Baseb all Colorado Rockies at Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- P o s t-g am e P o s t-g am e Sports Hall Un iv ers ity backs Live b ac k s (L) Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) of Fame Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too House HouseHun- H o u s e House Love It or List It, Too House HouseHun"Empty Nesters" "Grown-Up Gap" (N) Hunters tersOff Grid Hunters Hunters "Grown-Up Gap" Hunters tersOff Grid Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy < The Change-Up +++ ('11) Jason Bateman. < I t's C o m p licated +++ ('09) Meryl Streep. A Two best friends swap bodies after a wild night. divorced couple reunite at their son's graduation. 5 : 0 0 < P u re Co u n try ++ ('92) George Strait. George Strait "The Cowboy Rides Away" (N) C o w bo y s C he e r. (N) George Strait (N) Dating Naked Atlanta "Over And Out" Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta Exes TI Tiny < B o o ty C a l l ++ ('97) Jamie Foxx. The Kardashians Fashion Po lice The Soup E! News (N) < N e v e r B e e n K i s s ed +++ ('99) Drew Barrymore. A . G r iff i th :35 G r i f f i t h :10 Q u e e ns :50 Q u e e ns :25 T h e K i n g o f Q u ee n s Q u e e ns :35 Ray :10 Ray :50 Ray : 2 5 L o v e s R a y "Be Nice" iCarly iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat SpongeBob The Haunted Hath aways Full House Full House Full House Full House Gumball TeenTita TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad 5 : < H i g h S c h oo l Mu s ... I D i d n ' t D o I t I D i d n ' t D o I t A u s t i n / A l l y D o g B l o g Girl Girl Girl Girl I Didn'tDoIt Liv Maddie Two and a < 21 Ju m p Street +++ ('12, Act) Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, < Avatar +++ (2009, Fantasy) Sam Worthington, Giovanni Ribisi, Zoe Half Men Jonah Hill. Cops go back to high school to take down a drug ring. Saldana. A paraplegic marine is dispatched on a unique mission. Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds "The Criminal Minds "The Good Earth" Apprenticeship" Fallen" Wheels on the Bus..." Good Earth" Apprenticeship" < T h e L o s t D a u g h ter (1997, Drama) Susanna Simon, Clare Sims, Richard < O c e a n ' s E l e v e n +++ ('01, Cri) Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, < U.S. Chamberlain. Man's daughter in cult. George Clooney. A gang of thieves plans to rob three casinos. Marshals American Pickers "Pinch American Pickers American Pickers "Big :05 Pickers "Automotive American Pickers "Pinch American Pickers Picker" "Frank's Holy Grail" Boy Toys" Archaeology" Picker" "Frank's Holy Grail" < P o rtrait o f Jen n ie +++ ('48) : 4 5 < D u e l i n t h e S u n +++ (1946, Western) Joseph Cotten, : 1 5 < T h e T h i r d M an ++++ ('49) Joseph Cotten. Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten. Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck. Two brothers fight over a woman. A writer works to solve his friend's murder. La La's Full La La's Full Apollo Live Apollo Live Apollo Live Apollo Live Apollo Live Court Life Court Life Gangland "Stone to the Gangland "From Girl to C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps "Bad C o ps C o ps C o ps Bone" Gangster" Girls 4" < A m e r i c a n P i e 2 ++ (2001, Comedy) Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan, Jason Biggs. After a year, < S c a ry M o v i e 2 ++ ('01) Marlon Wayans. Teens the boys reunite for a summer of fun. visit a haunted house for their class project.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Shepherd's Heart

En otra piel









Friday Best Bets

(50) (8815)

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Caso cerrado



: 0 5 F o o tb a l l : 3 5 T h e

13 on 2 KASA

Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.

(12) I s ra e l


:35 News

Action 7 News Live


Masterpiece Mystery! "Breathless" Inspector Mulligan snoops around.

Eyewitness Eyewitness Running Wild With Bear Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative News 4 at Grylls features and stories. 6:30



La Que No Podia Amar

Family Guy S o u th P a rk K i n g H "The King of th e "The King Is Honeymo- Hill Dead" oners" Action 7 News Live

(8) N e w s 4



WashinCharlie gton Week Rose: The (N) Week (N)

The Big

New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. American Masters "Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning" View an intimate portrait of the photographer. (N)


Market to Market


La Malquerida


PBS NewsHour

(5) B a n g



Hasta el fin del mundo

(4) F e u d



Mi corazón es Tuyo




De Que Te Quiero Te

(2) Q u i e r o (SF)


D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .





(25) (8819)

Marie in her wedding dress in “Four Weddings”

Running Wild With Bear Grylls (27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138)


7:00 p.m.

Famed British survival expert Bear Grylls takes a new celebrity on the adventure of a lifetime each week in this new action-packed series. The A-listers join Grylls for a 48 hour trek into the wildest and most remote areas of America and beyond.

(280) (183)

Four Weddings

(278) (182)


7:00 p.m.

(229) (112)

Another group of brides is ready to walk down the aisle in this new episode. Bianca’s rooftop ceremony features butterflies and dragons, while Jenn’s art museum wedding gives guests a taste of the old and the new.

(247) (139)


(327) (166)


(335) (162)

Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Booth (David Boreanaz) are called in to investigate when an antiques collector interrupts his own funeral in this rebroadcast. Things get more complicated when the duo discovers the cremated remains contain three sets of DNA.

(231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205)

(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118)

8:00 p.m.

(254) (130)

Redwood Kings

(269) (120)


(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

8:00 p.m.

Ron and John have a fun project in the heart of California’s cowboy country in this new episode. They elaborately carve out a piece of redwood, turning it into an intricate playhouse for the daughter of a wealthy client.



(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)












(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (12) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (59) (60) (61)









Prog. pag ado Prog. pag ado Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Pocoyo Jung le Book Backyardigans Prog. pagado Prog. pagado L a rosa d e Gua dalupe W o o d t u r n in g Amer. Wood W o o d wo rk Sara's Meals Test Kitchen C h ris ti n a C o o ks B a rb e c u e Un i v . M o to rw e e k (N) A l l e n S m i t h V i c t o r y G a r d e n P a i n t T h i s 1/4 Joy of Painting KRQE News 13 Animal Atlas Animal Rescue DragonflyTV Animal Science Weekend Marketplace Family Style On the Spot Paid Program Paid Program C u b ix : R o b o t s C u b ix : R o b o t s S o n i c X Bolts and Blip Spec.SpiderM an Spec.SpiderM an Dragon Ball Z D i g i m o n Fusion Yu-Gi-Oh! 1/2 Y u - G i - O h Z E X Paid Program Paid Program Bloopers Hollywood Career Day Winning Edge Live Life & Win! Eco Comp any Think Big Co o l es t E a rth Bounty Hunter Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning Wild Co untd. Ocean Myst. Born to Explore Sea Rescue Wildlife Docs Expedition Wild 5 : 0 0 T o d a y (N) Eyewitness News 4 Weekend Zou T h e C h i c a S h o w N o o d l e Do od l e J u s t i n T i m e Tree Fu Tom LazyTown EP L S o c c e r Chelsea at Everton (L) Prog. pagado P rog. pag ado The Jet Plane Noodle Show chica LazyTown P ro g . p ag ado P ro g . p ag ado Super Latina O p e rac i o n Re p o < 16 B lo c ks ('06) Bruce Willis. 5 : 0 0 C B S T h i s M o r n in g S a t u r d a y K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g L u c k y D o g Dr. Chris Vet I T F T en n i s U.S. Open Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center -- Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (L) 5:00 Light of the South Donkey Ollie Dr. Wonder Retro News KingdomWar Dr. Pendleton Acquire the Fire Joe McGee Doug Stringer Dollars & Sense HaYesod Paid Program Royal Pains R u s h "Because I Got High" < P a u l ++ (2011, Comedy) Simon Pegg, Seth Rogen, Nick Frost. < G o o d L u c k Ch u c k ++ S p o rts C en tu ry "Casey Stengel" S p o rts C en tu ry "Reggie Jackson" S p o rts C en tu ry "John Elway" S p o rts C en tu ry "Secretariat" S E C S t o r i e d "The Book of Manning" 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r C o l l e g e G am ed ay (L) N C A A F oo tb a l l UCLA vs. Virginia (L) F o o tb a l l S c o re . N C A A F oo tb a l l Croke Park Classic Penn State vs. Central Florida (L) S p o r t s C en t e r N C A A F oo tb a l l Appalachian State vs. Michigan (L) R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R id i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d ic u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u lo u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss < ATL ++ (2006, Comedy) T.I.. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program P a i d P ro g r a m Paid Program Paid Program T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d F r a n k l i n B a s h "Love is the Drug" La w & Ord e r "Coma" L aw & Ord e r "Blue Bamboo" Law & Ord e r "Family Values" < T h e L o rd o f th e R i n g s : T h e F e l l o ws h ip o f th e R i n g +++ Paid Program Paid Program Un d e rc o v e r B o s s "Retro Fitness" Un d e rco v e r Bo s s "ADT" B o s s "The Tilted Kilt Sports Pub" Un d e rco v e r Bo s s "White Castle" Yes to th e Dres s Yes to th e Dres s Paid Program Paid Program Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud American Muscle American Muscle MythBusters Paid Program Paid Program Sandwich King Guy's Big Bite Best Thing Best Thing I Ate Farm Rules P i o n e e r W om a n P i o n e e r (N) S. Kitch e n (N) 4:00 Paid Program Wizard Wars "Spam-tastic!" Wizard Wars "Puppy Love" < D i n o s h a rk (2010, Sci-Fi) Iva Hasperger, Aaron Diaz, Eric Balfour. < Malibu Shark Attack + Dirty Jo b s "Snake Wrangler" Dirty Jo b s "Reindeer Farm" Dirty Jo b s "Turkey Inseminator" Dirty Jo b s "Alligator Farmer" Dirty Jo b s "Pig Farmer" Dirty Jo b s "Turkey Farmer" Post-game D u m b es t S tu f f P ai d P ro g ram Post-game D e s t i n a t i o n (N) G o l f (N) 18 Holes (N) Swing Clinic M a tc h P l a y (N) N C A A F oo tb a l l Wofford vs. Georgia Tech (L) Yard C ras h e rs Yard C ras h e rs C ras h e rs (N) Yard Crashers Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "Nursery Needed" House of Payne The Browns W e T h e re Y e t? K i n g o f Q u e e ns K i n g o f Q u e e ns < T h e C h a ng e - U p +++ ('11) Ryan Reynolds, Jason Bateman. < I t ' s C o m p l i c a t e d +++ ('09) Meryl Streep. 5:00 C M T Mu si c CM T M usi c G e o r g e S t r a i t "The Cowboy Rides Away" 4:00 VH1 + Music VH1 Top 20 Video Countdo wn VH 1 To p 20 Video Cou ntdo wn < 1 3 G o i n g o n 3 0 ++ ('04) Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner. < C a n 't Ha r d ly W a i t ++ Fashion Police The Soup E ! N e w s W e e k e n d (N) Living Dolls B o tc h e d "Making of a Belieber" B o t c h e d "Like a Surgeon" Botched :25 The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny Saturday Night Live :10 Saturday Night Live :20 Saturday Night L ive :55 F u l l H o us e F u l l H o u s e Mr. Cooper Instant Mom Odd Parents O d d P a ren ts S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob SanjayCraig C l e v e l a n d S h o w K i n g o f t h e H i l l L e g e n d s C h i m a T e n k a i K n i g h t s T e e n T i t a n s G o ! C h i m a (N) P o k ém o n X Y (N) C l a r e n c e Clarence Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Go! P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb S h e r i f f C a l l i e Mickey M. Jake Never Land Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins Sofia the First Girl Meets W Dog Blog Jessie I Didn't Do It Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Bu f f y V am p i re S l aye r "Choices" B u f f y V a m p i r e S l a y e r "The Prom" T w o a n d H a l f Two and Half Two and Half Two and Half C r i m i n a l M i n d s "God Complex" M i n ds "Brothers Hotchner" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "The Replicator" F l i p p i ng "Dollars and Sense" (N) F l i p p i ng V eg as "Fight House" (N) X B u i l d s "Russell and Meryl" (N) The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman T h e Ri f l e m a n The Rifleman The Rifleman H e l l o n W h e e l s "Reckoning" < T h e O u t l a w J o s e y W a l e s +++ ('76) Clint Eastwood. 5:00 Houdini America's Greatest Feud: The History of the Hatf ield s & McCoys H a tf i e l d s & M c C o y s Pt. 1 of 3 cont'd next H a t f i e l d M c C o y s 2/3 cont'd next < T h e N i t w i t s ++ ('35) Bert Wheeler. < F o l l o w t h e F l e e t ++ ('36) Ginger Rogers, Lucille Ball, Fred Astaire. < O l d M a n R h y th m +++ Charles "Buddy" Rogers. < G i v e M e a S a i l o r +++ 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration B e i n g "Deitrick Haddon" (N) B e i n g "Faith Evans" Frankie & Neffe Frankie & Neffe Paid Program Paid Program P ai d P ro g ram Paid Program Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. < M e n i n B l a c k +++ Will Smith. Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels Top Chef Duels T h e S i n g l es P r o j e c t "First Dates" T h e S i n g l es P r o j e c t


D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .



















Sabadazo F a m i l i a P . L u c h e N o t i c i e r o : F D S :55 M F L Fú tb o l Pumas de la UNAM at America (L) Oil Painting Quilt in a Day Quilting Arts Fons & Porter C r e a t i v e L i v i n g C o o k in g /C l a s s H o m e t i m e T h i s O l d H o us e A s k - O l d H o u s e W e lc o m e S t u d io S e w i n g N a n c y F i t 2 S t i t c h Paid Program Paid Program < F a i r y T a l e : A T r u e S t o r y +++ ('97) Peter O'Toole, Paul McGann. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program C o l l e g e Fo o tb al l S atu rd ay (L) NCAA Foo tb all M o d e r n F am i l y T h e B i g B a n g Friends The Big Bang Friends 'Til Death < B u l l D u r h a m +++ ('88) Susan Sarandon, Kevin Costner. G l e e "Wheels" < R i s i n g S ta rs ('10) Fisher Stevens, Barry Corbin. Paid Program Paid Program < W h a t H a p p e n s i n V e g a s ++ ('08) Ashton Kutcher, Cameron Diaz. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program Race Week Paid Program Football C. N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) Post-game ABC News Action 7 News 10:30 Soccer Goal Zone No tre Dam e P re N C A A F oo tb a l l Rice vs. Notre Dame (L) Pets.TV NBC News 1 1 : < 1 6 B l o c k s < T h e M a r i n e 3 : H o m e f r o n t ('13) Neal McDonough, Mike Mizanin. < J u m pe r ('08, Act) Jamie Bell, Hayden Christensen. R i tm o d e p o rti v o O p e r a c i o n R e p o < L a r a C ro f t : T o m b R a i d e r 9 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is U.S. Open Men's and Women's Third Round Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center -- Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (L) Paid Program Paid Program E v e n i n g N e ws K R Q E N e w s 13 Update News Walking Dr. Rik Wadge Uri H arel Light of the Southwest Best of Week HaYesod R o c k / M a n us c . B A S P re s e n t s Day Discovery 1 1 : 0 0 < G o o d L u c k C h u c k ++ < F ri d a y +++ (1995, Comedy) Chris Tucker, Nia Long, Ice Cube. < N e x t F r i d a y ++ (2000, Comedy) Mike Epps, Justin Pierce, Ice Cube. C h ri s l e y K n o w s C h ri s l e y K n o w s 1 1 : 3 0 3 0 / 3 0 "You Don't Know Bo" E S P N F i l m s "Roll Tide/ War Eagle" 3 0 f o r 3 0 "Ghosts of Ole Miss" 30 fo r 30 "The Best That Never Was" 30 fo r 30 "Youngstown Boys" 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o t b a l l UCLA/Vir. (L) F o o t b a l l S c o r e . F I B A B a s k e t b a l l World Cup Finland vs. United States (L) N C A A F oo tb a l l Clemson vs. Georgia (L) 1 0 : 0 0 N C A A Fo o t b a l l (L) F o o tb a l l S c o re . N C A A F oo tb a l l (L) Football Score. NASCAR Coun t. NASCAR Racing 1 1 : 0 0 < A T L ++ (2006, Comedy) Evan Ross, T.I.. Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 2014 MTV Video Music Awards Ridiculousness < T h e G o od M o t h e r +++ ('88) Liam Neeson, Diane Keaton. < D i r t y T e a c h e r ('13) Cameron Deane Stewart, Josie Davis. < G o o d D e ed s ('12) Thandie Newton, Gabrielle Union, Tyler Perry. 1 0 : 0 0 < T h e L o r d o f t h e R i n g s : T h e F e l l ow s h i p o f t h e R i n g +++ < T h e L o r d o f t h e R i n g s : T h e T w o T o w er s +++ ('02) Elijah Wood. A quest is at risk when the heroes take separate paths. Yes to th e Dres s Yes to th e Dres s Yes to th e Dres s Yes to th e Dres s Datelin e NBC "Over the Edge" Dateline "The Goldfinger Mystery" D a t e l i n e N B C "Crossing the Line" D a t e l i n e N B C "Family Affair" MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le A l a s ka n B u s h P e op le A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le T h e K i t c h e n (N) Kid s "The Chopped Challenge" Beat Bob b y Flay Beat Bob b y Flay Restaurant "Holy Cow!" Diners...Dives E a t i n g A m e r i c a G u y ' s G a m e "Moms Know Best" 1 1 : 0 0 < M a l i b u S h a rk A t t a c k + < M e g a S h a rk v s . M e c h a S h a rk + ('14) Christopher Judge. < S h a r k n a d o ++ (2013, Horror) Cassie Scerbo, Ian Ziering, Tara Reid. < S h a r k n a d o 2 : T h e S e c o n d O n e Dirty Jo b s "Ostrich Farmer" Dirty Jo b s "Alpaca Shearer" Dirty Jo b s "Camel Rancher" D irty Jo b s "Dairy Cow Midwife" T o B e A n n o u n ce d 1 0 : 3 0 N C A A Fo o t b a ll Wofford vs. Georgia Tech (L) H .S. F o o tb a l l Sollenberger Classic B a se b a ll U n i (N) D i a m o n db a c k s D i a m o n db a c k s P ro p e rty B ro s . "Joey and Mark" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Megan and Greg" P ro p erty "Mark and Priscilla" P ro p erty "Beatriz and Brandon" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Sandy and Susy" P ro p e rty B ro s . "Edith and Fred" 1 0 : 3 0 < I t ' s C o m p l i c a t e d +++ Friends Friends Friends Friends K i n g o f Q u e e ns King of Queens Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Hot 20 Countdo wn Party Down South Party Down South Party Down South 1 1 : 0 0 < C a n ' t H a r d l y W a i t ++ Le A n n & Ed d i e C an d id l y N i c o l e C a n d id l y N i c o l e D a t i n g N a k e d "AJ and Liddy" That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show That '70s Show 11:30 Botched B o t c h e d "Girls Gone Wildd" B o t c h e d "Silicone Valley" E! News Weekend < N e v e r B e e n K i s s ed +++ ('99) Michael Vartan, Drew Barrymore. : 5 5 D i v a s (N) 1 1 : 2 0 S a t . N i g h t L i v e "The Best of Jimmy Fallon" Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e "The Best of Alec Baldwin" : 4 5 S a t u r d a y N i g h t L i v e "The Best of Amy Poehler" : 5 5 S a t u r d a y N i g h t L i v e Breadwinners S p o ng e Bob Ran g e rs (N) SanjayCraig F a i r l y O d d P a r e n t s "Abra Catastrophe" iCarly 1/3 iCarly 2/3 iCarly Pt. 3 of 3 < F red 3: C am p F red Teen Titans Go! Regular Show Regular Show Ad venture Time Clarence Clarence Clarence Uncle Grandpa Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen T itans Go! Girl Meets W Girl Meets W Good Luck ... Good Luck ... Good Lu ck ... Jessie Jessie Jessie Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally < W h a t ' s Y o u r N u m b e r ? ++ ('11) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. < C ra z y , S t u p i d , L o v e . ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, Steve Carell. < T h i s M e a n s W a r +++ Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Married to Job Married to Job Epic Ink Epic Ink Wahlburgers Wahlburgers C ri m i n a l M i n d "What Fresh Hell?" 1 0 : 0 0 < T h e O u t l a w J o s e y W a l e s < A i r F o r c e O n e ++ (1997, Action) Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Harrison Ford. < T h e S h a w s h a nk R e d e mp t i o n ++++ ('94) Tim Robbins. 1 1 : 0 0 H a t f i e l d s & M c C o y s 2/3 H a t f i e l d s & M c C o y s Pt. 3 of 3 Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Movie < M e e t M e A f t e r t h e S h o w ++ ('51) Betty Grable. < T h e D o l l y S i s t e r s ++ ('45) June Haver, John Payne, Betty Grable. < M o th e r W o r e T i g h t s + ('47) Dan Dailey, Betty Grable. F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e F r a n k i e & N e f f e < Dad d y's Little Gi r ls ++ ('07) Idris Elba, Gabrielle Union. 1 1 : 0 0 < M e n i n B l a c k +++ ('97) Will Smith. < R a i d e r s o f t h e L o s t A r k ++++ ('81) Karen Allen, Denholm Elliott, Harrison Ford. < I n d i a n a J on e s a nd th e T e m p l e o f D oo m ++ ('84) Harrison Ford. S i n g l e s P ro j e c t "Virtually in Love" B e l o w D e c k "Shut Your Porthole!" B e l o w D e c k "Hex on the Beach" Bel.Deck "Mojitos Mo' Problems" M i l l .L is ti ng "English Beat Down" M il l .L i s t i ng "English Beat Down"


S (41)

















(27) (143) (209)






















































D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .


D (41)





















(27) (143) (209)






















































Friday, August 29, 2014




Hotel todo incluido




Report America's (3) F ro m S a n ta Heartlan d Fe
















The Lawrence Welk S h o w "Carnival"

The Vicar of Dibley "2005 New Years Special"

Theory (6)





































(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)






T wo an d a T wo an d a S e in f . "The Q u e e ns Half Men Ha l f M e n Diplomat's "Food Club" Fight"



Family Guy F amily Guy W.Collar "Pilot" A con artist and an FBI agent team up to stop crime.

(50) (8815)



News Live

5 : 0 0 < L a r a C ro f t : T o m b M F L F ú tbo l Pachuca vs. Leon (L)

V i d e os a s o mb ro so s



Titulares T e l e m u nd o 48 Ho u rs A man is KRQE News murdered for withholding 13 a secret.

Private Practice

Operacion 12 corazones Repo : 3 5 T h e C l os e r "Red :35 Alien Tape" Sgt. Gabriel shoots "Free a murder suspect. Energy"

First Fruits Biblical Shepherd's Heart of Zion Israel Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Chrisley Modern Modern Modern Modern Law & Order: Special Knows Best Knows Best Knows Best Knows Best Knows Best Knows Best Family Family Family "Leap Day" V i c ti m s Un i t "Head" 5:00 30 for 30 30 fo r 30 "Pony Excess" SEC Storied 30 fo r 30 "Youngstown Boys" 3:30 Football S c o r e b o a r d N C A A F oo tb a l l Wisconsin vs. Louisiana State University (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 3 0 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g Great Clips 300 (L) S p o r t s C en t e r F o o tb a l l F i n a l (L) NCAA Football R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s R i d i c u l o u s < Scary Movie 3 ++ ('03) Anna Faris. < Final Destination 2 + < T h e F a m i l y T h a t P r e y s + ('08) Sanaa Lathan, Alfre Woodard. < T h e G o od M i s t r e ss ('14) Kendra < T h e F a m i l y T h a t P r e y s + ('08) Alfre Woodard. Two families have to learn to work together. Anderson, Antonio Cupo, Annie Heise. Two families have to learn to work together. < Th e Lo rd o f th e Rin g s : Th e Retu rn o f th e Kin g +++ (2003, Fantasy) Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Viggo :15 T h e L a s t S h i p "No :15 Falling Skies Mortensen. A king's heir must save mankind from a great evil. Place Like Home" "Drawing Straws" Dateline NBC "Secrets in Dateline NBC "Fatal Dateline NBC "Secrets in Dateline NBC "Behind Dateline NBC "In an Dateline NBC "The Night the Desert" Attraction" Pleasant Grove" Closed Doors" Instant" Lynsie Disappeared" A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le R e d w o od K i n g s "South Re d w o od Kin g s "San Redwood Kings Alaska: The Last A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le Dakota Shoot Out" (N) Francisco Dungeon" (N) Frontier F o od T ru c k R a c e "Hot C h op p ed "Ultimate Diners, Diners, C u tth ro at Kitch e n "You C u th ro at "I Can't Believe C u th ro at "Panini, Doggin' it in Tucson" Champions: Pros" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Wanna Pizza This?" it's not Udder" Meeny, Miny, Moe" 5:00 < Sharknado 2: < Bait ('11) Richard Brancatisano. A tsunami traps < S h a rk to p u s vs . P te ra c u d a Robert Carradine. The < S h a r k t o p u s ('10) Eric T h e S e c o nd O n e shoppers at an Australian supermarket. child of Sharktopus battles Pteracuda. Roberts. T o o Cu te ! T o o Cu te ! To o C u te! To o C u te! Bad Do g ! "Foodies" (N) To o C u te! To o C u te! To o C u te! To o C u te! Bad Do g ! "Foodies" ML B Baseb all Colorado Rockies at Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- P o s t-g am e P o s t-g am e N C A A F oo tb a l l Samford vs. TCU Phoenix, Ariz. (L) (L) (L) Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters House House Property Brothers House Hunters "Veronica and Andrew" "Maria and Dave" R e n o v a tio n (N) Hunters Hunters "Maria and Dave" Renovation Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan < C a tc h M e I f Y o u C a n +++ ('02) Leonardo DiCaprio. A con artist plays a cat-and-mouse game with a lawman. Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory and Son P arty Do wn So u th (N) < Shang h ai Knights ++ ('03, Adv) Owen Wilson, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan. O n t h e H u n t (N) B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en < R e v e n g e o f th e Ne rd s +++ Robert Carradine. < Bach e lo r P arty ++ ('84) Tawny Kitaen, Tom Hanks. < P C U ++ ('94) Jeremy Piven. < Little F o c kers ++ ('10) Ben Stiller. < T h e D i l e m m a ++ ('10) Kevin James, Vince Vaugn. < J o h n T u ck e r M u s t D i e ++ Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Loves Ray :35 Ray :10 Ray :50 Ray :25 Loves Ray Movie S p o ng e Bob < T h e S p on g e B ob Sq u a r e P a n t s M ... S p o ng e B ob < A Fairly Odd Summer Drake Bell. S a m & C a t F u l l H o u s e F u l l H o u s e TeenTita TeenTita < Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker + King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Boondocks Boondocks L i v M a d d i e L i v M a d d i e D o g B l o g D o g B l o g D o g B l o g D o g B l o g J e s s ie Jessie Jessie Jessie Mighty M Lab Rats 5 : 0 0 < T h i s M e a ns W a r < M i s s i on : I m po s s ib l e - G h o s t P ro to c o l (2011, Action) Jeremy Renner, Simon < B a t t l e s h i p ++ ('12) Taylor Kitsch. A lone Naval +++ Pegg, Tom Cruise. Ethan Hunt must clear IMF's name after a bombing. Fleet battles an alien armada for Earth. Criminal Minds Cr i m i n a l M in d s "Riding C ri m i n a l M i n d s "The Criminal Minds Criminal Minds C r i m i n a l M i n ds "Riding "Poison" the Lightning" Tribe" "Unfinished Business" "Poison" the Lightning" 4 : 0 0 < T h e S h a w sh a n k H e l l o n W h e e l s "Life's a T UR N : W a s h i n g to n 's H e l l o n W h e e l s "Life's a < The Outlaw Josey Wales +++ Clint Eastwood. Red e mp tion ++++ A soldier seeks vengeance for his family's murders. Mystery" (N) S p i e s "Epiphany" Mystery" Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars :05 Pawn P aw n "Les P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn Stars "All In" "Bo Knows" Stars Is More" "All In" < How to Marry a Millionaire ++++ Three < D o w n A r g e n t i n e W a y +++ ('40) :45 < I W a k e U p S c r e a m i n g +++ :15 < Coney Island models attempt to snare rich husbands. Don Ameche, Betty Grable. ('41) Victor Mature, Betty Grable. +++ ('43) Betty Grable. 4: < < M e e t t h e B r o w n s ++ ('08, Com/Dra) Angela Bassett, Rick < W h y D i d I G e t M a r r i e d ? ++ (2007, Comedy/Drama) Sharon Leal, Janet D ad d y's ... Fox, D. Mann. A woman connects with the family of her father. Jackson, Tyler Perry. Three couples question their relationships. 4 : < I n d i a n a J on e s a n d < I n d i a n a J on e s a nd th e L a s t C ru s a d e ++++ ('89, Adv) Sean Connery, < Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull the Temple of Doom Julian Glover, Harrison Ford. An archaeologist searches for the Holy Grail. Indiana races to uncover the secrets behind a skull. < Th e Bo u rn e Ultim atu m +++ ('07) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. < Th e Bo u rn e Ultim atu m +++ ('07) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. < T h e A d j u s tm en t Bourne dodges agents while in search of his identity. Bourne dodges agents while in search of his identity. Bureau +++

Friday, August 29, 2014

House Calls Joe McGee Light of the S outhwest Best of Week


Saturday Best Bets

Natu re Fly over the Great Plains, Grand Canyon, and Alaska.

S V U "Spring Awakening" Eye wi tn e ss Satu rd ay Nig h t Liv e Amaro is targeted by News 4 at Internal Affairs. 10 p.m.

Wheel of Fortune



Ey e wi tn e ss E ye wi tn e ss Dateline NBC Featuring quality investigative News 4 at features and stories. 6:30

Exploring With the


Futurama "Free Will Hunting"

Post-game Carpet (L)

(12) S c h o l a rs



Denver Noticiero Broncos Univision N o v a The science behind the great white's hunting instincts.

:20 C o l l eg e O n t h e R e d Actio n 7




F o o tb a l l P re -g a m e (L) /:05 N C A A Fo o tbal l Florida State vs. Oklahoma State





Futurama "Fun on a Bun"

(9) Raid e r Angelina Jolie.



S A F 3 "Second Chances" < T h e J u r o r ++ (1996, Thriller) Alec Baldwin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Demi Moore. A juror must acquit a mobster to save her son.

(8) N e w s 4


A u s ti n C i ty Hear Texas country from songwriter Kacey Musgraves.

BigBang C o mm u n i ty C o mm u n i ty The Middle The Middle M o d e rn Modern "The Toast "Competit- "The Block "The Front Family "The Family Derivation" ive Ecology" Party" Door" Last Walt"

(7) (L)



News 13 News 13 A x e C o p /:15 A x e C o p /:45 < Black Ra in ++ ('89) Axe Cop Andy Garcia, Michael on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Axe Cop Douglas.

5 : 3 0 N C A A Fo o tb a l l Fresno State vs. USC (L)

The Big


S á b a d o g ig a n t e


(5) B a n g


D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .





(25) (8819)

Chelah Horsdal stars in “Hell on Wheels”

The Wildlife Docs (7)

11:00 a.m.

(252) (108)

Get a look inside Tampa’s Busch Gardens through the eyes of the dedicated veterinary staff that cares for the park’s more than 12,000 animals. The team takes on everything from x-rays to nutrition to surgery, taking all unforeseen issues as they arise.

(245) (138)

Hell on Wheels

(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160)

(55) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

7:00 p.m.

The fourth season of this period drama continues to unfold in this new episode. This season introduces big changes for some of the existing characters as well as some new faces. Jake Weber joins the cast as a new adversary for Durant.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (8)

9:00 p.m.

Det. Benson (Mariska Hargitay) faces some difficult trials when a rape case takes unexpected turns in a rebroadcast of this season finale. Meanwhile, Amaro (Danny Pino) is being investigated by Internal Affairs because of his reckless behavior.

Saturday Night Live (8)

10:30 p.m.

Lady Gaga gets down to earth as the guest host in this rebroadcast. The pop superstar still belts it out during her musical numbers, including “Gypsy” and a jazzed up version of “Applause,” but holds her own and brings the laughs in the sketches.


Cooking thisweek 5:00 p.m.


Inside their heads: ‘The Mind of a Chef’ returns to PBS

(35) Barefoot Contessa

6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

(35) Chopped

(35) The Pioneer Woman

6:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

(35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen

(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives


(8) Food Fighters (35) Chopped

4:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

(35) Giada at Home

4:30 p.m.

(35) Giada at Home

5:00 p.m.

(35) Barefoot Contessa

5:30 p.m.

(35) Barefoot Contessa

6:00 p.m.

(35) The Pioneer Woman

7:00 p.m. (35) The Great Food Truck Race 8:00 p.m. (35) Rachael vs. Guy: Kids Cook-Off 9:00 p.m. (35) Rachael vs. Guy: Kids Cook-Off 10:00 p.m. (35) The Great Food Truck Race

6:30 p.m.

(35) Southern at Heart

7:00 p.m.

(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

THURSDAY 3:00 p.m.


(35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef

3:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

(35) Rachael Ray’s 3 in the Bag

(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

(35) Giada at Home

(35) Guy’s Grocery Games

(35) Giada at Home

(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

(35) Barefoot Contessa


(35) Barefoot Contessa

4:00 p.m.

7:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

8:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

A/ Economy Motors B/ High Chapparal Care 2 x 2"

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3:00 p.m.

(35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef (35) 30 Minute Meals


Anthony Bourdain hosts “The Mind of a Chef” cracks open the brain of some of the It’s this realness, I think, that world’s most renowned chefs and makes “The Mind of a Chef” so tries to figure out just what it is that great. With its combination of humor makes them tick. For this season, two with history, cooking with art and of the world’s most creative culinary travel with science, the whole experimasters, Edward Lee and Magnus ence of getting inside these chef’s Nilsson, will be the subjects of our brains can be inspirational for aspircuriosity. ing chefs and just darned fascinating Of course, there’s no actual lobot- for the rest of us. omies being performed here. No, inWith the previous two seasons stead we get the privilege of tagging having featured chefs David Chang, along with the specimens as they Sean Brock and April Bloomfield, walk us through what motivates chefs Lee and Nilsson are in good them — their pasts, their interests, company. Don’t miss the third season their inspirations — a bit of everyof this flat out wonderful program thing, really. premiering Saturday, Sept. 6, on PBS.

7:00 p.m.


(35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives

5:00 p.m. (35) Guy’s Grocery Games 6:00 p.m. (35) The Great Food Truck Race 7:00 p.m. (35) Chopped 8:00 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8:30 p.m. (35) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives



5:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

(35) Chopped

(35) Eating America With Anthony Anderson

By Andrew Warren TV Media ooking shows sure can make us feel a lot of different ways. Competitions such as “Chopped” or “Top Chef” can get our adrenalin pumping, making us stand up and cheer when our favorite contestants pull off a stunning dish or sit seething with anger when the show’s villain (there’s always a villain, isn’t there?) says or does something especially nasty. The more straight-up cooking shows can make us feel like we’re back in school — in a good way! — as they teach us delicious new recipes and advanced techniques to make our dinner parties and family meals extra special. Really, though, there aren’t a lot of food-related shows out there that really get inside our brains and make us think. That’s what makes PBS’s “The Mind of a Chef” such a treat. The rest are all wonderful in their own myriad of ways, but “The Mind of a Chef” is something special indeed. The third season of the James Beard Award-winning series premieres Saturday, Sept. 6 (check your local PBS station’s listings), and if it lives up to the precedent set by the first two outings, it’s bound to be a real pleasure to watch. Executive produced and narrated by well-known chef Anthony Bourdain (“Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations”), “The Mind of a Chef” does exactly what its title suggests: it

(35) Barefoot Contessa

5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m. (35) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef 3:30 p.m. (35) 30 Minute Meals 4:00 p.m. (35) Giada at Home 4:30 p.m. (35) Giada at Home

(35) The Pioneer Woman

6:30 p.m.

(35) Trisha’s Southern Kitchen (35) Chopped

7:00 p.m.

Roswell Daily Record: Food Aug 29, 2014 to Sep 4, 2014


Del Norte - Plains Park - 2nd & Garden For Week of Sept. 1 - Sept. 5

Labor Day Holiday

Breakfast MON




Pancake Sausage on a Stick, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2 C

BBQ Dippers, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Gravy, Whole Wheat Roll, Mixed Fruit


Mini Pancakes, Juice, Applesauce 1/2C


Banana Chocolate Chip Breakfast Bar, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C

Cheesy Nachos, Beans, Fresh Broccoli, Peach


Donut, Juice 1/2 C, Applesauce 1/2C

Deli Sandwich, Lettuce/Tomato, Baby Carrots, Sliced Apples

Farmers Country Market 2 x 4" Japanese Cherry Blossom Chicken, Brown Rice, Steamed or Fresh Broccoli & Carrots, Pineapple, Rice Crispy Treat, Fortune Cookie


Friday, August 29, 2014

Television Crossword ACROSS 1 __-12 Conference 4 Actor Mr. Bellamy 7 “Sure!” 10 “Pardon me?” 11 Dutch city 12 Sport for Prince Charles 13 Org. in “Michael Collins” (1996) 14 Co-host of “The Five” on FOX News, Kimberly __ 16 ‘70s dinosaur show, also a same-titled 2009 Will Ferrell movie: 4 wds. 18 Scand. land 19 Country singer Faith 20 “__ & Prejudice” (2005) 22 Uses a computer keyboard 26 Proposer’s offering 27 Cream of the crop 28 Bob of “Full House” 30 Relative by marriage 31 CBS’ “The Talk” co-host Julie 34 Ms. DiFranco of songs 35 Sumner Redstone of CBS and Rupert Murdoch of FOX: 2 wds. 41 What a smiley face :-) in an e-mail and other symbols like it are called

42 43 44 45 46 47

__ cream (Dessert) Neat Ostrich-like bird Doubled dance half Antiquity ‘_’ __ for Evidence (Sue Grafton mystery novel) 48 Bart, to Homer DOWN 1 Singer Mr. Collins 2 Halo 3 Showbiz legend Carol 4 Nine, in Paris 5 The Age of Innocence novelist Ms. Wharton 6 Capital of India, New __ 7 Retro toy 8 Building extensions 9 Emily Dickinson’s gig 12 1960 Hayley Mills title Disney role 14 Clinton VP 15 Pool table surface 17 Setting of 1955 to 1975 Western “Gunsmoke”: 2 wds. 20 7’s phone letters 21 River inlet 23 Area of discussion on Sunday

Edward Jones 2 x 2"

24 25 29 30 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40

news style of shows Bambi’s aunt Do tailoring Spicy cuisine Author Mr. Fleming’s “And the contestants on today’s show are...” sayer One of The Judds Apportion Oscar-winner Mr. Jannings “The Days and Nights of Molly __” Wildebeests Repeat Actress Ms. Young


Solution on page 4


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Prog. pagado Misa Catolica Para volver a amar Al punto Re p u b l i c a d ep o rti v a F ú tb o l C en tral /:50 M F L F ú tbo l Vera./Tol. (L) P e re g ri n e D am e S e c o nd O p i n i o n A n t i q u e s R d . "Forever Young" C l a s s . G o sp e l "Because He Lives" J o y o f M u s i c Joy of Music Billions to None T r e k k e r "Great Australian Hikes" Paid Program C a th o l i c M a s s L e g a c y C h u rc h B e l i e v e r C e n te r F o x N e w s Su n d a y Joel Osteen Homebu ilders Paid Program Paid Program P a id P ro g ram Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass E. Stanton Missing An. Exploration Jack Hanna Into the Wild Dog Tales T h e C on n e c t i o n C h r i s t i a n W o r s h i p Ho u r Paid Program Paid Program Catholic Mass Bloopers Tro bad ou r LatiNation American Latino Paid Program Paid Program Raw Travel Game Time Paid Program Paid Program Action 7 News More in the Morning T h i s W e e k (N) Hollywood T e e n K i d s N e w s H o m e o wn e r Paid Program O n th e M o n e y T h i s O l d H o us e S u n d a y T od a y (N) Who Rocks NM True TV M e e t t h e P r e s s (N) New Mexico 2nd Youth Oly. Games IAAF Track Field Prog. pagado P rog. pag ado The Jet Plane Noodle Show chica O p e rac i o n Re p o EP L F ú tb o l Arsenal vs. Leicester City (L) P ro g . p ag ado LazyTown K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g K R Q E N e w s 1 3 S u n d a y M o r n i n g C B S S u n d a y M o r n ing I T F T en n i s U.S. Open Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center -- Flushing Meadows, N.Y. (L) 5:00 Light of the South Walking Doug Stringer I n T o u ch M i n i s tri e s Fruits of Zion Day Discovery Rock/Manus c. HaYesod M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a Paid Program G rac e l an d "Home" C o v e rt A . "Sensitive Euro Man" Satisfaction N C I S "Semper Fidelis" N C I S "Royals and Loyals" S p o rts C en tu ry "Roy Campanella" S p o rts C en tu ry "Tony Stewart" S p o rts C en tu ry "Curt Schilling" S p o rts C en tu ry "Bobby Bowden" S E C S t o r i e d "The Book of Manning" 30 for 30 S p o r t s C en t e r Outside Lines Sp o rts Rep o rt. S p o r t s C en t e r : 4 5 N C A A Fo o t b a l l MEAC/ SWAC Challenge Alabama A&M vs. North Carolina A&T (L) College Football Final College Football Final Outside Lines Sp o rts Rep o rt. NHRA Drag Rac ing U.S. Nationals Site: Lucas Oil Raceway Park -- Indianapolis, Ind. (L) Catfish: The TV Show Catfi sh: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Sh ow Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Amazing Facts David Jeremiah Joel Osteen Paid Program < T h e C h ok i n g G am e (Drama) Peri Gilpin, Freya Tingley. < K i l l i n g D a d d y Elizabeth Gillies. Le g e n d s "Lords of War" Last Ship "No Place Like Home" F a l l i n g S k i e s "Drawing Straws" Law & Ord e r "Precious" < T h e F i g h t e r +++ ('10) Christian Bale, Mark Wahlberg. Paid Program Paid Program Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress Say Yes-Dress 19 K i d s "A Dugger Says Yes" 19 Kids & Count 19 Kids & Count Paid Program Paid Program B e rin g S e a G o l d "Gold Luck" Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Paid Program Paid Program G i ad a at H o m e B a re f o o t C o n t. R a c h e l R a y 's ... "Make It Work" Pioneer Woman S. Kitchen B a re f o o t C o n t. G i a d a (N) 4:00 Paid Program Twilight Zone < T h e M a t r i x +++ (1999, Action) Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Keanu Reeves. < T h e M a t r i x R e l o a d e d ++ ('03) Keanu Reeves. Un tam e d & Un cu t "Whale Watch" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d UFC Unleashed Paid Program Post-game Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program F i s h i ng (N) Darts Premier League H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs H o u s e H u n te rs P ro p e rty "Suburbs to City Life" Love It or List It Love It or List It, Too Friends Friends < C o p O u t + ('10) Tracy Morgan, Seann William Scott, Bruce Willis. < C a tc h M e I f Y o u C a n +++ (2002, Adventure) Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Leonardo DiCaprio. 5:00 C M T Mu s i c C M T M us i c Music videos from the biggest names in country music. VH1 T op 20 Vide o Co untdo wn VH1 T op 20 Vide o Cou ntdo wn < B a c h e l o r P a r t y ++ (1984, Comedy) Tawny Kitaen, George Grizzard, Tom Hanks. < R e v e n g e o f th e Ne rd s +++ Robert Carradine. The Kardashians K a rd a s h i a n s "Design for Disaster" K a r d as h "Secrets of a Double Life" E ! N e w s W e e k e n d The Soup < J o h n T u ck e r M u s t D i e ++ ('06) Jesse Metcalf. : 2 5 B r a d y B u n c h "Brace Yourself" B r a d y B u n c h :35 BradyB. :15 Hot/ Cleve. :50 Cand id Camera Golden Girls :35 G o l d en G i r l s :10 G o l d en G i r l s :50 G o l d en G i r l s :55 F u l l H o us e F u l l H o u s e Mr. Cooper Instant Mom Odd Parents O d d P a ren ts P o w e r R a n g e rs S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e B ob S p o ng e Bob 12:30 To Be Announced L e g e n ds Ch i m a T e n k a i K n i g h t s P o k ém o n : X Y Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Clarence Clarence Gumball Gumball Teen Ti tans Go! P h i n e a s & F e rb P h i n e a s & F e rb S h e r i f f C a l l i e Mickey M. Jake Never Land Doc McStuffins Doc McStuffins Sofia the First LEGO Dog Blog Austin and Ally Liv and Maddie Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother Met Mother < W h a t ' s Y o u r N u m b e r ? ++ ('11) Chris Evans, Anna Faris. C r i m i n a l M i n d s "The Replicator" C r i m i n a l M i n d "What Fresh Hell?" C .M i n ds "The Internet Is Forever" C ri m . M i n d s "Our Darkest Hour" C ri m . M i n d s "The Longest Night" C r i m i n a l M i n d s "JJ" M a d M e n "The Beautiful Girls" M a d M e n "Hands and Knees" H e l l o n W h e e l s "Life's a Mystery" < Air F orce O ne ++ (1997, Action) Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Harrison Ford. P i c k e r s "Pint-Sized Picker" P i c k e r s "Getting the Boot" P i c k e r s "Mike's Holy Grail" P i c k e r s "The Royal Risk" P i c k e r s "Bad Mother Shucker" American Pickers 5 : 1 5 < J o a n o f P a r i s ++++ < T h e I ro n M i s tre s s ('52, West) Virginia Mayo, Phyllis Kirk, Alan Ladd. < T h e M a n i n t h e N e t ++ ('59) Alan Ladd. : 4 5 < T h e G l a s s K e y ++ ('42) Brian Donlevy. 5:00 BET Inspiration BET Inspiration Bobby Jones Gospel Lift Every Voice Sunday Best Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Powernation Powernation Powernation Powernation M i l l .L i s tin g "English Beat Down" H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y T o B e A n n o u n ce d Wives of Melbourne W i v e s o f M e l bo u rn e (N) H o u s e w i ve s "Reunion Part 1"


D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .




















Hotel todo incluido Tras la Verdad C h a v o A n im a d C i t a C o n Co mo di c e el d ic ho Perspectiva Noticiero: FDS D o c t o r W i l l S e e I n F o cu s All Aboard Closer to Truth Well Read Healthy Body R e l i g i o n N . (N) G o s pe l "The Best of Guy Penrod" N e w s h ou r. (N) M c L a u g h < T h e A l a m o ++ ('04) Billy Bob Thornton, Jason Patric, Dennis Quaid. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program < I n a n d O u t +++ ('97, Com) Matt Dillon, Joan Cusack, Kevin Kline. P a i d P ro g ra m Paid Program T h e F i r s t F a m i l y M r . B o x O f f i c e < G -F o rc e ++ (2009, Adventure) Will Arnett, Jon Favreau, Bill Nighy. C .M i n ds "The Internet Is Forever" 30 Ro ck 30 Rock Glee "Ballad" < B u l l D u r h a m +++ ('88) Susan Sarandon, Kevin Costner. Paid Program Paid Program < R o c k S t a r ++ ('01) Jennifer Aniston, Mark Wahlberg. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program X G am e s "20 Years, 20 Firsts" W N B A B a sketb all Playoffs (L) Paid Program Entertainment T onight Weekend Action 7 News ABC News 11:30 Track Ryder Cup P G A G o l f Deutsche Bank Championship Site: TPC Boston -- Norton, Mass. (L) AM Marketing New Mexico News 4 @ 5 NBC News Enfoque V i d e os as o mb ro so s < T h e K a r a t e K i d (2010, Action) O p e ra c i o n R e p o V i d e os a s o m . Movie 9 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is U.S. Open Men's Third Round and Women's Fourth Round Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center (L) Paid Program Paid Program CBS Even. News KRQE News 13 Biblical Israel Mani Erfan Dr. McDonald Y.Salamanca Light of the Southwest Best of Week Joe McGee Dollars & Sense House Call Dr. R.Booker N C I S "Dead Air" N C I S "Kill Screen" N C I S "Housekeeping" N C I S "Psych Out" N C I S "Need to Know" N C I S "Rekindled" 1 1 : 3 0 3 0 / 3 0 "You Don't Know Bo" E S P N F i l m s "Roll Tide/ War Eagle" 3 0 f o r 3 0 "Ghosts of Ole Miss" 30 fo r 30 "The Best That Never Was" 30 fo r 30 "Youngstown Boys" 9:45 Footb a ll :45 Sp o rts Cen t. S p o r t s C en t e r F I B A B a sk etb al l World Cup Turkey vs. United States (L) S p o r t s C en t e r NASCAR Coun t. NASCAR Racing 9 : 0 0 N H R A D r a g R . U.S. Nationals N W S L S o c c e r (L) NHRA Drag Rac ing U.S. Nationals (L) Baseball Tonight 2014 MTV Video Music Awards < S c a ry M o v i e 3 ++ ('03) Jenny McCarthy, Charlie Sheen, Anna Faris. R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss R i d i c u l o u sn e ss 11:00 < Killing Daddy < G u i l t y a t 1 7 ('14) Alex Paxton-Beesley, Erin Sanders. < M i s s i ng a t 17 (2013, Drama) Ayla Kell, Marin Hinkle, Tricia O'Kelley. < S t a l k e d a t 1 7 Taylor Spreitler. Movie < A m e r i c a n G a n g s t e r +++ ('07) Russell Crowe, Denzel Washington. A detective works to bring down a heroin kingpin. < P u b l i c E n e m i es ++ ('09) Johnny Depp, James Russo. 19 K i d s & C o u n t "Wedding Bells" 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s a n d C o u n ti n g 19 K i d s "The Big Question" 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s & C o u n t 19 K i d s "A Toast to Love" Collectors Collectors Collectors Collectors N a k e d a n d A f ra i d Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid BBQ (N) Guy's Big Bite The Kitchen S. Kitchen P i o n e e r W om a n C u th ro a t "Judging Judges" Cutthroat Kitchen Cutthroat Kitchen 1 0 : 3 0 < T h e M a t r i x R e l o a d e d ++ Keanu Reeves. < T h e M a tri x R e v o l u ti o n s ++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Laurence Fishburne, Jada Pinkett Smith, Keanu Reeves. < P re d a to r I I ++ ('90) Gary Busey, Danny Glover. 10:00 T o B e A n n ou nc e d T o B e A n n o u n ce d M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks "Pilot" M u d L ov i n "High School Reunion" M u d L o v in ' "The Weddin' Bog" M u d L o v in ' "Rollercoaster Bog" Gam e 365 (N) D e s t i n a t i o n (N) D i a m o n db a c k s D i a m o n db a c k s M L B B a s e b a l l Colorado Rockies at Arizona Diamondbacks Site: Chase Field -- Phoenix, Ariz. (L) Post-game WPT Poker L o v e / L i s t "A Place for the Parents" L o v e I t o r L i s t I t , T o o L i s t I t "The Million Dollar View" L i s t I t "The Upside to Downsizing" L o v e / L i s t "Mountainside Charmer" L o v e I t/ L i s t I t "A House Divided" M L B B a s e b a l l Detroit Tigers at Chicago White Sox Site: U.S. Cellular Field -- Chicago, Ill. (L) Friends Friends < T o w e r H e i s t +++ ('11) Ben Stiller, Casey Affleck, Eddie Murphy. Hot 20 Countdo wn Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Cops: Reloaded Movie < N a t i o n a l L a m p o o n ' s V a c a t i o n +++ ('83) Beverly D'Angelo, Chevy Chase. < P C U ++ (1994, Comedy) David Spade, Jessica Walter, Jeremy Piven. < T ra d i n g P l a c e s +++ Movie < T h e D i l e m m a ++ (2010, Comedy/Drama) Kevin James, Winona Ryder, Vince Vaugn. < L i t t l e F o c k e r s ++ ('10) Robert De Niro, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller. K a r d as h i a n s "Design for Disaster" : 2 5 3 ' s C o m p . "The Love Barge" 3's Company :35 3's Comp. :10 3's Comp. : 5 0 C os b y S h o w : 2 5 C os b y "Off to the Races" T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w T h e C os b y S h o w Ninja Turtles S p o ng e Bob Odd Parents Odd Parents < T h e S p on g e B ob Sq u a re P a n ts M ov i e ++ S p o ng e Bob < M a rm a d u k e + ('10) Emma Stone, George Lopez, Owen Wilson. Teen Titans Go! Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence T e e n T i t a n s G o ! T e e n T i t a n s G o ! T e e n T i t a n s G o ! < A l e x R i d e r: O p e ra ti o n S to r... I Didn't Do It Jessie Dog Blog Dog Blog Dog Blog Dog Blog Austin and Ally Austin and Ally Austin and Ally A.N.T. Fa rm A.N.T. Farm Jessie < C ra z y , S t u p i d , L o v e . ++++ (2011, Comedy/Drama) Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, Steve Carell. < T h i s M e a n s W a r +++ ('12) Chris Pine, Reese Witherspoon. < M i s s i on : I m po s s ib l e - G h o s t ... < F a c e / O f f ++ (1997, Action) Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen, John Travolta. < G l a d i a t o r +++ (2000, Epic) Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Russell Crowe. < T h e S h a w s h a nk R e d e mp t i o n ++++ (1994, Drama) Morgan Freeman, James Whitmore, Tim Robbins. B r e a k B a d "Caballo Sin Nombre" : 0 5 B r e a k B a d /: 1 0 B r e a k i n g B a d : 1 5 B r e a k B a d /: 2 0 B r e a k i n g B a d P i c k e r s "Sweet Homes Alabama" M o un ta i n M e n "Training Day" M o un ta i n M e n "Rite of Passage" M o un ta i n M e n "Call of the Wild" M o un ta i n M e n "Hell on Ice" M o un ta i n M e n "Death Trap" : 1 5 < T h e D e e p S i x ('58) Dianne Foster, William Bendix, Alan Ladd. : 1 5 < D r u m B e a t ('54) Marisa Pavan, Anthony Caruso, Alan Ladd. : 1 5 < T h e B i g L a n d +++ ('57) Virginia Mayo, Alan Ladd. 11:30 Sunday.. < M e e t t h e B r o w n s ++ (2008, Comedy/Drama) Angela Bassett, Rick Fox, D. Mann. < W h y D i d I G e t M a r r i e d ? ++ (2007, Comedy/Drama) Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry. Bar Rescue < R a i d e r s o f t h e L o s t A r k ++++ ('81) Karen Allen, Denholm Elliott, Harrison Ford. < I n d i a n a J on e s a nd th e T e m p l e o f D oo m ++ ('84) Kate Capshaw, Jonathan Ke Quan, Harrison Ford. J e r s e y B . "Secrets of the South" D o n 't B e T a rd y D o n 't B e T a rd y D o n 't B e T a rd y D o n 't B e T a rd y H o u s e w i ve s N J "Trash-Talking" W i v e s N J "A Hairy Situation" H o u s e w i ve s / N e wJ e rs e y


S (41)

















(27) (143) (209)






















































D = Direct TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .

1 0 : 5 0 M F L F ú t b o l Vera./Tol. (L)

D (41)





















(27) (143) (209)






















































Friday, August 29, 2014


















D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .










La Familia Noticiero Aqui y Ahora (41) Rosa Maria Vázquez, Cantinflas. P. Luche Univision M o y e rs a n d The Travel Secret Service Lift the Masterpiece "Breathless" A forgotten American Masters "Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk Arc of Light Detective veil of secrecy on MI6, incident keeps rearing its menacing of Lightning" View an intimate portrait of the (3) C o mp any the legendary agency. (N) head. Pt. 2 of 3 cont'd Sept 7 (N) photographer. (2)

Aqui y Ahora



< El p ad re c i to +++ (1964, Drama) Angel Garasa, Sa l y p i mie n t a

Bob Burg er Bob Burg er TheSimp - The s o ns "The S i m p so n s Greek Bob" Night" War of Art"

Family Guy Family Guy News 13 News 13 Extra Weekend "Fresh "Secondh- on 2 KASA on 2 KASA Heir" and Spoke"

The Big

The Originals Genevieve M e t Y o u r wants to publicly M o th e r "I celebrate feast day. Heart NJ"

(4) "My Big Fat "Fort

(5) B a n g


BBang "The Vampire D. "Resident Zarnecki Evil" Stefan and Elena Incursion" have unsettling dreams.

Rules of Rules Seinf. "The Queens Eng "Jeff's "Jeff's New Understu- "Dougie Wooby" Friend" dy" Nights"



Lobo C o a c h es Show

Dog the Bounty Hunter

Burn "Rough Seas" Michael helps recover a shipment of medicine.

(50) (8815)

W i p e o u t "My So-Bald Life" (N)

MDA Show of Strength Raises funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. (N)

Action 7 News Live

Action 7 News Live

Entertainment Tonight W e e k e nd

American Ninja Warrior "Denver Finals" The (8) competitors head back to Denver.

America's Got Talen t "Semi Finals 1" Twelve of the top 24 perform.

Eyewitness :35 I ns i d e News 4 at Edition 10 p.m. W e e k e nd

5 : 3 0 < T h e S p y N e x t D o o r ('10) (9) Amber Valletta, Jackie Chan.



































(26) (27) (28)

(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)









BRAVO (61)

Bones A real estate agent finds charred remains.

< C a p t a i n A m e r i c a : T h e F i r s t A v e n g e r (2011, Action) Hugo

60 Minutes

Weaving, Chris Evans. Big B ro th er (N) Un fo rg ettab le (N)

Shepherd's Heart



Mother "Intervention"

R eckless (N)

Titulares T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13






:05 Access Hollywood

W e e k e nd

Operacion < Oceans (2009, Repo Documentary) : 3 5 T h e C l os e r The squad : 3 5 is temporarily deputized Unsealed: Alien Files into the FBI.

Dr. Rik Light of the Southwest Zola Levitt Update Day of Dollars & Wadge Ministries News Discovery Sense N C I S "Playing With Fire" N C I S "Up in Smoke" Pt. N C I S "Till Death Do Us M o d e rn Modern Satis factio n "...Through Law & Order: Special 1 of 2 cont'd next Part" Pt. 2 of 2 Family Family Terms and Conditions" Victims Un it "Birthright" 5:00 30 for 30 30 fo r 30 "Pony Excess" SEC Storied 30 fo r 30 "Youngstown Boys" 5 : 3 0 N A S C A R A u t o R a c i n g USA 500 Sprint Cup Series Site: Atlanta Motor Speedway (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r MLB Baseb all Cleveland Indians at Kansas City Royals (L) Sp o r t s C en t. N u m be r ESPN FC NASCAR Auto Racing Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridic u l o u s R id i c u l o u s M T V VM A S 5:00 < Stalked at 17 < S o l e C u s tod y ('14) Rick Ravanello, Julie Benz. A < Stalked at 17 ('12) Jamie Luner, Taylor Spreitler. < S o l e C u s tod y ('14) ('12) Taylor Spreitler. woman fights to prove her son is alive. A young relationship turns ugly and abusive. Julie Benz. 4 : 0 0 < P ub l i c E n e m ie s Falling Skies "Space Falling Skies "Shoot the Falling Skies "Space : 0 5 F a l l i n g S k i e s "Shoot : 0 5 < A m e r i c a n ++ ('09) James Russo. Oddity" G a n g s te r +++ Moon" (N) Oddity" the Moon" 19 Kids and Counting L o ng I sland Lo n g I sland It's All It's All It's All It's All Lo n g Island L on g I sland 19 K i d s a n d C o u n ti n g "The Proposal" M e d i um (N) M e d i um Relative Relative Relative Relative M e d i um M e d i um "A Toast to Love" Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid "Snaketacular" (N) "Snaketacular" C u tth ro at Kitch en "You Food Truck R ace "Hot Kid s C o ok-Of f "The Kid s C o ok-Of f "Thinking F o od T ru c k "Dinner C u tth ro at Kitch en (N) Wanna Pizza This?" Doggin' it in Tucson" Chopped Challenge" Outside the Bun" (N) Dates, Austin Style" (N) 4 : 3 0 < P re d a to r I I ++ < E r a g o n ++ ('06) Rachel Weisz, John Malkovich. < M r. M a g o ri u m 's W o n de r E m p o ri u m ++ A < T h e M a t r i x +++ ('90) Danny Glover. A boy finds a stone that hatches into a dragon. wacky store owner is looking for his replacement. ('99) Keanu Reeves. M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks W P T Poker Bay 101 UF C Un leas h ed (N) W P T Poker Bay 101 C ard i n als Sports Hall W P T Poker Bay 101 Fight Sports: In 60 Shooting Star Shooting Star Highlight of Fame Shooting Star Beachfront Beachfront Flipping th e Block "It Free V acation "Tahoe House House Flipping th e Block "It Vacation House for Free Barg ain (N) Barg ain (N) Takes a Block" (N) City Lake House" (N) H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Takes a Block" "Tahoe City Lake House" < R u s h H o u r 3 ++ ('07) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. < T o w e r H e i s t +++ ('11) Eddie Murphy. A group < C o p O u t + ('10) Tracy Morgan, Bruce Willis. A Detectives investigate a crime syndicate in Paris. of men plan to rob a business man's home. NYPD officer searches for his stolen baseball card. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Bro k e n S k u l l C h al l en (N) Broken Skull Challen (N) O n the Hunt (N) 5 : 0 0 < T ra d i n g P l a ce s +++ < Natio n al Lam p o on 's V acatio n +++ ('83) Chevy Chase. < T rad i n g P l ac e s +++ ('83) Eddie Murphy. The Kardashians The Kardashians (N) RichKids Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians C o sb y :35 C os b y :10 Q u e e ns :50 Q u e e ns :25 T h e K i n g o f Q u ee n s Q u e e ns :35 Ray :10 Ray :50 Hot In : 2 5 R a y "The Sister" iCarly "iGo to Japan" Sam & Cat Sam & Cat < C l o ud y W i th a C h an c e o f M e atb al l s +++ Full House Full House 5 : < A l e x R i d e r : O p e r... M i x e l s (N) L o o n e y (N) G u m b a l l Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Bo b Burger Bob Burger RickMort Family Guy Jessie Jessie I Didn'tDoIt I Didn'tDoIt Girl Girl Austin/ Ally Austin/ Ally Austi n / A l l y A u s t i n / A l l y J es s i e Dog Blog 5 : 0 0 < M i s s io n : I mpo s s ib l e - G h o s t P r o t o c o l < X -M e n : F i rs t C l a s s +++ (2011, Action) Michael Fassbender, Jennifer The Strain "Creatures of Ethan Hunt must clear IMF's name after a bombing. Lawrence, James McAvoy. The Mutants help the government stop a dictator. the Night" (N) < T h e B o u r n e S up r e m a c y +++ ('04) Franka Potente, Matt Epic Ink Epic Ink Wahlbur- < The Bourne Supremacy +++ Matt Damon. A Damon. A former assassin is framed for a botched CIA mission. former assassin is framed for a botched CIA mission. gers Breaking Bad "Mas" 5:20 : 3 5 B r e a k B a d /: 4 0 : 4 5 B r e a k B a d /: 5 0 B r e a k i n g B a d Skyler B r e a k i n g B a d "I See :05 4th and Loud BreakBad Breaking Bad "Sunset" pressures Walt to make a deal. You" M o un ta i n M e n M o un ta i n M e n M o un ta i n M e n "Live, :05 M ou n ta i n M e n M o un ta i n M e n M o un ta i n M e n "Predator" Fight, and Die" "Predator" < S h a n e ++++ (1953, Western) Jean Arthur, Van :15 < Th i s G un fo r H i re +++ ('42) Alan Ladd. A < T h e B l u e D a h l i a +++ ('46) Alan Ladd. A former Heflin, Alan Ladd. A gunfighter defends a town. hired killer dodges police while tracking the enemy. pilot is suspected of murdering his wife. < W h y D i d I G e t M a r r i e d T o o ? (2010, Comedy) Sharon Leal, Tyler Perry, Sund ay Best Pt. 1 of 2 Sund ay Best (SF) Pt. 2 of Sund ay Best Pt. 1 of 2 Janet Jackson. Couples reflect on their marriages while on vacation. cont'd next (N) 2 (N) cont'd next < I n d i a n a J on e s a nd th e L a s t C ru s a d e ++++ ('89, Adv) Sean Connery, < I n d i a n a J on e s a nd th e K i n g d om o f th e C ry s tal S k u l l ++ ('08) Karen Julian Glover, Harrison Ford. An archaeologist searches for the Holy Grail. Allen, Harrison Ford. Indiana races to uncover the secrets behind a skull. Housewives/NewJers ey New Jersey Social (N) G a m e C ro w ns "Bound By Ho usew i ves NJ "Roses The Real Housewives H o usew ives NJ "Roses "The Family Business" the Crown" (SF) (N) are Red, Dina is Blue" "Reunion Part 1" are Red, Dina is Blue"

Friday, August 29, 2014

Sunday Best Bets

TMZ (2)

Bones "The Twist in the Leverag e The team tries C S I : M i a m i "Bad Seed" to take down a corrupt Alexx and Eric return to mayor. work to help the team. America's Funniest



(6) Plot"

(7) H o m e V i d eo s


(25) (8819)

A scene from “Bob’s Burgers”

Bob’s Burgers (4) (27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138)

6:00 p.m.

Bob finds he fits right in when he scores a temporary job as a cook at an underdog frat house in this rebroadcast. Ken Jeong guest stars as the frat house’s most famous alumnus, Dr. Yap. Meanwhile, the kids come up with a plan to infiltrate the house.

Falling Skies

(280) (183)

(32) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

7:00 p.m.

Lexi (Scarlett Byrne) goes to great lengths to save her father following a Beamer malfunction in this new episode. Meanwhile, Lexi’s return gets in the way of Tom’s (Noah Wyle) mission to destroy the Espheni Power Core.

MDA Show of Strength (7)

8:00 p.m.

Join performers like Bret Michaels, Rascal Flatts, Leann Rimes and more as they come together for this special event. The annual benefit concert raises funds to support the Muscular Dystrophy Association and help those who suffer from the disease.

The Strain (53)

11:00 p.m.

What should be a quick trip to a convenience store in Brooklyn unfolds into a night-long siege in this new episode. Setrakian (David Bradley) acquires an unlikely follower after he discovers the power ultraviolet light has against the strigoi.


Monday Best Bets







Josh Henderson and Linda Gray as seen in “Dallas”

Running Wild With Bear Grylls (8)

7:00 p.m.

“NewsNation” anchor and “NBC News” correspondent Tamron Hall joins Bear Grylls for an adventure in the Utah desert in this new episode. Here, she tells her sad and personal story, and later worries about what she’ll be eating out in the wild.

Dallas (32)

7:00 p.m.

Elena (Jordana Brewster) confronts the Ewing family about what happened to her father in this new episode. Elsewhere, Nicolas (Juan Pablo Di Pace) sets the stage for fresh conflict as he carries on with his plan to steal Ewing Global for the Cartel.

Hotel Hell (4)

8:00 p.m.

Chef Gordon Ramsay travels to Woodbury, Connecticut, to answer a call for help from The Curtis House in this new episode. The constant bickering between the owners is not just ruining the siblings’ relationship, but the business as well.

Under the Dome (10)

9:00 p.m.

Chester’s Mill falls under the threat of climate change in this new episode. Big Jim (Dean Norris) is reunited with his wife, Pauline (Sherry Stringfield), and is shocked when he hears the truth about what really happened to her.


















New Mexico P O V "After Tiller" Doctors in the U.S. still performing abortions. (N)

Noticiero Uni: Noct. Getting Away Together

La Que No Podia Amar

:35 News

:05 The Arsenio Hall

13 on 2 KASA


Hasta el fin del mundo

PBS NewsHour

Antiques Roadshow A guest brings in a 1904 Diego Rivera painting.

Antiques Roadshow Experts talk to guests about their autographs.


C h e f "Top Six Compete" Hotel Gordon Ramsay News 13 News 13 The The cooks will take over a checks into Connecticut's on 2 KASA on 2 KASA S i m p so n s high-end restaurant. (N) oldest inn. (N)

Family Feud

La Malquerida

American Dad

SV U "Weak" Detectives Law&O.:SV U Detectives American investigate assaults in the track down a perp who D. "Rough Upper West side. molested two girls. Trade"

Action 7

Entertai nment Tonigh t

Bach elo r in P arad is e (N)

Reina de Corazones

En otra piel


The Big Bang Theory

CBS Fall Preview S h o w (N)

Mike & Molly

Dr. Will iam Dr. R ichard Update Booker News WWE Monday Night Raw

Day of Discovery

Light of the Southwest

Wheel of Fortune







Fast N' Loud: Revved

(34) Up (N)





























(43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)

Noticias T e l e m u nd o Two 1/2... Un d er Do m e "The Fall" KRQE News "Dial 1-900- Big Jim finally learns the 13 MIX-A-LOT" truth about his wife. (N)

:35 Access Hollywood

En otra piel Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35

House Call Mani Erfan Rocks/M- Yohanan anuscripts Salamanca : 0 5 R u s h "Because I Got : 0 5 G r a c e l a n d "Home" : 0 5 N C I S : L o s A ng e le s High" "Absolution" 1/2 5:00 Battle Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Battle of the Netwo rk Stars Boxing Baseball NCAA Foo tb all Miami vs. Louisville (L) S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r S p o r t s C en t e r 5 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is U.S. Open (L) Olbermann (L) Olbermann Baseb all Tonig h t (L) 5:20 Free Agents H o u s e o f F oo d H o u s e o f F oo d T o B e A n n o u n ce d H o u s e o f F oo d 5 : 0 0 < 2 7 D r e s s e s ++ < T h e U n a u t h o r i z e d S a v e d b y t h e B e l l S to r y A < 27 D res s e s ++ ('08) Katherine Heigl. A woman < T h e U n a u t h o r i z e d ('08) Katherine Heigl. nostalgic look back at the '90s TV show. (P) is trapped in the role of perennial bridesmaid. Saved by the Bell Story Rizzoli & Isles "Phoenix Dallas "Hurt" (N) Dallas "Hurt" C as tl e "Still" Law & Ord er "The Sixth Law & Ord er "License to Rising" Man" Kill" 4 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d



El señor de los cielos

Fa s t N' L ou d (N)

Highway to Sell (P) (N)

:05 Fast N' Loud

:05 Highway to Sell

:05 Fast N' Loud: Revved

Up The Pioneer The Pioneer Diners, Diners, Guy's Grocery Gam es Diners, Drive-Ins and Diners, Diners, Diners, Eating Woman Woman Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Grocery Grillin'" Dives "Vegas Greats" Drive-Ins Drive-Ins Drive-Ins America (N) 5:00 < Star Trek IV: The Voyage < S t a r T re k V I : T h e U n d i s c ov e r e d C ou n tr y +++ ('91) William < S ta r T re k I I I : T h e S e a rc h f o r S p o c k +++ H o m e +++ ('86) William Shatner. Shatner. The Enterprise discovers a plot to stop a peace treaty. Captain Kirk embarks on a mission to save Spock. LakeRebels "Cold Snap" Ice Lake Rebels Ice Lake Rebels (N) LakeRebels "Cold Snap" Ice Lake Rebels Ice Lake Rebels C h amp i o ns Tennis PowerShares Series -- Surprise, NHL Hockey Classics MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Ariz. Padres Site: Petco Park -- San Diego, Calif. Lakefront Lakefront Love It or List It House House L o v e I t o r L i s t I t "Nanny L o v e I t o r L i s t I t House House Barg ain (N) Barg ain (N) "Dysfunctional Home" H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Nook" "Dysfunctional Home" Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Conan The Office Conan The Office Theory Theory "Crime Aid" B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en B r o k e n S k u l l C h a l l en L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p (N) TI Tiny (N) Atlanta Exes (N) L o v e a n d H i p -Ho p (N) TI Tiny Atlanta Exes Love and Hip-Hop 5:30 The Kardashians The Kard ashians (N) RichKids The Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians The Kardashians C a n d id C a m e r a Hot/ Cleve. Queens Queens Queens H o t / C le v e . Q u e e ns Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray 5 : < C l o ud y W i t h a C ... S p o ng e B ob S q u a re Pa n ts S p o ng e B ob S q u a re Pa n ts < D i a r y o f a W i m p y K i d +++ Zachary Gordon. Full House Full House Gumball TeenTita TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clevel a n d C l e v e l a n d F a mily Guy C hina, IL S h a k e I t U p S h a k e I t U p S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p S o R a n d o m < T o B e A n n o u n ce d G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k Mike & Mike & Mike & Mike & Mike & Mike & Mike & Mike & P artn ers (N) P artn ers (N) Anger Anger Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly M a n a g e (N) M a n a ge (N) Criminal Minds "A Real Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds "Secrets Criminal Minds "A Real Criminal Minds Rain" "Somebody's Watching" "Machismo" and Lies" Rain" "Somebody's Watching" 5:00 < Rambo: First < Ram b o : F irs t Blo o d P art I I ++ A veteran < Ramb o III +++ (1988, Action) Richard Crenna, Kurtwood < Blood +++ returns to Cambodia to rescue PoWs. Smith, Sylvester Stallone. A soldier must liberate friend. Windtal... P aw n S tars P aw n S tars H o u d i n i The tales of Harry Houdini: bonafide H o u d i n i The tales of Harry Houdini: bonafide Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (N) (N) superstar. Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Sept 2 (N) superstar. Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Sept 2 Le Joli Mai Documents Paris and Parisians during May, 1962. < P o rtrait o f Jen n ie +++ ('48) : 1 5 < M y L e f t F o o t ++++ Daniel Day-Lewis. A Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten. man with cerebral palsy struggles for recognition. 5 : 0 0 B E T A w a r d s Includes performances by Chris Brown, Miguel and more. BET Award s "BET Awards 2014" Honoring entertainment legends past and present. 4:00 < To Be < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d A n n o un c e d O ran g e C o un ty S o c i al T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Jers ey Belle "Southern The Real Housewives Jers ey Belle "Southern The Real Housewives (N) "Reunion Part 2" 2/2 (N) Fried Birthday" (N) "Reunion Part 2" 2/2 Fried Birthday" "Reunion Part 2" 2/2









(50) (8815)

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Caso cerrado

(12) M c D o n a l d


Action 7 News Live

American Ninja Warrior "National Finals in Vegas" Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show The finals of 'American Ninja Warrior' continue. (N) News 4 at Sta rrin g J im my Fa ll o n 10 p.m.



Action 7 News Live



Family Guy South Park King H "Bill King of th e "Kenny Gather's Hill Dies" Moss"

Eyewitness Eyewitness Run Wild Tamron Hall News 4 at spends two days in the 6:30 remote Utah desert. (N)

(8) N e w s 4


M i s tres s e s The girls prepare for the engagement party. (N)


Antiques Roadshow Experts talk to guests about their autographs.

TMZ Live!

(7) N e w s L i v e



How I Met Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Your Half Men Half Men Mother




BigBang BBang "The Whose Line Whose Line N e x t T o p M od e l The Mother Is It I s I t? "Jeff final 14 contestants move "Little Excitation" Saturation" Anyway? Davis 2" into their new home. (N) Boys"

(5) "The Lunar Cushion



Mi corazón es Tuyo

(4) F e u d




La Gat a (SP)



D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .





(25) (8819)

(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, August 29, 2014











Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e

Bones Two bodies go missing from a community garden. Entertai nment Tonigh t

La Malquerida




New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. F ro n tl i n e Explores secretive North Korea under its new ruler.

MindyPro- News 13 News 13 The ject "Danny on 2 KASA on 2 KASA S i m p so n s and Mindy"



Bones A small jet carrying Chinese diplomats crashes.

American Dad

American Dad "The Wrestler"

:35 News

:05 The Arsenio Hall

13 on 2 KASA


Action 7 News Live

Caso cerrado

Reina de Corazones

En otra piel


N C I S Gibbs reunites with NCIS a former colleague over a murder.

Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13

Joe McGee HaYesod Law & Order: S.V.U .

Update BAS News Presents Royal P ains "Ganging Up" (N)

N C I S : L o s A n g e l es

Light of the Southwest

Modern Modern Modern Modern Family Family Family Family 30 fo r 30 "Pony Excess" 30 fo r 30 "Pony Excess" 5 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is U.S. Open (L) S p o r t s C en t e r Outside the Lines Hey Rookie, Welcome Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Olbermann (L) Time's Up Ex and Why Ex and Why Time's Up 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Dance Moms (N) Danc e Moms "No More Raising Raising Raising Raising Crybabies" (N) Asia (N) Asia (N) Asia Asia Rizzoli & Isles "You Rizzoli & Isles "Burden Rizzoli & Isles "In Over Rizzoli & Isles "Burden Can't Stand the Heat" of Proof" (N) Your Head" of Proof" 4 : 0 0 T o B e A n n ou n ce d

(24) "Vanity's Bonfire"








(35) W o m a n

Alaska: Stories (N)

Y u k o n M en (N)

T o B e A n n o u n ce d

:05 Y u k on M e n

:35 Access Hollywood

En otra piel Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35

Exploring With the Scholars Royal P ains "Ganging Up" Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r Olbermann Faking It Awkward. Dance Moms :05 T h e M en t a l i s t

"Fugue in Red" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d

M i n i s te ri o s N u ev a V i d a Law & Order: Special Victims Un it "Cold" Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Awkward. Faking It D an ce M om s "No More Crybabies" :05 T h e M en t a l i s t "Always Bet on Red"



















(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

:05 Alaska: Stories

C h op p ed "Wok This C h op p ed "Time and C h op p ed "Sunny Side C h op p ed "Return And C h op p ed (N) Way" Space" Apps" Redeem" Face Off "Judge Match" Wizard Wars "Rated Face Off "Judge Match" Wizard Wars "Rated < P e g a su s v s . Ch i me ra ('12) Nazneen Contractor. (N) Arrrgh!" (N) Arrrgh!" Yellowstone: Battle for Life Turtleman's Kentucky Yellowstone T o B e A n n o u n ce d Diamond- Diamond- MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Padres Site: Petco Park -- P o s t-g am e Ultim ate backs Live b ac k s (L) San Diego, Calif. (L) (L) I n s id e r (N) Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House House H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan & Big Bang C o n a n (N) Sullivan Conan The Office Theory Theory Theory Theory S o n (N) Theory and Son Reb a 1/2 :45 Reba Reba Reba Reba < S t e e l M a g n o l i a s +++ ('89) Dolly Parton, Julia Roberts, Sally Field. 5:30 ATL Ex TI Tiny Love and Hip-Hop Docs "ATL: The Untold Story" (N) Atlanta Exes Love and Hip-Hop Rock Docs < N e v e r B e e n K i s s ed +++ ('99) Drew Barrymore. :25 Div as #Rich Kid s E! News (N) The Kardashians E! News C an d id C am e ra (N) Hot/ Cleve. Queens Queens Queens C a n d id C a m e r a Hot/ Cleve. Loves Ray Loves Ray Loves Ray iCarly iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Drake Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Gumball TeenTita TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Wizards Wizards S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p P h i n e a s Austin/ Ally Shake It Up Jessie G o o d Lu c k G o o d Lu c k M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a Two and a Two and a < We Bought a Zoo +++ ('11) Scarlett Johansson, Matt < We Mother Mother Half Men Half Men Half Men Half Men Damon. A young father purchases a house that comes with a zoo. B o u g h t a... Storage Storage Storage Storage M arried to C e m en t Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars (N) th e Jo b (N) Heads (N) Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars 4:30 < Terminator 3: 4th an d Lo u d (N) 4th and Loud < Term in ato r 3: Ris e o f th e M ach in es ++ A robot goes back 4th an d Rise of the Machines in time to kill a group of teens. Loud 5 : 0 0 H o u d i n i Pt. 1 of 2 H o u d i n i Pt. 2 of 2 (N) H o u d i n i The tales of Harry Houdini: bonafide H o u d i n i Pt. 2 of 2 cont'd next superstar. Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd next < T h e J a z z S i n g e r +++ ('27) May : 4 5 < T h e J a z z S i n g e r +++ ('53) Peggy Lee, : 4 5 < H e s t e r S t r e e t +++ Carol Kane. A Jewish < Avalon MacAvoy, Warner Oland, Al Jolson. Danny Thomas. Son becomes entertainer. bride marries a man who has forsaken his ways. +++ Frankie & Frankie&Ne Frankie & Frankie& < Sp a r kl e (2012, Drama) Carmen Ejogo, Whitney Houston, Jordin Sparks. Keyshia Keyshia Neffe ffe "D Day" Neffe "Reunited" Three sisters form a music group. Cole (N) Cole: BTL Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master

H ous ew ives NJ "Roses BRAVO (61) are Red, Dina is Blue"

Friday, August 29, 2014

Below Deck "Charter Guest Soulmate" (N)

The Singles Project (N)

Below Deck "Charter Guest Soulmate"

T h e S i n g l es P r o j e c t







(50) (8815)





(25) (8819)

LL Cool J as seen in “NCIS: Los Angeles” (27)

Below Deck "Charter Guest Soulmate"

Good Morning America (7)

(242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183)

The Pioneer S o u th e rn Kitchen Face Off "Wizard of (36) Wonderland" (37) T u rtle m a n 's K e n tu c k y Baseball Sports Hall (38) Un iv ers ity o f F a m e Flip or Flop Flip or Flop (39)


Tuesday Best Bets

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.

Wheel of Fortune



Family Guy South Park King of the King of Hill Hill "Propane Boom" 1/2 Action 7 News Live


Charlie Rose (N)

America's Got Talen t "Semi Finals 2" Twelve of the top 24 perform. (N) El señor de los cielos


La Que No Podia Amar

Eyewitness Eyewitness F o od F i g h ters "Melissa News 4 at Clinton" A high school 6:30 teacher tries to win. (N)





Story-Frozen Behind-the- Ex trem e Weig h t Lo s s 20/20 : From Hell scenes look at the making "Rod" A drama coach of a modern movie. wants to lose weight. (N)

(8) N e w s 4


Hasta el fin del mundo


BBang "The Arro w "Seeing Red" The Sup ernatural "Alex How I Met Mother Two and a Two 1/2... Seinfeld Terminator mirakuru sends Roy into Annie Alexis Ann" Sheriff Y o u r "The Drunk Half Men "Ow, Ow, Decoupling" uncontrolled rage. Mills kills a vampire. Mother Train" Don't Stop"

TMZ Live!



Family Guy Brooklyn New Girl "Peter "Charges "Cruise" Problems" and Specs"

Family Feud





The Big



C u b an M i s s i l e C ri s i s The F i d e l C as tro Examine the Y o u S h ou l d C re ativ e story of the Cuban life and times of a Know Living Missile Crisis. controversial figure. (N)





PBS NewsHour

(5) B a n g




Mi corazón es Tuyo

(4) F e u d




D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .

La Gata







Food Fighters (8)

(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139)

7:00 a.m.

Check out what’s going on in the world with this new episode. The long-running series delivers the latest in news, weather, entertainment, interviews and more, straight from New York City’s Times Square Studios. 7:00 p.m.

New Jersey high school biology teacher Melissa Clinton enters the ring in the hopes of winning $100,000 in this new episode. She’ll go up against the cream of the culinary crop before taking on celebrity chef Jet Tila.

Cement Heads (54)

(327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

8:30 p.m.

Chubby sets up a fishing trip to help Billy unwind in this new episode. Unfortunately, the trip turns out to be every bit as stressful as a day at work as Billy tries to teach Chubby how to fish. Danielle tries to spend some quality time with Joan.

NCIS: Los Angeles (10)

9:00 p.m.

Join special agents G Callen (Chris O’Donnell) and Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) as they tackle dangerous undercover assignments in this rebroadcast. A tight-knit group armed with the latest high-tech gadgets backs them up as they take down notorious criminals.


Wednesday Best Bets







Mark Evans holds a baby crocodile in “Operation Maneater”

Legends (32)

7:00 p.m.

The DCO captures Ana (Necar Zadegan) and the Colonel (Alon Aboutboul) after they sell Martin (Sean Bean) a briefcase of bogus VX in this new episode. The real VX is released on a bus in response, and there’s more in store if the Colonel isn’t set free.

Criminal Minds (10)

8:00 p.m.

The BAU investigates the killings of a number of prostitutes in this rebroadcast. The evidence suggests religious involvement in the murders, and the team members face serious danger the deeper they get into the case.

Operation Maneater (3)

9:00 p.m.

Mark Evans heads to Canada’s Hudson Bay in this new episode. Polar bears are causing problems in the area’s isolated communities, and Mark looks into a warning system used to deter them. The veterinarian seeks out ways to resolve human-wildlife conflicts.

Epic Ink (54)

9:00 p.m.

Chris Jones inks a Batman superfan with a realistic tribute in honor of the Dark Knight’s 75th anniversary in this new episode. A “Jurassic Park” fan goes all out with a T-Rex tattoo that Chris 51 gets to work on.











PBS NewsHour

Nature "Earthflight: N o v a Archaeologists Africa" Fly, dive and soar explore new areas of with Africa’s birds. Machu Picchu.


Family Feud

So You Think You Can Dance "Winner Announced" America's favorite dancer is announced. (SF) (N)

The Big Bang Theory

Penn&Teller Aspiring magicians are invited to perform tricks. (N)

The Big (5) B a n g

Theory TMZ Live!

Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e

Entertai nment Tonigh t

The Goldbergs

The Goldbergs













(26) (27) (28)





























(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)

BRAVO (61)




The Goldbergs





Noticiero Uni: Noct. This Old House

La Que No Podia Amar

News 13 News 13 The on 2 KASA on 2 KASA S i m p so n s

:35 News

:05 The Arsenio Hall

13 on 2 KASA


Met Your Two and a Two and a Seinfeld M o th e r "No Half Men Half Men Pressure"

Action 7 News Live

Eyewitness :35 The Tonight Show News 4 at Starring Jimmy Fallon 10 p.m.

Caso cerrado

Reina de Corazones

En otra piel

El señor de los cielos


Big Brother

Criminal Mind "Angels" Extant The BAU investigates the murders of prostitutes.

Noticias T e l e m u nd o KRQE News 13

En otra piel Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n

Dr. Rik HaYesod Wadge Graceland "Echoes" Pt. M o d e rn Modern Law & Order: Special 1 of 2 cont'd Sept 10 (N) Family Family Victims Un it "Spooked" W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? Boxing Classics MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Padres Site: Petco Park (L) S p o r t s C en t e r Olbermann Faking It Awkward. Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Girlfriend Intervention Girlfriend Inter "Joanie, Bring It! "Baby Dolls vs. (N) Get Your Groove Back" Baby Tigerettes" Franklin & Bash "Good Leg ends "Betrayal" :05 Franklin & Bash Cop/Bad Cop" (N) "Good Cop/Bad Cop"

T o B e A n n o u n ce d

The Pioneer Southern at Woman Heart 4 : 3 0 < P i t c h B l a c k ++ ('00) Vin Diesel. M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks T h e G a m e C o un td o wn 365 (N) Buying and Selling "Barry and Corrina" Family Guy Family Guy

T o B e A n n o u n ce d

:35 Access Hollywood


Light of the Southwest

T o B e A n n o u n ce d

JeanDr. Will iam Claude McDonald Graceland "Echoes" Pt. 1 of 2 cont'd Sept 10 Baseball S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Catfish: The TV Show Bring It! "Pray for Sunjai" :05 Hawaii Five-0 "Pu'olo" My 40-Ye ar-Old Child "A New Case" T o B e A n n o u n ce d

Diners, Diners, R e s ta u ran t: I m p o s s ib l e Stakeout "Grand Mystery Mystery R e s t a u r a n t : I m p o s s ib l e Drive-Ins Drive-Ins "Goombazz Gone Wild" Opening Stakeout" (N) Diners (N) Diners "Take it or Leave it" (N) < T h e C h ro n i c l es o f R i d d i c k +++ ('04) Judi Dench, Vin Diesel. < S t a r T re k V : T h e F i n a l F r o n t i e r ++ ('89) William Shatner. A convict does battle with intergalactic warriors. The Enterprise is commandeered for a Vulcan mission. F o o l ' s G o ld F o o l ' s G o ld F o o l ' s G o ld F o o l ' s G o ld M u d L o v in ' R e d n e c ks F o o l ' s G o ld F o o l ' s G o ld F o o l ' s G o ld F o o l ' s G o ld Diamond- Diamond- MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Padres Site: Petco Park -- P o s t-g am e Sports Hall backs Live b ac k s (L) San Diego, Calif. (L) (L) of Fame Buying and Selling (N) H o u s e House Property Brothers Buying and Selling With House House H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) "Stephan and Karina" the Property Brothe rs Hunters Hunters Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang C o n a n (N) The Office Conan The Office Theory Theory Theory Theory Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba < Elf +++ (2003, Comedy) James Caan, Bob Newhart, Will Ferrell. Coup les Therapy Therapy "Reunion" (N) Therapy "Reunion" Make or Break (N) T herapy "Reunion" Make or Break #Rich Kids Keeping Up With the Kardashians The Soup The Soup E! News (N) T he Soup #Rich Kids E! News C a n d id C a m e r a Ho t/ C lev e. Ho t/ C lev e. Ho t I n (N) T he Exes C a n d id C a m e r a Queens Queens Hot/ Cleve. Loves Ray iCarly iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat Drake Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Full House Gumball TeenTita TeenTita Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Clev eland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Jessie Jessie S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p S o R a n d o m < T o B e A n n o u n ce d G o o d Lu c k 5 : 3 0 < S t a r T r e k +++ Chris Pine. A Romulan < Battles h ip ++ (2012, Sci-Fi) Alexander Skarsgard, Rhianna, Taylor Kitsch. T h e B r i d g e "Rakshasa" (N) seeks vengeance for the death of his planet. A lone Naval Fleet battles an alien armada for Earth. Duck Dynasty "Stand by :05 Duck CommaWahlbur- Epic Ink (N) Ep ic Ink (N) Epic Ink Duck Dynasty "Stand by :05 Duck CommaMia" n d e r (N) g e rs (N) Mia" nder < T h e H o r s e W h i sp e r e r +++ (1998, Drama) Scarlett Johansson, Kristin Scott < C o ns p iracy Th eo ry +++ (1997, Action) Julia Roberts, Patrick Stewart, Mel Thomas, Robert Redford. An editor falls in love with a horse healer. Gibson. A man is targeted when he uncovers a conspiracy. American Pickers American Pickers (N) :05 Restore :35 :05 American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers (N) Restoration "Feudin' Pickers" < B e i n g T h e r e ++++ ('79) Peter Sellers. :15 < Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House < A W o m a n 's F a c e +++ ('41) Melvyn Douglas, Gardener finds himself at the top of society. +++ A man resettles his family in Connecticut. Joan Crawford. Woman blackmails lovers. 5 : 0 0 < S p a r k l e ('12) Carmen Ejogo, Jordin Sparks. A p o l l o L i v e Keyshia The Game < J u s t W ri g h t ++ ('10) Common, Queen Latifah. A Three sisters form a music group. physical therapist falls for a basketball player. Cole: BTL 4:30 < To Be < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < T o B e A n n o u n ce d < To Be A n n o un c e d A n n o un c e d T h e R e a l H o u s e w i v es Million Dollar List "Real Top Chef Duels (N) Million Dollar List "Real T o p C h ef "David Burke T op C h ef "David Burke "Reunion Part 2" 2/2 Estate on Wheels" (N) Estate on Wheels" vs. Takashi Yagihashi" vs. Takashi Yagihashi"








(50) (8815)

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

Taxi "Frenchmen Can't Jump" A motorcycle messenger is shot. (N)

Mani Erfan House Call Update Dollars & News Sense < T h e F a s t a n d th e F u ri o u s ++ ('01) Vin Diesel. An undercover officer infiltrates an L.A. street gang. W h o 's N u mb e r 1? W h o 's N u mb e r 1? 5 : 0 0 M L B B a s e b a l l Boston vs N.Y. Yankees (L) 5 : 0 0 I T F Te n n is U.S. Open (L) Time's Up Ex and Why Ex an d Why Time's Up Bring It! "Baby Dolls vs. Bring It! "Pray for Baby Tigerettes" Sunjai" (N) 3 : 3 0 < T h e D a r k K n i g h t L e g e n d s "Betrayal" (N) +++ Christian Bale. My 40-Ye ar-Old Child T o B e A n n o u n ce d "A New Case" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d



Family Guy South Park King of the King of the "Freak Hill Hill Strike"

M o d e rn "A M o d e rn Action 7 Hard Jay's Family News Live Night" "Australia"


Charlie Rose (N)

America's Got Talen t "Results" Six acts move on. (N)

Wheel of Fortune


New Mexico Maneater "Polar Bear" Healthy Inspect a warning system Bod y, to deter bears. (N) Health

The 100 Clarke and Finn M o th e r lead a group out to hunt "I'm Not for food. That Guy"

The Goldbergs


La Malquerida

Eyewitness Eyewitness Got Talent "Cutdown" News 4 at Take a look back at the 6:30 performances. (N)

(8) N e w s 4


Hasta el fin del mundo

D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .

Law & Ord er: C .I. "Self- Law & Ord er: C .I . AmerD "It's American Made" A young writer is "Lonelyville" A ménage à Good to Be Dad "Dr. tortured and murdered. trois ends in murder. the Queen" Klaustus"





Mi corazón es Tuyo

(4) F e u d



La Gata








(25) (8819)

(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138) (280) (183) (278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184) (360) (205) (229) (112) (247) (139) (327) (166) (335) (162) (236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136) (265) (118) (254) (130) (269) (120) (256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

Friday, August 29, 2014
















Hasta el fin del mundo

La Malquerida

PBS NewsHour


S o n g o f t h e M ou n t ai n s

This American Land


Family Feud

Sleepy Hollow Ichabod Bones Investigate the gets help to communicate death an art school with Katrina. dropout with Lupus.

The Big Bang Theory

Vampire Diaries Elena is Originals "An Unblinking M o th e r obsessing about the state Death" Cami insists on "Dowisetof her relationship. treatment for Kieran. repla"

The Big Theory TMZ Live! (6)

Action 7 (7) N e w s L i v e 5:30 NFL

(8) K i c k o f f (L)

Entertai nment Tonigh t





(27) (28)

(33) (34)























(42) (43) (44) (48) (49) (51)







BRAVO (61)

New Noticiero Mexico Uni: Noct. W o o ds on g s

News 13 News 13 The on 2 KASA on 2 KASA S i m p so n s Met Your Mother "Karma"




La Que No Podia Amar

:35 News

:05 The Arsenio Hall

13 on 2 KASA


Two and a Two and a Seinfeld Half Men Half Men

The Big Bang Theory

En otra piel

The Millers Big Brother (N) "0072"

El señor de los cielos

Noticias T e l e m u nd o Elementary Sherlock and KRQE News Joan help Mycroft who 13 faces treason.

Rocks/M- Update First Fruits Light of the Southwest anuscripts News of Zion Law & Order: S.V.U . R u s h "Get Lucky" (N) Satis factio n "...Through R u s h "Get Lucky" "Girl Dishonored" Security" (N) Boxing Classics Boxing Boxing Boxing Classics Boxing Classics I T F Tennis U.S. Open Site: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center (L) S p o r t s C en t e r Soccer International Friendly (L) Baseb all Tonig h t (L) Olbermann (L) Time's Up Ex and Why Ex and Why Time's Up Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Runway "It's a Nice Day Project Runway The team base their Runway "Chopard" The team base for a Rock Wedding" looks around a piece of jewellery. (N) their looks around a piece of jewellery. C as tl e "Home Is Where C as tl e "Ghosts" C as tl e "Little Girl Lost" :05 Dallas "Hurt" the Heart Stops" Gypsy Sisters "Bottoms Gypsy Sisters "Bourbon Gypsy Wedd "Caught in Escap .AL "Hostile Hostel Up in the Big Easy" Street Brawls" (N) a Gypsy Love Triangle" and Hollywood Bound" T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d T o B e A n n o u n ce d

Action 7 News Live

The Pioneer S. Kitch en Woman "Karri-oke" 4 : 3 0 < T h e C h r o n i c le s o f Riddick +++ A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le Diamond- Diamondbacks Live b ac k s (L) Fixer Upper

:35 Access Hollywood

En otra piel Titulares :35 The Late Show With :35 Craig David Letterman F e rg u so n :35







(50) (8815)





(25) (8819)

Mellie Stanley stars in “Gypsy Sisters”

The Quest (7)

Called Out Biblical Israel :05 Law & Order: S .V.U. "Charisma" Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r Baseb all Tonig h t (L) C h a l l e n ge F re e A g en ts Project Runway "Chopard" : 0 5 L a w & O r d e r "Sects"

(27) (242) (105) (143) (206) (140) (209) (144) (331) (160) (252) (108) (245) (138)

Gypsy Wedd "Caught in (280) (183) a Gypsy Love Triangle" T o B e A n n o u n ce d

C h op p ed "Ladies First!" C h op p ed "Competition C h op p ed "Firefighter C h op p ed Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Italiano" Chefs" Flay (N) Flay Spartacus: Blood and :05 Spartacus: Blood : 1 0 < T h o r : H a m m e r o f t h e G o d s + Zachery Ty :10 Spartacus: Blood Sand "Revelations" (N) "Kill Them All" (N) Bryan. A Viking army battles a pack of werewolves. and Sand "Revelations" Ice Lake Rebels Ice Lake Rebels Ice Lake Rebels Ice Lake Rebels A l a s k a n B u s h P e op le MLB Baseb all Arizona Diamondbacks at San Diego Padres Site: Petco Park -- P o s t-g am e C o un td o wn F i g h t S p o rts K n o c kou ts ! San Diego, Calif. (L) (L) Fixer Upper House House Fixer Upper Fixer Upper House House H u n te rs (N) H u n te rs (N) Hunters Hunters Family Guy Family Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang C o n a n (N) The Office Conan Office "The Theory Theory Theory Theory Surplus" Reba :45 Reba Reba Reba Reba < V arsity Blues ++ ('99) Jon Voight, James Van Der Beek. C o ps Saturday Night Live Datin g Naked (N) Nicole (N) LeAnEd ie Dating Naked Nicole LeAnEd ie Therap y "Reunion" Beauty (N) Beauty Botched The Kardashians E! News (N) Keeping Up With the Kardashians #Rich Kids C a n d id C a m e r a Hot/ Cleve. Queens Queens Queens Queens Queens Loves Ray Loves Ray Hot/ Cleve. Loves Ray iCarly iCarly iCarly Sam & Cat Sam & Cat < D ra ke & J os h Mov ie (2004, Family) Inst.Mom See Dad Full House Full House 5 : < T o B e A n n o un ce d T e e n T i t a Steven Gumball Uncle King of Hill King of Hill Cleveland Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad S h a k e I t U p S h a k e I t U p S h a k e I t U p G o o d Lu c k A u s t i n / A l l y S h a k e I t U p A . N . T . < T o B e A n n o u n ce d G o o d Lu c k M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r M e t Y o u r Two and a Two and a < American Reunion ++ ('12) Alyson Hannigan, Jason Biggs. M arried (N) Yo u 're th e Mother Mother Mother Half Men Half Men The gang returns for their 10 year high school reunion. Worst (N) Th e F irs t 48 "Blood Th e F irs t 48 (N) Killer K ids "Frenemies/ Th e F irs t 48 "Collateral/ Th e F irs t 48 "Blood Th e F irs t 48 "Dangerous Money/ Fifteen" The Reject" Driven to Kill" Money/ Fifteen" Attraction/ Candy Lady" < T h e M a t r i x +++ (1999, Action) Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, < T h e M a t r i x R e l o a d e d ++ (2003, Sci-Fi) Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Keanu Reeves. A man learns his world is a computer-created illusion. Fishburne, Keanu Reeves. An army of machines is sent to kill humankind. P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P aw n S tars P awn Stars P awn Stars P awn "The :05 P aw n P aw n S t a r s P a w n S t a r s P a w n S ta r s P awn S ta r s P a w n S t a rs Bachelor" Stars < S o m e C a m e R un ni n g +++ ('58) Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra. < T h e A s p h a l t J u ngl e +++ ('50) Sterling Hayden. :45 < F a n n y a n d A l ex a n d e r ++++ A veteran's friends are offended by his loose morals. Small time criminals plan an ingenious jewel heist. ('83) Bertil Guve, Pernilla Allwin. 4 : 3 0 < D e l i v e r U s F r o m < J u s t W ri g h t ++ (2010, Comedy) Common, Paula Patton, Queen Latifah. A < I d l e w i l d ++ ('06) Andre Benjamin, Antwan Eva ++ Gabrielle Union. physical therapist falls for a basketball player. Patton. Two club owners fend off a gangster. C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps C o ps Impact Wrestling High-risk athletic entertainment from the ring. Don't Be Don't Be Don't Be P aren t "The Everything- Do n 't Be T h e S i n g l es P r o j e c t Don't Be P aren t "The Everything- The Real Tardy... Tardy... Tard y... (N) On-Demand Baby" (N) Tardy... Tardy... On-Demand Baby" Housewives

Friday, August 29, 2014


Thursday Best Bets

:05 Jimmy Kimmel Live

:35 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Joe McGee Matt Staver Law&Jus :05 Satisfaction "...Through Security" Boxing Classics S p o r t s C en t e r Olbermann C h a l l e n ge F re e A g en ts Runway "It's a Nice Day for a Rock Wedding" : 0 5 H a w a i i F i v e - 0 "Mai Ka Wa Kahiko" Gypsy Sisters "Bourbon Street Brawls" T o B e A n n o u n ce d



T h e Q u e s t "The Dragon's Shark Tank All the Lair" (N) sharks compete for one irresistible product.

Action 7 News Live


C h a rl i e R o s e (N)

T h e Q u e s t "Verlox Attacks" (N)


Wheel of Fortune


H o u s e "Pilot (Everybody American American Family Guy South Pa rk King of th e King of th e Lies)" A teacher passes Dad "Roger Dad "Stan's "Jared Has Hill "Pilot" Hill out in front of her class. 'N Me" Best Friend" Aides"

Reina de Corazones

Dr. Rik



N F L Footb a ll Green Bay Packers at Seattle Seahawks Site: CenturyLink Field -- Eyewitn ess News 4 at Seattle, Wash. (L) 10 p.m.

(12) W ad g e


The Red Green Show


House House examines his life, future, and personal demons.

Caso cerrado





Mi corazón es Tuyo

(5) B a n g



D = Di rect TV S = Dish Network

. Sports .

La Gata

(4) F e u d










7:00 p.m.

The fantastical action continues in a new episode of this unique competition series. 12 contestants navigate the magical and dangerous world of “Everealm,” where they face mythical creatures and more - but only one will emerge as a real-life hero.

Gypsy Sisters (33)

7:00 p.m.

(229) (112)

Catch all the drama with Mellie, Nettie, Kayla and the rest of the women in this new episode. This season of the reality series has the sisters trying to put recent ugliness behind them as they navigate everything from breakups to road trips.

(247) (139)


(327) (166)


(335) (162)

(265) (118)

Sherlock’s (Jonny Lee Miller) brother Mycroft (Rhys Ifans) is back in the lives of Sherlock and Joan (Lucy Liu) in this rebroadcast. The two sleuths must put their personal issues aside to help Mycroft, who’s been accused of murder and treason.

(254) (130)


(269) (120)


(278) (182) (231) (110) (244) (122) (282) (184)

(360) (205)

(236) (114) (304) (106) (299) (170) (296) (176) (291) (173) (248) (136)

(256) (132) (329) (124) (241) (168) (273) (129)

9:00 p.m.

11:00 p.m.

Russ (Nat Faxon) and Lina (Judy Greer) return to their old neighborhood for a date night in this new episode. Meanwhile, a trip to a gentlemen’s club is sidetracked by a detour for AJ (Brett Gelman) and Bernie (John Hodgman).


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Video Releases Draft Day Kevin Costner plays Sonny Weaver Jr., the general manager of a fictionalized version of the Cleveland Browns, in this sports drama. Ready to turn around a failing franchise and escape the ridicule from the media and fans, Sonny gets the opportunity to rebuild his team on NFL Draft Day when he trades for the first overall pick. Faced with tough decisions and trying personal struggles, Sonny must decide what he is willing to sacrifice in order to build the perfect team. Director: Ivan Reitman. Stars: Kevin Costner, Jennifer Garner, Terry Crews, Tom Welling, Denis Leary, Frank Langella, Sam Elliott, Sean Combs, Ellen Burstyn, Chadwick Boseman, Chi McBride. 2014. 110 min. Drama. They Came Together This romcom spoof centers on the love-hate relationship between Joel (Rudd) and Molly (Poehler). After Joel’s Corporate Candy Company threatens Molly’s quirky independent business, the two develop an antagonistic and loathsome bond. Though Joel still holds deep feelings for his ex, he and Molly somehow fall in love, until a breakup ruins their relationship and they’re forced to find a way back together. Director: David Wain. Stars: Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, Cobie Smulders, Christopher Meloni, Max Greenfield, Bill Hader, Ellie Kemper, Jason Mantzoukas, Melanie Lynskey, Ed Helms. 2014. 83 min. Comedy.


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution on page 4.

Copyrite 2x3”


Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner star in “Draft Day” knownst to Max, an evil ghost is Night Moves plotting to take over the world, Three extreme environmentalists threatening his date plans and his find their personal limits tested chance to be with Cammy. when they look to successfully carDirector: Peter Hewitt. Stars: Bella ry out the most important protest Thorne, Ryan Ochoa, Madison Petof their lives — exploding a hydrotis. 2014. 90 min. Family. electric dam. When the mission doesn’t go exactly to plan, trust begins to fade in the group, pushing Mom’s Night Out one member too far. In order to enjoy a much-needed Director: Kelly Reichardt. Stars: Jes- moms night out on the town, overse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning, Peter worked mother of three Allyson Sarsgaard. 2013. 112 min. Drama. (Drew) and her friends must leave their husbands in charge to watch R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: the kids. Things take a turn for the Have You Met My worse when plans start to crumble Ghoulfriend? and the husbands struggle to keep the peace at home. When Max (Ochoa) finally scores a Directors: Andrew Erwin, Jon Erwin. Halloween date with his crush Stars: Sarah Drew, Sean Astin, PatriCammy (Thorne), the most popular cia Heaton, Trace Adkins. 2014. 98 redhead in school, he’s over the moon with excitement. Unbemin. Comedy. Friday, August 29, 2014

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