JULY 3, 2014
UFO Festival Issue
Also Inside:
Alien Chase | The Revolutionary Snake Ensemble | The Planetarium Reopens
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Thursday, July 3, 2014 Volume 20, Issue 13
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Roswell Daily Record’s
13-20 Pull-out Entertainment Calendar 3 4
10 11
25 7
Veterans Cemetery Grand Opening The Planetarium reopens The Fireworks Show UFO invasion
Alien Costume Contest
Revolutionary Snake Ensemble
The Roswell Invaders Cosmicon
Publisher: Charles Fischer Editor: Rey Berrones Ad Design: Sandra Martinez, Steve Stone Columnists: Donald Burleson, Stu Pritchard Roswell Daily Record Staff Writers: Dylanne Petros, Randal Seyler Roswell Daily Record Staff Photographers: Mark Wilson Contributing Writers: Shannon Seyler Contributing Photographers: Juliana Halvorson, Jean Hangarter, Bob Bailey Get in touch with us online Facebook: facebook.com/PecosVisionMagazine Twitter: twitter.com/PecosVision Pinterest: pinterest.com/VisionMagazine Email: vision@rdrnews.com www: rdrnews.com/?page_id=215 For advertising information, call 622-7710
Correspondence: Vision Magazine welcomes correspondence, constructive criticism and suggestions for future topics. Mail correspondence to Vision Magazine, P.O. Drawer 1897, Roswell, N.M. 88202-1897 or vision@roswell-record.com.
Submissions: Call 622-7710, ext. 309, for writers’ guidelines. Vision Magazine is not responsible for loss or damage to unsolicited materials. Vision Magazine is published twice a month at 2301 N. Main St., Roswell, N.M. The contents of the publication are Copyright 2012 by the Roswell Daily Record and may not be reprinted in whole or part without written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. One copy of each edition is provided to 13,000 weekday subscribers to the Roswell Daily Record in the first and third Friday newspaper of each month. An additional 3,000 to 5,000 copies are made available free of charge to county residents and visitors and select site newsstands, and direct mailed to non-subscribers in the retail trade zone. Subscriptions are available by mail for $2 a month or free through subscription to the Roswell Daily Record. The Roswell Daily Record and Vision Magazine are represented nationally by Paper Companies Inc.
On The Cover
The Alien Chase
Artesia Part 1 and 2 The Roswell alien bodies: Way too many secrets!
Correction: The history article that ran in last month’s issue had a draft version of the article inserted by mistake. We regret this error. Page 30 features the correct version of the article.
The annual UFO Festival brings out families and fun to the streets of Roswell. Photographer: Juliana Halvorson
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Veterans Cemetery Grand Opening
By Randal Seyler Record Staff Writer he Gen. Douglas L. McBride Roswell Veteran’s Cemetery will officially open at 10 a.m. on July 4 with a memorial service and grand opening ceremony. The community is invited to join the Chaves County Veteran’s Cemetery Board and local veterans at the cemetery, located on the north side of South Park Cemetery. A process is in place to assist veterans’ families who need help paying for the burial costs. Applications for assistance must be submitted through Anderson-Bethany Funeral home for review by a committee from the Veteran’s Cemetery Board. Families need to have their loved one’s cremains to Bethany-Anderson Funeral Home by July 2, said Jason Bethany. “They can bring them here to the funeral home and we will get everything set up for them,” he said. “We’re handling over 20 burials currently, so it will be a large service.” The service will bring hundreds of people and several hundred motorcycles are also expected to be on hand for the ceremony.
Randal Seyler Photo The cemetery receives a shipment from A&E’s Shipping Wars
The Roswell Veterans Cemetery is beautiful tribute to our service men “We will open on July 4, and we would like for everybody to be out there,” said Bert Eldridge, board member. “We hope to have 300 bikes, and we have people coming from Taos and Albuquerque. I think it wll be pretty good.” Families should contact BethanyAnderson Funeral Home at 622-5888 to complete the process, starting with the provision of a copy of the DD Form 214 for the deceased. The Cemetery Board welcomes burial requests from families of National Guard members as well. There will be no charge for the burial of veteran cremains in the Veteran’s Cemetery on July 4. The Veteran’s Cemetery Committee is still seeking donations to pay for components of the work that need to be done prior to the opening. It is particularly important to get donations that will be used to purchase sod for the one acre plot. Tax-deductible donations can be made to Embrace, Inc. at PO Box 4425 Roswell, NM 88202 or by calling Bert Eldridge at 420-3527.
Planetarium Reopens
By Dylanne Petros Vistas Editor dults and children will have the opportunity to learn more about aliens’ homes and space during the UFO Festival thanks to the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium reopening. The planetarium opened in 1937 and was owned by the city before being turned over to the Roswell City School District. The planetarium was owned by the school district for a few years while being closed. “There was a vacancy (the school district) didn’t fill so the planetarium kind of closed for a little while and they never basically got around to reopening it,” Hall said. With new people coming to Roswell, like Hall, the city got the planetarium back and has been working to reopening it. “Everyone is very excited to get the planetarium open again,” he said. Some of the events that will occur during the UFO Festival include children shows, a lecture on exoplanets and a telescope viewing. The programs start June 30 and run through July 5. To get the planetarium open and running again, the city and the school district teamed up and hired a lead technician to get the planetarium ready for the UFO Festival.
After a long hiatus, the planetarium opens again
The lead technician, Marcus deThouars, will be the one setting the schedule of events after the UFO Festival. “(Once) we know exactly Marcus’s schedule we want to come up with a long-term schedule for the planetarium,” Hall said. “We have so many visitors from out of town that I can imagine somebody knowing they are going to be here in December and they are going to want to know on a certain date will there be a sky show available or something on that certain date.” Even though deThouars is new to the planetarium, he already has ideas of what programs he wants to run year-round. “In the past there has been a space camp here in the summer to get some type of camp together for kids where they can do hands-on (activities) and learn about the universe and maybe do some arts and crafts partnered with the museum. That would be nice,” deThouars said. For the time being though, everyone is staying focused on the UFO Festival. “Everything is free,” Hall said. For a full schedule of the programs during the UFO Festival, people can call the Roswell Museum and Art Center at 624-6744.
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Rey Berrones Photo
Mescalero, NM near Ruidoso | Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
The Roswell alien bodies: Way too many secrets!
Looking Up
By Donald Burleson n recent years, dramatically improved methods of DNA extraction and gene sequencing have appeared, revolutionizing the science of genetics, which in tur n has enabled great advances in the sciences of
evolutionary biology and comparative anatomy. We’ve come a long way in the quest to understand the nature of life. For that reason, with regard to the alien bodies recovered from the Roswell UFO crash in 1947, at least two immensely important things should long since have happened. One: Those agencies having custody of the bodies should have subjected them to DNA retrieval of the entire genome, and should have directed that this information be completely genesequenced to determine the precise genetic makeup. When this was done for the human genome, it took thirteen years, but we have much
faster techniques now. There has been plenty of time. Two: The alien bodies should have been subjected to a thorough analysis through comparative anatomy, to determine their structural relationship to humans and other life forms, and how their evolution compares with ours and with the tree of life existing on this planet, in terms of both commonalities and differences. I’m quite sure all of this analysis has already been done. I’m equally sure that we who have no access to Top Secret information will not hear of the results of these studies any time soon, if ever. And this is tragic, given the monumentally important
issues at stake. The United States government, with its eternal culture of secrecy, is probably sitting on top of the most significant scientific discoveries in history. I’ll explain why I think so. By all witness accounts, the Roswell aliens, whatever their differences from us, have an overall form similar to humans: a cylindrical body, two arms, two legs, a symmetric head with two eyes. This makes it feasible that most of their DNA has close parallels to ours. (What this means, exactly, is a matter of speculation at this point.) It is fascinating to ask ourselves what sorts of things the ultra-secret examinations of those alien bodies may have
touched upon by now. Let’s consider a possible example. In humans and other modern mammals, the middle ear contains three tiny bones, called the malleus, incus, and stapes. Reptiles, by comparison, have only one of these ear bones: the stapes. The same was true of ancient reptiles. But the fossil record is replete with many gradations of mammal-like reptiles: transitional animals in which certain bones in the jaws of reptiles, over many millions of years, gradually diminished in size and shifted in location and function to become the incus and malleus of the mammalian middle ear as it SEE
have described some aliens as “reptilian.”) Continued from Page 5 Remember, someone someexists today. It is exceedingly where almost certainly clear, from abundant fossil already knows the answers to remains, that these little ear most of these questions. And bones evolved from ancient probably even to this one: reptilian jawbones, and this is How do aliens’ genes orchesall closely corroborated by trate the development of their “reading” the suites of genes middle ear, if any? This may that govern the development sound like an inconsequential of these bones, as geneticists matter, but it isn’t. The can do and indeed have anatomical and genetic facts about the terrestrial stapes, done. So obviously some ques- incus, and malleus tell us a tions one may ask about the great deal about our past, and Roswell aliens are: (1) Do they we might conceivably be able have a middle ear structure at to glimpse an alien creature’s all? (2) If so, does it contain past in much the same way. three bones as in terrestrial There’s a possibility of lookmammals? (3) If not, how does ing even further into that well the actual structure differ of wonder. Here’s from our own? (4) Do aliens how. In the developresembling mammals have reptilian ancestors as we do? ment of the human about (Intriguingly, purported embryo, close-encounter witnesses three weeks along,
four little bumps appear in the area that is to become the throat. These are called arches and are essentially identical, genetically, to the gill slits in fish embryos. In fact, this four-arch scenario occurs in every known animal that has a head. All Earth life is interrelated, and geneticists have found that all such organisms have similar sets of genes that govern what the respective arches do. Each arch “builds” certain aspects of the head, and medical students often find they can make sense of the bewildering bunch of nerves servicing the head only by remembering which arch each nerve is associated
with. As it turns out, referring to those middle ear bones, while the second arch forms the stapes (as it does also in reptiles), the first arch forms the incus and malleus. In reptiles, appropriately, the first arch forms the jawbones from which the mammalian incus and malleus are derived. Naturally the question is: Could alien bodies also have head features formed by a system of embryonic arches? One might need access to an alien embryo to find that out by direct observation, but the problem could be approached in other ways. For example, if examination of an alien body were to show that it has a single nerve going to both the jaw and the ear, that nerve would func-
Do aliens resembling mammals have reptilian ancestors as we do?
tionally parallel the trigeminal nerve in us, and the reason for this odd nerve arrangement in humans is that both areas that the nerve services come from the same gill arch. Hypothetically, the existence of such a nerve (and the enabling genes) in an alien head would suggest that the creature might well have had, in its embryonic development, gill arches somewhat like ours. This in turn would suggest something about how these aliens evolved from their ancient ancestors. Our DNA is a window into our past. An alien creature’s DNA would have to be a window into its own past, the distant past of another world. Government has no legal or ethical right to keep such information secret.
The Roswell Invaders to play home games during the UFO Festival weekend
By Rey Berrones Vision Editor
Roswell gets a baseball invasion
Bob Bailey Photo
he Roswell Invaders will be playing a series of home games during the week of the UFO Festival. Coach Rob Warnock said that this is perfect for people that are coming in from out of town to take in an evening baseball game from the local professional baseball team. The team plays in the Pecos League which was recently featured in the Fox Sports documentary series. War nock said of the Invaders, "As we sit today, we are two and a half games out of the playoffs, with 29 games left in the season." The team just lost one of their top players, who got called up to a higher league, and is currently in the process of filling that slot.
Warnock went on to say that watching an Invaders game is fun because at this level, the fans get a more intimate look at pro players as they try to fulfill their dreams. He said, "They believe in their dreams, and they do whatever they can to make that happen." There will be a special celebration during the game scheduled on July 4 that will honor the veterans and will feature giveaways for the fans. The Invaders begin their home games on July 27, and don't go back on the road until July 9. For more information and a complete schedule of their games and tickets, visit RoswellInvaders.com.
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Jul 1 Jul 8 Jul 15 Jul 22 Jul 29 Aug 5
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The annual fireworks show lights up the skies
By Dylanne Petros Vistas Editor he annual Mike Satterfield July 4th Extravaganza will be held right after dark on July 4th. The event will be held at the Cielo Grande soccer complex around 9 p.m. The event is in honor of Mike Satterfield who started the event in 1999 and in honor of the Fourth of July. “It’s a memorial fireworks display,” said Tom Blake, special events technician. Even though Roswell is in control of the show now, that was not always the case. When the show first started in 1999, Roswell bought the show from Colorado. It wasn’t until a few years later that Roswell created its own show. Before the fireworks display there will be a performance by students in the summer band camp at 5 p.m., Blake said. There will also be a free dinner for veterans at the Elk Lounge before the fireworks show.
Since the event is during the annual UFO Festival there is always a good turnout, he said. “There is always probably … 30-40,000 people,” Blake said. “Most all of Roswell (shows up).” Another good thing about the fireworks show being in the middle of the UFO Festival is that there are tourists that will attend and the event is a good way for everyone, tourist or citizen, to get together, Blake said. The fireworks display will be “simulcast to music,” he said. People can tune their radios to 97.1 and watch the fireworks while patriotic music plays in the background. There are many different organizations that work together to make the fireworks show happen every year. Some of the organizations include the fire department and the Roswell Sertoma Club.
Glowing lights above Roswell
Mark Wilson Photo
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By Shannon Seyler Special to the Record or the finest in intergalactic entertainment, look no further than the Roswell Cosmicon. Whether you're into sci-fi, fantasy, animation, comics, collectibles, gaming, manga, cosplay or steampunk, you'll find it all at the Cosmicon. This year's convention is being held at the Roswell Mall on the weekend of July 45. The Cosmicon runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days, and will coincide with the Roswell UFO Festival. Admission is free, so gather up your family and friends and blast off to the Cosmicon for an otherworldly good time. The Cosmicon will be offering plenty of opportunities for cosplay. Cosplay, a blend of the words "costume" and "play," has skyrocketed in popularity. At the Cosmicon, visitors will have a chance to create and publicly model their own costumes, engage in a bit of roleplaying, or watch as cosplayers assume the identities of characters from popular media. Cosplayers often emulate characters from comics, films, video games, manga, anime and other pop culture media, in addition to creating original characters. The Cosmicon will have a cosplay contest, parade and awards, in
Courtesy Photo
The Cosmicon returns to the Roswell Mall
addition to cosplay workshops. The parade and awards ceremony will be held on Friday at 3 p.m. Another highlight of the convention will be vendors offering sci-fi and fantasy related art, collectibles, comics and other sought-after memorabilia. But as Roswell Filmfest and Cosmicon coordinator Elaine Mayfield explains, "This is different from a generalized vendor show. There's a strong emphasis upon science fiction and fantasy here, especially with the Cosmicon occurring in conjunction with the Roswell UFO Festival." Every convention has its featured guests, and Cosmicon is proud to welcome celebrity guest Garrett Wang, the actor who portrayed Ensign Harry Kim in "Star Trek: Voyager." He has also appeared in "Star Trek: Of Gods and Men", "Stargate SG-1," "The Auteur Theory," "Into the West" and other programs and productions. He'll be offering autograph signings and photo opportunities. "Another star of this year's convention won't be a person," Mayfield jokes, "but the air conditioning system." At a past convention, the air conditioning failed. Summer in
Roswell isn't the most welcome time for A/C failures, especially when trying to comfortably accommodate a crowd, but this year, attendees can chill out in air-conditioned splendor. This convention will offer quality entertainment for young and old alike. Children will be treated to photo opportunities with popular costumed characters. Speaking of photo ops, "Doctor Who" fans can pose with a replica of the TARDIS, the Doctor's legendary time machine. There will be three workshops available for attendees. One workshop, hosted by Third Triumvirate Studios — an independent film startup from Albuquerque — will focus on X-Men, the hugely popular Marvel Comics franchise. There are also two cosplay workshops scheduled, including a
cosplay design workshop with Jerrod Olive, and a steampunk cosplay seminar with Tony Gage and Peter Powell. Gaming fans will be pleased to find tabletop, computer and card gaming opportunities at Cosmicon, including Yu-Gi-Oh! gaming — another franchise that has shifted in X-Men fashion, moving from manga to anime to a popular collectible card game format. The Cosmicon gaming schedule features free play from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, and tournament gaming from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. For even further entertainment, the Roswell Filmfest and Cosmicon will be sponsoring a showing of the film "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" on July 3 at 9 p.m. on the lawn of the Roswell Convention and Civic Center as part of Main Street Roswell's Summer Family Movies series. Whether you're planning to show up in costume, expand your comic collection, stop by for a photo op, attend a workshop, get your game on, or just stroll through as a casual observer, come check out the Cosmicon for two days of unparalleled entertainment. For additional information, visit www.roswellfilmcon.com.
Roswell is seeing UFOs
By Dylanne Petros Vistas Editor osmicon goers will have the chance to find hidden UFOs in Roswell thanks to a new app designed by James Airhart. The app, called Aurasma, allows users to use a map to find the hidden UFOs all throughout Roswell. The thing about the hidden UFOs is that
Courtesy Photos
An interactive app brings UFOs to the skies of Roswell they aren't really hidden. Airhart uses augmented reality in Aurasma, which makes the 12 UFOs completely visible as long as people have their smartphones. "It's a different kind of animation," he said. Once people download Aurasma, they can follow Cos-
micon and scan a map that is in the 2014 Roswell film festival guide. The map will show users where to go to find the UFOs. "I wanted to get people to different places in town," Airhart said. There are 12 UFOs hidden in Roswell because Airhart
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“had to make sure we had good coverage” of the town. Some of the places the UFOs are hidden include the UFO Museum, Galaxy 8 theaters, Pepper’s Grill & Bar and Big D’s. Aurasma was developed thanks to another project that Airhart did. The project was called the Roswell Experience and it included multiple types of media. "(It was the) idea of telling a story through whatever media you can," he said. "I wrote an
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alien story and included local history." To change Aurasma from the Roswell Experience, Airhart made the app more interactive. "I tried to attach a game to the story," he said. "If you want to, you can go to the different locations on the map." Airhart said that if users go to the locations and look at the buildings through the Aurasma app camera, they will be able to see the UFOs thanks to the augmented reality. "It's fun and interactive but it is also an advertisement for Cosmicon," Airhart said. If the app does well at the film festival, it could return for the UFO Festival next year. “I think it will be up for (the UFO Festival this year) because it is running for the next two weeks,” he said. “Next year we will see if this created buzz and do it again.” To participate in the UFO search, users can download the Aurasma app and follow the hashtag #cosmicon2014 on Twitter and Instagram.
The Alien Costume Contest
By Dylanne Petros Vistas Editor They, and their human counterparts, will be competing in a costume contest sponsored by the Roswell Museum and Art Center. There are two contests that are specific toward humans and one that is specific toward animals. The event is annual and has been in the planning process since last year’s contest ended. “(We) get on next year right away,” Museum Membership Coordinator Olga McGuire said. Museum Director Michael Hall said that he does not know how many people or animals have signed up for the contests so far. “Most people sign up the day of,“ he said. Even though a lot of people will wait until the day of the contest, Hall said that is not always the best idea. “Sometimes not everyone gets signed up,” he said. Hall said it is more conven-
Rey Berrones Photos
Animals will be transformed into aliens on July 5.
ient to sign up before the day of the contest so that their spot is secure. It is free to join and there are two separate competitions in the human contest. The categories are youth and adult and there will be three prizes for each category, Hall said. People will be judged on the “artistic merit of the costume,” Hall said, and there are three judges for each category. Along with multiple contests, there are three different kinds of costumes that people or animals can wear. The different categories this year are “scariest,” “most creative” and “cosplay.” “Cosplay” is where people dress up as TV and movie personalities to the best of their ability and interact with other characters, Hall said. Hall said that it is the first year that people attending Cosmicon will be able to enter the costume contest. He said it is the goal of the muse-
um to incorporate more arts into their education programs. “Everything we do is to benefit the community,” Hall said. “As a city owned building we want to provide a service to the community.” The annual event is important because it “brings the community together,” McGuire said. “It’s a fun thing,” she said. It is McGuire’s first year planning the event and she is excited to see how it will turn out. “I think everyone (who planned) is … very well organized,” she said. Humans and animals will not be competing at the same time though. “(The) animal costume contest is in the morning,” Hall said. All animals must be on a leash and registration for the animal costume contest ends at 9 a.m. The contest will take place at 10 a.m. on the lawn in
between the civic center and the museum, he said. As for the human part of the contest, all humans must be registered by 1 p.m. and the contest will take place at 3 p.m. in the civic center. If people, or animals, want to sign up for the contests, they can do so at the Roswell Museum and Art Center or
online at ufofestivalroswell.com. All applications must be turned into the Roswell Museum and Art Center by 9 a.m. on July 5, for animals, or by 1 p.m. “We’re excited to see new aliens, new pets and more people,” McGuire said.
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20th annual he Lovelace Regional Hospital-Roswell Alien Chase 10K and 5K, scheduled for Saturday, July 5, is shaping up to have another record turnout. The Alien Chase 10K and 5K runs and walks begin at 7 a.m. on July 5 at the Roswell Civic & Convention Center, said Bob Edwards, longtime event organizer and member of the Roswell Runners Club. “When we started this run 20 years ago, we had 200 people sign up for the first event,” E d w a r d s recalled. “The next year we had 275.” However, when the 50th anniversary of the 1947 Roswell UFO crash was celebrated in 1997, participation in the 5K took off like a rocket — or maybe a spaceship. “We had a core group of members in the Runners Club and we wanted to start some races here in town. When the UFO Festival began, we thought we’d do a race during the new festival.” Nearly 700 runners showed up for the 50th anniversary run, and every year since the participation has been closer to that number than the original 200, Edwards said. The annual event is sponsored by Lovelace Regional Hospital, the Roswell Runners Club and the Roswell Recreation Department, and except for a few years when the race was held at Cielo Grande, the Alien Chase has begun downtown at the Roswell Museum and Art Center. Some of the runners enjoy wearing costumes for the event, Edwards said, but the serious runners come to run. “They might wear a pair of
green shorts, but that would be about it. They come to run and they’re all business.” Other participants aren’t as serious about their running, and they will come in costume, which makes the event both fun to do and fun to watch. Registration and packet pickup for runners will be held on Friday, July 4, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the civic center, and again from 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. on the day of the race. That portion of registration and packet pickup closes at 6:30 am. Colorful Tshirts and awards are given for overall male/female in each of the four contested distances, as well as first, second and third places in age groups 10 and under, and up to 70 and older, Edwards said. “The medals we award are very unique, and everyone has a great time,” Edwards said. “That is what makes a run successful.” People from 30 of the 50 states and groups of runners from as far away as New Zealand have come to Roswell to participate in the Alien Chase. “We were featured in a film called ‘Six Days In Roswell,’ and I had my 15 seconds of fame in that movie,” Edwards said with a laugh. The Alien Chase also benefits the Roswell Humane Society. “We put on four to five races a year, and all of them benefit a different charity,” Edwards said. Not only do runners and walkers in the Alien Chase have fun, they also help a worthy cause, he added.
Some runners enjoy wearing costumes for the e v e n t , Edwards said, but the serious runners come to run.
Alien Chase
Juliana Halvorson Photo
The 20th annual Lovelace Regional Hospital-Roswell Alien Chase takes to the streets on July 5 in downtown Roswell. By Randal Seyler Record Staff Writer
Every Week, Tues Sun
Shroud Exhibit and Museum The Turin Shroud interactive exhibit at White Sands Mall in Alamogordo offers a backlit, full-sized picture, the only interactive VP8 Image Analyzer 3D experience. The exhibitʼs goal is make Turin Shroud available to all including the vision impaired. Hours are Sunday from 2 p.m. -4 p.m., Tuesday - Friday from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Free admission. For more information, call 446-2113, or visit ShroudNM.com.
July 4
Fireworks Extravaganza Fireworks Extravaganza! The City of Alamogordo, New Mexico State University Alamogordo and the International Space Hall of Fame Foundation team up to present the community with a fabulous fireworks display. This is an invitation only event. Members of the ISHF Foundation, local VIPs, and NMMSH staff and volunteers are always on the invitation list. Become an ISHF member today and enjoy a variety of benefits! For more information, contact the Museum at 575-437-2840 or toll free 1877-333-6589, or visit our website at www.nmspacemuseum.org.
July 11
Blackbeard the Pirate Black Beard the Pirate is presented by Missoula Childrenʼs Theater at 7 p.m. The audition for the 7 p.m. Friday, July 11 Missoula Childrenʼs Theatre production of “Blackbeard The Pirate” at the Spencer is open to all aspir-
ing performers ages 6 to 16. No experience necessary; participation is free! Be prepared to express your spirit in this hilarious musical adaptation about the mythical pirate Blackbeard and the search for treasure. The showʼs colorful characters include adorable crabs, beach bums, precocious parrots, cantankerous crocodiles and talking clams! Come along and help search for the untold riches! Auditions begin at 9 a.m. sharp, Monday, July 7. Just wear sneakers and comfortable clothing. Please arrive at 8:30 in the Spencer lobby. (Parents or guardians must fill out a brief consent form). Approximately 50-60 roles are available for the children. Upon selection, commitment to the daily, two-to-three hour rehearsals is a must! The performance workshops are sponsored by Ruidoso Ford Lincoln. Tickets for the performance are $18 for adults and $10 for children. For more information, call 1-888818-7872 or visit spencertheater.com.
Capitan July 4
Smokey Bear Fun Run The Smokey Bear Fun Run is in Capitan. Male & Female,
10k and 2-mile fun run. Smokey Bear will present the awards to the runners. Send registration to: SBHA-POB 223, Capitan, NM 88316. Same-day registration is strongly discouraged. The lines may be long, and our volunteer staff has a tremendous work load on race day. Registrations and payments received July 2nd, 3rd & 4th do NOT qualify for a t-shirt. (There must be time for Tshirt printing to be done before the day of the event). Early registration is $25, late registration is $30. For more information, call the Smokey Bear Historical Park at 575354-2748.
Carrizozo July 4
4th of July BBQ and Fireworks Celebration Join us on July 4th for our BBQ Pulled Pork Dinner from 5 to 8 pm, then the fantastic fireworks show at dusk. Tickets are available at Soul of the West, The Dark Horse, Otero Electric Co-op, and The Caboose. Proceeds benefit the Carrizozo Christmas Luminaria Fund.
Hobbs July 12
Downtown Sounds: Rend Collective The Lea County Commission for the Arts presents 2014 Downtown Sounds Christian band performance: Rend Collective Experiment. The concert will take place on the Shipp Street Plaza and is free and open to public. The concert will feature an opening performance by local Christian band, “The Good Vale” from 6:30 p.m. Rend Collectiveʼs performance will begin at 7 p.m. Guests are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs. Food and drink vendors will also be present. Come ready to enjoy a fantastic evening of praise and worship music at the 2nd Downtown Sounds concert of the summer!
Every Week, Mon - Sat
Lest We Forget: Roswell Army Airfield - The Early Years This Walker Aviation Museum display will remain through the end of the year. This exhibit features a short history of the base and many items from the WWII era, as well as information about the planes that flew at Roswell Army Airfield from 1941-1945. The museum is open from 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. For more information, call 347-2464 or visit wafbmuseum.org.
Every Week, Mon - Sat
Peace Through Strength This Walker Aviation Museum exhibit is a tribute to the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron assigned to Walker Air Force Base during the early 1960s. The 14 >>
Roswell Recreation Dept. Roswell Runner’s Club
5K RUN / 5K WALK • 10K RUN / 10K WALK
A Benefit for the Roswell Humane Society
JULY 6, 2014 (costumes encouraged)
Funded in part by Roswell Lodgers Tax
>>13 squadron was responsible for operating and maintaining 12 Atlas missile silos around the greater Roswell area. The exhibit was funded through a grant from the Association of Air Force Missileers. The museum is open from 10 a.m. 3:30 p.m. For more information, call 347-2464 or visit www.wafbmuseum.org.
Every Wed
Sing Out Loud at Club Revue Sing Out Loud, Wednesdays, from 9pm to 11:30pm, at Club Revue, located at 3905 SE Main. Enjoy karaoke night with no cover charge and drink specials. Sing Out Loud is a 21 and over event. For more information call 623-
Same day availability
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Party on the Patio DJ Louis Najar leads a fun evening under the stars with a theme party every Wednesday at 5 p.m. on the Peppers patio, located at 500 N. Main. There are drink specials and prizes. The parties start on May 7 and continue till end of Sept. For more information, call 623-1700.
Every Week, Wed, Sat
Karaoke at Billy Rayʼs Restaurant and Lounge Karaoke at Billy Rayʼs Restaurant and Lounge at 118 East Third St. from 9 p.m - until people stop singing.
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Entertainment Schedule Thursday, July 3, 2014
UFO Festival Schedule
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 11:00 a.m. Vendors open. 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Children Shows at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Exoplanets at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. The Night Sky at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Playtime Amusements Carnival. $15 bracelet beginning at 7 p.m.Pioneer Plaza 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Retro Fit Band on the entertainment stage 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Tesoro Band on the entertainment stage 8:30 p.m. FREE Family Movie - E.T. - Roswell Convention and Civic Center
Friday, July 4, 2014
7:30 a.m. UFO Speaker Meet & Greet - UFO Museum - INVITATION ONLY 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 11:00 a.m. Vendors open. Downtown entertainment begins 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Children Shows at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Playtime Amusement Carnival - Pioneer Plaza 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. FREE kids activities - Chaves Co. Courthouse 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sam Dunahoo & Max Vance on the entertainment state 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Exoplanets at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Homegrown Boyz on the entertainment stage 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 3:30 p,m, - 5:30 p.m. Revolutionary Snake Ensemble on the entertainment stage 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. The Night Sky at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 20th Annual Lovelace Alien Chase 10K and 5K Registration - Civic Center 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Elks Lodge #969 FREE Veteranʼs and Families BBQ 1720 N. Montana 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Amy LaVere 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Lights and Music at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Free inflatables, food vendors Cielo Grande Recreation Area 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Chaves Co. Community Youth Band - Cielo Grande Recreation Area 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. B.J. Banda and the Mix - Cielo Grande Recreation Area 9:15 p.m. Roswell Sertoma Mike Satterfield Memorial Fireworks Extravaganza - Cielo Grande Recreation Area (music simulcast on 100.5 FM)
Saturday, July 5, 2014
5:30 a.m.-6:30 a.m. Alien Chase Registration Civic Center 7:00 a.m. 20th Annual Lovelace Alien Chase 10K and 5K Run/Walk - Civic Center 9:00 a.m. Vendors Open 9:00 a.m. Registration closes for Alien Pet Contest (Roswell Museum) 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. FREE kids activities - Chaves Co. Courthouse 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 10:00 a.m. Alien Pet Contest - Roswell Convention & Civic Center Lawn 11:00 a.m. Vendors open 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Children Shows at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 11:30 a.m, - 1:00 p.m. In The End on the Entertainment Stage 1:00 p.m. Registration closes for Alien Costume Contest (Roswell Museum) 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Exoplanets at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Amy LaVere 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 3:00 p.m. Alien Costume Contest - Roswell Convention & Civic Center 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Revolutionary Snake Ensemble on the entertainment stage 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. The Night Sky at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 5:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Playtime Amusements Carnival. $15 bracelet beginning at 7 p.m.Pioneer Plaza 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Lights and Music at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Plutero on the entertainment stage 8:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. B.J. Banda and The Mix on the entertainment stage 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Telescope Viewing - Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 9:00 p.m. Electric Light Parade - begins at Civic Center/ends at 3rd St.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 11:00 a.m. Vendors open. Downtown entertainment begins 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Children Shows at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Playtime Amusement Carnival - Pioneer Plaza 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. FREE kids activities - Chaves Co. Courthouse 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sam Dunahoo & Max Vance on the entertainment state 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Exoplanets at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. B.J. Banda and the Mix on the entertainment stage 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. NASA Viewspace at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium 3:30 p,m, - 5:30 p.m. Revolutionary Snake Ensemble on the entertainment stage 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. The Night Sky at the Robert H. Goddard Planetarium
Speaker Schedule
There is no charge for speakers at the Convention Center Exhibit Hall. Those forums at the UFO Musuem will have a nominal charge.
Friday, July 4, 2014
8:00 a.m. UFO Speaker Meet & Greet - UFO Museum - INVITATION ONLY
CONVENTION CENTER EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. ALEJANDRO ROJAS ETs and Religion 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. KATHY MARDEN “Unknown” UFOʼs & Alien Abductions: The Evidence 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. THOM REED Reed Family Abductions 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. YVONNE SMITH “Coronado: The President, The Secret Service & UFO Abductions” 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ABDUCTION PANEL: Hosted by DERREL SIMS with KATHY MARDEN, THOM REED, YVONNE SMITH, & TRAVIS CONVENTION CENTER NANCY LOPEZ/ROBERT GODDARD 10 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. KEN HUDNALL UFOs and Ancient Gods 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. FRANK KIMBLER UFO Crash Artifacts (Fact & Fiction) Plus “The Roswell Artifacts 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. JAMES CLARKSON The Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Event THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2014 | VISION MAGAZINE / 15
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. MARK MAGRUDER Colonel Marion M. “Black Mac” Magruder, USMC, Aviator
UFO MUSEUM NORTH LIBRARY 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. STANTON FRIEDMAN “A New View of the Cosmos” 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. THOMAS CAREY & DONALD SCHMITT “Inside the Real Area 51” 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. DERREL SIMS “Uncovering The Alien” 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. TRAVIS WALTON “Good Skepticism vs Bad Skepticism: Maintaining Integrity In the Conduct of Investigations” UFO MUSEUM VIDEO ROOM 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. PATTY GREER Crop Circles and the REAL Circlemakers 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. TOM KIRKBRIDE “Government, Coverups and the Ga.m.adin” 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. LARRY HOLCOMBE “Six Indisputable Facts that Roswell was an Extraterrestrial Event” 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. DAVID MARLER “Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation”
UFO MUSEUM UPSTAIRS MEETING ROOM 10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. DERREL SIMS WORKSHOP $10.00 Ghosts, Spirits, Aliens & Demons (Similarities and Distinctions) Big Foot, Mothman, Satrys, and other “Transgenics in History” (Are they related or not?)
UFO MUSEUM FRONT LOBBY 10:00 a.m.- 5 p.m. SHARON KING ARTS & CRAFTS Junior Alien Zone & Oops Was Bullied? “ Where Kids Go To Have Fun”
Saturday, July 5, 2014
UFO MUSEUM NORTH LIBRARY 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. THOMAS CAREY & DONALD SCHMITT On the Road (to Roswell) with Don & Tom 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. BEN HANSEN “Investigating UFO Videos & Witnesses: Separating the Hoaxes from the Legitimate “ 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. DERREL SIMS “Medical & Scientific Evidence of UFO Contact” 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. PATTY GREER Crop Circles – What Are They Telling Us? 6:00 p.m. - 8 p.m. ROSWELL PANEL PART 1 THOMAS CAREY, STANTON FRIEDMAN, FRANK KIMBLER, & DONALD SCHMITT Moderated by AARON SAGERS 18 | VISION MAGAZINE / THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2014
UFO MUSEUM VIDEO ROOM 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. DAVE MARLER “Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation” 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. FRANK KIMBLER UFO Crash Artifacts (Fact & Fiction) Plus “The Roswell Artifacts Update” 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. MARK MAGRUDER Colonel Marion M. “Black Mac” Magruder, USMC, Aviator 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. THOM REED Reed Family Abductions
UFO MUSEUM UPSTAIRS MEETING ROOM 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. DERREL SIMS WORKSHOP $10.00 “The Usual Suspects: An Alien Field Study” UFO MUSEUM FRONT LOBBY 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. SHARON KING ARTS & CRAFTS Junior Alien Zone & Oops Was Bullied? “Where Kids Go To Have Fun” UFO MUSEUM NORTH LIBRARY 10 a.m.- 11:30 AM THOMAS CAREY & DONALD SCHMITT On the Road (to Roswell) with Don & Tom 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. BEN HANSEN “Investigating UFO Videos & Witnesses: Separating the Hoaxes from the Legitimate” 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. DERREL SIMS “Medical & Scientific Evidence of UFO Contact” 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. PATTY GREER Crop Circles – What Are They Telling Us? 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ROSWELL PANEL PART 1 THOMAS CAREY, STANTON FRIEDMAN, FRANK KIMBLER, & DONALD SCHMITT Moderated by AARON SAGERS UFO MUSEUM VIDEO ROOM 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. DAVE MARLER “Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation” 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. FRANK KIMBLER UFO Crash Artifacts (Fact & Fiction) Plus “The Roswell Artifacts Update” 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. MARK MAGRUDER Colonel Marion M. “Black Mac” Magruder, USMC, Aviator 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. THOM REED Reed Family Abductions UFO MUSEUM UPSTAIRS MEETING ROOM 10:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. DERREL SIMS WORKSHOP $10.00 “The Usual Suspects: An Alien Field Study” UFO MUSEUM FRONT LOBBY 10:00 a.m.- 5 p.m. SHARON KING ARTS & CRAFTS Junior Alien Zone & Oops Was Bullied? “Where Kids Go To Have Fun”
Sunday, July 6, 2014
CONVENTION CENTER EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. STANTON FRIEDMAN Flying Saucers and Science 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. BEN HANSEN “Investigating UFO Videos & Witnesses: Separating the Hoaxes from the Legitimate” 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. AARON SAGERS Aliens Invade Hollywood: Movies That Made Us Believe 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ALEJANDRO ROJAS UFOs and Governments CONVENTION CENTER NANCY LOPEZ/ROBERT GODDARD ROOM 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. TOM KIRKBRIDE “Government, Coverups and the Gamadin” 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. LARRY HOLCOMBE The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History from FDR to Obama 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. YVONNE SMITH “Experiencerʼs Session” - Special invitation for those who wish to share their personal UFO experiences in a safe environment (No Press, No Photos, No Recording will be allowed) UFO MUSEUM NORTH LIBRARY 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. TRAVIS WALTON Fire In The Sky 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. KATHY MARDEN “Cover-up, Debunk and Deny: The Campaign to Discredit Betty and Barney Hill” 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. KEN HUDNALL Evidence of Alien Contact 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. ROSWELL PANEL PART 2 THOMAS CAREY, STANTON FRIEDMAN, FRANK KIMBLER, & DONALD SCHMITT Moderated by AARON SAGERS UFO MUSEUM VIDEO ROOM 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. JAMES CLARKSON Pacific Northwest UFO Heritage 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. THOM REED Movie Showing - “Alien Mysteries” 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. PATTY GREER Movie Showing - “The Shift Has Hit The Fan” UFO MUSEUM UPSTAIRS MEETING ROOM 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. DERREL SIMS WORKSHOP $10.00 “The Write Way: An insight into character analysis through handwriting” UFO MUSEUM FRONT LOBBY 10:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. SHARON KING ARTS & CRAFTS Junior Alien Zone & Oops Was Bullied? “Where Kids Go To Have Fun” All Guest Speakers will be available daily at the UFO Museum for Booksigning. Daily Admission to the UFO Museum is $5.00 or a 3day pass can be purchased at the door for $12.00.
Every Thu
Ritmo Latino at El Toro Bravo Ritmo Latino plays El Toro Bravo at 102 S. Main St. from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. For more information, call El Toro Bravo at 622-9280.
Every Week, Fri, Sat
David and Tina at El Toro Bravo David and Tina plays El Toro Bravo at 102 S. Main St. from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. For more information, call El Toro Bravo at 622-9280.
Every Saturday
Cuic Gonzales at El Tapatio Cuic Gonzales plays Latin Pop and Country music at El Tapatio at 3012 N. Main from 6 p.m - 9 p.m. For more information, call El Tapatio at 5781915.
Every Saturday
Open Mic at Ginsberg Music Ginsberg Music opens up the stage every Saturday from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. P.A. system and drums are provided, all other instruments must be brought by the musician.
Every Saturday
The Gig The Salvation Armyʼs 4th Season of The Gig is every
Saturday evening starting May 10 - September, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the Chaves County Courthouse Lawn. The Gig will feature free food, music, drinks open mic and more. The Gig will not take place when other events taking place at the Court House occur. For more information, contact Captain Beau Perez 575-622-8700 or e-mail ramon.perez@usw.salvationarmy.org.
Every Saturday
Open Jam at Dragon and Rose Open Jam Every Saturday from 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. at Dragon and Rose music studio located at 4504 W. Second St. For more information, call 575-840-5744.
Every Saturday
Enchanted Evenings Enchanted Evenings, Every Saturday, now through August 30th, at 8pm, at Bottomless Lakes State Park, located at 545 Bottomless Lakes Rd. Bottomless Lakes will be hosting an Enchanted Evenings Program. These presentations include such topics as New Mexico wildlife, Geology of the area, Bottomless Lakes State Park History, New Mexico State Parks, Bird of the area, and many more interesting topics. A $5 en-
trance fee is required to attend the programs. For more information call 624-6058.
Every Sunday
Sandbox Sundays Sandbox Sundays, every Sunday, from 1pm to 5pm, at Carmineʼs Italian Eatery, located at 625 N. Main. Enjoy summer jams to Top 40 Favorites with live music performed by Digital Beat Junkeez and DJ Tao In The Mix. For more information call 578-1914.
April 4 - Oct 5
The Wiggins-Howe Legacy The Wiggins-Howe Legacy celebrates five generations of artists within the same family that have lived and created creative bodies of work in Roswell. The opening reception is on Friday, April 4 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. There will be an after-opening buffet dinner honoring the Wiggins and Howe family artists at $15 per person. Seating begins at 7. Space is limited, please reserve your seat by calling 627-0918. The exhibition runs until October 5. For more information, visit roswellmuseum.org.
July 3
Free Art Saturation Calling all artists, big and small. We are looking for all
types of visual artists to contribute pieces of work that will be hung, placed and installed around the city of Roswell, New Mexico USA for anyone who appreciates amazing works of art to take away. No piece too big or too small. All types of artwork from anywhere in world welcomed. Please share this with every artist you know. For more information and details of how to submit work, send us a message here or to : olivelucy@gmail.com Please note : if you are submitting art from outside the US on the customs form please mark as gift and with a value of zero. Items can be mailed to: Jessica Parham, 1104 N. Lea, Roswell, NM 88201.
July 3
Home Grown Boyz Home Grown Boyz is playing the patio at Peppers Grill and Bar located at 500 North Main. Friday Night Live is on a special Thursday night and features live music every Friday night on the Patio, and starts at 6 p.m. and goes until 10 p.m. For more information, call 623-1700.
July 3
Amy Lavere Amy Lavere Concert, Thursday, July 3rd, at 7pm, at Pecos Flavors Winery, located at 305 N. Main. Admis-
sion is $10. For more information call 627-6265 or visit pecosflavorswinery.com
July 3 - 6
UFO Festival In early July 1947, a mysterious object crashed on a ranch 30 miles north of Roswell. The Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) issued a statement claiming to have recovered a crashed “flying disk,” and an article ran on the front page of the Roswell Daily Record. The next day, however, the RAAF changed its statement to say that the object was a weather balloon. The statement sparked immediate controversy and has continued to be a topic of debate. MainStreet Roswell, Roswell Parks and Recreation, Roswell Museum and Art Center, the Roswell Runners Club, and Roswell Lodgers Tax are inviting UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike to join in the celebration of this “debate,” with the 65th anniversary of the Roswell Incident with the UFO Festival June 29-July 1, 2012. Guest 20 >>
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>>19 speakers, authors, live entertainment, a costume contest, a pet costume contest, parade, a low-rider and funny car show and contest highlight this family-friendly event. UFO enthusiast and skeptics alike are invited to join in the celebration of one of the most debated incidents in history. The four-day event will feature guest speakers, authors, live entertainment, a costume contest, a pet costume contest, parade, carnival and more. For more information visit ufofestivalroswell.com.
July 4
Alien Mudder Alien Mudder 5k, Friday, July 4th, at 9:30am, at NMMI, located at 101 W. College. The Alien Mudder is a challenging course that guarantees great, messy fun! To run the full 5k Alien Mudder the minimum age is 14 years of age. Participants ages 6 to 13 will run the Alien Mudder Obstacle Course only. Cost for the 5k is $45 and cost for the obstacle course is $20. Check in is at 8am. For more information visit alienmudder.org.
July 4
Veteranʼs Barbeque Veteranʼs Barbeque, Friday, July 4th, from 4pm to 7pm, at the Elks Lodge #969, located at 1720 N. Montana. The Elks will sponsor their annual Veteranʼs Barbeque to honor our area veterans and their families. For more information call 622-1560.
July 4
Fireworks Show 4th of July Firework Show, Friday, July 4th, at Cielo Grande Recreation Area, located at 1612 W. College. The fireworks will be choreographed to patriotic music and are expected to last 30 minutes. To avoid parking complications please arrive early and bring lawn chairs and blankets to sit
on. For more information visit roswellsertoma.org.
July 4 - 5
Roswell Cosmicon Roswell Cosmicon, Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., at the Roswell Mall, located at 4501 N. Main. The Cosmicon will feature Sci-Fi celebrities & artists, cosplay, a gaming tournament, Dr. Who Tribute and more. For more information visit roswellfilmcon.com.
July 5
Alien Chase 20th Annual Alien Chase, Saturday, July 5, at 7 a.m., at the Roswell Convention Center, located at 912 N. Main. The Alien Chase is a 10k run and walk and 5k run and walk race. Costumes are encouraged. Cost to participate is $20 if received before July 3; $25 thereafter. For more information call 624-6720.
July 5
Alien Pet Costume Contest Alien Pet Costume Contest, Saturday, July 5th, at 10am, at the Roswell Convention Center Plaza, located at 912 N. Main. Pets must be registered by 9am. For more information call 624-6744 ext. 10.
July 5
Alien Costume Contest Alien Costume Contest, Saturday, July 5th, at 3pm, at the Roswell Convention Center, located at 912 N. Main. The costume contest is open to all ages. Categories include: most creative, TV/movie personalities, cosplay and scariest. Participants must be registered by 1pm. For more information call 624-6744 ext. 10.
July 5
UFO Parade UFO Parade, Saturday, July 5th, at 9pm, starting at the Roswell Convention Center, located at 912 N. Main. Applications must be in the MainStreet Roswell Office located at 403 N. Richardson or at the Roswell Visitor Center located at 912 N. Main by Wednesday, July 2nd, at 5pm. There is no entry fee for the UFO Parade. There will be cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. For more information call 4205718.
July 10, 17, 24
Summer Film Series: Throw Back Thursdays The 80s are back! This series will feature retro technology. Escape the heat and geek out over the original models of the PC (Commodore 64) and Macintosh—as well as the groundbreaking original Tron. 80s attire optional. The films start at 7 p.m., and they are free! July 10 features Tron, July 17 features The Computer Chronicles and July 24 features Computer Chess. This program is sponsored by the RMAC Foundation. For more information, visit RoswellMuseum.org
July 10
Tejas Brothers Tejas Brothers Concert, Thursday, July 3, at 7 p.m., at Pecos Flavors Winery, located at 305 N. Main. Admission is $15. For more information call 6276265 or visit pecosflavorswinery.com
July 10
Cody Johnson Cody Johnson is playing Way Out West located at 4709 West Second. In an time of synthetics and plastics, folks appreciate the real thing. Musically, we look for songs that reach beyond our eardrums, touching our hearts. Cody Johnsonʼs unique blend of Country and Rock does just
that. Doors open at 8 p.m. This is a 21 and over event. For tickets and more information, visit wayoutwestroswell.com or call 575-627-2072.
July 11
3rd Street Band 3rd Street Band is playing the patio at Peppers Grill and Bar located at 500 North Main. Friday Night Live features live music every Friday night on the Patio, and starts at 6 p.m. and goes until 10 p.m. For more information, call 6231700.
July 12
Bottomless Lakes Triathlon Bottomless Lakes Triathlon, Saturday, July 12, at 8:30 a.m., at Bottomless Lakes State Park, located 13 miles east of Roswell. The triathlon will consist of a 400 meter swim, 14k bike and a 4k run. For more information visit facebook.com/bottomlesstriathlon.
July 17
Photographic Arts Society of Roswell Club Meeting The Photographic Arts Society of Roswell will hold its July meeting at the Roswell Adult Center at 6:30 p.m. in room 28 at the Roswell Adult Center, located at 807 N. Missouri. We will share and discuss photos from this monthʼs challenge “night light.” Time permitting, there will also be a show and tell session, so bring your photos, printed, on flash drive, or on disc. As always, free coffee. Interested in photography? Come join the PASR. For more information, call Cliff Powell at 626-2529.
July 18
Jones and Miles Jones and Miles is playing the patio at Peppers Grill and Bar located at 500 North Main. Friday Night Live features live music every Friday night on
the Patio, and starts at 6 p.m. and goes until 10 p.m. For more information, call 6231700.
Every Week, Thu
Karaoke at Cree Meadows Lounge Karaoke with DJ Pete, every Thursday evening from 6 p.m. - 11 p.m. at Cree Meadows Lounge. There is also an all you can eat taco bar for $5.95 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
July 3
Fireworks Over the Lake Celebrate Independence Day in Mescalero with the largest fireworks display in New Mexico on Thursday, July 3. 3-9 p.m.: Kids Activities: Jumping balloons, obstacle course, rock wall, Moose Caboose Express train rides, Bungee Trampoline 3-6 p.m.: 24/7 Band, 6-9 p.m.: SK Band. Concessions begin at 3 p.m. No outside food or drink. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and plan on arriving early. Parking is limited on property, additional available at Hunt Lodge. Shuttles will run from 2 p.m. – 2 a.m.
July 3 - 6
Smokey Bear Stampede The Smokey Bear Stampede is at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds. Dutch oven cooking, kidʼs rodeo, bull riding, saddle bronc riding, ranch bronc riding, steer wrestling and more. Rodeo at 7:00 pm daily. Afternoon events each day. Fireworks at dusk July 4, fire restrictions permitting. The parade is on Friday the 4th at 10 am. If you would like your event listed on the entertainment calendar, please email vision@rdrnews.com or call 622-7710 ext. 309.
207 N Main • Mon-Sat 10-6 • 627-7776 www.onceagainconsignment.com
Stanton Friedman
Courtesy Photo
Efficient Quality Service
One of the UFO Festival’s featured guests By Shannon Seyler Special to the Vision You've seen him on TV, and now you can see him in person. Anybody who's ever researched the Roswell UFO incident, whether as a believer, skeptic or somewhere in between, will doubtlessly have encountered one name repeatedly — Stanton T. Friedman. Friedman, a nuclear physicist who spearheaded the
civilian investigation of the Roswell incident in the 1970s, is certainly no stranger to this area. He's been inducted into the UFO Museum Hall of Fame, and has made personal appearances in Roswell on many occasions. He'll be a featured guest at this year's Roswell UFO Festival, which is being held July 3-6. Friedman, as one of the world's premier UFO
researchers, has been in a host of documentaries, TV shows, radio broadcasts and print articles, including appearances on “Ancient Mysteries,� “Strange But True,� “UFO Files,� “Larry King Live.� and “Six Days in Roswell.� He has delivered over 700 talks in the U.S. and abroad, and is the author of SEE
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orn in Riverside, California to Chinese immigrant parents, Garrett Wang(pronounced Wong) spent his formative years on the move, living in Indiana, Bermuda and Tennessee. He moved to Los Angeles to attend UCLA where he majored in East Asian Studies and minored in theater. He was especially proud of his portrayal of Michio Tanaka in Wakako Yamauchi’s play "12-1A," which commemorated the 50th anniversary of the wrongful internment of Japanese American civilians during World War II. In his first stage performance outside of UCLA, Garrett garnered critical acclaim as the lead in Chay Yew's controversial play, "Porcelain." For five years, Garrett focused on theater and attempted to convince his Asian parents and relatives that acting was a viable profession as opposed to becoming a Doctor as he had originally planned since Eighth Grade. With his parents finally on his side, he
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signed with his first talent agent in 1993. Within a year he landed his first speaking role, guest starring on the first episode of the ABC sitcom "All American Girl" starring comedienne Margaret Cho. Three months later, Wang was cast in the role of Harry Kim on "Star Trek Voyager." In addition to being a series regular on Voyager, Garrett was named as one of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People as well as one of E! Channel's "20 Coolest Bachelors." Since 2005, Garrett has taken an extended break from Hollywood. With the exception of the occasional cameo appearance in random indie projects such as the comedy “Unbelievable,” Garrett has been focused on traveling the world, working behind the scenes at Dragon*Con, designing scifi/fantasy inspired teeshirts and relishing the role of an avid NFL Football fan.
Featured Speakers
Featured speakers for the UFO Festival Thomas J. Carey
Thomas J. Carey, a native Philadelphian, holds degrees from Temple University (B.S. in Business Administration) and California State University, Sacramento (M.A. in Anthropology), and also attended the University of Toronto in its Ph.D. Programmer in Anthropology. An Air Force veteran who held a Top Secret/Crypto clearance, Tom is now a retired Philadelphia area businessman. He has been a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania from 1986 to 2001, a Special Investigator for the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) from 1991 to 2001, and a member of the CUFOS board of directors from 1997 to 2001. Tom began investigating aspects of the Roswell Incident in 1991 for the Roswell investigative team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt, and since 1998 has teamed exclusively with Don Schmitt to continue a proactive investigation of the case. Tom has authored or coauthored more than 40 published articles about the Roswell events of 1947, and has contributed to a number of books on the subject as well. He has appeared as a guest on many radio and TV shows throughout the country, including “Coast to Coast AM” with Art Bell and George Noory, the Shirley MacLaine Show, Fox and Friends, Comcast Network Friends and Larry King Live! (twice) and has contributed to a number of Roswell-related documentaries — on-screen and behind the scenes. Tom was a consultant and interviewee on the highly acclaimed, two-hour SyFy Channel documentary,“The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence,” the Discovery Channel’s “Conspiracy Theory,” the Travel Channel’s
“Weird Travels – Roswell,” the SyFy Channel’s “SyFy Investigates” and the History Channel’s “The UFO Hunters.” He was also a featured interviewee on the 20th Century Fox, Golden Anniversary, re-release DVD of the 1951 sci-fi movie classic,“The Day the Earth Stood Still.” His 2007 book, co-authored with Don Schmitt,“Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up,” was the No. 1 best-selling UFO book in the world in 2007-08. Its sequel, “Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government’s Biggest Cover-Up,” published 2009, remains a best seller. Both books are considered to be the best books ever written about the “Roswell Incident.” A motion picture, based upon these books, titled “Majic Men,” is nearing production, and a TV miniseries is in the works. His new book about the secret history of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base titled “Inside the Real Area 51,” also co-authored with Don Schmitt and released in August of 2013, is currently the No. 1 selling UFO book in the world, according to Amazon. Another book about Roswell, also with Don Schmitt, is “inpress” for a 2014 release. A third archaeological “dig” at the Roswell crash site was completed in September 2013 with potentially interesting results. At this point, Tom is 99.99% certain that an extraterrestrial spacecraft with crew crashed just north of the town of Roswell the evening of July 2, 1947. There is 0% chance that it was a “weather balloon,” a “Project Mogul” balloon device or anthropomorphic “dummies” from high-altitude parachute drops made during the 1950s.“Occam’s Razor” demands this conclusion. Tom resides in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania with his wife of 46 years, Doreen, and they have two grown chil-
dren. James Clarkson James Clarkson is a career investigator with over 30 years’ experience in criminal investigation and in the mysterious world of UFOs. He is a retired police sergeant having worked as a detective sergeant, fatal accident team supervisor and a patrol supervisor. After retiring with 20 years’ service, he became a child abuse detective and now has a decade of service as a fraud investigator for a state agency. He brings these skills and a no-nonsense approach to bear on the mystery of UFOs. Applying the same passion for solving mysteries to the world of High Strangeness, James Clarkson serves as the Washington State Director of MUFON and also as a member of MUFON’s STAR Team. James has had a lifelong interest in UFO history, and he joined MUFON in 1986. He has lectured extensively throughout Washington State, at symposiums across the country and in Paris. He has been a guest on numerous radio shows. During a presentation in 1993 he met June Crain, a key corroborating witness to the reality of the Roswell UFO Crash and other military crash retrievals. She also provided key insights to early days of the ongoing UFO Cover-Up. June worked at Wright Patterson AFB between 1942 and 1952 in top secret laboratories. After becoming friends, in her last days, June Crain chose to reveal her life story to James. Her remarkable history is captured in his book “Tell My Story – June Crain, the Air Force & UFOs.” Now in Roswell, James Clarkson presents the completed study of the Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Event from the SW Coast of Washington in 1979. The elements of this case are valuable for all students of crashed UFOs
and covert military response. This investigation was enhanced by the number of highly credible witnesses to the crash and its aftermath. His newest work is titled “Westport UFO Crash Retrieval Event – A Case Study.”
Patty Greer Patty Greer was a professional musician for decades, playing the harp and piano and singing with bands. In 2004 she trusted the wrong dentist and was poisoned severely by mercury fillings. For years she was seeking a healing miracle, and when everything failed she headed to the UK Crop Circles. As she lay in Crop Circles day after day, she developed (what appeared to be) a telepathic communication with the Circlemakers. After an OBE (outof-body-experience) in an English Crop Circle in 2007 she became fully fearless in the fields! Climbing up the hillsides with her cameras late at night she filmed Balls of Light in great detail! Shooting the Crop Circles from small airplanes in wind and rain, with no door on her side and barely a seat belt was totally over the top. Patty Greer journeyed to the epicenter of the Crop Circle phenomenon (Wiltshire England) in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011. Finding herself in the front line of Crop Circle researchers, she created six highly informative films in record time.With no makeup or preparation, no storyboard or script, no BS and no other researcher’s data, the movies have advanced Crop Circle research & understanding tremendously to this day. Documenting her first hand experiences and interviewing other Croppies, druids and researchers in the fields, Greer offers stunning cinematography and authentic Crop Circle images spanning the last 30 years. Unfortunately her movies were suppressed by old paradigm distributors for years, but that didn’t stopped her from moving forward. She re-
ceived a standing ovation for her presentation at the 2014 International UFO Congress Convention and is heading back to the Crop Circles with an international film crew to film again in 2014. So let’s delve into the Crop Circle phenomenon with a filmmaker who has visited more than 100 Crop Circles personally.With no previous training or experience in film making whatsoever, she zoned in on the UK Crop Circles and interacted with the ‘Balls of Light’ that have been seen in and around the UK Crop Circles for decades! Greer takes the study into a new realm of possibilities with daunting new footage and clips from her documentaries as potential evidence that (ET) Balls of Light may indeed be involved in the creation of (many) Crop Circles! Greer believes the Crop Circles are an intentional manifestation of ET communication for humanity. Direct messages from parallel realities perhaps, in a language that we all understand: ART. Through binary codes, sacred geometry and precise artistic pictograms, many Crop Circle messages have been decoded and deciphered, offering profound insight about the evolution of our planet and our species. Although the subject has been conveniently swept under the rug, Crop Circles have continued appearing around the world for centuries. As an example, 2012 was a typical year for the Circlemakers, with 69 new Crop Circles in England alone. 56 more were documented in: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Czech Republic, Iran, Slovakia, France, The Netherlands, Latvia, Poland, Macedonia, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Belgium, USA, Denmark and Australia. Did we hear about them in the news? Probably not! Patty Greer has won 6 prestigious film awards so far including 3 EBE Awards at the
See SPEAKERS, Page 26
Juliana Halvorson Photos
The Revolutionary Snake Ensemble
By Rey Berrones Vision Editor he Revolutionar y Snake Ensemble is coming to Roswell as one of the f eatured acts at the UFO Festival. The Revolutionary Snake Ensemble is a family friendly improvisational group that dresses up in costumes and plays a New Orleans inspired Jazz. Led by saxophone extrodinaire Ken Field, the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble also f eatures Jer r y Savitini on tr umpet, Dave Har r is on tuba, Phil Neighbors on drums, Alex Asher on trombone and John Bernhardt on theremin. T he group has recently released their third CD, Live Snakes, which is a compilation of live recordings from 2011 and 2013. The disc, will be available at the UFO festival, and can be purchased online on iTunes. Field said that the entire
Jean Hangarter Photo
A group from Boston brings a New Orleans party to Roswell band was excited to have created a live album because with an improvisational group, the studio recordings capture a different feel from their live act. As a bonus, they took live tracks and remixed them into all new songs. Almost like taking the live cuts, and using them to create new studio work. These are the last two tracks on the Live Snakes album. T he nature of the group makes them a perfect fit for the UFO Festival as they have
had their music featured on Sesame Street and are known for experimentation and a style which sometimes takes a Science Fiction tone. The source of that tone is from John Ber nhardt, who plays a theremin, which is an electronic instrument that was created in 1928 by Leon Theremin. Theremin based music is typically used f or eer ie sounds within avant-garde music, but the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble takes it in a new direction with a party
style. Although it is a Mardi Gras style, each of the musicians is a well recognised and accomplished musician. Their skill is only surpassed by the fun that they have with the audience. Field is the only member of the band that has ever been to Roswell. He has performed at the Roswell Jazz Festival many times, and has done his own solo shows in Roswell, all of which have
been well recieved. T his enthusiastic reception from the locals made Revolutionary Snake Ensemble a good choice. For more inf ormation on the band, visit revolutionary snakeensemble.org. To stay updated about their current activities, like their facebook page at f acebook.com/ RevolutionarySnake Ensemble.
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International UFO Congress Convention. If you’re a believer be prepared to be captivated. If you’re a skeptic be prepared to be converted!
Ben Hansen Ben Hansen is the lead host and investigator of the SyFy channel’s “Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.”With three seasons on the air, the show focuses on recreating videos and photos of alleged paranormal events to see if they have a natural explanation, were hoaxed, or if they remain unexplained. The sixperson team takes on cases of ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, chupacabras, mermaids, and other unusual occurrences. Hansen graduated from the University of Utah and went to work investigating child physical abuse and sex crimes at the state level for several years before moving on to work for the FBI. He eventually landed in Hollywood, where he helped develop what would later become at hit paranormal show,“Fact or Faked.” Hansen is a spokesperson for Bushnell’s line of night vision equipment which can be found at www.nightvisionops.com. When he’s not filming, he travels the country lecturing, conducting public UFO and ghost investigating events, and developing new reality show projects.
Larry Holcombe Larry Holcombe’s introduction into the world of Ufology came in the late 1950’s after reading two of Major Donald Keyhoe’s books;“Flying Saucers are Real” and “Flying Saucers from Outer Space.” A year later, after watching Keyhoe debate an Air Force officer on the old Armstrong Circle Theater, and seeing Keyhoe being censored when he deviated from the prepared script the Air Force forced on the show’s producers, Larry was convinced the Air Force was covering up knowledge of flying saucers, later to be changed UFO’s. Those events started a 50plus year avocation into the
study and research of the UFO phenomenon. In 2006 he took early retirement and started his first novel,“The Great River Disclosure,” a thriller based on the government cover-up of an extraterrestrial presence visiting earth. His second novel in the Disclosure Trilogy, “Satan’s Angel,” was released this past fall in eBook format. In researching background for the novels he became intrigued by a 1970’s NBC-TV documentary,“UFOS: Past, Present & Future.” The documentary endorsed the theory that some UFOs were extraterrestrial and astonishingly the documentary seemed to have the support of the government. Larry was able to locate the writer/co-producer of the documentary, Bob Emenegger, and Emenegger provided him with some remarkable background information on the making of the documentary that involved the Nixon Administration. From this background the idea of a work of non-fiction began to shape built around the documentary, the Nixon Administration, and the involvement of all modern presidents in the UFO phenomenon. A detailed book proposal was developed and in the fall of 2012 the rights to “The History of Modern Presidents and the UFO Enigma” was purchased by St. Martin’s Press. Since that time the title was changed to “The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History from FDR to Obama.” The book is now in the design and editing process at St. Martin’s and will be released in early 2015. It will be available in hardcover, electronic ebook and AudioBooks. Detailed information on the book and pre-release orders from Amazon can be secured at the author’s booth on the main floor of the museum. His novel, The Great River Disclosure, will be available at his booth. Larry has done a number of radio interviews and most recently with Pat Schouten host of The Fringe Radio Show on KTKK AM630, Salt Lake City.
He continues to believe that the Roswell Incident was the defining event that has shaped the governments handling of this historical phenomenon. His lectures this year will include “Six Indisputable Facts that Roswell was an Extraterrestrial Event,” and,“The Presidents and UFOS: A Secret History from FDR to Obama.” Anyone with information on the subject or interest in Larry’s work can contact him at larryholcombe1@gmail.com or visit his web site at www.larryholcombe.com. He can also be reached by phone at 804-529-1008.
Ken Hudnall Ken Hudnall is a former military officer who has spent the last thirty years researching various aspects of the UFO mystery as well as the paranormal in general. Host of his own internet radio talk show for over 20 years, he has written over 60 books on topics ranging from ghosts, lost treasures, UFOs and conspiracies. Frank Kimbler Frank Kimbler is an Assistant Professor of the Earth Science at the New Mexico Military Institute. He is a relatively new researcher in the field of UFO studies but has made some interesting physical trace discoveries related to the 1947 Roswell event. He has worked as a professional geologist for more than 30 years and has taught school for almost 1/2 of that time. He has worked as an oceanographer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and as a mining engineer for the State of Arizona. He moved to New Mexico in 2009 after accepting a teaching position at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. Shortly after moving to Roswell he took a keen interest in the story behind the Roswell UFO incident. His research has resulted in the discovery of a number of physical artifacts from the Roswell UFO debris field area
including metallic fragments, plastic, 1940 s military metal buttons, a 50-caliber bullet (WW2 era ?) and aerial photographic evidence of disturbed ground in and around the debris field. His research has been featured on a number of Internet talk shows and several National Geographic TV programs about UFO’s. He does not like secrets and is dedicated to discovering answers and using good science.
Sharon King Sharon King has been an early childhood Teacher, Program Coordinator & a Director in child care centers for over 26 years. She has always liked doing arts and crafts and working with children. Over the years she has made many fun activities to share with children. Her book Junior Alien Zone is a fun and interesting arts and crafts, and activity book about Aliens which can be used in many different ways. Sharon never thought she would write a children book and then it happened. In the summer of 2004, she and her husband took their niece and family on vacation to Roswell. While they were there, they learned about the UFO Festival held every July. Sharon had so many ideas, she started to write them all down and the rest is history…a book was born. Thirty-three days after “Junior Alien Zone” was published, she had her first book signing. It took place at the Roswalien Experience 2009 Festival in the International UFO Museum & Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico. The book received a lot of attention and positive exposure. Sharon’s new book titled “Oops Was Bullied?” tells the tale of two beings — a wee extraterrestrial named Oops and a young Earth girl — who become friends when Oops crashes to Earth. They couldn’t be more different: different languages, different points of view, different backgrounds, all packed into two very different little bodies. In fact, it’s those differences that
lead to a harsh reality for tiny Oops, who is bullied because he’s not like others.Written for children from preschool age through grade five, the juvenile fiction,“Oops Was Bullied?” is a fun and easy read that teaches children valuable lessons about the consequences of bullying through the eyes of her vibrant and lovable characters. Sharon lives in Amarillo, Texas, with her husband of 43 years, Charles. They have three adult children, four grandchildren, one greatgrandchild, and two dogs.
Tom Kirkbride Tom Kirkbride grew up on the beaches of Southern California, where his Gamadin saga begins.While in college, he was a lifeguard in La Jolla, California. Tom is an avid swimmer, skier, world traveler and artist. The artwork you see on the Gamadin website is his, including the cover and interior art of “Book I – Gamadin:Word of Honor;” “Book II – Gamadin: Mons;” “Book III – Gamadin: Distant Suns;” and “Book IV – Gamadin: Gazz.” The Gamadin Book Series evolved from Tom’s love of science fiction and the desire to write a thrill-packed, character driven adventure for young adults. Tom resides in Cottage Grove, Oregon, but speaks about writing to classrooms, writers groups, and book clubs all over the country.You may also find Tom hosting the Gamadin booth at many science fiction conventions and book festivals. Information on Tom Kirkbride’s book events and appearances can be found at the Book Events page of www.GAMADIN.com. Mark Magruder Mark A. Magruder, son and author of:“Nightfighter: Radar Intercept Killer,” Pelican Publishing. The World War II biography of Colonel Marion M.“Black Mac” Magruder. Pioneer in radar intercept
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night fighting and commanding officer of VMF(N)533, “Black Mac’s Killers,” Top scoring night fighter squadron in the Pacific Theatre in WWII. First Marine Officer to attend and graduate from the USAF Air War College, 1947/8. Also, graduate of the National War College 1955. His class went to Wright Field for five days to witness the Roswell crash wreckage, dead and live Alien. At the time the government was considering making the incident public. The Air War College dealt with the geo-political aspects of military and civilian policy integration and the conjunctive ramifications of vital policy issues. Their input was requested for this serious situation. Within several weeks the subject “went black” and has remained “black” thereafter. Colonel Magruder continued participation in the UFO issues and was directly involved with the July 26, 1952 Red Alert over Washington D.C. event, as well as additional related Top Secret Eyes Only subjectmatter during his 26 year highly distinguished military career.
Kathleen Marden Kathleen Marden is a prominent UFO abduction researcher, author and lecturer with 24 years experience in the field. She is MUFON’s Director of Abduction Research. In 2012, she was the recipient of MUFON’s “Ufologist of the Year” award. She earned a B.A. degree in social work from the University of New Hampshire in 1971, and participated in graduate studies in education while working as a teacher and education services coordinator. She also has extensive training in hypnosis. Her interest in UFOs dates back to Sept. 20, 1961, when her aunt, Betty Hill phoned her nearby home to report that she and Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. A primary witness
to the evidence of the UFO encounter and the aftermath, Kathleen has intimate knowledge of the Hill’s biographical histories, personalities, and the previously unpublished historical files pertaining to their sensational story. She is the author of three books,“Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience,” and “Science was Wrong,” with nuclear physicist/scientific ufologist Stanton T. Friedman, and “The Alien Abduction Files,” with Denise Stoner. Additionally, her essays appear in several books. Her articles have been published in the MUFON UFO Journal, Open Minds, and FATE magazines and on several websites. Kathy has appeared in television and radio programs in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, and has lectured throughout the United States. She is recognized as the world’s leading expert on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. You can purchase her books or read some of her articles at www.kathleen-marden.com.
David Marler David Marler has had a lifelong interest in the subject of UFOs. He joined The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1990 as a Field Investigator Trainee. Since then, he has served as Field Investigator, State Section Director, as well as Illinois State Director. David is currently an independent UFO researcher. During his tenure with MUFON, he had conducted numerous investigations into alleged UFO sightings and related experiences. He has discussed the subject of UFOs on numerous radio and television news programs. He has also lectured on the subject to various school and adult audiences over the years. David has assisted the History, Learning, Discovery, Science, and Smithsonian Channels on UFO documentaries in addition to independent productions. David has an extensive personal library of UFO books, journals, magazines, newspa-
pers, and case files from around the world that covers the last 65 years.With this he has been examining the detailed history of UFO sighting reports and related patterns. Recent evidence of his historical research is his newlypublished book,“Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation.” Here, he has provided a comprehensive analysis of triangular UFOs. He has collected, collated, and analyzed hundreds of reports. In the process, he has created a detailed profile of these objects and written a rich narrative of their history. He tackles the arguments made by skeptics that dismiss these triangular UFO reports outright. He also addresses the claims of socalled insiders who claim these objects are a creation of the U.S. military. David strives to have an open mind regarding the UFO phenomenon. However, he also acknowledges the need for a skeptical approach when examining each individual UFO report. Despite the large percentage of misidentifications and hoaxes in the UFO data, David recognizes what appears to be a core phenomenon beneath it all. David received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. He received his Certification in Hypnotherapy from Mottin and Johnson Institute of Hypnosis in St. Louis. David is a Registered Polysomnographic Technician and assisted in diagnosing and treating patients that suffered from various sleep disorders for several years at a major St. Louis-based medical facility. He has worked within the medical field for fifteen years. David works for an international medical company and resides in Albuquerque. Thomas Reed Thomas Reed, born Feb. 12, 1960, is the son of Nancy and Dr. Howard Reed. Reed is best known for his edgy style of photography and being the
founder and owner of the original “Miami Models”, (US Patent and Trademark Office Reg.No. 3,834,78). Florida based Miami Models, was managed by Thomas Reed, and the firm respected for its European Print Fashion Board. Miami Models, under the direction of Thomas Reed, booked clients such as Polo Black Label, L’Oreal, Matrix, Vogue Bambini, Nike Athletic, US Polo, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Gap, Guess, BurdinesMacys, Chadwicks, Lands End, Parisian, Jessica of London, Yonkers,Weebok, MTV, Kohls, Goodys, Dilliards, FCA Paris, France and Tommy Hilfiger. From 1983 through 2005, Reed was shooting editorials and model composite cards for agencies such as Michelle Pommier, Ford,Willomina, Greene Agency, Chic, AGE, Irene Marie, Boca Talent, World of Kids, Famous Faces. Reed’s years in South Florida’s fashion industry showcased his talents as an award-winning fashion and model photographer. Reed’s edgy and raw editorial style captured attention, winning the newcomer First Place in South Florida Fashion Photography Contests twice in just four years. This would launch his company, Miami Models. Reed was born in New York and is the son of Nancy (Burrows) Reed (Powers Model, FM radio personality for WKZE, owner of Village on the Green restaurant in Sheffield, MA, who also bred and trained horses). His stepfather, Dr. Howard Reed (Attorney and Connecticut politician), would legally adopt Reed. From 1960 through 1961, Reed lived in the home of William Roosevelt, the grandson of President Roosevelt, in Cherry Hills, Colorado. His mother, Nancy and grandmother (Marian Burrows) were employed by the family with residence on property. By 1963, Reed would relocate to a farm house at 1554 Boardman Street, Sheffield, Massachusetts, owned by his
mother, Nancy. Reed lived there until he was 9 years old. Thom’s elementary school, Sheffield Center School was located in the heart of Sheffield, across the street from where Nancy owned her restaurant “Village on the Green” at 113 Main Street, Sheffield, Mass. It was commonplace for Reed to accompany his mother to open the restaurant and on a full stomach, ride his bicycle to and from school. In 2013, the Reed’s early history would be the subject and premiere of Discovery Channel’s Alien Mysteries new series. Reed has appeared on the Fox Morning Show, Travel Channel’s Paranormal Paparazzi, and Canada Morning AM (among others), due to extraordinary circumstances involving his family. These events have now gained international recognition involving the family’s UFO case. The 2009 encounter produced radiation and magnetic anomalies per the official reports from law enforcement. Law enforcement requested Thomas Reed take a polygraph test Aug. 4, 2010, at the Advanced Polygraph Institute in Knoxville, TN, which he passed with a 99.1%, no deception indicated. The Reed case assisted in their personal attorney’s efforts, (Robert Bletchman) by adding credible and corroborated testimony, which was presented by Robert at the United Nations symposium on Oct. 2, 1992. The objective was to introduce substantiated cases to motivate the U.N. to reconsider 33/426. (33/426 references an establishment of an agency or a dept. of the U. N. for undertaking, coordinating and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects.) This came 10 days before NASA began SETI’s Microwave Observing Project (MOP/HRMS). The Reed case is one of only a few, to be mentioned at the United Na-
See SPEAKERS, Page 28
tions. In March of 2013, News Anchor Jacqueline Milczarek of CTV News Express Canada ran a news story on the Reed case prior to the launch of Discovery Channel’s Alien Mysteries. Jacqueline discusses the testimony and evidence in the case that was detected by law enforcement, to include radiation and magnetic fields and the fact that the case went before the United Nations on Oct. 2, 1992.
Alejandro Rojas Alejandro Rojas is the host for Open Minds UFO Radio, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine and OpenMinds.tv, and emcee for the International UFO Congress. He is also a blogger for the Huffington Post. For several years Alejandro was the official spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network as the Director of Public Education. As a UFO/Paranormal researcher and journalist, Alejandro has spent many hours in the field investigating anomalous phenomena up close and personal. Alejandro has been interviewed by media organizations around the world, including the largest cable and network news agencies with regular appearances on Coast to Coast AM. He has been featured on the Travel Channel, Syfy, National Geographic, and E!.
Aaron Sagers Aaron Sagers is a TV personality, journalist and entertainment pundit who has covered everything from UFOs to zombies to geek culture for CNN, MTV and on his Travel Channel show “Paranormal Paparazzi,” where he serves as host and co-Executive Producer. He has traveled the country talking about pop culture at numerous fan conventions such as San Diego Comic-Con, New York ComicCon, Dragon Con and more. Sagers is also the founder of Paranormal Pop Culture (www.ParanormalPopCulture.com), an entertainment
news site that explores horror, supernatural and all elements of the paranormal. He has appeared as a pundit on the BBC, Huffington Post Live, CNN, Sirius/XM and Coast to Coast, and has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter and Entertainment Weekly. Sagers is the author of “Paranormal Pop Culture: Rambling and Shambling Through the Entertainment of the Unexplained,” and is a part-time professor of Journalism at NYU in New York City, where he resides.
16. Donald Schmitt Donald R. Schmitt is the former co-director of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago where he served as director of Special Investigations for 10 years. Prior to that time, he was a special investigator for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek and the art director for the International UFO Reporter. Schmitt graduated from MATC with a degree in Commercial Art and graduated cum laude from Concordia University with a degree in Liberal Arts. He is currently taking graduate courses in Criminal Justice. He is author of numerous articles about UFOs as well as the co-author of two best-selling books “UFO Crash at Roswell,”“The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell,” “Witness To Roswell,” unmasking the 60 year cover up and “Roswell, The Chronological Pictorial.” He has appeared on Oprah, CBS 48 Hours, Larry King Live, CNN News just to name a few. Schmitt has led and organized the three only archeological dig projects at the actual Roswell crash/debris field conducted in 1989, 2002 and 2006. The second effort became the central theme of the highest rated show up to that time in the history of the Sci Fi Channel “The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence.” He is an internationally known lecturer including Battelle Institute. His interview list includes Oprah, Peter Jennings, CBS 48 Hours, Paul Harvey, Larry King Live,
Montel Williams, Mancow Muller, Kevin Mathews, Art Bell, George Noory, Shirley McClaine Show, Fox Good Day LA, NPR, Mutual Broadcasting Network, CNN Investigates, Sci Fi Investigates, Disney Channel, The Travel Channel, BBC, Learning Channel, Today Show, NBC, ABC News, CNN News, OMNI Magazine and many more. He was an on-set consultant at Paramount Studios on one episode of the TV series Roswell. The basis of his research and consultation has been the theme of many documentaries including “UFO Secrete: The Roswell Crash” and two-time British Academy Award winner producer John Purdies’s “The Roswell Incident.” Schmitt feels that by far his greatest achievement was the Golden Globe Best Picture nominated motion picture “Roswell,” that was based on the first book. Derrel Sims Derrel Sims, CMHt.,“The Alien Hunter,” has been at the forefront of alien investigation for more than 35 years. From ages 4 to 17, he experienced numerous conscious contacts with a malignant alien presence. Determined to transform his life role from the “hunted” to the “hunter,” he prepared himself mentally, physically, and spiritually to become a warrior for the cause of the alien abductee. At the heart of Sims’ work is a proactive search for physical evidence and its forensic analysis. A private investigator and former MP, he treats abduction cases like crime scenes. By the early 1980s, he’d begun assembling his groundbreaking collection of alleged alien implants; in 1995, he organized the first public extractions and subsequent analysis of more alleged alien artifacts. Other landmark cases include the 1992 Double Mass Abduction, and his discovery of sub-dermal alien fluorescence. Trace evidence such as this are currently undergoing DNA testing. Sims’ scientific and academic “Dream Team” of
consultants includes 2 Cardio Vascular Surgeons, a Brain Surgeon, 4 Md.’s, and a criminal forensic scientist from a major university and an ultratech specialist, currently conducting a 2-year study on Sims’ implant samples. This work is a culmination of 24 surgeries to date from the 1980 s, to the latest one, in Flint, Mich., last month. Sims’ hundreds of case files give him a unique view of the relationship between alien and prey, and he is a soughtafter consultant to mental health professionals worldwide. His numerous hypnotherapy certifications include one in hypnotic anesthesiology. Sims is also a compassionate and skilled therapist with many certifications, including Master Hypnotherapist and Certified Medical Hypnotic Therapist. He has helped hundreds of alien experiencers all over the world come to terms with what they’ve witnessed. A frequent media guest, he is currently co-starring in the Discovery network TV series,“Uncovering Aliens.” Sims is a popular media guest and draws a crowd all over the globe. He’s authored two books,“Alien Hunter: The Evidence in Light” and “Alien Hunter: Evidence and Truth about Alien Implants”.
Yvonne Smith Yvonne Smith began life normally enough — she was mascot for her high school football team and that same year was asked to be a participant on the national TV “Dating Game” program. She moved on to be in charge of the jury room for the busiest courthouse in the United States in Los Angeles… during which time she attended a lecture by hypnotherapist pioneer Budd Hopkins. She then became hooked by his presentation in learning that hypnotherapy was such a useful tool in helping people suffering from PTSD. Smith therefore began researching the UFO phenomenon in the late 1980s. After
two years of studies and 1,000 hours of internship a California Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the only accredited hypnosis college in the United States, she received her hypnotherapy certification in 1990. Specializing in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder, she uses her hypnotherapy skills to assist such victims to work through their anxiety, with many of her subjects referred to her by physicians and psychiatrists who believe Smith’s expertise can benefit their patients. In fact, many such patients are themselves doctors, university professors, military, engineers, lawyers, domestic and foreign pilots other professionals and many non-professionals, sometimes flying from other countries to meet with Smith in Los Angeles. In UFO circles, whenever there is a reported sighting, UFO investigators emphasize and evaluate whether the experiencers description supports, or not, the reality of a UFO contact. However, the emphasis of recognized regressive hypnotherapy expert Yvonne Smith concerns the too frequently ignored emotional trauma on the experiencer of their encounter. Because Smith (who is internationally known in UFO circles as simply “hypnotherapist Yvonne”) observed that many of the PTSD cases being referred to her involved subjects describing similar patterns of UFO abduction encounters, she founded Close Encounters Resource Organization [CERO] as a monthly-meeting support group for such individuals in 1992. She was also on the board of the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support (OPUS) which furthers support for such subjects. As the foremost female hypnotherapist in this field, in the 1990s Yvonne traveled on a lecture tour with hypnotherapy colleagues the late Dr. John Mack of Harvard and pioneer Budd Hopkins, and also David Jacobs, PhD. of Temple
See SPEAKERS, Page 29
University. Yvonne is the author of “Chosen: Recollections of UFO Abductions Through Hypnotherapy,” which exposes, with dramatic regressive hypnotherapy transcripts, the hidden memory trauma reality suffered by abductees. Budd Hopkins and Yvonne are the subjects of the DVD, “Alien Hybrids & Clinical Hypnotherapy,” which is volume 1 from the Secrets of the Underground series. For more information about “Chosen,” visit www.YSmith.com
Travis Walton Travis Walton is the subject of the Paramount Studios movie,“Fire in the Sky,” based on his book of the same name. On Nov. 5, 1975, a group of loggers in the mountains of northeastern Arizona observed a strange, unusually bright light in the sky. One of the men, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck to take a closer look. Suddenly as he walked toward the light,Walton was blasted back by a bolt of mysterious energy. His companions fled in fear.When they reported an encounter with a UFO — something they would have considered impossible if they had not witnessed it themselves — the men were suspected of murder. For five days authorities mounted a massive manhunt in search of Walton — or his body. Then Walton reappeared, disoriented and initially unable to tell the whole story of his terrifying encounter. In Fire in the Sky, Walton relates in his own words the best documented account of alien abduction yet recorded, the story of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of silent captors, his return to a disbelieving world of hostile interrogators, exploitative press, and self-styled debunkers. Travis recounts the struggle to get a fair hearing, and confronts his detractors with a stinging rebuttal.
Continued from Page 21
numerous books and articles, including “Sixty Years After Roswell,” an examination of why, after all these years, people just can't seem to stop talking about Roswell. His website, http://stantonfriedman.com, offers a variety of articles, books and videos. He is a resident of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. On his website, Friedman urges people to get in touch with him if they have any new information regarding the Roswell incident.When asked if anybody ever takes him up on that, he replies, “We do get occasional new info, especially from aging former military people who expect to die soon.” ut not everyone shares Friedman's enthusiasm for the field of ufology. Some academics and scientists refuse to accept it as a valid field of study, citing, among other objections, its lack of scientific methodology. But they can't easily dismiss Friedman's scientific credentials. He has worked as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, Aerojet, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW and McDonnell Douglas, and holds degrees in physics from the University of Chicago. Given that, he's not overly concer ned with UFO debunkers. He lists the four major rules of debunkers as: “(1) Don't bother me with the facts; my mind is made up. (2) What the public doesn't know, I won't tell them. (3) If one can't attack the data, attack the people. (4) Do one's research by proclamation. Investigation is too much trouble.” Not that Friedman doesn't ask questions. Like any rational individual, he's not going to invest belief in something just because another person claims it's true. But even when he proves an idea false, he doesn't necessarily classify it as
debunking. “I don't debunk,” he insists. “I raise questions and make it my practice to have facts in hand before putting mouth in gear.” Friedman also has something he likes to call the Gray Basket, a “maybe” file that leaves room for the gray areas in UFO research. Although often connected with the Roswell case, Friedman has also investigated the famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident, in which a New Hampshire couple claimed to have a disturbing encounter with extraterrestrials, and has conducted extensive research on documents related to Majestic 12 (MJ-12 or Majic), a mysterious committee of high-ranking military personnel, scientists and government officials reportedly assembled in the 1940s by President Harry S. Truman. When asked about fellow UFO researchers he respects, Friedman names some individuals who are also scheduled to appear at this year's Roswell UFO Festival, including Kathleen Marden and Don Schmitt. He also considers Dr. Bruce Maccabee and Ted Phillips to be noteworthy colleagues. Another topic Friedman often addresses is the various SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) programs, such as the projects based at the University of California, Berkeley, Harvard University and the SETI Institute. He assigns a new meaning to the SETI acronym: Silly Effort to Investigate. “As a scientist,” Friedman says, “I have been very disappointed at the failure of the SETI community to be scientific.” He adds in his book, “Top Secret/MAJIC,” “Those seeking radio signals from distant civilizations often act as thought visitors would have to come from other galaxies millions of light years away, and that they would be using the dumb old chemical rockets we are stuck with now. If that were
the case, of course no one would be visiting. That would be like having to go from Canada to Australia to get a loaf of bread.” Some people have raised questions about why there’s still such a lingering air of secrecy about not only the Roswell events, but the plethora of other UFO reports. Not surprisingly, Stanton Friedman has some opinions on the subject. In fact, he's written entire chapters on the topic, including “The UFO Why Questions” from his book, “Flying Saucers and Science.” He also addresses these issues in “Top Secret/MAJIC.” He outlines, in detail, multiple explanations about why such secrecy exists, including threats to a sense of nationalism, disruption of the social status quo, the undermining of certain religious institutions and many other reasons. “The groups that have access to the best data, radar cases, crashed saucers, gun camera footage and spy satellite systems are government agencies, not individuals. The public doesn't have access to the data, Friedman states. “No government wants its citizens to owe their primary allegiance to the planet
and not their gover nment. Nationalism is the only game in town. No gover nment wants anyone else to have access to whatever technological data has been obtained. One cannot tell one's friends without telling one's enemies. They read the papers too.” Friedman writes about the possibility of people seeing themselves as a planetary citizens (or “earthlings”), rather than retaining a purely nationalistic perspective. In response to questions about why he continues lecturing on UFOs, Friedman states in “The UFO Why Questions,” “I enjoy being on the stage and the very enthusiastic response I get from my audiences, especially from the technical societies. I am pleased when people tell me that they decided to teach a course about UFOs after hearing me talk. I can think of no subject more important to the future for my children and grandson than the notion of an earthling orientation in the hope of helping stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. What is more exciting than alien visitations and government cover-ups?”
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• Roswell Industrial Air Center, Corner of University Blvd and W Wells St 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. • Cahoon Park, 400 N. Union Ave., 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. • Carpenter Park, 300 E. Buena Vista, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. • Poe Corn Park 200 S Garden, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
• Spring River Park 1306 E College, 11:20 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
• Yucca Recreation Center, 500 S.
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Ranch Dressing Adults may get a meal for $3, correct change Salad, would be appreciated. For more information call 637-3339
Artesia ... the energetic community
By Stu Pritchard Roswell Historian
Part one in a series on Artesia
Jennifer Coats Photo
Downtown Artesia ur neighbor, Artesia is an active, progressive city with more than 11,000 citizens. The town has an interesting background worth reviewing. The first resident of the area was a Union soldier, John T. Truitt who homesteaded where the city now stands. Truitt, a bachelor, lived on the place for several years before selling it to a gent named Frank Rheinholdt, a decendant of a Swiss colony which was established southwest of the village of Eddy. In turn, he sold a portion of the property to Mrs. Sallie Chisum, niece of Cattle Baron John Chisum. The remainder was sold to Mr. J.R. Ray in January 1900. Sallie was one of the earliest of settlers and also one of the most productive. No chronicle of the southwest would be complete without mention of this fascinating lady. In 1877, twenty years old, she depart-
ed Denton, Texas with a family caravan headed by John Chisum’s brother, James. Her travel upstream took her through some properties that in later years would become Sallie’s Artesia home. Unfortunately, during one night while approaching the Jingle Bob Ranch headquarters, Indians stole the herd. John Chisum was the consumate cattleman, but he also hosted social affairs frequently. Upon her arrival Sallie was given the task of hostess of these social functions as well as supervisor of the household staff. She often included ranching chores in her lifestyle. The cowhands confirmed that the attractive young lady was proficient with firearms and could ride and rope a steer as well as many cowhands. In November, 1898, Chisum sent his niece to school to Anton Chico where she met
and later married a man named William Robert. Three boys were born to the union, however, one boy died at an early age. The marriage did not last even though the family moved to the Jingle Bob. In January 1880, Sallie’s husband became Chisum’s bookkeeper. As the years passed, Chisum developed a cancerous tumor, which later took his life. With Chisum gone Sallie filed a homestead claim on one of Chisum’s line camps at the Chisum Springs, (which progressed to the present city of Artesia). Here Sallie drilled the first artesian well for that vicinity, then built several buildings that included a small shop and living quarters. Prior to Sallie's investment, a small town-site was built consisting of a framed shack, housing a country store, a post office, and a railroad station. the siding was
known simply as “Miller” deseribed as a “place where trains always whistled and sometimes stopped.” Sallie’s frayed marriage dissolved and she divorced William Robert who returned to Germany with the two boys, citing their need for an education. The ex-Mrs Robert applied herself to erecting a small adobe home. Wooed by a real estate promoter named Baldwin Stegman, Sallie took him as her second husband. The couple lived in the Miller adobe house until a flood raging down Eagle Draw destroyed the adobe building. Most historians agree that this adventurous and brave woman was quite remarkable. Many have identified her as a true “angel of mercy” who often nursed the sick and housed and fed the hungry travelers. It appears she assisted in delivering the first Anglo baby born in the settlement. Before the railroad was built from Eddy through Miller to Roswell, there were no stores in the little settlement. After the railroad was completed in October 1894, the couple built a new post office and renamed the town Stegman, which was later changed to Miller-Stegman. But the marriage was short-lived and Sallie again turned her interests to the advancement of her small community. It gained a post office in mid-May 1888 with Sallie as the first postmistress. It is said that she recorded $4.36 in stamps for the first 40 days. The completion of the railroad gave the village, now called Artesia, a tie-in with the population to the east and a greatly improved opportunity to grow. It became a rail stop for the Hagerman rail promotion which brought rail service from Pecos to Eddy and thence to Roswell. Unfortunately the railroad was not an immediate success and in 1896 the Pecos River Railroad
went into the hands of a receiver. Later it was renamed the Pecos Valley and Northeast Railroad, then at the turn of the century it was taken over by the Santa Fe Railroads. The railroad operated from a boxcar for the first few years, but in January 1905 a wood frame shack was erected to be used by the agent C.D. Brown. By 1905, the community had increased to about 2,000 residents with less than a dozen business buildings, most on Artesia’s Main Street. (The freight depot and warehouse burned in 1947 and were rebuilt soon after.) The post office was first located where the depot was, however it was moved several tines before residing at its present site. Artesia was always a proud city. Her residents seem to have built for the future. In May 1896, Mr.John Richey (now known as the father of Artesia) staked out a desert claim and began farming. He and partners H.W. Hamilton and J. Mack Smith purchased 80 acres from J.R. Ray in 1901. Two years later, Richey organized the Artesia Townsite Company which consisted of four energetic gentlemen: Joe Clayton, John Hodges, J.A.C. Hingham and S.P. Deming, who purchased 160 acres and joined Richey in drilling Artesia’s first well, completed in July 1903. In the four succeeding years the group brought in 1,200 people to farm the area. It is said these early settlers lived in old Indian caves and dugouts. In an obvious need, Artesia took a successful action to implement a newspaper. The first lesson of the Artesia Advocate was on Aug. 29, 1903. The 12” by 19” page was set by hand, letter-by-letter. The founder, Gayle Talbot, published the Advocate for about eleven years.
Artesia ... the energetic community
By Stu Pritchard Roswell Historian
Part two in a series on Artesia
Artesia Public Library he first issue of the Advocate, a weekly newspaper, headlined “No more desert claims. The government will sell it’s (sic) lands for homesteads only.” A subhead said, “This means immediate settlement assuring that Artesia will be the center of one of the richest agriculture regions in the world.” Throughout his term as publisher, Talbot was an avid booster of Artesia. A message included in one issue stated, “For the Lord’s sake don’t be a knocker, if you don’t appreciate a good thing, dad can’t say a good word for Artesia, why don’t you move?” After Talbot’s departure, the newspaper struggled through a series of editors who kept the town informed with the weekly newspaper. In 1919 the Artesian Advocate merged with a new information source, the American, edited by W.M. Todd who retired after only a year. The December 30, 1921, issue announced it would cease
Jennifer Coats Photo printing at the end of the month. However, W.C. Martin purchased the Advocate, joined by C.R. Blocxer, of Carlsbad, who bought a half interest. This duo succeeded in building a strong and reputable newspaper, even though a rival, the Enterprise, was printed for two years. It was sold to the Advocate in April 1945, when O.E. Priestley assumed control. Another newspaper, the Artesia Daily Press merged with the Artesia Advocate in 1956. Lacking a financial institution, the First National Bank was established in August 1907, capitalized at $25,000 with R.M. Ross as president. The charter was issued in November, however, no building was available at the time, delaying the opening until the following February. The bank’s first building, located on Main Street, was the first brick building in the community. A second bank, the Citizen State Bank chartered in 1919, merged with the First National in 1931, with John W.
Poe as president. In September 1903, the Artesia Electric Light, a water works, and a telephone company received a charter. They were owned by two town-site companies; the Artesia telephone company established a system with 150 telephones. Franchised in 1905 it had long distance connection with all nearby New Mexico communities. Rates were two dollars for individual phones and three dollars for business offices. In ensuing years the franchise was purchased by the Colorado Telephone Company until December 1928 when Mountain States Tel and Tel took over service. Religion was always an integral part of Artesia. Records reveal the first church was the First Christian Church with initial formal services in 1906. The Presbyterian church members also worshiped in this structure until they built their own church. Reverend J.C. Gage organized the first Methodist church in August 1903. The first meetings were held in a tent behind Wilson’s Feed Store. The Baptist church was organized in late January 1904 by Christian pioneers, Reverends Babb Woolan and Gore. With service held in the Gore building (later the Thompson Price Co). A frame building used as a school was also purchased for services, A Baptist church was constructed in 1910 and used until 1954 when it was razed and replaced by a new sanctuary. For many years, Artesia Spanish-speaking citizens attended church at St. Anthony’s, a frame building in 1905. The need for adequate schooling was paramount in the attitudes of the town
fathers. Artesia’s first school was a tent near Richardson and First street. The first permanent school building was two room structure built nearby. It received students in 1909 while a high school building was completed shortly after. A fire in 1928 destroyed the high school. A new central school was erected and opened in 1929. On May 14, 1909, Superintedent W.H. Bishop presented a diplomas to two graduating students, Mrs. Ruth Brainard and Rosa Wetig; five students were graduated the next year. Artesia’s school system began a major expansion in 1945 when construction of Park and Carver schools were begun. Koselawn School opened in 1949 with expansion completed in 1951 and a new junior high was completed in 1950. The Hermose School was constructed in 1952. The first underground school in America was completed in Artesia on April 20, 1962. It was a research project on psychological affects of underground education. It also doubled as a fallout shelter. The first college for the community, Wester n Methodist Episcopal College, which was completed in March 1909, was shortlived. Artesia’s first mayor was A.V. Logan who was elected in 1904. When incorporated in January 1905 the town boasted a population of 1,003 persons. Many of the early civic improvements were initiated by the Artesia Woman’s Club which was organized in November 1901 with a membership of twenty. Improvements included tree planting, city cleanup projects and fountains for schools. They also initiated most of the town’s social activities. Many were ice cream suppers, often held in the vacant lot at the corner of Roselawn and Main Street. The relatively formal
occasions were held in the highly decorated area gayly lit with Japanese lanter ns. Band concerts were quite popular with band leader O.J. Adams. The Commercial Club also held dances and formal reception in its Main Street building. As the new century began, Artesia continued to grow with new concrete sidewalks, a jail, animal control and, of course, taxes. Saloons were taxed $400 a year, rooming houses $40 a year, real estate and insurance $25 a year. Newsstands and lunch counters $12 per year. The first Artesia hotel was a wooden structure opened in 1906. It advertised two public baths with hot and cold running Artesia water. Music and musicians were found at the MacDonald Club in the spring of 1910 for the study of music and the programming of concerts. The town boasted a visit and speech by William Jennings Bryant (its subject was the “Prince of Peace.”) As Artesia progressed, agriculture kept pace. The biggest event in those early days was the annual Alfalfa Day Celebration. A variety of contests were staged. Among them was a competition to see which team of horses could pull the biggest load of alfalfa hay. A major display was the daca’s cantaloupes, 700 acres of the tasty fruit. The forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce was the Artesia Commercial Club which pegged the city as having 2,500 progressive people in 1911. The population boasted of having the finest electrically powered alfalfa mead mill in the southwest. Additionally, the community had a public library, two brick structures, a planning mill and two large machine shops, plus an ice factory. Additionally, Artesia had 15 miles of concrete sidewalks.