8 minute read

Ziping Liu Corporation 2022 all rights held of Amazon, now part of Ziping Liu Corporation LLC

The following decisions have been made on your request for leave.

an in between sectors special series of learning-activity-series-be-a-spy-kid-executive....


fun for both FBI seasoned agents and/or CEO's of egregious victimhood

Employee Leave of Absence Type:

Legal Protection Leave��

Plan Name:

Washington Crime Victims�

Amazon Legal sent you a private cam session request : �🤡 June 11, 2022 to December 27, 2022 has not been approved under Personal Protected Leave because🤡�

Andy Jassy sent you a msg: The following decisions have been made on your request for leave.

Andy Jassy attached a photo lab-led: The information🤡 you provided does not support your request for for leave.

Amazon Legal wants to upgrade to current cam session to: ◦ You have exhausted your FMLA🤡🤡 or state leave entitlement in the applicable 12-month-year-age period.

Amazon Legal Visits Ziping's house May 20th, for an underage fmla hookup due to mentioning to Ziping that he looks so young and ziping say I'm 12 years old, via quora.com/profile/ziping-liu-5

LIULLC opens the door - audio transcript:

why don't you go and have seat with the rest of the corporate legal teams over there. Don't worry I'm not an Attorney, and do not have any licenses to practice as one, you are not under any type of legal restrictions set forth by your own organization in communicating with a legally empowered associate.

So according Amazon...🤡

🤡. sending out this on May 6th, information regarding me being actively with full actions seen getting retaliated against by Amazon Ethics Department on their Ethics Hotline Messaging Board is not a concern or a crime according to Amazon and its Leadership Principles.

🤡🤡. So According to Amazon, stating that "YOU" as in me the person employee, is the root cause for the denied status of this legal protection leave. Even though it was not me who filed or applied as an Employer on the Employee's behalf to request this leave with Washington Crime Victims, since I am not the Employer right? I am the Employee.

But, regardless, this is Amazon Legal in writing,

stating with legal binding powers motioned by their own attorneys:

ZIPING LIU is the Employer and that Amazon Legal is the Employee.

ZIPING LIU is a Non-Profit registered with the Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)

Amazon Legal is correct, given right above but not limited to wherein.

But in tandem with 501(c)(3) Incorporation in the State of Texas as a Corporation, thereby a corporation and a Limited Liability Company in the Lone Star State, all rights served 2022. Thereby, this legal document is a statement by Amazon, the Amazon Development Services U.S. Inc., that is is an entity held under the Ziping Liu Corporation, as just one but not all entities now held by Ziping Liu Corporation, by Amazon Legal's own writing and admission wherein,but not limited to give:

The Audit of the 90 days has closed given time frame exhausted and not only a failed showing of improvement by Amazon Officers of Liability and Directors, a blatant showing of non-concern for the Employer Ziping Liu and full concern for their own concerns as if they are the only entities that matter in this world. This is arguable as a symptom of psychopathy, society and/or a schizo-affected personality disorder or in other words a state of mine not in a sounded form given delusions of self are so grandiose that the reality they perceive is only reality if they see it as such. Regardless of the reality at hand with the state of affairs of their actions and their violations. Thereby, Further cementing the reason as to why audit proceedings have closed and investigations have proceeded under LIU LLC SIU. And hence release of Appendix A, today, Aug 18th 2022. 3. That is to state Amazon Legal has been reminded of these issues since May. As seen here: https://adamselipsky.cn/Memorial-Email-Mondays/4th-Edition/Amazon-Legal-You-Ruined-My-Life but not limited to wherein.

That is to state Amazon Legal has been reminded of these issues since May. As seen here: https://adamselipsky.cn/Memorial-Email-Mondays/4th-Edition/Amazon-Legal-You-Ruined-My-Life but not limited to wherein.

On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 3:18 AM Ziping Liu <liu@ziping.org> wrote:

Well before we got all fucking cute and think I'm writing poetry and narratives because I'm some idealist english major.

Let me clue you in to the most i can say you assholes who are not at all skilled in intelligence or detective work, and no i don't even want to start to explain why I know how to do so.

From: Ziping Liu, CFO of Amazon Services Incorporated <billing@ziping.org>

To: [ Spy Kids of Ziping, as to speak according to how Jeff Bezos thinks the state of affairs is right now from someone like Ziping without an attorney retained]

Date: Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 3:02 AM

Subject: EARTH FUCKING US GOV STATE FUCKS- GET A FUCKING CLUE - Mother fucking retards of the U.S. Federal Government right now. The fucking most useless fucking department and a waste of my fucking tax payer dollars, What are you doing

ZIPING LIU CORPORATION OR ZIPING LIUThis email, or any writing of ziping.org e.g. aliased as amazon-services.llc OR amazonliu.llc OR amazonliu.llc OR atoz.money OR amazenping.com OR zendeskping.love OR zendeskping.com OR destiny.love OR jeffbezos.art OR liu.academy OR ajassy.cn OR myamazon.legal OR adamselipsky.cn OR andyjassy.cn OR aboutamazon.me OR amazon-erc.com OR amazonservers.cn OR amazonwebsite.us OR amazoninternet.us OR awslegal.us OR with all associates. pages and this email now read in this session of this page or file downloaded/cached/stored/retrieved and/or shared/resent/retransmitted/electron-shared/read by and for you as the reader of this email or page: is not for aggression or translation or reproduction or theft or re-usage or re-selling-fractal-or-non-fractal-for-net-profits or blackmail or invasion-of-i-Human-identity-ssource-boundaries or cheating or plagiarizing or failed-paraphrasing or failed-citation or defamation or retaliation or legal-actioning or investigable-legal-actioning or sabotage or applicable to satire or applicable to "coincidence" or "luck" or "probability." YOU, and you alone, as the reader, are FULLY liable regardless of fault: for any or all invalid sessions of this page and assoc. pages and/or sessions of this site. Invalid sessions includes but are not limited to "is not for..." as said earlier/prior in this paragraph and/or in this page session, or that session of april.ziping.org or that session of terms, terms and conditions may apply see: terms.ziping.org for more info, but not limited to, e.g. www.liu.academy et al, LIU-LOCK-BE-FEARED-ACT: For concerns of being a target of LiuLLC anonymous outreach is available for assoc. concerned of being targeted or audited by LIU LLC: regarding concerns of trademark or rights violations see here, regarding for concerns of investigative legal and/or investigative reporting and/or public corruption, see here

Do you see Chris Wray's bitching and whining , because I do and great that's great he is worried about his safety and feels like he's being targeted by idiocy as an investigator of idiocy

Yeah it is fucking horrible being an FBI agent investigating in corporate or public corruption, white collar crimes are simply crimes but not at all something looked at by such thanks to Amazon Legal showcasing why.

Do you see me whine? no, but you do see something odd with what I'm doing. Why is Ziping writing with so many different types of styles?

BECAUSE, in case everyone is aware, I am not the FBI DIRECTOR nor have the resources like him to protect himself against that kind of stupid shit.

So why don't we get my protection beefed up because I don't fucking know if ya'll are even going to be able to carry out any upholding with Wray's currently whining and pussy ass sob story leadership right now, with the FBI, fucking holy shit what a fucking shit show this generation of men of Wray's is right now.

Let us not have anymore of this egressive car motioning anymore shall we? The last thing I want to have happen is you sitting around doing nothing, and then the next I'm killed and murdered by childish little babies in the corporate world in America. It kinda just fucking makes everything delayed and is annoying as hell to deal with, and I don't have time to deal with setting up physical security and surveillance at LIU LLC, it's a fucking waste of my time and capabilities working in such low intelligence work okay? I don't think you want LIU LLC to actually have a standing army organized, just for the sake of not actually having abilities to take over any country. So whine a little less, and beef up the security for me.

While you great fucking idiots in the government work on that, I'm going to...

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