State of Results of Performance Review fo Amazon Andy Jassy and Adam Selipsky, Executives in Company

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Hi Corporate World of: The People's Republic of China, The Russian Federation, The United Nations, The United Kingdom, and maybe Germany if they step up as talk to Amazon HQ GERMANY for me, and maybe the DOL.GOV AND STATE.GOV if they man the fuck up and talk to ANDY AND COMPANY OF AMAZON.COM, "THE COMPANY" on my behalf TO GROW UP AND BE ADULTS, or else I will and it won't be fun. Note, A web version of this


will be made available at

liu llc has placed Amazon CEO's Andy Jassy, <>, and Adam Selipsky <> on PIVOT PIP, starting in June due to severe adverse actions motioned against ziping liu; for in attempt to murder, blackmail, and retaliate against ziping liu., based Unfortunately after multiple reviews of performance violations and notices given, they have show cased in writing zero-improvement in communication and remediation of blackmail: HTTPS://JEFFBEZOS.ART/erc they did not meet the bar after extensive coaching ending on July 29th 2022, HTTPS://AJASSY.CN/fbi The report finalization draft is here: They failed to uphold their own leadership principles. See attached agreement below from April 9th 2022 of organizational standards needing to be met as requirements of ziping liu to amazon legal and given the adoption of their two new "leadership principles." As of now, Amazon Legal, Directors and Executives are still failing very hard, I have escalated to Performance Improvement Plan phase-3, which now includes the Board of Directors of Amazon Services LLC, starting today July 31st, the first week of August. Upon failure, which includes the appellate phase of 30 days, they will be deemed as not having ability of performing in their roles and expectations, and not at all having any talent innately given to function in society as human beings. Motions for actioning outside the by laws LIU LLC will then began, including but not limited to, the rule of law as it stands in the State of Texas.

Aetna Special Investigations Unit Fighting for you by fighting fraud Sincerely,

LIU LLC - ETHICS DEPARTMENT - GLOBAL AUDIT AND GOVERNANCE COMPLIANCE AND AFFAIRS, ON BEHALF OF LINKEDIN.COM/IN/LIU, founder and ceo of liu corporation non-profit conglomerate defense and federal alive entity, all fucking rights reserved and defended for, but not including amazon ceo's and directors at this point in time, due to ongoing blackmailing of ziping liu Reach out to our ethics for inquires at: or visit us at and

liu llc would like to take this opportunity to humbly and gratefully thank our corporation partners for their support for our corporation. as a gift to humanity for humanity forward #2044 and offer of our indulgence, we gift any humane organizations/corporations/governments support and access in usage of our reports as a case study reference for internal organizational auditing and policy structuring, so that this type of gross negligence towards gross malice of organizational corporation standing does not ever happen ever again. we are not at all impressed with the severe lack of ability seen in amazon legal and executives and directors, and would like to remind the corporate world to ensure all executives meet ability and talent in didactic leadership explicit and implicit in strives to become earth's best employer: far above that of the average amazon ceo/director/founder.

Hi Ziping, I would take it even further and say “manager need to have good intentions to be successful at Amazon.” When I stated that we hope all managers have good intentions, what I mean by that is we expect them to, and they need to. I want to make this very clear. Very best, Amazon Max, April 9th 2022

Hi Amazon Legal, We had a meeting [behind closed doors, and you great CEOs and Directors then took my words out of frame in bad-faith]. [ Yet ], [Amazon Max] stated that we can only hope that people have good intentions, before Amazon Business Came and Ruined such.

Aetna Special Investigations Unit Amazon sent an email, that refers the UN Charter of the Fighting for you by tofighting fraud

Declaration of Human Rights for guidance on what is Human. Here are some key articles to note: Article 1

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of [organization]. Article 5 •

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 10 •

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of [an individual's] rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against [the individual]. Article 11 •

Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial [through] which [each individual] has had all the guarantees necessary for [the individual's] defense.

I don't think hope is the right word to use when describing the intent of an organization or company. I believe that the word to use is should.

Fighting for you by fighting fraud

[So now seeing the failures,] "We [require] the [Policy] is written in good faith through impartial oversight by a [internal auditory and compliance department e.g. the Ethics Department.]" [For any good-standing corporation] [good-faith is required.] I'm here to help with [organizational by laws], if you are willing, [but if not, then without you, Andy Jassy. Because we are at this point not in a state to be playing ignorance in midst your Corporational retaliations evidenced towards me, as a human being of the world]. Ziping Liu (he who walks the talk, via

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