A Romantic Wedding with Floral touch! From a gentleman to a high school’s stud, each and every man experiences buying fresh flowers from the florists for his lady. He proposed with a flower (or flowers...) so it’s time for you to brandish flowers on your Big Day! The whole event decked up in flowers is sure to look splendid. Yes, I agree there is nothing new in the idea and flowers have been lover’s tool to express love since ages but still there is something which keeps this idea forever fresh and alive. Flowers create an ambience that is perfect to speak out all that you feel and the fragrances makes it doable for you to live the moment completely. Here are a few tips to celebrate a soft romantic wedding with floral touch:
If you want you can select a color combination for the flowers and wedding or else you can keep it mixed. Simply floral wedding that’s it, do not consider colors. But, I would recommend you to select a color as well, refer the net and you can find some interesting color combinations for your wedding. Things become easier when you have decided a niche, you don’t have to think much than, anyways up to you Follow your Heart! Of course, the decorations will be a major part of the day so, jazz up the wedding hall with garlands and patterns of flowers. Showcase the flower you two love the most and the one which has an interesting story behind. Wall of roses on the entry way can be a cool idea to express beautifully the theme of the wedding. Definitely, you are going to put chandelier in your wedding hall, go shopping and get a floral chandelier for your DDay. Chandeliers offer a royal treat to the eyes and look amazing.
For the bouquet, obviously flowers! You have a wide range to select from- peonies, roses, lilies, all are beautiful! It’s actually difficult to pick any one (get them all‌). Moreover, miniature plants and succulents can be displayed beautifully near and around the aisle. Mason Jars can be utilized to exhibit your flower love. Just simple DIY and you can leave a striking impression on your invites.
For the bride, a white wedding gown with flowers embossed can be a choice, a floral headpiece, floral footwear (high heels with flower prints) and of course a bouquet will complete you. For the groom umm nothing much can be done, just wear a beautiful boutonniere that’s it. Too much of flowers on groom might steal away the manliness of groom‌..
The place where you all will sit and share laughter- The dining table! Floral centerpieces can be accessed on net or from nearby home dĂŠcor store. Dinner set with flowers printed on the glass crockery will further exhilarate the looks and will prove out to be an icing on the cake.
Oh yes, icing on the cake made me remember- The Cake! I just love the simple cakes with floral pattern. Those vines of flowers running down from one tier of the cake to another looks astounded. Contact your vendor about your unique idea for wedding cake.
At last, let’s talk about preserving the memories. Yes, the photo-shoot! A floral photo booth is sure to earn praises of your guests, floral garlands and chalk board decked up with flowers can be your prop. Don’t worry about the props at all in floral theme; you can access hell lot of props.
Another thing you can do is do a small pre wedding photo-shoot and customize your Designer wedding cards by adding that floral photograph into it. Wish you a luscious wedding!