Grab Attention of Employers With
Tailor-made CV
Competition is quite high for any kind of job openings. A job advertisements result in thousands of responses.
Why the employers will pick up your CV from the piles of applications?
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is your first opportunity to impress
potential employer. If tailored according to the job role you are applying for-it will surely attract the attention of employers.
How to create a relevant CV? If that is your question, here are some important tips that may help you.
One page is too short Three or four pages CV is standard with a cover letter highlighting your skills and abilities.
Tell the truth All the information stated on the CV must be correct. Companies perform background checks and they will have no problem in detecting false information.
On the first page You must include: • Contact details • Summary of education • Language fluency • Current job or last job details
Academic details must have • Date • Name of the institution • Location • Major subjects • Results
Describe briefly • What you do? • What are your key achievements? • What are your personal and technical skills? • Who are your employers?
Take care of
Spelling, grammar or other errors Use font that is clear and easy to read Bold parts like education, skills and experience
What you must not include • Any negatives or anything critical • Unfortunate work experience • Disabilities you have • Trade union or political affiliations
For different CV templates refer to: