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DBC2 celebrates 21 years with exciting new look

Dale Brittain Communications originally launched in 2000 as a motorsport sponsorship agency

In 2010, and on the back of significant growth, it rebranded as DBC2. Now, as DBC2 emerges with a fresh new look, AAA Magazine took the opportunity to talk with DBC2 Managing Director and Founder, Dale Brittain, about the timely refresh of his respected brand and the changes ahead in automotive marketing. AAAM: What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen in your business over the past 21 years? DB: For the first 10 years we were very much a traditional marketing agency focused on sponsorship, PR and motorsport. In 2010 we made the move to represent the broader automotive aftermarket sector, and in hindsight I think we chose a really good time to do that. Digital marketing was just about to take off, and we were in on the ground floor. It was something that wasn’t on a lot of our clients’ radars at the time, and that put DBC2 in a really good position. It was by far the biggest change I’ve seen in my 35 years in automotive marketing, and we have a genuine focus on quality content in that space. AAAM: Is the refreshed look of DBC2 a response to those changes? DB: The refresh isn’t about DBC2 being seen differently by the industry; it’s about modernising the look of our brand to stay relevant. It coincides with the announcement that we have three new board members, all of whom are very experienced, highly successful businesspeople. We understand the need to keep ahead of the curve and to challenge ourselves before we have any chance of expecting our clients to do the same. There are a lot of changes happening in the industry, most of them positive, and DBC2 will be helping our clients to capitalise on those changes. AAAM: Were there concerns that refreshing the look of DBC2 would impact brand equity? DB: As this is more a brand refresh than a rebrand, I wouldn’t see that there’s any reason to feel concerned. I remember when Qantas tweaked their logo… a lot of people questioned it at the time. But it’s gone on to be a great success for their brand. The reality is that all branding needs to keep with the times. We’re at the forefront of marketing the automotive aftermarket and our look should reflect that. It’s bold, fresh, and it stands out. We’ve done a lot of similar work for clients recently and we felt a need to do the same for ourselves. AAAM: Is there any change of leadership associated with the refresh of DBC2? DB: There’s two significant changes within our leadership team. The first is that Mitch Brittain moves to become Agency Director, and Anthony Crivelli becomes our new Creative Director. Whilst I have no plans to go anywhere, we have strategically created these roles to help steer and energise the business in its future direction. AAAM: Is there a relationship between the refresh of DBC2 and its 21st year in business? DB: We missed the anniversary by a few months, mostly due to COVID-19 and lockdowns, but this is our 21st year of business, and I think there’s a connection there. It’s about us growing up, becoming more ‘adult’. The move to our new corporate headquarters in Port Melbourne, into a building that really speaks to who we are and that we’re really proud of, is another big part of that. In a humble way, we like to think that we’re a respected agency and we hope our clients feel the same way. AAAM: Are the changes currently happening in the industry a sign of optimism? DB: I think the aftermarket industry is in the strongest position it’s ever been in. It’s been led by a strong association in the AAAA; by a massive consolidation in the industry that’s created some very strong players; and by large businesses who are not only paving the way forward, but who I think are giving real credibility to our industry in the wake of the demise of local vehicle manufacturing. Significantly, that has put the automotive aftermarket on the radar of Federal and State governments, and that’s been a major help. For example, I don’t think the Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Information Sharing Scheme Bill would have been passed without the hard work of the players I’ve just mentioned. DBC2 will remain 100 percent focused on the automotive aftermarket moving forward. We feel that we can grow as our industry grows and become better recognised as the players in the industry become even stronger. We plan on trying to stay ahead of the times to keep our clients relevant and profitable, and I am genuinely and very sincerely excited about the future of our industry. AAAM: What does the new logo say about DBC2? DB: It says that we’ve maintained the equity we have built in our brand while moving out of our own comfort zone. It’s bold, and I like to think we’re trying to make a statement, but with a sense of humility. I mean, we know our stuff, and we know the industry, and we should have a logo that speaks to that, literally. We Speak Cars – it is absolutely who we are and what we do. To learn more about DBC2, visit www.dbc2.com.au

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