Oct newsletter

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s e i d u t S n ica r f A d n a can i r e m A n a r e t n e The Afric C nsion

n e t x E y t i n u m m o C r e t t e l s New

An electronic newsletterfrom fromthe the A newsletter African American and African Studies Department of African American and African Studies Community Extension Center Community Extension Center Fall 2015

Features Pages 1 & 2: Director Dr. Linda James Myers: New Initiatives Page 3: Dr. Myers’ Kickoff Reception Pages 4-6: Recent Events Page 7: Upcoming Events Page 8: Rites of Passage Program for Boys Page 9: A word from the ADAMH Board Page 10: Math & Science Club

New Initiative: Cultural Enrichment and Enhancement of Individual and Collective Health and Sustainable Well Being Linda James Myers, Ph.D., Director As a part of a public land grant institution, the AAAS CEC recognizes its legal and moral obligation to educate and enhance the quality of life for Ohioans and, as a good global citizen, the world. Our requirement is to address the most pressing issues confronting the citizens of Ohio, particularly those to whom our curricula and research endeavors are devoted. Thus we have committed over the next four years to bring to bear the best resources available to us to improve in Ohio what are now the worst health outcomes for Black babies of any state in the nation, and in Franklin County, the worst health outcomes for Black babies of any county in the state. Emphasizing the social determinants of health, our aim will be to utilize a Wisdom Paradigm, that is a model which recognizes what is of value in life for oneself and others, including knowledge, know-how, and understanding, and giving intellectual and ethical priority to discovering possible solutions to the problems of living. We will begin our new initiative by acknowledging and exploring the strengths of Black culture identified among non-immigrant Africans brought to the Americas. (Continued on page 2)

Department of African American and African Studies Community Extension Center 905 Mount Vernon Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43203-1413

Phone: (614) 292-3922 Fax: (614) 292-3892 http://aaascec.osu.edu aaascec@osu.edu

2 The OSU AAASCEC Newsletter Fall 2015

New Initiative: Cultural Enrichment and Enhancement of Individual and Collective Health and Sustainable Well Being (continued) Seldom do we hear of the perspectives of those non-immigrant Africans in the Americas who have not taken on the cultural world view propagated by the off-spring of their ancestors’ captors. However, it is that perspective on life and the world, that can easily be argued to be what allowed those brave, courageous, indomitable non-immigrant Africans to survive almost 250 years of the most brutal, vicious, dehumanizing form of enslavement ever practiced in the history of humankind.. What do we know of that mindset? How can learning more about it be of benefit to all of humankind today? One thing we know for sure, it allowed those non-immigrant Africans enslaved as chattel, generation after generation to maintain enough faith, hope, and charity to become the moral and spiritual leaders of this nation in its movement toward equal civil rights for all. The new initiative upon which we have embarked this year at the CEC is designed to educate us about that rich, proud, steadfast heritage, such that we, the descendants of those most honorable men and women can again provide the leadership needed to uplift this nation and the world to the level of moral reasoning and spiritual insight needed to create a just, sacred, sustainable world.

The OSU AAASCEC Newsletter Fall 2015



The OSU AAASCEC Fall 2015

Cultural Enrichment and Enhancement of Individual and Collective Health and Sustainable Well Being Hope you have been able to attend at least some of these wonderful, enlightening programs, we have gotten great, appreciative feedback from those attending. Be sure you don't miss out on our upcoming events!

The OSU AAASCEC Fall 2015



The OSU AAASCEC Fall 2015

The OSU AAASCEC Newsletter Fall 2015

Don’t miss these upcoming events!



The OSU AAASCEC Newsletter Fall 2015

Rites of Passage for Boys

Rites of Passage is back starting Saturday October 31st! This program is designed to provide Black Males (grades 4-12) with a mentoring experience. The goals of the program are to provide students with an appreciation for and an understanding of African American and African history, as well as to assist with shaping their identity, character, cultural and community development. Students are introduced to drumming for health, stress reduction and team building, effective communication, conflict resolution strategies, and life skills training.

Saturdays from 11:00 am—1:00 pm

This event is co-sponsored in partnership with the by the Columbus Department of Health Please call 614-292-3922, if you are interested participating

The OSU AAASCEC Newsletter Fall 2015

ADAMH Local Levy Supports Community Programming ADAMH Staff Since 2006, ADAMH has funded many grass roots organizations, including The Ohio State University’s African American and African Studies Community Extension Center (AAAS CEC), through a community mini-grant program. Through the program, ADAMH has been able to provide support and funding for numerous community events and programming that increase awareness about mental health and substance abuse issues in our community. AAAS CEC’s Cultural Enrichment of Individual and Collective Enhancement of Community Health and Sustainable Well Being program is just one of the many great programs that supports cultural diversity and improves the mental health of community members. The ADAMH levy makes these mini-grants possible. On November 3, the ADAMH Renewal Levy will be on the ballot and we need your help. November 3 is the time to vote YES on Issue 14 and help continue to help individuals on their journeys of recovery. The 5-year, 2.2 mill renewal levy is simply renewing an existing levy that was overwhelming supported by the community in 2005. The yearly $67 per $100,000 in home value will not change. By voting for the levy, ADAMH can continue to provide treatment, prevention and supportive services and support programs like the Cultural Enrichment of Individual and Collective Enhancement of Community Health and Sustainable Well Being program. ADAMH knows the importance of the community mini-grant program and is proud to fund organizations like OSU’s AAAS CEC. To ensure these programs continue, please join in working to pass and vote for Issue 14.



The OSU AAASCEC Newsletter Fall 2015

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