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It has been a great experience watching the growth that has occurred for women in emergency medicine.

Women Leading the Way in Emergency Medicine

Meredith Hall, MD FAAEM and Vanessa Piazza, MD FAAEM

The Louisiana Chapter Division of AAEM was guided by an all female executive board for the 2019-2020 term. AAEM’s National Women in Emergency Medicine Section has a purpose to “champion the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in emergency medicine through the pillars of advocacy, leadership, and education.” In October of 2019, Louisiana held its elections for its chapter division of AAEM. For the first time, the executive board consisted of all females. Dr. Meredith Hall, who took the reigns from her friend Dr. Shannon Matthews as President states, “I had served AAEMLa on the board in a minor role, and I felt it important to seek leadership in a primary role. I learned about AAEM from Dr. Larry Weiss, one of the faculty who trained me at Charity Hospital and a former AAEM President. He helped me get involved in AAEM Oral Board Review Courses as a mock examiner, but I had never taken on a leadership role. After working as an At-Large Director and planning our state Residency day the year before, I felt I was in a position to lead. It was important for me to recruit strong members of our profession. When membership of our extended board includes no one stepped up, I turned to some of my other exceptional female physicians, including female colleagues, who all accepted the chal- Dr. Luann Barnett and Dr. Eden Hamyouen.” lenge.” The Vice Presidency position was held by The female leadership in Louisiana extends Dr. Vanessa Piazza and the Treasurer Position even farther as one of New Orleans second was held by Dr. Christine Butts. All of these year residents currently serves on AAEM/RSA women, including Dr. Matthews, trained in New Board for AAEM, Dr. Jordan Vaughan. Recently, Orleans at Charity Hospital with just a few years Dr. Hall was able to add a medical student back separating them. Dr. Piazza states, “I felt hon- to the board by holding a statewide election ored to be invited by Meredith Hall to the leader- which resulted in, yes, another female, Abby ship role of Vice President Olinde, a student at LSU of AAEMLa. As there are New Orleans, taking that several other women on the role. Of course, it goes withboard for our residency pro- out saying that the national gram, I commend Dr. Van president, Dr. Lisa A. Meter, our section head at Moreno, is currently a fellow Charity Hospital, for fostering an environment faculty member in New Orleans. And all of which promotes female leaders and motivates them are guided nationally by AAEM Staff, Mrs. faculty development. Personally, I believe that Kathy Uy. September is Women in Medicine doing your best at the moment puts you in the month, as recognized by the American Medical best position for the next moment. Regarding fe- Association. The theme for 2020 is: Advancing males in leadership roles, I feel women make Equity, Creating Change. Dr. Hall recognizes great leaders because we are strong communi- the changes that have occurred with regards to cators, flexible, compassionate, good at multi- women in medicine over the past 20 years. “We tasking, team players, and can leave our egos in are respected by our peers for our knowledge, check.” Hall added, “My biggest challenge has we are regarded as equals, and the births of our been to expand our leadership role beyond just children are celebrated. It has been a great exfaculty attendings. Last year, my personal resi- perience watching the growth that has occurred dent representative was one of our female for women in emergency medicine. I know we chiefs, Dr. Jen Oswald. Following that, Dr. will continue to lead and create a better path for Brianna Wapples was elected, and the the women who will follow us.” 

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