ABRIL, 2013
Lista de Palestrantes / Speakers List
2012-now: Registered as a PHD student at the University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa 2011
: Doctoral research methodology,
University of Johannesburg Louisa Tsweleng
2001-2004: Mcur (advanced midwifery and neonatal nursing science), University of Johannesburg
Personal information Nationality:
South African
Department of Advanced Nursing
1996-1998: Bcur I E (Nursing education and Administration), University of Pretoria
Professional experience:
University of Venda, Private Bagx5050,
2001-2012: Lecturer, Department of Advanced
Thohoyandou, 0950
midwifery and neonatal nursing science, Ga-
Limpopo province, South Africa Current position: Lecturer: Department of Advanced Nursing Science, University of Venda, Thohoyandou, South Africa
Rankuwa nursing college, Pretoria, South Africa 1997-2000: Lecturer, Departments of general nursing, midwifery, community nursing and nursing administration. Lebone College of nursing, Pretoria, South Africa Recent presentation: 2012 : Power point presentation:
Educational qualifications:
Topic:Reflection of the impact of the ultrasound training on the practice of the post advanced Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 70
midwifery graduates. Chris Hani Bara nursing
Information from both the mothers and midwives
college, Johannesburg, South Africa
were then extensively discussed and compared
2008 : Poster. Topic: The Mothers’ Experience of
to the existing literature
Pain Management during Labour. The 27th
Conclusions and recommendations
Conference in Priorities in Perinatal Care.
Conclusions were drawn and recommendations
Indaba Hotel. Sandton South Africa
formulated to assist midwives and other health care professionals to improve their caring modalities, in the management of patients with
The mother’s experience of pain management during labour
pain during the first stage of labour ______________________________________
Tsweleng M. L Objective The objective of this study explores and describes the experiences of first-time mothers regarding pain management during the first stage of labour. Methods Aqualitative approach involving phenomenology was used. Midwives were also interviewed to determine their assessment and management strategies in this regard in order to get abroader perspective of the focus of inquiry Findings
Mai Yamanoi Personal information: Nationality: Japanese Address: 1-50-1 MUTSUURA-HIGASHI, KANAZAWA-KU YOKOHAMA 236-8503, JAPAN
The data collected from mothers revealed three themes and they are; the care rendered needs / wishes and beliefs / feelings of the mothers regarding the care given. These themes were further subdivided into small headings/ categories as specified in the data and
Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Home Care Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Kanto Gakuin University, Japan
elaborated on. Eight categories of care strategies emerged from the data gathered from midwives. JOURNAL OF AGING AND INOVATION (EM LINHA) ISSN: 2182-696X / (IMPRESSO) ISSN: 2182-6951
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 71
Educational qualifications: 2011-2013:
dwelling elderly. Journal of Academy of
MSN. Department of Community
Health Nursing, Yokohama City University, Japan.
Community Health Nursing,2013;16(1).( in press) Takano M., Matsumoto K., Yamanoi M.,
2007-2008: Reserch Student of Nursing Education, Kanagawa University of Human Service, Japan. 1997-2001: Bachelor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Kanagawa University, Japan. 1992-1995: Technical Associate of
Yokohama City University, Japan.
Interaction of geriatric nursing how exercise senior leads the junior, Bulletin of Kawasaki City College of Nursing,2011;16(1),65-72. Yamanoi M., Matsumoto K., Takano M., For technical education with the aim of practical skills and strengthening the current state of technology experience in nursing Geriatric Nursing Practice, Bulletin of Kawasaki City College of Nursing,2010;15(1),95-102. Yamanoi M., The role of the nursing home for
Professional experience: 2013-now:
Assistant Professor, Department of
mother and children with disabilities to severe, Report of Nursing research, 2008; 33,279-286.
Home Care Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Kanto Gakuin University, Japan. 2011-2013:
Teaching Assistant
Assistant Professor, Department
of Gerontology Nursing, Kawasaki City Collage of Nursing, Japan. 2004-2007:
RN, Wakakusa Nursing care
A conversation analysis of Type 1 and Type2 communication between caregivers and patients in geriatric facilities in Japan Mai Yamanoi RN,MSN, Department of Home Care Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Kanto Gakuin
home for the physically handicapped, Japan.
University, Japan
RN, Department of Emergency
Objective: This paper is to present part of the
Nursing, Yokohama City University Medical
research we have conducted on the
Center, Japan.
mechanisms of provider-patient communication in geriatric facilities in Japan. In our previous studies, we have identified two different types of
Recent publications:
communication between caregivers and residents: Type I (task- oriented) and Type II
Yamanoi M., Tadaka E., Taguchi H.R. Factors
(life-worldly) communication. Based on those
related to nutritional status in the community-
results, we examined the mechanism of
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 72
communication between them, using a qualitative method of analysis.
Current position:
Evidências da Investigação e Teorias baseadas na evidência Analysis to
Adjunct Professor of Nursing, University of
investigate conversational features of the two
Nursing, School of Health Sciences, University
types of communication ,were found in the
of Liverpool.
Method: We used Conversation
linguistic exchanges between caregivers and residens. Study subjects comprised 37 residents. In this study, for the purpose of detailed, sequential analysis, we chose two typical examples of the two types of communication between them. R e s u l t s : W e f o u n d t h a t , i n Ty p e 2 communication, the elderly were given the possibility of expanded utterance opportunities and self-initiated utterances as nursing staff presented life–worldly topics of elderly residents as topics that the elderly could and should talk about whereas, in Type 1 communication, taskoriented speeches were initiated by caregivers, giving residents little opportunities to talk, and thus the patients’ utterances were restricted to short replies.
Ottawa, Canada and Lecturer, Directorate of
Educational qualifications: PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), PGCE, RGN Professional experience: Recent Funded Research Projects 2012 – M Flynn and D Mercer.
£9,922 (NHS
NW)NHS values and behaviours evidence review and survey of NW admissions tuto rs. 2011 – L Appleton, M Flynn, R Jones, P Large, T Kavanagh, D McGlashen, C Wood. £23,336 (Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology Charitable Trust) A study exploring the impact of language on adjustment to cancer following treatment. 2010 – M Flynn; £57,000 (Merseyside &
Cheshire Cancer Network) A review of cancer awareness in Merseyside and Cheshire 2009 – M Flynn & D Mercer, J Cambil (Granada), M Barchiesi (Ancona) & D Theofanidou (Thessaloniki) €96,000 (European Union Leonardo da Vinci Programme) An esurvey of European nurses and allied health professionals use of the internet in professional practice. 2009 – M Flynn & J Davenport; £24,499
Maria Flynn
(Department of Health/Association of Greater Manchester Authorities) Review of Evidence and Survey of Smoke Free Stadia
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 73
2009 – M Flynn & R Hunter; £24,912
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice (Accepted
Department of Health Medical Education &
for Publication March 2013)
Training) Exploring the associations between IMGs IELTS scores, communications scores and appointability following interview for medical specialty training 2008 – M Flynn & S Meah; £80,000 (Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale PCT) Documentary review and postal survey to evaluate four healthy lifestyle schemes 2008 – M Flynn & R Hunter; £30,101 (The Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) Development of an evidence based strategy to increase patient and public participation in research 2008 – M Flynn & A Smith; £44,796 (Department of Health Medical Education and Training) A r e v i e w o f E n g l i s h l a n g u a g e ( I E LT S ) requirements for entry to medical specialty training programmes.
Moffatt M and Flynn M (2013) A critical narrative review of the safety of acupuncture in pregnancy Journal of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (Accepted for publication July 2012) Caton ERJ and Flynn M (2013) Management of Anaphylaxis in the ED: A clinical audit. International Emergency Nursing. 21, 64-70. Mercer D and Flynn M (2012) Caring values in a corporate culture: Defending compassionate nursing practice in the NHS Nursing Inquiry (Under review) Cambil Martin J, Flynn M, Villaverde C (2011) Quality assurance of nursing websites: Development and implications of the ALEU method. Computers Informatics Nursing, 29 (9), 523-530. Wright AD and Flynn M (2011) Prone positioning of ventilated patients: A review of evidence.
Recent Papers and Publications (Selected)
Nursing in Critical Care 16 (1); 19-27.
Flynn M and Mercer D (2013) What price
compassionate care in an NHS ‘market’? Nursing Times 109 (7), 12-14 Williams N and Flynn M (2013) Review of the efficacy of Neuromuscular stimulation in critically ill patients Physiotherapy Theory and Practice (Accepted for Publication March 2013) Williams N and Flynn M (2013) An exploratory study of physiotherapists views of early rehabilitation in critically ill patients
Dave Mercer Current Position: Lecturer, the University of Liverpool, Directorate of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Liverpool, England. 2012 -
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 74
Adjunct Professor to the School of Nursing, and member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Educational qualifications: PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), PGCE, RGN Funded Research Project Experience 2012 – Flynn M and Mercer D £9,922 (NHS NW) NHS values and behaviours evidence review and survey of NW admissions tutors. 2011 - Mercer D, Chandley M and CromarHayes M £25,000 (Merseycare NHS Trust) Implementing a recovery approach on two wards of a secure hospital: An action research approach. 2010 – Barr W, Mercer D, Hodge S, Haigh K, Thomas N, Brown A and Noblett S £30,000 (Merseycare NHS Trust). An exploration of the discursive construction of risk in forensic mental health practice. 2009 – Flynn M, Mercer D, Cambil, J (Granada), Barchiesi M (Ancona) and Theofanidou, D (Thessaloniki) €96,000 (European Union Leonardo da Vinci Programme) An e-survey of European nurses and allied health professionals use of the internet in professional practice. 2008 – Hodge S, Barr W, Mercer D, Hagan T, Clayton J, Graham S, Haigh K £57, 796 (Merseycare NHS Trust). A first stage evaluation of the Merseycare Complex Psychological Problems Service.
Publications and Presentations (Selected) Flynn M and Mercer D (2013) Is compassion possible in a market-led NHS? Nursing Times [Invited paper], 109 (7): 12-14. Mercer D (2012) ‘Girly mags and girly jobs’: Pornography and gendered inequality in forensic practice. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22: 15-23. Mercer D (2012) Policing pornography in highsecure care: The discursive construction of gendered inequality. In Holmes D, Rudge T, Perron A (eds) (Re)Thinking violence in health care settings: A critical approach. Surrey, Ashgate. Mercer D and Perkins E. (2011) Of men and monsters: The discursive construction of sex and sexual offending in high-secure psychiatric care. The International Academy of Law and Mental Health 32nd Congress, Berlin, Germany. Perkins E and Mercer D (2011) Dangerous pictures and dangerous men: Female nursing discourse about working in a treatment environment for sexual offenders. The International Academy of Law and Mental Health 32nd Congress Berlin, Germany. McKeown M and Mercer D (2010). Using critical theory to understand special needs offenders and secure care environments. The International Institute on Special needs Offenders and Policy Research, Niagara Falls, Canada. McKeown M and Mercer D (2010). Mental health care and resistance to fascism. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17: 152-161.
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 75
Mercer D (2009) Research in state institutions: A
profession, generating academic commentaries
critical issue for forensic nursing. Journal of
on the causes and effects of a ‘compassion
Forensic Nursing, 5: 107-108 [Invited paper].
Mercer D (2009). Talkin’ forensic nursing blues:
The authors report the findings of a
The discursive texturing of high-security care.
comprehensive review of national and
Invited keynote speaker at Custody and Caring:
international evidence focused on core
International Biennial Conference on the Nurse’s
professional values. One hundred and seventy
Role in the Criminal Justice System. University
seven (177) publications were evaluated and a
of Saskatchewan, Canada.
total of fourteen (14) international and nineteen
Richman J and Mercer D (2004) ‘Modern language’ or ‘spin’? Nursing, ‘newspeak’ and organisational culture: New health scriptures. Journal of Nursing Management, 12: 290-298. Mercer D (2004) ‘My weariness amazes me’: The rhetoric and reality of research. Invited keynote presentation at the Forensic Psychiatric Perspectives and Possibilities Conference, Wellington, New Zealand
(19) UK research reports were included. Data from the studies were extracted and synthesized as a narrative. The key themes showed that caring and compassion are inherent nursing values which are influenced by the training curriculum, professional role modeling, but mostly by the organization and culture in which nurses’ work. In this paper the findings of the review are discussed in relation to how compassionate care can be upheld in a European Union suffering an unprecedented financial crisis. Although the
focus is on current debates in the United
Kingdom, this is an issue that has global import
for the nursing profession in terms of clinical
Maria Flynn, Dave Mercer
practice, healthcare management and nurse education. The first part of the paper sketches out the political context of nursing, and the second section explores the implications for
The English National Health Service [NHS] is
clinical practice. In conclusion we suggest that
being subjected to widespread and radical
any failure in compassion is more likely due to
reform, where the principle of compassionate
political and organizational culture, and not to
care is increasingly seen as the driving force of
any shortcomings of nurses or nursing practice.
quality services and excellence in nursing practice. A number of high-profile cases of failings in the NHS have attracted media attention, where discourse typically focuses on the shortcomings of nurses and the nursing JOURNAL OF AGING AND INOVATION (EM LINHA) ISSN: 2182-696X / (IMPRESSO) ISSN: 2182-6951
Key Words: Compassionate care; compassion deficit; nursing care; healthcare culture; healthcare markets; evidence review. ______________________________________
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 76
Associate Professor, Kanagawa
Prefectural College Nursing Medical Technology Public Health, Kanagawa, Japan 1989-1991:
Public Health Nurse, South
Yamato Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan
Yasuko Fukaya Personal information: Nationality: Japan
Recent publications: Yasuko Fukaya, Takanori Kitamura. Status of Capability ADL and Performance ADL (ADL Gap) in Community Elderly With Disabilities and
Address: School of Health Sciences, Tokai
Development of ADL Gap Self-Efficacy. In Jean,
University, Kanagawa, Japan
B, G. Editor & Charlotte ,V. Editor, Activities of
Current position: Professor, School of Health Sciences, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan Educational qualifications:
Daily Living:Performance,Impact on Life Quality and Assistance. 2013(in press); NY, USA, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 97-118 Yasuko Fukaya, Sachiyo Koyama, Yusuke kimura, Takanori Kitamura. Change in speaking time of elderly people who require facility care
PhD., Health Science, Tokyo University,
Tokyo, Japan
when sosial communication from staff is increased in japan, USM internatinal nursing
1987-1989: MNS., St. Luke’s College of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan 1985-1987: Bachelor of Nursing, St. Luke’s College of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan
confernce 2011. 2011; University Sains Malaysia, 51-57 Yasuko Fukaya, Sachiyo Koyama, Yusuke kimura, Takanori Kitamura. Education to promote verbal communication by caregivers in
Professional experience: 1998- now:
Professor, School of Health
Sciences, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan 1996-1998:
Associate Professor, School of
Health Sciences, Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan
geriatric care facilities. Japan Academy of Nursing Science. 2009 : 16 : 91-103 Statistical Analysis of Relationship between Caregivers Type II Speech and Elderly Utterances in Geriatric Facilities in Japan Yasuko Fukaya1, Takanori Kitamura2, Sachiya Koyama3
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 77
analyzed through the comparison of two 1School of Health Sciences, Tokai University, Japan, 2School of Law, Tokai University, K a n a g a w a , J a p a n , 3 K i t a z a t o U n i v e r s i t y, Kanagawa, Japan
groups. Results: After intervention elderly utterance duration in response to caregivers’ Type II speech increased 112.64 s (SD = 224.48) in the Increase Group, but declined 59.13 s (SD = 133.18) in the Decrease Group, a significant
Objective: This study is based on the research
difference (p = .01). When these were stratified
that we have previously conducted, in which we
according to the type of utterance, the duration
found that the communication between
of Type II utterances increased 61.38 s (SD =
caregivers and elderly residents in geriatric
111.57) in the Increase Group, but declined
facilities in Japan fell into 2 Types: ‘Task-oriented
88.16 s (SD = 170.25) in the Decrease Group, a
’ ( Ty p e 1 ) a n d ‘ L i f e - W o r l d l y ’ ( Ty p e 2 )
significant difference (p = .01). The frequency of
communication. We also found an educational
utterances also increased 28.43 times (SD =
intervention increased the duration and
44.60) in the Increase Group, but decreased
frequency of caregivers Type 2 speech. The
37.25 times (SD = 40.60) in the Decrease
current study further investigates this topic, by
Group, also significant (p = .001). Comparing
analyzing the ways in which caregivers Type2
self-initiated elderly utterances in the Increase
speech affects elderly residents’ utterances,
Group and Decrease Group in response to Type
particularly focusing on residents’ self-initiated
II speech by staff, the duration of self-initiated
utterances in the Increase Group increased
Method: Study subjects comprised 37 residents and 249 caregivers. Measurement of the type and quantity of caregiver speech and elderly utterances was performed twice for each facility for a total of two days of data. We recorded all conversation between them, using a recording device, based on which a verbatim transcript was produced. When changes in the duration of Type II speech by caregivers were compared
27.76 s (SD = 69.75) and decreased 19.13 s (SD = 56.44) in the Decrease Group, a significant difference (p = .04). When these were stratified by the type of self-initiated utterances, compared to an increase of 20.43 s (SD = 52.00) in the duration of Type II self-initiated utterances in the Increase Group, the Decrease Group showed a decrease of 19.94 s (SD = 39.51), which was significant (p = .01).
before and after educational intervention, two
Conclusions. This study showed that when the
groups were classified (Increase Group/
duration of Type II speech by caregivers
Decrease Group). Changes in the duration and
increased, the duration and frequency of Type II
frequency of the elderly utterances and self-
utterances and self-initiated by the elderly
initiated utterances before and after educational
tended to increase.
intervention for caregivers were statistically
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 78
Adaptation Of The Thoracic And Lumbar Vertebrae To Lumbar Hyperlordosis In Young and Adult Females. European Spine Journal; 19(5):768-773. 2010. Abbas J., Hamoud K., Masharawi Y., May H., Medlej B., Ori H., Peled N., Hershkovitz I. Ligamentumflavum thickness in normal and Youssef Masharawi
stenotic lumbar spines. Spine; 20(35): 1225-30. 2010. Abbas J., Hamoud K., May H., Hay O., Medlej
Current position:
B., Masharawi Y.Peled N., Hershkovitz I. Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis and lumbar
Senior Lecturer, Head of Spinal Research
spine configuration. European Spine Journal;
Laboratory, Physical Therapy Department,
19(11):1865-73. 2010.
Sackler Faculty of Medicine Member of Associate Board-Spine Journal, USA Educational qualifications: 2007-2008: Post-Doc., Back Center, Odense, Denmark 1999-2003: Ph.D, Anatomy & Anthropology, TelAviv U. 1995-1996: M.APP.Sc, Manual Therapy, University of South Australia 1986-1990: B.P.T., Physical Therapy, Tel-Aviv U. Major publication (2010-2012): Dar G., Masharawi Y., Peleg S., Steinberg N.,
Steinberg N., Siev-Ner I., Peleg S., Dar G., Masharawi Y., Hershkovitz I. Injury pattern in young non-professional dancers. Journal of Sports Sciences; 29(1):47-54.2011. Dar G., Masharawi Y., Peleg S., Steinberg S., May H.,Medlej B., Hershkovitz I. The Epiphyseal Ring: A Long Forgotten Anatomical Structure with Significant Physiological Function. Spine; 36(11):850-6. 2011. Abbas J., Hamoud K., Peleg S., May H., Masharawi Y., Cohen H., PeledN., and Hershkovitz I. Facet joint orthrosis in normal and stenotic lumbar spines. Spine; 36(240:E1541-6. 2011.
May H., Medlej B., Hershkovitz I. Schmorl's
Masharawi Y., Salame K. Shape variation of the
nodes distribution in the human spine and its
neural arch in the thoracic and lumbar spine:
possible etiology. European Spine Journal;
characterization of its asymmetry and
19(4)670-675. 2010.
relationship with the vertebral body. Clinical
Masharawi Y., Dar G., Peleg S., Steingberg N.,
Anatomy; 24(7):858-67. 2011.
Medlej B., May H. Hershkovitz I. A Morphological
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 79
Moller A., Masharawi Y. The effect of first ballet
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University,
classes in the community on thoracic kyphosis,
lumbar lordosis, hip external rotation and joint laxity in young girls. Physical Therapy in Sport; 12(4):188-93. 2011.
BACKGROUND: Non-specific chronic low back
Beladev N., Masharawi Y. The effect of groupexercising on females with non-specific chronic low back pain in a sitting position. A pilot study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation; 24(3):181-8. 2011.
pain (NSCLBP) is a common cause of disability in everyday functioning in the modern world and a financial burden on the patient and society. Most common treatment in NSCLBP is conservative and including medicines and physiotherapy. The group practices advantage
Masharawi Y. Lumbar Shape characterization of
over other types of practices because it focuses
the neural arch and vertebral body in
on the patient's sense of security, his high
spondylolysis: A comparative skeletal study.
response, willingness to support the other and
Clinical Anatomy; 25(2):224-230. 2012.
thus increases his motivation and ability to
Mannion A., O'Riordan D, Dvorak J, Masharawi Y.The relationship between psychological factors and performance on the BieringSorensen back muscle endurance test. Spine Journal; 11(9):849-57. 2011. Masharawi Y., Kjaer P., Manniche C., Bendix T. Lumbar sagittal shape variation vis-à-vis sex during growth: a 3-year follow-up magnetic resonance imaging study in children from the general population. Spine;37:501-7. 2012.
examine and report on his improvement. Most studies directional preferences note especially the sagittal plane and backward movement (extension) in particular as manual treatment and exercise. Despite the importance of directional preference, there was no deep research of other directions, such as rotation, and their contribution to improve NSCLBP. Similarly, most studies on active group exercises in NSCLBP used a mixture of body positioning in their protocols with no preferences for weightbearing or non-weight-bearing exercises. OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of group
The effect of group exercising with
exercising with positional and directional
directional and positional preferences on
preferences on range of motion, pain intensity,
females with non-specific chronic low back
and function parameters in females with non-
pain. Masharawi Youssef Spinal Research Laboratory, Physical Therapy Department, School of Health Professions,
specific CLBP. METHODS: Three randomized controlled pilot studies were conducted on females aged 40 to 70 who have suffered from NSCLBP. The exercise protocols were given bi-weekly for 4 weeks and were based on: a- non-weight-
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 80
bearing positions; b- weight-bearing positions, and c- rotational exercises.
All participants in
the exercise and control groups were examined
Transition into Practice Conundrum
once before the program started (t0), and once at the end of the program (t1). The exercise groups were examined again after 2 months as
Lina Kantar
a follow-up (t2). All groups received training on the right lifestyle for caring for the lower back. The control groups had a four week wait until the second session. The study tested range of
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
motion of the lower back (flexion, extension, right and left rotation), pain intensity at rest (VAS) and assessment of functional capacity after NSCLBP by Roland Morris Disability Questionnaires (RMQ).
Although the educational preparation of nurses fails to meet the demands of health care systems, actual practice and clinical education of nursing graduates remains unexplored. In this
RESULTS: There were significant improvements
multiple-case study design, the clinical practice
in most dependent variables in the positional
of new graduates who had worked for three
studies (weight-bearing and non-weight bearing
months was examined through the narratives of
positions) as follows (p<0.05): an increase in
20 preceptors. The preceptors were selected
lumbar flexion and extension (mean differences
from three recognized hospitals in Beirut,
of 6◦ for flexion and 4◦ for extension; reduction in
Lebanon, and responses were analyzed using
VAS score (mean difference = 4.21); an increase
NV ivo 8 qualitative software. Through content
in RMQ total score (mean difference= 10.76).
analysis research technique, the curriculum
Changes in the VAS score was highly correlated
documents of three baccalaureate nursing
with changes in the RMQ score (r = −6.35).
programs that prepared the graduates of the
There were no significant improvements were
study’s key informants were analyzed.
indicated, however, in any of the dependent
Curriculum analysis aimed at relating the role of
variables in the rotation exercise group (p>0.05).
the curriculum in the transition process. This
CONCLUSIONS: Unlike the positive effect of group exercising conducted in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing positions, group exercising with directional preference into rotation did not affect the range of motion of the lower back, the pain intensity and functional level in individuals with non-specific CLBP. ______________________________________
exploration of graduates’ transition supports and extends the Dreyfus model of advanced beginner practice, and further articulates Tanner’s descriptions of the four dimensions of clinical judgment. In this study, two core aspects of transition were explored: (a) experiences of graduates in practice and (b) instructional strategies employed in the curriculum. Findings revealed that experiences of nurses when in transition occur in different forms, evolving into
Volume 2. Edição 2
Página 81
four phases of practice: exposure to clinical
that management could be accurately achieved
situations, conceptualization of change,
by plotting of partogram which is a specialized
decisions for acting and doing, and finally
tool to monitor women during labour and
assessment of enacted decisions. From the
delivery. However, it has been noted that its
perspective of the 20 preceptors, the clinical
utilization in the labour units of Limpopo province
environment presents to the graduates as a set
needs to be explored.
of skills that must be achieved and, eventually, creates an opportunity for learning from practical realities. The traditional curriculum dominated in the three programs and instructional approaches were almost all teacher-centered. Findings converge on the need for a transformation in nursing education, thus supporting relentless calls for curriculum innovation. Recommendations that have impact on graduates’ transition are categorized into academia and service. The joint efforts of both are cardinal for resolving transition challenges. The discipline, educational leaders, and inservice executives might benefit from the findings as suggestions for change are illuminated in regards to how nurses must be adequately prepared prior to assuming professional roles. ______________________________________
The purpose of this study was to explore the theory and practica taught regarding plotting of the partogram and challenges faced by student nurses when plotting partogram during their education and training. Methods: Population comprised of all the student nurses registered with the College of Nursing and in their Level 111 and Level 1V of their training at three campuses. Qualitative research design which was exploratory and descriptive was sed. Focus Group discussion, unstructured interview was used to collect data; a voice recorder was used to record conversation and field notes were also written by the researcher. Data was analyzed qualitatively in three phases - descriptive, analysis and interpretive. Findings: Findings indicated that student nurses were taught different contents on partogram by the college staff and the registered midwives in the labour wards. Recommendations:
Challenges faced by student nurses when
Researchers recommended that there should be
plotting partogram in labour units of
more collaboration between the college and the
Limpopo province, South
labour wards staff and that the number of clinical
AfricaCorrespondence address
lecturers increased. In conclusion, strategies to
KE Mothapo & SM Maputle University of Venda Introduction: Midwifery education and training prepare student midwives to manage a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. It is documented JOURNAL OF AGING AND INOVATION (EM LINHA) ISSN: 2182-696X / (IMPRESSO) ISSN: 2182-6951
improve the integration of midwifery theory to practice on plotting of partogram by student nurses in labour units in Limpopo were recommended. Key words: Plotting of partogram, Labour units, student nurses, theoretical and practical content
Volume 2. Edição 2