Original Poetry: Based on Grimm's Fairy Tales

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ORIGINAL POETRY Based on Grimm’s Fairy Tales


By Aaheli Mukherjee


Based on stories originally written by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm


For my parents who support me endlessly. Mr.Allen Prosser who constantly pushed me to be better. Finally my friends who were sometimes irritatingly, but constantly there for me. . The world never left me wanting inspiration, because the people around me provided me with more than I could handle.


Table of Contents 1. Briar Rose 2. Little Red Riding Hood 3. Rapunzel 4. The Frog Prince 5. Rumpelstiltskin

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'Briar Rose' is the original name of the story we now commonly know as sleeping beauty. When I was younger, growing up with the Disney version, this to me was just a story of true love. However, with age came knowledge and the revelation to how it was actually intended to end. Saying I was surprised might be an understatement. I believe that the caution behind this tale is the danger behind ignorance. The ignorance of the king while not inviting the thirteenth fairy, the ignorance of the princess regarding her curse and the ignorance of the prince while... (well you'll find out), all contributed to the unconventional ending of this story. I have only merely attempted to capture some of that essence into my poem .



Ruled by a king and queen, just and fair Was a land filled with endless magic and joy. The only thing they lacked was an heir, They wished hard though, wouldn't mind girl or boy, Regardless, they had no child with whom to play But as such happens in a land enchanted, The queen was told by a prophetic frog one day, She'd be blessed with a daughter before the year ended. The king could not contain his mirth When (of course ) the frog's words came true. He declared a feast in honor of her birth, For a beautiful daughter was born to the two. Invited were family, friends and fairies alike, Twelve fairies in hope they'd gift the baby well. However, one wasn't invited, given a figurative 'take a hike', As there were thirteen and golden plates only came in sets of twelve. Now one knows better than to anger a magical being, But clearly the king did not think it through, for her absence he didn't lament. As eleven fairies bestowed gifts from beauty, virtue to general well being The thirteenth fairy barged in and cursed the baby with eventual death. A prick from a spinning needle in her fifteenth year was to be the cause.. But before mass panic could set in, before the men could roar and women weep, Remembered was the twelfth fairy whose wish left, and so there was a silent pause. She was unable to undo, so she mended the forever death to a 100 year sleep. By order of the king, all the kingdom's spinning needles were burned, To protect his daughter from harm by the curse's design. However, magic couldn't be fought with by even a king concerned, As they would soon find out, in about 15 years time. 8

Loved by all, the princess developed all the qualities she was blessed with as she grew. However on her 15th birthday, she just happened to be alone. The lonely wandering princess came across a kingdom tower about which no one knew, Which held a women spinning busily, using a spindle to get her flax sewn. Of course, one thing led to another and she got pricked, Falling into a deep slumber instantly, a strong spell. By her curse the entire castle- king, queen and all were afflict, As into a hundred year sleep everyone fell. A hedge of briar roses grew around the castle as the years progressed. The legend of the sleeping princess led to prince's trying to reach her, But the hedge stayed strong, trapped the men as if possessed, Who couldn't get free and died a miserable death by bur. Years later happened to come a young prince, who was told the legendary tale, And convinced he was different, he'd make it through, he was on his way. As he approached the bloomed hedge cleared for him, lifted the magical veil, As to when she fell asleep, it happened to be hundred years to the day. He walked around the still sleeping castle, until he found the tower. The sleeping princess inside, her beauty enticing him into stealing a kiss, It was love at first sight, but the attraction so strong, full of potent power, That the prince went too far, stole more than just the kiss, but something went amiss. Unable to wake her up, he leaves her lying there, But he got what he wanted, still considered it as one of his wins. Months later, woke up finally the princess fair As she was nudged awake by her newborn twins.



Little Red Riding Hood is one of the more popular stories from the original Grimm collection. It's fan base is quite broad because the lack of a romantic plotline makes it more accessible for smaller children. Also, with the most defining/ important turn in the story being when Red Riding Hood strays of the path, going against her mother's wishes, which leads to her unfortunate encounter with the wolf; the story is a popular one for parents to tell their children, warning them against disobedience. I believe that, that is quite similar message to what the Grimm's originally intended as well.



There was a dear little girl who everyone loved, Especially her grandmother, whose she was the absolute beloved. She had even given the little girl a hood of red velvet just because she could, And the little girl wore it so much, she was called Red Riding Hood.. One day, when her grandmother was very ill, Red Riding Hood was to be send with cake and wine, to provide her fill. Warned by her mother not to run off the path as fall she may, Red Riding Hood was officially on her way. Now, her grandmother lived in the woods, away from the village, Not paying attention, she walked off the path trying to avoid any spillage.. She met a wolf, or he intercepted her, but she wasn't afraid, As the innocent little girl lacked the the knowledge to see through a charade. The talking wolf, a sign of danger already, greeted her by her name, And as a good girl was taught , Red Riding Hood did the same. When he asked further about her destination, She answered without any hesitation. Already a plan formed in the wolf's head, he distracted her, As he ran to her grandmother's, gone in a blur. He entered the house under an assumed benevolence.. The poor women in her sickly state unable to see through his false pretense.. Upon entering he devoured her, without a single word, Then donned her clothing and cap which we found in her cupboard. Just as he closed the curtain and laid down quickly on the bed, The little girl approached the cottage, with bread, wine and red hood on her head. Red Riding Hood called out for her grandmother, without suspicion But Immediately felt a sense of uneasiness, perhaps intuition. So she approached her on the bed, where she lay looking strange, 11

And couldn't help commenting her on her new look, sudden change. "What big ears you have!", she said at first, "Better to hear you with, my child ", she was answered in a quick burst. " But what big eyes you have!", she then exclaimed, "Better to see you with", her grandmother claimed. "But what large hands you have!", she noticed. "Better to hug you with", her grandmother did insist. At last she said, "But grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have!" Better to eat you with finally said the wolf, already a starve. With a quick leap, the the Wolf got out of bed and swallowed her whole. The wolf then settled for a nap, hunger satisfied and with an accomplished goal. However, his snores didn't go unnoticed, they were so loud and thick, A nearby huntsmen came to check on the old women he thought sick. After discovering the vile wolf with a full stomach on the bed, The huntsman realized on whom he must have fed. He quickly cut open the wolf's stomach, freeing the two. After which a plan, they quickly drew. Filling the wolf's stomach with stones they closed it, not visible a scrape. So after he woke up, the weight of which would prevent quick escape. And sure enough when he woke and tried to fled, The stones caused him to fall down dead. The huntsman claimed the wolf's skin as his successes sign, While the grandmother ate her cake and drank her wine. Red Riding Hood learned to listen to her mother and wolves ignore In fact, by wolves, she was bothered no more.



Rapunzel was and still is one of my favourite fairy tales of all time. As a young girl growing up with especially long hair, I felt like I could relate to her in some sort of way. Of course, nothing else about her life mimicked mine, but trying to talk sense into a young girl who is convinced that she might be a secret fairy tale princess isn't easy. I soon grew up and the enchantment wore off, but a good childhood is always a good childhood; so this story has always been close to my heart. I might not have comprehended it as a child, but I believe that the caution behind this tale was intended to be about protecting one's innocence (possibly also interpreted as protecting one's virginity). It was contact from the outside, the figurative 'big bad world' that not only convinced Rapunzel that her guardian, the woman taking care of her for all her life, was evil but also that a boy was all that mattered.



There was a man and wife who for long wished for a child, And when it finally seemed like their wish was coming true., From a window at the back of their house, there was a garden visible, That no one dared enter as it belonged to powerful witch, One day looking into the garden, for a rampion the woman had a desire so wild, That it began to make her sick, make her blue.. For he loved his wife, her husband turned criminal, But one taste just made stronger his wife's itch. However, his second attempt at thievery was caught, By none other than the witch herself. Who threatened him, as one would a thief, Until he told her about his wife's insatiable desire. She softened a bit, but told him to steal from her naught, She gave him as much rampion as he could carry himself, As long as he agreed to one condition, which to him sounded a relief, Until she asked for his future child, and in fear for his life the deal did transpire. And as the promise had been made, The day she was born, the witch came to take her away. Named her Rapunzel, and became her official guardian, Trapped her immense beauty in a high tower without a door. Now there was something unique about Rapunzel's braid, They were made of hair, long, blonde and as bright as day. Hair that led to the tower's only entrance, a window much higher than just the garden. They fell 20 elle downwards for the witch to climb up, maybe more. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair" Was what the witch called for entrance. As without door nor staircase, Up was the only way in. A few years later a king's son was near, when he heard a voice so fair, The song ripe with such loneliness, the prince needed to see her at once.. However, he couldn't find the way in as there was no door on the tower's face, And only spying on the witch did he learn the secret to get within.


Needing to meet the person behind the enchanting voice, The king's son tried his own luck with the witch's phrase. And once the hair fell down, he quickly climbed up by it, But scared Rapunzel as she had never seen a man before. However, as he proclaimed his love for her, wanted her as his bride's choice, She fell for him as well, as she looked into his gaze. And agreed immediately, knew for a husband he was a choice fit. However, she did not know how to leave the tower without a door. So they hatched a plan, he brought her silk scraps, Little every time they met, to be tied into a rope. And the witch was none the wiser, Until Rapunzel asked the witch why she was heavier to lift than the prince, Due to the slip witch realized her judgment lapse, As she believed Rapunzel was separated from the world, without hope, But realized that the unknowing was in fact her. So she grabbed Rapunzel's braid and made her wince. The witch cut of her hair, and made her live in the forest, A life of great grief and misery. But she kept the braids, which we let down when the prince called for Rapunzel, And waited for him to reach the window. As he did, the witch mocked '"The pretty bird has left the nest" "Rapunzel is lost forever," Claimed the witch bitterly The grief made the prince spring out the window and he fell. However, he didn't die, but lost his eyes to the ground's thorn row. He wandered around blind, with nothing but roots and berries to eat. In such a way he wandered for years and years. Whereas, Rapunzel lived poverty stricken for all her life, With her bastard children, the only humans for a long time she would meet. Her misery and desperation only shown in silent tears, Over losing her hair, lover, and chance to be his wife.



The Frog Prince, also known as Iron Henry is one of the first Grimm stories to be a part of their collection. In terms of modern outlook, adaptations of this story have led to the popular romanticized idea that 'kissing a frog may get you a prince'. The original story however did not incorporate the kiss , taking a slightly different approach on how to treat your possible prince. The caution, or more aptly, the lesson behind this story I believe is to always look beyond appearances and treat someone for who they are on the inside. The spoiled princess failed to accept the frog as a companion, even though it had helped her when she was in need, solely because he was a frog.



Set in a time when the king's youngest daughter was said to be the most beautiful, This is the story of one such spoiled daughter of one such kind king.. When the days were were too hot, she used to sit by a well, for her as usual, And when she was bored she played with a golden ball, as princesses usually do. Now on one such occasion the ball happened to fall into the well, Which made the young princess cry profusely. However her lamenting was was cut short over the ball that fell, As came an ugly talking frog asking after her sorrow. She told him the reason for her every tear And he offered to get the ball back, On one condition, she befriend him, but treat him like her no other peer, That he eat with her, drink with her and sleep on her little bed. Desperate for the return of her favourite plaything, The princess agreed without a thought. Just wanting the frog to help her, to her, her ball bring, With no actual intentions of befriending a frog. As soon as the frog delivered on his promise, The princess, full of joy picked it up and ran home with it. The frog shouting for her to slow down, as the way home he will miss, Because a promise was made and it would be kept. The next day when she was at the dinner table with the king and court, Something cam flopping up the stairs, flip flap, flip flap. When she ran to see who it was, get a visitor report, The sight of the frog frightened her and she closed the door.


The king noticed his daughter's strange reaction and asked what happened, And after the young girl explained it to her father the promise she made, He stated that as a princess, her word she had to keep and he had the door opened, To let the frog in, fulfill his one condition. The frog demanded to sit on the table and eat on her plate, And unwillingly the princess did comply. After dinner he was so tired for bed he couldn't wait, And asked to be taken to her silken bed. The princess began to cry, this time because of the clammy frog, She seems to do that a lot, not exactly sure why. The king scolded her, telling her never to turn a back on a helping hand, from man or dog and so she unwillingly carried him up to her room. She kept him in a dark corner, refusing him the bed, But the frog threatened to tell her father. In anger she threw him against the wall, wishing him dead, Until her eyes fell on him now on the ground. For there wasn't an ugly frog lying there anymore, But a handsome prince with friendly eyes. And no sooner each other they began to adore, For which by her father's wish, they became wed. The prince told her about the spell, one which wasn't weak, About how a witch cast him to a frog. A spell only she the princess could break. One that had separated him from his kingdom. The very next day, his faithful servants came in a rich coach As it was discovered he was found. Towards the prince's kingdom they started their approach, As he took back home his master and new mistress.



Rumpelstiltskin is in my opinion, of the most intriguing stories I've read. I didn't come across it until I was quite a bit older, since it is one of the lesser known ones out of the Grimm's classics collection. However, it is one of the stories which have been minimally lost in translation, as even the adaptations include core details from the original story. I believe, the caution in this tale was about not making deals or decisions based on the unknown. This is significantly prominent as the very knowledge of who the little man is what sets the miller's daughter free from her deal.


ONCE UPON A TIME, There was a poor miller with a beautiful daughter, Who in order to look important to the king. Claimed that his daughter could spin straw into gold, Which was actually less true than that she had a wing. However, the king impressed asked him to bring her in, So that he could test the miller's implausible story. Took her into a room with straw,a spinning wheel and reel, And to convert the straw she was given till morning glory. She would pay for her failure with her life, So trapped in a locked room, she began to cry, Having no knowledge of the impossible task, Until a little man entered the room and for her tears asked the reason why. When she exclaimed her reason for weeping, He offered to convert the straw , but for a small price. Agreeing to accept her necklace as a reward, he did his part, And no one was the wiser about the miller's lies. The king impressed and greedy for more, Gave the girl a room with more straw but the same death clause. This time the little man wanted her ring, And he got the job done without a pause. Unbelieving but wanting more, She was given a bigger room, with only more straw. However, this time there was another clause, If she succeeded he would marry her in the name of law. The little man came again, but the she had nothing to offer. However, the man already had something in his mind, for when she became the queen he wanted her first child, She agreed, with no other choice and in a difficult bind. By the king's word, the miller's daughter became the queen, And a year later they had their first beautiful baby. She had forgotten about the man until he came to claim his prize, And horror-struck she offered him all but her child. 20

He said no deal, a living treasure was more valuable, But pitied her when he saw her cry over her child. So he gave her an opportunity, said find out my name and keep your babe, She was given 3 days time, and he knew it was only a possibility wild. The Queen send out messengers far and wide, To try and discover every possible title, wild and tame. The first day she tried every name she knew, But for everyone he answered with '"That's not my name." The second day she tried a different strategy, Said the most bizarre names possible, some even made up. But he still replied with the same one statement, And now he queen had only one more day to triumph. The messenger came back with no new names but a story instead, Of a little man he saw in the forest, singing a song. About eating the queen's the queens baby, A song that included his name, and it was long, So when the little man arrived on the third day, Sure that today his the baby he would definitely win. He didn't even consider that she might win, as she started with Conrad and Harry, Until she finally asked, 'Is you name Rumpelstiltskin?' His immediate rage and disbelief at her success, Caused him to plunge his right foot entirely into the earth. And yes, the next fact is very true , That as he pulled at his left leg to get free, He accidentally tore himself in two



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