Regional Health Plan for Iraq and Kurdistan

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Includes cover for injury and illness resulting from acts of

WAR, TERRORISM & KIDNAP Backed with “A” rated security through Lloyd's of London

R e g i o n a l Health & Health+ Employee benefit plans for Local employees

Corporate Medical Insurance

Matching Solutions to Demand Demands The AAIB RegionalHealth and Health+ Plans have been

The RegionalHealth and Health+ plans provide the essential

specifically designed to meet the needs and requirements of

elements of private healthcare aimed at covering the high cost

International companies and organsiations looking to provide

of hospitalisation treatment. Additionally, full medical cover for

essential healthcare benefits to their local employees in Iraq

War, Terrorism & Kidnap is included at no extra cost.

and Iraqi Kurdistan. Covering both Accident and Illness, the RegionalHealth and The most valuable assets of any company are its employees,

Health+ plans provide exceptional value for money - with

so it is important that the health of your staff is carefully

premiums starting below $10 per month, per employee.

protected. The following pages contain details on the range of benefits Across the region, the demand for top quality healthcare for

available, along with premiums & group discounts.

local employees has never been greater and until now, has

Contact details

proved an almost impossible problem to solve.

Solutions At AAIB, we provide International insurance cover for the emerging markets, including the Middle East and Africa. We specialise in high risk and non standard insurance in locations such as Iraq (including Iraqi Kurdistan) and Afghanistan, and we are at the cutting edge in product design and cost reduction for companies working in such areas. Our commitment is such that we are now uniquely placed as the only International provider to offer a private in-patient healthcare plan - underwritten with “A� rated security through Lloyd's of London - to local employees in these countries.

AAIB - Jordan 606 Hijaz Towers Mecca Street Amman. 11181 Jordan. Tel: Fax: Email:

+962 6 550 3222 +962 6 550 3223

AAIB - UK Administration Office London Tel: +44 (0)20 3286 1158 AAIB - Iraq Sales & Client Services Baghdad & Basra Iraq Tel: +964 781 410 0774

Visit our Website at:

R e g i o n a l Health & Health+ Employee benefit plans for Local employees

Corporate Medical Insurance

Health Plan Benefits RegionalHealth Plan Total Benefit Limit

Area of cover: Worldwide excl. USA and Canada

The overall maximum limit for each eligible claim.


Plan Benefits

Health+ Plan

$10,000, $25,000 & $50,000

$100,000 & $250,000

In-Patient & day-patient hospital accommodation charges. Nursing Home and Nurse attendance charges. Medical, Surgical and Specialist fees. Anaesthetist and operating theatre fees. Prescribed Medicines and Drugs. Diagnostic test and Procedures Physiotherapy, Massage and Manipulative treatment Emergency in-patient dental treatment following accidental injury Post hospital treatment & follow up consultations immediately following a valid hospitalisation Emergency Road Ambulance

POLICY EXCESS The excess is the amount you will pay in the event of any claim. Both the RegionalHealth and Health+ Plans come with a standard excess of $100 for each and every claim. PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS The RegionalHealth and Health+ plans do not cover the treatment of pre-existing conditions. A pre-existing condition means any disease, illness or injury for which you have received medication, advice or treatment, or for which you have experienced symptoms, whether diagnosed or not, at any time before the date on which your plan starts. After 6 months continuous cover, pre-existing conditions will become eligible for benefit, subject to the terms and conditions of your plan, provided you have not consulted any medical professional for treatment, check-ups, or advice, or taken any medication, or had to follow any special diet, or suffered any symptoms for that medical condition or for any related condition, for a continuous period of 180 days. Visit our Website at:

R e g i o n a l Health & Health+ Employee benefit plans for Local employees

Corporate Medical Insurance

Health Plan Annual Premiums All premiums shown below are payable in US$. These premium rates are valid from 01January 2011 and are subject to annual review.

RegionalHealth Plan

Maximum Benefit $10,000





Iraq Kurdistan










Employee location

*Supervisory (Non Manual)

RegionalHealth Plan

Maximum Benefit $25,000





Iraq Kurdistan










Employee location

*Supervisory (Non Manual)

RegionalHealth Plan

Maximum Benefit $50,000





Iraq Kurdistan










Employee location

*Supervisory (Non Manual)

R e g i o n a l Health & Health+ Employee benefit plans for Local employees

Corporate Medical Insurance

Health Plan Annual Premiums All premiums shown below are payable in US$. These premium rates are valid from 01 January 2011 and are subject to annual review.

Health+ Plan

Maximum Benefit $100,000





Iraq Kurdistan










Employee location

*Supervisory (Non Manual)

Health+ Plan

Maximum Benefit $250,000





Iraq Kurdistan










Employee location

*Supervisory (Non Manual)

Medical Evacuation +

To supplement the medical benefits shown, you can add Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation cover at the benefit and premium levels shown below:

Region of Employment Iraq Maximum Benefit

Iraqi Kurdistan



































R e g i o n a l Health & Health+ Employee benefit plans for Local employees

Corporate Medical Insurance

Obtaining a Quotation Obtaining a quotation for the RegionalHealth and Health+


plans is a simple and straightforward process. We will need to know the level of benefit you require. Premiums depend upon the level of benefit you require for your employees, their location, occupation and the number of

This will be either the RegionalHealth Plan with $10,000,

persons you wish to include on the scheme.

$25,000 or $50,000 per claim benefit or the Health+ Plan with $100,000 or $250,000 per eligible claim benefit.

STEP 1 - SUPPLY INFORMATION In addition, we will also need to know if you require any add-on To provide a quotation, we will need the following information.

cover for your employees (for example Life cover, Personal

An Excel Spreadsheet and proposal form is available for

Accident, Temporary Total Disablement etc) and the amount of

download from our website:

cover for each employee. STEP 3 - CONTACT US

- Name and address of company - Type of business A list of employees for whom cover is required showing: - Name or identification/works number - Nationality - Location - Occupation / Job type (See below) - Date of birth - Date of birth or age of all dependents (if applicable). - Gender Employees occupation should be selected from one of the categories below: Clerical Supervisory (Non manual) Manual Security

Visit our Website at:

AAIB - Jordan 606 Hijaz Towers Mecca Street Amman. 11181 Jordan. Tel: Fax: Email:

+962 (0)6 550 3222 +962 (0)6 550 3223

AAIB - UK Administration Office London Tel: +44 (0)20 3286 1158 AAIB - Iraq Sales & Client Services Baghdad & Basra Iraq Tel: +964 781 410 0774

R e g i o n a l Health & Health+ Employee benefit plans for Local employees

Corporate Medical Insurance Terms & Conditions The AAIB RegionalHealth and Health + Plan is a general medical insurance policy provideing the essential elements of private healthcare. The policy is an annual contract between certain Underwriters and those persons named as insured Persons in the Policy schedule. Benefits in this section are provided for in accordance with the Plan Type you have selected. Except where otherwise limited or amended by the Plan Type, we will indemnify You, subject to Reasonable and Customary charges, for the Benefits detailed in this section (except where as otherwise limited by the Plan Type), for the provision of Medically Necessary Treatment of new Accidents or Illnesses incurred by You during Your Period of Cover, after applying the appropriate Excess.

disablement or death amongst people or animals (iv) Utilisation of Biological weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escaping of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesised toxin(s), which are capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals. Limited War Exclusion Clause Personal Accident or Illness Insurance Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this insurance does not cover loss consequent on: (a) War, whether declared or not, between any of the following countries, namely China, France, the United Kingdom, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, or

Covered Charges and Benefits provided by the policy are in accordance with the Plan Type as outlined in this document. MEDICAL BENEFITS To pay Medical, Surgical, Specialist’s Fees, Hospital, Nursing Home, Nursing Attendance Charges, Costs of Physiotherapy, Massage and Manipulative Treatment, Surgical and Medical Requisites, up to but not exceeding in all the Sum Insured shown hereon in respect of such Insured Person or Persons as may have sustained accidental bodily injury or Illness. All these expenses to be necessarily incurred and arising from illness manifesting itself or accidental bodily injury occurring during the period of Insurance, and incurred within 12 months of the date of accident or illness. WAR AND TERRORISM EXTENSION Notwithstanding any provision to to the contrary within this Insurance, or any endorsement thereto, it is agreed that this insurance is extended to include any bodily injury and medical expenses directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, or in connection with any of the following; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

War, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), Invasion, Act of enemy foreign to the nationality of the insured person or the country in, or over, which the act occurs, Civil war, Riot, Rebellion, Insurrection, Revolution, Overthrow of the legally constituted government, Civil commotion assuming the proportions of, or amounting to, an uprising, Military or usurped power, Explosion of war weapons Murder or Assault subsequently proved beyond reasonable doubt to have been the act of agents of a state foreign to the nationality of the insured person whether war be declared with that state or not, Terrorist activity.

Always provided (a) That the Insured Person is not actively participating in any, or all of 1 to 14 above, and (b) That none of 1 to 14 above are the result of the utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction howsoever these may be distributed or combined, and For the purpose of this extension; (i) Terrorist activity means an act, or acts, of any person, or group(s) of persons, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes with the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. Terrorist activity can include, but not to be limited to, the actual use of force or violence and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore, the perpetrators of terrorist activity can either be acting alone, or on behalf of, or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s). (ii) Utilisation of Nuclear weapons of mass destruction means the use of any explosive nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals. (iii) Utilisation of Chemical weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of causing incapacitating

(b) War in Europe, whether declared or not, other than (i) Civil war (ii) any enforcement action by or on behalf of the United Nations in which any of the counties stated in (a) above or any armed forces thereof are engaged. POLICY EXCLUSIONS Children under 14 days of age Congenital defects and deformities in respect of children under three years of age. 3. Self-inflicted injury while sane, treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, allergy, nervous or mental disorder, or venereal disease. 4. Rest cures, sanatorial or custodial care or periods of quarantine or isolation. 5. Cosmetic or plastic surgery unless necessitated by accidental bodily injury occurring while insured. 6. Dental examination X-rays, extractions, fillings and general dental care except as a result of accidental injury; supplying or fitting of eyeglasses or hearing aids except as a result of accidental injury. 7. Examinations for check-up purposes not incidental to, or necessary to diagnose illness or accidental bodily injury; general health examinations. 8. Any disability, condition or illness which orientated prior to the effective date of an Insured Person’s inclusion hereunder until a period of 180 days has elapsed during which the Insured Person has neither received nor required any treatment for the said disability, condition or illness. 9. Winter Sports, Mountaineering (normally involving ropes/guides). 10. Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or any disorder of the reproductive system. 11. Treatment diagnosis or counseling directly or indirectly arising out of or consequent upon or contributed to by Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S) or A.I.D.S. Related Complex (A.R.C.). 12. Any Medical Costs incurred during visits to the USA and/or Canada, unless agreed by the Underwriters prior to the Insured Person travelling, and subject to the payment of an additional premium as the Underwriter may reasonably require. 1. 2.

POLICY CONDITIONS 1. From each and every claim shall be deducted USD100.00, being the amount of the Excess under this Insurance. 2. If the Insured Person shall engage in any occupation in which greater risk may be incurred than in the occupation disclosed in this policy without first notifying the Underwriters and obtaining their written agreement to the amendment of the policy (subject to the payment of an additional premium as the Underwriters may reasonably require as the consideration for such agreement) then no claim shall be payable in respect of any accident out of or in the course of such occupation. 3. Any fraud, deliberate mis-statement or concealment, in the statement made by or on behalf of the Insured Person prior to or when affecting the insurance or any fraudulent claim made thereunder, shall render the Insurance null and void and all claims thereunder shall be forfeited. 4. Notice must be given to the Underwriters as soon as reasonably practicable of an accident or illness, which may give rise to a claim under this Insurance. 5. It is hereby tacitly agreed that the Underwriters will pay compensation to an insured Person, within the Terms and Conditions of this Insurance, for medical Expenses incurred as a result of Kidnapping.

AAIB 606 Hijaz Towers Mecca Street Amman. 11181 Jordan. Tel: +962 6 550 3222 Fax: +962 6 550 3223 Email:

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