How long will you wait?

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How long will you wait? A Photo Essay By Aakarsh Shamanur

The following photo essay is based on my experience during a training session, which was conducted with the members of Sakshi Dairy, a women led Farmer Producer Company(FPO) in Orchha, Madhya Pradesh, India. Aakarsh Shamanur, Robinson Gill & Beauty Thounaojam (Referred to as “we” in this photo essay) Assistance by Athmaram Pal March 2016

Day 1 9th of March 2016

Image 1. On the 9th of March, we organized a training on Livestock based Livelihood for the members of Sakshi Dairy at Ramraja Goushala. This image was clicked immediately aVer we completed the aWendance formaliXes. The previous two days were spent informing the members about the meeXng and since mobile connecXvity was poor in the region, we had to split the villages amongst ourselves and physically visit each village to ensure that the informaXon was passed on. With our efforts, we were able to achieve 30% aWendance for the training session and it started two hours later than the scheduled Xme. Although it did dip our team’s enthusiasm, we decided that it should not affect our sessions quality and instead we decided to focus on the ones who decided to give their Xme to us.

Image 2. This image depicts the the Ice breaking session, which was led by Beauty. In this session, we asked each member to pick up a chit with another members name, aVer which they had to introduce each other to the group. It was an aWempt to familiarize each other to the group. Vinay Jha, who is a Micro-­‐Planner associated with Taragram, was also aWending the training session. We felt a liWle re-­‐assured due to his presence, as somewhere at the back of our minds we were a liWle apprehensive about our first ever training session. Amongst a list of acXviXes and sessions for them, one of them was providing them with IdenXficaXon Cards. We noXced that there was lack of trust towards the organizaXon from the members, hence in order to develop a sense of belonging and accountability we decided to click photographs of all members and create a streamlined informaXon database of all the exisXng members.

Image 3. On the first day we were able to click photographs of Thirteen members out of FiVy. These photographs were clicked using a regular smart-­‐phone, we were amazed at the quality and outcome. This was the first Xme I had clicked photographs of women from a rural area and it was not as easy as it looks. The most challenging aspect was to get them to feel comfortable while posing in-­‐front of me. AVer many shots and a liWle help from some of the other members, they started to feel comfortable. I had decided not to click photographs in the convenXonal “passport style”, instead tried to bring out their confidence and the smile which is widely prevalent in the villages of Bundelkhand.

Image 4. AVer the members finished geeng their picture taken, I noXced that they all were eagerly waiXng for me to transfer the photographs on to the laptop. So we decided to show their photographs to them and asked about their opinion. LiWle did I know that we were asking for more trouble, one of the members then insisted that I click another photo of her as she felt that she did smile enough. Well, we asked for it so I obliged and took new and improved photos of three other members as well. We ended the day by announcing that we would be clicking photographs of the remaining and n e w m e m b e r s w h o w e r e interested to join the FPO the next day. We felt that we should give another chance (wait a second… actually, we had to ensure that they get their photo’s clicked, as it was one of our main deliverables for the program) and very clear instrucXons were given to be on Xme, 9am to 11am was the scheduled Xme. We in the team had made up our minds that we would not stay a minute beyond 11 am the next day in an effort to inculcate the habit of being on Xme.

Day 2 10th of March 2016

Image 5. 10:30 am, 10th of March The 5 members who arrived to get their photographs clicked with in the sMpulated Mme limit. In a franXc aWempt, from 10 am we dialed the numbers of various members to only hear that their phones were not reachable. Feeling like I had shot myself in the foot, I had a quick chat with Robinson & Beauty about what we should do. We decided to go ahead with what we set out to do for that day. We completed the procedure with the 5 members and began to pack up by 11.10 am. Feeling a liWle let down, my mind started to quesXon my commitment towards this project, whether this project deserves my Xme and effort. As I was about to pick up my bag with the laptop all packed up and all of a sudden I heard a familiar noise outside.

Image 6. At 11:10 am, a sudden ray of hope. Leaning on the door of the training room, I saw a high capacity auto-­‐rickshaw carrying about 17 members. That moment, I had goose-­‐bumps as I remembered the film “Freedom Writers Project” which was screened for us a couple of days before. In the movie, the protagonist is depicted waiXng for her students to aWend a meeXng, but just about when she gives up hope, her students start pouring in. All of a sudden I could relate to the movie and some where in my mind, I felt more accountable to the members and their aspiraXon. I began to realize that maybe the members have begun to see the value in being a part of this FPO. While all these thoughts started to hover in my mind, I looked at Beauty and Robinson, a glance into each others eyes revealed that our wait was over and it was all worth it.

Image 7. By 11:30 am more members arrived by foot and the training room was brimming with energy and excitement. The room had 28 women seated and we were beginning to feel the pressure to quickly start clicking pictures and complete other formaliXes. On asking some of the members why they were late, they explained to us that they did not want to leave behind their household chores. That’s when we realized that we had scheduled the Xme as per our convenience and not in consultaXon with the members. If you take a step back and think about this issue on why they came late, I think they came for the session when they wanted to come i.e. aVer compleXng their work at home, so in a way they were actually on Xme.

Image 8. Prabha from Maharajpura, took the iniMaMve the get the aWendance list filled. We noXced that Prabha, who is one of the most acXve members in Sakshi, came up and asked us if she could help in conducXng the session. With a wide molar to molar smile, Beauty handed over the aWendance register to her. At this point we could see that slowly some of the members were beginning to take charge. I guess in some way, Vinay Jha’s talk with them the previous day triggered them to take charge.

Image 9. At 11:40 am, a sudden ray of hope turned in to abundant sunshine. On hearing the noise for the second Xme, I walked towards the main door to find that one more Rickshaw filled with more members just arrived and I noXced a few motorbikes parked as well. I must clarify that the white car was hired by some one else who was visiXng the Goushala. The atmosphere inside was already a liWle hecXc and tense, on sighXng this rickshaw, the first thought that popped up in my head was… “Ok god that is enough for today! We don’t have the Mme and space to facilitate more people”.

Image 10. It was their Mme to Mme to take over. Girija & Prabha, explaining the role & structure of an FPO to the remaining members. All the chairs were occupied and everyone was feeling ecstaXc, Two members (Girija & Prabha) who aWended the training session the previous day felt confident to take over the session from us. The moment I handed over the white board marker & duster to Prabha, I knew that this FPO was going to be in safe hands aVer the Beauty, Robinson & I complete our engagement with them.

Image 11. About 38 aWendees and 10 children were a part of this session. In the earlier training session, we noXced that some members brought their children with them and this at certain moments would be distracXng. Hence, to keep them engaged during the session, we provided them with sketch pens and chart paper. As a result we noXced that the children were acXvely involved, the mothers were able to keep an eye on them and pay aWenXon to the session being delivered. I was content with the manner in which the session unfolded and this image makes me realize how important it is to take care of such finer aspects while engaging people.

Image 12. Robinson explaining the features of the chiller at the Goushala. AVer the members completed the formaliXes of geeng their photograph clicked, we took this opportunity to show the exisXng milk collecXon infrastructure at the Goushala. Robinson took the lead in taking about Five to Seven members at a Xme for the tour. He was able to build a great rapport with the FPO members and they all loved him for his energy and enthusiasm. When the three of us arrived at the Goushala in February, we were’nt even able to step inside this room. Looking back, I think we have been able make a good amount of progress in the Xme we had spent with the team in the Goushala.

End of Day 2 10th of March 2016

Image 13. This images represents the hopes and aspiraMons of Fi_y members from Six different villages in Orchha Tehsil.

I.D. Card distribuMon ceremony 16th of March 2016

Image 14. The Sakshi smile and the ID. AVer clicking the pictures, we realized that the company did not have a logo. We finalized the design of the logo, with great help from Robinson, we got the ID cards printed. We invited the Veterinary Doctor from Orchha to conduct a session on ArXficial InseminaXon, he later distributed the ID cards to the members. We had felt fully content with the effort to ensure everyone got their ID card, although 30 members did not aWend the session as the harvest season had just begun that day and they were all engaged in their fields. I hope that these member ID cards would create a sense of belonging and ownership towards Sakshi, in the end, it was definitely worth the wait.

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