6 ways how aakash itutor can help you crack jee & aipmt

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6 Ways How Aakash iTutor Can Help You Crack JEE & AIPMT August 07, 2015

"I h iTu Aak it que as ext und lev stu hel str I la stu sys cla my all, fac cra I r e c o m m e n d a

ll medical aspirants to enroll for Aakash iTutor program as it helped me in preparing for AIPMT & AIIMS" S h r e y a s i S h a h , A I R 4 A I P M T 2 0 1 4 After hearing from the topper, are you intrigued to enroll for Aakash iTutor today? Here are top 6 reasons why Aakash iTutor can be your perfect guide to success in AIPMT and JEE: • Vid eo lec t ures & e-b ooks- Access best quality video lectures with top Aakash faculty for AIPMT & JEE concepts. Additionally, get the best of study material with our e-books which can be used to revise your concepts several times. • A sk a n exp ert- Through Aakash iTutor you can also "ask an expert", which enables clear doubt solving from the subject experts themselves. You can clarify your doubts clearly without having to worry about other students. • E xa m p rep a ra t ion l ike never b efore- Prepare for your exams like never before. Take the test series, get results, compare results at an All-India level, understand your strong and weak areas and improve on your performance with help from our subject experts. • S m a ll er modules- Get access to study material for the subjects of your choice. Get the material in the form of video lectures and e-books only for those subjects that you wish to improve yourself in. • O nl ine & O ffline st ud y op tions- With our online & offline mode of study, you can get the benefit of studying anywhere and anytime. If you are someone who prefers online preparation, we have an online learning program using which you can study on any device of your choice. No internet? We still have something for you! Get a free Lenovo tablet with pre-loaded study material & tests along with our tablet learning program. This enables you to study without worrying about internet speed or no net connectivity. • N o need t o tra vel- When you have complete study material for AIPMT and JEE at your fingertips, then why travel miles? Sit back at home and enjoy learning like never before at your convenience. Now that you have the key to crack AIPMT & JEE in your hands, it is time you use it to open the gates to a rewarding career that awaits you. Get the digital advantage for your career. Start a FREE trial today: www.aa ka shit ut or. c om

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