2 minute read

Of Farmers' Groups And Opinion Leaders - Annex 4: List of Other Value Chain Actors


Task 1: Production Needs of farmers 1. Name of SCPZ 2. Name farmer groups in the community/SCPZ 3. Names of main respondents and their positions 4. Name of Community 5. How do farmers acquire farm lands in the SCPZ (rank in order of importance) 6. What are the dominant crops in the SCPZ 7. What are the dominant crop enterprises (crop combinations on the farmer fields) in the SCPZ? 8. What are the average farm sizes devoted to above crop enterprises and their yields in the zone? 9. For above enterprises, give the current level of input usage per hectare in the SCPZ 10. What were the average costs of the following farm inputs in the SCPZ in 2016 rain-fed and dry season cropping season? 11. Varieties of crops cultivated last season from question 4 12. How is the farmland prepared before cultivation? 13. Various methods used to cultivate the farmlands in SCPZ 14. What are the available sources of farm advisory/extension services to farmers in SCPZ? 15. Which of the advisory/extension services is most available to farmers in the zone? 16. What are the credit sources used by farmers in the zone? 17. Improved agronomic practices carried out by farmers


Task 2: Harvesting/Storage Needs of the farmers 1. How are crops harvested from the fields in the zone? 2. Cost of harvesting one hectare of crop enterprise 3. Method of transporting farm produce from the farm to homes after harvesting in the zone 4. Method of transporting harvested crops from farm/homes to market in the zone 5. Storing harvested crops at homes in the zone

Task 3: Processing Needs of the Farmers 1. Size of your operation? Small, Medium or Big 2. Where do you sun dry/thresh your produce?

3. Which part of your machine do you replace regularly and how much does it cost? 4. How do you package your product? 5. How do you grade and standardize your product? 6. Level of post-harvest operation carried out by farmers before harvested crops are sold in the zone. 7. What are the agro-processing facilities that are functioning in the community? 8. Type of processing equipment that farmers need 9. Challenges faced by agro-processors in the zone 10. How do you think ATASP-1 could improve your processing challenges?

Task 4: Marketing Needs of the farmers 1. Where farmers sell farm produce 2. Are there off-takers (companies) of these crops in the zone? 3. What are the arrangements for the mopping up of these commodities with off-takers in the zone? 4. Challenges farmers face in marketing their farm produce in the zone 5. What is the average volume/quantity of these commodities traded in the zone?

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