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After using the manual, and providing the data on the platform, the results will be visualised with the supervision of experts.
The following shows how the results will be displayed for users. Site images will be used as a background to help the user identify the area.
Diagram 28: Result platform Developed and drawn by S. Halaoui, Y. Liu, C. Chen, T. Chao
|Water Feture|
At first, the location of the sample will be shown and water feature will be highlighted.
Then, section of the testing location will be provided, showing the different layers of soil that consist of the site.
From the samples collected, different soils will be identified such as peat and clay and then accompanied by PH analysis of the site.
Microscopy result will also be provied to further explain the condition of the land, in this case, it shows that the site had a high water table previously.

Next, tree species on site will be specified such as native or non-native species.
|Ground Cover Vegetation|
Sphagnum moss species and other ground cover will also be identified as indicator of peatland condition from the collected sample.
Finally, a conclusion will be provied, summarizing the condition of the site and the potential percentage of restoration.