Almazora week 8 spreads

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Typography 3 Week 8 - Homework Assignment Aileen Almazora



The Begining

September, 1928

Construction begins of the Chrysler Building in New York City, New York.

The Chrysler Building is a ren-

Krupp and marketed under

owned building and is also

the trade name Nirosta,

recognized for its terraced

meaning non-rusting steel.

crown. It is composed of

When the building first

seven radiating terraced

opened in May 30 th 1930,

arches. William Van Alen

it had a viewing gallery for

had designed the crown as a

the public in the 71st floor. In

cruciform groin vault. It was

1945, it sadly closed to the

then constructed into seven

public due to a new owner. A

concentric members with

private club called Cloud

transitioning the set backs. It

Club occupied a three-

was mounted up one behind one another. The stainless-

f l o o r, h i g h r i s e s p a c e from the 66 th - 68 th floors,

steel cladding is ribbed and

unfortunately, it closed in

riveted in an elegant and

the late 1970s. This floor is

radiating sunburst pattern,

now occupied as an office

with a range of triangular

space for other renters

vaulted windows. It trans-

in the building. It is not

itions into much smaller

accessible by the public

segments of the seven

today. Though it can not

narrow setbacks of the

be accessible, it’s beauty

facade of the terraced

is still retained from the

crown. The entire part

outside world. It also shines

of the crown is clad with

and sparkles through day

silvery Enduro KA-2 metal, an

and night.

austenitic stainless steel developed in Germany by

The rivals weren’t aware of the spire being built, until it was revealed. It came as a shock to everyone. Especially the fact that it was built inside


the Chrysler Building itself.

William Van Alen was the head architect of the Chrysler Building. He had set out a specific plan to race to the top.

The Begining

September, 1928

Construction begins of the Chrysler Building in New York City, New York.

The Chrysler Building is a ren-

Krupp and marketed under

owned building and is also

the trade name Nirosta,

recognized for its terraced

meaning non-rusting steel.

crown. It is composed of

When the building first

seven radiating terraced

opened in May 30 th 1930,

arches. William Van Alen

it had a viewing gallery for

had designed the crown as a

the public in the 71st floor. In

cruciform groin vault. It was

1945, it sadly closed to the

then constructed into seven

public due to a new owner. A

concentric members with

private club called Cloud

transitioning the set backs. It

Club occupied a three-

was mounted up one behind one another. The stainless-

f l o o r, h i g h r i s e s p a c e from the 66 th - 68 th floors,

steel cladding is ribbed and

unfortunately, it closed in

riveted in an elegant and

the late 1970s. This floor is

radiating sunburst pattern,

now occupied as an office

with a range of triangular

space for other renters

vaulted windows. It trans-

in the building. It is not

itions into much smaller

accessible by the public

segments of the seven

today. Though it can not

narrow setbacks of the

be accessible, it’s beauty

facade of the terraced

is still retained from the

crown. The entire part

outside world. It also shines

of the crown is clad with

and sparkles through day

silvery Enduro KA-2 metal, an

and night.

austenitic stainless steel developed in Germany by

The rivals weren’t aware of the spire being built, until it was revealed. It came as a shock to everyone. Especially the fact that it was built inside


the Chrysler Building itself.

William Van Alen was the head architect of the Chrysler Building. He had set out a specific plan to race to the top.

The Materials

October, 1928

The Chrysler Building is made

the tip of the spire, the

building standing tall. When

up of masonry, steel, stone,

Chrysler Building stands

the Chrysler Building was

marble, and concrete. The

to 1046 ft. tall. The first

being fixed, construction

steel frame and metal

floor is the building’s lobby

workers found 3,8000

cladding is what makes this

exhibition and the spire

windows were completely

building to stand so strong.

remains as an electrical

fine. The spire however,

The Chrysler Building is a

u n i t . Th e 7 7 t h f l o o r i s

had a leak; eventually it

classic example of Art Deco

known to be New York’s

was fixed in 2002. The

architecture, the Chrysler

Department of Buildings.

materials used to build

building is considered to

The 71 floor is a floor that

the Chrysler Building had

be the first to extensively

is no longer opened, but

allowed the structure to

leased to tenants.

stand the test of time.


use stainless steel over an exposed building surface. It


It cost about $15,000,000

is one of the tallest steel-

to start and finish the

supported brick building

Chrysler Building. William

in the world. The crown

Van Alen, the architect,

is made up of stainless

designed a 185 ft. spire,

steel material, supporting

inside the building itself.

the spire that shoots up

The spire was kept a secret,

at the sky. The Chrysler

in hopes it will top to be

Building is considered to

the tallest building. About

be the most quintessential

361,831 rivets to make the

skyscraper design made.

Chrysler Building. These

From the ground floor to

rivets are what keeps this

Severance had just completed 40 Wall Street to 927 feet, making sure to surpass Van Alen’s announced plans for the Chrysler Building at 925 feet.


The Materials

October, 1928

The Chrysler Building is made

the tip of the spire, the

building standing tall. When

up of masonry, steel, stone,

Chrysler Building stands

the Chrysler Building was

marble, and concrete. The

to 1046 ft. tall. The first

being fixed, construction

steel frame and metal

floor is the building’s lobby

workers found 3,8000

cladding is what makes this

exhibition and the spire

windows were completely

building to stand so strong.

remains as an electrical

fine. The spire however,

The Chrysler Building is a

u n i t . Th e 7 7 t h f l o o r i s

had a leak; eventually it

classic example of Art Deco

known to be New York’s

was fixed in 2002. The

architecture, the Chrysler

Department of Buildings.

materials used to build

building is considered to

The 71 floor is a floor that

the Chrysler Building had

be the first to extensively

is no longer opened, but

allowed the structure to

leased to tenants.

stand the test of time.


use stainless steel over an exposed building surface. It


It cost about $15,000,000

is one of the tallest steel-

to start and finish the

supported brick building

Chrysler Building. William

in the world. The crown

Van Alen, the architect,

is made up of stainless

designed a 185 ft. spire,

steel material, supporting

inside the building itself.

the spire that shoots up

The spire was kept a secret,

at the sky. The Chrysler

in hopes it will top to be

Building is considered to

the tallest building. About

be the most quintessential

361,831 rivets to make the

skyscraper design made.

Chrysler Building. These

From the ground floor to

rivets are what keeps this

Severance had just completed 40 Wall Street to 927 feet, making sure to surpass Van Alen’s announced plans for the Chrysler Building at 925 feet.


The Completion

May, 1930

Architect William Van Alen tricks his rival and former partner, H. Craig Severance, into losing the race for the tallest building in the world.

The Chrysler Building is a renowned

gallery for the public in the 71 st

building and is very recognized for

floor. In 1945, it sadly closed to the

its terraced crown. It is composed

public due to a new owner. A private

of seven radiating terraced arches. William Van Alen had designed the

club called Cloud Club occupied a three-floor high space from the 66th -

crown as a cruciform groin vault.

68 th floors, unfortunately, it closed

I t was construc ted into seven

in the late 1970s. Above the 71 st

concentric members with transi-

floor, the stories of the building

tioning setbacks. It was mounted up

are designed mostly for exterior

one behind another. The stainless-

appearance. It functions mainly as

steel cladding has ribbed and riveted

landings for the stairway to the spire.

in a radiating sunburst pattern with

These top stories are very narrow

many triangular vaulted windows. It transitions into smaller segments

with fairly low, sloped ceilings, and are useful only for holding radio -

of the seven narrow setbacks of

broadcasting, But now it is used

the facade of the terraced crown.

for other mechanical and electrical

The entire crown is clad with silvery Enduro KA - 2 metal, an austenitic

equipment storage.

stainless steel developed in Germany by Krupp and marketed under the trade name Nirosta, meaning nonrusting steel. When the building first opened in 1930, it had a viewing


The Completion

May, 1930

Architect William Van Alen tricks his rival and former partner, H. Craig Severance, into losing the race for the tallest building in the world.

The Chrysler Building is a renowned

gallery for the public in the 71 st

building and is very recognized for

floor. In 1945, it sadly closed to the

its terraced crown. It is composed

public due to a new owner. A private

of seven radiating terraced arches. William Van Alen had designed the

club called Cloud Club occupied a three-floor high space from the 66th -

crown as a cruciform groin vault.

68 th floors, unfortunately, it closed

I t was construc ted into seven

in the late 1970s. Above the 71 st

concentric members with transi-

floor, the stories of the building

tioning setbacks. It was mounted up

are designed mostly for exterior

one behind another. The stainless-

appearance. It functions mainly as

steel cladding has ribbed and riveted

landings for the stairway to the spire.

in a radiating sunburst pattern with

These top stories are very narrow

many triangular vaulted windows. It transitions into smaller segments

with fairly low, sloped ceilings, and are useful only for holding radio -

of the seven narrow setbacks of

broadcasting, But now it is used

the facade of the terraced crown.

for other mechanical and electrical

The entire crown is clad with silvery Enduro KA - 2 metal, an austenitic

equipment storage.

stainless steel developed in Germany by Krupp and marketed under the trade name Nirosta, meaning nonrusting steel. When the building first opened in 1930, it had a viewing


Chapter 4


In 2013, the Chrysler Building is 90%

chrome. The Sky Club on the 66th

owned by Abu Dhabi. They own

floor offers spectacular views, though

about $800 million of the Chrysler

it is inaccessable. The last time it

Building’s stakes. Abu Dhabi Investment

was refurbished was in the 1970s.

Council controls interest in the Art

About $100 million went into the

Deco tower and landmark. Tishman

three-year renovation. It included

Speyer Properties owns the other

erecting a retail pavillion on the

10% of the company since 1997.

East 42 nd Street under three glass

It controls the land beneath the

pyramids between the Chrysler

77-story tower, with its trademark

Building and the 32-story Kent

staniless steel crown, gargolyes

Building. After four years, Travelers

and elevator cabs that evoke the

sold its 75% stake for $300 million

chrome-laden autos of the 1930s.

to the German real estate fund,

Both companies are an arm of the

TMW. Today, it is recognized as New

Gulf emirate government, which

York City’s skylie. It is currently

tends to shun publicity. Though the

known as a “growing trophy case.”

building itself stands beautifully, the

Many investors flood into investing

current situation inside the building

into the Chrysler Building.

doesn’t always go smoothly. Aside from the unfortunate situations that go inside the building, the interior still surpasses the problems that goes on. The interior of the lobby features an African marble and Top right: The pyramid style windows that was owned by Tishman Speyer. Middle: Stairway that can be seen throughout the Chrysler Buildings structure. Bottom Left: View from below the Pyramidal structure by Tishman Speyer.



Chapter 4


In 2013, the Chrysler Building is 90%

chrome. The Sky Club on the 66th

owned by Abu Dhabi. They own

floor offers spectacular views, though

about $800 million of the Chrysler

it is inaccessable. The last time it

Building’s stakes. Abu Dhabi Investment

was refurbished was in the 1970s.

Council controls interest in the Art

About $100 million went into the

Deco tower and landmark. Tishman

three-year renovation. It included

Speyer Properties owns the other

erecting a retail pavillion on the

10% of the company since 1997.

East 42 nd Street under three glass

It controls the land beneath the

pyramids between the Chrysler

77-story tower, with its trademark

Building and the 32-story Kent

staniless steel crown, gargolyes

Building. After four years, Travelers

and elevator cabs that evoke the

sold its 75% stake for $300 million

chrome-laden autos of the 1930s.

to the German real estate fund,

Both companies are an arm of the

TMW. Today, it is recognized as New

Gulf emirate government, which

York City’s skylie. It is currently

tends to shun publicity. Though the

known as a “growing trophy case.”

building itself stands beautifully, the

Many investors flood into investing

current situation inside the building

into the Chrysler Building.

doesn’t always go smoothly. Aside from the unfortunate situations that go inside the building, the interior still surpasses the problems that goes on. The interior of the lobby features an African marble and Top right: The pyramid style windows that was owned by Tishman Speyer. Middle: Stairway that can be seen throughout the Chrysler Buildings structure. Bottom Left: View from below the Pyramidal structure by Tishman Speyer.



Chapter 4


In 2013, the Chrysler Building is 90%

chrome. The Sky Club on the 66th

owned by Abu Dhabi. They own

floor offers spectacular views, though

about $800 million of the Chrysler

it is inaccessable. The last time it

Building’s stakes. Abu Dhabi Investment

was refurbished was in the 1970s.

Council controls interest in the Art

About $100 million went into the

Deco tower and landmark. Tishman

three-year renovation. It included

Speyer Properties owns the other

erecting a retail pavillion on the

10% of the company since 1997.

East 42 nd Street under three glass

It controls the land beneath the

pyramids between the Chrysler

77-story tower, with its trademark

Building and the 32-story Kent

staniless steel crown, gargolyes

Building. After four years, Travelers

and elevator cabs that evoke the

sold its 75% stake for $300 million

chrome-laden autos of the 1930s.

to the German real estate fund,

Both companies are an arm of the

TMW. Today, it is recognized as New

Gulf emirate government, which

York City’s skylie. It is currently

tends to shun publicity. Though the

known as a “growing trophy case.”

building itself stands beautifully, the

Many investors flood into investing

current situation inside the building

into the Chrysler Building.

doesn’t always go smoothly. Aside from the unfortunate situations that go inside the building, the interior still surpasses the problems that goes on. The interior of the lobby features an African marble and

The Chrysler Building is an iconic building, known to all people. With the influence of the aesthetically pleasing, structure of art.


Tip of the spire: 1046 ft.

e Art Deco period, this building has become an


Chapter 4


In 2013, the Chrysler Building is 90%

chrome. The Sky Club on the 66th

owned by Abu Dhabi. They own

floor offers spectacular views, though

about $800 million of the Chrysler

it is inaccessable. The last time it

Building’s stakes. Abu Dhabi Investment

was refurbished was in the 1970s.

Council controls interest in the Art

About $100 million went into the

Deco tower and landmark. Tishman

three-year renovation. It included

Speyer Properties owns the other

erecting a retail pavillion on the

10% of the company since 1997.

East 42 nd Street under three glass

It controls the land beneath the

pyramids between the Chrysler

77-story tower, with its trademark

Building and the 32-story Kent

staniless steel crown, gargolyes

Building. After four years, Travelers

and elevator cabs that evoke the

sold its 75% stake for $300 million

chrome-laden autos of the 1930s.

to the German real estate fund,

Both companies are an arm of the

TMW. Today, it is recognized as New

Gulf emirate government, which

York City’s skylie. It is currently

tends to shun publicity. Though the

known as a “growing trophy case.”

building itself stands beautifully, the

Many investors flood into investing

current situation inside the building

into the Chrysler Building.

doesn’t always go smoothly. Aside from the unfortunate situations that go inside the building, the interior still surpasses the problems that goes on. The interior of the lobby features an African marble and

The Chrysler Building is an iconic building, known to all people. With the influence of the aesthetically pleasing, structure of art.


Tip of the spire: 1046 ft.

e Art Deco period, this building has become an


Architect William Van Alen tricks his rival and former partner, H. Craig Severance, into losing the race for the tallest building in the world. Severance had just completed 40 Wall Street to 927 feet, making sure to surpass Van Alen’s announced plans for the Chrysler Building at 925 feet. But Van Alen had been secretly constructing a 185foot spire inside the Chrysler Building. Steelworkers pushed the spire through the roof and riveted it into place within 90 minutes, making the Chrysler Building the tallest building in the world by a comfortable margin. Completion of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan by William Van Alen. As requested by its sponsor, Walter P. Chrysler, it is the tallest

In 1995, the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute’s 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Since that time, Van Alen Institute has focused its work on the evolving role of architecture in the public realm while continuing to cultivate a fellowship of practitioners and scholars and award excellence in design. Today, Van Alen Institute is dedicated to critical inquiry surrounding contemporary forms of public space. Our public design competitions and related programming serve as valuable forums for both established and emerging voices to shape the ongoing debate about design in the public realm. Lectures, pubBorn in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 1883, William Van Alen studied at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and later worked in the office of Clarence True. In 1908, Van Alen won the Paris Prize in Architecture, the highest award granted by the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, in a competition for the design of a theater. The Paris Prize included a fellowship to study at the Ecole des BeauxArts in Paris, where Van Alen became a student in the atelier of Victor Laloux. In 1911, Van Alen returned to New York, where in 1914 he opened an architecture practice with H. Craig Severance. The firm designed several retail shops and restaurants in New York until 1925, when Van Alen and Severance ended their

Born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 1883, William Van Alen studied at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and later worked in the office of Clarence True. In 1908, Van Alen won the Paris Prize in Architecture, the highest award granted by the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, in a competition for the design of a theater. The Paris Prize included a fellowship to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where Van Alen became a student in the atelier of Victor Laloux. In 1911, Van Alen returned to New York, where in 1914 he opened an architecture practice with H. Craig Severance. The firm designed several retail shops and restaurants in New York until 1925, when Van Alen and Severance ended their part-

Although the Chrysler Building is now a beloved New York City icon, Van Alen did not benefit from its glory. Walter Chrysler and Van Alen were known to have had a contentious relationship, and when the Chrysler Building opened in 1930 Van Alen’s name went unmentioned. Van Alen experimented with speculative prefabricated housing for National Housing, Inc. in the mid-1930s, however very little is known about any later

Architect William Van Alen tricks his rival and former partner, H. Craig Severance, into losing the race for the tallest building in the world. Severance had just completed 40 Wall Street to 927 feet, making sure to surpass Van Alen’s announced plans for the Chrysler Building at 925 feet. But Van Alen had been secretly constructing a 185foot spire inside the Chrysler Building. Steelworkers pushed the spire through the roof and riveted it into place within 90 minutes, making the Chrysler Building the tallest building in the world by a comfortable margin. Completion of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan by William Van Alen. As requested by its sponsor, Walter P. Chrysler, it is the tallest

In 1995, the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute’s 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Since that time, Van Alen Institute has focused its work on the evolving role of architecture in the public realm while continuing to cultivate a fellowship of practitioners and scholars and award excellence in design. Today, Van Alen Institute is dedicated to critical inquiry surrounding contemporary forms of public space. Our public design competitions and related programming serve as valuable forums for both established and emerging voices to shape the ongoing debate about design in the public realm. Lectures, pubBorn in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 1883, William Van Alen studied at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and later worked in the office of Clarence True. In 1908, Van Alen won the Paris Prize in Architecture, the highest award granted by the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, in a competition for the design of a theater. The Paris Prize included a fellowship to study at the Ecole des BeauxArts in Paris, where Van Alen became a student in the atelier of Victor Laloux. In 1911, Van Alen returned to New York, where in 1914 he opened an architecture practice with H. Craig Severance. The firm designed several retail shops and restaurants in New York until 1925, when Van Alen and Severance ended their

Born in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 1883, William Van Alen studied at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and later worked in the office of Clarence True. In 1908, Van Alen won the Paris Prize in Architecture, the highest award granted by the Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, in a competition for the design of a theater. The Paris Prize included a fellowship to study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where Van Alen became a student in the atelier of Victor Laloux. In 1911, Van Alen returned to New York, where in 1914 he opened an architecture practice with H. Craig Severance. The firm designed several retail shops and restaurants in New York until 1925, when Van Alen and Severance ended their part-

Although the Chrysler Building is now a beloved New York City icon, Van Alen did not benefit from its glory. Walter Chrysler and Van Alen were known to have had a contentious relationship, and when the Chrysler Building opened in 1930 Van Alen’s name went unmentioned. Van Alen experimented with speculative prefabricated housing for National Housing, Inc. in the mid-1930s, however very little is known about any later



In 1995, the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute’s 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Since that time, Van Alen Institute has focused its work on the evolving role of architecture in the public realm while continuing to cultivate a fellowship of practitioners and scholars and award excellence in design. Today, Van Alen Institute is dedicated to critical inquiry surrounding contemporary forms of public space. Our public design competitions and related programming serve as valuable forums for both established and emerging voices to shape the ongoing debate about design in the public realm. Lectures, public programs, publications, and interactive platforms in turn promote public engagement with the Institute.


In 1995, the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute’s 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Since that time, Van Alen Institute has focused its work on the evolving role of architecture in the public realm while continuing to cultivate a fellowship of practitioners and scholars and award excellence in design. Today, Van Alen Institute is dedicated to critical inquiry surrounding contemporary forms of public space. Our public design competitions and related programming serve as valuable forums for both established and emerging voices to shape the ongoing debate about design in the public realm. Lectures, public programs, publications, and interactive platforms in turn promote public engagement with the Institute.



In 1995, the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute’s 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Since that time, Van Alen Institute has focused its work on the evolving role of architecture in the public realm while continuing to cultivate a fellowship of practitioners and scholars and award excellence in design. Today, Van Alen Institute is dedicated to critical inquiry surrounding contemporary forms of public space. Our public design competitions and related programming serve as valuable forums for both established and emerging voices to shape the ongoing debate about design in the public realm. Lectures, public programs, publications, and interactive platforms in turn promote public engagement with the Institute.


In 1995, the Institute was named in honor of William Van Alen, architect of the Chrysler Building and recipient of the Institute’s 1908-1909 Paris Prize. Since that time, Van Alen Institute has focused its work on the evolving role of architecture in the public realm while continuing to cultivate a fellowship of practitioners and scholars and award excellence in design. Today, Van Alen Institute is dedicated to critical inquiry surrounding contemporary forms of public space. Our public design competitions and related programming serve as valuable forums for both established and emerging voices to shape the ongoing debate about design in the public realm. Lectures, public programs, publications, and interactive platforms in turn promote public engagement with the Institute.

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