How Privacy is threatened by Augmented/ Virtual Reality? What to Do?
With the advancement of technology, the internet can now easily discern your information like your age, location, shopping preferences, favorite movies, friends, and much more. There comes the risk of privacy getting shared. The cyber criminals may know the important information like your social security number, credit card digits, bank account access information, and medical history, etc.
In present times, augmented reality and virtual reality is intimidating to deteriorate our privacy to an all new level. This ranges from understanding how we physically travel to the brain waves we release. It is true that the VR technology is yet in its early years; however, privacy supports the users by rapidly raising red flags concerning that the consumers don’t discern what Augmented/ Virtual Reality firms can garner from our utilization of their devices.
What are Digital Footprints? The idea of ‘footprint’ originates from a conventional investigative tactic of retracing the attempt of the criminal by discovering his/her movements. It moves back to create a sequence of associated actions leading to the performer. Nowadays, forensic scientists utilize footprints to trace the criminals. Similar to that, people too put down traces in virtual reality.
Threats of the incursion of Privacy in Augmented/ Virtual Reality The aspect that makes virtual reality unique is not only the amount of data collected but the independence of that data. In the physical world, a detective creates an impression regarding a suspicious person and makes his/her personal biases and notions regarding him and the same is verified later on. However, it is found that the investigation of virtual-world data could be entirely unbiased.
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