How to Hire a Full-Stack Developer in India?
What is a Full-Stack Developer? A full-stack developer is a specialized developer. It is someone who knows various coding languages for a front-end design and a development of a website along with the back-end coding and design and also knows how to manage and maintain the lynx server. In that sense, it’s someone that handles every aspect of a website from the front-end, backend, and the server side.
Three Tier Architecture: ď ś Presentation layer: Also known as a client-side layer addresses issues related to UI and is concerned about how data is presented to the end users. ď śBusiness logic layer: It is more concerned about the data aspect element of web-app and processing and validating the data for the end users. ď śData access layer: Date access layer is responsible for activities behind the scene such as storage of data and data persistence.
Who should hire a full-stack developer? ď śStartup businesses It is good for the startup companies to start their web projects with a fullstack developer because he or she will start creating a solution from the scratch and on the way will lay out all the components of the application where they need to be.
ď śTechnical leader: If the members of your technical team are only specialized in one area, it is a good idea to provide them with a leader as a full-stack developer who will be in charge of putting all the elements together. ď śLimited budget Another reason to hire a full-stack developer is that you can get the most out it in case of a limited budget as you will not have to hire too many specialists for a single project and can be done single handily by one developer.
What to look in a full-stack developer? Till this point, there are many people who have expertise in one layer. Some people really creative work in designing, people who work with logic they do business layer and the people who love databases they work on the top layer. But now some companies especially startup they prefer someone known as the full-stack developer. That simply means, from start to end everything will be done by one person.
Fundamental knowledge It is important to look into some of the fundamental knowledge of the developer. We all know that if your fundamentals are clear, everything else becomes easy on the way. We also know that the base of most of the web applications in JavaScript. Almost 99 percent of the applications are written in JavaScript in one form or another. Similarly, other important basic languages are HTML and CSS.
Conclusion Now that you know the advantages of hiring full-stack developers as he or she knows several things. You certainly need one when you are starting up or when you need a technical lead. There is no communication gape as you don’t have different teams to handle a single application. Even if you have two or three full stack developers they know what they are talking about.
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