Engage local experts and Nordic peers to enable your business to succeed in India I N V I TAT I O N TO E M E R G I N G M A R K E T
INNOVATION CAMP & WORKSHOP Creating energy and water sectors business model solutions for the Indian market Emerging Market Innovation Workshop & Camp is a pioneering innovation program that enables your company to identify concrete market opportunities. Together, we explore new ways to unlock high growth markets through innovation of new offerings and business models, tailored to local market conditions. These forums will provide you with the opportunity to innovate to create cleantech energy (incl. biomass & waste) and water solutions for the Indian market, as well as a practical toolkit which can be used to challenge and improve your business analysis of opportunities and challenges in India. Emerging Market Innovation Workshop
Emerging Market Innovation Camp
Espoo, Finland
Mumbai, India
August 28, 2014
September 29 – October 3, 2014
Join us at the Emerging Market Innovation Workshop where we focus on energy (incl. biomass and waste) and water for the Indian market. The workshop will provide you with keys to how you can reach and succeed in on one of the world’s largest emerging markets. This event will provide you with insights into how your business can successfully establish operations in India. The latter part of the day is devoted to the companies who will participate in the Emerging Market Innovation Camp on-site in India this Autumn – please see the information box aside!
Take part in the Emerging Market Innovation Camp, on-site in Mumbai, India. The Innovation Camp offers practical input for companies wishing to innovate to create energy (incl. biomass and waste) and water business model solutions in the fast-growing Indian market. The Innovation Camp is a four day program incorporating field studies, stakeholder fairs, key-note dinners and seminars in business model development. The Camp will provide participants with a toolkit and network for innovating towards the development of viable business models that contribute to business success by driving sales, improving profits and reducing risk.
For more information and how to apply: please click here. For more information and how to apply: please click here. Participation is free of charge. Please apply soon to secure your seat. Participation is free of charge (travel costs not included). Please note that the workshop will be held in English. Please apply soon to secure your seat.
Location: Urban Mill, Betonimiehenkuja 3, Otaniemi, Espoo Time: 09:30 – 13.30/16:00
Smaller companies can apply for a financial grant to cover travels costs.
Please contact Petri Allekotte for more information: +358 50 344 0612 / petri.allekotte@aalto.fi or visit www.innovationcamps.net