3 minute read
Brenda Sleeper
Brenda Sleeper is the relationship director for BDO Alliance’s Business Resource Network (BRN). Before joining BDO, Sleeper served the accounting profession in several capacities, including as a marketing director and business development consultant. She also has become a well-recognized name among AAM members since she joined the association in 2001. Sleeper served on the AAM Board of Directors from 2012 to 2016 as well as the Business Development and Member Growth committees. She was named Volunteer of the Year in 2010 and was inducted into the AAM Hall of Fame at the 2022 Summit. The Hall of Fame award is presented to the best of the best in the accounting marketing profession and the association.
What did it mean to you to be inducted into the AAM Hall of Fame?
I am incredibly honored to be part of this elite group of individuals, many of whom I have respected and looked up to throughout my career. They are my mentors and friends. From the first AAM Summit I attended in Toronto in 2001, I knew that an investment in the association was an investment in my career.
What would you advise AAM members who are new to their role or the industry?
My advice to AAM members at any stage in their career is to get involved. Step into a leadership position both in AAM and at your firm. Take the time to understand the accounting business — how firms operate, important deadlines (April, September, and October 15), accounting lingo and service offerings. Learn the culture of your firm — what is important and why. Contribute beyond your job description to the success of the firm. Network and join organizations like AAM that will help advance your career and grow your firm. Develop relationships with people you can collaborate with and advance through the ranks together.
Why is it important to become involved in AAM?
Actively participating in AAM allows you to share ideas and network with people who understand accounting marketing and the challenges you encounter daily. When I joined AAM, I was the sole marketer at my firm (7 partners/40 employees), but I knew I was not alone. I had AAM.
How did AAM help your career development?
I met fabulous professionals through AAM who have become some of my closest friends. The people I met have helped shape my career. It takes a team to succeed in accounting marketing. For me, AAM is that team.
Can you describe an instance when you used something you learned through AAM or a member to help your firm?
Through AAM I met a marketing director at a firm in Chicago. We shared our marketing plans and collaborated on ideas for our firms. Sharing and collaborating was a huge plus for both of us. We were no longer on an island.
What are you looking forward to (professionally) in 2023?
Next year, I'm looking forward to continuing to grow in my new role with the BDO Alliance, to give back to AAM and help the membership grow, and to always be a mentor to AAM members.
Interview by Eileen Monesson