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AAM Member Perspectives

Why You Should Attend SummitAAM members share their top reasons for attending Summit—and why you should, too

The 2024 AAM Summit is just a month away. Whether you are brand new to AAM or a long-time member, there are plenty of networking and education opportunities at this annual event. This year, we are bringing the magic of accounting marketing to Orlando, FL. Interested in learning more about what to expect at Summit? We sat down with a newer AAM member and a repeat attendee to get the scoop on all things Summit.

First, tell us a little about yourself.

RA: My name is Rebekah Arredondo and I've been with Whitley Penn for four years. I’m located in Dallas, TX but we have several offices throughout the state. As the firm’s senior marketing coordinator, I focus on external firm promotion which includes, but is not limited to, social media channels. I also serve as our service line marketer.

JF: I am Jeshanah Fox, the marketing director at Brown Plus, where I oversee our four-person marketing team. In my role, I focus on aligning the firm’s strategic vision and marketing initiatives, as well as being a Brown Plus brand custodian. In addition to my marketing role, I am also involved in the firm’s strategic planning and key culture initiatives, seeking to integrate our culture and values in everything we do.

How long have you been involved in AAM?

RA: I’ve been an AAM member for a little over a year now. I participate in various AAM Circles and recently completed the Digital Marketing Fundamentals course.

JF: I joined AAM as a member in 2015 when I first started working at Brown Plus and my involvement in AAM has really grown over the years. I’ve served on the website committee, have helped with the last two Summits, and am now chair for the 2024 Summit.

How many times have you attended the AAM Summit?

RA: Last year was my first time attending the AAM Summit and it was enlightening. I hadn’t heard of Summit until my CMO pointed it out to me, and I’m so glad she did!

JF: My very first AAM Summit was in 2016, and I have not missed one since. I have learned so much and have made such great connections, that I save the date on my calendar as soon as the registration is live.

What is your favorite part about the AAM Summit?

RA: Definitely the people. Marketing for an accounting firm is very niche, so it was great being surrounded by so many like-minded people and having meaningful conversations about the challenges and growth opportunities we are each facing at our firms. Aside from the people, my favorite thing about the Salt Lake City Summit (2023) was the first day when we lined up based on our birthdays and sat together in groups for guided discussions. I didn’t know anyone else at Summit aside from the people from my firm, so it was a great opportunity to meet new people and see those familiar faces throughout the rest of Summit.

JF: There are so many great aspects of Summit, but being surrounded by a network of people who just get you is hands down the best part. I learn so much from networking and hearing other marketers’challenges and successes – and that’s before I even sit down for my first session.

Have you met new people at the AAM Summit? Do you still stay in touch with them?

RA: I really tried to branch out and talk to as many people as I could to get out of my comfort zone and gain new perspectives. I connected with people on the app during Summit and then added them on LinkedIn to keep in touch after. Some of us are also in the same AAM Circles which has provided us with one more way to stay connected.

JF: I meet new people every year, and it’s so exciting to make new connections. There are people that I met during my first AAM Summit that I am still great friends with today. I have a group chat with several of them where I can send a message with a question and receive an answer within minutes. The community that you build through AAM and get to experience inperson at Summit is unparalleled for an accounting marketer.

What have you learned at the AAM Summit? Have you taken these new insights back to your team?

RA: I attended a variety of sessions to get the most out of the learning opportunities at Summit. I also sat in on some sessions (like events and proposals) that pertained to other members on my team who couldn’t attend so that I could take those key learnings back to our firm.

JF: I learn so much every year that it’s hard to pinpoint one thing. When I first started at Brown Plus, it was my first foray into accounting marketing, and I had no idea what to expect. I was a solo marketer and had mostly done digital marketing up to that point so when I went to my first AAM Summit, I was a sponge; I could not get information fast enough. There really isn’t another conference out there that is so specific to the industry with such a range of great content. I learned how to create a marketing strategy for my firm the first year I attended Summit, and I still use those tools for every strategy I create.

Why would you recommend others attend the AAM Summit?

RA: Since the marketing industry is constantly changing, attending Summit is a great way to stay on top of the latest trends. It also allows you to meet people from different sized firms and learn new ways of doing things that you may have not considered in the past.

JF: Summit is the best conference to attend that is focused on our niche within the accounting industry. The content is relevant to the challenges that are being faced by accounting marketers. In addition to great content, you will make long lasting connections. You never have to explain the context of your problems because you’re surrounded by industry peers. It’s honestly quite therapeutic.

How has AAM (and Summit) helped you with your career goals?

RA: AAM is such a great resource for accounting marketers. I love getting the emails and monitoring the forum to keep a pulse on what’s going on in the industry. I’ve also learned a lot from the AAM webinars. The Digital Marketing Fundamentals course was beyond helpful in my career. I’m wellversed in social media, but this course exposed me to the various aspects of digital marketing such as content strategy and website optimization.

JF: Having been a solo marketer organization, there really was no path or map for how the marketing department should function and grow at Brown Plus. One of the most beneficial things for me that came from Summit was learning about department structures and career paths. I took information that I learned about ratios of team members to marketers, as well as roles, and created a roadmap for where the department should be and when. Now our Brown Plus marketing team is four people, including myself, and that is something that I was able to develop through resources available at AAM and Summit. Marketing is always evolving, and I am excited to attend some of the sessions this year that deal with this topic!

What’s something you wish you had known before attending your first AAM Summit?

RA: This may sound silly, but advice that was given to me was to drink a lot of coffee. If you aren’t a coffee drinker, do what you need to do to stay energized. Also know that it’s okay to go back to your room or step outside for a bit and take time to recharge.

JF: No matter what climate you are in, bring a sweater! No, in all seriousness, I wish I knew not to stress about the networking. It’s overwhelming sometimes to think that you’re going to be in these large crowds of people, and you don’t know most, if any, of them. But our AAM members are welcoming – and there is even a Summit welcome committee whose job it is to make everyone feel welcome. So, lean into the nervousness if you have it and make that first introduction. Once you get past the first one, I can guarantee that all the other introductions will be easy, most likely because that person will introduce you to more people. If you’re attending Summit for the first time and need a friendly face, I am happy to connect with you before you go!

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone attending the AAM Summit for the first time?

RA: I encourage you to make some connections ahead of time through AAM and set up your own informal get togethers, whether it be grabbing coffee during a break or having dinner with someone from one of your AAM Circles. Really try to maximize this time for in-person connections.

JF: I always advise first-timers to go into Summit knowing the top three things they want to accomplish and being intentional about finding solutions for those things. Yes, you want to learn from all the sessions and be present. But having those three things identified before you get to Summit can help prevent you from getting overwhelmed by how much you’re learning.

Erica Reagle, senior marketing specialist, Wipfli, LLP. Contact at erica. reagle@wipfli.com.

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