Studio air partb

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Part B Criteria Design Shang Koh 204842

B.1. Research Field

For part b, my team has chosen geometry as a research field to develop techniques and tectonic systems using computational methods. In relation to computational design, the pursuit of from finding has led to the adoption of mathematical concepts as the basis for generating a type of geometry. Ruled surfaces, paraboloids and geodesics are some of the terms which are commonly used to describe geometric qualities of parametric models. Whilst the knowledge of geometry during an earlier time in human history (think Leonardo da Vinci or Vitruvius) produced architecture which is pure in form, computation at the present time utilises geometry to generate forms which are curvy and organic. In this regard, structures can now take on forms which extend beyond the simple geometry of the cube or sphere. Architecture is now more free to find interesting forms but at the same time constrained by the limitations of how geometry defines the form. nonlin/lin Pavillion, Marc Fornes This project utilises surface relaxation1 of the spaning members to create a sinuous form. This shows how parametric modelling can create non conventional and interesting shapes thus expanding the opportunities of conceptual design being more experimental and bold. 1.


B.2. Case Study 1.0 The definition we chose for Case Study 1.0 is VoltaDom by Skylar Tibbits.



Species 1

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius

Seed Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

Species 2

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius

Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius Mesh Settings

Number of points Height ratio Cone radius Location of point attractor

Height ratio Cone radius Location of point attractor Section extracted (holes at the top)

Input function for point population Section extracted (holes at the top)

Species 3

X coordinate of point attractor Section extracted (holes at the top)

X coordinate of point attractor Section extracted (holes at the top

Amplitude of sin and cos curve (spiral)

X coordinate of point attractor Amplitude of sin and cos curve (spiral)

X coordinate of point attractor Y coordinate of point attractor Density of points

Section extracted (holes at the top)

Species 4

Section extracted (holes at the top) V count of sphere divide

Section extracted (holes at the top)

Height ratio Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

V value of surface domain Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top)

V value for subsrf of sphere Cone radius Section extracted (holes at the top

Attractor point x coordinate

Species 5

Step size of sine curves UV count of points

Step size of sine curves

Step size of sine curves UV count of points

Step size of sine curves Sine curve amplitude

Section extracted from cones (holes at the top)

Section extracted from cones (holes at the top)

Selection Criteria Our selction criteria is based on form, circulation and energy generation integration. These aspects we considered to be suitable to the requirements of the brief which was to design a stucture which is sculptural and has the ability to generate energy. Based on the selection criteria, we chose the following iterations as the best outcomes of our experimentation of the grasshopper definition.

This form is chosen for its sculptural quality with the different heights and sizes of the spaces.

The elements which make up the dome like structure could possilby provide rigidity and hence contribute to the stability of the structure.

The elongated shape of this outcome could be used as a directional queue for circulation. The shape also resembles an enclosed space which could be beneficial in terms of articulating a specific program.

The openings in this form could provide opportunities for views and light penetration. Also, the structure could be a free standing wall with a curvilinear profile adding to the sculptural quality of the design.

Speculation From the experimentation of the definition to create geometries which differs substantially from the initial project, the new definiton enables the manipulation of points to create forms which stem from a single geometry (in our case a cone). The different arrangements of points can lead to multiple effects which are illustrated above. This technique of point creation and arrangement coluld be utilised in the coming tasks.

B.3. Case Study 2.0 Blohm + Voss Superyacht by Zaha Hadid Architects This is one of a series of yachts designed by Zaha Hadid Architects for ship builders Blohm+Voss. The natural and organic aesthetic of the design is inspired by natural underwater formations and fluid dynamics of underwater ecosystems.3


Reverse Engineering The following steps show how the case study project was re-created using Grasshopper. Step 1: Create a set of curves which roughly follows the overall form of the case study project.

Step 2: Loft the curves to create a surface.

Step 3: Approximate the dimentions of the surface and populate the surface with points to create Delaunay triangulation curves.

Step 4: Map Curves onto the lofted surface.

Step 5: Divide the curves into segments.

Step 6: Create mesh from the curves.

Step 7: Create frame from the mesh using quad faces.

Step 8: Smoothen the frame.

Final Outcome A digital model which was close to appearance with the original was achieved. A fluid and organic form was achieved by the smoothing process of the created frame. However, the original project had more control over the placement of the voids in relation to the location of the windows of the yacht. In addition, the smooth framing in the original has a extra dimention to it which this one lacks. For the next stage, the definition could include the ability to parametrically change the curves as well as creating a framing system which has not just one dimention.

B.4. Technique: Development

B.5. Technique: Prototypes

B.6. Technique: Proposal For the design proposal, we set the following design criteria: circulation, cultural aspects, integration of energy production mechanisms, and connection with the water. With our outputs from our grasshopper investigations, the forms are dynamic and fluid which resembles the appearance of the water waves. Furthermore, the tunnel like structure would dictate the circulation pattern of the visitors from the entry point to the sea. The voids created in the outputs provides opportunities for nano-antenna skin energy generation to be placed. The structure would be placed towards the north of the site, providing space for sun bathing which is a cultural endeavour of the inhabittants of Copenhagen.

B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes After having our mid semester presentation, we were given feedback to help us reconsider our strategies put forth in our initial design proposal. In regards to the form of our proposed design, a more critical approach is needed to think about the spaces of the design that we want to create. The proposed design was said to be too simmilar to the outputs of our definition for case study 2.0. and was arbitrarily place on the site. In response to this, the design will be altered to respond more to a design intent as well as the competition brief. In addition, not much testing of a prototype was conducted and investigation of the different materials were misunderstood.

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