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January 2019 Mobile Magazine

austin * san antonio
January ‘19
It’s All Just a Movie in Your Mind

Phyllis Light, Ph.D & Telepathic Healer
I wear my Rejuvenizer all the time. I really feel good having it on at work when going through those scanners. I have also noticed more energy and feeling more at ease on the airplane.
—E.C., Alaska
This woman had only a few hours sleep the previous night and felt exhausted at the time this photo was taken.
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INCLUDING The Reiki of the Fire Dragon
A new look at the history of Reiki and its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, with Reiki Master Teachers, Karen Riviere Hayden and Michael Abedin
Everything you need to be a Reiki Master
• History and concepts of Reiki.
• How to do treatments on yourself and others, in-person and long-distance.
• What the Reiki symbols are, and how to use them.
• Attunement to First Degree, Second Degree, and Master levels.
• A powerful Journey into Mastery meditation.
• How to attune others.
• Reiki Master certificate, and a chart tracing your lineage from Reiki founder Mikao Usui.
• An opportunity to assist in future classes to receive Reiki Master Teacher certification.
• Tips on setting up a practice, or incorporating Reiki into a current practice
• Introductory manual, and illustrated handbook.
January 25-27, 2019
Pre-register by Jan. 10 for a 20% discount.(512) 879-7299
“An outstanding teacher—clear, articulate, caring, and careful in how you help people absorb the potent information. I wouldn’t do the class with anyone else. It’s Reiki on an accelerated level of learning.” — JOE VITALE
Michael Abedin, Karen Riviere Hayden
Reiki Master Teachers
michaelabedin@yahoo.com (Please include your phone number in your email. Phone interview required for info and registration.)
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Inside Austin All Natural
LOST? – Dr. Joe Vitale ....................................................6
SEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10 RESOLUTIONS – Inger Myhre-Rodorigo How to make stress-free decisions in 2019 CHALLENGES New tricks for a New Year – Dephanie Cates SEE CLEARLY The Visionary Art of Amanda Sage CRYSTALIZING 2019 Rocking it with Fulgurite and Citrine – Adrienne Goff
PRESERVING PRIVATE PRACTICES – Dr. Matthew Carpenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
PILLS, PAIN, AND BIG GUNS – Michael Abedin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 When is it time to let mainstream medicine fix you?
THEM DRY BONES – Dr. Lane Sebring, MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Stopping and preventing osteoporosis – the natural way
DRAGON SLAYERS AND LION TAMERS – Christina Allen .....................18 Taking power through shame
DEAR ASHTARA – Ashtara Sasha White .....................................20
ROAD DOG RESOLUTIONS – Darlene Starr .................................22 Lessons learned keeping musicians healthy
EVENTS AND PRACTITIONERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Publisher/Editor Michael Abedin (512) 879-7299 michaelabedin@yahoo.com www.AustinAllNatural.com

Art Director Pun Nio
Advertising Don Draper
WEB SUPPORT Karen Hayden
Cover Art Metamorphosis Original artwork by Amanda Sage
Austin All Natural ©2018 All rights reserved. The information in this publication is believed to be accurate, and Austin All Natural will not be held liable for the performance of goods and services provided by advertisers or any other portion of this publication.
Austin All Natural is printed on environmentally sound paper certified under the rigorous production standards of the Forest Stewardship Council, an international organization devoted to creating true sustainability. For environmental reasons, we do not use soy-based inks. See www.AustinAllNatural.com for details. 100% Natural. No preservatives or additives.
A Letter to Our Readers
And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth.
– George Orwell, 1984, quoted by J.K Rowling.
Look? See? Peer?
When you have a giant pair of eyes floating in space on the January cover of a fine natural magazine, courtesy of visionary artist Amanda Sage, you have to tag it accordingly.
This is even more compelling when you’re assembling that issue on the tail end of a bummer of a year for truth, a year when Orwell’s prophecy, three and a half decades after he predicted it , seemed to be, well – coming true.
It wasn’t pretty.
Not in 1984, not in 2018. Best advice for 2019? Don’t be fooled. Truth, as Fox and Scully always said, is out there. How do you find it? Look. See. Peer beyond the lies, and The Lie. Look up, beyond your screens and devices, before you can’t. There’s no conspiracy, no one hiding the truth from you but you. There it is, right there. See it?
-Michael Abedin
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by Dr. Joe Vitale
I received my private pilot’s license back in 1972. It was an intense ten-week program at Kent State University. I’d call it a “crash course,” but that seems counterproductive for a program on flying planes.
I was eighteen years old, fresh out of high school, and in love with flying. I found the course to be the hardest thing I had ever done in my life till then, and for decades after.
I also had some scary moments, like the time I got lost.
I wasn’t yet a licensed pilot, but I was skilled enough to fly solo.
One day I mapped out a cross-country solo flight. I got out my compass, maps, highlighter, checked the weather, and did all the manual things you had to do back in the days before instruments and apps. I took off. I remember it being a cool, clear day in Ohio. I always found it meditative to be solo in a plane, high in the sky. I enjoyed the peace and scenery. I looked out the window, searching for a checkpoint to confirm I was on my path. I looked around but couldn’t find it.
I don’t recall if it was a water tower or some other landmark. But not seeing my checkpoint made me wonder if I was on course. I kept flying, looking for my second checkpoint. I couldn’t find it, either.
Now I was getting concerned.
I looked at my folded map, verifying my route and the checkpoints. They were clearly on the map, but not anywhere in view from the cockpit. So I decided to start looking for the signs. I flew to the left, then to the right, then randomly in any direction that seemed promising. Before long, I knew I was lost. I’m a solo pilot, alone on a cross-country flight, and I have no idea where I am. I assume I was still in Ohio. But Ohio isn’t as big as Texas. I may have flown into another state.

Part of our pilot training was to identify runways on the ground, even small ones that a farmer might have, or an abandoned road.
So I started looking for a place to land.
As my flying adventure continued, and my heart raced, I spotted a small runway and a small hangar. I aimed toward it, got into the landing pattern, and landed. I got out of the plane and walked to the hanger. There was a small coffee shop inside. I wasn’t drinking coffee back then, but I ordered a cup.
I acted like all was right with the world.
Then I decided to ask the person making my coffee an important question. “Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am?” I got her attention. It was clear I was lost. She helped me look at my map, explained I wasn’t too far from Kent State, and helped me reroute my way home. I got back in the plane, took off, and headed back to my destination.
As soon as I landed, my flight instructor asked what happened.
I told him I had been lost.
He immediately ordered me back into the plane. He wanted to retrace my steps and see what I did wrong. Back in the air, I followed my original map. I again looked at the window for my checkpoint. But again I couldn’t find it. My instructor took the wheel, titled the plane, and pointed out the window. “You were right over the checkpoint!”
I was never lost at all.
I was right on my path, until I began to doubt and question myself.
My instructor explained that checkpoints have to be seen out the left or right side of the plane. You can’t see them if you are right on top of them. Lesson learned. I also learned that throughout my life, whenever I thought I was lost, I reminded myself that I was probably right on my path, only thinking I was lost. Lost? Is there such a thing?
Dr. Joe Vitale, a star in The Secret, is a bestselling author, musician, speaker, and coach. His latest book is Anything is Possible. You can have his free e-book, Attract Money Now, at www.AttractMoneyNow.com His main website is www.MrFire.com
Photo by: Brian Fitzsimmons

The world you see is just a movie in your mind. Rocks don’t see it. Bless and sit down. Forgive and forget. Practice kindness all day to everybody and you will realize you’re already in heaven now. – Jack Kerouac, The Portable Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and Alan Ginsberg were the prophets and progenitors of the Beat Generation of the 1950s, poets and travelers, drinkers and drug aficionados, said to be the template for the counterculture of the 1960s.
Kerouac didn’t much care for that notion. In truth, he was probably more the spiritual godfather of, say, Hunter S. Thompson and Gonzo journalism than he was of the Love Generation. Kerouac’s On the Road was published in 1957, and that same year he wrote a letter to one or another of his ex-wives, an epiphany that blurs the line between prose and poetry.
I have lots of things to teach you now, in case we ever meet, concerning the message that was transmitted to me under a pine tree in North Carolina on a cold winter moonlit night. It said that Nothing Ever Happened, so don’t worry. It’s all like a dream. Everything is ecstasy, inside. We just don’t know it because of our thinking-minds. But in our true blissful essence of mind is known that everything is alright forever and forever and forever. Close your eyes, let your hands and nerve-ends drop, stop breathing for 3 seconds, listen to the silence inside the illusion of the world, and you will remember the lesson you forgot, which was taught in immense milky way soft cloud innumerable worlds long ago and not even at all. It is all one vast awakened thing. I call it the golden eternity. It is perfect.
Selah, as Dr. Gonzo liked to say.
Selah is a Hebrew word with no true literal translation, popping up often at the end of a verse of Psalms in the Old Testament. Since each psalm is actually a song, the best guess is it probably indicates a musical pause – a way of saying stop, and think about that.
It’s sometimes confused with sela, which means like a rock – and although Bob Seger, like a lot of us, is starting to look a little Old Testament-ish after fifty-plus years of rock and roll, it’s doubtful Chevy trucks were around at the time.
Old-time railroad crossing signs used to say, Stop. Look. Listen. Thinking about it before crossing was sort of implied. Pretty good advice, overall, and not a bad way to start a new year, following one that was pretty much like getting run over by a train for a lot of folks.
When every planet is in a constant state of retrograde, when civility, truth, and common sense seem to be notions as quaint as wooden railroad signs, when you sometimes don’t even want to open your eyes to see whatever form of craziness the next day will bring – well, it gets easy to feel like you’re losing your vision, if not your way.
That’s why there are new years. And new movies.
Like Kerouac said, it’s just a movie in your mind. Go see a new one – or, better yet, make your own. Write, direct, star in it, then sit back and see it. (There’ll be some new 2019 movies in these pages – watch for the trailer.)
Movies are made a scene at a time, not necessarily in order. Pick a scene, get to work on your lines, rehearse – but remember what the director’s last command will be, after the camera’s rolling and there’s no more time to think about it.

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10 Resolutions
How to make stress-free decisions in 2019
by Inger Myhre-Rodorigo
A New Year is a time of fresh starts, new beginnings. Decisions can sometimes feel brutal, however, when they’re competing with little voices in your head – voices that might be your inner guides, or just your monkey mind.
Ten ways to keep decision-making stress to a minimum.
Trust. Know whatever decision you make, things will be alright. No one decision will make or break you. Everything happening in your life is just what you need for your continued evolution, so there are no wrong decisions. It’s not what you do, but how you do it that determines the quality of your experience. Sleep on it. Think through important decisions when you’re well rested and centered.
Take your time. Good decisions come from a place of calmness, not urgency. Pausing won’t cause you to miss any opportunities truly meant for you.
Gather the facts. There’s no point worrying, especially before you’ve taken time to gather all the information at your disposal.
Listen to your gut. Intuition whispers, and uses few words. Hearing a lot of loud chatter in your mind? Get quiet, listen deeper.
Remember, you haven’t thought of all options. More often than not, situations resolve in ways you haven’t even considered. Just one concrete step in a direction that inspires you could lead to options you’ve yet to imagine.
Set up rules ahead of time. If you’re likely to be impulsive, setting a time frame for contemplation, or steps to be taken before decisions are made, helps takes pressure off and makes room for new possibilities.
Consider your definition of success. Approach tasks with the idea that success isn’t contained in the outcome, but in the process. Speak your truth, honor your worth, act from love, and you’ll feel successful no matter what happens.
It’s okay to pivot. There’s no shame in changing your mind. You’re always learning and evolving, so of course your path will too.
Follow your bliss. In The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell explains.
If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you. That the life you are living is the one you ought to be living somehow. And when you can see it, you begin to deal with people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open doors to you. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.

Your quiet inner voice.
Make the decision to trust it in 2019, and make the space to hear it. There are no wrong decisions – all the moments in your life are exactly as they should be. Proceed in joy, remembering new beginnings are there for you any time.
Have a Happy 2019 – all year long.
Inger Myhre-Rodorigo trained at Corepower Yoga and teaches donation-based Vinyasa flow, yogic philosophy, and guided meditation classes(with affirmations like those in this article) at venues that don’t require expensive memberships, so classes are affordable for everyone. Her aim is for yogis of all levels to feel successful and centered and gain strength and flexibility in a welcoming environment.
Classes at Soma Vida in East Austin, and at convenient North and Southwest locations. Full class schedule and locations on Facebook @beefreeyoga
Text your name to (512) 585-9538 for weekly class updates and inspirational messages, and receive your first week of classes free.
New tricks for a New Year
by Dephanie Cates
Each of us is the center of our own world. As the center of yours, how can you best prepare for what’s to come in a new year? A new beginning can be a chance for a do-over with fresh ideas in an already established methodology, or it can be a chance to begin anew from an entirely different perspective.
However you look at it, a new year means just that – new opportunities, new beginnings, new chances to recreate your life. The past is passed, and what lies ahead can either be typical – or exhilarating. It will most likely be almost the same as before, but at the same time can still prove to be a chance to think out of the box by taking risks and asserting yourself, resulting in over-the-top gratification.
Most business people have proven protocols and year-end statistics to guide their planning, goals, and decision-making for an upcoming year – and so can you.
We all have givens to consider, facts that won’t change from year to year (as in, that’s a given). They can be family members in their expected roles, rigid schedules, or anything that doesn’t dramatically change your bailiwick from one year to the next.

The question is, how and where do you start to contemplate the challenges to be faced in a new year? Having a few tricks in your back pocket can mean sailing smoothly (or maybe even gliding gleefully) into 2019.
Here are some principled steps, developed over a career as a Realtor, to make a difference in how you react to the newness, strangeness, or challenges of the new year.
To shore up your toolbox, consider the following:
• You, alone as self, are the decision-maker in all your situations, whether business, personal, or family.
• Accept your givens unconditionally. We all carry backpacks of varying weights.
• As decision-maker, there will be times of knowing, unknowing, and indecisiveness.
• To be strong in your convictions and knowingness, devote a five-minute self-renewal at the same time, early each day. Lauding your worth each morning will affirm the success of your day – and your year.
• Acknowledge your spiritual awareness through prayer or devotion, to make this day full of the best decisions yet.
• Make gratitude and thanks as important as anticipating success. Far more important than the mountains climbed are the kindnesses bestowed along the way.
There, but for the Grace of God, go I.
That famous phrase rings true for any independent businessperson, especially one whose career involves dealing
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with people making big life decisions – a true life coach, in every minute of the working day.
A successful professional Realtor, for example, has to have regimens similar to the ones shown here, along with appreciation for clients, fellow agents, brokers – and perfect timing.
These same values are paramount in daily life if you want the joy of achievement, conclusion, and fulfillment – and what’s not to like about fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy? The value of those goals in the new year can’t be truly measured, but the path to those goals can be programmed with calculated steps in place to achieve the dream – and climb the mountain.
Dephanie Cates is a licensed Realtor and Reconnective Healing practitioner who combines coaching skills, intuition, and business acumen to create personal relationships with real estate clients, and is now applying those same skills, and her experience as a businessperson, as a Personal and Business Coach. Appointments: (512) 970-2627, dcates@austintxhomesale.com www.AustinTxHomesale.com
The Visionary Art of Amanda Sage
An artist’s job is to make us see the world differently, making it more beautiful, more interesting, maybe more challenging. A visionary artist’s job is to do that with worlds
behind worlds behind worlds.
January’s cover image by visionary artist extraordinaire Amanda Sage is taken from a larger piece to represent her Metamorphosis show at the Sastoque Gallery in Bogota, Colombia.
The incredibly detailed full piece was painted in collaboration with Ernst Fuchs and Alex Sastoque – Grito de Tequendama is a vision of worlds upon worlds, past present and future, and is dedicated to the healing of the waters.
Fed by the Bogota River, the Tequendama Falls plummet over four hundred feet, and indigenous people are said to have leapt from them to escape conquistadores, becoming eagles. The river has long been one of the most polluted in the world, and Tequendama’s grito – its cry of anguish and joy – is to reclaim its heart and soul, and the hearts of those who perished in its waters as their souls flew to freedom.
Adorned in Freedom.
A soul set free is adorned in its own beauty and power. Its body, in the meantime, still needs clothes. Freedom is the new Amanada Sage fashion collection, another opportunity for body and soul to adorn themselves in visions.

Artwork, fashion, and classes are at www.AmandaSage.com

Rocking it with Fulgurite and Citrine
by Adrienne Goff
January is the annual New Year’s reset button, but if follow-through on resolutions and new goals is a challenge, working with the right crystals can keep you clear, focused, and aligned with your personal and spiritual power.
Fulgurite and Citrine are top choices for crystalizing positive change.
Fulgurite is known as petrified lightning, created when lightning strikes sand and fuses it into an entirely new structure – a glass tube. Since sand is basically quartz, this intense electrical energy is recorded and amplified inside the molecular structure of Fulgurite, making it a container and channel of high-frequency energy that can clear, transform, and upshift almost every aspect of your life.
Placing Fulgurite on chakras can open, activate, and upgrade them, clearing energy blockages, old emotions, habits, and outdated belief systems. The most potent placement is above the head at the crown chakra, creating a bridge to higher spiritual realms and downloading higher dimensional energy, causing your psychic, healing, and manifestation gifts to advance rapidly.

Fulgurite has traditionally been used by Native Americans to actualize prayers. In The Book of Stones, crystal expert Robert Simmons explains. The lightning energy, long believed to be the touch of the Divine, still resides in them, and they can act as magnifiers of clear intention, building a powerful resonance between oneself and the latent powers of the higher worlds.
To work with Fulgurite to manifest resolutions with accuracy and speed, spend some time formulating them and visualizing all the good that will come. Call in your higher self, blow each resolution through the Fulgurite, into the higher planes. Visualize the energy of each resolution moving at lightning speed into the heavens, where they will be received, later showering down as answered prayers.

Citrine. A genie-in-a-bottle, a wish granter historically recognized as a powerful magnet for money and prosperity, Citrine is one of the best crystals for activating the solar plexus chakra, enhancing your ability to manifest quickly anything you truly want – love, health, new job. Program it with your desired outcome. Belonging to the quartz family, Citrine holds thought-forms or intentions, amplifies them, and constantly transmits a magnetic energy to bring them to life.
To program a Citrine crystal to manifest New Year’s resolutions, think about what you’d like to manifest, write it down in a present tense affirmation, as if you already have it. I am now at my ideal weight, for example. It’s a good idea
to add, This, or something better, manifests easily if it is for my highest good. Cleanse the Citrine using sage, running water, sound, sunlight, or whatever method you prefer, hold it in your dominant hand, and speak or mentally project your affirmation into the crystal. Repeat it eight times, or until you feel the crystal has taken the program.
Once programmed, keep the Citrine in your energy field (in your pockets or within two feet of your body), allowing it to affect your energy and consciousness continuously.
The most powerful way to benefit is to spend some regular time meditating with it. Place it on your solar plexus chakra, a couple of inches above the navel, and visualize your affirmation coming true. Picture it in vivid detail – feel all the positive emotions associated with manifesting exactly what you want.
Happy New Year. Rock your resolutions.
Adrienne Goff is an expert crystal consultant at Nature’s Treasures in Austin, home of one of the largest gem and mineral collections in the country. www.NTRocks.com


by Dr. Matthew Carpenter, DDS, NMD
Any disease related to the mouth has an impact elsewhere in the body. – Denis F. Kinane, BDS, Ph.D.
There are more options than ever when it comes to selecting dental care for you and your family. It’s best to have an established relationship with the right provider, long before being confronted with a dental emergency.
Few relationships in life carry the highest bonds of trust, where honesty, integrity, and partnership are paramount. Outside of matrimony, the relationship between patient and healthcare provider is the most sacred there is. With medical studies proving connections between oral health and the health of brain, heart, lungs, bones, joints, blood, and even pregnancy, it behooves you to choose your dental care provider wisely.
Although this point seems inarguable, the doctor–patient relationship has deteriorated over the last several years, thanks to trends in legislation, insurance, and the healthcare industry at large that put corporations – not patients or healthcare providers – in charge.
Private healthcare practice is declining.
Around the world, corporate control is taking its place.
In America, the percentage of privately owned physician and dentist practices is dropping. An AMA survey called 2016 the first year when less than half (47.1 percent) of patient care physicians had an ownership stake in their practice – a fourteen percent drop in fifteen years.
While the decrease is less dramatic for dentists, the ADA has reported a steady decline in private dental practices over the last decade.
Corporate–managed healthcare is increasing at a higher rate, in dental and general medicine alike, as dental management organizations (DMOs), dental service organizations (DSOs), and large dental group practices become more prevalent.
Rapid infiltration of corporate–managed care into the dental market raises many concerns for doctors and patients, so it’s essential to understand what changes corporate–run practices bring to oral healthcare.
What does corporate-managed healthcare offer?
Corporate dental management companies consolidate and manage dental practices, which is well suited for increasing profits and handling increasing amount of patients, with possible short–term savings through group buying
In the corporate setting, dentists avoid the headaches of pricing, hiring support staff, and handling paperwork, letting the business oversight part of the group take care of it and separating dentists from management.
Dentists focus on taking care of dental work – but to receive these benefits, they give up ownership of their practices and become contracted employees instead.
What about the doctor–patient relationship?
In some cases, cost-saving measures introduced by DMOs are acceptable. However, the “savings” can create additional unforeseen costs as corners are cut, less qualified and lowerpaid staff are hired, cutting-edge equipment and techniques are nixed, and high–grade or biocompatible materials with low profit margins become budgeted out of care offered to patients.
Within corporate dental organizations, interactions with patients are typically controlled and managed by policies devised by administrators – who may or may not have a healthcare-related degree.
By handling patients like an assembly line, seeking greater efficiency and profit margins, dentists may find they lose freedom to customize treatments and care for individual patients’ needs – and may even be penalized for challenging policies.
Now seen as employees instead of doctors, dentists are required to fulfill certain obligations, log a certain number of hours, and fulfill quotas for number and type of procedures performed, resulting in lack of personal care, avoidable or unnecessary treatments, and negative health outcomes.
Developing a long–term trusted relationship is much more difficult in this streamlined environment. Practices may limit clinical time, placing greater focus on corporate policies over doing what’s best for patients – and there’s no guarantee a patient will even be able to see the same dentist from visit to visit. Turnover is high, and the firm can replace dentists in an instant.
Patients frequently feel corporate dental offices are less compassionate about individual patient concerns, and more focused on their bottom line.
Records show, with the growth of corporate–managed dentistry and healthcare in general, standard–of–care complaints to the state have steadily increased in number over the past several years.
Many patients report the use of high–pressure sales tactics for expensive, even unnecessary dental procedures, while “dental employees,” given quotas, are pressured to spend less time with patients. Higher-quality, longer–lasting dental treatments are frequently unavailable to offer, even if patients ask for them or if dentists feel they’d be better for patients.
Such practices impose ethical dilemmas for dentists and staff. No wonder many patients lose trust in dental professionals altogether.
The heart of a healthy dentist–patient relationship lies within a deeply personal environment.
That depends on conversation, and working together.
Long–term oral and holistic health is possible with a positive, trusted partnership. Two of the greatest benefits of private practice are that dentists and patients have much more freedom in how they interact, and dentists have greater leverage to educate, and to advocate for patients’ health.
Patients deserve to have confidence and trust in their provider, which only comes from a relationship built on compassion, respect, and commitment. Private practice dentistry can offer a warmer, more authentic relationship with your dentist (and their staff) in a welcoming environment.
A private practice dentist knows your oral history as a person, not as numbers and reports, giving them a significant advantage in helping you with long–term oral care and health goals. Communication, education, and specialized custom care can be tailored around your needs, while the dentist is better able to integrate cutting-edge and biocompatible tools, materials, and techniques.
While corporate dental offices work for some patients, others’ lives and long–term health can benefit from the inherent freedom a private practice offers by spending quality time, building trusted relationships, and customizing the best clinical solutions, knowledge, and treatment options that can be offered.
Only a private dental practice can guarantee that.
Dr. Matthew Carpenter of Transcend Dental Health is an Integrative Biologic Dentist and Board Certified Naturopathic Physician in private practice, offering ozone therapy, natural oral care products incorporating essential oils, drill-free air abrasion, nonsurgical gum disease treatment, safe mercury and root canal removal, and natural heavy metal elimination. (512) 255-3618, www.tdhtx.com

by Michael Abedin
When is it time to let mainstream medicine fix you?
It’s always fun to start a new year with a quiz, so here’s one. What’s become the number one leading cause of death for Americans under the age of fifty?
Automobile wrecks? Smoking? Cessation of brain wave activity from constant texting, streaming, and gaming?
Time’s up. Here’s a hint – the initials are O.D. Yep. Drug overdoses, over two-thirds of them from opioids, naturally or synthetically derived painkillers.
Opium, their ancestor, has been around so long the goddess Isis is said to have given it to the sun god Ra for a headache (although it’s unclear why a god wouldn’t just cure his own headache). Wars have been fought over it, and Thomas Jefferson was said to enjoy a regular snort of laudanum, a tincture of opium.
The opium poppy begat opium, morphine, and codeine, and eventually heroin, hydrocodone, oxycodone, and other natural, synthetic, or semisynthetic combinations that all have one thing in common, besides their common ancestry and their ability to kill pain – they’re addictive, and can kill you.
Over-prescription started a slow descent into a full-blown epidemic.
The tipping point was the 1996 release by Purdue Pharma of OxyContin – a slow-acting version of the powerful opioid oxycodone.
Purdue, turns out, knew pretty much from the get-go that OxyContin was prone to easy abuse and highly addictive, downplaying that fact in typical big-pharma fashion – covering it up to doctors and consumers, getting the FDA to play along through an official they later gave a job.
OxyContin has been dubbed Hillbilly Heroin because of its prevalence in rural, low-income areas of Appalachia – in Kermit, West Virginia, a town of less than four hundred souls, over nine million pills were delivered to a single pharmacy in a two-year period. Now, Purdue has a Mississippi bloodhound on its trail. Mike Moore, Attorney General of Mississippi in 1994, led the nationwide charge for huge settlements from Big Tobacco companies, and engineered a settlement from British
Petroleum for reparations for their 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. He’s now leading a coalition that’s going after Purdue – and, by default, virtually the entire pharmaceutical industry – for damages that could be measured in the hundreds of billions.
What could create such an empire?
Pain. We’re not talking your garden-variety headaches, or sore muscles from yesterday’s workout – we’re talking body, mind, and soul-searing pain, pain so severe it becomes your world, messing not only with your enjoyment of life, but your relationships, your profession or employment.
No one wants it. When you get to the point of being nonfunctional, even the holistic die-hard who passes on aspirin and rides out a mind-numbing headache will start rifling through the medicine cabinet, looking for that bottle of the good stuff left over from some long-ago surgery or dental procedure.
As one holistic practitioner suffering from severe, incapacitating sciatic pain from an accident put it, “If someone told me nuclear waste mixed mixed with weedkiller would make the pain stop, I’d give it a try.”
That’s pain.
Bigger guns.
Temporary relief, even miracles, can occur using acupuncture, energy healing, massage, physical therapy, yoga, and other natural measures, but truly intense pain can sometimes require bigger guns to fix the source of the problem. This is where natural methods can partner with the specialized training of a skilled technician like a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon, especially if pain is the result of damage or disorder in the central nervous system – the brain and spine.
Capital Brain and Spine describes such disorders as:
• Lower back pain, from repeated or incorrect motion, or old injury.
• Spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal bones, compressing nerves.
• Slipped or ruptured discs between spinal vertebrae.
• Pain in the neck, arm, or sacroiliac joint.
• Tumors, cancerous or non-cancerous, in the head or brain.
• Skull malformation, fluid buildup, or hemorrhages.
• Trigeminal neuralgia, severe pain and discomfort in the nerves of the face.
Don’t fool around.
The brain and spinal cord are your operating system – don’t ignore their call for help, and by all means don’t try to mask their pain over the long term with drugs that could easily lead you to being deposed by Michael Moore’s investigative team.
Or worse.
Background information provided by the office of Dr. Deshdeepak Sahni, neurosurgeon and orthopedic spinal surgeon specializing in disorders of the brain and spinal column, and advocating natural and non-invasive procedures whenever possible. Capital Brain and Spine, (512) 387-8779, www.bspine.com
THEM DRY BONES Stopping and preventing osteoporosis – the natural way
by Dr. Lane Sebring, MD
WARNING: Before beginning a program of physical inactivity, consult your doctor. Sedentary living is abnormal and dangerous to your health.
– Functional fitness expert Frank Forencich
According to the American Academy of Orthapaedic Surgeons, ten million Americans have osteoporosis, and another eighteen million are at risk. Standard medical treatment for the epidemic of osteoporosis can include prescriptions for bisphosphonates, a class of drugs that includes Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Didronel, Reclast and others.

Bisphosphonates are drugs prescribed for preventing or slowing osteoporosis. They’re also known to cause bone breakdown with longer use. Bone undergoes constant turnover and is kept in balance by osteoblasts, which create bone, and osteoclasts, which destroy bone.
Bisphosphonates inhibit the digestion of bone by encouraging cell death of osteoclasts for slowing bone loss, which disrupts healthy bone metabolism. Recent media reports and FDA actions indicate those drugs can also cause osteonecrosis – bone death.
The crapshoot.
Out of concern for both patients and liability, growing numbers of dentists restrict certain services for bisphosphonate users. Some common dental procedures put patients with osteonecrosis at risk for shattered, irreplaceable jawbones.
Why aren’t osteonecrosis dangers more widely know? Clever marketing by pharmaceutical companies pace the market, and influence patients to influence their physicians. Osteonecrosis is dismissed as a possible, rare “side effect.”
For drug approval by the FDA, statistical measurements of known adverse reactions – ranging from displeasure, harm, even death – have to be reported. Although adverse incidents are made to look rare, the consumer should always beware. Statistics don’t tell you of the possible mismatch between a drug and your biochemical individuality.
Pharmaceutical use is always a crapshoot. The real testing of drug safety occurs once tens of thousands of prescriptions are filled. As drugs go into greater use, patients become the real test of adverse effects – drugs like Vioxx are banned because of patient harm.
New! Improved! The Latest Disease!
Osteoporosis is among the new, rapidly growing noncommunicable “diseases.” Some blame it on heredity, without scientific justification. The real cause is a best-kept secret in medicine, but long known in exercise physiology and nutrition.
Anybody that’s prepared meat dishes requiring separating meat from bone knows how tightly knit muscle is to bone. The two work together as an integrated operating unit. Strong muscles make strong bones. When one group of seventy-five
year-old Senior Olympic women competitors with excellent musculature were tested for bone density, they indicated an astonishing loss of less than .05%.
Osteoporosis should not be a health risk for healthy, fit individuals eating nutrient-dense foods.
Osteoporosis is a symptom of Sedentary Death Disorder.
As muscle wasting sets in from inactivity, starting in your twenties and thirties, bone loss goes along with it. As muscle wasting becomes pronounced around menopause, so does bone density loss. If your mother had the problem, it was due to inactivity.
Stay active, and you’ll stay free.
Walking, jogging, treadmills, and gardening, however, will not stem erosion of vital muscle and bone. A special program of metabolic conditioning is mandatory – preferably under direction of a physician, whose approach includes metabolic conditioning training and education.
One of the most rewarding programs started at the Sebring Clinic recently has involved working with rehabilitating older athletes. These are people who already understand the discipline and techniques required for fitness, have established good habits, but have been slowed down or sidelined by old or recent injuries – or both.
Like obesity, hypertension, and arthritis, osteoporosis isn’t a disease – no matter how much the medical-pharmaceutical monopolies want you to known them as such. Medicine can’t cure them, only slow down and maintain them as they slowly and surely erode your vitality. Those so-called diseases are symptoms of deeper upstream causes set in motion by decades of self-neglect – which is reversible, with the correct approach.
Stay strong. Prevent those dry bones with exuberant fitness and wellness. It’s your genetic birthright.
Dr. Lane Sebring is a practicing physician specializing in antiaging and alternative medicine. The Sebring Clinic offers personalized bio-identical hormone replacement, individualized anti-aging consultations, specialized laboratory testing, nutritional counseling, and on-site supplements at the Paleo Non-Pharmacy. Offices and Paleo Pharmacy in Wimberley, 16811 Ranch Road 12. (512) 847-5618, www.SebringClinic.com

Taking power through shame
by Christina Allen
On the path to self-empowerment, we meet many villains along the road, villains who challenge our authority and try to take us down. They do it because they have not yet mastered their own true sense of personal power, so they feel threatened by those who seemingly have.
One of the subtle ways they do this is through shame, a crippling emotion that walks hand in hand with guilt. Both give us feedback about the consequences of our actions.
Killing someone, for example, usually evokes a sense of shame, remorse, and guilt, so we don’t indulge in it much. Many of us will feel this about stepping on a spider as well.
These emotions are hard wired within us, so we’ll treat each other with respect. They can, however, be exploited.
The too line.
Much of what we feel shame about comes from not fitting into cultural norms.
Institutions like churches and schools teach us, from an early age, to suppress our emotions and conform to an external authority. Without the full spectrum of emotions to draw from, we can no longer hear our inner voices. This opens us to letting an external authority define the lines we must color within, if we want acceptance.
Anyone who does not toe the line is too – too easy, too loud, too forthright. The list is endless, but we all know when we’ve crossed that line. Stereotyping is an extension of this. Anyone outside our comfort range is fair game to be made fun of.
Accordingly, when one person feels threatened by another, instead of owning their feelings and working on their sense of self worth, they will often use these cultural directives to shame the other.
Sexuality is a great example.
We’ve all been taught expressing it is shameful, especially for a woman. When we become overwhelmed by our attraction to someone else and feel the attraction is not reciprocated, we can feel inadequate in their presence. If it’s a woman we’re attracted to, it’s fair game to shame her for “provoking” us.
We do the same with emotions. You made me mad!
No one makes us anything – it’s always our reactions to them that catch us off guard. When these are uncomfortable, we clumsily blame and shame, when in fact the problem is in not knowing how to process these emotions.
We’ve seen shame weaponized in the form of sexual harassment. You want a job? I am an authority, and I am attracted to you. I feel threatened by my feelings, so I will force you to do something demeaning to even the playing field. Or perhaps I just want to feel powerful. You can defy me and be excommunicated, or accept my terms and have your success be forever tainted with shame.
Wielding the sword of shame.
It works with emotions too. How dare you feel good about a job well done? Your success makes me feel inadequate, so I will point out your flaws and shame you into compliance with my level of mediocrity. Much as a dragon slayer stabs at its foe, or a lion tamer cages a beast, those who wield shame as their sword try to win power by destroying another’s magnificence.
When we own those things we feel shame about, we can no longer be blackmailed by cultural shame. Yes, I am too sexual, fat, sensitive, effeminate, or whatever – what of it? Your discomfort is, well, your discomfort. Work on it.
What if, instead of teaching us how to defer to an external authority and bow in shame to cultural norms that define our unworthiness, our institutions taught us how to honor each other, and find our power in listening to the internal guidance we come wired with?
Wouldn’t that be a glorious world?
Christina Allen, Shamanic Healer, teacher, founder and director of the Austin Shamanic Center, combines a strong science background (BA Physics, MS Neuroscience) with decades of applied ancient spiritual wisdom as a Master Yogi, Reiki Master, and Shamanic Healer, based, in part, on Q’ero Indian traditions of Peru. ASC offers profound Shamanic Self Development Workshops, professional trainings, and personal healings. Learn more at www.AustinShamanicCenter.com
The healing art of the future is energy medicine.
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Dear Ashtara:
Messages from Your Angels and Master Teachers

Dear Ashtara, What grounding practices, techniques, and skills might you share with us who are ascending to and within the 5 th Dimension realities? Lorenza, 73, Manchaca, TX
Dear Lorenza, The 5 th Dimension is becoming an old paradigm. Believe it or not, most of us who are guided today are embarking upon the 190 th dimension. Our realities are so complex that we, on the other side, are beginning to end certain Dispensations, as well as forming the Tribute. Thus, Mastery will be yours. Your highest teacher is Ashtar, your angel is Gabriel.
Dear Ashtara, Why is this kingdom (the world) so upside down? Where did it start? How will it end? Sister on the Island, NY, Age: None to think of, it’s all in the mind!
Dear Sister on the Island, When We, Upstairs, look at the world, it is in a Triumphant and Perfect Position. It all started back in the beginning when several of the highest ascended saints began to think about Earth and the progress it would make towards the end time. Topsy-turvy is exactly where a person’s life would be if they thought about it. For example, a mathematician, scientist, electrified spiritual teacher could equate that the feeling or emotion they were involved with could have a direct pull on their thought about what was going on in the world. Remain steadfast and the world becomes steadfast. Know that the Light will center, as well as prolong, each person’s life. Delve into The Almighty and understand that Abundant Love is yours. Your angel is Gabriel. Your highest saint above is Metatron.
Dear Ashtara, I am wondering what would be best for my son’s ADHD. Currently we are using megavitamins and colloidals. Is there something else he could use? He is an adult. Mary, 62, Austin, TX
Dear Mary, It looks like he is not only depressed but wonders if he will ever be okay. He also needs your support and help, and doesn’t know where else to go. It looks like he will be better in a year regardless of what happens. His angel, Gabriel, is coming in to assist with this situation. What he needs is love and understanding, because he thinks he is misplaced. Your guides are St. Germain and Sanat Kumara.
Dear Ashtara, I love Austin and it is changing so rapidly! While I like its shiny-new veneer, I miss its old-Austin soul. What can we do as long-term residents to keep the rustic, funky, authentic Austin alive? Is it even possible? Happy Hippy Girl, 47, Austin, TX
Dear Happy Hippy Girl, Austin will never get rid of her soul. It is impossible for a town like Austin to lose the fun and live-wire people who move here to join with us. Consequently, let’s think about the positive side, we still have each other, and we still have Barton Springs. We still have our spiritual get-togethers. We’ve been around long enough to know where the really cool places are to go, as well as, developing deep spiritual families. So, let’s embrace the ebb and the flow which allows more money for musicians, commerce, shop, and restaurant owners who could use a little bit more business. Thank you for your love of Austin. Your angel is Ashtar. Your highest teacher is Lord Maitreya.
Submit your question for ‘Dear Ashtara’ via email: Ashtara@SashaWhite.com or call (512) 278-0559 and give your question (up to 30 words) with name or nickname, age, city, and state.
Private Sessions can be scheduled (in person or by phone). Questions answered and more. Ashtara Sasha White is a gifted psychic, profound healer, and channel from the Ascended Masters/ Archangels. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher, Seichim Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Current Healing Master Teacher, Embodiment Master Teacher, and Teacher of the Light. Join her group on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30PM. See her events at www.AshtaraSashaWhite.com.
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Lessons learned keeping musicians healthy
by Darlene Starr
Around half of us make New Year’s resolutions about improving health and reducing stress, but most fall short of their goals. The problem usually lies not in will power, but in goals that are non-specific, or too big to tackle at once.
Set yourself up for success by picking one to three nourishing changes (specific and measurable, so you know when to high-five yourself) and resolving to do them for one month. Next month, add another one to three, and so on.
Lifestyle changes need not be difficult, exotic, or expensive, but they must be sustainable and affordable. Focus on what you gain through changes, rather than on denying yourself.
Simple ways to build a daily wellness routine.
These are based on years of experience working with touring musicians, keeping them healthy on and off the road:
• Breakfast. Make it real food, high in protein.
• Be, don’t do. Spend twenty minutes being with nature.
• Adaptogen herbs. Add one to help your body adapt to stress and strengthen and support adrenal function and immune system. Work with a well-trained herbalist to identify the best fit for your constitution and circumstances – it’s not one size fits all.

• Hydrate. Get half your body weight in ounces of H2O daily, more if your daily routine makes you sweat. Jedi Mind Trick: Keep a full pitcher nearby, as a visual aid. If technology’s more your style, there are apps and water bottles with alarms to remind you.
• Nutrient-rich herbal tea. Brew a pot, maybe nettles or oat straw. (Counts toward your hydration goal.)
• Home-cooking. Replace one processed or restaurant meal with something home-cooked.
• Center. Spend twenty minutes doing whatever centers you – reader’s choice.
• Move your body. Walk, bike, stretch, do yoga, shoot hoops. Find exercise enjoyable to you.
Bonus points for double-duty choices.
Don’t try to build Rome in a day. Succeeding at small, incremental changes often has tremendous impact on your energy and confidence levels, setting the stage for taking on bigger steps.
Making changes for a while, then missing a beat, is not failure. Look at all the other days you did it. At the end of each day, give yourself credit for what you have achieved, resolve to do the missed thing tomorrow – and keep going.
Darlene Starr, owner of Road Dog Health and Wellness, is a practicing Herbalist and Nutritional Therapist. (512) 291-0009, www.RoadDogHealthandWellness.com

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BODY MIND SPIRIT EXPO: FEB. 2-3 Palmer Center. $10 weekend admission, free talks, demos. Visit Austin All Natural booth, and hear publisher Michael Abedin speak on Reiki, Bach remedies, and releasing energetic cords. www.BMSE.net
NATURE’S TREASURES 4103 N. IH 35, Austin, TX (512) 472-5015 Shop online: NTRocks.com January Events Rockin’ New Years Sale Shop Online and Save Enjoy 20% off in-store and online through Jan. 6 and get your year off to a rockin’ start. Love, success, self-empowerment, health and friendship are just a few themes crystals can help you manifest in 2019. Daily in-store practitioners and aura readings. What color is your aura? Also offering personal shopping and crystal reading on select Saturdays with Dianna, Austin’s Crystal Whisperer. For full practitioner listing, event calendars and event rental inquiries, visit NTRocks.com
ASHTARA SASHA WHITE’S EVENTS Monthly Group Meeting: Wed. Jan. 9 6:30pm, Snacks. 7-9pm, Group. Phoenix Rising Metaphysics, 8650 Spicewood Springs Rd. #201, Austin
Healing with Ashtara. Signup: (512) 278-0559 Sun., Nov. 25 – San Marcos Metaphysical Fair 11am-5pm Holiday Inn, 105 Binut Dr., San Marcos, TX
Details, Private Sessions, and Ashtara’s CDs: (512) 278-0559 www.AshtaraSashaWhite.com
Psychic, Master Teacher & Speaker512-278-0559
AshtaraSashaWhite.com Ashtara@SashaWhite.com
QUANTUM REIKI MASTER INTENSIVE The Reiki of the Fire Dragon, Jan. 25-27. With Master Teacher Michael Abedin All three levels of Usui Reiki in one lifechanging weekend. Do treatments on yourself and others, in-person and long-distance, attune attune others. Registration: (512) 879-7299.
METAPHYSICAL & HOLISTIC LIFE EXPO Jan. 5-6, Sat. 10am-6:30pm, Sun. 11am-6pm FREE 2018 Prediction Panel, Fri. Jan. 4, 7pm ORIGINAL LOCATION: Holiday Inn Austin Midtown, 6000 Middle Fiskville Rd. 78752 www.SpiritualLifeProductions.com
SPIRITUAL LIFE FAIR Jan. 12, 10am-5:30pm. Monthly event. The talents and products of a community dedicated to healing Body, Mind, and Spirit. FREE! Nature’s Treasures Community Center, 4103 N. IH-35. www.SpiritofAllThatIs.com
LOVITATIONS Reiki Class, Sun., Jan. 20, 1-5:30pm. Reiki Level 1: Beginners Journey. Traditional Usui Lineage, by Belinda Morris. Begin your Journey, receive your first attunement, learn self-healing techniques of Reiki Level 1. Sound Healing Guided Meditation with Harp, Flute and Bowls by Michael & Belinda Morris: Sunday Jan. 20, 6:30pm (Following class)
Tuesday, Jan. 29, 7:30pm Holistic House of Healing. 13740 Hwy. 183 N, J-1. Love offering. (512) 589-4075. RSVP: Lovitations@gmail.com Schedule, info: http://www.Lovitations.com
January 27, 11am-5pm February 24, 11am-5pm FREE Admission
CICADA SERVICES Psychotherapeutic training, shamanic techniques integrate, heal Mind, Body, Soul. Hypnotherapy, regression, the Life Between Lives. Shamanic classes, rituals. Protective, grounding jewelry at Austin’s Metaphysical Fair. (512) 440-9082 www.Cicada-Recovery-Services.com
ASHTARA SASHA WHITE (512) 278-0559. Phone, inperson sessions. Profound Psychic Readings, Healings. Minister, Speaker, Channel, Master Teacher. Pain alleviated instantly. Questions answered. Problems solved. Deep, gratifying readings. Past lives, Akashic records. Ashtara@SashaWhite.com www.AshtaraSashaWhite.com
ELAINE IRELAND Practicing psychic over fifty years, including helping families, police with missing persons. Classes: Tarot, meditation, psychic development. Phone, Skype, at Austin’s Metaphysical Fair, Nature’s Treasures. (512) 922-4723 www.ElaineIrelandPsychic.com

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