LMC in Europe Every year LMC sends students and staff abroad for professional and personal development as well as hosting guests from our international partner colleges. This brochure contains information about the numerous international activities we are involved in at LMC. It is aimed at students, staff, local and international partners of the College, to showcase the innovations, project activities, personal stories and inspire you to get involved with LMC in Europe.
Featured Project - Scogatt Serious Computer Games as a Teaching Tool (SCOGATT) Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Project The SCOGATT Project grew out of the ‘EnerCities’ serious computer game project where LMC were the core UK partner in piloting the innovative EnerCities computer game. www.enercities.eu Based on that experience, LMC and the partners in seven countries have set out to give practical assistance to teachers in vocational education by offering them a helping hand using serious computer games in their classes. This innovative large scale project funded by Leonardo will provide examples and best practice using computer games by piloting workshops for local and international vocational education organisations. www.scogatt.eu
Welcome In difficult economic times, with many struggling countries across Europe, I’m delighted to record the ongoing strength of our partnership working and European links. It is a testimony to all concerned that our students and staff are continuing to enjoy an unprecedented range of opportunities to develop their skills, confidence and exposure to different cultural experiences. I am inspired by their personal stories and hope this sense of achievement and optimism continues to pervade everything we do with all our partners. David Wood, LMC Principal
Current Projects WOWSA What’s on the Web Safely for Adults Grundtvig Partnership Project Lancaster and Morecambe College is working in partnership with Help Direct in Lancaster delivering eSafety sessions to adults across the local area. The WOWSA Project is funded by the Grundtvig stream of the EUs Lifelong Learning Programme and brings older and younger adults together to learn and share experiences of eSafety using the internet. To mark European Safer Internet Day in 2013, a group of adult learners teamed up with some older and retired adults at the college for basic training in eSafety when using Social Media and Facebook. Future project activities will also offer the chance for learners to share their experiences and thoughts about eResponsibility with European peers at WOWSA meetings in the partner countries. www.wowsaproject.eu
TALK Teaching Adults Lifelong Knowledge Grundtvig Partnership Project This two year project funded by the Grundtvig stream of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission aims to identify, examine and share best practices in the development and support of interpersonal skills, empowering adults of all abilities. The project involves transnational exchanges to Sweden, Germany, Poland and Turkey for staff and students. The outputs of the project will include a comparison of approaches on the key themes and a toolkit of resources and best practices to help guide adults in education. www.talk-project.eu
FestEVET Project Festival Entrepreneurship for Vocational Education and Training
Staff Quotes: ‘It was both impressive and moving to see how students interacted and succeeded in a challenging cultural situation’ WOW Grundtvig Project, Sweden
‘This was my first international experience at college and I loved every minute of it.’ Leonardo Partnership Visit, Turkey
Student Quotes: ‘I have much more confidence in myself and my work and I no longer have the fear of asking for help. I have gained a large insight to what it's like in a working environment. I will be implementing this into my future job applications.’ IT Works Trip, Czech Republic
‘It has taught me to make the most of what I've got, the cultural differences are enormous.’
Leonardo Partnership Project The FestEVET Project brings together a diverse range of training providers, educationalists and NGOs to develop fresh approaches to running festivals in the eight partner countries. Led by a Turkish partner, the aims of the project involve running themed meetings in each partner country and to develop shared good practice guidelines to assist partners and other organisations across Europe. www.festevet.org
‘I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity and can recommend this adventure to anyone.’ Summer Camp for Kids, Bulgaria
Lit.Voc Lit.Voc Project – Literacy and Vocation Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Project The project aims to identify literacy needs for workplace purposes and develop concepts and materials for literacy and numeracy education (skills for life) in Europe. The project partnership is made up of vocational educational and training organisations from six partner countries where it is generally agreed that workplace oriented literacy programmes are one of the most effective ways to build the literacy skills of people already in employment or apprenticeships. To support policy makers, civil servants, teachers and trainers Lit.Voc will develop concepts and materials that focus on how to plan and implement workplace oriented literacy programmes. Most of the materials will be published in Bulgarian, Danish, English, German (Austrian and German versions) and Spanish. www.grundbildung-und-beruf.info
Student Quotes: ‘This exchange is the best thing I've ever done and has opened so many doors. It is an experience I would not hesitate doing again.’ Coaching Outdoor Pursuits, Slovakia
‘I will now consider international options for my future education and career.’ European Nurse Exchange, Iceland
Featured Placements EuroZoo Lancaster and Morecambe College is working in partnership with a leading Zoo in Poland to provide work placements for their best Level 3 Animal Care students. The lucky students will work shadow professional zoo keepers at Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny Wybrzeża (Oliwa Zoo) in Gdansk giving them a unique insight into this exciting work and setting them off on their future careers in the sector. The placements are subsidised by the Leonardo stream of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission.
“Partnership working with established and respected employers and organisations in Europe, not only increases the skills and prospects for the learners, it also gives them a unique cultural experience enhancing their personal development.” LMC - International Projects Coordinator, John Latham
Leonardo Mobility LMC is committed to widening participation in international work placements for its students. Past projects include; sending nursing students to Sweden and Iceland, apprentice chefs to Malta and sports coaches to Lithuania and Sweden. These projects are usually subsidised by Leonardo and future LMC projects include: sports students leading kids camp activities in Bulgaria, Slovakia and Estonia, care students work shadowing in The Netherlands and Spain and IT students getting industry experience in Lithuania and the Czech Republic.
‘From this experience I have gained a much wider outlook on life and how things work differently in different parts of the world.’ IT Works Trip, Czech Republic
Student Hosting Occasionally the College also acts as hosting organisation for partner organisations abroad that send students to the UK for work experience. In recent years LMC has hosted international students in Finance, IT, Business, Sports and other support departments from countries such as Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Germany, Slovakia and Spain.
European Week Festival A very special week in the College’s calendar, European Week is a chance for staff and students to get involved in themed sessions and learn more about Europe. Each year LMC invites local primary schools to participate in the fun activities that will be led by staff, volunteers and students. Activities range from pizza making and sport, to ICT and model making in woodwork.
Employer & Partnerships Team LMC is committed to working internationally and has a strategy to embed international activity across the curriculum as well as in all other aspects of our work. Working in partnership is seen as a way to increase innovation and engagement for all involved. The Employer and Partnerships Team are responsible for ensuring international activities compliment the wider college offer. Sue Keenan heads the wider team which also links to local partners and businesses. John Latham coordinates the international activity. The team’s current international focus is on developing unique work experiences abroad for Sue Keenan & John Latham learners and taking part in other innovative projects designed to enhance the student and staff experience across the Lifelong Learning Programme and beyond. Visit the links below for information about courses and regular updates on our projects, international visits and ways to contact us.
Blog Visit the LMC in Europe blog for regular updates on all of our ongoing projects and international visits. http://lmcineurope.blogspot.co.uk
Get in touch: w: www.lmc.ac.uk e: europe@lmc.ac.uk p: 01524 66215 a: Lancaster & Morecambe College Morecambe Road, Lancaster LA1 2TY
Staff Quotes: ‘It is really interesting to see how other organisations use innovation and technology in their teaching.’ TALK Grundtvig Project, Poland
‘This International visit helped give me a reflective perspective on my own teaching at college, how to improve and what I do well already.’ Face to Face Leonardo Project, Italy
Get Involved Students Your tutor is the first point of contact to find out what European projects are running in your subject area and how you can get involved. Ask them as soon as possible as most projects will have specific timescales and deadlines.
Staff Check out the blog to find out more about what European projects involve – it often means additional work, travel and extra hours – but it’s worthwhile when you find the right project! If you have an idea or would like to get involved in an existing project – contact John Latham on j.latham@lmc.ac.uk
Partners LMC has a wealth of experience in running projects and working with partners across Europe. If you have an existing project or an idea you would like to discuss contact John Latham on j.latham@lmc.ac.uk