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The Mourning of Bowie/
The Misery of The Daily Mail January usually kicks off with a yiiÌ } L >ÃÌ v «Ì à ] Liv Ài }À>`Õ> Þ }À ` } Õà ` Ü Ì Ü>À`à > «i iÃà `i«ÀiÃà ° - ÀÀÞ v Þ Õ ÜiÀi >Û } > } ` `>Þo ÕÌ Ì Ã > ÀÀ L i Ì ° Õ v ÀL ` Þ }ÀiÞ `>ÞÃ] «>Ài Ìà `À>}} } Ì i À `Ã Ì ÃV Ü Ì > v>Vi vÕ v à Ì] > ` Ì i vÕÌ ÌÞ v Ì À ÃÌà ÌÀÞ } Ì >Û ` > à > v « Ì ið > Õ>ÀÞ Ü>à } } > } « i ÌÞ ÃiÀ>L Þ i Õ} ] LÕÌ Ì i > Vi Ìà L i> iÃÃ] >Û ` Ü i ` i`° ½ Þ ÎÈ] à ` ` ½Ì Ãii «iÀv À Starman / « v Ì i * «Ã > ` Ü `iÀ ¼Where on Earth did he buy a suit like that? I hope he changes before he walks home to Brixton, for his own safety.’ ÕÌ ` ` }À Ü Õ« ÃÌi } Ì Ü i½Ã Õà V] >à i Ü>Ã Þ `>`½Ã iÀ ° Ài i LiÀ i Ü>à }i Õ i Þ > Þi` LÞ Ü ÌiÀÀ L i Ü i½Ã Tin Machine > LÕ Ü>Ã] i i½` LiÌÀ>Þi` à i Ì Ài i}>VÞt i>À` >L ÕÌ Ü i½Ã «>Ãà } - >Õ i>Ûi ޽à LÀi> v>ÃÌ Ã Ü È Õà V° ƂvÌiÀ Ài>` } ÕÌ Ã i ÌÀ LÕÌiÃ] i>Ûi Þ «À Û `i` > > ÃÌ Vi iL>Ì ÀÞ i Ì Ü Ì Ì i Ü À`Ã\ “This is the sound of Mick Ronson, playing a Gibson Les Paul through a Marshall amp” Liv Ài blasting Ziggy Stardust across Ì i > ÀÜ>Ûið Þ `>` « ««i` À Õ ` v À > VÕ« v Ìi> > ` Üi V >ÌÌi` >L ÕÌ Ü i > ` Ü Ì Ü>à ` v À ` VÕ ÕÃ Ì >Ì }À Ü i Ã Õ ` }iÌ i Ì > >Ì Ì i `i>Ì v > À V ÃÌ>À° Þ >Õ Ì] Ü Þ `>` Ü Õ ` >À}Õi Ü Ì Ài i Ì iÃÃ Þ >à > V ` >à i V Õ ` ½Ì Õ `iÀÃÌ> ` iÀ Ü LÃiÃÃ Ü Ì / i >Þ
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Wrote the articles. Did the layout.
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Took all of the photos
Jeremy Knight for his work on the Capability Brown feature Cream & Country for supplying us with brand images Nick Allen Design for supplying product images. And for the beer! Blue Star Harriers: We hope the feature makes a difference... Sarah Pracey PR for arranging our meal at The Richard Onslow Everyone who contributed to our News Round-up
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Pictured: Ben and Toby enjoying ice cream. Our feature on Cream & Country starts on Page 27
CONTENTS The Cover Story Featured on the cover this month, after a great deal of deliberation, is Peter Wynne, featured in our My Story So Far feature. Peter is pictured sitting in the living room of his home in Billingshurst. We initially thought that his glasses were a remnant from his days as a teen pop idol in the early 1960’s, when he toured with the likes of Billy Fury. They weren’t, but they do add great colour to the shot! Toby enjoyed taking photos of Peter, saying his face has ‘real character.’ As a former singer, it won’t surprise you to know that Peter didn’t mind
posing with various props, including a selection of his records! The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noted that the AAH logo is slightly different this month. The editor is working at a new computer and has had some font issues as he switches from a PC to Mac! Hopefully, it’s close enough. It’s not like we’re Coca-Cola! We had several other options for the front cover this month. The picture of Mark and Jo Murphy of Cream & Country looks like a typical AAH cover image. We were very close to going with it!
AAH: The People EDITOR: BEN MORRIS editor@aahorsham.co.uk 01403 878026 / 01903 892899 LETTERS: The Editor, AAH Magazine, 2 Viney Close, Ashington, RH20 3PT ADVERTISING: KELLY MORRIS advertising@aahorsham.co.uk 01403 878026 / 01903 892899 PHOTOGRAPHY: TOBY PHILLIPS www.tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk info@tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk 07968 795625 WEBSITE: wwwaahorsham.co.uk We publish AAH online every month. You can read archive editions too. ADVERTISING Advertisers regularly report a great response from AAH. Well, we’re the best one around, aren’t we? Eighth Page Advert: £55 + VAT Quarter Page Advert: £110 + VAT Half Page Advert: £185 + VAT Full Page Advert: £300 + VAT Every Sixth Advert is Free (Excludes premium pages) advertising@aahorsham.co.uk or call 01403 878026 ARCHIVE EDITIONS/PHOTO SALES Past editions can be purchased for a cost of £3. Contact the Editor. Images can be purchased, either as digital downloads or prints. Contact Toby for details. DOOR TO DOOR DISTRIBUTION Horsham: Max Paterson, Jacquie Paterson, Andrew Price, John Gatehouse, Matt Bland, Oliver Whorwood, Lewis Spiller, Owen Wirth, Pat Gibbs, The Cocoracchio family, Jemima Delgado-
Holland, Toby Phillips, George Voisey, Lauren Maddock, Connor Heald, Paula Hunter, Katie Drysdale, George Williams, Luke Moran, James Bunch. Billingshurst: Anna Laker, Matt Jillians Southwater: Max Laker, Zoe Bacon, Tom Bourne and Lewis Geal Villages: Megan Green (Mannings Heath) Adam Browse (Warnham) Will Sessions (Ashington), Ben Morris (Stands), Dave Tidey (West Grinstead), Ben’s Grandma (Wisborough Green), Mike Hoare (Nuthurst), George Brown (Partridge Green), Oak Tree Farm Care (Maplehurst & Copsale); Mark Simkin (Washington), Liam Palmer (Broadbridge Heath) James Hobbs (Thakeham) and Callum Matthews (Storrington) Mike Miller (Steyning) FAREWELL: Thanks so much to Trish Fuller, who has delivered AAH to Old Holbrook since 2011, but can no longer spare the time. All the best, Trish! Also, good luck to Ben Ordever, who has done a fantastic job in Mannings Heath but is now knuckling down with his studies! PICK UP POINTS 4,000 more copies are available at businesses, clubs, organisations, and community centres across the district. Our stands can be found at... Horsham: Sakakini (Carfax), Artisan Patisserie (Market Square), Pavilions in the Park, Horsham Museum, Horsham Rail -Ì>Ì ] , vviÞ * ÃÌ "vwVi] iÜ ÕÃi Farm, Swan Walk. Village Stands: CoCo’s salon (Southwater); Billingshurst Leisure Centre, Barns Green Village Store and Sumners Ponds, Sew Something in Storrington High Street, Hutching’s Butchers in Partridge Green, Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre, Bluecoat Sports Centre (Christ’s Hospital), Chanctonbury Leisure Centre (Steyning) Village Larder (Washington) and many more.
News Round-Up
Former Forest Boy nominated for Academy Award, Steyning schoolboy set for skiing success
My Story
Peter Wynne from Billingshurst recalls his days as a pop star in the 1960’s
Horsham couple Mark and Jo Murphy are enjoying the sweet taste of success with their own ice cream
The Review
We travel to the biggest village in the land to see why diners are heading to The Richard Onslow
Unearthed maps reveal a remarkable ‘lost’ garden designed in Horsham by Capability Brown
The Column
AAH ponders why the pleas of young athletes are falling on deaf ears at Horsham District Council
We speak to coaches and runners at Blue Star Harriers as they make a case for saving The Tube
61 Art
We meet the renowned furniture designers who have turned their attention to brewing beer
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The Granary 37 Bishopric Horsham RH12 1QE
To submit News/Events for consideration, email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
5 1
To celebrate 10 years of the Piazza Italia event in Horsham, the festival is going on tour around the district. On Sunday 13 March, in advance of the main Piazza Italia celebration in Horsham over the Easter weekend, a selection of Italian cars and bikes will take a tour. Setting off from Horsham town, > yiiÌ v ÃÕ«iÀV>Àà > ` Ì> > bikes will travel to Billingshurst, Pulborough, Storrington, -ÌiÞ } > ` i wi `] Liv Ài returning to Horsham. The main Piazza Italia festival will be held on Good Friday 25 March, Easter Saturday 26 March and Easter Monday 28 March. For Ì i wÀÃÌ Ì i] Û Ã Ì ÀÃ Ü Li >L i Ì À `i à i v Ì i ÃÕ«iÀV>Àà for a charitable donation. Ride outs will be based close to the V Õ V ½Ã vwVià >Ì *>À à `i° For more details visit ÜÜÜ° Àà > « >ââ> Ì> >°V °Õ
/ i «À }À> i V Õ`ià >V ½Ã Chaconne, Dances by Granados and De Falla and works by Sor, Cardoso and Domeniconi. Tickets cost £29.50 (Restricted student tickets are available for £16) from the Box "vwVi ä£{äÎ ÇxäÓÓä À ÜÜÜ°Ì iV>« Ì Àà > °V
Horsham Music Circle, in association with The
>« Ì ] «ÀiÃi ÌÃ Ä Karadaglic, a classical guitarist from Montenegro, on 7i` iÃ`>Þ Ó >ÀV >Ì Ç°Îä« °
Playwright and screenwriter Matt Charman, a former Forest Boys and Collyer’s student, has been nominated for an Academy Award. Matt shares
Ashington Community
i ÌÀi ÃÌà Ìà wÀÃÌ Wedding Fayre on Sunday 13 March from ££> q Ϋ ° / i v>ÞÀi à > i` >Ì «i « i } v À > }Ài>Ì wedding event at a fraction of Ì i ÌÞ« V> V ÃÌ° 6 Ã Ì ÀÃ Ü Li able to meet a wide range of Üi`` } `>Þ Ã«iV > ÃÌà covering wedding dresses, V>ÌiÀ }] `À Ã] y ÜiÀÃ] v `] cakes and much more. Admission is free with refreshments available. For more details call Margaret on 01903 892633.
7 8 his nomination in the Writing "À } > -VÀii « >Þ® category with Ethan and Joel Coen, as co-writer of the >VV > i` À `}i v -« iÃ] ` ÀiVÌi` LÞ -ÌiÛi -« i LiÀ} > ` starring Tom Hanks. The Cold 7>À Ì À iÀ Ü v>Vi V «iÌ Ì from Inside Out, Spotlight, Ex Machina and Straight Outta Compton. Matt, who was interviewed for the ‘My Story So Far’ feature in AAH July 2015, à iÝ«iVÌi` Ì >ÌÌi ` Ì i nnÌ Academy Awards in Hollywood on 28 February. Ashington author Tim Bennett has written a Ûi ë Ài` LÞ Ã own recovery from drug >`` VÌ ° / i «À Ìi` ÛiÀà v Awaken - Book One of the Earth Guardians Series – is available to buy on Amazon, with the digital version available on Amazon Kindle. As a social Ü À iÀ] Ƃ>À > i à ÃÕ«« Ãi` Ì i « Ì Ãi iÃà v ÀÌÕ >Ìi] LÕÌ he’s been consumed by drug >`` VÌ > ` à «À>Þ } v À à i>ÀÌ Ì ÃÌ « Li>Ì }° Ãi Ì death, he’s thrown a lifeline – Ài >L >«i / Ü ° / i ``Ã
are stacked against him, but Aaron embarks on a journey of transformation and selfdiscovery as he realises that his iÝ«iÀ i Vi >«i / Ü `à the key to his destiny. For more information visit www.timhbennett.co.uk Countryside’s fourth > ` w > « >Ãi v iÜ homes at Wickhurst Green near Horsham was launched in January. Elysian i `Ã Ü «À Û `i > Ü `i À> }i v ÌÜ Ì wÛi Li`À ià in the new village of Wickhurst Green, an extension of Broadbridge Heath. The new homes overlook extensive « > Ì }] « `à > ` >ÌÕÀi ÌÀiið *À ViÃ Ì i wÀÃÌ release of new homes range vÀ Ë{Óx]äää Ì ËÈxä]äää° ÜÜÜ°V Õ ÌÀÞà `i «À «iÀÌ ið com
CAMRA North Sussex À> V «ÀiÃi ÌÃ Ì i -«À } µÕ Ý iiÀ Festival at the Horsham Drill Hall on Denne Road, on 5 - 6 March. Tickets cost £6 on Saturday and are free for the
Matt Charman, a former Forest and Collyer’s student, has been nominated for an Academy Award Sunday session. They are on sale at The Beer Essentials in East Street, The Malt Shovel, and Kings Brewery on the Jubilee Estate, Foundry Lane. For more details email camra.equinox@gmail.com
Audrey Krako will be showcasing her intriguing photographs in The Capitol Art Gallery until 14 February. Places and Unknown Faces by Audrey previously featured in AAH for her fashion designs – showcases ĂŒĂœÂœ Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ ĂœÂœĂ€ĂŒÂ… Âœv `ˆ}ÂˆĂŒ>Â?] wÂ?“ and Polaroid projects that capture people and places which otherwise would be bypassed. Audrey, who is originally from Hungary but now lives in Broadbridge Heath, has taken pictures at local locations as well as the famous Route 66 in America.
Cathal Garvey, the new Musical Director of the Billingshurst Choral Society, is to conduct >˜`iÂ?Â˝Ăƒ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ }Ă€i>ĂŒ ÂœĂ€>ĂŒÂœĂ€ÂˆÂœ] ->Ă•Â?] at Billingshurst Leisure Centre on Saturday 19 March. Cathal, a prominent Irish choral and orchestral conductor, took over the role of Musical Director from the retiring George Jones in April 2015. He has already conducted two very successful concerts for Billingshurst Choral Society, which stages three major concerts annually.
A monthly ‘get together’ called Feeling Gorgeous at Sedgwick Park was launched on 2 February, with guest speaker Sue Stone, author of ‘Love Life Live Life.’ Feeling Gorgeous events will be Â…iÂ?` œ˜ ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ /Ă•iĂƒ`>Ăž Âœv ĂŒÂ…i
To submit News/Events for consideration, email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
10: NEWS
13 month and will feature inspiring talks on complementary ways to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit, held in the beautiful private country house of Sedgwick Park House. Annette Gardner from Feeling Gorgeous is running these events in conjunction with Clare Davison, who lives at Sedgwick Park. The next presentation on 1 March sees Becky Bowles from doTerra (Gift of the Earth) explaining how to use therapeutic–grade essential oils as a wellness alternative. For details email annette@feelinggorgeous.co.uk or visit www.feelinggorgeous.co.uk After celebrating 30 years of Fascinating Aida, Dillie Keane is taking a short break from her gal pals to bring audiences around the country her solo show. Written by her and Adèle Anderson, Dillie will perform at The Capitol on Thursday 18 February at 7.30pm. As a founding member
14 of Fascinating Aida, Dillie has amassed over 17 million hits on Youtube for their charming and now infamous takes on a variety v Ì « VÃ vÀ V i>« y } ÌÃ Ì Dillie’s notorious ‘ode to dogging’ which itself has reached 2 million hits. Tickets £22 from www.thecapitolhorsham.com or 01403 750220. The eighth annual Horsham Charity Pancake Race will be held in the Carfax from 12pm on Tuesday 16 February. The event, organised by The Rotary Club of Horsham in partnership with Horsham Council, sees businesses, charities and organisations competing in fancy dress races in aid of local charities. The event, sponsored by Ringway, will see cups awarded to winners in categories including Best Individual Fancy Dress and Best Flipper. For entry details email horshamrotary@btconnect.com
Horsham Symphony Orchestra go around the world with a feast of music from America, England and France for it spring concert at The Capitol on Sunday 20 March at 3pm. HSO will be performing two dazzling works with virtuoso saxophonist Gerard McChrystal as well as orchestral pieces by Ravel and Gershwin. Tickets V ÃÌ Ë£{ vÀ Ì i Ý "vwVi 01403 750220 or www.thecapitolhorsham.com
Steyning Grammar School student Charlie Õ i w à i` i } Ì in the Giant Slalom for Great Britain and the British Children’s Team at the SkiInterkriterium International Race Series in January. This follows his recent successes at the Independent Schools Championships in Deux Alpes, where he won the Giant Slalom, and slalom gold at the British Alpine Skiing Championship in Les ÕV ið >À i wÀÃÌ Li}> à ing at the age of two and a half
but only rekindled his interest two years ago. He has recently teamed up with four-time Winter Olympian Chemmy Alcott, who is now his ski performance coach. Chemmy said: “Charlie has grown in maturity so much in a short space of time. I have never seen someone make such progress in terms of technique at his age in just six months. He was in the top 15 in the country before, but now he is battling it out to be the British No.1.” Charlie’s next major event is at Topolino, Italy, in March. The 10th annual Sussex Food & Drink Awards were held at the Amex Stadium in Brighton on 28 January. Hosted by awards patron Sally Gunnell OBE DL and Danny Pike of BBC Sussex, the ceremony is a celebration of the “crème de la crème of Sussex food and drink producers.” The Traditional Cheese Dairy in Stonegate was named Sussex Food Producer of the Year, with Ridgeview Wine
‘Winter Olympian Chemmy Alcott is Charlie’s performance coach’
12: NEWS
We regularly update our Latest News section at www.aahorsham.co.uk
Estate in Ditchling Common named Sussex Drink Producer of the Year. The Sussex Young Chef of the Year award went to Ryan Tomkinson at The Pass at South Lodge, with Charlie and Sarah Hughes of Southview Farm in Pulborough named Sussex Farmer of the Year. Sussex Butcher of the Year was S K Hutchings in Partridge Green, and Horsham Local Produce Market won through in the Farmers Market of the Year category. The Sussex Eating Experience
of the Year award went to The Cat Inn in West Hoathly. Other winners include Sharnfold Farm Shop, Eggs to Apples in Hurst Green and The Trolls Pantry in Brighton. Picture courtesy of www.sussexfoodawards.biz Horsham District Council has announced that the cost for the garden waste collection service has increased to £35 per year from April.
Additional bins will be charged at £20 per year. Cllr Roy Cornell, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “The cost for garden waste collection has remained static for the past three years but we are having to introduce these nominal increases to cover increased operational costs.” Residents can sign up for the 2016/17 service or renew at www.horsham.gov.uk/bins/ garden-waste or telephone 01403 739459.
18 St Catherine’s Hospice has opened a charity shop in The Bishopric. The new shop has a range of clothing for men and women, a children’s section, DVDs and books. The opening of St Catherine’s new shop sees the hospice expanding their reach in the local area by adding to their two existing shops in Horsham’s East Street and brings the total number of charity shops across their Sussex and Surrey
Original, Limited Edition Artwork, and Sculptures by the UK’s Leading Contemporary Artists
Top: Leanne Christie, Gabe Leonard Bottom: Tom Lewis, Ostinelli & Priest, Katy Jade Dobson
8 Bishopric, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1QR 01403 756600
NEWS: 13
19 catchment area to 15. Pictured: Teresa Harris, The Bishopric Shop Manager Crawley Model Railway Society will be holding their 26th annual model railway exhibition at Tanbridge House School, Farthings Hill, Guildford Road, Horsham, on Saturday 9 April from 10am – 5pm, and Sunday 10 April from 10am – 4pm. There will be a miniature railway in addition to 18+ layouts and model railway suppliers. Admission £6 (Children £4). www.crawleymrs.org.uk Pictured: Stock image: Sumners Ponds Model Show 2015
The Anern Trio perform a charity concert at St Mark’s Church, North Heath Lane, Horsham, on Saturday 27 February. The concert, in support of Chestnut Tree House, opens with the Trio Concertante in D major by Ignaz Pleyel. Next is the Trio in C minor by Beethoven, and after the interval comes the
ÛiÀÌ i Ì y>Ì > À LÞ Mozart. Tickets cost £15 to include interval refreshment from 01403 752150 or email pmcgs66@aol.com
Horsham & Mid Sussex Voluntary Action has a number of volunteering opportunities currently available. The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust is looking for someone to support its service ÕÃiÀÃ Ü Ì w } v À Ã] > } phone calls and researching issues such as their eligibility for housing and local resources. The Springboard Project are looking for a volunteer with administrative skills to take notes at management meetings (held bi-monthly on Mondays.) Age UK is looking for
14: NEWS
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The aim is that you are mentally t ll and d physically able to ‘give’ the au author uthority to whom would be best positio oned to either help you or deal with your aff ffairs, if you can’t - and that you understaand the scope and purpose of the Lasting Power of Attorney document. Please do not hesitate to con ntact us if you would like to discuss the Lasting ting Power of Attorney process in more detail either in the comfort of your own home me or in one of our offices, by appointmen nt. For more information contact Philip Lansberry, Partner Spofforths Privvate Client Servicees LLP P,, on 01403 253282 or email philiplansberrry@spofforth hs.co.uk
o join a small band of people to volunteers rs who look after its award winning garden at Lavinia House and Know w Dementia is looking for volunteer teer helpers to assist at lunch and d activities clubs. The MS Society, H Horsham Girl Guides and Children & Family Centres run by West Sussex sex County Council also seek volunteers. nteers. Find more volunteering ring opportunities by contacting g Horsham and Mid Sussex Voluntary o Action on 01444 258102, email volunteerrcentre@hamsva.org.uk Pictured:: The Springboard Project (2014) 2014) Four local ladies have launched The Pink Gift Fair, which will raise money for Dame Vera e Lynn Childr dren’s Charity and Cancer Research UK. The event will take place at Rofffey Park from Friday 30 September er to Sunday 2 October. The fair iss being organised by Sharon Gardnerr, Sally Pavey, Lisa Davidson and Kim Kelly. They are inviting inspiring nspiring companies that offfer, fash hion, food and drink, jewellery and unique gifts to visit www.pinkkgiftfair.co.uk for stallholder er information. For details email pinkgiftfair@gmail.com kgiftfair@gmail.com
The Shipley Arts Festival 2016 Preview was held on Sunday 31 January. The event, hosted by John and Clare Davison at Sedgwick Park, included uded live music from the Stradivarius us Piano Trio and the Bernardi Music Group’s String Academyy. Shipley Arts Festival vi>ÌÕÀià > Þ v Ì i V Õ Ì޽à w iÃÌ classical musicians and the world renowned dY Yehudi ehudi Menuhin School. The 2016 6 programme is still being compiled but dates will appear at www.bmg glive.com and we’ll do our best to feature them here too before they sell out!
NEWS: 15
To submit News/Events for consideration, email Ben: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
25 24 23
Cloud Gallery will be welcoming guests at its Bishopric shop to celebrate one year in Horsham. The gallery will be serving refreshments from 1pm on Saturday 5 March. Artists displayed include JJ Adams, Katy Jade Dobson, Mark Spain, Gabe Leonard and Tom Lewis. ÜÜÜ°V Õ`}> iÀÞw i>ÀÌ°V °Õ
Horsham’s Seedy Saturday, hosted by Transition Horsham, will
26 be held in the Friend’s Meeting House, Worthing Road, Horsham from 10am - 2pm on Saturday 20 February. The main focus is seed swapping, so bring your home collected and open pollinated seeds, labelled and dated, and swap yours for ones you want. If you don’t have any seeds to swap, you can pick some up for a donation, and have a chat with other gardeners and growers. Stallholders include Horsham in Bloom, Brinsbury College, local nature reserves and Green
Living. There will be soup and bread, tea and cake. www.transitionhorsham.org.uk The Sainsbury’s Sport Relief Mile returns to Horsham Park this year on Sunday 20 March. Enter at www.sportrelief.com
The Horsham branch of Martial Arts South East, an arm of the European Wing Tsun, is launching new junior and adult classes at
for intermediate and advanced students. The Horsham club was «i i` > ` iÃÌ>L Ã i` wÛi years ago by Sifu Ben Gosling with classes held in the dance studio at Millais Secondary school in Horsham on Wednesday evenings. Wing Tsun Kung Fu develops toning, cardiovascular, stamina and aids in weight loss. For more details visit www.martialartssoutheast.co.uk or the ‘Martial Arts Horsham’ page on Facebook.
Love is in the Air T
here are some loveless souls who take small pleasures in criticising Valentine’ Day. “It’s just a commercial cash cow!” they say, as they spend the evening drinking a bottle of wine and chomping on chocolates. By themselves. They’re wrong. Valentine’s Day is not a centuries old money-making conspiracy by greetings card companies and florists! Yes, they may benefit – along with the chocolatiers and jewelers of the world – but if that’s the price of just one day of love and romance, then who cares? Here in the UK, 71% of people celebrate St Valentine’s Day, with men spending, on average, £26. However, some might be thinking only of themselves, as the most popular gift is lingerie!
But where does the tradition of St Valentine’s Day come from, and how does it still hold such affection in the 21st century? Perhaps the mysterious roots of its patron saint actually helps. The most popular legend is attributed to a priest who lived in Rome in the 3rd century. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine defied Claudius and performed marriages for young lovers in secret. When the priest’s actions were discovered,
both called Valentine! Or it may have evolved from the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. During this festival, the Luperci (an order of Roman priests) would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification. They would then strip the goat’s hide into strips, dip them into the sacrificial blood and take to the streets, gently slapping both women and crop fields with the goat hide. Personally, I know which legend I prefer!
“In the UK, 71% of people celebrate St Valentine’s Day, with men spending, on average, £26.” Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been a priest killed for helping Christians to escape Roman prisons. Some beleive an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first valentine greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl. So, St Valentine’s Day may be celebrated to commemorate the anniversary of the death or burial of one of two possible suspects,
Whatever the roots, gradually the celebration has evolved. Valentine greetings were popular as far back as the Middle Ages, though only in the 17th century did it become common to exchange handwritten notes. Today, according to the Greeting Card Association, more than a billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year. It is also a popular time to make a proposal of marriage.An estimated six million couples will make that commitment on 14 February 2014. Now that’s a lot of love!
By Dominic Sakakini
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Proud Sponsors of AAH’s ‘My Story So Far’ features
I was born in Chester in 1939. My mother was originally from North Wales and my father was born in Toronto. He worked as an upholsterer and served with the RAF during the Second World Warr. I remember him coming home when I was very young and thinking ‘who is this guy?’’ He was away for the best «>ÀÌ v wÛi Þi>Àð My parents were both musical people and my grandfather, who was Welsh, was an operatic singer. His brother in fact was an operatic tenor who performed at Covent Garden at the same time as the great Enrico Caruso. I sang in the choir at school in Shropshire. The headmaster used to play the piano as I sang solos and it was him that really improved my singing. One of my big heroes was Al Johnson, and I would sing his
Peter Wynne Lives: Billingshurst Peter was signed to EMI by pop manager Larry Parnes and toured with Billy Fury and Eddie Cochran songs somettimes. During the 1940s, I wou uld listen to big band music by the e likes of Frank Sinatra, but I also listened to operatic songs by David 7 Ìwi `] Ü >` Ì >vÌiÀ hit. When Elvvis came out with ‘Heartbrreak Hotel’ I remember thinking ‘wha at a funny way of singing!’ I wa asn’t really into rock ‘n’ n roll as I liked likked ballad singers like Frankie Laine, who sang ‘I Believe’’ and ‘Answer Me’. I entered a competition at a theatre in Kidderminster when I was 15, singing ‘Smile’’ from a
>À i >« w ° >Ã i` Ì i
lady who was playing the piano at the theatre ‘can you play it in the same key as the David 7 Ìwi ` ÛiÀà ¶½ I was musically illiterate so that was the only way I could describe it. Anyway, as I stepped out on stage, she played in a low key and I couldn’t sing along. People were laughing as I tried to sing in a deep voice! I came nowhere! I was a bit of a Teddy Boy in those day. I wore tight trousers with a suit or waistcoat, with combed back hair and a quifff. f. But I was always performing. I
was in the police cadets for two yearss and then in the Grenadier Guarrds and I would regularly sing ffor friends. People thought that I should go into show busin ness. So I entered another comp petition in London when I wass 20, 20 singing a Pat Boone song called ‘April Love’, which I won n. This lled to an audition for Hugh hie Green, who devised Oppo ortunity Knocks. Halfway throu ugh the song, Hughie said ‘Hold d on!’ He shouted ‘Sing it again n’’ and held the phone up to the e airr.. On the other line was Norman m Newell, who was an A&R manager for Parlophone Reco ords, part of EMI. Norman then invited me to another audittion, where I sang ‘Gigi’’ with Russ Conway, who had a big hit with ‘Side Saddle’, stepping in to pla ay the piano for me.
‘I sang ‘Gigi’ with Russ Conway playing on the piano fo or me’
If you’d be interested in te elling us your Story So Far i > i \ editor@aahorsham.co.uk
Óä\ 9 -/",9
‘The girls liked us ba allad singers, but they lovved the danger of rock ‘n’ rol o l! I signed a contract with EMI that same day. The deal was for about one penny per record, so I needed to sell one million copies if I was to make much money, but I didn’t care. It was the thought of recording at Abbey Road that excited me. The record company picked me > L> >` >Ã Þ wÀÃÌ Ài i>Ãi 1959, called Chapel of Drreams, eams, which was originally recorded by Dubs, an American vocal group. I performed it very difffer ferently with a faster tempo, but it wasn’t a hit. EMI thought it was going to do very well. Hughie Green picked the B-side, Twilight Time, which was a well-known song by The Pl tt Platters. The B-side was perhaps the more commercial song, and the A side e wasn’t played much on the radio. dio. Unfortunately, I never had d the chance to pick my own songs. gs. I was so in awe of everything g that I dare not argue with the choices that were made for me.
I was one of of pop manager Larry Parnes’ singers. He also mana aged the likes of Billy Fury, Martyy Wilde, Joe Brown, Vince Eage er and Eddie Cochran. We would d be constantly travelling up down the country togetherr,, and d perfo forming live. Larry would decid de who played where and on wh hich nights. Sometimes you Ü Õ ` w à > Ã Ü >Ì £ä« > ` Ì i ÌÀ>Ûi Îää ià ÛiÀ } Ì so yo ou could sing the same four À wÛi à }Ã Ì i iÝÌ } Ìt Ì was tiring t work. On most m nights, I would perform about four songs along with severral others before the big star, b it Billy Fury, Gene Vincent or be Eddie e Cochran. The Americans did have something a little bit extra that most of us didn’t have. Gene e had a great look with the blackk leather suit, leather glove, and h had a fantastic song in Be-Bop-A-Lula. He would lean forwa ard with his legs stretched
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PETER WYNNE: 21 z The Larry Parnes Boys: American singer Davy Jones, Peter Wynne, Dufffy Powerr,, Julian y,, Larry Parnes, Dickie X, Billy Fury Pride, Joe Brown, Gene Vincent, Vince Eagerr,, Lance Fortune, Georgie Fame (seated) and Danny Rivers (seated)
back and the girls loved it. Then Eddie would come on with his guitar and sing C’mon Everybody. It was brilliant rock ‘n’ roll. The music press would have a dig at Larry Parnes and his stable of singers. All of the books say that Larry picked a lot of boys based mainly on their looks and would change their names – Billy Fury, Dufffy Powerr,, Johnny Gentle, Vince Eagerr. He never changed my name though. Peter Sellers actually took the Micky out of Larry Parnes and his artists in So Little Time,, which plays on the assumption that we were a bit thick. To be honest, the criticism went over my head as I was just a young man enjoying myself. The girls didn’t scream at me, but I always received a standing ovation. They liked us ballad singers, but the younger girls loved the danger of rock ‘n’ roll. I remember one night at the Glasgow g Empir p e, some people were throwing ash trays whilst Billy Fury was playing. The local guys were so jealous because the girls were screaming for Billy! I supported Eddie Cochran at his w > Ã Ü >Ì À ÃÌ «« `À i in April 1960. After the show, I was travelling with Johnny Gentle back to London, and Eddie had asked if there was space for him and Gene. We both had our girlfriends with us, so they had booked a taxi instead. The driver crashed and sadly Eddie was killed. I have a copy of a concert poster that was on days later in Liverpool, where I was supporting again. Gene Vincent tops the bill, but they had just scribbled out Eddie’s name. My second song, again recorded at Abbey Road, was Ask Anyone in Love, which was recorded by T Tony ony i iÌÌ wÛi Þi>ÀÃ «ÀiÛ ÕÃ Þ] Ü Ì the B-side being I Need Y You ou Close Again. The third song was Our Concerto, which was another ballad. I wrote the B-side to that song, Your Love. I recently heard I Need Y You ou Close Again on Sounds of the 60s on Radio 2 - not that I’ve seen any royalties! The fourth song I released with Parlophone was The
Yo ou can catch up with past My Story So Far features on our website at www.aahorsham.co.uk
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There was a TV show called Oh Boy! Produce ed for ITV that had really helped d launch the rock ‘n’ n roll movement nt in this country and did wonders for Cliffff Richard too. This onlyy ran for two seasons and was followed owed by a similar show called Boy Meets Girls. I performed regularly e on this show, along with M Marty Wilde, Freddy Cannon, Jesss Conrad and Dufffy Power. Sadlyy, I tried to track down copies of these ese shows, but every episode of that hat show was wiped and does nott exist. I wish I could see them one e more time so my wife could see ee how I performed when I was 20 years old! There were m missed opportunities. I gave a reallly strong, emotional performance e of a popular song called It’’s Only nly Make Believe on TV V. I knew it had gone really well, so later that week I went to the record shop in Birmingham and asked ‘Have you got a recor recorrd by Peter Wyn nne?’ I knew I had recorded Askk Anyone in Love but the record sh hop didn’t have it as it still hadn’t been released. They said ‘We’ve h had loads of people asking aboutt him since he was on TV V.’’ I performed my fourth record, The Wall, on Thank Your Your Lucky Stars, which was a TV programme which attracted the e likes of Cliffff Richard and Ken Dodd. dd. I remember Don Black, who wrote a lot of hits for
Matt Monro, telling me afterwards that it was going to be a hit, but it didn’t happen. Sadly, none of my songs with Parlophone managed to break into the UK charts, charts although I was told that one of my songs reached number two in South Africa. The Beatles had joined EMI and I was recording at the same time. To be honest, we didn’t have a chance against rock ‘n’ roll. I was really a couple of years too late. After my fourth record, my V ÌÀ>VÌ Ü Ì Ü>à w à i`° In 1964, I travelled to Hamburg and recorded one record for Polydorr, I’m a Fool to W Want ant You, You, previously recorded by Frank Sinatra. It’s unheard of over here, but strangely it is still being played even now in Germany and particularly Belgium. There are a few posts of my version on YouTube and between them they’ve had about 15,000 hits. I toured with the musical Camelot, acting as the understudy for Lancelot. Then I met bandleader Cyril Stapleton, who led a big orchestra. He wasn’t quite as well known as T Ted ed Heath, but Cyril was playing large venues in those days. I took a job singing with his band for a time, and performed with them on a tour with Shirley Bassey. I didn’t have a great deal to do with Shirley as she was the star of course, but she was a ÌiÀÀ wV «iÀv À iÀ] >à à i ÃÌ Ã°
PETER WYNNE: 23 z This image from a magazine shows a ‘Pop Star Picnic’ with Vince Eager, Duffy Power, Billy Fury, Peter Wynne and Pat and Monica from Mirabella.
I had continued to write songs. Bob Barrett, a producer at EMI, felt I should have had a hit record and he helped me release a song called And This is My Beloved, under the name of Simon Smith. It was from the musical, Kismet, and we had high hopes but it didn’t reach the Top 40. My last big chance was in America, where I continued to perform as Simon Smith. Somebody had been impressed by my recordings, so I yiÜ ÕÌ Ì À `>° Ü>Ã L>Ãi` >Ì Pompano Beach and I sang at all the hotels along the strip including Ì i Ì> iL i>Õ Ü iÀi À> Sinatra performed. It was essentially a cabaret act and my big number then was Joy to the World, better Ü >Ã ‘Jeremiah was a Bullfrog.’ It was actually going really well and this led me to Nashville. I arrived and met a few big country and western names, including Jerry Reed. He had written a song called My Kinda Love, which I recorded in Nashville with Jerry on guitar. I sang that song on a TV show, along with It’s Only Make Believe, and I got a standing ovation. I was wearing a suede waistcoat with tassels on, with tight brown leather trousers and cowboy boots as I was trying to wÌ Ü Ì Ì i V Õ ÌÀÞ ÃÌÞ it
TOOVEY’S Further entries are invited for our next specialist sale of
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Johnny Cash was doing a show in the same auditorium. I did meet L>V ÃÌ>}i° Þ >} >Ì he was small, but he had a broad L>V > ` Ü>Ã `ÀiÃÃi` > L >V ] of course. -Õ``i Þ] Ü>Ã Li } Ì> i` >L ÕÌ in Nashville and Capitol records were interested in signing me. But > >}i Ì vÀ iÜ 9 À Ü >` offered to help me demanded £20,000 for my signature and
>« Ì Ü> i` >Ü>Þ° ` >Ûi some regret over that. Larry Parnes had once labelled me as “the new golden voice of the 60s.” I remember seeing Georgie > i £ È > ` i i` ºÞ Õ½Ûi only got one year to prove Þ ÕÀÃi vt» V> i L>V i > ` >` > regular slot at the Double Diamond
ÕL >À` vv° ÕÌ }À>`Õ> Þ Ü À started to thin out, so I moved to North Wales in the 70s. I started
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SPRING GARDENS, A24 WASHINGTON, RH20 3BS 01903 891955 auctions@tooveys.com www.tooveys.com
,i>` ÕÀ «ÀiÛ ÕÃ My Story So F Far feature on 7 i ƂÕÃÌi ÕÀ ÜiLÃ Ìi >Ì ÜÜÜ°>> ÀÃ > °V °Õ
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‘It started getting demoralising, playing p y g at tinyy clubss. Eventuallyy, enough was enough h.’ ÃÌ «iÀv À VV>à > Þ v ½ } ` i> Ì > ` > > Ü>Þà «i Ì V >À ÌÞ Õà V } Ìð
singing at clubs all over the north of England, in Manchesterr,, Ì ] - ivwi `] ÕÃÌ «iÀv À } v À i } Ì Liv Ài Û } ° It started to get a bit `i À> à } ` } i } Ì ÃÌ> `à >Ì Ì Þ V ÕLð Ûi ÌÕ> Þ] i Õ} Ü>à i Õ} ° Ì Ü>à ½Ì > } ` Ì i v À i] >à >` Ì Ì> i > L >à > « ÀÌiÀ > «ÃÞV >ÌÀ V ë Ì> ] Ü V >Ìi`° 7 ÃÌ Ü>à ` } Ì >Ì] Ü>à vviÀi` > L >à > VÀÕ Ãi à « «iÀv À iÀ] LÕÌ Ì i> Ì Li } >Ü>Þ v À Ã Ý Ì Ã° Ü>à >ÀÀ i` Ü Ì ÌÜ V `Ài >Ì Ì >Ì
Ì i > ` ii`i` Ì Li i>À Þ v> Þ] à ëi Ì ÌÜ Þi>ÀÃ Ü Ì «ÃÞV >ÌÀ V «>Ì i Ìà > ` V iVÌ } Ì i >Õ `ÀÞ ÃÌi>`° During the 80s 0s and 90s, I worked Û>À Õà « >ViÃ] V Õ` } > « ÌÌiÀÞ v>VÌ ÀÞ > ` > vÕÀ à }à V «> Þ° À > Þ Þi>Àà q à Vi Þ «iÀv À } `>ÞÃ] >Ûi sufffered with h Chronic "LÃÌÀÕVÌ Ûi *Õ >ÀÞ Ãi>Ãi (COPD) so I have trouble with LÀi>Ì }° Ì Ì >Ì V> Li attributed to the clubs I used Ì Ã } ] >Ã Ì iÞ Ü Õ ` ÕÃÌ Li vÕ v à i° iÌ i iÃÃ] `
A wealth of exper tise t on your doorstep...
>V Óään] « >Þi` >Ì > Ã Ü with Brian ‘Licorice’ Locking, Ü Ü>Ã Ü Ì / i - >` Üð i à ÃÌ > vÀ i `] à i i` i ÃÌ>}i > ` Ì >Ì LÀ Õ} Ì L>V } ` i À ið / à i` Ì i ÀiV À` } >
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Ì Ü>à > i Þ>L i Ì i° " i v Þ ÀiV À`à à ` >L ÕÌ Óx]äää V « iÃ] Ü V L>V Ì i Ü>à ½Ì i Õ} Ì } Ûi Þ Õ > L } Ì° Ì Ü Õ ` «À L>L Þ }iÌ Þ Õ µÕ Ìi > } Ü>Þ Õ« Ì i V >ÀÌÃ Ì `>Þ° It’s fu unny, but whatever age you >Ài Þ Õ iÛiÀ Ài> Þ } Ûi Õ«° 9 Õ iÛiÀ } Ûi Õ«° 9 Õ ÃÌ Ü> Ì Ì i>À Ì >Ì >«« >ÕÃi > ` Ãii «i « i à i° / >Ì wantt is still Ì iÀi v À i] >ÌÌiÀ Ü >Ì >}i > ° Ài> Þ Ãà ̰ / ,6 7\ ",, * "/"-\ /" 9 * *-
z Read Peter’s discography di h and d see more pictures on his website at www..peterwynne.org.uk and his Facebook page
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Ice cream is so good, so delicious, that it’s seemingly impossible to get it drastically wrong. People have tried. In America – naturally – they’ve Ûi Ìi` Vi VÀi> y>Û ÕÀà including bacon, hot dog, garlic, l b t and lobster d crocodile dil egg. / iÀi½Ã iÛi > }À>Ãà y>Û ÕÀi` ice cream at one New Y York ork restaurant. People still eat it. Ben & Jerry’s once created a ëiV > y>Û ÕÀ Ì Vi iLÀ>Ìi Ì i 30th anniversary of Bob Marley’s album, Legend. It was disappointingly called ‘Satisfy My Bowl’, when surely ‘Trufffalo Soldier’ or an authentic sounding ‘Redemption Bong’
y>Û ÕÀ } Ì LiÌÌiÀ V>«ÌÕÀi` the public’s iimagination. Yet, as wonderful wond derful as ice cream is, Horsham couple Mark and Jo ÕÀ« Þ V Õ ` Ì w ` Ì i À } Ì y>Û ÕÀ Ì Ã>Ì ÃvÞ Ì i À «> iÌÌi° So, with the help of business partner t Glenn Gl nn Goodling, G dli they th have taken the bold step of creating theiir own! Mark said: “W We were shopping and realised that there were no ice cream brrands in the freezer that grabbed d our attention. It was all very m mainstream with ÌÀ>` Ì > y>Û ÕÀÃ > ` Ì i Ã> i old packagin ng. “We started thinking about what we could do o diffferently and that
led to the idea for Cream and Country, our very own ice cream company.”
STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM DREAM The Murphys Th M h had h d been b l ki looking for a new project after Mark had spent 18 years working as a chef, at Buxted Park in Ashdown Forest and Ockenden Manor in
ÕV w wi ` > }ÃÌ Ì iÀð Initially, a pub or restaurant were potential options, but having been inspired by an apparent lack of fresh ideas in the industry, Mark and Jo committed themselves to ice
cream m. ÕÌ Ì iÞ ii`i` > `i Ì w>L i brand d, and someone to make it! Mark said: “I started looking at y>Û ÕÀ «À w ià > ` `iÛi « } the p product, as my background as a cchef helped me. “Initia ally, we started talking to bi m big manufactur f t ers b butt we quickkly realised it wasn’t possible for us to work with them, as they were looking for minimum order quantities way in excess of what we were propo osing. “Then n we stumbled across New Foresst Ice Cream Limited, a v> Þ ÀÕ wÀ Þ }Ì ° 7i went to see them and they were lovelyy people. It felt as though
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‘We focused on re-producing the taste of some of the classic British desserts’ the stars were aligned. “We chatted about our brand and they were happy to support us, and they’ve been fantastic since day one.�
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When it comes to ice cream y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ] Ăƒii“ˆ˜}Â?Ăž >Â˜ĂžĂŒÂ…ÂˆÂ˜} }ÂœiĂƒÂ° -Âœ ĂœÂ…>ĂŒ y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ ĂœiĂ€i >ÀŽ >˜` Âœ going to produce? Would it be a worldwide favourite?
œœŽˆi `ÂœĂ•}Â…] Â“ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒ VÂ…ÂœV VÂ…ÂˆÂŤ] Ă€ÂœVÂŽĂž Ă€Âœ>`] Ă›>˜ˆÂ?Â?>] VÂ…ÂœVÂœÂ?>ĂŒi marshmallow or coffee? Actually, it would be none of the above‌except vanilla! >ÀŽ Ăƒ>ˆ`\ Âş7i Ăœ>Â˜ĂŒi` ĂŒÂœ >Ă›ÂœÂˆ` mango, pineapple, grapefruit or any tropical fruit as there are great ingredients in the UK. So we have focused on re-producing the taste of classic British desserts. Âş7i Â…>Ă›i ĂƒÂˆĂ? y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ Â˜ÂœĂœ including New Forest Gateau, Ă€>ĂŒÂ…iĂ€ ĂŒÂ…>˜ Â?>VÂŽ ÂœĂ€iĂƒĂŒ >ĂŒi>Ă•] and Salted Caramel. Âş7i Â…>Ă›i >˜ ˜}Â?ÂˆĂƒÂ… -ÂŤ>ÀŽÂ?ˆ˜} 7ˆ˜i ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… Â?`iĂ€yÂœĂœiĂ€ -ÂœĂ€LiĂŒ] “>`i ˆ˜ VÂœÂ?Â?>LÂœĂ€>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… iÂ˜ÂŽĂžÂ˜ Place Vineyard in Hampshire. We wanted to create a Champagne ĂƒÂœĂ€LiĂŒ Ă•ĂƒÂˆÂ˜} ˜}Â?ÂˆĂƒÂ… ĂƒÂŤ>ÀŽÂ?ˆ˜} ĂœÂˆÂ˜i >˜` iÂ˜ÂŽĂžÂ˜ *Â?>Vi >Â?Ă€i>`Ăž Â…>` > good relationship with our manufacturer in the New Forest. “They saw it as a bit of fun, ÂœĂ•ĂŒĂƒÂˆ`i Âœv ĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ Ă€i}Ă•Â?>Ă€ ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ œ˜ the vineyard, so agreed to the idea and loved doing it! “Still, we nearly dropped the ĂƒÂœĂ€LiĂŒ LiV>Ă•Ăƒi Ăœi `ˆ`Â˜Â˝ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…ÂˆÂ˜ÂŽ ÂˆĂŒ sat well in our line-up. But our “>ÀŽiĂŒÂˆÂ˜} >}i˜VĂž V>Ă€Ă€Âˆi` ÂœĂ•ĂŒ research and discovered it was a good lighter option for women. ÂşĆ‚Ăƒ > Ă€iĂƒĂ•Â?ĂŒ] Ăœi ÂŽiÂŤĂŒ ÂˆĂŒ >˜` ÂˆĂŒÂ˝Ăƒ œ˜i Âœv ÂœĂ•Ă€ LiĂƒĂŒÂ‡ĂƒiÂ?Â?ˆ˜} y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€ĂƒÂ° “Then we have Rhubarb and Stem
, Ƃ E "1 /,9\ ә
Gingerr, which is one of Jo’s ideas, Tea and a Cream T ea ice cream. “We had come across a few green tea ice creams but we wanted to recreate an authentic British y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Â° “We did come across one or two t cream tea ice creams, but we didn’t think that they had V>ÂŤĂŒĂ•Ă€i` ĂŒÂ…i ĂŒĂ€Ă•i y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Â° Ć‚Ăƒ > chef, I like to think that I Ă•Â˜`iĂ€ĂƒĂŒ>˜` y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€ ÂŤĂ€ÂœwÂ?i >˜` with our product you can taste ĂŒÂ…i Â?>“] ĂŒÂ…i LÂˆĂƒVĂ•ÂˆĂŒ y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€ Âœv ĂŒÂ…i scone, and certainly the clotted cream base that we use. “There is a lot of tweaking that goes on with New Forest, but ĂŒÂ…iÞ½Ûi Lii˜ LĂ€ÂˆÂ?Â?ˆ>Â˜ĂŒ ˆ˜ Â…iÂ?ÂŤÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒÂœ `iĂ›iÂ?ÂœÂŤ ĂŒÂ…i Ă€Âˆ}Â…ĂŒ Vœ“Lˆ˜>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂ° Âş7Â…i˜ Ăœi wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ V>“i Ă•ÂŤ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… > Â?ÂˆĂƒĂŒ Âœv y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ] Ăœi `ˆ`Â˜Â˝ĂŒ iĂ›i˜ `ÂˆĂƒVĂ•ĂƒĂƒ costs with them as we knew that VÂœÂ˜Ă›iĂ€Ăƒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜Ăƒ >LÂœĂ•ĂŒ “œ˜iĂž ĂœÂœĂ•Â?` ĂƒĂŒÂˆyi VĂ€i>ĂŒÂˆĂ›ÂˆĂŒĂžÂ° Âş/Âœ w˜` > VÂœÂ“ÂŤ>Â˜Ăž ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ ĂŒ>Â?ÂŽi` ĂƒÂœÂ?iÂ?Ăž >LÂœĂ•ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i ÂŤĂ€Âœ`Ă•VĂŒ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ Ăœ>Ăƒ just fantastic. ÂşĆ‚Ăƒ ÂˆĂŒ ĂŒĂ•Ă€Â˜i` ÂœĂ•ĂŒ] ĂŒÂ…i ĂƒĂ•Â“Ăƒ >``i` up for us. Instead, our biggest problem was that, that when we ĂƒĂŒ>Ă€ĂŒi` ÂœĂ•ĂŒ] Ăœi `ˆ` Â˜ÂœĂŒ Â…>Ă›i anywhere to sell them.â€?
A ROCK KY ROAD 7…ˆÂ?ĂƒĂŒ >ÀŽ Ăœ>Ăƒ Â…>Ă›ÂˆÂ˜} vĂ•Â˜ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ] Âœ Ă•Ăƒi` Â…iĂ€ VĂ€i>ĂŒÂˆĂ›i ĂƒÂŽÂˆÂ?Â?Ăƒ to conjure a unique look for the product. From the start, Jo had `iÂ?ˆLiĂ€>ĂŒiÂ?Ăž >Ă›ÂœÂˆ`i` ĂŒÂ…i ÂźĂ›ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒ>}i look’ of red and white stripes, VÂœĂœĂƒ ˆ˜ wiÂ?`Ăƒ ÂœĂ€ LĂ•Â˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜}] LĂ•ĂŒ ĂƒiĂ›iĂ€>Â? `iĂƒÂˆ}˜iĂ€Ăƒ VÂœĂ•Â?` Â˜ÂœĂŒ Vœ“i up with a look that the Murphys were entirely happy with. In the end, Jo drew the design that she wanted by hand, and it now features on all Cream and Country packaging. Jo said: “We had eaten at MEATliquorr, which is a funky burger restaurant in Brighton. They had a wallpaper featuring an array of monochrome graphics >˜` ÂˆĂŒ Â?œœŽi` Ă€i>Â?Â?Ăž ivviVĂŒÂˆĂ›i° thought that we should be doing something along those lines, as it is a totally difffer ferent look for an ice cream company. “There are brands out there – so-called punk brands – that try to do something difffer ferent, but it seems too o forced and lacks elegance. This design has style LĂ•ĂŒ ÂˆĂƒ Ă›iÀÞ `ˆvviĂ€iÂ˜ĂŒÂ° Âş >Ă›ÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒĂ•Ă€Â˜i` `ÂœĂœÂ˜ > Â?ÂœĂŒ Âœv ideas from m designers, I ended up sitting d down and drawing
‘We saw a wallpaper with monochrome graphics and thought something similar would be diffferent for an ice crea am brand’
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something. Mark and I are quite strong-minded about where we wanted to go and we have a very similar style. “We wanted to have a brand that attracted attention, and in the end we went with a design that was more of less what I drew out.” However, their ice cream dream was very nearly over before it began. Just as the Murphys were about to give the green light on a costly l order d off packaging k and d promotional items, they were informed that they would have to change their name! Mark recalls: “A company in America had the same name, but we had not known they had a license in the UK. We had to stop everything, but every cloud has a silver lining. “I was sat in the dining room with my head in my hands, ready to call it a day, as we could not w ` Ì i À } Ì > i° / i Ã>Ü a seafood recipe book called Cod and Country, which got me thinking. “We then went to a trademark attorney to make sure there were no more slip-ups. We didn’t think that the company name would
‘Hipste er is a word used as a broad bru ush stroke for anything that is diffferent these days’ be available. But it was! “In all honesty, Cream & Country is a hundred times better than the name we e originally i i ll had! h d! It sums up what at we are all about, which is a company ompany celebrating everything that hat Britain has to offferr.
A HIPSTER PRODUCT? After just a year in business, Cream & Country received a boost with CoolBrandss status, awarded to the 100 coolest brands in the UK. All of which begs the question, is Cream & Country just a little bit ‘hipster?’ Mark said: “I sit here with my top
butto on undone, a beard and my own quirky independent food comp pany, but hipster is a word used d as a broad brush stroke for anyth hing that is difffer ferent. “Wha at we have done is do what Üi Ü> Ìi` Ì ` ° / >Ì Ã Ì i botto om line. What we are not is avera age and our motto is ‘bother to do o betterr.’ .’ “Whe en we go to presentations, we go with a full bar carrying
New 7+ S h l hi Scholarship Closing date 7th March 2016 Assessment date 10th March 2016 The ‘Vive Th Vi Pa arva’’ ^ĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉ ŝƐ Ă ƐŝŐŶŝĮĐĂŶƚ new scholarship h l hi ĨŽƌ ĞŶƚƌĂŶƚƐ ŝŶƚŽ Year 3 ŝŶ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϮϬϭϲ͘ /ƚ ŝƐ ŽƉĞŶ ƚŽ ŐŝƌůƐ ĐƵƌƌĞŶƚůLJ ŝŶ zĞĂƌ Ϯ ǁŚŽ ĚĞŵŽŶƐƚƌĂƚĞ ĂĐĂĚĞŵŝĐ ƉŽƚĞŶƟĂů͕ ĐƵƌŝŽƐŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ Ă ůŽǀĞ ŽĨ ůĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ͘ dŚĞ ĂƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ ĚĂLJ ǁŝůů ďĞ ŽŶ ϭϬƚŚ DĂƌĐŚ ϮϬϭϲ͘ &Žƌ ĚĞƚĂŝůƐ ŽĨ ŚŽǁ ƚŽ ĂƉƉůLJ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ŽƵƌ ZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƌ͕ DƌƐ ^ƵĞ ƉƉƐ͕ ŽŶ ϬϭϰϬϯ ϮϴϮ ϱϳϯ Žƌ ƌĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƌΛĨĂƌůŝŶŐƚŽŶƐĐŚŽŽů͘ŶĞƚ͘ ůŽƐŝŶŐ ĚĂƚĞ ĨŽƌ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ ŝƐ ϳƚŚ DĂƌĐŚ ϮϬϭϲ
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A BALANCED CONSISTENCY /Â…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ Ă€iĂŒ>ˆÂ?iĂ€ ĂŒÂœ ĂƒĂŒÂœVÂŽ Ă€i>“ E ÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒĂ€Ăž Vi Ă€i>“ Ăœ>Ăƒ Crates ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i >Ă€v>Ă?] >˜` ˜i>Ă€LĂž V>vj Pretty Things >Â?ĂƒÂœ ĂƒĂŒÂœVÂŽi` ĂŒÂ…i LĂ€>˜` >ĂŒ >˜ i>Ă€Â?Ăž ĂƒĂŒ>}i° >ÀŽ >˜` Âœ ĂŒÂœÂœÂŽ > Lˆ} ĂƒĂŒiÂŤ ĂœÂ…i˜ Ă€Âˆ}Â…ĂŒÂœÂ˜ œ“i ĂŒÂœÂœÂŽ œ˜ ĂŒÂ…iÂˆĂ€ ˆVi VĂ€i>“ >˜` Â˜ÂœĂœ ĂŒÂ…iĂž >Â?ĂƒÂœ ĂƒĂ•ÂŤÂŤÂ?Ăž ĂŒÂ…i 6ÂˆĂ€}ˆ˜ Ć‚ĂŒÂ?>Â˜ĂŒÂˆV VÂ?Ă•LÂ…ÂœĂ•ĂƒiĂƒ >ĂŒ i>ĂŒÂ…Ă€ÂœĂœ >˜` >ĂŒĂœÂˆVŽ° >ÀŽ >˜` Âœ >Ă€i ˆ˜ ĂŒ>Â?ÂŽĂƒ ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… Ă€>ViVÂœĂ•Ă€ĂƒiĂƒ >˜` ÂœĂŒÂ…iĂ€ ĂƒĂ•VÂ…
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‘We serve the good stufff.’ f.’ That’s the brief introduction of the food and drink section on the website of The Richarrd d Onslow w in Cranleigh. Before any mention is made of chefs, menus or special offfers, fers, we’re then straight into the ‘name-dropping.’ ‘All of our meat is British and of the highest qualityy,, frrom om Aubrey Allen. This 80 yearr-old -old Warwickshirre butcher supplies > Þ v À Ì> ½Ã w iÃÌ restaurants, as well as holding HM The Queen’’ss Royal Warrant.’ This would, of course, suggest that The Richard Onslow is not content with merely serving its guests with ‘hearty food’ or ‘pub rub.’ The bar is set a little higherr. ÕÌ v ` wÌ v À > } À Queen)? We shall see... Firstly, you may reasonably ask why a magazine called All About Horsham >à Ãii wÌ Ì venture out to Cranleigh – in an entirely diffferent county – for its meal review.
The answer is that we believe the more adventurous diners among you will venture a little vÕÀÌ iÀ >wi `° / LÞ Ìi` Ì >Ì Ì took him only a shade over 15 minutes to reach the pub from his Warnham home. Having heard several positive reports, we thought it might be worth the trip. After browsing the pub’s website, I arrived in a mildly skeptical mood. In addition to name-dropping its suppliers, the pub has a whimsically-titled ‘Snug Room’ and the website has other hints of contemporary snobbery. But those preconceptions were quashed. There was a healthy mix of clientele, with people of all ages socialising at the L>À] Ü V Ü>Ã ÃiÀÛ } > ÌiÀÀ wV selection of ales including Shere Drop by Surrey Hills, Loxhill Biscuit by Dunsfold-based
À>vÌÞ ÀiÜ } ] > ` *>V wV Gem by the excellent Rudgwick brewery, Firebird. With a pint of Firebird in hand, Ì i Ì Àii v ÕÃi / LÞ½Ã Ü vi] Maria, had joined us) toured
the pub. Around the bar were a series of framed photos taken when the pub was re-launched in 2010. The pictures are due to be replaced soon with shots from a 6th birthday bash scheduled for February.
Having moved through the traditional pub-end of The , V >À` " Ã Ü ÞiÌ Ì > « table or fruit machine in sight) we were then shown our seats in the corner of the dining area, which was spacious and contemporary, yet still managed to feel warm and homely. For six years, The Richard Onslow has been run by Peach Pubs. You may not have come across the name before, but Peach’s trendy, modern approach has seen it enjoy increasing success. Peach was founded by Lee Cash, trained and mentored by Robin Sheppard and Raymond Blanc, in collaboration with ¼w > V > Ü ââ½ > à Stoddart and Jo Eames, who is responsible for the ‘creative y> À½ v *i>V ½Ã «ÕLð There are now 17 Peach pubs
Chicke en, Parma ham and blue cheese salad (£7.50) This lo ovely dish was notable for its equal balance of strrong ong y>Û ÕÀi i` }Ài` i Ìð i Ì iÀ Ì i blue cheese c or a grain mustarrd d drressin essing ng overpower p red ed the dish, instead d complementing the Parma a ham beautifully in this delicate and light starterr..
THE R RICHARD ONSLOW 113 - 117 High St, Cranleigh, GU6 8AU
Award-Winning Farm Shop New House Farm Shop and Tea Room is located in a beautifully renovated 16th Century barn, hidden in a quiet spot on the edge of Horsham. People come from all over to enjoy our cafe and locally sourced produce.
Local Food and Drrink Produce
‘We only l serve the h good d stuf t fff. f f. As a result, our menu is a little more expensive than average’ across the country, but The Richard Onslow is the only one in West Sussex. The Cranleigh pub is co-owned by John Taylor Taylor, who (of the four owners) is most involved. Howeverr, the general manager is T Terri erri Dell, who evidently has a good rapport with the team around her. /iĂ€Ă€Âˆ Ăƒ>ˆ`\ Âş ĂŒ Ăœ>Ăƒ œ…˜ ĂœÂ…Âœ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ spotted the potential of this building. He managed to work with Peach to start something new here six years ago. “I have h only l b been working ki h here for seven months, but I’m told that The Onslow Arms – as it was called then - wasn’t renowned as being a great pub. “There are now ten rooms so people can book to stay here, whereas that space was not utilised prior to Peach coming here.
“The name was changed to The Richard Onslow, as there is another Onslow Arms in Loxwood, and the new owners introduced an Overr-21 -21 policy initially to try and build up a fresh reputation. “Our ethos at Peach is that we only serve the good stufff. f. As a result, our menu is a little more expensive than the average pub, >Ăƒ Ăœi >Ă€i Ă›iÀÞ ĂƒÂŤiVˆwV >LÂœĂ•ĂŒ ÂœĂ•Ă€ produce. “Our meat is from Aubrey Allen, the Queen’s butcherr,, Reynold’s supplies li our ffresh h ffruit it and d Ă›i}iĂŒ>LÂ?iĂƒ] >˜` ˆ˜}wĂƒÂ…iĂ€ ÂœĂ•Ă€ seafood. We also use several local suppliers on occasion, including Rawlings of Cranleigh (butchers) and Celebration Cakes, also in the village. “By using the best ingredients and produce, and by involving them heavily when it comes to
Our locally sourced produce O include nclude fresh fruit and veg, frreshly baked bread, fresh m meat from local farms, beers by local brewers, wines from th he Bolney Estate, Sussex cheeses, greetings cards and loc o al crafts.
Strawberry Fieldss Tea Room Our tea room was voted Best O Tea Room in the Sussex Life Food and Drinks Awards 2014.You can enjoy cakes and sandwiches, paninis and P oughman’s Also, don’t miss Pl our Full English Breakfast (S Served until 12pm).
We havve fantastic bottled d beers by local brewerrs including Firebird and Dark Star
www.newhousefarm mshop.co.uk 01293 8518 890 New House Farm, Old C Crawley Road, Horsham, RH12 2 4RU Open 10am - 5 5pm (CLOSED MONDAYS UNTI UNTIL L MARCH 31ST)
If you run a pub or restaurant and would be interested in an AAH review, email Ben at: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
Free range smoked duck salad (£8.75) A deliciously light dish that tasted clean and fresh, enhanced by an almond, watercress and orange salad and smooth quackling. The thin strips of tender duck were beautifully cooked with a lovely subtle sauce bringing the whole dish nicely together. Pulled pigs cheek ragout (£8) (Pictured above, centre) Toby was full of praise for this dish, describing it as ‘perhaps the best of all the pulled pork starters’ he has enjoyed in recent years. The meat was light and airy in texture but packed a moreish, ` > Ì y>Û ÕÀ] Ü Ì ÕÃÌ Ì i right dose of cider reduction. It was accompanied by toasted brioche and can be ordered as a starter or main.
‘It feels as though the pub is constantly evolving’ the menu, we are also able to keep hold of our chefs. They enjoy working for Peach anyway, as they are not using second class ingredients. As a result, we have a fantastic team with a low turnover of staff. º7 i Üi wÀÃÌ «i i`] Üi had a fantastic chef called Tom Upham, who is now at another Peach restaurant called The
Thatch. For three years now, the kitchen has been headed by Kevin Webb, who joined us from an AA rosette restaurant in London. “I’m very excited about the new menu that he has produced, which we are launching soon, as it’s full of dishes that I personally love to eat! “We change the menu four
times a year, but it feels as though the pub is constantly evolving. We have a good number of locals who enjoy coming here for a drink and a growing number of people we see regularly for food, particular for Sunday roast.We have a lot to offer on the food side.” Having driven out to Cranleigh and plumped immediately for
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Roast rump of Cornish lamb with dauphinoise potatoes (£19.50) Toby’s main was a tender rump of wonderful Cornish lamb, served with slow roasted tomatoes and Ü ÌiÀ }Àii ð Ƃ}> ] Ì i y>Û ÕÀà were good and the portions just about right in this succulent dish. It’s easy to see why this is one of the most popular mains amongst regular diners.
Home-made Food & Award-Winning Beers in the Heart of Warnham Visit our traditional country pub and enjoy our superb ales or a glass of wine by our Inglenook fireplace or beautiful garden Our extensive menu offers home-made food prepared with locally-sourced ingredients. The Sussex Oak is renowned for its fine range of ales, wines, and spirits, including the best locally-produced beers
Fillet of sea trout with horseradish potato cake (£15.50) This well-portioned main was «iÀviVÌ Þ V i` Ü Ì Ì i wà maintaining great texture and an unusual (yet very enjoyable) y>Û ÕÀ° Ƃ}> ] Ì i Ã>ÕVi V>«iÀ and almond butter) was excellent, as was the combination of ingredients. The potato cake V>ÀÀ i` > } Ì Þ wÀ ÌiÝÌÕÀi] although the horseradish must have been very thinly distributed as it failed to provide much kick.
Like us at The Sussex Oak, Warnham
Church Street, Warnham, RH12 3QW 01403 265028 www.thesussexoak.co.uk info@thesussexoak.co.uk
ÎÈ\ / , 6 7
9 Õ V> Ài>` à i v ÕÀ «ÀiÛ Õà ÀiÛ iÜà i ÜÜÜ°>> Àà > °V °Õ > « Ì] Ì Ü>à ½Ì « Ãà L i v À Õà to sample what appears to be a Üi V à `iÀi` Ü i ÃÌ° / i v ` Ì Õ} Ü>à ÌiÀÀ wV° 7i i Þi` > Ì Àii v ÕÀ starters and main courses, and even the rice pudding – which we’d only ordered as Toby is }iÌÌ } L Ài` v Ì> } « VÌÕÀià v V iiÃiV> i > ` ÃÌ V Þ Ì vvii «Õ`` }° ÛiÀÞ ` à Ü>à Üi y>Û ÕÀi`] vÀiÃ Þ ÃiÀÛi`] Ì Õ} vÕ Þ presented and well balanced in Ìà « ÀÌ Ã° -iÀÛ Vi Ü>à Ü>À ] v À > > ` vÀ i ` Þ Ü Ì ` à ià ÃiÀÛi` } ` Ì i° With a vibrant atmosphere and
} ` v `] / i , V >À` " Ã Ü vviÀÃ > Ì iÀ } ` Ài>Ã Ì Û Ã Ì À> i } ° For some time, it’s been the Ãi v «À V > i` ¼ >À}iÃÌ Û >}i } > `°½ / iÃi `>ÞÃ] Ì Ì VÀi>Ã } Þ > Û >}i v ÃÕLÃÌ> Vi Ì ° , *",/: ",, * "/"-\ /" 9 * *-
z You can view OGPWU CPF ƂPF QWV about the pub’s events at www.therichardonslow.co.uk Read about the owners at www.peachpubs.com
Hawaiian Burger (£16.50) A fun and fancy-free burger made to perfection. It packed in a sizeable home-made burger with a thick bacon rasher, pineapple slice, cheddar cheese and a shapely bed of fresh lettuce, yet maintained its shape and was the perfect size. Every bite was enjoyed with a smile and whilst it might be a pricey burger, it’s a tasty one. Served with chips and onion rings.
Caramelised plums with spiced rice pudding (£5.50) Dark Valrhona shortbread (£5.50) The spicy plum rice pudding was moreish and sweet yet not overly w }° ÌiÀ à v >««i>À> Vi Ì was not as dramatic as the dark 6> À > à ÀÌLÀi>`° / à À V vi>ÃÌ v V V >Ìi Ü Ì hazlenut puree, white chocolate > ` vÀ> }i V µÕiÕÀ® à > i } Ì Li µÕ>à } > viÜ iÜ Year’s resolution, but showcases Ì i ÌV i ½Ã y> À v À ÃÌÞ i > ` «ÀiÃi Ì>Ì °
Th e be
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ark Antony Windows has established a sterling reputation fo or supplying and installing high quality windows, doors and conservatories at competitive prices. Recently, the locally-based company has expanded its expertise by creating a number of stunning extensions. The vastly experienced team - led by Mark Edwards and Antony Deakin – built a beautiful ground floor extension with raised patio at a faamily home in Southwater (pictured above) to showcase a new range of bi-fo old sliding doors. Antony said: “We off ffe er a full service - from the planning process through to build and installation - and we have all of the necessary expertise in every department. “ The owner of the property wanted to create a large extension to the kitchen in order to create a light and spacious room with under floor heating, and bi-fo old doors leading out to a large patio overlooking the garden. “ The patio itself is bordered with glass panels to give it a sharp, contemporary look.” At Mark Antony Windows, our aim is to provide the best service supplying and installing PVC-U and aluminium products in the South East and all at competitive prices. Directors Mark Edwards and Antony Deakin have more than 35 years of experience in the industry. We cater to all needs, frrom complete conservatories and extensions - including design, project oversight and planning regulation - to minor repairs, locks and condensed units.
Acceditations All of our frames are calcium organic and are recycled to create PVC products.
We cater to all needs, from conservatories and extensions to minor repairs, locks and condensed units.
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Our windows are manufaactured using the WHS Halo Profile, using a unique technology of a five chamber thermal system to give extra protection against the outside elements. We are also a certified supplier and installer of bi-fold doors from Beaufo ort by AluK. The company is leading the way in designing a complete and stunning range of aluminium fo olding and sliding doors.
consumers with peace of mind in the event their original installer ceases trading and is unable to meet their guarantee obligations. Previously, Mark Antony Windows was called upon to help a Southwater family that had been the victim of poor workmanship, fe featured in an episode of the Channel 5 programme Cowboy Builders, presented by Dominic Littlewood and Melinda Messinger.
Mark Antony Windows has also been recognised by the Insured Window Guarantees (IWG). IWG was established in 1996 to provide
If you are thinking about improving your home and you would like a free no-obligation quote, then contact us today!
When Lancelot showed Horsham
His Capabilities Lancelot Capability Brown not only has the the coolest name of all Britain’s famed landscape gardeners. He was also one of the best. Capability, as we’ll refer to him here in a reference that is sure Ì Li y>}}i` Õ« >à > grammatical error by MS Word, came to work in Horsham. In the 18th century, he created a miniature masterpiece set in 200 acres at Hills Place, which at that time was one of the great Manor homes of Horsham. You’re unlikely to have heard of it though, as it’s long since disappeared. The Duke of Norfolk, who bought the town about 50 years >vÌiÀ >«>L ÌÞ >` w à i` >Ì Hills, ploughed the entire garden and turned it over to cattle and corn. He then got rid of the house too. Capability Brown’s creation was forgotten and lost to the world. But now, thanks to two maps, Horsham District Council’s Horsham Museum is telling the story of the ‘lost’ garden in a new exhibition, which runs from 9 January – 12 March. Here, thanks to information provided by Jeremy Knight of Horsham Museum and Art Gallery, we look back at Capability’s visit...
It started with a kiss... In the late 17th century, a marriage took place that linked Horsham with Leeds. In 1685, John Machell of Hills Place, a Jacobean mansion on the outskirts of Horsham, contracted a “good marriage” for his daughter, Isabella. She was to marry Arthur Ingram, the second son of Viscount Irwin of Temple Newsam in Leeds. Three years later, Arthur became the Third Viscount Irwin of Temple Newsam. That title Ü>Ã Ì Li i ` LÞ wÛi v Ì i
southerly outpost at Hills Place too
So who was Capability Brown? Lancelot Brown was the favoured landscape designer with the landed gentry. He became known as ‘Capability’ because it was said that he described landscapes as having ‘great capabilities.’ Raised in Northumberland, Brown began work as a gardener at Kirkharle before he moved south in 1739 to work in the famous garden of Stowe in Buckinghamshire, designed by William Kent and owned by Lord Cobham. In 1741, Brown became head gardener. He created a Palladian bridge and gave the lakes a naturalistic look, both popular motifs of his later work. He was in charge at Stowe for ten years, and became knowledgeable in drainage and damming, architecture and planting.
‘Capability Brown’s gardens created an CTVKƂEKCN PCVWTCNPGUU, a ‘hyper reality’. grandsons of John Machell of Horsham. But we have to skip forward to 1758, when the 9th Viscount Irwin got married, before we come to Capability Brown and his gardens. The 9th Viscount Irwin married a woman called Frances, who had inherited a lot of money from
her father, the politician Samuel Shepheard. The couple settled at Temple Newsam, and Frances Irwin endowed with vision and a huge fortune - urged her husband to send for Capability Brown. They invested heavily in upgrading Temple Newsam and they decided that - if all went well - they would invest in their
Capability eventually set up as an independent designer and contractor and used his connections in Georgian society Ì Ü Ã wÀÃÌ `i«i `i Ì commission at Croome Court, Worcestershire. With his family, he moved to Hammersmith, where he mixed with the burgeoning trade of nurserymen to hear the latest news on recent discoveries of exotic plants from the Americas and the sub-continent. During the 1750s, the ever VÀi>Ã } Üi> Ì y Ü } Ì Britain saw many country house owners creating grander, more modern homes. Brown’s gardens were designed to integrate the house with the > `ÃV>«i] Ì VÀi>Ìi > >ÀÌ wV > naturalness, a ‘hyper reality’.
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‘The fact that Brown n’’s designs were fashionable me eant that they went out of fashion’ Interestingly, many of Brown’s designs included commercial aspects, so lakes were extended ĂŒÂœ ÂŤĂ€ÂœĂ›Âˆ`i wĂƒÂ… vÂœĂ€ ĂŒÂ…i iĂƒĂŒ>ĂŒi >˜` timber copses to provide valuable resource and income. Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜ Ă•Ăƒi` Â…ÂˆĂƒ }Ă€ÂœĂœÂˆÂ˜} reputation n to gain more work >˜` LĂž ÂŁĂ‡ĂˆĂ¤ Â…i i“Â?ÂœĂži` Óä foremen. ˜ ÂŁĂ‡Ăˆ{] Â…i Ăœ>Ăƒ >ÂŤÂŤÂœÂˆÂ˜ĂŒi` ĂŒÂœ ĂŒÂ…i }>Ă€`iÂ˜Ăƒ Âœv >Â“ÂŤĂŒÂœÂ˜ ÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŒ] ,ˆV…“œ˜` >˜` -ĂŒ >“iĂƒÂ° Ă•ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i v>VĂŒ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ `iĂƒÂˆ}Â˜Ăƒ ĂœiĂ€i v>ĂƒÂ…ÂˆÂœÂ˜>LÂ?i “i>Â˜ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…iĂž ĂœiÂ˜ĂŒ ÂœĂ•ĂŒ Âœv v>ĂƒÂ…ÂˆÂœÂ˜Â° Ăž ĂŒÂ…i i˜` Âœv Â…ÂˆĂƒ Â?ˆvi] Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ work wass seen as out of date. i VÂœÂ?Â?>ÂŤĂƒi` ĂƒĂ•``i˜Â?Ăž >˜` `ˆi` in 1783.
When C Capability came to Hillss Place One of two Hillls Place maps in the Museum Collection. (Image courtessy of HDC/Horsham Museum and Art Gallery)
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Irwin (in case you’ve forgotten *>}i Ι >Â?Ă€i>`ގ i˜Â?ÂœĂži` ĂŒÂ…i Â?>˜`ĂƒV>ÂŤi ÂŤ>ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜}Ăƒ Âœv Â?>Ă•`i ÂœĂ€Ă€>ˆ˜i] >˜` ĂŒÂ…ÂˆĂƒ ÂŤÂˆVĂŒĂ•Ă€iĂƒÂľĂ•i ĂƒiÂ˜ĂƒÂˆLˆÂ?ÂˆĂŒĂž Ăœ>Ăƒ Ă€iyiVĂŒi` ˆ˜ ĂŒÂ…i ˜iĂœ Â?>˜`ĂƒV>ÂŤi ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ >ÂŤ>LˆÂ?ÂˆĂŒĂž Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜ Â…>` VĂ€i>ĂŒi` >ĂŒ /i“Â?i Newssam in Leeds. /Â…ÂˆĂƒ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i` ĂŒĂœÂœ Â?>ÂŽiĂƒ] ĂœÂœÂœ`i` ÂˆĂƒÂ?>˜`Ăƒ] ĂƒÂ…>“ LĂ€Âˆ`}iĂƒ >˜` ĂƒiÀiÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜i Ăœ>Â?ÂŽĂƒ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ Â?i` ĂŒÂœ > ĂŒi“Â?i] > ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒVÂ…i` VÂœĂŒĂŒ>}i >˜` an ornamental dairy. Ă€>˜ViĂƒ >ÂŤÂŤi>Ă€Ăƒ ĂŒÂœ Â…>Ă›i Lii˜ ĂŒÂ…i `Ă€ÂˆĂ›ÂˆÂ˜} vÂœĂ€Vi] ĂƒĂ•ÂŤiĂ€Ă›ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ˜} ĂŒÂ…i ÂŤÂ?>Â˜ĂŒÂˆÂ˜}] ÂœĂ€ >Ăƒ ĂƒÂ…i `iĂƒVĂ€ÂˆLi` ÂˆĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i Âź Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜ÂˆwV>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂƒÂ˝Â° /ĂœÂœ Ăži>Ă€Ăƒ ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒÂœ ĂŒÂ…i ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ] > Ă›iĂ€Ăƒi Ăœ>Ăƒ ĂœĂ€ÂˆĂŒĂŒi˜] >ĂŒĂŒĂ€ÂˆLĂ•ĂŒi` ĂŒÂœ -ˆ`˜iĂž -ĂœÂˆÂ˜Â˜iĂž >˜` `i`ˆV>ĂŒi` ĂŒÂœ 6ÂˆĂƒVÂœĂ•Â˜ĂŒ Ă€ĂœÂˆÂ˜] ÂŤĂ€>ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ˜}
>ÂŤ>LˆÂ?ÂˆĂŒĂž Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ\ But you, my Lorrd, d, at Temple Temple iĂœĂƒ>“ w˜`] The charms of Naturre e gracefully Vœ“LÂˆÂ˜Â˝`
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Sweet waving hills, with woods and verdure crowned, And winding vales, where murmuring streams resound: Slopes fring’d with Oaks which gradual die away, And all around romantic scenes display. For him each Muse enwreathes the Lawrel Crown, And consecrates to Fame immortal Brown. One year after work began at Temple Newsam, Samuel Lapidge (Brown’s key assistant) prepared a survey of Hills Place as one of his wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ Â?ÂœLĂƒ ˆ˜ ÂŁĂ‡ĂˆĂˆÂ° Two years later, Brown delivered, probably in person, the design he Â…>` VĂ€i>ĂŒi` vÂœĂ€ ˆÂ?Â?ĂƒÂ° Much of what we know about the work at Hills Place comes from letters written by John Meredew, who was Lord Irwin’s regular gardener at the Horsham manor Â…ÂœĂ•Ăƒi°
Concern for the Hills Place gardener Meredew wrote extensive letters to Lord Irwin about everyday life in Horsham and at Hills Place and was naturally concerned about ĂŒÂ…i ĂœÂœĂ€ÂŽ Âœv Ă€ÂœĂœÂ˜Â˝Ăƒ “i˜° "˜ ÓÇ Ă•Â?Ăž ÂŁĂ‡Ăˆn] Â…i ĂœĂ€ÂœĂŒi\ Mr Brown’s men have been here some time and taken out the wall between the forecourt and the elm trees and raised the pond bay, and are now moving the palisades next to the road. Col Leland came about ten days ago in great hurry and said his miller had told him that here was great ponds to be made and would stop the water and ruin their mills. I told him that I had no thought it could be of damage to his mill. I was more afraid it would queer up the town mill. I desired Mr Brown’s foreman to
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www.markantonywindows.co.uk Watercolours of Hills Place and part of the gardens named Lovers Walk. (Images courtesy of HDC/Horsham Museum and Art Gallery)
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42: HISTORY ‘After the Duke of Norfolk bought Horsham, he ploughed the gardens and pulled down Hills’
To complement the Capability Brown exhibition at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery, celebrated local botanical artist and teacher Leigh Ann Gale is now displaying some of her paintings, along with a range of her students’ work. Leigh Ann Gale teaches botanical art and illustration for all abilities, with structured exercises to help students think ‘botanically’ and analyse specimens in depth. Leigh Ann also encourages her students to use live specimens rather than photographs for their studies. The exhibition is on until 19 March at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery. For more about Leigh Ann’s courses, visit www.la-botanicalart.co.uk
go to Col Leland and let him know that when there was a pond made it would be soon full and then the water go away as fast as it comes.”
‘Capability’ Brown was that of Petworth House, owned by Charles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of Egremont, and situated only 15 miles away from Horsham.
Lord Ingram he didn’t live long enough to see the full effect of his commissions, as he died £ÇÇn° i >` wÛi V `Ài ] all girls, so his wife took a life interest in the estate. Lady Frances was a strong woman who controlled the political scene of Horsham, iÛi w} Ì } vv > vÀ Ì> attack by the Duke of Norfolk on the Horsham body politic. But after the Duke of Norfolk bought Horsham, he ploughed the in 1816 before pulling down the manor house.
In the early spring of 1753, Brown began work on reinvigorating the formal gardens. He shortened the terraces and gave the grounds a more natural form. Thereafter, Brown worked with the existing layout of smaller, formal ‘rooms’, by using drifts v y ÜiÀÃ] À>Ài > ` i i}> Ì] Ì VÀi>Ìi > y Ü° It was here that Brown became > ¼y ÜiÀ }>À`i iÀ½° 1à } his London nursery contacts, he obtained Mediterranean imports such as bays (Laurus nobilis) and American maples such as ‘Virginia Schumach’ and ‘Virginia Raspberry.’ They survived well in the temperate climate of south-east England.
A huge project at Petworth House Hills Place was not the famed landscaper’s sole local project. Indeed, the largest garden designed by Lancelot
z The exhibition Capability Brown in Horsham: Discovering a Lost Garden (supported by Toovey’s) is open until 19 March at Horsham District Council’s Horsham Museum & Art Gallery. Thanks to the Ingram family’s archive, the exhibition includes two maps, along with letters written locally. The museum has also published a booklet that includes essays about Capability Brown at Hills, by Maggie Weir-Wilson and Sally Ingram. For further information please see the Capability Brown website at www.capabilitybrown.org
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FALSE START You may recall that in December, Horsham District Council announced plans for a ’brand new’ leisure centre in Broadbridge Heath. At the time, Councillor Jonathan Chowen, said: “We have worked extensively with partners and local sports clubs to develop a proposal which meets the current and future needs of the district. “I look forward to continuing the collaboration with these various partners as we move to the development stage.” I’m sure that the council has ‘worked extensively’ on the £12.3million project with local sports clubs. Bt for a long time, their wasn’t much of a partnership at all. Instead, the local sports clubs had to convince the council that they not only existed, but used Broadbridge Heath leisure centre regularly. Essentially, what the council did initially was visit the sports centre when nobody was there, and subsequently decide to close it without telling anyone. It was a bit like going along to
THE AAH COLUMN Young athletes are ƂIJVKPI VQ RTQVGEV The Tube. Why won’t VJG EQWPEKN NKUVGP! Ì i V Õ V ½Ã *>À à `i vwVià >Ì exactly 5.01pm on a weekday and – upon seeing nobody there – making the swift but entirely incorrect judgment that nobody uses the facility. If you’d have been there at 4.59pm, you’d have seen the entire workforce sat there watching the seconds on the clock tick slowly by, with their car keys already in hand. That’s probably not entirely fair. They do lots of things at the council. There’s the bins. They do that, don’t they, the bins. All that collecting. And then there’s, well, all the other stuff…the bins…and everything else. And it’s not just
one bin is it? Its all the different bin lid colours that they have to do. All from that one, expensively refurbished building. So going back to BBH sports centre, what happened was that all of the adults who had been at work, and all of the children who had been to school, went to the sports centre in the evening. Unbeknown to the council, this is when a lot of sports clubs meet up. It’s even called ‘leisure time.’ And when all the ordinary people went down to the sports centre, they were shocked to be told that the council was going
to close it down. What rotten luck. Who would have thought that there would have been no clubs around at 11am on a Tuesday morning – or whenever it was that the council had visited and seen an empty facility. Not the Horsham Arun Badminton Club, or SEMKA Karate Club, or The Blue Star Harriers, or Horsham Joggers, or HAODS, or even the 50+ Club. What happened next was that these club members wrote to the newspaper in their droves, formed their own user group committee and stood outside of Ì i V Õ V vwViÃ Ì i pouring rain, waving placards, to let councillors know that they existed. Children too. This happened – we were there to take photos. In the end, the council did that most Conservative of things – they “did the right thing.” But only once the “right thing” had Lii wÀ Þ iÃÌ>L à i` LÞ Ì i collective voice of the community. It was, in the main, a satisfactory
We’d love to relaunch our Letters page, so if you u have an opinion on The Column or any article, do please write: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
But not everyone is happyy..
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Whilst ne ews of the new sports centre may have appeased the general public, some clubs are left shrugging g their shoulders. HAODS – Horsham’s extremely successful ul amateur dramatics group – iss still left looking for a me (HAODS House is at new home BBH sports centre.) But the biggest loser will be Blue Star Harrriers, Horsham’s athletics club. The one thing that Blue Star has that mostt athletics clubs do not have is T The T Tube ube, an indoor facility with a thrrowing net, a sandpit for jumping, a track for sprinting, and big boun ncy mats for diving over bars. It’s a huge asset to the club. Jade Lallyy, the Commonwealth bronze medallist m who works at BBH sports centre, uses it. Brighton g athlete Amber Anning – who rece ently smashed Dina Asherr-Smith’ -Sm mith’s 300m record at junior levvel – trains there too. Before an nyone casts doubt on that achievement, evement, all juniors run over 300m m and Asherr-Smith -Smith is our fastest evverr female sprinterr.. Yes, faster er than Sally Gunnell, the only one you know! Sadly, no one of these people appear pp to o be known by Cllr Chowen, who is busy concerning himself with how The Tube looks. He has re eferred to it as ‘morre like an airrcraft crafft hangerr’’ that ‘really isn’t used mucch.’ Yet not a single aircraft has ever accidenta ally landed at The Tube. Neither has a single young athlete with an O Olympic dream agreed with Cllr Chowen’s reasoning that having no o facility at all is better than having ing one that’s a bit old. So what has happened is that the young ussers are -once again having to o present their case to a council chamber hamber that is apparently à ÀÌ V Õ V ÀÃ Ü } Ì w ` things ou ut for themselves. Cleo T Tomlinson om mlinson – who is only 11 - stood up in front of the whole council att a recent meeting to tell them how w popular The Tube is. That’s wh hat it takes to get a message across. I’ve cherry-picked ry-picked a handful of y ««> Ì Ài >À à LÞ À Üi that might ht paint an ugly and rather unbalancced picture. I’m sure tthat he has carefully considere ed the needs of a small but deterrmined band of athletic hopefuls against the needs of the
THE COLUMN: 47 ‘Would we prefer an initiative that provides retired people with the chance to play cribbage?’ other 100,000 people in the district. Should we all fund the maintenance of The Tube when the money could be spent on other leisure and cultural facilities, such as The Capitol and Pavilions in the Park, which far more of us use regularly? He is the man armed with all of Ì i w > V > w}ÕÀià > ` ÕÃ>}i statistics to make a judgment, unpopular as it may be. But whilst The Tube may be less well used than some other leisure facilities in the district, are there other costly schemes and initiatives that account for at least as much money, yet with viÜiÀ Li iwÌÃ Ì Ì i community? Like the Horsham District Wellbeing initiative? I’m sure that those who attend the free weight loss clinics Ü Õ ` > >}i Ì w ` > ÃiÌ v scales elsewhere, should the worst come to the worst. They won’t take to the streets chanting: “What do we want? Free Body Mass Index checks! When do we want it? Now!” No doubt that the loss of the Boards and Banter Session in the library and the new walking basketball scheme (I’m not making it up) that fall under the HDW iniative would be mourned by some. But I know three people who use The Tube and I know none who use these wellbeing clinics. - ½ } } Ì y ««> Ì Þ remark that they’re used “hardly at all.” However, I may revise my views if user groups start gathering outside the ivory
z There was strong opposition to the council’s initial plan to close Broadbridge Heath. The council had underestimated its use and local clubs were quick to voice their views Ì ÜiÀÃ Ì >Ì >Ài Ì i ƂƂ vwVið I don’t know how much is spent on the Horsham District Wellbeing scheme. However, I suspect a large chunk of the budget has been absorbed by grateful local news publications as the authorities try to promote a government - led, taxpayer-funded health drive that largely fails to entice its intended audience. They even took a full page ad in AAH, changing lifestyle perceptions amongst our readers by portraying a w}ÕÀi V «À Ãi` i Ì Ài Þ v fruit. So Cllr Chowen, HDC, does that
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scheme offer better value for money than The Tube? I wonder, would the average Horsham tax payer prefer for there to be a good athletics facility for our children to keep wÌ > ` q Ü ÜÃ q >V iÛi their dreams. Or would they prefer an initiative that provides retired people with the chance to play cribbage for an hour and a half Ì i wÀÃÌ 7i` iÃ`>Þ v i>V month? I don’t know. I don’t have all the statistics… We thought we’d highlight the views of just a handful of the
young athletes who use The Tube on a regular basis, to show that it is local talent Li iwÌÌ } vÀ Ì° Ì ` ` ½Ì Ì> i } q Üi ÜiÀi only there for two hours. There ÜiÀi >`à v «i « i >L ÕÌq although we did go there outside of regular working hours. Here are the views of just some of those athletes who have spent much of the last few years w} Ì } v À > v>V ÌÞ Ì >Ì Ã iÞ to their training and development. Do hear them out…
48: SPORT Cleo Tomlinson, 11 Billingshurst
You’re with Blue Star Harriers? Yes, I started by joining The Martlets, which is for younger athletes, before moving up to join Blue Star Harriers. What is your favourite event? I’m good at the long jump, high jump and sprinting, but looking ahead I would like to focus on the heptathlon. Like Jessica Ennis-Hill? Yes, she is my athletics hero! Is it right that you’ve spoken up for The Tube? Yes, I stood up at the (Horsham District Council) meeting and said why The Tube should be saved. I was one of the youngest people from the club who was there. Quite a few people wanted to say something, but only a few of us were allowed to talk. Do you think you made a difference? I think that (the councillors) listened to me. I could tell a lot of them were sort of against the idea (of saving The Tube) at the start but after a few people from the club had spoken, I thought that some of them seemed to be supporting Blue Star. What did you tell the council? I told them that The Tube makes a big difference for athletes, because in the winter we are able to train for long jump and high jump indoors. It would be too dangerous for us to train outdoors. We also do circuit training in here, which helps us «À Ûi ÕÀ wÌ iÃð Could you carry on without The Tube? I think I would keep coming but I would not enjoy it as much without The Tube.
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z Jordan combines his sprint training on the outdoor track and the indoor facility at BBH
Jordan Levy y,, 15 Horsham
You’re a track athlete? Yes, I run for Blue Star Harriers in the 100m and 200m events. In the 100m my personall b bestt iis 11.6 seconds, and my 200m time is 23.1 seconds. o do well on sports day then? You I think I have the school record for every year so far at Forest, so hopefully I can complete that run in “Þ w˜>Â? Ăži>À°
Quality Service
Where are you in the National rankings? When I was competing at Under 13 Â?iĂ›iÂ? Ăœ>Ăƒ Ă€>˜Ži` wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ] LĂ•ĂŒ œ˜Â?Ăž vÂœĂ€ a couple of days as my time was beaten. I was third in the 200m. At Under 15 level, I was fourth for the £ää“ ˆ˜ “Þ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ Ăži>Ă€ >˜` iˆ}Â…ĂŒÂ… in the 200m. Unfortunately, in the second yearr,, I pulled my hamstring and have not been able to compete at the highest level yet. I’ve been on a recovery course and that’s another good thing about being in The Tube.
True Craftmanship
It helps your recovery? I’d be more likely to do an injury or sufffer a recurrence of an injury if I was only training outside. How often do you train? Ć‚ĂŒ Â?i>ĂƒĂŒ vÂœĂ•Ă€ ÂœĂ€ wĂ›i ĂŒÂˆÂ“iĂƒ > ĂœiiÂŽ and during the winter that’s nearly all in The Tube. I still use the outdoor track a bit, but when the weather is really bad I come inside. Why is it better indoors? Mainly because of the the warmth to be honest. It means you’re able to focus and concentrate on training, which you can’t do when you’re vĂ€iiĂ˘ÂˆÂ˜}° -ÂŤĂ€ÂˆÂ˜ĂŒ ĂŒĂ€>ˆ˜ˆ˜} ÂˆĂƒ `ˆvwVĂ•Â?ĂŒ outside in winter, although you can do some if you wear spikes and are very careful. But The Tube is perfect because you don’t have to worry about slipping over and breaking something something. What would be the efffect fect of losing The Tube? Tube? It would be devastating for the club. It really would. Every single night that I come up here, there are so many athletes around. We would not be training during the winter if we did not have it.
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Ella Hannyngton, 13 Rudgwick
How long have you been with Blue Star? Three years. I used to go to gymnastics but it was taking up a lot of my time. I’ve always found athletics fun and I knew a few people here, so I joined and found that I really loved it. Are you a specialist in any event? I started off by doing a bit of everything. Now I specialise in the high jump and hurdles. z Blue Star Harrier athlete Ella Hannyngton is the highest ranked Under 13 high jump competitor in the country
‘I have tried the pentathlon. Jessica Ennis-Hill is somebody I’m inspired by, so I’d love to follow in her footsteps.’ m.07968 795625 t.01403 258218
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I’m told you’re doing well… I am ranked number one in England at Under- 13 level in high jump. I started to focus on high jump two years ago when I found that I was very competitive. I think my gymnastics background helped me a lot as I was able to get the technique right. What is your personal best? At the moment it is 1.58m, which I achieved right at the end of the season. Some days, when it’s not going so well, the bar will be set at about 1.30m, but usually I improve
TH HE TUBE: 51 during training. I set my personal best at a league meeting at K2, when I just happened to have a really good day. I was really pleased as I had wanted to be ranked number one and that was one of my last competitions in the Under 13 age group. Are you only focusing on high jump? I have done a few pentathlons as well, although I am struggling with the 800m. Jessica Ennis-Hill is somebody I’m inspired by, so I’d love to follow in her footsteps. Do you perform well in other events then? I’m strong over hurdles. I won the Sussex County Championships > ` Ü>Ã À> i` Ì wÀÃÌ Ì i country over 70m hurdles, with a time of 11.2 seconds. Do you use The T Tube ube much? I’m here during the week with Blue Starr,, and every fortnight we have a specialist coach here for the high jump competitors. So I’m
in here a lot during the winterr..
So The T Tube ube makes a big diffference? Yes, as you can just come along to a session and practice high jump no matter what the weather is like. That’s one of the reasons why we have so many good high jumpers a at the club. They don’t even have e anything like this at K2. e next nearest one like it I think the on. is in Sutto ou try and go there if Would yo The T Tube ube e was closed? I would no ot be able to get there after scho ool. It would be very ` vwVÕ Ì v À i Ì ii« Õ« Ì i high levell of training for my hurdling a and the high jump.
z T The Tu ube is sometimes used for weights and circuit training too.
Andy Neal
High Level Athletics Coach Are you a Blue Star coach? No, although I do coach some of its athletes and I have a strong >vw >Ì Ì Ì i V ÕL >Ã Ü>Ã once a Blue Star Harrier myself. > > >Ì iÌ VÃ V >V >vw >Ìi` with British Athletics and help train high-level athletes.
If you havve coaches who specialise e in certain things like high jump p, pole vault and discus, as we havve here in Horsham, then you see a strong development in those areas. If you have a facility like The Tube, it makes the job an awful lot easier.
Do you specialise in certain disciplines? My area of expertise a shot put and discus.
In what way? The Tube is important from a training perspective. During the Ü ÌiÀ] Üi ÕÃi Ì v À wÌ iÃÃ > ` weight training. The Tube is also one of the few facilities to have an indoor throwing area. This
Does having a specialist coach here make a big difffer ference?
Dale Jannels
Why winter? You can’t train outside. In the summer we can use the high jump bed outdoors. But when the track is icy, it’s hard even to run on, so you wouldn’t want to do high jump on it, that’s for sure!
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52: SPORT Tube z The T ub be is used by the Blue ers and other clubs for Star Harriers training, particularly during the hen outdoor training winter when y.. carries a high risk of injury
is a perfectt training facility for all abilities. Is it helping ng to developing talent? Jade Lally is still the number one ranked women’ omen’s discus thrower in the country ry. She works at the leisure centre and d does most of her training here, indoors or outdoors. How important ortant is The T Tube ube to ke Jade? athletes like esty, if it was not for this In all honesty en Jade probably would facility, the not still be e in the sport and I think we could say that about several other athletes etes who are reaching a high level. Without it, Jade would probably h have to move to London to continue e her development, because the he training facilities around the south-east east are not that good. Could the e athletes not just go outside? Then all off our training would have to be done e in British weather conditions. s. For some people, that Ü Õ ` Li w i° ÕÌ > V `] ÜiÌ night, the children would not be here enjoyying themselves. Y You ou would naturally urally see a much higher fallout from m athletics. Before the ey can really develop? That’s right. What The Tube provides iss a learning environment for all of these hese children. If you create the right lear earning environment, and this is a brilliant illiant one, then you end up with better etter athletes. Are local kids using it? Most people ple here are Horsham taxpayers or from local families. Some people ple from the council have made reference to elite athletes using the facility, and not Horsham taxpayers, but that is not the case. It is a great community c facility. Has its popularity opularity been undervalued ued by the council? I think thatt when the initial audit was done several ral years ago, they came down during ng the summer holidays when of course ourse everyone was outside. When you come here during the e winter, it’s the total opposite.
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‘Pole vault is too dangerous to do outside during the winter. The poles freeze up!’ Calum Neil, 17 Horsham
You are a pole vault specialist? Yes. I’m currently ranked second in the UK for Under 17’s but I move up soon to the Under 20’s. I’m hoping that I don’t drop too far down the rankings, although it is a big step up for me. How high can you vault? My personal best is 4.50m. I only ÌÀ i` Ì i « i Û>Õ Ì v À Ì i wÀÃÌ Ì i three years ago, so I took to it really quickly. How does someone discover that they are good at pole vaulting? You don’t really, unless somebody sees potential in you. My then coach, Mick Cole, selected me for a trial. It was tough to start off with, although it’s good fun. A lot of people drop out very early because it is daunting.
z Calum is one of the most promising junior pole vaulters in the UK
Is it dangerous? Not so much dangerous, but it can be scary to begin with. Do you train at The Tube? Yes. I train during the week and on a Saturday as well. There is a specialist coaching session for the pole vault on Thursdays, and as a result there are a few of us at Blue Star who are very good. In fact, Sussex as a whole is very strong for pole vaulting. If you ever go to the Schools Championships, you will see that Sussex athletes tend to win the pole vault medals. Because of The Tube? Horsham is one of the few places that has an indoor facility. Even when Crawley’s pole vaulters train, they come here. If we didn’t have this, it would mean going all the way to Sutton. It’s not a pretty building though, is it? It doesn’t have to be. It has a roof, it stays warm and means we can train in the winter. Pole vault is too dangerous to do outside in winter because the poles freeze up.
/ /1 \ xx Elspeth Tur Turner Coach, England Athletics
Yo ou’re a coach from a national body? Ye es, I’m with England Athletics, the governing body for athletics. Essentially, we develop grass roots athletics in England, working in >vw >Ì Ü Ì -« ÀÌ } > ` > ` UK Athletics, the governing body that sets policy and selects national teams. How are you linked to Blue Star? In my role with England Athletics, I oversee development at the 80 or à V ÕLÃ Ü Ì -ÕÃÃiÝ > ` i Ì° Ƃà it happens, I’m also a member of Õi -Ì>À >ÀÀ iÀà >à Üi >à > Û Õ ÌiiÀ V >V > ` vwV > v À Ì i club. I wear lots of diffferent hats!
a Hannyngton hopes to z Ella follow w in the footsteps of Jessica Ennis--Hill
What events do you compete in? Mainly long distance races and cross-countryy events, but most of the time I am here as a volunteer coach. &Q [QW FQ CP[VJKPI QHƂEKCN CV BBH with England Athletics? 7i ÀÕ Ì i -ÕÃÃiÝ Õ ÌÞ ÃµÕ>` from here as well as regular coaching education courses and workshops, because the venue lends itself to being a central place for indoor athletics. As a result, The Tube is a bit of a magnet g for indoor õÕ>` ÌÀ> }] iëiV > Þ `ÕÀ } Ì i winter. Is there nowhere else to go? -ÕV ` À v>V Ì ià >Ài viÜ > ` v>À between. This is the only one in -ÕÃÃiÝ > ` Ì iÀi >Ài i > «Ã Ài° -ÕÌÌ >à > à >À facility, but for the population of the south-east we’re really not talking much. On the continent, practically every other track has some sort of indoor facility. But that’s not the case in the UK. Why is that? Perhaps it’s that old British mentality, where we feel we have to brave it
‘It’s simple. If you give them indoor facilities you will have more athletes performing at a high level.’
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56: SPORT out! But with the advancements in training techniques, top level athletes require indoor facilities. There’s no doubt about it, you can’t just use outdoor training facilities and expect to reach the top, particularly in technical events.
the number that you see here indoors. The Tube is a jewel that encourages them to try athletics and I think that’s fantastic. What would you like Horsham District Council to do? What we would like is for them not to knock The Tube down! The plans for the new leisure Vi ÌÀi >Ûi Lii V wÀ i`] which is lovely, as it will provide a facility for many other different sports. But it won’t have this.
Other places get by without indoor facilities... It’s a simple formula; if you give them indoor facilities you will have a higher number of athletes performing at a high level. That’s why Sussex clubs and Blue Star Harriers in particular have people ranked very highly at all age groups. Aside from Blue Star, is The Tube well used? On most nights, you will see lots of different groups here. Even tonight, whilst there are many Blue Star members, I have seen athletes from several clubs. Dave Ingram comes here from Brighton three nights a week, running pole vault coaching and also a disability athletics group. Dave also runs The Martlets, a feeder group for Blue Star, and that attracts between 50 and 60 youngsters every Thursday.
In terms of membership, is Blue Star in good shape? Numbers are going up. The Olympics had a positive effect in terms of inspiring young athletes. What would be the impact of losing The Tube? If it wasn’t for this facility, we would not have as many youngsters. There would be a handful of children braving it out, but not anything like
‘The Tube is a jewel that encourages children to try athletics and I think that’s fantastic.’
Could any of this be done in a sports hall? No, as a sports hall cannot take a spike. Also, you wouldn’t have an area for pole vaulting or discus, or a sand pit for jumping. We think it would be feasible to keep this part of the leisure centre, next to the outdoor track. Have you been able to voice your views properly? I think the council now has a better idea of how much the sports centre is used. They realise how much does go on here and what an impact the facility has.
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TH HE TUBE: 57 z Molly M Adams helps coacch The Martlets, a feed der group to Blue Star Harrriers which also DGPGĆ‚VU HTQO 6JG 6W WDG 1J CPF UJGoU XGT[ HCUV
Molly Adams, 18 Southwater
You’re a teenage Blue Star veteran? Yes! I’ve been here for nearly eight years, since I was ten. My best events are the 100m and 200m sprints. What have been your best performances? I competed at the English Schools Championships for the past two years and I’m actually performing as well now as I ever have. My PB for the 100m is 12.3 seconds and my 200m PB
is 25.2 seconds. nds.
season is approaching.
So you’ve u used The T Tube ube for years? ½Ûi Lii˜ Ă•ĂƒÂˆÂ˜} ÂˆĂŒ ĂƒÂˆÂ˜Vi wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ started, espe ecially during the winter. It all depends on the weatherr, as often on club nights we will do so ome outside training and then do o circuit training or weights indo oors. The sessions are very well structured.
Is The Tube Tube as important to you sprinters as it is to the Ć‚GNF GXGPVU EQORGVKVQTU! It is as important, not only for ĂŒÂ…i ĂŒĂ€>VÂŽ LĂ•ĂŒ >Â?ĂƒÂœ vÂœĂ€ wĂŒÂ˜iĂƒĂƒ training. You You can’t go outside and start lifting weights - it wouldn’t be safe and it wouldn’t be particularly pleasant either! I remember when (the council) wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ >Â˜Â˜ÂœĂ•Â˜Vi` ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…iĂž ĂœiĂ€i going to demolish the leisure centre and I just couldn’t believe ÂˆĂŒÂ° Ă•ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…i w}Â…ĂŒ Â…>Ăƒ }œ˜i œ˜ >˜` I’m really pleased that we have stood up for The Tube, because it’s worth saving.
What have you been doing tonight? We started o on the outdoor track, doing 30m ssprints and working on our stancce. Then we came indoors to work w on our 60m sprints as the indoor sprinting
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Is it u used as much as people are claiming? To be e honest, I don’t know how ÂĂŒÂ…i VÂœĂ•Â˜VˆÂ?ÂŽ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ ĂŒÂ…ÂœĂ•}Â…ĂŒ ĂŒÂ…>ĂŒ it wassn’t used all of the time. I help coach a young group of children aged from seven, from 4pm every Wednesday. There is normally about 40 children. There are other groups, that I don’t coach, on Tuesdays and Thurssdays as well. We also have The M Martlets, disability groups, and tthere’s the 50+ group who all usse it. The Tube’s popularity has not n diminished in all of the time I’ve been running for Blue Star.
58: SPORT Kim Milnethorpe
Blue Star Harriers Coach The club seems in good health? Blue Star is very strong at the moment, considering we are only a Horsham club. We have more than 50 Under 13’s, as well as The Martlets, which are the feeder groups run by Dave Ingram. Some of our athletes, including Molly, have done their coaching courses and help out, so there’s a real
family feel here. At what age do people join Blue Star? The Martlet’s is split into two age groups and then when they are ten they can join Blue Star. We have a drop-off, especially during GCSEs, but many go off to University and come back to compete for us over the summer holidays. Are most members local? Yes, of course. If you ask around, nearly everyone here is from the Horsham area. Unfortunately, the council has referred to The Tube as a regional centre, and said that
they can’t support it. It is a regional centre, but it’s more predominantly a local one. How is it a regional centre? We have some incredible people that come here from all over Sussex and beyond. Seb Rodger, who is a very good 400m runner, comes here with a top coach called Stephen King. Amber Anning, who is the top ranked Under 15 200m runner in the country, is a huge prospect and she regularly travels here from Brighton. I would have thought that the fact that The Tube is attracting good athletes from all across Sussex would be something to
z Jade Nicholls, pictured in The Tube for AAH in 2012, is now a Commonwealth medallist
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be proud of. Is it not being seen that way? I feel as though the fact that elite athletes are coming here is almost been used against us. The council are questioning why Horsham taxpayers should be funding a centre that is being used by athletes from other parts of Sussex and I don’t think that’s fair. We’ve highlighted that it is used within the district and beyond. The council has shown its able to listen though? Yes. Initially, it was just being knocked down and that was it! Is there a sense that The Tube is a bit dated? We have heard remarks like ‘it’s like an aircraft hangar’ but it doesn’t need to be swanky. It has a roof and cover and we are able to bring kids here and coach them. If the council doesn’t like the way it looks, maybe they should have better > Ì> i` Ì° w ` Ì ÛiÀÞ >À` Ì understand what the problem is.
z Horsham Blue Star Harriers have vowed VQ MGGR ƂIJVKPI HQT The Tube to be saved. Find out more about the club at horshambluestarharriers.org.uk Do send AAH your views by emailing Ben at editor@aahorsham.co.uk
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z Examples of Sarah’s intriguing glass work, including a bowl shaped from a birch tree that fell in the couple’s garden
z Nick and Sarah Allen launched Greyhound after being inspired by American beers Ü ÃÌ Ì iÀ Ì ià Üi ÜiÀi `ià } } «À `ÕVÌÃ Ì >Ì ii`i` V > ÌÞ° 7i received orders for 500 of one v ÕÀ V > Àà > ` Üi >` } >ÃÃÜ>Ài ÃiÛiÀ> `ià À>L i Ã Ü Ü ` Üà > } "Ýv À` Street and Regent Street.
->À> \ Ì Ü>à >L ÕÌ Óä Þi>Àà >} ] Ü ÃÌ Ü À } >Ì > ` } >Ãà ÃÌÕ` ] Ì >Ì ÃÌ>ÀÌi` > } « iVià v À V ° Ûi ÌÕ> Þ] i Ü> Ìi` Ì iÃÌ>L Ã Ã Ü } >Ãà ÃÌÕ` à >à i` i Ì °
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62: ART Sarah: We were experimenting a lot with kiln-based work, fusing cerramics with glass, which wass always a ‘no-no.’ It was an exxciting time and we gained a reputation amongst interior de esigners as being the ‘go-to people’ if you wanted something g unique. Nick would design it and we would pull out all of the stops to try and actually create it. Nick: Wha at happened is that the designs morphed over time. Initially we made more traditiona al pieces of furniture, but then w we started mixing wood with h metal and then glass, making the pieces less material-ffocused. For a time, Sarah wass working alongside another artist in the studio, and any time n not spent working on commissions was used for experimental work. We would fuse diffferent types of glass and proce esses and gradually we create ed d a colossal l l lib library off experimental work that attracted all manner of clients. z A striking cabinet featuring Sarah’s glassw work and (right) Nick with a Ha arlequin table he designed.
Sarah: We had a workshop in Battersea, where we were making evverything. We then built a house in Putney, where
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‘Nick would design it, an nd we would pull out all of the stops to tryy and create it.’ we lived for a yearr,, but we left London in 2006. For a time, we Ài Ìi` > L>À *iÌiÀÃwi `] but we kept our eyes and ears to the ground for a place that V Õ ` vÕ w Ì i ÛiÉÜ À premise e that we desired. Eventually, Nick found this site in Westt Chiltington. It was once owned by Southern Water Waterr and it was where they did their vehicle maintenance. Nick: Over O the years, most
of the money that we made from commissions has been ploughed straight back into the studio, s as we constantly need ded to adapt our machinery to su uit our work. One comm mission was never enough to co over the costs of doing that, but one popular piece woulld often lead to similar V Ãà ð Ì V> Li ` vwVÕ Ì] as ou ur customers don’t want exacctly the same item as some eone else, so we would
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ART: 63 create variations of a piece. In a way, we did become slaves to our creativity in that we created many different versions of the same thing. But for us, that is better than having one good idea and exploiting it for all it’s worth. Nick: We see ourselves more as artist then furniture makers and that creative drive has been behind everything we’ve done. One of my designs is in the V&A collection. It’s a steel-framed stool with a curved sycamore seat and is described in the catalogue as ‘post modernist’ which I’m not entirely sure is correct. More recently, we have been working on a harlequin table, which has a rigid structural quality to it with striking colour. Sarah: A tree came down in the }>À`i ÕÀ wÀÃÌ Þi>À iÀi West Chiltington, and we could see that the bark was gorgeous so we wanted to do something with it. We started off fusing the bark patterns in glass for a cabinet, but we’ve also used the effect to create bowls. With glassware and ceramics, people want something different. People have always collected ceramics, but in the last 15 years, glass has become more popular and new techniques have appeared as artists have started to really enjoy glass.
z Just a small selection of Nick and Sarah’s designs, including a beautiful cabinet featuring Banksia Nut from Australia
Award-Winning Sausages by David Bell
Nick: We are used to working on the edge. We push the materials to the point where they are incapable of actually supporting themselves. Actually, Sarah likes to gentrify a piece, whereas I like the rawness of the materials, even if it means you’ll be lacerated just by picking up a bowl! Sarah: That doesn’t mean that we need to compromise, although there is always a lot of discussion as to what goes on. Nick will have an idea and I will know the limits of the material or myself.
‘With glassware and ceramics, people do want something different.’ Nick: We do travel a lot and one of our more interesting trips was to a factory that makes axes and hunting knives. We were in Norway to design an ampitheatre for an ice music festival and we came across the OYO factory just as production there was ending for good. I used ground paper from their packaging
Also find us at New House Farm in Horsham, Budgen’s in Billingshurst, Capel Stores and Sussex Produce in Steyning. You can also enjoy our sausages at cafe’s including The Cafe (Nightingale Rd), The Olive Tree (North Heath Lane) and New House Farm Cafe Made using only British Quality Assured Pork. Available every Saturday at the Local Produce Market in the Carfax and many other quality stockists We are a family run business & pride ourselves on using only the finest ingredients for all our sausages. We are continually creating new varieties to complement the more traditional flavours. Some of our most popular sausages include: Traditional Pork Cumberland Pork & Leek Pork & Apple Pork, Sage & Red Onion Pork Garlic & Herb
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ART: 65 ‘We bought a book, Bre ew wing the Beers You Like and thought ‘Lett’s make Peroni!’ shift out there and they don’t all just drink Budweiser!
Nick: We were experimenting and cchanging the hops and seeing what efffect it would have on the e beer. It was all being done for our pleasure but we were making more beer so we starte ed giving it away. We were labelling every batch with diffferent coloured spots on the bottle e cap and people were giving i i g us constant feedback on which h ones they liked! Everyybody kept saying that we should brew commercially!
Sarah: When we came home, Nick bought a home brewing kit. We made one batch of beer and it was pretty good and not ` vwVÕ Ì] Ã Üi Ì > V ÕÀÃi brewing, bought some more equipment and a couple of b k and books, nd d thought th ht we had h d allll the know wledge we needed! Nick: We found a simplytitled book called ‘Brre ewing the You Beers Y ou Like,’’ so we thought ‘Let’s try Peroni!” It turned out nothing like l Peroni, but it was still drinkkable. department and started sketching, whilst Sarah took photos as the last axes were made. We then spent two days working at The ice festival, which was one of the more unusual things we have done. Sarah: Ice is every glass maker’s dream, because it looks like glass but it is easy to work with
and is instan ntly polished! Nick: It was on a trip to Portland, Orregon about four years ago th hat the idea for a brewery wass born. Whilst we were there, we w came across an incredible e craft beer scene. People were drinking brilliant, ««Þ LiiÀÃ] L } y>Û ÕÀ° There has be een a big cultural
Sarah h: We took the plunge in the su ummer of 2014. Nick found a brew wery near Norwich that was u upscaling and selling its old equip pment, so we bought the tanks and then thought ‘Wherre is it all going to go?’
Sarah: We were working with one 10 litr tre bucket in our kitchen so kitchen, s it was just a bit of fun, until we get decided to buy proper equipment. quipment. We bought chiller un nits and that allowed us to make 25 litres at a time. We were making a batch a month and even n bottled it, which was the best feeling ever.
Nick: We had to sell my AC Greyh hound sports car to fund the project, hence the name. We also had a wooden Greyh hound head with Amber eyes, from the end of a walking stick, and we wanted to feature this o on the label of our bottles.
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‘It’s a golden ale with medium bitterness CPF C ĆƒQTCN JQRR[ Ć‚PKUJ o But it just wasn’t working with the bottle’s shape, so we changed the greyhound to a blonde bird! Somebody suggested that it could be a martlet, which features on the Sussex coat of arms, so we’ll stick with that! Sarah: "Ă•Ă€ wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ LĂ€iĂœ Ăœ>Ăƒ Ƃ“LiĂ€ Eyes, which is a fusion of English LiiĂ€ >˜` ĂƒÂœÂ“i Âœv ĂŒÂ…i Ƃ“iĂ€ÂˆV>˜ beers we had tried. It is made with barley from Warminster Maltings combined with Ƃ“iĂ€ÂˆV>˜ Â…ÂœÂŤĂƒÂ° ĂŒÂ˝Ăƒ > }ÂœÂ?`i˜ >Â?i with a medium bitterness, not too Â…>Ă€ĂƒÂ…] ĂœÂˆĂŒÂ… > yÂœĂ€>Â?] Â…ÂœÂŤÂŤĂž wÂ˜ÂˆĂƒÂ…Â° Nick: When it came to looking at cask ale, we didn’t have a clue! So we tried it and gave a free cask to ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€i }Ă€Âˆ}>`i] /Â…i ,ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ˜} -Ă•Â˜ ˆ˜ Nutbourne, and to a friend who runs a social club, just to gauge vii`L>VŽ° /Â…i Ă€iĂƒÂŤÂœÂ˜Ăƒi Ăœ>Ăƒ Ă›iÀÞ ÂŤÂœĂƒÂˆĂŒÂˆĂ›i] >˜` ĂŒÂ…i wĂ€ĂƒĂŒ V>ĂƒÂŽ Ăœi ĂƒÂœÂ?` Ăœ>Ăƒ >}>ˆ˜ ĂŒÂœ /Â…i ,ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ˜} -Ă•Â˜Â° I think our beers are a little more traditionally than most. From that point of view, we are slightly pandering to nostalgia, but that’s not intentional. It’s just that our relatively traditional methods and ĂƒÂˆÂ“ÂŤÂ?i y>Ă›ÂœĂ•Ă€Ăƒ >Ă€i >ĂŒĂŒĂ€>VĂŒÂˆÂ˜} > Â?ÂœĂŒ of people. Sarah: We have slightly tweaked the recipe as we’ve been improving the beer whilst we get used to the equipment. Every time we make a new batch, we try to make it a little bit better, but essentially the recipe has not changed as consistency is key. Nick: We now have four core LiiĂ€ĂƒÂ° 7i Â…>Ă›i Ƃ“LiĂ€ ĂžiĂƒ] which is a 4.2% ale that sits in the middle of the range. We have a lighter beer, Blonde Bird, as well as our dark amber ale Special B46, named after one of our early
brews that people enjoyed! We also have Good Ordinary, which is a classic English-style session beer. Sarah: We are still bottling at home, and selling mainly through Hennings Wine. We also supply Real Burger Kitchen in Chichester. With the cask sales, we are increasing our presence at pubs in the area. Word is spreading about Greyhound. We’ve just been nominated for Best Newcomer at the Sussex œœ` >˜` Ă€ÂˆÂ˜ÂŽ Ć‚Ăœ>Ă€`Ăƒ >˜` >Â?Â? of the feedback has been really positive. Nick: It does take a colossal amount of hard work. We will spend a whole day brewing, and then there’s the cleaning, bottling, arranging outlets for the cask beer, sales meetings, deliveries and collections, as well as making sure that everything is ready for the next brewing day. But still, we enjoy it! , *",/\ ",, * /1, -\ /" 9 * *Some brand images courtesy of Nick and Sarah Allen
z To see more of Nick and Sarah’s furniture designs, visit www.nick-allen.co.uk For more on Greyhound and its range of beers visit www.greyhoundbrewery.co.uk