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Kithurst Hill near Storrington, a vital link to walking and riding routes across the South Downs, has been saved by Horsham District Council. The privately-owned rural car park was set to close when West Sussex County Council, who had managed the maintenance of the site for a number of years, decided to withdraw its support. The South Downs National Park Authority also declined to take on responsibility for the car park. Without any organisation agreeing to take on the car park, the private landowner would have to close the facility to the public. This would cause significant parking and access problems on the narrow lane leading to Kithurst Hill and could result in trespassing, damage to crops and potential harm to livestock. A campaign to save Kithurst Hill from closure attracted strong public support and was even backed by the actor Hugh Bonneville, before HDC stepped in to secure its future, in the shortterm at least. Cllr Josh Potts, Cabinet Member for the Environment and Rural Affairs at HDC, is pictured at Kithurst.
The bellringers at St Mary’s Parish Church in the Causeway, Horsham will host open days on 11 and 25 February, from 10.30am – 12pm. Visitors will have the opportunity to visit the ringing room to watch a demonstration of bellringing, see the bells in the belfry and have a go at ringing them. The open days are free, with donations welcomed. Additionally, the bellringers are inviting people to join ‘Ring for the King’ training sessions, as part of a nationwide campaign to encourage people to take up the hobby and be part of May’s Coronation celebrations. A new ringing school, with sessions on Saturdays and Monday evenings, will begin at St Mary’s and churches in nearby villages in February. For details, email Val at burgess.val@sky.com or see the Horsham Bellringers page on Facebook

Here is our monthly round-up of volunteering opportunities in the District.
Olive Tree Cancer Support in Horsham are looking for friendly volunteers to welcome visitors on the front desk. The charity also seeks a qualified therapist who can help run an exercise class.
St Catherine’s Hospice have a variety of volunteering roles available, from helping in the kitchen to joining the team at the new charity shop in the Carfax.
Kinder Living is a Community Interest Company that hosts its annual Home Show in March. The event aims to inspire and inform people about making more sustainable choices. They need volunteers to help set up, welcome visitors and clear up at the end of the day.

If you can help with any of the above, or to find out about other volunteering opportunities, contact the Voluntary Sector Support team on (01403) 215191 or email volunteering@horshamdistrict.gov.uk volunteerhorshamdistrict.co.uk