1 minute read

Like many sports clubs, Horsham Indoor Bowls Club was heavily impacted by the pandemic. By focusing on a relaxed atmosphere and nurturing newcomers, the club’s membership is now recovering. AAH visited the Broadbridge Heath-based club on its January Open Day and spoke to chairman Peter Ruddle, ladies captain Jan Barnes, coach Ian Coker, secretary Jo Lawrence and new member Andy Williams…
Peter: Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club was built in 1996, when the modern facility set new standards in the county. In the years since, the club has welcomed everyone from novices to national champions. One of the great things about bowls is that it’s a social game where men and women of any age can compete equally. It also provides intense competition for those who crave it. We host internal leagues and competitions, county and national matches for those seeking a greater challenge, as well as bowls-for-fun sessions on Wednesday evenings, with music and an informal atmosphere. So there’s something for everyone.
Jo: Bowls has a reputation as being a stuffy game with a strict dress code, but this is changing.
During one of my first matches, felt uncomfortable as kept being told where I could and couldn’t stand, as if bowls etiquette was something I should have naturally possessed! I’ve never forgotten that and we’re more welcoming these days. We’re not as fussy about the uniform either. The dress code is less formal outside of matches, as we want people to relax.