AAH June 2013

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Sold Out

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Past Editions of AAH can be purchased for £3 (including postage). Email editor@aahorsham.co.uk or call 01903 892899 with enquiries

Giving less than 10% You see that bit above, with all the images of our front pages? That took ages! The first problem I faced related to the software package, called Quark XPress, that I use to put AAH together. Irritatingly, Quark doesn’t allow you to reduce a picture to anything below 10% of its actual size. So if you want to use an image very small, you have to open Photoshop and resize the image first! You don’t have that problem with InDesign, incidentally, so if ever you have to make the choice between the two... Anyway, having resized the front pages I had to try and fit five lines of text into the small box below, which is harder than it looks. Look closely and you’ll see that some words have been squeezed considerably. It is at times like this that I miss the days when I worked for the County Times. They have access to Quark ‘power tools’ and just by pressing a single button they could balance an entire story if it was just a couple of lines too long or too short than the sub-editor needed it to. Sadly, those power tools (and sub-editors!) are a little out of my budget at this time. Thankfully, it’s only every few months that I commit to daft, time-consuming layout changes such as the spread above. But other things cause me monthly headaches. I usually have a few ideas in mind for the group, artist and restaurant features, but I worry about the ‘My Story So Far’ spread. I simply don’t know many retired people and those with a great story to tell are generally too humble to contact us.

Cover Story


Toby Phillips (All AAH Photography) and Ben Morris (AAH Editorial & Advertising) So I was delighted that Colin Urquhart, the founder of Kingdom Faith, accepted my request for an interview. It’s another fascinating story, although one that I struggled to relate to as a non-religious person. After all, it is my own belief that the voice of God that Colin refers to is really no different to the voice in my head telling me that I should go and make a cup of tea before I start on the contents page. Is God directing me towards the tea pot? If so, could he direct my wife away from the Tesco value teabags next time she goes shopping? There’s just no flavour there!

However, I recently watched an episode of South Park (an American animated comedy show that some find puerile but I happen to love) in which the school teacher, Mr Garrison, doesn’t need to try too hard to make evolution sound totally ludicrous! It reminded me that an awful lot of things sound sort of ridiculous when you think too much about them. Certainly, Colin’s story is a remarkable one, and I hope you’ll all enjoy reading it. Now, I’m off for that cup of tea.

Toby spent several hours trying to find a way for magician David Stewart to be the cover image. But David was placed too centrally, and the only way it would work without cutting off the ‘H’ of ‘AAH’ was to move David over to the right side of the page. Sadly, this meant we would chop off the top of his well-styled hair! It just wasn’t working out so instead we chose an image of Dave Clews from Southdowns Gliding Club. Dave is leaning against a glider,

with one of the tow planes more visible in the background. The image was taken in a small maintenance hangar at the club near Parham, whilst editor Ben was enjoying a pint of Doom Bar in the clubhouse. Toby rigged up a couple of studio lights to ensure he captured the impact of the light coming through the roof. But we initially dismissed it as a cover image because Dave tends to all but close his eyes when he smiles!


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AAH is delivered to 13,500 homes and businesses each month. You can also read the magazine online at www.aahorsham.co.uk

CONTENTS 6 News Round-Up

34 High Barn Oils

Thousands sign up for garden waste services, and Revival is set to remember the legendary Jim Clark

12 My Story So Far

You’ve never met anybody who loves linseed as much as Durwin Banks...

41 Group Discussion

Colin Urquhart’s parents were hopeful he’d become an architect. It didn’t pan out...

It’s not every day you hear a Cure song being played with ukuleles in a Nuthurst barn

48 Gliding

18 Business Can the colour of your kitchen really be inspired by the colour of your car?

20 V&A Exhibition

‘If it’s so safe, why do I need the parachute?’ We visit the Southdowns Gliding Club

55 History

No, David Bowie isn’t coming to town. But some stunning Japanese enamels will be!

22 One to Watch

At Christ’s Hospital, we learn about the boy who would invent the bouncing bomb

61 Art

Magician David Stewart makes a good point about people who remark ‘it’s fake’

26 Meal Review

Ever wondered what you could make with some wire, aluminium foil and some fabric hardener?

66 How Interesting

The orange decor is a little unusual, but Filippo’s certainly know how to make a pizza



Editor: Ben Morris editor@aahorsham.co.uk 01403 878026 / 01903 892899 Advertising: Kelly Morris advertising@aahorsham.co.uk 01403 878026 / 01903 892899 Photography: Toby Phillips tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk info@tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk 07968 795625

Back in the 16th Century, five breweries were in Horsham. How many are there now?

Contributors Jeremy Knight (V&A Exhibition) Additional thanks to... Victoria and Albert Museum, Christ’s Hospital Museum, David Miller (Barnes Wallis feature), Dave Clews and Southdowns Gliding Club, The Pavilions for allowing us to take the picture of David Stewart in the leisure centre , Colin Urquhart and Kingdom Faith Church for images Door-to-Door Delivery team The Paterson family, Geoff Valentine, Andrew Price, Trish Fuller, Sarah Guile, Charlotte Aylett, Laura Harding, Alex Bland and Cara Cocoracchio (all Horsham rounds), Anna Laker and Alex Besson (Billingshurst), Jamie Towes, Shaun Bacon and Eddie Robinson (Southwater), Jack Barnett (Monks Gate/Mannings Heath), Karen Parnell (Warnham), Will Smith (Ashington), Reece Elvin

(Slinfold), Ben Morris (Tower Hill, Rookwood, Dial Post, Crabtree, Farthings Hill), Toby Phillips (Town Centre), Herbie Whitmore (West Grinstead), Ben’s Grandma (Wisborough Green), Mike Hoare (Nuthurst). The Partridge Green round is available - call 01903 892899 for details AAH is available to pick up at Sakakini (Carfax), Artisan Patisserie (Market Square), Pavilions in the Park, CoCo’s salons (Lintot Square in Southwater and High Street, Billingshurst), Barns Green Village Store and Horsham Museum Website Run by Mi-Store of Brighton. Read all of our editions at www.aahorsham.co.uk AAH Magazine is an independent publication owned by Ben Morris and is based in Ashington

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The Horsham Garden Music Festival... 1: ...kicks off on Sunday, 30th June with a Promenade concert. It features the Slinfold Concert Band playing tributes to our Armed Forces and leading a ‘Last Night of the Proms’ style finale. Cantatrice ladies choir and diva Dianne Walters (pictured) also perform. A Folk and Acoustic concert featuring Mailman, Cotton Candy Rebellion and The Pickled Lilies will be held on Sunday, 7th July, followed by a Young Musicians Showcase (13th July), a Jazz, Blues and Soul concert (14th July), World Music Showcase (20th July) and a Rock Concert (21st July). The Lemon & Lime theatre group will be running arts and crafts workshops at all five free concerts. For tickets visit the Capitol website at www.thecapitolhorsham.com or call the box office on 01403 750220. 2: A successful bid by Berkeley Homes to build 69 homes and a primary school in Barns Green was initially held up by Horsham District Council's Planning Committee. The scheme had received local support, but councillors were concerned that no provision was made for affordable homes. Any decision was deferred until talks had been held on the affordable homes issue, allowing Berkeley Homes to reassess the development. A new planning application with six homes to be sold on a shared ownership basis was put forward and this was approved by the council on 21st May.

3: A Family Golf Day held in memory of Chris Burdess will be held on Sunday, 23rd June at Mannings Heath Hotel. The 'Four Club' team challenge, in aid of the RAF Benevolent Fund, includes breakfast, grand raffle, auction of a flight in a CAE simulator, and hog roast. Players will meet at the hotel for bacon butties at 10:30am; first tee off is 11am. Entry is £30 per player and all the family can enjoy the post-match entertainment with live music from Lee Martin (£5 for nonplayers). For more details call Dick Adcock on 07909 854036. 4: Horsham Ride-in Motorbike Show returns to Ingfield Manor School, Five Oaks, Billingshurst, on Saturday, 27th July. Attractions at the event, held in aid of Ingfield Manor School, include trade stalls, licenced bar and live rock bands. It costs just £2 to enter bikes into the competition with categories including Best Chopper, Classic, Combination, Custom, Paint, Plastic Fantastic, Rat, Streetfighter, Stock and Trike. The last entry for competitions is 3pm, with trophies presented at 4pm. Limited camping spaces are available. For all enquiries, call Phil on 07513 021214 or contact the Horsham Ride-in Motorbike Show through Facebook. 5: A Summer Sussex Garden Tea Party will be held at Trenchmore, Burnthouse Lane,

Cowfold, on Sunday, 14th July at 3-5pm. Enjoy an open garden party with live music, delicious tea and cakes. The tea parties are especially for people with dementia, their families and friends. A representative from Horsham Alzheimer’s Society will be there with information about local services. There is no charge. For more details call Joanne on 07711 698279 or 01403 864419. 6: Figures from the council show that over 20,000 households have signed up for the new ‘paid for’ garden waste collection. Horsham District Council set a target of 40% of all 50,000 households with gardens in the district signing up to the scheme. This target has been surpassed with up to 800 people per day joining up. From 1st June, bins that do not have a sticker will not be emptied. You can sign up at any time of the year by visiting http://www.horsham.gov.uk/environment/15 595.aspx. Might be easier to call 01403 739459. 7: Two exhibitions on the Copnall family are running simultaneously at Horsham District Council’s Horsham Museum & Art Gallery until 20th July. ‘The Artist as a Young Man: Bainbridge Copnall in Horsham, 1913-1934’ focuses on Bainbridge’s career as a portrait artist whilst ‘Abstract Adventurer: John Copnall of Slinfold’ is an opportunity to see his works of bold colours and striped paintings.

AAH News Round-up


10 11

Picture courtesy of Goddard – GPL



9 Thanks to the Copnall family and the Mark Barrow Fine Art gallery, the museum can now display John’s art as well as two rare works from his early years, spent in Spain. 8: The Loxwood Joust returns to Loxwood Meadow on 3rd and 4th August at 10am-6pm. If we’re taking the word of the organisers, it’s the most spectacular mediaeval festival in the UK with battles, music by the Mediaeval Baebes, falconry, mediaeval market, living history camp, archery, wandering minstrels, pelt the peasant and jesters. For more details visit www.loxwoodjoust.co.uk 9: On the 50th anniversary of the first of his two Formula 1 World Championship victories, this year’s Goodwood Revival annual driver tribute will be to the legendary Scottish racer Jim Clark. A daily track parade at the Goodwood Motor Circuit will include a variety of Jim Clark’s most famous cars including the Lotus 25 in which Clark won the F1 World Championship in 1963, the Lotus-Cortina in which he won the 1964 British Saloon Car Championship, and the Lotus 38 in which he won the Indianapolis 500 in 1965. Star names confirmed so far include Sir Stirling Moss, Sir Jackie Stewart, John Surtees and Tony Brooks. Tickets can be purchased at www.goodwood.com/motor sport/ or from 01243 755055.

10: Several of the fine artists, sculptors and makers you may have read about in AAH will be taking part in the Horsham Artists Open Studios event in June. On 15th and 16th June, 30 artists including Lucy Ames, Jean Holder, Angela Brittain (pictured), Steve Gubbins, Lesley Taylor and Janine Creaye will be at Sedgwick Park to display, demonstrate and talk about their work. There will also be the opportunity to see the gardens and relax in a beautiful setting, courtesy of the National Gardens Scheme. The art event and parking is free with optional entry to the gardens on Saturday and Sunday morning (there is a charge for this). During the following weekend, 22nd & 23rd June, you can join the art trail to see artists at their home studios and group venues in and around Horsham. Entry is free. Brochures are available from www.horshamartistsopenstudios.co.uk as well as Horsham Museum and the Capitol. 11: Improvement works are planned for Warnham Mill Pond to manage the risk of flooding from the reservoir. In 2009, a routine inspection of the reservoir identified the need for works to be carried out to meet revised safety standards. After consultations in 2011, the original plan was to remove the pond and create a wetland habitat, characterised by pools and islands, but this

proposal proved to be extremely expensive. The revised proposal will improve the reservoir embankment so flood water can be safely transported away, greatly reducing the risk of failure of the embankment during severe rainfall. The estimated cost for this work is £1.1million and it is hoped that construction will begin this autumn. 12: To celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, Slinfold Parish Council commissioned two new road signs. These have been erected along Lyons Road and at the entrance to the village from the A29. The signs, specially designed and made by the Camelia Botnar Foundation, depict two local sportsmen who grew up in the village. The Rev Lord David Sheppard (1929-2005) was captain of the England cricket team and Alfred Shrubb (1898- 1964) was a world champion runner. The signs were unveiled by the Hon Mrs Sinclair, daughter of David Sheppard, on Saturday, 27th April. Mrs Mary Maxwell, David Sheppard’s sister who lives in Rudgwick, also attended, along with representatives from the Alfred Shrubb Appreciation Society. 13: Sussex Wildlife Trust is launching a pre-school woodland experience on Thursday, 20th June at 10-11.30am. During the taster sessions, accompanied children aged two to five will learn basic bushcraft skills, gather

8 14




17 around a camp fire for storytelling and to toast marshmallows, and enjoy games and singing with a woodland theme. The session costs £5 per child and booking is essential. For information call 01273 492630 or visit www.sussexwildlifetrust.org.uk/naturetots 14: Two by-elections were held on Thursday, 2nd May, with the Conservatives retaining control of the two vacant seats on Horsham District Council. In Chantry, Diana Van Der Klugt narrowly defeated Peter Westrip (UKIP) and in Cowfold, Shermanbury & West

Grinstead Roger Clarke defeated Liberal Democrat candidate Andrew Purches. The by-elections followed the resignation of Cllr Chris Mason and Cllr Andrew Dunlop. 15: The Knepp Castle estate hosts an Open Farm event on Sunday, 9th June. Visitors will have the chance to take a tractor tour of the farm at 10:30am. Call 01667 462555 for more details.

with a huge haul of medals at a major four day competition in Bournemouth. The Bluebelles won eight team trophies and 58 individual awards. This success was followed by a one day competition in Horsham, held in aid of The Royal Marsden Hospital and St Catherine's Hospice, in which the girls won 20 individual and four team trophies. For more details on joining the Bluebelles call Carol Wray on 01403 264662.

16: Horsham Bluebelles, one of the country’s leading baton twirling groups, came away

17: The Ashington Toy & Train Collectors Fair is held at Ashington Community Centre at



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AAH News Round-up 18

10am - 2pm on Sunday, 16th June. Buy, sell and swap from a large range including Dinky, Corgi diecasts, Hornby, Meccano and more. You can take along your own toys to sell as well. Call Simon on 07727 023893 for more details. 18: Age UK Horsham District will be hosting a charity Golf Day at Wildwood Golf & Country Club in Alfold on Friday, 12th July and is inviting all local players and companies to compete. The day will start at 12pm with a bacon butty and tea, before a round of golf, three course meal, auction, raffle and prize giving. Locally, Age UK is encountering funding challenges as there are currently 25,900 people aged 65 and over in the district. You can enter as an individual for £70 or teams of four can enter for £62.50 per person. For details call Lawrie Mallyon on 07910 385926 or download a pack at www.ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk 19: Forest pupil Jordon Powell proved triumphant in the final of the Rotary UK Young Chef contest. The 14-year-old, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Horsham, was competing against eight other top young chefs in the final, who all had just two hours to cook a healthy threecourse meal within a £15 budget. An experienced panel of judges were left impressed by Jordan’s mackerel starter, rump of hogget main and apple panna cotta dessert. Jordan’s prize is a trip to Italy where he will experience real Italian cooking courtesy of Filippo Berio, as well as tuition at a top London restaurant. 20: Southwater Schools Summer Fete will be held at the Academy Playing Fields on Saturday, 22nd June at 3-7pm. Attractions include an eight metre climbing wall, BBQ run by 2nd Southwater Scouts, beer tent, and live music from the Miles High Band. Arena events range from country dancing and singing to gymnastics from Infinity. Entry is only 50p (free for under 4s).



Last month, I spoke about how the price of gold has dipped slightly in recent weeks, but when you look at the gold price over the last decade, you’ll see a huge rise. The gold price has risen at an astonishing rate since 2000, whilst silver’s value is now seven times higher than what it was at the turn of the century. Values were actually even higher last year, but whilst the gold price has dipped by about 7% since 2012, it’s up 65% 2008 levels. This is great news if you have gold and silver jewellery at home, of course. But not if the jewellery is stolen! Because of the busy lives we lead, many of us have simply forgotten to update the insurance valuations for jewellery. As a consequence, there has been instances when people have been robbed of items and then discovered that their rings, watches, necklaces and such things hadn’t been valued for years. This is a costly mistake. A gold bracelet might have fetched £500 if it was melted down ten years ago, but it could fetch well over £2000 now. This has not escaped the attention of thieves, so now jewellery accounts for about a third of all home insurance theft claims. but when it comes to insurance payouts, claimants are receiving maybe a quarter of what the jewellery is worth in the current market, simply because it’s been so long since it was all valued. If you fall into this category, then do something about it soon. Tell your insurer or broker of any new precious items you have, or if any

item's valuation exceeds the single item limit on your home contents insurance policy. Seek a professional valuation that reflects current market trends, and take photos of each valuable item. What happens is that you take your jewellery to a reputable high street jeweller, such as ourselves, and find out its value. There are minimal costs involved in the cost of having it valued but it is tiny compared to the cost of being underinsured. We will give a free appraisal and advise you on whether to get an insurance valuation. We

can also tell you how to make a claim with the insurance company and we always keep a copy of your valuation for safekeeping, should there ever be a need to make a claim. I would also implore people not be told where to shop - why use a voucher? So please check your values. Losing the family heirlooms is upsetting enough, without later finding out that the thief who stole them has probably made five times more than the insurance payout.


‘The family plan was for me to go into


Colin Urquhart Founder of Kingdom Faith I was born in Twickenham in 1940 and grew up in a non-Christian family. My father was an architect. He was seconded to work for the Ministry of Defence, building camps for troops all over the country.

was ten I went to the local Anglican Church in Twickenham and joined the choir. The choir master trained your voice, and that proved to be very useful in later life when I would regularly preach to many people.

Bombs fell near to our home regularly during the war. One night our front door was blown in by a bomb blast. I can also recall the shortage of food at that time but that was just a way of life.

Because of what I was singing and hearing in church, I asked myself ‘Why did God create me?’ My parents were non-believers so couldn’t answer, and whenever their friends visited I would ask them too, which was just as embarrassing for them!

As a schoolboy I lived for sport, mainly cricket. I played for the school team and to a good grade of club cricket too. I had hoped to play representative cricket and was offered a trial with Middlesex, but it was at that time the Lord stepped in. I never went to the trial. Religion hadn’t been a big part of my upbringing, but I liked to sing, so when I

I asked my parents to buy me a book of prayers for a birthday, which they thought was a strange request but did so anyway. I knelt by my bed each night and prayed and it was singularly unexciting. Nothing happened. This went on for a while until one night, God showed me his glory.

I had this vision of God reigning in heavenly glory. I was captivated by this and it was so wonderful that I would kneel night after night waiting for a repeat. Every so often it happened. It’s impossible to describe. It was a vision of something beyond this life. It was as if the figure of God was becoming real to me. I didn’t talk to anybody about it, not to my parents or to anyone at my church. It was my relationship with God. But it obviously had a visible impact on me as the vicar of the church told me about a fellowship for young men who were going to be ordained. The minimum age was 16, but the vicar said ‘It’s so obvious that you should be ordained that I’ve asked the bishop to accept you even though you are only 13’. However, the family plan was for me to go

My Story: Colin Urquhart into architecture, so after I finished school I worked for an architectural firm. This went on for a year but the Lord made it clear that I should be ordained. I had to sit my A’ levels before I could go to King’s College. I was ordained in 1963 when I was 23. I knew my father would be disappointed that I would not be taking on the family profession, but my parents supported me and accepted what I was saying. They knew what I really believed and were very understanding. My younger brother became an architect anyway! I became curate at a church in Cheshunt and it was here that I learned how to communicate the faith in a simple way so children would understand it and be interested in it. After three years, I was put in charge of a district church in Letchworth in Hertfordshire. This was the time of the Mods and the Rockers. We had a good Youth Leader and between the two of us we began to reach a lot of younger people. My office was often a car in the pub car park and before long we had a Sunday evening church packed with younger people. The late teenage group were the missing generation for churches. The church authorities were impressed by how we had reached out to the youth. But to me it was unsatisfying as even though I had a church full of young people, I didn’t feel I had truly led them to God.

Colin married Caroline in 1964 and they have three children, Claire, Clive and Andrea

The bishops invited me to a church in Luton. There had been two previous vicars there and both had suffered breakdowns because of the social problems in the area. It was a big responsibility and normally wouldn’t be offered to somebody so inexperienced. At this time, I really got a revelation as to what it meant to be a true son of God. Instead of ministering like an Anglican clergyman, I learned to minister as a son of God, pray and preach like a son of God and even brought healing into people’s lives. I knew something significant had happened. I told the congregation that there would be no more money raising. I looked at the Acts of the Apostles, which tells us what the church was like in the very beginning, and I compared that

with what the church had become. There was no comparison. There was nothing like the kind of life, light and power that existed in the New Testament church. I invited individuals from the congregation into the vicarage and I would take them through the Scriptures to show them how they can build a personal relationship with Jesus. The lives of people were transformed. The church became alive and we were transported into a totally different spiritual environment I didn’t even know existed. I had this voice in me saying ‘heal the sick, heal the sick’ but it’s not something they teach you at University! We saw that people began to be healed of medically incurable things as they prayed. We met a young housewife who had

14 ‘What we were doing was radical, but it didn’t feel radical. The idea of leading an Anglican service without robes was unthinkable’ terminal bowel cancer, and had a short time to live. One day she said ‘will you pray for me to be healed?’ I arranged to pray with her a few days later, and she was healed. In this small church in Luton, people began praying for one another and astonishing things were happening, often without my involvement. There was a lot of misunderstanding about what we were doing, especially from other churches. We were seen as a threat to other churches. After a couple of years, a Christian magazine called Renewal sent a journalist down to see if it was all genuine. He wrote an article and that was it! From then on it was like living in a goldfish bowl. We had people coming to us every Sunday evening from across the nation. We had everyone from Roman Catholic nuns to Brethren people to Salvation Army members. The Bishop Robert Runsie, who later became Archbishop of Canterbury, said to me ‘Colin, I don’t begin to understand what is happening here, but I can see that it is of God’. What we were doing was radical, but when you are radical it doesn’t feel radical. It was what I knew to be right. I didn’t wear robes. I wore the dog collar, but with a sweater. The idea of leading an Anglican service without robes was unthinkable at the time. I had a lot of rejection, sadly from the church rather than from the world. If you’ve got things going for you with God, it’s a threat to other Christians who were not seeing the same things happen.

Colin’s church in Luton was considered radical during the 1970s church had been living as a community. We called it the Community of Love and Prayers. It was nothing like a hippy commune. It was sharing the love of God and supporting those in need. We had opened up the vicarage to help people and there were 21 people living in our four-bedroom home.

Hodder and Stoughton, a Christian publisher, asked me to write a book. I was so busy, as pastors were visiting from all over the world to see what was happening at St Hugh’s. But I wrote ‘When the Spirit Comes’ and it became an immediate bestseller. It was top of the Christian bestsellers list for ten months and stayed in the top ten for five years.

The BBC team made a documentary about the church. I suppose they thought we were some sort of strange cult. It brought a new awareness that led to people coming to us for help. They were initially going to put together a programme on bishops, but lost interest in that after hearing about our church!

In 1976, I resigned as the vicar of the church. In the latter part, 50 of us at the

The producer met me before filming and said ‘I am a militant atheist, but if you have

anything to say I will give you the space to say it.’ I allowed the BBC crew to attend any meeting and go into any home. I said ‘We have nothing to hide, you can go wherever you like, whenever you like’. The programme was brilliant! I wasn’t an extrovert though. It was as though God was pitchforking me into situations that I felt were beyond me. I began to receive invitations to speak all over the world and I was thrust into an international environment, sharing a platform with the best known religious speakers in the world. People wanted me to go to their church, as they wanted what we had in Luton. I had a young family but I was spending most of my time away from home. I went all over

My Story: Colin Urquhart the country, but also to South Africa to impact on the Anglican Church there, then to New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and even Singapore. That was my life. I would travel around the world to speak, and write a book a year. The publishers would have thousands of orders before the books were even finished. I have written nearly fifty books, selling several million copies in total. I couldn’t respond to all of the invitations to speak, so we formed a community with people from different churches and denominations. I wanted to show that we could live together in unity and respect our differences, and all minister together for the Kingdom of God. We moved to The Hyde in Handcross, which was owned by a Christian family. It’s like a stately home, and was worth a fortune, but they said ‘The place is yours to use’. Slowly, we built the community up there. It was initially called the Bethany Fellowship of Renewal. We eventually changed the name to Kingdom Faith as it was a little more user friendly.

A documentary crew filmed Colin speaking in Derby

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When we set out in 1979, there were 11 of us, and it grew to about 60 people. My ministry was becoming known across the country and the world, and so The Hyde became well known as a result. We were sending out 6,000 teaching cassettes every month to groups who were using our religious teaching material. People probably called us all kinds of things and thought ‘What’s that weird group at The Hyde?’ But by the mid1980’s, other new churches were being formed and people were leaving the traditional churches. I suppose I was one of the pioneers. We left The Hyde and came to Roffey Place in 1983. We believed that God would supply us with the money. I was speaking at a big conference in Asia, and there I spoke to God in my hotel room and he said ‘Colin, I will give you a million dollars’. Whilst ministering in Singapore, a Christian businessman who owned a hotel there promised us the money. I hadn’t asked him directly because that wasn’t our way. He said: ‘To be honest, I’m fed up with Christians asking me for money!’ We formed the Bible College and started off with a small number. Two of my children, Clive and Claire, were founder pupils. The college has grown



16 The ‘Deliberate Mistake of the Month’ Award Well done to all the people who spotted last month’s, erm, deliberate mistake on Page 24. Of course Charles II didn’t issue a proclamation banning coffee houses in 1965! It was actually 1675. Well, we had two of the digits in the right order!

ever since. Over 2,000 pupils have gone through the college. They stay for one or two years and some then do a placement year gaining practical experience. I still lecture seven or eight times a week. We started the church side of Kingdom Faith a few years after coming to Roffey Place, but it grew so quickly that we needed a bigger building. So we moved the church side over to the Foundry Lane site. I passed the leadership of Kingdom Faith Church over to my son, Clive, and others, when I turned 70. It’s great to see Clive carrying on. The gospel hasn’t changed but the way we communicate it from one generation to another does change. The way things are done now needs a different style. Sometimes I think ‘That’s not how I would do it’ but it’s a different generation.

would be totally useless.

We held a service to celebrate 50 years since I was ordained. I spoke at the event and it was a problem for me as I wanted to make sure God got the credit as, really, we don’t do anything. When you are on a platform everybody thinks you’re the mighty man of God, but that’s not the reality. Without Him, I

I can never say ‘Look what God is doing through my ministry, isn’t this wonderful?’ It’s not like that. I live every day of my life on the edge, in that I need to hear from God daily, and I need to know what he wants me to do. I just have to be obedient and walk with him.

Colin’s son Clive now leads the Kingdom Faith Church

I hope to continue to be faithful to whatever God asks me to do. I have to pace myself now I’m 73. I can still do speaking and travelling, but not anything else like I used to. I’m still on a journey, looking ahead to whatever God next has in store for me.

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pd kitchens: All the ingredients for a

perfect kitchen The days when pine cupboards dominated kitchen showrooms have long gone. To meet the demands of the modern homeowner, designers need to be more inventive with materials and increasingly innovative with storage planning. pd kitchens in Southwater operates independently of any single manufacturer, instead bringing the best designs from the likes of Schuller of Germany and Metris of Italy. The experienced team are amongst the best at keeping pace with the ever-changing fashions and styles of kitchen design.

Andrew Burgman, owner of pd kitchens, says: “Kitchens is a fashion industry, so things come into vogue and then fade out. Twenty years ago, most kitchens were fitted out pine kitchens, as that’s what people wanted. “Now there is a trend for high gloss flat doors with no handles. Kitchens used to be clunky, but now everything is so smooth. Draws glide effortlessly with the soft close mechanisms, cupboards are robust and can take a huge amount of weight, and innovation in terms of storage solutions has come on leaps and bounds. “Everything moves forward, but I couldn’t say where it’ll go next because the technology with the appliances, such as extractor fans, is also becoming increasingly stylish and forward-thinking. Here. we work primarily with Neff, Siemens and Miele as they all produce very good appliances. “Colours come and go too and a lot of it is linked to the car industry. When white cars become popular, people seem to want white kitchens. At the moment, high gloss grey is very popular, and people are mixing

Andrew Burgman, owner of pd kitchens

‘The manufacturing side separates us from the competition. You can draw anything as we can make anything.’ shade of grey too.” The ever-changing fashion certainly keeps the pd kitchens team on its toes. The company has been a fixture at the Oakhurst Business Estate in Wilberforce Way, Southwater, since 2003, moving from a small unit in the village to the state-ofthe-art facility. Now pd kitchen has 12 full-time employees and has established excellent working relationships with local installers, plumbers and electricians. But it is on the manufacturing side that they really shine. Andrew says: “It is the manufacturing side which separates us from the competition. We can build things to any size with our own designs in our workshop and we can colour them in our paint shop. “You don’t have to stick to the units available to a supplier. You can draw anything as we can make anything. So you can design the perfect kitchen that exactly

Martin Burgman runs the paint shop Steve Hinchy manufactures a bespoke unit

The pd kitchens workshop

The Metris range at the Southwater showroom

fits the space you have. “People tend not to know exactly what they want initially. They may be drawn to either a traditional or a contemporary style, but it tends not to be set in stone. Certainly the furniture and interior style of a house can have a huge bearing on the design, but a proper consultation is so important. “We find out where they do their food preparation, whether they are left or right handed, whether there are children in the house so they need curved edges, if they like marble, granite or wooden worktop surfaces. All of these things are important factors. “Thankfully, the three dimensional computer programme that we have here is so flexible that it allows our designers to make changes constantly, so the customer can see for themselves how the kitchen will look. “Gradually, the idea evolves and we start the design process. If a design needs a large amount of bespoke work then it’s better for us to make the kitchen as oppose to making

amendments to a design we bring in from a supplier. Other times we can bring in a supplied kitchen, adapting the materials if we need to. “We sell a German range called Schuller and as you would expect of a German company they are extremely efficient. They are fussy when orders are placed as they are just so precise, but they are a pleasure to work with. “We deal with an award-winning Italian designer called Metris. We bring in the components from them and we’ll manufacture the carcasses ourselves. Unlike the German designs, which are very clean and clinical, the Metris range is more artistic and curved. The French company we work with are extremely good with wooden kitchens. “We also operate alongside Timberdeal, which sources wood from the EU and creates the most magnificent worktops. The forests there are owned by the government and they are extremely well-managed and

they have a fantastic regeneration scheme for the forests. “It’s all European oak, ash and walnut, but we can create special effects such as smoked oak, and really bring a kitchen to life. “We are not providing the types of kitchen you will find at your local DIY store, but if you are looking for something special and more personal to your own needs, then we have all of the ingredients here to create the perfect kitchen.” Italian designers lean towards curves

This recent kitchen from pd shows how units can be built around appliances


01403 732259 Visit our large showroom at: Unit 2, Oakhurst Business Park Wilberforce Way, Southwater, RH13 9RT Timberdeal create striking worktops

Metris has won style awards for its range of kitchen doors


The Vase Samurai Outstanding V&A collection of Japanese enamels coming to Horsham Museum You’ll have probably heard of the V&A, possibly in relation to the major exhibition on the life and music of David Bowie currently at the museum. The Thin White Duke might provide headlines, but the Victoria and Albert Museum in London also has the world's largest collection of decorative arts and designs with over 4.5 million objects. Many of these items (paintings by Raphael and Rembrandt, The Becket Casket, Bernini sculptures, a 1699 Stradivari violin, and ceramics dating back to the Ming Dynasty to name but a few are practically priceless. So it comes as something of a surprise to hear that the V&A Museum is coming to Horsham… An exhibition of 61 Japanese treasures, running from 15th June to 22nd September, will be one of the most important ever seen at Horsham Museum. The outstanding collection of Japanese Cloisonné enamels was given to the V&A by the successful businessman Edwin Davies CBE. It was his vision that a selection of items should tour the country and Horsham District Council’s Horsham Museum & Art Gallery is just one of ten venues nationwide that will be able to display these masterpieces of Japanese art and craft. Japanese cloisonné are not only highly beautiful objects; they are fascinating examples of Japanese cultural and industrial policy. If you want to envisage the golden age

of the craft, then it is the era portrayed in the 2003 film The Last Samurai, albeit without the Tom Cruise element. It was a time when Japan’s old feudal society rapidly transformed itself, and the craftsmen who made the celebrated Samurai armour and weapons instead became masters of a new craft, namely enamels!

‘A former samurai was forced to find new ways to make a living and produced a small cloisonné enamel dish’ They created Cloisonné enamels, which had traditionally been used sparingly on architecture and sometimes sword fittings. Cloisonné is a method of enamelling an item by using fine wire to outline the decorative areas (known as cloisons in French, hence the term cloisonné). Enamel paste is then applied before the item is fired and polished. It was around 1833 that a former samurai called Kaji Tsunekichi of Nagoya in Owari Province was forced to find new ways to make a living. It is believed that Kaji obtained a piece of Chinese cloisonné

enamel and took it apart, examined how it was made and eventually produced a small cloisonné enamel dish. Before long, Nagoya and the surrounding area became renowned for producing highly decorated cloisonné objects. By 1850, Kaji had taken on pupils and was appointed official maker to the regional warlord of Owari province. Kyoto and Tokyo soon followed as major centres of production and cloisonné enamels became very desirable objects in the west. By the end of the 19th Century, the art of cloisonné enamelling had become one of Japan’s most successful forms of manufacture and export. The peak of artistic and technological sophistication was reached during the years 1880 to 1910, now a period often referred to as the ‘Golden Age’ of Japanese cloisonné enamels. Superb pieces were made for display at the great world exhibitions of that time, as well as for general export. During this golden age, the Japanese perfected the art of making objects that appealed to the western market, so the enamel vases are decorated with

Preview: V&A Exhibition !


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flowers including peonies and chrysanthemums, whilst dragons and butterflies also feature prominently. In the west, we link the name cloisonné to a manufacturing process, but in Japan it has a different meaning relating to treasure. The Japanese characters used for the word shippō (the Japanese term for enamelware) means 'Seven Treasures’, which is mentioned in the Buddhist texts. Although these treasures may vary, they generally included gold, silver, emerald, coral, agate, lapis lazuli, glass and pearl, so the Japanese applied these rich colours to their enamels. At the very same time the Japanese were creating these highly sophisticated, superbly designed masterpieces, residents of Horsham were visiting the remote lands. Robert Henderson and his wife Emma, who lived at Sedgwick Park, toured Japan, as the old order was being subsumed in a dash to modernise. They brought back photographs of the people and places and some of these will be on display during the Horsham Museum exhibition, which has been supported by Washington-based auction house Toovey’s. The exhibition ‘Japanese Treasures: Cloisonné enamels from the V&A’ opens on 15th June and runs to 22nd September.

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‘Well, obviously I don’t have

magic powers’ Inspired by the likes of Derren Brown and Dynamo, Horsham magician David Stewart is taking his psychological trickery out on to the streets...

Magic has changed dramatically over the past decade, which is both good and bad news for those wishing to develop their sorcery skills. There’s no longer much need to carry around a white rabbit all day, but you do need to possess very good social skills. That’s because, thanks to the likes of David Blaine and more recently Dynamo, the magician (or illusionist / deception artist if you prefer) now has to ply their trade on the street. David Stewart of Horsham has been developing his skills as a magician for about five years. His tricks include guessing the pin code of a member of the public, transforming water into ice, and turning a £10 note into a £20 note before placing it inside the screen of a mobile phone. But it all started with a funny video, before a

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long process of embarrassing mistakes and slip-ups! He said: “About five years ago a friend sent me a YouTube video of a hypnotist who had about ten people lined up on the stage. He touched each one on the shoulder and they all started having orgasms! “I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen in my life. I began to learn more about the techniques of people like Derren Brown. I remember in one trick he went into a shop with just blank slips of paper and was able to buy jewellery just with this paper. “I wanted to have that skill too. I started learning psychology, but it was only a hobby that I thought would be cool to show my friends. I would go into college and say ‘Look at this trick I have learnt’.


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“My favourite trick back then was a psychological card trick where I would influence them into picking the card that I wanted. I had seen street magicians doing it to random people, so I said to a friend ‘Would you come out and film it?’ We went to Brighton and spent the day going up to people. It’s hard because you’re not just relying on your skills. You also need to be able to communicate with different types of people. “I remember the first time I went out my hands were shaking as I was so nervous. But I knew that if I wanted to be able to do these tricks I had to just go for it. If I mess up, so be it, I’m never going to see these people again. “I did mess up sometimes. When I started out it happened a lot. The card tricks take a lot of dexterity and when I wasn’t used to the handling element I would drop the cards and the person would see something that they were not supposed to see. “It’s just very embarrassing and you have to walk away!” As well as practicing his skills on the street, David works the tables at a Brighton restaurant on Friday nights. He will soon be boarding a cruise ship where he will be charged with entertaining guests on a Scandinavian tour. But wherever he goes, he always has to face that same old question: ‘Is it real?’ David said: “When I finish a trick people often say ‘Well, magic isn’t real’ or ‘It’s fake’. I don’t really know what they are talking about. “Obviously I don’t have magic powers! I’m not really conjuring up £20 notes! Magic is a name you give to the hobby. There is deception of course, but it’s just a trick. People should just sit back and enjoy it and not try and be clever about it.”

David’s ‘Making Money’ trick


My Favourite


In the future, David hopes to develop a stage show of his own. He also wants to make more videos for the internet, but in order to do so he needs a cameraman to stick with him for long periods of time. He hopes, whatever happens, that he’ll always be an authentic act. He said: “I like to see what other magicians and performers do and I put my own twist on it if I can, such as Derren Brown’s Psychological Card Force trick. “I don’t like seeing magicians who sound or act like other people. With most of the magicians I have met you can be talking normally to them and when you ask them to do a trick they put on an American accent and say ‘Okay, pick a card, any card’. It’s all a little surreal. “But it’s a good time to be a magician as it’s cool at the moment. Years ago, it was all people like Paul Daniels, with rabbit-in-a-hat tricks. People say David Blaine isn’t very good because he just stands in the street, does a trick and then walks off.

‘My favourite trick is one of Penn and Teller’s classic tricks. In their stage show, Teller (the one that doesn’t talk) has a vase with a rose in it. They shine a light on it and it projects a shadow on to a white screen. Penn takes a knife and on the shadow image cuts off one of the petals. As he does so, one of the petals on the actual rose falls off. He then cuts through the stem and the rose wilts. It’s a pretty magic trick, but you have no idea how they pull it off.’

“But I would rather do that than say ‘I have a tiger here and I’m going to make it disappear!’

For more on David visit his website at www.davidstewartmagic.co.uk or visit his YouTube and Facebook pages.

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ROLL! We have fantastic food, wonderful wine, magical music and a warm welcome at Cromptons... Now all we need is some summer sunshine to make this a year to remember at Horsham’s most vibrant pub. Come along and enjoy a drink or a light bite in our beautiful rear garden and discover the Crompton’s buzz for yourself. We’ve just launched a fantastic new menu. In keeping with the Crompton’s spirit, it is packed full of wonderful plates to share between friends and family. Select a range of tasty small dishes to pick at or perhaps one of our tantalising platters to share. There’s the Vegetarian (camembert, tempura veg, hummus and focaccia) or the Mediterranean (dolmades, taramasalata, olives and chargrilled squid). Our menu also includes wild boar sausages and mash, swordfish with honey soy, and you have to try our Jenga style chips! But there’s so much more to Cromptons than simply great food. We pride ourselves on being the most welcoming pub in the town, where people come together in a lively, social setting to meet old friends and to make new ones. Every Sunday, in addition to the menu, we offer traditional roasts at lunch; stay on ‘til 4pm when the live music kicks off. In May, the young blues rock quartet Red Butler went down a storm. It doesn’t matter if you are 20 or 70, Cromptons is THE friendliest pub this side of the ‘the black stump! Come along and let the good times roll!


Filippo’s finds its feet by focusing on

FAMILY Review Filippo’s, Park Place, Horsham Filippo Marziano must be given credit simply for keeping his restaurant in business for six and half years. Whilst other eateries have fallen by the wayside due to the rising number of town restaurants, Fillipo’s somehow managed to stumble on from one potentially disastrous decision to another. In its early days, diners would sit down ready for a drink only to discover that the restaurant didn’t have a licence to sell alcohol and operated a ‘bring a bottle’ policy. Perhaps even more baffling was the decision

not to offer pizza. At an Italian restaurant! Consequently, many people in Horsham have their own amusing anecdote relating to Filippo’s. All AAH photographer Toby can remember of his only previous visit was that he was served Fanta…in a can. But after six and a half years, Filippo’s looks to have found its feet. You can order alcohol, and they now make pizza. More importantly, it is quite possibly the very best pizza in town. The restaurant, located behind Piries Place in

Filippo Marziano worked at Panino’s for 14 years before opening his own restaurant

Park Place, finally feels comfortable with its identity. Whilst the man whose name is abover the door devotes his time to managing the front of house, he leaves the cooking to two fellow Sicilians, brothers Vittorio and Filippo Casisa from Palermo. The menu is simplistic and familiar, but it is all freshly made to order and offers an honest interpretation of Sicilian and Mediterranean home cooking. This really is like mama used to make, if you happened to grow up in southern Italy. That Italian passion is expressed not only though the food but in the warm greeting you receive at the door. I genuinely felt I had let myself down by responding to Filippo’s welcome with a reserved ‘hello’ rather than a hearty ‘Ciao!’ And why did I not respond with an expressive ‘Bellissimo!’ as oppose to a noncommittal ‘very nice thanks’ when I was asked if I was enjoying my pizza? It was

Review: Filippo’s Two brothers from Palermo now run the kitchen at Filippo’s

Bellissimo! Whilst Filippo’s may possess the aura of a Sicilian home, that doesn’t mean it’s a particularly well decorated one. The bright orange walls may look wonderful if your restaurant looks out to a view of people sunbathing as waves gently break against the hull of their 30 foot yacht on the gleaming Mediterranean. But orange walls do not have quite the same effect when you’re looking out of the window to see a parking warden standing in the rain on the top floor of Piries Place car park, slapping a ticket on the windscreen of a Ford Focus, before remonstrating with a man who had only run in to buy some gerbil mix from the pet shop. That aside, Filippo and his wife Tina have come a long way since they took over the building, which had previously been French restaurant, Les Deux Garcons. Filippo first came to Horsham in 1991, having

spent several years working primarily in French restaurants in London. Finding job opportunities limited in the city, he took a job working at Piccolo’s in West Street. At that time, there were far fewer restaurants in Horsham and Piccolo’s was one of the very best. It was owned by an Italian from Bergamo, and Filippo was able to develop his understanding of Italian cuisine. Two years later, the restaurant’s owner sold the business and moved to America, so Filippo started working for a new café owned by another Italian in the Carfax. He would stay at Panino’s for 14 years and see it become pivotal to a café culture that Horsham has increasingly come to embrace. But the time would come when Filippo knew he had to move on. He said: “During my last four years there I realised that something needed to happen. You can’t work for somebody else for that long when you have been in the restaurant

business for over 30 years. “Panino’s was the place that I made myself known. It was a good place, I had a great time and made many friends whilst I was there. But it came to the point where I knew it was time for me to establish a place of my own. “My wife studied business at University and is very people-orientated, so we knew we could open a place together. “For the first year we were a café. This place was a French restaurant before, so we invested a lot of money to change it all around. We have four children, and we wanted to make sure we had time for them, time for each other, and to be able to see friends in the evening. We wanted a more normal life. “But the place was not really ideal for a café. It was not working, so we decided to open as a restaurant on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.


Filippo’s is one of the few places in town to make its own pizzas from scratch

Mozzarella in Carrozza

Zuppa Verace

“However, we were a café so we did not have a licence for alcohol. When people were booking we were asking them to bring a bottle. A lot of people loved that, but we found some people were leaving because we did not serve alcohol.” Eventually, Filippo decided to open the restaurant five evenings a week, and they were granted a licence to sell alcohol. Still, there was another reason for people to complain; Filippo’s did not serve pizza. Filippo said: “People were saying ‘how can you not do pizza, you are an Italian restaurant? The comments kept coming, so we gave it some thought. The café was not working, so we ended that side of the business and decided to make authentic pizza. “We knew that if we were going to do pizza here, it could not be like everybody else. We had to be different. So we changed everything. We brought in the wood oven, bought new furniture, and we painted the restaurant to give it a warmer, more Mediterranean look.” Filippo is keen to stress that nothing is pre-made and that the chefs make their own sauces, dough and pizza bases. But does it taste good? Starters include Gamberoni Fritti (pan fried king prawns, £6.95), Pesciolini Fritti (deep fried whitebait, £6.95) and Sardine Paesane (deep fried fillet of sardine, £6.95). We plumped for the Mozzarella in Carrozza (deep fried mozzarella cheese in breadcrumbs). The sauce, in particular, was beautifully flavoured and complemented the mild-mannered mozzarella which thankfully was not at all rubbery. The sauce was again the star in the Zuppa Verace (mussels and baby clams cooked in white wine, garlic and tomato sauce, £7.25). The moreish sauce was beautiful when soaked up in the soft, fresh home-made bread, although the mussels, while plentiful, were on the small side. The only disappointment with our starters was the Gamberoni Fritti, with

Review: Filippo’s ‘We knew that if we were going to do pizza here, it could not be like everybody else. We had to be different’ the king prawns sadly lacking any punch and leaving the palette desiring far more flavour. In the clean and spacious kitchen, the Sicilian brothers can prepare several pizzas, from the Margherita (£6.95) to the Calzone Piccante (£12.50) while customers can also create their own pizza. I chose the Boscaiola (mozzarella, tomato, pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms and garlic, £10.95). I’ve been to Naples and I know how a truly authentic pizza from that part of the world tastes. They must be prepared to strict guidelines, with tomatoes that grow on the volcanic plains near Mount Vesuvius, and with milk from water buffalo raised in the marshlands of Campania. It is a taste that I have never experienced anywhere else in the world, let along here in Horsham. Nonetheless, they do make a delicious thin and crispy Italian pizza at Filippo’s. They continue to make their own dough, spin their bases and create their own tomato sauce base, and the effort undoubtedly makes a difference. Toby chose the Pollo alla Milanese (pan fried chicken breast in breadcrumbs served with chips and salad, £12.50). The dish was very nicely cooked and filling, if lacking a little Italian flair. However, before I argue that the chefs ditch the salad and chips and the dish instead becomes a Milanesa a la Napolitana, I should point out Filippo’s

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Pollo alla Milanese, Raviolacci Porcini and Strawberry Cheesecake has covered all bases; they also serve a Pollo Farcito (chicken breast filled with ham and mozzarella wrapped in bacon and served in a mushroom sauce) which does provide that Italian flair. We also tested a dish from the ‘specials’ board, the Raviolacci Porcini (giant ravioli with porcini mushrooms). The meal carried a very strong cheese flavour and the sauce was delicious. Also on the menu are three risotto dishes, whilst meat mains include Fegato Burro e Salvia (pan fried calves liver) and Bistecca al Barolo (10az rump steak). There are also fish dishes including fillet of swordfish (£16.50) and fillet of seabass (£16.50) as well as traditional Italian dishes including Spaghetti alla Carbonara, Lasagne al Ragu and Linguine Vongole. Families with children are very welcome and

there is a children’s menu. Filippo said: “We are popular with young people and families in particular. We are a family with four young children and because we are who we are we don’t mind families coming to us. “My children eat here regularly and that demonstrates to others that it is fine to bring your family here. Many do so, and we are able to build a relationship with them. They become more than customers. “I like to make sure people feel welcome and at home here. Most of the people who come here regularly do not even need a menu. I say ‘what would you like today; fish, meat, pasta?’ and then I make recommendations as I know what they like. When you know your regulars, they know they are going to be treated well. That is the difference here.” For us, that charm provides Filippo’s with its unique selling point. It does indeed feel like a

family-run restaurant, and much of its warmth and friendliness comes directly from Filippo, who ensured that we were well looked after. It’s not silver service by any stretch of the imagination. It’s more like popping over to eat at a friend’s house and finding they are keen to do whatever they can to make sure you feel comfortable. If you’re looking for a romantic meal for two, then in all honesty I would suggest several other restaurants before I recommended Filippo’s and not just because the sweet, fruity Sicilian house white was far from being to my liking. But for a relaxing lunchtime or fancy-free evening meal with friends or family, Filippo’s is genuinely worth a visit. You may have to wait longer for your meal, but the food is made with love and the whole team makes every effort to impress. BM

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Janine Janine wanted to be more blonde so we packed in loads of blazing highlights which works amazing on precoloured hair. It gives seven shades of lift to make her blonder. The style created more shape round the face. Colour & cut by Jenni


After Before

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Put a Holt on Holt Security Systems has been a leading name in home and commercial explains how a new range of wireless devices and small, covert digital Some people believe that burglar alarms are not worth the hassle. There was a time when they were triggered so easily and so frequently, by a pet or even a light switching on, that neighbours stopped even bothering to look outside when one went off. Thousands of households still have these old systems, but often leave them switched off, as they can be a nuisance. They may serve as a small deterrent to burglars, but they are not entirely fit for purpose in the modern world. Home security has moved on at a rapid rate in the last decade, with new wireless devices not only providing a simpler solution, but also offering far better communication between the homeowner and the police. They are able to do that by relaying messages to your mobile phone. One such device is the HKC Quantum 70, which has a wireless control panel using HKC’s SecureWave, two-way technology. Like old burglar alarms, it has contact sensors and motion detectors, but is equipped with intelligent technology which can identify and ignore many movements which would have triggered traditional alarms. More importantly, any signal immediately triggers a voice or text message to your mobile phone, allowing you to switch it off remotely, or if there is reason to be concerned, to call the police. The device is recommended by Ian Holt, who along with his wife Maureen established Holt Securities in Burgess Hill in 1986.

Ian said: “Modern systems are wireless, so when we install these devices there is no need to put holes in walls or disturb your decorations. It’s quick and easy to install, there are no wires, and it meets all of the requirements in terms of security. “There are alternatives, some more basic and some more sophisticated, but for me this is a very good, cost-effective device. People just assume a proper security system is going to cost £2,000 but it doesn’t. We install the HKC Quantum 70 for £650 plus VAT. “In the old days you used to have wires running everywhere and it would take us three or four days to install a full security system. Now we are in and out in four hours, and because of that saving in labour, it costs about the same to install an alarm as it did when I set up the business 26 years ago! “The other benefit is efficiency. It used to be

‘People just assume a proper security system is going to cost £2,000 but it doesn’t’ the case that the typical alarm would have 12 detectors inside and outside a home, and they would generally be triggered by something about once a month. But built into the new systems is an advanced movement system, with a library that recognises movement such as fan heaters or fluorescent lights coming on. Therefore it is not triggered nearly as often, but it is linked to the police call-centre when there is a genuine cause for concern. “It can also provide peace of mind. If, for example, your child is normally home to switch the alarm off by 4:30pm, you can programme the device to send you a text message if the alarm is still on at 4.45pm. You can then phone up your child and say

Burglars alarm systems for a quarter of a century. Ian Holt recorders are giving homeowners peace of mind...

‘Where are you and why haven’t you turned the alarm off?” Ian Holt is well placed to comment on security devices, having been in the industry since 1966. He started working with Chubb in 1966, working his way up from a ‘mate’ to installation engineer, then a service engineer, then eventually on to a sales role. He then established his own company, with Holt Security Systems being renowned for its residential and commercial services across Sussex, Surrey, South London and parts of Kent and Hampshire. As well as burglar alarms, the CCTV market is an area that has grown considerably over the years. The DTV-IRI/VF/650 is a high resolution day and night infrared dome camera with a 3.5-8mm varifocal lens and utilizes the latest Sony Effio

chipset. The camera is fitted with 36 infrared LEDs that allow it to be used in total darkness up to a range of 20m and has dual glass technology that completely eliminates reflection in to the lens at night. Ian said: “CCTV is becoming more popular, especially in areas when vandalism occurs regularly. These cameras are excellent as the quality of the recording is incredible for what is a very low cost. They can record footage for 28 days and then starts to erase what was on there before.” For friendly, expert designs, call Ian and Maureen on 01444 241666 or visit them at 24 Royal George Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9SE.

Seeds of

Success Linseed oil has some unusual benefits. Gary-Nicolls, the famous cricket bat makers of Robertsbridge, use linseed oil to produce a shiny and protective bat surface. It also helps to ensure that the city of Venice doesn’t fall into the lagoon, as the oil is mixed into the plaster to help repel the water. It’s not just good for batsmen and perilously positioned buildings; linseed is something that we should all be taking

every day because of its well-proven health benefits. That is, at least, the opinion of Durwin Banks. Durwin does, however, have a vested interest! As the owner of High Barn Oils in Barns Green, he grows linseed on 200 acres of farmland and produces tonnes of pure oil each year. High Barn is possibly the only farm in the country growing linseed as well as pressing it and selling it directly to the consumer. Linseed oil contains the essential fatty acid

ALA, more commonly known as Omega 3, and therefore offers health benefits, from helping those watching their blood pressure or cholesterol, to providing clearer skin, shining hair and stronger nails. But there is also a great deal of misunderstanding on what various oils can provide. Durwin said: “You might have heard the phrase ‘fats can heal and fats can kill’. That is true, as we are consuming a lot of bad oils that can do us harm as they are unrecognisable to our bodies.

“The body requires a balance of oils and fats. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fats, not just because you need them, but because you don’t actually make them. “However, the human body is like a Stone Age chemical factory. The blueprint for our chemistry goes back to the time when we sourced these essential oils from nuts, seeds and plants. “We don’t do that any longer. I was in the cereal aisle at a supermarket recently and I saw a sign on one side that read ‘Healthy


Durwin has been collecting linseed oils tins, seed bags and other related memorabilia for many years Cereals’ and on the other side the sign read ‘Kids Cereals’. That just shows you the scale of the problem. “But when you put the right fats in, our bodies will keep us well and heal us. “It is always a hard sell as you have to educate people on how to change their life. There is so much food that’s really not good for us, yet we are eating too much of it. “There is a huge opportunity for people to learn about food and eat in in a way that helps their bodies. You really are what you eat.” The Banks family moved to Barns Green in the 1970s and brought a goat herd with them, running a mixed farm but as always they made very little money. Durwin recalls: “Our younger lives involved a lot of hard work and not much in the way of money, but this was the first sizeable bit of

land we managed to own. “I was always looking for that ‘make a million’ idea, not that I’ve ever managed to find one, so I started producing distilled chamomile as I was always interested in alternative foods and medicine. “I was successful in that I could produce Chamomile but I didn’t have enough space to sell it wholesale or enough money to turn it into soaps or creams. I even looked into opening a health farm here. “I thought about making a still as there were a lot of people producing lavender and things liked that at about that time. Then a farmer who was pressing hempseed invited me to his farm to show me his methods. I went along and saw the pressing process. “I just happened to be growing some linseed that year as part of the rotation and I thought ‘This is something I can do more of.’ So it was

serendipity really. “In 2000, I bought the press and started producing linseed. I used to knock on the door of anybody who owned a stable and say ‘Can I sell you some oil?’ and eventually I established about 20 sale merchants throughout the south of England. “We had abandoned dairy farming in about 1977 and focused on beef and sheep and arable farming, but it was becoming more and more difficult to earn money. The linseed idea came along at the right moment and it’s been a completely life changing experience.” High Barn farms linseed on about 75 acres of its own land, whilst Durwin contracts other farmers to produce the rest of the crop on about 125 acres of land at various locations. Each acre is only able to produce between half a tonne to a tonne of linseed, so vast areas are needed to meet High Barn’s ever-


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High Barn Oils increasing demand. Durwin said: “You have to rotate the linseed crop as you can’t grow it year after year on one spot. If land hasn’t had linseed for a number of years you might be able to do two years in succession, but ideally we would grow linseed once every few years in any one field. “The danger is that disease can build up in the ground and on the plants. That was one of the reasons why the Irish flax industry fell by the wayside, as the farmers kept growing year after year.” Once the oil is pressed, it settles for a couple of days before the bottles are filled by hand at the Barns Green site, so that the oil is not pumped through a series of pipes.

‘At a Supermarket I saw a sign that read ‘Healthy Cereals’ and on the other side of the aisle the sign read ‘Kids Cereals.’ Within a few days of being pressed, the bottles are distributed and sent to customers and retail outlets. The fast turnaround is one of the unique selling points of High Barn Oils. They also produce linseed oil in capsule form, although the oil is actually placed in the pods at a factory in Wales as the equipment needed for such a process would cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. High Barn and now produce about 1.5million capsules a year. High Barn also sells milled seed. Linseed oil is sometimes used for animal feed, which can in turn bring benefits to us, but Durwin recommends it for mixing in with mashed potato, or adding it to vinaigrette for a pasta or salad. He also claims it tastes great when used in fruit smoothies! The future looks good for High Barn Oils. Whilst convincing people to use linseed oil daily might still be a hard sell, the numbers of people using it are growing. As a consequence, High Oils have been awarded a DEFRA grant that will allow it to make improvements in the barn and to create a little bakery. A second press may also be brought in soon, and Durwin is always looking to grow the collection in his small Linseed Museum.

The linseed is sold as oil, pods and also grounded mill



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38 Much to Durwin’s delight, his two sisters, Gay Banks and Wendy Dorkings, have returned to full-time positions to create more of a family-feel to the business. Another person is employed two or three days a week. Another of Durwin’s sisters died of breast cancer and that has led to Durwin looking more deeply into the health benefits of Omega 3.Durwin said that he had tried to encourage his sister to change her diet rather than continuing with chemotherapy, but admitted he “had to stop talking to her about it as it was upsetting for her.” He added: “As a consequence of what happened, I’ve spoken to a lot of people with cancer and the common theme is that doctors will not give much dietary advice, but it really is critical for them to eat the right food. “It’s not a question of ‘go away and eat what you like’, which is what a lot of people do.” Durwin is hopeful that scientific studies, which suggest that poor eating habits are being passed on genetically, will lead to dramatic changes in our day-today eating habits.

He said: “At Southampton University, they have looked at the blood of pregnant women and found that high levels of Omega 6 may be the reason for more obese children being born. “Omega 3 helps us to produce anti-inflammatory hormones whilst Omega 6 produces proinflammatory hormones. If the two are balanced, you’re likely to be healthier. “But in the western world people sometimes have 15 to 20 times more Omega 6, so we are seeing more diseases which begin with inflammation. “The research at Southampton suggests we are passing that imbalance on to our children. “If we continually assault the body with bad fats they can get into the cells and that’s how cancer begins. The huge rise in cancer and autoimmune diseases can be dated from the moment we gave the food manufacturing industry the job of feeding us. “I hate the idea that we are eating ourselves ill and spending millions through the NHS trying to solve problems we shouldn’t have the first place.”

Durwin Banks in the pressing room at High Barn Oils

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Fourstring Folk

Technique A ukulele revival has led to a membership surge for Hukuberry Jam, where members play everything from Sam Cooke to Radiohead

Four years ago, The Guardian newspaper suggested that the much-maligned ukulele was being ‘championed’ by a new generation of artists. It hasn’t quite panned out that way. The four artists that were highlighted as leading the charge –Amanda Palmer, Arms, Rachel Unthank and Dent May – haven’t exactly strummed their way to worldwide fame. Whilst modern charting acts such as Mumford and Sons and Jack Johnson occasionally feature a ukulele in their songs, the most successful ‘uke’ song remains a cover of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ by Hawaiian singer Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. It has featured on numerous film and television scores, including Meet Joe Black and Fifty First Dates. So it might be a while before most of us can name a uke player who isn’t George Formby. Nonetheless, there has been a boom in sales for this small, four-string instrument of the guitar family over recent years, primarily as it is cheap and easy to learn. The uke’s popularity has led to new groups being established here, there and everywhere. One such group is the Hukuberry Jam which meets twice a month at the Micklepage Barn in Nuthurst. Hukuberry Jam was formed by friends Chris Clarke and Matt Batchelor shortly after they had bought their first ukuleles. Chris said: “We had both bought an instrument and thought we’d have a crack at it, but the

only club we found was in Worthing. So we thought we’d start our own group. We started a website, put some feelers out there and it quickly picked up. “We met as a group the first time off last summer, and for a while there would only be a few of us, wondering if it would ever pick up. But by September it had picked up and by Christmas we had nearly 20 on the list. “Now we tend to have about a dozen people here each week.” The members play a huge array of songs. There are traditional Irish folk songs (Whiskey

in the Jar), country classics (Jolene), rock anthems (Sweet Home Alabama), party tunes (Dance the Night Away), pop gems (Friday I’m in Love) and indie rock (Creep - the radio edit, we presume!) Just occasionally, a banjo-ukulele is added to the mix for added affect. The group likes to mix it up in terms of venue too. They’ve met up at The Owl at Kingsfold and hope to meet at the pub again in the future. We spoke to a selection of members but if you’d like to know more about Hukuberry Jam visit http://www.hukuberry.co.uk

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42 Scan the QR Code to the left for Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s ukulele hit ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ (it was Number 1 in France, don’t you know?) and right for Jake Shimabukuro’s wonderful rendition of Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ on the ukulele...

Tina Fox “I played guitar for 30 years before I transferred over to the ukulele about 18 months ago. My partner retired and I bought her a ukulele as a joke present. I said ‘I’ve found a jam for us to take these to’ and we turned up at the session and never looked back. I went to a great night school guitar class for 15 years and we played everything from classical to rock, so I don’t mind what we play at Hukuberry – except songs in ‘F’ as they don’t work! Playing the uke is very different to the guitar and you have to unlearn a lot of guitar traits. It has two fewer strings, so all of the chords are all a different shape to guitar chords. Playing the chords is all muscle memory, but it’s not playing the chords with the left hand that is the problem, it’s the right hand side of things that is harder to adapt. I ‘pick’ the instrument rather than strum, which is difficult at first but once you get the hang of it it’s actually quite fun. I also have a banjo ukulele, which George Formby used to play. They are more expensive and very loud, so sometimes in a jam it is not always appropriate to play one.

But some songs do sound nice with the banjo, such as Big Rock Candy Mountain by Harry McClintock. There are a lot of jams around West Sussex and I play in several of them. I’ve been to The Duke in Shoreham, Billingshurst, Chichester, Littlehampton, and a group in Worthing. I like being in the barn at this

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group though. This is a grass roots group – most of the people here have never touched an instrument before in their life, so it’s great. I have hosted several uke workshops for beginners. At the last workshop I taught 14 people three chords and we jammed for a couple of hours.”

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43 ‘Ukuleles are enjoying a revival thanks to bands like Mumford and Sons, as it was a bit of a jokey instrument for a while.’

Liam Sturt

“I was here on the first week, when there were only four of us. I bought my ukulele about two weeks before that and just happened to be looking on the internet for a group in the Horsham area at about the time that Chris and Matt set up their website. I had a drum kit beforehand, but my flat is too small for it. The drums are in storage at the moment, so I thought I would buy a ukulele. I bought one off Amazon for £19 and progressed up to the one I’ve got now. I could have played guitar but everyone does that. I thought I would be different and play the uke. It’s not that difficult. You can really pick one up and learn how to play a simple song in half an hour. You’ve got chords that only involve one finger, where as

guitars are more complicated. I am getting better and coming to the group has helped. There are people here who have been playing for a lot longer, so you can brainstorm ideas with them and pick up tips. I’ve tried to throw in a few new songs. Friday I’m in Love by The Cure is one of my introductions, but there are a couple of others I’ve suggested that we’ve not tried yet as I’m the only person who knows them! It’s good fun here. I don’t mind that it’s mostly older people, although I would like to see a few younger people. Ukuleles are enjoying a revival thanks to bands like Mumford and Sons, as it was a bit of a jokey instrument for a while. If you take it with a pinch of salt, it works!”

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Lorna Samways

Lorna Samways “I joined Hukuberry in September last year. I had played the instrument for a while, as I go to other groups in Billingshurst, Worthing and Shoreham. I picked one up for the first time about four years ago. I had never played an instrument in my life. I saw one in a tent at a craft fair and the chap said ‘Would you like to have a go?’ I told him ‘I have no idea how to play it!’ He said ‘Well, I’ve got a book!’

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So he sold me the ukulele for £18, the book for £7, and I haven’t looked back since. I had always wanted to play an instrument and now I’m retired I have the time. I started strumming at home, practicing for the first year. Then I started going to a club in Worthing and gradually people told me about other groups. I’ve been waiting to join a group in Horsham since I started playing, so I was very pleased to hear about Hukuberry. It takes a bit of practice but the uke is one of the easiest instruments to learn how to play. I wouldn’t say it’s easy to get to the level of

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Jake Shimabukuro though! I love the ukulele and I now have five with another one coming. I also like the camaraderie at the jam as it is musicians all coming together to make music. There’s a real mix of songs. I think Chris and Matt introduce a few modern hits, but because of the older members there is a real mix of songs. Sometimes playing and singing doesn’t mix very well as you’ll be concentrating on the chords and you have to sing the lyrics too. I like to sing during the sessions. I belong to a rock choir anyway, so I enjoy it, although others prefer just playing.”

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Hukuberry Jam

Ann Smith

Ann Smith “I’ve been playing for just over a year. I play in a lot of care homes and I used to play the piano. But homes tend not to have pianos these days so I thought ‘If I could learn the ukulele I could still go to homes and play.’ I bought a ukulele and taught myself to begin with. When I saw the ukulele group had started, I rang up and joined and have been coming here ever since. We sing and play a lot of songs that I don’t know. I know the old songs but quite a few are not from the era that I was listening to music. Once you realise the timing and rhythm though, you can learn how to play along. I have started up a ukulele group within the U3A group in Horsham, and that has been going for a few months now. I hope some of the U3A group will come with me to the care homes and play for older people and those with Alzheimer’s. Playing the ukulele is good for the mind. I think they should teach it in schools. One of my grandchildren who is aged seven or eight had a school project to make a ukulele out of a butter pot, a piece of wood and some fisherman’s string, and they sounded jolly good! The teacher then took a set of red ukuleles into the school, the kids started playing them and it really took off.”

‘I like the camaraderie as it is musicians all coming together to make music’

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The ‘Plugging the Website’ Section Thousands of people visit www.aahorsham.co.uk each month (haven’t you got anything better to do?) Anyway, a huge number of features and past editions can be found here. Yes, the much-loved feature on the monks is there!

Chris Clarke “It’s really quite easy to learn the uke and that’s why I play it. I’m really quite lazy! I just want to be able to play an instrument straight away. I did used to play the banjo, a five string, but that was trickier for me and I had to practice hard so I gave that up. The uke is far easier than a guitar, as there are only four strings, but guitarists often like playing it as the ukulele has a nice tone. There are famous songs by the likes of Israel Kamakawiwo ole and you’re starting to hear more bands using it too. On our website we’ve got about 90 songs. Different people in the group will find a song they think will sound good on a ukulele and we’ll try it. It’s so easy now with

YouTube, as you can hear a song and go and watch it to see how people are playing it. The singing comes to people as and when, but it’s not my thing. It doesn’t really matter – some mumble along, while others sing in full voice. That’s how we like it. It’s a chill out session and we want people to be comfortable and to enjoy themselves. The ukulele has become really popular and you see a lot of shops buying them in. You can pick up a cheap one for £15, but they are your bog standard instrument. You can spend as much as £100 for a good one. Ukuleles come in different sizes. There’s the soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone size, so there is quite a range of sound.”

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Plane Sailing

Taking to the skies above the South Downs with one of the country’s oldest Gliding clubs

I recently dragged my family out for a walk along the South Downs near Chanctonbury Ring. At about the time my children started complaining that the wind was making theirs ears hurt, a glider soared elegantly overhead and with surprising speed disappeared into the distance. It led me to wonder if the pilot was being a little careless, as he was drifting a long way from the nearby airfield of Southdown Gliding Club. That’s because I had no idea as to the extraordinary distances gliders are capable of travelling. On a quest to find out a little more, we headed down to the gliding club at Parham, just outside Storrington The weather didn’t look great. It had been raining for most of the day and I expected someone to call me to say that our first flight experience had been delayed. The call never came, and we arrived to find club members queuing up for a tow to head up and into the skies. Dave Clews, a member of the club of over 30 years, said: “You can always tell a glider

pilot as we are always looking up at the sky! “You learn how to read the weather, and see where the air is going up and where it is coming down. When a cloud bulges at the top that shows the air is shooting up, so we are looking out for those upward thermal drafts as we circle around within them. “A glider can gain height very quickly in a strong updraft, and when you are as high as you need to be, usually just before the top of the cloud, you direct the glider and fly out. “In the winter, when there are more northerly winds, we can use the updrafts to soar along the South Downs. We use these hill lifts to skim along the top of the Downs at about 100mph, head on towards Petersfield and then make the return trip. “It’s a beautiful view and a lot of people out walking will wave to us as we fly by. “Quite often we look at what the birds are doing too. Buzzards are especially good at sensing where the lift is, so we copy them!” Glider pilots are increasingly logging

49 Toby’s view during his flight

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Shaws Glass has been part of the business landscape in West Sussex for over 15 years and is now firmly established as the region’s independent choice for all things glass flights of more than 500 kilometres, sometimes staying in the air all day and heading off all over the country. A 90 kilometre stretch along the Downs Way is a common excursion, but several years ago one member with a self-launching glider flew all the way to Sicily! Rod Walker, an experienced instructor, said: “I recently flew from here to Cheltenham Racecourse, then on to Basingstoke, Gloucester, and then returned to Parham. I was in the air for seven hours and covered 500 kilometres. “Long flights are common now as many modern gliders have a very small engine, normally about 40 horsepower. It’s not big enough to power a launch but it can get you out of trouble. When you think you’re not going to make it home, you can say ‘It’s too risky, the flight has finished.’ It doesn’t matter. “You press the engine switch, it takes about 20 seconds to rise up and off you go. It just helps you when you are

The Shaws Glass showroom in North Street, Horsham hosts a wide selection of products from a single sheet of glass to glazed windows and doors. We also have a range of conservatories or garage doors. You’ll have all the help and advice you need from friendly staff with a wealth of experience. Conservatories Double Glazing Front Doors Back Doors Composite Doors Fascias and Soffits Replacement Hinges Cat Flaps Table Tops Shop Fronts Cut Glass Toughened Safety Glass Supply only windows Glass Balustrades for staircases Acoustic Glass "Dear Shaws Glass, A very big thank you for a great job. We are so pleased with the transformation. It has made such a difference" Mr & Mrs Tiley


‘My wife knows it’s going to be rotten weather when I take her out!’ in trouble. “When you land in a field, it takes a lot of time to retrieve it. It is good fun but when it happens you need several people to come out and help. People need convenience these days so the engines are important. “It also means us pilots are more prepared to push ourselves a little more. Having an engine back there does allow you to take a risk and reach greater distances. One of our members flew from here to Snowdonia, but on the way back the weather wasn’t good for gliding. He was able to use his engine to make it home. “For experienced flyers gliding is all about

these great trips. We take our own gliders up and may not come back for several hours, but it all depends on the weather. If it’s not the right conditions, we’ll be taking the wife out shopping or something. “My wife always knows it’s going to be rotten weather when I decide to take her out!” There are now gliders being built with engines powerful enough to take off, and that attracts a mixed response from gliding purists. But I would be experiencing a good old-fashioned tow launch for my first gliding experience. I was sat in the front of one of the club’s three two-seater gliders, which have dual controls

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and are used for training flights. Having been given a safety briefing I was given instructions on how to use my parachute. Dave, who would be my flight instructor, said: “When gliders are in thermals you will sometimes see three or four gliders flying together in circles. When you are in close proximity there is always that inherent risk of a collision.” However, in all of the time he has been a member at Southdown, nobody has needed to use the parachute and only a handful of minor injuries have been recorded, usually as a result of poorly judged landings.

Southdown Gliding Club

Safely strapped in, the tow plane pilot (a former RAF bomber pilot) straightened up and headed across the field, as another club member ran alongside the glider holding the wingtip to ensure it didn’t hit the ground. As we bounded across the grass I could see the winch launch that the club uses for practising landings, and a moment later we were airborne, heading for the ominously coloured clouds above. My own journey lasted a little over 15 minutes, as that allowed us time to soar above the Downs, RSPB Pulborough Brooks and briefly through a light shower that, at such a height, sounded as though golf balls were pounding against the glider. Having been released from the tow plane, Dave demonstrated how to pitch the nose up and down to go slower and faster, before briefly allowing me the chance to fly the glider alone and attempt banking from left to right. We found an updraft and circled to a height of 3,000 feet before returning back to the airfield so Toby could have his turn, during which he would demonstrate far more natural flair for flying

than I did! Then it was back to the clubhouse… There are about 80 gliding clubs in the country, but Southdown is the second oldest, having been founded in 1930, and the largest voluntary-run club. For many years the club was based in Firle, but in 1974 it split into two. One half became East Sussex Gliding Club which is now based near Ringmer, whilst Southdown moved to Parham. The 80 acre airfield was owned by the Parham Estate, but thanks to the generosity of individual members, the club was able to purchase the land in 2009. Now with some 200 members with about 45 privately owned gliders on the site, the club operates throughout the year, with club flying on Wednesdays and over the weekend. They hope to be able to develop their facilities in the near future with funds left to them by Joan Kloke MBE. Joan, a former member, loved gliding and left a generous donation to the club in her will. The membership continues to grow because of the club’s facilities and training equipment,

Dave tells Ben never to again pull the big yellow lever during launch!

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Another of Toby’s in-flight images “If you’re budgeting for a private pilot’s licence you are looking at three or four times that amount. Fuel is so expensive, so we are finding people who used to fly powered planes are coming over to gliding. “In my opinion, gliding is the purist form of flying. You develop your airmanship very well in gliding so it gives you a good grounding for other forms of flight.” This makes gliding a particularly attractive proposition for younger people wishing to pursue a career in the RAF or to one day

become a pilot. Therefore, the club runs a Saturday evening session for junior flyers, with cadet members (under 17s) benefitting from a 42% discount on costs. Interestingly, you can fly a glider before you can drive a car, with children as young as 14 allowed to take a solo flight in the UK. Dave said: “The youngest member we’ve had started when he was 12. One lad with a natural talent for it went solo when he was 16 and he eventually attained his private

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whilst gliding remains popular because of the cheap cost of flying compared to powered flights. Dave said: “It’s a very well-managed club here. There are not many gliding clubs that own their own airfield and having achieved that we can now start developing. “We built the new hanger in 2012 but that is already at capacity, and the clubhouse is looking old as it’s been here for 35 years. “Because we are a voluntary-run club, we all work together to help each other off the ground. That teamwork tends to breed a community of friends so when people come along for a first flight, they tend to stay for a long time if they have enjoyed the flight. “Typically, someone will come along for a trial lesson, and that costs only £95. If they enjoy it, they may then join and pay for annual membership (£298) then small amounts for launches and time in the air. “We have 30 fully-qualified instructors here and they actually give their time free of charge so you do not pay for tuition. Gradually, you learn about the various aspects, including taking off, navigation, meteorology and aviation law. “You’re given a training pack, a log book and syllabus and you go through it exercise by exercise. “Gliding is such a green sport so the costs are so much lower. For your membership and training costs you will probably need about £1500.



Southdown Gliding Club

pilot licence, his airline pilot licence, then his air display licence. He is now a pilot for British Airways and has flown planes for a research project in the Antarctic!” Other members have gone on to greater things too. A female member went from being an air hostess for Virgin to becoming a commercial airline pilot. As well as being a good outlet for young people, gliding may also appeal to model plane enthusiasts. The renowned model maker Chris Foss, who makes glider models sold all

over the world, is a member of Southdown Gliding Club and he believes it’s an easy transition to make for model fans. Chris, who owns a powered aircraft as well as a huge two-man glider with an 80ft wingspan, said: “It’s much easier to go from flying models to flying full size gliders than it is to do it the other way around. “Pilots are so used to looking where they are going, whereas with model flying you have to think back to front because of the controls. “It’s an orientation process. In a full size plane

you can feel the controls and you know what is happening, and you become used to that process. “It’s great fun though. Anything to do with flying is relatively expensive, so you put it off, but when you finally go up you wish you had done it earlier.” For more details contact Southdown Gliding Club on 01903 742137, email info@southdowngliding.co.uk or visit www.southdowngliding.co.uk


How Barnes Wallis bounced back after

Dambuster raids AAH visited Christ’s Hospital Museum to discover more about Barnes’ life and how the loss of many aircrew in the raids he masterminded led to a new Trust

Barnes Wallis is best remembered for creating the bouncing bomb during World War Two

When Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris first heard the idea of a bouncing bomb, he dismissed it as ‘tripe of the wildest description’. As Chief of Bomber Command, Sir Arthur knew a thing or two about both aircraft engineering and war craft, so people listened when he claimed that ‘there is not the smallest chance’ of the bouncing bomb working. But 70 years on, the image of bombs skimming across the surface of the water and destroying dams vital to German engineering is one of the iconic feats of the Second World War. It is a triumph of engineering that continues to provide a great deal of national pride. Whereas others believed bombing raids in densely populated cities were key to success, the bouncing bomb struck a direct hit on the enemy’s industrial heartland. It is for his invention of the bouncing bomb that Sir Barnes Wallis will be long-remembered. It is a source of great pride too for Christ’s Hospital School in Horsham, as Barnes Wallis studied there. Barnes lived in New Cross, London, before following in the footsteps of his older brother

John by joining Christ’s Hospital School in 1900 at the age of 12. The school moved from London to Horsham in 1902 and Barnes stayed there until he left school in 1904, winning the Willcox Science Prize in his final year. Barnes hadn’t always been top of the class, however. His first term was a disaster. He performed well in history and mathematics, but hated the classics and his overall placing was 29th in a class of 29! He insisted on moving over to the Modern rather than the Classical side, and the headmaster agreed. From here on in, Barnes’ progress was swift. He was consistently top in mathematics and placed highly in English, French and German. He was frequently in trouble for minor misdemeanours, which incurred the harsh punishments typical of the time. He continued to shine in science where he was particularly inspired by science master Charles E. Browne. In his later years, Barnes would write that the master ‘did not use science in the sense usually attached to the

word; he used science to teach us to think, to reveal to us the powers we ourselves possessed.’ He always did well in the internal examinations and was the first winner of the Willcox prize of science, which was worth the princely sum of £7:10s. Browne tried to encourage Barnes to become the school’s first Science Grecian, but Barnes knew this would cost his family money. They were, as ever, in very difficult circumstances,

56 and Barnes did not want to make it any worse, so he declined the opportunity. This meant that the post of House Captain was closed to him, and having closed a possible route to University, Barnes left at the end of summer term in 1904. Seeking advice from his housemaster on what he should do, he was told ‘get on, boy, get on!’ Two months later he would fail the London University Matriculation exam, but it didn’t matter too much as he became an apprentice with the Thames Engineering Works, which made marine engines. He was paid four shillings a week. After a year, he was transferred to the John Samuel White shipyard on the Isle of Wight where he impressed enough to earn a promotion to the drawing office. In 1912 he was joined at White’s by a young designer called H.B Pratt, and the two became friends. When Pratt was asked to build a rigid airship for Vickers, he asked Barnes to join him. Barnes would spend the rest of his working life there… He was fascinated by airships, but when the First World War broke out, he immediately enlisted as a potential engine room artificer in the Royal Navy. But his chief, Pratt, was furious and ensured he was discharged within days. He went on to build a series of airships at

Barnes Wallis studies a portrait with the artist Alfred Egerton Cooper in 1959; A 1930 portrait Vickers, starting with the HMA No.9, which played a valuable role in training future air and ground crews. After three years, he became chief airship designer and introduced a new streamlined design quite unlike anything else on the market. But in 1921, another airship (built by the British government) exploded over the River Humber, killing 44 of the 49 people on board. The disaster had a major impact on the British airship industry that lasted several years. In 1927, Barnes designed the world’s largest airship, the R-100, which was to be built for

trans-oceanic journeys. Three years later, she flew across the Atlantic having covered 3,364 miles in 78 hours and 49 minutes. But once again, a government built airship crashed. This time the R-101 went down with a huge loss of life. Large airships were deemed unsafe and the state ordered that Barnes’ R-100 should also be scrapped. Still, the R-100 had been a triumph for Barnes Wallis’ design concepts such as the ‘geodetic structure’ and had earned him the admiration of his rivals. Vickers turned their attention to aircraft rather than airships, building a conventional two-


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Sir Barnes Wallis

also by Cooper hangs in the museum; One of Barnes’ notebooks from his Christ’s Hospital days; A Christ’s Hospital doll he owned; The Mohne dam seater biplane. It was far from graceful but its structure was revolutionary. There was a setback when it broke up in a high speed dive and crashed, but Barnes Wallis – encouraged by Vickers – pushed on. He constructed another biplane and the Air Ministry ordered 150 after it impressed in trials. But Wallis and Vickers convinced them to instead order the far-superior Wellesley light bomber he had designed. The single engine aircraft was a major step forward, yet such was the pace of development during that time, its design was soon surpassed and during the war it was mainly used in the Middle East and East Africa. Barnes’s most famous aircraft design was the Wellington bomber. More Wellingtons were built than any other British bomber, and it is the most numerous multi-engine design ever built in the UK. The Wellington first took to the skies in June 1936, and this led to the Air Ministry placing an order for 180, followed by another order of 264 planes a year later. The bomber could carry nine 500 pound bombs, so when war broke out it was used during the very first raids on Germany on 4th September 1939. The superior Mark II and Mark III Wellingtons were developed next and were prominent in the ‘Thousand Bomber Raids’. Total production was 11,461 and 1,970 of those planes were lost. Not one remains in flying condition, although several are on static display and a ditched Wellington recovered from Loch Ness is now on display at the Brooklands Museum. Whilst the Wellington was a Vickers success story, other projects had mixed results. The Warwick was primarily used as antisubmarine aircraft for Coastal Command, whilst the Vickers Type 432 was a fighter project that never went beyond the prototype stage. Aircraft designing imposed an immense workload on Barnes but he was still able to work on the fundamentals of bombing techniques. His creation of the bouncing bomb would surpass all of his other

achievements. Barnes studied methods intensively, using models and small dams to calculate height, distance, speed and the amount of explosive needed. He established that breaching the Möhne would require 6,500 pounds of explosive, if it hit the dam directly. But there was a huge problem in delivering the bomb to the face of the dam. He calculated that if a bomb hit the water at

an angle of less than seven degrees it would cause it to ricochet off the water if it was dropped at a specific speed. Despite considerable resistance, the attack was given the go-ahead before the idea had been perfected because the dam water was, in mid-May, at its highest level. Barnes dealt directly with the newly-formed 617 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Guy Penrose Gibson.

A photograph of Sir Barnes Wallis in the Christ’s Hospital Museum collection


THE RAF Foundationers’ trust badge; Veterans gathered at Christ’s Hospital last year to mark the 125th anniversary of Barnes’ birth



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The two met in March 1943, and after resolving a few issues, the team was ready for the raid on the night of the 16th May. It called for expert flying skills, as the bombs were delivered from an altitude of just 60 feet at a speed of 240 miles per hour, under intense fire from defensive positions. The ‘dam busters’ mission was an astonishing success. The Möhne and Edersee dams were breached, causing catastrophic flooding of the Ruhr valley, and two hydroelectric power plants were destroyed. But there were heavy losses on all sides. An estimated 1,600 people drowned in the villages near the dams, whilst only 77 of the 133 aircrew on the mission returned. Needing to fly low to avoid detection, some hit cables or were shot down on the journey. One plane launched a successful attack on the Möhne only to crash after being hit by the impact of its own blast. This loss of life had a profound effect on Barnes Wallis. He was elated by the success, but the losses were a huge shock to him and he would carry the burden for many years. He would continue to develop bombs for military use; the Grand Slam was primarily used on bridges, canals and viaducts, the Tallboy was often used to target U-boat shelters, whilst the Highball was developed but never used as there were fears it could be easily copied by the Japanese. After the War, Barnes would again find himself at Christ’s Hospital. In 1951 a Royal Commission offered him a prize of £10,000 for his personal use. He refused the prize and instead redirected the money to start a Trust Fund, with the support of the RAF Benevolent Fund. With the loss of the ‘dam busters’ aircrew

Sir Barnes Wallis still in mind, Barnes established a Trust Fund to enable disadvantaged pupils from RAF families to attend Christ’s Hospital. He designed a special badge to be worn on the coat of the school uniform, showing the MĂśhne Dam being breached with the figure 617 and an angel above the Dam. In 1991, the 617 squadron added a further sum of money to the fund. It carries the motto ‘Virtus Spernit Humum Fugiente Penna’ which roughly translates as ‘Virtue Spurns on Soaring Wing the Earth’. This remarkable RAF Foundationers’ Trust has been responsible for the education of no less than 150 children at the school and through the continued support of the Trustees of the RAF Benevolent Fund. Barnes became Treasurer at Christ’s Hospital in 1957 and held the post until 1970. During recent years, the number of people qualifying for the Trust Fund’s support has of course dramatically reduced, and there are currently no Foundationers at the school. The Dam Busters film, with the famous theme music by Eric Coates, was first shown at Christ’s Hospital on the Saturday two days before the Royal Premier at Leicester Square Cinema in 1955, which was attended by Princess Margaret on 16th May. At the premier, Barnes Wallis introduced

three boys from the RAF Foundationers who had lost their fathers in the war to the Princess. A British PathĂŠ newsreel, ‘The Dam Busters Premier and Re-Union 1955’, recorded this event, and is available on the PathĂŠ website. Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson is reported to be working on a modern adaptation of the film. Last September, to mark the 125th anniversary of his birth, members of the Barnes Wallis family were joined by a number of representatives of the RAF, the RAF Benevolent Fund, Old Blues and others at a special service. Squadron Leader George ‘Johnny’ Johnson, one of the last surviving members of 617 squadron, was amongst the guests and enjoyed talking about his experiences. Following the service guests were treated to a March Past by the School Band and lunch. Barnes Wallis continues to be among the most revered of the Old Blues. A portrait painted in 1959 hangs in the dining room, whilst further portraits can be found in the museum along with a bronze statue and a Christ’s Hospital doll and notebook that he once owned. The number of children benefitting from the Foundationers’ Trust may be on the wane, but Barnes Wallis remains a key part of Christ’s Hospital’s heritage.

A wealth of expertise on your doorstep...

Barnes Wallis was Treasurer at Christ’s Hospital School for many years


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The Twee of Life Irma Westerdijk recycles everything from tree roots to antique wood planes to create her quirky yet destinctive wire-based figures and fabric sculptures...

The way Irma Westerdijk creates her unusual sculptures is a little like the experiments you used to see on Blue Peter or Art Attack. You take some electrical cable, shape them into a figurine, wrap kitchen foil all around it, add pieces of linen or cotton, create some fabric hardener and apply all over. Allow some drying time, then paint your model whatever colour you like! It’ll look lovely by the pond in your grandma’s garden! Throw in an old egg tray and an empty washing up bowl and she could make a great Tracy Island… Some people find her creations a little too twee, but Irma makes no attempt to dress up her art as anything other than fun and relatively simple pieces that can add a little colour and vibrancy to a home or garden. Whilst many pieces adopt the wire figure

technique, others are born out of Irma’s fascination for recycling. Three large glass spherical light covers, which were being thrown in a skip in the car park of a local DIY store, are ready to be recycled, whilst other materials used in finished pieces include chicken wire, wood planes and pegs. Irma said: “I love to recycle. I have made a huge bowl which was once a glass lampshade. I have recycled planes and antique iron shoe lasts which I picked up at auction, and used them as seats for the figures. “People give me things all the time. There is a root of a Rhododendron on what is one of my first big pieces. My daughter was scouting years ago and when I dropped her off at a campsite in Colgate I saw the root. “I thought ‘That has really interesting shapes’

so she said ‘Okay, we’ll take it home at the end of camp. Of course, they have campfires there, and the root was thrown onto a fire! My daughter shouted ‘No, my mum wanted that!’ and kicked it off the fire. “We took it home, cleaned it as there was a lot of dirt on it, not to mention some burnt bits, and now it has three figures on top of it. “Another piece is made out of an old CD rack which was too small for our music collection, so I covered it with fabric. I then made little men and placed them on the sides, climbing up to the goddess figure at the top. “That was really my first big piece. I had a few smaller pieces before but that was the first big creation I put together after my lessons. “I am inspired by lots of different shapes. My husband installs kitchens, bathrooms and things like that, and he often brings me


things to use in my studio. He came back recently with a nice curved piece of polystyrene and I dressed it up and made a sculpture.” Irma was interested in art from a young age and considered attending an Art Academy in Holland, but was put off by the thought of six years of studying. She also wondered if such extensive studies would really make her a better artist. Instead, Irma embraced knitting and crochet,

Irma said: “Seven years ago, I read about this hardener in a magazine, and a friend of mine went to Holland and picked some up. She brought it back and so I had a little play around with it. “I went on the internet and found that Jossy was holding teaching programmes. I went along to one and really enjoyed it. She taught us technical things such as how to create a strong sculpture and what were the best

and would make clothing for friends and colleagues. But her current creations came about after she was inspired by the work of a Dutch artist called Jossy De Roode. Jossy travels all over the world teaching people how to use Paverpol, a brand of waterproof hardener popular for textile and decorative artists. Irma saw that Jossy was in Britain to teach her techniques and thought it would be a fun skill to learn.

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Art: Irma Westerdijk

Irma has used wood planes and iron shoe lasts for several of her quirky creations

‘There is nothing special about the techniques. It is not a big secret, it’s just good fun’ wires to use. “I then took two instructor courses and after a while Jossy said ‘Now you are a master!’ “Sometimes I come up against a problem and Jossy is always there with advice. But I now also host Paverpol lessons and I love the teaching aspect of it. “The wonderful thing is that it is all so simple. At the start of each day, everybody in the group has a wooden base and they all go home with their own sculpture. “All of the creations are of a similar shape but have completely different designs. It’s always interesting to see the various shapes and colours people create out of such simple materials. “I would like to teach more and give more workshops. I host a workshop as part of a community project at Brighton Road Baptist Church called ‘Make’ where I can teach 20 people if there is the demand. “In the next workshop, people can bring in an old canvas or an old vase and we will add fabric to it and they can take them home to paint them. “There is nothing special about the techniques. It is not a big secret, it’s just really good fun.” As well as the smaller figurines, Irma has created a number of large sculptures. Several have been made from a large piece of polystyrene. A recent piece she was commissioned to create was initially cut from a piece of polystyrene a metre wide.

64 The ‘Haven’t I Seen That Image Before’ Section The old Bishopric picture on Page 66 was featured in our very first edition in May 2011, but the shot of Angela Brittain on page 7 has now been recycled twice! It was used in the artist feature (also in May 2011) and the news round-up in 2012!

At the other end of the scale are small decorations, including Christmas baubles and jewellery, made from anything Irma is able to recycle, from seaside shells and stones to soft fabrics such as linen. Whatever the size, she uses the hardener on all of her art, as it is waterproof and is easy to paint on with varnish. Her pieces can therefore be used as decorative pieces. Some visitors to the Horsham Open Studios (an annual event in which members of the public can visit the studio of a number of local artists) have mistakenly believed that Irma’s rear garden is her studio, as there is such an interesting mix of artwork in the garden including a chicken, a witch, a butterfly and a sunbather! Irma will again be taking part in the Open Studios this year (for more details see Page 7) and she is looking forward to seeing the public reaction to her art. She said: “I think all artists look for the reaction as that is the point of making art. You hope that somebody likes it.

You don’t find those sort of ornaments at Hilliers Garden Centre, do you? “My work does provoke different reactions. Some people love it. During the Open Studios there is a lady who comes by every year and says ‘I like this and I like that’ and she buys a

couple of pieces and off she goes, which is lovely. “Others think it is a little too twee. But fortunately, we all like different things.”


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The ‘things you probably didn’t know about Horsham that are really quite interesting’ page... The Bishopric was the heart of Horsham’s brewing trade for centuries (Picture courtesy of Horsham District Council’s Horsham Museum)

Since the 16th Century, Horsham has been renowned for

its brilliant breweries There is a great tradition of good breweries in Horsham, with King and Barnes forming an important part of the town’s history. Records show that there were five breweries in Horsham in the 16th Century, and today there are still five operating in the district. For 200 years, brewing was a good trade to be in here. So good in fact that the entrepreneur Henry Michell came to town and leased the Carfax Brewery before moving to another local brewery, Rawlinson’s, in 1841. Eventually this was bought by Rock Brewery of Brighton, but it soon closed. Satchell & Co was founded in 1800 and enjoyed a long period of brewing from premises in North Parade. About 50 years later, James King (Bill King’s great, great grandfather) came to town and started trading as a Maltster in the Bishopric. Before long, King would take a controlling stake in Satchell & Co. The business became known as King and Sons Limited when James’ sons Charles, Frederick and John took over the brewery. The family bought many pubs in Horsham and the surrounding villages during the days of horse and cart deliveries.

In 1906, King and Sons merged with the Barnes brewery, which resulted in the closure of the Barnes plant in East Street. King and Barnes then brewed solely at the Bishopric site and dominated locally, controlling at least 60 pubs. The two families formed a working partnership that would define Horsham brewing for decades to come, but in 1960, the last of the Barnes family died. The King family continued to run the company and in 1994, having qualified as a master brewer, Bill King took control. He would become the last family member to run King and Barnes Ltd. Hall and Woodhouse took control of King and Barnes and its pubs in 2000. The brewery in the Bishopric was closed, and is now an apartment block. Bill King swiftly established a small brewery, WJ King, whilst King and Barnes head brewer Andy Hepworth also set up on his own. The Hepworth’s brewery has proved to be a great success, with its organic lager Blonde and stout Conqueror being familiar to many local ale drinkers. Bill King sold WJ King’s brewery at the end of 2009 to Nigel Lambe and Ian Burgess, a

former brewer at Harvey’s in Lewes. They have taken the brewery on to another level and WJ King’s pumps are a familiar sight, particularly in Brighton pubs. Ray Welton initially ran a small brewery in Capel, but he moved to Horsham and now runs Welton’s brewery in Foundry Lane. Dark Star was formed in the cellar of a pub in Brighton in 1994, then moved on to Ansty in 2001. In 2010, Dark Star moved into new premises in Partridge Green and took over The Partridge in the heart of the village. It has a reputation as one of the most dynamic breweries around and Dark Star clothing and merchandise is very popular. Kissingate began life as a micro-brewery in 2009 in Crawley, but in 2011 the company moved to the Church Lane Estate in Lower Beeding. Last year, they built a larger facility on the estate and Kissingate continues to scoop awards at beer festivals. For those that want a brewery crawl, a new leaflet promoting Horsham District breweries has just been published by Horsham District Council’s Visitor Information Centre. Available soon to download or pick up from the VIC at Horsham Museum

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