As the Botanical Bombshell, gardener Lucy White-Simpson teaches the art of burlesque.
The March 2024 cover features René Fay, owner of Johansson’s Cafe in Bishopric, Horsham. We visited the popular cafe on a Thursday morning, so that René had time to chat to us, with three other members of staff on hand to serve customers. And chat she most certainly did! We were there for two hours (although that did include a scrambled egg and smoked salmon breakfast) and were late for our next job. Alan took this lovely cover shot inside the cafe with René, with rain limiting outdoor shots. There was another shot that included props including a Swedish flag and a Dala horse (a traditional mascot of Dalarna county, where René is from) which we have used in the feature (page 43). However, it was a touch gimmicky for the front cover.
AAH is an independent magazine founded in 2011. It is owned by Ben Morris, a life-long resident of the District. Here’s our cover from 10 years ago (Mar 2013) featuring Alex Reed, a 14-year-old from Horsham then competing in the Ford Fiesta Junior Championship.
Ben Morris editor@aahorsham.co.uk (01903) 892899
AAH, 2 Viney Close, Ashington, RH20 3PT
Alan Wright alanwrightphotography.co.uk 07747 617387
Other contenders for the cover included Layton Gibson of Blade and Bone Butchery in Horsham, Ana Dantas and Julio Castro at Valsa Gelato in Bishopric, and Lucy White-Simpson, AKA The Botanical Bombshell!
As a free magazine, AAH is grateful to the support of all its advertisers. If you’d like to find out more about promoting your business in AAH, please do get in touch with Ben. We offer every 6th advert free of charge, like a cafe. We can also design ads if you need help on that front.
(Per month/edition)
Eighth Page: £55 + VAT (93mm x 63mm)
Quarter Page: £110 + VAT (93mm x 133mm - portrait or landscape)
Half Page: £185 + VAT (190mm x 133mm)
We also have the long, upright shape
Full Page: £310 + VAT (A4 with 4mm bleed)
Double Page: £520 + VAT (A4 with 4mm bleed
Ben Morris editor@aahorsham.co.uk advertising@aahorsham.co.uk (01903) 892899
2 Viney Close, Ashington, RH20 3PT
Alan works for AAH as a freelancer and is available for all commercial work.
Jacquie Paterson, Jill Shuker, Bloomfield family, Gavira family, Harvey Dold, Alessandro Cavallo, Charlie Merchant, Harry Baker, Walker family, Ben Raymond, Joseph Down (Horsham). Katie Drysdale & William Fuglsig (Highwood), Chapman family (Southwater), Palmer family (BBH), Luke Butcher (Manns Heath), Derek Bradnum (Nuthurst)
AAH is also available in our stands at local businesses, clubs and shops.
Horsham: Swan Walk (outside M&S), Henry Adams (Carfax), Crates Local (Carfax) Pavilions in the Park, Horsham Rail Station, John Lewis, Horsham FC, New House Farm, New Street Butchers, At Home Estate Agents (Carfax), Holbrook Club, Gwyn’s Bakery (Bishopric), Steban’s Hair Salon.
Village Stands: Newbridge Nurseries, The Bridge Leisure Centre (BBH) CoCos’ Salon & Beeson House (Southwater), Billingshurst Leisure Centre, Coco’s Salon (Billingshurst), Bluecoat Sports Centre (Christ’s Hospital), Leonardslee Lakes & Gardens (Lower Beeding), Warnham Village Stores (Warnham), Slinfold Golf Club (Slinfold), Steyning Leisure Centre and Cobblestone Walk (Steyning), Spring Gardens Nursery (Washington), Chanctonbury Leisure Centre, Joanna’s Boutique Tearooms (Storrington), The Milk Churn (Rudgwick), Meadow Stores (Thakeham), Golden Plaice (Ashington), Rusper Village Stores (Rusper), Roffey News and Post Office (Roffey)
Supermarkets: In association with Self Select Distribution, AAH is available at Tesco Extra in Broadbridge Heath and Sainsbury’s Horsham
AAH ONLINE www.aahorsham.co.uk
Eve Lovett, who has delivered AAH in Horsham for several years, is hanging up her yellow bag after securing more regular work. All the best for the future, Eve!
My grandad called me a month or so ago and said, ‘right Ben, it’s become bloody urgent that I do something about this book!’ He had just been diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm and – in his own words – could drop dead at any minute.
I knew he’d been writing stories about his life for several years, but it was only now, aged 92, that he finally set his mind to compiling them into a book. Naturally, this task fell on me, being in the profession and all. My other useful asset, incidentally, is my work van. Grandad has previously called on me to shift junk he’d picked up at Ford Market, the most recent being an industrial bread mixer which – he assured me – would fetch a decent price once he’d fixed it up.
Anyway, I visited him at his home in Walberton, near Arundel, and made a copy of everything he’d written. I said I’d work on it in my spare time, reminding him I did have a business to run and a family to feed. I have since spent half an hour on it each morning, piecing it together, which has proved more challenging than expected. It isn’t in chronological order and my grandad has a habit of jumping from one anecdote to another with wild abandon. He also uses nicknames for friends and colleagues and seems surprised when I suggest that not everyone reading it will be familiar with the characters working at Mercury Outboards in the 1960s.
Also, although my grandad raised his family in Southwater (those who lived there in the 1970s may even recall the Total garage and Mercury engine dealership he ran, or even his race boats on the forecourt) my grandad was
a Yorkshireman. Therefore, he was stubborn, argumentative and never wrong. He either fell out with people straight away and they later became life-long friends, or hit it off immediately and had the fall-out later. And as you’d expect with a Yorkshireman’s story, a lot of sentences begin with ‘I’ll probably get thrown in jail for saying this in this day and age, but…’
Always a sign of trouble!
I was ticking along slowly with the editing task, but a couple of weeks later, my grandad had a fall. Ignoring medical advice, he was in his workshop, making models of boats out of odds-and-ends from the market (he sold them mostly to Americans with more money than sense) when he had a clumsy incident with the sawdust bin. He ended up in hospital, where I went to see him. He asked me if I’d finished the book yet, as if I had absolutely nothing else to do.
In truth, I was compiling a list of questions that I needed him to verify, but it wasn’t the right time to go through them. It was evident that my grandad hadn’t shut-up since he’d been wheeled on to the ward and other patients had grown tired of stories from his powerboating heyday. So, I decided to wait until he was back home.
I had a lot of queries as my grandad has been known to exaggerate. These queries had begun with the very first line, where he claims that the row of terraced houses where he grew up was where they filmed the opening scenes of Coronation Street (You sure it wasn’t in Manchester?). Then there was the time he
supplied an engine to one of the Tennessee Three and had dinner with Johnny Cash afterwards (You sure? Where did you put the engine?). The 1969 road trip he took on Route 66 on his way to a boat race was fascinating enough without occasional embellishment. These included meeting Karen and Peter Carpenter who were singing in a bar (Really? And isn’t the brother called Richard?), seeing Dean Martin at The Sands in Vegas (Wiki says his residency ended in 68?) and getting into a punch-up at a truck stop over a blonde cowgirl (You sure this wasn’t The A-Team?)
Grandad was in good spirits when he left hospital and I planned to pop round with my voice recorder and go through things with him. I don’t mind a few tall tales, but the book needed some factual content, right? But after a few days, he took a turn. I visited him at home and even took my questions along, unsure of his condition. But he was nearly at the end. All I could do was assure him that the book was brilliant and that I’d nearly finished it. I’d put a picture of his beautiful Cosworth-powered boat on the front cover and make sure copies reached friends in America.
He died two days later on 26 February, just a few hours ago, as I write.
Not many people reach the age of 45 and have grandparents still alive, so I count myself lucky. There is sadness, but at 92, there is no tragedy. As for my questions, part of me is happy they’ll remain unanswered. After all, what would be the point of a book by Jackie Wilson that was entirely true?
Email submissions to: editor@aahorsham.co.uk
A public consultation on the design for a memorial to commemorate Horsham’s romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley is underway. The public are being invited to view designs submitted by four shortlisted artists, on display in Horsham Museum & Art Gallery until 6 April, and vote in order of preference. The artists and concepts include David A Annand’s bronze figure of Shelley reclining and reading on a stainless-steel chaiselongue; The Broadbent Studio’s concept of a
memorial celebrating Shelley’s poem Ode to the West Wind featuring a metal sculpture with an autumn wind shaking up waves, clouds and leaves; Vincent Gray’s neoclassical design with a quill, reflecting Shelley’s philosophies and vision; and Robert Ward’s set of three sculptures set in front of mirrored surfaces to reflect Shelley’s enduring legacy.
Each artist has presented their concept in the form of scale models, sketches of how
the artwork will look in place on a designated site in Horsham Park, and a statement of their approach for the design. The result of the public vote will inform the Shelley Memorial Project’s judging panel for the winning artwork. The Shelley Memorial Project was formed in 2018 to celebrate and commemorate the life and work of Horsham’s most famous citizen. The designs can also be viewed at horsham.gov.uk/shelley-memorial-vote
Run Wisborough returns with this year’s event taking place on Sunday 9 June. The chip-timed, multi-terrain race welcomes fun runners and serious competitors from across the South East. There are two events for runners to choose from, covering a distance of 5K or 10K, starting and finishing on the village green. There is also a free Kids’ Colour Run for children aged 4 – 11. Medals and other goodies will be awarded to finishers, with prizes in a range of categories for both the 5K and 10K events. There will also be refreshments including tea, coffee, bacon rolls and a barbecue. Register in advance online or turn up and pay on the day. runwisborough.co.uk
The Bicycle Exchange has opened a new workshop next to the Red Lion pub on London Road, Ashington. The business, run by Dan and Francesca Lawrence, offers a range of good quality used bikes at an affordable price. The new workshop offers service and bike maintenance packages, with free bike collection and drop off within a five mile radius. A new member of the team is a carbon repair and respray specialist. The new venue also has a small coffee shop selling drinks and cakes, with passing cyclists welcome Monday to Saturday (closed Wednesdays) from 9am –4pm. thebicycleexchange.co.uk
West Sussex County Council is consulting on the creation of a new all–through primary school in Horsham by amalgamating Littlehaven Infant School and Northolmes Junior School. Governors of both schools have put forward proposals to develop an age 4 - 11 primary school on the Northolmes site effective from September 2025, to make better use of resources and address falling demand for school places. The proposal would involve closing the Littlehaven site and making changes to existing buildings at Northolmes site to cater for an increase in pupil numbers. The consultation runs until 21 March 2024. haveyoursay.westsussex.gov.uk/littlehaven
North Sussex CAMRA celebrates its 50th anniversary with an event at the Red Lion, Turners Hill on Saturday 16 March, 12.30 –4pm. Branch members are invited to the event, held at the pub where the local CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) branch was founded in 1974. In addition, there will be an Ale Trail on Saturday 30 March, with celebration beers by local breweries including Horsham Brewery Company, Brolly Brewing (pictured) and Kissingate. A route will be posted on the branch’s social media channels. northsussex.camra.org.uk
This March, The Bridge Leisure Centre celebrates 30 years of the Forever Active club. Founded at the old Broadbridge Heath Leisure Centre in 1994 by Horsham District Council, the club has flourished, helping people over 50 to keep fit, active and social. Activities and classes are held every Monday and Thursday including archery, table tennis, badminton, exercise and fitness classes, short matt bowls and pickleball. To mark the anniversary, The Bridge is offering discounted sessions on Monday 11 and Thursday 14 March. For details, call (01403) 211311 or visit placesleisure.org/centres/ the-bridge-leisure-centre/
John Partridge stars in Dancing Man at the Capitol Theatre on Saturday 27 April, 7:30pm. John has a career that spans over four decades, making his professional debut at 16 in Cats. He has since appeared in more than 20 West End shows, recently starring in Everybody’s Talking About Jamie and Beauty and the Beast at the Capitol. Join John as he talks about his musical journey, inspirations, family history and career with heart and humour, while singing and dancing his way through music of the West End. Proceeds go to Momentum Children’s Charity. Tickets £26.50 fromthecapitolhorsham.com
Horsham Chamber Choir, led by Musical Director Timothy Peters, holds a concert at St John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Horsham on Saturday 23 March, 8pm. The Earth to Sky concert takes the audience on a space voyage through song and insight. Guided by pieces by composers as diverse as Frank Ticheli, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laura Mvula, Meredith Monk and Franz Schubert, the choir will tell the story of Earth’s journey in the first half and outer space in the second, with lectures by scientists from Mullard Space Science Laboratory. horsham-chamberchoir.org.uk
Christ’s Hospital Choral Society host an day workshop focusing on Haydn’s The Creation on Saturday 4 May. The workshop is led by James Bartlett, Musical Director at Christ’s Hospital School and the National Youth Music Theatre. All singers are invited to take part. The CH Choral Society will also perform a summer concert in June, with a programme of music by French composers including Duruflé and Fauré. New singers are invited to Tuesday evening rehearsals, starting on 16 April. chchoralsoc.org
Coolham Live Music Club hosts a ‘feast of funk’ with Dave Ital and Friends on Saturday 6 April, 7.15pm (music 7.45pm). The guitarist brings along friends, all among the best recording/touring artists, including Arden Hart on keys, Yolanda Charles on bass, Westley Joseph on drums and soul singer Louise Clare Marshall. The Marcus Praestgaard and his trio open the evening. Tickets £25. Visit Coolham Live Music Club on Facebook for details.
Glynde Place Dance Studio invites friends, parents and pupils (both former and current) to join its 40th anniversary celebrations on Saturday 13 April. The studio will perform at the Carfax Bandstand at 2pm followed by drinks and nibbles at the studio at 4pm. It will be 40 years to the day since the dance school first opened. Glynde Place holds classes seven days a week in styles ranging from ballet to musical theatre. glyndeplacedancestudio.co.uk
at auction has never been stronger!
Kilnwood Vale Primary School has been rated as ‘Good’ and ‘Outstanding’ for early years provision in its first Ofsted inspection. The school opened in September 2019 and offers a ‘carefully considered’ curriculum for 287 children, aged from two to 11. The report states: ‘The school’s vision to ‘inspire, nurture, enable’ is lived out daily by pupils throughout all aspects of their learning. There is a warm and welcoming environment where pupils keenly greet visitors and share their positive experiences of the education provided.’ Kilnwood Vale Primary is a member of the GLF Schools Multi-Academy Trust. kilnwoodvaleschool.org
The Horsham branch of Blood Cancer UK hosts a Bridge Drive at Sedgwick Park House, Nuthurst, RH13 6QQ on Thursday 11 April, 10.30am – 3pm. The day includes prizes and a raffle. £100 for a table of four (£25 each) to include biscuits, coffee and lunch, available from Nicola on (01403) 243492 or email secretary.horshambloodwise@gmail.com
Professor Chris Whitty, the UK Government’s Chief Medical Adviser, visited Windlesham House in Washington in February. Professor Whitty, a former pupil of the co-educational prep school, attended a special science discovery showcase, designed to celebrate the ingenuity of Year 7 pupils.
He spoke to pupils about their experiments, which included Fizzy Fountains, which
explored the reaction between Mentos sweets when mixed with carbonated drinks, and a study of animal behaviour which analysed the light preferences of mealworms. The science projects form part of a two-year diploma course, which sees Year 7 and Year 8 pupils complete a comprehensive ‘learning for life’ programme in addition to their core curriculum subjects. windlesham.com
Two restaurants in the Horsham District have received stars in the Michelin Guide 2024. Ben Wilkinson at The Pass (left) at South Lodge Hotel and Restaurant Interlude at Leonardslee both remain one-star restaurants, with Interlude also one of six new recipients of a Green star, awarded for commitment to sustainability. Gravetye Manor in East Grinstead is the only other West Sussex restaurant to have been awarded a star, although several including Palmito in Brighton, Dill in Lewes and Cin Cin in Hove have been recognised with a Bib Gourmand. The high-quality of food at Chalk in Washington, Heritage by Matt Gillan in Slaugham and The Ginger Fox in Henfield has been recognised with a listing in the Michelin Guide. The awards were unveiled at The Midland Hotel, Manchester on 5 February, with The Ledbury, London, the only new three-star restaurant, taking the number of UK venues holding the honour to nine. For an interview with Jean Delport, chef at Interlude, see p23. guide.michelin.com
Will Duerden from Horsham, has been awarded a prestigious scholarship from the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO). The double bassist is one of just 10 musicians from across the world to have been awarded the new LSO Conservatoire Scholarship, which helps to ensure that musicians from all backgrounds have access to conservatoire training. The funding will help Will to focus fully on his postgraduate studies at the Royal College of Music (RCM), while he will also benefit from coaching and mentoring from the LSO’s own renowned musicians. Will has been playing the double bass since the age of seven and two years later earned a scholarship to the Yehudi Menuhin School. He now plays at Carlo Loveri double bass from 1873, which was played on the soundtrack of some early Walt Disney animations, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous benefactor. He is currently part of the John Wilson Orchestra and recently played bass in the Hollywood’s Greatest Hits show. lso.co.uk
This year marks the 100th anniversary of Queen Mary’s Dolls’ House, which has been on display at Windsor Castle since its creation. The Dolls’ House was built from 1921 -24 as a gift from the nation to Queen Mary. It is a perfect 1:12 scale replica of an Edwardian-style residence, complete with electricity, working lifts and running water and is filled with contributions from over 1,500 artists and craftspeople of the day. One of the treasures of the dolls’ house is its library, which captured the literary culture of the 1920s through miniature books handwritten by writers including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Vita Sackville-West and Thomas Hardy. Now, in an anniversary initiative championed by Her Majesty The Queen, 20 tiny manuscripts have been penned and decorated by leading writers and illustrators, providing a snapshot of contemporary literature in Britain. These include Steyning-based author Julia Donaldson and regular illustrator Axel Scheffler, whose classic children’s book The Gruffalo has been bound by the Royal Bindery, Windsor Castle. The new books are now on display for visitors to Windsor Castle and can be seen throughout 2024. rct.uk
National Trust’s
Petworth House hosts an Antique and Fine Art Fair from
Friday 17 - Sunday 19 May. Some 60 exhibitors gather in a purpose-built marquee with their latest stock. These include Tom Rooth’s Honeycomb, comprising his hand drawn ceramics, and Gladwell & Patterson, offering paintings inspired by West Sussex by contemporary artist Peter Symonds. A highlight on M&D Moir’s stand is a René Lalique presentation plate, Mouettes, given to King George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth in 1938. Tickets £10, including catalogue, through Eventbrite. petworthparkfair.com
Community Centre
in Foster Lane will host an exhibition on the village’s history on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April, 10am - 4pm. The ‘Days Gone By in Ashington’ exhibition featured hundreds of photographs, newspaper cuttings, aerial images and memorabilia, offering visitors a walk down memory lane. Admission £1, children free. Light refreshments available. For details, call Margaret on (01903) 892633.
We have over 25 years’ experience in organising group trips to the theatre, local and national attractions and short breaks. Ensuring a hassle free and pleasant experience, there is always someone on hand on every trip to answer questions and offer guidance. We can access discounts on tickets to theatre and entry to attractions nationwide, offering you the very best value. So why not join us and experience the benefits of hassle free trips?
Tuesday 7 May
Visit Savill Garden for a guided walking tour of the Valley Gardens and a Royal Heritage tour of the Great Park, Windsor, by coach. £69.50 per person
Our varied programme takes in West End theatres, stately homes, palaces and gardens, river cruises, steam train rides and afternoon teas. For our short breaks, we visit beautiful towns and cities, as well as an annual trip to continental Christmas Markets.
Some upcoming trips are listed below.
Neil Edeson Trip OrganiserThursday 27 June &
Monday 16 December
A concert 40 years in the making. The band play as digital avatars. Pick-up from Dorking Halls. £87.50 / £89.50pp
Horsham District Council is working in collaboration with Sussex Police, the Environment Agency and WSCC carry out a major crackdown on highways littering in the District. In total, over 60 vehicles were stopped, resulting in a number of fines. Further unannounced enforcement days are being planned throughout 2024. horsham. gov.uk/bins/reportit/fly-tipping-andfly-posting
Wednesday 8 May &
Wednesday 28 August
The classic British sitcom is now a stage play, adapted by John Cleese. Pick-up from Dorking Halls. £79.50 / £85pp
Friday 5 - Monday 8 July
See the violinist’s hometown concert in Maastricht. £595pp on a B&B basis, based on two people sharing a twin or double room.
A celebration of dogs will take place at Goodwood over the weekend of Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May. Goodwoof, presented by MARS Petcare, is a day out for dogs and their families. Goodwoof celebrates the faithful Labrador with a parade to open the event each day. International and homegrown competitors demonstrate their skills in Sheep and Gundog trials, while there will be cross-country Canicross competitions too. The Action Sports arena will showcase demonstrations of canine agility, while there will be talks from experts in nutrition, behaviour and canine health at the MARS Wellness Stage. Famous faces read tales of canine exploits in Literary Corner and practitioners in The Studio (presented by Randox) lead sessions in doga, reiki, sound-bathing and dog massage. Other highlights include the Ministry of Hound dancefloor, Fido’s Lido (dog splash pool), Goodwoof Games and Pawtrait Artist of the Year. Early bird tickets available. Dogs free. Free parking. goodwood.com
Horsham Model Railway Club hosts an Open Day at St Leonard’s Church Hall, Cambridge Road, Horsham, on Saturday 6 April, 10am – 4pm. Highlights include the Chesworth exhibit, featuring buildings from the Horsham area including the Warnham Water Mill and original and the original Dog and Bacon pub. The club hopes to attract people interested in joining the group, as well as young enthusiasts. Refreshments and second-hand stalls. Adults £2 (under 16s £1). horshammrc.org.uk
Horticultural Society will be holding a Spring Show at North Heath Hall, St Mark’s Lane, Horsham, on Saturday 6 April, 2.30 - 3.45pm. The hall will be filled with displays of spring flowers as well as cookery, photography and handicraft exhibits, with a plant stall, refreshments and raffle. Visitors are welcome to view the exhibits. Entry by donation. horshamhorticulturalsociety.co.uk
Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens in Lower Beeding hosts an Easter trail from 29 March – 14 April. Children can pick up an activity sheet and follow a trail in the spring gardens, with an Easter treat waiting at the end. Young visitors can also enjoy a new play park set to open in the spring, to include a treehouse, zip-line, life-size doll’s house and dragon sculpture. leonardsleegardens.co.uk
Social media influencer Charity Shop Girl visited the new Guild Care shop in West Street, Horsham, on Thursday 1 February. Jen Graham, aka Charity Shop Girl, is a keen advocate for charity shopping and has collaborated with a number of brands to promote their products. Jen recently featured on ITV’s This Morning, where she discussed her love of charity shops and gave tips on shopping on a budget. She visited several Guild Care branches in February, including Southwick, Horsham and Crawley, rattling through the rails in search of clothes. Guild Care is a Worthing-based charity that supports older people, people living with dementia, and children and adults with learning disabilities. guildcare.org/horsham-charity-shop
South East Hearing Care Centre in Horsham is offering free earwax removal appointments for over 75-year-olds on Wednesdays from their clinic at 20 - 22 Bishopric, until 30 April. South East Hearing Care Centre began offering the ENT nurse-led ‘Waxy Wednesday’ service in February, in face of pressures on public health services in the area. ENT Nurse Melanie Jackson and Head of Nursing said: ‘With the increasing availability of risky DIY wax removal kits online and the surge in unregulated wax removal providers throughout the UK, our hope is that this change will enhance accessibility to our services.’ hearingcarecentres.co.uk
The Red Deer in Carfax, Horsham, is running Après Ski specials until late March. The pub, run by Heartwood Inns, offers the specials every Thursday until 21 March inclusive, with guests also able to enjoy Jubel, an après-ski beer. Highlights of the menu include a tartiflette starter, mains of cheese fondue (for two) and raclette, both served with a charcuterie selection and crusty baguette, and St Marcellin cheese served with truffle honey for dessert. reddeerhorsham.com
Metrobus has made timetable changes that provides Horsham residents with a 24-hour connection to Gatwick Airport. The route 200 evening and night service from Horsham to Gatwick’s north and south terminals was re-introduced on 24 February. The route has been revised to serve Kilnwood Vale. The buses stop at Hurst Road, North Heath, Roffey and Faygate before continuing to Crawley (including Manor Royal) and the airport. Metrobus has also made changes to its app and website. The Fare Finder, an addition to its Journey Planner function, enables passengers to calculate fares. metrobus.co.uk
Bluecoat Sports at Christ’s Hospital has refurbished its café, with a contemporary design offering a more relaxing atmosphere for members and visitors.
The Gallery (formerly Gallery Café) has a spacious new layout, with modern furniture, botanical features and a re-imagined kids corner, designed with families in mind.
Boris Skultety, Manager of The Gallery, said: ‘We worked in partnership with design specialists Catersales on the project and our staff and members has responded very positively to the changes. There was previously a lot of exposed brickwork on the walls, while ventilation pipes and structural beams gave the centre an industrial, warehouse-style effect. That might have worked for a while, but during the summer this contributed to the centre becoming hot, while in winter it had the opposite effect. The style had become quite dated too, so it was time for a refresh.’
‘The centre now has a new ceiling and subtler colour tones. We have also installed modern lighting to create a more relaxing aura, with cosy nooks for members to chat and unwind following solo or group exercises, as well as a viewing bar looking down to the sports hall. We have renamed it The Gallery as it feels a more communal space than a café. It is a place where people socialise and even work. Already, we are seeing people working from laptops and also students from the school studying here.’
The refurbishment comes as Bluecoat Sports (BCS) embarks on a multi-million pound expansion project. New facilities will include Padel courts, a 400m running track with additional sprint lanes, and a unique outdoor exercise adventure trail. An access road will be built to link BCS and Christ’s Hospital Road, with a new car park providing additional spaces. New facilities will be available to members and CH students, in addition to local clubs and other groups, with work scheduled for completion by autumn 2024.
Chris Markham, Manager of BCS, said: ‘Preparation work is being done now, with construction due to begin in August. It is an exciting time as the expansion will include an all-weather running track, multiple activity stations incorporating running, jumping, balancing and climbing, and of course the Padel courts. Padel is an easy-to-learn, fun and sociable form of tennis and the fastest-growing sport in the UK. There are limited opportunities for people to play currently, so our purposebuilt courts will be in demand.’
‘We’re working hard to ensure members experience minimal disruption during the project and that the day-to-day activities at Bluecoat Sports continue.’
Further information:
The Gallery is extending its opening hours for a trial period.
Monday to Friday: 9am – 6.30pm.
Meadows Wellbeing opened in June 2020 in the heart of Billingshurst and has grown rapidly under the thoughtful direction of founder, Jon Meadows. Jon devised the wellbeing centre to fulfil a dream of providing a full range of complementary and alternative therapies to support patients at his flourishing Osteopathy practice, which many locals will remember as Billingshurst Osteopaths.
Weekends: 9am – 1pm. bluecoatsports.co.uk/the-gallery-cafe/
WORDS: Ben Morris
PHOTOS: Alan Wright
Jon, who has 30 years’ experience as an Osteopath and lives in Horsham, said: ‘Often, I feel that my patients would also benefit from the care of a therapist with different skills to mine, and this inspired me to develop Meadows Wellbeing, encompassing a comprehensive range of complementary and alternative therapies and treatments to support the overall wellbeing and health of my patients.’
The five-strong Osteopathic team provide Structural and Cranial Osteopathy, treating conditions including back and neck pain, joint pain, trapped nerves, headaches, sports injuries, pain associated with arthritis, as well as cranial treatment for newborn babies. There is also a dedicated Mental Health Support team providing Counselling, Psychotherapy, CBT and Hypnotherapy.
Other treatments include Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, Sports Injury, Rehabilitation and Sports Massage/Soft Tissue Therapy. Meadows Wellbeing also offers a Foot Health Clinic, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Swedish/Holistic and Pregnancy Massage. There is also Health Coaching, Blood Flow Restriction Training, Medical Herbalism, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Luxury Facials and Ear Wax Removal.
More Breathwork Workshop Dates for 2024 too!
The award recognises Interlude’s sustainable practices and ethically-sourced cuisine, and is an addition to the Michelin star that the restaurant has now maintained for five consecutive years.
Penny Streeter OBE, owner of Leonardslee Lakes & Gardens, said: ‘Sustainability has been central to Interlude’s identity from the beginning. This award is a tremendous endorsement of the hard work of our talented team in creating memorable dining experiences and their care for our environment.’
Restaurant Interlude opened in 2018 within Leonardslee House, at the heart of the 240acre estate, and earned a star within a year of opening. At the time, executive chef Jean Delport was only the second South African
chef to achieve the honour. The restaurant offers seasonally-inspired tasting menus that enable guests to intimately connect with the famous, Grade I-listed gardens, with courses including braised estate rabbit with winter purslane and estate venison with juniperinfused sauce.
Jean told AAH: ‘We’ve maintained the star for five years now, which was one of our goals. Now we can work towards our long-term goal of two Michelin stars. If we’re to achieve that, we’ll need to offer an ultimate experience that showcases the full potential of the estate.’
‘To receive a Green Star was fantastic too and is recognition for what we’ve been doing in recent years to champion sustainability. Every week, we forage the woods and gardens and are continually growing our knowledge and understanding of the gardens so that we can create an even more defined menu.’
‘We boil the sap until we’re left with a savoury, sweet birch syrup.’
‘Guests can taste the seasons through the menu, from berries in summer to mushrooms in autumn and preserved fruits and vegetables
in winter. These Ingredients are crafted into a singular, regularly-changing menu which reflects the estate.’
‘Projects started years ago are now coming to fruition too. Vines were planted several years ago, yet it’s only now that we can plan our first harvest. It’s exciting to be part of the growing wine industry in Sussex and while we already have great wine from our sister estate in South Africa, serving wine from the garden’s own vineyards will complement our ethos of sustainability and add another element to Interlude.’
The best way to appreciate the Interlude experience is to book a visit and experience the Tasting Menu. However, just to whet your appetite, AAH asked Jean to highlight six ways that the best of the estate comes to rest on your plate…
We started our beekeeping journey a few months before the restaurant opened. I knew nothing about keeping a colony, but from the outset we wanted to incorporate honey from the estate on our menu. It is interesting, as the bees pollinate a wide variety of flowers in the
gardens, so the honey is distinctive and unlike anything you can buy off-the-shelf, with texture and consistency changing with the seasons. Having it fresh from the gardens is amazing, so we incorporate it into the menu. We often have a dedicated honey dish, although currently we don’t and instead use the honey in a quince course with a duck egg custard and Drambuie. We currently have three active hives and hope to introduce more soon. I’m still a novice when it comes to beekeeping and although I’d love to spend more time with the bee colonies, it’s difficult to balance the hives with other responsibilities. So, we have support from enthusiasts who help us look after them.
One of the annual highlights for the kitchen team comes with the arrival of spring, when we head outside to harvest sap from the silver birch trees. The amount of sap we collect from a single tree depends on several factors, such as soil quality and exposure to sunlight, and can vary from just a few litres to about 40. We aim to collect about 1,500 litres in total.
We drill a hole and siphon out the sap through a pipe, storing it in containers. The hard work comes later as we need to boil it down by about 98% until we’re left with a savoury, sweet birch syrup. It’s a similar process to how maple syrup is made, although birch has more complex flavours. This is our sixth year of collecting sap and we have a good system in place, working around the estate on a three-year cycle to ensure trees can naturally recover. This is very much a labour of love, as the yield is minimal yet requires a lot of work!
During spring and summer, an abundance of wild flowers bloom across the estate and many can be foraged. We use everything from dandelions to lady smock to bracken fiddleheads, whilst also working with the gardening team to harvest herbs and plants that we can utilise in the kitchen. Last year, we had a focus on sunflowers and grew them on site, which gave us about 60 sunflower heads to present a visually stunning Dutch stroopwafel (syrup waffle) that also incorporated the sunflower seeds. When you’re using seasonal produce, it’s vital to forage at the right time and also to ensure ingredients are properly stored. It is five years since Interlude opened its doors and we now have a much better understanding of when and where plants grow.
We have a seasonal dish that showcases mushrooms foraged from the estate, and I particularly enjoy Asian varieties including Maitake, Shiitake and King Oysters, as they pack great flavour. However, we can’t spend five hours a day wandering around the woods looking for specific mushrooms, so we are working at ways to produce a bigger yield. We are collaborating with the gardening team so that we can cultivate mushrooms on site. Staff have even attended courses to broaden their knowledge and help us to grow mushrooms in a controlled environment. We’ve also doing fun things like inoculating soil to encourage wild mushrooms to grow and already we’re seeing shiitake and morels sprouting.
“Thanks to your advice, it’s the first time I’ve bought an incontinence product that really works!”
A lot of meat is sourced from the estate. When we arrived at Leonardslee, deer numbers had swelled, but we’ve been able to manage numbers to help protect the estate, which also helps us produce venison for the restaurant. We have three deer species – sika, fallow and roe. I have always loved cooking venison and sika deer offers a pleasant, mild flavour with a fine, close-grained texture. Carcasses are dry-aged in a speciallydesigned salt chamber to bring out the full richness of the flavour. Leonardslee is of course famous for wallabies and the idea of serving wallaby steaks has crossed my mind. The chef in me thinks it’d be amazing, but I’ve been told that it would be frowned upon!
We working with several local producers and one of the best is Trenchmore Farm, based in Cowfold. They produce Sussex Wagyu cross beef which is the focus of one of the courses on our Tasting Menu. We also use their eggs, Silly Moo cider and occasional offerings such as apple cider vinegar. I love their ethos and focus on regenerative farming, and their approach to sustainability ties in with our own. We work with other suppliers too, including Loxwood Meadworks, which produces English honey wine. We served a beautiful sorbet dish with wild fennel pollen that was soaked with Loxwood Mead. It’s great for us to be working with the best local producers and they make many of our dishes possible.
Further information
Dinner is served Thursday to Sunday, with lunch reservations Friday to Sunday. Dine and stay options are available at Leonardslee House. restaurant-interlude.co.uk/reservations
WORDS: Ben Morris | PHOTOS: Leonardslee/Expozure Photography
Our Forever Active days consist of low impact classes and activities for our older adults
Every Monday and Thursday our sessions offer an opportunity to keep active, learn a new skill and socialise with others so why not come along and try:
Keep Fit Steady and Strong
Indoor Cycling Archery
Ballet Stretch Pilates
Yoga And more! Badminton
Table Tennis
Join us in celebrating 30 years with our discounted Forever Active days on Monday 11th & Thursday 14th March, with the addition of a coffee and cake celebration in the café on the Thursday at 11.00am - 1.00pm
Plus become a Forever Active member for just £10*
Scan the QR code to find out more
Lucy White-Simpson balances her gardening business with her passion for burlesque. She helps other women boost their confidence too by hosting classes as The Botanical Bombshell. Here, Lucy describes how burlesque transformed her life and why others should dare to bare (nearly) all…
I lost my husband John to cancer in 2016 and it was about a year later that I decided to learn burlesque. Having been a widow before turning 50, I felt I needed to do something not only for myself, but also for John, who would have wanted me to live my own life. I followed Dita Von Teese, an American model and burlesque dancer, on social media. She puts on an incredible show and inspired me to try something similar. So, I signed up for a five-week course with Brighton-based Cabaret Boheme, run by Veronica Blacklace.
I started in a beginners’ group, although there were groups for more experienced dancers too. We all came together and had our moment in the spotlight during a final performance, compered by Veronica. The experience gave me a real adrenaline rush. Everyone invited their friends, families, husbands and partners to watch and the support they gave us was incredible. After the show, I wanted to do another one, so I did! Eventually, I became part of Cabaret Boheme’s show at the Brighton Fringe Festival and have even performed solo routines.
Every woman has body image worries. I’m 55 and at an age when gravity starts working against you! Some women lose confidence as they get older, or after having children, or after a difficult relationship. Whatever the reason, I believe that dancing and performing can help you fall in love with yourself again.
When I’m in a burlesque show, I feel empowered as a woman, as you take ownership of what you’re doing and who you are. When I’m wearing a corset and fishnet stockings, I feel a million dollars and don’t care what anyone else thinks!
During a burlesque performance, you essentially tell a story through a combination of dance and acting, with elements of striptease and suggestion. How much clothing comes off is down to the individual. Sometimes, little more than satin gloves are removed and the performance is a well-choreographed routine using props, such as feathered fans. I will go as far as removing my bra, but wear strategicallyplaced tassels, as I like to leave something to the imagination!
Burlesque is not for everyone and I’m probably more comfortable performing than most, as in the early 1990s, I sang in an indie-rock act called The Spectrum Zero. We were signed by Situation Two, an offshoot of Beggars Banquet, and released a couple of EPs. We were influenced by bands like The Velvet Underground and were part of a vibrant music scene in Horsham and Crawley. We regularly performed in London, hanging out with bands like The Darkside and Spiritualized. We disbanded in 1993 but had some great times. I still sing jazz, blues and soul locally, usually at care homes, as older generations love singing along to classics by the likes of Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra.
Since 2003, I’ve been a professional gardener and established my own business, Lucy’s Gardens. I don’t keep on as many clients as I used to, but have been looking after some gardens for 20 years now. This occupation inspired the name I use for burlesque performances: the Botanical Bombshell!
I have hosted my own burlesque classes in the village hall in Broadbridge Heath. However, it’s a challenge to attract women. When you see touring burlesque shows, they tend to feature beautiful young women, which presents a certain perception. However, there’s no reason why women of every age can’t give it a go. I know women who were in their 70s when they first tried burlesque. One of the great things about it is that it’s great not only for fitness but also memory, as you’re learning choreographed routines.
In Brighton, people are a little less inhibited compared to Horsham. We are more conservative and worried about what others might think. That is why I offer a taster session, showing women how to remove satin gloves and use feather boas, with a focus on fun and theatre. I suspect there are lots of women out there who would like a little excitement in their life, but need some gentle encouragement!
Further information:
www.thebotanicalbombshell.com the_botanical_bombshell
PHOTOS: Alan Wright
Julio Castro is not a man who acts on a whim. He is studious to the point of obsession and has proven so in various culinary fields.
Food has been his passion for the best part of 20 years. Brazilian-born Julio had catering jobs in Switzerland and Portugal before moving to London in 2006. There, he worked at Sketch, a three Michelinstar restaurant in Mayfair. After six successful years specialising as a pastry chef there, he left to work for renowned German cake designer Peggy Porschen, who runs several parlours in the capital, including in Belgravia and Chelsea.
Next, Julio worked for Poilane, an artisan French bakery specialising in sourdoughs. However, by this stage of his career, he was dreaming of opening his own business.
Julio said: ‘I was tired with the shifts involved in baking and pastry cuisine. If you start working at 5am in London, it means you have to wake at 3am, so I had no time for a social life. I had the idea of opening my own ice cream parlour, as they are places of happiness. If you want to cry, you go to a pub, but a gelato is a place of joy and laughter, so I set my heart into opening one of my own. But it is not easy. You need training, knowledge and practice to perfect gelato and as with all things
As a landlord, how can you keep yourself safe from property fraud? When you think of fraud, property fraud at the expense of landlords is not what comes to mind for most, yet according to the latest research, it is by far the most common occurrence of fraud dealt with by local authorities across the UK.
Scammers are often able to take advantage of the fact that property titles in England and Wales are easily accessible online. These personal details can be used to commit property fraud. One common scam is to set up a mortgage using the victim’s name and personal details, but with the funds being channelled into the fraudster’s bank account. The average value of property fraud equates to £107,669 per property fraud pay out.
Similar to a domestic burglar, property fraudsters look for easy targets where they maximise their chances of not being caught. There are certain types of properties that are appealing to the fraudsters:
l Rental properties
in life, the more you do, the better you become. So, I spent five years perfecting the art of gelato with some of the finest makers in the world.’
Julio tried a direct approach, offering to work for free at renowned parlours in London while he developed his own gelato-making skills. He worked for Snowflake Gelato, which makes luxury gelato using organic Jersey milk and has a range of branches at outlets including Selfridges. He gained further experience at Badiani 1932, an iconic gelato company in London famous for making its own flavour, Buontalenti. By learning different methods, Julio developed ideas for how to make his own brand of gelato.
‘Some Italians would like to see the term ‘gelato’ applied solely to those using the traditional method.’
He said: ‘The more you study, the more you come to understand that there is science involved in making gelato. Gelato is a food colloid and if you study it in microscopic detail, you see air bubbles, fat globules and ice crystals. It needs to be churned at a much slower rate than American-style ice cream, with less air added, otherwise it becomes too hard and loses its smooth texture.’
l Vacant properties
l Overseas owner properties
l Mortgage-free properties
l High value properties
l Unregistered properties
Set-up by the HM Land Registry, the Property Alert Service is a free monitoring service that alerts homeowners and landlords when a registered property could be at risk of fraud. Whilst the Property Alert Service won’t necessarily prevent fraud from taking place, it does notify users of the scheme of suspicious behaviour, helping to provide a safeguard and an early warning.
Users of the scheme are notified when a significant activity is carried out on their registered property. An example of a significant activity is a local authority search takes place on a property, which is usually a sign of a conveyancer preparing a property for sale. Should the property owner not recognise the activity, it could be a sign that the property is at risk of fraudulent activity taking place. To sign up for the service, homeowners and landlords should visit:
Megan Taylor PROPERTY CONSULTANT‘As a pastry chef, I adopt traditional Italian methods that I have learned, such as separating the clarified butter during the melting process, before it burns. It takes time, but it all helps to give the gelato a richer, denser flavour.’
‘Many ice creams are made with additional flavourings and colourants, or milk powder rather than fresh milk, so they lack the smoothness and flavour of gelato. That is why it’s important to consider every ingredient. Traditionally gelato uses just milk, cream and sugars, although balancing them all correctly is a fine science. Some Italians would like to see the term ‘gelato’ applied solely to those using traditional methods, in the same way that
Champagne only relates to the French region and everything else is sparkling wine.’
The next step was to find a location for the shop. With London being beyond their budget, Julio and Ana looked at many towns and cities including Leeds, Nottingham, Birmingham and Bournemouth. They came close to taking on a unit in Chichester before a deal fell through. A friend suggested Horsham and in Bishopric they found an ideal unit, with three-phase electricity to power the machinery. They hope the area will soon be boosted by new arrivals and fresh investment to increase footfall.
It was the final piece of the puzzle. They called the business Valsa Gelato, an Italian word for ‘worth’ or ‘value’ to signify the quality of the produce.
The couple have since spent three months refurbishing and installing equipment. Central to their vision was the addition of a window where customers can watch Julio making gelato on the other side of the screen.
While Julio is busy behind the scenes, wife Ana Dantas greets customers. Ana said: ‘People are surprised to discover that we make our own ice cream on site and we love giving out samples so that they can taste the difference. ‘
‘Julio is very particular about every ingredient. Any good Italian ice cream parlour should serve excellent pistachio gelato, and we import high-quality pistachio paste direct from Sicily, without any of the additional sugars that are packed into cheaper alternatives. Our hazelnut comes from Piemonte, which is famous for them, and our vanilla gelato is made with Madagascan vanilla pods, rather than extract. They are all beautiful, although the kids love the chocolate, candy floss and Nutella flavours, while adults like caramelised fig and Amarena (vanilla with sour cherry) as well as Affogato, an Italian favourite that combines an espresso with a scoop of gelato!’
Valsa Gelato also offers dairy-free sorbets and a hot chocolate made with three different kinds of Belgian chocolate. This too is a result of Julio’s meticulous research, using chocolate of varying cocoa mass to ensure a smooth texture. Having worked at leading restaurants, it’s no surprise that Julio has been asked about supplying gelato to trade customers. However, that’s not something he is ready to do yet...
He said: ‘I control every part of the process, from the raw ingredients to production to scooping the gelato into a cone for customers. If I make gelato for trade, I don’t know if they’re going to
have the same care. So, for now, my focus is very much on customers in the shop. We need to let people know about our produce, as well as our service, which is important too. If you have the best product but your service is bad, people will not come back. For me, it’s very rewarding seeing people try our gelato and realising how good it is. That’s what makes it all worthwhile!’
Further information:
Visit Valsa Gelato at 6 Bishopric, Horsham.
Open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am - 6pm. valsagelato.co.uk
WORDS: Ben Morris
PHOTOS: Alan Wright
We pride ourselves on the depth of experience we have to offer women during different stages of life. Here are some of the ways our team can help.
Siân Morriss
Fertility & Pregnancy Acupuncture
‘Women come to us for several reasons when trying to conceive. It can be early in their journey, after some time of trying, with a history of miscarriage or embarking on assisted fertility (IVF). Whatever the starting point we want to understand the cause of the fertility issues within an overall health picture. Treating the whole person to help create the conditions to embark on parenthood. I work with many women initially for fertility and then supporting them through their pregnancy. In early pregnancy this can be alleviating morning sickness, managing anxiety or pain. From 33+ weeks I see women with breech babies. Using moxibustion, a heat therapy, which helps encourage baby to move to a head down position. Towards the end of pregnancy, the focus shifts to labour preparation and I also teach how to use acupressure for pain relief in labour. I can vouch for it; I used it in my labour.’
Catherine Leavett
Pregnancy & Post Natal Massage
‘I use Pregnancy Massage to help support the changing body as it adapts to the increasing weight of the baby. It is particularly effective at releasing fatigued and overworked muscles in the back, legs and pelvis, preparing the body for birth. Post Natal Massage aims to bring balance back into a woman’s body after giving birth. It addresses postpartum musculoskeletal pain, using strategies to help relieve overused and tired muscles caused by pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. Each treatment is tailored to the individual, whether it’s relieving and strengthening weak muscles, assisting with diastasis healing and c-section scar recovery, or simply relaxation.’
Helen Turier
Reflexology for Chronic Stress
‘The many challenges, stresses and strains of modern life take our mind and body out of balance. Over time this leads to chronic stress which is a big factor in symptoms like anxiety, depression, tension and overwhelm. In order to support our body we need to help it switch easily between its stress state and its relaxed state. Since 2007 I have been supporting women’s mental and physical health using reflexology. This gentle non-invasive therapy activates our relaxation response and is well recognised for the way it reduces tension & stress, improves sleep and enhances wellbeing. Try it, you’ll be surprised how much it can help you relax.’
Sarah-Jane Lilly Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
‘Facial Enhancement Acupuncture is a holistic treatment I use to target ageing by sculpting, tightening, and plumping your skin. I use fine
needles to stimulate circulation and collagen production, leaving your complexion smoother, firmer, and healthier. Tailored sessions offer a relaxing, natural alternative to surgery or Botox.’
Lavina Cullen
Perimenopause & Menopause Support ‘I love helping women during this stage of life! The menopausal journey, with the right support, can be empowering. It provides us with an opportunity to create change and enter our next stage of life healthy and energised. Many women come to the clinic looking for help with hot flushes, exhaustion, brain fog, digestion issues and much more. I have been using both acupuncture and herbal medicine with my patients since 2005 and more recently have been training with the Institute of Functional Medicine, so I also incorporate testing and supplements where necessary. I help my patients to complete an audit and overhaul of their lifestyle to alleviate their symptoms and live their best lives.’
Joanna’s Boutique Tea Room Storrington/Chichester
The Brolly Brewing Tap Room Horsham
Firebird Brewery Rudgwick
Kissingate Brewery Lower Beeding
New House Farm Horsham
Jeremy’s 2 Cowfold
The Billi Tap Billingshurst
The Fox Inn Rudgwick
Brod + Wolf Horsham
Random Hall Hotel Slinfold
The Horsham Cellar Horsham Carfax
Boco (’bo-co’): Old West Sussex dialect meaning ‘lots of’/’much.’ From French, ‘Beaucoup’.
René Fay was only a teenager when she set off from her home town of Orsa, Sweden on an intrepid European tour, riding a yellow bicycle.
Since then, René has lived all over the world and is now settled in Horsham, where she owns Johansson’s Café in the Bishopric. However, Sweden remains close to her heart and inspires every aspect of the business. Hanging on the café wall are a pair of vintage wooden skis that Rene’s late father used during a 95km endurance skiing event in 1975. The certificate he received for completing the race is framed nearby, next to a photo of him ski jumping.
Some of the café’s ceramics include pictures of the Dala horse, a traditional painted wooden statue of a horse that originated in the province of Dalarna, and even the café’s ethos is inspired by a Swedish word.
René said: ‘I never thought much about it when I was growing up, as I assumed it was a word everyone in the world knew. In England, people pop to the pub for a pint and a chat, but in Sweden, we say, ‘let’s go for a fika.’ Fika describes a break; having a coffee and cake with friends or family. Many Swedish companies have fika breaks for employees, as you have tea breaks in England. Swedes and other Scandinavians have a reputation of
being quiet and reserved, which perhaps has something to do with the climate, but we love socialising during a fika.’
The story of how René came to be in Horsham is going to take a while (you might want to grab a latte and a cinnamon bun and have your own little fika). Having always had a taste for adventure, René Jönefors dreamed of travelling around Europe. At the age of 19, she left on a yellow postal bike with three gears and a lucky Swedish flag, pulling a small trailer carrying her backpack and guitar, which she couldn’t even play.
There was considerable excitement in Orsa and René even planned to write a regular column about her travels for the Swedish Post Union newsletter. However, having cycled from Belgium into France, the bicycle would only get as far as Bordeaux before it was abandoned, with René suffering with swollen knees and tired legs. Instead, she joined other backpackers, scrapped her itinerary and spent six months in the Canary Islands!
After meeting an Australian, René travelled around the Middle East before spending two years in Sydney, working for a time at an Italian restaurant. The Bolognese at Johansson’s Café is made using the recipe she first learned in Sydney. René then lived in Edinburgh, before moving to Bishop’s Stortford to be closer to London airports, as she embarked on a 14-year career working in cabin crew for airlines including British Airways.
It was in Bar Vin (now Anchor Hotel) in Horsham that René met her future husband, Mark Fay. They looked for a place to buy in the town, with plans to settle down and raise a family. But when they couldn’t find the right home at the right price, they were left with only
one option: buy a dilapidated farmhouse in the Austrian Alps!
‘Several items on the menu include berries I used to forage in the forests around Orsa as a child.’
René recalls: ‘I love skiing and the outdoors, so we went to Austria for a skiing holiday and fell in love with the country.
We found an old farmhouse with nine bedrooms and five bathrooms, which was being sold for the price of a small two-bedroom house in Horsham. It needed a lot of work, but Mark was able to do most of it himself. We went for it and established a successful Bed & Breakfast called Landhaus Fay.
We were married on a boat on an Austrian lake and our two children were both born there. It was an idyllic life, with the children free to play in the hills, like the Von Trapps in The Sound of Music!’
After eight years in Austria, René and Mark sold Landhaus Fay in 2016 and returned to England for their children’s education. For a while, René worked at Park Surgery, but had ambitions of running a Swedish café in the town.
She came across an empty unit in the Bishopric, an area that had been without a café since the closure of Merrythought in 2015. The site was perfect, but by the time René was handed the keys, Covid was looming ominously on the horizon. The landlord allowed access so that she could redecorate and refurbish
during lockdown and Johansson’s Café was finally ready to open its doors in September 2020. René rejected the idea of putting her own name above the door, instead using a name that was unmistakably Swedish (although the nation’s flag is also on the signage, just in case!) and was also her mother’s maiden name.
As well as hot drinks, the café serves Swedish treats including cinnamon buns, cardamom buns, chocolate balls, Drömmar cookies, Punsch rolls and Swedish sticky chocolate cake. There is also a breakfast menu, which includes a delicious scrambled eggs and salmon, as well as waffles, all inspired by René’s homeland.
Enjoy cakes, sandwiches and Ploughman’s from our Strawberry Fields Tea Rooms, with outdoor seating available. Menu includes baps, sandwiches, toasties and cake, with full English Breakfast from 10am-12pm
Come and see our beautiful new function room. Part of our beautiful barn, the space is available for private hire and can cater for all kinds of occasions, from family celebrations to corporate events. Contact us for more information.
She said: ‘I bake an apple pie using my mother’s old recipe and several items on the menu include berries I used to forage in the forests as a child. Orsa is a small town of about 7,000 people, but it’s renowned for wild mushrooms and berries. We would often pick berries and sell them at the market. Seasonal cloudberry – which is like raspberry but only grows in colder regions - are expensive and in great demand. We also picked blueberries and lingonberries to make jam. At Johansson’s, I use these berries for our waffles, while lingonberries are also used in the meatball and cheese toastie!’
Even if you’ve not ventured inside Johansson’s Café, you may have seen the ski gondolas that have been adapted for seating booths in the pedestrianised area outside. These gondolas are a remnant of one of Mark and Rene’s money-making ventures.
While living in Austria, Mark purchased chair lifts that were being replaced at the world-famous resort of Kitzbühel. He then took a stand at the London Snow Show and sold every one of them to a wide range of buyers. Sensing a wider business opportunity, the couple launched Alpine Accessories, selling gondolas and ski chairs to buyers across the world. Although the window of opportunity was a relatively brief one, René couldn’t resist the temptation to have gondolas at her café. The ones at Johansson’s were once used at the French Alps resort of Courchevel.
‘We close on Sundays and Mondays, as I have a lovely team and want them to be as happy in their work as I am.’
Four years since opening, Johansson’s has many regulars who have come to know René and other members of staff, including Janne, Kristina and Jo. They have also adapted to the Swedish concept of fika.
René said: ‘Occasionally, people ask for treats such as scones, or request a full English breakfast, but that’s not what we’re about. Our food and ethos are inspired by a Scandinavian way of life and many recipes are directly inspired by Dalarna county. As well as the food, Swedish culture influences my approach to business. That’s why we close on Sundays and Mondays, as well as over the Christmas period. It costs money, but I have a lovely team and want them to be as happy in their work as I am. Baking all the treats in-house means we have early starts from Tuesday to Saturdays and that is tiring. So, it’s good to have a two-day break to enjoy other aspects of life too. What would be the point of working so hard that you don’t enjoy life?’
Further information: Visit Johansson’s Cafe at 7 Bishopric, Horsham johanssonscafe.co.uk
WORDS: Ben Morris
PHOTOS: Alan Wright
That feeling when you’re on your third ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ adventure
Blade and Bone Butchery in Horsham has succeeded in carving out a niche market for its dry-aged meat. Having invested in specialist refrigerated cabinets from Italy, the butchery dry ages large cuts of beef, giving it time to develop deeper flavour and more tenderness.
Layton Gibson, owner of Blade and Bone, said: ‘As well as our standard range that includes beef, pork, lamb and chicken, our dry-aged beef means we offer a premium product to customers requiring extra flavour. Dry-aging is a delicate process and our cabinets have perfect conditions for the ventilation, sanitation and oxygenation of meat, helping to unlock all the flavour.’
‘We mostly source an Aberdeen Angus crossbreed, which offers beautiful marbling and plenty of fat on the bone. However, we also offer something few other butchers can, which is
dry-aged pork. You might find pork aged for seven days, but aging pork for an additional couple of weeks makes a real difference.’
Layton has spent most of his working life in the trade. After leaving Tanbridge School, he took a weekend job at L.M Clapham in Horsham, where he was taught by Alan Kirk, who worked there for about 40 years before recently joining his one-time apprentice at Blade and Bone Butchery. After two years, Layton took a job at an abattoir in Henfield, where he worked for 12 years, developing a broader knowledge of meat and techniques needed to cut, prepare and package produce. He then joined A & R Bailey’s, a family-run butchery in Warnham, before working at R. P Meats, the largest independent wholesale butchers in the south east.
When Adrian Bailey expanded his operations to include a butchery attached to the new Hillier Farm Shop, next to the garden centre on Brighton Road, he asked Layton to help run it. Soon, Layton would have the chance to take on the reins and make the business his own.
‘There is a growing demand for dry-aged meat and different cuts.’
He said: ‘Adrian wanted to step back from Hilliers and focus solely on Warnham. I thought it would be a shame if we had to close for good, as we had established a loyal customer base. However, he offered me the chance to take on the business. I always had an ambition to run my own business, but when the opportunity arose it happened suddenly! As the alternative meant finding a new job, I decided to take a chance. Adrian was chuffed and I relaunched the business as Blade and Bone Butchery in November 2022.’
As well as a name change, there were alterations inside. Layton introduced wooden cladding and other contemporary touches to make the butchery more appealing to customers. He also removed a wall so that people could watch butchers cutting and preparing the meat, inviting them to engage in the process.
As the name suggests, Blade and Bone has a nose-to-tail ethos and works with 90% of the carcass, utilising all the skills Layton has learned through various jobs in the meat industry. The butchers work with whole sides of beef, pork and lamb, with meat sourced from local farms around Horsham and other parts of Sussex, including Cranleigh and Turners Hill.
Layton said: ‘There is growing demand not only for dry-aged meat, but cuts of meat that were not very popular five or ten years ago. There will always be a market for rib-eye, sirloin, fillet and rump, but people are becoming ever-more creative with food and finding uses for most parts of a carcass, so we offer everything we can. We also make our own sausages and took third prize for our sage and onion sausage at the South Eastern Prime Stock Winter Fayre at Ardingly.’
‘Sustainability is important too, so we don’t source anything from abroad and keep food miles down by supporting local farms and abattoirs. This approach means we receive great feedback from customers and do everything we can to help them find the meat they’re looking for.’
Further information:
Visit the butchery at Hillier Farm Shop, Hillier Garden Centre, Brighton Road, Horsham, RH13 6QA.
Blade and Bone Butchery
WORDS: Ben Morris
PHOTOS: Alan Wright
Using the latest design technology, we can create classic/modern styling and inspired design concepts to help you visualise your bespoke kitchen, before you see it take shape with our superior quality craftsmanship.
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Station Garage was established in 1973 by husband-and-wife Tony and Rosemary Thorpe. As the business celebrates its 50th anniversary, AAH met founder Tony, as well as son James and daughter Suzy as they lead the company in a new era of motoring…
Tony Thorpe’s love of cars and motorsport defines his life story. Even before he opened his garage, he had been a keen competitor on the club racing scene. He bought his first racing Mini from none other than James Hunt, who would become an F1 World Champion. Tony would enter different classes of Mini racing, enjoying the thrills and spills of tracks such as Brands Hatch and Oulton Park, and even tried his hand in the single-seater Formula Ford championship. It was this passion that inspired him to open a garage.
‘A friend of mine who also raced Minis had a contact at Esso, so we discussed the idea of running a garage together,’ recalls Tony. ‘Our plan was that the garage would help support our racing, as we could repair and modify the race cars in the workshop and head off to the
track at weekends. Like all amateur drivers, I didn’t have much sponsorship, so I would cobble together money any way I could to fund my next race in the hope I’d come home with a tiny trophy!’
‘We looked at several garages but eventually my friend decided to buy a showroom of his own in Brighton, while Esso offered me the chance to take on a garage in Rudgwick. Having lived in Sutton for most of my life, Rosemary and I had never heard of it! But it meant a fresh start, so we picked up the keys on 5 November 1973. I soon learned that running a business doesn’t actually give you any free time, so I sold the racing cars.’
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It was called Station Garage, as it had once been located near the village railway station. At the time, it had only been seven years since the Steyning line had closed, a victim of the infamous Beeching axe, although the Downs Link remains popular with walkers, horse riders and cyclists. As well as serving petrol, the garage had a workshop for servicing and MOTs, and it wasn’t unusual for mechanics to repair lawnmowers and other equipment too.
In what was to prove a brief alliance, Station Garage partnered with British Leyland (BLMC), which then included former BMC marques such as Austin, Morris and MG as well as other British marques including Rover and Jaguar. However, management issues at the merged company led to production delays and without cars on the forecourt, customers went elsewhere. Having ended the association, Station Garage focused on fuel sales, but also offered a small selection of used cars. Then in the early 80s, the garage became a dealership for Romanian manufacturer Dacia, which had started importing to the UK. When the brand failed to gain traction in a highly competitive market, Tony was once again left considering his options.
He said: ‘A colleague of mine owned a garage in Walton with a Skoda dealership, and asked if I would be interested in having one too. My initial thought was that I had just ended an association with one eastern European manufacturer, so why would I want another?
‘But I decided to visit Prague in 1987, two years before the fall of the Iron Curtain, and fell in love with the place. It was like a step back in time and the people were kind and generous. I took on the Skoda dealership but never envisaged it would still be going strong all these years later.’
There have been testing times along the way, though. There was a time when Skoda was the butt of jokes, a reputation Tony pins on one comedian.
‘Jasper Carrot!’ he laughs. ‘Most of the jokes stemmed from him and the brand carried a stigma for a long time. It was an undeserved reputation. There were marques from eastern Europe that did produce poor quality cars, but Skoda wasn’t one of them. They were an engineering company with 100 years of automobile history. As well as cars, Skoda had remarkable engineers who built locomotives, motorcycles, planes, military vehicles and a vast range of electronic components. At the same time people were making jokes, Skoda took 17 consecutive class wins at the RAC Rally as they built strong, reliable cars. Yet even now, you occasionally come across someone who says they’ll never own a Skoda. They usually change their mind once they’ve actually sat in one!’
‘When people were making jokes, Skoda took 17 RAC Rally wins.’
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Despite the mocking, Skoda proved popular in the rural surroundings of Rudgwick. By offering a two-year unlimited mileage warranty, Station Garage attracted buyers and many have remained loyal customers, trading in their car for a new one every two or three years.
After the fall of communism, Skoda was taken over by Volkswagen, which had fought off stiff competition from Renault. With new investment, Skoda gradually increased its sales thanks firstly to small hatchbacks such as the Felicia, then later family cars including the Octavia. Finally, it reached a point where Station Garage had outgrown its Rudgwick site and moved to a new location in Ewhurst.
After ten years there, the garage was on the move again, moving to its current site in Broadbridge Heath in 2013. While he remains a regular visitor to the showroom, Tony has stepped back from the day-to-day running of the business. Instead, it is his son James
Tony said: ‘I was one of four founding directors, along with my wife Rosemary, who we lost four years ago, and both my parents. All of the decision-making is now in the hands of my children, but it gives me great pride that they have been able to grow the business with the same passion we had in the early days. I have enjoyed my career immensely, but I’m of a different generation and struggle with some aspects of modern technology. It’s good to know it’s in safe hands, as ever since VW stepped in, Skoda cars have just got better and better.’
‘It has been great to be part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, as not many businesses remain family-run for that length of time. We have several
members of staff who have been with us for more than 25 years too, so it has always been a nice place to work. It has been great hearing stories from people who worked on our pumps as teenagers, or bought their first car from us years ago. Some have become long-serving customers and in some cases friends too.’
In recent years, Skoda has continued to grow, perhaps most notably in the SUV market, a trend that began with the Yeti and continues with models including the Kodiaq, Karoq and Kamiq. After the challenges of the pandemic, production levels have recovered and this year will bring some exciting developments for Station Garage.
James said: ‘The motoring industry has endured more than its share of ups and downs in recent years, but now we
You may have heard the term ‘later life lending’. This is becoming more and more common as people tend to be working for longer, beyond the normal retirement age. Usually, this phrase is aimed at homeowners over 55 and the flexibility of these mortgage solutions makes them suitable for various reasons:
l Offering a feasible alternative to utilising other assets.
l Providing a means to supplement retirement income.
l Unlocking capital for various purposes, such as holidays, cars, home improvements, or gifting money to family.
l Many other reasons, including supporting retirement planning efforts.
Later life lending can generally be split into three types of mortgage products:
Standard Mortgage - Available from banks and building societies, traditional mortgages involve an affordability assessment and require individuals to commit to set monthly payments. They usually come with a fixed term, typically up to retirement age, and individuals can choose between capital repayment and interest-only options.
Retirement Interest Only (RIO) Mortgage - Like standard mortgages, these require an affordability assessment, but individuals only need to make interest payments each month. The outstanding balance is repaid upon the last applicant’s death or entry into long-term care, usually through property sale. Interest rates can be fixed for a specified term or for the lifetime of the mortgage, with corresponding early repayment charges.
Lifetime Mortgage/Equity Release - Affordability calculations and monthly payments are not usually required with lifetime mortgages. Instead, interest is accumulated over the loan term and the total outstanding balance is repaid upon the last applicant’s death or entry into long-term care, usually through property sale. A ‘no negative equity guarantee’ ensures the owed amount does not surpass the property value. Interest rates are set at the mortgage’s outset and may have either variable or fixed early repayment charges.
Navigating later life lending can be incredibly complex and all the above have many terms and conditions that need to be considered, so you should always seek professional advice when looking at these types of requirements.
have a very good range with several launches and replacement models in the pipeline. In 2024, new Kodiaq and Superb models will be launched, while the Octávia and Kamiq models will be given a facelift. There will also be electric and hybrids introduced to the range over the next few years. We already offer the Enyaq – an electric SUV – with Skoda committed to expanding its electric fleet in future.’
‘As part of the VW group, the marque benefits from development across the whole company, which includes not just Volkswagen but Seat, Audi, Porsche, Bentley and several others. That gives us a great deal of confidence in terms of
new cars coming on to the market. Naturally, we have conversations about other dealerships, but they would have to complement our Skoda range and offer something new. As it is, our showroom is busy and the workshop is buzzing, so we have our hands full anyway!’
‘As for Station Garage, it remains the family-run business it always has been. We still have photos in the office from dad’s racing days, as well as old advertising posters of classic Skoda models. We even have a beautiful Octavia that is even older than the business, taking pride of place on the showroom floor. It’s a nod to our history and a reminder of the journey we’ve been on.’
Further information:
Station Garage, 78 Billingshurst Rd, Broadbridge Heath, RH12 3LP .skoda.co.uk/dealers/station-garage-horsham WORDS: Ben Morris
Over the last couple of years, we have all found it difficult to hear and communicate while wearing masks. Anyone with a hearing loss has found it even more of a struggle. Now that we are free of masks, many people are realising that their hearing is not as good as it was. Amazing new technology is now available to enhance hearing like never before. Come in and find out more about Arc AI.
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Led by Rachel Shadlock, Head of Art & Design at Pennthorpe, the exhibition included sculptures, collages and ceramics made by children from Reception through to Year 8. Some of the older pupils integrated Design & Technology (DT) pieces to complement the immersive experience. There were displays of artwork in three locations across the Albion Way store from Sunday 11 – Saturday 17 February, with many pupils
with their families to see their
Charlie South, Head of Events and Marketing at the Horsham store, said: ‘It was interesting for our visual merchandising team to work with Rachel and her team from Pennthorpe, ensuring the exhibit was both creative and had visual appeal while also complementing our own commercial displays. We are always looking at ways of working with the local community. When committing to collaborative exhibits
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or events, it’s important to create something meaningful, which captures people’s imagination. We’re delighted as we have achieved exactly this with Pennthorpe and the exhibits looked absolutely fantastic.’
‘As someone who spent many years working in education, I was delighted that the exhibition had a practical as well as a creative application, as it helps children to understand the importance of visual appeal in commercial spaces.’
Chris Murray, Head of Pennthorpe, expressed his gratitude to John Lewis for their support and for affording the school the chance to showcase the talents of its young pupils.
Further information:
A dedicated web page about the displays can still be accessed at: pennthorpe.com/john-lewis-art-exhibition/
Words: Ben Morris
Photos: Alan Wright
The exhibits proved a hit with shoppers (©AAH/Alan Wright)
After launching the Lobular Moon Shot Project last year and filming a documentary, Susan is now gathering support from influential figures in government.
Many of you will be aware of the lobular breast cancer campaign that my husband and I started after I was advised in 2021 that eight years after my initial diagnosis, the lobular breast cancer had returned and spread to my bones.
Having lived with what is the second most common type of breast cancer for 11 years now, we know what an injustice it is to have a type of cancer that has pretty much been forgotten and most people have never heard of. Lobular breast cancer generally fails to show up at the early stage via the routine mammogram screening and does not have its own ‘specific’ type of treatment, despite it being known to behave very differently to the main type of breast cancer, ductal breast cancer.
Having made a short film and a documentary about my journey with lobular, we set up the Lobular Moon Shot Project, calling for the government to provide the funding to enable research to be undertaken to ultimately develop us specific treatments based on the science behind lobular. While community campaigning continues and has been amazing, we realised that we needed political support to raise awareness that lobular breast cancer diagnosis and treatment required significant change and for that money was needed.
I told our local MP, Sir Jeremy Quin my story back in 2021 and he has helped me navigate the tricky path ever since. He too could see that a change in focus was required to help all those diagnosed with this under-recognised type of breast cancer, including constituents in Horsham. We also met with the former Health Minister in May 2023. However, much more effort would be required to change policy.
In mid 2023, a young MP from up north, Dehenna Davison, walked a mile with a newly-diagnosed lobular breast cancer lady, Katie Swinburne, who joined our lobular Moon Shot project to seek change. Katie was walking a mile every day during chemotherapy, 112 miles in all. Dehenna realised the way lobular breast cancer was addressed was unjust and soon teamed up with Jeremy Quin in supporting our cause.
‘The £20m to fund the science required is a drop in the ocean.’
Jeremy and Dehenna have continued to raise various questions in Parliament about our ‘lobular’ call for research funding. They arranged for Katie and I to meet with the Secretary of State for Health, Victoria Atkins. She heard our stories and then in January she included lobular breast cancer and the need for research funding as part of her 2024 women’s health strategy- unmet health needs. Katie and I will be attending a meeting with Jeremy and Dehenna and the Health Minister at the end of February. We have asked MPs to pledge their support to the Lobular Moon Shot Project and call for research funding, with 114 MPs signed up to date.
Jeremy and Dehenna arranged a drop-in day for MPs in Westminster in December, so as to inform MPs on what we were doing. The thinking was that the call for £20million to fund the science required was a drop in the ocean for governments and far less than the amount of money that would be required by the NHS to treat the 85,000 UK people diagnosed with lobular in the next 10 years.
We are doing all we can to raise awareness about the need for proper funding to allow the development of a specific lobular based treatment. This will give all those diagnosed with this hidden form of breast cancer better outcomes- something much needed. A Westminster Hall debate is next according to Jeremy.
What we have realised is that there can be a way to raise an issue onto the national agenda and it can be a path to change, but we have a long way to go still. Stay tuned via www.lobularmoonshot.org
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